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通过原子轨迹的逆向跟踪分析发现:从过冷液体中遗传下来的二十面体对快凝合金的玻璃形成能力(GFA)具有重要影响,不仅其可遗传分数Fi=N i300 K←Tg/NTg与GFA密切相关,而且其遗传起始温度(Tonset)与合金约化玻璃转变温度Trg=Tg/Tm也存在很好的对应关系。

%To explore the origin of glassy transition and glass-forming abilities (GFAs) of transition metal-transition metal alloys from the microstructural point of view, a series of molecular dynamics simulation for the rapid solidification processes of liquid Cu56Zr44alloys at various cooling rates γ and pressures P are performed by using a LAMPS program. On the basis of Honeycutt-Andersen bond-type index (ijkl), we propose an extended cluster-type index (Z, n/(ijkl)) method to characterize and analyze the microstructures of the alloy melts as well as their evolution in the rapid solidification. It is found that the majority of local atomic configurations in the rapidly
solidified alloy are (12 12/1551) icosahedra, as well as (12 8/1551 2/1541
2/1431) and (12 2/1441 8/1551 2/1661) defective icosahedra, but no relationship can be seen between their number N(300 K) and the glassy transition temperature Tg of rapidly solidified Cu56Zr44alloys. By an inverse tracking of atom trajectories from low temperatures to high temperatures the configuration heredity of icosahedral clusters in liquid is discovered to be an intrinsic feature of rapidly solidified alloys; the onset
of heredity merely emerges in the super-cooled liquid rather than the initial alloy melt. Among these the (12 12/1551) standard icosahedra inherited from the super-cooled liquids at Tm–Tg is demonstrated to play
a key role in the formation of Cu56Zr44 glassy alloys. Not only is their
n umber Np300 K←Tg inherited from Tg to 300 K closely related to the GFA of rapidly solidified Cu56Zr44 alloys, but a good correspondence of the onset temperatures of heredity (Tonset) with the reduced glass transition temperature (Trg=Tg/Tm) can be also obs erved. As for the influence ofγ and P on the glassy transition, a continuous tracking of descendible icosahedra reveals that the high GFA of rapidly solidified Cu56Zr44 alloys caused by bigγ and P can be attributed to their elevated inheritable fraction (fp and ftotal) above Tg.
【作者单位】湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410082; 湖南工程学院理学院,湘潭 411104;湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410082;湖南大学材料科学与
工程学院,长沙 410082;湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410082;湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410082;湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410082【正文语种】中文
1.Zr50-xCu50Alx(x=0~25)合金中的二十面体团簇以及Al添加对非晶形成能力和结构转变的影响 [J], 徐勇;张勇;汤方立;刘雄军;陈国良
2.冷却速度对快凝Cu56Zr44合金二十面体团簇化的影响 [J], 胡艳军;文大东;蒋元祺;邓永和;彭平
3.冷却速度对快凝Cu56Zr44合金二十面体团簇化的影响 [J], 胡艳军;文大东;蒋元祺;邓永和;彭平;
4.快凝Pd82Si18合金原子团簇的演化特性及遗传机制 [J], 高明; 邓永和; 文大东; 田泽安; 赵鹤平; 彭平
5.Fe_(m)B_(20)(m=1,2)团簇中超快自旋动力学的第一性原理研究 [J], 卢欣;谢孟琳;刘景;金蔚;李春;Georgios Lefkidis;Wolfgang Hübner
