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As we know purchasing order acknowledgement is vendor confirmation.
⼀、说明 Definition

Order Acknowledgement就是在PO 中维护这些确认信息的功能。


1. order acknowledgements
2. loading or transport confirmations
3. shipping notifications
2.⼀旦启⽤Order Ack.功能,by PO收货的时候就会只能按照确认的数量收货;
3.可以通过多种⽅式确认订单,即可以⼀步确认delivery date,或者分两步,就是确认+出货装运确认,采⽤哪种确认是通过Conf. Control来控制的,
三、业务流程Business Process Flow
1.Order Acknowledge+Shipping Inbound Delivery
1.1 先做订单确认
在采购订单的Confirmation 这个tab下,Conf. control选择0001,
然后CC(confirmation category)这个字段选择“AB Order Acknowledge”,输⼊交货⽇期和数量等信息。

1.2 待供应商货装好后,建⽴Shipping Notif.

然后⽤VL31N创建⼀个Inbound delivery;另⼀种是直接⽤VL31N创建⼀个inbound delivery,系统会⾃动在PO的confirmation页签下创建⼀⾏LA的数据,并将所有数据都填好。

1.3 GR(若存在inbound delivery,收货就by inbound delivery,若没有就by PO),这⾥收货是否能⽤by inbound delivery,是CC这个在后台的配置控制的。

If you wish to post a goods receipt with reference to vendor confirmations, you should set the GR assignment indicator for the desired confirmation category in Customizing for Purchasing.
这个⽅法和第⼀个相⽐,就是省去了Order Ackknowledge这⼀步,
2.1 Conf. Control这⾥选择
2.2 输⼊LA数据⾏,或者直接创建Inbound Delivery
2.3 GR


三、后台配置Customize Configuration
Path:IMG-->Material management-->Purchaisng-->Confirmations
1.Define External Confirmation Categories
这⾥定义了Confirmation category,外部确认是针对供应商可能反馈的信息类别,⽐如针对PO的确认、发货通知等
2.Define Internal Confirmation Categories
Dlv Ty:Delivery Type,A classification that distinguishes between different types of delivery.The delivery type determines how the system processes a delivery. For example, depending on the delivery type, the system determines which screens to present and which data to request from the user.
Ret.Del.Vis:If you have set this indicator, any return deliveries created with MBRL for inbound deliveries are visible in the confirmation overview.**Visible return deliveries are only possible for inbound deliveries whose confirmation control key is set for GR assignment and whose previous goods movements were NOT posted using Inventory Management transactions。

3.Set Up Confirmation Control
1).Create Inbound Delivery:该标识如果勾选,则⽤户可以运⾏VL34为分配了此确认控制的满⾜条件的PO⾃动创建交货单;附:如何分配默认控制类型给PO,后勤执⾏-->装运-->交货
If your enterprise does not work with shipping notifications, or only uses them to a limited extent, you can generate inbound deliveries automatically from purchase orders.
2)POD相关:收货时是否向供应商发送收货回执作为Proof of delivery
POD Control (Proof of Delivery)
This indicator controls the POD relevance of a delivery item along with the delivery item category, that is to say, whether a delivery item is relevant for proof of delivery on the ship-to party side.
The indicator can have the following settings:
' ': not POD relevant
'A' : always POD relevant
'B' : only POD relevant when there are quantity differences
The indicator is copied from the purchasing or sales document into the delivery, if control of POD relevance in the delivery item category is set to "Copy POD relevance from preceding document".
路径:Logistic Execution-->Shipping-->Deliveries-->Proof of devliery-->Set POD-Relevance Depending on Delivery Item Category
转到Confirmation sequence.
1) MRP-relevant :MRP是否考虑此外部确认的数量,勾选了这个后,MD04中将会出现这个采购订单的的交货需求信息
Indicator: Confirmation is GR-Relevant
Specifies that the relevant confirmation category is cancelled out by a goods receipt.
This indicator is needed to close transactions for materials planning purposes.
When goods are received against a PO, materials planning and control must know that this GR relates to the last confirmation you received.
This means that only one confirmation category can have the indicator 'GR relevant'.
If, for example, a GR of 200 pc of the material Steel 1 is entered against a PO item for 200 pc after an inbound delivery marked as GR-relevant has been posted, the inbound delivery is cancelled out by the goods receipt.


Indicator: GR with Reference to Vendor Confirmation
In the case of a PO item with several confirmations, this indicator ensures that goods receipts are assigned to the relevant confirmation in each case.
Assignment to confirmations received at the time of goods receipt (GR) means that the quantity from the associated confirmation will be suggested in the GR and that the GR reduces or cancels out precisely the relevant confirmation in the stock/requirements list.
You can use GR assignment only for confirmation categories that are GR-relevant.
Note that you can only post a goods receipt if a confirmation (e.g. an inbound delivery) has already been entered.
If goods receipt takes place before inbound delivery, you cannot post the goods receipt because the GR cannot then be assigned to an inbound delivery. Example
Assume you have a PO item covering 100 tons of "Steel 1". You have been notified of two inbound deliveries of 50 tons each. The system will assign each of the subsequent goods receipts to the relevant inbound delivery.
When you post a goods receipt, it is not the total quantity from the PO item (here 100 tons) that appears as the default (suggested) quantity. Instead, the default data will be taken from the inbound deliveries of the item (in this case, the system will provide two default quantities of 50 tons each).
If the batch split realized in the inbound delivery is to be taken into account at the time of goods receipt, you must set the GR assignment indicator for the confirmation category "inbound delivery".
