浦东新区2013学年度第一学期期末质量测试(时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 2014.1一、选择题:(本大题共4题,每小题3分,满分12分)(每题只有一个选项正确)1.下列说法正确的是……………………………………………………………………( )(A )一个整数不是正整数就是负整数; (B )一个正整数不是素数就是合数; (C )一个正整数不是奇数就是偶数;(D )一个正整数的最大因数不是它的最小倍数. 2.下列计算⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+÷2117836的过程中,正确的是…………………………………………( ) (A )214971149211749⨯+⨯=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷;(B )218517118512117851⨯+⨯=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷; (C )2911491122749⨯=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷; (D )291185111227851⨯=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷. 3.已知有大、小两种纸杯与一桶果汁,其中小纸杯与大纸杯的容量比为2∶3,,如果这桶果汁刚好装满小纸杯120个,那么这桶果汁最多可装满大纸杯的个数为……………( ) (A )360; (B )180 ; (C )80 ; (D )60.4.一种商品先涨价10%,又降价20%,现价是原价的…………………………………( )(A )90%; (B )88%; (C )86%; (D )80%. 二、填空题:(本大题共14题,每题2分,满分28分)5.既能被2整除,又能被5整除的最小正整数是 . 6.0.6的倒数是 .7.求比值:18分∶1.2时= .8.如果6是x 和9的比例中项,那么=x .9.如果A 和B 的最大公因数是15,且k A ⨯⨯=32,73⨯⨯=k B ,那么=k . 10.如果一个分数的分母是40,且与85相等,那么这个分数的分子是 . 11.3.14、∙114.3、π这三个数中,最大的是 .12.PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,它的直径还不到人体头发丝粗细的201.那么,人体的头发丝直径最粗不超过 微米.13.2013年8月发布的“空气净化器比较试验结果通报”显示,市场上主流的中高端型号的22台各品牌空气净化器产品样机中,PM2.5去除率高于90%的有18台,占抽样产品的百分率为(精确到1%) .14.一个纸盒里有红、黄、蓝、绿四种颜色的小球,这些小球除颜色不同外其余都完全相同,如图是各个颜色小球数量的统计图.如果小红从箱子中拿出一个小球,那么拿到绿色小球的可能性大小为 .15.如果一个半径为2cm 的圆的面积恰好与一个半径为4cm 的扇形面积相等,那么这个扇形的圆心角度数为 .16.如果一个扇形的弧长等于它的半径,那么此扇形称为“等边扇形”.那么半径为2的“等边扇形”的面积为 . 17.如图,点P 在圆O 的圆周上顺时针匀速运动,现将圆O 八等分,如果点P 从A 点开始经过1分钟,其位置正好第一次在B 点,那么点P 从A 点开始经过45分钟,其位置在 点.(用图中的字母表示) 18.如图(甲)、(乙),是两个边长相等的正方形,甲图以边为半径在正方形内画圆弧,联结对角线;乙图以各边为直径在正方形内画半圆,阴影部分的面积分别记为甲S 、乙S ,那么 甲S 和乙S 的大小关系是:甲S 乙S .(填“>”、“=”或“<”)三、 简答题(本大题共4题,每小题6分,满分24分) 19.计算:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--32611323.20.计算:37289326523⨯+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯.21.已知:a ∶b =3∶4,b ∶c =31∶51. 22.已知:6∶x =511∶50%. 求:a ∶b ∶c .求x 的值.四、解答题(本大题共3小题,每小题7分,满分21分)23.阅读下面的叙述后回答问题:问:几点新闻播报结束? 甲、乙、丙三家新闻台每天中午12∶00开始播报新闻,其中:甲台每播报10分钟新闻后就接着播广告2分钟;乙台每播报8分钟新闻后就接着播广告1分钟;丙台每播报15分钟新闻后就接着播广告3分钟;当这三家新闻台的广告第一次同时结束时,新闻播报结束. 45°O AB C DEFGH (甲) (乙)(第14题图) (第17题图) (第18题图)24.科学研究表明,牛肉含有丰富的营养成分,其中蛋白质含量约占20%,脂肪含量是蛋白质含量的101,那么2000克牛肉中蛋白质比脂肪含量多.多少克?25.圣诞节,傅妈妈准备制作六人份的果冻,食谱中说明“一人份果冻需要砂糖20克”,同时也注明:“砂糖20克可换成糖浆6小勺”.在制作过程中,傅妈妈在加入了50克砂糖后发现砂糖不够了,不足的砂糖准备按比例换成糖浆,请问,再需要加入几小勺糖浆?五、解答题(本大题共2小题,26题7分,27题8分,满分15分)26.如图,正方形ABCD 的边长为1,弧DE 、弧EF 、弧FG 、弧GH 、…的圆心依次按A 、B 、C 、D 循环,它们依次连接得到曲线DEFGH …. (1)求曲线DEFGHI 的长.(结果保留π)(2)曲线DEFGHI 所连接的最后一段弧是第2 次以点A 为圆心画的弧,如果有一条按照上述规则画出的曲线,它所连接的最后一段弧是第4次以点A 为圆心画的弧,请直接写出这条曲线的长.(结果保留π) IH GFED C BA(第26题图)27.上海市居民用电使用“阶梯电价”与“分时电价”相结合的方式.阶梯电价按照年度电量为单位实施,分档电量和电价水平见下表(1):如果一户的全年用电量为3500度,具体使用情况如表(2),那么这户的全年电费支出为: 0.617×2120+0.307×1000+0.677×280+0.337×100=1838.3(元).小明家2013年全年的用电情况如图所示,每个月的谷时段的用电量是峰时段用电量的31. 问:(1)小明家2013年全年用电量是多少度?(2)小明家12月份的谷时段用电量为51度,那么小明家12月份的电费为多少?(结果精确到0.1) (说明:每户每月的用电量进行累积,超过第一档使用量后的各月电费按第二档收费)第27题 表(1)第27题 表(2)第27题图22.5°第二档用电量第一档用电量浦东新区2013学年度第一学期期末质量测试预备数学参考答案及评分说明二、选择题(本大题共4题,每小题3分,满分12分)(每题只有一个选项正确) 1.C ; 2.D ; 3.C ; 4.B .一、填空题(本大题共14题,每小题2分,满分28分) 5.10; 6.35; 7.41; 8.4; 9.5; 10.25; 11.π; 12.50; 13.82%; 14.154; 15.90; 16.2; 17.F ; 18.=.三、简答题(本大题共4题,每小题6分,满分24分)19.解:原式=32611323+-………………………………………………………………(2分) =611314-……………………………………………………………………(2分) =613.…………………………………………………………………………(2分) 20.解:原式=436123+⨯……………………………………………………………………(4分)=4341+…………………………………………………………………………(1分) =1.……………………………………………………………………………(1分)21.解:因为:b ∶c =31∶51=5∶3=20∶12.…………………………………………(3分) a ∶b =3∶4=15∶20.……………………………………………………(2分)所以:a ∶b ∶c =15∶20∶12.…………………………………………………(1分) 22.解:356=x ,…………………………………………………………………………(2分)563÷=x ,………………………………………………………………………(2分)653⨯=x ,………………………………………………………………………(1分)25=x .……………………………………………………………………………(1分)四、解答题(本大题共3小题,每小题7分,满分21分)23.解:即求出12、9、18的最小公倍数,为36.……………………………………(4分) 答:12∶36新闻播报结束.…………………………………………………………(3分)24.解: ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯⨯1011%202000,………………………………………………………(4分)=360(克).…………………………………………………………………………(2分) 答:2000克牛肉中蛋白质比脂肪含量多360克.……………………………………(1分)25.解:()62050-620⨯÷⨯.……………………………………………………………(4分) =21(勺).…………………………………………………………………………(2分) 答:再需要加入21小勺糖浆.…………………………………………………………(1分) (注:其他做法请相应给分)五、解答题(本大题共2小题,26题7分,27题8分,满分15分)26.(1)()ππππππ21510864241=++++⨯.………………………………………(5分) (2)π291.……………………………………………………………………………(2分)27.(1)33283605.2213120=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-÷(度).………………………………………………(2分) 答:小明家2013年全年用电量是3328度.…………………………………………(1分) (2)2043451=÷(度).………………………………………………………………(1分) 因为204度小于208度,所以12月份的电费全部按照第二档收费.51337.0153677.0⨯+⨯……………………………………………………………(2分)768.120=……………………………………………………………………………(1分)8.120≈(元).………………………………………………………………………(1分) 答:小明家12月份的电费为120.8元.。
浦东新区2015学年度第二学期教学质量检测 高三英语试卷 ✋✋ ☝❒♋❍❍♋❒ ♋⏹♎ ✞☐♍♋♌◆●♋❒⍓♏♍♦♓☐⏹ ✌♓❒♏♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ✌♐♦♏❒ ❒♏♋♎♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏♦ ♌♏●☐♦ ♐♓●● ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♌●♋⏹♦ ♦☐ ❍♋♏ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏♦ ♍☐♒♏❒♏⏹♦ ♋⏹♎ ♑❒♋❍❍♋♦♓♍♋●●⍓ ♍☐❒❒♏♍♦ ☞☐❒ ♦♒♏ ♌●♋⏹♦ ♦♓♦♒ ♋ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ♦☐❒♎ ♐♓●● ♓⏹ ♏♋♍♒ ♌●♋⏹ ♦♓♦♒ ♦♒♏ ☐❒☐☐♏❒ ♐☐❒❍ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ♦☐❒♎ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♌●♋⏹♦∙◆♦♏ ☐⏹♏ ♦☐❒♎ ♦♒♋♦ ♌♏♦♦ ♐♓♦♦ ♏♋♍♒ ♌●♋⏹☎✌✆♒♏⏹ ✋ ♐♓❒♦♦ ♒♓♏♎ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♓●♏⏹♦ ☐⏹♎♏❒☐♦♋ ☐♓⏹♏♦ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ●♋♍ ☟♓●●♦ ✋ ♦♋♦ ♦◆❒☐❒♓♦♏♎ ♋♦ ♒☐♦ ❑◆♓♏♦ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒●♎ ♌♏♍♋❍♏ ☠☐♦♋♎♋⍓♦ ♦♒♏⏹ ✋ ♦♋● ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐☐♎♦ ✋ ⏹☐♦♓♍♏ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♓⏹♑♦ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♦☐⏹♑♦ ☐♐ ◆⏹♦♏♏⏹ ♌♓❒♎♦ ♋⏹♎ ♍♋♦♍♒ ♑●♓❍☐♦♏♦ ☐♐ ♦♓●♎♐●☐♦♏❒ ♍☐●☐❒ ♋●● ☐♐ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉♉ ❍♋♏ ♑❒♏♋♦ ♦◆♌♏♍♦♦ ♐☐❒ ❍♏ ♦☐ ☐◆♦ ♓⏹ ♐❒☐⏹♦ ☐♐ ♋ ♍♋❍♏❒♋☞♓⏹♎♓⏹♑ ♦♒☐♦♏ ♌♓❒♎♦ ♓♦ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉♉ ✋❼❖♏ ♦☐♏⏹♦ ❍☐❒♏ ♦♓❍♏ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐☐♎♦ ☐♐ ☜♋♦♦♏❒⏹ ☐◆♦♒ ♋☐♦♋ ♦♒♓♦ ⍓♏♋❒ ♦♒♋⏹ ♋⏹⍓ ☐♦♒♏❒ ☹♋♦♦ ♦☐❒♓⏹♑ ✋ ♦♓♦⏹♏♦♦♏♎ ♋⏹♎ ☐♒☐♦☐♑❒♋☐♒♏♎ ♦♒♏ ♦☐⏹♑♌♓❒♎ ❍♓♑❒♋♦♓☐⏹ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ♐♓❒♦♦ ♦♓❍♏ ✋ ♦♋♦ ♌❒♓♑♒♦●⍓ ♍☐●☐❒♏♎ ♌♓❒♎♦ ♦♒♋♦ ✋❼♎ ⏹♏❖♏❒ ♦♏♏⏹ ♌♏♐☐❒♏ ✋ ♑◆♏♦♦ ✋ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☎♒☐☐✆ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ♦♒♓♦ ♦☐❒♓⏹♑ ✋ ♦♋♦ ♌♋♍ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐☐♎♦ ♦♏♋❒♍♒♓⏹♑ ♐☐❒ ❍☐❒♏✋ ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ♑☐♋● ♦☐ ☐♒☐♦☐♑❒♋☐♒ ♋●● ♦♒♏ ♍☐●☐❒♐◆● ♌♓❒♎♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♍♋●● ☐◆♦♒ ♋☐♦♋ ♒☐❍♏ ⏹♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♒♋♦ ♒♓♎♎♏⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ❍♏ ♦☐ ♦♒♓♦ ♎♋⍓ ♓♦ ♦♒♏ ♍♋❒●♏♦ ❆♋⏹♋♑♏❒☎猩红比蓝雀✆ ❆♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♌♏♦♦ ♐☐◆⏹♎ ♓⏹ ✞⏹♓☐⏹ ☝❒☐❖♏ ♦♋♦♏ ♋❒ ☐❒ ☠♏♦♦☐⏹ ☟♓●●♦ ♋⏹♎ ♋❒♏ ♍☐●☐❒♏♎ ❒♏♎ ♦♓♦♒ ♌●♋♍ ♦♓⏹♑♦ ❆♒♓♦ ⍓♏♋❒ ✋ ❍♋♎♏ ♦♒❒♏♏ ♦♏☐♋❒♋♦♏ ♦❒♓☐♦ ♦☐ ♐♓⏹♎ ♦♒♏❍ ✋ ♋●♦☐ ♦☐☐ ♦♓❍♏ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☎●♏♋❒⏹✆ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♦☐⏹♑ ♋⏹♎ ♍♋●● ❆♒♓♦ ♒♏●☐♏♎ ❍♏ ♐♓⏹♎ ♋ ♐♏❍♋●♏ ♋♦ ♎◆♦ ♋♦ ✞⏹♓☐⏹ ☝❒☐❖♏ ♌◆♦ ✋ ♍☐◆●♎ ⏹☐♦ ♑♏♦ ♋ ♎♏♍♏⏹♦ ☐♒☐♦☐ ☹♋♦♏❒ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♏♏ ♋♦ ✋ ♌♏♑♋⏹ ♋⏹☐♦♒♏❒ ♦♏♋❒♍♒ ♋♦ ☠♏♦♦☐⏹ ☟♓●●♦ ♋ ◆❍❍♏❒ ❆♋⏹♋♑♏❒ ♐●♏♦ ♦☐ ♋ ♦❒♏♏ ⏹♏⌧♦ ♦☐ ❍♏ ♋⏹♎ ♑♋❖♏ ❍♏ ♋ ●☐⏹♑ ●☐☐ ✋♦ ♦♋♦ ♋ ❒♏♋● ♦❒♏♋♦ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ♦♒♏ ◆❍❍♏❒ ❆♋⏹♋♑♏❒ ♓♦ ❍◆♍♒ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☎❒♋❒♏✆ ♦☐ ♐♓⏹♎ ♓⏹ ☐◆♦♒ ♋☐♦♋ ☹♋♦♏❒ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♎♋⍓ ✋ ♐♓⏹♋●●⍓ ♦♋♦ ❍⍓ ♐♓❒♦♦ ❍♋●♏ ♍♋❒●♏♦ ⑤ ♦♏●● ♒♓♦ ♦♋♓● ♐♏♋♦♒♏❒♦ ♋⏹⍓♦♋⍓ ⍓ ♦♒♏ ♦♓❍♏ ✋ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉☎♦☐☐♦✆ ♒♓❍ ♒♏ ♦♋♦ ♐●⍓♓⏹♑ ♎♏♏☐ ♓⏹♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♦☐☐♎♦ ✋ ♦♋♦ ♎♓♦♋☐☐☐♓⏹♦♏♎ ❆♒♏⏹ ✋ ♦♒☐◆♑♒♦ ♦♒♓♦ ❍♓♑♒♦ ♌♏ ♋⏹ ♓⏹❖♓♦♋♦♓☐⏹ ❽☐❍♏ ♌♋♍ ♓⏹♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♦☐☐♎♦ ☹☐♦♏ ☎✆♉♉♉♉♉ ♋❍☐⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ●♏♋❖♏♦ ●♓♦♦♏⏹ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♦☐⏹♑ ✋ ♦♓⏹♑ ♋⏹♎ ❍♋⍓♌♏ ☐⏹♏ ♎♋⍓ ♦♏ ♦♓●● ❍♏♏♦❾ ✋ ●☐☐ ♐☐❒♦♋❒♎ ♦☐ ♦♒♋♦ ♎♋⍓☎✆❆♒♏❒♏ ❍♋⍓ ♌♏ ⏹☐ ♑❒♏♋♦♏❒ ☐❒☐☐♐ ♦☐ ♋ 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♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏ ♌⍓ ◆♦♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒♎♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♌☐⌧ ☜♋♍♒ ♦☐❒♎ ♍♋⏹ ☐⏹●⍓ ♌♏ ◆♦♏♎ ☐⏹♍♏ ☠☐♦♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ☐⏹♏ ♦☐❒♎ ❍☐❒♏ ♦♒♋⏹ ⍓☐◆ ⏹♏♏♎♏❖♏●☐☐♓⏹♑ ♋⏹ ☐❒♓♑♓⏹♋● ♋⏹♎ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♏ ♓♎♏♋ ❒♏❑◆♓❒♏♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♦☐ ♍☐❍☐●♏♦♏●⍓ ♎♓♐♐♏❒♏⏹♦ ⏹♏♦♦☐❒♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♌❒♋♓⏹ ♦☐❒ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♋❍♏ ♦♓❍♏ ♦♒♏ ♋♦♦☐♍♓♋♦♓❖♏ ⏹♏♦♦☐❒ ♋●☐⏹♑♦♓♎♏ ♦♒♏ ❍☐❒♏ ❽♍☐⏹♦♏❒❖♋♦♓❖♏☎保守的✆❾ ⏹♏♦♦☐❒ ♋♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ⏹♏♦ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ✞⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓ ☐♐ ☟♋♓♐♋❆♒♏ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒♏❒♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♋♦ ❽♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♏ ♦♒♓⏹♓⏹♑ ♋☐☐♋❒♏⏹♦●⍓ ❒♏❑◆♓❒♏♦ ❻♍♒♏♍♦ ♋⏹♎ ♌♋●♋⏹♍♏♦❼❾ ✌♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒♏❒♦ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♓♦⍓ ♓♦ ☐◆❒ ♋♌♓●♓♦⍓ ♦☐ ♦♒♓⏹ ♓⏹ ⏹♏♦ ♦♋⍓♦ ♦☐ ♦☐●❖♏ ☐❒☐♌●♏❍♦ ◆♦ ⏹☐♦ ♏❖♏❒⍓ ☐❒♓♑♓⏹♋● ♦☐●◆♦♓☐⏹ ♓♦ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒♏♎ ♋ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♏ ☐⏹♏ ✋♐ ♦♒♏ ♓♎♏♋ ♓♦ ⏹☐♦ ♐◆●●⍓ ♋☐☐●♓♍♋♌●♏ ♓♦ ♓♦ ⏹☐♦ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒♏♎ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♏ ♌◆♦ ♦♓❍☐●⍓ ☐⏹♏ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♓♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉❆♒♏ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒♏❒♦ ♋♦♦◆❍♏♎ ♦♒♋♦ ♐☐❒ ♋ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♏ ♓♎♏♋ ♦☐ ♌♏ ☐❒☐♎◆♍♏♎ ♦♒♏ ♌❒♋♓⏹ ❍◆♦♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋ ⏹◆❍♌♏❒ ☐♐ ♎♓♐♐♏❒♏⏹♦ ♋⏹♎ ☐♏❒♒♋☐♦ ♏❖♏⏹ ♍☐⏹♦❒♋♎♓♍♦☐❒⍓☎矛盾的✆ ⏹♏♦♦☐❒♦ ✋⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐♓❒♦♦ ☐♋❒♦ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒ ❒♏♦☐☐⏹♎♏⏹♦♦ ♦♏❒♏ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ♒♋●♐ ♋ ❍♓⏹◆♦♏ ♦☐ ♍☐❍♏ ◆☐ ♦♓♦♒ ♋ ⏹♏♦ ☐❒♓♑♓⏹♋● ♋⏹♎ ◆⏹♏⌧☐♏♍♦♏♎ ♓♎♏♋ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ 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❒♏♑♓☐⏹♦ ♦☐❒ ♦☐♑♏♦♒♏❒ ♓⏹ ☐♋❒♋●●♏● ♦♒♏ ♑❒♏♋♦♏❒ ♦♒♏ ●♏❖♏● ☐♐ ☐❒♓♑♓⏹♋●♓♦⍓ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♋⏹♦♦♏❒❽⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐⏹♏ ♒♋⏹♎ ♦♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♦◆❒♏●⍓ ♋ ⏹♏♏♎ ♐☐❒ ♋ ❒♏♑♓☐⏹ ♦♒♋♦ ☐❒☐♎◆♍♏♦ ♓⏹⏹☐❖♋♦♓❖♏ ♓♎♏♋♦ ♌◆♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♒♋⏹♎ ♦♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋●♦☐ ♦♒♏ ⏹♏♏♎ ♐☐❒ ☐⏹♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♓●● ⏹☐♦ ♦☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♒☐♦ ♋☐☐●♓♍♋♌●♏ ♋⏹♎ ❒♏♋♦☐⏹♋♌●♏ ♦♒♏♦♏ ♓♎♏♋♦ ♋❒♏ ❆♒♏ ♋♌♓●♓♦⍓ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♌❒♋♓⏹ ♦☐ ☐☐♏❒♋♦♏ ♦♒♏♦♏ ♦♦☐ ❒♏♑♓☐⏹♦ ♓⏹ ☐♋❒♋●●♏● ♓♦ ♦♒♋♦ ❒♏♦◆●♦♦ ♓⏹ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♓♦⍓ ✋♦ ♓♦ ☐☐♦♦♓♌●♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏ ❍☐♦♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♍❒♏♋♦♓☐⏹♦ ☐♐ ♒◆❍♋⏹♓♦⍓ ♦♏❒♏ ☐❒☐♎◆♍♏♎ ♌⍓ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♦♒☐ ♒♋♎ ♋⏹ ♏♦☐♏♍♓♋●●⍓ ♦♦❒☐⏹♑ ♍☐⏹⏹♏♍♦♓☐⏹ ♌♏♦♦♏♏⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♦☐ ❒♏♑♓☐⏹♦❾ ♦♒♏ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒♏❒♦ ♍☐⏹♍●◆♎♏♎✋✋✋ ♏♋♎♓⏹♑ ☐❍☐❒♏♒♏⏹♦♓☐⏹♏♍♦♓☐⏹ ✌♓❒♏♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ☞☐❒ ♏♋♍♒ ♌●♋⏹ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏♦ ♦♒♏❒♏ ♋❒♏ ♐☐◆❒ ♦☐❒♎♦ ☐❒ ☐♒❒♋♦♏♦ ❍♋❒♏♎ ✌ ♋⏹♎ ☞♓●● ♓⏹ ♏♋♍♒ ♌●♋⏹ ♦♓♦♒ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒♎ ☐❒ ☐♒❒♋♦♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♌♏♦♦ ♐♓♦♦ ♦♒♏ ♍☐⏹♦♏⌧♦☹♓♏ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ⍓♋⏹ ♌♏●♓♏❖♏♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♓❍♏ ♋⏹♎ ❍☐⏹♏⍓ ♦☐♏⏹♦ ☐⏹ ♒♓♦ ♏♎◆♍♋♦♓☐⏹ ♦♓●● ☐♋⍓ ☐♐♐ ♒♏ ♦♓●● ♏❖♏⏹♦◆♋●●⍓ ♌♏ ♋♌●♏ ♦☐ ♑♏♦ ♋ ♑☐☐♎ ☐♌ ♋⏹♎ ♎☐ ♦♏●● ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐♓♏●♎ ♒♏ ♒♋♦ ♍♒☐♦♏⏹ ✌⏹♎ ⍓♏♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋●● ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ⍓♏♋❒♦ ♦☐♏⏹♦ ♓⏹ ♦♍♒☐☐● ☐❒♏☐♋❒♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♏⏹♦♏❒ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏ ❍♋⏹⍓ ❒♏♍♏⏹♦ ♑❒♋♎◆♋♦♏♦ ♦♋⍓ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♦♦❒◆♑♑●♏ ♦♓♦♒ ♦♒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♐❒☐❍ ♍●♋♦♦❒☐☐❍ ♦☐ ♍♋❒♏♏❒ ♦☐❒●♎ ♋⏹♎ ♒♋❖♏ ♎♓♐♐♓♍◆●♦⍓ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ●♓♐♏ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♌❒♓♦♏❒ ♋⏹♎ ♏♎♓♦☐❒ ☺☐♦♏☐♒ ☹♏♦♓♦ ♦◆♑♑♏♦♦♦ ☐⏹♏ ❒♏♋♦☐⏹ ♦♒⍓ ♦♒♓♦ ♓♦ ♦♒♏ ♍♋♦♏ ☹♏♦♓♦ ♌♏●♓♏❖♏♦ ♦♒♋♦ ❍☐♦♦ ☐♐ ☐◆❒ ♦♍♒☐☐● ♏⌧☐♏❒♓♏⏹♍♏♦♐❒☐❍ ♍♒♓●♎♒☐☐♎ ♦♒❒☐◆♑♒ ◆⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓♋❒♏ ♐♋♓❒●⍓ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♓●♏ ●♓♐♏ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒♓⏹♑ ♦☐❒●♎ ♓♦ ♐♋❒ ❍☐❒♏ ◆⏹♍♏❒♦♋♓⏹ ✋⏹ ♦♍♒☐☐● ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♏❒⏹ ♦♦♋⍓♦ ❍☐❒♏ ☐❒ ●♏♦♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♋❍♏ ♐❒☐❍ ⍓♏♋❒ ♦☐ ⍓♏♋❒ ✋⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏ ♒☐♦♏❖♏❒ ♍☐⏹♦♦♋⏹♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♓♦ ♦♒♏ ⏹☐❒❍ ♋⏹♎ ☐⏹♏ ♒♋♦ ♦☐ ♋♎♋☐♦ ❑◆♓♍●⍓ ✌⏹☐♦♒♏❒ ☐❒☐♌●♏❍ ♦♒♋♦ ♑❒♋♎◆♋♦♏♦ ♏⏹♦♏❒♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒♐☐❒♍♏ ♏⏹♍☐◆⏹♦♏❒ ♓♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦☐ ♦♒♓⏹ ♋⏹♋●⍓♦♓♍♋●●⍓ ✋⏹ ♦♍♒☐☐● ❍♋⏹⍓ ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♓⏹♍●◆♎♓⏹♑ ♦♒☐♦♏ ♓⏹ ♍☐●●♏♑♏ ♦☐♏⏹♎ ♋ ●☐♦ ☐♐ ♦♓❍♏ ❍♏❍☐❒♓♓⏹♑ ♐♋♍♦♦ ♋⏹♎ ❒♏☐♏♋♦♓⏹♑ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ❽●♏♋❒⏹♏♎❾ ☐⏹ ♦♏♦♦♦ ◆♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏ ♏❍☐●☐⍓♏♏♦ ❽♋❒♏ ☐♐♦♏⏹ ♏⌧☐♏♍♦♏♎ ♦☐ ♦♒♓⏹ ♍❒♓♦♓♍♋●●⍓ ♋⏹♎ ❍♋♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋♌☐◆♦ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♦☐❒ ⏹☐♦ ◆♦♦ ♐☐●●☐♦ ♋ ♦◆☐♏❒❖♓♦☐❒❼♦ ♓⏹♦♦❒◆♍♦♓☐⏹♦❾ ☹♏♦♦ ♦♓❍♏ ⏹♏♏♎♦ ♦☐ ♌♏ ♦☐♏⏹♦ ♓⏹ ♦♍♒☐☐● ☐⏹ ♦♏♦♦♓⏹♑ ♦♋⍓♦ ☐⏹♏ ❒♏♍♏⏹♦ ❒♏☐☐❒♦ ♋⏹♎ ❍☐❒♏ ☐⏹ ♒♏●☐♓⏹♑ ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♦☐ ♋⏹♋●⍓♏ ♋⏹♎ ♓⏹♦♏❒☐❒♏♦ ♓⏹♐☐❒❍♋♦♓☐⏹ ♦☐●❖♏ ☐❒☐♌●♏❍♦ ♋⏹♎ ♍☐❍❍◆⏹♓♍♋♦♏ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♓♎♏♋♦ ♏♐♐♏♍♦♓❖♏●⍓♦♓●●♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♓●● ☐❒♏☐♋❒♏ ♦♒♏❍ ♦☐ ♦◆♍♍♏♏♎ ♓⏹ ♦☐♎♋⍓❼♦ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏☞♓⏹♋●●⍓ ❍♋⏹⍓ ❒♏♍♏⏹♦ ♑❒♋♎◆♋♦♏♦ ♦♋⍓ ♦♒♋♦ ☐⏹♏ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♌♓♑♑♏♦♦ ♎♓♐♐♓♍◆●♦♓♏♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♐♋♍♏ ♓♦ ♋♎♋☐♦♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♌ ✋⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏ ♏❍☐●☐⍓♏♏♦ ❍◆♦♦ ❒♏♑◆●♋❒●⍓ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♓♦♒ ☐♦♒♏❒♦ ♋⏹♎ ♋❒♏ ☐♐♦♏⏹ ♎♏☐♏⏹♎♏⏹♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♍☐♦☐❒♏❒♦ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♦◆♍♍♏♦♦ ✋⏹ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♦☐❒♎♦ ♓♐ ♋⏹ ♏❍☐●☐⍓♏♏ ♒♋♦ ♦☐ ♦☐❒ ♦♓♦♒ ☐♦♒♏❒♦ ♦☐ ♍☐❍☐●♏♦♏ ♋ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ☐❒☐♏♍♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♏❍☐●☐⍓♏♏❼♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ⏹☐♦ ☐⏹●⍓ ♎♏☐♏⏹♎♦ ☐⏹ ♒♓♦ ♒♋❒♎ ♦☐❒ ♋⏹♎ ♏⌧☐♏❒♦♓♦♏ ♌◆♦ ♋●♦☐ ☐⏹ ♒☐♦ ♦♏●● ♒♓♦ ♍☐●●♏♋♑◆♏♦ ☐♏❒♐☐❒❍ ⏹☐♦♓⏹♑ ♒☐♦ ♦☐ ☐♋❒♦♓♍♓☐♋♦♏ ♏♐♐♏♍♦♓❖♏●⍓ ♓⏹ ♦♏♋❍♦☐❒♋⏹♎ ♎♏♋● ♦♓♦♒ ☐❒☐♌●♏❍♦ ♦♒♏⏹ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♓♦♏♓♦ ♏⌧♦❒♏❍♏●⍓ ♓❍☐☐❒♦♋⏹♦ ♋⏹♎ ⍓♏♦ ♓♦ ♓♦ ♋●♦☐ ♦☐❍♏♦♒♓⏹♑ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♎☐⏹❼♦ ♑♏♦ ❑◆♓♦♏ ♉♉♉ ♉♉♉ ♦☐ ♓⏹ ♋ ♦♍♒☐☐● ♦♏♦♦♓⏹♑☟☐♦ ♍♋⏹ ♦♏ ♌♏♦♦♏❒ ☐❒♏☐♋❒♏ ⍓☐◆⏹♑ ♋♎◆●♦♦ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏✍ ♏♍♏⏹♦ ♑❒♋♎◆♋♦♏♦ ●☐☐♓⏹♑ ♌♋♍ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♏♎◆♍♋♦♓☐⏹♋● ♏⌧☐♏❒♓♏⏹♍♏ ♒♋❖♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋⏹⍓ ♦♒♓⏹ ♦♒♋♦ ♋●● ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♦♒☐◆●♎ ♌♏ ❒♏❑◆♓❒♏♎ ♦☐ ♎☐ ♋⏹ ♓⏹♦♏❒⏹♦♒♓☐ ☎实习✆ ♦♒♓●♏ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♓⏹ ♦♍♒☐☐● ✞☐●◆⏹♦♏♏❒♓⏹♑ ☐♋❒♦ ♦♓❍♏ ♋♦ ♋ ♍☐❍☐♋⏹⍓ ♒☐♦☐♓♦♋● ☐❒ ♑☐❖♏❒⏹❍♏⏹♦ ☐❒♑♋⏹♓♋♦♓☐⏹ ♐☐❒ ♏⌧♋❍☐●♏ ♍♋⏹ ♒♏●☐ ☐⏹♏ ♑♋♓⏹ ♏⌧☐♏❒♓♏⏹♍♏ ♋⏹♎ ●♏♋❒⏹ ♦♓●●♦ ⏹♏♏♎♏♎ ♦☐ ♦◆♍♍♏♏♎ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒♏♋● ♦☐❒●♎ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♓♦ ♓⏹♎ ☐♐ ☐❒♋♍♦♓♍♋● ♦☐❒ ♏⌧☐♏❒♓♏⏹♍♏ ♦♓♦♒ ♍●♋♦♦❒☐☐❍ ♓⏹♦♦❒◆♍♦♓☐⏹ ♦♋⍓ ♦♒♏ ♑❒♋♎◆♋♦♏♦ ♦♓●● ♒♏●☐ ☐❒♏☐♋❒♏ ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏ ♋⏹♎ ❍♋♏ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♋⏹♦♓♦♓☐⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♍♒☐☐● ♦☐ ♍♋❒♏♏❒ ♦☐❒●♎ ●♏♦♦ ♦♦❒♏♦♦♐◆● ✌ ♦♓♦♒ ❒♏♑♋❒♎ ♦☐ ♦♒♋⏹♦ ♦☐ ♓⏹ ♦☐♓♦♏ ☐♐ ♓⏹ ❖♓♏♦ ☐♐ ✌ ♋♍♦♓☐⏹ ♦♒♓♐♦ ❒☐◆♦♓⏹♏ ❖♋❒♓♏♦⍓ ✌ ♦◆❒⏹♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ❒♏♋♍♦♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♋♎◆♦♦♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♏♏♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ✌ ☐❒♏♎♓♍♦♋♌●♏ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒♋♌●♏ ♋♍♍♏♦♦♓♌●♏ ♐●♏⌧♓♌●♏ ✌ ♒☐♦♏❖♏❒ ♓⏹ ♋♎♎♓♦♓☐⏹ ♐☐❒ ♏⌧♋❍☐●♏ ♓⏹ ❒♏♦◆❒⏹ ✌ ♍♒♋⏹♑♏ ❒♏❍♓⏹♎♏❒ ☐❒♏♎♓♍♦♓☐⏹ ♎♓♐♐♓♍◆●♦⍓ ✌ ♏⏹♍☐◆❒♋♑♏♎ ◆⏹☐❒♏☐♋❒♏♎ ♏⏹♦♓♦●♏♎ ◆⏹♎♏♦♏❒❍♓⏹♏♎ ✌ ☐❒♏♎♓♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ♦♋❒♑♏♦♦ ♎♏♍♓♦♓☐⏹♦ ♓⏹❑◆♓❒♓♏♦ ✌ ♓⏹♎♏☐♏⏹♎♏⏹♍♏ ☐♏❒♐☐❒❍♋⏹♍♏ ♍☐❍☐♏♦♓♦♓☐⏹ ♦♏♋❍♦☐❒ ✌ ♋❒♑◆♏ ♌♋❒♑♋♓⏹ ♓♎♏⏹♦♓♐⍓ ♓⏹♦♏❒♋♍♦ ✌ ♦◆♍♍♏♦♦ ♋❍♌♓♦♓☐⏹ ♍☐❍☐●♏♦♓☐⏹ ☐◆❒☐☐♦♏ ✌ ♋♦♦♋♍♒♏♎ ♏⌧☐☐♦♏♎ ❒♏●♋♦♏♎ ♋♎♎♓♍♦♏♎ ✌ ☐♋♦♓♏⏹♍♏ ♋♎❖♓♍♏ ♏⌧☐♏♍♦♋♦♓☐⏹ ❒♏●♓♏♐ ✌ ♋♓❒♓⏹♑ ♒♋❒♑♓⏹♑ ✋⏹❖☐●❖♓⏹♑ ♏♦♋❒♎♓⏹♑ ✌ ♋❖♋♓●♋♌♓●♓♦⍓ ☐☐♦♦♓♌♓●♓♦♓♏♦ ♓⏹❖♋♦♓☐⏹ ❒♏♋●♓♦♓♏♦♏♍♦♓☐⏹ ♓❒♏♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ♏♋♎ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏♦ ☜♋♍♒ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏ ♓♦ ♐☐●●☐♦♏♎ ♌⍓ ♦♏❖♏❒♋● ❑◆♏♦♦♓☐⏹♦ ☐❒ ◆⏹♐♓⏹♓♦♒♏♎ ♦♦♋♦♏❍♏⏹♦♦ ☞☐❒ ♏♋♍♒ ☐♐ ♦♒♏❍ ♦♒♏❒♏ ♋❒♏ ♐☐◆❒ ♍♒☐♓♍♏♦ ❍♋❒♏♎ ✌ ♋⏹♎ ♒☐☐♦♏ ♦♒♏ ☐⏹♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♐♓♦♦ ♌♏♦♦ ♋♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♓⏹♐☐❒❍♋♦♓☐⏹ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏ ⍓☐◆ ♒♋❖♏ ◆♦♦ ❒♏♋♎☎✌✆☞♋⏹♦ ☐♐ ❒♏☐♦♓●♏♦ ●♓♏ ♦⏹♋♏♦ ♦♓●● ♦♋⏹♦ ♦☐ ☐♋⍓ ❍☐❒♏ ♋♦♦♏⏹♦♓☐⏹ ♦☐ ♋ ♦☐♏♍♓♋● ❖♏♒♓♍●♏ ♦♒♋♦♒♋♦ ❒♏♍♏⏹♦●⍓ ♒♓♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♦❒♏♏♦♦ ♦♒♏ ◆☐♏❒ ☝❒♏♏⏹ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏☺◆♦♦ ●♓♏ ♋♦❍♋⏹ ♒♋♦ ♒♓♦ ♋♦❍☐♌♓●♏ ☺♏♦♦♏ ☐♦♒♋♍♏❒ ♋⏹♎ ☞☐❒♑☐♦♦♏⏹ ☞❒♓♏⏹♎ ♏☐♦♓●♏ ♋⏹♍♦◆♋❒⍓ ☎☞☞✆ ♍♋⏹ ⏹☐♦ ♌♏ ♐☐◆⏹♎ ♦☐◆❒♓⏹♑ ☹♋⏹♍♋♦♦♏❒ ☐◆⏹♦⍓ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ◆☐♏❒ ☝❒♏♏⏹ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏ ♋ ❖♋⏹ ♦♓♦♒ ♋⏹ ♓❍☐☐❒♦♋⏹♦ ❍♓♦♦♓☐⏹ ☐♦♒♋♍♏❒ ♒♋♎ ♍☐ ♦❒♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋ ♦☐⏹♑ ♍♋●●♏♎ ❽◆☐♏❒ ☝❒♏♏⏹ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏❾ ♦♓♦♒ ❍◆♦♓♍♓♋⏹ ♦♏❖♏⏹ ☐◆❒♦⏹♏⍓ ❆♒♏ ♦☐⏹♑ ♌♏♍♋❍♏ ♦♒♏ ♓⏹♦☐♓❒♋♦♓☐⏹ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ❖♋⏹☞☞ ♓♦ ♍♏●♏♌❒♋♦♓⏹♑ ♓♦♦ ♦♒ ⍓♏♋❒ ❒♏♦♍◆♓⏹♑ ♋⏹♎ ♋♎❖☐♍♋♦♓⏹♑ ♐☐❒ ❒♏☐♦♓●♏♦ ♋⏹♎ ♍❒♏♋♦◆❒♏♦ ☐♐ ♋●● ♦♒♋☐♏♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♏♦ ❆♒♏ ◆☐♏❒ ☝❒♏♏⏹ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏ ♦♓●● ♌♏ ❒☐●●♓⏹♑ ☐◆♦ ♦☐ ◆☐♍☐❍♓⏹♑ ☞☐❒♑☐♦♦♏⏹ ☞❒♓♏⏹♎ ☐❒☐♑❒♋❍♦ ♋⏹♎ ♐❒♏❑◆♏⏹♦ ❒♏☐♦♓●♏ ❒♏♦♍◆♏ ♍♋●●♦ ❽♏ ♒♋❖♏ ❍☐❒♏ ♦♒♋⏹ 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♋⏹♎ ♒♓♦ ♦♏♋❍ ♒☐☐♏ ♦☐ ❍♋♏ ♋ ♐♏♦ ❍☐❒♏ ♍♒♋⏹♑♏♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ❖♋⏹ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐◆♦◆❒♏ ❽❆♒♏ ❍♋♓⏹ ♦☐❒ ♓♦ ♎☐⏹♏ ♌◆♦ ♦♏❼♎ ●☐❖♏ ♦☐ ♐♓⏹♓♦♒ ♒♏❒ ◆☐❾ ☐♦♒♋♍♏❒ ♦♒♋❒♏♎ ❽♏ ♒♋❖♏ ☐●♋⏹♦ ♦☐ ♋♎♎ ♐●♋♦♒♓⏹♑ ♍♋◆♦♓☐⏹ ●♓♑♒♦♦ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏⏹ ♦♏ ♦♦☐☐ ♦☐ ♒♏●☐ ♦⏹♋♏♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦◆❒♦●♏♦ ♍❒☐♦♦ ♦♒♏ ❒☐♋♎❾ ☞◆❒♦♒♏❒ ♏⏹♒♋⏹♍♏❍♏⏹♦♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏ ♓⏹♍●◆♎♏ ♋♎♎♓⏹♑ ♏⌧♦❒♋ ♦☐☐●♦ ♦☐ ♒♏●☐ ♦♓♦♒ ❒♏☐♦♓●♏ ❒♏♦♍◆♏ ☐♓♍◆☐♦ ♋⏹♎ ●♓❖♏ ♏♎◆♍♋♦♓☐⏹♋● ♏❖♏⏹♦♦✌♦ ☞☞ ♓♦ ♋ ⏹☐⏹☐❒☐♐♓♦ ♎☐⏹♋♦♓☐⏹♦ ♦☐♦♋❒♎ ♦♒♏ ◆☐♏❒ ☝❒♏♏⏹ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏ ♋❒♏ ♦♋⌧ ♎♏♎◆♍♦♓♌●♏ ✋⏹♦♏❒♏♦♦♏♎ ♓⏹♎♓❖♓♎◆♋●♦ ❍♋⍓ ♍☐⏹♦❒♓♌◆♦♏ ♋♦ ♦♦♦ ♐☐❒♑☐♦♦♏⏹♐❒♓♏⏹♎☐❒♑ ♒♋♦ ♍♋⏹ ♦♏ ●♏♋❒⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏ ♋♌☐◆♦ ☺♏♦♦♏ ☐♦♒♋♍♏❒✍✌ ☟♏ ♓♦ ♑☐☐♎ ♋♦ ♍☐❍☐☐♦♓⏹♑ ♦☐⏹♑♦ ☟♏ ♒♋♦ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♌♋♦❍☐♌♓●♏♦ ☟♏ ♍◆❒♏♦ ♍❒♏♋♦◆❒♏♦ ☐♐ ♋●● ♦♒♋☐♏♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♏♦ ☟♏ ♦☐❒♦ ♐☐❒ ☞☞ ♒♋♦❼♦ ♦♒♏ ❍♓♦♦♓☐⏹ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ◆☐♏❒ ☝❒♏♏⏹ ❆◆❒♦●♏ ♋♍♒♓⏹♏✍✌ ❆☐ ❒☐●● ☐◆♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♦♦❒♏♏♦ ♐☐❒ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♦☐ ♦♋♏ ☐♓♍♦◆❒♏♦ ♦♓♦♒ ❆☐ ☐◆♌●♓♍♓♏ ❒♏☐♦♓●♏♦ ☐☐♦♓♦♓❖♏●⍓ ♋⏹♎ ♑♓❖♏ ♦♒♏❍ ☐❒♋♍♦♓♍♋● ♒♏●☐ ❆☐ ♓⏹♦☐♓❒♏ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♦♓♦♒ ♦♒♏ ♦☐⏹♑♦ ♦♒♏ ❖♋⏹ ☐●♋⍓♦ ❆☐ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ♦♒♏ ♦♓⏹⏹♏❒♦ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♒☐♦♏ ☐☐♦♦♓⏹♑ ♑☐☐♎ ☐♒☐♦☐♦ ♒♋♦ ♎☐♏♦ ♦♒♏ ◆⏹♎♏❒●♓⏹♏♎ ♦☐❒♎ 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❒♋♓⏹♐☐❒♏♦♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♓♏ ☐♐ ♏●♑♓◆❍ ♦♋♦ ♍◆♦ ♎☐♦⏹ ♏❖♏❒⍓ ⍓♏♋❒ ❒♋♓● ♦♋♦ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒●♎❼♦ ♏⏹❖♓❒☐⏹❍♏⏹♦♋● ❖♓●●♋♓⏹☎反派角色✆ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒♏ ✌❍♋☐⏹♓♋⏹ ◆⏹♑●♏ ♦♒♏ ♓❍♋♑♏ ☐♐ ♏❖♏❒⍓♦♒♓⏹♑ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♋♦ ♑☐♓⏹♑ ♦❒☐⏹♑ ♓⏹ ♑❒♏♏⏹ ☐●♋♍♏♦ ☠☐♦ ♦♒♏ ✌❍♋☐⏹ ☐◆♑♒♦ ♦☐ ♌♏ ♦♒♏ ♓❍♋♑♏ ☐♐♦♒♋♦ ♓♦ ♑☐♓⏹♑ ❒♓♑♒♦ ☝☐❖♏❒⏹❍♏⏹♦ ♐♓♑◆❒♏♦ ♦♒☐♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♎♏♐☐❒♏♦♦♋♦♓☐⏹ ♐♏●● ♌⍓ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒♋ ♓●♓♋⏹ ✌❍♋☐⏹ ❒♏♑♓☐⏹ ♎◆❒♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦ ♎♏♍♋♎♏ ✋♐ ♍●♏♋❒♋⏹♍♏♦ ♒♋♎ ♍☐⏹♦♓⏹◆♏♎ ♋♦ ♦♒♏♓❒ ❒♋♦♏ ♓⏹ ♋⏹ ♏⌧♦❒♋ ♌♓●●♓☐⏹ ♦☐⏹⏹♏♦ ☐♐ ♍♋❒♌☐⏹ ♎♓☐⌧♓♎♏ ♦☐◆●♎ ♒♋❖♏ ♌♏♏⏹ ☐◆♦ ♓⏹♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♋♦❍☐♦☐♒♏❒♏ ❆♒♋♦ ♓♦ ♋⏹ ♋❍☐◆⏹♦ ♏❑◆♋● ♦☐ ♋ ⍓♏♋❒❼♦ ♏❍♓♦♦♓☐⏹♦ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♒♏ ☜◆❒☐☐♏♋⏹ ✞⏹♓☐⏹ ✌❒♑◆♋♌●⍓ ♦♒♏⏹ ❒♋♓● ♓♦ ⏹☐♦ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒●♎ ●♏♋♎♏❒ ♓⏹ ♋♎♎❒♏♦♦♓⏹♑ ♍●♓❍♋♦♏ ♍♒♋⏹♑♏◆♦ ♒☐♦ ♎♓♎ ♓♦ ♌❒♏♋ ♦♒♏ ❖♓♍♓☐◆♦ ♍⍓♍●♏☎恶性循环✆✍ ❆♒♏ ♋⏹♦♦♏❒ ♋♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♋ ☐♋☐♏❒ ♓♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏❒♏ ♦♋♦ ⏹☐ ♦♓●❖♏❒ ♌◆●●♏♦ ♌◆♦ ♓⏹♦♦♏♋♎ ♋ ♦♒❒♏♏♦♦♋♑♏ ☐❒☐♍♏♦♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♌♋⏹♦ ♌♏♦♦♏❒ ♑☐❖♏❒⏹♋⏹♍♏ ♓⏹ ♐❒☐⏹♦♓♏❒ ♋❒♏♋♦ ♋⏹♎ ♍☐⏹♦◆❍♏❒ ☐❒♏♦♦◆❒♏ ☐⏹ ♍☐❍☐♋⏹♓♏♦ ♦☐❒♏♎❆♒♏ ♐♓❒♦♦ ♦♦♋♑♏ ❒♋⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♒♏ ❍♓♎♦ ♦☐ ❆♒♓♦ ♦♋♦ ♦♒♏⏹ ♦♒♏ ♑☐❖♏❒⏹❍♏⏹♦ ☐◆♦ ♓♦♦ ♏♐♐☐❒♦♦ ♓⏹♦☐ ♌♋⏹♦ ♋⏹♎ ❒♏♦♦❒♓♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ❆♒♏ ❒♋♓●♓♋⏹ ☞☐❒♏♦♦ ☐♎♏ ♦♋♓♎ ♦♒♋♦ ☐⏹ ♏❖♏❒⍓ 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♦♦♋⏹♎♋❒♎♦ ❒♋♓●❼♦ ✌❍♋☐⏹ ☐☐●♓♍⍓ ♒♋♦ ♌♏♏⏹ ♋ ♦◆♍♍♏♦♦ ❍♋♎♏ ♦♒♏ ❍☐❒♏ ❒♏❍♋❒♋♌●♏ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ♓♦ ❒♏●♓♏♎ ☐⏹ ❒♏♦♦❒♓♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ❒♋♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♋⏹ ❒♏♦♋❒♎♦ ♦♒♓♍♒ ❍♓♑♒♦ ♒♋❖♏ ♌♏♏⏹ ♏⌧☐♏♍♦♏♎ ♦☐ ♒♋❖♏ ♦☐❒♏♎ ♌♏♦♦♏❒ ❖♏❒ ♦♒♏ ☐♏❒♓☐♎ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♦♦◆♎⍓ ❒♋♓● ♋●♦☐ ♦◆❒⏹♏♎ ♓♦♦♏●♐ ♓⏹♦☐ ♋ ♐♋❒❍♓⏹♑ ♦◆☐♏❒☐☐♦♏❒ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♍☐◆⏹♦❒⍓ ♒♋♦ ♦♒☐♦⏹ ♓♦ ♓♦ ☐☐♦♦♓♌●♏ ♦☐ ♑♏♦ ♋ ♒◆♑♏ ♓⏹♍❒♏♋♦♏ ♓⏹ ♐☐☐♎ ☐◆♦☐◆♦ ♦♓♦♒☐◆♦ ♎♏♦♦❒☐⍓♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ♐☐❒♏♦♦ ☐❒♏☐❖♏❒ ♦♒♏ ☐☐●♓♍♓♏♦ ♦☐ ♐♋❒ ♒♋❖♏ ♌♏♏⏹ ♦◆♍♍♏♦♦♐◆● ♋❍☐⏹♑ ♍☐❍❍♏❒♍♓♋● ♐♋❒❍♏❒♦ ♦♒☐ ♍♋❒♏ ♋♌☐◆♦ ♦♒♏ ●♋♦ ♋⏹♎ ❒♏♦☐☐⏹♎ ♦☐ ❍♋❒♏♦ ☐❒♏♦♦◆❒♏♦ ☐♦♦ ❒♏❍♋♓⏹♓⏹♑ ♎♏♐☐❒♏♦♦♋♦♓☐⏹ ♓♦ ♌⍓ ♦❍♋●● ♒☐●♎♏❒♦ ♦♒☐ ♍♋❒♏ ❒♋♦♒♏❒ ●♏♦♦ ♋♌☐◆♦ ♦♒♏♦♏ ♦♒♓⏹♑♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♑☐❖♏❒⏹❍♏⏹♦ ♐♋♍♏♦ ♦♒♏ ☐❒☐♌●♏❍ ☐♐ ☐♏❒♦◆♋♎♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏❍ ♦☐ ♍♒♋⏹♑♏ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♦♋⍓♦ ♦☐☐ ♏♐☐❒♏♦♦♋♦♓☐⏹ ♒♋♦ ♌♏♏⏹ ♦●☐♦♏♎ ♌◆♦ ⏹☐♦ ⍓♏♦ ♦♦☐☐☐♏♎ ❒♋♓● ♓♦ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒♏♎ ♦☐ ☐●♋⍓ ♋ ●♏♋♎♓⏹♑ ❒☐●♏ ♓⏹ ♎♏♋●♓⏹♑ ♦♓♦♒ ♍●♓❍♋♦♏ ♍♒♋⏹♑♏ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉✌ ♓♦ ♒♋♦ ❒♋♓⏹♐☐❒♏♦♦ ♋♦ ●♋❒♑♏ ♋♦ ♏●♑♓◆❍ ♓♦ ♒♋♦ ♍◆♦ ♎☐♦⏹ ♦☐☐ ❍◆♍♒ ❒♋♓⏹♐☐❒♏♦♦ ♓♦ ♒♋♦ ♦♋♏⏹ ♋♍♦♓☐⏹ ♦☐ ❒♏♎◆♍♏ ♎♏♐☐❒♏♦♦♋♦♓☐⏹ ♓♦ ♦♏⏹♦ ♌♓●●♓☐⏹ ♦☐⏹♦ ☐♐ ♍♋❒♌☐⏹ ♎♓☐⌧♓♎♏ ♓⏹♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♋♓❒ ❆♒♏ ◆⏹♎♏❒●♓⏹♏♎ ☐♒❒♋♦♏ ❽♦♓●❖♏❒ 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☝♏♦ ☐❒♏ ♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓☎多样性✆♏♦♏♋❒♍♒ ♌⍓ ❍⍓ ♍☐●●♏♋♑◆♏ ♋⏹♎ ✋ ♦◆♑♑♏♦♦♦ ♦♒♋♦ ◆⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓ ♋♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❒♋♦☐❒♦ ♦♒☐ ♎☐ ⏹☐♦ ♦☐❒ ♒♋❒♎ ♦☐ ♋♦♦❒♋♍♦ ♋⏹♎ ❒♏♦♋♓⏹ ✌♐❒♓♍♋⏹✌❍♏❒♓♍♋⏹ ♦♏♋♍♒♓⏹♑ ♦♦♋♐♐ ❍♋⍓ ♦♏●● ♌♏ ❍♓♦♦♓⏹♑ ☐◆♦ ☐⏹ ♋⏹ ♓❍☐☐❒♦♋⏹♦ ♌♏⏹♏♐♓♦ ✌♍♋♎♏❍♓♍ ♎♏☐♋❒♦❍♏⏹♦♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♋❒♏ ❍☐❒♏ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♏ ❍♋⍓ ☐❒☐♎◆♍♏ ❍☐❒♏ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♏ ♓♎♏♋♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦☐❒✌ ❍♋♦♒♏❍♋♦♓♍♋● ❍☐♎♏● ♒♋♦ ♌♏♏⏹ ♎♏❖♏●☐☐♏♎ ♦☐ ♦♦◆♎⍓ ♦♒♏ ♏♐♐♏♍♦♦ ☐♐ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓ ✌⏹♎ ♦♏ ♎♓♦♍☐❖♏❒♏♎ ♋ ♦♓❍☐●♏ ♦❒◆♦♒ ☐❒♏ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♏ ♑❒☐◆☐♦ ❍♋⍓ ♎☐ ♌♏♦♦♏❒ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ●♏♦♦ ♍☐⏹♐☐❒❍♓♦♦(墨守成规的)♓♍♦◆❒♏ ♓♦ ✡☐◆❼❒♏ ♌❒♋♓⏹♦♦☐❒❍♓⏹♑ ♦♓♦♒ ⍓☐◆❒ ♌♏♦♦ ♐❒♓♏⏹♎ ☐♐ ⍓♏♋❒♦ ✡☐◆ ♑❒♏♦ ◆☐ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♋❍♏ ⏹♏♓♑♒♌☐❒♒☐☐♎ ♦♏⏹♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♦♋❍♏ ♦♍♒☐☐● ♋⏹♎ ♦♦☐☐♎ ◆☐ ♐☐❒ ♏♋♍♒ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♋♦ ⍓☐◆❒ ♦♏♎♎♓⏹♑♦ ♒♏⏹ ♋ ♍❒♋⍓ ♓♎♏♋ ♍❒☐♦♦♏♦ ⍓☐◆❒ ❍♓⏹♎ ⍓☐◆ ♓❍❍♏♎♓♋♦♏●⍓ ♦♏♏ ♋●● ♦♒♏ ❒♏♋♦☐⏹♦ ♦♒⍓ ♒♏ ❍♋⍓ ♎♓♦❍♓♦♦ ♓♦ ⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♒♋⏹♎ ⍓☐◆ ⏹☐♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♓♎♏♋♦ ♒♏ ♓♦ ❒♏♍♏☐♦♓❖♏ ♦☐ ♦☐ ♦♒⍓ ⏹☐♦ ♦♦♋❒♦ ♦♓♦♒ ♦♒☐♦♏✍☠☐♦ ♦◆☐☐☐♦♏ ⍓☐◆❼❒♏ ♌❒♋♓⏹♦♦☐❒❍♓⏹♑ ♦♓♦♒ ♦☐❍♏☐⏹♏ ♦♒☐ ♑❒♏♦ ◆☐ ♦♓♦♒ ♋ ♎♓♐♐♏❒♏⏹♦ ☐♏❒♦☐♏♍♦♓❖♏ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒☐ ♒♋♦ ❖♏❒⍓ ♎♓♐♐♏❒♏⏹♦ ♏⌧☐♏❒♓♏⏹♍♏♦ ♐❒☐❍ ⍓☐◆ ☐◆●♎ ⍓☐◆ ♌♏ ❍☐❒♏ ♦♓●●♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♒♋❒♏ ⍓☐◆❒ ♍❒♋⍓ ♓♎♏♋ ♦♓♦♒ ♒♏❒✍ ✌♐♦♏❒ ♋●● ⍓☐◆ ♒♋❖♏ ⏹☐ ♍●◆♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♓♎♏♋♦ ♦♒♏ ♓♦ ☐☐♏⏹ ♦☐ ♦☐ ♦♒⍓ ⏹☐♦ ♦❒⍓ ♓♦ ☐◆♦✍☐❍♏♦♒♓⏹♑ ●♓♏ ♦♒♓♦ ❍♋⍓ ♌♏ ♑☐♓⏹♑ ☐⏹ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♋♍♋♎♏❍♓♍ ♦☐❒☐●♋♍♏ ♏ ☐♐♦♏⏹ ♎☐⏹❼♦ ❒♏♋●♓♏ ♓♦ ♌◆♦ ♦♏ ♍☐⏹♦♦♋⏹♦●⍓ ♦♒♓⏹ ♋♌☐◆♦ ♒☐♦ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♋❒☐◆⏹♎ ◆♦ ♦♓●● ❒♏♋♍♦ ♦☐ ◆♦ ✋⏹ ♓♦♦♏●♐ ♦♒♓♦ ♓♦ ⏹☐♦ ♋ ♌♋♎ ♦♒♓⏹♑ ✋♐ ♦♏ ♎♓♎⏹❼♦ ☐◆♦ ☐◆❒♦♏●❖♏♦ ♓⏹♦☐ ☐♦♒♏❒ ☐♏☐☐●♏❼♦ ♦♒☐♏♦ ♦♏❼♎ ♏⌧☐♏❒♓♏⏹♍♏ ♏❖♏⏹ ❍☐❒♏ ♎♓♦♋♑❒♏♏❍♏⏹♦♦ ♋⏹♎ ❍♓♦◆⏹♎♏❒♦♦♋⏹♎♓⏹♑♦ ♦♒♋⏹ ♦♏ ♋●❒♏♋♎⍓ ♎☐◆♦ ☐◆❒ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒ ♦◆♑♑♏♦♦♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♋ ●♓♦♦●♏ ◆⏹☐❒♏♎♓♍♦♋♌♓●♓♦⍓ ❍♋⍓ ⏹☐♦ ♌♏ ♋ ♌♋♎ ♦♒♓⏹♑ ✋⏹ ♐♋♍♦ ♋ ●♓♦♦●♏ ❍☐❒♏ ◆⏹☐❒♏♎♓♍♦♋♌♓●♓♦⍓ ❍♋⍓ ♌♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♏ ⏹♏♏♎ ♦☐ ❍♋♏ ◆♦ ♋●● ♋ ●♓♦♦●♏ ●♏♦♦ ♍☐⏹♐☐❒❍♓♦♦ ♋⏹♎ ♋ ●♓♦♦●♏ ❍☐❒♏ ☐☐♏⏹ ♦☐ ♦❒⍓♓⏹♑ ⏹♏♦ ♦♒♓⏹♑♦☜⌧♦♏⏹♦♓❖♏ ♎♋♦♋ ♦◆♑♑♏♦♦ ♦♒♋♦ ❍☐❒♏ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♏ ♦♏♋❍♦ ☐◆♦☐♏❒♐☐❒❍ ♒☐❍☐♑♏⏹♏☐◆♦☎同质的✆ ♦♏♋❍♦ ♦♒♏⏹ ♓♦ ♓♦ ♍❒◆♍♓♋● ♦☐ ♌♏ ♓⏹⏹☐❖♋♦♓❖♏ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♋♑❒♏♏♦ ♦♓♦♒ ☐◆❒ ❍♋♦♒♏❍♋♦♓♍♋● ❍☐♎♏● ☐ ♓♐ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♏ ♑❒☐◆☐♦ ☐◆♦☐♏❒♐☐❒❍ ❍☐❒♏ ♒☐❍☐♑♏⏹♏☐◆♦ ☐⏹♏♦ ♦♒⍓ ♎☐ ◆⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓ ♋♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❒♋♦☐❒♦ ⏹☐♦ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ♦☐ ♒♓❒♏ ❍☐❒♏ ✌♐❒♓♍♋⏹✌❍♏❒♓♍♋⏹♦✍ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♋❒♏ ❍♋⏹⍓ ☐☐♦♦♓♌●♏ ❒♏♋♦☐⏹♦ ♌◆♦ ☐⏹♏ ♓♦ ♦♒♋♦ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ♦♏⏹♎♏⏹♍⍓ ♦☐ ♒♓❒♏ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ●♓♏ ♦♒♏❍♦♏●❖♏♦ ✋⏹♦♏❒♋♍♦♓⏹♑ ♦♓♦♒ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ●♓♏ ☐◆❒♦♏●❖♏♦ ♋●●☐♦♦ ◆♦ ♦☐ ♦♦♋⍓ ♦♓♦♒♓⏹ ☐◆❒ ♍☐❍♐☐❒♦ ☐⏹♏♦ ✋♦ ♓♦ ♍♏❒♦♋♓⏹●⍓ ♏♋♦♓♏❒ ♦☐ ♐♓⏹♎ ♍☐❍❍☐⏹ ♑❒☐◆⏹♎ ♦♓♦♒ ☐⏹♏❼♦ ♐❒♓♏⏹♎ ☐♐ ⍓♏♋❒♦ ♦♒♋⏹ ♦♓♦♒ ♋ ♦♦❒♋⏹♑♏❒ ✡♏♦ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ♦♒♏ ♓⏹♍❒♏♋♦♓⏹♑ ♏❍☐♒♋♦♓♦ ☐⏹ ♓⏹⏹☐❖♋♦♓☐⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍❒♏♋♦♓❖♓♦⍓ ♓⏹ ♦☐♎♋⍓❼♦ ♏♍☐⏹☐❍⍓ ♓♦ ☐♋⍓♦ ♐☐❒ ◆⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦♓♏♦ ♦☐ ♋♍♦♓❖♏●⍓ ☐◆❒♦◆♏ ♋ ❍☐❒♏ ❒♋♍♓♋●●⍓ ♋⏹♎ ♏♦♒⏹♓♍♋●●⍓ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♏ ♦♏♋♍♒♓⏹♑ ♦♦♋♐♐ ☐ ♦♦☐☐ ♒♓❒♓⏹♑ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♦♒☐ ●☐☐ ●♓♏ ⍓☐◆☎☠☐♦♏ ✌⏹♦♦♏❒ ♦♒♏ ❑◆♏♦♦♓☐⏹♦ ☐❒ ♍☐❍☐●♏♦♏ ♦♒♏ ♦♦♋♦♏❍♏⏹♦♦ ♓⏹ ☠ ☜ ❆☟✌☠ ❆☜☠ ✆ ♏♦♏♋❒♍♒ ♌⍓ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♓♦♏❒ ♋⏹♎ ♒♓♦ ♍☐●●♏♋♑◆♏ ♓⏹♎♓♍♋♦♏♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏ ❍☐❒♏ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♏ ♋♍♋♎♏❍♓♍ ♋☐♋❒♦❍♏⏹♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ✌♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♓♦♏❒ ♦♒☐♦♓⏹♑ ❒♏♋♎⍓ ♍☐❍☐❒♏♒♏⏹♦♓☐⏹ ☐♐ ☐♦♒♏❒♦❼ ♦♓♦◆♋♦♓☐⏹ ♦♓●● ♍☐⏹♦❒♓♌◆♦♏ ♦☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ✌♦ ♓♦ ♦◆♑♑♏♦♦♏♎ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒♏♦♏♋❒♍♒ ♦♒♋♦ ♍♋⏹ ❍♋♏ ◆♦ ❍☐❒♏ ☐☐♏⏹ ♦☐ ♎♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓✍ ♒⍓ ♓♦ ♋ ◆⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓ ♋♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❒♋♦☐❒ ❍☐❒♏ ●♓♏●⍓ ♦☐ ♒♓❒♏ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ●♓♏ ♒♓❍✍第 ✋✋ 卷(共 分)✋ ❆❒♋⏹♦●♋♦♓☐⏹♓❒♏♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ❆❒♋⏹♦●♋♦♏ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ♦♏⏹♦♏⏹♍♏♦ ♓⏹♦☐ ☜⏹♑●♓♦♒ ◆♦♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ♦☐❒♎♦ ♑♓❖♏⏹ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♌❒♋♍♏♦♦今晚为什么不看本杂志放松一下呢?(❒♏●♋⌧)他在一些无关紧要的事上花费太多时间,导致了整个项目的失败。
;..浦东新区2015学年第二学期初三教学质量检测 数学试卷(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1.2016的相反数是( )(A )12016; (B )-2016 ; (C )12016- ; (D )2016.2.已知一元二次方程2320x x ++=,下列判断正确的是( )(A )该方程无实数解; (B )该方程有两个相等的实数解; (C )该方程有两个不相等的实数解; (D )该方程解的情况不确定. 3.下列函数的图像在每一个象限内,y 随着x 的增大而增大的是( )(A )1y x =-; (B )21y x =- ; (C )1y x= ; (D )1y x =--. 4.如果从1、2、3这三个数字中任意选取两个数字组成一个两位数,那么这个两位数是素数的概率等于( )(A )12; (B )13; (C )14; (D )16. 5.下图是上海今年春节七天最高气温(℃)的统计结果:这七天最高气温的众数和中位数是( ) (A ) 15,17; (B )14,17; (C )17,14;(D )17,15.6.如图,△ABC 和△AMN 都是等边三角形,点M 是△ABC 的重心,那么AMNABCS S ∆∆的值为( ) (A )23;(B )13; (C )14; (D )49.二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分)7.计算:1-31= . 8.不等式12x -<的解集是 . 9.分解因式:282a -= .10.计算:()()322a b b a -+-= . 11.方程53x -=的解是 . 12.已知函数26()2f x x =+,那么(2)f = .13.如图,传送带和地面所成的斜坡的坡度为1:3,它把物体从地面送到离地面9米高的地方,则物体从A 到B 所经过的路程为 米. 14.正八边形的中心角等于 度.ABCMN第6题图;..15.在开展“国学诵读”活动中,某校为了解全校1200名学生课外阅读的情况,随机调查了50名学生一周的课外阅读时间,并绘制成如图所示的条形统计图.根据图中数据,估计该校1200名学生一周的课外阅读时间不少于6小时的人数是 .16.已知:⊙O 1、⊙O 2的半径长分别为2和R ,如果⊙O 1与⊙O 2相切,且两圆的圆心距d=3,则R 的值为 .17.定义运算“﹡”:规定x ﹡y by ax +=(其中a 、b 为常数),若1﹡1=3,1﹡(1)-=1,则1﹡2= .18.在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,BC =15,AC =20.点D 在边AC 上,DE ⊥AB ,垂足为点E ,将△ADE 沿直线DE 翻折,翻折后点A 的对应点为点P ,当∠CPD 为直角时,AD 的长是 . 三、解答题:(本大题共7题,满分78分)19.(本题满分10分)计算:112sin 4520168+2-⎛⎫︒-+ ⎪⎝⎭.20.(本题满分10分)解方程:228224x x x x x ++=+--.21.(本题满分10分)如图,AB 是⊙O 的弦,C 是AB 上一点,∠AOC =90°,OA =4,OC =3,求弦AB的长.22.(本题满分10分,每小题5分)某工厂生产一种产品,当生产数量不超过40吨时,每吨的成本y (万元/吨)与生产数量x (吨)的函数关系式如图所示:(1)求y 关于x 的函数解析式,并写出它的定义域;(2)当生产这种产品的总成本为210万元时,求该产品的生产数量. (注:总成本=每吨的成本×生产数量);..23.(本题满分12分,第(1)、(2)小题各6分)如图,已知:四边形ABCD 是平行四边形, 点E 在边BA 的延长线上,CE 交AD 于点F ,∠ECA = ∠D . (1)求证:∆EAC ∽∆ECB ;(2)若DF = AF ,求AC ︰BC 的值.24.(本题满分12分,每小题4分)如图,二次函数242y ax ax =-+的图像与y 轴交于点A ,且过点(36)B ,. (1)试求二次函数的解析式及点A 的坐标;(2)若点B 关于二次函数对称轴的对称点为点C , 试求CAB ∠的正切值;(3)若在x 轴上有一点P ,使得点B 关于直线AP 的对称点1B 在y 轴上, 试求点P 的坐标.第24题图;..25.(本题满分14分,其中第(1)小题4分,第(2)、(3)小题各5分)如图,Rt △ABC 中,90ACB ∠=,6BC =,点D 为斜边AB 的中点,点E 为边AC 上的一个动点.联结DE ,过点E 作DE 的垂线与边BC 交于点F ,以,DE EF 为邻边作矩形DEFG .(1)如图1,当8AC =,点G 在边AB 上时,求DE 和EF 的长; (2)如图2,若12DE EF =,设AC x =,矩形DEFG 的面积为y ,求y 关于x 的函数解析式; (3)若23DE EF =,且点G 恰好落在Rt △ABC 的边上,求AC 的长.GFEDC BA第25题 图2A BC D EFG 第25题 图1;..浦东新区2015学年第二学期初三教学质量检测数学试卷参考答案及评分标准一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.328.3x < 9.2(2)(2)a a +- 10.a b -- 11.4x =- 12. 3 13. 18 14.4515. 720. 16. 1或5 17.4 18.358三、解答题:(本大题共7题,满分78分) 19.(本题满分10分)解:原式=22122+22⨯-+……………………………………(8分) =1+32……………………………………(2分) 20.(本题满分10分)解方程:228224x x x x x ++=+--解:去分母得:()()2228x x x -++=……………………………………(4分)整理得:220x x +-=……………………………………(2分) 解得:11x =,22x =-……………………………………(2分)经检验11x =是原方程的根,22x =-是原方程的增根………………………(1分) 原方程的根为1x =……………………………………(1分) 21.(本题满分为10分) 解:过点O 作OD ⊥AB 于D在Rt △AOC 中,222OA OC AC +=,AC = 5……………………………………(2分) 在Rt △AOC 中,4COS 5OA OAC AC ∠== ;……………………………………(2分)在Rt △ADO 中,COS DAOAD AO ∠=, ……………………………………(2分)所以AD OA AO AC=,165AD =.……………………………………(1分) 因为在⊙O 中,OD ⊥AB , 所以AB =2AD =5162⨯,……………………………………(2分) 所以AB =325.……………………………………(1分) 22.(本题满分10分,每小题5分)解: ⑴ 设函数解析式为y =kx +b ,将(0,10)、(40,6)分别代入y =kx +b得⎩⎨⎧+==.406,10b k b …………………………(2分)解之得⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=.10,101b k …………………………(1分)所以y =110x -+10(0≤x ≤40)…………………………(1+1分);..⑵ 由(110x -+11)x =210 …………………………(2分) 解得x 1=30或x 2=70,…………………………(1分) 由于0≤x ≤40所以x =30…………………………(1分)答:该产品的生产数量是30吨…………………………(1分)23.(本题满分12分,第(1)、(2)小题各6分)(1)证明:因为,四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,所以,∠B = ∠D ,……………(2分) 因为∠ECA = ∠D ,所以∠ECA = ∠B ,………………(2分) 因为∠E = ∠E ,所以△ECA ∽△ECB ………………(2分)(2)解:因为,四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,所以,CD ∥AB ,即:CD ∥AE 所以CD DFAE AF=………………(1分) 因为DF=AF ,所以,CD=AE , ………………(1分)因为四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,所以,AB=CD ,所以AE=AB ,所以,BE =2AE , …(1分) 因为△ECA ∽△EBC所以AE CE ACCE BE BC==………………(1分) 所以2212CE AE BE BE =⋅=,即:22CE BE =………………(1分) 所以22AC BC =.………………(1分)24.(1) 将点(3,6)B 代入解析式242y ax ax =-+, 可得: 6912 2.a a =-+,解之得.34-=a ………………(2分) 所以二次函数解析式为2416233y x x =-++.………………(1分) 点A 的坐标为(0,2).………………(1分)(2)由题意, (1,6)C , 2BC =, 5AB =, 4tan 3CBA ∠=. ………………(1分) 过点C 作CH AB ⊥于点H .∴85CH =, 65BH =, 195AH =………………(2分)∴8tan 19CAB ∠=.………………(1分)(3) 由题意, 15AB AB ==, 从而点1B 的坐标为(0,3)-或(0,7).………………(2分)① 若点1(0,3)B -, 设(,0)P x , 由1PB PB =, 有2222(3)63x x -+=+,解得: 6x =, 即(6,0)P ………………(1分)② 若点1(0,7)B , 设(,0)P x , 由1PB PB =, 有2222(3)67x x -+=+,解得: 23x =-, 即2(,0)3P -………………(1分) 综合知, 点P 的坐标为(6,0)或2(,0)3-.;..25.(1) 如图, ∵152AD AB == ∴315544DE FG ==⨯=.………………(2分) 33154544416BG FG ==⨯=∴453551616DG =-=. 即1535,416DE EF ==.………………(2分)(2)过点D 作DH AC ⊥于点H , 从而3DH =. 易得△DHE ∽△ECF , 由12DE EF =, 可得26EC DH ==, 162EH x =-. ………………(3分)所以22223(6)64524x x DE x =+-=-+. ………………(1分)∴22212902x y DE EF DE x =⋅==-+.………………(1分)(3) 由题意,点G 可以在边BC 或者AB 上.①如左图 若点G 在边BC 上, 从而由3DE =,可知92EF =, 于是29AC EF ==;……(2分) ②如右图, 若点G 在边AB 上. 记AD DB a ==, 矩形边长2,3DE b EF b ==, 由△ADE ∽△FGB , 可得AD FG DE GB =, 即223a bb a b=-, 化简可得22340a ab b --=, 因式分解后有:4a b =, 即2AD DE =. 而由△ADE ∽△ACB , 所以2AC BC =, 从而12AC =.………………(3分)综上知,AC 的值为9或12.36x H G F EDBA C。
EDACB l 3l 2l 1FDB EC A 2013学年度第一学期初三年级数学期中试卷(答题时间 100分钟,满分 150分)一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)1.如图,123l l l ∥∥,下列比例式中正确的是………………( ) AD CE ()=;BC DF A AD (B)=;BC CE DFAB CD ()=;CD EF C A D D C()=.B E A FD (第1题图)2. 设e 是单位向量,a是非零向量,则下列式子中正确的是…………………………( ) ();A a e a = (B);a e a =1();C a e a =().a D e e=3. 如图,ABC △中,DE BC ∥交AB 于点D ,交AC 于点E ,如果ADE BCED S =S △四边形,那么下列等式成立的是…………………( )()DE BC A :=1:2; (B )D E B C = 2::()AE 1;C ::()AE AC=1.D :(第3题图) 4. 已知AD 是Rt ABC △的斜边BC 上的高,BC=a B=α∠,,那么AD 等于……( )2()a sin A β⋅; 2(B )a c o s β⋅;()a sin cos C ββ⋅⋅; ()a sin tan D ββ⋅⋅.5. 若,a c eb d f ==则下列式子中正确的是…………………………( ) ();a b e Acd f == (B);a ce a b c b df b d f ++++=++(),a b c d e f C b d f ---== 111().a c e D b d f---==6.如图,在三角形纸片ABC 中,,36AB AC A =∠-. 把这个三角形折叠,折痕AB E DE 交于点,D AC 于点,则下列结论中不正确的是…( ) (第6题图)AD AB()=DC BCA ;(B)BC AD CD 是和的比例中项; ()BC=BD C ; ()DA C D 点是的黄金分割点.F ED CB A B DE CANMDCBACDBAFa二、 填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分)7. 把ab cd =写出比例式,,,0a b c d (其中均不为)可以是 (写出一个即可). 8. 若线段AB 长为2cm ,P AB 是的黄金分割点,则较短线段PA= cm . 9. 已知αβ、均为锐角,且90αβ+=,若tan =3,+=ααβ则 .10. 化简:1(2a 3)(6)3b b a +--=.11. 两个相似三角形的相似比为4:9,则其对应的周长比是 . 12. 如图,已知点D E 、分别在A B C △的边A B A C 、上,且A E D =B∠∠,如果A B =7A C =4A D ,,,那么AE= . 13. 在梯形ABCD 中,AD BC ∥,AD BC <,AC 与BD 交于点O ,如果OBC ABD S =S =2△△, 那么COD S =△ .14. 如图,在ABC △中,点D 是边AC 上任意一点,点M N 、分布是ABD △和BCD △的重心,如果AC=6,那么线段MN 的长为 . 15. 如图,矩形ABCD 中,点E F 、分别在边AB AD 、上,且EF BD AD=3AF =a,,AB BC b = ∥,,设则向量EF关于ba 、的分解式是EF =.(第15题图)16. 如图,在ABC △中,ABC=90∠,CD 是斜边上的高,若3cos 5B =,则cot ACD ∠= . 17. 如图,在矩形ABCD 中,E F 、分别是边AD BC 、的中点,点G H 、在边DC 上,且1GH=DC 2,若AB=10BC=12,,则图中阴影部分面积为 .18. 在ABC △中,AB=3A=30∠,,则ABC △的面积为 .(第12题图) (第14题图) (第16题图) (第17题图)三、 解答题:(本大题共7题,满分78分)19. (本题满分10分)已知非零向量b a 和,求作a a 3b b +-(1)、(2)2 (不要求写作法,但要指出图中表示结论的向量).F 0DCEB AFCEBDA 20. (本题满分10分)计算:tan 603cot 60cot 45sin 60-+-21. (本题满分10分)已知:如图,在矩形ABCD 中,AB=4cm ,BC=8cm ,对角线AC 与BD 交于点O ,点E 在BC 边上,DE 与AC 交于点F ,EDC ADB ∠=∠. 求:(1)CE 的长;(2)CEF △的面积.22. (本题满分10分)已知:如图,在ABC △中,点D 在边AB 上,且1AD=AB 3,点F 在边BC 的延长线上,联结DF ,交AC 于点E ,设CF =k.BF求:CEAE的值.MNC F EB A D FMHG ED CBA已知:如图,四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,在边AB 的延长线上截取BE=AB ,点F 在AE 的延长线上,CE 和DF 交于点M ,BC 和DF 交于点N,联结BD . (1) 求证:BND CNM △∽△: (2) 如果2AD =AB AF ⋅,求证:CM AB=DM CN ⋅⋅.24. (本题满分12分)已知:如图,点E 是矩形ABCD 的边BC 上一点,EF AE ⊥,EF 分别交线段AC CD 、于点M F 、,BG AC ⊥,垂足为G ,BG 交AE 于点H . (1) 求证:ABE ECF △∽△:(2) 找出与ABH △相似的三角形,并证明;(3) 若点E 是BC 的中点,BC=2AB,AB=2,求AM 的长.如图11,在ABC Rt △中,90ACB ∠= ,CE 是斜边AB 上的中线,AB=10,4tanA=3,点P 是CE 延长线上的一动点,过点P 作PQ CB ⊥,交CB 的延长线于点Q ,设,.EP x BQ y == (1) 求y 关于x 的函数关系式及定义域;(4分)(2) 联结PB ,当PB 平方CPQ ∠时,求PE 的长;(4分)(3) 过点B 作BF B A ⊥交PQ 于F ,当BEF QBF △和△相似时,求x 的值.(6分)。
上海市浦东新区2016学年第二学期期末考试真题卷 六年级(预备年级)数学
27.减少雾霾,环保出行.家住上海的小明家人经常拼车出行.某拼车公司规定车主“一对一 服务”,即车主每次服务一个拼车订单,不能中途接送他人,并按照乘客上、下车地点、 时间准时接送乘客.按照拼车所发生的成本等制定了合理的付费规则.其中上海、昆明两个 城市拼车付费规则如下:(见表 1、 表 2)
(3)如果用 8 个这样相同的小长方体拼成一个正方体,那么此正方体的表面积是多少平 方厘米?
四、解答题(本大题共 2 题,26 题 7 分,27 题 9 分,满分 16 分) 26.我国明代程大位在《算法统宗》中记载了一道有趣的题:一百馒头一百僧,大僧三个更
无争,小僧三人分一个,大小和尚各几丁?题意是:有一百个和尚吃一百个馒头,正好 分完,大和尚每人吃三个,小和尚每三人吃一个,问大、小和尚各有几人?
5x 3y 7,
① ②
x 3y 4, ①
3x 5z 10. ③
24.如图,已知点 A、O、B 三点在同一直线上,过点 O 作射线 OC,且 AOC 100 .
(1)如果射线 OA、OB 分别表示从点 O 出发的东、西两个方向,那么射线 OC 表示 方向;
(C) 1 x 2x 5 9 ; 2
(D) 1 x 2x 9 5 .
3.一件商品的成本价是 30 元,如果按原价的八五折销售,至少可获得 15%的利润.如果设 该商品原价为 y 元,那么可列式为………………………………………………………( )
(A) 30 3015% 85%y ;
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 17B. 18C. 19D. 202. 下列哪个数是偶数?A. 13B. 14C. 15D. 163. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 矩形B. 平行四边形C. 三角形D. 正方形4. 下列哪个运算结果是3?A. 5 + 2B. 5 - 2C. 5 × 2D. 5 ÷ 25. 小华有5个苹果,小红给了小华3个苹果,小华现在有多少个苹果?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 56. 一辆汽车从A地到B地,以每小时60公里的速度行驶,需要2小时到达。
如果速度提高到每小时80公里,需要多少时间到达?A. 1小时B. 1.5小时C. 2小时D. 2.5小时7. 下列哪个分数是最简分数?A. 8/12B. 9/15C. 7/10D. 6/88. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?A. 15厘米B. 20厘米C. 25厘米D. 30厘米9. 小明有3个苹果,小华有5个苹果,他们一共有多少个苹果?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 1110. 一个圆形的直径是8厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?A. 16厘米B. 24厘米C. 32厘米D. 40厘米二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 6 + 4 = ______12. 9 - 3 = ______13. 7 × 5 = ______14. 100 ÷ 25 = ______15. 3/4 + 1/4 = ______16. 8 - 5 = ______17. 6 × 7 = ______18. 36 ÷ 6 = ______19. 2/3 + 1/3 = ______20. 12 - 9 = ______三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)21. 小明有15个铅笔,他给小红3个铅笔,然后又从文具店买了5个铅笔。
问小明现在有多少个铅笔?22. 一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是8厘米,求这个长方形的面积。
上海浦东13校 2016学年度第一学期中普高高三联考
第I卷中的第21-30小题,summary writing和第II卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在答题纸上,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上也一律不给分。
第Ⅰ卷(110分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speak e rs. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a gymnasium. B. In a sports club.C. In a shoe exhibition.D. In a department store.2. A. He’ll keep them for the woman. B. He can carry them with one hand.C. He’ll help the woman move them.D. He has a few more of them for the woman.3. A. At 4:30. B. At 5:00. C. At 7:00. D. At 7:30.4. A. Mother and son. B. Boss and secretary. C. Doctor and patient. D. Teacher and student.5. A. To geta doctor’s degree. B. To tell the doctor she’ll be late.C. T o make an appointment.D. To ask someone to repair her car.6. A. He doesn’t intend to get the clothes. B. The clothes don’t look clean to him.C. The woman can pick out her own clothes.D. The woman should stop staring at his clothes.7. A. To find out more about the topic for the conference.B. To make a copy of the schedule for his friend.C. To get the conference schedule for the woman.D. To pick up the woman from the library.8. A. An outdoor activity. B. The view of a lake.1C. The weather forecast.D. The benefits of swimming.9. A. The news about Sam is quite a surprise. B. Sam should have stopped playing earlier.C. S am’s knee should be better by now.D. This isn’t a good time for Sam to quit.10. A. He doesn’t agree with the woman any more.B. People shou ldn’t sit too much without exercise.C. Health problems make his colleagues sit too much.D. Attention should be paid to people’s health problems.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked three or four questions on each of the passages or the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following news.11. A. 1 person. B. 11 people. C. 12 people. D. 22 people.12. A. China is the only foreign country that invests in Mozambique.B. The cause of the bus accident in California is already made clear.C. The death of Isabelle Dinoire was related to the face transplant 11 years ago.D. Isabelle Dinoire was the firstin the world who received partial face transplant.13. A. China’s strategy to send more people toMozambique.B. China’splan to help Mozambique build an industrial zone.C. China’s efforts to increase the number of parks in Mozambique.D. China’s challenges in the development of Mozambique’s economy.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To show us the negative effects of depression.B. To help us understand the cause of depression.C. To tell us the importance of handling depression.D. To share with us the ways to conquer depression.15. A. Doing violent sports regularly. B. Telling what we thinkto someone we trust.C. Setting high standards for ourselves.D. Focusing on both our successes and problems.16. A. It’s common and easy to get rid of. B. It’s terrible but difficult to understand.C. It’s harmful but possible to overcome.D. It’s normal and unnecessary to focus on.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.217. A. The advantages of reality TV shows. B. The disadvantages of reality TV shows.C. Their experiences in reality TV shows.D. Their different views on reality TV shows.18. A. Ordinary People. B. Famous people. C. Stupid people. D. Popular people.19. A. Most of the situations are not real. B. Some of them are too touching.C. They are full of tension and drama.D. She will never get into such situations.20. A. They are amusing but sometimes harmful.B. They are a form of―gossip entertainment‖.C. They can entertain and sometimes educate people.D. They can make people know more about nature.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.It’s time to go out for a run!As little as five minutes of running or jogging each day can help people reduce their risk of premature death by nearly one-third and extend their lives by about three years, according to a U.S. study.The researchers tracked the exercise habits of over 55,000 adults in the United States for six to twenty-two years. About 24 percent of the adults described themselves (21)_____ runners. Compared to those who didn’t run, those who did were 30 percent (22)_____(likely) to die of any cause during the course of the study. These figures (23)_____(adjust) to take into account people’s smoking and drinking habits, how old they were (24)_____ they enrolled in the study, their family’s health history and their other exercise habits.The researchers divided up the roughly 13,000 runners into five groups (25)_____(base) on how many minutes they ran per week. Those (26)_____ were in the lowest group ran up to 50 minutes over a seven-day period, and those in the highest group ran for more than 175 minutes over the course of a week. According to the study, the benefits of running were pretty much the same for all runners.―Running even at lower doses or slower speeds was associated with significant benefits,‖the researchers wrote in their report. (27)_____(reduce) the risk of premature death, they calculated, all it took was 30 to 59 minutes of running per week.―This finding has clinical and public health importance,‖ the report continues. ―Time is one of the strongest barriers to (28)_____(participate) in physical activity. This study may motivate more people3to start running. People who (29)_____ hardly devote 20 minutes to moderate physical activity each day may appreciate the efficiency of a five-minute run.‖ However, it is not clear (30)_____ the findings of this study would apply to the nation as a whole.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only beused once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The common wisdom is that introverts (内向的人) and extroverts (外向的人) do not work well together. This wisdom, as author Jennifer Kahnweiler makes clear in her new book, The Genius of Opposites, is 31 correct in the sense that cooperation is often going to be difficult, filled with battles and miscommunications, and sometimes deliberate32 .Somehow, however, the introvert-extrovert partnerships produced 33 results. The key to such success, according to Kahnweiler, is the five-step process at the heart of her book.The first step, Kahnweiler argues, is to 34 each other’s differences. If introverted and extroverted people want to partner, they have to realize they will never change the personality of the other person. Instead, each partner has to make a conscious effort to understand the other.The second step is that battles don’t have to be avoided. Instead, they can be the means through which each partner is challenged by the other; resulting in solutions that are better than those that might have been developed35 .The third step is to cast the character. Because there are two very different personalities in the partnership, partners should take on the roles that best fit their 36 personalities.Kahnweiler’s fourth step is to 37 the dislike. Two people with opposite personalities must work on learning to respect and like each other as much as possible.The fifth and final step is that each can’t offer everything. Introvert-extrovert consulting partnerships are often powerful because neither partner could offer customers all they want—but the two partners working together are able to 38 a much more various but complementary (互补的) product or service.For each step, Kahnweiler covers why that particular step is important. Also, Kahnweiler writes, a major conflict can actually be a turning 39 in the relationship, paving the way to a productive cooperation. However, battles can also deal fatal blows to introvert-extrovert cooperation. If partners don’t bring out the obvious problems, the resultcan 40 destroy the partnership.4The Genius of Opposites is filled with stories of conflicts, most resolved through an effort at communication and a foundation of respect.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, Cand D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Advantages of an AgendaAn agenda is a list of topics to be introduced and discussed during a meeting. Agendas generally includ e a reading of the last meeting’s minutes or notes, relevant announcements, a review of the topics for discussion and a roll call. Although agendas take time to set up, in the long run they can 41 time and resources.Agendas provide an outline of discussion topics. The outline 42 the chairman or members of the meeting forgetting important topics to introduce. When all topics are thoroughly discussed, valuable decisions can be made as a group during the meeting instead of 43 making plans outside the meeting.Agendas provide an opportunity to 44 members through announcements about critical events, goals and tasks. Agendas enable members who might not have access to everyone in the organization to announce important news and hear news of interest. Without an agenda, announcements may not be communicated to all the members, which can result in 45 . Agendas also summarize 46 meetings to help members review the progress made and 47 the focus for the current meeting.Agendas generally mention items to be discussed for the next meeting. This gives the members a chance to 48 the discussion topics before the meeting. At many meetings, outspoken members are more than eager to participate while reserved individuals may be more 49 . However, knowing what is going to be discussed enables members to research topics of interests, 50 how the topics apply to their area and then make thoughtful, quality contributions at the meeting.An agenda prioritizes the most important activities, 51 productivity and focuses the members. The mere presence of an agenda creates a formal atmosphere and discourages members from 52 time. The agenda prepares the chairman and encourages consistency (一致性) and organization. An agenda also sets the objectives and gives the members a goal. This organizes the thoughts of the members, direction of the meeting and the action after the meeting.A collection of past agendas is an ideal 53 for external and internal institutions, organizations and the public for viewing the progress of your organization. The documentation helps5the public and organization members assess 54 decisions, remind them of previous events or important figures and set feasible goals. The roll call also helps administration determine the most dedicated members by counting 55 and reviewing contributions to the meeting. This can help with decisions on which members to promote or assign the role of addressing the public.41. A. take B. limit C. save D. invest42. A. finds B. suggests C. sets D. prevents43. A. hurriedly B. favorably C. confidently D. nervously44. A. warn B. question C. assure D. inform45. A. coincidence B. confusion C. agreement D. criticism46. A. previous B. crucial C. annual D. regular47. A. shift B. narrow C. lose D. find48. A. choose B. keep C. prepare D. handle49. A. hesitant B. realistic C. active D. curious50. A. insist on B. believe in C. approve of D. think about51. A. restores B. influences C. reduces D. increases52. A. sparing B. wasting C. gaining D. devoting53. A. record B. situation C. alternative D. combination54. A. tough B. right C. past D. final55. A. numbers B. attendance C. losses D. moneySection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The composing career of Albert Roussel got off to a wayward start, and received one of its biggest advances from a lie.Roussel was orphaned at the age of eight and went to live with his grandfather. He built on the music he had learned from his mother, entertaining himself by reading through the family music collection and playing operatic selections and popular songs on the piano.Three years later Roussel’s grandfather died, and his mother’s sister took him in. Her husband arranged for young Albert to take piano lessons. Summer vacations at a Belgian seaside resort added a6second love to his life—the sea. He studied to be a naval cadet (军官学校学员), but still made time to study music.In the French Navy, while he was stationed on a cruiser based at Cherbourg, he and two friends found the time to play the piano trios (三重奏) of Beethoven and other composers. Roussel also began composing. At the Church of the Trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day 1892, he had his first public performance as a composer with the performance of his Andante for string trio and organ.That success encouraged Roussel to write a wedding march, and one of his fellow naval officers offered to show it to anoutstanding conductor, Edouard Colonne. When Roussel’s friend returned with the manuscript (手稿), he reported that Colonne had advised Roussel to give up his naval career and devote his life to music.Not long afterward, at the age of 25, Roussel did just that. He applied the self-discipline, conciseness, and spirituality that he had developed in the navy to his composing and became a major force in twentieth century French music. As for Eduoard Colonne’s inspiring advice that Roussel devote his life to music—Roussel’s navy friend later admitted that he had made it up and that he had never even shown Roussel’s manuscript to the conductor.56. From ―a wayward start‖ in Paragraph 1, we know Albert Roussel’s composing career _____.A. was a great success at firstB. was inspired early in every wayC.was unpredictable in the beginningD. was a happy one because of a lie57. Who first brought music to Roussel’s life?A. His mother.B. His grandfather.C. His piano teacher.D. His fellow naval officer.58. Why did Roussel join the Navy?A. He didn’t want to live with his mother’s sister.B. He loved the sea because of his holidays.C. He wanted to practice music with his friends.D. He thought it could help him create music.59. The following factors except _____ led to his success as a composer.A. his love for musicB. the conductor’s inspiring adviceC. his navy friend’s lieD. the good qualities acquired in the navy( B)760. The underlined phrase ―a grant‖ in the first line most probably means _____.A. bank interestB. a credit cardC. an education feeD. financial aid61. A 31-year-old nurse wishes to qualify as a doctor at a university. She has worked since she was 25.How much extra money will she get a year?A.None.B. £155.C. £615.D. £515.62. A big bank offers a new student special services because _____.A. they need student accounts badlyB. they charge students extra interestC. they know he can get money regularlyD. they hope he’ll be a potential customer(C)Publicity offers several benefits. There are not costs for message time or space. An ad in prime-time television may cost $250,000 to $5,000,000 or more per minute, whereas a five-minute report on a network newscast would not cost anything. Publicity reaches a mass audience within a short time and new products or company policies are widely known.Credibility about messages is high, because they are reported in independent media. A newspaper review of a movie has more believability than an ad in the same paper, because the reader associates8independence with objectivity. Similarly, people are more likely to pay attention to news reports than to ads. For example, Women’s Wear Daily has both fashion reports and advertisements. Readers spend time reading the stories, but they skim through the ads. Furthermore, there may be 10 commercials during a half-hour television program or hundreds of ads in a magazine. Feature stories are much fewer in number and stand out clearly.Publicity also has some significant limitations. A firm has little control over messages, their timing, their placement, or their coverage by a given medium. It may issue detailed news releases and find only portions mentioned by the media, and media have the ability to be much more critical than a firm would like.For example, in 1982, Procter & Gamble faced a massive publicity problem over the meaning of its 123-year-old company logo. To fight this negative publicity, the firm had a spokesperson appear on Good Morning America to disprove the rumor(谣言). The false rumors were temporarily put to rest. However, in 1985, publicity became so troublemaking that Procter & Gamble decided to remove the logo from its products.A firm may want publicity during certain periods, such as when a new product is introduced or new store opened, but the media may not cover the introduction or opening until after the time it would aid the firm. Similarly, media determine the placement of a story; it may follow a report on crime or sports. Finally, the media decide whether to cover a story at all and the amount of coverage to be devoted to it.63. All of the following advantages of publicity are mentioned EXCEPT _____.A. time savingB. attentivenessC.profitabilityD. credibility64. Compared with ad, news report or featuring stories are more _____.A. believableB. clearC. dependentD. subjective65. The example of ―Procter & Gamble‖ is given to show _____.A. the efficient way of disproving rumorsB. the importance of a spokespersonC. the interaction between firms and mediaD. the negative effect of publicity66. What’s the author’s attitude towards publicity?A. Doubtful.B. Objective.C. Passive.D. Supportive.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.9The Psychology of DiscountingWhen retailers (零售商) want to persuade customers to buy a particular product, they typically offer it at a discount. According to a new study to be published in the Journal of Marketing, they are missing a trick.A team of researchers, led by Akshay Rao of the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, looked at consumers’ attitudes to disc ounting. Shoppers, they found, much prefer getting something extra free to getting something cheaper. 67 .Consumers often struggle to realize, for example, that a 50% increase in quantity is the same as a 33% discount in price. They overwhelmingly assume the former is better value. In an experiment, the researchers sold 73% more hand lotion(护手霜) when it was offered in a bonus pack than when it carried an equivalent discount.This numerical blind spot remains even when the deal clearly favours the discounted product. In another experiment, this time on his undergraduates, Mr Rao offered two deals on loose coffee beans: 33% extra free or 33% off the price. 68 .Studies have shown other ways in which retailers can exploit consumers’mathematical illiteracy.69 . People are more likely to see a bargain in a product that has been reduced by 20%, and then by an additional 25%, than one which has been subject to an equivalent, one-off, 40%reduction.70 . When advertising a new car’s efficiency, for example, it is more convincing to talk about the number of extra miles per gallon it does, rather than the equivalent percentage fall in fuel consumption.There may be lessons for regulators too. Even well-educated shoppers are easily foxed. Sending everyone back to school for maths refresher-courses seems out of the question. But more noticeably displayed unit prices in shops and advertisements would be a great help.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.An Italian company has told staff to stop sending any internal emails for a week in an effort to reduce stress levels.10Home textiles (纺织品) company Gabel, based in the northern Como region, asked an expert to interview its employees about what their main concerns were at work, the local La Provincia di Como website reports. Many said that managing the huge volume of internal emails was a burden during the working day. That made the company’s management propose a solution, which—somewhat ironically (讽刺地)—was sent to all staff in an email.―Toget her we will begin the following experiment, which will take us back in time to when people talked more,‖ managing director Emilio Colombo wrote, declaring an ―email free‖ week until 13 November. ―We invite you not to use email for internal communications (between colleagues at the same location), in favour of a more direct and immediate contact.‖The company’s president, Michele Moltrasio, tells the BBC it hasn’t been easy to stop such a deep-rooted practice, even temporarily, but that employees have welcom ed the challenge. ―They are rediscovering the pleasure of meeting and talking rather than writing,‖ he says. And that includes Mr Moltrasio, who is avoiding emails along with everyone else. ―Even if from next week we all go back to using email, these days of experimentation are very worthwhile, to understand and rethink the methods and pace of working,‖ he says.Several recent studies have found that a high volume of emails raises stress levels at work. In 2013, researchers said that a full inbox (收件箱) led to peaks in people’s blood pressure and heart rate. And last year, a study at the University of British Columbia found that limiting email use during the day lowered people’s stress levels significantly.11第Ⅱ卷(共40分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.你有可能劝服他不去美国吗?(persuade)2. 这个会议只是浪费了大家时间,根本什么决定都没做成。
— 1 1 ——浦东新区2015学年第二学期初三教学质量检测英语试卷2016.4 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟)考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。
试卷均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定 在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。
Part l Listening (第一部分 听力)I .Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)A B CDE F GH 1.________ 2.________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6.________ B .Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)7. A) Jerry. B) Jessica. C) John. D) Jane. 8. A) Coffee. B) Coke. C) Tea. D) Juice. 9. A) A bus station. B) A train station. C) An airport. D) A supermarket.10. A) 500 yuan. B) 1000 yuan. C) 1800 yuan. D) 900 yuan.11. A) Teacher and student. B) Mother and son.C) Wife and husband. D) Waitress and customer.12. A) A newspaper. B) A travel guide. C) A map. D) A book.13. A) He has had a bad cold.B) He has had a headache. C) He didn’t put on his coat.D) He didn’t close the window D) He didn’t close the windows. s. 14. A) She will go by bus.B) She will go on foot. C) She will go by car. D) She will go by bike.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下 列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T ”表示,不符合的用“F ”表示) (6分)15. This is a brief introduction of an exciting physics project.16. The bridge that the students are going to see was built in 1832.17. A famous engineer built the bridge and also paid for it.18. Two dollars is enough for students to get into the Bridge Museum.19. Students need no food or drink, but a camera for the trip.20. May 9 is the date that the students will have the trip to the bridge.D .Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (听短文,完成下列内容。
(《桃花源记》)(二)阅读下面的词,完成第7—8题(4分)青玉案· 元夕辛弃疾东风夜放花千树。
图 1图2浦东新区2016学年度第二学期教学质量检测高二、高三年级生命科学(等级考)试卷2017.4本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分100分。
每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.培养微生物时加入的氮源可用于合成( )A .核糖B .核酸C .脂肪D .淀粉2.海带从海水中摄取碘的方式如图1所示,该方式属于( )A .主动运输B .协助扩散C .自由扩散D .胞吞3.蓝细菌(蓝藻)与酵母菌的相同之处是( )A .都有细胞膜和拟核B .都有核糖体和DNAC .都有中心体和染色体D .都能进行光合作用4.下列生理活动与细胞膜的流动性无关的是( )A .巨噬细胞吞噬病原体B .突触前膜释放神经递质C .动物细胞融合D .肾上腺素与膜上受体结合5.下列物质与其检测试剂一致的是( )A .鸡蛋清——班氏试剂B .植物油——双缩脲试剂C .染色体——龙胆紫D .生梨汁——苏丹Ⅲ6.塞卡病毒病是通过伊蚊传播的一种疾病。
图2表示塞卡病毒进入人体后发生的免疫过程(Ⅰ—Ⅳ表示细胞或物质),下列相关叙述正确的是( ) A .该疾病传播途径为媒介物传播 B .该病毒能与Ⅱ发生特异性结合 C .Ⅲ为记忆B 细胞,参与体液免疫D .Ⅳ的化学本质是多糖7.E47是人工合成的、由47个核苷酸组成的单链DNA 分子,它可以催化两个DNA 片段之间的连接。
下列有关E47分析错误的是( ) A .A 与T 的比例不一定相等 B .具有双螺旋结构 C. 具有酶的功能 D .碱基序列决定其特异性图 3图58.图3是手碰到钉子后发生缩手反射的示意图。
下列叙述正确的是( ) A .①表示突触结构B .②处兴奋时膜电位表现为外正内负C .刺激②处时,③处可以测到电位变化D .缩手过程中信息仅以化学信号形式传导 9.图4表示人体中葡萄糖和氨基酸的代谢途径,其中字母表示物质,物质Z 直接参与了过程③,下列叙述错误的是( ) A .过程①需要有氧条件 B .过程②为脱氨基作用 C .Z 是二碳化合物D .过程③是三羧酸循环10.某昆虫身体的黑色(A )对浅色(a )是显性。
浦东新区2015学年度第二学期教学质量检测高三英语试卷2016.4II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)When I first hiked in the silent Ponderosa pines of the Black Hills, I was surprised at how quiet the world became. Nowadays, when I walk in the woods, I notice other things. I hear songs of unseen birds and catch glimpses of wildflower color, all of (25)______ make great subjects for me to put in front of a camera.Finding those birds is (26)______ I’ve spent more time in the woods of Eastern South Dakota this year than any other. Last spring I witnessed and photographed the songbird migration for the first time. I saw brightly colored birds that I’d never seen before. I guess I (27)______ (hook) because this spring I was back in the woods searching for more.I have a goal to photograph all the colorful birds that call South Dakota home. One that has hidden from me to this day is the Scarlet Tanager(猩红比蓝雀). They are best found in Union Grove State Park or Newton Hills and are colored red with black wings. This year, I made threeseparate trips to find them. I also took time (28)______ (learn) their song and call. This helped me find a female at dusk at Union Grove, but I could not get a decent photo. Later in the week, asI began another search at Newton Hills, a Summer T anager flew to a tree next to me and gave mea long look. It was a real treat because the Summer Tanager is much (29)______ (rare) to find in South Dakota. Later in the day, I finally saw my first male Scarlet … well, his tail feathers anyway. By the time I (30)_____(spot) him, he was flying deep into the woods. I was disappointed. Then I thought this might be an invitation. “Come back into the woods. Lose (31)_____ among the leaves, listen to the song I sing and maybe one day we will meet.” I look forward to that day.(B)There may be no greater proof to a society’s creativity and vision than Egypt’s pyramids of Giza, but the pyramids are only part of ancient Egypt’s heritage. Many of the devices of their society are still commonplace. Here are two of their amazing inventions.Eye MakeupSure, eye makeup might not rank alongside fire or the wheel (32)______ one of the most important discoveries in human history, but it gives the Egyptians a run for longevity. (33)______ they first invented eye makeup as far back as 4000 B.C., it has never gone out of style. Even more impressive, some cosmetically-minded cultures still create makeup using the same techniques (34)______ (originate) in Egypt thousands of years ago. They combined soot(煤烟) with a mineral to create a black mixture, which is still popular today.For the Egyptians, makeup was not limited to women. Status and appearance went hand inhand, and (35)______ ______ ______ the upper class was concerned, the more makeup the better. Fashion was only part of the reason for the Egyptians’ heavy hand when applying eyeliner. They also believed that it could cure various eye diseases and even prevent them (36)______ (fall) victim to the evil eye.Breath MintsNext time you buy Mentos at the counter of 7-Eleven, you (37)______ thank the ancient Egyptians for creating a way to conceal the unpleasant smell of our mouth. Just as in modern times, bad breath in ancient Egypt was (38)______ symbol of poor dental health. Unlike us, the Egyptians didn’t have sweet soft drinks and foods that contribute to tooth decay, but the stones (39)______(employ) to make flour for bread brought a lot of sand to their diet, which damaged their teeth.The Egyptians had specialists for many medical problems, but unfortunately, they didn’t have dentists to fix their bad teeth. Instead, they simply suffered, and scientists (40)______ have examined mummies have found severely worn teeth, even in young Egyptians. T o cope with the unpleasant smell from their rotting mouths, they invented the first mints, which were a combination boiled with honey and shaped into pills.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Developing an original and creative idea requires that two completely different networks in the brain work at the same time: the associative network alongside the more “conservative(保守的)” network, according to new research ___41___ at the University of Haifa.The researchers ___42___ that “creative thinking apparently require s ‘checks and balances’.” According to the researchers, creativity is our ability to think in new ways to solve problems. But not every original solution is considered a creative one. If the idea is not fully applicable,it is not considered creative, but simply one which is ___43___.The researchers assumed that for a creative idea to be produced, the brain must ___44___ a number of different and perhaps even contradictory(矛盾的) networks. In the first part of the research, respondents were given half a minute to come up with a new, original and unexpected idea for the use of different objects. Answers provided with low frequency received a high score for originality, while those given ___45___ received a low score. In the second part, respondents were asked to give, within half a minute, their best characteristic ___46___ of the objects. During the tests, all subjects were scanned using an FMRI device to examine their brain activity while providing the answer.The researchers found ___47___brain activity in an “associative” region among participants whose originality was high. This region, which includes the medial brain areas, mainly works in thebackground when a person is not concentrating, similar to daydreaming.But the researchers found that this region did not operate alone when an original answer was given. For the answer to be original, an additional region worked in cooperation with the associative region—the administrative control region, a more “conservative” region related to social norms and rules. The researchers also found that the stronger the ___48___, the better these regions work together in parallel, the greater the level of originality of the answer.“On t he one hand, there is surely a need for a region that produces innovative ideas, but on the other hand there is also the need for one that will know to ___49___ how applicable and reasonable these ideas are. The ability of the brain to operate these two regions in parallel is what results in creativity. It is possible that the most ___50___ creations of humanity were produced by people who had an especially strong connection between the two regions,” the researchers concluded.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Like many students, Ryan believes that the time and money spent on his education will pay off: he will eventually be able to get a good job and do well in the field he has chosen. And yet, ___51___ all of the years spent in school preparing to enter the workplace, manyrecent graduates say that they struggle with the ___52___ from classroom to career world and have difficulty ___53___ life on the job.Writer and editor Joseph Lewis suggests one reason why this is the case. Lewis believes that most of our school experiences—from childhood through university—are fairly ___54___, while life in the working world is far more uncertain. In school, ___55___, the pattern stays more or less the same from year to year. In the workplace, however, constant ___56___ is the norm, and one has to adapt quickly.Another problem that graduates entering the workforce encounter is that they are ___57___ to think analytically. In school, many students including those in college, spend a lot of time memorizing facts and repeating what they “learned” on tests. But in the workplace employees “are often expected to think critically and make ___58___ about their work, not just follow a supervisor’s instructions.” Less time needs to be spent in school on testing, says one recent report, and more on helping students to analyze and interpret information, solve problems, and communicate their ideas effectively—skills that will prepare them to succeed in today’s workplace.Finally, many recent graduates say that one of the biggest difficulties they face is adapting to ___59___ on the job. In the workplace, employees must regularly ___60___ with others and are often dependent on their co-workers for their success. In other words, if an employee has to work with others to complete a given project, that employee’s ___61___ not only depends on his hard work and expertise, but also on how well his colleagues perform. Knowing how to participate effectively in teamwork—and deal with problems when theyarise—is extremely important, and yet, it is also something many students don’t get quite ___62___ to in a school setting.How can we better prepare young adults for the workplace? Recent graduates, looking back on their educational experience, have some ___63___. Many think that all students should be required to do an internship (实习) while they are in school. Volunteering part time at a company, hospital, or government organization, for example, can help one gain experience and learn skills needed to succeed in the real world. ___64___ this kind of practical work experience with classroom instruction, say the graduates, will help prepare students for the ___65___ of the workplace and make the transition from school to career world less stressful.51. A. with regard to B. thanks to C. in spite of D. in view of52. A. action B. shift C. routine D. variety53. A. turning to B. reacting to C. adjusting to D. seeing to54. A. predictable B. considerable C. accessible D. flexible55. A. however B. in addition C. for example D. in return56. A. change B. reminder C. prediction D. difficulty57. A. encouraged B. unprepared C. entitled D. undetermined58. A. predictions B. targets C. decisions D. inquiries59. A. independence B. performance C. competition D. teamwork60. A. argue B. bargain C. identify D. interact61. A. success B. ambition C. completion D. purpose62. A. attached B. exposed C. related D. addicted63. A. patience B. advice C. expectation D. relief64. A. Pairing B. Charging C. Involving D. Rewarding65. A. availability B. possibilities C. invasion D. realitiesSection BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Fans of reptiles like snakes will want to pay more attention to a special vehicle that has recently hit the streets: the Super Green Turtle Machine.Just like Batman has his Batmobile, Jesse Rothacker and Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary (FFRS) can now be found touring Lancaster County in the Super Green Turtle Machine, a van with an important mission. Rothacker had co-written a song cal led “Super Green Turtle Machine” with musician Steven Courtney. The song became the inspiration for the van.FFRS is celebrating its 12th year rescuing and advocating for reptiles and creatures of all shapes and sizes. The Super Green Turtle Machine will be rolling out to upcoming ForgottenFriend programs and frequent reptile rescue calls. “We have more than 60 educational events already scheduled for 2016,” Rothacker mentioned. The programs will educate audiences of all ages about reptiles and other amazing animals that are often given a bad reputation.“The idea behind the Turtle Machine is to take a marginalized animal group like reptiles and give them some positive publicity on social media,” Rothacker explained. When reptile fans see the van parked with its colorful turtle mascot (吉祥物) giving a thumb-up, they are invited to take a photo with the vehicle with their own thumbs up sign. “Lots of people will have an opportunity to tell their friends on Facebook and Twitter that they give reptiles a thumb-up,”Rothacher said. “Then they can post their pictures to social media with the tag Give Reptiles A Chance.” To sweeten the deal, FFRS will choose several winners from those who post photos for special prizes such as T-shirts, books, and other reptile-related items.In addition to the positive publicity, the Super Green Turtle Machine will serve a more practical purpose, as well. Rothacker and his team hope to make a few more changes to the van in the future. “The main work is done, but we’d love to finish her up,” Rothacker shared. “We have plans to add flashing caution lights for when we stop to help snakes and turtles cross the road.” Further enhancements to the Turtle Machine include adding extra tools to help with reptile rescue pickups and live educational events.As FFRS is a non-profit, donations toward the Super Green Turtle Machine are tax deductible. Interested individuals may contribute at www. .66. What can we learn from the passage about Jesse Rothacker?A. He is good at composing songs.B. He has many batmobiles.C. He cures creatures of all shapes and sizes.D. He works for FFRS.67. What’s the mission of the Super Green Turtle Machine?A. To roll out to the street for people to take pictures with.B. To publicize reptiles positively and give them practical help.C. To inspire people with the songs the van plays.D. To choose the winners from those posting good photos.68. What does the underlined word “marginalized”in the 4th paragraph most probably mean?A. Often neglected.B. Highly endangered.C. Much valued.D. Widely noticed.69. According to Rothacker, which of the following is NOT among the possible changes to the van?A. Flashing caution lights.B. Colourful turtle mascots.C. Tools for live educational events.D. Reptile rescue pickup tools.(B)70. According to Miss Manners, the proper way to deal with a kid asking for gifts is _______.A. to ignore the kid’s request for giftsB. to scold the kid for asking for presentsC. to tell kids gift giving is voluntary and two-wayD. to advise the kid’s mum to teach him proper manners71. Which of the following does Miss Manners advise you to do at a party?A. Suggest guests arriving during the event.B. Directly remind guests to leave at a proper time.C. Inform guests of both starting and finishing hours.D. Give guests clear hint when they should leave the party.72. In witch part of a newspaper can you find this passage?A. Advice Section.B. Live Chats Section.C. Entertainment Section.D. Classified Ads Section.(C)In the 1990s, when an area of Brazilian rainforest thesize of Belgium was cut down every year, Brazil was theworld’s environmental villain(反派角色) and theAmazonian jungle the image of everything that wasgoing wrong in green places. Now, the Amazon ought to be the image of what is going right. Government figures show that deforestation fell by 70% in the Brazilian Amazon region during the past decade. If clearances had continued at their rate in 2005, an extra 3.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide would have been put into the atm osphere. That is an amount equal to a year’s emissions from the European Union. Arguably, then, Brazil is now the world leader in addressing climate change.But how did it break the vicious cycle(恶性循环)? The answer, according to a paper is that there was no silver bullet but instead a three-stage process in which bans, better governance in frontier areas and consumer pressure on companies worked.The first stage ran from the mid-1990s to 2004. This was when the government put its efforts into bans and restrictions. The Brazilian Forest Code said that, on every farm in the Amazon, 80% of the land had to be set aside as a forest reserve. As the study observes, this share was so high that the code could not be followed—or enforced. This was the period of the worst deforestation. Soybean prices were high and there was a vast expansion ofsoybean farming on the south-eastern border of the rainforest.During the second stage, which ran from 2005 to 2009, the government tried to boost its ability to police the Amazon. Brazil’s president made stopping deforestation a priority, which resulted in better co-operation between different bits of the government. The area in which farming was banned was increased from a sixth to nearly half of the forest.The third stage, which began in 2009, was a test of whether a system of restrictions could survive as soybean expansion continued. The government shifted its focus from farms to counties (each state has scores of these). Farmers in the 36 counties with the worst deforestation rates were banned from getting cheap credit until those rates fell.By any standards, Brazil’s Amazon policy has been a success, made the more remarkable because it relied on restrictions rather than rewards, which might have been expected to have worked better. Over the period of the study, Brazil also turned itself into a farming superpower, so the country has shown it is possible to get a huge increase in food output without destroying the forest. Moreover, the policies so far have been successful among commercial farmers who care about the law and respond to market pressures. Most remaining deforestation is by small holders who care rather less about these things, so the government faces the problem of persuading them to change their ways, too. Deforestation has been slowed, but not yet stopped.73. Brazil is considered to play a leading role in dealing with climate change because ______.A. it has rainforest as large as BelgiumB. it has cut down too much rainforestC. it has taken action to reduce deforestationD. it sent 3.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air74. The underlined phrase “silver bullet” in Paragraph 2 most probably refers to______.A. a powerful weaponB. an effective solutionC. an intelligent deviceD. a golden opportunity75. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. 80% of the farmland was allowed for farming in the 1st stage.B. Soybean prices went up where farming land was expanded.C. The government hired more policemen in the Amazon area.D. The government enlarged its range of supervision in the 3rd stage.76. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Brazil has successfully eliminated deforestation.B. All the farmers care much about forest protection.C. Small farm holders are a headache for the Brazilian government.D. Both the food output and the forest in Brazil have greatly increased.77. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Cutting Down on Cutting DownB. Brazil, the World Leader in FarmingC. Restrictions Outperforming RewardsD. Former Awareness Working WondersSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Want More Innovation? Get More Diversity(多样性)Research by my colleague and I suggests that university administrators who do not work hard to attract and retain African-American teaching staff may well be missing out on an important benefit: Academic departments that are more diverse may produce more creative ideas and work.A mathematical model has been developed to study the effects of diversity. And we discovered a simple truth: More diverse groups may do better because they are less conformist(墨守成规的).Picture it: You’re brainstorming with you r best friend of 30 years. You grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same school, and stood up for each other at your weddings. When a crazy idea crosses your mind, you immediately see all the reasons why he may dismiss it. On the other hand, you know what ideas he is receptive to — so why not start with those?Now suppose you’re brainstorming with someone who grew up with a different perspective and who has very different experiences from you. Would you be more willing to share your crazy idea with her? After all, you have no clue what ideas she is open to — sowhy not try it out?Something like this may be going on in the academic workplace. We often don’t realize it, but we constantly think about how people around us will react to us. In itself, this is not a bad thing. If we didn’t put ourselves into other people’s shoes, we’d experience even more disagreements and misunderstandings than we already do.But our research suggests that a little unpredictability may not be a bad thing. In fact, a little more unpredictability may be what we need to make us all a little less conformist and a little more open to trying new things.Extensive data suggest that more diverse teams outperform homogeneous(同质的) teams when it is crucial to be innovative, which agrees with our mathematical model.So if diverse groups outperform more homogeneous ones, why do university administrators not choose to hire more African-Americans? There are many possible reasons, but one is that people have a tendency to hire people like themselves. Interacting with people like ourselves allows us to stay within our comfort zones. It is certainly easier to find common ground with one’s friend of 30 years than with a stranger. Yet given the increasing emphasis on innovation and creativit y in today’s economy, it pays for universities to actively pursue a more racially and ethnically diverse teaching staff. So, stop hiring people who look like you.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. Research by the writer and his colleague indicates that the more diverse academicapartments are, ___________________________.79. According to the writer, showing ready comprehension of others’ situation will contribute to _____________________.80. As is suggested in the research, what can make us more open to diversity?81. Why is a university administrator more likely to hire people like him?第II 卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.今晚为什么不看本杂志放松一下呢?(relax)2.他在一些无关紧要的事上花费太多时间,导致了整个项目的失败。
浦东新区2013学年度第二学期初二期末数学试卷浦东新区2010学年度第二学期期末质量抽测初二数学试卷(完卷时间:90分钟,满分:100分)1.一次函数24--=x y 的截距是().(A)4; (B)-4;(C)2;(D)-2. 2.下面的方程组,不是二元二次方程组的是().(A) ==-;2,32y x x (B) ()()=+--=;11,1x y x x y(C) =+=+;2,1yz x y x (D) ?==-.2,1xy y x3.在□ABCD 中,∠A =30°,则∠D 的度数是()(A)30°; (B) 60°; (C) 120°;(D) 150°. 4.如图,DE 是△ABC 的中位线,下面的结论中错误的是().(A )AB DE 21=; (B )AB ∥DE ;(C )DE BC 2=; (D )DE AB 2=.5.如图,在□ABCD 中,+等于(). (A) ; (B) ;(C) DB ; (D) CA .6.将一个圆盘分为圆心角相等的8个扇形,各扇形涂有各种颜色,如图.任意转动转盘,停止后指针落在每个扇形内的可能性大小都一样(当指针落在扇形边界时,统计在逆时针方向相邻的扇形内).则指针落在红色区域的概率是().(A)81; (B) 83 ; (C) 53; (D) 43. 二、填空题(每小题3分,共36分)7.方程13=-x 的解是.8.如果过多边形的一个顶点共有3条对角线,那么这个多边形的内角和是 .9.已知O 是□ABC D 的对角线AC 与BD 的交点,AC =6,BD =8,AD =6,则⊿OBC 的周长等于.10.如图,已知菱形ABCD 中,∠ABC 是钝角,DE 垂直平分边AB ,若AE =2,则DB = .第4题图E DCBA 第5题图D CBA 第10题图E D CBA 第6题图11.如图,已知梯形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,DE ∥CB ,点E 在AB 上,且 EB=4,若梯形ABCD 的周长为24,则△AED 的周长为.12.已知等腰梯形的一条对角线与一腰垂直,上底与腰长相等,且上底的长度为1,则下底的长为.13.如果一个等腰梯形的中位线的长是3cm ,腰长是2cm ,那么它的周长是 cm .14.如图,点D 、E 、F 分别是△ABC 三边的中点,则向量的相等向量是,相反向量是,平行向量是(各写一个).15.=-AC AB .16.“顺次联结四边形四条边中点的四边形是矩形”是事件(填“必然”或“随机”).17.掷一枚质地均匀的骰子(各面的点数分别为1,2,3,4,5,6),对于下列事件:(1)朝上一面的点数是2的倍数;(2)朝上一面的点数是3的倍数;(3)朝上一面的点数大于2.如果用321P P P 、、分别表示事件(1)(2)(3)发生的可能性大小,那么把它们从大到小排列的顺序是.18.从-1,1中任取一个数作为一次函数b kx y +=的系数k ,从-2,2中任取一个数作为一次函数b kx y +=的截距b ,则所得一次函数b kx y +=经过第一象限的概率是.三、解答题(19、20题,每题5分;21、22题,每题6分,共22分)19.已知一次函数b kx y +=的图像过点(1,2),且与直线32 1+-=x y 平行.求一次函数b kx y +=的解析式.20.解方程:1121=---x xx x .第11题图E D CBA 第14题图F E DCBA21.已知:如图,AE ∥BF ,AC 平分∠BAD ,交BF 于点C ,BD 平分∠ABC ,交AE 于点D ,联结CD .求证:四边形ABCD 是菱形.22.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,O 为原点,点A 、B 、C 的坐标分别为(2,0)、(-1,3)、(-2,-2).(1)在图中作向量+;(2)在图中作向量-;(3)填空:=++CA BC AB .四、解答题(23、24题,每题7分;25、26题,每题8分,共30分)23.解方程组:=+-=+.023,622y xy x y xFO EDC BA第21题图第22题图24.一个不透明的口袋里装有2个红球和1个白球,它们除颜色外其他都相同.(1)摸出一个球再放回袋中,搅匀后再摸出一个球.求前后都摸到红球的概率(请用列表法或画树状图法说明).(2)若在上述口袋中再放入若干个形状完全一样的黄球,使放入黄球后摸到红球(只摸1次)的概率为51,求放入黄球的个数.25.如图,ABCD 是正方形,点G 是线段BC 上任意一点(不与点B 、C 重合),DE 垂直于直线AG 于E ,BF ∥DE ,交AG 于F . (1)求证:EF BF AF =-;(2)当点G 在BC 延长线上时(备用图一),作出对应图形,问:线段AF 、BF 、EF 之间有什么关系(只写结论,不要求证明)?(3)当点G 在CB 延长线上时(备用图二),作出对应图形,问:线段AF 、BF 、EF 之间又有什么关系(只写结论,不要求证明)?备用图二备用图一GG F EDCBA第25题图26.如图,在直角梯形COAB中,CB∥OA,以O为原点建立直角坐标系,A、C的坐标分别为A(10,0)、C(0,8),CB=4,D为OA中点,动点P自A点出发沿A→B→C→O的线路移动,速度为1个单位/秒,移动时间为t秒.(1)求AB的长,并求当PD将梯形COAB的周长平分时t的值,并指出此时点P在哪条边上;(2)动点P在从A到B的移动过程中,设⊿APD的面积为S,试写出S与t的函数关系式,并指出t的取值范围;(3)几秒后线段PD将梯形COAB的面积分成1:3的两部分?求出此时点P的坐标.第26题图。
x 2+ 2 AMρ ρ ρρ 浦东新区 2015 学年第二学期初三教学质量检测数学试卷(满分 150 分,考试时间 100 分钟)一、选择题:(本大题共 6 题,每题 4 分,满分 24 分) 1.2016 的相反数是( )(A ) 1 2016; (B )-2016 ; (C ) -1 2016 ; (D )2016. 2. 已知一元二次方程 x2 + 3x + 2 = 0 ,下列判断正确的是( )(A )该方程无实数解; (B )该方程有两个相等的实数解; (C )该方程有两个不相等的实数解; (D )该方程解的情况不确定.3. 下列函数的图像在每一个象限内, y 随着 x 的增大而增大的是( )(A ) y = - 1 ;(B ) y = x 2-1 ;(C ) y = 1;(D ) y = - x -1 .xx4. 如果从 1、2、3 这三个数字中任意选取两个数字组成一个两位数,那么这个两位数是素数的概率等于( )(A ) 12;(B ) 13;(C ) 14 ;(D ) 1.65. 下图是上海今年春节七天最高气温(℃)的统计结果:NBC第 6 题图这七天最高气温的众数和中位数是( ) (A ) 15,17; (B )14,17; (C )17,14;(D )17,15.6. 如图,△ABC 和△AMN 都是等边三角形,点 M 是△ABC 的重心,那么S ∆AMN 的值为( )S ∆ABC(A ) 23;(B ) 13;(C ) 14;(D ) 4 .9二、填空题:(本大题共 12 题,每题 4 分,满分 48 分)17. 计算: -1 =. 38. 不等式 x -1 < 2 的解集是 .9.分解因式: 8 - 2a 2= .10.计算: 3(a - b ) + 2 (b - 2a )= . 11. 方程 5 - x = 3 的解是 .12. 已知函数 f (x ) = 6,那么 f ( 2) = .13. 如图,传送带和地面所成的斜坡的坡度为 1: 从 A 到 B 所经过的路程为米. 14.正八边形的中心角等于 度.,它把物体从地面送到离地面 9 米高的地方,则物体32 15. 在开展“国学诵读”活动中,某校为了解全校 1200 名学生课外阅读的情况,随机调查了 50 名学生一周的课外阅读时间,并绘制成如图所示的条形统计图.根据图中数据,估计该校 1200 名学生一周 的课外阅读时间不少于 6 小时的人数是 .16. 已知:⊙O 1、⊙O 2 的半径长分别为2 和 R ,如果⊙O 1 与⊙O 2 相切,且两圆的圆心距 d=3,则 R 的值为 .17.定义运算“﹡”:规定 x ﹡y = ax + by (其中 a 、b 为常数),若 1﹡1=3,1﹡ (-1) =1,则 1﹡2= .18. 在 Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,BC =15,AC =20.点 D 在边 AC 上,DE ⊥AB ,垂足为点 E ,将△ADE 沿直线 DE 翻折,翻折后点 A 的对应点为点 P ,当∠CPD 为直角时,AD 的长是 . 三、解答题:(本大题共 7 题,满分 78 分)19.(本题满分 10 分)计算: 2 sin 45︒ - 20160+20.(本题满分 10 分)x x + 2 8解方程:+ = . x + 2 x - 2 x 2 - 4⎛ 1 ⎫-18+ ⎪ .⎝ ⎭21.(本题满分 10 分)如图,AB 是⊙O 的弦,C 是 AB 上一点,∠AOC =90°,OA =4,OC =3,求弦 AB的长.22.(本题满分 10 分,每小题 5 分)某工厂生产一种产品,当生产数量不超过 40 吨时,每吨的成本 y (万元/吨)与生产数量 x (吨)的函数关系式如图所示:(1) 求 y 关于 x 的函数解析式,并写出它的定义域;(2) 当生产这种产品的总成本为 210 万元时,求该产品的生产数量. (注:总成本=每吨的成本×生产数量)23.(本题满分12 分,第(1)、(2)小题各6 分)如图,已知:四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,点E 在边BA 的延长线上,CE 交AD 于点F,∠ECA = ∠D.(1)求证:∆EAC∽∆ECB;(2)若DF = AF,求AC︰BC 的值.24.(本题满分12 分,每小题4 分)如图,二次函数y=ax2-4ax+2的图像与y 轴交于点A,且过点B(3,6) .(1)试求二次函数的解析式及点A 的坐标;(2)若点B 关于二次函数对称轴的对称点为点C ,试求∠CAB 的正切值;(3)若在x 轴上有一点P ,使得点B 关于直线AP 的对称点B1 在y 轴上,试求点P 的坐标.第24 题图25.(本题满分 14 分,其中第(1)小题 4 分,第(2)、(3)小题各 5 分)如图,Rt △ ABC 中, ∠ACB = 90ο , BC = 6 ,点 D 为斜边 AB 的中点,点 E 为边 AC 上的一个动点.联结 DE ,过点 E 作 DE 的垂线与边 BC 交于点 F ,以 DE , EF 为邻边作矩形 DEFG .(1)如图 1,当 AC = 8 ,点G 在边 AB 上时,求 DE 和 EF 的长;(2) 如图 2,若DE= 1,设 AC = x ,矩形 DEFG 的面积为 y ,求 y 关于 x 的函数解析式; EF 2(3) 若 DE = 2,且点G 恰好落在 Rt △ ABC 的边上,求 AC 的长.EF 3第 25 题 图 1第 25 题 图 2⨯⎨⎨ 浦东新区 2015 学年第二学期初三教学质量检测数学试卷参考答案及评分标准一、选择题:(本大题共 6 题,每题 4 分,满分 24 分) 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 二、填空题:(本大题共 12 题,每题 4 分,满分 48 分) 7.2 8. x < 339. 2(2 + a )(2 - a ) 10. -a - b 11. x = -412. 313. 18 14.4515. 720. 16. 1 或 517.418. 358三、解答题:(本大题共 7 题,满分 78 分)19.(本题满分 10 分) 解:原式= 2 ⨯2 -1 + 2 2 +2 ............................................... (8 分)2=1+ 3 ……………………………………(2 分) 20.(本题满分 10 分) xx + 2 8 解方程:x + 2 + x - 2 = x 2- 4解:去分母得: x ( x - 2) + ( x + 2)2= 8 ................................................ (4 分) 整理得: x 2 + x - 2 = 0 ................................................... (2 分) 解得: x 1 = 1 , x 2 = -2 ................................................. (2 分)经检验 x 1 = 1 是原方程的根, x 2 = -2 是原方程的增根 ................. (1 分) 原方程的根为 x = 1 ................................................ (1 分) 21.(本题满分为 10 分) 解:过点 O 作 OD ⊥AB 于 D 在 Rt△AOC 中, OA 2 + OC 2 = AC 2 ,AC = 5 ........................... (2 分) 在 Rt△AOC 中, COS ∠OAC = OA = 4 ; ........................... (2 分)AC5在 Rt△ADO 中, COS ∠OAD =DA , ............................ (2 分)AOAD OA 16 所以 = , AD =(1 分)AO AC 5因为在⊙O 中,OD ⊥AB , 16 所以 AB =2AD = 2 , ........................... (2 分)5所以 AB = 325. ........................... (1 分)22.(本题满分 10 分,每小题 5 分)解: ⑴ 设函数解析式为 y =kx +b ,将(0,10)、(40,6)分别代入 y =kx +b⎧10 = b , 得 ⎩6 = 40k + b . …………………………(2 分) ⎧k = - 1,解之得⎪ 10 .....................................(1 分) ⎪⎩b = 10.所以 y = - 1x +10(0≤x ≤40) ................... (1+1 分)10 ⑵ 由( - 1x +11)x =210 ................... (2 分)10246 =8 解得 x 1=30 或 x 2=70, ................... (1 分) 由于 0≤x ≤40 所以 x =30 ................... (1 分) 答:该产品的生产数量是 30 吨 ................... (1 分)23.(本题满分 12 分,第(1)、(2)小题各 6 分) (1) 证明:因为,四边形 ABCD 是平行四边形,所以,∠B = ∠D , ......... (2 分) 因为∠ECA = ∠D ,所以∠ECA = ∠B , ........... (2 分) 因为∠E = ∠E ,所以△ECA ∽△ECB ....................... (2 分)(2) 解:因为,四边形 ABCD 是平行四边形,所以,CD ∥AB ,即:CD ∥AECD DF 所以 =(1 分)AE AF因为 DF=AF ,所以,CD=AE , ............ (1 分)因为四边形 ABCD 是平行四边形,所以,AB=CD ,所以 AE=AB ,所以,BE =2AE , …(1 分) 因为△ECA ∽△EBCAE CE AC 所以 = =(1 分)CE BE BC所以CE 2= AE ⋅ BE = 1 BE 2 ,即: CE = 2 ..................... (1 分)2 BE 2所以 AC = BC 2 . ........... (1 分)224.(1) 将点 B (3, 6) 代入解析式 y = ax 2- 4ax + 2 , 可得:46 = 9a - 12a + 2. ,解之得 a = - . ………………(2 分)3 所以二次函数解析式为 y = -4 x 2 + 16x + 2 . ........... (1 分)3 3点 A 的坐标为(0,2). ........... (1 分)(2)由题意, C (1, 6) , BC = 2 , AB = 5, tan ∠CBA = . ........... (1 分) 3过点C 作CH ⊥ AB 于点 H .∴ CH = 8 , 5 BH = , 5 19AH ............................. (2 分) 5∴ tan ∠CAB = . ........... (1 分)19(3) 由题意, AB = AB 1 = 5 , 从而点 B 1 的坐标为(0, -3) 或(0, 7) . ........... (2 分)① 若点 B (0, -3) , 设 P ( x , 0) , 由 PB = PB , 有(x - 3)2 + 62 = x 2 + 32,11解得: x = 6 , 即 P (6, 0) ...................... (1 分)② 若点 B (0, 7) , 设 P ( x , 0) , 由 PB = PB , 有(x - 3)2 + 62 = x 2 + 72,1 12 2解得: x = - , 即 P (- 3 , 0)..................... (1 分)3综合知, 点 P 的坐标为(6, 0) 或(- 2, 0) .33 15 45 35 = 1x x 25.(1) 如图, ∵ AD = 1AB = 5 2 ∴ DE = FG = 5⨯ = . ........... (2 分) 4 4BG = 3 FG = 3 ⨯ 15 = 454 4 4 16∴ DG = 5 - = . 即 DE = 16 1615 35 , EF . ........... (2 分) 4 16DE 1(2) 过点 D 作 DH ⊥ AC 于点 H , 从而 DH = 3. 易得△ DHE ∽△ ECF , 由 EF = , 可得2EC = 2DH = 6 , EH = x - 6 . ........... (3 分)2 所以 DE 2 = 32 + ( x - 6)2 2 = - 6x + 45 . ........... (1 分) 2 4∴ y = DE ⋅ EF = 2DE 22 = -12x+ 90 . ........... (1 分) 2B(3) 由题意,点G 可以在边 BC 或者 AB 上.①如左图 若点G 在边 BC 上, 从而由 DE = 3 ,可知 EF = 9, 于是 AC = 2EF = 9 ;……(2 分)2②如右图, 若点G 在边 AB 上. 记 AD = DB = a , 矩形边长 DE = 2b , EF = 3b , 由△ ADE ∽△FGB , 可得 AD = FG , 即 a = 2b, 化简可得 a 2 - 3ab - 4b 2 = 0 , 因式分解后有: a = 4b ,DE GB 2b a - 3b即 AD = 2DE . 而由△ ADE ∽△ ACB , 所以 AC = 2BC , 从而 AC = 12 . ............ (3 分)综上知,AC 的值为 9 或 12.。
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高三 复习讲义 小题限时训练(2)
1.若集合},0{m A =,}2,0{=B ,}2,1,0{=B A ,则实数=m
22111c y b x a c y b x a 的增广矩阵是⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-311111,则此方程组的解是/ 3.函数)2(log 2-=x y 的定义域
4.已知R y x ∈,,且41x y +=,则x y ⋅的最大值为
.函数1y =0≥x )的反函数是
6.函数()2sin sin 44f x x x ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭
的最小正周期为 7.等差数列{}n a 中,67812a a a ++=,则该数列的前13项的和13S =
8.已知数列{}n a 是无穷等比数列,其前n 项和是n S ,若232a a +=,341a a +=,则l im n n S →∞ 的值为
.二项式n x ⎛ ⎝
的展开式前三项系数成等差数列,则n = 11.设m 、R ∈n ,定义在区间],[n m 上的函数|)|4(log )(2x x f -=的值域是]2,0[,若
关于t 的方程0121||=++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛m t (R ∈t )有实数解,则n m +的取值范围是___________. 12.已知向量a 与b ,2a = ,3b = ,a 、b 的夹角为60︒,当20,21≤≤≤≤n m 时,
ma nb + 的最大值为
13.非零向量OA 与OB ,对于任意的,t R ∈OA tOB + 的最小值的几何意义
14.1,2,...,n 共有!n 种排列12,,...,n a a a (*∈≥N n n ,2),其中满足“对所有1,2,...,k n =都
有2k a k ≥-”的不同排列有 种
15.已知△ABC 两内角A 、B 的对边边长分别为a 、b ,则“B A =”是“cos cos a A b B = ”
的( )
()A 充分非必要条件 ()B 必要非充分条件 ()C 充要条件 ()D 非充分非必要条件
41)(+=x x f ,若函数1()4y f x m =+-为奇函数,则实数m 为( )()A 12
- ()B 0 ()C 12 ()D 1 17.若1x ,2x ,3x ,…,2013x 的方差为3,则)2(31-x ,)2(32-x ,)2(33-x ,…,20133(2)x - 的方差为 ( )
()A 3 ()B 9 ()C 18 ()D 27
18.定义域为[],a b 的函数()y f x =图象的两个端点为,A B ,向量(1)ON OA OB λλ=+- ,(,)M x y 是()f x 图象上任意一点,其中
[](1),0,1x a b λλλ=+-∈。
若不等式MN k ≤恒成立,则称函数()f x 在[],a b 上满足“k 范围线性近似”,其中最小的正实数k 称为该函数的线性近似阀值.下列定义在[]1,2上函数中,线性近似阀值最小的是 ( )
()A 2y x = ()B 2y x =
()C sin 3y x π= ()D 1y x x =-。