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1.The capital city of Vietnam is ________ (河内).
2.How do you spell the number 3?
A. Thre
B. Three
C. Thrre
D. Tre答案: B
3.I like to play ________ (扑克牌).
4. A base turns red litmus paper ________.
5.The chemical formula for table salt is _______. (NaCl)
6.The __________ (历史的记忆) shapes identity.
7.The moon affects the ______ of the oceans.
8.The gas that makes bread rise is ______.
9.Plants take in carbon dioxide through their _______.
10.My sister is a __________ (舞者).
11.The _______ (小老虎) prowls silently in the jungle.
12.The discovery of ________ led to significant scientific advancements.
13.I enjoy _______ (参加) science clubs.
14. A chemical reaction that absorbs energy is called a ______ reaction.
15.The Earth has a natural satellite called the _______.
16.I want to ________ (make) a difference.
17.Granite contains minerals like quartz, feldspar, and ______.
18.I love ______ chocolate. (eating)
19. A combustion reaction requires ______.
20. A __________ is a low area between hills or mountains.
21. A galileo thermometer measures temperature with ______ (bubbles).
22.The boiling point of water is ______ degrees Celsius.
23.The concert was _______ (令人兴奋的).
24.What is the capital of England?
A. Paris
B. London
C. New York
D. Tokyo答案:B London

26. A ____(drought) is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall.
27.The sun is ______ (bright) in the sky.
28.The ________ was a significant document in American history.
29.The ________ (蔬菜) garden is fresh and green.
30.I enjoy playing ______ (棋) with my family. It helps me think strategically and improves my ______ (思维能力).
31.She is known for her ________.
32.I have a _____ (有趣的事情) to share.
33.What do you call a person who studies the human mind?
A. Psychologist
B. Biologist
C. Sociologist
D. Anthropologist答案:A
34.I like to ___ (help) my parents cook.
35.What do you call the place where you go to learn?
A. Store
B. Library
C. School
D. Playground答案:C
36.The rabbit’s favorite food is ______ (胡萝卜).
37. A ____ is a small creature that loves to explore its surroundings.
38.What do you call the person who helps you in a gym?
A. Trainer
B. Chef
C. Doctor
D. Teacher答案: A
39. A cat loves to chase a _______ that dashes around playfully.
40.Plants can produce _______ for us to eat.
41. A hermit crab finds a ______ (壳) to live in.
42. A _______ can help to test the effects of different forces on an object.
43.Every weekend, I like to __________ with my family. It’s a great way to spend time together and have fun. We usually go to __________ and enjoy __________.
44.The __________ can reveal information about the Earth's history.
45.The _____ (wind) is blowing.
46.Electric forces can attract or repel charged ______.
47. A ______ is a bird that swims well.
48.She has a ________ for her birthday.

50.小羊) jumps and plays in the meadow. The ___
51. A __________ can provide insights into ancient geological events.
52.She is ___ a dress. (choosing)
53.behavioral change) supports environmental goals. The ____
54.Which of these animals is known for its ability to swim?
A. Elephant
B. Dolphin
C. Bird
D. Cat答案:B Dolphin
55.The capital of Singapore is _______.
56.What do you call the event where you celebrate a milestone in life?
A. Celebration
B. Party
C. Gathering
D. Occasion答案: A
57.The capital of Iran is _______.
58. A __________ is a natural resource that needs conservation.
59.Which shape is round?
A. Square
B. Triangle
C. Circle
D. Rectangle答案: C. Circle
60.What is the name of the famous novel written by George Orwell?
A. Brave New World
B. Moby Dick
C. 1984
D. Animal Farm答案: C
61.What is the term for a baby hawk?
A. Eyas
B. Chick
C. Calf
D. Kit答案:a
62.The __________ (历史的积淀) shapes our identity.
63.The chemical formula for barium chloride is ______.
64. A chemical reaction that occurs spontaneously is called a ______ reaction.
65.Certain plants are prized for their ______ and use in landscape design. (某些植物因其美丽和在景观设计中的应用而受到赞赏。

66.My uncle is a wonderful __________ (谈话者).
67.My sister is good at playing ____ (board games).
68.Which day comes after Monday?
A. Sunday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday答案:B.Tuesday
69.The _____ (rain/snow) is falling.
70.What do you call the place where you go to see animals in the wild?
A. Zoo
B. Safari
C. Farm
D. Aquarium答案:B
71.What is the capital of North Macedonia?
A. Skopje
B. Pristina
C. Tirana
D. Sofia答案: A
72.The boy is _____ a picture. (drawing)
73.The teacher is _____ (耐心) with all the students.
74.We will go ______ during the summer. (camping)
75._____ (农业技术) advances support better crop growth.
76.The process of dehydration removes ______ from a substance.
77. A baby dog is called a ______.
78.The cat is __________ the tree.
79.What do we call a large body of fresh water?
A. Ocean
B. Sea
C. Lake
D. River答案: C
80.The process of making lemonade is an example of creating a _____.
81.My grandma loves to make ____ (sauces).
82.I want to learn how to ______ (dance) hip-hop.
83.What do you call the large, flat area of grassland in North America?
A. Prairie
B. Desert
C. Jungle
D. Forest答案: A
84.What is the term for a young horse?
A. Foal
B. Colt
C. Filly
D. All of the above答案: D
85.My _____ (小猫) purrs when happy.
86.The __________ (温度的变化) can be harmful to sensitive plants.
87.What do we call a person who plays music?
A. Artist
B. Musician
C. Writer
D. Painter答案: B
88.My aunt loves to volunteer at the ____ (animal shelter).
89.The flowers are ________ in the garden.
90.I love to watch ________ (恐怖片) with friends.
91.What is the name of the famous park in New York City?
A. Central Park
B. Hyde Park
C. Golden Gate Park
D. Stanley Park答案:A
92.My toy collection includes ________ (名词), dolls, and action figures. Each one has
a special ________ (名词).
93.We can _______ (一起) watch a movie.
94.The _____ (绿意盎然) scenery is refreshing.
95.What is the largest land animal?
A. Lion
B. Tiger
C. Elephant
D. Giraffe答案: C
96. A black hole cannot be observed directly because its gravity prevents light from
97.The _______ (马) has a long mane.
98.My sister has a __________ (乐观的) view on life.
99.I like to watch the ________ grow in my garden.
100.What do you use to cut paper?
A. Pencil
B. Glue
C. Scissors
D. Tape答案:C。
