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1.What is 5 x 5?
A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 35B
2.The Earth’s ______ is responsible for its magnetic field.
3. A whale is the largest _______ in the ocean.
4.What is the opposite of "full"?
A. Empty
B. Packed
C. Loaded
D. Stuffed
5.The zebra has a unique ______ (条纹) pattern.
6.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
A. Earth
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
7. not have ______ (腿). Snakes s
8.What do we call a story that is made up?
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Biography
D. HistoryA
9.What is the color of a typical cat?
A. Black
B. White
C. Gray
D. All of the above
10.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Cocoa
B. Wheat
C. Sugar
D. Milk
11.What do we call the main character in a play?
A. Actor
B. Protagonist
C. Antagonist
D. Director
12.What is the name of the fruit that is red and round?
A. Banana
B. Cherry
C. Peach
D. Grape
13.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work in genetics?
A. Gregor Mendel
B. Charles Darwin
C. Louis Pasteur
D. James WatsonA
14.The __________ (历史的精神) lives on in our traditions.
15.I enjoy ______ (与朋友分享) my experiences.
16.Which animal says "meow"?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Cow
D. SheepB
17.In a synthesis reaction, two or more reactants combine to form a _____ product.
18.What do we call the main idea of a story?
A. Theme
B. Plot
C. Setting
D. CharacterA
19.I love _____ (reading/playing) books.
20.His favorite food is ________.
21.What do you call a person who studies plants?
A. Botanist
B. Zoologist
C. Geologist
D. Chemist
22.I like to listen to _______.
23.The _____ (植物故事) connects culture and nature.
24.Many plants need ________ (阳光) to grow.
25.Which color is a stop sign?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Red
D. BlueC
26.The ancient Romans built roads to improve ________.
27.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
A. Earth
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
28.古代的________ (currencies) 促进了商业活动的进行。
29. A __________ is a large region with a distinct ecosystem.
30. A _______ is a reaction that produces heat and light.
31.What animal is known as "man's best friend"?
A. Cat
B. Bird
C. Dog
D. FishC
32.The _______ (狼) howls at night.
33.What do we call the place where we see animals?
A. Zoo
B. Aquarium
C. Farm
D. Park
34.The _____ (花束) is a gift for special occasions.
35.My friend is a big __________ of theater. (爱好者)
36.My ________ (玩具) is my best friend at home.
37.What do you call an animal that only eats plants?
A. Carnivore
B. Herbivore
C. Omnivore
D. InsectivoreB
38.The ant is very _______.
39.What is the smallest continent?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. Australia
D. Europe
40.The bird is _____ (chirping/singing) in the tree.
41.The axolotl can regenerate its ______ (肢体).
42.I find it ________ (有趣) to learn about space.
43.What is the name of the ancient civilization that built pyramids in Egypt?
A. Mayans
B. Aztecs
C. Egyptians
D. GreeksC Egyptians
44. A ____ has a fluffy coat and loves to roll in the grass.
45.What do you call the main character in a story?
A. Hero
B. Villain
C. Protagonist
D. AntagonistC
46.My favorite toy is a ________ (拼插玩具) that can be transformed into different shapes.
47.What is the name of the famous bear who lives in the Hundred Acre Wood?
A. Paddington Bear
B. Winnie the Pooh
C. Yogi Bear
D. BalooB
48.What do we call the study of the weather?
A. Meteorology
B. Climatology
C. Astronomy
D. GeologyA Meteorology
49.We visit the ______ (文化博物馆) for inspiration.
50.My mom enjoys __________ (制作) crafts with me.
51.I like to help my dad ________ (修理) the car.
52. A light year measures _______ not time.
53.Acids can donate a ______ ion.
54. A _____ (海豚) can swim very fast in the ocean.
55.What do we call the study of the earth's landforms?
A. Geography
B. Geology
C. Cartography
D. TopographyB Geology
56.I like to explore the ______ (森林).
57.What do we call the largest type of bear?
A. Grizzly Bear
B. Polar Bear
C. Black Bear
D. Kodiak BearB
58. A ____ is often seen lounging in the sun.
59.My sister enjoys __________ (写作) her own stories.
60.The __________ is a large geological formation. (岩石带)
61.My sister enjoys _______ (画画).
62.My favorite song is ______.
63.The ____ is known for its vibrant colors and unique patterns.
64.The color of cabbage juice changes with pH; it can be red or ______.
65.What do you call a person who draws pictures?
A. Sculptor
B. Artist
C. Author
D. Dancer
66.The __________ is beautiful with all the colors of fall. (树木)
67.中国的________ (art) 在历史上有着丰富的表现形式。
68.What is the color of grass?
A. Yellow
B. Brown
C. Green
D. BlueC
69.The chemical symbol for rubidium is ______.
70.I have a ___ (big) imagination.
71.The teacher is _____ the students to listen. (asking)
72.The capital of Suriname is ________ (巴拉马里博).
73.The hawk's keen eyesight helps it spot prey from high ________________ (位置).
74. A _____ (植物体验活动) can foster love for nature.
75.What color is a ripe strawberry?
A. Green
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Blue
76.The __________ (亚洲) is the largest continent in the world.
77.We participate in ________ (competitions) often.
78.The longest river in Africa is the ________ (非洲最长的河流是________).
79.What do you call a baby cat?
A. Puppy
B. Kitten
C. Cub
D. FoalB
80.What is the capital of Portugal?
A. Lisbon
B. Porto
C. Coimbra
D. Braga
81.What do we call a large, slow-moving animal with a shell?
A. Turtle
B. Tortoise
C. Snail
D. SlugB
82.I enjoy spending time with my ____.
83.What do we call the area of land that is covered by trees?
A. Forest
B. Jungle
C. Woods
D. GroveA Forest
84.The ____ is a wise animal often found in forests.
85.What is the color of a typical kiwi fruit?
A. Brown
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Red
86.I like to go swimming in the ________.
87.The capital of Bangladesh is __________.
88.I can ______ (whistle) a tune.
89.The capital of Solomon Islands is _______.
90. A crab has a hard ______ (外壳) for protection.
91.The chemical formula for ammonium fluoride is __________.
92.The ________ was a significant moment in the fight for equality.
93.When I am sad, I ask my sister to call me . (当我伤心时,我请我的姐姐叫我。
94.Some chemicals can be ______ to humans.
95.I call my grandfather _____ (爷爷).
96.The invention of the printing press allowed for the spread of _____.
97.She is wearing a ___ (red/green) dress.
98.What do we call the part of a plant that attracts pollinators?
A. Petal
B. Leaf
C. Stem
D. RootA
99.The dog is ______ (barking).
100.How many eyes do most people have?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. FourB。