网易视频云:HBase – 存储文件HFile结构解析




Table of ContentsHFile存储格式Block块结构HFile存储格式HFile是参照谷歌的SSTable存储格式进行设计的,所有的数据记录都是通过它来完成持久化,其内部主要采用分块的方式进行存储,如图所示:每个HFile内部包含多种不同类型的块结构,这些块结构从逻辑上来讲可归并为两类,分别用于数据存储和数据索引(简称数据块和索引块),其中数据块包括:(1) DATA_BLOCK:存储表格数据(2) BLOOM_CHUNK:存储布隆过滤器的位数组信息(3) META_BLOCK:存储元数据信息(4) FILE_INFO:存储HFile文件信息索引块包括:表格数据索引块(ROOT_INDEX、INTERMEDIATE_INDEX、LEAF_INDEX) 在早期的HFile版本中(version-1),表格数据是采用单层索引结构进行存储的,这样当数据量上升到一定规模时,索引数据便会消耗大量内存,导致的结果是Region加载效率低下(A region is not considered opened until all of its block index data is loaded)。





1. Trailer区域该区域位于文件的最底部,HFile主要通过它来实现相关数据的定位功能,因此需要最先加载,其数据内容是采用protobuf进行序列化处理的,protocol声明如下:message FileTrailerProto {optional uint64 file_info_offset = 1;optional uint64 load_on_open_data_offset = 2;optional uint64 uncompressed_data_index_size = 3;optional uint64 total_uncompressed_bytes = 4;optional uint32 data_index_count = 5;optional uint32 meta_index_count = 6;optional uint64 entry_count = 7;optional uint32 num_data_index_levels = 8;optional uint64 first_data_block_offset = 9;optional uint64 last_data_block_offset = 10;optional string comparator_class_name = 11;optional uint32 compression_codec = 12;optional bytes encryption_key = 13;}FileInfo数据块在HFile中的偏移量信息;Load-on-open区域在HFile中的偏移量信息;所有表格索引块在压缩前的总大小;所有表格数据块在压缩前的总大小;根索引块中包含的索引实体个数;元数据索引块中包含的索引实体个数;文件所包含的KeyValue总数;表格数据的索引层级数;第一个表格数据块在HFile中的偏移量信息;最后一个表格数据块在HFile中的偏移量信息;在代码层面上Trailer是通过FixedFileTrailer类来封装的,可通过其readFromStream方法用来读取指定HFile的Trailer信息。

hbase hfile的组织结构

hbase hfile的组织结构

hbase hfile的组织结构HBase是一个分布式的、面向列的开源数据库,它构建在Hadoop之上,提供了实时读写访问海量数据的能力。



一、HBase1.1 HBase概述HBase是一个基于列族(Column Family)存储模型的分布式数据库,它是Apache Hadoop生态系统中非常重要的一部分。

它采用了Google Bigtable论文中描述的数据模型,并且将其应用到了Apache Hadoop之上。





1.2 HBase架构HBase架构主要由以下几个部分组成:(1)RegionServer:负责处理客户端请求,并且与HDFS交互来存储和检索数据。


(3)Master Server:负责管理RegionServer的分配和负载均衡。


1.3 HBase数据模型HBase的数据模型与传统关系型数据库不同,它采用了基于列族的存储模型。




二、HFile2.1 HFile概述HFile是HBase中存储数据的一种格式,它是基于块状文件格式(Block-Structured File Format)实现的。




HBase中的所有数据文件都存储在Hadoop HDFS文件系统上,主要包括HFile和HLog File两种文件类型。




Trailer中有指针指向其他数据块的起始点,而File Info中记录了文件的一些Meta信息,例如:AVG_KEY_LEN、AVG_VALUE_LEN、LAST_KEY、COMPARATOR、MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY等。

此外,HFile的Data Block和Meta Block通常采用压缩方式存储,压缩之后可以大大减少网络IO和磁盘IO,但也需要花费CPU进行压缩和解压缩。

HLog File则是HBase中WAL(Write Ahead Log)的存储格式,物理上是Hadoop的Sequence File。

网易视频云技术分享:HBase BlockCache系列-性能对比测试报告

网易视频云技术分享:HBase BlockCache系列-性能对比测试报告

网易视频云技术分享:HBaseBlockCache系列-性能对比测试报告网易视频云是网易倾力打造的一款基于云计算的分布式多媒体处理集群和专业音视频技术,提供稳定流畅、低时延、高并发的视频直播、录制、存储、转码及点播等音视频的PAAS 服务,在线教育、远程医疗、娱乐秀场、在线金融等各行业及企业用户只需经过简单的开发即可打造在线音视频平台。





需要注意的是,本文的所有数据都来自社区文档,在这里分享也只是给大家一个参考,更加详细的测试数据可以阅读文章《paring BlockCache Deploys》和HBASE-11323附件报告。


每X图都会分别显示LRU 君和CBC君的四种场景数据,总计八种场景,下面数据表示LRU君的四种场景分布在时间段21:36:39~22:36:40,CBC君的四种场景分布在时间段23:02:16~00:02:17,看图的时候需要特别注意。

LRU君:Tue Jul 22 21:36:39 PDT 2014 run size=32, clients=25 ; lrubc time=1200 缓存全部命中Tue Jul 22 21:56:39 PDT 2014 run size=72, clients=25 ; lrubctime=1200 大量缓存命中Tue Jul 22 22:16:40 PDT 2014 run size=144, clients=25 ;lrubc time=1200 少量缓存命中Tue Jul 22 22:36:40 PDT 2014 run size=1000, clients=25 ; lrubc time=1200 缓存基本未命中CBC君:Tue Jul 22 23:02:16 PDT 2014 run size=32, clients=25 ; buckettime=1200 缓存全部命中Tue Jul 22 23:22:16 PDT 2014 run size=72, clients=25 ; bucket time=1200 大量缓存命中Tue Jul 22 23:42:17 PDT 2014 run size=144, clients=25 ; bucket time=1200 少量缓存命中Wed Jul 23 00:02:17 PDT 2014 run size=1000, clients=25 ; bucket time=1200 缓存基本未命中GCGC指标是HBase运维最关心的指标,出现一次长时间的GC就会导致这段时间内业务方的所有读写请求失败,如果业务方没有很好的容错,就会出现丢数据的情况出现。



HFile: A Block-Indexed File Formatto Store Sorted Key-Value PairsSep 10, 2009 Schubert Zhang (schubert.zhang@) 1. IntroductionHFile is a mimic of Google’s SSTable. Now, it is available in Hadoop HBase-0.20.0. And the previous releases of HBase temporarily use an alternate file format – MapFile[4], which is a common file format in Hadoop IO package. I think HFile should also become a common file format when it becomes mature, and should be moved into the common IO package of Hadoop in the future.Following words of SSTable are from section 4 of Google’s Bigtable paper.The Google SSTable file format is used internally to store Bigtable data. An SSTable provides a persistent, ordered immutable map from keys to values, where both keys and values are arbitrary byte strings. Operations are provided to look up the value associated with a specified key, and to iterate over all key/value pairs in a specified key range. Internally, each SSTable contains a sequence of blocks (typically each block is 64KB in size, but this is configurable). A block index (stored at the end of the SSTable) is used to locate blocks; the index is loaded into memory when the SSTable is opened. A lookup can be performed with a single disk seek: we first find the appropriate block by performing a binary search in the in-memory index, and then reading the appropriate block from disk. Optionally, an SSTable can be completely mapped into memory, which allows us to perform lookups and scans without touching disk.[1]The HFile implements the same features as SSTable, but may provide more or less.2. File FormatData Block SizeWhenever we say Block Size, it means the uncompressed size.The size of each data block is 64KB by default, and is configurable in HFile.Writer. It means the data block will not exceed this size more than one key/value pair. The HFile.Writer starts a new data block to add key/value pairs if the current writing block is equal to or bigger than this size. The 64KB size is same as Google’s [1].To achieve better performance, we should select different block size. If the average key/value size is very short (e.g. 100 bytes), we should select small blocks (e.g. 16KB) to avoid too many key/value pairs in each block, which will increase the latency of in-block seek, because the seeking operation always finds the key from the first key/value pair in sequence within a block.Maximum Key LengthThe key of each key/value pair is currently up to 64KB in size. Usually, 10-100 bytes is a typical size for most of our applications. Even in the data model of HBase, the key (rowkey+column family:qualifier+timestamp) should not be too long.Maximum File SizeThe trailer, file-info and total data block indexes (optionally, may add meta block indexes) will be in memory when writing and reading of an HFile. So, a larger HFile (with more data blocks) requires more memory. For example, a 1GB uncompressed HFile would have about 15600 (1GB/64KB) data blocks, and correspondingly about 15600 indexes. Suppose the average key size is 64 bytes, then we need about 1.2MB RAM (15600X80) to hold these indexes in memory.Compression Algorithm-Compression reduces the number of bytes written to/read from HDFS. -Compression effectively improves the efficiency of network bandwidth and disk space-Compression reduces the size of data needed to be read when issuinga readTo be as low friction as necessary, a real-time compression library is preferred. Currently, HFile supports following three algorithms:(1)NONE (Default, uncompressed, string name=”none”)(2)GZ (Gzip, string name=”gz”)Out of the box, HFile ships with only Gzip compression, which is fairly slow.(3)LZO(Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer, preferred, string name=”lzo”)To achieve maximal performance and benefit, you must enable LZO, which is a lossless data compression algorithm that is focused on decompression speed.Following figures show the format of an HFile.In above figures, an HFile is separated into multiple segments, from beginning to end, they are:-Data Block segmentTo store key/value pairs, may be compressed.-Meta Block segment (Optional)To store user defined large metadata, may be compressed.-File Info segmentIt is a small metadata of the HFile, without compression. User can add user defined small metadata (name/value) here.-Data Block Index segmentIndexes the data block offset in the HFile. The key of each index is the key of first key/value pair in the block.-Meta Block Index segment (Optional)Indexes the meta block offset in the HFile. The key of each index is the user defined unique name of the meta block.-TrailerThe fix sized metadata. To hold the offset of each segment, etc. To read an HFile, we should always read the Trailer firstly.The current implementation of HFile does not include Bloom Filter, which should be added in the future.The FileInfo is a SortedMap in implementation. So the actual order of thosefields is alphabetically based on the key.3. LZO CompressionLZO is now removed from Hadoop or HBase 0.20+ because of GPL restrictions. To enable it, we should install native library firstly as following.[6][7][8][9](1)Download LZO: /, and build.# ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --enable-shared--disable-asm# make# make installThen the libraries have been installed in: /usr/local/lib(2)Download the native connector library/p/hadoop-gpl-compression/, and build.Copy hadoo-0.20.0-core.jar to ./lib.# ant compile-native# ant jar(3)Copy the native library (build/native/Linux-amd64-64) andhadoop-gpl-compression-0.1.0-dev.jar to your application’s libdirectory. If your application is a MapReduce job, copy them to hadoop’s lib directory. Your application should follow the$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop script to ensure that the native hadoop library is on the library path via the system property-Djava.library.path=<path>. [9] For example:Then our application and hadoop/MapReduce can use LZO.4. Performance EvaluationTestbed− 4 slaves + 1 master−Machine: 4 CPU cores (2.0G), 2x500GB 7200RPM SATA disks, 8GB RAM.−Linux: RedHat 5.1 (2.6.18-53.el5), ext3, no RAID, noatime−1Gbps network, all nodes under the same switch.−Hadoop-0.20.0 (1GB heap), lzo-2.0.3Some MapReduce-based benchmarks are designed to evaluate the performance of operations to HFiles, in parallel.−Total key/value entries: 30,000,000.−Key/Value size: 1000 bytes (10 for key, and 990 for value). We have totally 30GB of data.−Sequential key ranges: 60, i.e. each range have 500,000 entries.−Use default block size.−The entry value is a string, each continuous 8 bytes are a filled with a same letter (A~Z). E.g. “BBBBBBBBXXXXXXXXGGGGGGGG……”. We set mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum=3 to avoid client side bottleneck.(1)WriteEach MapTask for each range of key, which writes a separate HFile with 500,000 key/value entries.(2)Full ScanEach MapTask scans a separate HFile from beginning to end.(3)Random Seek a specified keyEach MapTask opens one separate HFile, and selects a random key within that file to seek it. Each MapTask runs 50,000 (1/10 of the entries) random seeks.(4)Random Short ScanEach MapTask opens one separate HFile, and selects a random key within that file as a beginning to scan 30 entries. Each MapTask runs 50,000 scans, i.e. scans 50,000*30=1,500,000 entries.This table shows the average entries which are written/seek/scanned per second, and per node.In this evaluation case, the compression ratio is about 7:1 for gz(Gzip), and about 4:1 for lzo. Even through the compression ratio is just moderate, the lzo column shows the best performance, especially for writes.The performance of full scan is much better than SequenceFile, so HFile may provide better performance to MapReduce-based analytical applications.The random seek in HFiles is slow, especially in none-compressed HFiles. But the above numbers already show 6X~10X better performance than a disk seek (10ms). Following Ganglia charts show us the overhead of load, CPU, and network. The random short scan makes the similar phenomena.5. Implementation and API5.1 HFile.Writer : How to create and write an HFile(1) ConstructorsThere are 5 constructors. We suggest using following two:public Writer(FileSystem fs, Path path, int blocksize,String compress,final RawComparator<byte []> comparator)public Writer(FileSystem fs, Path path, int blocksize,Compression.Algorithm compress,final RawComparator<byte []> comparator)These two constructors are same. They create file (call fs.create(…)) and get an FSDataOutputStream for writing. Since the FSDataOutputStream iscreated when constructing the HFile.Writer, it will be automatically closed when the HFile.Writer is closed.The other two constructors provide FSDataOutputStream as a parameter. It means the file is created and opened outside of the HFile.Writer, so, when we close the HFile.Writer, the FSDataOutputStream will not be closed. But we do not suggest using these two constructors directly.public Writer(final FSDataOutputStream ostream, final int blocksize, final String compress,final RawComparator<byte []> c)public Writer(final FSDataOutputStream ostream, final int blocksize, final Compression.Algorithm compress,final RawComparator<byte []> c)Another constructor only provides fs and path as parameters, all other attributes are default, i.e. NONE of compression, 64KB of block size, raw ByteArrayComparator, etc.(2) Write Key/Value pairs into HFileBefore key/value pairs are written into an HFile, the application must sort them using the same comparator, i.e. all key/value pairs must be sequentially and increasingly write/append into an HFile. There are following methods to write/append key/value pairs:public void append(final KeyValue kv)public void append(final byte [] key, final byte [] value)public void append(final byte [] key, final int koffset, final int klength, final byte [] value, final int voffset, final int vlength)When adding a key/value pair, they will check the current block size. If the size reach the maximum size of a block, the current block will be compressed and written to the output stream (of the HFile), and then create a new block for writing. The compression is based on each block. For each block, an output stream for compression will be created from beginning of a new block and released when finish.Following chart is the relationship of the output steams OO design:The key/value appending operation is written from the outside (DataOutputStream), and the above OO mechanism will handle the buffer and compression functions and then write to the file in under layer file system.Before a key/value pair is written, following will checked:-The length of Key-The order of Key (must bigger than the last one)(3) Add metadata into HFileWe can add metadata block into an HFile.public void appendMetaBlock(String metaBlockName, byte [] bytes)The application should provide a unique metaBlockName for each metadata block within an HFile.Reminding: If your metadata is large enough (e.g. 32KB uncompressed), you can use this feature to add a separate meta block. It may be compressed in the file.But if your metadata is very small (e.g. less than 1KB), please use following method to append it into file info. File info will not be compressed.public void appendFileInfo(final byte [] k, final byte [] v)(4) CloseBefore the HFile.Writer is closed, the file is not completed written. So, we must call close() to:-finish and flush the last block-write all meta block into file (may be compressed)-generate and write file info metadata-write data block indexes-write meta block indexes-generate and write trailer metadata-close the output-stream.5.2 HFile.Reader: How to read HFileCreate an HFile.Reader to open an HFile, and we can seek, scan and read on it.(1) ConstructorWe suggest using following constructor to create an HFile.Reader.public Reader(FileSystem fs, Path path, BlockCache cache,boolean inMemory)It calls fs.open(…) to open the file, and gets an FSDataInputStream for reading. The input stream will be automatically closed when the HFile.Reader is closed.Another constructor uses InputStream as parameter directly. It means the file is opened outside the HFile.Reader.public Reader(final FSDataInputStream fsdis, final long size,final BlockCache cache, final boolean inMemory)We can use BlockCache to improve the performance of read, and the mechanism of mechanism will be described in other document.(2) Load metadata and block indexes of an HFileThe HFile is not readable before loadFileInfo() is explicitly called . It will read metadata (Trailer, File Info) and Block Indexes (data block and meta block) into memory. And the COMPARATOR instance will reconstruct from file info.BlockIndexThe important method of BlockIndex is:int blockContainingKey(final byte[] key, int offset, int length)It uses binarySearch to check if a key is contained in a block. The return value of binarySearch() is very puzzled:IndexList Before0 1 2 3 4 5 6 …BlockDatabinarySearch() return -1 -2-3-4-5-6-7 -8 …HFileScannerWe must create an HFile.Reader.Scanner to seek, scan, and read on an HFile. HFile.Reader.Scanner is an implementation of HFileScanner interface.To seek and scan in an HFIle, we should do as following:(1)Create a HFile.Reader, and loadFileInfo().(2)In this HFile.Reader, calls getScanner() to obtain an HFileScanner.(3).1 For a scan from the beginning of the HFile, calls seekTo() toseek to the beginning of the first block..2 For a scan from a key, calls seekTo(key) to seek to the position of the key or before the key (if there is not such a key in this HFile)..3 For a scan from before of a key, calls seekBefore(key).(4)Calls next() to iterate over all key/value pairs. The next() willreturn false when it reach the end of the HFile. If an application wants to stop at any condition, it should be implemented by the application itself. (e.g. stop at a special endKey.)(5)If you want lookup a specified key, just call seekTo(key), thereturned value=0 means you found it.(6)After we seekTo(…) or next() to a position of specified key, wecan call following methods to get the current key and value.public KeyValue getKeyValue() // recommendedpublic ByteBuffer getKey()public ByteBuffer getValue()(7)Don’t forget to close the HFile.Reader. But a scanner need not beclosed, since it does not hold any resource.References[1]Google, Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data,/papers/bigtable.html[2]HBase-0.20.0 Documentation,/hbase/docs/r0.20.0/[3]HFile code review and refinement./jira/browse/HBASE-1818[4]MapFile API:/common/docs/current/api/org/apache/hadoop/io/MapFile.html[5]Parallel LZO: Splittable Compression for Hadoop./blog/2009/06/24/parallel-lzo-splittable-compression-for-hadoop//2009/06/parallel-lzo-splittable-on-hadoop-using-cloudera/[6]Using LZO in Hadoop and HBase:/hadoop/UsingLzoCompression[7]LZO: [8]Hadoop LZO native connector library:/p/hadoop-gpl-compression/[9]Hadoop Native Libraries Guide:/common/docs/r0.20.0/native_libraries.html。

hbase catalog 表结构

hbase catalog 表结构



1. 列族列族是HBase表的一个重要组成部分。





2. 列修饰符列修饰符是表中的一个具体的列。




3. 表结构HBase的表结构由列族和列修饰符组成。




4. 表结构设计原则在进行HBase表结构设计时,需要遵循一些基本原则:- 确定数据访问模式:需要根据业务需求来确定数据的访问模式,从而决定表的结构。

- 合理划分列族:需要根据业务需求和数据特点来合理划分列族,避免不必要的数据冗余和重复。

- 合理设计列修饰符:需要根据业务需求来合理设计列修饰符,使得数据能够被高效地访问和管理。

- 考虑数据增长和扩展性:需要考虑数据的增长和系统的扩展性,设计出能够支持大规模数据存储和访问的表结构。






网易视频云技术分享:HBase - 建表语句解析

网易视频云技术分享:HBase - 建表语句解析

网易视频云技术分享:HBase -建表语句解析网易视频云是网易公司旗下的视频云服务产品,以Paas服务模式,向开发者提供音视频编解码SDK和开放API,助力APP接入音视频功能。

现在,网易视频云的技术专家给大家分享一篇技术性文章:HBase -建表语句解析。



虽然HBase没有主键、索引这些概念,但在HBase的世界里,有些东西和它们一样重要!废话不说,直接奉上一条HBase建表语句,来为各位看官分解剖析:create'NewsClickFeedback',{NAME=>'Toutiao',VERSIONS=>1,BLOCKCACHE=>true,BLOOMFILTER=> 'ROW',COMPRESSION=>'SNAPPY',TTL => ' 259200 '},{SPLITS =>['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f']}上述建表语句表示创建一个表名为“NewsClickFeedback”的表,该表只包含一个列簇“Toutiao”。



hbase.loadincrementalhfiles 参数-概述说明以及解释

hbase.loadincrementalhfiles 参数-概述说明以及解释

hbase.loadincrementalhfiles 参数-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在大数据处理中,HBase作为一种分布式的、面向列的NoSQL数据库,被广泛应用于海量数据存储和实时查询场景。









同时,本文还将对该参数进行总结,并给出对其的一些建议,以帮助读者更好地应用和理解hbase.loadincrementalhfiles 参数的作用和价值。

1.2 文章结构本文共分为三个主要部分:引言、正文和结论。

以下是各个部分的详细介绍:1. 引言引言部分主要对本文的主题进行简要介绍,概述文章将要讨论的内容,并强调本文的目的。

网易视频云:HBase – Memstore Flush深度解析

网易视频云:HBase – Memstore Flush深度解析

网易视频云:HBase – Memstore Flush深度解析网易视频云技术专家给大家分享一则技术文章:HBase – Memstore Flush深度解析。



Memstore 概述HBase中,Region是集群节点上最小的数据服务单元,用户数据表由一个或多个Region组成。


每个Store由一个Memstore和多个HFile组成,如下图所示:之前我们提到,HBase是基于LSM-Tree模型的,所有的数据更新插入操作都首先写入Memstore中(同时会顺序写到日志HLog中),达到指定大小之后再将这些修改操作批量写入磁盘,生成一个新的HFile文件,这种设计可以极大地提升HBase的写入性能;另外,HBase为了方便按照RowKey进行检索,要求HFile中数据都按照RowKey 进行排序,Memstore数据在flush为HFile之前会进行一次排序,将数据有序化;还有,根据局部性原理,新写入的数据会更大概率被读取,因此HBase在读取数据的时候首先检查请求的数据是否在Memstore,写缓存未命中的话再到读缓存中查找,读缓存还未命中才会到HFile文件中查找,最终返回merged的一个结果给用户。


其中flush 操作又是Memstore最核心的操作,接下来重点针对Memstore的flush操作进行深入地解析:首先分析HBase在哪些场景下会触发flush,然后结合源代码分析整个flush 的操作流程,最后再重点整理总结和flush相关的配置参数,这些参数对于性能调优、问题定位都非常重要。

网易视频云:HBase – 存储文件HFile结构解析

网易视频云:HBase – 存储文件HFile结构解析


今天,网易视频云技术专家与大家分享一下:HBase –存储文件HFile结构解析。

HFile是HBase存储数据的文件组织形式,参考BigTable的SSTable和Hadoop的TFile 实现。


HFileV1版本的在实际使用过程中发现它占用内存多,HFile V2版本针对此进行了优化,HFile V3版本基本和V2版本相同,只是在cell层面添加了Tag数组的支持。


HFile逻辑结构HFile V2的逻辑结构如下图所示:文件主要分为四个部分:Scanned block section,Non-scanned block section,Opening-time data section和Trailer。

Scanned block section:顾名思义,表示顺序扫描HFile时所有的数据块将会被读取,包括Leaf Index Block和Bloom Block。

Non-scanned block section:表示在HFile顺序扫描的时候数据不会被读取,主要包括Meta Block和Intermediate Level Data Index Blocks两部分。

Load-on-open-section:这部分数据在HBase的region server启动时,需要加载到内存中。

包括FileInfo、Bloom filter block、data block index和meta block index。


HFile物理结构如上图所示,HFile会被切分为多个大小相等的block块,每个block的大小可以在创建表列簇的时候通过参数blocksize=> ‘65535’进行指定,默认为64k,大号的Block有利于顺序Scan,小号Block利于随机查询,因而需要权衡。



HBase(三)HBase架构与⼯作原理⼀、系统架构注意:应该是每⼀个 RegionServer 就只有⼀个 HLog,⽽不是⼀个 Region 有⼀个 HLog。


1、Client1、HBase 有两张特殊表:.META.:记录了⽤户所有表拆分出来的的 Region 映射信息,.META.可以有多个 Regoin-ROOT-:记录了.META.表的 Region 信息,-ROOT-只有⼀个 Region,⽆论如何不会分裂2、Client 访问⽤户数据前需要⾸先访问 ZooKeeper,找到-ROOT-表的 Region 所在的位置,然后访问-ROOT-表,接着访问.META.表,最后才能找到⽤户数据的位置去访问,中间需要多次⽹络操作,不过 client 端会做 cache 缓存。

2、ZooKeeper1、ZooKeeper 为 HBase 提供 Failover 机制,选举 Master,避免单点 Master 单点故障问题2、存储所有 Region 的寻址⼊⼝:-ROOT-表在哪台服务器上。

-ROOT-这张表的位置信息3、实时监控 RegionServer 的状态,将 RegionServer 的上线和下线信息实时通知给 Master4、存储 HBase 的 Schema,包括有哪些 Table,每个 Table 有哪些 Column Family3、Master1、为 RegionServer 分配 Region2、负责 RegionServer 的负载均衡3、发现失效的 RegionServer 并重新分配其上的 Region4、HDFS 上的垃圾⽂件(HBase)回收5、处理 Schema 更新请求(表的创建,删除,修改,列簇的增加等等)4、RegionServer1、RegionServer 维护 Master 分配给它的 Region,处理对这些 Region 的 IO 请求2、RegionServer 负责 Split 在运⾏过程中变得过⼤的 Region,负责 Compact 操作可以看到,client 访问 HBase 上数据的过程并不需要 master 参与(寻址访问 zookeeper 和 RegioneServer,数据读写访问RegioneServer),Master 仅仅维护者 Table 和 Region 的元数据信息,负载很低。



HBase架构简介一、概览图1图1指出了在HBase中其实有两种文件,一种是write-ahead log,而另一种则是真正存储数据的地方。



基本的通信流程是这样的:当一个client需要查询某一特点的row时,它会先连到Zookeeper(事实上是ZK管理的集群),并且从zookeeper获取持有-ROOT-的region的server name,有了这个信息以后,我们就可以去寻找包含刚刚我们查询的row的.META.的region的server name。





当HBase启动时,HMaster负责向各个RS分配region,其中当然也包括了-ROOT-和.META.某RS打开一个Region,这时会创建一个相应的HRegion对象,当HRegion打开时,它会为每一个HColumnFamily创建一个Store,每一个Store 都会有一个或者多个StoreFile的实例,它是对真正的存储文件HFile的轻量级封装。


二、写当一个client向RS发起一个HTable.put(Put)的请求时,第一步先把数据写入write-ahead-log(WAL),被HLog所表示,这个WAL是一个标准的Hadoo SequenceFile,当Server挂掉以后再重启,WAL可以继续将未被持久化的数据持久化。



HBase学习笔记之HFile格式主要看Roger的⽂档,这⾥作为⽂档的补充HFile的格式-HFile的基本结构Trailer通过指针找到Meta index、Data index、File info。

Meta index保存每⼀个元数据在HFile中的位置、⼤⼩、元数据的key值。

Data index保存每⼀个数据块在HFile中的位置、⼤⼩、块第⼀个cell的key值。

File Info保存HFile相关信息。








查看⼀个HFile的内容:hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile -f /hbase/v_dm_user_app_d_201406/c64c6f7f7caf7f6d5a3f6bbc209dd2cb/c/0ebf8900a669462c8a9d9d908622928f -v -m -p14/07/10 10:23:33 INFO util.ChecksumType: Checksum can use java.util.zip.CRC32Scanning -> /hbase/v_dm_user_app_d_201406/c64c6f7f7caf7f6d5a3f6bbc209dd2cb/c/0ebf8900a669462c8a9d9d908622928f14/07/10 10:23:33 INFO hfile.CacheConfig: Allocating LruBlockCache with maximum size 246.9m14/07/10 10:23:33 ERROR metrics.SchemaMetrics: Inconsistent configuration. Previous configuration for using table name in metrics: true, new configuration: falseK: 135********|20140608-1/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=32/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519304818\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96\x090.38K: 135********|20140608-2/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519304818\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x0913.87K: 135********|20140608-32/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519304818\x09vivo\xE5\xAE\x98\xE7\xBD\x91\x0912.0K: 135********|20140608-23/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09HTTP\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE7\xBD\x91\x09205.0K: 135********|20140608-24/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09360\xE7\xBD\x91\xE7\xAB\x99\x09165.0K: 135********|20140608-25/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE6\xB7\x98\xE5\xAE\x9D\x098.0K: 135********|20140608-29/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=44/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE5\x8F\x8B\xE7\x9B\x9F\xE6\x9C\x8D\xE5\x8A\xA1\xE5\xB9\xB3\xE5\x8F\xB0\x0915.0K: 135********|20140608-3/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96\x0925.89K: 135********|20140608-33/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\xA4\xB4\xE5\x83\x8F\x0963.0K: 135********|20140608-34/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=35/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE7\xBD\x91\x0990.0K: 135********|20140608-39/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE5\xA2\xA8\xE8\xBF\xB9\xE5\xA4\xA9\xE6\xB0\x94\x0911.0K: 135********|20140608-4/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=39/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x091442.83K: 135********|20140608-52/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=39/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519306776\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\x9B\xBE\xE7\x89\x87\x09266.0K: 135********|20140608-5/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519609801\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x09338.97K: 135********|20140608-26/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=39/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\xA4\xB4\xE5\x83\x8F\x09521.0K: 135********|20140608-31/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE5\x9B\xBE\xE7\x89\x87\x0931.0K: 135********|20140608-43/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE7\xBD\x91\x091391.0K: 135********|20140608-47/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=32/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE6\x90\x9C\xE7\x8B\x90\x0976.0K: 135********|20140608-48/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=47/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE5\x9B\xBD\xE8\x81\x94\xE9\x80\x9A\xE6\xB2\x83\xE5\x95\x86\xE5\xBA\x97\x0921.0 K: 135********|20140608-57/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=32/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE8\xBF\x85\xE9\x9B\xB7\x0965.0K: 135********|20140608-58/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09HTTP\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE7\xBD\x91\x09730.0K: 135********|20140608-59/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE7\x99\xBE\xE5\xBA\xA6\x098.0K: 135********|20140608-6/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96\x0931.04K: 135********|20140608-62/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x0910086\x0925.0K: 135********|20140608-7/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x09685.59K: 135********|20140608-8/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700318\x09\xE5\xBD\xA9\xE4\xBF\xA1\x0930.77K: 135********|20140608-10/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x092820.1K: 135********|20140608-11/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=34/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE5\xBD\xA9\xE4\xBF\xA1\x09485.94K: 135********|20140608-30/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE7\xBD\x91\x09351.0K: 135********|20140608-35/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE6\x96\xB0\xE6\xB5\xAA\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE5\x8D\x9A\x0920.0K: 135********|20140608-36/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE6\xB7\x98\xE5\xAE\x9D\x098.0K: 135********|20140608-37/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE7\x82\xB9\xE5\xBF\x83\x093.0K: 135********|20140608-38/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=35/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09360\xE7\xBD\x91\xE7\xAB\x99\x0988.0K: 135********|20140608-45/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\xA4\xB4\xE5\x83\x8F\x0919.0K: 135********|20140608-49/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=40/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\x9B\xBE\xE7\x89\x87\x091251.0K: 135********|20140608-53/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=32/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE6\x96\xB0\xE6\xB5\xAA\x0913.0K: 135********|20140608-54/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09HTTP\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE7\xBD\x91\x09122.0K: 135********|20140608-55/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE7\x99\xBE\xE5\xBA\xA6\x09697.0K: 135********|20140608-56/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=44/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE5\xAE\x89\xE6\x99\xBA\xE5\xB8\x82\xE5\x9C\xBA\xE4\xB8\x8B\xE8\xBD\xBD\x0926.0K: 135********|20140608-9/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519700638\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96\x0975.75K: 135********|20140608-12/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96\x0933.79K: 135********|20140608-13/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x09703.16K: 135********|20140608-14/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=32/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE5\xBD\xA9\xE4\xBF\xA1\x092.59K: 135********|20140608-18/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=39/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\x9B\xBE\xE7\x89\x87\x09941.0K: 135********|20140608-19/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=47/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE7\x99\xBE\xE5\xBA\xA6\xE5\xBC\x80\xE6\x94\xBE\xE4\xBA\x91\xE5\xB9\xB3\xE5\x8F\xB0\x0929.0 K: 135********|20140608-21/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE9\xAB\x98\xE5\xBE\xB7\xE5\x9C\xB0\xE5\x9B\xBE\x098.0K: 135********|20140608-27/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\xA4\xB4\xE5\x83\x8F\x094.0K: 135********|20140608-44/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE7\xBD\x91\x09484.0K: 135********|20140608-50/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE6\x90\x9C\xE6\x90\x9C\x092.0K: 135********|20140608-60/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09HTTP\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE7\xBD\x91\x0981.0K: 135********|20140608-61/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519701290\x09\xE7\x99\xBE\xE5\xBA\xA6\x09255.0K: 135********|20140608-15/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=33/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96\x0917.38K: 135********|20140608-16/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE5\x85\xB6\xE4\xBB\x96-TCP\x09174.14K: 135********|20140608-17/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=34/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE5\xBD\xA9\xE4\xBF\xA1\x09443.75K: 135********|20140608-20/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE7\xBD\x91\x09457.0K: 135********|20140608-22/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=34/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09360\xE7\xBD\x91\xE7\xAB\x99\x099.0K: 135********|20140608-28/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE8\x85\xBE\xE8\xAE\xAF\xE5\x9B\xBE\xE7\x89\x87\x0951.0K: 135********|20140608-40/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=38/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\xA4\xB4\xE5\x83\x8F\x0974.0K: 135********|20140608-41/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=40/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE5\xBE\xAE\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE5\x9B\xBE\xE7\x89\x87\x091134.0K: 135********|20140608-46/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=37/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09HTTP\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE7\xBD\x91\x09407.0K: 135********|20140608-51/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=31/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702500\x09\xE6\x97\xBA\xE6\x97\xBA\x091.0K: 135********|20140608-42/c:Q/1402368323157/Put/vlen=36/ts=0 V: 20140608\x0913519702564\x09HTTP\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE7\xBD\x91\x0916.0Block index size as per heapsize: 424reader=/hbase/v_dm_user_app_d_201406/c64c6f7f7caf7f6d5a3f6bbc209dd2cb/c/0ebf8900a669462c8a9d9d908622928f,compression=none,cacheConf=CacheConfig:enabled [cacheDataOnRead=true] [cacheDataOnWrite=false] [cacheIndexesOnWrite=false] [cacheBloomsOnWrite=false] [cacheEvictOnClose=false] [cacheCompressed=false],firstKey=135********|20140608-1/c:Q/1402368323157/Put,lastKey=135********|20140608-42/c:Q/1402368323157/Put,avgKeyLen=36,avgValueLen=36,entries=62,length=5841Trailer:fileinfoOffset=5199,loadOnOpenDataOffset=5102,dataIndexCount=1,metaIndexCount=0,totalUncomressedBytes=5768,entryCount=62,compressionCodec=NONE,uncompressedDataIndexSize=49,numDataIndexLevels=1,firstDataBlockOffset=0,lastDataBlockOffset=0,comparatorClassName=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue$KeyComparator,majorVersion=2,minorVersion=0Fileinfo:BULKLOAD_SOURCE_TASK = attempt_201406091028_0019_r_000000_0BULKLOAD_TIMESTAMP = \x00\x00\x01F\x83\xAA\xD9EDELETE_FAMILY_COUNT = \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00EARLIEST_PUT_TS = \x00\x00\x01F\x83\xAAnUEXCLUDE_FROM_MINOR_COMPACTION = \x00KEY_VALUE_VERSION = \x00\x00\x00\x01MAJOR_COMPACTION_KEY = \xFFMAX_MEMSTORE_TS_KEY = \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00TIMERANGE = 1402368323157 (1402368323157)hfile.AVG_KEY_LEN = 36hfile.AVG_VALUE_LEN = 36STKEY = \x00\x1713519702564|20140608-42\x01cQ\x00\x00\x01F\x83\xAAnU\x04 Mid-key: \x00\x1613519304818|20140608-1\x01cQ\x00\x00\x01F\x83\xAAnU\x04Bloom filter:Not presentDelete Family Bloom filter:Not presentScanned kv count -> 62。







案发现场最近某业务在使用HBase客户端读取数据时出现了大量线程block的情况,业务方保留了当时的线程堆栈信息,如下图所示:看到这样的问题,首先从日志和监控排查了业务表和region server,确认了在很长时间内确实没有请求进来,除此之外并没有其他有用的信息,同时也没有接到该集群上其他用户的异常反馈,从现象看,这次异常是在特定环境下才会触发的。

案件分析过程1.根据上图图1所示,所有的请求都block在<0x0000000782a936f0>这把全局锁上,这里需要关注两个问题:∙哪个线程持有了这把全局锁<0x0000000782a936f0>?∙这是一把什么样的全局锁(对于问题本身并不重要,有兴趣可以参考步骤3)?2.哪个线程持有了这把锁?2.1 很容易在jstack日志中通过搜索找到全局锁<0x0000000782a936f0>被如下线程持有:定睛一看,该线程持有了这把全局锁,而且处于TIMED_WAITING状态,因此这把锁可能长时间不释放,导致所有需要这把全局锁的线程都阻塞等待。







2、元数据块 (可选的)–保存用户自定义的kv对,可以被压缩。

比如booleam filter 就是存在元数据块中的,该块只保留value值,key值保存在元数据索引块中。



3、File Info–Hfile的元信息,不被压缩,用户也可以在这一部分添加自己的元信息。

4、数据索引块–Data Block的索引,每条索引的key是被索引的block的第一条记录的key(格式为:头信息,数据块offset数据块大小块第一个记录的key,........)。




根索引块是一定会有的,但是如果hfile 中的数据块比较少的话,枝索引块和叶索引块就可能不存在。






这三种服务器分别是:Region server,HBase HMaster,ZooKeeper。

其中Region server负责数据的读写服务。

用户通过沟通Region server来实现对数据的访问。

HBase HMaster负责Region的分配及数据库的创建和删除等操作。


另外,Hadoop DataNode负责存储所有Region Server所管理的数据。


出于使Region server所管理的数据更加本地化的考虑,Region server是根据DataNode分布的。





HBase结构如下图所示:RegionsHBase中的表是根据row key的值水平分割成所谓的region的。

一个region包含表中所有row key位于region的起始键值和结束键值之间的行。

集群中负责管理Region的结点叫做Region server。

Region server负责数据的读写。

每一个Region server大约可以管理1000个region。


具体来说,HMaster的职责包括:•调控Region server的工作o在集群启动的时候分配region,根据恢复服务或者负载均衡的需要重新分配region。



Hadoop相关知识整理系列之⼀:HBase基本架构及原理1. HBase框架简单介绍HBase是⼀个分布式的、⾯向列的开源数据库,它不同于⼀般的关系数据库,是⼀个适合于⾮结构化数据存储的数据库。


HBase使⽤和 BigTable⾮常相同的数据模型。





在分布式的⽣产环境中,HBase 需要运⾏在 HDFS 之上,以 HDFS 作为其基础的存储设施。

HBase 上层提供了访问的数据的 Java API 层,供应⽤访问存储在 HBase 的数据。

在 HBase 的集群中主要由 Master 和 Region Server 组成,以及 Zookeeper,具体模块如下图所⽰:简单介绍⼀下 HBase 中相关模块的作⽤:MasterHBase Master⽤于协调多个Region Server,侦测各个RegionServer之间的状态,并平衡RegionServer之间的负载。





Region Server对于⼀个RegionServer⽽⾔,其包括了多个Region。




HFile: A Block-Indexed File Formatto Store Sorted Key-Value PairsSep 10, 2009 Schubert Zhang (schubert.zhang@) 1. IntroductionHFile is a mimic of Google’s SSTable. Now, it is available in Hadoop HBase-0.20.0. And the previous releases of HBase temporarily use an alternate file format – MapFile[4], which is a common file format in Hadoop IO package. I think HFile should also become a common file format when it becomes mature, and should be moved into the common IO package of Hadoop in the future.Following words of SSTable are from section 4 of Google’s Bigtable paper.The Google SSTable file format is used internally to store Bigtable data. An SSTable provides a persistent, ordered immutable map from keys to values, where both keys and values are arbitrary byte strings. Operations are provided to look up the value associated with a specified key, and to iterate over all key/value pairs in a specified key range. Internally, each SSTable contains a sequence of blocks (typically each block is 64KB in size, but this is configurable). A block index (stored at the end of the SSTable) is used to locate blocks; the index is loaded into memory when the SSTable is opened. A lookup can be performed with a single disk seek: we first find the appropriate block by performing a binary search in the in-memory index, and then reading the appropriate block from disk. Optionally, an SSTable can be completely mapped into memory, which allows us to perform lookups and scans without touching disk.[1]The HFile implements the same features as SSTable, but may provide more or less.2. File FormatData Block SizeWhenever we say Block Size, it means the uncompressed size.The size of each data block is 64KB by default, and is configurable in HFile.Writer. It means the data block will not exceed this size more than one key/value pair. The HFile.Writer starts a new data block to add key/value pairs if the current writing block is equal to or bigger than this size. The 64KB size is same as Google’s [1].To achieve better performance, we should select different block size. If the average key/value size is very short (e.g. 100 bytes), we should select small blocks (e.g. 16KB) to avoid too many key/value pairs in each block, which will increase the latency of in-block seek, because the seeking operation always finds the key from the first key/value pair in sequence within a block.Maximum Key LengthThe key of each key/value pair is currently up to 64KB in size. Usually, 10-100 bytes is a typical size for most of our applications. Even in the data model of HBase, the key (rowkey+column family:qualifier+timestamp) should not be too long.Maximum File SizeThe trailer, file-info and total data block indexes (optionally, may add meta block indexes) will be in memory when writing and reading of an HFile. So, a larger HFile (with more data blocks) requires more memory. For example, a 1GB uncompressed HFile would have about 15600 (1GB/64KB) data blocks, and correspondingly about 15600 indexes. Suppose the average key size is 64 bytes, then we need about 1.2MB RAM (15600X80) to hold these indexes in memory.Compression Algorithm-Compression reduces the number of bytes written to/read from HDFS. -Compression effectively improves the efficiency of network bandwidth and disk space-Compression reduces the size of data needed to be read when issuinga readTo be as low friction as necessary, a real-time compression library is preferred. Currently, HFile supports following three algorithms:(1)NONE (Default, uncompressed, string name=”none”)(2)GZ (Gzip, string name=”gz”)Out of the box, HFile ships with only Gzip compression, which is fairly slow.(3)LZO(Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer, preferred, string name=”lzo”)To achieve maximal performance and benefit, you must enable LZO, which is a lossless data compression algorithm that is focused on decompression speed.Following figures show the format of an HFile.In above figures, an HFile is separated into multiple segments, from beginning to end, they are:-Data Block segmentTo store key/value pairs, may be compressed.-Meta Block segment (Optional)To store user defined large metadata, may be compressed.-File Info segmentIt is a small metadata of the HFile, without compression. User can add user defined small metadata (name/value) here.-Data Block Index segmentIndexes the data block offset in the HFile. The key of each index is the key of first key/value pair in the block.-Meta Block Index segment (Optional)Indexes the meta block offset in the HFile. The key of each index is the user defined unique name of the meta block.-TrailerThe fix sized metadata. To hold the offset of each segment, etc. To read an HFile, we should always read the Trailer firstly.The current implementation of HFile does not include Bloom Filter, which should be added in the future.The FileInfo is a SortedMap in implementation. So the actual order of thosefields is alphabetically based on the key.3. LZO CompressionLZO is now removed from Hadoop or HBase 0.20+ because of GPL restrictions. To enable it, we should install native library firstly as following.[6][7][8][9](1)Download LZO: /, and build.# ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --enable-shared--disable-asm# make# make installThen the libraries have been installed in: /usr/local/lib(2)Download the native connector library/p/hadoop-gpl-compression/, and build.Copy hadoo-0.20.0-core.jar to ./lib.# ant compile-native# ant jar(3)Copy the native library (build/native/Linux-amd64-64) andhadoop-gpl-compression-0.1.0-dev.jar to your application’s libdirectory. If your application is a MapReduce job, copy them to hadoop’s lib directory. Your application should follow the$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop script to ensure that the native hadoop library is on the library path via the system property-Djava.library.path=<path>. [9] For example:Then our application and hadoop/MapReduce can use LZO.4. Performance EvaluationTestbed− 4 slaves + 1 master−Machine: 4 CPU cores (2.0G), 2x500GB 7200RPM SATA disks, 8GB RAM.−Linux: RedHat 5.1 (2.6.18-53.el5), ext3, no RAID, noatime−1Gbps network, all nodes under the same switch.−Hadoop-0.20.0 (1GB heap), lzo-2.0.3Some MapReduce-based benchmarks are designed to evaluate the performance of operations to HFiles, in parallel.−Total key/value entries: 30,000,000.−Key/Value size: 1000 bytes (10 for key, and 990 for value). We have totally 30GB of data.−Sequential key ranges: 60, i.e. each range have 500,000 entries.−Use default block size.−The entry value is a string, each continuous 8 bytes are a filled with a same letter (A~Z). E.g. “BBBBBBBBXXXXXXXXGGGGGGGG……”. We set mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum=3 to avoid client side bottleneck.(1)WriteEach MapTask for each range of key, which writes a separate HFile with 500,000 key/value entries.(2)Full ScanEach MapTask scans a separate HFile from beginning to end.(3)Random Seek a specified keyEach MapTask opens one separate HFile, and selects a random key within that file to seek it. Each MapTask runs 50,000 (1/10 of the entries) random seeks.(4)Random Short ScanEach MapTask opens one separate HFile, and selects a random key within that file as a beginning to scan 30 entries. Each MapTask runs 50,000 scans, i.e. scans 50,000*30=1,500,000 entries.This table shows the average entries which are written/seek/scanned per second, and per node.In this evaluation case, the compression ratio is about 7:1 for gz(Gzip), and about 4:1 for lzo. Even through the compression ratio is just moderate, the lzo column shows the best performance, especially for writes.The performance of full scan is much better than SequenceFile, so HFile may provide better performance to MapReduce-based analytical applications.The random seek in HFiles is slow, especially in none-compressed HFiles. But the above numbers already show 6X~10X better performance than a disk seek (10ms). Following Ganglia charts show us the overhead of load, CPU, and network. The random short scan makes the similar phenomena.5. Implementation and API5.1 HFile.Writer : How to create and write an HFile(1) ConstructorsThere are 5 constructors. We suggest using following two:public Writer(FileSystem fs, Path path, int blocksize,String compress,final RawComparator<byte []> comparator)public Writer(FileSystem fs, Path path, int blocksize,Compression.Algorithm compress,final RawComparator<byte []> comparator)These two constructors are same. They create file (call fs.create(…)) and get an FSDataOutputStream for writing. Since the FSDataOutputStream iscreated when constructing the HFile.Writer, it will be automatically closed when the HFile.Writer is closed.The other two constructors provide FSDataOutputStream as a parameter. It means the file is created and opened outside of the HFile.Writer, so, when we close the HFile.Writer, the FSDataOutputStream will not be closed. But we do not suggest using these two constructors directly.public Writer(final FSDataOutputStream ostream, final int blocksize, final String compress,final RawComparator<byte []> c)public Writer(final FSDataOutputStream ostream, final int blocksize, final Compression.Algorithm compress,final RawComparator<byte []> c)Another constructor only provides fs and path as parameters, all other attributes are default, i.e. NONE of compression, 64KB of block size, raw ByteArrayComparator, etc.(2) Write Key/Value pairs into HFileBefore key/value pairs are written into an HFile, the application must sort them using the same comparator, i.e. all key/value pairs must be sequentially and increasingly write/append into an HFile. There are following methods to write/append key/value pairs:public void append(final KeyValue kv)public void append(final byte [] key, final byte [] value)public void append(final byte [] key, final int koffset, final int klength, final byte [] value, final int voffset, final int vlength)When adding a key/value pair, they will check the current block size. If the size reach the maximum size of a block, the current block will be compressed and written to the output stream (of the HFile), and then create a new block for writing. The compression is based on each block. For each block, an output stream for compression will be created from beginning of a new block and released when finish.Following chart is the relationship of the output steams OO design:The key/value appending operation is written from the outside (DataOutputStream), and the above OO mechanism will handle the buffer and compression functions and then write to the file in under layer file system.Before a key/value pair is written, following will checked:-The length of Key-The order of Key (must bigger than the last one)(3) Add metadata into HFileWe can add metadata block into an HFile.public void appendMetaBlock(String metaBlockName, byte [] bytes)The application should provide a unique metaBlockName for each metadata block within an HFile.Reminding: If your metadata is large enough (e.g. 32KB uncompressed), you can use this feature to add a separate meta block. It may be compressed in the file.But if your metadata is very small (e.g. less than 1KB), please use following method to append it into file info. File info will not be compressed.public void appendFileInfo(final byte [] k, final byte [] v)(4) CloseBefore the HFile.Writer is closed, the file is not completed written. So, we must call close() to:-finish and flush the last block-write all meta block into file (may be compressed)-generate and write file info metadata-write data block indexes-write meta block indexes-generate and write trailer metadata-close the output-stream.5.2 HFile.Reader: How to read HFileCreate an HFile.Reader to open an HFile, and we can seek, scan and read on it.(1) ConstructorWe suggest using following constructor to create an HFile.Reader.public Reader(FileSystem fs, Path path, BlockCache cache,boolean inMemory)It calls fs.open(…) to open the file, and gets an FSDataInputStream for reading. The input stream will be automatically closed when the HFile.Reader is closed.Another constructor uses InputStream as parameter directly. It means the file is opened outside the HFile.Reader.public Reader(final FSDataInputStream fsdis, final long size,final BlockCache cache, final boolean inMemory)We can use BlockCache to improve the performance of read, and the mechanism of mechanism will be described in other document.(2) Load metadata and block indexes of an HFileThe HFile is not readable before loadFileInfo() is explicitly called . It will read metadata (Trailer, File Info) and Block Indexes (data block and meta block) into memory. And the COMPARATOR instance will reconstruct from file info.BlockIndexThe important method of BlockIndex is:int blockContainingKey(final byte[] key, int offset, int length)It uses binarySearch to check if a key is contained in a block. The return value of binarySearch() is very puzzled:IndexList Before0 1 2 3 4 5 6 …BlockDatabinarySearch() return -1 -2-3-4-5-6-7 -8 …HFileScannerWe must create an HFile.Reader.Scanner to seek, scan, and read on an HFile. HFile.Reader.Scanner is an implementation of HFileScanner interface.To seek and scan in an HFIle, we should do as following:(1)Create a HFile.Reader, and loadFileInfo().(2)In this HFile.Reader, calls getScanner() to obtain an HFileScanner.(3).1 For a scan from the beginning of the HFile, calls seekTo() toseek to the beginning of the first block..2 For a scan from a key, calls seekTo(key) to seek to the position of the key or before the key (if there is not such a key in this HFile)..3 For a scan from before of a key, calls seekBefore(key).(4)Calls next() to iterate over all key/value pairs. The next() willreturn false when it reach the end of the HFile. If an application wants to stop at any condition, it should be implemented by the application itself. (e.g. stop at a special endKey.)(5)If you want lookup a specified key, just call seekTo(key), thereturned value=0 means you found it.(6)After we seekTo(…) or next() to a position of specified key, wecan call following methods to get the current key and value.public KeyValue getKeyValue() // recommendedpublic ByteBuffer getKey()public ByteBuffer getValue()(7)Don’t forget to close the HFile.Reader. But a scanner need not beclosed, since it does not hold any resource.References[1]Google, Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data,/papers/bigtable.html[2]HBase-0.20.0 Documentation,/hbase/docs/r0.20.0/[3]HFile code review and refinement./jira/browse/HBASE-1818[4]MapFile API:/common/docs/current/api/org/apache/hadoop/io/MapFile.html[5]Parallel LZO: Splittable Compression for Hadoop./blog/2009/06/24/parallel-lzo-splittable-compression-for-hadoop//2009/06/parallel-lzo-splittable-on-hadoop-using-cloudera/[6]Using LZO in Hadoop and HBase:/hadoop/UsingLzoCompression[7]LZO: [8]Hadoop LZO native connector library:/p/hadoop-gpl-compression/[9]Hadoop Native Libraries Guide:/common/docs/r0.20.0/native_libraries.html。



hbase设计原理HBase设计原理是基于Google Bigtable论文的开源分布式数据库。

下面是HBase设计原理的一些关键点:1. 数据模型:HBase使用列族(column families)来组织数据。


数据按照行存储,每一行由行键(row key)唯一标识。


2. 存储结构:HBase使用HFile作为存储文件格式。




3. 分布式存储:HBase采用分布式存储的方式,数据以Region为单位进行分片和存储。




4. 数据一致性:HBase使用ZooKeeper来实现强一致性的读写操作。



5. 自动故障恢复:HBase具有自动故障恢复的能力。




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今天,网易视频云技术专家与大家分享一下:HBase –存储文件HFile结构解析。

HFile是HBase存储数据的文件组织形式,参考BigTable的SSTable和Hadoop的TFile 实现。


HFileV1版本的在实际使用过程中发现它占用内存多,HFile V2版本针对此进行了优化,HFile V3版本基本和V2版本相同,只是在cell层面添加了Tag数组的支持。


HFile逻辑结构HFile V2的逻辑结构如下图所示:文件主要分为四个部分:Scanned block section,Non-scanned block section,Opening-time data section和Trailer。

Scanned block section:顾名思义,表示顺序扫描HFile时所有的数据块将会被读取,包括Leaf Index Block和Bloom Block。

Non-scanned block section:表示在HFile顺序扫描的时候数据不会被读取,主要包括Meta Block和Intermediate Level Data Index Blocks两部分。

Load-on-open-section:这部分数据在HBase的region server启动时,需要加载到内存中。

包括FileInfo、Bloom filter block、data block index和meta block index。


HFile物理结构如上图所示,HFile会被切分为多个大小相等的block块,每个block的大小可以在创建表列簇的时候通过参数blocksize=> ‘65535’进行指定,默认为64k,大号的Block有利于顺序Scan,小号Block利于随机查询,因而需要权衡。




其中BlockHeader 主要存储block元数据,BlockData用来存储具体数据。

block元数据中最核心的字段是BlockType字段,用来标示该block块的类型,HBase中定义了8种BlockType,每种BlockType 对应的block都存储不同的数据内容,有的存储用户数据,有的存储索引数据,有的存储meta元数据。




Trailer Block主要记录了HFile的基本信息、各个部分的偏移值和寻址信息,下图为Trailer内存和磁盘中的数据结构,其中只显示了部分核心字段:HFile在读取的时候首先会解析Trailer Block并加载到内存,然后再进一步加载LoadOnOpen区的数据,具体步骤如下:1. 首先加载version版本信息,HBase中version包含majorVersion和minorVersion两部分,前者决定了HFile的主版本:V1、V2 还是V3;后者在主版本确定的基础上决定是否支持一些微小修正,比如是否支持checksum等。

不同的版本决定了使用不同的Reader对象对HFile进行读取解析2. 根据Version信息获取trailer的长度(不同version的trailer长度不同),再根据trailer 长度加载整个HFileTrailer Block3. 最后加载load-on-open部分到内存中,起始偏移地址是trailer中的LoadOnOpenDataOffset字段,load-on-open部分的结束偏移量为HFile长度减去Trailer长度,load-on-open部分主要包括索引树的根节点以及FileInfo两个重要模块,FileInfo是固定长度的块,它纪录了文件的一些Meta信息,例如:AVG_KEY_LEN, AVG_VALUE_LEN,LAST_KEY, COMPARATOR, MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY等;索引树根节点放到下一篇文章进行介绍。

Data BlockDataBlock是HBase中数据存储的最小单元。


KeyValue结构在内存和磁盘中可以表示为:每个KeyValue都由4个部分构成,分别为key length,value length,key和value。

其中key value和value length是两个固定长度的数值,而key是一个复杂的结构,首先是rowkey 的长度,接着是rowkey,然后是ColumnFamily的长度,再是ColumnFamily,最后是时间戳和KeyType(keytype有四种类型,分别是Put、Delete、DeleteColumn和DeleteFamily),value就没有那么复杂,就是一串纯粹的二进制数据。

BloomFilter Meta Block & Bloom BlockBloomFilter对于HBase的随机读性能至关重要,对于get操作以及部分scan操作可以剔除掉不会用到的HFile文件,减少实际IO次数,提高随机读性能。

在此简单地介绍一下Bloom Filter的工作原理,Bloom Filter使用位数组来实现过滤,初始状态下位数组每一位都为0,如下图所示:假如此时有一个集合S = {x1, x2, … xn},Bloom Filter使用k个独立的hash函数,分别将集合中的每一个元素映射到{1,…,m}的范围。




下图所示就表示z肯定不在集合{x,y}中:HBase中每个HFile都有对应的位数组,KeyValue在写入HFile时会先经过几个hash 函数的映射,映射后将对应的数组位改为1,get请求进来之后再进行hash映射,如果在对应数组位上存在0,说明该get请求查询的数据不在该HFile中。

HFile中的位数组就是上述Bloom Block中存储的值,可以想象,一个HFile文件越大,里面存储的KeyValue值越多,位数组就会相应越大。

一旦太大就不适合直接加载到内存了,因此HFile V2在设计上将位数组进行了拆分,拆成了多个独立的位数组(根据Key进行拆分,一部分连续的Key使用一个位数组)。


在结构上每个位数组对应HFile中一个Bloom Block,为了方便根据Key定位具体需要加载哪个位数组,HFile V2又设计了对应的索引Bloom Index Block,对应的内存和逻辑结构图如下:Bloom Index Block结构中totalByteSize表示位数组的bit数,numChunks表示Bloom Block的个数,hashCount表示hash函数的个数,hashType表示hash函数的类型,totalKeyCount 表示bloom filter当前已经包含的key的数目,totalMaxKeys表示bloom filter当前最多包含的key的数目, Bloom Index Entry对应每一个bloom filter block的索引条目,作为索引分别指向’scanned block section’部分的Bloom Block,Bloom Block中就存储了对应的位数组。

Bloom Index Entry的结构见上图左边所示,BlockOffset表示对应Bloom Block在HFile 中的偏移量,FirstKey表示对应BloomBlock的第一个Key。

根据上文所说,一次get请求进来,首先会根据key在所有的索引条目中进行二分查找,查找到对应的Bloom Index Entry,就可以定位到该key对应的位数组,加载到内存进行过滤判断。

总结这篇小文首先从宏观的层面对HFile的逻辑结构和物理存储结构进行了讲解,并且将HFile从逻辑上分解为各种类型的Block,再接着从微观的视角分别对Trailer Block、Data Block在结构上进行了解析:通过对trailer block的解析,可以获取hfile的版本以及hfile中其他几个部分的偏移量,在读取的时候可以直接通过偏移量对其进行加载;而对data block 的解析可以知道用户数据在hdfs中是如何实际存储的;最后通过介绍Bloom Filter的工作原理以及相关的Block块了解HFile中Bloom Filter的存储结构。
