News Report




英语newsreport底稿(5篇范例)第一篇:英语newsreport底稿校园news播报主持A 主持B Part:学生街安全问题:情侣A(男)B(女)在逛学生街。


突然出现C,D把B拖到一边去,A四周求助,紧张的大叫着:help help robbing robbing。


主持A 主持BPart:主持人A:问你一个问题,树上有十只鸟,开枪打死一只,还剩几只?主持人B:是无声手枪或是别的无声的枪吗?主持人A:不是。

















由于主持人愤怒离场,紧急插播广告:广告内容可以做大的(例如电视上搞推销的一直情绪高昂的推销),也可以做几个小的(可以模仿经典的几个广告)广告后继续播报主持C 主持BPart:报道魔方大赛。

news report 英语新闻报告的特点

news report 英语新闻报告的特点
• For example, • Thousands of National Guard troops
and police deployed in riot gear to stop the spread of looting and destruction
• 2.2.4. Use of simple verbal groups
1.General features of
Newspaper Reporting
• 1.1.What is the aim of newspaper reporting ?
• Newspaper reporting aims to a mass audience of different educational levels news item in the simple, easy to understand language.
• 2.2.2. Frequent use of inverted sentence structure and expanded simple sentence
• The distinctive of this variety of English is the use of inverted sentence structure.

Purchases 150 acres

For Springdale plant
• Inverted pyramid form, a head occupying several lines in which the top line is the longest, and the other lines are shortened in proper order, so that it looks similar to an inverted pyramid:

news report范文初中(通用11篇)

news report范文初中(通用11篇)

news report范文初中(通用11篇)news report范文学校第2篇1、I'll report back the moment I have located him.我一找到他就立刻汇报。

2、Many areas in the country'sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的许多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。

3、Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣扬的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。

追踪报道:report有几种用法third officer reporting.The other members of the crew--——Alien第三军官报告。

其他船员-——《异形》一、下面我们来看看report有几种含义1.(口头或书面的)报告,报道(尤指经传播媒介发表者) [C]His report and your report disagreed.他的报告与你的报告不全都。

2.(同学的)成果报告单;(雇员的)工作鉴定书[C]Her last school report shocked her parents into action.她上学期的成果报告单使其父母大为震动,打算实行行动。

3.(似枪炮声的)爆炸声[C]They heard a violent report followed by silence.他听到爆炸声从远处传来。

4.【正式】名誉;名声[U]He's a man of good report.他名声很好。

5.【正式】传闻;谣言[U]The report of such a prodigy awakened my curiosity.这些奇迹的传闻,激起了我的奇怪心。

大学英语News Report

大学英语News Report
MaYing-jeou will meet Xi Jinping in Singapore on Saturday-the first ever meeting between leaders of the two sides. Both said the talks would focus on relations across the Taiwan Straits. China claims sovereignty Taiwan and views the island as a breakaway province which will one day be reunited with the mainland.
Fan Bingbing selected as one of the world's most stylish icons

Fan, known for her forward and open attitude towards fashion, is the only star from China to have been selected as one of the world's most influential style icons.

飞机是越飞越安全, 死亡人数也越来越 少,根据国际财经 时报数据分析,最 糟糕的飞机事故死 亡之年是1972年。 随后几年的事故死 亡人数时有增减, 但很明显我们活在 一个安全的年代里。
每架飞机 平均死亡 人数正逐 年下降
格林威治大学制作的飞机安全位置图。“红色” 区域较为危险,“橙色”区域中等,“绿色” 区域相对最安全。

2014年7月17日,马来西亚航空公司MH17航班在乌克兰上空失联,机型波音777-200,乘客283人,机组15人,由阿姆斯特 丹飞往吉隆坡,被飞弹击落,机上283名乘客和15名机组成员悉数罹难。 7月23日,复兴航空公司GE222航班,在澎湖机场附近失事,机型ATR 72-500,乘客54人,机组4人,由高雄飞往澎湖马公, 疑似因为台风影响,天候不佳,重飞失败,坠毁在马公机场附近的湖西乡西溪村62号空地,造成47人死亡11人受伤。另外 波及到附近11栋民宅造成火警,造成5人轻伤,目前两具黑盒子皆已寻获。事件发生後,各界虽研判为天候所影响,但空难 事发原因仍有待进一步调查与确认。

高中英语写作课件news report

高中英语写作课件news report

Mountain-climbing Activity
In order to encourage students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain-climbing activity on October 30 which hundreds of teachers and students took part in. event It was a nice day. At 8:00 am, we gathered on the foot of Xiang Mountain and set off for the top in high spirits. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When someone fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2 hours later, we all reached at the top of the Xiang Moutain. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy. details The activity benifited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful activity!

20-21版:Writing—Write a news report(步步高)

20-21版:Writing—Write a news report(步步高)
By Chen Jie,School Newspaper
_U_p_o_n__t_h_e_ir__a_r_ri_v_a_l,___L_i_Y_u_e__a_n_d__Z_h_a_n_g__H_u_a__w_e_r_e__w_a_r_m__ly__w_e_lc_o_m__e_d_,__ _a_n_d__t_h_e_y_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_e_d_t_h_e__e_ld_e_r_l_y_w__it_h__fl_o_w_e_r_s__a_n_d_f_r_u_i_ts_._T_h_e_n_,__t_h_e_y_s_t_a_r_te_d_ _w__o_rk__in_g__a_t__o_n_c_e_,___cl_e_a_n_i_n_g__th__e__w_i_n_d_o_w_s__a_n_d___sw__e_e_p_in_g___th_e__f_l_o_o_r._A_f_t_e_r_ _e_v_e_r_y_th__in_g__h_a_d__b_e_e_n__d_o_n_e_,__th__ey__s_a_t_i_n__th__e_y_a_r_d__c_h_a_t_ti_n_g__w_i_th__t_h_e__el_d_e_r_ly__ _p_e_o_p_l_e_.W__h_e_n__i_t_w__a_s_t_i_m_e__f_o_r_t_h_e__v_o_l_u_n_te_e_r_s__to__l_e_a_v_e_,__th_e__e_l_d_e_rl_y__p_e_o_p_l_e_ _t_h_a_n_k_e_d__th_e_m___fo_r__th__ei_r_k_i_n_d_n_e_s_s_.T__h_e_y_s_a_i_d_i_t_w__a_s _s_u_c_h_a__b_e_a_u_t_if_u_l_d_a_y__t_h_a_t _ _t_h_e_y_w__o_u_ld__r_e_m_e_m__b_e_r_i_t_f_o_r_ev_e_r_.______________________________________

高中英语写作课件news report

高中英语写作课件news report

6.用 not only...but 句型合并 3.4. 两句。 Not only did it getalso us close to nature and relax ourselves from
heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us.
Whether or not should Senior 3 students go spring outing? We have had a heated discussion. Opinions are divided on the question.
Most Most students, students, about about 65%, 65%, are are for for the the idea idea that that Senior 3 students should go spring outing. They think it good for their health to be close to nature and breathe some fresh air and what’s more, they can relax themselves for a while and rest their brains so that they will be more energetic. They think it will do good to their students. On the the other other hand, hand, about about 35% 35% students students are are On against against the the idea. idea. They say that with college entrance examination drawing near, they don’t feel like going anywhere. Besides, they think going spring outing will take at least a day off. They can’t afford the time. They think they should fix their attention on their studies.



姚远粗译学习材料Microsoft company acquires NOKIA company Hello,everybodyI am very glad to stand here to give you a news report.Before my report,I have a question.”Is everybody using cell phone?”I think you guys are bound to know a brand ,whose name is NOKIA(把NOKIA写在黑板上)Recently, the most biggest news in the digital world is thatMicrosoft company acquiring the company of NOKIA. In September third, Microsoft spent 5 billion dollars in purchasing the main store rights of NOKIA.NOKIA was(强调) the king of the phone market. When I was a kid, l was looking forward to buying a NOKIA phone.(but 语气大转折!)But after the times of smart phonewhich was directed by the farther of iphone——JobsNOKIA began to have no(强调) place in the market(Although 语气大转折!)Although they chose to cooperate with Microsoft to use windows phone system to face the challenge,it could not save them to come back to yesterday.(NOW 语气大转折!)And now, It seems to be reasonable to see that NOKIA is past tense! .I think it tells us a truth:innovation is the key for us to go further!That’s all. Thank you!微软收购诺基亚要说数码界最近最大的新闻莫属是微软收购诺基亚这大事.9月3日,美国微软公司,斥资将50亿美元收购诺基亚公司手机业务的多数股权,并将另外支付约21.8亿美元收购诺基亚的专利许可权。

news report演讲稿

news report演讲稿

●Good morning, everyone. Today I would like to talk about the first US presidentialdebate between Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Party and Donald Trump from the Republican Party at the Hofstra University, New York on September 26th.●My report will be divided into three parts. The first part is the rule of the debate. Andthe second one is the procedure. The last part will include the result and some comments from media and American netizens.●Firstly, the rule of the debate.The 90-minute debate with no commercial breaks is divide into six segments, each 15minutes long. It will explore three topic areas: Achieving prosperity; America’s direction; and Securing America. At the start of each segment, the host will ask the same lead-off question to both candidates, and they will each have up to two minutes to respond. From that point until the end of the segment, they’ll have an open discussion.●Then I’ll show some pictures to you.Staffs at the television station are preparing the showThe candidates’ family, Hillary’s husband, also the former president Bill Clinton shakes hands with Donald’s wife Melania Trump.At this moment, as we welcome the candidates: Democratic nominee for president of the United States, Hillary Clinton, and Republican nominee for president of the United States, Donald J. trump.●Now I’ll introduce t he procedure briefly and choose some key issues. The first round,Achieving prosperity.For taxes, Hillary Clinton wants to address income inequality through increased taxes on the wealthy. She has also called for higher tax breaks for healthcare and education spending for middle-class families. While Mr Trump's current plan includes reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, cutting corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax and increasing the standard deduction for individual filers.And central to that is jobs. Hillary Clinton wants to create jobs by investing in advanced manufacturing, technology, renewable energy, and small businesses. She says independent experts have estimated her plans will create 10 million new jobs. Donald Trump says he will create 25 million jobs over 10 years, saying too many jobs, are being lost to other countries, and suggests that investing in infrastructure, cutting the trade deficit, lowering taxes and removing regulations will boost job creation.●Then we move into next segment talking about America’s direction.For law and order, Hillary supports laws prohibiting racial profiling and wants to emphasise rehabilitation over long prison sentences for non-violent drug offenders. Trump says law enforcement agencies are unable to fight crime because of runaway "political correctness" and says they should be allowed to get tough on offenders.Guns are a key issue. Hillary Clinton repeats her support for tighter background checks and a ban on assault weapons. She denies the Second Amendment is in peril if she is inthe White House. Donald Trump has blamed some shootings on lax gun laws, saying armed people could have intervened and saved lives. He accuses his opponent of wanting to eliminate gun rights and promises his supporters that the Second Amendment would be safe.●The third segment is called ”securing America”For foreign policy. Mrs. Clinton firmly backs the US's role in Nato, seeing it as important for strengthening European allies and countering Russian power. She also supports a continued US military presence in Afghanistan. Donald Trump has criticised the Iraq War and other US military action in the Middle East. He has called for closer relations with Vladimir Putin's Russia , He says Nato should do more to combat terrorism in the Middle East.Under cyber attack, Hillary says the US have to work more closely without allies, with nato. Trump says when secretary Clinton talks about I’lll take the admirals and generals any day over the political hacks.●So according to the survey from CNN, Clinton was deemed the winner of the debateby 62% of voters, just 27%said they thought Trump had the better night.●New York Times made a comment that "when just one candidate is serious and theother is a vacuous bully, the term loses all meaning".Washington Post said that Writers unanimously called it for Mrs Clinton, saying Mr Trump had "bombed on the ultimate reality show" and "did not appear ready to be president".An American netizen said ”if Hillary and trump both fall into the ocean, who will be saved? America”In my opinion,the 90-minute debate showcased two candidates’ quite different styles, but I think Trump was likely to talk out of tune.●That’s all. Thanks for your listening.What is the Second Amendment?A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.。

应用文写作(News report)新闻报道学案 - 高三英语二轮复习

应用文写作(News report)新闻报道学案 - 高三英语二轮复习


上周,你校学生会组织了“冬日暖衣(Warm Clothes For Winter)”活动,为贫困山区儿童献爱心。


内容如下:1.活动目的2.活动内容3.活动意义注意:1. 词数80字左右2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Warm Clothes, Warm HeartLast week, the Student Union in our school organized an activity named “Warm Clothes for Winter”to show love and care to the children in the poverty-stricken mountainous areas.Nearly all the students took an active part in this special activity and donated/contributed clothes, gloves and so on to help the less fortunate through the freezing winter. The activity was welcomed by both the students and the poor children far away.Unquestionably, students find such an activity quite rewarding. Knowing that they have improved the lives of others, they feel a strong sense of fulfillment. It is giving that makes the difference.可用参考表达:第一段:活动简要概括An activity, whose theme was…, was held by…举办了一场以……为主题的活动。

原创1:Writing—A news report

原创1:Writing—A news report

★余味结尾 In a word/To draw a conclusion/I believe that we will build a new city. 总之/我相信我们将建设一座新的城市。 Finally,measures should be taken by the government to set up various schools and colleges to meet the needs of people. 最后,政府应该采取措施建立各类学校以满足人们的需求。 So people should help each other to build up a harmonious society. 因此大家应互相帮助以建设一个和谐的社会。 I believe we can certainly overcome the disaster with the public and the government working together. 我相信在公众和政府的共同努力下,我们必定会战胜这场灾难。
[连句成文] Hit by Troublesome Sandstorms Again
April 12th—Twenty more traffic accidents than usual happened in Beijing today owing to the terrible sandstorm.This has suddenly turned people's attention to the causes of such disastrous weather. Sandstorms,which frequently occur in Northern China between March and April, are a threat to traffic safety because they make it difficult for drivers to see clearly. Also, according to scientists,they are closely related to desertification. What is worse, the bad air quality produced by sandstorms can cause people to develop lung cancer.

news report(英语新闻报告的特点)教学教材

news report(英语新闻报告的特点)教学教材
• Agree to drop
• Price of oil
• Drop form-a head occupying several lines with the 2nd and 3rd lines indented, each further inwards from left margin:
• Centennial industries

Purchases 150 acres

For Springdale plant
• Inverted pyramid form, a head occupying several lines in which the top line is the longest, and the other lines are shortened in proper order, so that it looks similar to an inverted pyramid:
• Sisley-struck
• with his
• impressions
• overline/”kicker”, a usually small head above the larger main line:
• why things are
• Oh, don’t be so picky • Subhead, a usually smaller head under the main
• While some headlines are bold, for example:
• flush left-a head that all flush to the left margin without considering the margin on the right:

大学英语课题演讲news report —Smart Phone

大学英语课题演讲news report —Smart Phone

Although smart phone brings people a lot of convenie nce

智能手机,是指像个人电脑一样,具有独立的操作系统,独立的运 行空间,可以由用户自行安装软件、游戏、导航等第三方服务商提 供的程序,并可以通过移动通讯网络来实现无线网络接入的这样一 类手机的总称 Smart mobile phone, "is like a personal computer, is operating system independent, independent operation space, can by the user to install the software, games, navigation and three party service providers in general program, and through mobile communication network to realize this kind of a class of mobile phone wireless internet access. 智能手机的涉及范围已经布满全世界,因为智能手机具有优秀的操 作系统、可自由安装各类软件、完全大屏的全触屏式操作感这三大 特性,所以完全终结了前几年的键盘式手机。 smart mobile phone range has been full of the world, because smart phone operating system, with excellent free installation of various software, full screen operation full touch screen type are the three major characteristics, so completely end the keyboard type mobile phone a few years ago.




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1.新闻报道(News Reporting):新闻报道通常用于报道最近发生的事件,包括政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的新闻。




3.特写(Feature Story):特写是一种深入报道某个特定人物、事件或话题的文章,通常包含大量的细节和背景信息。


4.调查报道(Investigative Reporting):调查报道是一种对某个特定事件或问题进行深入调查和分析的文章。









英语作文新闻报道的写作格式 高考

英语作文新闻报道的写作格式 高考

英语作文新闻报道的写作格式高考English Response:News report writing format for high school exams:The typical structure of a news report for high school exams generally follows a standard format:Headline: This should be a concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main focus of the news report.Byline: This includes the name of the reporter who wrote the news report, as well as the date and location of the news event.Lead (or Introduction): This is the opening paragraph that provides a summary of the key information - the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the news story. It should capture the reader's attention and provide the essential details.Body Paragraphs: These subsequent paragraphs expand on the details provided in the lead, offering more context, quotes from sources, and additional information to fleshout the story. The paragraphs should be organized logically, with the most important details first.Conclusion: The final paragraph provides closure to the news report, perhaps revisiting the main point or highlighting the significance of the event.When writing a news report for a high school exam, it is important to focus on objectivity, accuracy, and clarity. The language should be concise and straightforward,avoiding overly complex vocabulary or flowery descriptions. Direct quotes from credible sources can help lendcredibility to the report.Additionally, proper formatting, such as appropriate paragraph structure, use of subheadings, and adherence to standard journalistic conventions, is crucial. Proofreading the report to ensure there are no spelling, grammar, or factual errors is also essential.Overall, the key to a well-written news report for ahigh school exam is to provide a clear, concise, and informative account of the news event, following the established format and conventions of journalistic writing.中文回应:新闻报道的写作格式对于高考来说通常会遵循一个标准的结构: 标题: 这应该是一个简洁而引人注目的标题,能概括新闻报道的主要焦点。

News report英文新闻报道

News report英文新闻报道

1.Which company reported by Times? 2.How many pounds are Dexheimer lost? 3.What’s your opinion about this matter?
"Remarபைடு நூலகம்able," Salo director of operations Craig Dexheimer told NPR. "We didn't even go to a gym. We just went to work!" Dexheimer says he has lost 25 pounds since switching to the treadmill desk. You can buy a treadmill desk, which typically costs several hundred dollars. Or, if you're in do-ityourself mode, this website shows how to build your own treadmill desk for just $39, not including the cost of the treadmill. "There's a tendency to want to jump on the treadmill and walk for hours and hours a day," Dr. James Levine told NPR. "Don't do that. Certainly, at the absolute maximum, do half-hour on, half an hour off, for two to three hours a day."
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Ebola still spreading in western Sierra Leone, Guinea's forest
Ebola is still spreading quickly in western Sierra Leone and deep in Guinea's forested region More foreign health workers are needed to combat the epidemic, especment centers are still opening and need expert staff, said David Nabarro, the UN Secretary General's special envoy for Ebola. "We know the outbreak is still flaming strongly in western Sierra Leone and some parts of the interior of Guinea. We cant rest, we still have to push on," Nabarro told a news briefing in Geneva.
Thank you
News Report
6 killed by cold weather in N. India
At least six people were killed from Monday to Tuesday morning by cold weather in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, said local media. All the deaths were reported from Poorvanchal district of the eastern part of the state, where low temperature plus heavy fog descended since early this week, said IndoAsian News Service.
Prince William and Kate arrive on first trip to NYC
Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, arrive at the Carlyle hotel in New York, December 7, 2014. Prince William and his wife Kate are on their first visit to New York City, a whirlwind trip that includes visits to a Harlem child development center and the September 11 Monument and Museum.