附加到此程序或动态连结模块的动态连结模块 0×000000D6 太多 0×000000D7 Can’t nest calls to LoadModule. 0×000000E6 管道状态无效 0×000000E7 所有的管道事例都在忙碌中 0×000000E8 所有管道处于关闭中 0×000000E9 无进程在其他管道末端 0×000000EA 有更多可用的资料 0×000000F0 作业阶段被取消 0×000000FE 指定的延伸属性名称无效 0×000000FF 延伸的属性不一致 0×00000103 没有可用的资料 0×0000010A 无法使用 Copy API 0×0000010B 目录名称错误 0×00000113 延伸属性不适用于缓冲区 0×00000114 在外挂的档案系统上的延伸属性档案已经毁损 0×00000115 延伸属性表格文件满 0×00000116 指定的延伸属性代码无效 0×0000011A 外挂的这个档案系统不支持延伸属性 0×00000120 意图释放不属于叫用者的 mutex 0×0000012A semaphore 传送次数过多 只完成 Read/WriteProcessMemory 的部份 0×0000012B 要求 0×0000013D 系统找不到位于讯息文件 0×000001E7 尝试存取无效的地址 0×00000216 运算结果超过 32 位 0×00000217 信道的另一端有一个行程在接送资料 0×00000218 等候行程来开启信道的另一端 0×000003E2 存取延伸的属性被拒 0×000003E2 存取延伸的属性被拒 由于执行绪结束或应用程序要求,而异常终止 0×000003E3 I/O 作业 0×0000044E 遇到磁带的开头或分割区 0×0000044F 到了档案组的结尾 0×00000450 磁带没有任何资料
SharePoint解决方案1. 简介SharePoint是一个功能强大的协作平台,可用于构建和定制企业级解决方案。
2. SharePoint解决方案的重要性SharePoint解决方案在今天的企业环境中扮演着重要的角色。
以下是一些SharePoint解决方案的重要性:2.1 提高团队协作SharePoint提供了一种集中管理和共享文档的方法,团队成员可以通过SharePoint站点共享和访问文件、任务和日历等信息。
2.2 文档管理和版本控制通过在SharePoint中存储文件,可以实现文档的版本控制和协作。
2.3 工作流程自动化SharePoint提供了一个强大的工作流引擎,可以自动化和管理各种业务流程。
2.4 信息搜索和发现SharePoint拥有强大的搜索功能,可以帮助用户快速找到他们需要的信息。
2.5 企业级应用开发借助SharePoint的应用程序开发模型,开发人员可以轻松构建和定制企业级应用程序。
3. SharePoint解决方案的应用场景在各种企业和组织中,SharePoint解决方案可以应用于多种场景。
以下是一些常见的应用场景示例:3.1 内部协作和知识管理通过创建协作站点和团队网站,团队成员可以共享文件、讨论和协作完成项目。
L2存储( BPA 考试 题库
第1套题目1.DS5000系列磁盘阵列中,只有DS5020控制器是独立的,其他的控制器抽屉都包括磁盘,这个说法对否?对错2.下列关于DS5000描述正确的是:控制器内部采用了PCIE的总线意外掉电时,将Cache数据写入专用的闪盘相比DS4800,支持更多的磁盘扩展柜以上全部正确3.磁带格式3592 和 LTO 哪种是开放技术的LTOMagStar两者都是两者都不是4.DS3200/DS3300/DS3400这三款磁盘存储的区别在于?磁盘数量不同高速缓存数量不同支持的Raid级别不同支持主机接口不同5.实现业务连续性的IT组成要素包括服务器存储软件和自动化人员基础设施和网络自然灾害人为破坏服务和技能6.TS2900自动加载机,目前支持多少个数据带槽位?8910227.客户烦于管理和使用不同厂家的磁盘阵列(包括来自 IBM, HP , EMC, HDS),有什么好的解决方案可以同时实现简化存储管理和提升存储的利用率?Tivoli storage managerment软件SAN Volume Controller控制器FlashCopy以上都是8.TS3310物理带库最多支持396个磁带槽位,最多18个驱动器,这个说法是否正确?对错9.JBOD是指?冗余磁盘驱动器一个虚拟SCSI磁盘子系统可面对很多主机共享的SCSI磁盘抽屉中的一组磁盘10.IBM SAN Volume Controller因为采用基于INTEL x86处理器的技术,所以有些很多客户认为SVC并不适合运行企业的关键业务。
你该如何回应呢?IBM SVC 使用SDRAM 缓存。
IBM SVC 使用Linux平台,并不是WINDOWS操作系统。
IBM SVC支持光纤通道连接.IBM SVC 可达到“5个9”(99.999%)的高可用性。
HP DL380 Gen9阵列Smart Storage Administrator错误信息(一)
本篇文章提供HPE ProLiant 服务器Smart Array关联的错误消息列表。
其中列出了ProLiant 服务器和服务器刀片上的错误消息,并提供了一些信息以帮助解释错误消息和解决问题。
可以使用这些消息排除Hewlett Packard Enterprise 设备的故障并优化这些设备的运行方式。
Array status: The array has failed症状:Array status: The array has failed.原因:阵列中的物理或逻辑驱动器发生故障。
1.Array status: The array currently has a drive erase operation queued, running, stoppedor completed on a logical or physical drive症状:Array status: The array currently has a drive erase operation queued, running, stopped or completed on a logical or physical drive.原因:驱动器擦除操作已在队列中、正在运行、已停止或已完成。
2.Array Status: The array has a spare drive assigned which is smaller than the smallestdata drive in the array症状:Array Status: The array has a spare drive assigned which is smaller than the smallest data drive in the array. Some operations in the array will not be available.原因:备用驱动器不够大。
AD域管理员手册目录第一章AD域概述 (3)1.1AD的逻辑结构 (4)1.2AD的物理结构 (5)1.3WIN2003AD新特性 (6)第二章AD域的安装和卸载 (7)2.1安装WIN2003AD (7)2.2确认AD的安装 (14)2.2.1 默认容器 (15)2.2.2 Active Directory 数据库 (15)2.2.3 根域验证 (15)2.2.4 DNS (16)2.3自动卸载WIN2003AD (16)2.4手动卸载WIN2003AD (17)第三章基本配置 (23)3.1划分OU (23)3.2站点管理 (25)3.3建立域间信任 (27)3.4防病毒软件排除 (28)3.5客户端计算机加入域 (29)第四章备份与恢复 (32)4.1备份AD (32)4.2AD灾难恢复流程 (34)4.2.1灾难类型 (34)4.2.2恢复方法 (34)4.2.3恢复流程 (35)4.3非权威恢复与权威恢复 (38)4.3.1非权威恢复 (39)4.3.2权威恢复 (39)4.4非权威恢复具体操作 (40)4.5权威恢复恢复具体操作 (41)4.6AD操作主机转移 (41)4.7还原模式密码更改 (46)4.8恢复A CTIVE D IRECTOR (46)4.8.1 环境分析 (46)4.8.2 从AD中清除主域控制器对象 (47)4.8.3 在额外域控制器上通过ntdsutil.exe工具夺取五种FMSO操作 (49)4.8.4 设置额外控制()为GC(全局编录) (51)4.8.5 重新安装并恢复损坏主域控制器 (51)4.8备份与恢复DHCP (51)第五章组策略 (52)5.1组策略概念 (52)5.2GPMC (52)5.3常用组策略 (53)5.3.1禁止客户端退出域 (53)5.3.2 修改软件安装的选项 (55)5.3.3修改硬件驱动安装的选项 (56)5.3.4开放WINXP防火墙端口 (57)第六章常用脚本 (58)6.1管理员密码修改脚本 (58)6.2用户导出脚本 (58)6.3用户自动加入域 (59)6.4将密码设置为从不过期 (61)6.5创建1,000个用户帐户 (61)6.6用户帐户属性 (62)6.7用户帐户添加模版 (63)附录 (64)附录一:实施环境准备参考表 (64)第一章AD域概述目录服务是一种分布式数据库,用于存储与网络资源有关的信息,以便于查找和管理。
sharepoint解决方案篇一:SharePointXX-备份与恢复解决方案Microsoft Office SharePoint Server XX 备份与恢复解决方案技术解决方案目录1.前言 ................................................ ................................................... . (1)2.备份 ................................................ ................................................... . (2)服务器场备份(推荐备份方案) .............................................. (2)备份内容数据库 ................................................ ................................................... .. (5)备份网站集 ................................................ ................................................... . (7)导出网站、列表或文档库 ................................................ ....................................................93.恢复 ................................................ ................................................... .. (11)还原服务器场 ................................................ ................................................... . (12)还原内容数据库 ................................................ ................................................... (14)还原网站集 ................................................ ................................................... (17)还原网站、列表或文档库 ................................................ ..................................................174.应用实践................................................. ................................................... (18)通过Windows 任务计划实现自动备份 ................................................ .. (18)1. 前言随着计算机信息系统的不断发展,用户的核心业务越来越依赖于信息系统的可靠运行,信息系统中的关键业务数据已经成为用户最为重要的资产。
首先是304页面,分析站多,蜘蛛长期吃不到新的东西,就会导致网站快照更新不及时的情况。另外一个代码,是经理发现的,他采用的是不用工具直接查看源码的发放,这回就发现index目录也就是纺织人才网首页大量的200 0 64 ,关于200 0 64网上的说法不一,我也是问了群上的很多人,有人说是正常的,也又说的异常的,比较多的说法是抓取不完全,也就是说蜘蛛来到页面,抓到了信息但是在带走过程中遇到了问题,也就是没有返回信息。在结合自己站点情况,这就是问题了,页面不更新,蜘蛛抓取异常。
如何安装Storage Manager管理软件客户端并调IBM DS系列存储
如何安装Storage Manager 9.15客户端并调试IBM DS系列存储一、安装 Storage Manager 9.15 管理软件客户端当前IBM提供的最新Storage Manager版本为09.15(其实已经有更新的了在LSI网上有下载)。
1 准备工作:1)一台台式机或者笔记本电脑;注明:用作客户端,从这台电脑上面管理DS4000产品;2)以太网线(如果有交换机的话)或者直连线(如果没有交换机的话)注明:线缆用作连接客户端和DS4000上面的以太网口3)配置客户端的ip地址和DS4000的IP地址在同一个网段(DS4000的默认的IP地址是:控制器A:,控制器B:;DS4800的控制器A主机端口2:192. 168.129.101,DS4800的控制器B主机端口2:192. 168 .129.102)进行”ping”的测试,确保连通;4)下载storage manager9.15(58MB)版本,下载网址:/pc/support/site.wss/ 安装部分:1)下载Storage manager9.15版本以后,解压到客户端硬盘;2)进入解压的目录\W2KWS03_9P15_IA32\Windows,执行SMA-W32-弹出的窗口中选择”运行”3)出现如下界面:注:后台开始出现下面DOS窗口,在后台运行,不要关闭。
4)选择”Next”5)选择”I accept the terms of the License Agreement”,点击”Next”6)选择安装路径或保持默认的路径不变:7)选择”Management Station”(如果选择另外两个选项,可以有机会安装SM agent和RDAC) 8)选择”Do not automatically Start the Monitor”(注:会占用较多的资源,也可以装)9)选择”Install”10)当选择”Done”,后台的DOS程序也会自动关闭,程序中应该已经多出一项”Storage Manage 9 Client”一项,打开即可以使用。
部署SharePoint 部署SharePoint Portal Server 2003
服务器要求 客户端要求 部署方案
Intel Pentium III 处理器 512 MB 内存 550 MB 硬盘空间 分区为NTFS格式 分区为NTFS格式
Web Server
© 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
SPGlobalAdmin SPQuota SPVirtualServer
SPFileCollection SPFile
关键的Object: 关键的Object:SPWeb
是取得某站点的Lists, 是取得某站点的Lists, Items, Documents, Users 等对象的第一步 一些属性: 一些属性: Web.Lists Web.Title ers ASPX页面 页面, 在Web Part 或 ASPX页面, 通过以下方法获得 SPWeb对象 SPWeb对象: 对象: SPWeb myweb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
200 GB 200 GB 200 GB
IFilter :Microsoft定义的用于过滤文本内 Microsoft定义的用于过滤文本内 容的接口规格 PDF IFilter 允许对 Adobe PDF文件中的 PDF文件中的 文本进行过滤索引 免费下载: 免费下载:
MegaRAID Storage Manager配置指南
MegaRAID Storage Manager 目录一如何安装MegaRAID Storage Manager (1)二、如何使用MegaRAID Storage Manager配置阵列 (6)1、如何进入MSM (6)2、使用Simple模式配置阵列: (7)3、使用Advanced模式配置阵列 (10)三、MegaRAID Storage Manager使用其他问题 (15)1 调整硬盘状态 (15)2、删除、导入阵列信息(导入阵列信息会对数据造成风险) (17)3、删除已做好的阵列: (19)4、创建热备盘 (21)4、如何进行阵列扩容 (22)MegaRAID Storage Manager(以下简称MRSM)是一款非常方便的阵列配置管理软件,用户可以在服务器系统下直接安装使用。
一如何安装MegaRAID Storage Manager1在官方网站下载MSM软件,下载地址:/support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-5077712下载ibm_sw_msm_xxxx.zip文件,然后将ibm_sw_msm_xxxx.zip文件解压,解压后会看到MSMxxxx.zip文件,再进一步解压会看到Disk1文件夹,里面有setup.exe安装文件2 在MSM文件夹下双击setup图标,开始安装MegaRAID Storage Manager3、进入欢迎安装界面,点击Next:4、选择I accept the terms in the license agreement后点击Next:5、此步会提示输入用户名单位,可选择不填,选择All users后点Next继续:6、选择软件安装路径:7、选择安装类型:8 、点击Install后开始安装:9 、安装完成后,桌面会出现MegaRAID Storage Manager快捷方式图标二、如何使用MegaRAID Storage Manager 配置阵列*各图标含义:Controller(控制器) Backplane(硬盘背板) Tape drive(磁带机) Virtual drive(逻辑卷) Port(端口) Global hot spare(全局热备盘) Slot(硬盘槽位) CD-ROM(光驱)System(系统) Battery backup unit(电池备份单元) Dedicated hot spare(专属热备盘)1、如何进入MSM1、鼠标双击MSM软件,让你输入要配置的阵列卡所在的主机的IP地址,然后点DiscoverHost(发现主机),如果发现Remote servers(会列出主机的具体信息),注:当一台主机有多个网卡的时候,Remote servers可能会列出多项,同一个主机名,不同的IP地址如果您的阵列卡在本地主机并且IP地址输入正确,但一直没有发现该主机,可以点configure Host这个按钮,点完后进入发现选择界面,点击Display all the systems in the network of local servers单选钮,然后点Save Settings这个按钮,发现过程一直不停的话,可以按StopDiscovery这个按钮如图:2、在Remote servers列表下,选中所发现的主机,然后点Login这个按钮,出现提示输入User Name,Password的界面,User Name,Password是你所登陆主机系统时所用的系统用户名和密码,然后点击Login这个按钮,就可以登陆到MSM主配置界面了2、使用Simple模式配置阵列:1、首先在MRSM窗口左侧设备树下右键单击阵列控制器IBM ServerRAID-MR10i SAS/SATA Controller(Bus 1,Dev 0),在弹出的选项中选择Create Virtual Drive选项:2、选择Simple配置方式:注:做Raid会对以前和当前所做Raid的硬盘的数据造成风险,建议把机器上所有数据都备份一下,同一个Raid硬盘大小类型一样。
无法加载站点服务的所有 ISAPI 筛选器。因此启动中止。 Service Unavailable解决
无法加载站点/服务的所有 ISAPI 筛选器。
Service Unavailable解决Service Unavailable解决为什么会Service Unavailable ?一、如果出现“Service Unavailable”的提示,刷新几下又可以访问。
出现这种情况是由于您的网站超过了iis限制造成的,由于2003的操作系统在提示IIS过多时并非像2000系统提示“链接人数过多”,而是提示"Service Unavailable",出现这种情况是由于网站超过了系统资源限制造成的,主要是程序占用资源太多。
比如同样是100人在线的论坛,雷傲论坛所占的资源就是PW 论坛所占资源的10倍以上;另外,一些死循环程序,或者不优化的程序都会占用太多的系统资源,而系统资源明显是有限的。
如果一个网站的程序占资源太多或者发生太多的错误,系统日志就会提示:“应用程序池 'xxx' 被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误,或者提示:应用程序池 'xxx' 超过了其作业限制设置。
这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。
有关更多信息,请参阅在/fwlink/events.asp 的帮助和支持中心。
这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。
另外,如果你的网站当前访问人数过多,超过了系统的iis连接数限制,也会出现Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主机下出现连接过多就会提示:连接过多,请稍后再试;而win2003的主机刚直接提示:Service Unavailable)二、没有限制IIS连接,还是遭遇Service Unavailable一般使用windows 2003 IIS 6的用户可能这个问题一直正常的系统,突然有一个网站打不开了提示: Service Unavailable 但这个网站并没有限制IIS连接数。
SharePoint Designer
SharePoint Designer利用SharePoint Designer 修改列表页面CBSi中国·ZOL作者:中关村在线【原创】2009年12月29日SharePoint 列表页面(通常为Allitems.aspx)是用户进行文档库或普通列表管理的页面。
这就需要我们借助SharePoint Designer工具来对该页面进行符合自己实际需求的自定制修改。
Office SharePoint Designer 原身于Microsoft Office FrontPage。
作为SharePoint 平台的客户端设计工具,它具有强大的自定制功能。
用户可以通过SharePoint Designer 连接到部署在SharePoint Server 上的站点,并打开站点内任意的用户页面来对其进行修改。
下面就通过几个在一些SharePoint技术论坛中常出现的用户自定制需求实例来说明典型的自定制修改的实现步骤以及通过这些例子来了解SharePoint Designer 的功能特性:需求1:如何删除查找列(LookUp Column)的超链接?实现步骤:·用Sharepoint Designer打开当前站点。
·在Sharepoint Designer左手边的对象浏览器中双击打开欲修改的列表页面(Allitems.aspx)。
·切换到设计视图,右键单击列表视图(List View Web Part)部件,然后选择”转换为XSLT数据视图(Convert to XSLT Data View)”。
·点击这个箭头按钮,待一个对话框出现后,从”格式(Format as)”下拉框中选择”文本(Text)”。
2. 从菜单栏中选择“SitesSite--Manager”命令,于是弹出“Site Manager”对话框。
单击左下角的“New Site”按钮,然后在弹出的“Create New Site ”对话框中的“Site Name”栏中输入站点名称,这里输入你取的名字,单击“OK”按钮。
①“IP Address”栏中输入网站的FTP的地址。
③“User Name”栏中输入站点用户名。
3. 在主操作接口中,可以通过单击图中的按钮快速连接站点。
二、WS-FTP的使用方法下载地/soft/736.html1.安装完成后,点击进入,会出现Evaluation is running out 对话框,点击右下角的continue evaluation进入操作界面。
1楼发表于 2004-10-26 16:51Lotus Notes常见问题答疑Lotus Domino/Notes是目前最为流行的文档数据库系统之一,作为群件系统,它利用自身强大的功能使其在企业、政府办公自动化方面的应用越来越广。
问:在调试Lotus Domino程序时,经常会触发执行qnc.exe 程序并退出Notes,如何解决?答:在调试Lotus Domino/Notes程序时,由于程序设计的问题,我们经常会触发执行qnc.exe程序,并提示错误。
为了便于调试程序,我们可以在Lotus Domino指令窗口内键入qnc _u,使其暂停运行。
如果想恢复时可以再用qnc _i指令装载它。
目的地图标 — 可将目的地添加到您计算机上安装的 SharePoint、 Web Mail 和软件应用程序中。这些图标可用来创建、修改或删除目的地:
新建 — 允许您创建新的扫描至目的地。当您单击新建时,您 可以选择添加新的SharePoint、Web Mail或自定义应用程序。
另存为 — 允许您使用新的名称保存扫描至目的地。如果您 要复制 SharePoint 或 Web Mail 目的地并仅更改几个设置, 此选项将很有帮助。 修改 — 允许您修改您所创建的扫描至目的地。
删除 — 允许您删除您所创建的扫描至目的地。不能删除预 定义的目的地。
文件类型 — 根据您要保存或发送所扫描影像的方式,选择下列其中一个 格式。 • PDF (便携文档格式):其外观与原始文档一模一样,并保留源文件
A-61655_zh-cn 2009 年 11 月
- 打印前显示设置:若选择,“打印”对话框将会在文档扫描后显示, 可让您选择打印机和设置打印选项。“打印”对话框将会在每次运 行该功能时显示。
- 设置:显示“打印”对话框,可让您选择不同的打印机或此功能的 不同打印选项。这些设置将会保存,以及在每次运行该功能时默认 使用。如果选取了打印前显示设置,此选项将不可用。
A-61655_zh-cn 2009 年 11 月
• RTF (富文本格式):是一种文档文件格式,可从一台计算机简易转 移到另一台计算机,不论计算机上运行的是哪个操作系统。
• JPEG/TIFF - 单页:如果您要扫描多页或多面文档,每一页或面将会 保存为个别的 JPEG 或 TIFF 文件。如果启用了 JPEG 压缩则创建 JPEG 文件,否则,将创建 TIFF 影像。
IBM Aspera Connect 3.9.0发布说明说明书
Release Notes: IBM Aspera Connect 3.9.0Product Release: April 3, 2019Release Notes Updated: April 15, 2019The 3.9.0 release of IBM Aspera Connect provides the new features and fixes described below. These notes also list system requirements, including supported platforms, and known issues.The key change in this release is that Connect and the Connect SDK now make use of browser extension technology to facilitate the app's communication with the web browser. The use of browser extensions benefits users of on-premises servers as well as users of Aspera on Cloud. The new Connect provides:•More reliable detection and launching of Connect, removing the need for launch prompts•Improved security•Improved browser integration. (In particular, the Safari 12 workaround is no longer needed.)•Easier installation and upgrade procedures that include guided assistanceUpgrading Connect to version 3.9 is required by June 2019. Aspera encourages you to take immediate action:•End users should upgrade to Connect 3.9.0.•Web developers should integrate their Connect applications with the Connect SDK 3.9.0.Feedback Program: We welcome your feedback. Customers interested in providing it for Connect 3.9 can register at the IBM Feedback Program. IBMid required. You can submit your feedback on the Submit Problem Report page.WHAT'S NEW•Browser Extension InstallationThe introduction of extension technology adds a new step to the Connect installation procedure. The new in-app installation assistance guides users through the process of obtaining the Connect extension.All supported browsers require the extension, with one exception: Internet Explorer instead uses ActiveX.During Connect installation, the extension is downloaded (in most cases) from the browser's extension store.However, for Safari, the extension is provided in the macOS installer.•Improved Experience for Installation and UpgradePreviously, the banner below prompted users to install or upgrade Connect:In the new Connect, users are prompted with the panel below and guided through the remaining steps:•New Binaries and Restricted EnvironmentsIn restricted environments, the following new binaries may need to be added to the whitelist:asperaconnect-nmh.exeasperaconnect-emh.exe•Breaking ChangesConnect is no longer supported on macOS 10.11.SDK-REQUIRED ACTIONS1.Upgrade your web application to use the Connect 3.9.0 SDK.•You can download the SDK package from here:https:///download/sw/sdk/connect/3.9.0/ConnectSDK- f26a59973163d11d9d292389fe90743esha1: 6d6b53905164ee2d4cbe186925b83143ef904467•If you want to point your custom web application to the Aspera-hosted version of the SDK, it's located here:https:///connect_3_9_0_171737_ga/v4/version.txt2.Set the minimum version of Connect to "3.9.0". For details, see minVersion here:https:///api_docs/connect/3.8/web/api/AW4/Connect/ new/index.html3.If you will not use the ConnectInstaller experience, implement support for installing extensions. See thesection just below.CUSTOMIZING THE INSTALL EXPERIENCEAdding the Installing of Extensions to a Custom Install ExperienceA new Connect state EXTENSION_INSTALL has been added to the SDK for web applications that are ready to use extensions.The ConnectInstaller class provides helper functions even if you don't use the default installation experience. Include connectinstaller-4.js from the SDK. Create an instance of the ConnectInstaller:var installer = AW4.ConnectInstaller()To indicate that your web application is ready for web extensions, set the following global variable:AW4.ConnectInstaller.supportsInstallingExtensions = trueYour web application will receive an EXTENSION_INSTALL event when extensions are not detected. In response to this event, present your extension install view.To check whether the current browser needs an extension install experience:var needed = installer.doesBrowserNeedExtensionStore()In addition to the EXTENSION_INSTALL event, you can manually check whether the extension is installed:installer.isExtensionInstalled(1000, {timedout: function() { console.log('not installed') },success: function() { console.log('installed') }})To start the extension install:installer.startExtensionInstall()Or, create a hyperlink to the store URL:installer.getExtensionStoreLink()To facilitate the installation process, the Connect extension attempts to return the user to the tab that started the installation. To take advantage of the return behavior, add an element to your page with css class aspera-connect-ext-locator. Do this only when the extension installation is in progress. The extension will return to the tab that contains this element and refresh the page.For information about how to access the Connect extensions, see the IBM Aspera Connect User's Guide: Installation.FIXED ISSUESIn the list below, the ticket numbers with an asterick (*) are fixes that require the Connect 3.9 SDK. The remaining tickets are fixes regardless of the SDK version.*ASCN-xxxx - Safari 12 has an issue (Apple's) with launching desktop applications, including Connect. This is no longer an issue due to browser extensions.*ASCN-xxxx - [SDK] The following messages prompting the user to launch Connect are no longer necessary and have been removed from the UI.Chrome:Firefox:Edge:*ASCN-1315 - Firefox generates an unhelpful error dialog when the FASP protocol is not registered: "There is no program associated to perform the requested action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel." This is fixed as long as you use extensions.ASCN-1313 - The Internet Explorer test-connect page goes white after attempting to detect Connect.*ASCN-1217 - Safari 12 on macOS is not officially supported for Connect. For details, see: http:// /44851142" (CIM-1701)ASCN-1210 - Already-cleared transfer history reappears after computer reboot. (CIM-1915)ASCN-1195 - SDK: The readChunkAsArrayBuffer call needs to read chunks with an offset greater than 2147483647 bytesASCN-1146 - When an aborted transfer is restarted, the EAR setting is ignored. (CIM-1825)ASCN-1119 - When the 10-session limit is reached, the error displayed does not indicate the cause. (CIM-1741)*ASCN-1098, ASCN-1120 - [Mac] Safari 12: Connect is no longer recognized in a specific tab after entering a new address. Issue has been addressed with addition of browser extensions.ASCN-1095 - The file selection filter is not working. Users can select any files despite attempts to limit the valid file extensions using this feature. (CIM-1680)ASCN-1053 - Connect doesn't apply the password received in the transfer specs for a re-tried transfer after a Connect restart. (CIM-1578)*ASCN-1023 - [Mac] Safari 12 - "Allow Safari to open Connect" pops up when browsing Faspex.ASCN-730 - [Linux] Connect with older versions of Firefox and KDE may not be able to initiate transfers. Workaround: Upgrade Firefox and KDE.*ASCN-566 - Aspera web apps ask users to launch Connect whenever the page is reloaded. Single-page apps like AoC are unaffected. Workaround: Choose "always open" or "remember". Note: This is fixed as long as you use extensions.ASCN-198 - A package or folder whose name contains unsupported path characters cannot be downloaded.ASCN-190 - [Windows] The first instance of Connect cannot be run by an administrator and regular user at the same time.ASCN-148 - Connect does not display all the digits in the Transfer Monitor when there is increased system text size. (CIM-280)SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows•OS versions: 7 SP1, 8.1, 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016•Browsers: Chrome 64-72, Firefox ESR 52 & 60, Firefox 57-65, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge 39-42 macOS (64-bit)•OS versions: macOS 10.12, 10.13, 10.14•Browsers: Chrome 64-72, Firefox ESR 52 & 60, Firefox 57-65, Safari 11-12Linux (64-bit)•OS versions (glibc 2.9 and higher): RHEL 6.7,7.3, 7.4, CentOS 6-7, Debian 7-9, Fedora 26-27, SLES 11-12, OpenSUSE 42.3, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.10•Required Libraries: OpenSSL 1.0.2g or higher, Mesa EGL, glib2 2.28 or higher•Browsers: Chrome 64-72, Firefox ESR 52 & 60, Firefox 57-65KNOWN ISSUESASCN-1557 - After upgrading, drag-and-drop does not work until the browser is restarted.ASCN-1487 - Safari extension-approval step appears even if the installation started in a different browser.ASCN-1389 - [Linux] Transfers fail with "FASP management terminated unexpectedly." Appears to be related to password entry. Workaround: Restart the transfer.ASCN-1318 - Connect on Mac 10.14 does not detect system proxy settings. Workaround: Configure the proxy manually in Connect preferences.ASCN-898 - Getting error message "Connect (Not Responding)" after clearing hundreds of transfers.ASCN-797 - Main menu bar for Crypt is not translated for all languages.ASCN-754 - [Windows] Internet Explorer crashes during a Connect upgrade.ASCN-705 - If Connect is not able to connect to the server through SSH, a misleading error message, "Failed to authenticate," is reported rather than indicating it's a connection problem. (CIM-72)ASCN-580 - [Win] Accessibility: Install wizard not properly displayed in high contrast mode.ASCN-362 - The Preferences icon (link) is not available in the Transfers window.ASCN-355, ATT-364 - When using HTTP fallback, downloads with in-line decryption sometimes fail after an upload to a server with EAR. Workaround: Download without in-line decryption, then decrypt locally.ASCN-271 - When encrypted-at-rest files are downloaded, the decryption dialog does not ask for passphrase confirmation. As a result, if the passphrase is invalid, the files are transferred in their encrypted state. (CIM-635) ASCN-262 - JAWS does not say how to select hosts from the hosts list in the Security sub-tabs. This issue is found in other Security sub-tabs, as well.ASCN-179 - This release of Connect does not support Microsoft ISA proxies.ASCN-149 - Connect does not switch "desktops" to reveal Connect when asking the user to select files or folders. Workaround: Select Connect from the dock.。
Oracle Sun Storage 2500-M2 数组安装说明说明书
This document provides an overview of the installation procedure for Oracle’s Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays,including:■Sun Storage 2540-M2array (controller tray with Fibre Channel host connectivity)■Sun Storage 2530-M2array (controller tray with SAS-2host connectivity)■Sun Storage 2501-M2array (expansion tray)For detailed information,have the Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Hardware Installation Guide available as you go through the steps in this document.Additional documentation is listed in the section “Documentation for This Product”and available at the Oracle documentation web site:/technetwork/documentation/oracle-unified-ss-193371.htmlSun Storage Common Array ManagerOracle’s Sun Storage Common Array Manager (CAM)software is a key component for the initial configuration and operation of Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays hardware.It is installed on a management host cabled to the array via out-of-band Ethernet (cables for this connection are provided).Note :In-band management is also supported.To download and get started with CAM,review the latest Sun Storage Common Array Manager Quick Start Guide .CAM documentation can be found here:/technetwork/documentation/disk-device-194280.htmlNote –It is recommended to begin the download process now so that the software is ready for installation whenhardware installation is complete.Before You BeginReview the following documents before starting the installation:•Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems •Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Hardware Release Notes •Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Safety and Compliance Manual•Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Site Preparation GuideSun Storage 2500-M2 ArraysGetting Started GuideReview Contents of the Ship KitFIGURE 1shows the components of the controller tray ship kit for the Sun Storage 2540-M2array,Sun Storage 2530-M2array,and Sun Storage 2501-M2array expansion tray.Note the following:■AC or DC power cables are included in the ship kit,depending on the configuration ordered.■Small form-factor pluggables (SFPs)are included only with the Sun Storage 2540-M2array.■Cables for connecting the controller tray to the data host (SAS or Fibre Channel)are not included and may be ordered separately.SAS cables for intertray cabling are included with the Sun Storage 2501-M2array expansion tray ship kit.Note :The maximum cable length for 6Gb/sec SAS-2is 10meters.FIGURE 1Controller Tray Ship Kit ContentsInstall the Cabinet and Rail KitBefore installing the rail kit,install and stabilize the cabinet as described in the cabinet installation instructions.Make sure the cabinet’s casters (if any)are locked to prevent the cabinet from rolling,and remove or open the front panel and vented back panel.Then,follow the rail kit installation instructions found in the Installing Adjustable Support Rails document.Note –Each tray requires two standard mounting rack units (2U)of vertical space in the cabinet.Callout Description Callout Description1Documentation6RJ-45-DB9adapter with null modem 2Fibre Channel SFPs (2540-M2only)7Bezel end caps3RJ-45-RJ-45Ethernet cables (one per controller module)8Power cables *-AC cables included for AC configurations -DC cables included for DC configurations *AC power cables shown.4RJ-45-mini-DIN cable 9Controller tray5RJ-45-DB9adapterInstall the Tray in the Cabinet and Connect Power CablesThe following procedure provides an overview of installing a controller tray or expansion tray into the cabinet.Consult the Hardware Installation Guide for further details.Note –Airflow through the tray is front-to-back.For proper ventilation,allow 30in (76cm)clearance in front ofthe cabinet and 24in (61cm)clearance behind the cabinet.Note –When installing tray hardware,load the cabinet so as not to make it top-heavy.One approach is to placethe controller tray in the middle portion of the cabinet while allowing room for expansion trays to be placed above and below the controller tray.FIGURE 2Installing the TrayReview Front PanelFIGURE 3Controller Tray and Expansion Tray Front PanelStep Tasking two people,carefully lift and rest the tray on the bottom ledge of the left and right rails.Caution :Tray equipment can weight up to 60lb (27kg).2.Carefully slide the tray into the cabinet until the front mounting flanges on the tray touch the vertical face of the cabinet and the rear edges of the tray fit into the clips on the support rails.3.Secure the front of the tray by inserting a screw through the center hole in each front mounting flange.(Note :Washers may be required.)Tighten the screws.4.Secure the rear of the tray by inserting a screw through the hole in each rear mounting flange and into each support rail.(Note :Washers may be required.)Tighten the screws.5.Replace the end caps (bezels)that cover the mounting flanges on the front of the array tray.6.Verify that the tray power switches and cabinet circuit breakers are turned off.7.Connect each tray power supply to a separate power source in the cabinet.Callout Description1Left end cap with front panel LEDs 2Disk drives 3Right endcapReview Rear PanelNote:AC power connectors and switches shown.DC configuration is available.See Hardware Installation Guide for more information.FIGURE4Controller Tray Rear ViewFIGURE5Expansion Tray Rear View Callout Description:2540-M2and2530-M2 1Controller module A2Serial port3Ethernet ports4SAS host ports(Not used on2540-M2)5Seven-segment display6Fibre Channel host ports(2540-M2only)7Expansion port8Power-fan module9Controller module LEDs10Power-fan module LEDs11Power connector12Power switch13Controller module BCallout Description:2501-M21Input/output module(IOM)A2IOM LEDs3SAS host ports4Seven-segment display5Serial port6Ethernet port7Expansion port8Power-fan module9Power-fan module LEDs10Power connector11Power switch12IOMBConnect Controller and Expansion TraysFIGURE6shows recommended expansion cabling for one,two,and three expansion trays.See the Hardware Installation Guide for more information.FIGURE6Expansion Tray Cabling ConfigurationsConnect Data HostsFIGURE7shows sample host connection configurations for one host in a direct topology,two hosts in a direct topology,and two hosts in a Fibre Channel switch topology.For Fibre Channel connections(Sun Storage2540-M2only),plug an SFP into a controller host port before cabling.For more information,see the Hardware Installation Guide.Note–The SAS host interface does not support a switch topology.FIGURE7Sample Controller-to-Data Host ConnectionsConnect Management HostConnect an Ethernet cable from the management host port (Ethernet Port 1)of each controller to the LAN of the management host.Note :Ethernet Port 2is reserved for access by Support personnel.Turn on Power and Install Management Host SoftwareTo power on the array,follow the procedure in the Installation Guide .Then,install Sun Storage Common Array Manager on the management host.If you did not previously begin the download process,see the “Sun Storage Common Array Manager”section.During initial array registration,you are prompted to register with the Auto Service Request (ASR)service.It is highly recommended that you register with ASR so that Support can respond appropriately to your needs.Documentation for This ProductAdditional documentation for Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays is available at:/technetwork/documentation/oracle-unified-ss-193371.htmlOracle Contact InformationReview safety informationSun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Safety and Compliance Manual Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware SystemsReview known issues and workaroundsSun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Hardware Release Notes Sun Storage Common Array Manager Release NotesPrepare the site Sun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Site Preparation Guide Install the arraySun Storage 2500-M2Arrays Hardware Installation Guide Get started with the management software Sun Storage Common Array Manager Quick Start GuideInstall the management software Sun Storage Common Array Manager Installation and Setup Guide Manage the arraySun Storage Common Array Manager Array Administration Guide Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI GuideDocumentation /technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html Support https:// Traininghttps://Copyright ©2011,Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.Copyright ©2011,Oracle et/ou ses affiliés.Tous droits réservés.Part No.: E20738-01Mfg No.: 7010621June 2011。
oracle未 找 到 提 供 程 序 。 该 程 序 可 能 未 正 确 安 装
使用 ADO连接 oracle数据库时,连接串使用 Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle时提示 “未找到提供程序。该程序可能未正确安装 ”。
另 使用Provider=MSDAORA时,不支持读写BLOB和CLOB类型的数据,没办法,只能使用oracle oledb
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-----------------------பைடு நூலகம்------------------------------------------
原因:由于我之间安装oracle_odbc的组件,然后又卸载了几回。 查看oracle安装目录下的BIN目录,E:\app\Administrator\product\11.1.0\db_1\BIN 发现有OraOLEDB11.dll这个文件 解决方法: 注册OraOLEDB11.dll 注册方法: regsvr32 OraOLEDB11.dll 在其所在目录下执行
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Ethernet Layer
OneFS Operating Environment
Single FS/Volume
Intra-cluster Communication Layer
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Typical EMC Isilon Use Cases
– Metadata (~ 5%) – Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) (~ 95%)
• In many SharePoint deployments, file content is stored onto the underlying SQL Server database on a SAN
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• In use by 80% of Fortune 500 companies
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Data Storage in SharePoint Environments
• File data managed in SharePoint consists of:
Lower IT costs
– Leverage the unmatched efficiency of Isilon scale-out NAS – Compress BLOBs to further reduce storage requirements with Metalogix StoragePoint
SharePoint BLOB Data Challenges
SQL Server and BLOB data
Requires the most expensive storage type
Slow uploads, downloads and search index performance
Backup delays cause missed RPOs
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Addressing the BLOB Data Challenge
• Metalogix StoragePoint software leverages Microsoft APIs to enable BLOB data to be stored outside SQL Server
World’s fastest NAS - 1.6M SPECsfs and over 100 GB/s throughput
Unmatched efficiency – over 80% utilization and automated tiering Highly resilient - Survives multiple failures Robust data protection and security options Flexible – multi-protocol support including native HDFS support
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft SharePoint
Collaboration and content management platform
• SharePoint is used widely to provide
• Isilon scale-out NAS provides a highly scalable and efficient storage platform for SharePoint BLOB data
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solution Benefits
Accelerated performance
– Externalize SharePoint BLOB data outside the SQL Server database to increase I/O
SharePoint BLOB Data Storage Solution
Combines EMC Isilon scale-out NAS and Metalogix StoragePoint
Externalize BLOB data with Metalogix StoragePoint software and SharePoint RBS provider to shrink SQL Server databases by up to 95% Eliminate bottlenecks for BLOB data I/O Improve overall SharePoint performance with lean databases and fast content file I/O Increase efficiency with over 80% storage utilization for BLOB data with EMC Isilon scale-out NAS
• Over 3,500 global customers
– Over 60% Y/Y growth rate
• Isilon OneFS: Seventh generation, industry-proven, innovative scale-out operating environment
Gartner Scale-out NAS Critical Capabilities Survey, February, 2013
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Isilon Scale-Out NAS
Simple and easy to use - single file system, single volume Massively scalable – from 18 TB to over 20 PB
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Isilon Scale-Out NAS Architecture
Client/Application Layer
EMC Isilon Storage Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint BLOB Data
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• EMC Isilon Overview • SharePoint Challenges • SharePoint BLOB Storage Solution with EMC Isilon Scale-Out NAS and Metalogix StoragePoint
• Since SQL Server was designed for structured data rather than unstructured, BLOB data, several challenges emerged
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
File based: 61.8% CAGR
Block based: 23.7% CAGR
In 2013, 80% of new storage capacity added will be for file-based data
Source: “Scale Out Storage in the Content Driven Enterprise: Unleashing the Value of Information Assets,” IDC White Paper
And many more!
© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
File-Based Data Growth
90 80 70 60 50 40 30