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Chinese New Year is a time for joy and celebration. 春节是一个充满喜
It's a time when families come together, houses are decorated with red lanterns and couplets, and delicious food is enjoyed. 这是一个家人团聚的时刻,家里挂满了红灯笼和春联,还有美味
However, amongst all the festivities, there is one tradition that stands out - the act of "讨糖" or "trick or treating". 然而,在所有的节日活动中,有一个传统尤为突出——就是“讨糖”或“要糖果”。
For many children, the idea of going door to door, dressed in colorful costumes, and asking for sweets is a thrilling experience. 对
It's a chance for them to showcase their creativity in costume-making and to interact with neighbors in a fun and lighthearted manner. 这是一个展示他们在制作服装方面的创造力的机会,也是一个与邻居们以一种有趣轻松的方式互动的机会。
The joy of receiving a handful of candies or sweets from generous homeowners is unmatched. 从慷慨的屋主那里接过一把糖果或甜食的喜悦是无与伦比的。
On the other hand, some children may feel nervous or shy about approaching strangers and asking for treats. 另一方面,有些孩子可能会感到紧张或害羞,不敢上前向陌生人要糖果。
The fear of rejection or awkward encounters can make the process daunting for them. 担心被拒绝或尴尬的相遇可能会让他们感到胆怯。
In such cases, the support and encouragement of their parents or older siblings can make a big difference. 在这种情况下,父母或哥哥姐姐的支持和鼓励可以起到很大的作用。
With a gentle push and a reassuring smile, these children can overcome their fears and enjoy the tradition of "讨糖". 在轻轻的推动和安慰的微笑下,这些孩子可以克服自己的恐惧,享受“讨糖”的传统。
For homeowners, the act of giving out candies to children during the spring festival is a way of spreading joy and goodwill. 对于屋主来说,在春节期间给孩子们分发糖果是一种传播喜悦和友好的方式。
It's a small gesture that brings smiles to young faces and creates a sense of community spirit. 这是一个小小的姿态,能给年轻的面孔带来微笑,营造一种社区精神。
The sight of children running from door to door, their eyes lighting up at the sight of a treat, is a heartwarming scene. 眼睛闪烁着光芒的孩子们从一家门到另一家门奔跑,看到糖果时的场景让人感到温暖。
However, it's important for homeowners to ensure the safety of the children who come knocking on their doors. 然而,屋主们有责任确保来敲门的孩子们的安全。
With reports of contaminated or tampered candies becoming more common, it's crucial to inspect all treats before handing them out. 随着糖果受污染或被篡改的报道变得越来越普遍,检查所有糖果再分发给孩子们是至关重要的。
By being vigilant and cautious, homeowners can help ensure that the tradition of "讨糖" remains a safe and enjoyable experience for all. 通过保持警惕和谨慎,屋主们可以帮助确保“讨糖”的传统对所有人来说都是安全愉快的经历。
In conclusion, the tradition of "讨糖" during the spring festival is a cherished part of Chinese culture that brings joy to both children and adults. 总之,在春节期间的“讨糖”传统是中国文化中珍贵的一部分,给孩子们和成年人带来欢乐。
It symbolizes the spirit of community, sharing, and celebration that defines this festive time of year. 它象征着社区、分享和庆祝的精神,定义了这个节日时期的特点。
you're a child eagerly knocking on doors for sweets or a homeowner welcoming young visitors with treats, the act of "讨糖" brings people together in a fun and festive way. 无论你是一个迫不及待地敲门索要糖果的孩子,还是一个欢迎年轻访客的屋主,讨糖的行为都以一种有趣和节日的方式将人们聚集在一起。
Let's continue to embrace and enjoy this
tradition for many years to come. 让我们继续拥抱并享受这个传统,直到未来的许多年。