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Ben Bernanke : Former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke
landed in Shanghai on May 25, 2015 to attend Shanghai Forum 2015 held by Fudan University, conversing with Zhang
Jun, dean of School of Economics.
Out of the halo and stress of chairing Fed, Bernanke, the former chairman whom the market has loved with mixed feelings, shared memories of the crisis, views on QE, and comments on emerging markets especially China’s opening up capital account and RMB SDR.
Fed, and also one of the benchmarks for raising interest rate.) Speaking of deflation, the monetary system collapsed in 1930s and commodity prices fell by 10% annually. No one was willing to purchase and corporations had no intention to invest. Deflation was a great enemy we faced.
Interest cut is a conventional monetary policy for the central bank. But by the end of 2008, the Fed had cut federal funds rate to somewhere near 0, so we had to implement unconventional monetary policies.
Therefore we had QE1 and the financial market was stabilized and economy began to recover in the second half of 2009. We were still worrying about deflation risks afterwards, so we carried on with QE2 and QE3. We believe QE is beneficial for the US economy. It’s no panacea but it did help the economy. America was recovering faster than Europe and Japan and is not facing deflationary risks like Europe and Japan do.
Zhang Jun: Could you share some of the hardships you experienced during the crisis?
Bernanke: As a matter of fact, I never imagined this kind of crisis when I was appointed. The economy was doing well in 2006 and nobody knew what would happen. So I took the position.
Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 and panic followed. Handling the Lehman problem was really agonizing for me. No buyer could afford Lehman’s debt, so Lehman Brothers had no choice but bankruptcy. But Fed saved AIG with the aid of treasury. Different from Lehman, AIG had enough mortgage for Fed and treasury to come to the rescue and extended its $85 billion maturing loan.
President Bush doubted this rescue solution back then. When we reported this to President Bush, he asked, “What are the other options?” And we answered, “None.” So in the end he had to show support.
Opposition and resistance against TARF came from the congress. A senior congress said to me, “I appreciate the way you handle things, but I want you to note this, it’s your responsibility and your decision.”
Obviously, not only was I fighting the crisis, I was also shouldering political responsibilities. Despite all the hatred, we had to rescue the economy and carry out QE. We tried very hard.
Zhang Jun: What would you say about Greenspan and Yellen?
Bernanke: I came to Washington in 2002 and joined the Federal Reserve on August 5 as candidate for decision committee. I had never served in the government before that. Back then Alan Greenspan was called Mastreo. I once worried that he was so famous that I could not be equally competent.
Janet Yellen is very experienced and even better than me. She used to be vice chairman. She is a very wise economist and we have very good terms. At present, she is carrying on the policies we laid down together.
If US going strong Favorable interest rate increase Zhang Jun: In what ways was the implementation of QE difficult? How do you view the2013 tapering tantrum?
Bernanke: QE has been effective but really difficult to work with. First of all, there had been no precedent. We had no experience in this regard so we had no idea how this would work out. And it’s pretty had to communicate with the market.
The tapering tantrum in May of 2013 was the best example. I only said “we will consider tapering if economy recovers and deflation eases” when the economy started to pick up. But there were investors who innocently believed there would be QE Eternity. So some of them thought Fed would end QE immediately after they heard my comments. But I thought I was being very clear. In December 2013 when we announced tapering the market was quite calm. You see how delicate market communicate could be. We will uphold monetary policy transparency and communication efficiency whatsoever.
Zhang Jun: When do you think the Federal Reserve will raise interest rate? What impacts will that have on the emerging
Bernanke:I’m not sure of that. I hope the US economy will maintain the growth. Market is based on expectation, therefore communication is very important. Responsibilities fall on the Fed as well as on the market. As long as the US economy is recovering with effective communication there shall not be huge fluctuation I think. If interest rate rises when the economy is strong, it will benefit other countries.
Zhang Jun: Would you predict on the long term growth rate of the US economy? What kind of accelerating impacts will the new technologies have on the economy?
Bernanke: Nobody knows. Economists are very good at telling you what was wrong before.
But in the long run, the growth will slow down, for labor force and technology innovations will slow down. It is still unknown whether technology progress will increase productivity and reduce demand for labor force. After the crisis neither companies nor research institutions have enough money. As the economy recovers, things start to look up and productivity might increase.
How will new technology accelerate the economy? It’s hard to predict. But I’m pretty optimistic. I believe IT, bio-tech, nanotech, robots will propel the economy and they will become economically important. But it’s hard to say how important innovative companies like Facebook will be for GDP.
More importantly, how will economic growth achieve equitable distribution when new technology comes along? How to ensure everyone could enjoy the fruits of technology? Robots could push the overall economy forward but at the same time, eliminate the incompetent ones. So it’s crucial that not everyone could benefit from economic growth. This is when education stands out.
Opening capital account Crucial part of growth strategy
Zhang Jun: The world has been somewhat pessimistic towards Chinese economy. Do you see a hard landing or collapse of Chinese economy?
Bernanke: The slowing down of Chinese economy is totally predictable. China will not enjoy 10% annual growth forever. The more sophisticated companies become the slower growth will be. Part of the slow-down is due to adjustment of economic growth model. China has been relying on investment in heavy industry like infrastructure and real estate which is more central controlled, while nowadays it’s transferring to industries like service and high-tech which relies more on social innovation. This adds to the complexity in control and prediction but it’s important for economy to grow from the bottom up.
Zhang Jun: China is pushing forward open capital account. Will that introduce fluctuation to the market?
Bernanke:Controlled capital account could undoubtedly reduce or erase market fluctuation but at the same time suffocate economic growth; therefore opening up capital account is a crucial part of the growth strategy. It’s just that the country need to think through before opening up capital account, it could only be beneficial when the economy is strong and could well adopt capital inflow and resist outflow and use the capital wisely.
Zhang Jun: What do you think of introducing SDR to RMB? Is there any possibility that RMB will become global reserve currency?
Bernanke: I think introducing SDR into RMB is more symbolic. During the process, China needs further reform of the financial market before RMB could become the world’s reserve currency. I believe in the mid-term US dollar will remain the major reserve currency.
Zhang Jun: How are you doing after leaving office?
Bernanke:Life is going pretty well right now. My wife is teaching and I joined Brookings Institution. I just finished my new book which will be published this fall.
那场始料未及的危机 美联储主席不易做
只是在1930年代大萧条中,美联储没有履行最后贷款人(lender of last resort)的职责(现代货币主义鼻祖弗里德曼(Friedman,Milton)认为1930年代美国严重的经济金融危机是错误的货币政策的一场灾难,美联储的无能与不作为使得本来可以在1930年就结束的大萧条反而变得更加严重。
伯南克:我在MIT攻读硕士学位时,研究货币体系,危机的两大肇事方是——货币供应不足(short monetary supply)和通货紧缩(deflation),因此在危机时,美联储希望保证货币供应充沛,并施行宽松的货币政策,以此助力金融系统,因此我们施行了QE。
2015年5月25日,美联储前主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)空降上海,出席由复旦大学主办的“上海论坛2015”,并同中国知名经济学家、复旦大学经济学院院长张军进行了一场精彩对话。
在褪去了主席的光环和压力后,这位曾令市场爱恨交织的美联储前主席诙谐幽默地讲述了危机时期的种种艰难经历,评价了QE(量化宽松)的重要性和难处,也对加息对新兴市场的潜在影响、中国经济、资本账户开放、人民币加入SDR (特别提款权)等问题作出了客观评价。
当时,格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)被称为Mastreo(大师),我一度很担心,格林斯潘名声这么大,很害怕自己无法胜任工作。
耶伦(Janet Yellen)经验丰富,可以说比我更
若美国经济强劲 加息对全球有利张军:你认为施行QE的难度在哪里?怎么看
2013年那场“退出恐慌”(taper tantrum)?(当时伯南克释放提前退出QE信号,导致国际资本疯狂撤离新兴市场)伯南克:QE的确有效,但很难操作。
首先,QE 没有先例,我们没有经验,因此不知道下场到底如何。
但有些投资人天真地以为Q E 将永远存在(Q E Eternity),因此当时这些人听了我的话之后,好像觉得明天美联储就会退出QE,因此造成了之后的
反而到了2013年12月,我们宣布将会削减QE 购债规模时,市场的反应却比较平静。
2008年,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brother)瞬间崩塌,恐慌情绪高涨。
我们和布什总统报备此事之时,布什问:“你还有什么别的选择?”(What are the other options?)我们回答,“只能这么做。
”(It’s your responsibility and your decision.)可见,我不仅在抗击危机,还在肩负政治责任。
(We tried very hard.)
(totally predictable),中国不可能永远每年以10%增长。
此外,中国的放缓还由于经济增长模式变动,过去中国侧重基建、房地产等重工业投资,政府在其中会扮演更多角色(more central controlled),而现在中国从出口、重工业向更侧重
加入了布鲁金斯研究院(Brookings Institute,美
(第一财经日报记者 周艾琳/中国房地产金融记者 张昕 翻译整理)
(Economists are very good at telling you what was wrong before.)不过就长期来看,美国增速会放缓,因为劳动力、技术创新的发展趋于放缓。
不过,我很乐观,相信IT、生物科技、纳米科技、机器人会驱动经济,他们会变得具有经济重要性(economically important)。
开放资本账户是增长策略的重要部分张军:国外对中国经济总是有点悲观,你认为中国经济会崩溃吗?会出现“硬着陆”(hard landing)吗?