中文说明书_Metropolis DGT_CN
Hale Waihona Puke 公共安全公司目录欢迎了解
1快速安装指南本部分列出对Eclipse 仪表进行快速安装,接线和设定的关键步骤.供有经验的电气安装人员参考.注意 7XD, 7XR 或7XT型探头仅用于安全切断/溢出工况.所有其他型号的导波雷达的安装,都应该保证被测介质的最高液面应低于雷达天线过程连接150毫米.此情况包括使用立管等人为抬高探头高度的工况.1.1A必备工具.扳手 (同轴探头38毫米,双杆探头47毫米,传感器部分 38毫米).一字螺丝刀.斜口钳 2.5毫米内六角扳手.万用表.24 V 电源B设定必备信息开始设定前,请确认以下必备信息Level Units 测量中使用的工程单位( 英寸或厘米)?Probe model 仪表型号信息中列出的型号是什么?(探头型号的头4位内容) Measurement type 测量的方式.(液位,体积,界面等)Probe mount 探头的安装形式(NPT,BSP还是法兰?)Probe length 探头长度Level Offset 从探头底端到0%参考点的距离Dielectric 被测介质的介电常数Loop Control 通过液位或者体积来控制电流输出Set 4 m A 对应4毫安输出时的0%参考点位置Set20 m A 对应20毫安输出时的100%参考点位置 (7XB双杆探头从顶部起100毫米范围为信号死区;7XF,7X1单杆探头从顶部起178毫米为信号死区)1.2开始安装安装时注意. 保护探头顶部连接的塑料帽在最后安装传感器之前不要取走. 在传感器的过程连接上不要使用任何的密封黏合剂或TFE胶带,该连接处是使用 Viton 环密封.. 注意保护探头顶部的高频连接干燥清洁,必要时可用酒精擦拭,用棉签擦干.. 传感器和探头部分的连接,随手上紧后,再用扳手上紧1/4到1/2圈.1.3接线注意连接电源的正负极性;注意在电源和仪表两端分别接地.1.4快速设定A仪表键使用方法.仪表上电后,显示将每5秒钟交替显示液位,%输出,和环路电流..使用↑和↓键来在设定菜单中移动..当按下输入键时,显示中第一行的走后一个字母将变为感叹号,此时可用↑和↓键来改变参数的大小,再用输入键来确定即可.注意,每次改变参数后,如果需要断电,须给仪表10秒钟的时间来刷新内部设置.如左图所示,是对仪表进行设定所需要的最少参数.Probe module 选择探杆的型号 (探杆型号的头4位内容)② PrbMount 探头的安装形式(NPT,BSP还是法兰?)③MeasType 选择测量的类型(液位,体积,界面或者体积和界面).④Lvl Units 测量中使用的工程单位( 英寸或厘米)?⑤Probe Ln 探杆长度(探杆型号的最后3位数字)⑥Lvofst 从探头底端到0%参考点的距离⑦Dielctrc 被测介质的介电常数范围⑧Set 4 m A 对应4毫安输出时的0%参考点位置⑨Set20 m A 对应20毫安输出时的100%参考点位置 (7XB双杆探头从顶部起100毫米范围为信号死区;7XF,7X1单杆探头从顶部起178毫米为信号死区)2.完全安装.本部分内容为安装的详细内容..Eclispse传感器可以通过一系列的过程连接装到被测储罐上.通常是通过螺纹或是法兰连接实现.注意:切勿在传感器周围堆放绝热材料,以免引起额外的热量堆积.仪表工作带压时,切勿拆卸仪表探头.2.17XB,7X5,7X7型双杆探头对距离探头很近的物体敏感,容易影响测量精度. 安装时应该遵守以下各注意事项.1 安装立管的管径不小于80毫米.2当安装立管的直径无法大于80毫米,则仪表探头顶部的信号死区应该与安装立管的根部齐平或是伸入被测容器内一部分.37XB,7X5,7X7型的双杆探头的探杆与金属物体(如金属管道,金属梯架)的距离最小应该为25毫米.2.2安装7X7型探头时注意:该缆式探头可以在现场截断.方法如下:A 提起配重(1),可以看到锁紧装置(2).B 松掉锁紧装置上的2个紧固螺丝(3),拿掉两个锁紧装置.C 从缆上拿掉配重(1)D 截断所需的缆绳长度.E 照相反程序装好配重,装好锁紧装置.F 在仪表配置中重新设定缆绳长度.2.3安装单杆探头(7X1,7X2,7XF)的注意事项:如需使用安装立管,应遵循以下要求:A 立管管径不小于50毫米.B 立管管径和立管高度的比(A/B)不小于1,由于该立管制作不当引起的测量误差,需要在信号死区(Block Dis)和仪表灵敏度(SENSITIVITY)中调整改善.C 立管不得有缩径..仪表应尽量远离导电物体.当周围有导电物体存在时应适当降低仪表灵敏度.到探杆距离容许存在的物体《150毫米与探杆平行的连续光滑的平面,比如金属罐壁.》150毫直径小于25毫米的金属管,金属格栅,金属梯架等.米》300毫米直径小于75毫米的金属管,金属格栅,混凝土墙壁等.》450毫米其他安装测量固体专用双缆探杆1. 确保钢缆周围最少有25mm以上的间距没有碰到障碍物.2. 小心的把钢缆放入容器中.拧紧安装法兰上的垫片.3. 拧紧探杆与容器连接的法兰或螺丝.4. 探杆可以在现场切短.a. 松开并移走固定在钢缆上的2个卡夹.b. 把配重物从钢缆上移开.c. 切断钢缆到需要的长度.d. 重新穿好配重物,并重新固定好.e. 在软件中重新设定新的长度2.4安装测量固体专用单缆探杆1. 确保钢缆周围最少有25mm以上的间距没有碰到障碍物.2. 小心的把钢缆放入容器中.拧紧安装法兰上的垫片.3. 拧紧探杆与容器连接的法兰或螺丝.4. 探杆可以在现场切短.a. 松开并移走固定在钢缆上的2个卡夹.b. 把配重物从钢缆上移开.c. 切断钢缆到需要的长度加上16cm.d. 重新穿好配重物,并重新固定好.e. 在软件中重新设定新的长度.33.1参数设定表格 :测量液位 Level Only(Loop Control=Level)显示内容 操作内容备注1 *Status**Level* *% Out* *Loop*仪表显示仪表的默认显示内容为 液位%输出和环路电流,每隔5秒交替 显示.2LevelXXX.Xcm仪表显示 显示测量的液位值.3 %OutputXX.X%仪表显示 仪表显示的按量程换算的%比输出.4 LoopXX.X mA仪表显示仪表显示的回路电流值. 5 PrbModel (Select)选择所选用探杆的型号仪表铭牌上注明的探杆的型号的前4位6 PrbMount (select )选择探杆安装形式选择NPT ,BSP 或FLANGE 7 MeasType (select)选择液位测量的类型选择Lvl Only8 Lvl Units(select )选择液位单位从cm,inches,feet,meters 中选择(厘米,英寸,英尺,米)9 Probe Ln XXX.X输入探头的准确长度该信息列在仪表铭牌和定货信息上. 是探头型号的最后三位数字.10 Lvl Ofst XXX.X输入OFFSET 的值该值是从探头底端到0%参考点的距离 (-61—762 厘米)11 Dielctrc (select )选择介质的介电常数范围选择1.4—1.7;1.7—3.0;3.0—10;10—10012 SenstvtyXXX输入探杆的灵敏度允许细调13 LoopCtrl (select)选择控制回路电流的变量选择Level14 Set 4mA XXX.X输入4毫安电流输出对应的液位设定时注意,在仪表探头的顶部,底部存在一个信号发送区(0—15cm),设定时要注意避开.15 SET 20 m A XXX.X输入20毫安电流输出对应的液位设定时注意,在仪表探头的顶部,底部存在一个信号发送区(0—15cm),设定时要注意避开.16 DampingXX S输入阻尼时间 当被测信号有很强烈噪声或过程变化剧烈时,为稳定输出,可以在0—10秒的范围内,选取一个适当的值来设定.17 Fault (select )选择出现故障时回路电流需要保持输出的值可以在 3.6毫安,22毫安和HOLD 中选择一种.18 BlockDis XX.X cm输入探杆的不灵敏距离允许用户忽视探杆顶部的液位测量值 19 Sz Fault (select)选择回路电流在进入安全区域后的工作情况“安全区域”为用户设置的B lockDis 距离,当液位到达探杆顶端的BlockDis 距离后,选择回路电流的输出值.可以选择:None,3.6mA,22mA,Latch 3.6,Latch22.20 Sz Height XX cm输入BlockDis 下面的一段距离默认为0.21 Sz Alarm Reset 按”回车”键清楚报警信息如果Sz Fault 选择了Latch3.6或者Latch22,可以通过按”回车”键来清除Sz Fault 的报警信息22 Threshld(select )选择阀值类型 仪表默认 CFD.当介质中分层且低介电常数的介质在高介电常数介质上面时,或液位测量不准确时选择FIXED.23 Poll AdrXX输入HART 地址 可在0—15之间选择一个数字作为仪表的地址.当不把仪表进行网路连接时,输入0. 24 Trim Lvl XX.X输入需要修正的液位读数值调整范围为:-25.4cm<Lvl Trim<+25.4cm25Trim 4 m A XXXX对4毫安的输出电流进行校正.在输出中串入电流表,调整该值可以对4毫安的输出进行修正.26 Trim 20mA XXXX对20 毫安的输出电流进校正. 在输出中串入电流表,调整该值可以对20毫安的输出进行修正. 27 Loop TstXX.X mA模拟输出可以对电流输出进行模拟28 LvlTicksXxxxx勿动 工厂诊断用29 New PassXXX输入新密码 0—255之间;使用箭头键可以选择一个合适的数字作为密码,按回车键保存 30 Language (select)选择LCD 上显示的语言 可从:English(英语),Spanish(西班牙语),French(法语),German(德语)中选择31 Mdl705HTVer3.0a0勿动 显示软件版本32 DispFact (select)选择YES 来显示工厂参数菜单 里面共有24项参数,大都为工厂诊断用,且不能更改.故不一一列出.详细内容请参阅英文操作手册.3.2参数设定表格 :测量界面 Level Only(Loop Control=Interface Level) 显示内容操作内容备注1 *Status**IfcLvl**% Out**Loop*仪表显示仪表的默认显示内容为界面值,%输出和环路电流,每隔5秒交替显示.2 IfcLvlXXX.Xcm仪表显示显示测量的界面值.3 %OutputXX.X%仪表显示仪表显示的按量程换算的%比输出.4 LoopXX.X mA仪表显示仪表显示的回路电流值.5 Level6 PrbModel(Select)选择所选用探杆的型号仪表铭牌上注明的探杆的型号的前4位7 PrbMount(select)选择探杆安装形式选择NPT,BSP或FLANGE8 MeasType(select)选择液位测量的类型选择Intrface9 LvlUnits(select)选择液位单位从cm,inches,feet,meters中选择(厘米,英寸,英尺,米)10 ProbeLnXXX.X 输入探头的准确长度该信息列在仪表铭牌和定货信息上.是探头型号的最后三位数字.11 LvlOfstXXX.X 输入OFFSET 的值该值是从探头底端到0%参考点的距离(-61—762 厘米)12 UprDiel(select)输入上层介质的介电常数13 Dielctrc(select)选择下层介质的介电常数范围选择3.0—10;10—10014 SenstvtyXXX输入探杆的灵敏度允许细调15 LoopCtrl(select)选择控制回路电流的变量选择IfcLvl16 Set4mAXXX.X 输入4毫安电流输出对应的液位设定时注意,在仪表探头的顶部,底部存在一个信号发送区(0—15cm),设定时要注意避开.17 SET 20 m AXXX.X 输入20毫安电流输出对应的液位设定时注意,在仪表探头的顶部,底部存在一个信号发送区(0—15cm),设定时要注意避开.18 DampingXX S 输入阻尼时间当被测信号有很强烈噪声或过程变化剧烈时,为稳定输出,可以在0—10秒的范围内,选取一个适当的值来设定.19 Fault(select)选择出现故障时回路电流需要保持输出的值可以在 3.6毫安,22毫安和HOLD中选择一种.20 BlockDisXX.X cm输入探杆的不灵敏距离允许用户忽视探杆顶部的液位测量值21 SzFault(select) 选择回路电流在进入安全区域后的工作情况“安全区域”为用户设置的B lockDis距离,当液位到达探杆顶端的BlockDis距离后,选择回路电流的输出值.可以选择:None,3.6mA,22mA,Latch3.6,Latch22.22 SzHeightXX cm 输入BlockDis下面的一段距离默认为0.23 SzAlarmReset 按”回车”键清楚报警信息如果Sz Fault选择了Latch3.6或者Latch22,可以通过按”回车”键来清除Sz Fault的报警信息24 Threshld(select)选择阀值类型仪表默认 CFD.当介质中分层且低介电常数的介质在高介电常数介质上面时,或液位测量不准确时选择FIXED.25 IfcThrsh(select)选择阀值类型界面测量时专用.通常工况情况下选CFD26 Poll AdrXX输入HART 地址 可在0—15之间选择一个数字作为仪表的地址.当不把仪表进行网路连接时,输入0. 27 Trim Lvl XX.X输入需要修正的液位读数值调整范围为:-25.4cm<Lvl Trim<+25.4cm 28Trim 4 m A XXXX对4毫安的输出电流进行校正.在输出中串入电流表,调整该值可以对4毫安的输出进行修正.29 Trim 20mA XXXX对20 毫安的输出电流进校正. 在输出中串入电流表,调整该值可以对20毫安的输出进行修正. 30 Loop TstXX.X mA 模拟输出可以对电流输出进行模拟31 LvlTicksxxxx勿动 工厂诊断用32 IfcTicksXXXX勿动 界面测量时专有显示,工厂诊断用 33 Medium 勿动 界面测量时专有显示,工厂诊断用34 New PassXXX输入新密码 0—255之间;使用箭头键可以选择一个合适的数字作为密码,按回车键保存35 Language (select)选择LCD 上显示的语言可从:English(英语),Spanish(西班牙语),French(法语),German(德语)中选择36 Mdl705HTVer3.0a0勿动 显示软件版本37 DispFact (select) 选择YES 来显示工厂参数菜单 里面共有24项参数,大都为工厂诊断用,且不能更改.工厂参数菜单38 History 按”回车”键进入历史记录菜单用于检查记录报错信息以及信息维持时间39 Run Time 运行时间显示自通电了的使用时间40 History Reset 历史记录复位清除历史记录的内容41 FidTicks 诊断用工厂诊断用42 Fid Sprd 诊断用工厂诊断用43 Fid Type 诊断用工厂诊断用44 Fid Gain 增益和灵敏度功能类似45 Window 诊断用工厂诊断用46 Conv Fct 诊断用工厂诊断用47 Scl Ofst 诊断用工厂诊断用48 Neg Ampl 诊断用工厂诊断用49 Ifc Ampl 诊断用工厂诊断用50 Pos Ampl 诊断用工厂诊断用51 Signal 诊断用工厂诊断用52 Compsate 诊断用蒸汽补偿专用.如果是7MS探杆请选择”auto”,如果是其他探杆请选择”None”.53 7xKCorr 诊断用工厂诊断用54 ElecTemp 显示表头现在的周围温度55 Max Temp 显示表头记录的最高环境温度56 Min Temp 显示表头记录的最低环境温度57 Sz Hyst 诊断用工厂诊断用4.OFFSET 详述注意,传感器从工厂发货时,默认的OFFSET 设定为0.如例1,当OFFSET 为0时,所有的测量都是以天线的底端为参考点.所有的参数值都以天线底端做0点.例2.该例子中,OFFSET 的值为10.则所有的测量和参数设定时的参考点即为容器的底部.如图所示.例3,在该图中,OFFSET 的值为负值,则,所有测量和参数设置的参考点都为天线上距离天线底端为OFFSET 值的点.5. 故障诊断指南现象问题解决方法液位,%输出和电流都不准确;1)基本设定有问题.对探头型号安装方式和探头长度以及OFFSET 等设定重新确认.1) 确认实际的液位值2) 校验4mA和20mA的电流值2 .界面液位有严重的乳化,泡末的现象检查工艺情况,消除或减轻乳化 ,泡末等情况.液位输出总是比实际值高或低一个固定的数值. 设定值与实际的探头长度罐高等值差别较大.重新确认探头长度罐高等设定.测量输出波动 1液面状态有波动增大DAMPING值.2 有高频干扰接入仪表检查FID Spread (应该稳定在+/— 10以内)测量输出比实际液位要低1 存在液体分层,而且下面的液体介电常数比上层的大,比如,油水分层.选择FIXED THRESHOLD功能.在探杆上有挂料介质覆盖等情况存在.有浓厚的泡末.显示读书正确但是电流输出固定在4毫安. 基本设定有问题. 如果没有用MULTIDROP工作模式,将HART POLL 地址改为0.手操器只能读出通用命令(对HART 选项仪表)没有安装仪表的DD文件.与当地HART设备提供商联系,下载最新的DD文件.液位读数固定在满量程,电流输出固定在20.5 毫安. 探头浸入液面. 检查实际液面.如果探头没有被液面浸没,则要检查挂料等情况.选择更大的介电常数范围.加大Blocking 距离.液位,%输出和电流值都在最大值单杆探杆的设置参数有问题1)增加Blocking距离2)选择更大的介电常数液位,%输出和电流值比实际液位高容器内的障碍物影响了单杆探杆的测量.1)选择更大的介电常数2)重新安装探杆远离障碍物的影响当液面实际高度为0时,仪表有读数输出. 传感器与探头之间松动或脱开.紧固连接部分.6.报错信息显示的故障信息功能解释Initial 无初始的操作信息DryProbe 无干燥的探杆的标准信息,探杆底部的信号已检测到(实际罐内液位为空时会显示该信息)EOP <PL(probelength) 探杆没有接触到液位的时候,探杆尾部的信号超过探杆的量程1)确认探杆长度是否设置正确.2)选择低一点的介电常数范围.3)增加灵敏度4)咨询工厂.5)确认Block Distance设置是否正确.EOP Low 当探杆没有接触到液位时的显示信息(实际液位为空) 1)液位上升后,该信息会自动消除,如果没消除,按以下步骤解决.2)确认探杆长度是否设置正确3)选择低一点的介电常数范围4)咨询工厂EOP High 当探杆没有接触到液位时的显示信息(实际液位为空) 1) 液位上升后,该信息会自动消除,如果没消除,按以下步骤解决.2) 确认探杆长度是否设置正确3) 联系工厂WeakSgnl 信号的幅度低于预想值1) 选择低一点的介电常数范围2) 增加Sensitivity(灵敏度)Flooded? 由于探杆顶部被液位浸没而造成信号丢失(只有双杆探杆才有该故障信息) 1) 降低容器内的液位.2) 选择低一点的介电常数范围3) 更换7xR型号的探杆(适用于液位满灌的场合)Nosignal 没有检测到液位信号1) 确认介电常数范围设置是否正确2) 增加Sensitivity(灵敏度)3) 确认探杆型号符合实际的工况条件4) 咨询工厂No Fid 基准点的信号没有检测到1) 检查所有的连接处2) 检查探杆的顶部是否受潮3) 检查探杆的探针是否损坏4) 咨询工厂FidShift 基准点的信号改变1) 检查所有的连接处2) 检查探杆的顶部是否受潮3) 检查探杆的探针是否损坏4) 咨询工厂No Probe 表头没有检测到探杆1) 检查所有的连接处2) 检查探杆的探针是否损坏Sz Alarm 液位到达安全区域输出保持在Sz Fault内设置值降低液位,该信息会消失Hi Temp 现场的环境温度已超过80℃1) 仪表表头必须移走,确保周围的环境温度符合工作的要求2) 更换为带远传功能的表头Lo Temp 现场的环境温度已超过-40℃1) 仪表表头必须移走,确保周围的环境温度符合工作的要求2) 更换为带远传功能的表头HiVolAlm 液位超过容量计量表的高点的5%校验容量计量表是否正确. Sys Warm 无法预料的软件故障咨询工厂TrimReqd 回路输出可能不正确咨询工厂Cal Reqd 工厂默认的出厂参数导致实际使用的液位读数不正确重新设置相应的参数. 咨询工厂.SlopeErr Ramp电路产生不正确的电压咨询工厂LoopFail 回路电流与预期值有误差咨询工厂No Ramp Ramp电路没检测到信号咨询工厂DfltParm 内部参数不稳定咨询工厂LVL<probe length 上层的脉冲信号强度已经超出探杆尾部的信号. 1)检查探杆长度是否正确.2)把CFD改为Fixed.EE Fail EEPROM故障咨询工厂CPU Fail 芯片故障咨询工厂SfwrFail 软件故障咨询工厂7.工况条件的故障排除有很多原因可以导致工况出现问题.这里只涉及探头上的介质挂料和分层方面.探头上的介质挂料大部分情况下不会有问题——Eclipse电路典型非常有效,典型的工作方式.介质挂料一般可以分成两种类型——薄膜被覆和搭桥.当有小型薄膜被覆时,可使用双杆探头.对于极端的介质挂料,可考虑使用7XF或7X1单杆探头.薄膜被覆 7.1 705型号(液位工况)*连续型薄膜被覆最典型的被覆问题是介质在探头何处形成连续的被覆。
004 TDA26..GB/07/12Customer ServiceGreat BritainBosch Customer Service Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Milton Keynes MK12 5PTUK +44 (0)844 892 8923IRL +353 (0)1450 2655(*) Model dependentYou can download this manual from the local homepages of BoschThank you for buying the TDA26 steam iron from Bosch. This iron has a lightweight design and is built to perform.These instructions contain valuable information about the unique features of this iron and some hints to make ironing easier for you.Please visit for more product information or to register your product, just follow the link to the Online guarantee registration.Before using the Iron for the first timePlease carry out the following steps:1. Remove the protective cover from the soleplate before using the iron.2. While the iron is unplugged, fill the water tank (E) with tap water and set the temperature control (I) to “max” by lining it up with the pointer (H).3. Plug the appliance into the mains and when the iron has reached the correct temperature (the pilot light [K] goes out), set the steam regulator (A) to the “2” position.4. Hold the iron horizontally and repeatedly press the shot of steam button (L). Any residue should come out of the soleplate (G). It may smoke and smell – this is normal and will cease after a short while.5. If necessary, carefully clean the soleplate down with a dry, folded cloth.Cleaning and MaintenanceFor general cleaning, follow the information below:DO NOT de-scale or clean the water tank with cleaning products or solvents, as these could cause the iron to drip when using the steam function.DO NOT use a “professional steam cleaner” for cleaning the appliance.DO NOT use sharp objects or abrasive products to clean the soleplate or any other part of the appliance. To keep the soleplate in good condition, do not allow it to come into contact with metal objects.GUARANTEE TERMSThe terms of the guarantee for this appliance are in accordance with that stated by our representative for the country in which it is sold. Details of those conditions can be obtained from the retailer from whom the appliance was purchased. The SALES RECEIPT must be presented when making any claims against the terms of this guarantee. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Environmental CareThis iron has been designed according to ecological criteria related to sustainable development; analysing its whole lifecycle, from material selection to its later reuse or recycling; evaluating the improvement possibilities from a technical, ecological and environmental point of view.Before throwing a used appliance away, you should make it noticeably inoperable e.g. cut off the mains lead and be certain to dispose of it in accordance with current laws and regulations.Your retailer, town council or local council can give you detailed information about these.This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EG concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical and electronic equipment – WEEE).The guideline determines the framework for thereturn and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU.ImportantThis iron has been designed according to ecological criteria, related to the sustainable development; analyzing its whole lifecycle, from material selection to its later reusing or recycling; evaluating the improvement possibilities, from a technical, economical and environmental point of view.This appliance has been designed exclusively for domestic use and must not be used for industrial purposes.Carefully read through the operating instructions for the appliance and safeguard them for future reference.General safety instructions• The iron must not be left unattended while it is connected to the supply mains.• Remove the plug from the socket before filling the appliance with water or before pouring out the remaining water after use.• The appliance must be used and placed on a stable surface.• When placed on its stand, make sure that the surface on which the stand is placed is stable.• The iron should not be used if it has been dropped, if there are visible signs of damage or if it is leaking water. It must be checked by an authorized Technical Service Centre before it can be used again.• With the aim of avoiding dangerous situations, any work or repair that the appliance may need, e.g. replacing a faulty mains cable, must only be carried out by qualified personnel from an Authorised Technical Service Centre.• This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.• Keep the iron and its cord out of reach of children less than 8 years of age when it is energized or cooling down.• This appliance is to be connected and used in accordance with the information stated on its characteristics plate.• This appliance must be connected to an earthed socket. If it is absolutely necessary to use an extension cable, make sure that it is suitable for 16A and has a socket with an earth connection.• If the safety fuse fitted in the appliance blows, the appliance will be rendered inoperative. To restore normal operation the appliance will have to be taken to an authorised Technical Service Centre.• In order to avoid that, under unfavourable mains conditions, phenomena like transient voltage drops or lighting fluctuations can happen, it is recommended that the iron is connected to a power supply system with a maximum impedance of 0.27Ω . If necessary, the user can ask the public power supply company for the system impedance at the interface point.• The appliance must never be placed directly under the tap to fill the water tank.• Unplug the appliance from the mains supply after each use, or if a fault is suspected.• The electrical plug must not be removed from the socket by pulling the cable.• Never immerse the iron in water or any other fluid.• Do not leave the appliance exposed to weather conditions (rain, sun, frost, etc.)2 Filling the water tankSet the steam regulator (A) to the “0” position (no steam) bylining it up with the pointer (B) on the iron and unplug the ironfrom the mains!1. Place the iron at an angle of 45° with the point facing upwards.2. Fill the water tank (E) via the water tank inlet (C) but never above theDO NOT use condensation water from tumble dryers, air conditionersor similar appliances. This appliance has been designed to use normaltap water.To prolong the optimum steam function it is possible to mix tap waterwith distilled water 1:1. If the tap water in your district is very hard, mixtap water with distilled water 1:2.3The temperature control (I) adjusts the temperature of thesoleplate (G).1. Check the temperature instructions shown on the care label of thegarment you are ironing and set the temperature control (I) to thecorresponding position by lining it up with the temperature controlpointer (H) on the iron:the garment is made from mixed fabrics, set the temperature for themost delicate material.3. For silk, woollen or synthetic materials iron the reverse side of the fabricto prevent shiny patches. Avoid using the spray function to preventstains.4. Sort your garments based on their care labels, always starting withthose that have to be ironed at the lowest temperature.5. The pilot light on the top of the handle (K) will stay lit while the ironis heating up and go out once the selected temperature has beenreached. Wait for a few seconds after the light goes out before youstart ironing. Once the iron is ready, you can continue to iron even ifthe pilot lamp comes on again.6. If your iron has auto shut-off and the pilot light is flashing, the auto-shutoff has activated. Gently move the iron from side to side to restart it.4 Ironing with steamThe steam regulator (A) is used to adjust the amount of steamproduced when ironing.1. Make sure that there is water in the tank (E).2. Adjust the temperature control (I) and then set the steam regulator (A)according to the table below by lining it up with the steam regulator••13. You can get extra steam by pressing and holding the steam regulatorto avoid water dripping from the soleplate (G).5 Ironing with shot of steamThis can be used to remove stubborn wrinkles or to press in asharp crease or pleat. It cannot be used on a synthetic settingfor delicate items.1. Make sure that there is water in the tank (E).2. Set the temperature control (I) to the “•••” or “max” position and thesteam regulator (A) to the “2” position.3. Press the shot of steam button (L) on the handle repeatedly at intervalsof 5 seconds.6 Vertical steaming with shot of steamThis can be used to remove creases from hanging clothes,curtains etc. It cannot be used on a synthetic setting fordelicate items.WARNING! Do not vertical steam while the item is being worn.Never spray or aim steam at people or animals!1. Make sure that there is water in the tank (E).2. Set the temperature control (I) to the “•••” or “max” position and thesteam regulator (A) to the “2” position.3. Hold the iron in an upright position about 15 cm away from the garmentbeing steamed.4. Press the shot of steam button (L) on the handle at intervals of 5seconds, however, after 4 jets of steam, wait for 10 seconds to allow Using Your Iron。
目录第一章软件简介及简易操作流程 (1)1.1 道路版简介 (1)1.2 电力版简介 (5)1.3 软件简易操作流程 (9)第二章项目 (24)2.1项目信息 (24)2.2坐标系统 (25)2.3记录点库 (25)2.4放样点库 (26)2.5控制点库 (28)2.6电力点库 (29)2.7横断面点库 (30)2.8更新点库 (31)第三章 GPS (32)3.1连接GPS (32)3.2演示模式 (33)3.3位置信息 (34)3.4卫星信息 (35)3.5差分站信息 (37)3.6天线设置 (37)3.7基准站设置 (38)3.8移动站设置 (42)3.9远端设置基准站 (46)3.10接收机信息 (47)3.11数据调试 (48)第四章参数 (49)4.1坐标系统 (49)4.2参数计算 (52)4.3 点校验 (54)第五章工具 (56)5.1角度换算 (56)5.2坐标换算 (56)5.3面积计算 (57)5.4距离方位 (58)5.5间接测量 (58)第六章测量 (61)6.1碎部测量 (61)6.2点放样 (66)6.3线放样 (68)第七章道路 (73)7.1平面设计与文件编辑 (73)7.2纵断面设计与文件编辑 (78)7.3横断面设计与文件编辑 (78)7.4道路放样 (80)7.5横断面采集 (82)第八章配置 (84)8.1软件配置 (84)8.2配色方案 (84)第九章符号释义 (87)9.1一般符号 (87)9.2按钮图形 (87)9.3当前位置信息栏 (88)9.4电量状态栏 (88)9.5卫星状态栏 (89)9.6解状态/质量栏 (89)第十章 GIS+手簿及与电脑通讯 (90)10.1 GIS+手簿 (90)10.2安装GIS+手簿连接软件 (92)10.3 GIS+手簿与电脑通讯 (96)第十一章附录 (99)11.1键盘输入 (99)11.2点信息录入 (99)11.3快捷键 (100)11.4 文件格式(道路文件) (100)11.5文件格式(点库) (102)11.6 程序结构与路径 (103)11.7 V8/v9简易硬件操作 (104)11.8 仪器常见问题及解决方法 (107)第十二章电力 (108)12.1电力作业流程简介 (108)12.2 电力勘测 (109)12.3 塔杆放样 (116)12.4 Hi-Convert数据格式转换软件 (119)第一章软件简介及简易操作流程1.1 道路版简介Hi-RTK Road软件是中海达公司最新开发出的一款基于道路施工测量的多功能手簿软件, Hi-RTK Road软件基道路工程测量行业的应用需求,广泛征集行业客户的建议,集实际工程经验和GPS作业优势于一体,是中海达测绘专业开发人员和广大客户智慧的结晶。
1.6.1 个别部件的主要特征及作用 ................................................................................................. 5 1.6.2 人员安全................................................................................................................................. 6 1.6.3 隧道安全................................................................................................................................. 6 2 功能(EPB 盾构机) ............................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 概况..................................................................................................................
安全技术说明书页: 1/10 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 21.05.2023版本: 4.0日期/上次修订: 29.12.2021上次版本: 3.2日期 / 首次编制: 04.07.2013产品: 泊洛沙姆188Product: Lµtrol® micro 68(30241530/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 13.11.20231. 化学品及企业标识泊洛沙姆188Lµtrol® micro 68推荐用途和限制用途: 药用辅料公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:根据 GHS 标准,该产品不需要进行分类。
巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 21.05.2023版本: 4.0产品: 泊洛沙姆188Product: Lµtrol® micro 68(30241530/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 13.11.2023 标签要素和警示性说明:根据GHS标准,该产品不需要添加危险警示标签其它危害但是不至于归入分类:在一定条件下,产品可形成粉尘爆炸。
HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册HIMOD系列北京****科技有限公司技术部2009年01月01日目录第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述 ..................................................................................................1.1型号多 ................................................................................................................................................1.2控制技术先进 ....................................................................................................................................1.3制冷系统 ............................................................................................................................................1.4送风系统 ............................................................................................................................................1.5加湿系统 ............................................................................................................................................1.6加热系统 ............................................................................................................................................1.7其它 .................................................................................................................................................... 第二章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调型号含义 .......................................................................................... 第三章有关空调的一些资料 ..................................................................................................................3.1气流组织方式 ....................................................................................................................................3.2盖板纽开启方式 ................................................................................................................................3.3空调重量 ............................................................................................................................................3.4机组尺寸及维护空间 ........................................................................................................................ 第四章制冷循环管路示意图 ..................................................................................................................4.1风冷却(A型).................................................................................................................................4.2水冷却(W型)................................................................................................................................4.3双冷源(D型).................................................................................................................................4.4单系统(C型).................................................................................................................................4.5双系统(C型)................................................................................................................................. 第五章调速风机调速接线示意图 .......................................................................................................... 第六章MICROFACE概述 ...................................................................................................................6.1概述 ....................................................................................................................................................6.2Microface面板简介............................................................................................................................6.3LCD液晶显示屏介绍 ........................................................................................................................ 第七章MICROFACE面板的操作 ....................................................................................................... 第八章控制器的使用 ..............................................................................................................................8.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述..........................................................................................................8.2控制器的操作 ....................................................................................................................................8.3菜单结构 ............................................................................................................................................ 第九章日常维护及特殊维护 ..................................................................................................................9.1日常维护 ............................................................................................................................................9.2特殊维护 ............................................................................................................................................ 第十章常见报警及处理 ..........................................................................................................................10.1低压报警 ..........................................................................................................................................10.2高压报警 ..........................................................................................................................................10.3加湿报警 ..........................................................................................................................................10.4失风报警 ..........................................................................................................................................10.5电加热过热报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.6显示器发黑 ......................................................................................................................................10.7空调不制冷 ......................................................................................................................................附录1:参数列表 ...................................................................................................................................附录2:报警内容列表 ...........................................................................................................................附录3:各菜单项含义 ...........................................................................................................................第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的机房专用恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。
例如:我们要做一条2007年完成的英武至柏果的公路项目设计,首先建立项目文件夹,打开D :公路\2007年完成,新建一个文件夹,将文件夹命名为:英武至柏果公路。
3编辑器里编辑如图1-4,1-5右行车道、右路肩,一般路幅数为4幅)格式为:起点桩号 左土路肩宽度 左行车道宽度 右行车道宽度 右土路肩宽度;终点桩号 左土路肩宽度 左行车道宽度 右行车道宽度 件输入格式为:起点桩号 左土路肩横披 左行车道横披 右行车道横披 右土路肩横披;终点桩号 左土路肩横披 左行车道横披 右行车道横披 右土路肩横披,横披单位为%,输完之后(图1-4)(图1-5)第二章平面2.1 交点线文件输入:交点线文件输入有2如图2-1号、来向边长、去向偏角、圆曲线半径等内容,1、角度(方位角、偏角)用度(D)、分(F)、秒(M)的拼音的第一个字母表示,如:30D45F56.78M,表示30度45分56.78秒。
METRON TREATMENT TABLES Elite 7-Section, Elite Aster 3-Section, Elite 2-Section, Elite 2-Section with Short Head (Elite European Aster 2 Section), Elite 3-Section, Elite Bobath (Elite Neuro)(39” & 47”) Operating and Technical Manual(Elite 7-Section shown)Rev 5, January 20161 METRON TREATMENT TABLES - WARRANTY STATEMENT PATTERSON MEDICAL will warrant this table, for parts and labor only, against defects in manufacture for a period of three (3) years for structural integrity, actuators, power supplies, control devices. Upholstery is warranty for 1 year for normal wear and tear. All warranty periods shall commence from the date of purchase.All cables, plugs and sockets will be covered under this warranty for a period of three months from the date of purchase.- PROVIDING - The table has not been serviced by persons not authorized by PATTERSON MEDICAL and has not been misused or tampered with and has been used on the correct voltage as branded on it.- THIS WARRANTY EXCLUDES - Parts of the table, failure of which in the opinion of the dealer or manufacturer is a result of misuses or abuse or any other reason not directly attributed to fault in manufacture.Batteries are excluded from this warranty except where it can be demonstrated that any battery failure was caused by a malfunction in the Metron equipment.- IN THE EVENT OF STRUCTURAL FAILURE - Please contact PATTERSON MEDICAL or your agent or dealer.Warranty arrangements for actuators and associated components shall be organized with your distributor.- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES - Shall PATTERSON MEDICAL or their agents or dealers be liable in any manner whatsoever for any compensation or damages to any person occasioned by this table for any loss, injury or any damage occasioned by or as a result of the misuse or abuse of this table.- LOSS IN TRANSIT - The warrantor does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to the table in transit.Any express or applied conditions, statements or warranty, statutory or otherwise is hereby excluded.2 CONTENTS1 METRON TREATMENT TABLES - WARRANTY STATEMENT (2)2 CONTENTS (3)3 INTRODUCTION (4)4 INTENDED USE (4)5 SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................................................... 5-66 POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS (7)7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS (7)8 PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS (7)9 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (8)10 TRANSPORTING TABLE (8)11 SYMBOLS (9)12 QUALITY ASSURANCE (10)13 INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................................. 10-1114 OPERATOR CONTROLS (12)15 TROUBLESHOOTING (13)16 DECOMMISIONING AND DISPOSAL (13)17 WIRING DIAGRAM (13)18 PRODUCT SAFETY TESTING INFORMATION (14)19 MANUFACTURING INFORMATION (15)20 CONTACT INFORMATION (15)3 INTRODUCTIONCongratulations on the purchase of one of the Metron range of Treatment Tables. We are confident that it will provide many years of excellent performance.This Operator's Manual presents all the relevant operator information for your Metron Treatment Table.All Metron Treatment Tables are designed to provide a comprehensive range of features and offer exceptional value for money. The design principles employed ensure that the product is extremely robust, long lasting and provides a safe and ergonomically sound environment in which the practitioner can treat his or her patients. The table you have purchased is the result of many years of research into the needs of the practitioner and the development of the most effective way of satisfying those needs in a treatment table.The best quality materials are utilized in the construction of the table and the latest industry proven fabrication methods are used. If you, as a user of the table and this manual, have any relevant comments or questions, on either the equipment or the manual, your communication with us would be welcomed.4 INTENDED USEThe intended use of the Treatment Table is to position a patient for medical treatment. The unit is intended for use by qualified medical physical professional within a professional setting.5 SPECIFICATIONSTable Name: Metron Elite 7-Section table 961205 Model TSB89E7S (T8721 Old Number) Specifications: 28” (71.12 cm) W x 76” (193.04 cm) L x 39” (99.06 cm) H (Max) Cushioning: 28” (71.12 cm) WCenter Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LHead Section: 16” (40.64 cm) LLeg Section: 33” (83.82 cm) LMax Height: 39” (99.06 cm)Min. Height: 22” (55.88 cm)Tilt Angle Head: 10o/-75oTilt Angle Leg: 0o/65oMaximum User Weight: 550lbs (249.48 kg).Table Name: Metron Elite Aster 3-Section table 961204 Model TSB88EA3S (T8718 Old Number)Specifications: 28” (71.12 cm) W x 76” (193.04 cm) L x 38” (96.52 cm) H (Max) Cushioning: 28” (71.12 cm) WCenter Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LHead Section: 16” (40.64 cm) LLeg Section: 33” (83.82 cm) LMax Height: 38” (96.52 cm)Min. Height: 20” (50.8 cm)Tilt Angle Head: 15o/-63oTilt Angle Leg: 0o/88oMaximum User Weight: 550lbs (249.48 kg).Table Name: Metron Elite 2-Section with Short Head table 961201 Model TSB87E2SSH (T8722 Old Number)Specification: 28” (71.12 cm) W x 78” (198.12 cm) L x 38” (96.52 cm) H (Max) Cushioning: 28” (71.12 cm) WBody Section: 59” (149.86 cm) LHead Section: 17” (43.18 cm) LMax Height: 38” (96.52 cm)Min. Height: 19” (48.26 cm)Tilt Angle Head: 20o/-65oMaximum User Weight: 550lbs (249.48).Table Name: Metron Elite 2-Section Table 961202 Model TSB87E2SLH (T8716 Old Number)Specification: 28” (71.12 cm) W x 79” (200.66 cm) L x 39” (99.06 cm) H (Max) Cushioning: 28” (71.12 cm) WBody Section: 52” (132.08 cm) LHead Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LMax Height: 39” (99.06 cm)Min Height: 19” (48.26 cm)Tilt Angle Head: -30o/80oMaximum User Weight: 550lbs (249.48 kg).Table Name: Metron Elite 3-Section Table 961203 Model TSB88E3S (T8714 Old Number) Specification: 28” (71.12 cm) W x 79” (200.66 cm) L x 39” (99.06 cm) H (Max) Cushioning: 28” (71.12 cm) WCenter Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LHead Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LLeg Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LMax Height: 38” (96.00 cm)Min Height: 19” (48.26 cm)Tilt Angle Head: -35o/80OTilt Angle Leg: -20O/35OMaximum User Weight: 550lbs (249.48 kg).Table Name: Metron Elite Bobath (39” & 47” models) 961206 & 961207 Model TSB86EB (T8568 Old Number)Specification: 39” (99.06 cm) W x 82” (208.28 cm) L x 38” (96.52 cm) H (Max) and47” (119.38 cm) W x 82” (208.28 cm) L x 35” (88.9 cm) H (Max) Cushioning: 39” (99.06 cm) W and 47” (119.38 cm) WHead Section: 26” (66.04 cm) LLeg Section: 55” (139.7 cm) LMax Height: 35” (89.9 cm)Min. Height: 19” (48.26 cm)Tilt Angle Head: -30O/80OMaximum User Weight: 550lbs (249.48 kg).6 POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTSThe Metron Treatment Table ratings are:InputVoltage 100-240 Volts ACFrequency 50/60 HzCurrent: 1.5 AmpsOutput Power/Current: 52W / 1.8 AThe actuator’s frequency and power ratings are:Voltage 100-240 Volts ACFrequency 50/60 HzOutput Rated Power/Current: 52W or 4AOperation: Intermittent Operation 2 Min ON /18 Min OFF7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSOperating: Temperature Range 10 - 40 degrees C (50 – 104 degrees F)Relative Humidity 30% - 90%Atmospheric Pressure 700hPa to 1060hPaTransport & Storage: Temperature Range 0 - 70 degrees C (32 -157 degrees F)Relative Humidity 10% - 100%Atmospheric Pressure 500hPa to 1060hPa8 PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS8.1 Precautions- After moving the table, ensure the wheels/castors are locked/retracted before applying therapy to patients.- After moving the table to a new location, check the table legs are clear of power cables before retracting/locking the wheels/castors.- Ensure table mechanism/moving parts are clear of cables and wiring.- To avoid injury, keep patient and practitioner limbs clear of mechanism - especially when in motion.- When applying electrotherapy, ensure patient avoids direct contact with the metal frame, to avoid the possibility of small earth leakage currents.- Be familiar with the location of the table controls to avoid inadvertent actuation of the table sections, gas struts or table linear actuator.- Enter and Exit the table utilizing the midsection of the table.8.2 WarningsWARNING: Do not modify this equipment without authorization of theManufacturerWARNING: Do not use table for transporting patientWARNING: This equipment should not be used in Oxygen Rich Environment WARNING: Do not sit on the head or foot section as this might cause damage to the tableWARNING: Do not leave patients unattended on or near the table8.3 Flammable Gases and AnestheticsThe Table is NOT SUITABLE for use in the presence of flammable gases and anesthetics.8.4 Duty CycleDuty cycle of the Table is the run time of the Table in minutes followed by a required rest time in minutes. Table is designed for intermittent operation with a duty cycle of 2 minute ON / 18 minutes OFF. DO NOT EXCEED duty cycle; doing so could damage the table.9 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCEThis Metron Treatment Table complies with IEC 60601-1-2 but this does not guarantee that other equipment in the vicinity will not be affected by the electromagnetic emissions from this unit.It is recommended that all equipment used near this unit complies with the relevant electromagnetic compatibility requirements for that equipment and to check before use that no interference is evident or disruptive. Increasing the distance between offending devices will help reduce the effect.10 TRANSPORTING TABLETo transport the table between rooms or new locations, the table is fitted with wheels, depending on the table variant there will be four retracting castors that can be positioned in the down position to allow the table to be moved.When transporting the table ensure the Transformer is unplugged from the wall outlet, and the cables coiled up and placed on top of the table.Once transportation in complete, ensure the castors are fully retracted, and theTransformer is located as directed in the installation section. Confirm that the position of the table allows for easy access to and removal of the Transformer plug from the wall outlet in the event power to the table needs to be turned off.11 SYMBOLSCE Mark Symbol & TUV- Table complies with CE MDD & cTUVus.Safe Working Load Symbol - Maximum Safe Working LoadBF Symbol - Body Floating AP.Caution Symbol - Read Instructions and Warnings.WEEE Symbol - Disposal not in municipal waste.Lifting Warning Symbol - Table is heavy, adhere to OH&Slifting guidelines.Do not push on back cushionDanger - Pinch Point – Keep Feet ClearNo patient limbs should be near the front wheels12 QUALITY ASSURANCEIt is recommended that a program of regular and appropriate quality assurance including electrical safety inspections be instituted for this equipment. A qualified service personnel or a third party service organization should be capable of performing the necessary testing and documentation.13 INSTALLATIONThe table is shipped in protective packaging. Remove this outer packaging carefully making sure that sharp objects such as knives or cutter do not penetrate the cover as upholstery damage may result.The Tables use the Dewert system for lifting or lowering the table. The Dewert system uses an inline Transformer, this transformer is in a small white box and looks like the photograph below:The Transformer is connected to the actuator via a long cable that is attached to the actuator. The actuator cable is normally coiled up, so cut any cable ties and uncoil the cable. This cable has a two pin connection, this two pin connection is plugged into the side of the Transformer - this is shown below:It is recommended the Transformer be positioned near the wall outlet, as the output of the transformer is isolated from Low Voltage, this will ensure there is no Mains Voltage near the table, ensuring high levels of Practitioner and Patient safety.It is recommended that the Transformer Main Cable and Plug are located near a wall outlet to allow operator to easily access and remove the power Plug in the event that power to the table needs to be turned off.On some motors there is a second plug, this plug is unused and should be left cable tied to the actuator. Care should be taken to ensure that the electrical cable does not become lodged under the table frame or other nearby equipment, so position the cables clear of any moving parts.Apply power to the table and operate the UP control. The table will should rise. If nothing happens ensure that a proper connection has been made at the power supply. Attempts to raise or lower the table beyond the mechanical stops will not cause damage to the table or the actuator.14 OPERATOR CONTROLS14.1 Surround BarThe Surround Bar is used to raise and lower the table for all models. To raise the table, place your foot under the activation bar and lift the bar UP using the top of your foot. To lower the table, place your foot on top of the activation bar and push the bar down using the ball of your foot. Moving the Surround Bar will activate the Hi - Lo actuator motor.Note:The bar should not be used as a step or excessive downward pressure applied to the bar, as this may bend the mechanism or may break the electrical switches in the base frame.The Surround Bar has a label attached to the top of the surround bar on both sides of the table:14.2 Adjusting Cushion AnglesSome of the cushions on the tables can be moved to different angles. To raise the cushion, simply raise the Lever to activate the gas strut and lift to the desired angle. It will lock at the desired position.To lower the cushion, raise the Lever to activate the gas strut and lower to the desired angle, releasing the Lever will lock at the desired position.14.3 UpholsteryThe vinyl used on the Metron Treatment Tables has been chosen for its long wearing properties and its resistance to breakdown due to body fluids and creams. It is a flame resistant vinyl coated fabric and is sanitized to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew.14.4 Upholstery MaintenanceIt is recommended the upholstery be cleaned (weekly) with warm soapy water and then wiped clean with a damp cloth to rinse off any soapy residue. This will preserve the upholstery and increase its life span.15 TROUBLESHOOTINGIf actuator is not functioning:1. Check power supply is 'on' and Transformer cable is connected.2. Check Transformer is connected to Actuator.3. Check Surround Bar connection to Actuator.If fault remains, the Actuator must be checked by a qualified service person.16 DECOMMISIONING AND DISPOSALThe table contains no batteries or ionizing sources, and therefore can be disposed of without removing any parts. It is recommended the table be disposed on in an environmentally friendly way.WEEE symbol: The symbol of the doubled crossed wheelie bin shown below indicates the device should not be disposed of in unsorted municipal waste, but in an environmentally responsible way.17 WIRING DIAGRAM18 PRODUCT SAFETY TESTING INFORMATION Metron Tables are tested and they comply with:IEC 60601-1: 2005 + CORR. 1 (2006) + CORR. 2 (2007) CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1: 2008ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1:2005 +C1:2009 +A2:2010。
METTLER TOLEDO 重量产品和计ibration服务说明书
Expertly Crafted Weights for Consistent PerformanceO I M L a n d A S T M W e i g h t s2METTLER TOLEDO’s world leading expertise in metrology extends to weights, weight sets and weight calibration services. The weight portfolio covers ANSI/ASTM and OIML weights from fifty micrograms to five tons in all accuracy classes. Our weights are used all over the world, not only for testing balances but also as primary standards in mass laboratories.Unrivaled ExpertiseBrought to You With PassionC o nte ntOverview of weight portfolio, technical specifications and weight calibration services.Expertise Page 4 Vacuum melting of steel ensures consistent high quality through reduction of undesired trace elements, removal of dissolved gases and improvement of oxide cleanliness.Vacuum melted steel for highest material purity1 kg2 kg 5 kg 50 g 500 g1 mg2 mg5 mg10 mg20 mg50 mg100 mg200 mg500 mg1 g2 g5 g10 g20 g50 g100 g200 gHow to guarantee fully tra-ceable balance testing with WeightLink ™.OIML weight tolerances and traceability chart.Waiting can be frustrating!Our most common CarePacs and weights are guaranteed in stock.4Choose from a comprehensive selection of weights and related calibrationservices. We offer you weights and services of the highest quality – even for users with limited budget. Building on many years of experience and customer feedback, our weight boxes and accessories have an unmatched reputation. Profit from short recalibration times and trustworthy services with our global network of accredited mass laboratories.An Extensive Weight Portfolio at Reasonable CostE x p e r t i seWeights are available inOIML classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2 and M3 matching all requirements of OIML R111. Nominal values range from 1mg to several tons, satisfying all industry and customer specific needs.ASTM weights are available in classes 1 – 4 matching requirements of ANSI / ASTM E617.Nominal values range from 1 mg to 20 kg, satisfying all industry and customer specific needs.Experience and specialist skills acquired through years' of weight pol-ishing guarantee the consistent high quality our customers demand.Polishing is an industrial artAll weights are manufactured with reference and trace-ability to the International Prototype Kilogram at the BIPM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) near Paris. In addition, METTLER TOLEDO’s WeightLink™ sys-tem guarantees fully traceable balance testing.Traceability of Weights6Accurately calibrated weights are the basis of accurate weighing results. Balances should always be checked with reference weights you can rely on and trust. At our accredited mass laboratories, we clean, calibrate, adjust and document the results in a calibration certificate. The calibration services cover the basic reporting of conven-tional mass correction, uncertainty and traceability information in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.Weight Calibrationthe Cornerstone for Secure TestingW e i g h t C a l i b r a t i o n S e r v i ceElectrolytic adjustment of weights is a unique technique of METTLER TOLEDO to achieve surface smoothness which far exceeds required specifications.Unique weight adjustment procedure Reference weightTest weight Turn tableOffering*Calibration by ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory (“as left” values)Traceable, accredited calibration certificate Statement of conformity for the accuracy class Certificates in English (other languages on request)Professional weight cleaningFaulty weights replaced by METTLER TOLEDO original weightsRe-adjustment of adjustable weightsStatement of additional “as found” values (e.g. before cleaning or before adjustment)Reminder service from METTLER TOLEDO for weights due for calibration Priority service for quickest turn-around time Archiving of calibration history of weights* Offering may vary from country to countryFeature BenefitAccredited Mass Laboratory Accreditation in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 ensures independent auditing of a labs technical competence Weight cleaning Each weight is returned to its original state to ensure the same conditions for every balance testRe-adjustment of weightsOut of specification weights are adjusted to save costs, and weights can be used again for calibration purposesRefer to page 267Benefits of calibrating your weights at METTLER TOLEDO:• The only company in the world with a global network of weight calibration laboratories• Network allows competence testing among own mass laboratories and with other partners in the industry • Global leader in manufacturing state-of-the-art mass comparators, which are used in our mass laboratories • All accredited mass laboratories meet or exceed ISO/IEC 17025, FDA, GMP , and requirements of nuclear industry• Dense network ensures short turn around time for weight recalibrationWeight Calibration ProcessWeight calibration by an accredited Mass Laboratory under the scope of ISO/IEC 17025 is the only way to obtain accurate and reliable data. METTLER TOLEDO’s weight calibration process is shown below.Each weight is cleaned prior to the actual calibration pro-cess to ensure defined condi-tions for each calibration.Stabilization of cleaned weights is important to ensure stable surface conditions prior to calibration.Weight calibration process is performed following proce-dures of ISO/IEC 17025.A certificate is provided with all the calibration results. With WeightLink ™, calibration results are also stored in a data matrixcode (eData).8Test your balances securely, and in accordance with USP <41>, by using just two weights to test at 5% and 100% of the capacity of each balance. Not only is this unique approach much faster, but purchasing and recalibration costs are substantially reduced. CarePacs ® include tweezers, gloves and other accessories for professional weight handling.Professional CarePacs ®for Smooth Routine TestingC a r e P a c s®Three sizes of CarePacs ® allow testing of balances up to 8 kgweighing capacity.WeightLink ™ Ensures Full TraceabilityThis unique weight identification system works with the balance firmware to cross-check the weight against its calibration certificate, making it impos-sible to test using the wrong weight. With weight parameters transferred electronically to the balance, the system guarantees full traceability. See page 10.9For more information:/carepacsCustomer-specific 3rd Weight CarePacs ® offer the option to add a third weight to accom-modate individual testing requi-rements, e.g. minimum weight determination.Save Time and MoneyRoutine testing is performed with just two weights corres-ponding to the maximum and minimum loads. Weights are specified to validate process tolerances up to 0.03%.Security through Superior AccessoriesErgonomic tweezers (or weight forks for larger weights) as well as clean-room approved gloves and cleaning cloths meet the highest industry requirements and assure professional testing.CarePac ® SmallCertificate Data Always to HandThe WeightLink ™ eData Card contains the informa-tion on the calibration cer-tificate in the form of a 2D data matrix code. The code is linked to the machine readable ID on the base of the WeightLink ™ weight.10In our innovative WeightLink ™ system, every test weight has a unique identification number (UIN) on the base which ‹links› it to its calibration certificate. Calibration and certificate data are stored in a data matrix code (DMC). The dedicated DMC Scanner reads the two codes and sends the information to the balance. The balance firmware validates the certificate and weight data before allowing the balance test to begin.With this highly efficient system, it is impossible to test using the wrong weight and the risk of errors from manual data entry is completely eliminated. Full traceability is assured in 4 easy steps:• Scan certificate data • Scan weight• Perform balance test • Print reportWeight Verification System for Traceable Balance TestingW e i g h t L i n k™WeightLink ™ will only allow the use of a valid test weight. Verification of the test weight prior to use means you can rest assu-red that your testing procedures are fully compliant.Enhanced Security Automatic data transfer of weight parameters into the balance firm-ware is much faster than manual data entry and removes the need to check and re-check handwrit-ten entries. Printing out results is quick and easy.Improved ProductivityThe built-in balance testing application records the weight-specific data and the test results. A detailed test report can beprinted out with an external printer to provide full documentation of the performed balance test.Proven TraceabilityTraceability is defined in the International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in M etrology (ISO, 2008) as the «property of a measurement whereby the result can be related to a reference, through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty.“All of METTLER TOLEDO’s calibration laboratories for weights are accredited to ISO/IEC17025 and arrange for the following to ensure traceability of calibrated weights:• An unbroken chain of comparisons is achieved by using primary standards which are trace-able to national and international standards, and finally to the prototype kilogram at the Inter-national Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Sèvres, near Paris.• Measurement uncertainty , assigned to each calibration, and clearly stated on the c alibration certificates for weights.• Documentation , normally a calibration certificate, showing all results including u ncertainties and other information required by the standard ISO/IEC 17025.• Competence , demonstrated by actively participating in proficiency testing in cooperation with industry and government partners.• All weight referencies are metrologically traceable to SI unit of mass .• Recalibrations of primary, working and check standards at appropriate intervals, which insures their accuracy and traceability.T r a c e a b i l i t y a n d W e i g h t C l a s s e sTraceable Weights Translate into Trustworthy ResultsPlatinum Iridium r = 21.5 g/cm 3Platinum Iridium r = 21.5 g/cm 3Stainless Steel r = 8.0 g/cm 3Stainless Steel r = 8.0 g/cm 3Stainless Steel Brass, AluminumMaterialLocation1-2 years5 years10 years25 yearsCalibration CycleFrance IndiaItaly Japan Netherlands Mexico Singapore SpainSweden Switzerland ThailandUK USAThe nominal weight values in this table specify the smallest and largest weight permitted in any class of R 111 (for OIML weights), and E617 (for ASTM weights), and the maximum permissible errors and denominations shall not be extrapolated to higheror lower values. For example, the smallest nominal value for a weight in OIML class M2 is 100 mg while the largest is 5000 kg. A 50 mg weight would not be accepted as an R 111 class M2 weight and instead should meet class M1 maximum permissible errors and other requirements (e.g., shape or markings) for that class of weight. Otherwise the weight cannot be described as complying with R 111-1:2004.OIML and ASTM TolerancesInternational Organization ofLegal Metrology Recommendation R1E1E2mg mg5000kgInternational Prototype Kilogram(IPK) at BIPM, a cylinder made of90% platinum and 10% iridium.Order NumbersO r d e r N u m b e r sFor quotes or technical information regarding weights please use the email address below.**************CarePacs ® and WeightLink™ CarePacs ® For balances with max. load of 8 kgSignature Line Weights and WeightLink™ Calibration Weights Monobloc weights of OIML Classes:Standard Line WeightsMonobloc weights of OIML Classes:Basic Line WeightsWeights with adjusting cavity of OIML Classes:ASTM WeightsWeights with adjusting cavity of ASTM Classes:Industrial WeightsWeights with adjusting cavity of OIML Classes:AccessoriesFor professional weight handling15161820222425E1E2F1F1F2M1E2F1F1F2M1M2M31234ASTMColor CodeFor tolerances refer to page 1301234567XP26XPR6XPR2XS320 g F1 5 g E2 2 g E21 g E20.2 g E20.1 g E2111230061112300511123004302934813029348030293479Nominal weight and class 200 g 1200 g 1100 g 150 g 150 g 1 5 g 1 2 g 120 g 110 g 1 5 g 1 2 g 1 1 g 10.2 g 10.1 g 1CarePac ® S11123100111231011112310211123103111231061112310511123104WeightLink™ CarePac ® S30293463302934643029346530293466302934693029346830293467OIMLB a l a n c e sXPE504XP504XP603S XP802S XS603S XS802S MS603TS ML503T ML802T XP1203S XP1202S XS1003S MS1003TS MS1602TS ML1602T ML1502TXP2003SXP2002S XP2001S XS2002S MS3002TS ML3002T ML2001T MS4002TSDR XP4002S XP4001S XS4002S XS4001S MS4002TS ML4002T Nominal weight and class 500 g F21000 g F22000 g F22000 g F220 g F150 g F2100 g F2200 g F2CarePac ® M / L11123007111230081112300911123010WeightLink ™ CarePac ® M / L 30293482302934833029348430293485ASTMNominal weight and class500 g 11000 g 12000 g 12000 g 420 g 150 g 1100 g 1200 g 4CarePac ®M / L 11123107111231081112310911123110WeightLink™ CarePac ®M / L 30293470302934713029347230293473XP5003S XP8002S XP6002S XP8001S XP6001S XS5003S XS6002S XS8001S XS6001S MS6002TS MS8001TS ML6001T5000 g F2200 g F211123011302934865000 g 4200 g 41112311130293474WeightLink™DMC Scanner30268560WeightLink™DMC Scanner + RS232 option30304696CarePac ® MWeighing ranges 500 g – 4900 gCarePac ® LWeighing ranges 5 kg – 8 kgValue OIML Class E21 mg 111230442 mg 111230455 mg 1112304610 mg 1112304720 mg 1112304850 mg 11123049100 mg 11123050200 mg 11123051500 mg11123052Value OIML Class E2WeightLink ™OIML Class E2ASTM Class 1WeightLink ™ASTM Class 11 g 111230533029355411123153302934872 g 111230543029355511123154302934885 g 1112305530293556111231553029348910 g 1112305630293557111231563029349020 g 1112305730293558111231563029349150 g 11123058302935591112315830293492100 g111230593029356011123159302934933rd Weight for customized testingData Matrix Code Scanner* Please visit our website to see the full range of CarePacs ® available./carepacsSignature Line OIML E1, E2 and F1O r d e r N u m b e r sThe “Stay-in-tolerance”ifetime guarantee means that if ever a weight should be found out of tolerance it will ber eplaced free of charge.High-grade stainless steel, vacuum meltedDensity: 8.0 kg/dm3Magnetic susceptibility < 0.01One-piece design (Monobloc)Weight and Box Weight and Box,including CertificateWeightLink ™ weight,including Certificate and eDataWire weight Marked wire weight Cylindrical weight with knob Marked cylindricalweight with knobO r d e r N u m b e r sStandard Line OIML E2 and F1Specially used, stainless steel ensures an anti-corrosive surface with low magnetization and susceptibility values.The one-piece construction and high-gloss polished surface offer best long term stability.Basic LineOIML F1, F2 and M1O r d e r N u m b e rst echnology andcompetitive prices makesystem.All Basic Line weights are protected in robust and easy to clean plastic boxes. FDA approved materials, including foam inserts, make them a per-fect solution for regulated industries.Clean-room SuitabilityStainless steelDensity: 7.9 kg/dm 3Weight and Box Weight and Box,including Certificate Calibration at ISO 17025:2005A2LA accredited lab Worthington, OH Sheet weight Marked sheet weight Cylindrical weight with knob Marked cylindrical weight with knob2122ASTM Weights Classes 1–4O r d e r N u m b e rsIndividual Stainless steelDensity: 7.9 kg/dm 3Weight and Box Weight and Box,including CertificateCalibration at ISO 17025:2005 A2LA accredited lab Worthington, OHSheet weight Marked sheet weight Cylindrical weight with knob Marked cylindrical weight with knobsystem.Experience combined with special skill acquired through years of weight polishing guarantee the consistent high quality our customers demand.High Gloss PolishRefer to page 262324O r d e r N u m b e rsWeight carrier720 x 275 x 330 mm (LxWxH)Weight carriers are available for easyand fast calibration up to 200 kg. Weight carriers can accommodate 8 pieces 20 kg, 10 kg or 5 kg.The weights can be easily stacked for the calibration of high-load balances.WeightWeight including Certificate Calibration at ISO 17025:2005A2LA accredited lab, Worthington, OH3For quotes, technical information or other weights***************COFRAC certificate, LNE approval no J060982-01-1/1M1Order number30013625 3002424530013626 3002424625Miscellaneous AccessoriesAccessoriesOrder No.Leather gloves, pair, not suitable for regulated environments 00072001Nylon gloves, pair, suitable for all environments 11123098 Micro fibre cloth, suitable for all environments 00158798 Brush, suitable for all environments00158799Weight marking, up to 5 digits, alphanumeric, on 1 g – 50 kg weights 11116500Air bellow, for weight cleaning 11116548WeightLink ™ DMC Scanner30268560WeightLink™ DMC Scanner + RS232 option30304696Weight HandlesOrder No.Steel, with rubber coating, for 2 kg weights 11123096Steel, with rubber coating, for 5 kg weights 11123097Aluminum, for 10 kg and 20 kg weights00015904 Aluminum, for 10 kg and 20 kg weights, with ear for crane 11116517Aluminum, for 50 kg weights, with ear for crane11116515TweezersOrder No.Straight tips, for weights 1 mg – 50 g, length 130 mm 00015900Straight tips, for weights 1 g - 1 kg, length 220 mm 11116544Straight tips, for weights 1 mg – 50 g, length 140 mm 11116543 Bent tips, for weights 1 g – 1 kg, length 210 mm 00015901Bent tips, for weights 1 g – 200 g, length 130 mm 11116540Straight tips, for weights 1 mg – 500 mg, length 130 mm30040321Weight ForksOrder No.Aluminum/Polyamide, for weights 500 g – 1 kg, length 300 mm 00222175Aluminum/Polyamide, for 2 kg weights, length 320 mm 00015902Aluminum/Polyamide, for 5 kg weights, length 470 mm 00015903 ABS, for 500 g weights, length 150 mm 11123094ABS, for 1 kg weights, length 150 mm11123095DMC Scanner Brush Weight marking26Waiting can be frustrating! Let METTLER TOLEDO eliminate the frustration with our NoWaitWeights and Weight Calibration*.Our most common Carepacs and weights are guaranteed to be in stock or the next calibration is free! Plus, your existing weights can be re-calibrated in as little as ten business days or the next calibration is free!NoWait WeightsS e t t i n g N e w S t a n d a r d s/estoreLook For the NoWaitWeights Logo!The NoWaitWeights logo can be found on our eStore to help you select weights that are guaranteed to be in stock.The METTLER TOLEDO eStore makes it easy to order online! To start shopping now – go to:* Re-calibration applies to 1 mg – 1 kg weights. Our 10-day calibration offer begins upon receipt of your weight(s) and must include a copy of the most recent calibration certificate and a correct, signed weight re-calibration request form (available on-line at/na-nowait). Program is subject to change without notice. Quantities are limited.27From sourcing steel of finest quality to calibration of final weights using our own mass comparators, each manufacturing step is as innovative as innovation can be. Melting of steel under vacuum, electrolytic polishing, or calibrations performed by latest generation robots – each production step impacts the quality of the final weight./na-nowait/weightsRoutine testing of your balances sets the foundation for the accurate weighing results upon which your product quality depends. With years of metrology know-how and manufacturing expertise, you can rely on METTLER TOLEDOs weights and weight calibration services to support your daily weighing activities.Our Weights Competence Ensures Your QualityTest with just two weightsThe unique CarePacs ® approach to balance testing uses just two test weights corres-ponding to 5% and 100% of the capacity of your balance. You save time and costs.Guaranteed traceabilityThe WeightLink ™ system will only allow the use of a valid test weight. Verification of the test weight prior to use means you can rest assured that your testing procedures are fully compliant.Trusted calibrationOur global network of accredited mass calibration laboratories meet or exceed ISO/IEC 17025, FDA and GMP standards. Weight calibration is the only way to obtainaccurate and reliable data.METTLER TOLEDOSpecifications subject to change without notice METTLER TOLEDO ® is a registered trademark of Mettler-Toledo, LLC.11796035USA1900 Polaris Parkway Columbus, Ohio 43240Tel. (800) METTLER Fax (614) 438-4525Canada2915 Argentia Road, Unit 6Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8G6Tel. (800) METTLERFax (800) 786-0042。
METTLER TOLEDO金属探测器服务支持包说明书
/metaldetectionFor more informationThe full service and support package available from METTLER TOLEDO includes:• Installation andcommissioning support • Operator andmaintenance training • Certified test samples • Initial and ongoing performance verification • Spare parts and spares kits • Equipment repairsWhen you invest in a piece of METTLER TOLEDO equipment, you are assured of the highest build quality, consistent performance and maximum reliability, but that is just the start of the relationship.Our sales and service engineers provide initial guidance on selecting the correct system solution to suit your needs.Once your system has been installed and commissioned, you can be sure that a METTLER TOLEDO trained service expert is never far away.Our team is ready to give ongoing support throughout the life of the system.Customer SupportMETTLER TOLEDO Group Product Inspection DivisionLocal contact: /contactsSubject to technical changes© 09/2012 Mettler-Toledo Safeline Limited SLMD-IN-BRO-EN-ASNCONV-0616Conveyorised Metal Detectors Flexible Configuration Consistent PerformanceMeeting Compliance NeedsM e t a l D e t e c t i o nSeries 40, MB, 60 and 70Flexible Conveyorised Inspection Solutions2Protecting Your CustomersConfigurable to Suit Your ApplicationIn a competitive market place you need to provide your customers with consistent, high quality, contaminant-free products. The Series 40, MB, 60 and 70 Conveyorised Metal Detection range of products provide flexible, inspection solutions to suit a wide range of light to heavy duty food and non-food applications.Tailored to Meet Your Inspection NeedsSystems can be fully configured and built to suit your specific process requirements. Simple stop-on-detection systems through to fully automated detect and reject systems utilising a wide range of product removal devices are available.Conveyorised Metal Detectors provide flexible solutions capable of operating in almost any working environment. This means that whether your product is wet or dry, chilled or frozen, looseor packed, METTLER TOLEDO's range of flexible Conveyorised Metal Detection solutions can address your inspection challenge.C o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r sSeries 40* Conveyorised Metal Detection System with R-Series Profile painted metal detectorSeries 70** Conveyorised Metal Detection System with R-Series Signature metal detector* Series 40 systems are designed for lighter load packages see pages 8 to 9.** Series 70 systems are designed for medium to heavy load packages see pages 10 to 11.Future-Proof Inspection SolutionsDetector apertures, finishes and operational frequencies can be specified to suit your process requirements in order to maximise sensitivity and on line performance. A choice of METTLER TOLEDO metal detection technologies and operating software solutions are available to ensure your quality standards are met.Profile TechnologyThe most advanced metal detection solution available provides the ultimate detection sensitivity to all metals including non-magnetic stainless steels. Profile software also delivers numerous additional features including Product Clustering, Continuous Condition Monitoring and SMS / email communication facilities for maximised process efficiency.Signature TechnologyThe well proven Signature software platformfrom METTLER TOLEDO provides reliablecapability to detect all metal contaminants in amultitude of applications.3C o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s4Reliable, Consistent PerformanceIn any Working EnvironmentAn Integrated Solution for Dry, Ambient EnvironmentsIn dry, ambient operating environments, painted finishes to both the metal detection head and conveyor frame are sufficient. In some instances a medium duty Stainless Steel (SuS) detector may need to be speci-fied. With IP ratings from a standard IP54 to an IP65 special, systems are capable of withstanding wipe down and light hose down cleaning regimes.Systems of this type can include US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved polyurethane (PU) con-veyor belts or can be specified to incorporate modular, polyethylene (PE) belts if required.Suitable for Wet, Chilled and Frozen Products in Extreme EnvironmentsWhen the working environment gets tough, inspection systems need to be specified to equally high standards. The Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured with heavy duty stainless steel detectors rated at IP69K and conveyors sealed up to IP65 standard. Systems of this type are normally designed to include modular polyethylene belts to ensure that the whole system is capable of withstanding high-pressure, hightemperature wash-down regimes and still perform reliably, day after day.The Series 40, MB, 60 and 70 Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured to suit your working environment. This means they deliver consistent performance for maximum process efficiency enabling your business to benefit fromimproved competitiveness and increased productivity with minimum overall operating costs.Conveyors for wet, harsh environmentsR Series Profile detector sealed to IP69K for extreme wash down conditionsSystems include emergency stop buttons as standard5Reliable Performance, Easy IntegrationAll Conveyorised Metal Detection systems are designed and built to exacting standards for long term stability, performance and reliability. Conveyor frames are rigid and robust with fully welded construction. Ledges, flat horizontal surfaces and other dirt traps are minimised ensuring that cleaning is made easy.Effective Product Conveying for Enhanced Process EfficiencyHigh quality motors and drives are utilised to ensure product is transported positively and consistently through the detector. A choice of fixed speed, direct drive motors are available to meet most demands. Alternatively, variable speed drives can be specifiedwhen required.Further Options for a Tailored SolutionOther options can be specified to further aid operational efficiency and product transfer effectiveness including the incorporation of product guides to provide full control of the product as it passes through the system.C o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s6Fail Safe SystemsFor Complete Peace of MindThe Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured to meet andexceed the demands of all leading retailer and other industry or regulatory standards. An extensive range of options from simple pack sensing devices through to sophisticated closed loop failsafe systems are available.Systems provide a future proof solution with the option to retro-fit failsafe systems at a later stage enabling the system to grow and evolve with your needs and the needs of your customers.Data Collection via USB SticksThe detectors used within the product range can be configured to incorporate ports to support external devices such as USB sticks to collect data. Information gathered can be used to generate data tickets or provide electronic records. When more sophisticated automated data collection is required, systems can incorporate advanced connectivity solutions ranging from a simple serial connection to full Ethernet network connectivity whichcould include wireless functionality.Warning beacons and soundersKey re-set (shown) and push button systems availablePack sensorsDevices and Systems Available Include:• Warning beacons and sounders • Push-button and re-set systems • Pack in-feed sensors• Reject confirmation sensors • Bin-full sensors• Detector head fault warning • Air failure alarm •Shaft encoderSeries 70 Conveyorised System with R-Series Signature metal detectorRemoving the Right Contaminated Product Every TimeOnce identified, metal contaminated product or packs need to be safely and effectively removed from the production line. Rejecting the right pack every time without compromising process efficiency requires the system to be specified correctly with sophisticated timing and process control measures. Important factors to consider can include the need to meet compliance requirements and the characteristics of the product and process, for example, the pack size and line speed.Stop on Detect FunctionalityThe simplest solutions enable the conveyor to be stopped on the detection of metal contamination. Contaminated product can be manually removed before re-starting the system. The effectiveness of these basic systems can be supplemented through the use of optional warning sounders, high visibility beacons and other secure system re-set features.A Choice of Automatic Reject SystemsThe Series 40, MB, 60 and 70 Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured with a host of dynamic, fully automated reject systems. For pack products the reject systems include photo-gated timers to ensure the correct pack is rejected every time. These systems can also be supplemented with the full range of optional warning devices, reject product collectionbins and innovative fail safe systems to further support compliance.Integrated Reject Options Available Include• Air Blast Reject Systems • Pusher Reject Systems*• End Flap Systems*• Sweep Arm Diverter*•Reject BinsAir Blast Reject SystemsPusher Reject SystemsSweep Arm DiverterEnd Flap SystemsRejection Mechanism Capability Table* These systems need be chosen as per configuration and rejection mechanism capability tables.** Reject Bin can only match with Pusher and Air Blast rejections.7Reject BinC o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s8Series 40 and Series MBConveyorised Inspection SolutionsAvailable in different lengths and widths, Series 40 Conveyorised Systems are designed to be used for light load packed applications with the Series MB solution being utilised in wet harsh processing and packed product line production.Systems are suited for integration into production lines or can be utilised in stand alone applications.Such solutions can form Critical Control Points (CCP's) in a production process to support compliance with local regulatory and international food standards.The system can be designed and built to suit your specific process requirements from simple stop-on-detection, to fully automatic detect and reject systems.Series 40 and Series MB Configuration TablesSeries 40Series MBChoice of Aperture Size••Choice of Conveyor Length and Height ••Conveyor Frame Materials Mild Steel – White Painted •Stainless Steel – Brushed••Fixed Conveyor Speed *•Stop-on-Detection ••Beacon Sounder••Rejection MechanismEnd Flap••Pusher••Sweep Arm Diverter ••Air Blast ••System OptionsProduct Guide ••Pack Sensor••Reject Bin ••Emergency Stop••Variable Conveyor Speed *••* For speed value refer to the conveyor speed tablesSeries MB Conveyorised System with R-Series Profile SuS DetectorSeries 40 and Series MB Product Application RangeSeries 40Series MBApplication Environment Dry product (discrete, small pack)Dry, wet or frozen product (processed, block, pack)Product Size Length≤1000 mm≤1000 mm Width≤200 mm≤400 mm Height ≤150 mm≤300 mm Weight≤10 kg≤30 kgSeries 40 and Series MB Size RangeSeries 40Series MB Conveyor Belt Material PU*Modular PE**Outline Dimensions (mm)Length (Lc)1000~12001200~2000 Width (Ws)800~900800~1100 Height (Hc)550~1000550~1000Maximum Load (kg)1040 MD Aperture Size (mm)Width (Wa)200~300200~500Height (Ha)75~20075~350 Series 40 and Series MB Speed ConfigurationSeries 40 (m/min)Series MB (m/min)Fixed Speed 0.25Kw Not applicable20, 330.55Kw Not applicable16, 19, 25, 35Variable Speed 18~28 18~28 25~4025~40 35~5035~50Note: Speed value tolerance ±10%9 PU* = Polyurethane PE** = PolyethyleneC o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s10Series 60 and Series 70Conveyorised Inspection SolutionsSeries 60 and Series 70 Configuration TablesSeries 60Series 70Choice of Aperture Size••Choice of Conveyor Length and Height ••Conveyor Materials Mild Steel – White Painted ••Stainless Steel – Brushed••Fixed Conveyor Speed *••Stop on Detection ••Beacon Sounder••Rejection MechanismEnd Flap••Pusher•Sweep Arm Diverter •Function OptionsProduct Guide ••Pack Sensor••Reject Bin •Emergency Stop••Variable Conveyor Speed *••* For speed value refer to the conveyor speed tablesFor larger product applications, the Series 60 and Series 70 Conveyorised Systems provide a flexible conveyor and detection solution well suited to medium and larger packed products.Systems can be integrated efficiently into a production line or utilised for stand alone applications.System design is flexible with a range of configurations enabling diverse solutions to be developed to suit specific process requirements from simple stop-on-detection systems to fully automatic detect and reject mechanisms.Series 70 Conveyorised System with R-Series Signature metal detector11Series 60 and 70 Size RangeSeries 60Series 70Conveyor Belt MaterialPU*PU*Outline Dimensions (mm)Length (Lc)1200~24001200~2400Width (Ws)900~11001100~1400Height (Hc)550~1000550~1000Maximum Load (kg)5050MD Aperture Size (mm)Width (Wa)300~600650~800Height (Ha)75~45075~450Series 60 and 70 Speed ConfigurationSeries 60(m/min)Series 70(m/min)Fixed Speed0.25Kw 20, 27, 35, 41, 4831, 39, 480.55Kw21, 28, 35, 43, 5021, 28, 35, 40, 50Variable Speed18~28 18~28 25~4025~40 35~5035~50Note: Speed value tolerance ±10%Series 60 and 70 Product Application RangeSeries 60Series 70Application EnvironmentDry Product (discrete, big bag, pack)Dry Product (discrete, block, pack)Product SizeLength≤2000 mm ≤2000 mm Width ≤500 mm ≤700 mm Height ≤400 mm ≤400 mm Weight≤30 kg≤30 kgPU* = Polyurethane。
Official Publication of t he Pacifi c Northwest Chapter, National Railway Historical SocietyOctober 1994Railroads and Burma-ShaveRAILROADS AND BURMASHAVE by Richard A. Carlson In January, Allan Odell, 90, creator of the Burma-Shave signs of rhyming jingles that were a fixture of rural America for almost four decades, died at his home in Minnesota. The first signs were put up in that state near the towns of Red Wing and Albert Lea about 1927. The small wooden signs were spaced one hundred feet apart, each carrying a line of rhyme, thejingles by turn being genial, fl i ppant, cynical or absurd and loaded with puns. The Trainmaster by Richard A. Carlson.... S CHOOLHOUSES -...... T AKE IT SLOWSHAVERS GROWAdvertising a brushless shavingcream, they spurred sales and the new advertising medium became a commercial success. At the peak of the advertising campaign, in the early 1950s,there were 7,000 sets of signs in 45 states. The last of the red signs, with white lettering, were takendown in 1963, victims of the Federal Interstate System of high speed highways and concurrent "anti-outdoorsignery" legislation. But the entertaining rhymes are still fondly remembered byalmost all Americans 40 andolder, and though gone, the 1 An example of how 8unna-Shave signs gave messages to motorists alongthe highway, before the InterstateFreeway system rendered theminvisible.-from the book by Frank Rowsome,Jr. signs are not forgotten. One set remains on permanent display at the Smithsonian Institution inWashington, D. C.While the jingles covered the entire gamut of subjects, I . thought readers of this publication would particularly enjoysome related to railroading andtrains:-continued on page 6October 1994The TRAINMASTERis the official newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of theNational Railway Historical Society, published monthly f or the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in The Trainmaster do not express the official National Railway Historical Society posi-tion on any subject unless specifi-cally noted as such. Material from The Trainmaster may be reprinted in other publications provided credit is given as to the source. Please address contributions, correspondence, and exchange copies of n ewsletters to:Attn. TM EditorPNWC-NRHSRoom 1, Union Station Portland, OR 97209-3715 (503) 226-6747Editor:To Be AnnouncedCirculation:Chuck Storz, 289-4529 MEMBERSHIP in the PNW C-NRHS is available as f ollows: Regular .... $27/Y r.Joint. ........ $32/yr.For more information, contact the Membership Chairperson at the above address.DEADLINESThe deadline f or each issue of The Trainmaster is the 20th of the previous month. Submis-sions m;v b e made on fl S P Y disk, in or�erfect, M Word, or AS II formats.The Editor reserves the right to edit or hold material at hisd iscretion.October 1994REGULAR RUNSBOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, October 13, 7:00 P.M., at Room 208, Union Station. Enter through the main entrance, turn right two times, past the magazine stand, first door on left at hallway to Wilfs.MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING Friday, October 21, 7:30 P.M., at St. David's Episcopal Church at 2800 S.E. Harrison. The business meeting will start promptly at 7:30, with the newsreel and program following after a short break. Refreshments will be available; please bring some money to feed the "kitty" so the kitty can continue to feed you. The program is listed below.WEEKLY NO-HOST LUNCHEON every Saturday, 12:00 Noon, at the Semaphore Restaurant at S.E. 17th & S.E. Holgate Blvd. Our group is in the back. Come on down!ROLLING STOCK WORK SESSIONS every Wednesday and Saturday, at the Chapter's tracks in Brooklyn Yard. Working hours are 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 or 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 10 A.M. to late afternoon on Saturday. There's a lot of work of all kinds to be done. Contact Richard Gray (452-8936) to see what you can do. LIBRARY/ARCHIVES WORK SESSION: Thursday. October 13, 1:00 P.M. to4:00 P.M. at Room 1 & lA, Union Station. Help is needed to get things organized and catalogued. Contact Bob Weaver (654-4274) for more inforrnation-or just show up! There's a lot of work to do.CHAPTER LIBRARY OPEN HOURS Saturday, October 22 & 29, 1:30 to 4:00 P.M. at Room 1, Union Station.EXTRA BOARD1994 Election of Officers, coming in November.1994 TiUamook Sailtair Excursion, October 29 & 30, 1994. Departs from Banks at 9:00 A.M. Saturday, returns from Tillamook Sunday, with arrival at Banks approx. 5:00 P.M.OCTOBER MEETING PROGRAMProgram begins after business meetingPresented by Lee JacksonLumber Company VideosNOTICE: Programs are needed for future meetings. Anyone who is willing to present a program (slides, film, etc.) at a Chapter meeting, please contact the President.2 The TrainmasterSummary of MinutesBoard of DirectorsMeetingSeptember 8, 1994The meeting was called to order byPresident Bob Terkelsen at 7:49 P.M.Present: Board: Brent Larson, DarelMack, Dale Miller, Dick Ordway, JoyceReese, Maxine Rodabaugh, GeraldSchuler, Roger W hite, Bob Terkelsen.Guests: John Bartles, Jim Loomis,Richard Parks and Juanita White.OLD BUSINESSBob Terkelsen read the Bylaws section onappointments. Bob reported that he washaving a difficult time catching up withprospects. The only person who has said"Yes" is Chuck Storz. Dick Ordwayvolunteered for the Board memberposition on the committee. The Boardconfirmed appointment of Storz andOrdway. The problems with findingnominating committee members wasdiscussed. It was suggested that Bob askCommittee Chairs for names. Newnames suggested by those present were:T erry Parker, Tammy Auburg, AlanViewig and Dave Van Sickle.Brent Larson offeredto help janet Larson where he could.Maxine Rodabaugh hopes that themembership directory and bylaws can allbe printed together in October.Minutes: New August minutes weredistributed which included Dale Miller'snotes. The post office was twelve daysslow. Under "Rolling Stock," line 7,change 2 baggage carts to cars. Themin u tes were accepted as corrected.Treasurer's Report: MaxineRodabaugh reported on the accounts. Twoquarters of track rental has been paid.The Excursion account is fluid sincemoney is coming in and going out for theTillamook trip. A check has arrived forThe Trainmasterour 62 shares of Western Pacific stock.We still don't have Pneumatic Tool stockvaluation and payment. Maxinesuggested using this money to pay offmore bonds (20% rather than 10%) inorder to reduce interest.MSC Rodabaugh/Ordway That weredeem 20% of our outstanding bonds asof mid-October.A part has arrived for car 55 whichMaxine needed to know. Maxinecommented about our membership invarious railroad societies which provideus with good library material. She gaveLibrary Chair Jim Loomis a couple ofcards for review. Maxine reported thatthe insurance for our rolling stock lapsedin May. The Board consensus was thatwe should renew it, and the papers weregiven to the president to sign and send.Maxine said that we should send in thePersonal Property tax which is due nowand pursue an exemption. The BobHoffman Memorial is still at $60.Maxine suggested running a little boxedarticle in The Trainmaster to remindmembers of the memorial fund.National Director's Report: GeraldSchuler reported that the NRHS Bulletinhas not arrived yet, though they shouldhave been mailed by August. Geraldasked why his National meeting report onthe Atlanta. meeting had not been printedin The Trainmaster. Jim Loomisexplained that there was room for onlyone report and the larger view fromanother chapter was chosen. The nextmeeting of the National Board promisesto be exciting since there are twocandidates running for president. Geraldplans to attend.Vice President's Report: There was noreport since Marilyn Edgar is still onvacation.President's Report: Bob Terkelsen reada thank-y ou letter from Doug Auburg forthe tours we conducted of our rail cars forthe NMRA conventioneers. Bob hasthanked Doyle McCormack for voluntarily opening up the steam engines 4449and 700 doors and touring the conventionpeople through. Special thanks were3suggested for Frank Weiler for his settingup refreshments in the Twin Grove andfor wearing his uniform for tours.Recognition of Frank at the MembershipMeeting will' be handled by Bob.STANDING COMMITTEESFinance: No meeting since the chairmanis on vacation.Stock: The cars needed returnedfor our use, namely the 6800 and 6200,were discussed. Richard Parks said wehave had the second confirmation thatUnion Pacific wants our engines off itsproperty though we do not need to tio itright now. The engines need a littlebearing work before the move though thetrucks are not a problem. Richard Parksreported that work on getting the carsready to move is moving along. A fire inthe Twin Grove s walls was extinguishedmid-week leaving a bad smell behind.Bob Terkelsen reminded to make surethat car doors are locked before leaving.The yard has been spiffed up, but Richardreminded us that we still have seats thatcost us a good price sitting up at Concretewhich we should bring down. BrentLarson reminded us that we discussedthis a couple of months ago and decidedthat getting ready to move our rollingstock should come frrst. Dick Ordwayasked if we have receipts to retrieve theseats. Dave Duncan, who arranged theseat purchase, will be contacted byMaxine Rodabaugh for this information.Jim Loomis reported that thenext meeting is delayed until the weekbefore his surgery in October.Activities: Darel Mack reported thatfood purchases for the picnic are beingmade and everything else is movingalong. He is planning for at least 1 GOpeople. Darel has also been exploringplace for the chapter's Annual Banquet.It was decided to choose the date ofJanuary 28, which is available, and Darelwill go ahead and reserve the space. Thisis one week removed from the JanuaryMembership Meeting. Darel is workingon the program.-continued on page 4October 1994Summary of MinutesChapter MeetingSept. 16, 1994-continued f rom page 4NRHS as well as the excitementbeing caused by more candidates runningfor national office.STANDING COMMITTEEREPORTSFinance: There was no report sincethere had not bee n a meeting.Stock: Help is still needed forwork in Brooklyn Yard: building shelves,moving seats into 1220 and moving dieselparts out. Plywood scrap donations (3/4",16" to 2 ft.) are needed for shelves. Lotsof repair jobs are available. BobTerkelsen read a thank-you letter fromNMRA Convention for our tours ofrolling stock. Maxine and CarlRodabaugh were especially thanked.Frank Weiler was thanked for preparingrefreshments and for coming dressed inuniform.No report as Jim Loomis,Chair, was not present. Bob Terkelsennoted that Jim will undergo surgery onOct. 19.Activities: Darel Mack made finalannouncements about the picnic on Sept.17. Time: 11 A.M. to 6 P.M., with eatingat 1 P.M. Directions to the location inBrooks were given, as stated in the Sept.issue of The Trainmaster. The 40thAnniversary of the Pacific NorthwestChapter (charter dated March 16, 1955)celebration was suggested to be held withthe annual meeting in April. There werequestions and answers about dates. TerryParker suggested one banquet be held butcloser to the actual anniversary date.Darel suggested the event could be on theHood River Railroad Spring BlossomSpecial. Marilyn Edgar suggestedavoiding the first two weeks in Marchbecause of the Swap Meet. We need toset the date so that Gerald Schuler canmake speaker arrangements with theNRHS.Task Force: BobTerkelsen and Dick Ordway have metwith Chuck Bukowsky, Dave Van Sickleand Alan Viewig, the committeeappointed by Bob Hoffman, to learn whatThe Trainmasterthe committee has been doing. No reportyet.Excursions: Bob Terkelsen reported that36 people have signed up for theChehalis-Centralia trip on Sept. 24. IrvEwen said we need 100 coach passengersfor the Tillamook trip on Oct. 29-30. Thefirst-class seats are nearly all sold. Forthe Bend trip on Mother's Day, 1995, theresponse from Amtrak was "no" becauseof lack of equipment to handle 700passengers. Irv has written again askingfor 300 passenger seats. Dale Miller, theTillamook staff chairman, announcedCPR training on Oct. 8 at 2 P.M. at theHollywood Dance and Fitness Studio.There will be a $12 charge. Dale shouldbe called by members planning to attend.There will be a car host meeting, 6:30P.M., Oct. 21, preceding the nextMembership Meeting.AD HOC COMMITTEESConcessions: Jim Edgar, chair, thankedNita and Roger White for their help. Jimhas lots of pins available at $3 each.Tile Trainmaster: An editor is needed.No one has bee n able to reach Kris Lundtto ask for temporary editing. Jim Loomis,temporary editor, will not be available forthe October issue. Rich Carlson mighttake over editing after his retirement.Since we have no temporary editor forOc:i::i:T he Trainmaster may be a twopager.In October, Lee Jackson willshow logging in the Spruce Div. nearToledo, Oregon, a 1925 film. In November, Rocky Regula will have an auction ofrailroad memorabilia.The December program is not settled, butBob Terkelsen may show films of railroadstations. The December MembershipMeeting is Dec. 16.OLD BUSINESSand Bylaws: A directoryis hopefully coming by October.Bob Hoffman Memorial: MaxineRodabaugh talked of donations to thefund which she hopes will come soon.Stock Reports: Bob Terkelsenrecommended that Rolling Stock start toprovide reports. They have not bee ncoming.5Committee: Bob Terkelsenannounced that more members areneeded for the committee. So far, DickOrdway, Chuck Storz and Rich Carlsonhave been appointed. Since time isrunning out for getting the work done,Terry Parker and Jim Edgar volunteeredto serve.Move from Broo Yard: DickOrdway re pO rted attending a meeting atCity Hall on Wed., Sept. 14 where noticeto move out was given to us and other railgroups by Southern Pacific. The SPattorney said the groups would get lettersto be sent the next day. Everythingexcept the roundhouse is to be used fortruck storage. The roundhouse itself is tobe demolished in about 2-112 years. TheBoard will hold an emergency meeting onSept. 22 to consider the matter. The nextSP meeting will be held Sept. 29 at 6P.M. Bob Nelbo of W illamette & PacificRailroad has offered us space in Albany,but the routes there are closed to us rightnow. We have a lease but the othergroups do not. We need to find space.Bob Terkelsen discussed the price of ourtender with Doyle McCormack.NEW BUSINESS: There was no newbusiness.GOOD OF ORDER: Dave Skilton inSalem in the State Historical PreservationOffice is inventorying historical things.They will have funds available to helphistorical groups in a couple of years.There is an interesting article in thecurrent NRHS Bulletin about two statuesin Chicago Union Station which representmythological goddesses that representtrain service around the clock. DoyleMcCormack has bee n informed that wewant the car 6800 back here fromOakland, Calif. He said he would bringit up with his own car which he needs uphere also.The meeting wasadjourned at 10:20 P.M.Respectfully submitted,Joyce Reese, SecretaryOctober 1994Railroads & Burma-Shave-continued fr om page 1DRIVE LIKEA RAILROAD ENGINEERT AKE IT EASYWHEN THE ROAD'SNOT CLEARBURMA-SHAVE (1939)REMEMBER TmSIF YOU'DBE SP AREDTRAINS DON'T WHISTLEBECAUSE THEY'RE SCAREDBURMA-SHAVE (1941)APPROACHEDA CROSSINGWITHOUT LOOKINGWHO WILL EATHIS WIDOW'S COOKING?BURMA-SHA VE (1942)HE TRIEDTO CROSSAS F AST TRAIN NEAREDDEATH DIDN'T DRAFT HIMHE VOLUNTEEREDBURMA-SHA VE (1950)TRAIN APPROACHINGWHISTLE SQUEALINGP AUSE!A VOID THATRUNDOWN FEELING!BURMA-SHAVE (1951)GUYS WHOSE EYESARE INTHEIR BACKSGET HALOS CROSSINGRAILROAD TRACKSBURMA-SHAVE (1940)TRAINS DON'T W ANDERALL OVER THE MAPFOR NO ONESITS ONTHE ENGINEER'S LAPBURMA-SHAVE (1941)HE SA WTHE TRAINAND TRIED TO DUCK ITKICKED FIRST THE GASAND THEN THE BUCKETBURMA-SHA VE (1949)TRAIN WRECKS FEWREASON CLEARFIREMANNEVER HUGSENGINEERBURMA-SHA VE (1951)THE HOBOLETS mSWmSKERS SPROUTIT'S TRAINS -NOT GIRLSTHAT HE TAKES OUTBURMA-SHA VE (1951)Written with thanks to "The �rse by the Side of the Road" by Frank Rowsome, Jr. (The Story of the Burma-Shave Signs and Jingles). First published in 1965, now a Plume Book, published 1990 by Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY. 10014.October 1994 6 The TrainmasterLibrary Co mm ittee Report-James Loomis, chairThis is the text of the new circulation policy drafted by ther Library Committee, and adopted by the Board of Directors, and the general membership.RAILROAD RESEARCH LIBRARYCIRCULATION RULES1.All borrowers must register by completing the registration form. Borrowers willnotify the library of any address or phone number changes.2. Chapter members may register for no charge. Non-members must pay yearly feeof $20 to help defray the cost of operating the library.3. To check out materials, the borrower will sign his or her name and write phonenumber on the charge card.4. Library staff may ask for identifi c ation when completing the registration formor checking out materials.5. No more than five books and three videos can be checked out at a time.6. The length of loan is one month for videos and two months for books.7. Materials can be renewed for one additional month, unless another patronhas placed a reserve.8. Overdue materials will be levied a $2 per month fi n e. As a courtesy, theborrower will be promptly notifi e d of the overdue by phone or mail.9. The library will bill borrowers for the replacement cost of material overduemore than two months.10. Borrowers will lose lending privileges for failure to return materials or payfor lost items. The chapter may seek legal remedies against borrowers whofail to return or pay for lost materials.NOTE: I will be unavailable for the next month or so. If you need any assistance in understanding the new policy, contact Bob Weaver at (503)654-4274.-James LoomisThe Trainmaster 7 October 1994COMMITTEE CHAIRS Activities: Darel Mack, 654-5017Meeting Program Coordinator: Bob Terkelsen, 399-1882Bylaws: Janet Larson, 253-7436Concessions: Jim Edgar, 236-7271Excursions: Irv Ewen, 232-2441Finance: Marilyn Edgar, 236-7271Library & Historical Foundation: Jim Loomis, 253-3926Membership: Sara Ackennan, 649-6000 Museum: David Stimac, 656-9392Public Relations: VacantPublications: VacantRolling Stock: Richard Gray, 452-8936Chief Mech. Off.: Peter Rodabaugh, 771-8545Car Rental Agent: Peter Rodabaugh, 771-8545Ad Hoc Property Development: AI McCready, 281-2415Ad Hoc "Union Station": Terry Parker, 284-8742 Chapter representative, Portland Rail Equipment Advisory Group: VacantThe TRAINMASTERPacific Northwest ChapterNational Railway HistoricalSocietyRoom 1, Union Station800 N .W. 6th AvenuePortland, O R 97209-3715FORWARDING AND RETURNPOSTAGE GUARANTEEDADDRESS CORRECTIONSREQUESTEDOctober 1994CHAPTER OFFICERSPresident: Bob Terkelsen, 399-18828347 Mize Road S.E., Salem, OR 97302-5017Vice President: Marilyn Edgar, 236-72711424 S.E. Rex St., Portland, OR 97202-6057 Secretary: Joyce Reese, (206) 835-2884P.O. Box 546, Camas, WA 98607-0546Treasurer: Maxine Rodabaugh, 253-42412315 S.E. 104th Dr., Portland, OR 97216-3032 National Director: Gerald Schuler, 285-79412034 N. Webster St., Portland, OR 97217-3481Directors-at-Large:Brent Larson, 253-74369908 S.E. Lincoln St., Portland, OR 97216Ed Ackerman: 649-600024375 S.W. Drake Lane, Hillsboro, OR 97123-7550Darel Mack: 654-50172695 S.E. Pinelane St., Milwaukie, OR 97267Dick Ordway: (206) 834-20732513 N.E. 232nd Ave., Camas, WA 98607-9225 Roger White: 678-260412298 Donald Road, Aurora, OR 97002-9703Dale Miller: 284-47325550 N.E. Alberta, Portland, OR 97218-2556NON-PROFITORGANIZATIONU.S. PostagePaidPortland, ORPermit No. 595The Trainmaster。
STANDARDSPECIFICATIONSOFMETRO NEONovember, 2020GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRSPage 1 of 11ContentsSTANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF METRO NEO1.Introduction (3)2.Standard Specifications of Metro Neo (3)2.1Civil Structure: At-grade Metro neo System: (3)2.2Civil Structure: Elevated Metro neo System (4)2.3Rail Guidance (5)2.4Rolling Stock (5)2.5Traction and Power Supply System (6)2.6Signaling System (6)2.7Telecom (7)2.8Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) (7)2.9Maintenance Depot, Operation Control Centre and Others (7)2.10Security (7)3.NOTE: (8)4.Representative Picture of Metroneo Elevated Station............................................. 9-10Page 2 of 111.Introduction1.1.The metro rail system being developed at present is of high capacity which isrequired for bigger cities with very high ridership and Peak Hour Peak DirectionTraffic (PHPDT). Seeing the success of metro rail projects in the country, severalother cities with lower projection of ridership and PHPDT are also aspiring formetro rail system. This document describes specifications for such a system namedMetro Neo which will be at much lesser cost, rail guided, rubber tyred electriccoaches powered by overhead traction system running on a road slab(elevated/at-grade). 'Metroneo' would also act as feeder system to high capacityMetro. In addition to less capital cost, the operation and maintenance cost ofMetroneo would also be less making the system more viable.1.2.The Metroneo system for which the standards are appended below would besuitable for mass transit corridors having a PHPDT upto 8000 with AW3 loading 2.Standard Specifications of Metro Neo2.1Civil Structure: At-grade Metro neo System:2.1.1.The alignment shall be decided after a thorough study and considering variousfactors eg; availability of Right of Way (RoW), speed, conflict with road traffic,safety and cost.2.1.2.The Metroneo system shall have dedicated path separating the road traffic withMetroneo lane. For segregation with road traffic, continuous plinth /fencing/kerbshall be provided.2.1.3.The Right-of-Way (RoW) for Metroneo system shall be 8.0 meter for both UP &DN lane combined. Metroneo lane shall be suitably designed & constructed toaccommodate guidance system and considering the duty cycle of operation ofMetroneo on dedicated path.2.1.4.In case the road width does not permit, At-grade single lane Metroneo system canbe provided on a particular road and other lane can be provided on a parallelroad. The road width occupied by At-grade single lane Metroneo system shall be 4meter.2.1.5.Platform width shall be of minimum 1.12 meter for side platform and shall be ofminimum 4 meter for island platform.2.1.6.Platforms may be planned in a staggered manner in alternate side for Up andDown lanes to reduce the actual road space.2.1.7.The Metroneo stations shall be simplified/limited to the platform area only andno room shall be provided. The equipment shall be provided in the cabinet,Page 3 of 11mounted suitably at the platform or in underground container below the platformwith required access and ventilation.2.1.8.Lighting, Passenger Information System, CCTV, Automatic Ticket VendingMachine, Add Value Machine, Ticket Validator, Signage etc. at stations shall beprovided bare minimum and where necessary. AFC gates, Platform screen doors,X-ray baggage scanner and DFMD are not needed at the Metroneo stations.2.1.9.Metroneo platform roof can be optimized to 1/3rd of platform length instead ofproviding roof in the entire platform length.2.1.10.Accessibility to Metroneo station shall be made free flowing, convenient and safeby implementation of accessibility plan for the area around the station.Accessibility plan shall include properly designed pedestrian crossing withmandatory traffic calming measures & signage/signal, improvement in footpathsand area around the stations, last mile connectivity etc. The accessibility planshould not lead to bigger stations.2.2Civil Structure: Elevated Metro neo System2.2.1Elevated alignment shall be decided after a thorough study and consideringvarious factors eg; availability of Right of Way, speed, conflict with road traffic,safety and cost.2.2.2Road space occupied at the median shall be maximum 2.2 m for piers includingcrash barrier.2.2.3Edge to edge width of viaduct shall be 8 meter maximum. A vertical clearance ofminimum 5.5 meter as per road specification for road vehicle under the viaductshall be provided. Viaduct shall be the safe place in case of any emergency.2.2.4Platform width shall be of minimum 1.12 meter for side platform and shall be ofminimum 4 meter for island platform.2.2.5Metroneo platform roof can be optimized to 1/3rd of platform length instead ofproviding roof in the entire platform length.2.2.6Elevated Metroneo platform shall be simple, open and for serving the functionalrequirement of exchange of passenger between platform and vehicle. Bareminimum facilities eg; Lighting, CCTV, Public information system etc shall beprovided on the platform.2.2.7Ticket Validators, if planned at stations, shall be provided at Platform. Ticketingequipment eg; Automatic Ticket Vending Machine, Add Value Machine etc shallbe provided under/near the staircase. AFC gates, Platform screen doors, X-raybaggage scanner and DFMD are not needed at the Metroneo stations.2.2.8The entry/exit to the platform shall be directly through staircase from groundlevel. The concourse shall not be provided.2.2.9Lifts for disabled/old shall be provided. Provisions of escalators in the stationsshall be generally avoided. Escalators shall only be provided at such stationswhere there is absolute necessity.Page 4 of 112.2.10Foot-over-bridge (FOB) or underpass shall be generally avoided except at somestations under exceptional scenario. For crossing the city roads under the elevatedplatform, properly designed pedestrian crossing with traffic calming measures &signage/signal shall be provided mandatorily.2.2.11Accessibility to Metroneo station shall be made free flowing, convenient and safeby implementation of accessibility plan for the area around the station.Accessibility plan shall include improvement area around the stations, properlydesigned pedestrian crossing with mandatory traffic calming measures &signage/signal, improvement in footpaths last mile connectivity etc. Theaccessibility plan should not lead to bigger stations. The space below/near thestaircases can be used for locating ATM/AVM, facilities for staff/passenger etc. 2.2.12Necessary arrangement may be provided for preventing the access to platformduring the non revenue hours.2.3Rail Guidance2.3.1Kerb Rail Guidance/Centre Rail Guidance shall be used for Metroneo system.2.3.2Deleted2.4Rolling Stock2.4.1The rolling stock shall be on rubber tyre running on road slab (elevated or atgrade)2.4.2The configuration of Metroneo Rolling Stock may be single coach of around 12meter length or two articulated coaches of around 18 meter length or threearticulated coaches of around 24 meter length depending upon PHPDT. Thelengths mentioned in this para are approximate, based upon the productsavailable & for guidance. Actual length may vary.2.4.3Number of additional articulated coach may be decided by the respective citiesbased on PHPDT.2.4.4The width of coach body shall be around 2.55 meter.2.4.5The floor height shall be low of about 300-350 mm.2.4.6The average axle load of Metroneo coaches shall be around 10 Ton.2.4.7The turning radius of the Metroneo rolling stock shall be decided by implementingagency based on local requirement and availability of technology.2.4.8The car structure material shall be Stainless steel/Aluminum. Designed life of theRolling Stock shall be 30 years minimum.2.4.9The gradient may be decided by implementing agency based on local requirementand availability of technology. The design may be optimized considering thealignment and city’s geographic conditions.2.4.10The Metroneo rolling stock shall be provided with Kerb Rail/Centre Rail guidancesystem.Page 5 of 112.4.11These electric coaches shall have sufficient battery capacity to run up to 20 kmwithout OHE power. Metro/City authorities can decide the battery design andsizing based on site requirement. The rolling stock shall also have energyregeneration system during braking.2.4.12Coaches shall be designed for a speed which shall be within purview of MoHUA.2.4.13The rolling stock shall be provided with coupler on either end for coupling andshunting in case of faults on the mid sections, a suitable shunter shall couple withthe coach and shift coach to depots.2.4.14These electric coaches should be capable of travelling in elevated, at grade andtunnel section.2.4.15Safety of passengers inside the electric coaches should be ensured during the eventof breaking of contact wire and falling on roof of coaches.2.4.16Safety certified obstruction detection system shall be provided.2.4.17The evacuation system in coaches shall be side evacuation in between both thecarriageways. Adequate space shall be available on the median (on at-grade or onviaduct) for passenger movement.2.5Traction and Power Supply System2.5.1Traction system for Metroneo shall be 750 Volt DC OHE with overhead twin,positive & negative contact wires placed in parallel.2.5.2The power supply for Traction Sub Station (TSS) shall be availed from the city’selectric power supply authority at HT voltage level (11/22/33 kV/as available) atplanned locations as per design requirement. The provision of feed extensionfrom adjacent TSS in case of failure shall be implemented. Receiving Substation(RSS) and captive ring main network of 33kv shall not be required.2.5.3TSS shall be located at suitable locations and could be installed in a small building,or under the viaduct at median or in container etc. No specific room at station willbe required.2.5.4SCADA for control and monitoring of Traction Power Supply and OHE shall beimplemented.2.5.5Design and Implementation shall ensure to avoid any possibility of parting ofOHE and suitable protection shall be provided to take care of parting of OHE.2.5.6Auxiliary Power supply for station general lightings, lifts/escalators etc. shall betaken at 415V from directly from city electric power supply authority.2.5.7As Metroneo rolling stock are hybrid with battery, in depot minimum OHE (forthe requirement of testing of rolling stock etc.) shall be implemented.2.5.8All safety standards/guidelines may be followed and close monitoring of systemshall be ensured.2.6Signaling SystemPage 6 of 112.6.1Metro Neo shall be equipped with suitable Automatic Train Protection (ATP)system with anti-collision feature and pre-defined speed limit and operation shallbe monitored by central control. The traffic light signal atinterchange/terminal/crossover shall be provided along with marker board,speed limit signage, buffer stop signage.2.7Telecom2.7.1Radio based communication between driver and control room shall be provided. 2.7.2 A fiber optic based communication system for CCTV surveillance, PublicInformation, Data Communication, Master Clock etc. shall be provided.2.8Automatic Fare Collection (AFC)2.8.1Ticketing system shall be based on National Common Mobility Card (NCMC), QRcode and any other innovative ticketing system. Metroneo stations shall generallybe unattended and Automatic Ticket Vending Machine (TVM), Add ValueMachine (AVM) etc. shall be provided at the stations.2.8.2No AFC gates shall be installed at Metroneo stations. The ticket validator shall beinstalled in the Metroneo Coaches or on the platforms.2.8.3With random checking, heavy penalty shall be levied on the passengers without avalid ticket in the system.2.9Maintenance Depot, Operation Control Centre and Others2.9.1The maintenance and stabling or more facilities for coaches can be done in onedepot depending on the site requirement. Additional depot can be planned forstabling purposes and cleaning facilities only.2.9.2As Metroneo rolling stock are hybrid with battery, in depot minimum OHE (forthe requirement of testing of rolling stock etc. ) shall be implemented.2.9.3Integrated operation control centre (OCC) shall be provided and OCC shall besimple with bare minimum facilities.2.10Security2.10.1X-ray baggage scanner and DFMD are not needed in the Metroneo stations.2.10.2CCTV surveillance system shall be deployed at stations as well as in MetroneoRolling Stocks.Page 7 of 113.NOTE:3.1The above are broad standards of Metroneo. Detailing, wherever required shouldbe done within the ambit of above standards by Metroneo implementing agencies as per requirement of the city during the time of implementation.3.2Any deviation from the above standards shall require prior approval of Ministry ofHousing and Urban Affairs and Ministry of Railways.3.3The standard specification for Metroneo shall be reviewed periodically based onthe experience gained while executing the Metroneo projects.Page 8 of 114.Representative Picture of Metroneo Elevated StationPictures for reference only, actual implementation may vary.1400 Footpath 1400 FootpathPage 9 of 11Page 10 of 11END OF THE REPORTPage 11 of 11。
bPlus 服务手册V3_20150909中文版
1. 使用条形码打印电子计价秤前, 必须仔细阅 读本说明书, 并严格按照本说明书的操作规程使 用!否则可能造成人员伤害和设备损坏! 2.本产品属计量设备,应按说明书要求进行使 用检查和定期安全检查!同时强烈建议定期到 当地的技术监督部门进行计量、 安全检查!
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O-RailGuida ProdottiLOGISTICSROBOTICSINDUSTRIAL MACHINERYRAILWAYVa l u e sApplicationsCollaborationSolutionsINTERIORS AND ARCHITECTUREMEDICALSPECIAL VEHICLESAERONAUTICSA complete range for linear motion which reaches every customerTelescopic LineTelescopic guides with ball bearings,with hardened raceways, high load capacities, and low bending, resistant to shocks and vibrations. For partial, total or extended extraction up to 200% of the length ofthe guide.Linear and curved guides with ball and roller bearings,with hardened raceways, high load capacities, self-alignmentand capable of working in dirty environments.s, and low For partial, e length ofActuator System LineIntegrated actuators for industrial automation,they fi nd applications in numerous industrial sectors: from machinery ser-vo systems to high precision assembly systems, packaging lines and high speed production lines. It has evolved from Actuator Line series in order to meet the most demanding needs of our customers.Actuator LineLinear actuators with different guide confi gurations and drives,available with belt, screw or rack and pinion drives according to different needs in terms of precision and speed. Guides with bearings or ball recircu-lating systems for different load capacities and critical environments.Ag lobalp rov id e r o f s o l u t i o n sf o r a p p l i c a t i o n s f or l i n e a r m o t i o n1 Product explanationO-Rail - unique assembly possibilities, FXRG series OR-22 General characteristicsConfigurationsOR-43 Dimensions and load capacityFXRG series OR-5Rollers for FXRGOR-7Mounting configurationsOR-8Ordering keyGuida ProdottiO-RailOR-2Fig. 2Fig. 4Fig. 3FXRG seriesO-Rail - unique assembly possibilitiesFig. 11 Product explanationO-Rail is designed to be a strong and simple multitask linear system forlarger handling and automation applications. It is an easy to assemble system, that offers smooth motion even on inaccurate surfaces.The roller linear system O-Rail offers the maximum flexibility configurationdue to the original shape of the guide with 3 raceways arranged at 90 ° to each other where on each of those can slide rollers R..43G series. Using a single guide, two, or more parallel guides, gives rise to a number of combinations capable of satisfying each specific need for linear motion and offering exceptional self-alignment capacity. O-Rail is constructed in high strength steel hardened with hardening treatments, for a further im-provement of both performance and durability.OR-3ORNew geometrical design of the contact areas, based on Gothic arch raceways■Superior sliding ■ Very low friction ■ Long lifetime ■ Greater load capacity ■Very compact designNew rollers, double row bearings, with increased thickness of outer ring, gothic profile and finished raceways.■ Increased load capacity ■ Increased lifetime ■ Extremely low noise ■ High speed■ Lubricated with low-temperature grease temperature range -40 ° to + 130 ° c ■Neoprene lateral seals for dust protectionBlack oxidation technology ROLLON-NOX and Micro impregnation for high corrosion resistanceSelf-aligning system when using two parallel rails, compensating large assembly inaccuracies on both longitudinal and transversal plane.■allow for installation on non precise structures - welded carpentery oraluminium frame structures■Do not require machined fixing surfaces for installation.Cost saving, as easy and fast assemblyPatented process Rollon-Nox, to further improve the rail material andthermochemical hardening treatment of deep nitriding and post-oxidation black for an effective corrosion protection.■ Very high hardness ■ Resistance to heavy loads ■ Very low wear■ Effective corrosion protection ■Smooth black finishHigh dept nitride hardeningtechnology Rollon-NoxOR-4The FXRG allows a wide range of confi gurations when using two or more rails in parallel. Depending on required load and moment capacities/direction more single rollers and standard sliders are used to obtainFXRG with guiding slider with limited rotational capacity Confi guration with two parallel FXRG with self-aligning capacityTelescopic confi gurationCombination of two FXRG with resting loadConfi guration with two FXRG to form a single rail with a slider allowing for high Mx momentsComposed of two FXRG rails with rollers in between the rails fi xed to mobile part and rollers on fixed structure running on outer raceways, providing a customized solutions for telescopic movements.With high cantilever load capacity, meanwhile Self-aligning.Rotation+/- 5°PP radP axConfi gurationsunique Self-aligning systems. Contact ROLLON for eventual support in dimensioning customized systems .Fig. 62 General characteristicsOR-5O RFXRG is a high precision cold drawn profile of high strength steel. After a high depth nitride hardening treatment the rails are oxidized, assuring high hardness and excellent corrosion resistance. The characteristic black color on the whole rail is the result of oxidation and subsequent processFXRG seriesof micro-impregnation with oils and substances for improved smoothness and long life. The fixing holes are for standard M6 cylindrical low head screws, DIN 7984, with 80mm pitch .Position of guiding roller - Concentric RCV43G on the three racewaysFig. 12Axial movement of floating roller R.P43G with FXRG Rotation of guiding roller R.V43G on FXRGFig. 13Fig. 14OR-6Avialable lengths*Version FXRG-...-C with additional slotDimensions Fig. 153 Dimensions and load capacityHighlighted rail lenghts are available from stockOR-7O RROTELLA R.V..VINCOLATA ROTELLA R.P ..FLOTTANTESolo per rotelle R..43GGuiding roller R.VG and floating roller R.PGWhen FXRG rails are used in parallel, the use of floating rollers R.P43G and guiding rollers R.V43G provides a Self-aligning system, capable of compensating greate inaccuracies of structure or assembly errors. The guiding rollers R.V43G in contact with the FXRG’s gothic raceways assure Self-aligning combinationsFig. 16Fig. 18Fig. 17Rollers for FXRGprecise guiding while compensating misalignment, as they are able to rotate slightly around the longitudinal axis of about +/- 5 °. Combined with floating rollers R.P43G on a parallel rail, such system can compensate an axial displacement of +/- 1 mm , in addition to a max. rotation of +/- 5 °.OR-8Single rail with 3 rollers sliderSingle rail with 5 rollers sliderEccentric rollers REV43GIt is recommended, when more than two rollers are on the same track with max. radial load, to use only two concentric rollers (as from example figure). The others should be eccentric. For cases with a wider distance between concentric rollers, please contact ROLLON’s Technical departement for dimensioning.Double rail with slider for high overturning momentsConcentric rollers RCV43GThe concentric rollers should be positioned in the direction of radial loading. Warning! A single slider configuration will rotate +/- 5° around the longitudinal axis of a single FXRG rail, not able to take any Mx moments.Mounting configurations3 Dimensions and load capacityOR-9OR Standard Allen-keyIn case required to have eccentric rollers on theinternal rail side, it is necessary to include optionalaccesses, to allow Allen-key to reach the roller.Otherwise the adjustment can take place outsideof the rail.The rollers need to be positioned on the rail in numbers and directionsaccording to the prevailing load. It is always preferable to orient the rollersso that the prevailing load acts radially, due to higher radial load capacity.Co radCo axThe rollers must be fi xed on a metal surface not yielding, perfectly fl atand with its fi xing screws, applying a locking torque of 22 Nm.The tightening of the fi xing-screw is to be performed, while holding theroller firm with an Allen-wrench, present on the opposite side of thefixing thread. In case eccentric rollers, it is advisable to use a cup-spring washer under the screw-head to obtain a fi rm movement, ableto maintain the roller “firm” against the surface and facilitate minorEccentric roller to be aligned alongEccentric rollers to be preloaded against racewayPossible confi gurationsadjustment of eccentric roller, before the final locking. The preloadadjustment can also be carried out by checking the force Fi of insertionof the movable part, in which the rollers are fi xed into the rail. In generalfor a good Fi adjustment, the inserting friction must be between 2-10 N.To increase or decrease the Fi act on eccentric rollers, opposite to theload direction (see fi gure below).Fig.22Fig. 23Fig. 24OR-10Ordering KeyFXRG0960Length see pg. OR-6ffProduct type see pg. OR-2ff O-Rail guideOrdering example: FXRG-3120Notes on ordering: Rail lengths and stroke lengths are always stated with 4 digits. Please pad with zeroes to fill in for lengths with less than 4 digits,e.g. 515mm length is “0515”LL_GC_EN_03/19All addresses of our global sales partners can also be found at The content of this document and its use are subject to the general terms of sale of ROLLON available on the web site Changes and errors expected. The text and images may be used only with our permission.DistributorConsult the other ranges of products3F Shiodome Building, 1-2-20 Kaigan, Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-0022 Japan Phone +81 3 6721 8487****************************Via Trieste 26I-20871 Vimercate (MB)Phone: (+39) 039 62 59 1*******************************ROLLON S.p.A. - ITALY Bonner Strasse 317-319D-40589 DüsseldorfPhone: (+49) 211 95 747 0****************************Ringbaan Zuid 86905 DB ZevenaarPhone: (+31) 316 581 999****************************101 Bilby Road. Suite B Hackettstown, NJ 07840Phone: (+1) 973 300 5492**************************************Les Jardins d‘Eole, 2 allée des Séquoias F-69760 LimonestPhone: (+33) (0) 4 74 71 93 30*******************************R. Joaquim Floriano, 397, 2o. andarItaim Bibi - 04534-011, São Paulo, BRASIL Phone: +55 (11) 3198 3645*********************************************1st floor, Regus Gem Business Centre, 26/1 Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bangalore 560068Phone: (+91) 80 67027066**************************************117105, Moscow, Varshavskoye shosse 17, building 1Phone: +7 (495) 508-10-70 ****************************No. 1155 Pang Jin Road, China, Suzhou, 215200Phone: +86 0512 6392 1625********************************.com The Works 6 West Street OlneyBuckinghamshire, United Kingdom, MK46 5 HR Phone: +44 (0) 1234964024********************************.comASIAAMERICAEUROPEFollow us:。
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1壁挂炉说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 第 4页2安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 第 9页3特征 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 第20页4使用和保养 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 第24页
7至35kW 的设备(以mm 表示的最小距离)
1)2)确定端口位置时,附近如有会受燃烧产物的作用影响的材料,如塑料屋檐、雨水管或木质突出部分等,至少要有1500 mm 的间距,除非对上述材料采取防护措施。
在实用阳台下的端口位置,必须令从排气端点到阳台外周长端点的烟道全长,包括可能有的保护栏高度,不少于2000 mm 。
点火电极持续放电最多10秒,测 出燃烧器没有点燃则发出故障信 号。
这种现象可以在第一次点火或者 长期不运作后因燃气管道内存在 空气而出现。
可能由于燃气阀关闭或阀门线圈 缠绕中断导致阀门不能打开而引 起。
壁挂炉中只测出燃气打开给燃烧 器,10秒后发出故障信号。
可能由于电极电线中断或者电极 未正确固定到连接点而引起。
电 极接地或磨损过多:必须更换。
用户可以按控制板的按键 调节改变用于曲线计算的室温设定 ±5°C。
壁挂炉的点火(图 25)
按下控制板的按键 以启动冬
按下控制板的按键 以启动夏
控制器锁定:不使用壁挂炉时,从最后一次设定起经过15分钟(PAR 5默认值),各按键锁定。
1ОПИСАНИЕ УСТРОЙСТВА . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .стр. 34 2УСТАНОВКА . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .стр. 39 3ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .стр. 50
4ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ И ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .стр. 54
Положение выходаОборудование от 7 до 35 кВт
(минимальные расстояния в мм)Под окном600Под вентиляционным люком600Под водостоком300Под балконом (1)300От расположенного рядом окна400От расположенного рядом вентиляционного люка600От вертикальных или горизонтальных трубопроводов или дымоотводов (2)300От угла здания300От углубления здания300От земли или другой пешеходной поверхности2500Между двумя выходами по вертикали1500Между двумя выходами по горизонтали1000От передней верхней поверхности2000о же самое, только с отверстиями или выходами30001)Выходы под используемыми балконами должны
располагаться в таком положении, чтобы общийпуть дымов от их места выхода до их выхода свнешнего периметра балкона, включая высотузащитного балюстрада, был не меньше 2000 mm.
2)При расположении выходов необходимо не
забывать, что они должны находиться нарасстоянии не менее 1500 мм от расположенныхрядом чувствительных к действию продуктовгорения материалов (например, водостоки изпластмассового материала, деревянныевыступы и т.д.), за исключением случаевприменения экранированных средств дляданных материалов.