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关键字:赋范线性空间 , 强收敛 , 弱收敛 , 一致收敛 , Schauder基ABSTRACT:In this paper, we study the relationships of various convergence in normed linear space in Functional Analysis. We will discuss the relationships between strong and weak convergence of sequences, as well as the relationships of uniform convergence, strong convergence and weak convergence of operator sequences. More precisely, we will give the definitions of convergences, discuss the relationships of the various convergences, and prove some results that explain the relationships of the convergence. Moreover, under the assumptions of Schauder basis,we will give the equivalence relation between strong and weak convergence . When we study the convergence of the operator sequences , we try to give strong restrictions on normed linear space, so that we gain the equivalence of the uniform and the strong convergence as well as the equivalence of the strong and weak convergence.
KEY WORDS:Normed linear space; Strong Convergence; Weak Convergence; Uniform Convergence;Schauder basis
引言 (3)
1符号说明和预备知识 (3)
1.1 符号说明 (3)
1.2 相关定义 (3)
1.3 重要引理 (4)
2主要结果 (5)
2.1 点列的强收敛与弱收敛 (5)
2.1.1强收敛一定弱收敛,弱收敛不一定强收敛 (5)
2.1.2 强收敛与弱收敛等价的一个充分条件 (5)
2.2 算子列的强收敛、弱收敛与一致收敛 (6)
2.2.1 一致收敛一定强收敛,强收敛不一定一致收敛 (6)
2.2.2 强收敛一定弱收敛,弱收敛不一定强收敛 (7)
2.2.3 较强限制条件下的一致收敛、强收敛、弱收敛的关系 (8)
3小结 (9)
4谢辞 (9)
5参考文献 (10)
外文翻译原文 (11)
外文翻译译文 (14)
在赋范线性空间中存在着多种收敛性,例如:强收敛、弱收敛等等,它们既有联系又有区别,因此讨论这些收敛性之间的关系十分有意义.文献[12]通过对距离、范数、内积的讨论从而得到收敛、强收敛、弱收敛之间的关系.本文将进一步讨论赋范线性空间的收敛性的讨论,主要研究点列以及算子列的收敛性之间的关系. 对于点列的强收敛与弱收敛的关系,本文将借助Schauder 基进行研究,给出弱收敛推出强收敛的一个充分条件.对于算子列的收敛性,我们容易验证: 一致收敛强于强收敛,而强收敛又强于弱收敛.但又有反例说明,上述结论反之一般不成立.本文将讨论这样一个问题: 即当{}m T 弱收敛于T ,是否存在子列{}
{}k m m T T ⊂,使得{}
k m T 强收敛于T ?或者当{}m T 强收敛于T ,是否存在子列{}
{}k m m T T ⊂,使得{}
k m T 一致收敛于T ?本文的结果表明, 若对线性赋范空间以较强的限制, 以上结论是可以成立的.
1.1 符号说明
首先对本文中采用的符号做以下说明: (1)下面的讨论中, 都设dim X n ≥;
(2)X 、Y 等表示(赋范)线性空间,x,y 表示其中的点; (3)()m j α表示元素m x 用Schauder 基表示时,第j 项的系数.
1.2 相关定义
定义[2]1 设X 是实(或复)的线性空间,如果对每个向量x X ∈,有一个确定的实数,记为x 与之对应,并且满足: (1)0x ≥,且0x =等价于0x =;
(2)x x αα=,其中α为任意实(复)数; (3),,x y x y x y X +≤+∀∈,
则称x 为向量x 的范数,称X 按范数x 成为赋范线性空间. 完备的赋范线性空间称为Banach 空间.
定义[2]2 设X 是赋范线性空间,令'X 表示X 上连续线性泛函全体所成的空间,称为X 的共轭空间.
定义[2]3 设X 是赋范线性空间,{}m x X ⊂,如果存在x X ∈,使得
(1)0()m x x m -→→∞,则称点列{}m x 强收敛于x , 记为s
m x x −−→;
(2)如果对于任意的'f X ∈,都有()()()m f x f x m →→∞,则称点列{}m x 弱收敛于x ,
记为w m x x −−→.
定义[1]4 设X 是Banach 空间,有序集{}i i e X ∈∧⊂.若对X 中每一个元素x ,都存在序列{}{}1i i i i e e ∞=∈∧⊂和唯一数列{}1i i α∞
i i i x x α∞
==∑,则称X 是具有 Schauder 基
的.{}i i e X ∈∧⊂叫做X 的一组Schauder 基.
定义[2]5 设X 和Y 是两个赋范线性空间,()B X Y →表示X 到Y 中的有界线性算子全体所成的空间,(),1,2,,m T B X Y m ∈→=⋅⋅⋅ 若存在(),T B X Y ∈→ 使得 (1)0()m T T m →→→∞,则称算子列{}m T 一致收敛于T ;
(2)对任意的x X ∈,0()m T x Tx m →→→∞,则称{}m T 强收敛于T ;
(3)对任意的x X ∈和任意的'f Y ∈,()()()m f T x f Tx m →→∞,则称{}m T 弱收敛于T .
定义[16]6 紧集是拓扑空间内的一类特殊点集,它们的任何开覆盖都有有限子覆盖. 定义[2]7 设X 是拓扑空间,D X ⊂.如果D 的闭包等于整个拓扑空间X ,即D X =,则称D 是X 的一个稠密子集.如果X 中有一个可数稠密子集,则称X 是一个可分空间.
1.3 重要引理
引理1 设X 是赋范线性空间,{}m x X ⊂,x X ∈,如果w
m x x −−→,那么有
(),1,2,m j j j αα→=⋅⋅⋅.
引理2 若X 为有限维赋范线性空间, {}','m f X f X ⊂∈,若m f f −−→弱,则必存在
{}k m m f f ⊂,使得k m f f →.
2.1 点列的强收敛与弱收敛
2.1.1 强收敛一定弱收敛,弱收敛不一定强收敛
首先,我们讨论在赋范线性空间中点列的强收敛与弱收敛之间的关系. 显然,强收敛一定蕴含弱收敛,所以,我们给出定理1.
定理1 设X 是赋范线性空间,{}m x X ⊂,x X ∈,若s m x x −−→,则w
m x x −−→. 证明:因为s m x x −−→,所以0,()m x x m -→→∞,又由f 线性,故
()()m f x f x -=()m f x x -0()m f x x m ≤→→∞,
故w m x x −−→.
上述结论反之则不一定成立. 举一反例如下:
反例1.设2,X l =(0,0,,0,1,0,),1,2,m e m =⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅,则1m e =,故可知{}m e 不强收敛于0,
()',(,,),||i i y l l y ηηη∞
=∈==⋅⋅⋅<∞∑,我们有,0m m e y η〈〉=→,m →∞, 故
{}m e 弱收敛于0.
2.1.2 强收敛与弱收敛等价的一个充分条件
由上述讨论,我们知道,强收敛蕴含弱收敛,但在一般情况下, 弱收敛却导不出强收敛.在什么条件下, 强收敛与弱收敛能够等价呢? 这是一个仍待研究的问题.下面的定理将给出弱收敛与强收敛等价的一个充分条件.
首先,我们假设X 是Banach 空间, 且具有Schauder 基{}i e .序列 {}m x X ⊂,x X ∈,分别可以表示成()
1,1,2,m m i i
i x e k α
i i i x e α∞
定理2设X 是赋范线性空间,{}m x X ⊂,x X ∈,若w
m x x −−→,并存在00N >,
使得当0N N ≥时,
i i i N f x
f x e ∞
m x x −−→.
m -1个
证明:由于对1,2,m =⋅⋅⋅,有()1
()m m i i i i x x e αα∞
=-=-∑,故根据Schauder 基的定义,
知0ε∀>,存在0m 和10N N ≥,满足
()()2i m i i i N f x f x e ε
=+⎡⎤-<⎣⎦∑. 又因为w
m x x −−→,由引理1知,(),1,2,,m j j j αα→=⋅⋅⋅ 从而必存在20N m ≥,使得
当2m N ≥时,有1
()11||,1,2,,.2m j j N i
i j N e ε
所以,当2m N ≥时,有0m m ≥,并由上述结论得
11()()()N m m m m i i i i i i i i i i i i N x x e e e α
||[()()N m i i i i
i i i i N e f x
f x e α
2N i i m i i N i i N i
i e f x f x e e ε
m x x −−→.
2.2 算子列的强收敛、弱收敛与一致收敛
与点列收敛性类似,一致收敛也蕴含着强收敛,强收敛也蕴含着弱收敛. 我们同样给出下面的命题.
2.2.1 一致收敛一定强收敛,强收敛不一定一致收敛
定理3设X 和Y 是两个赋范线性空间,()X Y B →表示X 到Y 中的有界线性算子全体所成的空间,(),1,2,,m T B X Y m ∈→=⋅⋅⋅(),T B X Y ∈→ 如果算子列{}m T 一致收敛于
T ,那么{}m T 强收敛于T .
证明:因为算子列{}m T 一致收敛于T ,所以0()m T T m →→→∞,又由m T 、T 的线性性质得,()0()m m m T x Tx T T x T T x m -=-≤-→→∞,即{}m T 强收敛于T .
上述结论反之不一定成立. 举一反例如下:
反例2.设2X Y l ==,m T 为()B X Y →中如下定义的算子:
1212(,,)(0,0,,0,,,)m m m T ξξξξ++=⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅,212(,,),1,2,x l m ξξ=⋅⋅⋅∈=⋅⋅⋅
显然,每个m T 都是线性算子,并且1m T ≤,这时 2
00()m k k m T x m ξ∞
,即{}m T 强收敛于0,但{}m T 不一致收敛于0.
事实上,对任意的正整数m ,令1(0,0,,0,1,0,),1,2,m e m +=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅,则11m e +=,但
11m m m T e e ++=,故1m T ≥,因此1m T =不收敛于0,即{}m T 不一致收敛于0.
2.2.2 强收敛一定弱收敛,弱收敛不一定强收敛
定理4 设X 和Y 是两个赋范线性空间,()X Y B →表示X 到Y 中的有界线性算子全体所成的空间,(),1,2,,m T B X Y m ∈→=⋅⋅⋅(),T B X Y ∈→ 如果算子列{}m T 强收敛于T ,那么{}m T 弱收敛于T .
证明:因为算子列{}m T 强收敛于T ,则有x X ∀∈,0()m T x Tx m →→→∞,所以
x X ∀∈,'f Y ∀∈,由f 的线性得,
()()()0()m m m f T x f Tx f T x Tx f T x Tx m -=-≤-→→∞,即{}m T 弱收敛于T . 推论1:设X 和Y 是两个赋范线性空间,()X Y B →表示X 到Y 中的有界线性算子
(),1,2,,m T B X Y m ∈→=⋅⋅⋅(),T B X Y ∈→ 如果算子列{}m T 一致收敛于T ,那么{}m T 弱收敛于T .
上述结论反之则不一定成立. 举一反例如下:
反例3.设2X Y l ==,m T 为()B X Y →中如下定义的算子:
1212(,,)(0,0,,0,,,)m T ξξξξ=⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅,212(,,),1,2,x l m ξξ=⋅⋅⋅∈=⋅⋅⋅
这是平移算子,显然m T 都是线性算子,并且m T x x =,所以1m T =. 对任意()()2
121,,',,k m m k k y l l T x y ηηξη∞
m 个
m 个
))0()m k k m k k k k m T x y x m ξηη∞
即{}m T 弱收敛于0.
但{}m T 不强收敛,只要取1(1,0,)x e ==⋅⋅⋅,则当n m ≠时,就有
1111n m n m T e T e e e ++-=-=,
故{}1m T e 不收敛.
2.2.3 较强限制条件下的一致收敛、强收敛、弱收敛的关系
下面进一步讨论,对线性赋范空间加以哪些较强的限制,可以让弱收敛能推到强收敛,强收敛能推到一致收. 对此,我们研究当{}m T 弱收敛于T ,是否存在子列
m m
T T ⊂,使得{}k
m T 强收敛于T ?或者当{}m
T 强收敛于T ,是否存在子列
m m
T T ⊂,使得{}k
m T 一致收敛于T ?
定理5 设X Y 、为赋范线性空间,{}()m T B X Y ⊂→、()T B X Y ∈→ .若X 的单位球面{1,}E x x x X ==∈为紧集(即X 为有限维),则当{}m T 强收敛于T 时,必有子列
m m
T T ⊂,使得{}k
m T 一致收敛于T .
sup ()m m x T T T T x =-=-,
令()()()m m f x T T x x E =-∈,则()m f x 为紧集E 上的连续函数,故必有m x E ∈,使得x E ∀∈,都有()()m m m f x f x ⊂,即
()()()m m m T T x T T x x E -≤-∈.
从而有()m m m T T x T T -=-. 因为
{}m x E
⊂,且E 为紧集,故必有
m m
x x ⊂及0x E ∈,使得
00,()k m x x k -→→∞.不妨设01
k m x x k -<=⋅⋅⋅,则:
00()k k k k k k m m m m m m T T T T x T T x x T T x -=-≤--+-01
k k m m T T T T x ≤-+-.
即02()k k m m T T T T x -≤-.
又因为{}m T 强收敛于T ,所以0()0k m T T x -→,故0k m T T -→,即{}
k m T 一致收敛于T .
定理6设X Y 、为赋范线性空间,{}()m T B X Y ⊂→,()T B X Y ∈→.若满足条件: (1)存在0M >,,(1,2,)m T M m <=⋅⋅⋅; (2)X 为可分空间;
(3)'Y 的单位球面'{1,'}E f f f Y ==∈为紧集.
则当{}m T 弱收敛于T ,存在子列{}
{}k m m T T ⊂,{}
k m T 强收敛于T .
证明:因为{}m T 弱收敛于T ,所以,'x X f Y ∀∈∈,()()0m f T x f Tx -→. 对于任意固定的,,m x T x Tx Y ∈,有()'''',()''''n T x Y Tx Y ∈∈, 且0()''()()(0,1,2,,)m m T x f f T x m T T ==⋅⋅⋅=.
由假设,x X ∀∈,*
()''()''m T x Tx −−→弱
,设{}m x 为X 的稠密子集.
11()''()''m T x Tx −−→弱,由引理5知存在子列11{}{}m T T ⊂,使得111()''()''m T x Tx →.
122()''()''T x Tx −−→弱,所以存在子列21{}{}m m T T ⊂,使得222()''()''m T x Tx →.
12{}{}{}m m km T T T ⊃⊃⋅⋅⋅⊃⊃⋅⋅⋅,
满足()''()''(1,2,)km i i T x Tx i →=⋅⋅⋅.
取对角序列()''()''mm i i T x Tx →,对任意的x X ∈,由设0{}i i x x ∈,使得
0min ,2()2i x x M T εε⎛⎫-< ⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭
又对0i x ,0N ∃>,当m N >时,00()''()''2
mm i i T x Tx ε
所以,当m N >时,00()''()''mm mm i mm T x Tx T T x x T T x ε-≤--+-<.
所以,x X ∀∈,mm T x Tx →,即{}mm T 强收敛于T .
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Power Series Expansion and Its Applications
In the previous section, we discuss the convergence of power series, in its convergence region, the power series always converges to a function. For the simple power series, but also with itemized derivative, or quadrature methods, find this and function. This section will discuss another issue, for an arbitrary function f (x ), can be expanded in a power series, and launched into.Whether the power series f (x ) as and function? The following discussion will address this issue.
1 Maclaurin (Maclaurin) formula
Polynomial power series can be seen as an extension of reality, so consider the function f (x ) can expand into power series, you can from the function f (x )and polynomials start to solve this problem. To this end, to give here without proof the following formula.
Taylor (Taylor) formula, if the function f (x ) at 0x x = in a neighborhood that until the derivative of order 1n +, then in the neighborhood of the following formula :
20000()()()()()()n n f x f x x x x x x x r x =+-+-++-+… (9-5-1)
10()()n n r x x x +=-
That r n (x ) for the Lagrangian remainder. That (9-5-1)-type formula for the Taylor.
If so 00x =, get
2()(0)()n n f x f x x x r x =+++++…, (9-5-2) At this point,
n n n n n f f x r x x x n n ξθ+++++==++ (01θ<<). That (9-5-2) type formula for the Maclaurin.
Formula shows that any function ()f x as long as until the 1n +derivative, n can be equal to a polynomial and a remainder.
We call the following power series ()2(0)(0)()(0)(0)2!!
n n f f f x f f x x x n '''=+++++…… (9-5-3) For the Maclaurin series.
So, is it to f (x ) for the Sum functions? If the order Maclaurin series (9-5-3) the first 1n + items and for S n +1(x ), which
n n n f f S x f f x x x n +'''=++++… Then, the series (9-5-3) converges to the function f (x ) the conditions
1lim ()()n n s x f x +→∞
=. Noting Maclaurin formula (9-5-2) and the Maclaurin series (9-5-3) the relationship between the known
1()()()n n f x S x r x +=+
Thus, when
()0n r x =
1()()n f x S x +=
Vice versa. That if
1lim ()()n n s x f x +→∞
=, Units must
()0n r x =.
This indicates that the Maclaurin series (9-5-3) to f (x ) and function as the Maclaurin formula (9-5-2) of the remainder term ()0n r x → (when n →∞).
In this way, we get a function f (x ) the power series expansion:
n n n n n f f f x x f f x x n n ∞='==++++∑……. (9-5-4) It is the function f (x ) the power series expression, if, the function of the power series expansion is unique. In fact, assuming the function f (x ) can be expressed as power series
20120()n n n n n f x a x a a x a x a x ∞
===+++++∑……, (9-5-5)
Well, according to the convergence of power series can be itemized within the nature of derivation, and then make 0x = (power series apparently converges in the 0x = point), it is easy to get
n n n f f a f a f x a x a x n '''====……. Substituting them into (9-5-5) type, income and f (x ) the Maclaurin expansion of (9-5-4) identical.
In summary, if the function f (x ) contains zero in a range of arbitrary order derivative, and in this range of Maclaurin formula in the remainder to zero as the limit (when n → ∞,), then , the function f (x ) can start forming as (9-5-4) type of power series. Power Series
n n f x f x f x f x f x x x x x x x n '''=+-+-++-……, Known as the Taylor series.
Second, primary function of power series expansion
Maclaurin formula using the function f (x ) expanded in power series method, called the direct expansion method.
Example 1
Test the function f (x )=e x expanded in power series of x .
Solution because
()()n x f x e =,(1,2,3,)n =…
()(0)(0)(0)(0)1n f f f f '''====…, So we get the power series
n x x x n +++++……, (9-5-6) Obviously, (9-5-6)type convergence interval (,)-∞+∞, As (9-5-6)whether type ()x f x e = is Sum function, that is, whether it converges to f (x )=e x , but also examine remainder r n (x ). Because
1e ()(1)!
n n r x x n θ+=+ (01θ<<),且x x x θθ≤≤, Therefore
11e e ()(1)!(1)!
x n n n r x x x n n θ++=<++, Noting the value of any set x ,x e is a fixed constant, while the series (9-5-6) is absolutely convergent, so the general when the item when n →∞, 10(1)!
n x n +→+ , so when n → ∞, there
n x x e n +→+, From this
lim ()0n n r x →∞
This indicates that the series (9-5-6) does converge to f (x )=e x , therefore
x n e x x x n =+++++…… (x -∞<<+∞). Such use of Maclaurin formula are expanded in power series method, although the procedure is clear, but operators are often too Cumbersome, so it is generally more convenient to use the following power series expansion method.
Prior to this, we have been a function x
-11, x e and sin x power series expansion, the use of these known expansion by power series of operations, we can achieve many functions of power series expansion. This demand function of power series expansion method is called indirect expansion .
Example 2
Find the function f (x )=cos x ,x =0,Department in the power series expansion.
Solution because
(sin )cos x x '=, And
3521111sin (1)3!5!(21)!
n n x x x x x n +=-+-+-++……,(x -∞<<+∞) Therefore, the power series can be itemized according to the rules of derivation can be
342111cos 1(1)2!4!(2)!
n n x x x x n =-+-+-+……,(x -∞<<+∞) Third, the function power series expansion of the application example
The application of power series expansion is extensive, for example, can use it to set some numerical or other approximate calculation of integral value.
Example 3 Using the expansion to estimate arctan x the value of π. Solution because πarctan14
= Because of
arctan 357
x x x x x =-+-+…, (11x -≤≤), So there
Available right end of the first n items of the series and as an approximation of π. However, the convergence is very slow progression to get enough items to get more accurate estimates of πvalue.
在上一节中,我们讨论了幂级数的收敛性,在它的收敛域内,幂级数总是收敛于一个和函数.对于一些简单的幂级数,还可以用逐项求导或求积分的方法,求出这个和函数.本节将要讨论另外一个问题,对于任意一个函数f (x ),能否将其展开成一个幂级数,以及展开成的幂级数是否以f (x )为和函数?下面的讨论将解决这一问题.
1. 马克劳林(Maclaurin)公式
幂级数实际上可以视为多项式的延伸,所以在考虑函数f (x )能否展开成幂级数时,可以从函数f (x )与多项式的关系入手来解决这个问题.为此,这里不加证明地给出如下的公式.
泰勒(Taylor)公式 如果函数f (x )在x =x 0的某一邻域内,有直到n +1阶的导数,则在这个邻域内有如下公式:
n n n f x f x f x f x f x x x x x x x r x n '''=+-+-++-+…,(9-5-1) 其中
n n n f r x x x n ξ++=-+. 称r n (x )为拉格朗日型余项.称(9-5-1)式为泰勒公式.
如果令x 0=0,就得到
2()(0)()n n f x f x x x r x =+++++…, (9-5-2)
n n n n n f f x r x x x n n ξθ+++++==++, (01θ<<). 称(9-5-2)式为马克劳林公式.
公式说明,任一函数f (x )只要有直到n +1阶导数,就可等于某个n 次多项式与一个余项的和.
n n f f f x f f x x x n '''=+++++…… (9-5-3) 为马克劳林级数.那么,它是否以f (x )为和函数呢?若令马克劳林级数(9-5-3)的前n +1项和为S n +1(x ),即
n n n f f S x f f x x x n +'''=++++…, 那么,级数(9-5-3)收敛于函数f (x )的条件为
1lim ()()n n s x f x +→∞
1()()()n n f x S x r x +=+.
()0n r x =
1()()n f x S x +=.
1lim ()()n n s x f x +→∞
= 则必有
()0n r x =.
这表明,马克劳林级数(9-5-3)以f (x )为和函数⇔马克劳林公式(9-5-2)中的余项()0n r x → (当n →∞时).
这样,我们就得到了函数f (x )的幂级数展开式: ()()20(0)(0)(0)()(0)(0)!2!!
n n n n n f f f f x x f f x x x n n ∞='''==+++++∑……(9-5-4) 它就是函数()f x 的幂级数表达式,也就是说,函数的幂级数展开式是唯一的.事实上,假设函数()f x 可以表示为幂级数
20120()n n n n n f x a x a a x a x a x ∞
===+++++∑……, (9-5-5)
那么,根据幂级数在收敛域内可逐项求导的性质,再令0x =(幂级数显然在0x =点收敛),就容易得到
n n n f f a f a f x a x a x n '''====……. 将它们代入(9-5-5)式,所得与()f x 的马克劳林展开式(9-5-4)完全相同.
综上所述,如果函数f (x )在包含零的某区间内有任意阶导数,且在此区间内的马克劳林公式中的余项以零为极限(当n →∞时),那么,函数f (x )就可展开成形如(9-5-4)式的幂级数.
n n f x f x f x f x x x x x n '=+-++-……, 称为泰勒级数.
二、 初等函数的幂级数展开式
利用马克劳林公式将函数f (x )展开成幂级数的方法,称为直接展开法.
例1 试将函数f (x )=e x 展开成x 的幂级数.
解 因为
()()n x f x e =, (1,2,3,)n =…
()(0)(0)(0)(0)1n f f f f '''====…,
n x x x n +++++……, (9-5-6) 显然,(9-5-6)式的收敛区间为(,)-∞+∞,至于(9-5-6)式是否以f (x )=e x 为和函数,即它是否收敛于f (x )=e x ,还要考察余项r n (x ).
1e ()(1)!
n n r x x n θ+=+ (01θ<<), 且x x x θθ≤≤, 所以
11e e ()(1)!(1)!
x x n n n r x x x n n θ++=<++. 注意到对任一确定的x 值,e |x |是一个确定的常数,而级数(9-5-6)是绝对收敛的,因
此其一般项当n →∞时,10(1)!
n x n +→+,所以当n →∞时,有 1
0(1)!n x x e n +→+, 由此可知
lim ()0n n r x →∞
=. 这表明级数(9-5-6)确实收敛于f (x )=e x ,因此有
x n e x x x n =+++++…… (x -∞<<+∞). 这种运用马克劳林公式将函数展开成幂级数的方法,虽然程序明确,但是运算往往过于繁琐,因此人们普遍采用下面的比较简便的幂级数展开法.
-11,x e 及sin x 的幂级数展开式,运用这几个已知的展开式,通过幂级数的运算,可以求得许多函数的幂级数展开式.这种求函数的幂级数展开式的方法称为间接展开法.
例2 试求函数f (x )=cos x ,x =0在x =0处的幂级数展开式.
解 因为
(sin )cos x x '=,
3521111sin (1)3!5!(21)!
n n x x x x x n +=-+-+-++……,(x -∞<<+∞), 所以根据幂级数可逐项求导的法则,可得
342111cos 1(1)2!4!(2)!
n n x x x x n =-+-+-+……,(x -∞<<+∞). 三、 函数幂级数展开的应用举例
例3 利用arctan x 的展开式估计π的值.
解 由于πarctan14
=, 又因
arctan 357
x x x x x =-+-+…, (11x -≤≤), 所以有
可用右端级数的前n 项之和作为π的近似值.但由于级数收敛的速度非常慢,要取足够多的项才能得到π的较精确的估计值.。