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方法:选取2011年9月-2014年1月在我院就诊的5例(5眼)经保守治疗无效麻痹性睑外翻患者,均采用面部浅表肌肉腱膜(superficial muscle aponeurosis system,SMAS)悬吊联合外眦固定术SMAS筋膜悬吊术进行矫正。
%Objective The paralytic ectropion that is caused by orbicularis oculi muscle paralysis is derived from facial nerve damage. Then the exposure keratitis and corneal ulcer will be occurred in some serious cases. There are several traditional operation have been applied in clinical, but look for small gains rather than big changes. Particularly for some patients with tissue degeneration, the results are mixed. So the improved technique that is SMAS suspension and lateral canthus fixation is more effective for this refractory disease. Methods Data from 5 eyes with Paralytic ectropion from facial nerve damage between 2011 and 2014 were analyzed in this study.
These patients were treated with SMAS fascia suspension and lateral canthus fixation. Results All cases were followed up 3 months to 6 months. The excellent effects were gotten in all cases.This innovated operation not only brought patients a release from ectropion,but the lagophthalmus and exposure keratitis have been cured completely. Conclusion The innovated technique is a simple and safe method for the treatment of paralytic ectropion. It is not only the reoccurrence rate and complications that are reduced,but the degree of satisfaction is served to a large extent.
【作者单位】吉林大学第二临床医院眼眶病眼整形科吉林长春 130000;吉林大学第二临床医院眼眶病眼整形科吉林长春 130000;吉林大学第二临床医院眼眶病眼整形科吉林长春 130000
1.矢式缝合术联合外眦韧带折叠固定术治疗老年性睑内翻患者的效果 [J], 左兰;程建霞;黄鑫宇;杜园园
2.心脏涤纶补片联合外眦睑板条悬吊术治疗重度麻痹性睑外翻 [J], 王洪涛;杨倩倩;刘德成
3.下睑缩短联合内眦部睑缘缝合矫治麻痹性下睑外翻 [J], 谢敏;羊薇;唐晨;朱晓虹
4.探讨Medpor下睑插片联合外眦睑板条悬吊术治疗重度麻痹性下睑外翻 [J], 宋
5.眼轮匝肌切除联合外眦固定术治疗痉挛性下睑内翻的效果 [J], 谭龙潭; 王秉林因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。