Chickpea, a Common Source of
Effects of water supply on field performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
International journal of Agronomy and Plant Production. Vol., 4 (1),94-97, 2013Available online at ISSN 2051-1914 ©2013 VictorQuest PublicationsEffects of water supply on field performance of chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)cultivarsKazem Ghassemi-Golezani*, Saeid Ghassemi and Ali BandehhaghDepartment of Plant Eco-Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran;*Corresponding Author Email:golezani@AbstractIn order to investigate the effects of water supply (I1, I2, I3 and I4: irrigation after 70, 100,130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan, respectively) on yield and yieldcomponents of three chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)cultivars (Azad, Arman and Jame), asplit plot experiment (using randomized complete block design) with three replicationswas conducted in 2012.Pods per plant, grains per plant, 100 grains weight, biologicalyield, grain yield and harvest index decreased with decreasing water supply. Azad was asuperior cultivar in grains per pod, 100 grain weight, plant biomass, grain yield andharvest index, compared with Arman and Jam. The superiority of Azad in grain yield wasmore evident under normal irrigation conditions.Differences between Arman and Jam ingrains per pod, 100 grains weight and biological yield were not significant. Therefore,yield and yield components of chickpea can be reduced under water stress, dependingon the severity of stress and cultivar.Keywords:Chickpea, Grain yield, Plant biomass, Water stressIntroductionChickpea is an important grain legume in the world and constitutes 20% of the pulses production (FAO, 2004).It is traditionally cultivated in marginal areas (Rao et al., 2002) and grown in semi-arid regions(Labidi et al., 2009).Major producing countries include India, Pakistan and Iran (FAO, 2010).Drought is a major abiotic stress that severely affects food production world-wide. It was reported that water deficit results in nearly 50% of the variation in chickpea production caused by both biotic and abiotic stress factors (Saxena, 1987).Water deficit is an important factor limiting growth and productivity of the crops in a large part of the agricultural areas in the world (Borsani, et al., 200; Micheletto, et al., 2007).Drought stress is a serious problem in Iran, because rainfalls are poorly distributed over the growing season and stop before plant growth completion and chickpea is traditionally planted towards the end of the rainy season and generally grown on progressively declining soil moisture residual and increasing temperature (Ganjeali et al., 2011).Photosynthesis and cell growth are the primary processes which are affected by water stress (Munns et al., 2006).The flowering and pod setting stages appear to be the most sensitive stages to drought (Nayyar et al., 2006). Water stress during flowering and grain filling caused 50-80% reductions in grain yield due to restrictions in photosynthesis (Leport et al., 1999). Chickpea is more sensitive to water stress during reproductive stages and consequently experiences substantial yield loss (Turner et al., 2001; Nayyar et al., 2005). Water limitation at these stages leads to flower abortion, poor pod set and formation of infertile pods (Davies et al., 1999).The effect of drought stress on growth and yield depends on function of genotype, duration of stress, weather conditions, growth and developmental stages of crops (Robertson and Holland, 2004). Moderate to high drought stress reduced plant biomass, number of pods and seeds, days to maturity, harvest index,grain yield and grain weight in common bean (Ghassemi-Golezani and Mardfar, 2008), soybean (Demirtas et al., 2010) and pinto bean (Ghassemi-Golezani et al., 2010). Mensah et al. (2006) and Hong et al.(1985) reported that drought stress resulted in stunted growth and reduced grain yield of sesame(Sesamum indicum L.).This research was carried out to evaluate the extent of the effects of water limitation on yield and yield components of three chickpea cultivars.Materials and MethodsThis research was conducted in 2012 at the Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran (Latitude 38° 05ʹN, Longitude 46° 17ʹE, Altitude 1360 m above sea level)to evaluate effects of water supply (I1, I2, I3 and I4: irrigation after 70, 100, 130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan, respectively) on yield and yield components of three chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)cultivars (Azad, Arman and Jam).The climate is characterized by mean annual precipitation of 245.75 mm per year and mean annual temperature of 10°C.The experiment was arranged as split plot on the basis of randomized complete block design in three replicates, with the irrigation treatment (I1, I2, I3 and I4:irrigation after 70, 100,130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan, respectively) in main plots and chickpea cultivars (Azad, Arman and Jam) in sub plots. Each plot had 6 rows of 5m length, spaced 25 cm apart. Seeds were treated with Benomyl at a rate of 2 g/kg before sowing. The seeds were then sown by hand on 14 May 2012 in 4 cm depth of a sandy-loam soil. All plots were irrigated immediately after sowing, but subsequent irrigations were carried out according to the treatments. Weeds were controlled by hand during crop growth and development as required.At maturity, 10 plants from each plot were harvested and pods per plant, grains per pod,grains per plant, 100 grain weight, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index were determined.Analysis of variance appropriate to the experimental design was conducted, using MSTATC software. Means of each trait were compared according to Duncan multiple range test at p≤0.05. Excel software was used to draw figures.Results and DiscussionAnalyses of variance of the data for grain yield, yield components and harvest index showed that pods per plant, grains per plant, 100 grain weight, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index were significantly affected by irrigation and cultivar. Grains per pod did not differ significantly among irrigation treatments, but it was significantly varied among cultivars. The interaction of irrigation × cultivar was only significant for grain yield per unit area (Table 1).Table 1. Analyses of variance of the data for grain yield, yield components and harvest indexof chickpea cultivars under different irrigation treatmentsSource df Pods perplantGrainsper podGrains perplant100 GrainsweightBiologicalyieldGrain yieldHarvestindexReplication286.3700.225660.72320.4395865.551026.493 3.925 Irrigation(I)3254.261**0.124ns231.464*105.131*13471.779**19961.108**378.155** Ea625.6850.25746.06516.3461358.922116.758 6.634 Cultivar(C)2650.138**0.876**252.361**41.922**12583.496**8428.530**46.374** I*C611.652ns0.051ns14.775ns8.790ns256.444ns215.456* 1.716nsEb1615.0510.0397.182 3.738600.33276.914 1.771CV%12.3614.229.197.42 5.22 3.65 2.62*,** Significant at p≤0.05 and p≤0.01, respectivelyPods per plant, grains per plant, 100 grains weight, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index decreased with decreasing water supply (Table 2). Similar result in chickpea was report by Ghassemi-Golezani et al. (2012).Reduction in grain number was due to a decrease in pod formation and an increase in pod abortion (Fang et al., 2009; Ghassemi-Golezani et al.,2012). Irrigation disruption at pod filling can decrease grain filling duration (Ghassemi-Golezani et al., 2009) and photosynthate mobilization to grains, thereby decreasing grain weight (Sadeghipour, 2008).Decreasing grain yield per unit area due to water deficit was attributed to reductions in pods and grains per plant, biological yield and 100 grain weight (Table 2).These results confirm previous field studies with chickpea that water deficit reduces biological and grain yields (Behboudian et al., 2001;Ghassemi-Golezani et al., 2008;Bahavar et al., 2009; Niari-Khamssi et al., 2010, 2011).Silvius et al. (1977) stated that the effects of water stress on soybean yield appeared to be related to limited availability of photosynthate and nitrogen for translocation to developing seed.Azad was a superior cultivar in grains per pod,100 grain weight, plant biomass, grain yield and harvest index, compared with Arman and Jam (Table 2).Azad produced less, but larger grains,leading to higher grain yield per unit area under all irrigation treatments. The superiority of Azad in grain yield was more evident under well-watering than under limited irrigation conditions (Figure 1).Differences between Arman and Jam in grains per pod, 100grains weight and biological yield were not significant.Grains per pod only varied among cultivars and water stress had no significant effect on this trait (Table 2). Therefore,environmental factors had little effect on grains per pod and it is mainly influenced by genotypes. Similar result was reported by Ghassemi-Golezani et al. (2012) for chickpea.Table 2. Means of the grain yield, yield components and harvest index of chickpeafor irrigation treatments and cultivarsTreatment Pods per Plant Grains per pod Grains per plant 100 Grains weight (g)Biologicalyield (g m -2)Grain yield(g m -2)Harvest Index (%)IrrigationI 137.61a1.530a35.04a29.04a518.4a286.2a55.16aI 233.76ab1.499a31.33ab28.37a475.4b258.7b54.36aI 328.36bc1.319a26.81b25.16ab459.3bc240.5c52.36aI 425.80c1.288a23.48b21.59b425.2c175.4d41.21bCultivars Azad 24.26c 1.583a 24.26c 28.18a506.6a 270.3a 52.94a Arman 38.96a1.122b33.34a24.73b446.3b220.3c49.10cJam30.92b1.254b29.90b25.21b456b 230.1b50.28bDifferent letters in each column indicate significant difference at P I 1, I 2, I 3, I 4: Irrigation after 70, 100, 130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan,respectively.a b c g cd ef f h cdefh50100150200250300350400I1I2I3I4G r a i n y i e l d (g )Irrigation levelsAzadArmanFigure 1.Mean grain yield of chickpea cultivars under different irrigation treatmentI 1, I 2, I 3, I 4: Irrigation after 70, 100, 130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan,respectivelyConclusionWater limitation reduces grain yield in chickpea cultivars due to reductions in grains per plant and grain weight.Pods per plant, grains per plant, 100 grains weight, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index of chickpea can be reduced under water stress, depending on the severity of stress and cultivar. Azad is a high yielding cultivar under all irrigation treatments.ReferencesBahavar N, Ebadi A, Tobeh A, Jamaati-E-Somarin S. 2009. Effects of mineral nitrogen on water useefficiency of chickpea (cicer arietinum L.) under water deficit condition. Res J Environ Sci. 3: 332-338.Behboudian MH, Ma Q, Turner NC, Palta JA. 2001. Reactions of chickpea to water stress: Yield and seedcomposition. J Sci Food Agric. 81: 1228-1291.Borsani O, Valpuesta V, Botella MA. 2001. Evidence for a role of salicylic acid in the oxidative damagegenerate by NaCl and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis seedling.Plant Physiol. 126: 1024-1030.Davies SL, Turner NC, Siddique KHM, Plummer JA, Leport L. 1999. Seed growth of desi and kabulichickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in a short-season Mediterranean-type environment. Aust J Exp Agric.39:181-88.Demirtas C, Yazagan S, Candon BN, Sincik M, Buyukcangaz H, Goksoy T. 2010. Quality and yield responseof soybean (Glycine max L.) to drought stress in sub–humid environment. 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小学上册英语第一单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ocean is a source of ______ for many organisms.2.In a chemical equation, the products are shown on the _____ side.3.They are having a ______ (party) this weekend.4.The cat is very _______ (可爱).5.What do we call a person who is trained to help sick people?A. NurseB. DoctorC. ParamedicD. All of the above6.My sister loves to watch ______ (鸟) in the garden.7.What is the name of the famous music festival held in California?A. CoachellaB. LollapaloozaC. BonnarooD. GlastonburyA Coachella8.The ______ is very cold. (water)9.The _______ of a balloon can change when it is heated.10.What do we call the science of numbers?A. ChemistryB. PhysicsC. MathematicsD. BiologyC11.My sister is good at __________ (跳舞).12.The ancient Greeks are famous for their _______ and philosophy.13.What is the name of the toy that can spin?A. Yo-yoB. KiteC. BallD. PuzzleA Yo-yo14.The chemical symbol for arsenic is _______.15. A reaction that absorbs heat is called an ______ reaction.16.can Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ________ (理念). The Amer17.Which body part do you use to hear?A. EyesB. NoseC. EarsD. MouthC18.I like to ______ my friends' birthdays. (celebrate)19.My cat enjoys climbing up on ______ (家具).20.My cat has sharp ______ (爪子).21.The country of Italy is shaped like a __________.22.The ancient Greeks established the concept of ________ (民主).23.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. VenusD. JupiterB24.The __________ (绿色空间) is essential for health.25.We will have _____ (fun/work) at the fair.26.The ______ (植物的生长速度) can vary based on conditions.27.Have you ever seen a _____ (考拉) in Australia?28.What is a common animal found on a farm?A. TigerB. PigC. ElephantD. LionB29.How do you say "mountain" in Spanish?A. MontañaB. MontC. MontagneD. Moutain30.I see a _____ (car/bike) on the road.31.The country known for its fashion is ________ (以时尚闻名的国家是________).32.The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a permanent ______.33.I wear _____ (shoes/socks) to school.34.The ______ helps with the detection of temperature changes.35.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. ZebraD. KangarooB36.The chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is _______.37.The solid part of a solution after filtration is called ______.38. A _____ (生态平衡) is essential for a healthy environment.39.ts are __________ (有毒的) and should be handled carefully. Some pla40.I found a _______ (小蛇) in the grass.41.My brother loves to play __________. (篮球)42.What do we call a young kangaroo?A. CalfB. JoeyC. KidD. Pup43. A chemical change can result in a change in ______.44.The _____ (园艺技巧) can enhance your gardening skills.45.The process of making sugar involves _______.46.What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. BergenC. StavangerD. Trondheim47.In the garden, we have many ________ (树) and flowers that attract ________ (蜜蜂).48.ts can survive in very ______ (干燥) conditions. Some pla49.The main components of air are nitrogen and _____.50.My favorite season is ______ (春天) because of the flowers.51.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Grapes of Wrath"?A. John SteinbeckB. Ernest HemingwayC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. Mark Twain52.The _____ (植物繁荣) occurs in favorable conditions.53.What is the capital of Norway?A. CopenhagenB. StockholmC. OsloD. HelsinkiC54.Liquids have a definite __________ but no fixed shape.55.The chemical formula for glucose is ________.56. A ______ (温暖的天气) encourages plant growth.57.The party is at my ________.58. A frog's tongue is fast and ______ (黏).59.My uncle is a ______. He works with computers.60.I love to explore ________ (国家公园) during vacations.61.He is ___ his homework. (finishing)62.The ______ is important for clean air.63.The book is ________ and interesting.64.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Eiffel TowerC. Leaning Tower of PisaD. Burj Khalifa65.I like to __________ (动词) with my __________ (玩具名) after school.66.The ______ (老虎) has stripes and is very powerful.67. A thunderstorm can be very ______ (可怕).68.We are going to ___ dinner. (eat)69.The __________ were fierce warriors from Scandinavia. (维京人)70.The antelope is quick on its ____.71.What do we call a type of poetry that tells a story?A. LyricB. EpicC. OdeD. Sonnet72.I like to ______ my grandparents during holidays. (visit)73.Wildflowers grow without ______ (照顾).74.The bird builds a nest in the _______ (鸟在_______中筑巢).75.I like _______ (观察) the stars at night.76.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru?A. TenochtitlanB. Machu PicchuC. PetraD. Angkor WatB77.What do you call a group of stars?A. GalaxyB. UniverseC. ConstellationD. Solar SystemC78.The first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic was _______ Earhart.79.My teacher is _______ (友好的).80.The ____ is known for its incredible speed and agility.81.My dad enjoys fixing ____ (electronics).82. A telescope makes distant objects appear ______.83.The movie was ______ (really) entertaining.84.What is the longest river in the world?A. NileB. AmazonC. MississippiD. Yangtze85.What is the main ingredient in hummus?A. BeanB. ChickpeaC. LentilD. PeaB86.He is very _____ (善于沟通) in meetings.87. A chemical reaction that absorbs heat is called _______.88.What is the main purpose of the Hubble Space Telescope?A. To study the EarthB. To study the MoonC. To observe distant galaxiesD. To communicate with aliens89.The main use of sulfuric acid is in _____.90.My mom loves to _______ (动词) to relax. 她觉得这个很 _______ (形容词).91.The ancient Romans believed in many _______. (神灵)92.What do you call the action of preparing food for a meal?A. CookingB. BakingC. RoastingD. GrillingA93.What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?A. Santo DomingoB. SantiagoC. Puerto PlataD. La RomanaA94.My cousin is very __________ (活跃的) in school clubs.95.The __________ (历史的多样性) highlights richness.96.My brother loves to play ____.97.My favorite food is ________ (意大利面) with sauce.98.What is the weather like when it rains?A. DryB. WetC. SunnyD. ColdB99.The cake is _____ with candles. (decorated)100.The __________ can reveal patterns in sedimentation and erosion over time.。
Gathering Fruit - Fruit trees bear fruit after a certain period of time. In this activity, students learn how to safely
gather fruit from the trees without damaging them.
03 Activities on the farm
Planting Rice - Rice is a staple food crop in many countries. In this activity, students role-play planting rice by hand, following the steps of tilling the land, sowing the seedlings, and watering them regularly.
Pigs are omnivorous animals that are raised for their meat. They are known for their intelligence and cleanliness.
Pigs have a strong sense of smell and taste, which they use to find food. They also have good hearing and eyesight, which help them to spot predators.
Milking Cow - Milk is a valuable source of nutrition. In this activity, students learn how to milk a cow using a milking machine and also understand the importance of cleanliness and hygiene while milking.
Aphanomyces euteiches——加拿大豌豆生产的严重威胁
ResearchCrop Genetics and Breeding—ReviewAphanomyces euteiches :A Threat to Canadian Field PeaProductionLongfei Wu a ,Kan-Fa Chang b ,Robert L.Conner c ,Stephen Strelkov a ,Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman b ,Sheau-Fang Hwang b ,⇑,David Feindel baDepartment of Agricultural,Food and Nutritional Science,University of Alberta,Edmonton,AB T6G 2P5,Canada bCrop Diversification Center North,Alberta Agriculture and Forestry,Edmonton,AB T5Y 6H3,Canada cAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada,Morden Research and Development Centre,Morden,MB R6M 1Y5,Canadaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 2February 2018Revised 2May 2018Accepted 8June 2018Available online 17July 2018Keywords:Field peaAphanomyces euteiches Root rotPathogenicity variability Quantitative trait locia b s t r a c tField pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense L.) is an important legume crop around the world. It produces grains with high protein content and can improve the amount of available nitrogen in the soil. Aphanomyces root rot (ARR), caused by the soil-borne oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches D rechs. (A. euteiches ), is a major threat to pea production in many pea-growing regions including Canada; it can cause severe root damage, wilting, and considerable yield losses under wet soil conditions. Traditional disease manage-ment strategies, such as crop rotations and seed treatments, cannot fully prevent ARR under conditions conducive for the disease, due to the longevity of the pathogen oospores, which can infect field pea plants at any growth stage. The development of pea cultivars with partial resistance or tolerance to ARR may be a promising approach to analyze the variability and physiologic specialization of A. euteiches in field pea and to improve the management of this disease. As such, the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance is essential to field pea-breeding programs. In this paper, the pathogenic characteristics of A. euteiches are reviewed along with various ARR management strategies and the QTL associated with partial resistance to ARR.Ó 2018 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press Limited Company. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license1.IntroductionField pea (Pisum sativum var.arvense L.),along with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.),faba bean (Vicia faba L.),soybean (Gly-cine max (L.)Merr.),chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.),and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.),belongs to the family Fabaceae.The interaction between pea and Rhizobium bacteria leads to the formation of root nodules,which enable pea roots to fix nitrogen directly from the atmosphere,thereby benefiting production of the pea and subse-quent crops.Pea seeds have a high protein content,are rich in starch,dietary fiber,vitamins,minerals,and polyphenols,and provide a protein-rich food source for both humans and livestock [1].Garden peas are processed for canning or freezing by the food industry,while field pea is one of the most widely cultivated crops for human consumption and livestock feed on the Canadian Prairies,with an export market value of 1.2billion CAD in 2016[2].World grain pea production peaked in 1990at 1.66Â107t;by 2014,it had decreased by 5.5Â106t due to a reduction in pea cultivation in Europe [3,4].Since then,European pea cultivation has once again increased as a result of new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)greening measures [5].Pea cultivation was introduced to Canada more than a century ago [6],first in limited areas in East-ern Canada in the late 1800s.In 1985,there were only 8.05Â104hm 2of field peas seeded in Canada.There was a significant increase in pea cultivation in North America (i.e.,Canada and the United States)starting in the 1990s.Because of its adaptation to cool climates and its nutritional value for human and livestock consumption,field pea has become increasingly popular as a cash crop to meet demand for the export market in Canada.By 2014,Canada had become the largest field pea producer in the world,which now accounts for 21%of global production [4].At present,Aphanomyces root rot (ARR)is one of the major limitations to pea production worldwide.This disease is caused by Aphanomyces euteiches Drechs.(A.euteiches ),which is distin-guished from most other soil-borne pathogens by the formation of thick-walled oospores [7].It can cause severe root damage at all growth stages of its host.The longevity of A.euteiches oospores,⇑Corresponding author.E-mail (S.-F.Hwang).combined with the absence of fully resistant pea genotypes, makes the management of ARR difficult.This review describes pathogenic variability in A.euteiches,and the application of tradi-tional management strategies and partial resistance to control ARR infield pea.Pea root rot complex(PRRC)has been reported to be a serious problem infield pea production in Canada[8]and worldwide[9]. When root rot is severe,yield reduction can be as high as70% [10,11].A number of soil-borne pathogens have been reported to be involved in PRRC,including A.euteiches,Fusarium spp., Pythium spp.,Phytophthora spp.,and Rhizoctonia solani Kühn [12–15].Fusarium solani(Mart.)Sacc.(F.solani)was the most common causal agent of pea root rot worldwide[16].In addition to Fusarium spp.,A.euteiches has been reported to occur in certain countries in North America and Europe,as well as in Japan,Aus-tralia,and New Zealand[17].Yield losses due to infection by Pythium ultimum and A.euteiches were reported in the United States[18,19].An estimated loss of2.4Â104t offield pea caused by PRRC occurred in Southern Ontario in1983[10].F.avenaceum (Corda ex.Fr.)Sacc.was reported to be the main cause of Fusarium root rot in pea crops in Alberta and Manitoba,account-ing for as much as80%of the isolates collected fromfield samples [20,21].Hwang and Chang[22]reported that PRRC was prevalent in the Canadian province of Alberta.Tu[23]noted that the amount of damage tofield pea caused by Fusarium influ-enced by soil compaction,temperature,and moisture levels, which may also impact the relative prevalence of F.solani[16] and F.avenaceum[20].Infection by PRRC is associated with seed decay,damping-off, seedling blight,root rot,and wilt;however,the identity of the causal organisms cannot be determined solely by examining the symptoms[24].This increases the difficulty of predicting and controlling pea root rot in western Canada and elsewhere.Direct invasion of the seeds by any of the fungi involved in the PRRC complex,but most often by Pythium spp.,is usually the cause of seed decay[25,26],which results in a soft,mushy appearance of the seeds and in their rapid deterioration.Damping-off and seedling blight reduce seedling emergence and plant density, limit pea growth,delay canopy closure,and therefore increase weed competition.All of these factors may cause yield reductions [27].Root rot also restricts the transport of water and nutrients in infected roots,and reduces canopy density and the uniformity of crop maturity[28].Root rot may also destroy rhizobial nodules,leading to a reduction in nitrogenfixation in the roots[29].2.ARR caused by A.euteichesA.euteiches belongs to the class Oomycota(oomycetes),which comprises a large group of eukaryotes that includes the most diverse,important,and earliest-known water molds[30].Oomy-cetes resemble fungi in morphology(i.e.,mycelial growth)and many are parasitic.Unlike true fungi,oomycetes produce motile, biflagellate zoospores[30,31].Cytological and biochemical studies indicate additional differences that distinguish oomycetes from fungi[32–34].At the vegetative stage,the mycelia of oomycetes consist of a coenocytic thallus that remains diploid[33](Fig.1 (a)).The formation of haploid nuclei only occurs through meiosis for gamete formation.At this stage,fungal thalli produce septate cells,each of which carry one haploid nucleus.In addition,in con-trast to fungal cell walls,which are composed mainly of chitin (acetylglucosamine polymers),along with glucans,polysaccha-rides,mucopolysaccharides,waxes,and pigments,the cell walls of oomycetes contain cellulose,b-glucans and hydroxyproline, but no chitin[35].The genus Aphanomyces includes a number of water molds that are saprophytes or parasites offish,crayfish,and plants[36].There are about40described species of Aphanomyces[37].Most have a wide range of hosts belonging to different families,although there are a few exceptions such as A.cochlioides Drechs.,which only affects sugar beet(Beta vulgaris L.)[37]and A.iridis Ichitani et Tak.Kodama,which only affects iris(Iris spp.)[36].Although A. euteiches has a broad host range within the family Fabaceae,it causes the greatest economic damage to pea and lentil crops [38–40].This parasite has been isolated from pea,alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.),snap and red kidney bean(Proteus vulgaris L.),faba bean, red clover(Trifolium pratense L.),white clover(Trifolium repens L.), lentil,and several weed species[38,41].Nevertheless,its occur-rence and degree of pathogenicity may differ from one host to another.Pea-infecting strains and alfalfa-infecting strains of A. euteiches from the United States and France have been identified, and some strains can infect both pea and alfalfa[39,42,43].Papavi-zas and Ayers[38]reported that infection by A.euteiches caused large economic losses in pea and alfalfa crops in North America and Europe.The wide host range of A.euteiches,combined with its long-lived oospores,makes the management of ARR with crop rotation difficult.Since it wasfirst described by Jones and Drechsler[44]and extensively reviewed by Papavizas and Ayers[38], A.euteiches has been considered to be one of the most damaging soil-borne pathogens of legumes.At present,A.euteiches has been reported in all of the main pea cultivation regions of the world[17].In France,it affects pea crops in the northern regions of the country [41].In North America,it causes severe yield losses in the Great Lakes region in both Canada and the United States,as well as in the Northeastern[25]and the Pacific Northwest[45]regions of the United States.A high incidence and severity of pea root rot caused by A.euteiches was recently reported in Alberta[46].Yield losses caused by this parasite can be as high as86%in heavily infested peafields[47].2.1.Favorable conditionsSymptoms of ARR can develop within7–14days afterfirst infection,depending on soil moisture,temperature,and the concentration of oospores[38,47].High inoculum densities of A.euteiches increase the incidence and severity of ARR.Chan and Close[7]observed a positive correlation between the num-ber of oospores per100g of soil and root rot severity.Oospores can form germ tubes,which directly penetrate the cortex of the pea roots.Soil moisture levels influence the formation of sporangia and the release of zoospores,and allow theflagellated zoospores to travel to the plant roots in the moisturefilms sur-rounding soil particles[48,49].Zoospore infection also facilitates the leakage of metabolites from pea roots[50],which stimulates the germination of oospores and attracts more zoospores[9]. High rainfall favors ARR outbreaks,and only a short period is required for the completion of the infection process by A.euteiches[25].The minimum level of soil moisture needed for the initiation of ARR is about30%of the water-holding capacity of the soil[51,52].ARR may occur over the same wide soil-temperature range that is conducive for pea growth[25];however,the optimal tempera-tures for infection are about16°C,and20–28°C for disease devel-opment[53,54].High temperatures may accelerate pea root decay following infection by A.euteiches,since severe infection further limits water and nutrient movement withinfield peas[55].Gaulin et al.[56]reported that A.euteiches can infect legume hosts at any growth stage,while others have suggested that infection occurs most commonly at the seedling stage[57,58].L.Wu et al./Engineering4(2018)542–5515432.2.Life-cycle of A.euteichesThe life-cycle of A.euteiches includes both asexual and sexual stages,which allow for its efficient dissemination via zoospores and its survival as oospores during harsh winter conditions [41].The oospores are 18–25l m in diameter,have a thick protective wall,and contain energy reserves in the form of a large oil globule [9,38].They can survive in the soil for over ten years [47]and may be spread over long distances by the transportation of infested soil and/or infected plant residue [38].When adjacent to pea roots,the oospores germinate under con-ducive temperature and moisture conditions,and form either a mycelium or a zoosporangium.The zoosporangium,which forms as long tubes on the oospores,may release a large number of zoos-pores [59].The biflagellate motile zoospores are attracted to a suit-able host by chemical signals in the root exudates [60],and encyst within minutes on the rhizoplane (Fig.1(a)).The resulting cysts germinate and penetrate the host cortical cells within hours [38].Once an infection site has been established,coenocytic hyphae develop rapidly in the intercellular spaces of the host root tissue and the pathogen spreads from the roots to the stem (hypocotyls and epicotyls),eventually colonizing the entire root system.The infected roots become soft and water-soaked,and take on a honey-brown or blackish-brown coloration,which turns orange-brown or blackish-brown during the later stages of disease devel-opment (Fig.2(b)and (c)).Within a few days of infection,A.euteiches may enter its sexual stage with the formation and fusion of haploid antheridia and oogonia [59](Fig.1(a)and (d)).Subsequently,thick-walled oos-pores are formed,which ensure the long-term survival of the pathogen and serve as the primary source of inoculum for new infections in subsequent years [61](Fig.1(e)).The parasite may progress from first infection of the roots to formation of oospores in as few as 10–14days [62].The translocation of water and nutrients within infected plants can be restricted by severe root rot [63](Fig.2(a)and (f)).Infectedplants may become stunted during the early growth stages and then start to wilt,resulting in premature death [64](Fig.2(d)).Moreover,ARR may severely delay pea maturity,reduce pod size and seed number,and decrease seed quality [64](Fig.2(e)and (g)).2.3.Variability and physiological specialization in A.euteiches Information on pathogenic variability and physiologic speciali-zation in A.euteiches is limited.Given the absence of completely resistant or immune pea genotypes,it is difficult to create a differ-ential set to distinguish races,and the races identified by the limited differential genotypes may exhibit atypism [38].Nonethe-less,differences among isolates have been detected based on zoos-pore and oospore size,the time required for sporulation and the ability to produce zoospores,growth rate on culture media,and the production of pectinolytic and cellulolytic enzymes [38].Physiological specialization in A.euteiches was first examined by King and Bissonnette [65],who indicated that isolates of the parasite differed in their virulence patterns on various pea culti-vars in Minnesota.Carlson [55]tested ten isolates of A.euteiches ,which were isolated from infested soil from Minnesota,New York,and Wisconsin,by inoculating the root tips of tolerant and suscep-tible pea cultivars,and reported considerable differences in the ability of the isolates to infect plants and produce oospores.Vari-able virulence and growth characteristics on culture media were also observed among seven single-zoospore isolates obtained from germinated oospores [48].Beute and Lockwood [66]inoculated six differential cultivars with 15A.euteiches single-zoospore isolates,and identified two races based on their virulence on those pea cul-tivars (Table 1)[66–70].The two races displayed a different disease reaction pattern on the six pea cultivars,based on disease severity.Employing the same differentials as Beute and Lockwood [66],Sundheim and Wiggen [67]confirmed the existence of four physiological races of A.euteiches in a collection of 14isolates from four counties in Norway.Sundheim and Wiggen [67]evaluated resistance by counting the number of dead plants ten daysafterFig.1.Structures of A.euteiches .(a)Coenocytic hyphae with no septa;(b)encysted zoospore losing both flagella;(c)oogonium of A.euteiches ;(d)antheridium and oogonium of A.euteiches during the sexual stage;(e)thick-walled oospore for survival in unfavorable conditions.544L.Wu et al./Engineering 4(2018)542–551inoculation.The method of race identification described by Sund-heim and Wiggen [67]was questioned by Manning and Menzies [68],who suggested that the irreversibly wilted plants 10d after inoculation could not fully reflect the virulence spectrum of A.euteiches.The inconsistencies between these studies underscore the difficulties associated with race identification in A.euteiches .Malvick and Percich [69]developed a new differential set (con-sisting of the pea genotypes MN313,MN314,90-2079,WI-8904,Little Marvel,Saranac,and Early Gallatin)to evaluate pathogenic diversity among 114A.euteiches isolates from the United States (Table 1),and also examined genetic variation via random ampli-fied polymorphic DNA (RAPD)analysis.All isolates were patho-genic on one or more pea cultivars,and 18%and 14%were pathogenic on alfalfa (Saranac)and bean (Early Gallatin),respec-tively.Malvick and Percich [71]concluded that A.euteiches popula-tions were genotypically (based on the RAPD analysis)and phenotypically variable in the central and western United States.In a subsequent study,four virulence groups were identified,in which a disease severity of greater than 3.0(i.e.,>90%of the roots brown or yellow,but no symptoms present on the epicotyl or hypocotyl)was used as the threshold for a clear pathogenic inter-action [72].Fig.2.Symptoms of pea ARR caused by A.euteiches.(a)Yellowing and stunting of pea stems in the field;(b)comparison of healthy (left)and diseased (right)plants;(c)discoloration and water-soaking of diseased pea rootlets;(d)wilted pea plants in the field near harvest;(e)comparison of healthy (left)and diseased (right)pods;(f)Seedling blight in a low area of a field after heavy rainfall;(g)bleaching of leaflets and premature ripening of the pod.Table 1Studies on pathogenic variability and physiological specialization in A.euteiches isolates from pea using various sets of differential pea genotypes.MethodDifferential genotypesIdentified race/virulence type Isolate region Ref.Race identification Miragreen;Early Perfection;PI 175232;PI 169604;PI 180693;PI 166159Races 1and 2United States [66]Race identification Miragreen;Early Perfection;PI 175232;PI 169604;PI 180693;PI 166159Races 1–4Norway [67]Race identification Miragreen;Early Perfection;PI 175232;PI 169604;PI 180693;PI 166159Race 5New Zealand [68]Pathogenic variability MN313;MN314;90-2079;WI-8904;Little Marvel;Saranac;Early GallatinVirulence groups I–IV United States[69]Pathogenic variabilityBaccara;Capella;90-2131;MN313;552;PI 180693Virulence types I–XINorth America,Europe,and Oceania[70]L.Wu et al./Engineering 4(2018)542–551545Later,Wicker and Rouxel[70]examined109isolates of A.eute-iches from France,Denmark,Sweden,Norway,the United States, Canada,and New Zealand on another differential set(Baccara, Capella,90-2131,MN313,552,and PI180693)and identified11 virulence types(Table1).In that study,the isolates belonging to virulence type I,which caused severe ARR symptoms on all of the differentials,were predominant and the most aggressive. Wicker and Rouxel[70]also calculated a disease severity index (DSI)based on the mean of the individual disease severity ratings (0–5),and regarded a DSI<1as indicative of resistance.In a later study,Wicker et al.[17]indicated that the differential pea genotypes used by Malvick and Percich[69]were inadequate to distinguish French strains of A.euteiches.To more accurately evaluate the virulence of the pathogen from different countries, Wicker et al.[17]evaluated33pea lines and thefive differentials originally described by Wicker and Rouxel[70].The resistance detected in the differential pea genotypes in these studies has been used in the development of commercial pea cultivars with ARR resistance[17].Wu[73]conducted greenhouse screening of eight A.euteiches isolates from Alberta and Manitoba on the same differ-ential set as Wicker and Rouxel[70].Most strains were classified as virulence type I,although one strain was identified as virulence type III.Further testing of additional isolates from other Canadian regions with more differential breeding lines is still needed in order to better understand physiological specialization in this pathogen.2.4.Isolation of A.euteichesThe isolation of A.euteiches strains is difficult.Pea root and root-let samples easily slough off infected tissue into the soil[74]. Numerous fungi also interfere with the isolation of A.euteiches [75].Manning and Menzies[75]successfully isolated A.euteiches on potato dextrose agar(PDA)plates using soil baiting.To increase the isolation success rate,metalaxyl-benomyl-vancomycin(MBV) [25]medium has been widely used to isolate A.euteiches,since it suppresses the growth of Pythium spp.,Phytophthora spp.,and most bacteria.Wu[73]used both direct isolation from infected root samples and soil baiting.For direct isolation,root and soil samples were collected at2–3weeks after seeding,when roots were not yet com-pletely infected by PRRC.The soil samples were later used for pathogen baiting with susceptible pea cultivars[68].The tips were cut from water-soaked pea roots and examined under a micro-scope for the presence of oospores.The root tips were surface-sterilized in1%NaClO for30s,rinsed in sterilized water,and plated on MBV medium.However,A.euteiches was detected in <0.1%of the samples,based on the results of a real-time poly-merase chain reaction(PCR)assay described by Vandemark et al.[76].2.5.Inoculation methodsZoospores are the most common form of A.euteiches inoculum employed in greenhouse experiments[17,43,70,77–83],while oospore-based inoculum has also been used in both greenhouse andfield trials[38,73].The zoospore-based inoculum has been used widely for the detection of partial resistance to ARR infield pea[77–83].Zoospore inoculum is usually produced in a broth made from corn kernels,maltose-peptone,and oat(Avena sativa L.),or from pea seeds suspended in water,which are inoculated with A.euteiches and incubated for5–7d in the dark at room tem-perature[84].The resulting mycelial mats are placed in a mineral salt solution and aerated overnight to produce a zoospore suspen-sion of3Â105–8Â105zoospores per milliliter.The zoospores are usually used to precisely inoculate seven-day-old pea seedlings,before the seedlings are transplanted into pots in a green-house,with a determined zoospore concentration,thus eliminating the undesirable effect of nutrient substances in the media.Oospore inocula have been produced on autoclaved rolled oats with sand,cornmeal,and water.This substrate is inoculated with A.euteiches and incubated in the dark for30days at room temper-ature[38].Wu[73]modified this method by replacing cornmeal with oat grain.The grain-sand inocula were often used infield trials,as well as in greenhouse experiments,which need intensely infected disease conditions.Thygesen et al.[85]incubated A.euteiches in an oatmeal broth at20°C in the dark for4–8weeks; the broth was homogenized in a blender and thenfiltered and washed with a mineral salt solution.The suspension was mixed with sterilized sand,dried at room temperature,and stored at 4°C.The oospore suspension also provides a precise inoculation for both the pea seedlings and pea seeds,which could continuously release zoospores in a greenhouse experiment.3.Traditional disease managementARR has been recognized as one of the most damaging root diseases offield pea for almost a century[86].The options for management of this disease,however,are limited.Pea cultivars completely resistant to ARR are not available[25,87]and only partial resistance and/or tolerance has been reported in several studies[80,81,88].Some studies have focused on the efficacy of fungicidal seed treatments at the seedling stage,which have been shown to improve plant health[89,90].At present,the most widely recommended method to manage ARR is avoidance via crop rotation and evaluation of infestation levels in thefield prior to seeding[91].Biological control,including seed and soil treatments,has also shown promise at the experimental stage [9,92].3.1.Cultural practicesCrop rotation is one of the oldest and most fundamental meth-ods to manage diseases caused by soil-borne pathogens,although its effectiveness directly coincides with the length of rotation [93].A positive relationship exists between the frequency of pea crops and root rot severity[86].Rotation with non-host crops can therefore reduce the density of A.euteiches in the soil and thereby reduce the severity of ARR.Long-term crop rotations can reduce A.euteiches inoculum density in the soil,but they are not always effective in eradicating the disease[94].Nonetheless,the practicality and effectiveness of crop rotation as a method to manage ARR is questionable,because the oospores can survive for10–15years in the absence of a host[95].Furthermore,many alternative hosts,including chickpea,lentil,alfalfa,and weedy species,can sustain inoculum levels in the absence of pea[38]. Hossain et al.[96]recommended a crop rotation interval of6–8 years.Williams-Woodward et al.[97]examined the effect of oats as a rotation crop with pea,and observed that oat residues improved ARR suppression.Therefore,increased crop diversity may represent a good long-term strategy for disease management [98].Soil conditions can be suppressive or conducive to ARR[99]. Heyman et al.[100]observed a strong negative correlation between calcium concentration and disease development,which indicated that free calcium was a major variable in the degree of soil suppression of A.euteiches.Thisfinding led to the suggestion that calcium might play a role in the inhibition of zoospore produc-tion from the oospores[100].Residues from two plant families,the Brassicaceae—such as cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.),mustard(Brassica nigra L.),turnip546L.Wu et al./Engineering4(2018)542–551(Brassica rapa L.),and rapeseed(Brassica napus)[7,8,63,101–103]—and the Poaceae—such as oats,rye(Secale cereale L.),and maize (Zea mays L.)[8,97,104–108]—can reduce the severity of ARR.Soil compaction can exacerbate the development of ARR, causing pea yield losses as high as63%[107].In contrast,the yield of pea plots covered with oat shoots and residues increased by48% relative to plots planted without residues,suggesting that oat residues provide a promising method for the cultural control of pea ARR.Allmaras et al.[87]confirmed the effect of oats as a pre-crop in the suppression of ARR,and pointed out that excessive compaction related to tillage and traffic management may impair internal soil drainage and thus reduce the effectiveness of oat residues in controlling the disease.Field indexing by sampling soils to determine the A.euteiches inoculum potential can be an effective method to manage ARR of field pea prior to seeding.Studies have identified and distinguished heavily infestedfields from non-infested or lightly infestedfields under greenhouse conditions[109,110],and this method of prior land selection can be an economical and dependable practice for avoiding ARR[111].Real-time PCR analysis has also been used to measure populations of A.euteiches infield soil.Vandemark et al. [112]and Armstrong-Cho et al.[113]demonstrated that a positive relationship existed between ARR severity and the DNA concentra-tion of several isolates of A.euteiches in pea roots.3.2.Disease prediction and molecular detection of A.euteichesMolecular markers are useful tools for the identification of fungal and oomycete plant pathogens.The testing of soil or plant samples for the presence of A.euteiches DNA by PCR analysis with species-specific primers has been widely used[76].Chatterton et al.[46]and Armstrong-Cho et al.[113]detected A.euteiches in peafields in Alberta and Saskatchewan,respectively,based on a PCR assay.A number of commercial kits have also been used to identify A.euteiches efficiently[46,76,112].Nonetheless,informa-tion on the use of molecular markers for the identification of specific races or pathotypes of A.euteiches is still limited and preliminary.Malvick and Percich[69]conducted RAPD analyses to evaluate genotypic diversity among strains of A.euteiches in the United States,but none of the76polymorphic RAPD markers were associ-ated with pathogenic variation.In another study,the same researchers successfully distinguished one major group and two closely related minor groups in a collection of114isolates from four locations in the United States,based on a pathogenicity test offive pea genotypes and RAPD analysis[69].Sauvage et al. [111]used two sets of markers,136F/136R and11F/280R, to amplify different-sized PCR products from105isolates of A.euteiches.They demonstrated a close relationship between the quantity of soil inoculum and ARR severity.3.3.Seed and soil treatmentsCertain soil fungicides for ARR control are prohibited in some regions,including much of Europe[96].In addition,the cost and adverse environmental effects of treating the soil with chemicals makes this approach impractical and undesirable across the broad area over which pea crops are grown[114,115].Seed-coating treat-ments such as hymexazol can effectively improve seedling emer-gence[116].However,Tu[106]pointed out the limitations in the control of pea root rot using Captan(N-trichloromethylthio-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboximide).Furthermore,A.euteiches is resis-tant to some of the fungicides that are registered for the control of other oomycetes.For example,metalaxyl is active against most oomycetes,but not against Aphanomyces.It is the main ingredient of the selective medium used to isolate A.euteiches[25].Neither the systemic acylalanine-type of oomycete fungicides,such as met-alaxyl,nor the ethyl phosphonates,such as fosetyl-Al or cymoxanil, effectively control ARR[117].Some chemicals effectively suppress A.euteiches under controlled conditions,but have limited benefi-cial effects infield trials[89,90].Tachigaren(hydroxyisoxazole or hymexazol)was reported to reduce root rot severity and increase yield under experimentalfield conditions[116];this compound is available commercially in Japan for the control of the Pythium and Aphanomyces diseases of sugar beets[117].The effectiveness of Tachigaren for the control of ARR,however,was variable in other studies[118–120].A recent study determined that Intego Solo (ethaboxam)(Valent,Guelph,ON,Canada),BAS516F,and BAS 720F reduced disease severity under greenhouse conditions,but not underfield conditions[73].At present,ethaboxam is the only fungicide registered for Pythium root rot control and the suppres-sion of seed rot caused by Phytophthora spp.and Aphanomyces legumes in Canada.3.4.Biological controlAntagonistic microorganisms applied to the seeds or soil may help to protect pea plants from infection by fungal and oomycete pathogens.The spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM)fungi and some spore-forming bacteria,which were applied as seed coatings to control ARR in peafields,significantly suppressed the develop-ment of ARR in afield trial[121].The application of isothiocyanate, a compound produced by members of the Brassicaceae in shoot tis-sues,has also been shown to have potential for the management of ARR due to its toxic effects on A.euteiches under controlled condi-tions[96].Biocontrol and fungicide treatments are often integrated into seed treatments.Recent studies have demonstrated that some fun-gal and bacterial strains,such as Gliocladium roseum(Clonostachys rosea(Link)Schroers),Pseudomonasfluorescens(Flügge)Migula, and species involved in the Burkholderia cepacia(Palleroni and Holmes)Yabuuchi et plex,which are formulated for seed coat application in combination with a fungicide,improved seed-ling emergence infields infested with A.euteiches to a greater extent than treatments in which only a fungicide was applied [17,18,90].Xue[90]evaluated a seed treatment consisting of the fungal strain ACM941(Clonostachys rosea)and a fungicide(Thiram 75WP(thiram)or Apron FL(metalaxyl)),and found that a seed coating with ACM941+fungicide improved pea seed germination in an A.euteiches-infestedfield.AM fungi have also been proven to increase the seedling emergence of peas when inoculated with A.euteiches in greenhouse experiments,but they were not always effective in thefield[85,122].Several studies indicated that solar-ization was effective for the control of pea root rot in temperate regions,when used in combination with green manure crops,lower dosages of chemicals,or biological control organisms[123,124]. 4.Genetic resistance to A.euteiches4.1.Partial resistance to ARRGenetic resistance to ARR infield pea could be the most economical and effective strategy for managing this disease.A number of pea-breeding lines with partial resistance or tolerance to ARR have been developed,and are used to prevent yield losses in some pea-producing regions[78,79,88,125].Some differential pea genotypes,such as Capella,MN144,MN313,MN314, 90-2131,90-2079,552,and PI180693,have been reported to be partially resistant to certain races of A.euteiches[17,72,125].The differentials PI180693and552have drawn considerable attention due to their high level of stable partial resistance to ARR[17,126].L.Wu et al./Engineering4(2018)542–551547。
我爱吃汉堡的作文英语Here is an English essay on the topic "I Love to Eat Hamburgers" with more than 1000 words, as requested:I have always been a big fan of hamburgers ever since I was a child. There is something about the combination of a soft bun, juicy patty, and flavorful toppings that just speaks to my taste buds. Whether I'm enjoying a classic cheeseburger or getting a little adventurous with specialty toppings, a good hamburger is one of my all-time favorite foods.One of the things I love most about hamburgers is the sheer variety that exists. You can find them served in fast food joints, gourmet burger restaurants, and even high-end eateries. The classic hamburger with lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles is a timeless favorite, but the possibilities for customization are endless. Adding cheese, bacon, mushrooms, avocado, or even a fried egg can transform a basic burger into something truly special.Beyond the toppings, the actual patty itself can also vary tremendously. Ground beef is the most common, but you can also find burgers made from turkey, chicken, bison, or even veggie-basedpatties. The level of doneness is another point of customization, with some people preferring their burgers well-done while others enjoy a nice pink center. The bun can also come in a variety of styles, from fluffy sesame seed buns to sturdy pretzel buns and even lettuce wraps for those looking to cut down on carbs.Hamburgers also have a long and storied history that adds to their appeal. While the exact origins are debated, it's believed that the modern hamburger as we know it today emerged in the late 19th or early 20th century. Numerous cities and towns across America have laid claim to inventing the burger, but one thing is certain – it has become an iconic American food that is beloved around the world.What I find particularly fascinating about the hamburger is how it has evolved and adapted to different cultures and cuisines. In the United States, the burger is a staple of diner and fast food menus, often served with fries and a milkshake. But in other parts of the world, you'll find hamburgers that incorporate local flavors and ingredients. In Japan, for example, you might find a burger topped with teriyaki sauce and pickled ginger, while in India, a vegetarian version made with spiced chickpea patties is common.Personally, I love exploring the different variations of hamburgers that exist. I'm always eager to try new and creative takes on this classic dish, whether it's a burger topped with peanut butter andbacon or one that features a blend of beef and chorizo. I find that each new burger I try offers a unique flavor profile and cooking technique that keeps me coming back for more.Beyond the taste, I also really enjoy the social and cultural aspects of hamburgers. They are a quintessential food for gatherings, whether it's a backyard barbecue, a tailgating party, or a casual dinner out with friends. There's something about biting into a juicy burger that just seems to bring people together and create a sense of shared enjoyment.I also love how hamburgers have become a symbol of American culture and cuisine. They are a staple at county fairs, state fairs, and community festivals, where people come together to indulge in this beloved food. Hamburgers have even become a source of national pride, with different regions and states laying claim to having the "best" burgers in the country.At the end of the day, I think my love of hamburgers comes down to the simple pleasure of enjoying a delicious and satisfying meal. There's just something about that first bite of a perfectly cooked patty, with the flavors of the toppings and bun all coming together in perfect harmony. It's a taste that never gets old, and one that I will continue to seek out and savor for years to come.Whether I'm grabbing a quick lunch at a fast-food joint or sitting down for a gourmet burger experience, I always approach the experience with the same level of excitement and anticipation. I love the ritual of carefully constructing my ideal burger, adding just the right amount of condiments and toppings to create the perfect flavor balance. And when I take that first bite, it's like a little piece of heaven on earth.Of course, my love of hamburgers isn't without its occasional downsides. I'm well aware of the health concerns that can come with consuming too many burgers, particularly those from fast-food chains that use lower-quality ingredients. But I try to keep things in moderation and seek out healthier, more sustainable options when I can.Overall, I believe that a good hamburger is one of life's simple pleasures that should be celebrated and enjoyed. It's a food that has the power to bring people together, spark nostalgia and fond memories, and simply provide a delicious and satisfying eating experience. And for me, that's more than enough reason to keep coming back for more.。
Insects are a class of creatures that have fascinated humans for centuries due to their incredible diversity,unique behaviors,and vital roles in ecosystems.Here is an English essay about insects,exploring their characteristics,importance,and some of the most common species.The Marvel of Insects:A World of Tiny GiantsInsects are the most diverse group of animals on our planet,with over a million described species and many more yet to be discovered.They belong to the class Insecta within the phylum Arthropoda,characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton,a threepart body head, thorax,and abdomen,three pairs of jointed legs,compound eyes,and one pair of antennae.Characteristics of Insects1.Exoskeleton:Insects possess a hard,protective exoskeleton made of chitin,which provides structural support and protection from predators and environmental factors.2.Metamorphosis:Many insects undergo metamorphosis,a process of development that includes four distinct life stages:egg,larva,pupa,and adult.This allows for drastic changes in form and function as they grow.3.Reproduction:Insects reproduce at an astonishing rate,with many species laying hundreds or even thousands of eggs at a time,ensuring the survival of their species.4.Diversity:Insects are incredibly diverse in size,shape,and color,ranging from the tiny fairyfly to the large,colorful butterflies and beetles.Importance of Insects1.Pollination:Many insects,particularly bees,butterflies,and moths,play a crucial role in pollinating plants,which is essential for the production of fruits,vegetables,and nuts.2.Decomposition:Insects such as beetles and flies are vital in breaking down dead organic matter,recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.3.Food Source:Insects are a primary food source for many animals,including birds, reptiles,and other insects.4.Biological Control:Some insects,like ladybugs and praying mantises,are natural predators of pests,helping to control populations of harmful insects in agriculture.Common Insect Species1.Butterflies and Moths Lepidoptera:Known for their beautiful wings and patterns,they are important pollinators and serve as a food source for many animals.2.Beetles Coleoptera:With the largest number of species,beetles are incredibly diverse, from the small ladybugs to the large,shiny scarabs.3.Ants,Bees,and Wasps Hymenoptera:These social insects are known for their complex colonies and roles in pollination and pest control.4.Flies Diptera:Although many species are considered pests,some,like the hoverfly,are beneficial pollinators.5.Dragonflies and Damselflies Odonata:These agile fliers are predators of other insects and are important for controlling mosquito populations.Conservation and InsectsInsects face numerous threats,including habitat loss,pesticide use,and climate change.It is crucial to protect their habitats and reduce the use of harmful chemicals to ensure the survival of these essential creatures.ConclusionInsects are not just a part of nature they are the backbone of many ecosystems.Their survival is intertwined with ours,and understanding their importance can lead to better stewardship of our environment.As we continue to explore the world of insects,we uncover the intricate connections that bind us all in the web of life.This essay provides a comprehensive overview of insects,their characteristics,ecological importance,common species,and the need for conservation efforts.It is a testament to the significance of these tiny creatures in the grand scheme of life on Earth.。
作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2009, 35(12): 2180−2186 /zwxb/ ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2009.02180鹰嘴豆锌指蛋白基因ZF1的克隆及表达分析陈晨1彭辉1高文瑞1石庆华2张桦2张巨松2李建贵2 麻浩1,*1 南京农业大学作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室 / 南京农业大学大豆研究所, 江苏南京210095; 2新疆农业大学农业生物技术重点实验室, 新疆乌鲁木齐830052摘要: 利用一段从PEG胁迫的鹰嘴豆幼苗叶片所构建的cDNA文库中得到的EST序列, 通过3′RACE方法克隆到一个鹰嘴豆C2H2型锌指蛋白基因ZF1, 该基因不含内含子, 编码一条244个氨基酸残基的多肽, 含有两个典型的Cys2/His2锌指结构。
其氨基酸序列含有一个可能的核定位型号, 农杆菌介导的洋葱表皮细胞GFP瞬时表达实验表明,ZF1蛋白位于细胞核内。
半定量RT-PCR分析表明, ZF1在鹰嘴豆的根、茎、叶、花、幼荚和幼胚中均有表达, 在茎和叶中表达较弱, 为组成型转录因子。
半定量RT-PCR和实时荧光定量PCR检测结果显示, ZF1不但受高温及干旱诱导, 而且还受6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、脱落酸(ABA)、乙烯利(Et)、赤霉素(GA3)、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)、茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)、水杨酸(SA)和氧胁迫诱导。
这些结果表明, ZF1基因可能作为一个核调控因子参与植物的生长代谢以及多种生物与非生物胁迫的应答。
关键词: 鹰嘴豆; 锌指蛋白; 基因克隆; 胁迫; 表达分析Cloning and Expression of Zinc Finger Protein Gene ZF1 in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)CHEN Chen1, PENG Hui1, GAO Wen-Rui1, SHI Qing-Hua2, ZHANG Hua2, ZHANG Ju-Song2, LI Jiang-Gui2, and MA Hao1,*1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement / Soybean Research Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;2 Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, ChinaAbstract: Regulation of gene expression at the level of transcription controls many crucial biological processes including growth and development, stress response, signal transduction and disease resistance. A number of factors, such as C2H2 zinc finger protein,are required and factors play an important role in the transcription. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the third important legume crop gown mainly in the arid and semi-arid regions in the world. Due to its taxonomic proximity with the model legume genomeof Medicago truncatula and its ability to grow in soil with relatively low water content, chickpea is being investigated as a model legume crop for drought tolerance studies. In our laboratory, two cDNA libraries from the PEG-treated and non-treated seedling leaves of chickpea XJ209 were constructed and many genes were found to express differentially and involved in diverse biologi-cal processes, such as metabolism, transcription, signal transduction, protein synthesis and others. According to an EST in the cDNA libraries, a zinc finger protein gene ZF1 was cloned by RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). ZF1 didnot include any intron, encoding a 26.33 kD protein with 244 amino acids, containing two typical C2H2 zinc finger domains. The deduced protein sequence had a potential nuclear localization signal (NLS). Meanwhile, transient expression of the ZF1-GFP pro-tein in onion epidermal cells showed that ZF1 protein was localized in cell nuclei. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed thatZF1 expressed in root, stem, leaf, flower, immature pod, and embryo of chickpea with different expression patterns. The expres-sion of ZF1 investigated by semi-quantitative PCR had no obvious changes under stresses of cold, salt and wounding, while was increased under the treatments of heat and drought, as well as N-6-benzyl-adenine (6-BA), abscisic acid (ABA), ethephon (Et), gibberellin (GA3), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), salicylic acid (SA), and H2O2. These results from semi-quantitative PCR in several treatments were further confirmed to be mainly in accord with those from real-time quantifica-本研究由国家自然科学基金项目(30860152), 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2007BAC15B06, 2006BAD09A04, 2006BAD09A08), 教育部高等学校学科创新引智计划和“全国科技支疆行动”合作项目(200991254)资助。
喂牡丹鹦鹉的描述英语作文Feeding the Cockatiel.The cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) is a small, crested parrot native to Australia. It is a popular petbird due to its friendly and playful nature. Cockatiels are relatively easy to care for, but it is important to provide them with a healthy diet in order to keep them healthy and happy.What to Feed Cockatiels.The ideal diet for a cockatiel consists of a variety of fresh foods, including:Pellets: Pellets are a complete and balanced food that provides cockatiels with all the nutrients they need. They should make up the majority of the diet.Seeds: Seeds are a good source of protein, fat, andcarbohydrates. However, they should only be offered in moderation, as they can be high in calories and fat.Fruits: Fruits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Cockatiels enjoy eating a variety of fruits, such as apples, bananas, berries, and grapes.Vegetables: Vegetables are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Cockatiels enjoy eating a varietyof vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, corn, and peas.Sprouts: Sprouts are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Cockatiels enjoy eating a variety of sprouts, such as alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, and sunflower sprouts.In addition to these fresh foods, cockatiels also needto have access to fresh water at all times.How to Feed Cockatiels.Cockatiels should be fed twice a day, once in themorning and once in the evening. The amount of food that you give your cockatiel will depend on its size andactivity level. A good rule of thumb is to give your cockatiel about 1/4 cup of food per day.It is important to offer your cockatiel a variety of foods each day. This will help to ensure that it is getting all the nutrients it needs. You can also offer your cockatiel treats, such as millet or sunflower seeds, occasionally.What Not to Feed Cockatiels.There are some foods that you should never feed your cockatiel. These foods include:Avocado: Avocado is toxic to cockatiels and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and respiratory problems.Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cockatiels.Caffeine: Caffeine is toxic to cockatiels and cancause heart problems and seizures.Alcohol: Alcohol is toxic to cockatiels and can cause liver damage and death.Salty foods: Salty foods can cause dehydration and kidney problems in cockatiels.Sugary foods: Sugary foods can cause weight gain and obesity in cockatiels.Processed foods: Processed foods are often high in fat, sugar, and salt, which can be harmful to cockatiels.If you are unsure whether or not a particular food is safe for your cockatiel, it is best to err on the side of caution and not feed it to your bird.Monitoring Your Cockatiel's Diet.It is important to monitor your cockatiel's diet toensure that it is eating a healthy and balanced diet. If you notice any changes in your cockatiel's eating habits, such as a sudden decrease or increase in appetite, it is important to consult with your veterinarian.By providing your cockatiel with a healthy diet, you can help to keep it healthy and happy for many years to come.。
食品科技鹰嘴豆水的成分功能及其在植物基食品领域的应用解 莉(南京旅游职业学院 烹饪与营养江苏省文化和旅游重点实验室,江苏南京 211100)摘 要:鹰嘴豆水指来自鹰嘴豆罐头中的液体或煮沸鹰嘴豆过程中产生的液体。
关键词:鹰嘴豆水;植物基;泡沫特性;蛋白质Composition and Function of Chickpea Water and ItsApplication in Plant Based FoodXIE Li(Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Cuisine and Nutrition Conferred by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Nanjing 211100, China) Abstract: Chickpeas water refers to the liquid from the canned chickpeas or the liquid produced in the process of boiling chickpeas. Its main components include carbohydrate, low molecular weight protein, saponin and some maillard reaction products. The research found that chickpea water has the characteristics of foaming, emulsification and gel. These characteristics enable chickpea water to replace some animal raw materials for food production, such as replacing eggs to make protein cream. The application of chickpea water in the field of plant based food has great prospects.Keywords: chickpea water; plant base; foam characteristics; protein“植物基”食品是以植物为基础的食品成分和产品,鹰嘴豆水在植物性食品开发中越来越多地被应用来模仿和取代部分动物原料来源。
小学上册英语第六单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call a baby horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KittenD. PupB2. (40) is a large city in Egypt. The ____3.The snow is ___ (melting) in spring.4.How many sides does a rectangle have?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5C5.I want to learn how to ______ (surf) at the beach.6.What is the primary purpose of a compass?A. Measure distanceB. Show directionC. Indicate speedD. Calculate areaB7.The __________ (生态系统) is diverse and rich.8.This __________ (玩具名) is made of __________ (材料).9.What do we call the large body of saltwater?A. LakeB. RiverC. OceanD. Stream10. A ____(community development) focuses on improving living conditions.11.The _______ (蜗牛) takes its time moving forward.12.My favorite dish is ______ (汤).13.ssance was a time of great ________ in art and science. The Rena14.The ____ is a friendly pet that loves to be around people.15.I enjoy making up stories about my ________ (玩具名称).16.What is the term for a baby deer?A. CalfB. FawnC. KidD. CubB17.ocean acidification) affects marine life. The ____18.What do you call a person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Chef19.How many months are in a year?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 1620.The _____ (orchard) has many varieties of apples.21.There are many ______ (countries) in the world.22.My favorite toy is ______.23.The rabbit eats ______ (胡萝卜). It is its favorite ______ (食物).24.What do we use to write?A. PaperB. PencilC. BookD. TableB25.Minerals can form from the cooling of ______.26.The sun is _______ (shining) through the trees.27.There are ______ (five) birds in the tree.28.What is the capital of the Bahamas?A. NassauB. FreeportC. Marsh HarbourD. Andros TownA29.The __________ is a large lake in Michigan. (密歇根湖)30.My teacher often says, "_______" (名言). 这让我 _______ (形容词).31.ts can survive in ______ (沙漠). Some pla32.The children are ________ in the playground.33.What do you call a place where you can watch movies?A. TheaterB. CinemaC. PlayhouseD. Both A and BD34.What do you call the art of folding paper into shapes?A. SculptureB. OrigamiC. DrawingD. PaintingB35.What is the name of the fairy tale character who kissed a frog?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. The Princess and the FrogD. Rapunzel36.We made a ________ out of paper.37.The dog is ________ at the door.38.The __________ is an area of high elevation. (高原)39.My uncle is a ____ (photographer) who takes pictures.40.Mars has the largest volcano, called ______.41.I have a ______ (big) birthday party planned.42.The ______ is a common sight in gardens.43.What is the name of the fairy tale character who had long hair?A. CinderellaB. RapunzelC. Snow WhiteD. Little Red Riding HoodB44.The city of __________ is known as the "Big Apple." (纽约)45.What do you put on a sandwich?A. SocksB. ButterC. ShoesD. HatsB46.The chemical symbol for zirconium is ______.47.What is the term for a young camel?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. CalfA48.The process of separating substances in a mixture is called _______.49.In photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into _______.50.I like to ___ (eat/cook) pasta.51.I have a toy _______ that makes me giggle when I play with it.52.I like to listen to _______.53.I enjoy drinking ________ (茶) in the afternoon.54.The sun is shining ________ today.55. A ________ is a wetland area filled with plants.56.The _____ (季节) affects what plants can grow.57. A solution that contains dissolved ions is called a _______ solution.58.The ________ (河流) Thames flows through London.59.The _______ helps nourish the soil.60.I like taking care of my ______ (植物) at home. It’s rewarding to see them ______ (茁壮成长).61.听录音,按听到的顺序给下列图画标上正确的序号。
小学上册英语第3单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A volcano can create new land when it erupts ______.2.Which animal is known for its ability to mimic sounds?A. DogB. ParrotC. CatD. CowB Parrot3.The chemical symbol for indium is ______.4.ts are _____ (外来物种) that can be invasive. Some pla5.War was a period of political tension between the __________ and the USSR. (美国) The Cold6. A ________ is a large, naturally occurring community of flora and fauna.7.The pelican has a big _________ (嘴巴).8.I have a _____ (玩具车) in my room.9. A mixture of oil and water is an example of a(n) _______ mixture.10._____ (树木) provide shade on hot days.11.The chemical symbol for yttrium is ______.12.My brother is in ________ grade.13.The _____ (马) gallops across the field.14.The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is __________.15.The dog is ___ in the yard. (playing)16. A fault line is a place where two blocks of the Earth's ______ meet.17.The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about _______ degrees.18.The ________ loves to explore.19.I like to ________ with my toys.20.The __________ is a body of water that is part of the ocean.21. A ______ helps to break down waste.22.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece?A. AthensB. SpartaC. DelphiD. All of the above23.What is the term for a piece of music played by a group of musicians?A. SoloB. EnsembleC. CompositionD. SymphonyB24.The baby is ________ (微笑).25.territory) is governed by a specific political entity. The ____26.What is the capital of New Zealand?A. WellingtonB. AucklandC. ChristchurchD. Hamilton27.What do we call the primary source of energy for living organisms?A. WaterB. SunlightC. AirD. FoodB28.Which fruit is known for being tropical and having a spiky exterior?A. MangoB. PineappleC. BananaD. Coconut29.My _____ (叔叔) is a doctor.30.What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. CalgaryB31.The ________ was a crucial treaty that ended a territorial dispute.32.The _______ (The 19th Amendment) granted women the right to vote in the United States.33.What is the name of the famous fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. CinderellaB. BelleC. Snow WhiteD. Rapunzel34.She likes to eat ______ (ice cream).35.The sun sets in the ______. (west)36.My uncle enjoys __________ (钓鱼) in the lake.37.My friend is very __________ (好奇的) about science.38.She has a ___ of shoes. (pair)39.The __________ of a volcano is the area around it.40.Which animal can fly?A. ElephantB. DogC. BirdD. Cat41. A tree has _______ that provide shade.42.The main ingredient in bleach is _____.43.The __________ is a famous site for tourists.44.What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. KilimanjaroC. EverestD. Fuji45.The ________ (puzzle) has many pieces.46.The _____ (植物文化) enriches our understanding of nature.47.The asteroid belt is located between Mars and ______.48.The dog is ___ (chasing) its tail.49.The Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede in ________.50.I play with my _____ (玩具).51.What is the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. YangtzeD. MississippiB52.What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. Supporting characterD. VillainA53.The flower petals are ______.54.Penguins live in ______ (寒冷) places and waddle when they walk.55. A _______ can symbolize growth and renewal.56.The ________ was a famous explorer who sailed across the Atlantic.57.The ________ (panda) eats bamboo.58.How many players are on a soccer team?A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 1259.What do we call the act of drawing water from a well?A. PumpingB. DiggingC. DrawingD. FishingA60. A ____ is a friendly pet that loves being around people.61.The __________ is a large area of rolling grassland.62.What do we call a snowman’s nose?A. StickB. CarrotC. RockD. ButtonB63.The __________ can provide information about ancient life.64.Which of these is a type of pasta?A. RiceB. TortelliniC. BreadD. Cake65. Depression started in the year _______. (1929年) The Grea66.Solutions can be classified as concentrated or _____.67.He helps me with my . (他帮我做。
浙江省英语小学五年级上学期测试试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Listen to the recording and choose the correct picture.Recording: “This is a picture of a school. You can see many students playing in theplayground.”Answer: (Picture of a school with students playing in the playground) Explanation: The recording describes a scene of a school with students playing in the playground. The listener should match the description with the picture that shows the same scene.2.Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.Recording: “Boy: What’s your favorite subject? Girl: My favorite subject is English. I like reading stories in English.”Question: What’s the girl’s favorite subject?Answer: EnglishExplanation: The girl clearly states in the dialogue that her favorite subject is English.3.Listen to the short passage and fill in the blank.Recording: “My family and I went to the zoo last weekend. We saw many animals, like lions, tigers, and pandas. My little sister was very excited to see the pandas. She said they were so cute.”Passage: My family and I went to the zoo last weekend. We saw many animals,like lions, tigers, and _________. My little sister was very excited to see the pandas.Answer: pandasExplanation: The recording mentions that the family saw many animals, including lions, tigers, and pandas. The blank in the passage should be filled with the word “pandas” to complete the sentence accurately.4、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A)She likes playing basketball.B)She likes playing football.C)She doesn’t like sports.Answer: A) She likes playing basketball.Explanation: In the conversation, the speaker mentions that their friend loves basketball and plays it every day after school. This indicates that she likes playing basketball, so the correct answer is A.5、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What time does the library open?A)8:00 amB)9:00 amC)10:00 amAnswer: B) 9:00 amExplanation: The short passage states that the library opens at 9:00 am and closes at 5:00 pm. Therefore, the answer to the question is B, 9:00 am.6、Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing information.Dialogue:Student: Excuse me, can you tell me where the art room is?Teacher: Sure, it’s on the second floor, next to the music room.Missing information: The art room is on the_______floor, next tothe_______room.Answer: The art room is on the second floor, next to the music room. Explanation: The dialogue clearly states that the art room is located on the second floor, next to the music room. Therefore, the missing informationis filled in as “second” and “music”.7、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A. I have a new book.B. I have a new pen.C. I have a new pencil.Answer: AExplanation: In the conversation, the speaker says, “I just got a new book.” This matches with option A, “I have a new book.”8、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What time does the movie start?A. At 8:00 p.m.B. At 9:00 p.m.C. At 10:00 p.m.Answer: BExplanation: The short passage mentions, “The movie starts at 9:00 p.m. tonight.” This corresponds to option B, “At 9:00 p.m.”9、Listen to the instructions and choose the correct sequence of actions.A. Turn on the TV, change the channel, and sit down.B. Change the channel, turn on the TV, and sit down.C. Sit down, turn on the TV, and change the channel.Answer: AExplanation: The instructions typically follow the logical order of first turning on the device (TV), then adjusting it to the desired setting (changing the channel), and finally positioning oneself comfortably (sitting down). Therefore, option A, “Turn on the TV, change the channel, and sit down,” is the correct seq uence.10、 Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.Question: What’s the girl’s favorite subject?A. MathB. EnglishC. ScienceAnswer: BExplanation: The dialogue might contain a sentence like, “I really enjoyEnglish class. It’s my favorite subject.” This directly indicates that the girl’s favorite subject is English.11、 Listen to the passage and fill in the blank.Question: The passage is about the_______festival in China.A. SpringB. Mid-AutumnC. Dragon BoatAnswer: AExplanation: The passage would discuss customs and traditions related to the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, which is the most important festival in China. Key phrases like “celebrating the new year,”“family reunion,” or “red envelopes” could be clues.12、 Listen to the instructions and circle the correct picture. Question: You are asked to circle the picture that shows a person _______.A. swimming in a poolB. riding a bikeC. playing basketballAnswer: (depends on the audio instruction)Explanation: This is an instruction-based question. The answer would depend on the specific audio instruction given. For example, if the instruction is, “Circle the picture that shows a person riding a bike,” then th e answer would be B. Students would need to listen carefully to the audio and followthe given instruction.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I like to eat_______forbreakfast.A. noodlesB. noodleC. noodle’sD. noodles’Answer: AExplanation: “Noodles” is a plural noun referring to a long, thin strip of pasta. When referring to multiple noodles, we use the plural form “noodles” without an apostrophe. Therefore, “A” is the correct option.2.Which of the following is a verb in the present continuous tense?A. She sings.B. He is singing.C. They sang.D. We will sing.Answer: BExplanation: The present continuous tense is formed using “am/is/are” + “verb-ing.” Option B, “He is singing,” matches this structure, making it the correct answer.3.What preposition should fill the blank in this sentence? The book is_______thetable.A. onB. atC. inD. underAnswer: AExplanation: The preposition “on” is used to describe something that is positioned directly above and in contact with a surface. In the sentence “The book is_______the table,” “on” is the appropriate preposition because it indicates that the book is positioned directly on top of the table.4、Choose the word that does NOT belong to the category of transportation.A. carB. bikeC. trainD. pencilAnswer: DExplanation: Options A, B, and C all represent modes of transportation. A “car” is a motor vehicle, a “bike” is a bicycle, and a “train” is a long series of connected cars used for transportation. “Pencil,” on the other hand, is a writing instrument and does not belong to the category of transportation.5、Which of the following is NOT a verb in its basic form?A. eatB. eatsC. swimD. runAnswer: BExplanation: Verbs are words that express actions, states of being, or occurrences. “Eat,” “swim,” and “run” are all verbs in their basic, infinitive form. “Eats” is the third-person singular present tense form of “eat,” so it is not the verb in its basic form.6、Select the sentence that uses the correct form of the verb “to be.”A. She is go to the park.B. I am goes to school by bus.C. We are playing football.D. They are live in a big house.Answer: CExplanation: In this question, we need to identify the sentence that uses the correct form of the verb “to be.” “To be” is a linking verb that connects the subject of the sentence to additional information about that subject. In sentence A, “is go” is incorrect; it should be “is going” to form the present continuous tense. In sentence B, “am goes” is incorrect; it should be “go” to match the subject “I” in the present tense. Insentence C, “are playing” is correct, using the present continuous tense with “are” (the plural form of “to be”) correctly. Sentence D is incorrect because “are live” should be “live” (as an action verb in the present simple tense) or “are living” (present continuous tense). Therefore, sentence C is the correct answer.7、Which of the following is NOT a type of school subject in English for primary school students in Zhejiang Province?A. MathsB. MusicC. ScienceD. CalculusAnswer: DExplanation: Calculus (微积分) is a higher-level math subject usually taught in high school or college, not in primary school. Therefore, it is not a type of school subject that English-speaking primary school students in Zhejiang Province would encounter. The other options, Maths (数学), Music (音乐), and Science (科学), are all common primary school subjects.8、W hat’s the name of the subject that focuses on reading, writing, and grammar in English?A. English LanguageB. Physical EducationC. ArtD. Social StudiesAnswer: AExplanation: The subject that specifically focuses on reading, writing, and grammar in English is called English Language. It is the primary way students learn to communicate in English, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar rules. Physical Education (B) focuses on physical activities and fitness, Art (C) deals with creative expression through visual means, and Social Studies (D) covers topics related to society and history. 9、Which subject in the English curriculum for fifth-grade students in Zhejiang Province might involve studying famous writers and their works?A. ScienceB. English LanguageC. Physical EducationD. MathematicsAnswer: BExplanation: In the English curriculum for fifth-grade students in Zhejiang Province, the subject that might involve studying famous writers and their works is English Language. This subject often includes reading literature, analyzing texts, and discussing authors and their contributions to literature. Science (A) focuses on scientific principles and experiments, Physical Education (C) concerns physical activities, and Mathematics (D) deals with numerical and logical concepts.10、Choose the word that doesn’t belong to the category of “animals”:A. dogB. catC. bookD. birdAnswer: CExplanation: This question tests the ability to identify words that do not belong to a given category. In this case, the category is “animals.” Among the options, “dog,” “cat,” and “bird” are all animals, while “book” is not an animal but an object used for reading.11、Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. I likes playing football.B. She go to school every day.C. They have a lot of friends.D. He watching TV now.Answer: CExplanation: This question assesses grammatical correctness. Option A has an incorrect subject-verb agreement (“I” should be followed by “like,” not “likes”). Option B uses the wrong verb form for the third-person singular present tense (“go” should be “goes”). Option D lacks an auxiliary verb to form the present continuous tense (“He is watching TV now” would be correct). Option C is grammatically correct.12、Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: I usually go tobed_______9:00 pm.A. inB. atC. onD. forAnswer: BExplanation: This question tests preposition usage. The correct preposition to use with specific times of day (like “9:00 pm”) is “at.” “In” is used for longer periods of time (e.g., “in the morning”), “on” is used for specific days (e.g., “on Monday”), and “for” is used to indicate duration (e.g., “for an hour”). Therefore, “I usual ly go to bed at 9:00 pm” is the correct sentence.三、完型填空(10分)Passage for Cloze:It’s a new semester in Grade Five at an elementary school in Zhejiang Province. Lily, a bright student, is very excited about her English class.Today, she has a special activity - a cloze exercise to complete.Last week, Lily and her classmates visited the Science Museum. They had a great time exploring different exhibits and learning about new things. Now, she is going to write about her experience using the following passage withsome missing words. Help Lily fill in the blanks.Last Friday, we had an exciting trip to the Science Museum. We started early in the morning, full of (1) _________. As we entered the museum, we were amazed by the (2)_________collection of exhibits. There were robots that could dance and talk, as well as models of planets in our solar system. One of the most fascinating displays was the (3)_________section. We learned about how electricity is generated and how it is used in our daily lives.I was particularly interested in the experiment that showed how a simple circuit works.After lunch, we visited the space exhibition. Standing in front of a huge model of the (4) _________, I felt like I was ready to embark on an interstellar journey. Our teacher explained about the planets and their unique features, making the lesson both educational and enjoyable.As the day came to an end, we all felt a sense of (5) _________. Not only had we gained valuable knowledge, but we had also had a lot of fun together. The Science Museum trip was truly an unforgettable experience.Fill in the Blanks:1.(1)enthusiasm(2)(2)diverse(3)(3)electricity(4)(4)Milky Way(5)(5)satisfactionThis cloze exercise aims to test Lily’s understanding of vocabulary related to her Science Museum trip and her ability to apply this knowledge within a context. Each blankrequires a word that fits the sentence’s meaning and context.四、阅读理解(26分)Title: A Day at the ZooLast Sunday, my family and I went to the zoo. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a family outing. As we entered the zoo, we were greeted by a colorful array of birds in the aviary. The peacocks were particularly stunning with their bright blue and green feathers that shone like jewels in the sunlight.We decided to start our journey by visiting the animal kingdom’sgiants—the elephants. The elephants were happily munching on hay and their large ears flapped gently in the breeze. I was amazed by their size and the gentleness in their eyes. We even got to see one of them use its trunk to spray water on itself, cooling down in the warm weather.After that, we walked to the monkey enclosure. The monkeys were energetic and playful, swinging from branch to branch and chasing each other. Somewere even eating bananas and fruits that visitors had thrown in. It was fascinating to watch them, and I couldn’t help but laugh at their antics.Next, we went to the aquarium to see the underwater world. The colorful fish swam gracefully in the tanks, and we even spotted a few sharks and sea turtles.The aquarium was dimly lit, creating a mystical atmosphere that made us feel like we were underwater ourselves.Finally, we ended our day at the zoo with a visit to the petting zoo. Here, we got to touch and feed some of the smaller animals like rabbits, goats, and sheep. It was a great way to end the day, feeling closer to nature and the animals that inhabit it.Questions:1.What was the weather like on the day the author went to the zoo?•Answer: It was a beautiful sunny day.2.Which animal did the author find particularly stunning in the aviary?•Answer: The peacocks with their bright blue and green feathers.3.What was the last section of the zoo the author visited, and what did they do there?•Answer: The author visited the petting zoo last, where they got to touch and feed smaller animals like rabbits, goats, and sheep.五、写作题(16分)Title: My Favorite SeasonInstructions: Write a short paragraph about your favorite season. Describewhy you like it, what activities you enjoy during that season, and how it makes you feel. Use at least 5 sentences and include some adjectives to make your writing more interesting.Sample Answer:My favorite season is autumn. I love autumn because it brings a palette of warm colors to the world. The leaves on the trees turn into vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red, creating a stunning landscape. The weather is perfect –not too hot and not too cold, just right for going on long walks in the park with my family. One of my favorite activities during autumn is collecting leaves of different shapes and colors. I press them between book pages to keep as souvenirs. The crisp air and the smell of burning leaves in the evenings make me feel cozy and content. Autumn is truly a magical season that fills my heart with joy and wonder.Analysis:This writing sample effectively captures the essence of a favorite season, autumn, by incorporating descriptive adjectives and sensory details. The student begins by stating their preference for autumn and proceeds to explain why, highlighting the beauty of the changing leaves and the pleasant weather. The inclusion of a personal activity, collecting leaves, adds a touch of individuality to the writing. The sensory elements, such as the crisp air and the smell of burning leaves, help create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Lastly, the closing sentence sums up the overall feelingof joy and wonder that autumn evokes, reinforcing the point that this is indeed the student’s favorite season.。
小学上册英语第四单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the activity of exploring new places?A. TravelingB. VisitingC. TouringD. ExploringA2.The symbol for ytterbium is _____.3.The kitten is very ______ (curious).4.I enjoy taking ______ (旅行) to different countries to learn about their ______ (文化).5. A chameleon can change its ______.6.Trees provide _____ (阴凉) on hot days.7.What do you call a place where you can borrow books?A. ParkB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Museum8.What is 11 6?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7B9.What is the name of the famous pyramid in Egypt?A. The Great WallB. The ColosseumC. The Great Pyramid of GizaD. The ParthenonC10.The ________ was a famous leader in the abolitionist movement.11.What is the name of the famous waterfall located on the border of Canada and the USA?A. Victoria FallsB. Niagara FallsC. Angel FallsD. Iguazu Falls12.The _____ (水资源) is critical for agriculture.13.I can create a _________ (玩具动物) out of clay.14.The _______ of a light wave can be affected by its color.15.What do we call a young shark?A. PupsB. CalvesC. KitsD. HatchlingsA Pups16.I made a ________ out of paper for the school project.17.The ant colony is very _________. (组织)18.The weather is _______ (非常凉爽).19.She is an _____ (演员) who stars in movies.20.What is the term for a planet that is too hot for liquid water?A. Desert PlanetB. Gas GiantC. Hot JupiterD. Ice Giant21.What is the capital of France?A. LyonB. MarseilleC. ParisD. NiceC22.The ______ is known for her artistic talent.23.What is the largest bird in the world?A. EagleB. OstrichC. PenguinD. Sparrow24.The _____ (clock) shows the time.25.What do we call the fear of heights?A. ClaustrophobiaB. AcrophobiaC. AgoraphobiaD. NyctophobiaB26.The element with the atomic number is ______.27.The ________ (海洋航行) is ancient and vital.28.The process of distillation separates liquids based on their different ______.29.Many plants are ______ (药用) and can help cure illnesses.30.What is the main source of energy for plants?A. WaterB. SoilC. SunlightD. Air31.The __________ helps to break down food into nutrients.32. A _______ is formed when a metal reacts with a nonmetal.33.My _____ (姐姐) enjoys painting pictures of flowers and landscapes. 我姐姐喜欢画花朵和风景的画。
2023届江苏省苏北七市高三二模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Weald & Downland Living MuseumFun factOver 50 historic buildings from across the Weald and Downland area have been dismantled (拆除) and then reconstructed across a lovely 40-acre site in the South Downs national park. The collection of buildings represents almost a thousand years of rural life in south-east England: furnished just as they would have been in the past —complete with the homes, farms and public buildings. There’s a sense of exploring a real village as you wander between them along green paths, stopping to climb the stairs of a 17th-century craftsman’s (工匠) cottage to lie on the straw bed or sheltering from a shower in a smoky, 14th-century hall.Getting thereThe Stagecoach 60 bus service from Chichester to Midhurst stops just five minutes away at Grooms Yard, Singleton. The nearest railway stations are Chichester (2 miles) and Haslemere (7 miles). The museum is on Town Lane in Singleton, reached via the A286 from Chichester to Midhurst. Parking is free and there are disabled parking spaces opposite the museum shop.Value for money?Yes. It’s not cheap but it’s a special experience that easily fills a day. Plus, it’s a valuable cause worth supporting. Adults £14, children 5-17 and students £6.50, under-4s free, family £38 (two adults and two children) or £25 (one adult and three children).Opening hoursDaily 10am-5pm (last entry 4pm).1.What can visitors do in Weald & Downland Living Museum?A.Take a shower in the hall.B.Stay overnight at a cottage.C.Learn construction techniques.D.Explore rural life centuries ago.2.How much would a couple with their 5-year-old twin sons pay for admission?A.£25.B.£34.5.C.£38.D.£41. 3.What do we know about Weald & Downland Living Museum?A.It charges parking fees.B.It has varied opening hours.C.It is inconveniently located for bus riders.D.It offers the disabled thoughtful service.On a hot summer afternoon along the Mandavi River, Shweta Hule wraps her sari around her ankles and bends to pick wild “weeds” from the river and drop them into a bowl. The plants will be made into fritters (炸果饼), to be served at the little restaurant attached to the B&B Hule manages in the Indian coastal town of Vengurla.Wild edible (可食用的) plants are common in kitchens here. Hule’s weed is juicy, which is found in mangrove forests. Harvesting some of the plant is helping conserve the mangroves, a globally endangered ecosystem of salt-tolerant trees that stop coastal erosion (侵蚀) and absorb storm damage.Hule is head of Swamini, a self-help group set up by nine women from a fishing community in Vengurla who started Mandavi Eco Tourism in 2017. Vengurla is known for its beautiful beaches and seafood, but the climate crisis has made fishing for a living unsustainable, so people are trying to find other sources of income. They came up with the idea of running mangrove safaris (观光游) for tourists in Vengurla’s Mandavi River.The safaris offer visitors a unique hour-long tour of the mangroves. Food has also become a key attraction: local spicy coconut curries, with homegrown or wild vegetables. Tourists are encouraged to go crabbing, and their catch is cooked and served.Hule only discovered recently that the weed was edible when she met tourists from another coastal city. She researched these leaves and learned that the salty plant is rich in vitamins. She made her own version of the fritters, with chickpea flour, and presented it at the wild vegetable festival. “It was an instant hit. This boosted the confidence to include these fritters in our restaurant menu,” says Hule.Swamini’s lodging house also serves vegetarian meals and plates of fish and crab sourced from the river. “The satisfaction after the visitors enjoy our meal is the real currency. We had guests from London who were so happy with our food that they took down the recipe. Such people help our business grow. What more can we want?” says Hule.4.Which of the following can best describe the example of Shweta Hule?A.Do as the Romans do.B.Strike while the iron is hot.C.Kill two birds with one stone.D.Bite off more than you can chew.5.What does Swamini offer to visitors?A.Eco-tours and accommodation.B.Fishing guide service.C.Vegetable growing techniques.D.Hands-on cooking classes.6.Why were Hule’s fritters well-received?A.They were less expensive.B.They were traditional.C.They had their own features.D.They got strongly promoted.7.How did Hule feel about tourists’ obtaining her food recipe?A.Lost.B.Proud.C.Worried.D.Curious.When she first came to Britain as a refugee (难民) from Nigeria six years ago, Kemi had a three-month-old daughter, a room in a shared house and £5.39 to survive on each day. Finding money for new clothes was out of the question.After four years, Kemi was granted (给与) refugee status and secured her first job interview — unsurprisingly, she had nothing to wear. However, she was referred to a small social enterprise called Give Your Best, which asked her her size and what kind of clothes she liked. “And they gave me three beautiful shirts. Those clothes were like gold to me. They asked me what I actually wanted. That makes you feel valued.”The initiative was launched by Sol Escobar, who had spent several years volunteering at refugee camps in northern France. A friend put her in contact with a household of refugee women who couldn’t access any clothing. Escobar realised she had surplus (剩余) clothes she could donate, and appealed to her friends and networks for help. She was flooded with offers, but didn’t want to overload the women with potentially improper clothing. “So I thought, if I take photos of all of these items and put them on an Instagram page, they can all choose thethings that they actually want.”Eighteen months later, Give Your Best has processed almost 11,000 items of clothing, and has more than 800 refugee women approved to “shop” for free on its virtual shopfront. It is aiming for much more, however. Having reached the very limit of donations and requests it could handle through Instagram, the enterprise has just launched a new digital platform that will allow it to hugely upscale.Like the hugely successful clothing resale app, clothes are photographed and uploaded to Give Your Best, where customers select those they like and donors then post the item. Crucially, however, no money changes hands.As well as giving choice to its users and minimising fashion waste, Escobar says one consequence has been the small but intimate (亲密的) connections established between donor and shopper. Many donors choose to include a supportive note and a small gift — hugely welcomed by recipients (接受者), but also a reminder that “on the other side of your package, there’s a woman who is your size and has your fashion sense, because she’s shopping from your wardrobe (衣橱)”.8.What’s the purpose of the enterprise?A.To offer job training to refugees.B.To provide childcare for refugees.C.To give refugees dignity of choice.D.To strengthen refugees’ social position.9.What does paragraph 3 focus on?A.How the enterprise survived.B.How the enterprise advertised.C.How the enterprise was named.D.How the enterprise was initiated.10.What do we learn about the enterprise from the text?A.It is warmly received.B.It is difficult to operate.C.It makes huge profits.D.It needs to be more creative.11.What does the enterprise bring to its donors and recipients?A.Enjoyable shopping experience.B.A sense of social responsibility.C.Close interpersonal relationship.D.A good insight into fashion trend.Honeybees fly much longer distances in the summer than in the spring and autumn to find good sources of food, a new study has found.Researchers at Sussex University spent two years decoding the “waggle (摇摆) dance” of honeybees, a form of communication by which the bees tell their nestmates where to go to get the best source of food to bring back to the hive (蜂箱).By measuring the angle of the dance in relation to the sun and the length of time the bee waggled its body while moving in a figure of eight pattern, researchers have been able to map the distance and location where bees forage (觅食) from month to month.With a one second waggle equal to a foraging distance of 750 metres, the bees dance language revealed that the area they covered in search of food is about 22 times greater in the summer (July and August) than in spring (March) and six times greater in summer than in the autumn (October). In the summer the area they cover is 15.2km sq, compared to 0.8km in spring and 5.1km in the autumn.Honeybees will not waste valuable time and energy travelling to find food if they don’t need to, so the researchers say the results show that the summer is the most challenging season for bees to collect the nectar and pollen from flowers.“There is a large quantity of flowers in the spring and autumn, but it is harder for them to locate good blocks of flowers in the summer because agricultural intensification means there are fewer wildflowers in the countryside for bees,” said Frances Ratnieks, author of the study.The researchers say the results can be used to focus efforts to help bees better. “The bees are telling us where they are foraging so we can now understand how best to help them by planting more flowers for them in the summer,” said Ratnieks.12.What is the recent research mainly about?A.Sources of honeybee food.B.The honeybee dance language.C.Honeybees’ eating behaviour.D.Relationship between honeybees.13.What makes summer the most challenging season for bees to find food?A.The high wind.B.The strong heat.C.Lengthening days.D.Shortage of flowers.14.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning the research finding?A.Its appeal to the public.B.Its practical application.C.Expectations for future studies.D.Scientists with new perspectives.15.Which is the most suitable title for the text?A.Honeybees are really highly intelligentB.Scientists decode honeybee “waggle dance”C.Lack of food sources puts honeybees at riskD.Why summers are bad news for honeybees二、七选五Conscious (有意识的) living is not just a trend. ____16____ It is about being intentional with everything you do — your words, actions, beliefs, habits, and choices. Accepting conscious living takes some effort, but it is worthwhile. Here are some ways you can achieve this goal.●Be conscious about your time.Time is the most precious thing because there is no way to live a moment again.____17____ If you waste your precious hours doing negative things, you will regret it later. The first step for living consciously is to be wise about your time. Be selective about things you spend it on, and allocate (分配) it for positive activities.●____18____You cannot achieve them unless you understand your needs and intentions. It is easier said than done because most people fail to make an effort to know themselves. Spend time thinking over and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know yourself better, you can create a plan to work towards becoming more patient, honest, and forgiving.●Learn to be grateful.Gratitude takes you a long way towards conscious living. It opens you up to a happier and a fulfilled mindset. Most people are unhappy because they see only the negatives in life. However, everyone has something to be grateful for. Writing a gratitude journal is a good start for counting your blessings. ____19____●Believe in yourself.It is the key to making the right choices, yet not regretting the wrong ones. ____20____ Spending time alone and thinking deeply are effective measures that enable you to identify the inner voice. Care for it and follow it to make it stronger down the line.Conscious living is a skill you need to learn as you go, so be willing to make the effort and master it. You will absorb it soon and be a happier person in the long run.A.Know yourself better.B.Accept the person you are.C.Life can be a lot better with the right decisions.D.It is a healthy choice that enables you to be happy.E.Pick it as a daily habit, and you will notice the difference.F.The way you spend your time determines the course of your life.G.The best way to build self-belief is by reflecting on your own thoughts.三、完形填空Juliette and I knew each other seven years ago through the foreign exchange organised by our schools. We started as pen friends — the ____21____ ink and paper kind. The letters introduced us to each other and a new ____22____.When we eventually met ____23____ I felt like we were already friends. I wanted to be able to speak to her in her native language as ____24____ as I do in English. It gives me a ____25____ for learning French.I stayed with her family in Laval. ____26____ her school helped me grasp French. I remember how ____27____ I felt on the few occasions I knew the answers to questions during classes. I also remember ____28____ a police officer in French after my passport had been stolen. The passport was found, and so was a new ____29____ in my ability to solve problems in French.Although we speak _____30_____ on Facebook or Skype now, I’ve kept all of ourletters. They are the _____31_____ representation of our friendship and language learning.I was pleased to hear that the French exchange at my old school is still_____32_____and now has 100 students involved. Apps and online courses are the latest_____33_____, making pen pals and post _____34_____. But we shouldn’t ignore this unique method of _____35_____ languages.21.A.expensive B.old-fashioned C.creative D.long-lost 22.A.language B.friend D.hobby random hand person turn 24.A.openly B.sharply C.briefly D.easily 25.A.choice B.reason C.reward 26.A.Assessing B.Leaving C.Attending D.Building 27.A.proud B.calm C.surprised D.confused 28.A.arguing with B.talking to C.coming across D.waiting for 29.A.responsibility B.feature C.confidence D.interest 30.A.secretly B.occasionally C.mainly D.casually 31.A.abstract B.physical C.artistic 32.A.running B.falling C.struggling D.cheating 33.A.researches B.trend D.editions 34.A.useful B.popular C.precious D.dated 35.A.appreciating B.speaking C.discovering D.teaching四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Khan Academy is another education platform. It currently boasts over 10,000 instructional videos,B. He was sitting on pins and needles.D. He was surprised at the swan’s presence.四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
深圳实验、湛江一中、珠海一中2024届高三三校联考英语参考答案阅读(2.5*20题=50分)21-23 BAC 24-27 CCAD 28-31 ABD A 32-35 BCBD 36-40 DCFGB完型(1*15题=15分)41-55 BDCAC DCCAB DADAB语填(1.5*10题=15分)56. wisdom57. where58. an59. was listed60. demanding61. to62. procedures 63. to give 64. has accompanied 65. that应用文(15分)Version 1:Dear David,I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to tell you about a meaningful event, the coming-of-age ceremony for the Senior Three students, marking our journey into adulthood as we’ve all turned 18.Our principal initiated the ceremony with an uplifting speech about our future responsibilities and the new stage of life that lies ahead. Then, in a deeply touching part of the program, my classmates and I read letters written by our parents, which were filled with love, advice, and memories. We then took turns to express our gratitude for our upbringing and shared our determination to face adult life with courage and integrity.Experiencing the ritual made me incredibly excited for what’s to come. I am stepping into this new phase with a heart brimming with hope and eyes wide open to the possibilities. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua Dear David,How’s everything going? Last Saturday, I attended the coming-of-age ceremony organized by our school for the senior 3 students, and I'd love to share the whole experience with you.The event started with a solemn speech from our headmaster, followed by a series of traditional ceremonies marking the transition into adulthood. We were given symbolic items representing responsibilities, virtues, and aspirations. Then, we earnestly pledged to take on the challenges of adulthood with courage and integrity.Surrounded by classmates, teachers, and parents, and realizing that we are stepping into a new phase of life, I was filled with a mix of emotions—excitement, nervousness, and a deep sense of responsibility. I believe this ceremony has not just marked a milestone in our lives but also reminded us of the need to embrace maturity consciously. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.Yours,Li Hua读后续写(25分)Version 1:The whole class turned to look at me. My face burned with embarrassment as I felt each pair of eyes fixed on me. The substitute teacher’s puzzled expression only added to the awkward moment. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole, but all I could do was shift uncomfortably in my seat. The whispers that followed were like knives to my self-esteem. When the bell finally rang for the break, I rushed out of the classroom, feeling utterly humiliated. It seemed like the whole school now knew about my voice crack.(87 words)“You know, the voice problem you met in class is normal,” a classmate came to me and said. His reassuring words caught me off guard. As he shared his own similar experiences, I realized I wasn’t alone in this struggle. Knowing that others were going through the same thing made me feel seen and understood. His empathy sparked a sense of team spirit and support that I hadn't anticipated. Gradually, I let go of the fear of judgment and started to embrace my voice cracks as a natural part of growing up. This newfound sense of confidence and self-acceptance transformed my interactions at school, making me feel more at ease and connected with my peers.(97 words)Version 2:The whole class turned to look at me. I felt my face turning red and wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole. The embarrassment was unbearable, and I couldn’t even bring myself to meet anyone’s gaze. After what felt like an eternity, the substitute teacher finally spoke up, breaking the awkward silence. He chuckled and said, “Well, that’s quite a lovely young voice!" The class laughed friendly along with him, and I managed a weak smile, wondering whether they were just trying to make me feel better. Finally, the bell rang and I walked out to have some fresh air. (94 words)“You know, the voice problem you met in class is normal,” a classmate came to me and said. “Everyone goes through it. It happens to most of us during this stage of life.” He explained how he had also experienced voice cracks and how he had learned to embrace them as a natural part of growing up. I looked at him in surprise, grateful for his reassurance. My initial embarrassment and concern gave way to gratitude and confidence. My classmates were understanding and supportive, just as my friends had been from the beginning. With their encouragement, I gradually became more confident in using my voice, accepting the changes that came with puberty without fear or shame. (98 words)。
介绍动物 印度学生聊孔雀 Peacock 英语作文
PeacockEssay on Peacock:Essay on Peacock is an important topic for students to learn. The main goal of the essay is to educate students about India’s national bird –the Indian peafowl or more popularly called the Peacock. This bird is native to the Indian subcontinent and was later introduced to many other countries. The peacock is a fairly large bird, with an average weight between 4-6 kilograms. The most unmistakable characteristic feature of the peacock is its tail – in ornithology, the tail of the peacock is called the train. It is quite largeand colorful; however, only the males possess the train.From an academic perspective, writing an essay on peacock is rather easy, provided the student can recall the various characteristics and facts about the peacock. Moreover, students have to ensure that they present content in the right way –this includes following formal writing conventions, eliminating jargons and more. Students also need to ensure that they read through the essay and check for mistakes before submission. Read on to find more aboutPeacock essay in English for class 4, class 5, class 6, class 8.In India, the peacock is officially designated as the country’s National Bird. This is due to the fact that the peacock is native to the Indian subcontinent and is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Males of this species have a large, fan-like tail that is usually used for courtship. Moreover, the peacock has significant cultural implications, from iconic representations, artworks, music, poetry, and dance. Moreover, the peacock has been associated with many Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Not just India,peacocks were adorned around the world as a symbol of beauty and ornamentation.Technically, the males of this species are called peacocks, and the females are called the peahens. Males and females are collectively known as peafowl. The scientific name of the Indian peafowl is Pavo cristatus. The iconic species of peafowl that Indians recognize is the blue peacock or the Indian peacock. This species is endemic to India and Sri Lanka. Two more species of peafowl exist –the green peafowl and the Congo Peacock. The green peafowl is found in Burma, Java, andsurrounding regions. The Congo peacock, as the name suggests, was discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Size of a Peacock:The Indian peacocks are rather large birds, with an average length of 100-115 cm from beak to tail. Interestingly, the tail feathers often grow much longer than the entire bird, usually reaching lengths of over 200 cms. However, only the males of this species have the tail feathers. On average, the males weigh between 4 to 6 kilograms, and the females weigh between 3 to 4 kilograms. Peacocks are thelargest birds in their family (Phasianidae), which includes turkeys, chickens, pheasants, and partridges.Peacock Appearance:Indian peacocks have an unmistakable appearance –these birds have a metallic blue colour and a fan-shaped tail with colourful eye-spots (males only). Their long tail is called a train, and its primary function is thought to be courtship- that is, to attract females. The peacock’s head and neck area have bright, greenish-blue iridescent feathers. The peacock’s back has scaly-bronze feathers. The train (tail) iscomposed of many feathers – up to 200 feathers, with most of these ending in colourful eye-spots. The peahen’s colours are rather dull in comparison to the peacock. It does not have the elaborate tail feathers nor the brilliant, metallic blue feathers on its body.Peacock Habitat:The Indian peafowl is found in India as well as Sri Lanka. The bird is generally found at elevations of 1800m and below. It prefers the moist and dry deciduous forests, but can also be found near human habitations, especially where water is common. Besides its native habitat, thisbird has also been introduced in many other countries such as Mexico, the United States, South Africa, Indonesia, Australia, Portugal, Croatia and Mauritius. Interestingly, Indian peacocks have been spotted in much harsher environments such as Canada.Feeding Habits of a Peacock:Indian peafowls are omnivorous, which means they eat seeds, nuts, insects and small reptiles and animals. Peafowls are also known to feed on small snakes if other sources of food are not available. In the Gir forests of Gujarat, the birds feed on the Zizyphus berries which have fallenon the ground. Around human habitations, the bird feeds on scraps and leftovers. In cultivated areas, it can feed on a wide range of crops.Peacock Predation:Peacocks have many natural predators, such as wolves and foxes. Sometimes, large birds of prey, such as eagles and owls, also hunt peafowls. To escape, the bird flies into surrounding trees. Sometimes, domestic dogs also hunt peacocks.The lifespan of Peacock:In the wild, peafowls are known to live for 15 years. However, in captivity, they can live for 23 years or even more.Cultural Perspective of Peacocks:Peacocks have a significant cultural impact in India as well as many other countries around the world. The bird has been seen in many historic depictions such as rock sculptures, and stone engravings. In ancient Indian culture, the peacock is often associated with the Gods and Goddesses. For instance, Lord Krishna is often portrayed with a peacock feather in his headband. In Buddhist culture, the peacockrepresents wisdom. Its feathers are used as ornamentation and in many rituals. we soonly update essay on peacock in English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil.The peacock is one of the most magnificent birds ever, with its bright, colorful plumage and even more colourful cultural implications. It is India’s national bird due to this very reason. It has also been depicted in music, dance, poetry, and many Indian traditions. However, humans have destroyed most of its natural habitat; hence, it is now classified as a vulnerable species. We need to ensure that the right measures aretaken so that this fabled bird does not become extinct.Question 1.Why is the peacock our national bird?Answer:Peacocks have a significant cultural impact in India and are found in many depictions such as rock sculptures, and stone engravings. In ancient Indian culture, the peacock is often associated with the Gods and Goddesses. Itwas also easily recognized by the common man; hence it is our national bird.Question 2.What is interesting about a peacock?Answer:Indian peacocks have an unmistakable appearance –these birds have a metallic blue colour and a fan-shaped tail with colorful eye-spots. However, only the males have these long tails.Question 3.Are Peacocks a symbol of good luck?Answer:Yes. People have associated peacocks with the Gods and Goddesses for centuries in India.Question 4.What do Peacocks eat?Answer:Indian peafowls are omnivorous, which means they eat seeds, nuts, insects and small reptiles and animals.Question 5.Can peacocks fly?Answer:Yes, peacocks can fly just as well as other birds despite its massive tail.。
一、(选择题)总分:30分(1分/题)1、What sport uses a ball and a net?A, SoccerB, BasketballC, BaseballD, Tennis2、Which plant has broad, flat leaves?哪种植物有宽大平坦的叶子?A, GrassB, CactusC, Maple treeD, Pine tree3、Which of the following means "气候" in English?A, WeatherB, ClimateC, EnvironmentD, Temperature4、What do we call a person who studies the stars?A, AstrologerB, AstronomerC, Scientist5、How do you say "鸡蛋" in English?A, EggB, ChickenC, DuckD, Goose6、How do you feel when you win a game?A, SadB, HappyC, AngryD, Confused7、She is wearing a yellow dress. 她穿着一条黄色的裙子。
A, Pink B, Yellow C, White8、What does "蚊子" mean in English?A, WaspB, HornetC, MosquitoD, Fly9、What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?A, RockiesB, AndesC, Himalayas10、What do we call the process of a plant undergoing dormancy?我们称植物进入休眠状态的过程为?A, DormancyB, GrowthC, GerminationD, Germination11、What do you call the end of the day?A, MorningB, NoonC, EveningHow many players are on a soccer team?A, 9B, 11C, 712、What do you call a baby cat?A, PuppyB, KittenC, CubD, Foal13、What is the largest planet in our solar system?A, EarthB, MarsC, JupiterD, Saturn14、What do we call the color of a flower?中文解释:我们称花的颜色为?A, Petal colorB, Leaf colorC, Stem color15、How do you say "苹果" in English?A, OrangeB, AppleC, GrapeD, Peach16、情景交际。
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Chapter7Chickpea,a Common Source of Proteinand Starch in the Semi-Arid TropicsFred J.Muehlbauer and P.N.RajeshAbstract Chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)is an important food crop in the semi-arid tropics where it is grown during the cool winter season.Research has concentrated on the development of improved germplasm for resistance to diseases and pests and more recently has focused on the use of genetics and biotechnological tools to enhance the knowledge of the genomics of chickpea.The wild species(8annuals and34perennials)are a potential source of genes for overcoming problems of dis-eases and pests,and work is underway toward overcoming barriers to interspecific hybridization.Bacterial artificial chromosome libraries are available for genomic research in chickpea and a targeted induced local lesion in genomes,also called TILLING,platform is under development that holds promise for identification of important genes and determination of their function.The chickpea plant is described and the tools for further exploitation of the crop are discussed.7.1IntroductionChickpea had its origin in the Near East Arc,where it was domesticated along with other pulses including lentil(Lens culinaris Medik.)and peas(Pisum sativum L.) over7,000years ago(Ladizinsky1975).After domestication,chickpea along with other pulses and cereals formed the basis of early agriculture in the Mediterranean and West Asian regions.Chickpea soon spread south to Ethiopia and east to South Asia where it became an important and popular legume food crop and remains so to the present time.Chickpea apparently was taken to the Americas soon after the dis-covery of the New World and became an important food crop in the Pacific coastal regions of North,Central,and South America.Chickpea has been divided into two broad groupings,“Kabuli”and“Desi,”based on size,shape,and coloration of the seeds.Kabuli types generally have large seeds that weigh in excess of26grams per100seeds,are rounded,and white or cream colored.Often the Kabuli seed type is referred to as“Ramshead.”Plants of Kabuli F.J.MuehlbauerUSDA-ARS,303Johnson Hall,Washington State University,Pullman,WA99164,USAe-mail:muehlbau@P.H.Moore,R.Ming(eds.),Genomics of Tropical Crop Plants171 C Springer2008172 F.J.Muehlbauer,P.N.Rajesh types are tall and are devoid of purple or violet pigmentation of the leaves,stems,flowers,and pods.Desi types generally have seeds that are less than26grams per 100seeds and have a rough,angular appearance.Coloration can vary from light tan to black with all gradations in between.Seeds are often mottled and speckled. Desi types are typically produced in South Asia where they represent the majority of production;while Kabuli types dominate the production in most other regions and especially in the western hemisphere.Even though Kabuli and Desi types are generally distinguished by seed size and seed coloration,there are some Kabuli types smaller than26grams per100seeds and some Desi types that are larger than 26grams per100seeds.Chickpeas are branched,spreading annuals that have considerable variation in form,with some being semi-erect with a main stem and few branches while oth-ers can be relatively prostrate with profuse branching.Germination of the seeds is hypogeal and the plants develop a strong,well-developed tap root with numerous lateral roots that are nodulated under normal conditions.Plant height can range from 30to60cm depending on growing conditions.Leaves can be either pinnately com-pound with3-8leaflet pairs along a central rachis or simple(unifoliolate)with a single leaf lamina.The self pollinatingflowers,usually0.6-1.3cm long,are borne as singles,doubles,or triples on inflorescences that originate from the stem axes. Chickpea is a quantitative“long-day”plant butflowers in all photoperiods(Smith-son et al.1985).Flower color of Kabuli types is usually white;whileflower color of Desi types can be white,pink,purple,or blue.Pod shape is rhomboid ellipsoid and about2.0-5.0cm long and1.5-2.0cm wide with glandular pubescence.Pods have an inflated appearance and usually contain one or two seeds,but rarely more than two.Seedcoat colors vary from white to cream to tan for the Kabuli types,while Desi type seeds can be light tan,green,dark brown or black with many variations of mottling and other forms of pigmentation.The anterior of the seeds of both types are“beaked.”The crop is grown as a cool weather crop in semi-arid regions and as a winter crop in many production regions,particularly in South Asia,the Mediterranean, Australia,and Mexico and other areas where weather permits.Though sensitive to cold,some cultivars can tolerate air temperatures as low as−9.5◦C.Very early maturing cultivars will complete their life cycle in as little as65days,while later maturing cultivars may require in excess of120days.Winter chickpea may require up to180days from planting to maturity.7.1.1Economic,Agronomic and Societal Importance of Chickpea Chickpea,also known as“Garbanzo,”is the third most important pulse crop in the world after beans(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)and peas(Pisum sativum L.)and is a major source of protein for human food in semi-arid tropical regions(FAO2006).By far the majority of the world’s chickpea crop is grown in South Asia with India being the largest producer with an estimated production of6.0million metric tonnes(mmt)7Chickpea,a Common Source of Protein and Starch in the Semi-Arid Tropics173 annually and accounting for over half of world production.Other major producing countries include Pakistan(0.87mmt),Turkey(0.61mmt),Iran(0.31mmt),Mex-ico(0.24mmt),Myanmar(0.23mmt),Australia(0.19mmt),Ethiopia(0.14mmt), Canada(0.98mmt),Syria(0.55mmt),Morocco(0.42mmt),and numerous coun-tries that produce smaller amounts(FAO2006).Production in the U.S is currently estimated at80,000mt.Of the producing countries,Canada,Australia,Turkey,and the United States are major exporters.Chickpea is an annual legume that is grown from seeds that are either broadcast on the soil surface and incorporated by tillage or planted using grain drills.Seeding rates vary from25to120kilograms per hectare depending on soil conditions and method of planting.Chickpea can be cultivated as a sole crop or in mixtures with numerous other crops(Van der Maesen1972).Originally,it was considered that strains of Rhizobium leguminsarum nodulated the roots of chickpea;however,later evidence indicated that strains of R.ciceri were the active bacteria(Nour et al.1994).Nitrogenfixation through symbiosis can account for a significant portion of the nitrogen needs of the chickpea crop and can be achieved with good nodulation.Estimates of nitrogenfixation by chickpea crops vary considerably with soil type,climatic conditions,and residual soil nitrogen con-tent.It is,therefore,difficult to make predictions for expected nitrogenfixation.In traditional farming systems chickpea is harvested at maturity or near maturity and allowed to dry completely prior to threshing.Chaff is separated from the seed by winnowing.The crop is generally harvested in developed countries by direct combining when the moisture content of the seeds is less than15%.Chickpea is primarily a food crop used in various forms.In India the crop is consumed primarily as dhal,a preparation produced by decorticating the seed and separating the cotyledons.The decorticated and split cotyledons are then used to produce a thick soup that is generally served with rice.Chickpea is also used as a whole pulse and is soaked and boiled.“Chole”is a traditional dish made from whole chickpeas in India.A popular use in the Middle East is as hummus,a dish made from cooked and ground chickpea that is mixed with tahini,olive oil,and various spices and eaten with traditionalflat bread.Dry roasted chickpea seasoned with various spices is a popular snack in most countries of the Middle East and North Africa.In India,the young leaves of chickpea are often harvested green and cooked to make a dish similar to spinach.7.1.2Chickpea as an Experimental OrganismChickpea is a self-pollinating diploid annual with2n=16chromosomes.Natural outcrossing is estimated at less than1%.Procedures for crossing of chickpea are similar to that used for other cool season legumes and require careful handling of theflowers and good sources of pollen for success.The advantage of chickpea as an experimental organism is its relatively short seed-to-seed reproductive cycle,usually less than4months under normalfield conditions or in controlled environments.The174 F.J.Muehlbauer,P.N.Rajesh highly self-pollinating nature of chickpea lends the species to development of re-combinant inbred line(RIL)populations for genetic mapping that can be repeatedly and accurately phenotyped for important traits necessary for precise genetic linkage analysis.The Cicer genus comprises nine annual species and34perennials.The annuals can be placed into three groupings.Thefirst includes C.arietinum,the only cul-tivated species,C.reticulatum,the presumed progenitor,and C.echinospermum. Within this group,C.reticulatum is completely cross compatible with cultivated C. arietinum;while C.echinospermum can be crossed with the cultivated species,but with a high degree of sterility in the hybrids and hybrid progenies.The second group includes C.bijugum,C.pinnatifidum,and C.judaicum.There is no verified evidence that species of this group can be crossed to the cultivated species.There have been attempts to facilitate intercrossing of C.arietinum with C.bijugum through the use of embryo rescue;however,success has yet to be reported and confirmed.A similar approach has been used in attempts to overcome barriers to crossing C.arietinum with C.pinnatifidum.In both cases,weak albino plants have been obtained,but no seeds have been reported from those crosses.C.chorassanicum,C.yamashitae,and C.cuneatum comprise the third grouping and are considered to be the most distant of the annual species from cultivated C.arietinum.A very limited amount of genetic polymorphism for molecular markers in chick-pea has been a distinct handicap in the development of genetic linkage maps in these plants.Initially this handicap was circumvented through the use of interspecific hybrid populations.In populations from those crosses,genetic polymorphism for molecular markers was considerably greater than what was found in intraspecific crosses within cultivated chickpea.While the initial genetic maps of chickpea were developed from interspecific cross populations,more recent mapping efforts have concentrated on the use of intraspecific cross populations and the use of sequence tagged microsatellite site(STMS)markers.7.2Genetic Mapping and Tagging in ChickpeaAn initial genetic map of chickpea by Simon and Muehlbauer(1997)comprised a limited number of restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP)and random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)markers and showed some similarity to the genetic maps of pea and lentil indicating conservation of linkage ter,a map developed by Santra et al.(2000)comprised mostly RAPD markers and had an estimated size of982cM.More recent genetic maps were developed using STMS markers and interspe-cific crosses that had a greater degree of polymorphism(Huttel et al.1999;Winter et al.2000;Cho et al.2002;Pfaff and Kahl2003;Flandez-Galvez et al.2003). These maps have included important genes for resistance to Fusarium wilt,caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.ciceri.STMS markers have proven useful for mapping within intraspecific crosses and have resulted in more densely populated maps.7Chickpea,a Common Source of Protein and Starch in the Semi-Arid Tropics175 The STMS markers and mapping populations were also used to determine the locations of the quantitative trait loci(QTLs)for resistance to Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta rabiei,considered to be the most devastating disease of chick-pea worldwide.Further refinements of the chickpea map and development of a consensus map of the chickpea genome is currently underway using the numerous genetic maps of chickpea that are available and common markers.At the present time there are more linkage groups than the haploid chromosome number,a prob-lem that will likely be overcome through increased marker density on the chickpea genetic map and through development of a consensus map of the chickpea genome.Gene tagging for eventual use in marker-assisted selection(MAS)has been a long-term goal of chickpea research programs.To date,the genes for resistance to Fusarium wilt(caused by several races of Fusarium oxysporum)have been located on the chickpea linkage map and associated with closely linked molecular markers (Winter et al.2000).QTLs for Ascochyta blight resistance have been located on the chickpea map(Santra et al.2000;Tekeoglu et al.2002)and have formed the basis for further study of resistance mechanisms(Cho and Muehlbauer2004;Cho et al.2004).7.3Sequence and Marker DiversityThe chickpea genome is considered homogeneous based on the minimal polymor-phism for molecular markers.The lack of polymorphism may be a consequence of relatively recent domestication and its self-pollinating reproductive cycle.Hence, the identification of molecular polymorphism is difficult and time consuming.To overcome this problem,researchers have used interspecific crosses that have an in-creased frequency of molecular polymorphism and highly variable simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers.SSR markers in chickpea were identified as being highly polymorphic compared to other types of markers.There are six published linkage maps based on either intra-and interspecific crosses that are populated with mor-phological markers and various types of molecular markers including:isozymes, amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP),RAPD,inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR),resistant gene analog(RGA),and STMS markers(Santra et al.2000; Winter et al.2000;Cho et al.2002;Collard et al.2003;Flandez-Galvez et al.2003; Cho et al.2004).In spite of the availability of SSR markers,they are insufficient in number to generate a high density linkage map.However,progress in genomic research in chickpea including bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC)end sequenc-ing and expressed sequence tags(ESTs)will provide additional opportunities for developing sequence-based markers that target specific genomic regions.Single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)research is relatively new in plant sys-tems but appears to have great potential for marker development.The potential for SNPs was initially shown in Arabidopsis(Jander et al.2002),maize(Ching et al.2002),and soybean(Zhu et al.2003),where extensive analyses for SNPs were performed.Recently,Rajesh and Muehlbauer(2006,unpublished data)estimated176 F.J.Muehlbauer,P.N.Rajesh SNP frequency at1in94bp in coding sequences and1in74bp in genomic regions in two parental chickpea lines(FLIP84-92C[C.arietinum]and PI599072[C.retic-ulatum])that were previously used to develop an interspecific linkage map.SNP frequency between these two interspecific parental lines was sufficient to allow for additional marker development that was used for increasing marker density in the important QTL1region for Ascochyta blight resistance.SNP frequencies within intraspecific parental lines of chickpea were lower than within interspecific parents but comparable to that found in sugar beet(1in126bp; Schneider et al.2001),rice(1in89bp;Nasu et al.2002),maize(1in60-120bp; Ching et al.,2002),cassava(1in62bp;Lopez et al.2005),and pearl millet(1in 59bp;Bertin et al.2005).Other than genetic mapping,SNP-derived markers can be used to genotype chickpea germplasm collections and to associate marker genotype with agronomi-cally important traits with direct implications for breeding programs.This objective can be achieved because technology is available for large scale SNP genotyping with a capacity of2million genotypes per day(BeadArray technology,Illumina, Inc,USA),but SNP markers still need to be determined on a large scale.Genome-wide SNP determination and mapping by high-throughput technology in combination with genetic map integration with physical maps will improve our understanding of the whole genome and will have broad implications for breeding programs.7.4BAC Cloning and UtilizationChickpea genomic research has progressed rapidly over the pastfive years.Start-ing with the development of thefirst BAC library(Rajesh et al.2002),research has made significant advances in various aspects of genomics including:develop-ment of additional BAC libraries(Lichtenzveig et al.2005),whole BAC sequencing (Rajesh current research),whole genome physical mapping(Zhang personal com-munication),EST development(Buhariwalla2003),targeted induced local lesion in genomes(TILLING)mutants(Rajesh personal communication),established proto-cols for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation(AMT)(Sanyal et al.2003),and SNP discovery(Rajesh et al.2005)7.4.1Development of BAC LibrariesThe use of BAC libraries and other large insert libraries has revolutionized genomic research in plants and animals.Although the insert size in BAC libraries is smaller than in yeast artificial chromosome(YAC)libraries,considering the ease of the cloning,long term maintenance of inserts,and lack of chimerism,BAC libraries have gained importance for plant genomic research.BIBAC(binary BAC)libraries have the added advantage of carrying elements in the vector that are necessary for7Chickpea,a Common Source of Protein and Starch in the Semi-Arid Tropics177 AMT.This approach eliminates the necessity of sub-cloning the insert from a BAC vector to a binary vector once the gene of interest is identified.As is commonly known,several agronomically important genes,especially those for disease resis-tance,may be clustered in the genome(Staskawicz et al.1995).A binary vector that has both a large insert cloning capacity and is amenable to AMT significantly reduces the time requirement when transformation is attempted.The BAC libraries can be used for BAC end sequencing,physical mapping and whole genome sequenc-ing.Since most agronomically important traits are governed by QTLs spread widely across the genome,BAC libraries can enhance the success of map-based cloning by reducing the number of steps in chromosome walking.Thefirst BAC library for chickpea was constructed using Hind III(Rajesh et al. 2002)and has been used to identify clones associated with genes for disease resis-tance(Rajesh et al.2004).The BAC library was constructed in the binary vector pCLD04541(otherwise V41)and had a3.8X coverage of the genome with a95% probability of including a genomic fragment with an individual gene of interest. Additional BAC libraries were constructed using Hind III and BamH I restriction en-zymes and vectors pIndigoBAC and pCLD04541,with average insert sizes of121 and145kb,respectively(Lichtenzveig et al.2005).Two additional Hind III BAC libraries have been developed(Doug Cook and Gunther Kahl personal communi-cations)for a total offive libraries from four different cultivars.These resources are available to the chickpea research community and provide combined genome coverage greater than15X.Since the recognition sites of Hind III(AT rich)and BamH1(GC rich)are complementary to each other and the libraries are constructed using different vectors,these libraries are expected to represent the entire genome. The ease of AMT,combined with an established protocol for chickpea and the abil-ity to transform inserts larger than100kb,enhance direct transformation of large inserts representing agronomically important genomic regions from the BIBAC library without further sub-cloning.These libraries have been used for various applications in chickpea such as iden-tification of clones containing resistance genes(Rajesh et al.2004),SNP discovery, whole BAC sequencing(Rajesh and Muehlbauer unpublished data),and develop-ing SSR markers(Lichtenzveig et al.2005).A limited number of sequence based markers have been placed on the chickpea linkage map and the current number of linkage groups is greater than the haploid number of chickpea chromosomes. BAC end sequencing has enormous potential for developing markers to increase marker density in the linkage maps.Currently,these large insert libraries are in use for whole genome physical mapping by BACfingerprinting(HB Zhang personal communication).7.4.2BAC Physical MappingAlthough development of dense linkage maps facilitates identification of mark-ers tightly linked to the desired trait,it requires establishing physical and genetic178 F.J.Muehlbauer,P.N.Rajesh correlation to effectively apply the markers in MAS.Hence,developing markersfrom the genomic region that are physically closer to the gene will have a long term application in breeding programs.Development of genome-wide integrated physical and genetic maps will allow easier chromosome walking,offers an effi-cient and economical approach for map-based cloning,and will serve to identify tightly linked markers.Physical mapping using BAC clones can be accomplished byfingerprint analysis,fluorescent in situ hybridization,optical mapping,iterativehybridization,and chromosome walking(Ren et al.2005).Of these procedures,fin-gerprint analysis is the most commonly used method.Successful physical mappingusing BAC libraries is enhanced by large insert sizes that minimize the number of clones needed to cover the genome and reduces the number of clones required to span a given genomic region with minimal tiling path.Whole genome representa-tion is improved by using complementary restriction enzymes that target AT-rich and GC-rich nucleotides while making the library(Ren et al.2005) The chickpea BAC library of Rajesh et al.(2002)was used to develop markersfrom the ends of the BACs spanning QTL1for Ascochyta blight resistance and to physically map the QTL1genomic region.Sequencing of BACs from these con-tigs identified several candidate disease resistance genes.High resolution mapping was performed using theflanking markers(Rajesh et al.unpublished data).Work is in progress to develop and integrate physical and genetic maps byfingerprinting ∼50,000(∼10X)BACs from BAC libraries and assemble them into a genome-wide contig map of chickpea.The ultimate goal is to anchor the map contigs to the chick-pea genetic maps to whichflowering time and Ascochyta blight resistance QTLwere mapped.The approach should provide additional markers that can be used to fine map these important QTLs(HB Zhang personal communication)and be used for MAS in breeding programs.7.4.3Whole-BAC SequencingHigh throughput technology has made it feasible to sequence entire genomes of different organisms.Genome sequencing of higher organisms is difficult because of their complex nature and large size.However,large scale DNA sequencing is under-way and is useful for studying genome organization,comparing genomes of related species,and SNP discovery.Currently,most genome sequencing projects in higher organisms are performed using BAC clones because of their advantages such as containing specific gene-rich genomic regions(euchromatin)that can be sequenced rather than the entire genome.Also,BAC clones allow easy distribution of specific genomic regions to collaborating laboratories.By sequencing BACs representing only euchromatic genomic regions,the Medicago Genome Sequencing Consortium predicts that90%of the gene content will be sequenced by sequencing just50%of the500Mb Medicago truncatula genome(Town2005).In chickpea,although the number of sequences being deposited in the database has gradually increased,whole-BAC sequencing was not attempted until20037Chickpea,a Common Source of Protein and Starch in the Semi-Arid Tropics179 (Rajesh2006unpublished data).Currently,there are758,388base pairs that show particular genome organization and composition in chickpea.Based on an estimated gene density of one gene per9.2kb and genome size of740Mb,approximately 80,000genes are estimated to be present in chickpea genome.Considering the av-erage gene size and the total number of genes,it is estimated that200Mb of the genome(27%)consist of genes.These estimates were based on11BAC clones that represented different genomic regions,three of which are located in a genomic region associated with resistance to Ascochyta blight(QTL-1).Interestingly,repeti-tive elements were relatively infrequent(8.68%)in these BAC clones,while in other plants repetitive elements account for more than50%of the genome.Sequencing of additional BAC clones is underway and should help clarify the organization of the chickpea genome.7.5Molecular CytogeneticsKaryotype analysis has been used to describe the relative size and arm lengths of the eight chromosomes of C.arietinum and several of the wild relatives;however, the small size and sticky nature of the chromosomes does not lend itself to more detailed analysis(Ahmad2000).The relative size and chromosome arm lengths of the chromosomes has made it possible to place some of the species into groups. For example,it has been possible to place the cultivated species,C.arietinum,with C.reticulatum,C.echinospermum,and the perennial species,C.anatolicum and C.songaricum into the same grouping based on chromosome morphology(Ah-mad2000;Croser et al.2003).Morphological examination indicates that only one chromosome has a nucleolar organizer region(Ocampo et al.1992;Ahmad2000).Classification of chickpea chromosomes byflow cytometry(Vláˇcilováet al.2002) was successful in isolating chromosomes corresponding tofive of the eight chickpea chromosomes and associating STMS markers from linkage group8to the small-est chromosome.These promising results complement genetic linkage and physical mapping of the chickpea genome by associating specific linkage groups to particular chromosomes.7.6Functional GenomicsWith the availability of complete genome sequences(Arabidopsis and rice)and near complete whole genome DNA sequences of model plants,25,000genes have been predicted in Arabidopsis and from32,000to50,000have been predicted in rice. Since the predicted number of genes exceeds the number of genes with known function,it is challenging to determine the function of each gene.Full length cDNA synthesis is a major aspect of functional genomics not only for annotating,but for in vitro and in vivo characterization of each gene.Correlation of functional change by alteration of a gene at the molecular level in mutants will facilitate the determination180 F.J.Muehlbauer,P.N.Rajesh of the gene function.Emphasis has also been placed on how well these genes are spatially and temporally separated or coordinated by transcriptional profiling of dif-ferent tissue and at different time intervals.Overall,the study of functional genomics of chickpea is in the very early stages.7.6.1EST DevelopmentFull length cDNA synthesis of all the genes is technically laborious and costly; therefore,partial sequencing of the expressed genes,known as expressed sequence tags(ESTs),promulgates nearly as much information as full length cDNA and is less time consuming.Development of an EST database for each crop is necessary for transcriptome profiling and also for gene discovery.Differentially expressed genes during the Ascochyta rabiei-chickpea interaction have been studied using various techniques such as differential cDNA hybridization (Ichinose et al.2000),differential display reverse transcription(DDRT)(Rajesh et al.2003),and cDNA-AFLP(Cho et al.2004).However,global transcriptome analysis representing the entire chickpea genome has not been possible because of the small number of ESTs.Thefirst report of large scale EST development was published in2003with488entries in Genbank(Buhariwalla et al.2003).Recently, Coram and Pang(2005)increased this number by depositing an additional566ESTs in Genbank and developed a microarray platform to study the Ascochyta rabiei–chickpea interaction.At the time of writing this chapter,there were1,302chickpea EST entries in Genbank.ESTs can be used as genetic markers as well.Buhariwalla et al.(2003)showed the utility of ESTs as markers in genetic diversity analysis among chickpea wild species.EST mapping is worthwhile because gene-rich regions in the genome can be defined and gene discovery is possible for traits of interest.SNP discovery in ESTs across different accessions will help in developing SNP markers that can be used in high throughput genotyping.Microsatellites present in ESTs(EST-SSRs) are variable and are likely to be naturally polymorphic.EST-SSR markers designed from Medicago truncatula has been attempted in chickpea,lentil and pea.Although the number of polymorphic markers was low,it showed the potential for transfer-ability of markers across the species(Muehlbauer unpublished data).However,these markers were70%polymorphic among six Medicago species(Eujayl et al.2004).A separate study by Gutierrez et al.(2005)indicated significant transferability of M.truncatula microsatellites to three pulse crops(40%to faba bean,36.3%to chickpea and37.6%to pea)and that the SSR motifs were variable,although the flanking regions were conserved.It is,therefore,possible to design markers with good transferability and representative of the same genomic regions.This may be achieved by incorporating phylogenetic relationships with molecular analyses to determine genome conservation.Comparative EST sequence analysis involving two major clades including cool season legumes and warm season legumes identifies the conserved exon sequences。