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they find 7. w__h__a_tthey regret
most is not
their exam grades 8. _b_u_t__ nothing that deserves a mention. Therefore, it is high time we 9. _d_i_d__ (do) something to change our present educational
1. Nouns: s./plu.& poss.(所有格)
1.The first _s_e_tt_l_er_s__ (settle) were sent to the islands in 1497.
2. Come and see me in two or three _d_a__y_s_’ (day) time.
I had noticed three hens running free in my
hostess’s courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table. 7_O_t_h__e_r villagers brought me goat’s cheese and honey. We drank
2. Last Oct, a young American _w_o_r_k_in__g (work) on a conversation Project at Kalimantan in Asia fell seriously ill.
3. The library needs _re_p_a_i_r_in_g_ (repair), but it will have to wait until Sunday.
various academic subjects and look forward to 2.
(admit) to a university when they graduate from senior high school.
3.O_t_h_e_r_w_i,se they would fear that they were less likely to survive in a competitive society. Actually, a lack 4. ___o_f__ social skills does more harm than good to them both 5. ___p_h_y_s_i_c_ally
It is _p_r_o_p_e_r_ (properly)
that she should refuse it.
Every time I do the
housework, I feel __ti_r_ed__
survive in a competitive society. Actually, a lack 4. __o_f_ social skills does more harm than good to them both 5. p_h_y_s_i_c_al_ly_ and mentally. They miss not only many highlights of their school life but also some 6._va_l_u_a_b_le_(value) chances to develop some essential abilities needed in their future career. When they look back at their school years one day, they find 7. __w_h_a_t they regret most is not their exam grades 8. __b_u_t _ nothing that deserves a mention. Therefore, it is high time we 9. ___d_id__ (do) something to change our present educational system with more attention paid to social skills. Though it is a tough job, numerous facts prove that it is social skills 10. __t_h_at__ matter rather than grades in the long run.
In China, the development of social skills is considered 1. _le_s_s_ important than the development of intellectual skills. Students devote most time to focusing on their
Prices _v_a_r_y__ (various)
with the seasons.
1.The meeting is of great __s_i_g_n_i_fi_c_a_n_c_e______(sign ificant). We all have to att./non-pred.
People who have lost the ability to understand or use words due to brain damage _a_r_e_c_a_l_le_d___(call) aphasics.
1. Jack and Shirley were so happy that they started a special telephone service _c_a_l_le_d__ (call) “Alive and Well”.
It really will make a
__d_i_ff_e_re_n_c_e__ (different).
The little girl has a
__p_ai_n_f_u_l ___ (pain) cut in a
She can sing the song
2. Canada is the second _l_a_r_g_e_s_t_ (large) country in the world.
He is out of __b_r_ea_t_h_
(breathe) after running.
The machine doesn’t
__o_p_e_r_at_e_ (operation)
I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car 1_b_r_o_k_e_ (break) down near a remote and poor village. Cursing my misfortune, I was
(in two or three days)
3. There are more w__o_m __e_n teachers in the school than men teachers.
4. This is Jack, who is a friend of _m__in_e_. I always share sorrows and joys with him.
system with more attention paid to social skills. Though it is a tough job, numerous facts prove that it is social skills 10. t_h__a_t_ matter rather than grades in the long run.
together and talked 8_m __e_r_ri_ly_ (merry) till far into the night.
When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the
village, I wanted to reward the old woman 9__fo__r_the trouble I had caused 10_h__e_r_.
2.He _h_u_r_r_ie_d_l_y_(hurry) got to the school, only to find there was no school that day.
3.She pointed out that Beijing had an unusually low snowfall this winter, and the temperature was _u_n_r_e_a_s_o_n_a_b_l_y (reason) high.
4.The patient was advised _t_o__e_a_t_ (eat) more vegetables and fruits.
3. Adj. & Adv.:comparisons
1. His handwriting is even __b_e_t_te_r_ (good) than yours.
wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as
to 2 _w__h_o__ should have the
mentally. They miss not only many highlights of their school life but also some
6.v__a_l_u_a_(bvlaelue) chances to
develop some essential abilities needed in their future career. When they look back at their school years one day,
honor of receiving me 3__a_s__ a guest in their house. Finally, I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me 4 __s_e_t_t_le_d_
In China, the development of social skills is considered 1. _le_s_s_
important than the development of intellectual skills. Students devote most time to focusing on their various academic subjects
(settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to
my car to pull it to 5___a___ small town some 20 kilometers away 6_w__h_e__re_ there was a garage.
and look forward to 2. __b_e_i_n_g__a_d__m__it_te(dadmit) to a university
when they graduate from senior high school. 3. _O_t_h_e_rw__is_e__, they would fear that they were less likely to