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distribution algorithm is one o£ the main factors affecting the network boot performance and the main direction o£ optimizing network boot performance was proposed. Firstly, the main factors affecting large-scale network boot performance were analyzed. Secondly, combined with a typical supercomputer system, the network boot data flow topologies of Supemode Cyclic Distribution Algorithm ( SCDA) and Board Cyclic Distribution Algorithm ( BCDA) were analyzed. Finally, the pressure of above two algorithms on each network path branch and the available network performance were quantitatively analyzed. It can be seen that the bandwidth performance of BCDA is 1—20 times of that of SCDA. Theoretical analysis and model deduction show that the finer-grained mapping algorithm between compute nodes and boot servers can make as many boot servers as possible be used while boot some resources, reducing the premature competition for partial network resources and improving network boot performance.
(Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology, Wuxi Jiangsu 214083, China)
Abstract: Since the network booting time overhead is high in supercomputer system, the idea that the network boot
Journal of Computer Applications 计算机应用,2019, 39(6): 1577 - 1582
2019-06-10 http://www. joca. cn
文章编号:1001 -9081(2019) 06-1577-06
Key words: supercomputer; board; supemode; network boot overhead; full path minimum bandwidth; network boot distribution algorithm
当前,超级计算机的应用日趋广泛,在国民经济中发挥着 越来越重要的作用⑴。超级计算机系统在使用前需要将操 作系统、系统服务、配置参数等软件环境加载到CPU上启动 运行后才能使用,主要部署方法有硬盘加载、光驱加载、USB 加载、网络加载等。超级计算机的主机基本都是无盘环境,配 置了具有较高性能的内部网络,因此网络引导正成为大规模 系统必不可少的一种管理技术⑵。在网络引导方法中,Red Hat开发的KickStart技术⑶可以实现全自动化的无人值守安 装部署,预启动执行环境(Preboot eXecution Environment, PXE)技术⑷可以实现网络启动,再加上普通文件传输协议 (Trivial File Transfer Protocol, TFTP )⑸、动态配置协议 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP)⑹、网络文件系 统(Network File Syste叫NFS)⑺等软件技术,就可以实现快
关键词:超级计算机;插件板;超节点;网络引导开销;全路径最小带宽;网络引导分布算法 中图分类号:TP338.6 文献标志码:A
Research and analysis of supercomputer network boot technolБайду номын сангаасgy
GONG Daoyong *, SONG Changming, LIU Sha, QI Fengbin
DOI:10.11772/j. issn. 1001-9081.2018122605
龚道永1宋长明,刘 沙,漆锋滨
(江南计算技术研究所,江苏无锡214083) (*通信作者电子邮箱gongdaoyong@ 126. com)
摘要:针对超级计算机系统中网络引导时间开销大的问题,提出网络引导分布算法是影响网络引导性能的主 要因素之一,是优化网络引导性能的主要方向的观点。首先,分析了影响大规模网络引导性能的主要因素;其次,结合 一种典型超级计算机系统,分析了超节点循环分布算法(SCDA)和插件循环分布算法(BCDA)的网络引导数据流拓扑 结构;最后,量化分析了这两种算法对各个网络路径段的压力和可获得的网络性能,发现BCDA性能是SCDA性能的 1 ~20倍。通过理论分析和模型推导发现,在计算节点和引导服务器之间使用更细粒度的映射算法可以在引导部分资 源时使用尽量多的引导服务器,减少对局部网络资源的过早竞争,提升网络引导性能。