



物理化学物理化学((下册下册))期末考试大纲第八章:第八章:电化学、原电池、电化学、原电池、电解池、正负极、阴阳极等基本概念和电解定理;电解池、正负极、阴阳极等基本概念和电解定理;电解池、正负极、阴阳极等基本概念和电解定理;电导、电导率、电导、电导率、摩尔电导率的意义及其与溶液浓度的关系;离子独立移动定律及电导测定的应用;电解质的离子平均活度、平均活度因子及其计算方法;离子强度的计算,德拜-休克尔极限公式公式. .第九章:第九章:可逆电池可逆电池,,电池的书面写法电池的书面写法,,电极反应和电池反应电极反应和电池反应,,可逆电池的热力学可逆电池的热力学((桥梁公式、E q与K qa 的关系的关系),),),用用Nernst 公式计算电极电势和电池电动势公式计算电极电势和电池电动势,,电动势测定的应用电动势测定的应用((计算平均活度因子、解离平衡常数和pH 值).第十章:第十章:极化现象极化现象,,超电势超电势,,极化对电解电压和原电池电动势的影响,电解过程中电极电势的计算及反应顺序的判断计算及反应顺序的判断,,金属的电化学腐蚀与防护金属的电化学腐蚀与防护,,化学电源的类型化学电源的类型. .第十一章:第十一章:反应速率表示法反应速率表示法,,基元反应基元反应,,反应机理反应机理,,反应级数反应级数,,反应分子数反应分子数,,简单级数反应的速率方程(推导和计算)及特点及特点((反应速率常数的量纲、反应速率常数的量纲、半衰期半衰期半衰期),),),典型复杂反应典型复杂反应典型复杂反应((对峙、平行、连续连续))的特点的特点,,对峙、平行反应速率方程的推导平行反应速率方程的推导,,温度对反应速率的影响温度对反应速率的影响,,阿仑尼乌斯公式的含义及由它求活化能的含义及由它求活化能,,链反应的特点链反应的特点,,用稳态近似、平衡假设、速控步等近似方法推导速率方程速率方程. .第十二章:第十二章:碰撞理论、过渡状态理论的要点过渡状态理论的要点,,离子强度对反应速率的影响离子强度对反应速率的影响,,光化学反应的基本定律,光化学反应与热反应的差别光化学反应与热反应的差别,,量子产率量子产率,,催化作用原理催化作用原理,,催化剂催化剂,,酶催化酶催化. .第十三章:第十三章:表面吉布斯自由能和表面张力的含义表面吉布斯自由能和表面张力的含义,,表面张力与温度的关系表面张力与温度的关系,,弯曲液面上的附加压力压力,,杨-拉普拉斯公式杨-拉普拉斯公式,,开尔文公式开尔文公式,,液-固界面现象液-固界面现象((铺展、润湿、接触角、毛细管液面高度面高度),),),表面活性剂的作用表面活性剂的作用表面活性剂的作用,,表面活性物质在溶液中的分布表面活性物质在溶液中的分布,,物理吸附、化学吸附的特点化学吸附的特点,,朗格缪尔等温吸附模型朗格缪尔等温吸附模型. .第十四章:第十四章:分散系统分散系统,,胶体胶体,,胶体的结构表示式胶体的结构表示式,,胶体的丁铎尔效应胶体的丁铎尔效应,,电动现象电动现象((电泳、电渗电泳、电渗),),),电电动电位动电位,,胶体的稳定性及一些因素对它的影响胶体的稳定性及一些因素对它的影响,,大分子溶液与胶体的异同大分子溶液与胶体的异同,,大分子物质平均摩尔质量的种类均摩尔质量的种类,,唐南平衡唐南平衡. .A16.附加压力: : 由于界面张力的作用由于界面张力的作用由于界面张力的作用,,在弯曲液面内外产生的压力差在弯曲液面内外产生的压力差. . 2's p R g=17.吸附: : 在相界面上在相界面上在相界面上,,某种物质的浓度不同于体相浓度的现象某种物质的浓度不同于体相浓度的现象. . 18.物理吸附: : 由于范德华力的作用而产生的吸附由于范德华力的作用而产生的吸附由于范德华力的作用而产生的吸附. .19.化学吸附: : 由于生成化学键而发生电子的转移与原子重排的吸附由于生成化学键而发生电子的转移与原子重排的吸附由于生成化学键而发生电子的转移与原子重排的吸附. . 20.吸附质: : 被吸附剂吸附的物质被吸附剂吸附的物质被吸附剂吸附的物质. . 21.吸附剂: : 具有吸附能力的物质具有吸附能力的物质具有吸附能力的物质..通常都是固体通常都是固体. . 22.表面过剩/表面吸附量: : 在单位面积的表面层中在单位面积的表面层中在单位面积的表面层中,,所含溶质的物质的量与同量溶剂在溶液本体中所含溶质的物质的量的差值溶液本体中所含溶质的物质的量的差值. . 22da drRT a A n S ×-==G s23.表面活性剂: : 能使溶液表面张力降低的物质能使溶液表面张力降低的物质能使溶液表面张力降低的物质. . . 习惯上只把那些溶入少量就能显著降习惯上只把那些溶入少量就能显著降低溶液表面张力的物质称为表面活性剂低溶液表面张力的物质称为表面活性剂. .24.临界胶束浓度: : 形成一定形状的胶束所需的表面活性物质的最低浓度形成一定形状的胶束所需的表面活性物质的最低浓度形成一定形状的胶束所需的表面活性物质的最低浓度. . 25.速率方程: : 表示化学反应的反应速率与浓度等参数间的关系式表示化学反应的反应速率与浓度等参数间的关系式, , 或浓度与时间等参或浓度与时间等参数间的关系式数间的关系式..也称动力学方程. 26.转化速率: : 单位时间内发生的反应进度单位时间内发生的反应进度单位时间内发生的反应进度. .27.反应速率: : 单位时间单位体积内发生的化学反应的反应进度单位时间单位体积内发生的化学反应的反应进度单位时间单位体积内发生的化学反应的反应进度 或 单位体积内单位体积内,,反应进度随时间的变化率进度随时间的变化率. . dtdc v dt d V r jj ×=×=11x (恒容恒容) )28.反应机理: : 表示一个总包表示一个总包表示一个总包((复杂复杂))反应所经历的具体途径的若干基元反应的有序集合反应所经历的具体途径的若干基元反应的有序集合..也称反应历程.29.基元反应: : 反应物粒子在碰撞中相互作用直接转化为产物的反应反应物粒子在碰撞中相互作用直接转化为产物的反应反应物粒子在碰撞中相互作用直接转化为产物的反应. . 30.简单反应: : 只包含一个基元反应的总包反应只包含一个基元反应的总包反应只包含一个基元反应的总包反应. .31.复合反应: : 由两个或两个以上基元反应组成的总包反应由两个或两个以上基元反应组成的总包反应由两个或两个以上基元反应组成的总包反应. . . 也称也称复杂反应 32.具有简单级数的反应具有简单级数的反应//简单级数反应: : 反应速率只与反应物浓度的简单方次反应速率只与反应物浓度的简单方次(0或正整数)有关的反应有关的反应..可以是基元反应、简单反应简单反应,,也可是复合反应也可是复合反应,,但必须具有简单级数但必须具有简单级数. . 33.质量作用定律: : 反应的反应速率与以计量系数的绝对值为指数的反应物浓度的乘积反应的反应速率与以计量系数的绝对值为指数的反应物浓度的乘积成正比成正比..只适用于基元反应只适用于基元反应. .34.反应级数: : 速率方程中各浓度项的指数和速率方程中各浓度项的指数和速率方程中各浓度项的指数和..若速率方程中有加减运算若速率方程中有加减运算,,则无级数可言则无级数可言 35.零级反应零级反应//一级反应一级反应//二级反应二级反应//三级反应: : 反应速率与反应物浓度的反应速率与反应物浓度的0/1/2/3次方成正比的一类反应正比的一类反应. .36.反应分子数: : 引发一个基元反应所必需的反应物相互作用的最少微观粒子引发一个基元反应所必需的反应物相互作用的最少微观粒子(分子、原子、离子、自由基等子、离子、自由基等))数. . 即基元反应中的反应物分子个数之和即基元反应中的反应物分子个数之和即基元反应中的反应物分子个数之和. .37.半衰期: : 反应物浓度降低到其初始浓度的一半所需的时间反应物浓度降低到其初始浓度的一半所需的时间1/2t . 38.分数寿期: : 消耗掉反应初始浓度的某一分数消耗掉反应初始浓度的某一分数a 所需的时间a t .分数衰期: : 反应物浓度降低到其初始浓度的某一分数反应物浓度降低到其初始浓度的某一分数b 所需的时间b t .若b a -=1,则b tt a =. . 如如: : 某一级反应某一级反应四分之三寿期3/4t =60min,60min,而其而其四分之一衰期1/4t =60min39.初始速率: : 反应刚开始进行的一瞬间的反应速率反应刚开始进行的一瞬间的反应速率反应刚开始进行的一瞬间的反应速率..可以认为反应物没有消耗可以认为反应物没有消耗. .40.范特霍夫规则: : 对同一化学反应对同一化学反应对同一化学反应,,反应的温度每升高1010℃℃(K),(K),反应速率约增加反应速率约增加1~3倍.4~210»+TT k k 41.对峙反应: : 正向和逆向同时进行的反应正向和逆向同时进行的反应正向和逆向同时进行的反应..也称可逆反应. 42.平行反应: : 反应物能同时进行几种不同的反应反应物能同时进行几种不同的反应反应物能同时进行几种不同的反应. .43.连串反应: : 反应所产生的物质能继续起反应而产生其它物质的一类反应反应所产生的物质能继续起反应而产生其它物质的一类反应反应所产生的物质能继续起反应而产生其它物质的一类反应..也称连续反应.44.稳态近似法: : 在一系列的连串反应中在一系列的连串反应中在一系列的连串反应中,,若生成高活性的中间产物粒子若生成高活性的中间产物粒子((如原子、离子、自由基等自由基等),),),因其能量高、因其能量高、活性大、反应能力强反应能力强,,一旦生成就立即发生反应一旦生成就立即发生反应,,当反应达到稳定状态后到稳定状态后,,其净的反应速率可视为零的一种近似处理方法其净的反应速率可视为零的一种近似处理方法. . 45.链反应: : 用光、热、辐射或其它方法使反应引发用光、热、辐射或其它方法使反应引发,通过活性组份通过活性组份((自由基或原子自由基或原子))的不断再生断再生,,使反应得以自动发展下去的一类连续反应使反应得以自动发展下去的一类连续反应..又称连锁反应. 46.直链反应: : 由一个自由基或原子与饱和分子反应由一个自由基或原子与饱和分子反应由一个自由基或原子与饱和分子反应,,只生成一个新自由基或原子的链反应反应. . . 也称为也称为单链反应.47.支链反应: : 由一个活性粒子由一个活性粒子由一个活性粒子((自由基或原子自由基或原子))与饱和分子反应生成两个及两个以上新活性粒子活性粒子((自由基或原子自由基或原子))的反应的反应. . 48.原盐效应: : 在稀溶液中在稀溶液中在稀溶液中,,离子强度对离子反应的反应速率的影响离子强度对离子反应的反应速率的影响. . 49.光化反应: : 在光的作用下进行的化学反应在光的作用下进行的化学反应在光的作用下进行的化学反应. . 50.光化学定律: (1).(1).只有被物质吸收的光只有被物质吸收的光只有被物质吸收的光,,才能引发光化学反应才能引发光化学反应.(2)..(2)..(2).在初级过程中在初级过程中在初级过程中,,一个分子个分子((或原子或原子))吸收一个光子而活化吸收一个光子而活化. .51.光敏剂: : 能把所吸收的光能传递给对光不敏感的物质并使其活化乃至发生反应而加能把所吸收的光能传递给对光不敏感的物质并使其活化乃至发生反应而加入的一类物质入的一类物质. .52.催化剂: : 加入少量就可以显著改变反应的速率加入少量就可以显著改变反应的速率加入少量就可以显著改变反应的速率,,而本身在反应前后没有数量和化学性质变化的一类物质性质变化的一类物质. . 53.催化作用: : 化学反应速率由于催化剂的加入而发生变化的这种作用化学反应速率由于催化剂的加入而发生变化的这种作用化学反应速率由于催化剂的加入而发生变化的这种作用. . 54.自催化作用: : 反应产物对反应本身具有加速反应的作用反应产物对反应本身具有加速反应的作用反应产物对反应本身具有加速反应的作用. . 55.55.催化反应的催化反应的选择性: : 转化为目标产物的原料量与发生转化的原料总量之比转化为目标产物的原料量与发生转化的原料总量之比转化为目标产物的原料量与发生转化的原料总量之比. . 56.分散体系分散体系((系统系统)): : 把一种或几种物质分散在另一种物质中所构成的体系把一种或几种物质分散在另一种物质中所构成的体系(系统系统). ). 57.分散相: : 被分散在分散介质中的物质被分散在分散介质中的物质被分散在分散介质中的物质 或 被分散介质所分散的物质被分散介质所分散的物质. . 58.分散介质: : 呈连续分布的、起分散作用的物质呈连续分布的、起分散作用的物质呈连续分布的、起分散作用的物质. . 59.分子分散体系分子分散体系((系统系统)):以分子、原子或离子状态均匀分散在分散介质中形成的体系(系统系统).).).又称又称真溶液,简称溶液. 60.胶体分散体系: : 被分散在分散介质中的粒子半径在被分散在分散介质中的粒子半径在1~100nm(100nm(即即9710~10m --,傅版傅版))或1~1000nm(1000nm(即即m 6910~10--,天大版天大版))之间的分散体系之间的分散体系((系统系统). ). 61.扩散: : 有浓度梯度时有浓度梯度时有浓度梯度时,,物质粒子因热运动物质粒子因热运动((布朗运动布朗运动))而发生宏观上的定向迁移现象而发生宏观上的定向迁移现象..其推动力是浓度梯度其推动力是浓度梯度,,扩散过程是不可逆的扩散过程是不可逆的. .d d d d s n cD A t x=-×× 62.憎液溶胶: : 由难溶物分散在分散介质中所形成的胶体分散体系由难溶物分散在分散介质中所形成的胶体分散体系由难溶物分散在分散介质中所形成的胶体分散体系..简称溶胶.63.沉降: : 多相分散系统中的粒子多相分散系统中的粒子多相分散系统中的粒子,,因受重力作用而下沉的过程因受重力作用而下沉的过程. .64.电泳: : 在外电场的作用下在外电场的作用下在外电场的作用下,,胶体粒子在分散介质中定向迁移的现象胶体粒子在分散介质中定向迁移的现象. . 65.电渗: : 在多孔膜在多孔膜在多孔膜((或毛细管或毛细管))两端施加一定电压两端施加一定电压,,液体通过多孔膜而定向流动的现象液体通过多孔膜而定向流动的现象. . 66.流动电势: : 在外力的作用下在外力的作用下在外力的作用下,,迫使液体通过多孔隔膜迫使液体通过多孔隔膜((或抟细管或抟细管))定向流动时定向流动时,,在多孔膜两边所产生的电势差膜两边所产生的电势差. .67.沉降电势: : 分散相粒子在重力场或离心力场的作用下迅速移动时分散相粒子在重力场或离心力场的作用下迅速移动时分散相粒子在重力场或离心力场的作用下迅速移动时,,在移动方向的两端所产生的电势差端所产生的电势差. .68.聚沉值: : 使一定量溶胶在一定时间内完全聚沉所需电解质的最小浓度使一定量溶胶在一定时间内完全聚沉所需电解质的最小浓度使一定量溶胶在一定时间内完全聚沉所需电解质的最小浓度. . . 聚沉值越小聚沉值越小聚沉能力越强聚沉能力越强. . 69.感胶离子序: : 将带有相同电荷的离子按聚沉能力从大到小排列的顺序将带有相同电荷的离子按聚沉能力从大到小排列的顺序将带有相同电荷的离子按聚沉能力从大到小排列的顺序. . 70.悬浮液: : 将不溶性固体粒子分散在液体中所形成的粗分散体系将不溶性固体粒子分散在液体中所形成的粗分散体系(系统系统). ). 71.乳状液: : 由两种不互溶或部分互溶的液体所形成的粗分散体系由两种不互溶或部分互溶的液体所形成的粗分散体系(系统系统). ). 72.唐南平衡: : 若用半透膜将小分子电解质水溶液与大分子电解质水溶液隔开若用半透膜将小分子电解质水溶液与大分子电解质水溶液隔开若用半透膜将小分子电解质水溶液与大分子电解质水溶液隔开,,由于大分子电解质离子不能透过半透膜分子电解质离子不能透过半透膜,,而小分子电解质离子可以透过半透膜而小分子电解质离子可以透过半透膜,,当膜两边达成渗透平衡时达成渗透平衡时,,小分子电解质在膜两边的分布不同小分子电解质在膜两边的分布不同. .1.1.已知在已知在300K 时,某一级反应的半衰期为s 50,且反应温度升高1010℃反应速率增加℃反应速率增加1倍.若指前因子1710979.2-´=s A 且与温度关系不大且与温度关系不大,,试求试求: : (1).300K 时,反应的转化率达到87.5%87.5%所需的时间所需的时间所需的时间. . (2).(2).使反应转化率在使反应转化率在s 50内达到75%75%所需的温度所需的温度所需的温度. . 解:(1).(1).因一级反应有因一级反应有因一级反应有: : k t 2ln 2/1= , ,和和 kt y=-11ln (或k a t a )1ln(--=) 所以所以: : )(01386.0502ln 2ln 12/1-===s t k )(15001386.0%)5.871ln(11ln 1s y k t =--=-= [ [或或)(15001386.0)871ln(8/7s t t =--==] (2).(2).据题由据题由据题由: : )11(ln 2112T T R Ea k k -=得:)(60532ln 31458300310300310ln 1121212-×=´´-´=×-=mol kJ k k R T T T T Ea将阿仑尼乌斯公式代入积分方程得将阿仑尼乌斯公式代入积分方程得::t Ae y RTEa /11ln -=-,即: RT Ea t A y -=×--)1ln(ln 所以所以: : )(3105010979.2)75.01ln(ln 3145.81060.53)1ln(ln 73K t A y R EaT =´´--´-=×---=(也可先据kt y =-11ln 求出)(02773.0)1ln(1-=--=s t y k ,再由RT Ea A k -=ln ln 求T)2. 2.反应反应P B A k¾®¾+的动力学实验数据如下的动力学实验数据如下:: [A 0]/[mol/dm -3] 1.0 2.0 3.01.0 1.0 [B 0]/[mol/dm -3] 1.0 1.0 r 0/[mol/dm -3/s] 0.15 0.300.45 0.15 0.15若该反应的速率方程为b a ][][B A k r =,求b a 和.解: : 据题有据题有据题有: : b a 000][][B A k r =, , 故可得故可得故可得: : b a ba1,01,02,02,01,02,0][][][][B A B A r r = 将第1,2两级数据代入上式得两级数据代入上式得: :a÷÷øöççèæ=1,02,01,02,0][][A A r r 即: 15030.0ln][][lnln1,02,01,02,0===A A r r a 同理同理,,将第1,4组数据代入则可得组数据代入则可得::b÷÷øöççèæ=1,02,01,02,0][][B B r r 亦即亦即::00.10.2ln 15.015.0ln][][lnln 1,02,01,02,0===B B r r b3.3.今在今在473.2K 时研究反应D C B A k+¾®¾+22,其速率方程可写成yx B A k r ][][=.现经实验1得当A 、B 的初始浓度分别为0.013-×dm mol 和0.023-×dm mol 时,测得反应物B 在不同时刻的浓度数据如下表在不同时刻的浓度数据如下表: :t/min 0 5395 13025[B]/( 3-×dm mol )0.020 0.010 0.0050 试求试求: (1).: (1).: (1).该反应的总级数该反应的总级数该反应的总级数 (2).(2).实验实验2: 2: 当当A 、B 的初始浓度均为0.023-×dm mol 时,测得初始反应速率仅为实验1的初始速率的1.414倍,求A 、B 的反应级数y x 和的值的值. .(3).(3).求算求算k 值.解:(1).(1).由实验由实验1数据可知数据可知,,min 53952/1=t ,min130254/3=t.因此时有因此时有::000][2][1][A BA ==,故原方程可写成ny x y y x y yx A k A k x A k B A k r]['][2)]([2][][0=××=-××==++,即此条件下即此条件下,,反应速率与简单n 级反应相同级反应相同. .利用简单n 级反应的分数寿期公式k C n a t n n a 101)1(1)1(-----=可得可得::1212/14/3+=-n t t 亦即亦即: : 50.12ln )1539513025ln(12ln )1ln(12/14/3=-+=-+=t tn (2).(2).由实验由实验2知:yxy xB A k B A k 1,01,02,02,0][][4.1][][=002ln 2ln c c c c 2352382350238cc 112(-)(.)('12253510845-´-T T Ea ln 1´+--+---一、选择题(一、选择题(2222分)1.强电解质CaCl 2的摩尔电导率与其离子的摩尔电导率的关系是 ( )A.)()()(22-¥+¥¥+=L Cl Ca CaCl m m m l l B.)()(5.0)(22-¥+¥¥+=L Cl Ca CaCl m m m l l C.)(2)()(22-¥+¥¥+=L Cl Ca CaCl m m m l l D.)]()([2)(22-¥+¥¥+=L Cl Ca CaCl m m m l l 2.强电解质CaCl 2的水溶液,其离子平均活度±a 与电解质活度B a 之间的关系为之间的关系为( ) A. B a a =± B. 3B a a =± C. 2/1B a a =± D. 3/1B a a =± 3.在不可逆电极过程中,随着电流密度的增大 ( )A.阴极电势变低,阳极电势变高阴极电势变低,阳极电势变高B. 电池的电动势降低电池的电动势降低C.电解池耗电能增加电解池耗电能增加D. 以上说法都对以上说法都对 4.某电池反应为-++=++OH Hg l O H g O l Hg 42)(2)()(2222,当电池反应达平衡时,电池的电动势E 必然是必然是 ( )A. 0>EB. J E E =C. 0<ED. 0=E 5.下列说法中正确的是:.下列说法中正确的是: ( )A. 反应级数等于反应分子数反应级数等于反应分子数B. 具有简单级数的反应是基元反应具有简单级数的反应是基元反应C. 不同反应若具有相同的级数形式,一定具有相同的反应机理D. 反应级数不一定是简单正整数反应级数不一定是简单正整数6.某化学反应的方程式为B A ®2,在动力学研究中表明该反应为,在动力学研究中表明该反应为( ) A. 二级反应二级反应 B. 基元反应基元反应 C. 双分子反应双分子反应 D. 以上都无法确定以上都无法确定7.设理想气体反应体系P A ®的速率方程为A c c c k r =,若用分压表示浓度,速率方程可写为A P P P k r =,式中c k 与P k 的关系为的关系为 ( )A. P c k k =B. RT k k P c ×=C. RT k k c P ×=D. P c k k /1= 8.催化剂能极大地改变反应速率,下列说法错误的是 ( )A. 催化剂改变了反应历程催化剂改变了反应历程B. 催化剂降低了反应活化能催化剂降低了反应活化能C. 催化剂改变了反应平衡,提高了转化率D. 催化剂同时加快正向与逆向反应催化剂同时加快正向与逆向反应9.一定温度、压力下,将1克液体水分散成半径为10 -9米的小水滴,经过此变化后,以下性质保持不变的是以下性质保持不变的是 ( )A. 总表面能总表面能B. 表面张力表面张力C. 比表面积比表面积D. 液面下的附加压力液面下的附加压力10.硅胶吸水后其表面吉布斯自由能将.硅胶吸水后其表面吉布斯自由能将 ( )A. 降低降低B. 升高升高C. 不变不变D. 无法确定无法确定 11.在水中加入肥皂液后,将发生.在水中加入肥皂液后,将发生 ( )A. 0/<a g d d 正吸附正吸附B. 0/<a g d d 负吸附负吸附C. 0/>a g d d 正吸附正吸附D. 0/>a g d d 负吸附负吸附 12.将少量的KI 溶液加入AgNO 3溶液中制得AgI 溶胶,下列电解质聚沉能力最强的是( )A. NaCl B. FeCl 3 C. MgSO 4 D. K 3PO 413.下列各分散体系中丁铎尔(Tyndall )效应最强的是)效应最强的是 ( )A. 食盐水溶液食盐水溶液B. 大分子溶液大分子溶液C. 空气空气D. Fe(OH)3溶胶溶胶14.下列电池中能测定AgCl 的)(AgCl G mfJ D 的是的是 ( )A. Ag(s)|AgCl(s)|KCl(aq)|Cl 2(p J),Pt B. Ag(s)|Ag +||Cl -|Cl 2(g),Pt C. Ag(s)|Ag +||Cl -| AgCl(s)| Ag(s) D. Ag(s)|AgCl(s)| Cl -|| Ag +| Ag(s) 15.乳状液属于.乳状液属于 ( )A. 分子分散体系分子分散体系B. 胶体分散体系胶体分散体系C. 粗分散体系粗分散体系D. 憎液溶胶憎液溶胶 16.兰缪尔(Langmuir)吸附理论中最重要的基本假设是吸附理论中最重要的基本假设是 ( ) A. 气体处于低压下气体处于低压下 B. 固体表面的不均匀性固体表面的不均匀性 C. 吸附是单分子层的吸附是单分子层的 D. 吸附是放热的吸附是放热的17.电池在恒温、恒压下可逆放电1F 与以一定的电压放电1F ,二者相比不同的是二者相比不同的是 ( ) A. 电池反应的m r U D B. 电池反应的m r H D C. 与环境交换的热Q D. 电池反应的m r G D 18.一定T 、P 下可以发生D G >0的反应是的反应是 ( )A. 原电池中的反应原电池中的反应B. 光化学反应光化学反应C. 催化反应催化反应D. 溶液中的反应溶液中的反应 19.胶体体系能够保持相对稳定的最重要因素是 ( )A. 布朗运动布朗运动B. 胶粒表面的扩散双电层胶粒表面的扩散双电层C. 溶剂化层的作用溶剂化层的作用D. 胶体为微多相体系胶体为微多相体系 20.某光化学反应A + h n ®n® A*, 其速率与其速率与 ( ) A. A 的浓度有关的浓度有关 B. A 的浓度无关的浓度无关 C. A 的浓度和h n 有关有关 D. 不确定不确定。






























































07-08(1) 线性代数总期末考试复习大纲及复习题: 期末考试题型:判断(约占30%)与选择(约占70%) 期末考试形式:开卷 期末复习各章重点第一章 知道行列式的定义并会用定义计算简单的行列式;熟悉并会用行列式的性 质计算行列式,掌握行列式的依行依列展开定理。

第二章掌握向量线性相关与线性无关的定义并会用定义判断向量组相关与无关;会求向量组的极大无关组以及用极大无关组表示其余的向量;熟悉线性方程组解的一般理论,掌握矩阵的初等变换并会用初等变换求解线性方程组;会用初等变换求矩阵的秩.第三章熟悉矩阵的运算性质,特别是矩阵乘法的特殊性(不满足交换律),知道分块矩阵;掌握逆矩阵的定义、伴随矩阵的概念以及关系式E A A A AA ==**,会用伴随矩阵和初等变换求矩阵的逆矩阵;了解初等矩阵及其性质,会解简单的矩阵方程。

第四章 知道向量空间的定义,掌握基变换公式和向量坐标变换公式。

第五章 掌握矩阵的特征值与特征向量的概念以及矩阵能够对角化的条件,会判断一个矩阵能否对角化;掌握相似矩阵的概念及其性质。

第六章 掌握二次型的概念,掌握二次型与矩阵的对应关系,掌握合同矩阵的概念,会判断简单矩阵的合同,掌握二次型正定负定的条件并会判定二次型是否正定。

复习题1.若三阶行列式1231122331232226a a a b a b a b a c c c ---=,则 123123123a a ab b bc c c = 3 (对) 2.若方程组123123123000tx x x x tx x x x tx ++=⎧⎪++=⎨⎪++=⎩有非零解,则t=1或-2 。

(对)3.已知齐次线性方程组32023020x y x y x y z λ+=⎧⎪-=⎨⎪-+=⎩仅有零解,则λ≠ 0(对)4.已知三阶行列式D=123312231,则元素12a =2的代数余子式12A = -1 ;(错)5.若n 阶矩阵A 、B 、C 满足ABC=E (其中E 为n 阶可逆阵),则BCA=E 。



the number of words in a language is relatively finite but their possible combination is infinite.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Linguistic is the systematic(or scientific)study of languagePhonetics发音学,语音学is the scientific study of speech and is concerned with defining and classifying speech sounds.Phonology音位(系)学is the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language.Morphology形态学语法is the study of the formation of words or the study of the internal structures of the form of words.Syntax句法is the study of the arrangements of words in a sentence. Semantics语义学is the study of the meaning of language.Semantic field语义场refers to the organization of related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another. 比如杯子,大杯子放在一起就是语场Synonyms are words that are close in meaning.Antonymy: oppositeness of meaningMeronymy部分整体关系:part/whole relationship.Hyponymy上下义关系refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word(E.g. Superordinate: flower Hyponyms: rose, tulip, carnation, lily)Homonymy: 同音异义words having different meanings have the same form.E.g. ball.Polysemy: 多义性the same one word may have more than one meaning. E.g. tableLanguage function:谁提出的:Finch1. Physiological function生理功能2. Phatic function 寒暄功能3. Recording function 记录功能4. Identifying function 辨别功能5. Reasoning function 推理功能6. Communicating function交流功能7. Pleasure function 娱乐功能Metafunctions of Language纯理功能Ideational function (概念功能)Interpersonal function (人际功能)Textual function (语篇功能)Some Important Distinctions on LinguisticsLangue and Parole语言和言语(语言是抽象的系统,言语是具体化的)Prescriptive and Descriptive描述性和规定性linguistics is descriptive, Synchronic and Diachronic共识性和历时性Speech and Writing 口语和书面语Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic(横)组合和(纵)组合P33Competence and Performance语言能力(内置规则)和语言行为(说话)Functionalism and Formalism语言功能主义和语言形式主义How to define Langue and parole, Competence and performance? Saussure made the distinction: Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of language in actual use.Chomsky defines competence as the abstract ideal user‟s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.Saussure ChomskyDefinition langue competenceparole performanceDifference Sociological view Psychological viewSimilarity Linguists should study abstract langue or competence, not parole or performance,which is too varied and haphazard.Modern Linguistic VS. Traditional GrammarModern linguistics is descriptive not prescriptive.Modern linguistics regard the spoken language as primary, not the written. Modern linguistics is usually synchronic rather than diachronic.Use of languagePragmatics语用学Anthropological linguistics人类语言学psycholinguistics- the relationship between language and the mind心里语言学sociolinguistics- the relationship between language and society社会语言学applied linguistics-the study of applications of linguistic findings, such as to language learning and teaching应用语言学Neurolinguistics神经语言学Computational linguistics计算语言学The history of linguistics1:The structural linguistics Saussure2:Mentalistic linguistics Noam Chomsky3:Functional linguistics M.A.K Halliday1:According to Saussure‟s idea: Language is a system. Language is a form Influenced by his ideas there appeared different structural linguists such as the “ Prague School” , the “ Copenhagen School”The most influential structural linguist was the American linguist L. Bloomfield He believed that the task for linguist is to describe all the language materials observable objectively and systematically. Language forms or structures should be the focus while the meaning is neglected.2:Chomsky rejected the structural approach to language description.Language is a system that relates meaning to substance.Language is a mental phenomenon.Language is innate and human-specific.Language is universal.3:The functionalists look at language from a functional point of view. They are more concerned with what speakers do with language.Noam Chomsky, born in 1928 ,Philadelphia, US, He was the American linguist and political activist who founded the Transformational-Generative Grammar. He also made distinction between competence and performance.Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist whose ideas on Structure in language laid the foundation for much of the approach of the linguistic science in the 20th century.In 1916 his students published a book “Course in General linguistics”, in which he made an important distinction between langue and parole.M.A.K. Halliday was the British linguist who viewed language basically as a social phenomenon.According to Halliday, language plays three metafunctions simultaneously: (i) The ideational function---A symbolic code to represent the world(ii) The interpersonal function---A medium to get along in a community(iii) The textual function---To organize messages to form a text非常重要articulatory phonetics 发音语音学It is the primary concern in linguistics.Voiced 浊音& Voiceless清音voiced,consonants: [d, b, g, d ,m, n, ŋ, , z, , l, r, w, j].English has more voiced than voiceless sounds.Vowels: 元音In the production of them, the air stream meets with no obstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose, or the mouth.Consonants: In the production of them, it is somehow obstructed.How do we classify the English consonants?1:Manner of articulation (发音方式)2:places of articulation(发音部位)1:The way in which a speech sound is produced by the speechorgans. There are different ways of producing speech sounds.With consonants the air stream may bestopped and released suddenly ( a stop), e.g. /t/allowed to escape with friction (a fricative), e.g./f/stopped and then released slowly with friction(an affricate), /t /The vocal cords may be vibrating (a voiced speech sound)or not (a voiceless speech sound).With vowels, in addition to the position of the tongue in themouth, the lips may berounded (收圆), e.g. for /u/, /u:/Spread (展开), e.g. for /i/, /i:/classified into the following types:Plosives : [p] [b] [t ] [d] [k] [ɡ]Nasals鼻音: [m] [n] [ŋ]Fricatives摩擦音: [f] [v] [s] [z] [ø] [ ] [h]Affricates:塞擦音[ t ] [ d ]Approximants无擦通音: Liquids: [l] [r]Glides: [ j] [w]Trills & Taps: [r]2:places of articulation can be classified into the following types:Bilabial双唇塞音: [p], [b], [m]Labiodental:唇齿音[f], [v]Dental:齿音[ø], [ ]Alveolar齿槽音: [t], [d], [n], [s], [z], [l] , [r]Palatal:上颚音[j, , , t , d ]Velar: 软腭音[k], [g], [ŋ], [w]Glottal:喉音[h]In what ways do vowels differ from each other?1. According to the openness of the mouth, thereare:open,, semi-open, semi-close & close vowels.2. According to the retraction and extension of the tongue, vowels can be distinguished as:back vowels, central & front vowels.3. According to the shape of the lips, there are:rounded & unrounded vowels.4. According to the length of the vowels, there are:long & short vowels.重要:转换生存语法谁提的Transformational generative Grammar(TG):ChomskyIt is a theory of grammar including phonology音位学and semantics语义学, but Syntax is its core component.Its two main aspects: 1.generative aspect ( This means that a grammar must …generate all and only the grammatical sentences of a language and 2.transformational aspect. (This refers actually to a kind of process that transforms one sentence into another.)重要Deep structure is the abstract structure and can be said to be the propositional core of the sentence.is its basic structure both semantically语义and syntactically句法. From it we can derive surface structure.It shows the basic form of sentence with all the necessary information to derive a well-formed sentence, and to give it a phonological representation and semantic interpretation.It is generated by phrase structure rules.Surface structure is the actually produced structure.is the form that people can actually say. They are the result of the operation of transformations on deep structure.Surface structure must undergo phonetic interpretation in order to correspond to its general sense, e.g. turning “be+en+V” into “has been repaired.”Semantics语义学7个types:conceptual meaning概念意义(字典中的)connotative meaning内涵social meaning社会affective meaning情感reflective meaning反映This is the meaning when we associate one sense of an expressionwith another.E.g. “dear” in certain context is used in the sense “expensive” but also alludes to “beloved”collocative meaning组合This refers to what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word.E.g. “pretty” and “handsome”Both words share a similar conceptual meaning “good-looking”, they habitually collocate with different sets of nouns, such as pretty girl and handsome boy.thematic meaning主位The meaning difference between “tomorrow I plan to have an outing” and “I plan to have an outing tomorrow” is in that they focus on different aspects and tend to occur in different contexts.从内涵意义到最后一个都属于联想意义associative meaning.语义三角Semantic triangle suggested by Ogden and Richards.它属于传统approachThought/conceptSymbol/Form…………………referent参考对象,所指事物Problem: The link between the symbol and the concept remains unclarified.3个approaches to meaningThe Traditional ApproachThe Functional ApproachThe Pragmatic ApproachSemantic field语义场Semantic relations between lexemes词位,词素Synonymy and Antonymy同义词和反义词Meronymy and Hyponymy部分整体关系,上下义关系Polysemy and Homonymy多义性,同音异义Semantic analysis语义分析Componential analysis成分分析Componential analysis defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of SEMANTIC COMPONENTS. E.g. “man” is analyzed as+HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE.Predication analysis述谓分析Predication is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. It consists of arguments中项(logical participants) and predicate 谓语(a relational element).Is the baby sleeping? Its predication can be written as: BABY (SLEEP)Tautology & Metaphor 赘述&隐喻。
















《大学英语二》(成教专科)期末考试大纲Part I Multiple Choices(10% )Directions: There are 20 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. “Hey, look where you are driving!”“Oh, I’m sorry, _____________.”A. I’m not noticingB. I haven’t noticedC. I don’t noticeD. I wasn’t noticing2. He knew nothing about this journey ___________ he was likely to be away for three months.A. thatB. except thatC. howeverD. in addition3. My mother wanted to buy me _________.A. two pairs of shoeB. two pair of shoeC. two pairs of shoesD. two pair of shoes4. Mike received an award _________ his outstanding results in the exams.A. toB. aboutC. forD. with5. My brother had a cold last week, so ______ I.A. hadB. didC. amD. have6. The boss may ___________ Tony because he has the right qualifications.A. fireB. fineC. dismissD. hire7. ________ you nervous during the interview?A. WereB. DidC. DoD. Had8. We should do something to the environment worse.A. stop --- to getB. stop --- from getC. stop --- to gettingD. stop --- from getting9. They talked ____________ low voices in order not to be heard. A. at B. by C. on D. in10. There are many birds singing __________ the trees.A. inB. onC. atD. with11. We ___ go to the movies quite frequently.A. use toB. used toC. were used toD. are used to12. She was _________ her early twenties when she went abroad.A. atB. inC. forD. of13. Children get presents _______ Christmas and _________ their birthdays.A. on, atB. in, atC. at, onD. by, on14. “The young man is good at a lot of things but you can’t say he is _____________.”“I agree with you. Actually no one is.”A. wonderfulB. splendidC. perfectD. complete15. I looked for my key _____________, but I couldn’t find it.A. here and thereB. up and downC. far and nearD. back and forth16. At last he __________ finish the job in time.A. got toB. tried toC. had toD. managed to17. I haven’t received the letter. It _________ to a wrong address.A. may sendB. may be sentC. might have sentD. might have been sent18. What time _________ for work?A. are you usually leavingB. do you usually leaveC. you usually leaveD. you usually left19. Everyone hopes to get promoted, ____________?A. doesn’t heB. don’t theyC. doesn’t sheD. do we20. I used weed killer to get rid the weeds in the garden.A. onB. offC. toD. ofPart II Blank Filling (10% )Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box. Change the form where necessary. Then write the answers on the AnswerSheet.Yu Jia 21) from the City University a year ago. She took many 22) in the university, but her favorite subject was 23) . Many of classmates saw 24) working at it. It was, in fact, the least 25) subject in Yu Jia’s class. Yu Jia, however, was 26) about the teaching 27) , and often had discussions with the teacher, who was 28) and liked to 29) things to her. She often gave 30) lessons to her.Ma Jia is a fourth-year student in Shanghai Foreign Languages school. 21) to get for future career, she is 22) for a job and preparing for an interview to be given by a famous joint venture. Today she comes to the reception desk 23) the company hall and is informed the way to 24) . Then she 25) the corridor, 26) at the corner, and then 27) the lift. When she 28) the lift, she 29) , and the room is 30) her.Part III Reading Comprehension (40% )Directions: The following passages are followed by questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.A Travel ExperienceWhen Jim was invited to attend an international conference on computer networking, he was delighted. The conference was to take place in Geneva. Jim thought that it would be an opportunity to take his fiancée Mary on a short holiday. They decided to go to Paris for a week before Jim traveled on to Geneva. Mary would then return home.Jim and Mary spent an enjoyable week touring Paris. At the end of the week, they felt exhausted. Jim accompanied Mary to the airport and saw her onto a plane for London. While he was waiting in the lounge for his plane to Geneva, a mist began to form. Eventually, his plane took of two hours late. As soon as he sank into his seat, Jim fell fast asleep.Unfortunately, as the plane flew towards Geneva, the mist changed to thick fog. The pilot radioed his destination and was told that his plane had to return to Paris. Immediately, the pilot told the news to the passengers. But Jim was still fast asleep. He did not wake up until the plane landed in Paris. Jim hurried through the airport lounge and was so surprised to see Paris again. By this time, the fog had started to clear. But poor Jim was fogged as if he were still asleep.31. Jim was going to attend a conference to be held in ____________.A. GenevaB. ParisC. LondonD. New York32. Jim was overjoyed because he could make good use of the chance to _________.A. see Mary in ParisB. get married with MaryC. take Mary to Paris for their honeymoonD. tour Paris with Mary33. The trip Jim and Mary took to Paris was _______.A. boringB. difficultC. expensiveD. tiring but pleasant34. Jim didn’t know where his plane had landed until _________.A. he was told the news by the pilotB. he got into the airport loungeC. he realized he was in Paris againD. he reached the Geneva International Hotel35. When he found himself in Paris again, Jim _______.A. thought he took a wrong planeB. felt so confused as if he were in a dreamC. didn’t know what to doD. realized he had to stay in ParisDear Zhao Zhiqiang,Greeting from Byron Bay, Australia!Thank you for your enquiry about studying at the Byron Bay English Language School. Here is our information sheet, a registration form and a brochure.The Byron Bay English Language School is for international students to learn English in a beautiful environment, away from the expensive and crowded city schools. We have friendly qualified teachers for language teaching and each class has a maximum of 10 students.You will need a tourist, working holiday or a student visa to study in Australia. Please return your completed registration form when you decide to study at our school. We will then help you with your visa application.Please contact me by email if you have any questions. I will be glad to help you.Yours sincerely,Nancy Johnson36. The Byron Bay English Language School sends this letter because ________.A. it is advertising its schoolB. Zhao Zhiqiang inquires about the schoolC. it inquires about the registrationD. Nancy is interested in going to study there37. The Byron Bay English Language School is located ________.A. in the city centerB. in a crowded areaC. in a quiet areaD. in a poor environment38. Each English Language class is made up of ________.A. more than 10 studentsB. 10 studentsC. less than 10 studentsD. 10 students at most39. To study in Australia you need to apply for all the visas except ____________.A. a tourist visaB. a working holiday visaC. a student visaD. a visiting scholar visa 40. Visa application will begin when _________.A. a student makes an enquiry about the schoolB. a student returns the complete registration form to the schoolC. a student is interested in studying in the schoolD. a student receives the registration form from the schoolNow, please look at your handbook carefully. The first item on the list is about student services and the second item is about the special activities on campus. You may read the two parts by yourselves after the meeting. Let’s have a look at the final item on the list. It is health insurance. I’d like to say a few words about this item. If you haven’t got an insurance policy, please get one at registration. Then you will be covered for any emergency during the school years. Students who are here on scholarship are automatically covered by an insurance plan. Students who pay their own tuition may purchase a student policy from the university. You may find student insurance application forms on the table near the door. There is a detailed description of cost and benefit on page 12 of your handbook. If you follow the instructions carefully, registration should go smoothly. But if you do run into any problems, you will find me at the center table. We’ll be glad to help you. Good luck!41. Who is the speaker?A. The university president.B. A professor.C. A class officer.D. A staff member at the registration.42. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The first item on the list is about the student services.B. The second item is about the special activities on campus.C. The final item is about the insurance policy.D. This is taken from a textbook of insurance.43. Who is the speaker talking to?A. Teachers of the university.B. New university employees.C. New university students.D. High school students.44. What will the students probably do after the meeting?A. Buy some textbooks.B. Apply for scholarships.C. Buy an insurance policy.D. Register for course.45. Where can the students get the application forms for health insurance?A. At a table near the door.B. In the student handbook.C. From the speaker’s desk.D. In the classroom.Because there are so many nationalities in America, visitors can find almost any kind of restaurant in most of the larger cities. The telephone book lists restaurants in each city according to the name, area of the city, or kind of food. Restaurants in large cities vary greatly in price. Many restaurants post their menus in the windows so you can have some idea of the price and kind of food before you enter. If the menu is not posted and you are uncertain about how expensive the place is, ask to see a menu before you are seated at a table, or else just ask about the price range. Appearances from the outside can be misleading —what looks like a small, informal restaurant may really be very expensive, and what looks like a large, expensive restaurant may be very reasonable.You can get a meal for about $2 or slightly move if you eat in snack bars or coffee shops, but in most city restaurants you should expect to pay $6 to $8 a person for dinner, with alcoholic drinks and wine extra. Prices in New York City are even higher.31. Restaurants are listed for each city in the telephone book according to the ___________.A. area of the cityB. name of the restaurantC. kind of foodD. any of the above32. Where is the menu posted in many restaurants?A. On the doors of the restaurant.B. In the windows.C. On the tables.D. In the front of the restaurants.33. To let people get some idea of _________________, many restaurants have their menu posted in the window.A. the priceB. the kind of foodC. the kind of restaurantD. both A and B 34. If you are not sure about the prices of the restaurants, what should you do?A. Ask to see a menu before you sit down at a table.B. Ask to post a menu in the window.C. Just ask a price range.D. Either A or C35. In most city restaurants, what is the average dinner range for a person?A. $4 to $6B. $4 to $8C. $6 to $8D. $8 to $10The United StatesThe United States is a very large country. It has many different kinds of landscapes and many different kinds of people. In the east, the countryside is green and fresh. Here are some of the first states and some of the big cities. New York and the capital, Washington D.C., are in the East.In the south, there is the beautiful city of New Orleans, the capital of jazz. It is sometimes hot here, and the people here are very different from those in the East.The General Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and corn.In the South- West it is often hot and dry. But the deserts and mountains are beautiful. And California, on the West Coast, is famous as a “paradise” state.The weather in the Mid-West, near the Great Lakes, is often cold and windy, and there is a lot of snow in winter.36. It’s well-known that the United States had many different kinds of ___________.A. landscapesB. peopleC. climatesD. all of the above37. Some of the first states and some of the big cities are in the East, including __________.A. CaliforniaB. New OrleansC. WashingtonD.C. D. Los Angeles38. New Orleans is famous for its _____________.A. balletB. country musicC. jazzD. classic music39. Big fields of wheat and corn can be found in _________.A. the EastB. the Central PlainsC. the South-WestD. the South40. The weather near the Great Lakes is often _______.A. cold and windyB. warmC. chillyD. hot dryPerhaps you are going to finish school soon and, like many other students, you want to further your study abroad. Here are some points you should bear in mind if you intend to apply for a scholarship to study in the United States of America.First of all, you will have to ask for an application form, fill in the form with great care, and then send it with a copy of your school records. After that you will have to ask your teachers to write reference letters. You will also need to take some tests such as TOFEL and GRE. You may apply to several universities at the same time. Overseas students in the United States are not allowed to work in their spare time except in the summer, and you need to get permission form US immigration to do that.41. This passage is taken from a handbook for __________.A. visiting scholars in American universitiesB. working emigrants in AmericaC. American students who are going to study abroadD. Overseas students who want to study in American universities42. The author intends to give some _______ to would-be overseas students in the US.A. warningsB. commentsC. suggestionsD. directions43. What is the first thing to do in applying to an American university?A. To write to ask for an application form.B. To send school records.C. To provide the TOFEL score report.D. To supply reference letters.44. Which of the following is not needed for applying to study at an American university?A. Your school records.B. English test score reports.C. Reference letters.D. Your passport.45. Which of the following statements is true of the overseas students in the States?A. They are not allowed to work in their spare time except in the summer.B. They don’t need a permit from US Immigration to work in the summer.C. Winter is the time when foreign students can work in their spare time.D. You can only apply to one university at a time.Part IV Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D under the passage. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.In the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea were unlimited. For example, a famous biologist said in the mid 1980s that resources of the sea were 51 . Today there’s 52 that the resources of the sea are as seriously threatened as those of the land and the air.53 , the threat to fish is greater 54 than the threat to birds and land animals because fish are a much needed food resource.Many people throughout the world 55 on fish as an important part of their food, and a reduction in the fish supply could have wide 56 on hunger and population. Fishermen in the Atlantic, every year, get 20 billion pounds of fish to 57 food demands. But it is important to 58 that these practices cannot continue with the depletion of the fish resources within the next few years.Sea resources are rapidly declining in many parts of the world and the problemcannot be 59 . It is only with care and planning in this generation 60 the food supplies of the sea can continue for future generations.51. A. exhaustible B. inexhaustible C. countable D. uncountable52. A. fact B. event C. evidence D. trend53. A. Furthermore B. Therefore C. Fortunately D. However54. A. by the way B. under way C. in some way D. in no way55. A. apply B. utilize C. organize D. depend56. A. reaction B. results C. effects D. significance57. A. provide B. meet C. supply D. present58. A. refer B. represent C. recognize D. reveal59. A. considered B. adapted C. ignored D. acquired60. A. in which B. which C. in that D. thatPart V Translation (15%)(Write the answer on the Answer Sheet)Directions: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English or English sentences into Chinese61. 她有可能得到那份秘书工作。






对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院2007-2008学年第一学期大学英语(三)复习大纲考试内容:完全依据复习大纲练习和课件课本内容考试题型及分值分配:Ⅱ.Cloze(10x1points)Ⅰ.Multiple Choice(25x2points)Ⅲ.Error Identification(15x2points)Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension(10x1points)大学英语第三册复习大纲练习题(注:答案)Ⅰ.Multiple Choice(单选题练习)1.He did not go to see the film last night because he was busy____for his test.A.to prepareB.to be preparedC.preparingD.being prepared2.By the end of this month,we____a solution to the problem.A.have foundB.will be findingC.will have foundD.are finding3.Whenever I visit him,he____on his job.A.worksB.is workingC.is going to workD.will work4.Sound travels in water in the same manner____.A.as does ai rB.as airC.as in airD.as it in the air5.Good____!I hope you win the race.A.sortB.wishC.luckD.chance6.It____that the match____put off because of the weather.A.suggested;would beB.suggested;should beC.is suggested;shall beD.was suggested;be7.These are nice apples.How____in a kilogram.A.much are thereB.many are thereC.much are theyD.many are they8.We shan’t get there in time____we hurry up.A.unlessB.ifC.whetherD.when9.I’m bad____remembering faces.A.inB.atC.withD.on10.When you let go a balloon fixed with hydrogen,it will____.A.riseB.raiseC.be risenD.be raised11.Please open the letter and tell me what it____.A.speaksB.writesC.tellsD.says12.You____return the book now.You can keep it till next week if you like.A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.may not13.I don’t think that your watch is____.A.worthy the priceB.worth of the priceC.worth the priceD.worthy to buy14.“I don’t think I can walk any further.”“____.Let’s stop here for a rest.”A.Neither am IB.Neither can IC.I don’t think soD.I think so15.____,I’d have told you.A.If I would have known itB.If I had have known itC.Had I known itD.Should I know it16.When we were making a snowman,a snowball hit me____the nose.A.on rightB.right onC.on rightlyD.rightly on17.Everything depends on____we have enough time in fact.A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.when18.Parents____nearly four thousand yuan for the piano.A.costedC.spentD.paid19.I have no idea____far the library is from here.A.whatB.howC.it’sD.that20.Jane was angry____her.A.at his being laughed atB.him to be laughed atC.with his laughing atD.at his laughing at21.We bought the car for____$2,000;what a bargain!a.belowb.underc.aboved.over22.I no longer care____modern jazz.a.withb.aboutc.aboved.over23.We____on the shipping company for the recovery of the loss.a.declaredb.assertedc.claimedd.pronounced24.When I said some people are stupid,I wasn’t____you.a.referred tob.referredc.referring to referring25.He____his dollars into pounds sterling as soon as he arrived in London.a.exchangedb.becamec.turnedd.converted26.The new economic policy____every village in our country.a.appliesb.applies toc.applies ford.applies in27.He is been banned____driving for six months.a.fromb.toc.ind.for28.His bad behavior can hardly____.a.be dealt inb.be brought upc.be put up withd.be put off29.Teachers are in____in this area.a.askingb.requirementc.needingd.demand30.She____insurance business now.a.engages inb.is engaged inc.engages tod.is engaged to31.How are you getting along____your studies?a.overb.withc.ond.within32.The doctor will be free____.a.10minutes laterb.after10minutesc.in10minutesd.10minutes after33.____most students,she was always well prepared and never came to class late.a.Likeb.Asc.Ford.To34.There is a limit____my patience,the teacher growled.a.forb.onc.tod.of35.I don’t think the charge for overhauling the equipment is excessive in_____to itssize.a.correspondenceb.proportionc.dimensiond.measurement36.From the editorial we can gain a clear_____of the world’s thought.a.prospectiveb.perspectivec.prospectd.perspicacity37.The fact-finding committee made a thorough study of the causes of civil____.a.disordersb.rebelsc.confusionsd.dins38.He’ll accept the job____the salary is too low.a.ifb.becausec.whend.unless39.I____David for his help.a.obligated tob.am obligated toc.am obligatingd.obligate40.You really must leave me____what is possible and what isn’ta.decideb.decidingc.to decided.decided41.You____read that article if you don’t want to.a.haven’tb.can’tc.mustn’td.needn’t42.He____live in the country than in the city.a.prefersb.likes toc.had betterd.would rather43.What____do you usually cover for insurance?a.risksb.dangersc.damagesd.items44.The consignor shall not be responsible for any bad debts____out of credit sales.a.risingb.arisingc.arosed.risen45.She is____poor;in fact,she is quite rich.a.by all meansb.by means ofc.at all meansd.by no means46.According to the unified interpretation of the IMF,the international reserve should ____four form.pose ofb.be composed ofpose up ofd.be composing of47.While____around in the park,I saw some lovely flowers.a.walkb.walkedc.to walkd.walking48.They’ve always charged a tax____bottles of wine brought into the country.a.onb.inc.atd.to49.It is impossible to____all demands.a.satisfyingb.satisfactory withc.satisfy withd.satisfy50.Very soon,the ownership of the supermarket will____.a.change handb.change handsc.change to handd.change to hands51.Studying____most of a serious student’s time.a.engagesb.is engagedc.is engagingd.is engaged to52.His business____his assistant while he is away on vacation.a.will be trusted tob.will be entrusted toc.will be trusted withd.will be entrusted with53.Is Brown____the committee?No,he is not even____the club?a.in,onb.on,inc.in,ind.on,on54.Dick has vouched____you;he says he has known you for years.a.aboutb.onc.ford.around55.The meteorological office says there is little____of rain in the near future.a.perspectiveb.foresightc.prospectd.outlook56.Have you received____of what has happened to her?a.wordb.wordsc.the wordsd.the word57.He felt____of what has happened to her?a.relievedb.releasedc.reducedd.respected58.Facts____that the creative power of the people knows no limits.a.have becomeb.have provedc.have proofd.have been59.He disliked many of his teachers,and Miss Smith he liked____.a.mostb.morec.lessd.least60.Women____to live longer than men.a.areb.intendc.tendd.like61.She did not know____to sell the books or to keep them for reference.a.ifb.howc.whetherd.either62.Bronze is____of copper and tin.posedb.coinedc.consistedd.involved63.This incident in his childhood is never again____.a.referring tob.referringc.referredd.referred to64.He was always the first____and last to leave.ingb.to comeees65.whether the sports meeting will be held____on the weather.a.dependsb.dependentc.dependabled.independent.66.The students are all wearing the____suits.a.unitedb.unifiedc.unitd.unifying67.The methods____for measuring such things as distance,length and weight vary between different countries.a.to useingeed68.It is____complaining.a.not usefulb.no usec.no usefuld.not use69.The task will be finished ahead of____if nothing prevents.a.scheduleb.timec.pland.arrangement70.The building is____construction.a.onb.underc.ind.at71.If you keep on,you’ll succeed____.a.in timeb.at one timec.on timed.at the same time72.Did you have trouble____the post office?a.to have foundb.with findingc.to findd.in finding73.Did you manage to persuade him____the great danger of remaining in the country.a.ofb.toc.aboutd.over74.We all felt a bit of pity____the beggar.a.onb.withc.ofd.for75.These people who are____are most welcome to the politicians.a.credibleb.incrediblec.credulousd.believable76.Should teachers____the spirit of adventure into young people?a.confuseb.diffusec.effused.infuse77.All our efforts to persuade her to come and stay with us were of no____.a.resultb.availc.effectd.purpose78.The United States,____a highly industrialized nation with good natural resources, tends to export manufactured items and natural resources,such as coal.a.isb.beenc.beingd.to be79.It is generally agreed that organizations with effective managers will____be successful,whereas organizations with poor managers will____fail.a.unlikely,unlikelyb.likely,unlikelyc.unlikely,likelyd.likely,likely80.The transnational company____the orphanage a large sum of money last month.a.locatedb.dislocatedc.distributedd.allocated81.Advertising is to tell the public about the goods and services____are offered.a.whatb.whichc.whered.when82.As far as advertising is concerned,one should not think only in terms of a commercial on television,or an advertisement in the newspapers or____.a.booksb.radiosc.periodicalsd.movies83.The media sell____and space to carry the advertiser’s message to the target audience.a.goodsb.programsc.timed.articles84.I sometimes find it quite difficult to____with my father.a.speakb.sayc.tellmunicate85.If it____for the flood,we____a good harvest.a.had not been,would have hadb.was not,would have hadc.had not been,would haved.were not,would have had86.The noise of doors____could be heard out in the street.a.opened and closedb.to be opened and closedc.being opened and closedd.having been opened and closed87.The scope of coverage is basically the same as that____by the People’s Insurance Company of China.a.grantb.grantingc.grantedd.grants88.The three basic types of____in Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance are FPA,WP,and All Risks.a.coverageb.coveringc.coverd.covers89.The murderer never____his peace of mind.a.discoveredb.coveredc.recoveredd.uncovered90.She attributes her success____hard work and a bit of luck.a.tob.ofc.withd.in91.Every country in the world today must keep a certain size of gold and foreign exchange____.a.preserveb.preservationc.reservationd.reserve.92.Tax was____and state spending was____,resulting in a budget deficit.a.high,lowb.high,highc.low,lowd.low,high93.Please come here____.a.by no meansb.in all meansc.by meansd.by all means94.When____with countries speaking different languages,documents,advertising material,information leaflets and labels may need to be in a foreign language.a.to dealb.dealtc.deald.dealing95.It is no use____to sell diamonds to the people of a poor country.a.to tryb.tryc.tryingd.tried96.Have you get any information____this matter?a.concernb.concernedc.to concernd.concerning97.Water is____into steam in a boiler.a.becomingb.convertedc.convertingd.become98.There was a road accident and____he was late for the meeting.a.result inb.result fromc.as a resultd.as result99.Ocean freight is the most widely____form of transportation in international trade.a.to useedinge100.The cost of air service is high and the carrying capacity is quite limited,____ ocean freight.pared withparing withpared toparing to 101.----Believe it or not,Jack came out____first in100-metre race.----You mean____shortest boy runs____fastest.a.x;the;xb.the;the;thec.x;x;thed.the;the;x102.She left him,____never____foot in that house again.a.determined;to setb.being determined;to putc.determining;to setd.determined;place103.Once lost,____.a.it is said to get such a chance againb.one can never get such a chance againc.such a chance will never come againd.to get such a chance will be difficult104.----I’d like to go to the cinema with you,Dad.----Sorry,my darling,but the film is____for adult only.a.admittedb.intendedc.promisedd.permitted105.----What’s that building?----____the medical equipment is stored.a.That’s whereb.That’s the building whichc.The building thatd.There’s in which106.I just don’t understand____that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.a.why it doesb.what it doesc.what it isd.why it is107.My pain____obvious the moment I walked into the room,for the first man I met asked me pitifully,“Are you feeling all right?”a.must beb.must have beenc.could bed.could have been108.Who is____starting the bush fire?a.blameb.to blame forc.blamedd.blame for109.In warm weather fruit and meat____long.a.don’t keepb.can’t be keptc.are not keptd.are not keeping110.____Mr.Chen is waiting outside to speak to you.He appears to be quite____ impatient person.a.x;anb.A;anc.The;thed.The;x111.----Really,I don’t know____to join the army or to find a job after my graduation.----Why don’t you____your parents’advice?They will surely help you.a.if;takeb.whether;followc.if;gived.whether;seek112.Playing the violin well is not____so easy as you imagined,dear!You must get fully prepared against any difficulties,I say.a.entirelyb.nearlyc.almostpletely113.----How did you____French?----My experience helps a lot,in fact.I had lived in Paris with my aunt for2years before I came to England.a.pick outb.pick upc.set upd.set out114.Johnson had made up his mind to give it up,but on____second thought he was determined to try____third time.a.x;ab.x;xc.a;ad.the;a115.----Lend me some more money,will you?----Sorry,I’ve got____at hand myself.You know the MP3player cost me all I had just now.a.nothingb.noc.noned.not116.----____he come to seen you as he promised?----Of course,please.Any I’d rather he____me the truth.a.Will;informedb.Shall;toldc.Should;will telld.Can;covers 117.----You seem to have lost your way.____?----Yes.I’m looking for Wangfujing Street.a.What are you looking forb.Are you looking for somethingc.Need helpd.Where are you going118.It will cost a lot of time.____,I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful to us____.a.What’s more;sooner or laterb.As a result;now and thenc.At the same time;more or lessd.After all;here and there119.Yes.We have to say we are now facing unexpected difficulties ahead,but we firmly believe nothing can stop us from serving the people heart and soul,____? a.can it b.can’t it c.can they d.can’t they120.By the time I saw the angry expression on his face,I____exactly what I was having to face.But not for a moment____I should quit.a.had known;I thoughtb.have known;had I thoughtc.would know;I would thinkd.knew;did I think121.Higher temperatures turning the large ice sheet to water would cause____rise in sea levels worldwide and change____weather on earth.a.a;theb.the;xc.a;xd.x;the122.----Are you close to your uncle and aunt?----____.a.Yes,mostly on holiday.b.No,they are not all rightc.In fact,their house is some distance awayd.Not particularly123.----I’ll thank you____my affairs alone.----I will.It’s none of my business.a.leavingb.to leavec.for leavingd.not to leave124.----Do you know if the basketball game has started yet?----Started?It must be certain who____by now.a.is winningb.winsc.has wond.would win125.The women carrying babies,come in first,____?a.will youb.will theyc.don’t theyd.don’t you126.____,this kind of disease can do great harm to people there.a.Occurring whereb.It occurs where it isc.Where does it occurd.Where it occurs127.____,they had no chance of winning the war.a.They fought as bravelyb.As bravely they foughtc.Bravely as they foughtd.As they fought bravely128.Is that a book on farming?If so,I want to buy____.a.thisb.onec.itd.the one129.This is a disease that can result in total blindness____left untreated.a.afterb.ifc.sinced.unless130.----I haven’t seen you for ages.Where have you been?----I____on leave in Europe.a.have beenb.amc.wasd.had been131.____Mr.Morgan appears extremely cheerful in public,he is in fact leading a very unhappy life.a.Whileb.Whenc.Asd.Since132.They soon realized that,____,the situation would get worse.a.unless dealing with carefullyb.if not carefully dealing withc.unless carefully dealt withd.if dealt not carefully with133.It was in Indonesia,the UN officials believe,____the tsunamis caused the greatest damage.a.whereb.whichc.whend.that134.Mr.Brown doesn’t think that all bad languages should be allowed.In his opinion, there are____that should be kept up.a.degreesb.standardsc.levelsd.limits135.Peter’s not got another job and it’s not____he will for some time.a.easilyb.lonelyc.nearlyd.likely136.All but____going to spend the vacation in the country.a.him and I areb.I and he isc.him and me amd.he and I are137.All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully____the risks and benefits.a.valuingb.evaluatingc.weighingd.supposing138.____in a friendly way,their quarrel came to an end.a.Being settledb.Settledc.Having settledd.settling139.Arriving home at daybreak,John felt very tired.He____all night.a.was workingb.had been workingc.has workedd.would be working 140.----____.----That’s not necessary.I’m all for it.a.I came here especially for your opinion about my new play.b.I’d like to know your opinion about my new plan.141.____what sum shall we open the letter of credit?a.Tob.Atc.Underd.For142.We accept60day’s L/C____this deal.a.withb.forc.ind.at143.We are sure we will be able to double the annual____of your products.a.saleb.amountc.salesd.value144.Customers in Korea have a preference____natural plant type cosmetics.a.atb.forc.ind.to145.The warehouse stood____there had been a rock.a.whichb.wherec.whend.in the place146.I have never heard the song____in English.a.sungb.is singingc.singingd.sang147.____?A sample-book.a.For what did he askb.What did he ask forc.What did he askd.For what did he ask for148.What is the language____in Franc?a.spokenb.sayingc.talkedd.speaking149.They want the letter of credit____as soon as possible.a.to openb.to have been openedc.to be openedd.being opened150.Can you____to carry the suitcase by yourself?a.arrangeb.managec.offerd.prepare151.We ask him to advertise our goods but he will not____to it.a.acceptb.takec.agreed.allow152.It is____to everyone that practice makes perfect.a.trueb.clearc.cleand.aware153.When the teacher came in,I saw the students____from their seats.a.roseb.raisec.raisedd.rise154.She speaks too fast,____?a.is sheb.does shec.doesn’t shed.does not she155.My brother____at this school two years ago.a.studiedb.has studiedc.studyd.had studied156.I____to Wuhan many times since1990.a.wentb.have gonec.have beend.was157.Have you ever seen such____tall man?a.theb.anyc.ad.one158.The cloud made____for us to see the plane.a.no possibilityb.it impossiblec.impossibled.an impossibility159.We ran all the way to____the bus.a.takeb.getc.catchd.have160.Tom is____most interesting as a player.a.ab.somec.thed.veryⅡ.Cloze(完型填空语篇理解)OneJustices of the Peace receive no payment.Their reward is in the interest inherent in the work they do,in the sense of performing a public service and exercising power,and in the prestige attached to their position.They are not expected to have any specific qualifications other than soundness of character,nor any legal training or experience,though some courses are provided which they are obliged to follow,after being appointed.They are advised on points of law by their Clerk,who is a professional lawyer,but in deciding on punishments they do what seems best to them,though they are always expected to be guided by common sense,humanity and a recognition that all courts ought,as far as is practicable,to impose similar penalties in similar circumstances.When a court sits it must have at least two justices on it,and not more than seven.Justices take turns at attending to sit on the bench at their courts.太平绅士没有获得任何付款。



第二章体结构〃(/伙/)(1)立方晶系:aJ/" +1 +[2(2)正交晶系: 《材料科学基础》期末复习考试大纲第一章材料的结构与键合1、金属键、离子键、共价键、范德华力、氢键、分子键的特点,利用结合键解释材料的一些性能特点。

















5、晶面间距:d (hkl)的求法:(3 )六方晶系:4(h2 +hk+k2) (1}3 T丿(4 )四方晶系:[J(/?2+^2)/t72+(//c)2以上公式仅适用于简单晶复杂晶胞要考虑其晶面层数的增加。



跨文化交际课程期末考题型和分值分布课堂讲义材料内容占期末卷面3/4以上,其他1/4为讲义外部分题型:1.名词解释(5个) (20%)(手写)2.填空(16题) (16%)(选词填空形式,有干扰项)3.判断正误(16题) (16%)(填T or F)4.例子分析(4个) (32%)(手写)5.简答(3题)(16% 5%+5%+6% )(手写)跨文化交际课程期末考试大纲Chapter 1 Basic Concept名词解释:1. Culture (Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs,…. group of people.) (see P3)2. Intercultural communication ( In its most general sense, intercultural communication …. a member of another culture. (P15)3. Power distance4. Individualism5. Collectivism6. Femininity7. Masculinity问题:1. Introduce the seven characteristics of culture.(culture is shared/learned/symbolic/integrated/dynamic/ethnocentric/adaptive)2. What is cultural fish?3. What is cultural iceberg?4. What are the three styles of communication?5. What are the five main barriers in intercultural communication?6. What are the four primary dimensions for differentiating cultures?7. Explain cultural differences between eastern and western countries.了解:The differences between large and small power distances.Characteristics of individualistic and collectivist cultures.Characteristics of masculine and feminine cultures.练习:阅读后练习。


































二、考试范围本次考试内容包括以下方面的知识和能力:1. 物理基础知识:包括物质的性质和变化、运动与力、热学、电学等方面的基本概念和原理。

2. 物理实验技能:学生需要了解基本的物理实验操作方法,能够进行简单的实验观察和数据处理。

3. 知识应用能力:学生需要能够将所学的物理知识应用到实际问题的解决中,例如机械原理的应用、电路的分析和计算等。

4. 实践创新能力:鼓励学生进行实际探究性学习和实践活动,培养学生的观察、思考和动手实践能力。

5. 模型建立和解决问题能力:培养学生从实际问题出发,建立物理模型,并能够运用所学知识解决问题的能力。

三、考试形式1. 选择题:共40道选择题,每题2分,涵盖了物理基础知识的各个方面。


2. 填空题:共10个填空题,每题3分,测试学生对物理概念和计算公式的理解和掌握程度。


3. 解答题:共4道解答题,每题10分,要求学生能够运用所学的物理知识,结合具体问题进行分析和解答。


4. 实验题:共2道实验题,每题15分,通过实验观察和数据处理,要求学生能够运用所学的物理实验技能解决问题。


四、考试要点1. 对于选择题,学生需要仔细阅读题目,确保理解清楚题意后再选择答案。


2. 对于填空题,学生需要熟练掌握各个物理概念和计算公式,注意填写单位和保留合适的有效数字。

3. 对于解答题,学生要注意系统性的进行思考和分析,合理组织答题结构,清晰表达自己的解题思路和方法。




























































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