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第 40 卷 第 4 期 2018 年 4 月
红外技术 Infrared Technology
Vol.40 No.4 Apr. 2018
童锡良,周 峰
(北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094)
Improved Clutter Quantification Method for Point Target Detection
TONG Xiliang,ZHOU Feng
(Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China)
收稿日期:2017-06-01;修订日期:2018-04-04. 作者简介:童锡良(1989-),男,博士生,研究方向是红外点目标探测,遥感载荷总体设计。E-mail:xltong1230@。
Abstract:In the point target detection model, the shape and texture information of the target is almost lost, and the number of characteristics available for the detection is small, so clutter caused by background may lead to serious interference in post-processing. The traditional block variance statistic method takes low-frequency fluctuation into account, which makes the clutter larger than its real value, and the clutter quantification result varies greatly with unit scale. In this paper, an improved clutter quantification method based on matched filtering is proposed. First, the background image is filtered with a matched mask obtained by a target speckle, and the result is the cross correlation matrix of the background to the target. Then, regions with high correlation are selected to calculate the variance as a local clutter. At last, the root mean square of the variances are taken as a global background clutter. The improved method filters the background to select a reasonable clutter region. It can effectively reduce low-frequency fluctuation of the background, and the result is stable to block the scale. Clutter quantification and the point target detection simulation are conducted. The results show that the method proposed in this paper is robust to unit scale. Compared to the traditional method, it has higher correlation between the clutter and the probability of detection. Key words:clutter assessment,point target detection,speckle distribution,matching filter,probability of detection
0 引言
杂波是指目标探测场景中,与目标信号相似,会 对目标检测产生干扰的背景信号。随着遥感系统光 学、探测器及制冷技术的发展,光学像差和探测器噪 声对目标探测的影响越来越小,杂波逐渐成为限制光
电成像探测系统性能的关键因素[1-2]。在远距离弱点目 标探测模型中,目标能量集中在少数几个像元,特征 较少,背景杂波会干扰目标检测,降低探测率。结合 探测模型中目标和背景的特点,分析背景杂波特性, 对其进行科学描述和量化,对优化系统设计、改进检 测算法、提高探测性能有重要意义。
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