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Book 1 Wele Unit 短语复习
exchange... for.../exchange sth with sb/give sb sth in exchange for sth
2.作关于学习策略的讲座give a lecture on learning strategies
3. 登记选修英语课register for English class (registration)
4. 为初学的人设计的be designed for the beginners
5. 渴望毕业后找到一份工作 be anxious to find a job after graduation (anxiety) (graduate)
6. 比那个交换生大/小两岁be senior/junior to the exchange student by two years
7. 给某人留下了深刻的印象leave/make a deep impression on sb
8. 集中精力于改善教育concentrate on improving education (concentration)
9. 充满信心地去探索未来to explore the future with confidence (explorer exploration)
10. 花整个周末复习数学spend the whole weekend revising maths (revision)
11. 在校园里接受正式训练 receive the formal training on campus (informal)
12. 对我的粗心很恼火 be annoyed with my carelessness (annoy annoying annoyance)
13. 一道吓人的闪电 a flash of frightening lightning (frightened)
14.用闪光灯照射球门flash light into the goal
15. 期待参加各种课外活动 look forward to taking part in the various outdoor activities
16. 好奇地去做那个有趣的实验do the funny experiment with curiosity/curiously (curious)
17. 陪伴这么重要的一个人物感到很尴尬feel awkward in the pany of such an important man
18. 不要去打扰那个合伙人 leave the partner alone
19. 一个性格外向的人 a person with outgoing personality
20. 有组织各种活动的经验be experienced in organizing all sorts of activities.
(organizer organization)
Book 1 Unit 1 短语复习
1. 推荐加入志愿者俱乐部remend joining the Volunteer Club (remendation n. )
2. 一名英语口语流利的大学毕业生a university graduate who is fluent in spoken English (graduation)
3. 给社区里无家可归的人分发食物hand out food to the homeless people in the munity
4. 习惯高中生活get used to senior high school life
5. 在高级课程上跟上其他同学keep up with the other students in my advanced course
(advance n.& v.)
6. 制定一个可行的日程安排make a workable schedule for
7. 在冒险营向专家们学习生存技巧learn survival skills from some experts in the adventure camp
8. 对所有学生的安全负责be responsible for the safety of all the students (responsibility n. )
9. 参加学校拉拉队的选拔try out for my school’s cheerleading team
10. 沉迷于网络be addicted to the Internet (addict n. )
11. 被电脑游戏所吸引be attracted to puter games (attractive adj. attraction n. )
12. 与那个编辑辩论一个有趣的话题debate an interesting topic with the editor
13. 退学/辍学drop out of school/quit school (quitting; quit/quit; quitted/quitted)
14.喜欢阅读多于看视频prefer reading to watching videos
(preference n. preferring; preferred/preferred)
15. 感谢有这样的机会be grateful for the opportunity
16. 设计一个引人注目的标志design an eyecatching logo
17. 在学校集会期间招募新成员recruit new members during a school assembly
18. 适合大一学生be suitable for freshman students
19. 对盒子上的操作指南感到困惑be confused about the instructions on the box
(confuse v. confusing adj. confusion n.)
20. 报名参加高级文学课程sign up for advanced literature
21. Studying hard isn’t always fun, but I’ll be well prepared for university or whatever else es in the future.
22. But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in
23. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
24. Make the most of your education and make the world a better place.
25. Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by “helicopter parents”who were always there to guide and help them with a busy schedule filled with homework and extracurricular activities such as dancing, drawing, or sports.
★长难句分析:born in the 1990s and 2000s过去分词短语作定语修饰many children; filled with homework and extracurricular activities过去分词短语作定语修饰a busy schedule; who were always there to guide and help them…定语从句修饰先行词helicopter parents。

Book 1 Unit 2 短语复习
1.申请签证并预订机票apply for a visa and book air tickets applicant申请人application申请书
2.一个心胸狭窄的人 a narrowminded person
3. 安排住所make arrangements for the acmodation arrange v.
4. 控制了整个帝国take control of the entire empire
5. 南美洲太平洋沿岸的国家 a country on the Pacific coast of South America
6. 被公认为秘鲁的官方语言 be recognized as the official language of Peru
7. 和当地导游探索雨林explore the rainforest with a local guide
8. 欣赏雨林中独特的动植物enjoy/appreciate the plants and animals unique to the rainforest
9. 到达目的地并登记入住reach the destination and check in check out (旅馆等)结账离开
10. 赞赏他的诚信admire him for his honesty admiration n. admirable adj.
11. 为期四天的徒步旅行 a fourday walking tour
12. 弥补经济上的损失make up for the economic loss
13. 由数千名士兵组成be made up of thousands of soldiers
14.迫不及待地想联系我的朋友can’t wait to contact my friend
15. 因其古老的文明而闻名be wellknown for its ancient civilization
16. 最受欢迎的旅游景点the most popular scenic spot/tourist attraction attract v. attractive adj.
17. 吸引了国内外的众多游客attract many tourists from home and abroad
18. 对新挖掘的雕像做出评论make ments on the newlyunearthed statue
19. 要求顾客用信用卡支付 request customers to pay by credit card
20. 现代建筑学modern architecture architect n.建筑师
animals unique to the rainforest.
perfect fit of the stones.。
