地址:362000 福建省泉州市南安市仑苍高新技术园区
GB系列GB系列GB/T14957-1994熔化焊⽤钢丝GB/T14958-1994⽓体保护焊⽤钢丝GB/T14976-94流体输送⽤不锈钢焊接钢管GB/T14977-1994热轧钢板表⾯质量的⼀般要求GB/T14999.4-94⾼温合⾦显微组织试验法GB/T14999.5-94⾼温合⾦低倍、⾼倍组织标准评级图谱GB/T15009-1994耐蚀合⾦热轧板GB/T15010-1994耐蚀合⾦冷轧薄板GB/T15011-1994耐蚀合⾦冷轧(拔)⽆缝管GB/T15012-1994耐蚀合⾦冷轧带GB15052-1994起重机械危险部位与标志GB/T15073-1994铸造钛及钛合⾦牌号和化学成分GB/T15098-1994危险货物运输包装类别划分原则GB/T15099-1994使⽤冲击试验机测定产品脆值的试验⽅法GB/T15111-1994点焊接头剪切拉伸疲劳试验⽅法GB/T15169-1994钢熔化焊⼿焊⼯资格考核⽅法GB/T15185-1994铁制和铜制球阀GB/T15188.1-94阀门的结构长度GB/T15188.2-94阀门的结构长度GB/T15188.3-94阀门的结构长度GB/T15188.4-94阀门的结构长度GB15208-1994微剂量X射线安全检查设备GB/T15236-1994职业安全卫⽣术语GB/T15248-94⾦属材料轴向等幅低循环疲劳试验⽅法GB15258-1999化学品安全标签编写规定GB/T15260-94镍基合⾦晶间腐蚀试验⽅法GB/T15316-1994节能监测技术通则GB/T15317-1994⼯业锅炉节能监测⽅法GB/T15319-1994⽕焰加热炉节能监测⽅法GB/T15360-1994岸边集装箱起重机试验⽅法GB/T15361-1994岸边集装箱起重机技术条件GB/T15362-1994轮胎式集装箱门式起重机试验⽅法GB15380-2001⼩容积液化⽯油⽓钢瓶GB15382-94⽓瓶阀通⽤技术条件GB15383-94⽓瓶阀出⽓⼝连接型式和尺⼨GB15384-94⽓瓶型号命名⽅法GB15385-94⽓瓶⽔压爆破试验⽅法GB/T15386-1994空冷式换热器GB/T15388.1-1994双线循环式货运架空索道设计规范GB/T15388.2-1994单线循环式货运架空索道设计规范GB/T15714-1995焊接管⽤H65黄铜带GB/T15481-2000检测和校准试验室能⼒的通⽤要求GB/T15483.1-1999利⽤实验室间⽐对的能⼒验证第1部分:能⼒验证计划的建⽴和动作GB/T15483.2-1999利⽤实验室间⽐对的能⼒验证第2部分:实验室认可机构对能⼒验证计划的选择和使⽤GB/T15486-1995校准和检验实验室认可体系运作和承认的通⽤要求GB/T15497-1995企业标准体系技术标准体系的构成和要求GB/T15498-1995企业标准体系管理标准⼯作标准体系的构成和要求GB/T15530.1-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.2-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.3-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.4-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.5-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.6-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.7-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15530.8-95铜合⾦及复合法兰GB/T15558.1-1995燃⽓⽤埋地聚⼄烯管材GB/T15558.2-1995燃⽓⽤埋地聚⼄烯管件GB/T15560-1995流体输送⽤塑料管材液压瞬时爆破和耐压试验⽅法GB/T15574-1995钢产品分类GB/T15575-1995钢产品标记代号GB15577-1995粉尘防爆安全规程GB15578-1995电阻焊机的安全要求GB15579-1995弧焊设备安全要求第1部分:焊接电源GB15579.11-1998弧焊设备安全要求第11部分:电焊钳GB15579.12-98弧焊设备安全要求第12部分:焊接电缆耦合装置GB/T15586-95设备及管道保冷设计导则GB/T15601-95管法兰⽤⾦属包覆垫⽚GB/T15620-1995镍及镍合⾦焊丝GB/T15623-1995电液伺服阀试验⽅法GB/T15692.1-1995制药机械名词术语通⽤术语GB/T15692.2-1995制药机械名词术语原料药设备及机械GB/T15692.9-1995制药机械名词术语其他制药机械及设备GB/T15700-1995聚四氟⼄烯波纹补偿器通⽤技术条件GB/T15706.1-1995机械安全基本概念与设计通则第1部分:基本术语、⽅法学GB/T15706.2-1995机械安全基本概念与设计通则第2部分:技术原则与规范GB/T15735-95⾦属热处理⽣产过程安全卫⽣要求GB/T15747-1995正⾯⾓焊缝接头拉伸试验⽅法GB/T15820-1995聚⼄烯压⼒管材与管件连接的耐拉拔试验GB/T15822-95磁粉探伤⽅法GB/T15823-1995氦泄漏检验GB/T15825.1-1995 ⾦属薄板成形性能与试验⽅法成形性能和指标GB/T15829.1-1995 软钎焊⽤钎剂分类、标记与包装GB/T15829.2-1995 软钎焊⽤钎剂树脂类钎剂GB/T15829.3-1995 软钎焊⽤钎剂有机物类钎剂GB/T15829.4-1995 软钎焊⽤钎剂⽆机物类钎剂GB/T15830-95 钢制管道对接环焊缝超声波探伤⽅法和检验结果的分级GB/T15910-1995 热⼒输送系统节能监测⽅法GB/T15970.1-1995 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应腐蚀试验第1部分:试验⽅法总则GB/T15970.2-2000 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应⼒腐蚀试验第2部分:弯梁试样的制备和应⽤GB/T15970.3-1995 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应腐蚀试验第3部分:U型弯曲试验的制备和应⽤GB/T15970.4-2000 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应⼒腐蚀试验第4部分:单轴加载拉伸试样的制备和应⽤GB/T15970.5-1998 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应⼒腐蚀试验第5部分: C型环试样的制备和应⽤GB/T15970.6-1998 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应⼒腐蚀试验第6部分: 预裂纹试样的制备和应⽤GB/T15970.7-2000 ⾦属和合⾦的腐蚀应⼒腐蚀试验第7部分:慢应变速试验GB16163-1996 瓶装压缩⽓体分类GB16164-96 ⼩容积溶解⼄炔⽓瓶GB/T16178 ⼚内机动车辆安全检验技术要求GB16179-1996 安全标志使⽤导则GB/T16181-1996 爆破⽚装置夹持器型式和外形尺⼨GB/T16269-1996 ⾯接触钢丝绳GB/T16270-1996 ⾼强度结构钢热处理和控轧钢板、钢带GB/T16271-1996 钢丝绳吊索--插编索扣GB/T16273.1-1996 设备⽤图形符号通⽤符号GB/T16273.3-1999 设备⽤图形符号电焊设备通⽤符号GB16363-1996 X射线防护材料屏蔽性能及检验⽅法GB16387-1996 放射⼯作⼈员的健康标准GB16409-1996 板式换热器GB/T16507-1996 固定式锅炉建造规程GB/T16508-96 锅壳锅炉受压元件强度计算GB/T16544-1996 球形储罐r射线全景曝光照相⽅法GB/T16665-1996 空⽓压缩机组及供⽓系统节能监测⽅法GB/T16672-1996 焊缝⼯作位置倾⾓和转⾓的定义GB/T16673-1996 ⽆损检测⽤⿊光源(UV-A)辐射的测量GB16692-96 便携灶⽤丁烷⽓瓶GB16749-97 压⼒容器波形膨胀节及标准释义GB/T16762-1997 ⼀般⽤途钢丝绳吊索特征和技术条件GB/T16767-97 游乐园(场)安全和服务质量GB16774-1997 ⾃增压式液氮容器GB/T16775-97 低温容器漏⽓速率测定⽅法GB16804-97 ⽓瓶警⽰标签GB/T16805-1997 液体⽯油管道压⼒试验GB/T16811-1997 低压锅炉⽔处理设施运⾏效果与监测GB16899-1997 ⾃动扶梯和⾃动⼈⾏道的制造与安装安全规范GB16912-1997 氧⽓及相关⽓体安全技术规程GB16918-1997 ⽓瓶⽤爆破⽚技术条件GB16918-1997 第⼀号修改单GB/T16923-1997 钢件的正⽕与退⽕GB/T16924-1997 钢件的淬⽕与回⽕GB/T16957-97 复合钢板焊接接头⼒学性能试验⽅法GB/T17101-1997 桥梁缆索⽤热镀锌钢丝GB/T17102-97 不锈复合钢冷轧薄钢板和钢带GB/T17116.1-97 管道⽀吊架第⼀部分: 技术规范GB/T17116.2-97 管道⽀吊架第⼆部分: 管道连接部件GB/T17116.3-97 管道⽀吊架第三部分: 中间连接件和建筑结构连接件GB/T16178-1996 ⼚内机动车辆安全检验技术要求GB/T17185-97 钢制法兰管件GB/T17186-97 钢制管法兰连接强度计算⽅法GB/T17241.1-98 铸铁管法兰类型GB/T17241.2-98 铸铁管法兰盖GB/T17241.3-98 带颈螺纹铸铁管法兰GB/T17241.4-98 带颈平焊和带颈承插焊铸铁管法兰GB/T17241.5-98 管端翻边带颈松套铸铁管法兰GB/T17241.6-98 整体铸铁管法兰GB/T17241.7-98 铸铁管法兰技术条件GB17258-1998 汽车⽤压缩天然⽓钢瓶GB17259-1998 机动车⽤液化⽯油⽓钢瓶GB/T17261-1998 钢制球形储罐型式与基本参数GB17264-98 永久⽓体⽓瓶充装站安全技术条件GB17265-98 液化⽓体⽓瓶充装站安全技术条件GB17266-98 溶解⼄炔⽓瓶充装站安全技术条件GB17267-98 液化⽯油⽓瓶充装站安全技术条件GB17268-98 ⼯业⽤⾮重复充装焊接钢瓶GB/T17357-98 设备及管道绝热层表⾯热损失现场测定热流计法GB/T17394-1998 ⾦属⾥⽒硬度试验⽅法GB/T17395-1998 ⽆缝钢管尺⼨、外形、重量及允许偏差GB/T17410-1998 有机热载体炉GB17428-1998 通风管道的耐⽕试验⽅法GB/T17455-1998 ⽆损检测表⾯检测的⾦相复制件技术GB/T17471-1998 锅炉热⽹系统能源监测与计量仪表配备原则GB/T17493-1998 低合⾦钢药芯焊丝GB/T17495-1998 港⼝门座起重机技术条件GB/T17496-1998 港⼝门座起重机修理技术规范GB/T17604-1998 橡胶管道接⼝⽤密封圈制造质量的建议疵点分类与类别GB/T17605-1998 ⽯油和液体⽯油产品卧式圆筒形⾦属油罐容积标定法(⼿⼯法) GB/T17616-1998 钢铁及合⾦牌号统⼀数字代号体系GB17673-99 液化丙烯.丙烷钢质焊接⽓瓶GB/T17745-1999 ⽯油天然⽓⼯业套管与油管的维护使⽤GB/T17780-1999 纺织机械安全要求GB/T17806-1999 塔式起重机可靠性试验⽅法GB/T17807-1999 塔式起重机结构试验⽅法GB/T17851-1999 形状和位置公差基准和基准体系GB/T17852-1999 形状和位置公差轮廓的尺⼨和公差注法GB/T17853-1999 不锈钢药芯焊丝GB/T17854-1999 埋弧焊⽤不锈钢焊丝和焊剂GB17877-1999 液化氯瓶阀GB17878-1999 ⼯业⽤⾮重复充装瓶阀GB/T17908-1999 起重机和起重机械技术性能和验收⽂件GB/T17909.1-1999 起重机起重机操作⼿册第1部分: 总则GB17925-1999 ⽓瓶对接焊缝 X射线实时成像检测GB17926-1999 车⽤压缩天然⽓瓶阀GB/T17954-2000 ⼯业锅炉经济运⾏GB/T17955-2000 球型⽀座技术条件GB17992-1999 集装箱正⾯吊运起重机安全规程GB/T18052-2000 套管、油管和管线管螺纹的测量和检验⽅法GB18158-2000 转马类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18158-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18159-2000 滑⾏类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18160-2000 陀螺类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18161-2000 飞⾏塔类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18161-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18162-2000 赛车类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18162-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18163-2000 ⾃控飞机类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18163-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18164-2000 观览车类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18164-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18165-2000 ⼩⽕车类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18165-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18166-2000 架空游览车类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18166-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18167-2000 光电打靶类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18167-2000 第⼀号修改单GB/T18168-2000 ⽔上游乐设施通⽤技术条件GB/T18168-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18169-2000 碰碰车类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18169-2000 第⼀号修改单GB18170-2000 电池车类游艺机通⽤技术条件GB18170-2000 第⼀号修改单GB/T18182-2000 ⾦属压⼒容器声发射检测及结果评价⽅法GB18248-2000 ⽓瓶⽤⽆缝钢管GB/T18253-2000 钢及钢产品检验⽂件的类型GB/T18256-2000 焊接钢管(埋弧焊除外)⽤于确认⽔压密实性的超声波检测⽅法GB/T18292-2001 ⽣活锅炉经济运⾏GB18299-2001 机动车⽤液化⽯油⽓钢瓶集成阀GB/T18300-2001 ⾃动控制钠离⼦交换器技术条件GB/T18301-2001 耐⽕材料常温耐磨性试验⽅法GB18383-1994 ⽓瓶阀出⽓⼝连接型式和尺⼨GB/T18438-2001 港⼝起重机验收试验规则GB/T18439-2001 港⼝起重机稳定性基本要求GB/T18440-2001 港⼝起重机技术性能和验收⽂件GB/T18441-2001 港⼝起重机供需必备⽂件GB18442-2001 低温绝热压⼒容器GB/T18443.1-2001 低温绝热压⼒容器试验⽅法容积测量GB/T18443.2-2001 低温绝热压⼒容器试验⽅法真空度测量GB/T18443.3-2001 低温绝热压⼒容器试验⽅法漏率测量GB/T18443.4-2001 低温绝热压⼒容器试验⽅法漏放⽓速率测量GB/T18443.5-2001 低温绝热压⼒容器试验⽅法静态蒸发率测量GB/T18449.1-2001 ⾦属努⽒硬度试验第1部分:试验⽅法GB/T18449.2-2001 ⾦属努⽒硬度试验第2部分: 硬度计的检验GB/T18449.3-2001 ⾦属努⽒硬度试验第3部分: 标准硬度块的标定GB/T18453-2001 起重机维护⼿册第1部分: 总则GB/T18476-2001 ISO13479:97 流体输送⽤聚烯烃管材耐裂纹扩展的测定切⼝管材裂纹慢速增长的试验⽅法GB18564-2001 汽车运输液体危险货物常压容器(罐体)通⽤技术条件GB/T18591-2001ISO13916:96焊接预热温度道间温度及预热维持温度的测量指南GB/T18658-2002 摆锤式冲击试验机检验⽤夏⽐V型缺⼝标准试样GB/T18694-2002ISO10375:97⽆损检测超声检验探头及其声场的表征GB/T18704-2002 不锈钢复合管GB/T18742.1-2002 冷热⽔⽤聚丙烯管道系统第1部分:总则GB/T18742.2-2002 冷热⽔⽤聚丙烯管道系统第2部分:管材GB/T18743-2002ISO9854-1/2:94流体输送⽤热塑性塑料管材简⽀梁冲击试验⽅法GB/T18775-2002 电梯维修规范GB/T18816-2002 船⽤热交换器通⽤技术条件GB/T18851-2002 ⽆损检测渗透检验标准试块GB/T18852-2002 ⽆损检测超声检验测量接触探头声束特性的参考试块和⽅法GB/T18874.1-2002 起重机供需双⽅应提供的资料第1部分: 总则GB/T18874.5-2002 起重机供需双⽅应提供的资料第5部分: 桥式和门式起重机GB/T18875-2002 起重机备件⼿册GB/T18879-2002 滑道安全规范(报批稿)GB/T19000-2000ISO9000:2000质量管理体系基础和术语GB/T19000.1-1994 质量管理和质量保证标准第1部分:选择和使⽤指南GB/T19000.2-1998 质量管理和质量保证标准第2部分:GB/T19001、GB/T19002和GB/T19003实施通⽤指南GB/T19000.3-2001 质量管理和质量保证标准第3部分:GB/T19001在计算机软件开发、供应、安装和维护中的使⽤指南GB/T19000.4-1995 质量管理和质量保证标准第4部分:可信性⼤纲管理指南GB/T19001-2000质量管理体系要求ISO9001:2000质量管理体系要求GB/T19004-2000ISO9004:2000GB/T19004.2-1994 质量管理和质量体系要素第2部分: 服务指南GB/T19004.3-94 质量管理和质量体系要素第3部分:流程性材料指南GB/T19004.4-1994 质量管理和质量体系要素第4部分:质量改进指南GB/T19015-1996 质量管理质量计划指南GB/T9016-2000 质量管理项⽬管理质量指南GB/T19017-1997 质量管理技术状态管理指南GB/T19021.1-1993 质量体系审核指南审核GB/T19021.2-1993 质量体系审核指南质量体系审核员的评定准则GB/T19021.3-1993 质量体系审核指南审核⼯作管理GB/T19022.1-1994 测量设备的质量保证要求第⼀部分: 测量设备的计量确认体系GB/T19022.2-2000 测量设备的质量保证第2部分: 测量过程控制指南GB/T19023-1996 质量⼿册编制指南GB/T19024-2000 质量经济性管理指南GB/T19025-2001 质量管理培训指南GB/T19027-2001 GB/T 19001-1994的统计技术指南环境管理体系规范及使⽤指南GB/T24001-96ISO14001:96GB/T28001-2001 职业健康安全管理体系规范GB50026-93 ⼯程测量规范GB50028-93 城镇燃⽓设计规范GB50041-92 ⼯业锅炉房设计规范GB50050-95 ⼯业循环冷却⽔处理设计规范GB50128-1993 电⽓装置安装⼯程电梯电⽓装置施⼯及验收规范GB/T50156-2002 汽车加油加⽓站设计与施⼯规范GB50160-92 ⽯油化⼯企业设计防⽕规范GB50169-92* 电⽓装置安装⼯程接地装置施⼯及验收规范GB50182-93 电⽓装置安装⼯程电梯电⽓装置施⼯及验收规范GB50183-93 原油和天然⽓⼯程设计防⽕规范GB50184-93 ⼯业⾦属管道⼯程质量检验评定标准GB50185-93 ⼯业设备及管道绝热⼯程质量检验评定标准GB50231-98 机械设备安装⼯程施⼯及验收通⽤规范GB50235-97 ⼯业⾦属管道⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50236-98 现场设备、⼯业管道焊接⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50251-94 输⽓管道⼯程设计规范GB50252-94 ⼯业安装⼯程质量检验评定统⼀标准GB50253-97 ⼯业⾦属管道⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50264-97 ⼯业设备及管道绝热⼯程设计规范GB/T50265-97 泵站设计规范GB50270-98 连续运输设备安装⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50273-98 ⼯业锅炉安装⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50274-98 制冷设备空⽓分离设备安装⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50275-1998 压缩机风机泵安装⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50278-98 起重设备安装⼯程施⼯及验收规范GB50310-2002 电梯⼯程施⼯质量验收规范GB50316-2000 ⼯业⾦属管道设计规范GB/T56097-1999 碳素钢埋弧焊⽤焊剂产品质量分等GB/T56102.1-1999 碳钢焊条产品质量分等GB/T56102.2-1999 低合⾦钢焊条产品质量分等。
摘要:本发明涉及一种可调光太极造型双色COB,包括基板、固定在基板上的LED芯片和与LED 芯片电连接的正负极焊片、以及涂抹在LED芯片上的荧光粉层,其特征在于:所述LED芯片在所述基板上布设成一个圆形照明区,所述圆形照明区外圈围有环形围坝,在所述照明区内还设置有一条曲线形围坝将所述照明区分割成太极造型,所述照明区被分割成两块分别为C区和W区,所述C区和W区色温不同,所述C区和所述W区的面积相同,且所述C区和所述W区的所述LED芯片功率相等,可消除照明的暗区,混色更均匀、照明效果更好、实现更宽的调色范围。
地址:362411 福建省泉州市安溪县湖头鎮光电产业园
Catalog 9EM-TK-190CombinationC28C28-04-FKG0Features•Components Integrated into Single Unit•Modern Design and Appearance•Light Weight, Ready-to-Mount Assembly ComesStandard with Pressure Gauge and ModularT-Bracket / Joiner Assembly•High Flow Capacity•Quick-Disconnect Bowl / Bowl Guard• Joiner Assembly / Connector Patent No. 5,383,689SpecificationsFlow Capacity*3/8123 SCFM (56,6 dm3/s)1/2134 SCFM (63,2 dm3/s)3/4143 SCFM (67,5 dm3/s)Operating Plastic Bowl32° to 125°F (0° to 52°C)T emperature Metal Bowl32° to 150°F (0° to 65,5°C)Maximum Supply Plastic Bowl150 PSIG (10,3 bar)Pressure Metal Bowl250 PSIG (17,2 bar)Standard Filtration Micron5Useful Retention **oz. (cm3)Filter 2.87 (85)Lubricator 6.11 (181)Port Size NPT / BSPP-G3/8, 1/2, 3/4Gauge Port (2 ea.)NPT / BSPP-G1/4Weight lb. (kg) 5.90 (2,6)*Inlet pressure 150 PSIG (10,3 bar). Secondary pressure 90 PSIG (6,2 bar).**Useful retention refers to volume below the quiet zone baffle.“F” Series Filters, Type “A” 5 micron elements: All WilkersonT ype “A” 5 micron elements meet or exceed ISO Class 3 formaximum particle size and concentration of solid contaminants.Materials of ConstructionBody ZincBonnet / Knob Nylon / AcetalValve Brass / Nitrile / AcetalBowls Plastic Bowl PolycarbonateMetal Bowl ZincFilter Element PolyethyleneSeals Plastic Bowl NitrileMetal Bowl NitrileSprings Main Regulating SteelValve S.S.Diaphragm Assembly Nitrile / ZincSight Dome PolycarbonateSight Gauge Metal Bowl PolycarbonateSuggested Lubricant ISO / ASTM VG 32= “Most Popular”Catalog 9EM-TK-190= “Most Popular”1020304050600,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,0AIR FLOW RATES E C O N D A R Y P R E S S U R Eb a rdm 3/s0,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,0AIR FLOW RATES E C O N D A R Y P R E S S U R Eb a rdm 3/s102030405060700,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,0AIR FLOW RATES E C O N D A R Y P R E S S U R Eb a rdm 3/sOrdering InformationFor Kits and Repair Parts, see individual pages for Filters,Regulators, and Lubricators.! WARNINGProduct rupture can cause serious injury.Do not connect regulator to bottled gas.Do not exceed maximum primary pressure rating.CAUTION:REGULATOR PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT – The working range of knob adjustment is designed to permit outletpressures within their full range. Pressure adjustment beyond this range is also possible because the knob is not a limiting device. This is a common characteristic of most industrial regulators, and limiting devices may be obtained only by special design.。
地址:529321 广东省江门市开平市水口镇祥和路18号第二幢之四
20 NS 20
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
25 NS 25
30 15
30 15 05 100 200 300
L/min Flow in L/min→ →
Flow in L/min → → L/min
bar → Pressure differential in bar →
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
HAD 1720
400 L/min
4 6
1 1 2 2 3 5 7
Check valve = M-SR 6 size 6 (not with right angled check valve) Nominal 8 size 8 Nominal 10size 10 Nominal 15size 15 Nominal 20size 20 Nominal 25size 25 Nominal 30size 30 Nominal Right angled check valve cartridge Straight line check valve cartridge =6 =8 = 10 = 15 = 20 = 25 = 30 = KE = KD
bar → Pressure differential in bar →
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 05 10 20 30 40 50 50 30 15
bar → Pressure differential in bar →
10 NS 10
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 NS 15
Q/YHY 013-2006
Q/YHY 004-2006
Q/YHY 005-2006
Q/YHY 007-2006
Q/YHY 008-2007
Q/YHY 009-2006
Q/YHY 002-2005
Q/YHY 003-2006
Bosch Rexroth AG | Pneumatics活塞杆气缸¬ 拉杆气缸, TRBØ 125 - 250 mm, 双作用式, 可调节的缓冲, 外耳轴安装件, ATEX 中可选¬ 核心产品 - 主要用于新型结构, 储存在Laatzen的中心仓库内, 世界范围的服务 l 补充性产品 - 已有的标准程序, 世界范围的服务气动-目录, 在线PDF, 制定于 2007-06-08, © Bosch Rexroth AG00 053 6标准ISO 5552:2005ATEXII 2G2D c T4 T 35°C -20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 60 °C 工作压力最小/最大 .5 / 0 bar 最小/最大环境温度-20°C / +80°C 介质温度-20°C / +80°C介质压缩空气依据 ISO 8573- : 200 压缩空气等级级6-4-3确定活塞推力的压力6材料:气缸管子铝,阳极氧化活塞杆¹)不锈钢,冷却硬化端盖底板铝密封聚氨酯¹) Ø 60 - 250 mm : 强铬化钢并且螺纹镀锌2Bosch Rexroth AG | Pneumatics活塞杆气缸¬ 拉杆气缸, TRBØ 125 - 250 mm, 双作用式, 可调节的缓冲, 外耳轴安装件, ATEX 中可选¬ 核心产品 - 主要用于新型结构, 储存在Laatzen的中心仓库内, 世界范围的服务 l 补充性产品 - 已有的标准程序, 世界范围的服务气动-目录, 在线PDF, 制定于 2007-06-08, © Bosch Rexroth AG 00 05307Ø B e11BGØ C D1E EE KK KU KX KY 6020 3227 40G /2M27x2274 3.5 6524 6733 80G3/4M36x23655 8 75242 033220G3/4M36x23655 8 902726240280G M42x246652 L5L6Ø MM f8PJ R RT TEØ TD e9TL h1446 5632 002M 2 0252555 9672 40 2.5M 6 4032326024640 35 2.5M 6 753232 703 650 36 3.2M202204040 VA VE WH XI Y ZJ54565 459522555080 70 0026076095 85 727570 05205 37305。
INSTALLATION AND®OPERATIONS(see reverse side for Installation and Maintenance Instructions)INSTALLATION1.Refer to the warning on front page.2.Install as close as possible to the equipment requiring lubrication.3.Install the unit with the air moving through the body in the direction indi-cated by the arrow.4.Install a unit with the same pipe-size as the line in use. Avoid usingfittings, couplings, etc., that restrict the airflow or baffle the oil out of the air at the lubricator outlet.5.The lubricator cannot be filled without first shutting off air pressure andventing the bowl. (Remove fill plug.) The bowl may be taken off after the fill plug is removed if a more rapid fill is required. DO NOT PRESSURIZE until the fill plug, bowl and bowl guard are in position and locked into place.6.The rate of oil delivery may be controlled by turning the adjusting screwcounterclockwise for more and clockwise for less oil delivery. Adjust the lubricator by reducing the airflow to the minimum scfm required and set-ting the oil drip rate so that the desired amount of oil is delivered to the point of use. The more the airflow increase, the more oil you will need, and the more you will automatically receive. Ordinarily, adjust to tone drop per minute of oil as seen through the sight dome or each 33 scfm(56 Nm 3/h) of air being used; e.g., for 50 scfm (84 Nm3/h), adjust for 1.5drops per minute; 100 scfm (168 Nm 3/h), 30 dpm; etc.7.DO NOT OVERFILL BOWL; OIL LEVEL MUST BE BELOW THERECLASSIFIERMAINTENANCE1.Given clean operating conditions, this unit will be trouble-free.Contaminants from dirty oil may collect on the siphon tube inlet filter, requiring the filter to be cleaned by tapping on a hard surface and blowing off with an air blow gun.2.IF THE OIL DELIVERY RATE DROPS, the lubricator should be cleaned.Shut off air supply and reduce pressure in unit to zero. Remove the adjusting screw and clean the needle and the seat in the body. Inspect and clean the passage from the needle seat down into the adapter.3.OIL NOT SPRAYING ONTO RECLASSIFIER—In addition to the abovepossible reasons,the mist generator might be plugged. Turn off and vent air pressure through the fill plug, then remove the bowl, disassemble the reclassifier and pry out the missing nozzle with a screwdriver or a knife blade, clean in kerosene and blow out holes with air blow gun4.Drain off any contaminants which collect in the bottom of the bowl.KITS AND REPLACEMENT PARTSFluorocarbon O-Ring Repair Kit............................................GRP-95-009 O-Ring Repair Kit...................................................................LRP-95-059 O-Ring Kit for AdjustingScrew (10 per kit)................................................................GRP-95-255 O-Ring Kit for AtoMist®Lubricator Generator.......................GRP-95-258 Siphon Tube Assembly Kit.....................................................LRP-96-137 Sight Dome Kit ......................................................................LRP-95-239 Fill Plug Kit (includes O-Rings)..............................................LRP-95-253 Flow-Guide®(1/4" models).....................................................LRP-95-246 Flow-Guide®(3/8" models).....................................................LRP-95-247 Flow-Guide®(1/2" models).....................................................LRP-95-248 Plastic Bowl Assembly...........................................................LRP-96-958 Plastic Bowl-No Drain............................................................LRP-96-938 Plastic Bowl w/Plastic Petcockand Bowl Guard...................................................................LRP-95-967 Plastic Petcock Kit.................................................................LRP-95-181 Metal Gauge Bowl w/Petcock, Sight Gauge.........................GRP-95-931 Check Ball and O-Ring Kit.....................................................LRP-95-310 AtoMist®Lubricator Generator Assembly.............................LRP-95-675 Auto-fill®Lubricator Adapterw/plastic Bowl Assembly......................................................LRP-95-965 Lubricator Adjusting Screw....................................................LRP-95-163 ACCESSORIESSight Gauge Kit....................................................................GRP-95-079 Tamper Resistant Kit ...........................................................LRP-95-587 Force Fill Adapter.................................................................GRP-96-394 Wall Mounting Bracket.........................................................GRP-96-946。
Servo solenoid valves with OBE-NG6泉州市天益机电8
Funktion Function FonctionRegelventile mit OBEServo solenoid valves with OBE Servo-distributeurs avec OBE NG6EN 50081-1EN 50082-2121NG6 – OBEProgramm-ÜbersichtProduct rangeGamme des produitsPB – AT186040*Variante 4…20 mA-Signal / geknickte Kennlinie oder ohne Fail-safe, auf AnfrageVariant with 4…20 mA signal / non-linear curve or without fail-safe available on request Variante signal 4…20 mA / courbe caractéristique brisée ou sans «fail-safe», sur demande131yKenngrößen Allgemein Bauart Schieberventil, direkt gesteuert, mit Stahlhülse Betätigung Proportionalmagnet mit Lageregelung, OBE Anschlussart Plattenanschluss, Lochbild NG 6 (ISO 4401)EinbaulagebeliebigUmgebungstemperatur–20…+50°CRüttelfestigkeit, Prüfbedingung max. 25 g , Raumschüttelprüfung in allen Richtungen (24h)Hydraulisch DruckmittelHydrauliköl nach DIN 51524…535, andere Medien nach Rückfrage Viskosität, empfohlen20…100 mm 2/s max. zulässig10…800 mm 2/s Druckmitteltemperatur –20…+70°CFilterungZulässige Verschmutzungsklasse Zu erreichen mit Filter des Druckmittels nach NAS 1638 x = 75Entsprechend 7X = 15Betriebssicherheit 810und Lebensdauer 915Durchflussrichtungsiehe Sinnbild Nenndurchfluss [l/min] bei 2412152440∆p = 35 bar pro Kante*Max. Betriebsdruck Anschluss P, A, B: 315 bar Max. DruckAnschluss T:250 bar Einsatzgrenzen ∆p [bar]315315315315315160<315<315<315<280<250<100Lecköl [cm 3/min]<150<180<300<15–<500<900bei 100 bar<15–<15–<15–<180<300<450Statisch/Dynamisch HystereseϹ0,2%Exemplarstreuung Q max.Ͻ10%Stellzeit für Signalsprung 0…100%Ϲ10 msTemperaturdrift Nullpunktverschiebung Ͻ1% bei ∆T= 40°C Null-Abgleich ab Werk ±1%KonformitätEN 50 081-1EN 50 082-2Elektrische Kenngrößensiehe Seite 134 (OBE)*Durchfluss bei anderem ∆p ∆p xQ x = Q Nom.·Ί35141yyCharacteristicsGeneralConstruction Spool type valve, operated directly, with steel sleeveActuation Proportional solenoid with position control, OBEType of mounting Subplate, mounting hole configuration NG6 (ISO 4401)Installation position OptionalAmbient temperature range–20…+50°CVibration resistance, test condition max. 25 g, shaken in 3 dimensions (24h)HydraulicPressure fluid Hydraulic oil as per DIN 51524…535, other fluids after prior consultation Viscosity, recommended20…100 mm2/smax. permitted10…800 mm2/sPressure fluid temperature–20…+70°CFiltration Permissible contamination class Achieved using filterof pressure fluid as per NAS 1638 x= 75In line with opera-7X= 15tional reliability810and service life915Flow direction See symbolNominal flow [l/min] at2412152440∆p = 35 bar per notch*Max. working pressure Port P, A, B: 315 barMax. pressure Port T: 250 barOperating limits at ∆p [bar]315315315315315160<315<315<315<280<250<100 Leakage [cm3/min]<150<180<300<15–<500<900 at 100 bar<15–<15–<15–<180<300<450 Static/DynamicHysteresisϹ0.2%Manufacturing tolerance for Q max.Ͻ10%Response time for signal 0…100%Ϲ10 msTermal drift Zero point displacement Ͻ1%, at ∆T= 40°CZero adjustment Factory-set ±1%Conformity EN 50 081-1EN 50 082-2Electrical characteristics See page 134 (OBE)*Flow rate at a different of ∆p∆p xQ x= Q Nom.· Ί35151yyyCaractéristiques Générales Construction Distributeur à tiroir, à commande directe avec fourreau en acier Commande Aimant à action proportionnelle avec régulation de position, OBE RaccordementEmbase selon plan de pose NG 6 (ISO 4401)Position de montage indifférente Température ambiante–20…+50°CVibrations, condition du test max. 25 g , 3 dimensions (24h)Hydrauliques FluideFluide hydraulique selon norme DIN 51524…535, autre fluide sur demande Viscosité, conseillée20…100 mm 2/s max. admissible10…800 mm 2/s Température du fluide –20…+70°CFiltrationClasse de pollution admissible Avec un filtre du fluide selon NAS 1638 x = 75Selon sécurité de 7X = 15fonctionnement et 810durée de vie915Sens d’écoulementvoir symbole Débit nominal [l/min] pour 2412152440∆p = 35 bar arête*Pression de service max.Orifices P, A, B: 315 bar Pression max.Orifice T: 250 bar Limites d’utilisation 315315315315315160à ∆p [bar]<315<315<315<280<250<100Fuites internes [cm 3/min]<150<180<300<15–<500<900à 100 bar<15–<15–<15–<180<300<450Statiques/Dynamiques HystérésisϹ0,2%Dispersion pour Q max.Ͻ10%Temps de réponse pour Ϲ10 msune course de 0…100%Dérive en température Déplacement du point zéro Ͻ1% pour ∆T= 40°C Tarage du zéro A l’usine ±1%ConformitéEN 50 081-1EN 50 082-2Caractéristiques électriquesvoir page 134 (OBE)*Débit sous ∆p différent ∆p xQ x = Q Nom.·Ί35161ySteckerbelegung 7 PVentil…mit LageregelungU E= 0...±10 VR i= 100 kΩU D–E±10 VyyPin assignment 7 PValve…with position controlU E= 0...±10 VR i= 100 kΩyyyAffectation du connecteur 7 PValve…avec régulation de positionU E= 0...±10 VR i= 100 kΩySteckerbelegung 7 PVentil…mit LageregelungI = 4...20 mA, Bürde = 200 ΩI D–E4...20 mAyyPin assignment 7 PValve…with position controlI = 4...20 mA, burden = 200 ΩyyyAffectation du connecteur 7 PValve…avec régulationde positionI = 4...20 mA, charge = 200 Ω171Druckverstärkung Pressure gainAmplification de pression* Fail-safe:U B Ϲ18 V=(Version U D–E )* Fail-safe:U B Ϲ18 V= / I D-E Ϲ2 mA (Version I D–E4 … 20 mA)kalibriert calibrated tarage ±1%Volumenstrom – Signalfunktion Flow rate/signal function Débit en fonction du signalQ = f (U D–E )Q = f (I D–E)off ≤2 mAVersion U [V]VersionI[mA]off ≤2 mAVersion U [V]VersionI [mA]41220off ≤2 mAVersionU [V]VersionI [mA]41220off ≤2 mAVersion U [V]VersionI [mA]Linear**Knick 60%**Knick 60%**Knick 40%Fail-safe-PositionLecköl bei100 bar P–A50 cm3/minLeakage at P–B70 cm3/minFuites internes àDurchfluss bei ∆p = 35 bar A–T10…20 l/minFlow at B–T7…20 l/minDébit àLecköl bei100 bar P–A50 cm3/minLeakage at P–B70 cm3/minFuites internes àA–T70 cm3/minB–T50 cm3/min191yAbmessungen des Anschluss-lochbildes NG6, ISO 4401, siehe Seite 129.yyDimensions of mounting holeconfiguration NG6, ISO 4401,see page 129.yyyCotes du plan de pose NG6,ISO 4401, voir page 129.Abmessungen DimensionsCotes d’encombrement。
“R”, “UR”, and “X” 03/06/10/12 SeriesPressures to 210 bar (3000 psi) – Flows to 284 l/min (75 USgpm)Counterbalance, and Reducing ValvesSequence, Unloading, Back Pressure,Vickers ®Pressure ReliefIntroduction“R” Series Sequence,Unloading, Back Pressure, andCounterbalance Valves There are several configurations of this basic valve which can be made by changing cover positions. The following outlines each type of function. Sequence and Unloading Vickers “Hydrocushion” type pressure control valves are used for the control of unloading and sequence of oil flow in hydraulic systems, induced by a pressure rise, directly or by remote means. They are available in the following types: sequence valve, Type 2—directly operated; sequence valve, Type 3—remotely controlled; unloading valve, Type 4—remotely controlled. Back PressureBack pressure valves are designated as Type 1—internally operated. They are used to provide back pressure on the hydraulic actuator to prevent overrunning. A remote ‘P’ version is alsoavailable for use in braking circuits.CounterbalanceVickers “Hydrocushion” typecounterbalance valves are used for thecontrol of unloading and sequence of oilflow in hydraulic systems, induced bypressure rise either directly or by remotemeans. They are available in thefollowing types: counterbalance valve,Type 1—internally operated;counterbalance valve, Type 4—remotelycontrolled. These valves are usuallyapplied in a system to keep a verticalload from falling. All models provide freereverse flow by means of an integralcheck valve. (Refer to valves withoutintegral check when reverse free flow isnot required.)“UR” Series UnloadingRelief Valves withIntegral Check ModuleAn integral check valve prevents returnflow from the accumulator through theunloading valve. In an accumulatorsystem, the valve cuts out automaticallywhen the accumulator pressure reachesadjusted maximum. At cut-in pressure(approximately 85% of adjustedmaximum), the valve directs delivery tothe accumulator and the hydraulicsystem automatically.In a double pump system, the valveautomatically sequences the pumps todeliver a large volume of oil at lowpressure and a small volume of oil athigh pressure.Models designated “URT” have threadedports and require a separate checkvalve to function as an unloading circuit.“X” Series PressureReducing ValvesThese pressure reducing valvesmaintain a reduced level of outletpressure regardless of variations in inletpressure above the pressure setting ofthe valve. The valves also allow reversefree flow at pressures below the settingof the valve.Table of ContentsSeries R(C)*-03/06/10/12 Sequence, Unloading, Back Pressure, and Counterbalance Valves3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Series URT*-06/10 Unloading Relief Valves14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Series URG*-06/10 Unloading Relief Valves17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Series XSL/XTL-03 Pressure Reducing Valves21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Series XGL-03 Pressure Reducing Valves23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Series X(C)*-03/06/10 Pressure Reducing Valves26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application Data35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RatingsRated Pressure (Maximum)*210 bar (3000 psi)Rated Capacity (Maximum)**R*-03R*-06R*-10 and R*-1245 l/min (12 USgpm)114 l/min (30 USgpm)284 l/min (75 USgpm)*140 bar (2000 psi) permitted on the full piston area at the bottom cover (“P ” connection),and at the top cover (spring chamber). See tank drain information on page 4.**Rated capacities are based on using fluid with a specific gravity of 0.865 and a viscosity of 20 cSt (100 SUS).Special sealsF3–For mineral oil and fire resistant fluids. Mounting face seals of RCG model are standardBuna-N unless specified as F3.Blank –Omit for standard, R(C)S, andR(C)T models.Valve typeR –Pressure control valveIntegral check valveC –Reverse free flow checkConnectionsG –Manifold or subplate mounting S –SAE straight thread T –NPTF thread**Not recommendedRemote control connectionP–Auxiliary remote pressure control connection (not available with X, Y , or Z pressure ranges or in R(C)G-03 models)Blank –Omit if not requiredValve application type 1–Internal drain directly operated 2–External drain directly operated 3–External drain remotely operated 4–Internal drain remotely operatedDesign numberSubject to change. Installation dimensions same for designs 30 through 39.Valve size03–3/8” pipe or 0.7500-16 UNF-2Bstraight thread (0.500 tubing)06–3/4” pipe or 1.0625-12 UN-2Bstraight thread (0.750 tubing)10–11/4” pipe or 1.6250-12 UN-2Bstraight thread (1.250 tubing)12–11/2” pipe or 1.8750-12 UN-2Bstraight thread (1.500 tubing)(not available in R(C)G models)Pressure range X –0,7 to 2,1 bar (10 to 30 psi)Y –2,1 to 4,1 bar (30 to 60 psi)Z –4,1 to 8,5 bar (60 to 125 psi)A –5,2 to 17,2 bar (80 to 250 psi)B –8,5 to 35 bar (125 to 500 psi)D –17,2 to 70 bar (250 to 1000 psi)F–35 to 140 bar (475 to 2000 psi)123456789General DataVickers “hydrocushion” type pressure control valves are used to control the sequencing, unloading, back pressure, and counterbalancing of oil flow in hydraulic systems. Control is initiated by a pressure rise which can be sensed either internally (directly) or remotely. Models are available with or without integral reverse free flow checks. Pressure Adjustment Pressure ranges – (see model code page 3) are maximum controllable, and each model selected should be well within the range given to afford fine increments of adjustment. Pressure setting must be at least 17 bar (250 psi) lower than the system relief valve setting. Pressure can be adjusted by loosening a jam nut and turning an adjustment screw. Turning clockwise increases pressure, and turning counterclockwise decreases pressure.Installation DataMountingBecause all R(C)T and R(C)S models have optional pressure inlets connected by a through passage, the valves may be mounted “in-line”. The valves may also be teed to a line by using either one of the pressure inlets and plugging the other. The remote pressure control connection on type 3 and 4 valves must be connected to an external pilot pressure source sufficient to operate the valve at the desired pressure setting and flow conditions.Tank DrainThe discharge outlet of valve types 1 and 4 must be piped to tank at atmospheric pressure. The drain connection on types 2 and 3 must be piped directly to tank at atmospheric pressure. Any pressure at the drain port must be added to the pressure setting of the valve.Auxiliary Remote PressureControl “P”All models (except R(C)G -03 and thosewith an “X”, “Y”, or “Z” pressureadjustment range in their model code)are available with an auxiliary remotecontrol connection. Required pressureat the auxiliary connection is 1/16 of thenormally required control pressure forthe “F” pressure range and 1/8 of thenormally required control pressure forthe “A”, “B”, and “D” pressure ranges.(This applies to -22 design and up.)Brake ValveA brake valve is used in the exhaust lineof a hydraulic motor to: 1) preventoverspeeding when an overrunning loadis applied to the motor shaft; and 2)prevent excessive pressure buildupwhen decelerating or stopping a load.When the “RC” valve is used as a brakevalve, it has a solid spool (no drain holethrough the center), and there is aremote operating pressure connection inthe bottom cover directly under the spool.This connection is teed into the supplyline to the motor. The internal controlconnection is also used under the smallpiston and senses pressure from theprimary port of the “RC” valve, which isconnected to the motor exhaust port.When the load is being accelerated,pressure is maximum at the motor inletand under the large area of the brakevalve spool, holding it in the full openposition and permitting free flow fromthe exhaust port of the motor.When the motor gets up to speed, loadpressure still holds the brake valve openunless the load tries to run away. If thishappens, the pressure falls off at the motorinlet and in the remote control pressurepassage. The spring force tends to closethe valve, thus increasing the backpressure on the motor, tending to brake it.When the directional valve is shifted toneutral, inertia may cause the motor tocontinue rotating against the brake valve.Until the motor stops turning, it willoperate as a pump, drawing fluid fromthe motor outlet through the directionalvalve and circulating it back to the motorinlet. Motor leakage oil will be made upby drawing oil into the loop through thetank port of the valve. At this time,pressure at the motor outlet tending tobring it to a stop will be whatever isrequired under the small piston toovercome the brake valve setting.Typical Application: Brake ValvePressure DropThe following table lists approximate pressure drops (∆P) when passing flow of fluid with a specific gravity of 0.865 and a viscosity of 20 cSt (100 SUS).Reverse Free FlowPressure DropValve Flowl/min (USgpm)∆Pbar (psi)RC*-0345 (12)5,5 (80) RC*-06114 (30)3,4 (50) RC*-10189 (50)2,8 (40) RC*-12189 (50)2,4 (35)For any other flow rate (Q1), the approximate pressure drop (∆P1) can be calculated using the following formula:∆P1=∆P(Q1/Q2)2.For any other viscosity of fluid, the pressure drop will change according to the following table:Viscosity cSt (SUS)Approximate % of ∆P14 (75)9327 (150)11138 (200)11946 (250)12656 (300)13264 (350)13774 (400)141For any other specific gravity (G1), the approximate pressure drop (∆P1) can be calculated using the following formula:∆P1=∆P(G1/G).The specific gravity of fluid may be obtained from its producer. The value is higher for fire-resistant fluids than for oil.1200100080060040020070605040302010INLET TO OUTLET PRESSURE DROP – psiINLET TO OUTLET PRESSURE DROP – barTOTALOUTLETLEAKAGE–in/minTOTALOUTLETLEAKAGE–cc/minMaximum Total Leakage vs. Pressure DropThe following graph shows the relationship between maximum total leakage and pressure drop for fluid with a specific gravity of 0.865 and a viscosity of 20 cSt (100 SUS). Leakage is approximately proportional to viscosity in centistokes.3ModelA B C D E F G H J NFPA Interface R(C)G-03-**-3057,2(2.25)36,6(1.44)68,1(2.68)55,9(2.20)178,6(7.03)47,5(1.87)30,0(1.18)490,4(3.56)P03R(C)G-06-**-3071,4(2.81)41,1(1.62)79,2(3.12)73,7(2.90)201,4(7.93)67,6(2.66)45,2(1.78)498,6(3.88)P06R(C)G-10-**-3095,2(3.75)50,8(2.00)100,1(3.94)90,2(3.55)282,2(11.11)71,6(2.82)44,4(1.75)6130,0(5.12)P10Installation DimensionsMillimeters (inches)Subplate or Manifold Mounted ModelsRG- * * - * * -30 Without CheckRest pin*Remote pressure control port*Pressure inlet portAuxiliary remotepressure control port (“P ” models only)*∅10,3 (0.406) thru ∅15,1 (0.594)counterboreH number of holes for mounting*NOTESequence valve shown (remotely controlled, external drain, type 3).RCG- * * - * * -30 With CheckThreaded Port ModelsRS/T- * * - * * -30 Without Checkcontrol connection**“P”models only)**Primarypressuregageconneciton*Secondarypressuregageconneciton*Model A B C D E F G H J KR(C)S/T-03-**-30178,6(7.03)53,3(2.12)96,8(3.81)59,4(2.34)35,1(1.38)29,7(1.17)39,6(1.56)70,9(2.79)35,1(1.38)69,8(2.75)R(C)S/T-06-**-30201,4(7.93)75,4(2.97)97,8(3.85)74,7(2.94)47,8(1.88)37,3(1.47)50,8(2.00)88,1(3.47)47,8(1.88)95,2(3.75)R(C)S/T-10-**-30282,2(11.11)84,1(3.31)154,2(6.07)98,6(3.88)82,6(3.25)49,3(1.94)68,3(2.69)117,6(4.63)53,8(2.12)108,0(4.25)R(C)S/T-12-**-30282,2(11.11)84,1(3.31)154,2(6.07)98,6(3.88)82,6(3.25)49,3(1.94)68,3(2.69)117,6(4.63)53,8(2.12)108,0(4.25)Model L M N P R D“S” Str. Thd.RS and RCSModels “T” Str. Thd.HRT and RCTModelsVR(C)S/T-03-**-3058,7(2.31)42,9(1.69)23,1(0.91)93,7(3.69)38,9(1.53).7500–16 UNF–2B3/835,1(1.38)R(C)S/T-06-**-3079,5(3.13)57,2(2.25)27,2(1.07)108,0(4.25)46,7(1.84)1.0625–12 UN–2B3/450,8(2.00)R(C)S/T-10-**-3080,3(3.16)70,6(2.78)28,7(1.13)147,6(5.81)57,2(2.25)1.6250–12 UN–2B11/486,4(3.40)R(C)S/T-12-**-3080,3(3.16)70,6(2.78)28,7(1.13)147,6(5.81)57,2(2.25)1.8750–12 UN–2B11/286,4(3.40)D For “P” models only. See model code.H Not recommended.NOTE Sequence valve shown (remotely controlled, external drain, type 3).RCS/T- * * - * * -30 With CheckModelKTube O.D.L M N P R S T U V RXGM-03S-(P)-20.7500–16UNF –2B1/2”25,4(1.00)19,0(0.75)63,5(2.50)127,0(5.00)76,2(3.00)23,9(0.94)43,7(1.72)87,4(3.44)63,5(2.50)RXGM-06SX-(P)-20 1.3125–12 UN –2B 1”31,8(1.25)19,0(0.75)73,2(2.88)146,0(5.75)117,3(4.62)39,6(1.56)50,8(2.00)101,6(4.00)82,6(3.25)RXGM-10S-(P)-30 1.6250–12 UN –2B 11/4”47,8(1.88)22,4(0.88)79,2(3.12)158,8(6.25)146,0(5.75)47,8(1.88)58,7(2.31)117,3(4.62)104,6(4.12)ModelW X ±0,13Y (±0.005)Z AA BB CCDD ±0,013EE (±0.005)FF GG RXGM-03S-(P)-2010,4(0.41)35,8(1.41)42,87(1.688)25,4(1.00)33,3(1.31)66,5(2.62)453,1(2.09)106,37(4.188)14,2(0.56)21,3(0.84)RXGM-06SX-(P)-2010,2(0.44)49,3(1.94)60,32(2.375)33,3(1.31)39,6(1.56)79,2(3.12)462,0(2.44)123,82(4.875)23,1(0.91)20,6(0.81)RXGM-10S-(P)-3010,4(0.41)67,6(2.66)84,12(3.312)44,4(1.75)48,5(1.91)96,8(3.81)669,1(2.72)138,12(5.438)28,4(1.12)24,6(0.97)ModelHH JJ H KK LL MM PP RR SSTT UU NFPA Interface RXGM-03S-(P)-2028,4(1.12)—31,8(1.25)4,8(0.19)38,1(1.50)6,4(0.25)10,4(0.41)—25,4(1.00)21,3(0.84)P03RXGM-06SX-(P)-2038,1(1.50)—44,4(1.75)6,4(0.25)53,8(2.12)17,5(0.69)11,2(0.44)16,8(0.66)33,3(1.31)39,6(1.56)P06RXGM-10S-(P)-3050,8(2.00)42,2(1.66)62,7(2.47)7,9(0.31)76,2(3.00)20,6(0.81)10,4(0.41)24,6(0.97)44,4(1.75)59,4(2.34)P10H RXGM-03S/06SX require 4 valve mounting screws. RXGM-10S requires 6 valve mounting screws.models(from reverse side)Graphical SymbolsType P Back Pressure and Counterbalance ValvesAuxiliary remote control operated with “P ” connection –Internal drain (model “*P1” shown)R(C)G Valves Back Pressure (RG)R(C)S/T Valves Back Pressure (RS/T)Counterbalance (RCS/T)pressure controlport for “P ”models onlyType 1 Back Pressure and Counterbalance ValvesInternally operated – Internal drain R(C)G Valves Back Pressure (RG)R(C)S/T Valves Back Pressure (RS/T)placepressurecontrol portpressure control connectionDrainconnectionType 2 Sequence ValvesInternally operated – External drainR(C)G Valves (RG)(RCG)R(C)S/T Valves (RS/T)Type 3 Sequence ValvesRemote control operated – External drain R(C)G Valves (RG)(RCG)R(C)S/T Valves (RS/T)(RCS/T)Drain port Drain portpressure control connectionType 4 Unloading and Counterbalance ValvesRemote control operated – Internal drainR(C)G Valves Unloading (RG)R(C)S/T Valves Unloading (RS/T)RatingsRated Pressure (Maximum)210 bar (3000 psi) Rated Capacity (Maximum)URT*-06 URT*-1076 l/min (20 USgpm) 189 l/min (50 USgpm)Subject to change. Installation dimensions same for designs 10 through 19.General DataThese valves are used in oil hydraulic circuits where a pressure regulator is required to automatically unload the pump by diverting the pump delivery to the reservoir, at low pressure, when the accumulator pressure reaches the desired maximum (or “cut out”) pressure. When the accumulator pressure drops to the “cut in” pressure (approximately 85% of the desired maximum), the valve directs pump delivery to the accumulator and hydraulic system. The valve may alsobe used with a double pump to deliver alarge volume of oil to the system at lowpressure and a small volume at highpressure, serving the same function asan unloading valve. A separate rightangle check valve, C2-815 (3/4”) orC2-825 (11/4”) must be provided tomaintain accumulator hydraulic chargeor unloading of high volume pump andprevent back flow when pump isunloaded.Pressure AdjustmentPressure can be adjusted by looseninga jam nut and turning an adjustmentscrew. Turning clockwise increasespressure, and turning counterclockwisedecreases pressure.Installation DataTank DrainBack pressure at the tank discharge port of the URT1 series (externally drained)valves will not effect the operation at up to 85% of the inlet pressure. Back pressure at the tank discharge port of the URT2 series (internally drained)valves must not exceed 5% of the inlet pressure.CAUTIONFor series URT1 only, the drain must be connected to tank through a surge free line so there will be no back pressure at this drain. Failure to connect drain can result in infinite system pressures and machine damage. Series URT2 has internal drain and this port is not used.ConnectionsPressure inlet and outlet connections are connected by a through passage which permits use of either connection as an inlet.Approximate Minimum Venting Pressures bar (psi) at Various Percentages of Maximum Rated CapacityModel 25%50%75%100%URT*-06-*-100,7 (10)0,8 (11)1,0 (15)1,6 (23)URT*-06-*V-103,9 (56)3,9 (57)4,1 (59)4,3 (63)URT*-10-*-100,4 (6)0,7 (10)1,6 (23)2,7 (39)URT*-10-*V-103,6 (52)3,7 (54)3,9 (57)4,1 (59)Typical ApplicationsDouble Pump CircuitAccumulator Circuitvalve should be located in close valve.Dischargeto tank– highvalve.Discharg e to tankexternal drainTohydraulic systemDelivery from pump(see Tank Drain , page 18)Installation DimensionsMillimeters (inches)URT1 and URT2 with Threaded Connections for 3/4”1/4”Model“P ” Piping Thd. Size NPTFNominal Capacityl/min (USgpm)A B C D E F G H JURT*-06-*-103/4”76 (20)158,8(6.25)108,0(4.25)53,8(2.12)77,7(3.06)65,0(2.56)68,3(2.69)46,0(1.81)76,2(3.00)57,2(2.25)URT*-10-*-1011/4”189 (50)189,0(7.44)127,0(5.00)63,5(2.50)95,2(3.75)77,7(3.06)87,4(3.44)60,5(2.38)95,2(3.75)76,2(3.00)RatingsRated Pressure (Maximum)210 bar (3000 psi) Rated Capacity (Maximum)URT*-06 URT*-1095 l/min (25 USgpm) 246 l/min (65 USgpm)Subject to change. Installation dimensions same for designs 10 through 19.General DataThese valves are used in oil hydraulic circuits where a pressure regulator is required to automatically unload the pump by diverting the pump delivery to the reservoir, at low pressure, when the accumulator reaches the desired maximum (or “cut out”) pressure. When the accumulator pressure drops to the “cut in” pressure (approximately 85% of the desired maximum), the valve directs pump delivery to the accumulator and hydraulic system. An integral check valve prevents return flow from the accumulator through the unloading valve.The valve may also be used with a double pump to deliver a large volume of oil to the system at low pressure and a small volume at high pressure, serving the same function as a separate unloading valve and check valve. Pressure Adjustment Pressure can be adjusted by loosening a jam nut and turning an adjustment screw. Turning clockwise increases pressure, and turning counterclockwise decreases pressure.Installation DataTank DrainBack pressure at the tank discharge port of the URG1 series (externally drained) valves will not effect the operation at up to 85% of the inlet pressure. Back pressure at the discharge port of the URG2 series (internally drained) valves must not exceed 5% of the inlet pressure.CAUTIONFor series URG1 only, the drain must be connected to the tank through a surge free line so there will be no back pressure at this drain. Failure to connect drain can result in infinite system pressures and machine damage. Series URG2 has internal drain and this port is not used.Approximate Pressure Drop bar (psi)Model Nominal Capacity l/min (USgpm)Cut Out Pressure Range bar (psi)UnloadingVia Check ToAccumulatorURG*-06-B-1024 to 70 (350 to 1000)URG*-06-C-1095 (25)35 to 140 (500 to 2000)5,9 (85)2,4 (35)URG*-06-F-10()103 to 207 (1500 to 3000),(),()URG*-10-B-1024 to 70 (350 to 1000)URG*-10-C-10246 (65)35 to 140 (500 to 2000)2,4 (35)1,1 (16)URG*-10-F-10()103 to 207 (1500 to 3000),(),()1/4”Pressure inlet***Model A B C D E F G H JURG*-06-*-1050,8(2.00)101,6(4.00)139,7(5.50)76,2(3.00)134,9(5.31)160,3(6.31)25,4(1.00)91,9(3.62)124,0(4.88)URG*-10-*-1060,5(2.38)120,6(4.75)179,3(7.06)95,2(3.75)168,1(6.62)217,4(8.56)33,3(1.31)117,3(4.62)157,2(6.19)Model K L M N P Q R S AZURG*-06-*-10153,9(6.06)180,8(7.12)44,4(1.75)76,2(3.00)15,7(0.62)16,8(0.66)25,4(1.00)15,7(0.62)3,0(0.12)URG*-10-*-10179,3(7.06)206,2(8.12)63,5(2.50)95,2(3.75)19,0(0.75)17,8(0.78)29,5(1.16)19,0(0.75)1,5(0.06)Mounting Subplates– Z deep AA∅“W”– X deeprad.* Not recommended Model P T V W X Y Z AA AB ACURG1M-06-1015,7(0.62)14,0(0.55).625–1123,1(0.91)31,8(1.25)——3/4”144,5(5.69)112,71(4.438)URG1M-10-1019,0(0.75)16,8(0.66).750–1028,4(1.12)11,2(0.44)38,1(1.50)30,5(1.12)11/4”177,8(7.00)146,05(5.750)Model AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM ANURG1M-06-1066,5(2.62)55,6(2.19)33,3(1.31)11,2(0.44)10,2(0.44)33,3(1.31)46,0(1.81)46,0(1.81)162,1(6.38)130,18(5.125)URG1M-10-1088,9(3.50)76,2(3.00)44,4(1.75)19,0(0.75)12,7(0.50)38,1(1.50)50,8(2.00)53,8(2.12)184,1(7.25)152,40(6.000)Model AP AQ AR AS AT AV AW AX AYURG1M-06-1069,8(2.75)35,1(1.38)30,2(1.19)23,1(0.91)——3/4”31,8(1.25)25,4(1.00)URG1M-10-1082,6(3.25)41,1(1.62)35,1(1.38)28,4(1.12)38,1(1.50)30,2(1.19)11/4”38,1(1.50)31,8(1.25)RatingsRated Capacity (Maximum)30 l/min (8 USgpm)Adjustable Pressure Range 3,4 to 70 bar (50 to 1000 psi)*Inlet Pressure (Maximum)140 bar (2000 psi)*X*L-03-B-10-S21 model has adjustable pressure range of 1,7 to 21 bar (25 to 300 psi) with maximum inlet pressure of 70 bar (1000 psi).Special sealsF3–For mineral oil and fire resistant fluidsBlank –Omit for standard modelsValve typeX –Pressure reducing valveConnectionsS –SAE straight thread T –NPTF thread** Not recommendedDesign numberSubject to change. Installation dimensions same for designs 10 through 19.Special feature suffix S21–Adjustable pressure range of 1,7 to 21 bar (25 to 300 psi)with maximum inlet pressure of 70 bar (1000 psi)Blank –Omit if not requiredPressure levelL –Low pressure typeValve size03–3/8” pipePressure rangeB –3,4 to 70 bar (50 to 1000 psi)12345678General DataThe operation of these Vickers reducing valves is such that reduced outletpressure remains constant regardless of variation of inlet pressure above the selected pressure setting. Reverse free flow is allowable, providing the pressure at the reduced pressure port does not exceed the reduced pressure setting of the valve.Pressure AdjustmentA differential of at least 1,7 bar (25 psi)between inlet and outlet pressure must be maintained for proper functioning.Adjustment of reduced outlet pressure is accomplished by loosening jam nut and turning pressure adjustment control.Clockwise rotation increases pressure.Counterclockwise rotation decreases pressure. Control adjustment has stops for minimum and maximum pressures.Drain ConnectionThe drain connection must be piped directly to tank. Any pressure at this port must be added to the valve pressure setting.Installation Dimensions Millimeters (inches)XS/TL-03-B-10 ValveNOTESModel XSL-03-B-10 is supplied with 7/8–14 straight thread system connections and a 9/16–18 straight thread drain connection.RatingsRated Capacity (Maximum)30 l/min (8 USgpm)Adjustable Pressure Range 1,7 to 70 bar (25 to 1000 psi)Inlet Pressure (Maximum)140 bar (2000 psi)Special sealsF3–For mineral oil and fire resistant fluidsBlank –Omit for standard modelsValve typeX –Pressure reducing valvePressure rangeB –1,7 to 70 bar (25 to 1000 psi)Design numberSubject to change. Installation dimensions same for designs 10 through 19.ConnectionsG –Manifold or subplate mountingPressure levelL –Low pressure typeValve size03–3/8” nominal size1234567General DataThe operation of these reducing valves is such that reduced outlet pressure remains constant regardless of variation of inlet pressure above the selected pressure setting. Reverse free flow is allowable, providing the pressure at the reduced pressure port does not exceed the reduced pressure setting of the valve.Pressure AdjustmentA differential of at least 1,7 bar (25 psi)between inlet and outlet pressure must be maintained for proper functioning.Adjustment of reduced outlet pressure is accomplished by loosening jam nut and turning pressure adjustment control.Clockwise rotation increases pressure.Counterclockwise rotation decreases pressure. Control adjustment has stops for minimum and maximum pressures.Drain ConnectionThe drain connection must be piped directly to tank. Any pressure at this port must be added to the valve pressure setting.Installation DimensionsMillimeters (inches)XGL-03-B-10 Valve3/8。
1 抽样方法以随机抽样的方式在被抽样生产者、销售者的待销产品中抽取。
2 检验依据表1 工业用小功率电动机产品检验项目序号检验项目检验方法1 旋转方向GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-20222 外壳防护等级GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-2022 GB/T 4942.1-2006 GB/T 4942-20213 内部布线GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-20224 电气间隙和爬电距离GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-20225 接地GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-20226 温升试验GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-2022 GB/T 5171.21-20167 绝缘电阻和电气强度GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-2022 GB/T 5171.21-20168 工作温度下的泄漏电流GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-2022 GB/T 5171.21-20169 元件GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-2022 GB/T 5171.21-201610 其他要求GB/T 12350-2009 GB/T 12350-2022表2 家用电器用小功率电动机产品检验项目执行企业标准、团体标准、地方标准的产品,检验项目参照上述内容执行。
3 判定规则3.1依据标准GB/T 4942.1-2006 旋转电机整体结构的防护等级(IP代码)分级GB/T 4942-2021 旋转电机整体结构的防护等级(IP代码)分级GB/T 5171.1-2014 小功率电动机第1部分:通用技术条件GB/T 5171.21-2016 小功率电动机第21部分:通用试验方法GB/T 12350-2009 小功率电动机的安全要求GB/T 12350-2022小功率电动机的安全要求现行有效的企业标准、团体标准、地方标准及产品明示质量要求3.2判定原则经检验,检验项目全部合格,判定为被抽查产品所检项目未发现不合格;检验项目中任一项或一项以上不合格,判定为被抽查产品不合格。
Directional Control ValvesDG3V-3-*-60 Hydraulic Operated DG17V-3-*-60Lever Operated DG18V-3-*-60Air Operated DG20V-3-*-60Cam Operated DG21V-3-*-60Plunger Operated CETOP 3, NFPA D03, ISO 4401682Released 5/94Vickers ®Directional ControlsIntroductionVickers directional valves offer versatility of applciation for the many directional control requirements of hydraulic machinery. Ruggedness of design, manufacturing quality, and worldwide parts and service availability maximize uptime, resulting in greater profits for your company.Manual Lever/Cam/PlungerValvesThese valves are available in an NFPAD03 interface. These valves are ratedat flows to 75 l/min (20 USgpm) and 350bar (5000 psi) maximum pressure.Roller cam, plunger, spring offset,detented, spring centered, knob or leveroperated models are available.Air OperatedAvailable in an NFPA D03 interface withrated flows to 75 l/min (20 USgpm) andmaximum pressure of 350 bar (5000 psi).Hydraulic Pilot OperatedAvailable in an NFPA D03 interface.Valves are rated at flows to 151 l/min(40 USgpm) and maximum pressure of350 bar (5000 psi)Feature and BenefitsD High pressure and flow capability for maximum cost–effectivenessD Low headloss to minimize power loss D Low–shock characteristics to maximize machine lifeD Choice of five types of control to satisfy applications where electrical control is not appropriateD Designed and manufactured by Vickers, with over 70 years as the global leader in fluid power and motion control.E Eaton Hydraulics, Incorporated 2000All Rights ReservedTable of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Information4 DG3V-3-*-60 Hydraulic OperatedDG**V-3-*-60 Lever/Cam/Plunger OperatedDG18V-3-*-60 Air Operated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mounting Position5 Service Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic Operator Model Code7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG3V-3-60 Functional Symbols8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG3V-3-60 Performance Data9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG3V-3-60 Installation Dimensions10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lever/Cam/Plunger Operator Model Code11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG17/20/21V-3-60 Functional Symbols12 Pressure Drops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG17V-3-60 Installation Dimensions15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG20V-3-60 Installation Dimensions16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG21V-3-60 Installation Dimensions17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Air Operator Model Code18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG18V-3-60 Functional Symbols19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pressure Drops20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DG18V-3-60 Installation Dimensions21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounting Interface23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application Data24General DescriptionFive types of valve are available with different controls primarily for controlling the starting, stopping and direction of fluid flow in a system.Basically, the valves are developed from the well-known series of DG4V-3-60 series solenoid operated valves (see Vickers literature # GB-C-2015). These manual valves are available with a choice of up to nine different spool types, depending on valve configuration. All spools have been designed to provide good low-shock characteristics. External regulation of the control input by hydraulic, lever, pneumatic, cam or plunger operation allows matching to virtually any requirement where electrical control is not appropriate. Models include no-spring, spring offset, spring centered and detented versions. DG3V-3-*-60 Hydraulic OperatedThe hydraulic operated DG3V-3-*-60 directional valves are used to control the direction of flow in a hydraulic circuit, which would control the movement of a work cylinder or the rotation of a fluid motor. DG**V-3-*-60Lever/Cam/Plunger OperatedOperating InformationThe DG21V-3 plunger operator valves are internally drained to port T. They may be used only when surges or back pressure in the tank line cannot overcome the force applied to depress the plunger.DG17/20/21 models must be released from actuated positions, without restriction to ensure proper spring return.Manual lever and cam operations mustbe released from their actuated positions,without any restrictions to spring return.Cam operated directional control valveinstallation recommendations:D Maximum cam angle 35°D Cam travel for dead band of 9° 30’ oneither side of center for closed centerspools for 35° cam.D This dead band should be taken intoconsideration when designing camand system circuits.D Cam should not drive roller at itsvertical centerline to avoid any sideloading on roller lever mechanism.Actuation ForceUnder rated conditions*, theapproximate actuation force will be asshown in the chart below:* T ank return must be designed so that transienttank line pressure peaks do not exceed 6,9 bar(100 psi). For tank return line pressure in excess of6,9 bar (100 psi) lever movement must be assisted.NOTEIn right hand assembly, operator “A”is always removed. In left handassembly, operator “B” is alwaysremoved. Please note thatEuropean designations are theopposite.See diagram on thenameplate of the valve for operator(port) identification.DG18V-3-**-60 Air OperatedVickers air operated DG18V-3-**-60directional control valves come in fourbasic versions: 3 position springcentered; 2 position detent; 2 positionspring offset to port A, B operator; 2position spring offset to port B, A operator.NOTEManual actuator in end cap feature(P2) available on single operatormodels only.In right hand assembly,operator “A” is always removed. Inleft hand assembly, operator “B” isalways removed. See identificationplate on top of valve for operator(port) identification.For every 3,3 bar (50 psi) increase intank line pressure the air pilotpressure must be increased 0.07 bar(1 psi). Maximum tank line pressureis 100 bar (1450 psi).Nameplate identification label isasymmetrical and fixes the “A” and“B” operators in relation to the “P”port. Designers should note forinstallation on vertical panels.On all right hand models, whenoperator “A” is pressurized, flow isalways P to A. When operator “B” ispressurized, flow is always P to B.Operators “A” and “B” are identifiedon the identification plate on top ofthe valve. For left hand assemblythis is reversed (P to B when the “A”operator is pressurized).Shift TimeShift time is essentially dependent uponpilot pressure, line length and diameter,and speed of control mechanism. Springreturn time from the offset to centerposition is approximately 45 msec. atrated flow and pressure assumingminimal back pressure in the pilot line.Shifting ActionSpring centered and spring offset types will be spring positioned unless sufficient pilot pressure is maintained at pilot port to shift and hold the valve spool.No-spring (offered as pilot valves forno-spring detented models only) require only momentary pressurization of pilot port to shift spool (approx. 0.1 seconds). When pilot pressure is relieved, spool will remain in last position attained provided there is no severe shock, vibration or unusual pressure transients.NOTESurges of oil in a common tank line serving these and other valves canbe of sufficient magnitude to cause inadvertent shifting of these valves. This is particularly critical in theno-spring and no-spring detented type valves. Separate tank lines or a vented manifold with a continuous downward path to tank is preferred.Any sliding spool, if held shifted underpressure for long periods of time, maystick and not spring return due to fluidresidue formation (silting) and therefore,should be cycled periodically to preventthis from happening.If this valve is used for purposes otherthan a 4-way valve or as shown in thegraphical symbol on the valve, consultyour distributor or sales engineer.Mounting PositionThere is no restriction on mounting ofspring centered or spring offset models.Detented models must be mounted withthe spool bore horizontal to reduce thepossibility of accidental spool shift dueto shock and/or vibration.Port ConnectionsPort connections are made by mountingthe valve on a manifold or subplatehaving mounting dimensions whichconform to NFPA–D03 (ISO-4401-03)configurations.Service LiteratureThe following literature items can beordered through your local VickersDistributor.DG3V-3 Hyd. Operator I-3895-SDG17V-3 Lever Operator I-3887-SDG18V-3 Air Operator I-3896-SDG20V-3 Cam Operator I-3893-SMaximum flow:See chart on page 9. Maximum operating pressure:350 bar (5000 psi) Maximum tank line pressure:210 bar (3000 psi) Minimum pilot pressure:See chart on page 9. Recommended fluid viscosity range:13-54 cStWeight:1,2 kg (2.5 lbs.)Operating DataControl (swept) volume(s):DG3V-3**A(L) models, end-to-end:0,8 cm3 (0.050 in3)DG3V3-**B(L)/F(L) models:center-to-end0,4 cm3 (0.025 in3)DG3V-3-**C/N models:center-to-end0,4 cm3 (0.025 in3)end-to-end0,8 cm3 (0.050 in3)DG3V-3-**(N) no-spring and detented valves require only momentary pilot pressurization to shift spool (in approx. 0.1 seconds). All other models require pilot pressure to be maintained to shift and hold the spool.DG3V-3-*-60 Hydraulic OperatorDG17/20/21-3-**-60 Lever/Cam/Plunger OperatorMaximum flow:75 l/min (20 USgpm)Maximum operating pressure:(A, B & P ports) 350 bar (5000 psi) Maximum tank line operating pressure:6,9 bar (100 psi)Maximum tank line pressure:100 bar (1450 psi)10 bar (145 psi) DG21 model only Recommended viscosity range14 Ć 86 cSt (75 Ć 400 SUS)@ 18_C to 66_C (0_F to 150_FWeights:DG17V Lever operated 1,8 kg (4.0 lbs)DG20V Cam operated 1,2 kg (2.5 lbs)DG21V Plunger operated1,2 kg (2.5 lbs)DG18V-3-*-60 Air OperatorMaximum flow: 75 l/min (20 USgpm)Maximum operating pressure:(A, B & P ports) 350 bar (5000 psi) Maximum tank line operating pressure*:100 bar (1450 psi)Maximum air pilot pressure:10 bar (150 psi)Minimum air pilot pressure:1,7 bar (25 psi)Operating temperature range:-18° C to 66°C (0° F to 150° F) Mounting interface: ISO 4401-03, CETOP 3 (NFPA D03) Recommended viscosity range:14 - 86 cSt (75 - 400 SUS) Weights:Dual operator models 1,5 kg (3.4 lbs.)Single operator models 1,2 kg (2.7 lbs.)* For every 3,3 bar (50 psi) increase in tank line pressure, the air pilot pressure must beincreased 0,07 bar (1 psi).Operating DataControl (swept) volume(s):DG18V-3**A(L) end-to-end3,6 cm3 (0.219 in3)DG18V3-**B(L)/F(L) center-to-end1,8 cm3 (0.109 in3)DG3V-3-**C/N center-to-end1,8 cm3 (0.109 in3)end-to-end3,6 cm3 (0.219 in3)Hydraulic Operator Model CodeSpool Type0 -Open center (all ports)2 -Closed center (all ports)3 - Closed center (P & B)6 -Closed center (P only)22 -Closed center - 2 way33 -Closed center (block A & B)613A, B & F models only(F models must have internal drain)T -Internal drainDesignInstallation dimensions remain as shown for design numbers 60 thru 69.DG3V-3-60 Functional SymbolsNOTE:a) Pilot pressure must always exceed drain line pressure or, for internally drained valves, the T-line pressureby at least the requisite minimum pilot pressure. Open-center spools (0, 1 and 8) should be used only in externally drained valves.b) Internally drained valves may be used only when surges in the tank line cannot possibly overcome the minimum pilot pressure differential referred to above. When the possibility of pressure surges in the tank line exist externally drained valves are recommended.DG3V-3-*A(L) Performance DataPilot Pressure RequirementsThe spools require the minimum pilot pressures shown in the graph below to overcome the spring force and any flow forces. Some spools are limited by the ability to spring return the valve.Minimum pilot pressure required at a flow rate of 20 l/min (5.5 USgpm):40324567100200300123P i l o t p r e s s u r e – b a rSpool/Spring Curve0A(L)0C 0F(L)2A(L)2C 2F(L)6A(L)6C 6F(L)22A 33C13504020P i l o t p r e s s u r e – p s i1000331141145Pressure at port P - psiPressure at port P - bar6080100200030004000500025Maximum Flow RatesSome spools are limited in theconditions they will operate without reliability problems. These are the single ended spools which must operate within limits outlined in the graph below.12462Spool malfunction limitsP r e s s u r e a t P p o r t - b a rFlow rate – l/min810203040100200300145029004350Flow rate – USgpm 3P r e s s u r e a t P p o r t - p s i104P r e s s u r e D r o p - b a rP r e s s u r e D r o p - p s i864024080120160Flow rate - l/minFlow rate - USgpm 30Spool/Spring P to A A to T P to B A to T P to TMax flow l/min (USgpm)@ 350 bar (5000 psi)Pressure Drop Curves04242 4 B 38 (10)0A 5252 4 B H0B, 0C, 0F 4242438 (10)0N 3737 4 B 38 (10)25252–38 (10)2A 6565–H2B, 2C, 2F 5252–38 (10)2N 6363–38 (10)3B, 3C, 3F 6361–38 (10)66161–38 (10)6A 5757–H6B, 6C, 6F 6161–38 (10)6N 7171–38 (10)22A 6–6––H33B, 33C, 33F 5252Y38 (10)Type “33” spool at center will pass approx. 20 l/min (5.3 USgpm) at 124 bar(1800 psi) pressure drop from port A or B (the other being plugged) to T .B H Y Transient condition.See graph above, Max. Flow Rates.NOTE: For spool types 3 and 6; not recommended for flows in excess of 60 l/min (15.8 USgpm).119126132137141D P 1 = D P (G 1 / G)* Specific gravity of fluid may be obtained from its producer.Fire-resistant fluids have higher specific ravities than oil.The pressure drop curves give approximate pressure drop D P when passing 21 cSt (100SUS) fluid(s) having .87 specific gravity.ViscositycSt (SUS)14(75)32(150)43(200)54(250)65(300)76(350)86(400)% of D P(Approx.)93111For any other viscosity the pressure dropD P will change as follows:For any other specific gravity (G 1 )* the pressure drop D P will be approximately:Pressure DropCharacteristicsSpool/Spring Curve0A(L)2A(L)6A(L)22A(L)1234DG3V3 Installation DimensionsDG3V-3-*-60 Hydraulic OperatedMillimeters (inches)124,0(4.88)74,0(2.91)25,0(0.98)Both ends21,8(0.86)25,0(0.98)48,0 (1.88)24,0 (0.94)51,0 (2.01)9,0 (0.35)108,0 (4.25)DG3V-3-**A –T –7–*–60DG3V-3-**B –T –7–*–60DG3V-3-**F –T –7–*–60Location pin “P ” Port “A ” Port128,0 (5.04)25,0 (0.98)29,0 (1.14)DG3V-3-**A –T –P1–7–*–60DG3V-3-**B –T –P1–7–*–60DG3V-3-**F –T –P1–7–*–60DG3V-3-**(L)–7–*–60DG3V-3-**A(L)–7–*–60DG3V-3-**B(L)–7–*–60DG3V-3-**C –7–*–60DG3V-3-**N –7–*–60“B ” Port “T ” Port40,5 (1.59)57,2 (2.25)30,0 (1.18) A/F across flatsPilot/drain connection B – G 1/8 threadS – SAE straight thread (7/16” - 20 UNF)Manual overrideA BA BA BLever/Cam/Plunger Operator Model Code350 bar (5000 psi)InterfaceISO 4401-03 (CETOP 3, NFPA D03)57Spool Spring Arrangement A -Spring offset to center position No.2(see installation dimensions)A2-Spring offset from position No.2 to position No.1 (DG20V cam operator only)C -Spring centered N -No-spring detented(DG17V lever operator only)DG17/20/21V-3-*-60 Functional SymbolsDG17V –3 Pressure DropsMaximum flow @ 350 bar (5000 psi)75 l/min (20 USgpm)55 l/min (15 USgpm)R.H.L.H.Pressure drop curve reference chartSpool typePABTPBATP T@ CENTER75 l/min (20 USgpm)55 l/min (15 USgpm)38 l/min (10 USgpm)0C"2C"6C"7C" 33C" 0A"2A" 6A"22A"0N"2N" 6N"7N"33N"44564556564564542425221322572213264556564564513225722132****Flow – USgpm2468101214150125100755025P r e s s u r e d r o p – p s iP r e s s u r e d r o p – b a rFlow – l/min0102030405060246810567119126132137141D P 1 = D P (G 1 / G)* Specific gravity of fluid may be obtained from its producer.The pressure drop curves give approximate pressure drop D P when passing 36 cSt (100 SUS) fluid(s) having .87 specific gravity.ViscositycSt(SUS)14(75)32(150)43(200)54(250)65(300)76(350)86(400)% of D P (Approx.)93111**Note type 33" spool at center will pass approximately 20 l/min. (5.3 USgpm) at 124 bar (1798 psi) inlet pressure.For any other viscosity the pressure drop D P will change as follows:For any other specific gravity (G 1 )* the pressure drop D P will be approximately:DG17V-3-**-60143212DG20/21V –3 Pressure DropsMaximum flow @ 350 bar (5000 psi)119126132137141For any other specific gravity (G 1)* the pressure drop D P will be approximately:D P 1 = D P (G 1 / G)* Specific gravity of fluid may be obtained from its producer.Pressure drop curve – reference chartSpool typePA BTP B ATPT@ CENTER75 l/min (20 USgpm)0C"2C" 6C" 33C" 0A" 2A" 6A"2222212231223**38 l/min (10 USgpm)**Note type “33” spool at center will pass approximately 20 l/min. (5.3 USgpm) at 124 bar (1798 psi) inlet pressure.2233332222223311The pressure drop curves give approximate pressure drop D P when passing 36 cSt (100 SUS) fluid(s) having .87specific gravity.For any other viscosity the pressure drop D P will change as follows:cSt(SUS)14(75)32(150)43(200)54(250)65(300)76(350)86(400)% of D P (Approx.)93111P r e s s u r e d r o p – p s i P r e s s u r e d r o p – b a rFlow – USgpm 2468101214150125100755025Flow – l/min010203040506024681012123R.H. ModelsL.H. Models33A"222219 l/min (5 USgpm)DG20/21V-3-**-60110,8(4.36)40,6(1.60)46,0(1.81)23,0(.91)Ø 31,8Ø (1.25)38,0(1.50)92,2(3.63)Position #213_13_Position #3Position #146,0(1.81)23,0(.91)151.3(5.96)3,1(.12)Ø3,0Ø(.12)5,45 (.215)5,30 (.209)Ø50,0(1.97)21,8(.86)PDG17V-3-*-60 Lever OperatedMillimeters (inches)∅5,3 (.21) thru, c ’bored∅9 (.35) to depth shown, 4 holesDG20V-3-*-60 Cam OperatedMillimeters (inches)Roller can be relocated to any desired positionRoller can be inverted117,0 (4.60)Position #3Position #2Position #191,2 (3.59)65,1(2.56)24,0 (.94)37,0 (1.46)13,0 (.51)50,0 (1.97)21,8 (.86)2.3 (.09)38,3 (1.51)5,6 (.22)19,0(.75)Ø69,6 (2.74)31,5 (1.24)3,1 (.12)3,02(.119)Ø27,3 (1.07)20°20°P5,45 (.215)5,30 (.209)Ø∅5,3 (.21) thru, c ’bored∅9 (.35) to depth shown, 4 holes57,2 (2.25)56,1 (2.21)57,2 (2.25)56,1 (2.21)DG21V-3-A(L)-2-60 Plunger OperatedMillimeters (inches)50,0 (1.97)21,8 (.86)24,5 (.96)3,1 (.12)3,02(.119)Ø46(1.81)Operating force, is dependent on hydraulic conditions and from 100-250 Nm (22-56 lb ft), must be applied axially.40,5(1.59)17(.67)74(2.91)3,5(.14)Nom. stroke 3,7(.15)Max. stroke A B∅5,3 (.21) thru, c ’bored∅9 (.35) to depth shown, 4 holesAir Operator Model Code1 -Open center (P & A to T)2 -Closed center (all ports)3 -Closed center (P & B)6 -Closed center (P only)7 -Open center (P to A & B, T blocked)8 -Tandem center (P to T)11 -Open center (P & B to T)22 -Closed center (two-way)31 -Closed center (P to A)33 -Closed center (bleed A & B)(Applicable for A(L), B(L) & F(L) models only)Blank -Overrides in operator end onlyP2 -Override in both ends of singleoperatorsB -1/8” BSP threadsDesignInstallation dimensions remain as shownfor design numbers 60 thru 69.11DG18V-3-*-60 Functional SymbolsNOTE:a) Pilot pressure must always exceed drain line pressure or, for internally drained valves, the T-line pressureby at least the requisite minimum pilot pressure. Open-center spools (0, 1 and 8) should be used only in externally drained valves.b) Internally drained valves may be used only when surges in the tank line cannot possibly overcome the minimum pilot pressure differential referred to above. When the possibility of pressure surges in the tank line exist externally drained valves are recommended.DG18V –3 Pressure DropsMaximum flow without malfunction @350 bar (5000 psi) in l/min (USgpm) 22A" *A" *B" *C" *F" *N"15(4)57(15)30(8)26(7)76(20)76(20)76(20)53(14)19(5)19(5)19(5)76(20)57(15)57(15)57(15)45(12)76*(20)76*(20)76*(20)26(7)26(7)26(7)57(15)57(15)57(15)38(10)38(10)57*(15)57*(15)57*(15)Valve typePressure drop curve reference chart455664232313455664232113460B"0C" 0F" 1B" 1C" 1F" 2B" 2C" 2F" 3B" 3C" 3F" 6B" 6C" 6F" 7B" 7C" 7F"** NOTE: Type 33" spool at center, will approximately pass 20 l/min. (5.3 USgpm) at 124 bar (1798 psi) inlet pressure.8B" 8C" 33B" 33C" 33F" 0A" 2A" 6A" 7A" 22A" 0N" 2N" 6N"6556566367Spool type0"1"2" 3"6"7"8"33"PABTPBATP T @ Center42527773165565663674252777318**119126132137141For any other specific gravity (G 1 )* the pressure drop D P will be approximately:D P 1 = D P (G 1 / G)* Specific gravity of fluid may be obtained from its producer.The pressure drop curves give approximate pressure drop D P when passing 36 cSt (100 SUS) fluid(s) having a specific gravity of .87.For any other viscosity the pressure drop D P will change as follows:ViscositycSt(SUS)14(75)32(150)43(200)54(250)65(300)76(350)86(400)% of D P (Approx.)93111P r e s s u r e d r o p - p s i P r e s s u r e d r o p - b a rFlow - USgpm 2468101214150125100755025Flow - l/min01020304050602468101212345678DG18VĆ3Ć**Ć60* 2 bar (30 psi) air pilot pressure required 57(15)DG18V-3-*-60 Air OperatedMillimeters (inches)Cover mounting screw torque 3.5 - 4.0 N.m (30-36 lbf. in.)27,9(1.10)Manual actuatorAir pilot connections may be rotated 90_ each side of center.Vent hole Do not blockManual actuator3.10(.122)Ø3,02(Ø.119)48.0(1.81)23,0(.91)24,5(.96)49,8(1.96)square 44,50(1.752)146,5(5.77)137,5(5.41)120,8(4.75)98,8(3.89)Air pilot conn. for P" models 1/8" NPT57,2(2.25)Operator B" (For V" models operator A")Air pilot conn. for B" models 1/8" BSP105,8(4.17)DG18VĆ3Ć**ĆP2Ć*Ć60P21,8(.86)A P B5,45 (.215)5,30 (.209)ØDG18V-3-*-60 Air OperatedMillimeters (inches)Operator “B ”(For “V ” models operator “A ”)120,8(4.75)98,8(3.89)57,2(2.25)105,8(4.17)58,4(2.30)Air pilot conn. for “B ” models 1/8” BSPOperator “A ” (For “V ” models operator “B ”)Cover mounting screw torque 3.5 – 4.0 N.m. (30–36 lbf. in.)Air pilot connections may be rotated 90_ each side of center.Vent hole Do not blockManual actuator 3.10(.122)Ø3,02(Ø.119)46.0(1.81)23,0(.91)24,5(.96)49,8(1.96)V44,50(1.752)137,5(5.41)21,8(.86)Manual actuator201,0(7.91)65,4(2.57)Air pilot conn. for “P ” models 1/8” NPTP5,45 (.215)5,30 (.209)ØMounting InterfaceThe minimum thread depth is 1.5 times bolt diameter. The recommended full thread depth is 2 x D+6mm to aid interchangeability of valves and to reduce the number of mounting bolt lengths. The recommendedengagement of the mounting bolt thread for ferrous mounting is 1.25 x D.Mounting surface must be flat within 0.013mm (.0005) and smooth within 1.1micrometer (45 microinch). Mounting bolts when provided by customer should be grade 12.9 (SAE grade 7) or better.* This dimension gives the minimum spacing distance between the valve and adjacent obstructions, for example, another valve or wall. This dimension is, therefore,the minimum distance from centerline to centerline of two similar mounting surfaces placed on a manifold block. The mounting holes are at equal distance to this dimension.21,50 ± 0.20(.846 ± .008)12,70 ± 0.20(.500 ± .008)5,10 ± 0.20(.201 ± .008)15,50 ± 0.20(.610 ± .008)25,90 ± 0.20(1.020 ± .008)31,00 ± 0.10(1.220 ± .004)Ø6,30Ø(.248)max30,20 ± 0.20(1.189 ± .008)33,00 ± 0.10(1.299 ± .004)40,50 ± 0.10(1.594 ± .004)51,0**(2.01)R 5.00( .197)maxØ4.00 ± 0.20 locating pin hole (Ø.157 ± .008)31,75 ± 0.10(1.250 ± .004)43,0**(1.69)50.0*(1.97)M5-0.8-6H thread(10-24 UNC-2B thread)Mounting bolt torque:4.5 - 6.0 N.m (40 - 50 lbs. in.)0,75 ± 0.10(.030 ± .004)Valves, subplates and bolt kits must be ordered separately.Example:(1) DG3/17/18/20VĆ3Ć2CĆ60 Valve (1) DGVMĆ3Ć10ĆS SubplateOrdering procedure(1) BK590716 Mounting bolt kit (inch)(1) BK616452M Mounting bolt kit (metric)**The dimensions specifying the area within the dotted lines are the minimum dimensions for the mounting surface. The corners of the rectangle may be radiused as shown.。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告南通天益电器设备有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:南通天益电器设备有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分南通天益电器设备有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务产品、高低压成套设备的安装、销售;五金交电1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
PSLID_003最小/最大环境温度+0°C / +60°C介质压缩空气依据 ISO 8573- : 200级6-4-3材料:外壳铝,阳极氧化引导不锈钢说明:本产品只可以未经机油润滑的压缩空气运行。
决定活塞力的压力:6 bar提升设置区,参见提升设置附件DSLID_030最大缓冲能量;移动质量Wmax.:参见技术数据-ZSC6ZSC10ZSC16ZSC20ZSC25A 2026333847A2 .5 5 8.522.527.5A3 2.5 5 822MaP¹) [Nm] .59 2.0 6. 78.23 0.29MaR¹) [Nm]0.67 2.0 6. 78.23 0.29MaY¹) [Nm]0.53 .6 4.94 6.598.23¹)最大扭矩DSLID_008 a) 深度6 b) 深度 4 c) 接口d*) 行程限制器的螺纹e)深度4,5f) 接口带插头g) 深度 5,5 h) 钻孔 M3, 0 从上面.* 不能用于 0 mm行程.A B C D E²)F5345––4463552 –4673653 –4683754 –4693855 306603956 30663 057 3066²) 钻孔数量* 请问询DSLID_02DSLID_009 a) 深度6 b) 深度 4 c) 接口d*) 行程限制器的螺纹 e) 接口带插头f) 深度 7 g) 钻孔 M3, 3 从上面 h) 深度8.* 不能用于 0 mm行程.A B C D E²)F6757––4477672 –4687773 –4697874 –4607975 –467 076 40663 057 306637 278 406647 379 406657 47 0 4066²) 钻孔数量* 请问询ZSC 10 带缓冲器DSLID_023DSLID_0 0 a) 深度7 b)深度 4 c) 接口d*) 行程限制器的螺纹e)深度6,5f) 接口带插头g) 深度8 h) 深度 0 j) 钻孔 M4, 6从上面.* 不能用于 0 mm行程.A B C D E²)F8070––44908024–46009034–460 0044–4620 054–4630 2064–4640 3074506650 4084506660 5094506670 60 045066²) 钻孔数量* 请问询ZSC 16 带缓冲器DSLID_025DSLID_0 a) 深度 9 b) 深度 4 c) 接口d*) 行程限制器的螺纹e)深度 8f) 接口带插头 g) 深度 2 h) 钻孔 M5, 9 从上面.* 不能用于 0 mm行程.A B C D E²)F9379––44038924–4639934–4623 0944–4633 954–4643 2964–4653 3974–4663 4984556673 5994556683 69 045566²) 钻孔数量* 请问询ZSC 20 带缓冲器DSLID_027Bosch Rexroth AG | Pneumatics ¬ 紧凑迷你滑块, ZSC Ø 6 - 25 mm, 双作用式, 磁性活塞, 双活塞, 带一体化球型导轨引导 6-03-2007DSLID_0 2a) 深度 2 b) 深度 4 c) 接口 d*) 行程限制器的螺纹e)深度 9 f) 接口带插头g) 深度 0 h) 深度 5 j) 钻孔 M6, 22,5 从上面. * 不能用于 0 mm行程.A B C D E²)F 399––44 23 0928–46 33 938–46 43 2948–46 53 3958–46 63 4968–46 73 5978–46 83 6988–46 93 79987066203 89 087066²) 钻孔数量* 请问询2Bosch Rexroth AG | Pneumatics¬ 紧凑迷你滑块, ZSC Ø 6 - 25 mm, 双作用式, 磁性活塞, 双活塞, 带一体化球型导轨引导 6-03-2007ZSC 25 带橡胶止挡DSLID_028。
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FCG-3-***-*-10 models, with reverseflow checkDetailed symbolSimplified symbolFCG-3-***-A-*-10 models, with reverse flow check and anti-jump featuredirectional valveNote: FCG-3-***-A models are designedprimarily for meter-in applications where the P port can be connected to an upstream point that provides continuous pilot pressure to the hydrostat to prevent “jump”. Consult your Vickers representative about alternative applications.F(C)G-3, 10 Series; ISO 4401, Size 03/NFPA D01Basic CharacteristicsMax. flow rates 1,0 to 18 L/min. . . . . . . . (0.42 to 4.75 USgpm),dependent on modelMax. pressure 315 (4500 psi) or. . . . . . . 160 bar (2325 psi),dependent on modelFunctions In line, with or without. . . . . . reverse flow check andanti-jump feature General DescriptionThese pressure compensated valves are designed to provide adjustable controlled flow rates independent of changes in inlet and/or outlet pressures above a minimum pressure differential. Models are available with or without integral reverse flow check valves. Those with check valves are optionally available with an anti-jump feature designed to eliminate transient surges above the controlled flow rate setting whenever flow is first directed to the inlet port A.Functional SymbolsFG-3-***-*-10 models, without reverse flow checkAll models have rotary adjustment ofcontrolled flow and can be supplied with or without an integral key-lock feature.The construction of a typical model with integral check valve and anti-jump feature is shown opposite. Its operation is the same as for similar valves described in the “Industrial Hydraulics” manualalthough the spring-loaded hydrostat is functionally located downstream of the adjustable restrictor, as shown in the “Functional Symbols” section.Pressure Compensated Flow Control ValvesVickers ®Flow ControlsModel CodeF(C)G TypeFCG=Flow control with reverse flowcheckFG =Flow control without reverseflow check Max. controlled flow rate 10=1,0 L/min (0.26 USgpm)16=1,6 L/min (0.42 USgpm)32=3,2 L/min (0.85 USgpm)63=6,3 L/min (1.66 USgpm)120=12,0 L/min (3.17 USgpm)180=18,0 L/min (4.75 USgpm)-3-***(-A)-*1245123-10Anti-jump feature (FCG model option)Omit when not required and for all FG models.Controlled flow adjustment H =Manual without key lock K =Manual with key lock Design number, 10 series Subject to change. Installation dimensions remain unchanged for design numbers 10-19 inclusive.534Operating DataPressure Limits Flow LimitsApplicationsFG-3 models are for general use in meter-in, meter-out or bleed-off applications.FCG-3-***-*-10 models are for general use in meter-in or meter-out applications in which high reverse flow rates can occur.FCG-3-***-A-10 models are for similar use in those meter-in applications where the possibility of transient surges above the controlled flow rate setting,whenever flow is first directed to the inlet port, is undesirable, e.g.–for feed speed control–for successive fast approach/feed sequences (fine machining of interrupted bores).Typical with petroleum oil at 36 cSt (170 SUS) and at 50_C (122_F)Controlled Flow, F(C)G-3-16/32 Models12345678910Scale reading4,03,63,22,82,42,01,61,20,80, l o w r a t eUSgpm L/min 0Angular rotation (degrees) from zero Controlled Flow, F(C)G-3-63/120/180 Models12345678910Scale readingF l o w r a t eUSgpm L/min 0246810121416182045321Angular rotation (degrees) from zero Reverse Flow Pressure Drop, FCG Modelsbar 0psi Flow rateP r e s s u r e d r o p24681008060402012000L/min USgpm101210203014016012345678Performance DataThermal stability of controlled flow,typical example:Flow set at 20_C (68_F)0,25 L/min. . . . (0.07 USgpm)Flow increase at70_C (158_F)+12%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic FluidsAll valves can be used with antiwear or other hydraulic petroleum oils. Iffire-resistant fluids are required to be used, consult your Vickersrepresentative. The extreme operating viscosity range is from 300 to 10 cSt (1460 to 54 SUS) but the recommended running range is from 54 to 13 cSt(245 to 70 SUS). For further information fluids see catalog 920.Temperature LimitsMin.–20_C (–4_F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max.*+80_C (176_F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * To obtain optimum service life from bothfluid and hydraulic system, 65_C (150_F) is normally the maximum temperature for hydraulic petroleum oils.Whatever the actual temperature range,ensure that the viscosities stay within the limits specified in the “Hydraulic Fluids ” section.Contamination Control Requirements Recommendations on contamination control methods and the selection of products to control fluid condition are included in Vickers publication 9132 or 561, “Vickers Guide to SystemicContamination Control ”. The book also includes information on the Vickers concept of “ProActive Maintenance ”.The following recommendations are based on ISO cleanliness levels at 2 m m, 5 m m and 15 m m. For products in this catalog the recommended levels are:Up to 210 bar (3050 psi)19/17/14. . . . . Above 210 bar (3050 psi)19/17/14. . . .Installation Dimensions in mm (inches)MassAll models1,1 kg (2.4 lb) approx.. . . . . .Installation DataMounting AttitudeUnrestrictedMounting Surface, Subplates and Fixing BoltsSee note in “Installation Dimensions”section. F(C)G-3 valves cannot be used to top normal ISO 4401 size 03/NFPAD01 module stacks unless the application will be satisfactory with atwo-bolt fixing and with the two orthree-port arrangements of the F(C)G-3 valves; consult your Vickers representative if such an arrangementis required.A two-bolt fixing kit BK 986743Mcontaining M5 x 60 long soc. hd. capscrews is available separately forsecuring an F(C)G-3 valve direct to asubplate.Ordering ProcedureValves and fixing bolt kits must beordered as separate items e.g.2 off FCG-3-120-A-K-10 valve2 off BK 986743M bolt kitService and RepairThe construction of these valves is suchthat the only spare parts available arethe mounting surface seals (kit no.986742 containing three seals).Experience shows that the onlyservicing likely to be needed is thepossibility to dismantle thespring-loaded hydrostat for cleaning incases where contaminant hasaccumulated through continuous use inless than ideal environments. For detailssee “Spare Parts” leaflet 40594.。