Electronic transport in films of colloidal CdSe nanocrystals




《Electronic Properties of Materials》教材评介何为毅(南开大学物理科学学院)一、出版与作者情况《材料的电子学性质》(Electronic Properties of Materials)是由世界著名的科技出版社德国施普林格(Springer-Verlag)出版公司出版的。




本书是由美国佛罗里达大学材料科学与工程学院教授Rolf E.Hummel在第一版的基础上进行修改和扩充完成。


同时作者在半导体器件制备、场效应管(JFET, MOSFET)、量子半导体器件,电学储存(D-RAM,S-RAM)、逻辑电路等其他第一版已有章节基础上增加了许多新的内容。

Rolf E.Hummel是佛罗里达大学材料科学系的教授,他于1963年在德国的斯图加特大学获得博士学位,同时期在德国的马克思-普朗克材料研发中心做过研究。



Rolf E.Hummel不仅是一位杰出的材料学专家,而且是一位出色的老师。

联系方式:rhumm@Phone:(352)392-6667Fax: (352)392-6359Office:216 Rhines Hall Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Gainesville, FL 32661他过去出版的书有:Optical Properties of Metals and Alloys(1971)Electro- and Thermotransport in Metals and Alloys(1977) Electronic Properties of Materials(1985,1993,2004)Understanding Materials Science: History, Properties, Application(2004)Handbook of Optical Materials (2004)PET-CT: A Case Based Approach(2004)Thin Films for Optical Coatings, Vol. 1(1995)二、本书内容简介作者对材料的各种特性作了经典的概括,为从事此方向研究的科学工作者提供了重要的参考资料。



第41卷第2期2021 年4 月西 安 工 业 大 学 学 报JournalofXi 'anTechnologicalUniversityVol. 41 No. 2Apr2021DOI : 10. 16185/j. jxatu. edu. cn. 2021. 02. 002http : //xb. xatu. edu. cn对电极涂覆AgNWs 对聚3-(2-羟乙基)噻吩变色性能的影响** 收稿日期:2020-08-16基金资助:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2019JM-225)。

第一作者简介:王 潇(1996-),女,西安工业大学硕士研究生。

通信作者简介:张文治(1980-)男,西安工业大学副教授,主要研究方向为光电功能材料与器件,E-mail :zhangwz @xatu. edu. cn 。

引文格式:王潇,张文治.对电极涂覆AgNWs 对聚3-(2-羟乙基)噻吩变色性能的影响西安工业大学学报,2021,41(2):132-139.WANG Xiao,ZHANG Wenzhi. Influence of Coating Silver Nanowires on Counter Electrode on the Electrochromic Proper ­ties of Poly(3-thiopheneethanol ) )J]. Journal of Xi an Technological University , 2021,41(2) : 132-139.王潇,张文治(西安工业大学材料与化工学院,西安710021)摘要:为提高聚噻吩类衍生物电致变色器件的响应速度和循环稳定性,采用电化学聚合法制备聚3-(2-^乙基)噻吩(P3TE )薄膜,同时将银纳米线(AgNWs )分散液滴涂到ITO 玻璃上制得AgNWs 导电薄膜,分别以ITO 玻璃上的P3TE 和AgNWs 薄膜为工作电极和对电极,与凝胶电解质一起组装成电致变色器件。

Hamiltonian dynamics, nanosystems, and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics

Hamiltonian dynamics, nanosystems, and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics

Hale Waihona Puke I.INTRODUCTION
Traditionally, statistical mechanics deals with macroscopic systems containing a number of particles equal to the Avogadro number NA = 6.0221415 × 1023 . However, this number has an anthropocentric origin since it relates the atoms to human artefacts such as the kilogram. Therefore, the Avogadro number does not represent a fundamental scale with respect to the atoms (except perhaps in biology). The question remains of the scale at which a phenomenon admits a statistical description. In this regard, statistical mechanics is currently challenged by the nanosciences which provide many examples of systems - often out of equilibrium - of size intermediate between the atoms and the macrosystems and which clearly require a statistical description. Examples of such nanosystems are the following: • Electronic transport in semiconducting quantum dots, as well as molecules, conducting polymers, or carbon nanotubes of a few dozen to hundred of nanometers where the conductance is given by the Landauer-B¨ uttiker formula. • Quantum corrals of 10-20 nm built with the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) by positioning iron atoms on the surface of copper at 4 K [1, 2]. • Diffusion of atoms and molecules on surfaces studied by field ion microscopy (FIM) [3] and STM [4, 5, 6]. • Atomic and molecular clusters with diameters of a few nanometers such as Nan where melting has been studied as a function of the size n [7]. • Large molecules such as polymers and RNA molecules studied thanks to atomic force microscopy (AFM) and optical tweezers [8, 9]. • Rotary nanomotors of about 10−18 Watt have been constructed by isolating the F1 -ATPase protein complex from mitochondria and gluing an actin filament or a gold bead to the axis of the motor [10, 11]. • Artificial electric motors of the size of about 300 nm manufactured with an axis made of a multiwalled carbon nanotube [12, 13]. The carbon nanotube plays the role of a bearing for the motor. This bearing is characterized by dynamic friction which dissipates energy. Energy is also dissipated by dynamic friction in the telescoping translational motion of multiwalled carbon nanotube [14, 15]. • The active motion of nanodroplets on surfaces covered by tensio-active chemical reactants [16, 17].












四、参考书目录1 Physics 物理学 (1)Introduction to physics (1)Classical and modern physics (2)Research fields (4)V ocabulary (7)2 Classical mechanics 经典力学 (10)Introduction (10)Description of classical mechanics (10)Momentum and collisions (14)Angular momentum (15)V ocabulary (16)3 Thermodynamics 热力学 (18)Introduction (18)Laws of thermodynamics (21)System models (22)Thermodynamic processes (27)Scope of thermodynamics (29)V ocabulary (30)4 Electromagnetism 电磁学 (33)Introduction (33)Electrostatics (33)Magnetostatics (35)Electromagnetic induction (40)V ocabulary (43)5 Optics 光学 (45)Introduction (45)Geometrical optics (45)Physical optics (47)Polarization (50)V ocabulary (51)6 Atomic physics 原子物理 (52)Introduction (52)Electronic configuration (52)Excitation and ionization (56)V ocabulary (59)7 Statistical mechanics 统计力学 (60)Overview (60)Fundamentals (60)Statistical ensembles (63)V ocabulary (65)8 Quantum mechanics 量子力学 (67)Introduction (67)Mathematical formulations (68)Quantization (71)Wave-particle duality (72)Quantum entanglement (75)V ocabulary (77)9 Special relativity 狭义相对论 (79)Introduction (79)Relativity of simultaneity (80)Lorentz transformations (80)Time dilation and length contraction (81)Mass-energy equivalence (82)Relativistic energy-momentum relation (86)V ocabulary (89)正文标记说明:蓝色Arial字体(例如energy):已知的专业词汇蓝色Arial字体加下划线(例如electromagnetism):新学的专业词汇黑色Times New Roman字体加下划线(例如postulate):新学的普通词汇1 Physics 物理学1 Physics 物理学Introduction to physicsPhysics is a part of natural philosophy and a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. Over the last two millennia, physics was a part of natural philosophy along with chemistry, certain branches of mathematics, and biology, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, the natural sciences emerged as unique research programs in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry,and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other sciences, while opening new avenues of research in areas such as mathematics and philosophy.Physics also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from theoretical breakthroughs. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism or nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products which have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.Core theoriesThough physics deals with a wide variety of systems, certain theories are used by all physicists. Each of these theories were experimentally tested numerous times and found correct as an approximation of nature (within a certain domain of validity).For instance, the theory of classical mechanics accurately describes the motion of objects, provided they are much larger than atoms and moving at much less than the speed of light. These theories continue to be areas of active research, and a remarkable aspect of classical mechanics known as chaos was discovered in the 20th century, three centuries after the original formulation of classical mechanics by Isaac Newton (1642–1727) 【艾萨克·牛顿】.University PhysicsThese central theories are important tools for research into more specialized topics, and any physicist, regardless of his or her specialization, is expected to be literate in them. These include classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, and special relativity.Classical and modern physicsClassical mechanicsClassical physics includes the traditional branches and topics that were recognized and well-developed before the beginning of the 20th century—classical mechanics, acoustics, optics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.Classical mechanics is concerned with bodies acted on by forces and bodies in motion and may be divided into statics (study of the forces on a body or bodies at rest), kinematics (study of motion without regard to its causes), and dynamics (study of motion and the forces that affect it); mechanics may also be divided into solid mechanics and fluid mechanics (known together as continuum mechanics), the latter including such branches as hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, and pneumatics.Acoustics is the study of how sound is produced, controlled, transmitted and received. Important modern branches of acoustics include ultrasonics, the study of sound waves of very high frequency beyond the range of human hearing; bioacoustics the physics of animal calls and hearing, and electroacoustics, the manipulation of audible sound waves using electronics.Optics, the study of light, is concerned not only with visible light but also with infrared and ultraviolet radiation, which exhibit all of the phenomena of visible light except visibility, e.g., reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, dispersion, and polarization of light.Heat is a form of energy, the internal energy possessed by the particles of which a substance is composed; thermodynamics deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy.Electricity and magnetism have been studied as a single branch of physics since the intimate connection between them was discovered in the early 19th century; an electric current gives rise to a magnetic field and a changing magnetic field induces an electric current. Electrostatics deals with electric charges at rest, electrodynamics with moving charges, and magnetostatics with magnetic poles at rest.Modern PhysicsClassical physics is generally concerned with matter and energy on the normal scale of1 Physics 物理学observation, while much of modern physics is concerned with the behavior of matter and energy under extreme conditions or on the very large or very small scale.For example, atomic and nuclear physics studies matter on the smallest scale at which chemical elements can be identified.The physics of elementary particles is on an even smaller scale, as it is concerned with the most basic units of matter; this branch of physics is also known as high-energy physics because of the extremely high energies necessary to produce many types of particles in large particle accelerators. On this scale, ordinary, commonsense notions of space, time, matter, and energy are no longer valid.The two chief theories of modern physics present a different picture of the concepts of space, time, and matter from that presented by classical physics.Quantum theory is concerned with the discrete, rather than continuous, nature of many phenomena at the atomic and subatomic level, and with the complementary aspects of particles and waves in the description of such phenomena.The theory of relativity is concerned with the description of phenomena that take place in a frame of reference that is in motion with respect to an observer; the special theory of relativity is concerned with relative uniform motion in a straight line and the general theory of relativity with accelerated motion and its connection with gravitation.Both quantum theory and the theory of relativity find applications in all areas of modern physics.Difference between classical and modern physicsWhile physics aims to discover universal laws, its theories lie in explicit domains of applicability. Loosely speaking, the laws of classical physics accurately describe systems whose important length scales are greater than the atomic scale and whose motions are much slower than the speed of light. Outside of this domain, observations do not match their predictions.Albert Einstein【阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦】contributed the framework of special relativity, which replaced notions of absolute time and space with space-time and allowed an accurate description of systems whose components have speeds approaching the speed of light.Max Planck【普朗克】, Erwin Schrödinger【薛定谔】, and others introduced quantum mechanics, a probabilistic notion of particles and interactions that allowed an accurate description of atomic and subatomic scales.Later, quantum field theory unified quantum mechanics and special relativity.General relativity allowed for a dynamical, curved space-time, with which highly massiveUniversity Physicssystems and the large-scale structure of the universe can be well-described. General relativity has not yet been unified with the other fundamental descriptions; several candidate theories of quantum gravity are being developed.Research fieldsContemporary research in physics can be broadly divided into condensed matter physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; particle physics; astrophysics; geophysics and biophysics. Some physics departments also support research in Physics education.Since the 20th century, the individual fields of physics have become increasingly specialized, and today most physicists work in a single field for their entire careers. "Universalists" such as Albert Einstein (1879–1955) and Lev Landau (1908–1968)【列夫·朗道】, who worked in multiple fields of physics, are now very rare.Condensed matter physicsCondensed matter physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter. In particular, it is concerned with the "condensed" phases that appear whenever the number of particles in a system is extremely large and the interactions between them are strong.The most familiar examples of condensed phases are solids and liquids, which arise from the bonding by way of the electromagnetic force between atoms. More exotic condensed phases include the super-fluid and the Bose–Einstein condensate found in certain atomic systems at very low temperature, the superconducting phase exhibited by conduction electrons in certain materials,and the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of spins on atomic lattices.Condensed matter physics is by far the largest field of contemporary physics.Historically, condensed matter physics grew out of solid-state physics, which is now considered one of its main subfields. The term condensed matter physics was apparently coined by Philip Anderson when he renamed his research group—previously solid-state theory—in 1967. In 1978, the Division of Solid State Physics of the American Physical Society was renamed as the Division of Condensed Matter Physics.Condensed matter physics has a large overlap with chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology and engineering.Atomic, molecular and optical physicsAtomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO) is the study of matter–matter and light–matter interactions on the scale of single atoms and molecules.1 Physics 物理学The three areas are grouped together because of their interrelationships, the similarity of methods used, and the commonality of the energy scales that are relevant. All three areas include both classical, semi-classical and quantum treatments; they can treat their subject from a microscopic view (in contrast to a macroscopic view).Atomic physics studies the electron shells of atoms. Current research focuses on activities in quantum control, cooling and trapping of atoms and ions, low-temperature collision dynamics and the effects of electron correlation on structure and dynamics. Atomic physics is influenced by the nucleus (see, e.g., hyperfine splitting), but intra-nuclear phenomena such as fission and fusion are considered part of high-energy physics.Molecular physics focuses on multi-atomic structures and their internal and external interactions with matter and light.Optical physics is distinct from optics in that it tends to focus not on the control of classical light fields by macroscopic objects, but on the fundamental properties of optical fields and their interactions with matter in the microscopic realm.High-energy physics (particle physics) and nuclear physicsParticle physics is the study of the elementary constituents of matter and energy, and the interactions between them.In addition, particle physicists design and develop the high energy accelerators,detectors, and computer programs necessary for this research. The field is also called "high-energy physics" because many elementary particles do not occur naturally, but are created only during high-energy collisions of other particles.Currently, the interactions of elementary particles and fields are described by the Standard Model.●The model accounts for the 12 known particles of matter (quarks and leptons) thatinteract via the strong, weak, and electromagnetic fundamental forces.●Dynamics are described in terms of matter particles exchanging gauge bosons (gluons,W and Z bosons, and photons, respectively).●The Standard Model also predicts a particle known as the Higgs boson. In July 2012CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics, announced the detection of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson.Nuclear Physics is the field of physics that studies the constituents and interactions of atomic nuclei. The most commonly known applications of nuclear physics are nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons technology, but the research has provided application in many fields, including those in nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology.University PhysicsAstrophysics and Physical CosmologyAstrophysics and astronomy are the application of the theories and methods of physics to the study of stellar structure, stellar evolution, the origin of the solar system, and related problems of cosmology. Because astrophysics is a broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.The discovery by Karl Jansky in 1931 that radio signals were emitted by celestial bodies initiated the science of radio astronomy. Most recently, the frontiers of astronomy have been expanded by space exploration. Perturbations and interference from the earth's atmosphere make space-based observations necessary for infrared, ultraviolet, gamma-ray, and X-ray astronomy.Physical cosmology is the study of the formation and evolution of the universe on its largest scales. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity plays a central role in all modern cosmological theories. In the early 20th century, Hubble's discovery that the universe was expanding, as shown by the Hubble diagram, prompted rival explanations known as the steady state universe and the Big Bang.The Big Bang was confirmed by the success of Big Bang nucleo-synthesis and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in 1964. The Big Bang model rests on two theoretical pillars: Albert Einstein's general relativity and the cosmological principle (On a sufficiently large scale, the properties of the Universe are the same for all observers). Cosmologists have recently established the ΛCDM model (the standard model of Big Bang cosmology) of the evolution of the universe, which includes cosmic inflation, dark energy and dark matter.Current research frontiersIn condensed matter physics, an important unsolved theoretical problem is that of high-temperature superconductivity. Many condensed matter experiments are aiming to fabricate workable spintronics and quantum computers.In particle physics, the first pieces of experimental evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model have begun to appear. Foremost among these are indications that neutrinos have non-zero mass. These experimental results appear to have solved the long-standing solar neutrino problem, and the physics of massive neutrinos remains an area of active theoretical and experimental research. Particle accelerators have begun probing energy scales in the TeV range, in which experimentalists are hoping to find evidence for the super-symmetric particles, after discovery of the Higgs boson.Theoretical attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single theory1 Physics 物理学of quantum gravity, a program ongoing for over half a century, have not yet been decisively resolved. The current leading candidates are M-theory, superstring theory and loop quantum gravity.Many astronomical and cosmological phenomena have yet to be satisfactorily explained, including the existence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, the baryon asymmetry, the acceleration of the universe and the anomalous rotation rates of galaxies.Although much progress has been made in high-energy, quantum, and astronomical physics, many everyday phenomena involving complexity, chaos, or turbulence are still poorly understood. Complex problems that seem like they could be solved by a clever application of dynamics and mechanics remain unsolved; examples include the formation of sand-piles, nodes in trickling water, the shape of water droplets, mechanisms of surface tension catastrophes, and self-sorting in shaken heterogeneous collections.These complex phenomena have received growing attention since the 1970s for several reasons, including the availability of modern mathematical methods and computers, which enabled complex systems to be modeled in new ways. Complex physics has become part of increasingly interdisciplinary research, as exemplified by the study of turbulence in aerodynamics and the observation of pattern formation in biological systems.Vocabulary★natural science 自然科学academic disciplines 学科astronomy 天文学in their own right 凭他们本身的实力intersects相交,交叉interdisciplinary交叉学科的,跨学科的★quantum 量子的theoretical breakthroughs 理论突破★electromagnetism 电磁学dramatically显著地★thermodynamics热力学★calculus微积分validity★classical mechanics 经典力学chaos 混沌literate 学者★quantum mechanics量子力学★thermodynamics and statistical mechanics热力学与统计物理★special relativity狭义相对论is concerned with 关注,讨论,考虑acoustics 声学★optics 光学statics静力学at rest 静息kinematics运动学★dynamics动力学ultrasonics超声学manipulation 操作,处理,使用University Physicsinfrared红外ultraviolet紫外radiation辐射reflection 反射refraction 折射★interference 干涉★diffraction 衍射dispersion散射★polarization 极化,偏振internal energy 内能Electricity电性Magnetism 磁性intimate 亲密的induces 诱导,感应scale尺度★elementary particles基本粒子★high-energy physics 高能物理particle accelerators 粒子加速器valid 有效的,正当的★discrete离散的continuous 连续的complementary 互补的★frame of reference 参照系★the special theory of relativity 狭义相对论★general theory of relativity 广义相对论gravitation 重力,万有引力explicit 详细的,清楚的★quantum field theory 量子场论★condensed matter physics凝聚态物理astrophysics天体物理geophysics地球物理Universalist博学多才者★Macroscopic宏观Exotic奇异的★Superconducting 超导Ferromagnetic铁磁质Antiferromagnetic 反铁磁质★Spin自旋Lattice 晶格,点阵,网格★Society社会,学会★microscopic微观的hyperfine splitting超精细分裂fission分裂,裂变fusion熔合,聚变constituents成分,组分accelerators加速器detectors 检测器★quarks夸克lepton 轻子gauge bosons规范玻色子gluons胶子★Higgs boson希格斯玻色子CERN欧洲核子研究中心★Magnetic Resonance Imaging磁共振成像,核磁共振ion implantation 离子注入radiocarbon dating放射性碳年代测定法geology地质学archaeology考古学stellar 恒星cosmology宇宙论celestial bodies 天体Hubble diagram 哈勃图Rival竞争的★Big Bang大爆炸nucleo-synthesis核聚合,核合成pillar支柱cosmological principle宇宙学原理ΛCDM modelΛ-冷暗物质模型cosmic inflation宇宙膨胀1 Physics 物理学fabricate制造,建造spintronics自旋电子元件,自旋电子学★neutrinos 中微子superstring 超弦baryon重子turbulence湍流,扰动,骚动catastrophes突变,灾变,灾难heterogeneous collections异质性集合pattern formation模式形成University Physics2 Classical mechanics 经典力学IntroductionIn physics, classical mechanics is one of the two major sub-fields of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces. The study of the motion of bodies is an ancient one, making classical mechanics one of the oldest and largest subjects in science, engineering and technology.Classical mechanics describes the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, as well as astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. Besides this, many specializations within the subject deal with gases, liquids, solids, and other specific sub-topics.Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results as long as the domain of study is restricted to large objects and the speeds involved do not approach the speed of light. When the objects being dealt with become sufficiently small, it becomes necessary to introduce the other major sub-field of mechanics, quantum mechanics, which reconciles the macroscopic laws of physics with the atomic nature of matter and handles the wave–particle duality of atoms and molecules. In the case of high velocity objects approaching the speed of light, classical mechanics is enhanced by special relativity. General relativity unifies special relativity with Newton's law of universal gravitation, allowing physicists to handle gravitation at a deeper level.The initial stage in the development of classical mechanics is often referred to as Newtonian mechanics, and is associated with the physical concepts employed by and the mathematical methods invented by Newton himself, in parallel with Leibniz【莱布尼兹】, and others.Later, more abstract and general methods were developed, leading to reformulations of classical mechanics known as Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. These advances were largely made in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they extend substantially beyond Newton's work, particularly through their use of analytical mechanics. Ultimately, the mathematics developed for these were central to the creation of quantum mechanics.Description of classical mechanicsThe following introduces the basic concepts of classical mechanics. For simplicity, it often2 Classical mechanics 经典力学models real-world objects as point particles, objects with negligible size. The motion of a point particle is characterized by a small number of parameters: its position, mass, and the forces applied to it.In reality, the kind of objects that classical mechanics can describe always have a non-zero size. (The physics of very small particles, such as the electron, is more accurately described by quantum mechanics). Objects with non-zero size have more complicated behavior than hypothetical point particles, because of the additional degrees of freedom—for example, a baseball can spin while it is moving. However, the results for point particles can be used to study such objects by treating them as composite objects, made up of a large number of interacting point particles. The center of mass of a composite object behaves like a point particle.Classical mechanics uses common-sense notions of how matter and forces exist and interact. It assumes that matter and energy have definite, knowable attributes such as where an object is in space and its speed. It also assumes that objects may be directly influenced only by their immediate surroundings, known as the principle of locality.In quantum mechanics objects may have unknowable position or velocity, or instantaneously interact with other objects at a distance.Position and its derivativesThe position of a point particle is defined with respect to an arbitrary fixed reference point, O, in space, usually accompanied by a coordinate system, with the reference point located at the origin of the coordinate system. It is defined as the vector r from O to the particle.In general, the point particle need not be stationary relative to O, so r is a function of t, the time elapsed since an arbitrary initial time.In pre-Einstein relativity (known as Galilean relativity), time is considered an absolute, i.e., the time interval between any given pair of events is the same for all observers. In addition to relying on absolute time, classical mechanics assumes Euclidean geometry for the structure of space.Velocity and speedThe velocity, or the rate of change of position with time, is defined as the derivative of the position with respect to time. In classical mechanics, velocities are directly additive and subtractive as vector quantities; they must be dealt with using vector analysis.When both objects are moving in the same direction, the difference can be given in terms of speed only by ignoring direction.University PhysicsAccelerationThe acceleration , or rate of change of velocity, is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time (the second derivative of the position with respect to time).Acceleration can arise from a change with time of the magnitude of the velocity or of the direction of the velocity or both . If only the magnitude v of the velocity decreases, this is sometimes referred to as deceleration , but generally any change in the velocity with time, including deceleration, is simply referred to as acceleration.Inertial frames of referenceWhile the position and velocity and acceleration of a particle can be referred to any observer in any state of motion, classical mechanics assumes the existence of a special family of reference frames in terms of which the mechanical laws of nature take a comparatively simple form. These special reference frames are called inertial frames .An inertial frame is such that when an object without any force interactions (an idealized situation) is viewed from it, it appears either to be at rest or in a state of uniform motion in a straight line. This is the fundamental definition of an inertial frame. They are characterized by the requirement that all forces entering the observer's physical laws originate in identifiable sources (charges, gravitational bodies, and so forth).A non-inertial reference frame is one accelerating with respect to an inertial one, and in such a non-inertial frame a particle is subject to acceleration by fictitious forces that enter the equations of motion solely as a result of its accelerated motion, and do not originate in identifiable sources. These fictitious forces are in addition to the real forces recognized in an inertial frame.A key concept of inertial frames is the method for identifying them. For practical purposes, reference frames that are un-accelerated with respect to the distant stars are regarded as good approximations to inertial frames.Forces; Newton's second lawNewton was the first to mathematically express the relationship between force and momentum . Some physicists interpret Newton's second law of motion as a definition of force and mass, while others consider it a fundamental postulate, a law of nature. Either interpretation has the same mathematical consequences, historically known as "Newton's Second Law":a m t v m t p F ===d )(d d dThe quantity m v is called the (canonical ) momentum . The net force on a particle is thus equal to rate of change of momentum of the particle with time.So long as the force acting on a particle is known, Newton's second law is sufficient to。

Advanced Materials for Electronics and Photonics

Advanced Materials for Electronics and Photonics

Advanced Materials for Electronics andPhotonicsThe fields of electronics and photonics are advancing at an astonishing rate, with ever-increasing demand for faster and more powerful devices. As such, materials that can support cutting-edge technologies are a crucial factor in the development of these industries. In this article, we will explore some of the most promising advanced materials that have been developed for electronics and photonics, as well as their potential applications and advantages.1. GrapheneGraphene is a wonder material that has been touted as a game-changer in the worldof electronics. It is a two-dimensional form of carbon that is just one atom thick, but has incredible strength and conductivity. Graphene's high electron mobility and excellent thermal conductivity make it ideal for use in transistors, sensors, and energy storage devices.One of the most exciting potential applications for graphene is in the creation of flexible electronics. Because of its thinness and flexibility, graphene can be integrated into wearable devices, rollable screens, and even electronic tattoos. Other applications include high-speed data transfer, water filtration, and transparent electronics.2. Quantum DotsQuantum dots are ultra-small nanocrystals that emit light when excited by an external energy source. Their unique optical properties make them ideal for use in a variety of applications, including displays, lighting, and medical imaging.One of the most promising applications of quantum dots is in the creation of high-resolution displays. Quantum dot displays are capable of reproducing more colors than traditional displays, resulting in a more lifelike image. Additionally, they are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than other display technologies.Quantum dots are also being used to create highly precise medical imaging technologies. They can be engineered to emit light at specific wavelengths, allowing doctors to differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue with greater accuracy.3. NanocelluloseNanocellulose is a biodegradable and sustainable material that is derived from wood pulp. Despite its humble origins, nanocellulose has a number of remarkable properties that make it ideal for use in electronics.One of the most significant advantages of nanocellulose is its high tensile strength. It is also an excellent conductor of electricity, making it a potential replacement for traditional copper wiring. Furthermore, it is transparent, which makes it a good candidate for use in flexible and transparent electronics.Nanocellulose is also being explored as a potential material for energy storage devices. Its pore structure allows it to hold large amounts of electrolyte, which could make it an ideal material for supercapacitors and batteries.4. PerovskitesPerovskites are a class of materials that have been garnering a lot of attention in recent years due to their remarkable properties. They are a type of crystal structure that can be made from a variety of elements, and can be engineered to have specific properties.Perovskites have shown remarkable potential in the field of solar energy. They can be used to create highly efficient solar cells that are both thin and flexible. Additionally, they can be integrated into windows, allowing them to harvest solar energy while still letting light through.Perovskites are also being explored for use in LED lighting. They can be used to create highly efficient and cost-effective lighting solutions, as well as displays and other types of optoelectronic devices.ConclusionThe materials we have explored in this article are just a few examples of the exciting developments happening in the world of advanced materials. Graphene, quantum dots, nanocellulose, and perovskites all have unique properties that make them ideal for use in electronics and photonics. As these materials are developed and integrated into new technologies, we can expect to see dramatic improvements in performance and efficiency in a variety of industries.。



光学专业常用英语词汇.t photocathode 光电阴极photoelectric cathode photoelectric cell 光电阴极光电管photoelectric fluorometer 光电荧光计optical-electronic mail address recognizer 光电邮件地址识别机photoelectric threshold 光电阈photoelectric cell 光电元件photoelement 光电元件photounit 光电元件photoelectric reader 光电阅读器photoreader 光电阅读器photoelectric chopper 光电斩波器photoelectric lighting control 光电照明控制electro-optical rectifier 光电整流器photoelectric direct reading spectrometer 光电直读光谱计photoelectric guidance 光电制导photoelectric transit instrument 光电中星仪photoelectric clock 光电钟photoelectric translating system 光电转换系统photoelectric conversion efficiency 光电转换效率photoelectrical refrigeration 光-电转换制冷photoelectric tachometer 光电转速计photoelectronics 光电装置photoelectric turbidimeter 光电浊度计photonephelometer 光电浊度计photoelectron 光电子photoelectric yield 光电子产额optical electronic reproducer 光电子唱头optoelectronic memory 光电子存储optoelectronic storage 光电子存储optoelectronic storage 光电子存储器photoelectronic 光电子的photoelectric emission 光电子发射photoelectron emission spectroscopy 光电子发射能谱学optoelectronic amplifier 光电子放大器photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子光谱学photoelectron counting 光电子计数angular distribution of photoelectron 光电子角度分布optoelectronic switch 光电子开关energy distribution of photoelectron 光电子能量分布photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子能谱学photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子谱法optoelectronic modulator 光电子调制器photoelectron statistics 光电子统计学photoelectron image 光电子图像photoelectronic phenomena 光电子现象optical electronics 光电子学optoelectronics 光电子学photoelectronics 光电子学optoelectronic 光电子学的optoelectronic shutter 光电子学光闸electrooptical character recognition 光电字符识别 light resistance 光电阻optical superposing 光叠加photodynamic inactivation 光动力钝化作用photodynamic substance 光动力物质photodynamics 光动力学photodynamic action 光动力作用 p hotokinesis 光动态photokinesis 光动性photodinesis 光动状态photosensing marker 光读出标记luminosity 光度photometric scale 光度标photometric standard 光度标准photometric parameter 光度参数photometric measurement 光度测量photometry 光度测量method of photometric interpolation 光度插入法photometric unit 光度单位photometric titration 光度滴定photometric titration 光度滴定法photometry 光度法light-distribution photometer 光度分布计photometric pyrometer 光度高温计photometric orbit 光度轨道 - 食双星luminosity function 光度函数photometric integrator 光度积分器photometric integrating sphere 光度积分球photometric primary standard 光度基准器luminosity class 光度级optimeter 光度计photometer 光度计photometric computer 光度计算机photometric calibration 光度校准photometric distance 光度距离photometric aperture 光度孔径photometric paradox 光度矛盾luminosity curve 光度曲线photometric parallax 光度视差photometric binary 光度双星 - 即食双星photometric bench 光度台overluminous star 光度特大恒星photometric system 光度系统luminosity rate 光度效率luminosity class 光度型photometry 光度学luminosity evolution 光度演化luminosity paradox 光度佯谬photometric paradox 光度佯谬telephotometry 光度遥测法telephotometry 光度遥测术photometric diameter 光度直径photodimerization 光二聚photodimerization 光二聚作用luminous emittance 光发射度light emitting diode 光发射二极管photoemissivity 光发射能力optical emission spectrography 光发射摄谱学photocell 光发射元件optical transmitter 光发送机light valve 光阀 photovalve 光阀light valve display 光阀显示light valve array 光阀阵列photon sail 光帆light reflex 光反射luminous reflectance 光反射比light reaction 光反应photoreaction 光反应photoreactive chlorophyll 光反应性叶绿素light amplifier 光放大器optical amplifier 光放大器photolysis 光分解photovoltaic device 光伏器件photovoltaic sensor 光伏式传感器photovoltaic transducer 光伏式传感器photovoltaic detector 光伏探测器photovoltaic effect 光伏效应solar photovoltaic energy system 光伏型太阳能源系统optical character recognition 光符号识别optical character recognition 光符识别optical character recognition application 光学字符识别应用optical character recognition device 光符识别装置light radiation 光辐射optical radiation 光辐射optical radiation standard 光辐射标准器photoreactivation 光复活photoreactivating enzyme 光复活酶photoreactivating deficient mutant 光复活缺陷突变型photoreactivation repair 光复活修复photoreactivation 光复活作用optical interferometry 光干涉量度学polished rod 光杆stroke of polished rod 光杆冲程polished rod horsepower 光杆功率position of polished rod 光杆位置light sensation 光感sensillum opticum 光感器photoreception 光感受photoreceptor 光感受器photoreception 光感受作用optical lever 光杠杆opto-isolator 光隔离器photoisolator 光隔离器optical tracking satellite 光跟踪卫星optical tracker system 光跟踪系统optical tracking system 光跟踪系统mechanical equivalent of light 光功当量optical soliton 光孤子photo-curing 光固化light-cured composite 光固化复合树脂photocurable polyimide 光固化聚酰亚胺light-cured resin 光固化树脂photocureable coating 光固化涂料light curring unit 光固化装置X-ray tube X光管 bare pipe 光管light pipe 光管light-pipe optics 光管光学optical track 光盘轨optical track pitch 光轨间距light-compass reaction 光晷反应smooth roll 光辊photosensitivity 光过敏photosensitization 光过敏bare electrode 光焊条photosynthetic ratio 光合比photosynthetic number 光合比值photosynthate 光合产物photosynthetic product 光合产物photosynthetic unit 光合单位photosynthetic 光合的photosynthetic electron transport 光合电子传递photosynthetic activity 光合活性photophosphorylation 光合磷酸化photophosphorylase 光合磷酸化酶optical combiner 光合路器photosynthetic intensity 光合强度photosynthetic pigment 光合色素photosynthetic quotient 光合商photosynthetic carbon metabolism 光合碳代谢Calvin cycle 光合碳还原环photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle 光合碳还原环photosystem 光合体系photosynthetic bacteria 光合细菌photosynthetic efficiency 光合效率photoheterotroph 光合异养生物photosynthetic active radiation 光合有效辐射photosynthetically active radiation 光合有效辐射photoautotrophic 光合自养的photosynthetic tissue 光合组织photosynthesis 光合作用epipelagic 光合作用带的photosynthesis science 光合作用科学photosynthesis physiology 光合作用生理学photosynthetic bacteria 光合作用细菌photonuclear reaction 光核反应Prunus mira Koehne. 光核桃smooth pit peach 光核桃photonucleon 光核子optically thick medium 光厚介质 - 光深τ>1的介质photorespiration 光呼吸photorespiration 光呼吸作用smooth approximation 光滑逼近smooth boundary 光滑边界glare ice 光滑冰smooth invariant measure 光滑不变测度smooth measure 光滑测度smooth hypersurface 光滑超曲面slickens 光滑冲积层glassy 光滑的glossy 光滑的laevigate 光滑的laevigatus 光滑的laevis 光滑的levigate 光滑的sleek 光滑的smooth point 光滑点smooth two-dimensional manifold 光滑二维流形smoothing equation 光滑方程smooth function 光滑函数smoothing function 光滑函数smooth kernel 光滑核smoothing problem 光滑化问题slick joint 光滑接头smooth structure 光滑结构smoothing solution 光滑解smooth colony 光滑型菌落smooth manifold 光滑流形smooth plane curve 光滑平面曲线smooth surface 光滑曲面smooth curve 光滑曲线smoothing operator 光滑算子smooth broach 光滑髓针smooth core rotor 光滑铁心转子smooth type 光滑型smooth sequence 光滑序列smooth map 光滑映射smooth mapping 光滑映射actinic glass 光化玻璃Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence 光化当量的爱因斯坦定律actinic 光化的actinoelectricity 光化电photoionization 光化电离actinicity 光化度actinism 光化度photochemical reaction 光化反应actinic radiation 光化辐射actinic focus 光化焦点actinic green 光化绿actinic green glass 光化绿玻璃actinic rays 光化射线actinicity 光化性actinic chemistry 光化学actinochemistry 光化学actinology 光化学photochemistry 光化学chemosphere 光化学层photochemical rearrangement 光化学重排first law of photochemistry 光化学第一定律photochemical cell 光化学电池photochemical kinetics 光化学动力学photochemical reaction 光化学反应reaction kinetics of photochemistry 光化学反应动力学photochemical process 光化学过程photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 光化学活性碳氢化合物photochemical processing 光化学加工photochemical crosslinking 光化学交联photochemotherapy 光化学疗法photochemical equilibrium 光化学平衡photo chemical vapor deposition 光化学气相沉积Photo-CVD 光化学气相沉积photochemical stability 光化学稳定性photochemical pollutant 光化学污染物photochemical fog 光化学雾photochemical smog 光化学烟雾photochemical smog kinetics 光化学烟雾动力学photochemical oxidant 光化学氧化剂photochemical transformation 光化学转化photochemical smog 光化烟雾photochemical induction 光化学诱导actinism 光化作用photoreduction 光还原ring of light 光环sight reticle camera 光环摄影机halo effect 光环效应photopsy 光幻觉lumiflavin 光黄素light fog 光灰雾mithramycin 光辉霉素photoactivation 光活化photoactive reaction 光活化反应optical active matter 光活性剂optical active polymer 光活性聚合物X-ray machine X光机opto-mechanical scanner 光机扫描器optical-mechanical scanner 光机扫描仪optical-mechanical system 光机系统light distortion 光畸变photothyristor 光激半导体闸流管photostimulated ionization 光激电离optically active material 光激活材料light-activated switch 光激开关light-activated silicon controlled switch 光激可控硅开关light-activated silicon controlled rectifier 光激可控硅整流器photo-SCR 光激可控硅整流器photoexcitation 光激励phototonus 光激性photoluminescence 光激荧光现象photokinesis 光激运动post-maximum spectrum 光极大后光谱optical integrated circuit 光集成电路optical computer 光计算机optical recording 光记录optical recording media 光记录媒体optical relay 光继电器Aglaspida 光甲目Anoplophora glabripennis 光肩星天牛optical detector 光检测器photodetector 光检测器light degradation 光降解photodegradation 光降解photodegradable polymer 光降解聚合物light step 光阶optical receiver 光接收器bareface fabric 光洁不起绒织物bright quenching 光洁淬火clean hardening 光洁淬火finish 光洁度smooth finish 光洁度smoothness 光洁度roughness meter 光洁度计clean thread 光洁螺纹clean-cut timber 光洁木材photodecomposition 光解photolysis 光解作用protolysis 光解反应叶绿素photodissociation 光解离photolytic silver 光解银photomeson 光介子photopion nuclear physics 光π介子核物理学optotransistor 光晶体管optical path 光径radius-luminosity relation 光径关系light microscope 光镜optical moment 光矩optical system 光具组optical bench 光具座bench photometer 光具座式光度计photo polymerization 光致聚合photopolymer 光聚合物photopolymerization 光聚作用optical switch 光开关photoengraving 光刻photoetching 光刻photolithography 光刻photoetching material 光刻材料photoetching 光刻法photolithographic process 光刻工艺photolithography technique 光刻工艺mask aligner 光刻机photolithography limitation 光刻极限photoetch integrated circuit 光刻集成电路photoetching technique 光刻技术photoresist 光刻胶photolithographic diffusion window 光刻扩散窗口photoetch pattern 光刻图案photolithographic mask layer 光刻掩蔽层photolithographic masking operation 光刻掩蔽工序phototched mask 光刻掩摸light writer 光刻字机aperture color 光孔色 photophobia 光恐怖Raysistor 光控变阻器photoelectroluminescence 光控电致发光optically controlled gyro compass 光控回转罗盘photorelay 光控继电器photo-thyristor 光控晶闸管light-operated switch 光控开关photoswitch 光控开关photoimpact 光控脉冲light-dependent control element 光控元件optical control 光控制diaphragm 光阑diaphragm setting 光阑定位diaphragm aperture 光阑孔径diaphragm servomotor 光阑驱动伺服电动机diaphragm lens 光阑透镜optical cable 光缆optical fiber cable 光缆optical fibre cable 光缆optical cable distribution system 光缆分配系统optical cable splice 光缆接头optical cable connector 光缆连接器optical cable connector adapter 光缆连接器转接座optical cable driver 光缆驱动器optical cable communication 光缆通信optical cable assembly 光缆组件light aging 光老化lidar 激光雷达optical radar 光雷达photoionization 光离子化photoionization detector 光离子化检测器photomechanics 光测力学optomechanics 光力学granulation 光粒组织optical connector 光连接器optical link 光链路glitter 光亮clean annealing 光亮退火bright quenching oil 光亮淬火油nitid 光亮的nitidum 光亮的bright plating 光亮电镀bright current density range 光亮电流密度范围luminance 光亮度luminance brightness 光亮度bright plating 光亮镀gilding brass 光亮黄铜brightener 光亮剂brightening agent 光亮剂bright pickling 光亮浸蚀bright drawing 光亮拉丝bright coal 光亮煤bright heat treatment 光亮热处理bright heat treatment wire 光亮热处理钢丝bright adaptation 光亮适应luminous quantities 光亮数量bright annealing 光亮退火light annealing 光亮退火bright annealing furnace 光亮退火炉bright stock 光亮油料Lampridiformes 光亮鱼目magnitude of light 光量quantity of light 光量actinography 光量测定法photometry 光量法light control 光量控制light control tape 光量控制带light control characteristic 光量控制特性light quantum 光量子photon 光量子optical quantum counter tube 光量子计数管quantum theory of light 光量子论phototherapy 光疗light therapy 光疗法photophosphorylation 光合磷酸化作用optical homodyne detection 光零差探测light stream 光流photohalogenation 光卤化carnallite 光卤石photographic recording 光录声optical path 光路optical path length 光路长度reversibility of optical path 光路可逆性optical filter 光滤波器smooth millboard 光面纸板smooth-surfaced roofing 光面屋面halo blight 光轮疫病halonate 光轮状light-compass orientation 光罗盘定向blank bolt 光螺栓pulsed light 光脉冲optical pulse generator 光脉冲发生器amplification of light pulse 光脉冲放大photo-impulses counting 光脉冲计数optical pulse counter 光脉冲计数器optical pulse counting 光脉冲记数compression of light pulse 光脉冲压缩compression technique of light pulse 光脉冲压缩技术photogermination 光萌发optical density 光密度light densitometer 光密度计optically denser medium 光密介质streamer 光幂 grain side 光面bright steel wire 光面钢丝refacer 光面机plain arch 光面拱skidding tire 光面轮胎smooth tread tyre 光面轮胎smooth endoplasmic reticulum 光面内质网smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum 光面内质网Leiotriletes 光面三缝孢属glossy paper 光面相纸glossy print 光面照片glassy millboard 光面纸板plane ashlar 光面琢石light sensing 光敏photovaristor 光敏变阻器photosensitive glass 光敏玻璃phototropic glass fiber 光敏玻璃纤维photoconductive film 光敏薄膜photosensitizer 光敏材料light sensitive layer 光敏层photodarlington 光敏达林顿放大器light sensitive 光敏的photosensitive 光敏的light sensitive cell 光敏电池photo-potentiometer 光敏电位器photovaristor 光敏电阻photoresistor 光敏电阻light sensitive resistance ceramics 光敏电阻瓷photoresistor ceramics 光敏电阻瓷light sensitive resistor 光敏电阻器ligt resistor 光敏电阻器photo-resistor 光敏电阻器light sensitive diode 光敏二极管photosensitive diode 光敏二极管optical sensor 光敏感器photo-sensor 光敏感器photosensitivity 光敏感性light sensor 光敏感元件photosensor 光敏感元件photosensitivity disorder 光敏感障碍light sensitive seed 光敏感种子light-sensitive tube 光敏管photosensitive tube 光敏管photosensitization 光敏化photosensitizer 光敏剂light sensitive relay 光敏继电器photosensitive relay 光敏继电器photosensitive detector 光敏检波器photosensitive adhesive 光敏胶粘剂actinodielectric 光敏介电的optical transistor 光敏晶体管phototransistor 光敏晶体管phototransistor circuit 光敏晶体管电路phototransistor matrix 光敏晶体管阵列phototransistor 光敏晶体三极管photopolymer 光敏聚合物photosensitive polymer 光敏聚合物light activated switch 光敏开关light-activated silicon switch 光敏可控硅整流器photosensing device 光敏器件photosensor 光敏器件phototransistor 光敏三极管phototriode 光敏三极管phytochrome 光敏色素light-sensitive detector 光敏探测器photaceram 光敏微晶玻璃photosensitive glass-ceramics 光敏微晶玻璃photo document sensor 光敏文件感受器photoinitiator 光敏引发剂light-sensitive cell 光敏元件photosensitive element 光敏元件photosensor 光敏元件photo-thyristor 光敏闸流管photosensitization 光敏作用Guangming 光明lucensomycin 光明霉素optical mode 光模optical analog memory 光模拟存储器optical pattern recognition 光模式识别luminous energy 光能actionoscope 光能测定器actinometry 光能测定学actinometer 光能测定仪photosynthesis 光能合成photoenergetics 光能力学phototroph 光能利用菌efficiency for solar energy utilization 光能利用率phototrophic bacteria 光能利用细菌actinometry 光能强度测定actinogram 光能曲线图photolithotrophy 光能无机营养photolithotrophic bacteria 光能无机营养菌photoheterotrophic bacteria 光能异养菌photoheterotroph 光能异养生物photoorganotrophy 光能有机营养photoorganotrophic bacteria 光能有机营养菌photoautotrophy 光能自养photoautotrophic bacteria 光能自养菌photo-autotroph 光能自养生物light year 光年lyear 光年photo viscoelasticity 光粘弹性photocoagulator 光凝固器photocoagulator 光凝结器light button 光钮optical coupling 光耦合light-coupled semiconductor switch 光耦合半导体开关optically coupled isolator 光耦合隔离器optical coupler 光耦合器optocoupler 光耦合器photocoupler 光耦合器light beating spectroscopy 光拍光谱学optical disc 光盘optical disk 光盘optical disc drive 光盘驱动器optical disc servo control system 光盘伺服控制系统wedge 光劈optical biasing 光偏置light deflection 光偏转optical deflector 光偏转器optodeflector 光偏转器photobleaching 光漂白clean bill 光票clean payment credit 光票付款信用证clean payment letter of credit 光票付款信用证clean remittance 光票汇款clean rate 光票利率clean collection 光票托收collection on clean bill 光票托收clean credit 光票信用证clean letter of credit 光票信用证optical frequency 光频optical frequency standard 光频标ptical isolator 光频隔离器optical frequency division multiplexing 光频频分复用optical phonon 光频声子optical double magnetic resonance 光频双磁共振optical branch 光频支optical screen 光屏photomask agent 光屏蔽剂optical screen reader 光屏读数器light spectrum 光谱optical spectrum 光谱spectrum 光谱semiquantitative spectrometric analysis 光谱半定量分析spectral background 光谱背景spectrocomparator 光谱比较仪spectrum variable 光谱变星spectral standard solar cell 光谱标准太阳电池spectrometry 光谱测定法spectral measurement 光谱测量spectrophone 光谱测声器spectral component 光谱成分spectral pure 光谱纯spectroscopically pure 光谱纯spectroscopically pure graphite 光谱纯石墨spectral bandwidth 光谱带宽spectral 光谱的spectroscopic lamp 光谱灯spectroelectrochemistry 光谱电化学quantitative spectrochemical analysis 光谱定量分析quantitative spectrometric analysis 光谱定量分析qualitative spectrometric analysis 光谱定性分析spectral luminous efficiency 光谱发光效率spectral emissivity 光谱发射率spectral reflectance 光谱反射spectral reflectance 光谱反射比spectral range 光谱范围spectral directional reflectance factor 光谱方向反射因子spectrum emission 光谱放射率spectral resolution 光谱分辨率spectral distribution 光谱分布spectral distribution curve 光谱分布曲线spectral distribution graph 光谱分布图spectrum order sorter 光谱分级器spectral classification 光谱分类spectral analysis 光谱分析spectrographic analysis 光谱分析spectrum analysis 光谱分析spectrum analyser 光谱分析器physics of spectroscopic analysis 光谱分析物理学error in spectrochemical analysis 光谱分析误差spectral peak 光谱峰bandwidth of emission spectrum 光谱辐射带宽spectral radiometry 光谱辐射度量学spectrum radiator 光谱辐射计spectral radiance factor 光谱辐射亮度因子spectral radiance 光谱辐射率spectral radiant energy 光谱辐射能spectral radiance energy 光谱辐射能量spectral radiant flux 光谱辐射通量spectral radiant gain 光谱辐射增益spectral radiant illuminance standard lamp 光谱辐射照度标准灯spectral irradiance 光谱辐照度spectral irradiance distribution 光谱辐照度分布spectral interference 光谱干扰spectral photographic plate 光谱感光板spectral sensitivity 光谱感光度spectral pyrometer 光谱高温计spectrophotometric colorimetry 光谱光度测色法spectral-luminosity classification 光谱-光度分类法spectrum-luminosity diagram 光谱光度图 - 即赫罗图spectral photometry 光谱光度学spectral luminous efficiency 光谱光视效率spectral luminous efficiency curve 光谱光视效率曲线spectral luminous efficacy 光谱光视效能spectroscopic optics 光谱光学spectral locus 光谱轨迹spectrum locus 光谱轨迹spectrochemistry 光谱化学qualitative spectrochemical analysis 光谱化学定性分析spectrochemical analysis 光谱化学分析spectrochemical series 光谱化学系列spectral buffer 光谱缓冲剂spectroscopic buffer 光谱缓冲剂excitation of spectra 光谱激发order of spectrum 光谱级spectrograde 光谱级spectroscopic technology 光谱技术spectrum technology 光谱技术spectral discrimination 光谱鉴别spectral discriminator 光谱鉴别器spectral mirror 光谱镜spectral centroid 光谱矩心spectral width 光谱宽度spectroscopic prism 光谱棱镜quantum theory of spectra 光谱量子理论spectral sensitivity 光谱灵敏度spectrum sensitivity 光谱灵敏度spectral sensitivity characteristic 光谱灵敏度特性曲线spectral filtering 光谱滤波spectral density 光谱密度spectrum-density diagram 光谱-密度图spectral sensitivity 光谱敏感性spectral energy distribution 光谱能量分布spectral power distribution 光谱能量分布spectral mach 光谱配色spectrum matching 光谱匹配spectro-polarimeter 光谱偏光计spectral shift 光谱偏移spectral intensity 光谱强度spectral region 光谱区spectral tristimulus values 光谱三色刺激值spectral tristimulus values 光谱三色激励值spectral color 光谱色spectrum color 光谱色spectrocolorimeter 光谱色度计spectrocolorimetry 光谱色度学spectral chromaticity coordinates 光谱色度坐标spectroscopic entropy 光谱熵spectral photography 光谱摄影学spectrophotography 光谱摄影学spectral discrimination 光谱识别spectrographic laboratory 光谱实验室spectroscopic test 光谱试验spectral character 光谱特性spectral characteristic 光谱特性spectral property 光谱特性spectrum projector 光谱投影仪spectrum transparency region 光谱透明区spectral transmittance 光谱透射比spectrogram 光谱图spectrum chart 光谱图spectroscopic displacement law 光谱位移律spectral line 光谱线 spectrum line 光谱线spectral linewidth 光谱线宽度broadening of spectral line 光谱线增宽spectral response 光谱响应spectral responsivity 光谱响应度spectral response range 光谱响应范围spectral response curve 光谱响应曲线spectral response characteristic 光谱响应特性曲线spectral term 光谱项spectroscopic term 光谱项spectral extinction 光谱消色spectral information 光谱信息spectral type 光谱型spectral sequence 光谱序spectrography 光谱学spectroscopy 光谱学spectroscopist 光谱学家optical spectrometer 光谱仪spectrograph 光谱仪spectrometer 光谱仪spectrophotometer 光谱仪spectrofluorometer 光谱荧光计spectroscopic carrier 光谱载体spectral sensitization 光谱增感spectral index 光谱指数day neutral 光期钝感day-neutral plant 光期钝感植物lac varnish 光漆phosgene 光气photon drag detector 光牵探测器light preamplifier 光前置放大器light gun 光枪mode of optical cavity 光腔振荡模式intensity of light 光强light intensity 光强light intensity 光强度luminous intensity 光强度optical power 光强度luminous intensity measurement 光强度测量enhancement of light intensity differences 光强度差增强luminous intensity sensitivity 光强灵敏度intensity modulation 光强调制photoaffinity labeling 光亲和标记photosphere 光球photospheric eruption 光球爆发photospheric facula 光球层光斑photoelectric liquid-level indicator 光电液位指示器photoelectric encoder 光电译码器photocathode 光电阴极??photoelectric cathode photoelectric cell 光电阴极光电管photoelectric fluorometer 光电荧光计optical-electronic mail address recognizer 光电邮件地址识别机photoelectric threshold 光电阈photoelectric cell 光电元件photoelement 光电元件photounit 光电元件? ?photoelectric reader 光电阅读器?? photoreader 光电阅读器?? photoelectric chopper 光电斩波器photoelectric lighting control 光电照明控制electro-optical rectifier 光电整流器 !??photoelectric direct reading spectrometer 光电直读光谱计photoelectric guidance 光电制导photoelectric transit instrument 光电中星仪photoelectric clock 光电钟photoelectric translating system 光电转换系统photoelectric conversion efficiency 光电转换效率photoelectrical refrigeration 光-电转换制冷photoelectric tachometer 光电转速计photoelectronics 光电装置photoelectric turbidimeter 光电浊度计photonephelometer 光电浊度计? ? photoelectron 光电子photoelectric yield 光电子产额optical electronic reproducer 光电子唱头optoelectronic memory 光电子存储optoelectronic storage 光电子存储optoelectronic storage 光电子存储器photoelectronic 光电子的photoelectric emission 光电子发射photoelectron emission spectroscopy 光电子发射能谱学optoelectronic amplifier 光电子放大器photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子光谱学photoelectron counting 光电子计数angular distribution of photoelectron 光电子角度分布optoelectronic switch 光电子开关?? energy distribution of photoelectron 光电子能量分布? ? photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子能谱学photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子谱法optoelectronic modulator 光电子调制器photoelectron statistics 光电子统计学photoelectron image 光电子图像photoelectronic phenomena 光电子现象optical electronics 光电子学optoelectronics 光电子学?? photoelectronics 光电子学optoelectronic 光电子学的optoelectronic shutter 光电子学光闸electrooptical character recognition光电字符识别light resistance 光电阻optical superposing 光叠加photodynamic inactivation 光动力钝化作用photodynamic substance 光动力物质?? photodynamics 光动力学photodynamic action 光动力作用photokinesis 光动态photokinesis 光动性photodinesis 光动状态photosensing marker 光读出标记luminosity 光度 photometric scale 光度标??photometric standard 光度标准。



丝网印刷术语英语翻译2007-7-26 06:03 【大中小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】开孔面积百分率 open mesh area percentage丝网所有网孔的面积与相应的丝网总面积之比,用百分数表示。

模版开孔面积 open stencil area丝网印刷模版上所有图像区域面积的总和。

网框外尺寸 outer frame dimension在网框水平位置上,测得包括网框上所有部件在内的长与宽的乘积。

印刷 printing利用凸版、平版、凹版、网版或其它图像载体,将有色或无色介质(如油墨)转移到承印物上的复制过程。

印版 printing forme一种通过油墨转移将图像复制到承印物上的印刷图文载体。

印刷头 printing head印刷机上通过靠着印版动作、为油墨转移提供必要压力的部件。

印刷油墨 printing ink印刷过程中敷附于承印物上的物质。

印刷面 printing side(lower side)丝网印版的底面,即油墨与承印物相接触的一面。

轮转丝网印刷 rotary screen printing使用滚筒印版的丝网印刷过程。



网屏角度 screen angle对于椭圆形网点,网屏的主轴与坐标方向之间的夹角;对于圆形和方形网点,网屏主轴与坐标方向所成角度最小。

丝网 screen mesh一种带有排列规则、大小相同的开孔的丝网印刷模版的载体。

丝网印刷 screen printing使用印刷区域呈筛网状开孔印版的漏印方式。

丝网印版 screen printing forme印刷区域呈筛网状开孔的漏印版。

印刷网框 screen printing frame固定并支撑丝网印刷模版载体的框架装置。

丝网印刷模版 screen printing stencil在丝网印刷模版的载体上使非印刷区域不透墨的封闭层。

丝网印刷模版载体 screen printing stencil carrier丝网印版中承载印刷模版的筛网部分。

Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films 原

Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films 原

Science Oct 22 (2004)Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon FilmsK.S. Novoselov1, A.K. Geim1, S.V. Morozov2, D. Jiang1, Y. Zhang1, S.V. Dubonos2, I.V.Grigorieva1, A.A. Firsov2 1Department of Physics, University of Manchester, M13 9PL, Manchester, UK2Institute for Microelectronics Technology, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia We describe monocrystalline graphitic films, which are just a few atoms thick but nonetheless stable under ambient conditions, metallic and of remarkably high quality. The films are found to be a two-dimensional semimetal with a tiny overlap between valence and conductance bands and to exhibit a strong ambipolar electric-field effect such that electrons and holes in concentrations up to 1013cm-2 and with room-temperature mobilities ≈10,000 cm2/Vs can be induced by applying gate voltage.One-sentence summary: We report a naturally-occurring two-dimensional material – graphene that can be viewed as a gigantic flat fullerene molecule, – describe its electronic properties and demonstrate all-metallic field-effect transistor, which uniquely exhibits ballistic transport at submicron distances even at room temperature.The ability to control electronic properties of a material by externally applied voltage is at the heart of modern electronics. In many cases, it is the so-called electric field effect that allows one to vary the carrier concentration in a semiconductor device and, consequently, change an electric current through it. As the semiconductor industry is nearing the limits of performance improvements for the current technologies dominated by silicon, there is a constant search for new, non-traditional materials whose properties can be controlled by the electric field. The most notable examples of such materials developed recently are organic conductors [1] and carbon nanotubes [2]. It has long been particularly tempting to extend the use of the field effect to metals (e.g., to develop all-metallic transistors that could be scaled down to much smaller sizes and also have the potential to consume less energy and operate at higher frequencies than traditional semiconducting devices [3]). However, this would require atomically thin metal films because the electric field is screened at extremely short distances (<1 nm) and bulk carrier concentrations in metals are large compared to the surface charge that can be induced by the field effect. Films so thin are thermodynamically unstable and become discontinuous already at thicknesses of many nm; so far, this has proved to be an insurmountable obstacle to metallic electronics and no metal or semimetal has been shown to exhibit any notable (>1%) field effect [4].Here we report the electric field effect in a naturally occurring two-dimensional (2D) met erial that we refer to as few-layer graphene (FLG). Graphene is the name given to a single layer of carbon atoms densely packed into a benzene-ring structure. This hypothetical material is widely used to describe properties of many carbon-based materials, including graphite, large fullerenes, nanotubes, etc. (e.g., carbon nanotubes are usually thought of as graphene sheets rolled up into nm-sized cylinders) [5-7]. Planar graphene itself has so far been presumed not to exist in the free state, being rather unstable with respect to the formation of curved structures such as soot, fullerenes and nanotubes [5-14]. Contrary to the common belief, we have been able to prepare graphitic sheets of thicknesses down to a few atomic layers, including single layer graphene, and succeeded in making devices from them and studying their electronic properties. Despite being atomically thin, the films remain of surprisingly high quality so that 2D electronic transport is ballistic at submicron distances. This is truly remarkable, as no other film of similar thickness is known to be even poorly metallic or continuous under ambient conditions. Using FLG, we demonstrate a metallic field-effect transistor, in which the conducting channel can be switched between 2D electron and hole gases by changing gate voltage.The reported graphene films were made by mechanical exfoliation (repeated peeling) of small mesas of highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite as described in the supporting online material [15]. This approach was found to be highly reliable and allowed us to prepare FLG films up to 10 µm in size. Thicker films (d≥ 3nm) were up to a hundred microns across and visible by the naked eye. Figure 1 shows examples of the prepared films, including single-layer graphene (see also [15]). To study their electronic properties, the films were processed into multi-terminal Hall bar devices placed on top of an oxidized Si substrate so that gate voltage V g could be applied. We have studied more than 60 devices with d <10 nm. In this report, we focus onelectronic properties of our thinnest (FLG) devices, which contained just 1, 2 or 3 atomic layers [15]. All FLG devices exhibited essentially identical electronic properties characteristic for a 2D semimetal, which at the same time were drastically different from a more complex (2D plus 3D) behavior observed for thicker, multilayer graphene [15] as well as from the properties of 3D graphite.Figure 2 shows typical dependences of resistivity ρ and the Hall coefficient R H in FLG on gate voltage V g. One can see that ρ exhibits a sharp peak to a value of several kΩ and decays to ≈100Ω at high V g. In terms of conductivity σ =1/ρ, it increases linearly with V g on both sides of the resistivity peak (Fig. 2B). At the same V g where ρ has its peak, R H exhibits a sharp reversal of its sign (Fig. 2C). The observed behavior resembles the ambipolar field effect in semiconductors but there is no zero-conductance region associated with the Fermi level being pinned inside the band gap.Our measurements can be explained quantitatively by a model of a 2D metal with a small overlap δεbetween conductance and valence bands [15]. The gate voltage induces a surface charge density n =ε0εV g/te and, accordingly, shifts the position of the Fermi energy εF. Here, ε0 and εare permittivities of free space and SiO2, respectively, e is the electron charge, t the thickness of our SiO2 layer (300 nm). For typical V g=100V, the formula yields n≈7.2⋅1012 cm-2. The electric-field doping transforms the shallow-overlap semimetal into either completely electron or completely hole conductor through a mixed state where both electrons and holes are present (see Fig. 2). The three regions of electric-field doping are clearly seen on both experimental and theoretical curves. For the regions with only electrons or holes left, R H decreases with increasing the carrier concentration in the usual way, as 1/ne. The resistivity also follows the standard dependence ρ-1 =σ=neµ. In the mixed state, σ changes little with V g, indicating the substitution of one type of carriers with another, while the Hall coefficient reverses its sign, reflecting the fact that R H is proportional to the difference between electron and hole concentrations.Without electric-field doping (at zero V g), FLG was found to be a hole metal, which is seen as a shift of the peak in ρ to large positive V g. However, this shift could be due to an unintentional doping of the films by absorbed gas molecules [16,17]. Indeed, we found that it was possible to change the position of the peak by annealing our devices in vacuum, which usually resulted in shifting of the peak close to zero voltages. Exposure of the annealed films to either water vapor or NH3 led to their p- and n-doping, respectively. Therefore, we believe that intrinsic FLG is a mixed-carrier semimetal.Carrier mobilities in FLG were determined from field-effect and magnetoresistance measurements as µ = σ(V g)/en(V g) and µ = R H/ρ, respectively. In both cases, we obtained the same values of µ, which varied from sample to sample between 3,000 and 10,000 cm2/V⋅s. The mobilities were practically independent of temperature T, indicating that even being so high they were still limited by scattering on defects. For µ≈10,000 cm2/V⋅s and our typical n≈5⋅1012 cm-2, the mean free path is ≈0.4 µm, which is highly surprising given that the 2D gas is at most a few Å away from the interfaces. However, our findings are in agreement with equally high µ observed for intercalated graphite [5], where charged dopants are located next to graphene sheets. Carbon nanotubes also exhibit very high µ but this is commonly attributed to the suppression of scattering in the 1D case. Note that for multilayer graphene, we observed even higher mobilities, up to ≈15,000 cm2/V⋅s at 300K and ≈60,000 cm2/V⋅s at 4K.Remarkably, despite being essentially gigantic fullerene molecules and unprotected from the environment, FLG films exhibit pronounced Shubnikov-de Haas (ShdH) oscillations in both longitudinal resistivity ρxx and Hall resistivity ρxy (Fig. 3). This serves as yet another indicator of the quality and homogeneity of the experimental system. Studies of ShdH oscillations confirmed that electronic transport in FLG was strictly 2D, as one could reasonably expect, and allowed us to fully characterize its charge carriers. First, we carried out the standard test and measured ShdH oscillations for various angles θ between the magnetic field and the graphene films. The oscillations depended only on the perpendicular component of the magnetic field B⋅cosθ, as expected for a 2D system. More importantly, however, we found a linear dependence of ShdH oscillations’ frequencies B F on V g (Fig. 3), yielding that the Fermi energies εF of holes and electrons were proportional to their concentrations n. This dependence is qualitatively different from the 3D dependence εF∝n2/3 and unequivocally proves the 2D nature of charge carriers in FLG. Further analysis [15] of ShdH oscillations showed that only a single spatially-quantized 2D subband was occupied up to the maximum concentrations achieved in our experiments (≈3⋅1013cm-2). It could be populated either by electrons with mass m e ≈0.06m0 located in two equivalent valleys or by light and heavy holes with masses ≈0.03m0 and ≈0.1m0 and the double-valley degeneracy (m0 is the free electron mass). These properties were found to be the same for all studied FLG films and are notably different from the electronic structure of both multilayer graphene [15] and bulk graphite [5-7]. Note that graphene is expected to have the linear energydispersion and carriers with zero mass, and the reason why the observed behavior is so well described by the simplest free-electron model remains to be understood. [15]We have also determined the band overlap δε in FLG, which varied from 4 to 20meV for different samples, presumably indicating a different number of graphene layers involved. To this end, we first used a peak value ρm of resistivity to calculate typical carrier concentrations in the mixed state, n0 (e.g., at low T for the sample in Fig. 2A-C with µ≈4,000 cm2/V and ρm≈8kΩ, n0 was ≈2⋅1011cm-2). Then, δε can be estimated as n0/D where D = 2m e/πX2 is the 2D density of electron states. For the discussed sample, δε is ≈4meV, i.e. much smaller than the overlap in 3D graphite (≈40meV). Alternatively, δε could be calculated from the temperature dependence of n0, as it characterizes relative contributions of intrinsic and thermally excited carriers. For a 2D semimetal, n0(T) varies as n0(0K)⋅f⋅ln[1+exp(1/f)] where f =2k B T/δε, and Fig. 2D shows the best fit to this dependence, which yields δε≈6meV. Different FLG devices were found to exhibit the ratio of n0(300K)/n0(0) between 2.5 and 7, whereas for multilayer graphene it was only ≈1.5 (Fig. 2D). This clearly shows that δε decreases with decreasing number of graphene layers. The observed major reduction of δε is in agreement with the fact that single-layer graphene is in theory a zero-gap semiconductor [5,18].As concerns the metallic transistor, graphene is not only the first but also probably the best possible metal for such applications. In addition to the scalability to true nm sizes envisaged for metallic transistors, graphene also offers ballistic transport, linear I-V characteristics and huge sustainable currents (>108A/cm2) [15]. Graphene transistors show a rather modest on-off resistance ratio (less than ≈30 at 300K; limited because of thermally excited carriers) but this is a fundamental limitation for any material without a band gap exceeding k B T. Nevertheless, such on-off ratios are considered sufficient for logic circuits [19] and it is feasible to increase the ratio further by, e.g., using p-n junctions, local gates [3] or the point contact geometry. However, by analogy to carbon nanotubes [2], it could be other, non-transistor applications of this unique molecular material, which ultimately may prove to be the most exciting.LIST OF REFERENCES1. C.D. Dimitrakopoulos, D.J. Mascaro, IBM J. Res. & Dev.45, 11 (2001).2. R.H. Baughman, A.A. Zakhidov, W.A. de Heer, Science297, 787 (2002).3. See, e.g., S.V. Rotkin, K. Hess, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3139 (2004).4. A.V. Butenko et al, J. Appl. Phys.88, 2634 (2000).5. M.S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, Adv. Phys. 51, 1 (2002).6. I.L. Spain, in Chemistry and physics of carbon, edited by P.L. Walker & P.A. Thrower 16, 119 (Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 1981).7. O.A. Shenderova, V.V.Zhirnov, D.W. Brenner, Crit. Rev. Sol. State Mat. Sci. 27, 227 (2002).8. A. Krishnan et al, Nature388, 451 (1997).9. E. Dujardin et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2474 (2001).10. H. Shioyama, J. Mat. Sci. Lett.20, 499 (2001).11. A.M. Affoune et al, Chem. Phys. Lett.348, 17 (2001).12. K. Harigaya et al, J. Phys. Cond. Mat.14, L605 (2002).13. T.A. Land et al, Sur. Sci.264, 261 (1992).14. The closest known analogues to FLG were nanographene (nm-sized patches of graphene on top of HOPG) [11,12], carbon films grown on chemically binding metal surfaces [13] and mesoscopic graphitic disks with thickness down to ≈60 graphene layers [8,9].15. See supporting material on Science Online for details.16. J. Kong et al, Science287, 622 (2000).17. M. Krüger et al, New J. Phys. 5, 138 (2003).18. Non-zero values of δε found experimentally could also be due to inhomogeneous doping, which could smear the zero-gap state over a small range of V g and lead to finite apparent δε.19. M. R. Stan et al, Proc. IEEE91, 1940 (2003).A 20µm1µmDC 1µm B Figure 1. Graphene films. (A ) Photograph (in normal whitelight) of a relatively large multilayer graphene flake withthickness ≈3nm on top of an oxidized Si wafer. (B ) AFM imageof 2x2 µm 2 area of this flake near its edge. Colors: dark brown isSiO 2 surface; orange corresponds to 3nm height above the SiO 2surface. (C ) AFM image of single-layer graphene. Colors: darkbrown – SiO 2 surface; brown-red (central area) –0.8nm height;yellow-brown (bottom-left) – 1.2nm; orange (top-left) – 2.5nm.Notice the folded part of the film near the bottom, whichexhibits a differential height of ≈0.4nm. For details of AFMimaging of single-layer graphene, see [15]. (D ) SEM micrographof one of our experimental devices prepared from FLG, and (E )their schematic view.ρ(k Ω)R H (k Ω/T )V g (V)0 Figure 2. Field effect in few-layer graphene. (A ) Typical dependences of graphene’s resistivity ρon gate voltage for different temperatures(T =5, 70 and 300K for top to bottom curves, respectively). (B )Example of changes in the film’s conductivity σ=1/ρ(V g ) obtained byinverting the 70K curve (dots). (C ) Hall coefficient R H vs V g for thesame film. (D ) Temperature dependence of carrier concentration n 0 inthe mixed state for the film in (A) (open circles), a thicker FLG film(squares) and multilayer graphene (d ≈5nm; solid circles). Red curvesin (B) to (D) are the dependences calculated from our model of a 2Dsemimetal illustrated by insets in (B ).ρ2.400.81.20.4xy (k Ω)B (T)641028ρx x (k Ω)V g (V)500100-100-50B F (T )Figure 3. (A ) Examples of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations for one of our FLG devices for different gate voltages; T =3K and B is the magnetic field. As the black curve shows, we often observed pronounced plateau-like features in ρxy at values close to (h /4e 2)/ν (in this case, εF matches the Landau level with ν =2 at around 9T). Such not-fully developed Hall plateaus are usually seen as an early indication of the quantum Hall effect in the situations where ρxx does not yet reach the zero-resistance state. (B ) Dependence of the frequency of ShdH oscillations B F on gate voltage. Solid and open symbols are for samples with δε ≈6 and 20meV, respectively. Solid lines are guides to the eye. The linear dependence B F ∝ V g proves a constant (i.e., 2D) density of states [15]. The observed slopes (solid lines) account for the entire external charge n induced by gate voltage, confirming that there are no other types of carriers and yielding the double-valley degeneracy for both electrons and holes [15].The inset shows an example of the temperature dependence of amplitude ∆ of ShdH oscillations (symbols), which is fitted by the standard dependence T /sinh(2π2k B T /X ωc ) where ωc is their cyclotron frequency. The fit (solid curve) yields light holes’ mass of 0.03m 0.。



电磁波吸收材料的英语Electromagnetic wave absorbing materials, commonly referred to as microwave absorbers or radar absorbers, are substances that effectively convert incident electromagnetic energy into other forms of energy, such as heat, without reflecting or transmitting it. These materials play a crucial role in various applications ranging from military stealth technology to consumer electronics, where they are employed to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues.The need for electromagnetic wave absorbing materials arose in the mid-20th century, when radar systems were developed for military purposes. Since then, the field has evolved significantly, with the advent of newer technologies and materials that offer superior absorption properties. The basic principle behind electromagnetic wave absorption is the conversion of electromagnetic energy into other forms of energy, primarily heat, through interactions between the material's constituents and the incident waves.The properties of electromagnetic wave absorbing materials are primarily determined by their composition, structure, and morphology. These materials are typically composed of a matrix reinforced with absorptive particles, such as carbon black, ferromagnetic particles, or conductive polymers. The matrix acts as a support for the absorptive particles, while the particles themselves absorb the incident electromagnetic waves.The absorption mechanism of these materials involves several complex processes, including dielectric loss, magnetic loss, and thermal loss. Dielectric loss occurs when the incident waves interact with the electric field of the material, causing a redistribution of charge within the material. Magnetic loss, on the other hand, involves the interaction of the incident waves with the magnetic field of the material, resulting in the alignment and rearrangement of magnetic moments. Thermal loss occurs when the absorbed energy is converted into heat, causing a rise in temperature within the material.The performance of electromagnetic wave absorbing materials is evaluated based on several parameters,including absorption coefficient, reflection coefficient, and bandwidth. The absorption coefficient quantifies the amount of incident electromagnetic energy absorbed by the material, while the reflection coefficient measures the amount of energy reflected from the material's surface. The bandwidth, on the other hand, represents the range of frequencies over which the material exhibits goodabsorption properties.In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of lightweight, thin, and flexible electromagnetic wave absorbing materials. These materials offer several advantages over traditional bulkier and heavier absorbers, including improved mechanical properties, ease of integration into devices, and cost-effectivenesss. To achieve these desired properties, researchers have been exploring novel materials and nanostructures, such ascarbon-based materials, ferromagnetic alloys, and metamaterials.Carbon-based materials, such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, have attracted significant attention due to their excellent electrical conductivity and high surface area.These materials can effectively absorb electromagnetic waves over a wide frequency range and convert them into heat. Ferromagnetic alloys, on the other hand, exhibit strong magnetic properties that enable them to absorb electromagnetic waves efficiently, especially at higher frequencies. Metamaterials, which are artificially structured composites with unique electromagnetic properties, offer the potential for tailored absorption characteristics and enhanced performance.In conclusion, electromagnetic wave absorbing materials play a crucial role in addressing electromagnetic interference and compatibility issues in various applications. With the ongoing research and development of novel materials and nanostructures, we can expect significant improvements in the performance andapplications of these materials in the future.**电磁波吸收材料:技术综述**电磁波吸收材料,通常被称为微波吸收器或雷达吸收器,是一种能有效将入射的电磁能量转化为其他形式能量的物质,如热量,而不进行反射或传输。



JOINT INDUSTRY STANDARDAcoustic Microscopy for Non-HermeticEncapsulatedElectronicComponents IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035APRIL1999Supersedes IPC-SM-786 Supersedes IPC-TM-650,2.6.22Notice EIA/JEDEC and IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve thepublic interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturersand purchasers,facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products,and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delaythe proper product for his particular need.Existence of such Standards andPublications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember ofEIA/JEDEC or IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conformingto such Standards and Publications,nor shall the existence of such Standardsand Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA/JEDECand IPC members,whether the standard is to be used either domestically orinternationally.Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA/JEDEC andIPC without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles,materials,or processes.By such action,EIA/JEDEC and IPC do not assumeany liability to any patent owner,nor do they assume any obligation whateverto parties adopting the Recommended Standard or ers are alsowholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities forpatent infringement.The material in this joint standard was developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the IPCPlastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group(B-10a)The J-STD-035supersedes IPC-TM-650,Test Method2.6.22.For Technical Information Contact:Electronic Industries Alliance/ JEDEC(Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201Phone(703)907-7560Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798Please use the Standard Improvement Form shown at the end of thisdocument.©Copyright1999.The Electronic Industries Alliance,Arlington,Virginia,and IPC,Northbrook,Illinois.All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions.Any copying,scanning or other reproduction of these materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Acoustic Microscopyfor Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronicComponentsA joint standard developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the B-10a Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group of IPCUsers of this standard are encouraged to participate in the development of future revisions.Contact:EIA/JEDEC Engineering Department 2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201 Phone(703)907-7500 Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798ASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESAcknowledgmentMembers of the Joint IPC-EIA/JEDEC Moisture Classification Task Group have worked to develop this document.We would like to thank them for their dedication to this effort.Any Standard involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources.While the principal members of the Joint Moisture Classification Working Group are shown below,it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this Standard.To each of them,the mem-bers of the EIA/JEDEC and IPC extend their gratitude.IPC Packaged Electronic Components Committee ChairmanMartin FreedmanAMP,Inc.IPC Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group,B-10a ChairmanSteven MartellSonoscan,Inc.EIA/JEDEC JC14.1CommitteeChairmanJack McCullenIntel Corp.EIA/JEDEC JC14ChairmanNick LycoudesMotorolaJoint Working Group MembersCharlie Baker,TIChristopher Brigham,Hi/FnRalph Carbone,Hewlett Packard Co. Don Denton,TIMatt Dotty,AmkorMichele J.DiFranza,The Mitre Corp. Leo Feinstein,Allegro Microsystems Inc.Barry Fernelius,Hewlett Packard Co. Chris Fortunko,National Institute of StandardsRobert J.Gregory,CAE Electronics, Inc.Curtis Grosskopf,IBM Corp.Bill Guthrie,IBM Corp.Phil Johnson,Philips Semiconductors Nick Lycoudes,MotorolaSteven R.Martell,Sonoscan Inc. Jack McCullen,Intel Corp.Tom Moore,TIDavid Nicol,Lucent Technologies Inc.Pramod Patel,Advanced Micro Devices Inc.Ramon R.Reglos,XilinxCorazon Reglos,AdaptecGerald Servais,Delphi Delco Electronics SystemsRichard Shook,Lucent Technologies Inc.E.Lon Smith,Lucent Technologies Inc.Randy Walberg,NationalSemiconductor Corp.Charlie Wu,AdaptecEdward Masami Aoki,HewlettPackard LaboratoriesFonda B.Wu,Raytheon Systems Co.Richard W.Boerdner,EJE ResearchVictor J.Brzozowski,NorthropGrumman ES&SDMacushla Chen,Wus Printed CircuitCo.Ltd.Jeffrey C.Colish,Northrop GrummanCorp.Samuel J.Croce,Litton AeroProducts DivisionDerek D-Andrade,Surface MountTechnology CentreRao B.Dayaneni,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRodney Dehne,OEM WorldwideJames F.Maguire,Boeing Defense&Space GroupKim Finch,Boeing Defense&SpaceGroupAlelie Funcell,Xilinx Inc.Constantino J.Gonzalez,ACMEMunir Haq,Advanced Micro DevicesInc.Larry A.Hargreaves,DC.ScientificInc.John T.Hoback,Amoco ChemicalCo.Terence Kern,Axiom Electronics Inc.Connie M.Korth,K-Byte/HibbingManufacturingGabriele Marcantonio,NORTELCharles Martin,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRichard W.Max,Alcatel NetworkSystems Inc.Patrick McCluskey,University ofMarylandJames H.Moffitt,Moffitt ConsultingServicesRobert Mulligan,Motorola Inc.James E.Mumby,CibaJohn Northrup,Lockheed MartinCorp.Dominique K.Numakura,LitchfieldPrecision ComponentsNitin B.Parekh,Unisys Corp.Bella Poborets,Lucent TechnologiesInc.D.Elaine Pope,Intel Corp.Ray Prasad,Ray Prasad ConsultancyGroupAlbert Puah,Adaptec Inc.William Sepp,Technic Inc.Ralph W.Taylor,Lockheed MartinCorp.Ed R.Tidwell,DSC CommunicationsCorp.Nick Virmani,Naval Research LabKen Warren,Corlund ElectronicsCorp.Yulia B.Zaks,Lucent TechnologiesInc.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 iiTable of Contents1SCOPE (1)2DEFINITIONS (1)2.1A-mode (1)2.2B-mode (1)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area (1)2.4C-mode (1)2.5Through Transmission Mode (2)2.6Die Attach View Area (2)2.7Die Surface View Area (2)2.8Focal Length(FL) (2)2.9Focus Plane (2)2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area (2)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope (2)2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope (2)2.13Time-of-Flight(TOF) (3)2.14Top-Side Die Attach Substrate View Area (3)3APPARATUS (3)3.1Reflective Acoustic Microscope System (3)3.2Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (4)4PROCEDURE (4)4.1Equipment Setup (4)4.2Perform Acoustic Scans..........................................4Appendix A Acoustic Microscopy Defect CheckSheet (6)Appendix B Potential Image Pitfalls (9)Appendix C Some Limitations of AcousticMicroscopy (10)Appendix D Reference Procedure for PresentingApplicable Scanned Data (11)FiguresFigure1Example of A-mode Display (1)Figure2Example of B-mode Display (1)Figure3Example of C-mode Display (2)Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display (2)Figure5Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic MicroscopeSystem (3)Figure6Diagram of a Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (3)April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035iiiIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999This Page Intentionally Left BlankivApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 Acoustic Microscopy for Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronic Components1SCOPEThis test method defines the procedures for performing acoustic microscopy on non-hermetic encapsulated electronic com-ponents.This method provides users with an acoustic microscopy processflow for detecting defects non-destructively in plastic packages while achieving reproducibility.2DEFINITIONS2.1A-mode Acoustic data collected at the smallest X-Y-Z region defined by the limitations of the given acoustic micro-scope.An A-mode display contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at a single point in the X-Y plane.See Figure1-Example of A-mode Display.IPC-035-1 Figure1Example of A-mode Display2.2B-mode Acoustic data collected along an X-Z or Y-Z plane versus depth using a reflective acoustic microscope.A B-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at each point along the scan line.A B-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(cross-sectional)description along a scan line(X or Y).See Figure2-Example of B-mode Display.IPC-035-2 Figure2Example of B-mode Display(bottom half of picture on left)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type IV)The interface between the encapsulant and the back of the substrate within the outer edges of the substrate surface.2.4C-mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane at depth(Z)using a reflective acoustic microscope.A C-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information at each point in the scan plane.A C-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of echoes arising from reflections at a particular depth(Z).See Figure3-Example of C-mode Display.1IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999IPC-035-3 Figure3Example of C-mode Display2.5Through Transmission Mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane throughout the depth(Z)using a through trans-mission acoustic microscope.A Through Transmission mode scan contains only amplitude information at each point in the scan plane.A Through Transmission scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of transmitted ultrasound through the complete thickness/depth(Z)of the sample/component.See Figure4-Example of Through Transmission Display.IPC-035-4 Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display2.6Die Attach View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type II)The interface between the die and the die attach adhesive and/or the die attach adhesive and the die attach substrate.2.7Die Surface View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type I)The interface between the encapsulant and the active side of the die.2.8Focal Length(FL)The distance in water at which a transducer’s spot size is at a minimum.2.9Focus Plane The X-Y plane at a depth(Z),which the amplitude of the acoustic signal is maximized.2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type V)The imaged area which extends from the outer L/F edges of the package to the L/F‘‘tips’’(wedge bond/stitch bond region of the innermost portion of the L/F.)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that uses one transducer as both the pulser and receiver. (This is also known as a pulse/echo system.)See Figure5-Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic Microscope System.2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that transmits ultrasound completely through the sample from a sending transducer to a receiver on the opposite side.See Figure6-Diagram of a Through Transmis-sion Acoustic Microscope System.2April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0353IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 3.1.6A broad band acoustic transducer with a center frequency in the range of10to200MHz for subsurface imaging.3.2Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope System(see Figure6)comprised of:3.2.1Items3.1.1to3.1.6above3.2.2Ultrasonic pulser(can be a pulser/receiver as in3.1.1)3.2.3Separate receiving transducer or ultrasonic detection system3.3Reference packages or standards,including packages with delamination and packages without delamination,for use during equipment setup.3.4Sample holder for pre-positioning samples.The holder should keep the samples from moving during the scan and maintain planarity.4PROCEDUREThis procedure is generic to all acoustic microscopes.For operational details related to this procedure that apply to a spe-cific model of acoustic microscope,consult the manufacturer’s operational manual.4.1Equipment Setup4.1.1Select the transducer with the highest useable ultrasonic frequency,subject to the limitations imposed by the media thickness and acoustic characteristics,package configuration,and transducer availability,to analyze the interfaces of inter-est.The transducer selected should have a low enough frequency to provide a clear signal from the interface of interest.The transducer should have a high enough frequency to delineate the interface of interest.Note:Through transmission mode may require a lower frequency and/or longer focal length than reflective mode.Through transmission is effective for the initial inspection of components to determine if defects are present.4.1.2Verify setup with the reference packages or standards(see3.3above)and settings that are appropriate for the trans-ducer chosen in4.1.1to ensure that the critical parameters at the interface of interest correlate to the reference standard uti-lized.4.1.3Place units in the sample holder in the coupling medium such that the upper surface of each unit is parallel with the scanning plane of the acoustic transducer.Sweep air bubbles away from the unit surface and from the bottom of the trans-ducer head.4.1.4At afixed distance(Z),align the transducer and/or stage for the maximum reflected amplitude from the top surface of the sample.The transducer must be perpendicular to the sample surface.4.1.5Focus by maximizing the amplitude,in the A-mode display,of the reflection from the interface designated for imag-ing.This is done by adjusting the Z-axis distance between the transducer and the sample.4.2Perform Acoustic Scans4.2.1Inspect the acoustic image(s)for any anomalies,verify that the anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process,and record the results.(See Appendix A for an example of a check sheet that may be used.)To determine if an anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process it is recommended to analyze the A-mode display at the location of the anomaly.4.2.2Consider potential pitfalls in image interpretation listed in,but not limited to,Appendix B and some of the limita-tions of acoustic microscopy listed in,but not limited to,Appendix C.If necessary,make adjustments to the equipment setup to optimize the results and rescan.4April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 4.2.3Evaluate the acoustic images using the failure criteria specified in other appropriate documents,such as J-STD- the images and thefinal instrument setup parameters for documentation purposes.An example checklist is shown in Appendix D.5IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April19996April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type I)Die Circuit Surface/Encapsulant Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Die/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type III)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect tip Number Affected:Average%Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%Length(Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Comments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Do any cracks intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab leadDoes crack extend from leadfinger to any other internal feature:Yes NoDoes crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Do any voids intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab lead Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:7IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)NON-CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type IV)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Substrate/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%LengthLocation:Corner Edge Center (Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type VII)Heat Spreader Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Does crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:8Appendix BPotential Image PitfallsOBSERV ATIONS CAUSES/COMMENTSUnexplained loss of front surface signal Gain setting too lowSymbolization on package surfaceEjector pin knockoutsPin1and other mold marksDust,air bubbles,fingerprints,residueScratches,scribe marks,pencil marksCambered package edgeUnexplained loss of subsurface signal Gain setting too lowTransducer frequency too highAcoustically absorbent(rubbery)fillerLarge mold compound voidsPorosity/high concentration of small voidsAngled cracks in package‘‘Dark line boundary’’(phase cancellation)Burned molding compound(ESD/EOS damage)False or spotty indication of delamination Low acoustic impedance coating(polyimide,gel)Focus errorIncorrect delamination gate setupMultilayer interference effectsFalse indication of adhesion Gain set too high(saturation)Incorrect delamination gate setupFocus errorOverlap of front surface and subsurface echoes(transducerfrequency too low)Fluidfilling delamination areasApparent voiding around die edge Reflection from wire loopsIncorrect setting of void gateGraded intensity Die tilt or lead frame deformation Sample tiltApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0359Appendix CSome Limitations of Acoustic MicroscopyAcoustic microscopy is an analytical technique that provides a non-destructive method for examining plastic encapsulated components for the existence of delaminations,cracks,and voids.This technique has limitations that include the following: LIMITATION REASONAcoustic microscopy has difficulty infinding small defects if the package is too thick.The ultrasonic signal becomes more attenuated as a function of two factors:the depth into the package and the transducer fre-quency.The greater the depth,the greater the attenuation.Simi-larly,the higher the transducer frequency,the greater the attenu-ation as a function of depth.There are limitations on the Z-axis(axial)resolu-tion.This is a function of the transducer frequency.The higher the transducer frequency,the better the resolution.However,the higher frequency signal becomes attenuated more quickly as a function of depth.There are limitations on the X-Y(lateral)resolu-tion.The X-Y(lateral)resolution is a function of a number of differ-ent variables including:•Transducer characteristics,including frequency,element diam-eter,and focal length•Absorption and scattering of acoustic waves as a function of the sample material•Electromechanical properties of the X-Y stageIrregularly shaped packages are difficult to analyze.The technique requires some kind offlat reference surface.Typically,the upper surface of the package or the die surfacecan be used as references.In some packages,cambered packageedges can cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edgesand below their surfaces.Edge Effect The edges cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edge ofany internal features.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 10April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned DataMost of the settings described may be captured as a default for the particular supplier/product with specific changes recorded on a sample or lot basis.Setup Configuration(Digital Setup File Name and Contents)Calibration Procedure and Calibration/Reference Standards usedTransducerManufacturerModelCenter frequencySerial numberElement diameterFocal length in waterScan SetupScan area(X-Y dimensions)Scan step sizeHorizontalVerticalDisplayed resolutionHorizontalVerticalScan speedPulser/Receiver SettingsGainBandwidthPulseEnergyRepetition rateReceiver attenuationDampingFilterEcho amplitudePulse Analyzer SettingsFront surface gate delay relative to trigger pulseSubsurface gate(if used)High passfilterDetection threshold for positive oscillation,negative oscillationA/D settingsSampling rateOffset settingPer Sample SettingsSample orientation(top or bottom(flipped)view and location of pin1or some other distinguishing characteristic) Focus(point,depth,interface)Reference planeNon-default parametersSample identification information to uniquely distinguish it from others in the same group11IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned Data(continued) Reference Procedure for Presenting Scanned DataImagefile types and namesGray scale and color image legend definitionsSignificance of colorsIndications or definition of delaminationImage dimensionsDepth scale of TOFDeviation from true aspect ratioImage type:A-mode,B-mode,C-mode,TOF,Through TransmissionA-mode waveforms should be provided for points of interest,such as delaminated areas.In addition,an A-mode image should be provided for a bonded area as a control.12Standard Improvement FormIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035The purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committee of IPC with input from the industry regarding usage of the subject standard.Individuals or companies are invited to submit comments to IPC.All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate committee(s).If you can provide input,please complete this form and return to:IPC2215Sanders RoadNorthbrook,IL 60062-6135Fax 847509.97981.I recommend changes to the following:Requirement,paragraph number Test Method number,paragraph numberThe referenced paragraph number has proven to be:Unclear Too RigidInErrorOther2.Recommendations forcorrection:3.Other suggestions for document improvement:Submitted by:Name Telephone Company E-mailAddress City/State/ZipDate ASSOCIATION CONNECTING ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESISBN#1-580982-28-X2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-6135Tel. 847.509.9700 Fax 847.509.9798。




网孔版陶瓷滤波器耐腐蚀油墨 ceramicelectricfilteretch-resistscreenprintingink 适用于网孔版印刷陶瓷滤波器,能耐浓硝酸腐蚀并易于用有机溶剂往除的油墨。

网孔版调频油墨 screenprintinginkforfrequencymodulation 适用于网孔版印刷陶瓷滤波器,能起调频滤波作用的油墨。

雕刻凹版印刷 intaglioink 适用于雕刻凹版印刷纸币和有价证券等的油墨。

照相凹版油墨 photogravureink 适用于照相凹版印刷书刊插页、画报、邮票等的油墨。

照相凹版苯型油墨 aromaticbasedphotogravureink 以芳香为要紧溶剂的照相凹版油墨。

照相凹版汽油型油墨 aliphaticbasedphotogravureink 以链为要紧溶剂的照相凹版油墨。

照相凹版水性油墨 waterbasedphotogravureink 可用水稀释的照相凹版油墨。

凹版塑料薄膜油墨 gravureinkforplasticfilm 适用于凹版轮转印刷机在经预处理的聚烯薄膜等外表印刷的油墨。

凹版热复合塑料薄膜油墨 gravureinkforhot-laminatingplasticfilm 适用于凹版印刷机印刷经预处理的聚烯或聚酯等薄膜并能满足热复合工艺的油墨。

凹版冷复合塑料薄膜油墨 gravureinkforcold-laminatingplasticfilm 适用于凹版印刷机印刷经预处理的聚烯或聚酯等薄膜并能满足冷复合工艺的油墨。

凹版聚氯乙烯薄膜油墨 gravureinkforpolyvinylchloridefilm 适用于凹版印刷机印刷聚氯乙烯薄膜的油墨。

凹版醇型油墨 alcoholbasedgravureink 以醇类为要紧溶剂适用于凹版印刷的油墨。



Figure 1-1】图1-1 给出了在三种材料中一些重要材料相关的电阻值(相应电导率ρ≡1/δ)。


For a given】对于给定的半导体,存在代表整个晶格的晶胞,通过在晶体中重复晶胞组成晶格。

This structure】这种结构也属于金刚石结构并且视为两个互相贯穿的fcc亚点阵结构,这个结构具有一个可以从其它沿立方对角线距离的四分之一处移动的子晶格(位移/4)Most of】多数Ⅲ-Ⅴ半导体化合物具有闪锌矿结构,它与金刚石有相同结构除了一个有Ⅲ族Ga原子的fcc子晶格结构和有Ⅴ族As原子的另一个。

.For example】例如,孤立氢原子的能级可由玻尔模型得出:式中m0 代表自由电子质量, q是电荷量,ε0是真空中电导率, h 是普朗克常数,n 是正整数称为主量子数。

Further decrease】空间更多减少将导致能带从不连续能级失去其特性并合并起来,产生一个简单的带。

As shown】如图1-4(a)能带图所示,有一个大带隙。

注意到所有的价带都被电子充满而导带中能级是空的As a consequence】结果,半满带的最上层电子以及价带顶部电子在获得动能(外加电场)时可以运动到与其相应的较高能级上At room】在室温和标准大气压下,带隙值硅(1.12ev )砷化镓(1.42ev)在0 K带隙研究值硅(1.17ev )砷化镓(1.52ev)Thus】于是,导带的电子密度等于把N(E)F(E)dE从导带底Ec (为简化起见设为0)积分到导带顶EtopFigure 1-5】图1-5从左到右示意地表示了本征半导体的能带图, 态密度(N(E)~E1/2), 费米分布函数, 本征半导体的载流子浓度In an extrinsi c】在非本征半导体中,一种载流子类型增加将会通过复合减少其它类型的数目;因此,两种类型载流子的数量在一定温度下保持常数For shallow】对硅和砷化镓中的浅施主,在室温下,常常有足够的热能电离所有的施主杂质,给导带提供等量的电子We shal l】我们先讨论剩余载流子注入的概念。

Electronic transport in two dimensional graphene

Electronic transport in two dimensional graphene

arXiv:1003.4731v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 5 Nov 2010
(Dated: November 9, 2010)
We provide a broad review of fundamental electronic properties of two-dimensional graphene with the emphasis on density and temperature dependent carrier transport in doped or gated graphene structures. A salient feature of our review is a critical comparison between carrier transport in graphene and in two-dimensional semiconductor systems (e.g. heterostructures, quantum wells, inversion layers) so that the unique features of graphene electronic properties arising from its gapless, massless, chiral Dirac spectrum are highlighted. Experiment and theory as well as quantum and semi-classical transport are discussed in a synergistic manner in order to provide a unified and comprehensive perspective. Although the emphasis of the review is on those aspects of graphene transport where reasonable consensus exists in the literature, open questions are discussed as well. Various physical mechanisms controlling transport are described in depth including long-range charged impurity scattering, screening, short-range defect scattering, phonon scattering, many-body effects, Klein tunneling, minimum conductivity at the Dirac point, electron-hole puddle formation, p-n junctions, localization, percolation, quantum-classical crossover, midgap states, quantum Hall effects, and other phenomena.



光电英语词汇(C2)光电英语词汇(C2)光电英语词汇(C2)cine-oriented mode 电影取向方式cineangiography 血管电影摄影术cinecamera 电影摄影机cinecolor 彩色电影cineholomicroscoy 显徵全息电影照相术cinema (1)电影工业(2)影片(3)电影院cinema circuit 电影放映网cinemascope" 西尼玛斯柯普"宽银幕电影系统cinematic 电影的,影片的cinematics 影制片术cinematograph (1)电影(2)电影摄影机(3)电影放映机cinematograph objective 电影镜头cinematography 电影摄制术cinemicrography 显微电影摄影术cinemicroscopy 显微电影术,显微电影片术cinephotomicrography 显微电影术cineradiography 放射性电影照相术cinerama 全景电影,宽银幕立体电影cinerecording camera 电影摄影机cineroentgenographyx 线电影摄影术cinetheodolite (1)电影经纬仪(2)高精度学跟踪仪cinfilm 电影胶片cinfluorography 荧光屏电影摄影术cinholographic method 全息电影照相术cinkdak 小型电影摄影机cinnabar (1)朱京,一硫化汞(2)朱红的cinnamate 肉桂酸盐cipher (1)零(2)密码circle (1)圆(2)环(3)度盘(4)循环(5)周期circle function 圆域函数circle of confusion 模糊圈,弥散圆circle of diffusion 模糊圈circle of reflexison 反射圆circle setting 度盘调整circuit (1)电路,线路(2)循环的circuit birefringence 圆偏振双折射circuit breaker 断路器circuit dichroism 圆偏振二向色性circuit dielectric waveguide 圆形介电波导circuit efficiency 电路效率circuit noise 电路杂讯circuit polarization 圆偏振circuit polarized light 圆偏振光circuit polarized wave 圆偏振波circuit scanning 圆周扫描circuit symmetric fiber 圆对称光纤circuit variable filters 圆转滤光器circuitry (1)电路(2)电路系统circulant matrix 轮换矩阵circular (1)圆的,圆形(2)循环的circular aperture 圆形孔径circular cylinder 圆柱circular dichroism 圆振二向色性circular disc 圆盘circular dividing table 分度台circular division tester 圆盘分度检查仪circular diyision (1)圆分度(2)刻分盘circular guideway 圆形导轨,回转导轨circular inch 圆英寸circular index 圆分度,回转分度circular irror 圆反射镜circular level 圆水准器circular level vial 圆形水准器circular mil 圆容耳circular optical waveguide 圆形光学波circular polarization 圆偏振circular polarizer 圆偏拒器circular protractor 圆分度器circular ptich 周节circular reflector 圆形反射器circular scale 圆形刻反circular scan 环形扫描circular spirit level 圆形酒精水准器circular sweep 环形扫描circular symmetirc function 圆对称数circular synthetic aperture 综合孔径circular table 圆工作台circular variable filter 圆徵可变滤光片circularity 圆,圆,圆度circularly polarized emission 圆偏振发射circularly polarized light 圆振光circularly polarized wave 圆偏振波circulary cylindrical coordinates 圆柱坐标circulated-sectored reticle 环形扇状调制盘circulating duct 循环波导circulating liquid laser 循环式液体激光器circulating liquid laser cell 循环式液体激光管circulating memory 循环存诸circulating register 环流暂存器circulation 环流,循环circulatng (1)循环(2)环流circulator (1)循环泵(2)循环器,环形器(3)循环小数circumcircle 外接圆circumference 圆周,周边,周线circumfluent 绕流的,周流的circumradius 外接圆半径circumsolar radiation 太阳周边辐射circumzenithal arc 闪电光环circumzentithal arc 环天顶狐circuti diagram 电路图,线路图cirrus cloud 卷云cis contact image sensor 接触型影像感测器clack 瓣,瓣阀clad optical fiber 包层光学纤维纤clad silica fiber 包层石英光纤cladded fiber optical waveguide 包层光学纤维波导cladding (1)皮外,包层(2)涂料cladding center 包层中心cladding circuit 钳位电路cladding eccentricity 包层偏心率cladding glass 包层消模剂(器)cladding index 包层折射率cladding loss 包层损失cladding material 涂层材料cladding mode stripper 包层表面直径偏差cladding of fiber 纤维包层cladding surface diameter deviation 包层传导模cladding technique (1)包层枝术(2)涂层技术cladding tube 套管clamer (1)箝拉器(2)箝拉电路(3)接线板(4)限幅器clamp (1)夹具(2)箝拉(3)接线clamp circuit 箝位电路,箝压电路clamping bolt 夹紧螺栓clamping circuit 箝位电路clamping ring 固定环,夹紧环clamping screw 制动螺钉,夹紧螺钉clarification 净化,澄清clarifier (1)澄清剂(2)澄清池(3)纯化器clasp 闭路调适单一参数class a (ab,b,c)amplifer a (ab,b,c)类放大器classical (1)经典的(2)古典的classical optics 经典光学classical oscillator 经典振荡器,经典振子classical scattering 经典散射clausius 克劳claw 抓片爪claw clutch 爪式离合器clawing film mechanism 抓片机构clayden effect 克电登效应cleading 护罩clean plastic (cean polyester 光晶胶clean room supplies 无尘室用品clean-up (1)净化(2)精炼(3)整理(4)清除cleaner (1)除尘器(2)除垢器cleaning 清洗,清洁处理cleaning equipment 洗净装置cleaning materials/equipment for optics 光学元件机具cleaning solution 清洗液cleanliness 光洁度clear air 睛空clear aperture 通光孔径clear eye distance 眼点距离clear ophthalmic glasses 无色眼镜clearance (1)间隙,余隙(2)露光clearance ga[u]ge 量隙规,塞尺clearing 磨亮clearing solution 洗涤液clearness 清晰度cleavage (1)解理(2)裂开click (1)爪(2)棘爪(3)棘轮机构climax 顶点clinical radiator 临床辐射计clinical thermometer 体温计clino-axis 斜轴clinograph 测斜仪clinometer (1)测角器(2)测斜仪,像限仪clinorhombic 单斜的clinorhomboidal 三斜clip (1)接线柱,线夹(2)夹片(3)切去,限制clipped wave 限幅波,削平波clipper 限幅器,箝位器clipping (1)限制(2)削波,限幅clipping time 削波时间,限幅时间clock (1)钟(2)时钟脉冲(3)时标clock input 时标输入clock plot 时标图clock pulse 时钟脉冲,定时脉冲clockwise 顺时针的,须时针方向的clogging (1)阻塞(2)闭合close (1)闭合,封闭(2)接通(3)近的close bust shot 近景close scanning 细密扫描close shot 近景,半小close-confinement (1)封闭限制(2)封闭式close-confinement laser 封闭限制式激光器close-packed pumping system 闭合抽运系统close-up (1)特写(2)精密观察close-up lens 特写镜头,近距镜头closed angle 尖角,锐角closed circuit 通路,闭合电路closed loop adaptive optical system 闭环自适应光学系统closed loop adaptive single parameter 闭环单参数自适应closed loop servo-control system 闭环伺服控制系统closed resonator 闭合共振器closed surface 封闭曲面closed-circuit laser 闭路激光器closed-circuit television 闭路式电视closed-circuit television reading system 闭路电视阅读系统closed-circuit tv camera 闭路式电视摄像机closed-cycle 闭循环closed-cycle iodin laser 闭合回路碘激光器closed-loop servo system 闭环回路伺服系统closer (1)塞子(2)闭合器closure (1)节气门(2)隔板,档板(3)关闭,闭合closure error 闭合差cloth pchamber 云室cloth polishing 布抛光clothing 罩,套,蒙皮cloud pulse 云脉波clusec 克卢塞克cluster (1)束,组,群(2)类,族,基团cluster effect 群集效应clustering (1)聚集(2)凝块clutch 离合器clutter 杂乱口波cml 电流模逻辑cmos (complementary metal oxide semiconductor )互补互补金属氧化半导体cncentrical[al] 同心的cnditioner 调节器cnetre cradle 中心架,顶针架cnoscopic 锥光偏振仪的cnversion filter for colour temperature 色温变换滤光器co lasers 一氧化碳雷射co-energy 共能量co-invariant (1)协不变量(2)协不变式co-phasal surface 同相面co2 (gas flow type) lasers 二氧化碳雷射(气流型)co2 (pulsed, tea)lasers 二氧化碳雷射(脉冲,tea型)co2 (sealed tube)lasers 二氧化碳雷射(密封型)co2 (wave guide)lasers 二氧化碳雷射(波导型)co2 laser medical systems 二氧化碳雷射医疗系统co2 laser processing equipment for joining 二氧化碳雷射加工机(焊接加工用)co2 laser processing equipment for marking 二氧化碳雷射加工机(标记用)co2 laser processing equipment for removal 二氧化碳雷射加工机(切割加工用)co2 laser processing equipment for scribing 二氧化碳雷射加工机(铭刻用)co2 laser processing equipment for surface treatment 二氧化碳雷射加工机(表面处co2 laser surgical knives 二氧化碳雷射手术刀coactivatd 共激活的coactivated barium crown glass 共激活钡冕玻璃coactivation 共激活作用,活化作用coactivator 共激活剂,共活化剂coagulation 凝聚coagulator 凝结器coalescence 聚结,并合coalescer (1)聚合剂(2)聚结器coarse 粗糙的coarse adjustement 粗调coarse adjustement ppinion 粗调小齿轮coarse grain 粗粒coarse grain film 粗颗粒胶片coarse scanning 粗扫描coarse vacuum 低真空coarse-focusing knob 粗调焦旋钮coarse-grained 粗粒的coarse-range scope 距离粗测器coarseness 粗糙度coast refraction 海岸折射coat (1)层(2)涂层,镀层(3)涂渍coated fiber 被覆光纤,涂覆光纤coated lens 镀膜透镜coated optics 镀膜光学系统coated tape 涂粉磁带coater 镀膜机coating (1)镀(2)涂层(3)涂料(4)镀膜层coating damage 涂层损坏coating equipment 镀膜设备coating materials 膜料coatings 镀膜加工coaxial accessory 同轴配件coaxial attenuator 同轴衷减器coaxial cable 同轴电缆coaxial circuit 同轴电路coaxial flashlamp 共轴闪光灯coaxial line 共轴线coaxial load 同轴负载coaxial relay 同轴继电器coaxial spark-gap 共轴火花隙coaxial switch 同轴开关coaxiality 共轴性coaxidal pump laser 同轴抽运激光器coaxswith 同轴开关cobalt (co)钴cobalt glass 钴玻璃coddington lens 科丁顿透镜coddington magifier 科丁顿放大镜code (1)码,代(2)编码code aperture 编码孔径code bit 代码位code converter 译码器code discriminator 鉴码器code element (1)电码单元(2)代码元素code letter 代码字母code machine 编码机code master 编码主盘code modulation 编码调制code number 编码数code optimization 编码最优化code translation 译码code translator 译码器code-image space 编码图像空间code-independent 与代码无关的code-reaer 代码读出器code-register 代码寄存器coded aperture imaging 编号孔像coded circle 编码度盘coded data 编码数据coded disk 编号碟coded fourier-transform hologram 编码里叶变换全息图coded image 编码图像coded infrared wavelength 编码红外波长coded laser beam 编码雷射光束;编码激光束coded reference wave hologram 编码参考波全息图coded scale 编码尺coded word 编码字coded-digital modulation 编码数字调制coded-scan tomogram 编码扫描层析x射线照片coder 编码装置coder-decoder 编码-译码器codesc (=coder-decoder)编码-译码器coding image 编码图像coding wave 编码波codope 双掺杂,共掺杂codoward 字码coefficient 系数coefficient group 系数群coefficient of absorption 吸收系数coefficient of heat transfer 传热系数coefficient of linear expansion 线性膨胀系数coefficient of magnfication 放大系数coefficient of reflection 反射系数coefficient of safety 安全系数coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数coefflicient of contranction 收缩系数coelonavigation 天文导航coelostat 定向仪coerence function 相干函数coextraction 共同提取cofactor 余因子cofator of determinant 行列式余因子coformational transition 相应跃迁cofunction 余函数cog equipmentcog 实装装置cogradient matrices 同步矩阵coherence (1)相干性(2)相关性coherence area 相干面积coherence in space 空间相干性coherence in time 时间相干性coherence interval 相干时间间隔coherence length 相干长度coherence tensor 相干张量coherence time 相干时间间隔coherency 相干性coherency matrix 相干矩阵coherent (1)相干的(2)相参的coherent addition 相干叠加coherent area 相干面积coherent beam amplifier 相干光束放大器coherent bundle 同调束coherent detection 相干采测coherent detector 相干检波器coherent differential doppler measurement 相干差频多普勒测量coherent disturbance 相干扰动coherent electromagnetic source 相干电磁源coherent field 相干场coherent freflection 相干反射coherent function 相干函数coherent homodyne detection 相干零差检测coherent illumination 相干照明coherent interphase boundary 相干相间边界coherent length 相干长度coherent light 相干光束放大器coherent light modulator 相干觉调制哈coherent light scattering 相干光散射coherent limit 相干极限coherent noise 相干噪声coherent optial radar 相干光雷达coherent optical adaptive technique 相干光自适应技术coherent optical computer 相干光计算机coherent optical feedback system 相干光馈系统coherent optical information processing 相干信息处理coherent optics 相干光学coherent oscillator 相干振荡器coherent radiation 相干辐射,相参辐射coherent raman effect 相干辐射coherent ray 相干光线,相干射线coherent scattering 相干散射coherent signals 同调拉曼效应coherent subtraction 相干相减,相干相消coherent wave 相干波coherent wave field 相干波场coherent-incoherent energy transfer 相干-非相干能量转换coheretn transient excitation 相干瞬变激发cohesion 内聚力,内聚性cohesive force (1)内聚力(2)粘合力cohesiveencess 粘结性coho 相干振荡器coiherence effect 相干效应coil (1)线图(2)螺旋管coil in 进线,输入coil of wire 线卷coil out 出线,输出coiled filament 螺线形灯丝coiled tube 螺旋管coiled-spring winding knob 发条上紧手轮coilidar(coherent light detection and ranging)相干光雷达coimage 余像coincidence (1)重(2)符合(3)合像coincidence circuit 相干信号coincidence counting 符合计数coincidence focometer 重合式焦距仪coincidence prism 合像棱镜coincidence rangefinder 重合测距仪coincidence spectroscopy 重合光谱术coincidence spectrum 重合光谱术coincidence vail 合像水准器coincidence-reading device 重合读数装置colcothar 褐式色铁氧化物cold bend 符合棱镜cold cathode 冷阴极cold cathode emission 冷阴极发射cold emision 冷发射,场致发射cold light 冷光cold light mirror 冷光cold mirror 冷反射镜cold mirrors 冷镜cold sputteriog 冷镜cold trap 冷阱colddrawn 冷拉的colimation line 准直线colinearity 共线性colineated line of sight 瞄准重合线collar (1)环,圈,套(2) 颈,轴颈部collaspse time 崩执时间collecting electrode 集电极collecting lens (1)聚光镜,集光透镜(2)透场透镜collection (1)收集,聚集(2)集光collective lens 冷溅射collector (1)集电极(2)集光器collector cut-off current 集光器collector electrode 集电极collet 套爪colliding plasma pulse clipper 碰撞等离子体脉冲削波器collimated (1)准直的(2)对准的,瞄准的collimated beam 准直光束collimated lens 准直望远镜collimated light 准直光束collimated light beam 平行光束,准光束collimated monochromatic ligth 平行单色光collimated radiation 准直光collimated ray 平行线线,准直光线collimated telescope 准直辐射collimating device 准直器,平行光管collimating lens 准直透镜collimating mirror 准直反射镜collimating telescope 准直望远镜collimation (1)准直(2)对准(3)瞄准collimation axis 准直轴collimation error 准直误差collimation lens 准直透镜collimation line 准直线collimator 准直仪,平行光管collimator distance 准直距离collimator lenses 准直透镜collimator pen 准直仪collinear 线的collinear acoustooptic tunable filter 线声光可调滤波器collinear acustooptic interaction 声光相互作用collinear ray 共线光线collineation (1)共线(2)直线collineatory transformation 直射变换collisin time 碰撞时间collisinal line bradening 碰撞谱线展宽collision 碰撞collision broadening 准直仪笔collision mean free path 碰撞平均自由路程collision-induced alignment 碰撞感应排列collisiona relaxation 碰撞弛豫collisional absorption 碰撞吸收collisional broadening 碰撞展宽collisional narrowing 碰撞致窄collisional transition 碰撞跃迁collisionless laser-driven 无碰撞激光驱动collisionless multiple-photon laser excitation 无碰撞多光子激光激发collison parameter 碰撞参数collodion film 火棉胶软片colloid 胶质,胶体colloidal solution 胶体液colmascope 考尔玛镜,胁变现察镜colonofiberscope 结肠纤维窥镜colonoscope 结肠镜colophonium 松香colophony 松香,树鲁color (=colour)(1)颜色,色彩(2)赋色,染色,着色(3)染料,颜料(4)显色color aging test 退色检验color balance 色平冲color bar pattern 色带图color blindness 色盲color breakup 色分裂color cell 色单元color comparator 比色器color conversion filter 滤色变换器color correction 色修正color defective vision 缺色视觉color disk 色盘color facsimile transmission 彩色传真发送color field corrector 色场校正器color filter 彩色滤光片color glass filter 有色玻离滤光片color holography 彩色全像color index 色指数color mark photo sensors 色彩标记感测器color match 配色color monitoring instrument 测色仪color negative 彩色负片color perception test equipment 感色检验设备color photo sensors 色彩感测器color photographic film 彩色照相底片color renderinglndex 显色指数color scanner 彩色扫瞄器color sensitive 感色灵敏color sensitometry 感色学color television 彩色电视color temperature 色温color temperature meter 色温度计color thermogram 色彩温度自记曲线color triangle 色三角形color vision 色视觉color vision plate illuminator 色觉板照明器color vision tester 色觉测试器color-division multiplexing 分色复用color-translating microscope 移色显微镜colorant (1)染色,颜料,着色剂(2)色素coloration (1)赋色,染色,着色(2)显色colorcord colorimeter 色比色计colored by x-raysx 射线色colored glass filter 彩色玻离滤光片colored glasss 彩色玻离colored ophthalmic glasses 有色眼镜colored safety lens 有色防护眼镜colored-glass filters 有色玻璃滤光镜colorific 色彩的colorimeter 色度计colorimetric 色度的,比色的colorimetric analysis 色度分析colorimetric disk 比色盘colorimetric parameter 比色参数colorimetric photometer 色度光度计colorimetric purity 彩色纯度colorimetric radiation detector 比色辐射探测器colorimetric standard illuminatn 彩色标准光源colorimetry 色度学,比色法coloring agnet 着色剂coloring media 变色媒体coloring of crystal 晶独着色coloring trangle 原色三角colorless 无的colouometry 色度学colour (1)颜色,色彩(2)赋色,染色,着(3)染料,颜料(4)显色colour adaptaion 色适应colour analysis 色分析colour anomaly 色觉异常colour atlas 色谱集colour axis 色轴colour blind (1)色盲(2)不感色的colour blindness 色盲colour break-up 色乱colour brightness 色亮度colour brust 乱色副载波群colour centre 色中心colour chart 色标colour cnversion filter 彩色转换滤色镜colour comparator 比色器colour constancy 色觉恒常colour constant 色度常,色度恒量colour contrast 色对比度colour conversion/daylight filters 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜colour correction factor 色修正系数colour density 彩色密度colour development 显色,彩色显印colour difference 色差,色度差colour disk 色盘,色板colour display 彩色显示colour distrotion 彩色失直colour endering 现色性,传色性colour equation 色方程colour esensitized equipment 分色装置colour eye 色眼colour film (1)彩色片(2)彩色影片colour filter 滤色镜,滤色片,滤色器colour fleck 色斑colour gamut 色域colour holography 彩色全息术colour index 色指数colour layer 色层colour matching 配色colour mixing 混色colour patch 色标colour phase constrat microscopy 彩色相衬显微术colour photography 彩色照相colour picture 彩色图片colour printing 彩色印刷colour pyrometer 色高温度colour receiver 彩色电视接收机colour record negative 录色负片colour rendition 彩色再现colour response 色响应colour resproduction 彩色复制,彩色再现colour reversal film 彩巴反转胶片colour reversible elelctrochemical filter 彩色可逆电化学滤光器colour scale 色标colour scanner 彩色扫描器colour screen 彩色荧火屏colour selective mirror 选色镜colour sensation 色觉colour sensitivity 感色灵敏乳胶colour sensitized emulsion 分色,色分离colour space 色空间colour specification 色规格colour standard 色标准colour stimulus function 色激励函数colour strip 色带colour symmetry 色对称colour television 彩色电视colour television camera 彩色电视摄影机colour temperature 色温colour temperature meter 色温计colour test 色试验colour tone 色调colour top 色陀螺colour triangle 原色三角colour vision 色视觉colour-blind emulsion 色盲乳剂colour-blind film 色盲膜colour-brghtness tester 色亮度测试仪colour-code light beam 色编码光束colour-encoded focused image hologram 彩色编聚焦图像全息图colour-equalizing filter 彩色补偿虑光片colour-matching filter 彩色匹配滤光片colour-slide camera 彩色幻灯片放映机colouration (1)赋色,染色,着色(2)显色coloured gelatin filter 明胶滤色片colourless 无色的colpomicroscope 阴道显微镜colposcope 阴道镜columbium (nb)尼column (1)圆柱,柱状物(2)纵列column matrix 列阵column type 柱型column vector 纵矢量columnar 柱状columnation (1)聚焦(2)聚集coluor reversal material 彩色反转照相材料colur tolerance 色度公差,色度允许误差coma 彗差coma aberration 彗差coma-free stop position 无彗差光阑位置comatic 彗形的comatic aberration 彗差comb filter 梳齿滤波器comb function 梳齿函数comb-type doble beam spectrometer 标形双光束光谱仪combinatin lens 组合透镜combinatin level 复合能级combination (1)化合(2)组合,并合combination bias circuit 组合偏压电路combination circuit 组合线路combination frequecny 并合类率combination of lenses 透镜组combination of prisms 棱镜组combination principle 组合原则combination tone 复合音调combinative scattering 仪合散射combined error 总误差combined focal length 组合焦距combined operation 组合操作combining-optics prism 组合光学棱镜combustion 燃烧comet (1)彗星(2)彗形物comet shape 彗星形状comet's tail 彗尾comet-shaped smudge 彗状像点comic-strip-oriented mode 连续画取向方式cominuous trace camera 连续扫描command (1)指令(2)控制command link 传令线路commercial apparatus 商用仪器commercial manufacture 商业性生产common base 共基极common base circuit 基极接地电路common collector 共集电极common collector circuit 集极接地电路, 共集极电路common emitter 共发射极common emitter circuit 射极接地电路, 共射极电路common emitter forward current transfer ratio 射极接地电流放大率common mode rejection ratio 共模拒斥比common normal 共法线common trunk line 公共干线commonpath inteferometer 共光程千涉仪commonpath reference wave 共光程参考波communiation channel 通信电路,信通communication 通信communication network 通信网communication optics 通信光学communication security 通信保密, 通信安全communication system 通信系统communication theory 通信理论communication traffic volume 通信业务量communication-electronics 通信电子学communicaton (1)通信,通讯(2)交通communicator 通信装置,通信机commutating (1)整流(2)换向,转换(3)换位commutating optical beam 转换光束commutating pole 整流极commutation (1)整流(2)换向(3)转换commutation circuit 开关电路commutation law 对易律commutation rule 交换法则commutative matrices 可换阵commutativity 交换性commutator (1)换向器(2)整流器(3)转接器,转换开关compact (1)紧密的,紧凑的(2)坚实的(3)小型的compact disc (cd)players 雷射唱盘compact discscd 音碟片compact efficient discharge laser 小型化高效放电激光器compact flashcf 记忆卡compact-source arc lamp 小光源弧光灯compacting 致密化compactness 紧密度compander 压缩扩展器companding 补偿调制comparator (1)比较器(2)比长仪(3)比色仪comparator-densitometer 比较谱线comparators 比较量测器compare circuit 比较电路compare instruction 比较指令comparison colorimeters 比色计comparison lamp 比较灯comparison microscope 比较显微镜comparison spectroscope 比较分光镜comparison spectrum 比较光谱comparison specturm 比较光谱comparoscope 比较仪compartement (1)间隔(2)舱,室(3)部分compass (1)罗盘(2)圆规compass needle 罗盘针compatibility 兼容性,仪存性compensated curve 补偿曲线compensated lelve 补偿水准compensated optical fiber 补偿光纤compensated pendulum 补偿摆compensated reflector 补偿反射器compensating error 补误差compensating eyepiece 补偿目镜compensating filter 补偿滤器compensating glass (1)补偿镜(2)通光玻离compensating mirror 补偿镜compensating ocular 补偿目镜compensating phase shift 补偿相位移compensating reflector 补偿反射器compensation 补偿,校正compensation adjustment 补偿调整compensation apparatus 补偿仪器compensation filter 补偿滤色片,校正滤光片compensation method 补偿法compensation point 补偿点compensation wave 补偿波compensator (1)补偿镜(2)补偿器competing interaction 对抗干扰compiler 编译程序complement angle 余角complementarity 并协性complementary (1)余,补(2)补充的,互补的(3)互助的(4)并协的complementary angle 余角complementary area 补偿面complementary colors 互补色complementary colour 互补色complementary control 互补控制complementary diffracting screen 互补衍射屏complementary error 附加误差complementary hue 互补色complementary pattern 互补图样complementary screen 互补屏幕complementary submatrix 余子阵complementary wave 余波complementary wavelenght 补色主波长complementary wavelength 补波长complementer 补数器complete backbody radiator 完全黑体辐射体complete radiator 完全辐射体completeness relation 完整关系complex (1)复数的(2)复合的,复式的(3)合成的complex agent 络合剂complex amplitude 复振幅,复值幅complex conjugate 复共轭complex data 复杂数据complex degree of coherence complex detector 复合探测器complex detector 复相干度complex filter 复合滤波器,振幅-相位滤波器complex half-rang function 复半幅函数complex index of reflection 复反射率complex lens 复透镜complex lenses 复合透镜complex number 复数complex permeability 复导磁率complex phaser 复移相器complex plane 复平面complex power 复功率complex radiation 混合辐射complex ray data 复合射线数据complex refractive index 复折射率complex resonator 合成共振器complex spatial filtering 复空间滤波complex spectrum 复光谱complex transmittance 复合透射比complex variable 复变量complex vector space 复矢量空间complex wave 复波complex-amplitude distribution 复式振幅分布complex-exponential component 复介电常数complex-exponential function 复指数函数complex-valued field amplitude 复值场振幅complment (1)余(2)补(3)补码,补数(4)补图component (1)部分(2)分量(3)组元,成分(4)元件,构件component color 组成色,色成分component prism 棱镜部件component sine wave 正弦波分量components of a vector 矢量分量composite hologram 复合全息图composite lens 复合透镜composite material film 复合材料composite prism 复合棱镜composite ruby laser 复合红宝石激光器composite surface 复合面composite wave filter 复合滤波器composition (1)成合(2)合成,复合(3)构图composition scattering 合成散射compound (1)化合物(2)复合,组合(3)混合物(4)复式的compound eye 复眼compound fabry-rerot interferometer 复式法式布里-珀罗干涉仪compound gaus objective 复合高斯物镜compound glass 复合玻璃compound indexing (1)复式分度(2)复式分度法compound interferomenter 复式干涉仪compound lens 复合透镜,透镜组compound meniscus lens 组合月牙透镜compound microscope 复式显微镜compound semiconductor 复合半导体compound semiconductor materials 化合物半导体材料compound shutter 复合[光]闸compressed-hydrogen ramn laser 压缩氢喇曼激光器compressibility (1)压缩性(2)压缩系数compression 压缩compression technique of light pulse 光脉冲压缩技术compressional wave 压缩波compressor 压缩机compromising emanation 泄漏辐射comption effect 康普顿效应comption scattering 康普顿散射compton polarimeter 库普顿偏振计compton scattering 康卜吞散射compton wavelngth 康普顿波长compton-ramn theory of scattering 康普顿-喇曼散射理论compuation 计算computational method 计算[方法]computational short cut 计算简化computer (1)计算机(2)计算器(3)计算员computer aided design (cad)电脑辅助设计computer aided diagonosis 计算机辅助诊断computer animation 电脑动画制作computer calculated diffraction pattern 电算机之绕射图案computer graphics 电算机绘图computer optimization 计算机最优化computer output microfilm 计算机输出缩微胶卷computer polarization holography 电算机偏极全像computer program 计算机程序computer simulation 计算机模拟computer software 电脑软体computer-generated filter 计算机[产生的]滤波器computer-generated hologram 计算机[产生的]全息图computer-generated volume hologram 电算机形成之容积全像体computer-output microfilm (com)system 电算机微缩片系统computerized tomography 计算机化层析x射线照相法,层面x射线摄影法computing 计算computometer (1)计算机(2)计算器(3)计算员comsmic-ray telescope 宇宙射线望远镜conc. sulphuric acid 浓硫酸concatenation 级联,串联,连接concave 凹[形]的concave diffraction grating 凹衍射光栅concave grating 凹面光栅concave gratings 凹光栅concave holographic grating 凹全像光栅concave lens 凹透镜concave meniscus 凹月牙镜concave mirror 凹镜concave reflection grating 凹面反射光栅concave spherical mirror 凹球面反射镜concave surface 凹面concave-convex lens 凹凸透镜concaveo-convex lens 凹凸透镜concavity 凹度concavo-concave 双凹的,两面凹的concavo-convex lens 凹凸透镜concavo-plane 平形concentrated solution 浓缩液concentrated sulphuric scid 浓硫酸concentration (1)浓度(2)浓缩,集中concentration of stacking faults 堆跺层错密度concentration polarization 浓差偏振concentration technique 浓缩技术concentrator (1)聚能器(2)浓缩器concentric 同心的concentric arcs 同心弧concentric arry 同心阵列concentric candle 同心电极光灯concentric lens 同心透镜concentric meirror 共心反射镜concentric meniscus 同心月牙透镜concentric mirror system 共心反射系统concentric resonator 共心共振灯concentric system 共心系统concentricity 同心度concentricity error of core/ reference surface 纤蕊/基准面的同心度偏差concentricity error of core/cladding 纤蕊/包层的同心度偏差concetric lens 同心透镜concurrent (1)共点的(2)开发的concurrent transformation 共点变换condensable gas 可凝结气体condensance 容[性电]抗condensation (1)凝,冷凝(2)凝聚,凝结condensation effect 凝聚效应condensed medium 凝聚媒质condenser 聚光器condenser lens 聚光透镜condenser lenses 聚光透镜condenser microphone 电容麦克风condenser mirror 聚光反射镜condensing lens 聚光透镜conditation (1)条件,状况(2)调节conditional entropy 条件火商conditional probability 条件概串condle power 独光conduct (1)导管,导线管(二)管道conductance (1)电导(2)气导conductance method 电导法conducting coating 电导膜conducting material 电导材料conduction 传导conduction ban 传导带conduction band 传导带conduction electron 传导电子conductivity (1)导电率(二)传导性(三)导电性(四)传导率conductivity mobility 电导迁移率conductor (1)导体(二)导线conductron 光电导摄像管conduit 导管,光导体cone 锥,锥体,锥面cone channel 圆锥波道cone emission 锥体发射cone of light 光锥cone of null 静锥区cone of revolution 回转锥面cone screw 锥形螺旋cone-shaped beam 锥形光束conenser (1)电容器(2)冷凝器(3)聚光器(4)调相器conensing monchromator 聚光反射镜coner cube (prism)隅角立方棱镜configuation mixing 位形混合configuration (1)位形(二)组态(三)结构confinded plasma 约束等离子体confined focusing 约束聚焦confining region 约束区confocal 共焦点的confocal hyperbola 共焦双曲线confocal hyperboloid 共焦双曲面confocal mirror 共焦反射镜confocal optical resonator 共焦光学共振腔confocal resonator 同焦共振器confocal ring resonator 共焦环形共振器confocal spherical interferometer 同焦球状干涉confocal spherical laer resonator 共焦球形激光共振腔confocal spherical reflector 共焦球面反射器confocal strip laser resonator 共焦条状激光共振腔conformal 保角的conformal transformation 保角变换conformation (1)构造,形态(二)适应,相应conformity 符合,一致confusion 模糊,弥散confusion circle 模糊圈confuson disc 模糊斑congruence 叠合congruent figures 全等图形,叠合图形conic 圆椎的,椎形的conic refraction 锥形折射conical angle 圆锥角conical beam 锥形射束conical cavity 锥形腔conical column 锥形柱conical fiber 锥形纤维conical lens 锥形透镜conical lenses 圆锥透镜conical reflector (1)锥形反射镜(二)锥形反射器conical refraton 锥形折射conical scan tracking 锥形扫描跌踪conical scanner 锥形扫描器conical section 圆锥曲线,二次曲线conicity 锥削度conicoid 二次曲面conincident (1)节合的,一致的(2)重合的coninuous-wave interference 连续波染料激光器coninuous-wave laser 等幅波干coninuous-wave overtone band 连续波激光器conjugae foci 共轭焦点conjugat-concentric 共轭-同心的conjugate (1)共轭(二)共轭的conjugate angle 共轭角conjugate area 共轭面积conjugate bridge 共轭桥路conjugate complex number 共轭复数conjugate foci 共轭点conjugate function 共轭函数conjugate holographic image 共轭全像conjugate image 共轭像conjugate imaginary 共轭虚数conjugate matrices 共轭矩阵conjugate phases 共轭相conjugate plance 共轭平面conjugate plano-concentric resonator 共轭平面同心共振器光电英语词汇(C2) 相关内容:。

Theoretical Concepts in Quantum Transport

Theoretical Concepts in Quantum Transport

Theoretical Concepts in QuantumTransportQuantum transport is a subfield of quantum mechanics that deals with the study of electron transport in nanoscale devices. The principles of classical mechanics are no longer applicable in this regime, and the electrons exhibit quantum behavior. Theoretical concepts in quantum transport are the building blocks of understanding the phenomena observed in experiments. In this article, we will discuss some of the key theoretical concepts in quantum transport.Wave-particle duality:The wave-particle duality of electrons is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. Electrons can behave both as a wave and a particle. In quantum transport, the electrons are described by a wave function that contains all the information about the electron's probability of being at a certain position. The wave function is a complex-valued function and can be modified by external potentials. The probabilistic nature of electrons' behavior means that there is no way to predict their exact location, only the probability of being in a certain region.Quantum confinement:Quantum confinement refers to the restrictions placed on electrons when they are confined in nanoscale devices. The dimensions of these devices are often smaller than the electrons' wavelength, leading to the confinement of electrons into discrete energy levels. These energy levels are called quantized energy levels and are determined by the size and shape of the device. The spacing between these levels is much larger than thermal energy, and electrons can only exist in a specific energy level due to quantum confinement.Tunneling:Tunneling is a quantum mechanical phenomenon that describes the probability of an electron passing through a potential barrier. In classical mechanics, if an object does nothave enough energy to overcome a potential barrier, it is not possible to pass through it. However, in quantum mechanics, the probability of an electron passing through the barrier exists, even if the energy is less than the barrier height. Tunneling is an essential concept in quantum transport because it enables electrons to move across thin insulating barriers in devices.Ballistic transport:Ballistic transport is the ideal limit of electron transport in nanoscale devices, where electrons travel without scattering. If the device dimensions are comparable to the electrons' mean free path, the electrons experience minimal scattering during transit. Ballistic transport is a crucial concept in the design of high-speed devices and has applications in quantum computing.Density of states:The density of states is the number of available energy levels per unit energy interval in a material or device. In quantum transport, the density of states determines the number of available energy states for electrons to occupy. The density of states at a particular energy level can be calculated by integrating the product of the wave function and its complex conjugate over all momentum states.Fermi energy:The Fermi energy is the energy level at which the probability of an electron occupying an energy level is 0.5 at absolute zero temperature. At room temperature, the probability of an electron occupying an energy level above the Fermi energy is significant. The Fermi energy is a crucial concept in understanding the properties of metals and semiconductors.In conclusion, the theoretical concepts of quantum transport are essential in understanding the behavior of electrons in nanoscale devices. These concepts are fundamental building blocks of the field and provide the foundation for designing and analyzing quantum devices. The study of quantum transport has revolutionized the fieldof electronics and has applications in various fields like quantum computing and nanoelectronics.。

Electrochemical properties of oxide films

Electrochemical properties of oxide films

Electrochemical properties of oxidefilmsIntroductionOxide films are thin layers of compounds that form on the surface of metals when they react with oxygen. These films are very important in many industrial applications, including corrosion protection, fuel cells, and batteries. In this article, we will discuss the electrochemical properties of oxide films and their role in various applications.Chemical Composition and Structure of Oxide FilmsOxide films are generally composed of metal oxides, such as alumina, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. The chemical composition of the film is dependent on the metal and the environment it is exposed to. For example, titanium will react with water to form titanium dioxide, whereas aluminum will form alumina when exposed to air. The structure of oxide films is complex, but it can be divided into two layers: the outer porous layer and the inner dense layer. The outer layer is responsible for protecting the metal from the environment, and the inner layer increases the resistance of the film to further oxidation.Electrochemical Properties of Oxide FilmsOxide films are interesting from an electrochemical standpoint because they can be used as insulators, semiconductors, or conductors depending on their composition and structure. The electrical properties of oxide films are controlled by the type and concentration of defects, such as oxygen vacancies, cation vacancies, and interstitials. These defects can either trap or release charge carriers, which can affect the conductivity and other electrochemical properties of the film.Applications of Oxide FilmsThe electrochemical properties of oxide films make them useful in many different applications. For example, in fuel cells, oxide films are used as electrolytes to conduct ions between the electrodes. In batteries, oxide films are used as anodes or cathodes to store and release energy. In both cases, the properties of the oxide films play a critical role in determining the efficiency and performance of the devices.ConclusionOxide films are important in many industrial applications, and their electrochemical properties make them versatile materials for use in a variety of devices. Understanding the composition and structure of oxide films is important for optimizing their properties for specific applications. As our understanding of oxide films continues to expand, new and exciting applications will undoubtedly be discovered.。




下面是店铺分享的油墨术语英语词汇,欢迎大家阅读!热固着油墨 heat-set printing ink红外线固着油墨 infrared setting printing ink热熔油墨 hot melt printing ink湿固着油墨 moisture-set printing ink蒸汽固着油墨 steam-set printing ink蜡固着油墨 wax setting printing ink热固化油墨 thermo curing printing ink紫外线固化(UV)油墨 ultra-violet curing printing ink电子束固化油墨 electron-beam curing ink热转移油墨 heat transfer printing ink贴花油墨 decal process printing ink陶瓷贴花油墨 ceramic decal printing ink导电油墨 electrically conduc- tive printing ink磁性油墨 magnetic printing ink光学记号判读油墨 optical mark recogni- tion ink (OMR ink) 光学字符判读油墨 optical character recognition ink (OCR ink) 安全油墨 safety ink隐显油墨 sympathetic ink防伪油墨 anti-forgery ink发泡油墨 foaming ink盲文印刷油墨 printing ink for braille隆凸油墨 embossing ink防霉油墨 fungicidal ink芳香油墨 perfumed ink耐油脂油墨 grease proof printing ink耐洗烫油墨 indelible printing ink可洗去油墨 washable printing ink金属油墨 metallic printing ink金墨 gold ink (bronze ink)银墨 silver ink珠光墨 pearl lusting printing ink荧光油墨 fluorescent ink平光油墨(无光油墨) mat ink (dull ink)发光油墨 luminous ink双色调油墨 double tone ink二片罐油墨 printing ink for two piece can 三色版油墨 three colours process ink玻璃油墨 glass printing ink玻璃纸油墨 cellophane printing ink金属箔油墨 printing ink for metal-foil软管油墨 collapsible tube printing ink软管滚涂油墨 collapsible tube roller coating 印铁滚涂油墨 tin-plate roller coating复写纸油墨 carbon paper ink圆珠笔油墨 ball pen ink盖销油墨 ink for stamping号码机油墨 ink for numbering machine涂盖墨 ink for masking无水胶印油墨 waterless offset ink凸版转印油墨 letterset printing ink静电复印油墨 electrostatic printing ink干法静电复印色调剂 xerographic toner湿法静电复印油墨液 electrofax liquid toner 喷射印刷油墨 jet printing ink石印制油墨 lithographic drawing ink落石墨 copyable ink(电子元件)标记油墨 electronic coponent marking ink导线油墨 wire marking ink网孔版油墨 screen printing ink誊写油墨 stencil ink水型誊写油墨 water based stencil ink网孔版金属油墨 screen printing ink for metal网孔版塑料油墨 screen printing ink for plastic materials网孔版印刷线路板耐腐蚀油墨 etch-resist screen printing ink for printed circuit board网孔版紫外线固化阻焊油墨ultru-violet curing solder proof screen printing ink网孔版陶瓷滤波器耐腐蚀油墨 ceramic electric filter etch-resist screen printing ink网孔版调频油墨 screen printing ink for frequency modulation 雕刻凹版印刷 intaglio ink照相凹版油墨 photogravure ink照相凹版苯型油墨 aromatic based photogravure ink照相凹版汽油型油墨 aliphatic based photogravure ink照相凹版水性油墨 water based photogravure ink凹版塑料薄膜油墨 gravure ink for plastic film凹版热复合塑料薄膜油墨 gravure ink for hot-laminating plastic film凹版冷复合塑料薄膜油墨gravure ink for cold-laminating plastic film凹版聚氯乙烯薄膜油墨 gravure ink for polyvinyl chloride film 凹版醇型油墨 alcohol based gravure ink石印油墨 lithographic printing ink胶版油墨 offset printing ink胶印亮光油墨 high gloss offset ink胶版树脂油墨 resinous offset ink胶版卷筒纸油墨 web-fed-offset ink胶版单张纸油墨 sheet-fed offset ink胶版四色油墨 four colors process offset ink胶版快固着油墨 quick-set offset ink胶版印铁油墨 offset tin-printing ink胶版印铁耐蒸油墨sterilization resistance offset tin-printing ink珂罗版油墨 collotype printing ink凸版书刊油墨 letterpress ink for publication凸版彩色油墨 letterpress color ink凸版轮转书刊油墨 rotary letterpress ink for publication凸版轮转印报油墨 rotary letterpress news ink凸版彩色报刊油墨 rotary letterpress color news ink铜版油墨 copper plate printing ink凸版塑料薄膜油墨 letterpress printing ink for plastic films柔性版油墨 flexographic printing ink调墨油 varnish树脂调墨油 resinous varnish防潮油 water proof varnish照光油 over-printing varnish调金油 gold varnish冲淡剂 reducer维利油 white lake白油 laketine稀释剂 diluent去粘剂 viscosity reducer增稠剂 densifier (bodying-agent)防结皮剂 anti-skinning agent防沾脏剂 anti-set-off agent干燥剂 dryer白燥油 paste dryer钴燥油 cobalt dryer抗干燥剂 drying retarder色、颜色 colour彩色 colours消色(无彩色) achromatic colours孟塞尔颜色系统 Munsell colour system 色调(色相) hue明度 lightness饱和度 saturationCIE颜色系统 CIE colour system三刺激值 tristimulus values彩度 chroma色度 chromaticity色度坐标 chromaticity coordinates色差 colour difference色差仪 colorimeter反射密度仪 reflection densitometer色偏 hue error灰度 grayness效率 efficiency色强度 colour strength原色 primary colour三原色 three primary colours二次色 secondary colour复色 compound colour补色 complementary colour面色 toptone底色 undertone墨色 masstone着色力 tinctorial strength标样 master standard墨性 the properties of ink身骨 body流平 levelling丝头 stringing粘性 tack粘性仪 inkometer粘性增值 increasing value of tack飞墨 misting斜率 slope平行板粘度仪(铺展仪) parallel plate viscosimeter 截距 intercept屈服值 yield value落棒式粘度仪 fall rod viscosimeter触变性 thixotropy锥板旋转式粘度仪 cone and plate viscosimeter 粘弹性 viscoelasticity粘度 viscosity牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid塑性流体 plastic fluid假塑性流体 pseudoplastic fluid膨胀性流体(胀流型流体) dilatant fluid流动性 fluidity流动度测定仪 spread-o-metter固着 setting印刷适性仪 printability tester干燥 drying流平性 levelling property透明性 transparence光泽 gloss光泽仪 glossmeter细度 fineness刮板细度仪 grindometer初干性 initial dryness附着牢度 adhesion粘胶牢度 tape adhesion热粘连 blocking under warming冷冻牢度 toughness after freeze耐光 light fastness耐蜡 wax resistance耐热 heat resistance耐摩擦 rub resistance耐蒸煮 steam resistance胶化 livering斑点 mottle粉化 chalking堆墨 piling蹭脏 set-off晶化 crystallization脱墨 stripping不下墨 ink retreating from fountain roller 浮脏 tinting起油腻 greasing起脏 scumming糊版 pasting plate透印 strike-through罩光渗化 bleeding when overprinting粘页 blocking针孔 pinholing细网点消失 image detail disappearing 充填不良 poor filling【油墨术语英语词汇】。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0204560v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 25 A p r 2002Electronic transport in films of colloidal CdSe nanocrystalsNicole Y.Morgan 1,C.A.Leatherdale 2,M.Drndic 1,Mirna Vitasovic 2,Marc A.Kastner 1,Moungi Bawendi 2,1Dept.of Physics,2Dept.of Chemistry,M.I.T.,77Massachusetts Ave.,Cambridge MA 02139(February 1,2008)We present results for electronic transport measurements on large three-dimensional arrays of CdSe nanocrystals.In response to a step in the applied voltage,we observe a power-law decay of the current over five orders of magnitude in time.Furthermore,we observe no steady-state dark current for fields up to 106V/cm and times as long as 2×104seconds.Although the power-law form of the decay is quite general,there are quantitative variations with temperature,applied field,sample history,and the material parameters of the array.Despite evidence that the charge injected into the film during the measurement causes the decay of current,we find field-scaling of the current at all times.The observation of extremely long-lived current transients suggests the importance of long-range Coulomb interactions between charges on different nanocrystals.81.07.Ta,77.22.JpIntroductionThe techniques of colloidal chemistry make it possi-ble to create vast numbers of nearly identical semicon-ductor nanocrystals 1,2.Measurements of the tunneling of electrons onto individual nanocrystals have demon-strated that the latter behave qualitatively like litho-graphically defined quantum dots 3;such structures are best described as artificial because their energy and charge are quantized 4,5.Although it is difficult to construct large arrays of lithographically patterned arti-ficial atoms,colloidal nanocrystals assemble themselves into such arrays quite naturally,creating an entirely new class of solids composed of artificial atoms.Further-more,by adjusting the chemical process,it is possible to tune physically relevant parameters,such as site energies and nearest-neighbor coupling.We report here studies of electron transport in such a Colloidal Artificial Solid (CAS).Our CAS is composed of CdSe nanocrystals ∼5nm in diameter,each capped with organic molecules ∼1nm long.Because of the small size of the nanocrystals the Coulomb interaction between two electrons on the same nanocrystal or adjacent nanocrystals is ∼0.1eV 6,larger than k B T at room temperature.It is likely,therefore,that the Coulomb energy is larger than the other im-portant energies in the problem,in particular the band-width resulting from inter-nanocrystal tunneling or disor-der.Thus,these CASs provide an interesting new system in which the motion of electrons is expected to be highly correlated 7.Although the optical properties of these nanocrystal systems have been studied extensively,as yet there has been little work on electronic transport in these arrays.In this work,we present measurements made on a lat-eral,gated device,shown in Fig.1;this geometry has two primary advantages over the simpler sandwich struc-ture used by Ginger and Greenham 8.First,because the nanocrystal films are deposited last,there is no possi-bility of damaging the films during device fabrication.Second,the gate electrode provides the possibility of con-trolling the charge density in the CAS.We find that films of CdSe CASs are extraordinarily resistive,with resistivity greater than ∼1014ohms-cm at temperatures below 200K.Although there is no de-tectable steady-state current,we observe current tran-sients after the application of a voltage step;the current decays as a power law in time out to at least 104s.When the film is located near a metal gate,we can directly ob-serve the buildup of charge in the sample,which,at low temperatures,then remains in the CAS even after the voltage is removed.Although this suggests that the de-cay of the current is associated with the charging,the integral of the current transient is orders of magnitude larger than the charge stored.Thus,we conclude that the current arises from charge which moves completely through the film,but that the sample becomes more re-sistive with time as more charge is injected.We sug-gest that these effects are related to the strong Coulomb correlations between electron occupancy of the nanocrys-tals.In this paper,we present transport measurements on this system as a function of device geometry,applied field,sample length,and temperature,as well as some preliminary data on variations of the transients with the parameters of the chemical synthesis.Experimental detailsThe synthesis of the CdSe nanocrystals and the de-position of the close-packed films has been described in detail previously 9,10.By using the organo-metallic syn-thesis of Murray,et al.followed by three steps of size-selective precipitation,a size distribution with variance σ=5−8%is typically obtained.For most of the mea-surements in this paper,the nanocrystals are covered with a monolayer of tri-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO),as a byproduct of the synthesis.These molecules serve to passivate the surface states of the nanocrystals,and also act as nearest-neighbor spacers when the nanocrys-Aumn+ SiFIG.1.A schematic of the most commonly used substrateatmosphere before exposure to vacuum.To afirst ap-proximation,the thickness of thefilms is controlled by the concentration of the solution;for the work reported here,the thickness of thefilms ranges between20and180 layers(100−900nm),as measured with a profilometer near the measurement electrodes.Direct imaging of the nanocrystal packing on the measurement substrates has proven difficult,but transmission electron microscope im-ages of similarly preparedfilms suggest that the ordering within the CAS is polycrystalline,with the typical grain size approximately10nanocrystals across12.The primary type of device structure used for this work is shown in Figure1.These structures have been pro-duced in large quantities so that manyfilms,some with different core sizes and different capping molecules,can be deposited on identical devices.The starting material is a(100)silicon wafer degenerately doped with arsenic (room temperature sheet resistance1–5mΩ),which is used as the back gate for the device.High-quality ther-mal oxides of350–500nm are grown on top of these sub-strates,and then200nm Ti-Au electrodes are patterned and deposited using optical lithography and a lift-offpro-cedure.We have also made measurements onfilms de-on0.5mm quartz wafers,for which the gold elec-is identical,but for which the electrodes are nm thick.In both cases,although only one set is depicted in Fig.1,there are many moresome with different gap sizes,on each wafer.size of the substrate is typically6×6mm,andaffects the spreading of the nanocrystal solution deposition.In addition,for some measure-have used ring-shaped electrodes(not shown)gap size for a few experiments,for which are consistent.of the substrates is completed beforeare deposited and then dried overnight atmosphere;afterwards,the nanocrystalfilmentire substrate,including the electrodes.De-the nanocrystals as thefinal step in sample is important.Thesefilms are not sufficientlypermit the use of standard wafer processingafter deposition.In particular,subsequenthave shown that even moderate heating,C in vacuum,can significantly affect the trans-optical properties of thefilms12.The electrodeand the measurements are chosen to give aactive area for the device,as will be dis-For the most common samples,4.5nmTOPO-capped nanocrystals,and the elec-of Fig.1there are approximately200 series and about160,000dots in parallel for onedots.Room-temperature optical measurementsfilms co-deposited on glass slides are used sample quality.measurements are made in an Oxfordwith the sample in vacuum,typically attemperature.The current is measured427current amplifier;depending on the voltage and time ranges of interest,one of several voltage sources,including a Yokogawa7611,a HP3245,and a Kepco BOP-500V,is used.In a typical measurement,a voltage step is applied at one of the electrodes,and the current is measured at the other electrode as a function of time,with the back gate grounded.Throughout this paper we will refer to the electrode at which the voltage step is applied as the source,and to the current measure-ment electrode as the drain,as indicated in Fig.1.For the gated silicon substrates,this measurement is asym-metric in voltage when the gate is grounded;because the drain electrode is connected to the input of the current amplifier,which is a virtual ground,thefield at the source is much larger than that at the drain.As a result,charge is only injected into thefilm from the source electrode for the gated substrates.Furthermore,although charge spreads into thefilm in all directions from the source, the measurement at the drain electrode is sensitive only to charge moving between the electrodes,as more dis-tant charge will be screened by the gate13.Finally,this measurement is not directly sensitive to leakage currents between the source and the gate,and there is nofield to generate leakage current between the drain electrode andthe gap between the measurement electrodes.The deviation from power-law behavior at short times varies with the series resistance and is therefore ascribed to charging of geometrical capacitances.the gate.ResultsAs mentioned above,the CASfilms are highly resis-tive.For afilm of4.5nm diameter CdSe nanocrystals we measure no steady-state current for appliedfields of up to106V/cm,which corresponds to an average nearest-neighbor potential difference of500mV.With a current detection limit of5fA,and the device geometry used here,this gives a lower bound for the resistivity of of ∼1014Ω-cm;no steady state current has been observed in any of the dozens of samples we have studied.How-ever,the time dependence of the current in response to an applied source-voltage step is unusual.Figure2shows a plot of the typical current measured at the drain elec-trode as a function of time;unless otherwise noted,the gate is grounded in all of the transient measurements. At t=0,the voltage at the source electrode has been stepped from zero to-100V,after which the resulting current decays with a power-law form.In other mea-surements,the power-law decay of the current has been observed to persist overnight,to approximately2×104with the data are plotted twofits,dis-for clarity.Above the data is a power t−α,withα=−0.63,and below the dataexponential I=I0exp−(t/τ)β,with thetimeτset at1ms.Clearly,the data areby a power law form.14nanocrystal samples measured,the de-α,ranges from-0.1to-1;the parametersαdepends are discussed below.Thus,thefrom integrating the transient current di-By itself,this divergence suggests that thejust the displacement current that arisesor to the buildup of charge in thethe value of the integrated current over atime of103seconds is several orders greater than the estimate for charge storedillustrate this,in the lower left of Figure2,a dotted rectangle,which represents thethat would reside in thefilm,if the en-between source and drain were charged toof the applied voltage step,V sd with re-gate electrode.15Here,this estimated charge8pC,whereas for the transient shownintegrated current exceeds this value byorders of magnitude.Were this measure-the disparity would be greater still.that the current arises from charge whichthe sample,and that the current decays because thefilm grows more resistive with time. Nonetheless,we believe that the increase of the resis-tance over time is related to the buildup of charge in the CAS.The injection of charge into thefilm can be directly measured by applying voltage to the gate electrode while measuring the current at one of the top electrodes;for this type of measurement the source and drain are both held at ground potential and are therefore equivalent. As noted above,there are many other electrodes on the top of the oxide in contact with the CASfilm,and these are all at the same potential as the source and drain. Although charge spreads into thefilm from all of these electrodes,typically the current is measured only at one of them;furthermore,this current arises only from the charging of the nanocrystalfilm.The response of the sample to the gate voltage is shown in Figure3,for three consecutive ten minute steps.In thefirst step,the gate voltage is stepped to+100V,and negative chargeflows slowly into thefilm from the top electrodes;after ten minutes the current is still nonzero. In addition to this slow charging,at short times there is also a contribution from the displacement current,which corresponds to the charging of the capacitance between the measuring electrode and the gate.In the second step, when the gate voltage is stepped back to zero,only this displacement current is observed.Any current that might indicate a discharge of the nanocrystalfilm is below the noisefloor,which is approximately0.01pA for this mea-surement.After being held with V g=0V for ten min-utes,in the third step the sample is illuminated withthroughout.Integrating the current,including the fast capac-itive component,gives85pC for thefirst step,in which V g is stepped to+100V;−34pC for the second step,in which V g is stepped back to0V;and−46pC for the third step,in which V g is held at zero and the sample exposed to band-gap light.The34pC in the second step is consistent with esti-mates of the charge on the geometrical capacitance.(b)The absolute value of the same three current transients,plotted on a logarithmic scale.Thefirst transient(V g→100V)is shown in black,and clearly shows a fast capacitive component at short times and an approximate power-law decay at long times.The second transient(V g→0V)is shown as a dashed line,and shows only the fast capacitive component,followed by a very small component attributed to polarization of the substrate.Transients measured for V g→−100V are identical to this second transient,i.e.,they show no evidence of charge injection.The third transient(LED on)is shown in gray,and decays as a power-law with an exponent of−1.2.Note the absence of the capacitive component,as well as the similarity between the time dependence of the discharging and that of the charging in thefirst transient.light from a light-emitting diode(LED)nearin the cryostat.The wavelength of the LEDchosen to match the absorption peak of theillumination causes the charge to be releasedfilm.The integral of the total current for each is indicated in thefigure caption.The totalover the entire process is very small,that most of the charge which was in-the+100V step is removed by exposure to the3b shows the same data for the charging andof the CAS on a logarithmic scale.Interest-time decay of the discharge under illuminationto that of the charging;in both,the currentpower law form,although the decaythan for the source-drain measurements.decay of the current follows approximately t−1,spreads only logarithmically in time.From theof the H-shaped electrodes,approximately4.4the350nm thickness of the gate oxide,we cal-surface charge density at which the nanocrys-is charged ing this calculated densityvalue of the stored charge,46pC,measured fromdischarge,we estimate that the injected spread out roughly1.1µm from the electrodeten-minute charging step.is also a clear difference between the currentfirst step,with V g=+100V,and that in thefor which the voltage is stepped back to zero.transient,the expected capacitive transient short times(≤3s).At longer times there iscurrent which decays relatively rapidly.Thistransient,unlike the charging of thefilm,is voltage;we believe that it results from polariza-oxide.Like the measurements of Fig.2,Thesemeasurements exhibit a strong asymmetry sign of the applied voltage.When the gate volt-age is stepped to−100V rather than to+100V,only the polarization current is observed;there is no evidence for the injection of positive charge into the CAS.In addition, if negative charge has previously been injected by apply-ing a positive gate voltage,application of a negative gate voltage removes little of this charge.At T=78K,the stored charge can only be removed from the system on time scales on the order of minutes by illumination with band-gap light.Warming the sample to room tempera-ture also releases the stored charge and returns the CAS to its initial state,although the process is considerably more time-consuming.The release of the stored charge when the sample is il-luminated with band-gap light suggests that the injected charge resides predominantly on the nanocrystals,rather than within the organic capping molecules or at defects on the(substrate)oxide surface.This is more strongly supported by measurements of changes in the absorption spectra with applied voltage in sandwich structures by Woo et al.17.For the same electrode material and ap-pliedfields similar to those used in this work,Woo et al.also observe a quenching of the nanocrystalnescence consistent with charging of the nanocrystals. From the above data we can already eliminate two ple explanations.First,we are measuring properties the CAS,rather than leakage through the substrate conduction through the organic whichfills theof the nanocrystalfilm.Similar measurements on a substrate show no charge injection or power-law transients.Also,in several instances we have made trical measurements onfilms for which optical taken later,showed the nanocrystals to be oxidized;these oxidized samples,while exhibiting weak photocurrent,showed no measurable current tion in the dark,although the organic molecules were same as in the other samples.Finally,as discussed wards the end of this section,we see variations in current transients with changes in the parameters of CAS;in future work we hope to look at thesein more detail.However,we note that although the jected charge appears to reside on the nanocrystals, this time we are unable to distinguish between which resides in the nanocrystal core and charge resides in a surface state of the nanocrystal. Second,the samples appear to be chemically stableder these measurement conditions;several samples have been measured for over three weeks,with no evidence for degradation.Although there are long-lived history effects associated with the charging of the samples,it is possible,either by briefly warming to room temperature or illuminating with band gap light,to remove the stored charge.As long as the sample is kept in vacuum and cold, the measurements for a particular sample are reasonably reproducible.For the remainder of the results section we examine the details of this transient behavior as a func-tion of sample length,gate oxide thickness,temperature, and array parameters.Just as thefilm accumulates charge when voltage is applied to the gate,thefilm must accumulate charge at the oxide interface,possibly across the length of the sam-ple,when voltage is applied to the source with the gate grounded.Immediately after the application of a volt-age step at the source,before any charge is injected into thefilm,thefield is not uniform across a gated sample. Rather,for a particular applied voltage,the thinner the gate oxide,the stronger thefield is near the source con-tact.To determine the effect of the gate we have made measurements on gated samples with several oxide thick-nesses,as well as on quartz substrates,for which the gate is0.5mm distant and therefore does not affect thefields across the1and2µm gaps.However,we note that even for the silicon substrates with a350nm gate oxide,the distance to the gate is a substantial fraction of the elec-trode separation;relatively thick gate oxides were neces-sary to permit the application of the largefields necessary to pass charge through the samples.Because there is no gate to influence thefield across the electrode spacing for the quartz substrates,it is straight-forward to study the dependence of the power-law tran-sients on sample length.Two pairs of transients are plot-ted in Figure4for a CAS on quartz;transients measured on a sample2µm long,with V sd=−200and−250V, are shown in black,and transients measured for a1µm long sample,with V sd=−100and−120V are shown in gray points.The solid lines are the correspondingfits to a power-law form,I(t)=I1tα.There is reasonably good agreement between the transients measured at the same fields for the two different sample lengths.The parameters of these power lawfits have been plot-ted in Figure5.The data for the2µm sample length are shown in open triangles,and the data for the1µm sample,with the voltage rescaled by a factor of two,are shown in open squares.The close agreement between the rescaled data for the1µm sample and that for the 2µm sample provide further evidence that the current transients depend only on the appliedfield.The results on quartz are generally consistent with the measurements on the gated silicon substrates,in that we still observe power-law current transients,and again see no evidence of steady-state current.The major quanti-tative difference is that the values forαare smaller than those observed for the gated substrates.Power-lawfits to two sets of current transients measured on a quartz substrate yield the data in Figure5,which shows the de-cay exponent,α,as well as the logarithm of the current at10s,both as functions of the source-drain voltage. Note that one can apply much larger voltages than for the gated devices,because the insulator is much thicker. Furthermore,because the distance to the gate is much greater than the distance between the electrodes,one ex-pects approximate symmetry for positive and negative voltages for the quartz substrates,whereas we observecal of measurements made on quartz substrates.Lower panel:the decay exponent of the transients.Thefluctuations in the decay exponent above|V sd|=350V within a single data set are within thefitting error.Note that while the exponents are quite consistent,the magnitude of the current and its voltage dependence are not reproducible.The points corresponding to the measurements of Figure4are shown in open symbols; the triangles correspond to data for the2µm sample length, and the squares to data for the1µm sample length,after the voltage has been rescaled by a factor of two.The agreement between the2µm data and the scaled1µm data reflect the field-scaling discussed in the text.Data for another sample, of the same diameter(49˚A),are shown infilled symbols,for both signs of the voltage.Filled circles correspond to data for−V sd,andfilled triangles to data for+V sd.The discrep-ancy between the two signs of voltage most likely arises from sample history effects.current transients only for negative source voltages for the Si substrates.The small asymmetry seen in Fig.5 for measurements on a single sample are likely the result of sample history;we believe that some charge is stored in the CAS even when the gate is remote.The discrep-ancy between the two different samples is somewhat more difficult to understand,but may arise from differences in sample preparation orfilm thickness.As seen in Figure5,the current atfixed time increases exponentially with the applied voltage for the CAS on a quartz substrate.For the gated samples,however,the voltage dependence is more complex.Figure6shows transients for a range of voltages,measured for a sample on a350nm oxide.For similar voltages,the currents at10s are considerably larger for the gated substrates, allowing us to measure transients at lower voltages;this is probably the result of higherfields in the sample near the source electrodedue to the presence of the gate.In Fig.7the parameters obtained fromfits of a power-law decay to these transients are plotted,together with a set of points corresponding to a nominally identical sample with a similar history,all infilled black symbols.There isinin Fig.6,and the triangles come from measurements taken on a different but nominally identical sample.Thefilled squares correspond to measurements on thefirst sample,immediately after cooling with V g=0V.Data for a sample of45˚A di-ameter nanocrystals measured on a substrate with a500nm oxide substrate are shown in gray,for two different sample lengths.The open triangles correspond to the1µm sample, and the open squares are data for the2µm long sample,after dividing the voltage by a factor of1.6.Transients are only observed for negative V sd on the gated substrates.good agreement between the two sets of data.axes are also plotted another set of points,to a set of transients measured for aa substrate with a500nm oxide.For bothgated substrate,the decay exponents become more negative V sd,and the amplitude ofat10s,as well as the exponentα,appear tothe size of the voltage step is increased.the current transients scale withfield on thethe scaling with applied voltage is dif-samples measured on gated substrates18.For a oxide,although we canfind a voltage such transient on the2micron gap is the same as 1micron gap,the voltages differ by a factorof2.Interestingly,this single rescaling fac-over the entire voltage range for which theare measurable.This is illustrated in Fig.7,data for the500nm oxide substrates consist of1µm sample,shown in open triangles,as well as for a2µm sample,shown in open squares.factor appears to be smaller still for the350Thus it appears that the transients on quartzdepend only on thefield,whereas for the sil-as the gate oxide thickness is reduced,become less dependent on the electrodeapproaching a dependence only on thedependence of the current transients in Figure8,for measurements of a1µm longa substrate with a350nm gate oxide;theseare obtained from three-parameter power-lawtransients,I(t)=I1tα+I leakage.In the topcurrent at ten seconds is plotted for three dif-of V sd.Also shown is the steady-state leak-which is identical to that measured on andevice structure with no CASfilm.This leak-is linear in voltage,and is well described byform,I=I0exp(−E A/k B T),with an acti-E A=370meV.Clearly,the leakage cur-rent interferes with the measurements of the transients at temperatures above∼220K.The decay exponent of the current transients is plotted in the lower panel.Although Fig.8shows only data from77K to room temperature,a separate set of measurements from6K to77K shows no substantial variation with temperature over that range. Above77K,there is little variation in either of the param-eters until approximately150K,above which the ampli-tude of the current transients increases and the power law becomes steeper.The decrease in the amplitude of the transients above220K,and the associated sharp drop in the decay exponent,is most likely an artifact associated with the leakage current.In order to further explore the relationship between the buildup of charge in the CAS and the current tran-sients,we have measured transients after cooling the sam-ples with an applied electricfield.At room temperature, a voltage V fc is applied to the gate,and the sample is then cooled to77K.Once the sample is cold,the gateV sd=−100V,which is identical to that measured on a bare substrate,and so is attributed to oxide leakage.Lower panel: the decay exponent of the transients,for the same values of V sd.Note that the transients for V sd=−100V are too small tofit below150K.The results,for a set of transients measured with V sd steps to−125V,are shown in Figure9.When the sample is cooled with a positive voltage on the gate,such that excess negative charge has been stored in the sample, the current transient is much smaller;conversely,cooling with a negative voltage on the gate results in a much larger current.This is consistent with the decay of the current in time;in both cases,the buildup of negative charge increases the resistance.It also suggests that at room temperature it may be possible to inject positive charge,although,given the leakage current observed even for the bare substrates(Fig.8),it remains possible that some of the charge injected at room temperature resides in the oxide rather than within the nanocrystalfilm. The parameters of the current transients depend on the size and spacing of the nanocrystals in the CAS.In。
