Extension of weakly and strongly F-regular rings by flat maps
Concluding Remarks
Faraday Discuss .,1997,108,469È471Concluding RemarksR.M.Hochstrasser a and J.P.Simons ba Department of Chemistry ,University of Pennsylvania ,Philadelphia ,PA 19104,USAb Physical and T heoretical Chemistry L aboratory ,University of Oxford ,Oxford ,UK OX13QZThere are several Golden Rules associated with the presentation of Concluding Remarks at Faraday Discussions.The Ðrst of these,“ask someone else to give themÏhas,sadly,been obeyed because of Prof.HochstrasserÏs enforced immobility,occasioned by a prol-apsed disc.We wish him a speedy recovery.The second Rule,“if you have nothing to say,say nothingÏhas been compensated,fortunately,by Prof.HochstrasserÏs provision of the outline notes of some of the remarks he would have made,had it been possible.They are presented below.The third Rule,“say some nice thingsÏis the easiest of all to obey since Prof.Whitehead has organised so imaginative and timely a Discussion,which has been introduced with all of Prof.JortnerÏs customary dynamism.It has addressed many issues.How do we monitor and interpret the dynamics of photon-induced processes in clusters and condensed media?What is the nature of the chromophore when it is no longer isolated in the gas phase?How does it “communicateÏwith its environment?How does the environment inÑuence electronic motions,e .g .in atomic or molecular Rydberg states;or nuclear motions,e .g .through caging or chap-eroning of atomic or molecular fragments;or their coupling,through non-adiabatic dynamics?How does photon absorption lead to nuclear motion in the neighbouring environment?How do the interactions of the chromophore with the environment depend upon the nature of the environment,and the way it is coupled to it,e .g .through space or through bonds?What are the characteristic timescales of the interactions;are they separable?Can we trace the pathway from the initial energy localisation,through its delocalisation to its eventual dissipation?What is the nature of the “molecular and intermolecular circuitryÏthat governs this evolution?Most pertinently,as Prof.Hochstrasser asks:How do the structural and dynamical results obtained from simple systems help us to understand the behaviour of more complex materials?What do clusters,for example,teach us about liquid structure?What do we learn about the dynamic behaviour in liquids and solids,from the study of Ðnite-sized assemblies?What conditions require statistical as opposed to discrete (level by level)models of dynamics?What is reasonable (or unreasonable)about seeking a microscopic quantum mechanical description of liquids?Investigations of small molecules teach us about chemical bonding and the charac-teristics of accurate potential energy surfaces.Weaker interactions are often evaluated from studies of van der Waals complexes and Ðnite clusters.The dynamics in such systems are determined by forces obtained from these potentials.While the properties of molecules in large clusters,liquids or extended aggregates might,in some cases,be framed in terms of isolated molecule potentials there will be cases where this is not possible.The most appropriate description of the dynamics of complex systems depends upon how the energy is partitioned.Typically,for a solution phase problem,the Hamiltonian involves the molecular part,and the solvent part which are separately solved either exactly or approx-H M H S ,imately,and a coupling part,that slightly mixes them.This partitioning yields a V MS ,useful representation when the molecular or solvent states are only slightly modiÐed by469470Concluding Remarkstheir interactions.The molecular potential is especially valuable in this case and may dominate the motion of the molecular nuclei even though the dynamics may be in a statistical limit.The intermolecular perturbations cause irreversible relaxation corre-sponding to transitions between the molecular states,accompanied by energy transfer to and from the solvent bath.In order that energy can be transferred to it,the solvent must have unoccupied states.Energy transfer to the molecule requires occupied states of the bath.A fully worked out example where this approach is nearly exact is the coupling of an atom or molecule to a very weak radiation Ðeld.Another example would be molecu-lar dynamics in very weakly interacting solvents.Quantum dynamics in this limit can be handled along the lines of RedÐeld theory,in which the reduced molecular density matrix is expanded to second order in This approach gives rise to spectral shifts V MS .and to coherence transfer along with relaxation of both the population and the phase of the molecular levels.The nuclear motions are largely governed by a slightly modiÐed version of the molecular potential.In stochastic dynamics,the solvent e†ect is estimated from correlation functions of where the Ñuctuations in the interaction potential V MS (t ),due to the motion of very large numbers of solvent nuclei and electrons are modelled by statistical forms or calculated from molecular dynamics simulations.There are situations where the molecular potential is so severely modiÐed by the solvent Èsolute interaction that an alternative representation is more realistic.In such cases it may be that the system of interest is a supermolecule or cluster,consisting of the solute and strongly interacting solvent molecules.The Hamiltonian could then be parti-tioned to yield a term for the energy states of the cluster,and the surrounding bath,comprising those solvent molecules that do not interact strongly with the solute.The dynamics can be determined from one of the perturbation approaches mentioned earlier.In examples of this type the relevant nuclear dynamics are controlled by the potential surface of the cluster but the irreversible relaxation is caused by the weak coupling between the supermolecule and the solvent.Measurements and calculations of potential energy surfaces of solute Èsolvent clusters are sorely needed for this approach.Such a picture assumes that the long-range forces are weak and that the interactions between the solvent molecules are not much inÑuenced by the presence of the solute.These assumptions would surely be inappropriate in accounting for the dynamics and struc-ture of polar molecules or ions in water,to give just one example.When Coulombic forces are important in determining structure,and their Ñuctuations determine the dynamics,we can imagine that long-range interactions will have to be included.As chemical reactions take place and charges redistribute,there may be large changes in the energy from interactions with moving solvent molecules.The solvent nuclear dynamics have been measured by time-resolved Kerr e†ects in transparent media,by dynamic Stokes shifts and by three pulse photon echoes in dye systems and in proteins (see the paper by Fleming and co-workers in this Discussion 1).In the cases that were examined theoretically,the major part of the solvent reorganisation energy around charges appears to originate from the Ðrst solvation shell.While the experiments charac-terise correlation functions of the solvent,they usually do not provide a microscopic picture of the motions that cause the energy changes other than to classify them broadly,as vibrational,librational or di†usive.On the other hand we would like to know when there are changes in the solute potential surfaces as a result of solvation and when solvation can inÑuence reactive motions.Equally important is the experimental charac-terisation of the solvent structures as the solvation dynamics evolve.Simulations are able to predict the answers to all these questions so some experimental results will allow the theory to be tested.In experiments on the photodissociation of changes HgBr 2,2in the potential energy function of the released HgBr occur on the timescale of the solvation.They can be followed through the changes in the vibrational frequency.The fast process involves the breaking up of the solvent structure associated with the tri-atomic molecule and a slower process involves the construction of the equilibriumR .M .Hochstrasser and J .P .Simons 471solvent structure around the HgBr fragment.Similar results for solvent structure changes were seen for ClO ~.3These structures should be accessible to spectroscopic experiments.As shown in the paper by Neumark and co-workers,4the cage reaction of I and I ~in a cluster of induces slow solvent evaporation and fast vibrational relax-CO 2ation.These experiments show details of the solvent involvement in the reactive motions that have proved difficult to obtain in solution phase experiments.Of course,it is known from experiment that the energy of a solution phase reaction is used to heat up the surrounding solvent molecules,and that the rate of reaction can be altered if the heat di†usion is very slow compared with the reaction rate.However,at conventional liquid densities (10M )the number of solvent molecules over which the released energy is dis-tributed grows to approximately 25in 10ps,by classical heat di†usion.The task of Ðnding a microscopic level description of solvent e†ects on relaxation and chemical processes is daunting.Nuclear motions can be extremely complex even for relatively small molecules in the absence of intermolecular interactions.When the solvent Èsolute interactions are strong the solvent forces can introduce additional anhar-monicity into the “soluteÏmotions thereby causing nuclear trajectories that are e†ec-tively absent in the isolated solvent molecule.For example,in the gas phase IR spectrum of the asymmetric stretch region shows no sign of any perturbations.In aqueous N 3~,solution,however,the mode relaxes in ca .1ps due to very strong coupling between solute modes;the motion is a combined solvent Èsolute displacement.5Such motions could be characterised through IR and Raman studies of clusters.There are many things (of course)that we have not heard about at this Discussion.One of the most important is single molecule spectroscopy,which can reveal the dis-tribution of molecular properties associated with Ñuctuations in their environment.When the observation time is shorter than the Ñuctuation timescale,the ensemble average is no longer equal to the time average.Not much has been heard about mol-ecules at interfaces,which is where much chemistry and biochemistry actually takes place.Not much has been heard about optical control of reaction rates in condensed phases;can we tune the solvent response to the lifetime of the transition state?We have not heard much about self-assembled supramolecular systems where the dynamics of photon-induced processes may be controlled by synthetic designÈmuch as it is in a photosynthetic centre.Perhaps these will feature in a future Faraday Discussion.References1Y.Nagasawa,J-Y.Yu,M.Cho and G.R.Fleming,Faraday Discuss .,1997,108,23.2M.Lim,M.Wo†ord,P.Hamm and R.M.Hochstrasser,Chem .Phys .L ett .,1998,in press.3M.Lim,S.Gnanakaran and R.M.Hochstrasser,J .Chem .Phys .,1997,106,3485.4B.J.Greenblatt,M.T.Zanni and M.Neumark,Faraday Discuss .,1997,108,101.5J.C.Owrutsky,D.Raftery and R.M.Hochstrasser,Ann .Rev .Phys .Chem .,1994,45,519.。
Investigating the Nature of Dark Matter
Investigating the Nature of DarkMatterThe phrase “dark matter” has become a buzzword in modern astrophysics as well as popular culture, and yet we still know very little about what dark matter really is. It is a mysterious substance that makes up 27% of the universe and that cannot be observed directly, but can only be inferred from the gravitational effects it has on visible matter. Therefore, dark matter is a topic of intense research and debate in the scientific community. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of dark matter and the different ways scientists are working to uncover its nature.What is Dark Matter?As mentioned, dark matter is a substance that does not emit, absorb or reflect light, hence its name. It does not interact strongly with electromagnetic forces, but it does with gravity, which is why its presence can be inferred from the gravitational effects it has on visible matter. One of the most well-known examples of this is the rotation curve of spiral galaxies. According to the laws of classical mechanics, the velocity of stars and gas in a galaxy should decrease as one moves away from the center, as the gravitational attraction of the visible matter decreases. However, observations have shown that the velocity remains constant or even increases, suggesting that there is an invisible mass that is causing this anomaly. This invisible mass is the dark matter.Another piece of evidence for the existence of dark matter is the distribution of matter in the universe as revealed by the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the afterglow of the Big Bang. The pattern of temperature fluctuations in this radiation shows that the matter in the universe is not distributed evenly, but is rather clumped up in large structures such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. However, this clumping up cannot be explained solely by the gravitational influence of visible matter; there must be an additional source of gravity, i.e. dark matter, to explain the observed distribution.Moreover, measurements of the large-scale structure of the universe, such as the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, also point to the existence of dark matter.What is Dark Matter Made of?Despite its importance in shaping the structure of the universe, the identity of dark matter remains unknown. There are several hypotheses about what dark matter might be made of, but none of them has been conclusively proven yet. One popular hypothesis is that dark matter is composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which are hypothetical particles that would interact with normal matter only through the weak nuclear force and gravity. The idea is that WIMPs were produced in the early universe when it was hot and dense, and have been moving around freely ever since. If they collide with normal matter, they would transfer some of their energy and momentum, producing detectable signals. In fact, several experiments have been designed to detect WIMP interactions, such as the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment and the Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS).Another hypothesis is that dark matter is made of axions, which are theoretical particles that were originally proposed to explain a different problem in physics, the strong CP problem. The idea is that axions would be very light and weakly interacting, making them difficult to detect, but would still affect the motion of galaxies and other cosmic structures. The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) is currently searching for evidence of axions in a laboratory at the University of Washington.A third hypothesis is that dark matter is composed of primordial black holes, which are black holes that were formed by the collapse of a density fluctuation in the early universe. The idea is that these black holes could have a mass range that would make them more likely to be dark matter, and that their interactions with normal matter could produce observable effects. However, this hypothesis is less favored by most researchers, as the formation and stability of such black holes would require very specific conditions.ConclusionDespite decades of research, the nature of dark matter remains one of the most intriguing and elusive topics in astrophysics. It remains a theoretical construct that cannot be directly observed, but its effects on the motion and structure of the cosmos are undeniable. Researchers are continuing to study dark matter using a variety of tools and techniques, from telescopes that measure gravitational lensing to underground experiments that look for WIMP interactions. The hope is that someday we will finally be able to unravel the mystery of what dark matter is made of, and in doing so, gain a better understanding of the universe and our place in it.。
Gamma1=4 Gamma1=2
In this paper we have described the evolution of the inviscid modes found by Hall and Horseman (1991); this has done using viscous{critical{layer and di usion{layer theories in the context of a weakly nonlinear instability theory. In particular, we have considered the evolution of a mode near the critical streamwise location where the vortex structure has developed su ciently to ( rst) render the now three{dimensional boundary{layer ow unstable to inviscid modes. At such a location, the ow is marginally unstable and we can consider the evolution of the most dangerous (important) mode. We note that our theory is not directly applicable to modes excited at streamwise locations where the ow supports a band of unstable modes (i.e. at an O(1) distance downstream from the critical x{location); in such cases the most dangerous mode has too large a growth rate and the wavenumber will not be close enough to a \neutral' value for weakly{nonlinear theory to be immediately applicable. However, it can be argued that viscous spreading e ects (or some other external e ect) will reduce the growth rates to a size where a weakly nonlinear theory (based on unsteady critical{layer theory rather than viscous critical{layer theory) is appropriate. The papers by, for example, Michalke (1964); Crighton & Gaster (1976) and Hultgren (1992) support such an argument, which has been used in many recent papers concerned with ow stability eg. Goldstein & Leib (1988); Goldstein & Hultgren (1988); Goldstein & Leib (1989); Hultgren (1992); Wu, Lee & Cowley (1993). The evolution of the Hall{Horseman{modes for the non{marginal stability case is the subject of current study by the authors and will be reported on in due course.
OECD407_Repeated Dose 28-day oral toxicity study in rodents_03102008
Adopted:3 October 2008© OECD, (2008) You are free to use this material for personal, non-commercial purposes without seeking prior consent from the OECD, provided the source is duly mentioned. Any commercial use of this material is subject to written permission from the OECD.OECD GUIDELINES FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALSRepeated Dose 28-Day Oral Toxicity Study in RodentsINTRODUCTION1 OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress. The original Test Guideline 407 was adopted in 1981. In 1995 a revised version was adopted, to obtain additional information from the animal used in the study, in particular on neurotoxicity and immunotoxicity.2 In 1998, the OECD initiated a high-priority activity, to revise existing Test Guidelines and to develop new Test Guidelines for the screening and testing of potential endocrine disruptors (8). One element of the activity was to update the existing OECD guideline for “repeated dose 28-day oral toxicity study in rodents” (TG 407) by parameters suitable to detect endocrine activity of test substances. This procedure underwent an extensive international program to test for the relevance and practicability of the additional parameters, the performance of these parameters for chemicals with (anti)oestrogenic, (anti)androgenic, and (anti)thyroid activity, the intra- and interlaboratory reproducibility, and the interference of the new parameters with those required by the prior TG 407. The large amount of data thereby obtained has been compiled and evaluated in detail in a comprehensive OECD report (9). This updated Test Guideline 407 is the outcome of the experience and results gained during the international test program. This TG 407 allows certain endocrine mediated effects to be put into context with other toxicological effects.INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND LIMITATIONS3 In the assessment and evaluation of the toxic characteristics of a chemical, the determination of oral toxicity using repeated doses may be carried out after initial information on toxicity has been obtained by acute toxicity testing. This TG is intended to investigate effects on a very broad variety of potential targets of toxicity. It provides information on the possible health hazards likely to arise from repeated exposure over a relatively limited period of time, including effects on the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. Regarding these particular endpoints, it should identify chemicals with neurotoxic potential, which may warrant further in-depth investigation of this aspect, and chemicals that interfere with thyroid physiology. It may also provide data on chemicals that affect the male and/or female reproductive organs in young adult animals and may give an indication of immunological effects.4 The results from the TG 407 should be used for hazard identification and risk assessment. The results obtained by the endocrine related parameters should be seen in the context of the “OECD Conceptual Framework for Testing and Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals” (11). The method comprises the basic repeated dose toxicity study that may be used for chemicals on which a 90-day study is not warranted (e.g. when the production volume does not exceed certain limits) or as a preliminary to a long-term study. The duration of exposure should be 28 days.5 The international program conducted on the validation of parameters suitable to potentially detect endocrine activity of test substance showed that the quality of data obtained by this TG 407 will depend much on the experience of the test laboratory. This relates specifically to the histopathological determination of cyclic changes in the female reproductive organs and to the weight determination of thesmall hormone dependent organs which are difficult to dissect. A guidance on histopathology has been developed (19). It is available on the OECD public website on Test Guidelines. It is intended to assist pathologists in their examinations and help increase the sensitivity of the assay. A variety of parameters were found to be indicative of endocrine-related toxicity and have been incorporated in the TG. Parameters for which insufficient data were available to prove usefulness or which showed only weak evidence in the validation programme of their ability to help in detection of endocrine disrupters are proposed as optional endpoints (see Annex 2).6 On the basis of data generated in the validation process, it must be emphasized that the sensitivity of this assay is not sufficient to identify all substances with (anti)androgenic or (anti)oestrogenic modes of action (9). The TG is not performed in a life-stage that is most sensitive to endocrine disruption. The TG nevertheless, during the validation process identified compounds weakly and strongly affecting thyroid function, and strong and moderate endocrine active substances acting through oestrogen or androgen receptors, but in most cases failed to identify endocrine active substances that weakly affect oestrogen or androgen receptors. Thus it can’t be described as a screening assay for endocrine activity.7 Consequently, the lack of effects related to these modes of action can not be taken as evidence for the lack of effects on the endocrine system. Regarding endocrine mediated effects, compound characterization should not therefore be based on the results of this TG alone but should be used in a weight of evidence approach incorporating all existing data on a chemical to characterise potential endocrine activity. For this reason, regulatory decision making on endocrine activity (compound characterisation) should be a broadly based approach, not solely reliant on results from application of this TG.8 It is acknowledged that all animal-based procedures will conform to local standards of animal care; the descriptions of care and treatment set forth below are minimal performance standards, and will be superseded by local regulations where more stringent. Further guidance of the humane treatment of animals is given by the OECD(14).9 Definitions used are given in Annex 1.PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST10 The test substance is orally administered daily in graduated doses to several groups of experimental animals, one dose level per group for a period of 28 days. During the period of administration the animals are observed closely, each day for signs of toxicity. Animals that die or are euthanised during the test are necropsied and at the conclusion of the test surviving animals are euthanised and necropsied. A 28 day study provides information on the effects of repeated oral exposure and can indicate the need for further longer term studies. It can also provide information on the selection of concentrations for longer term studies. The data derived from using the TG should allow for the characterization of the test substance toxicity, for an indication of the dose response relationship and the determination of the No-Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL).DESCRIPTION OF THE METHODSelection of animal species11 The preferred rodent species is the rat, although other rodent species may be used. If the parameters specified within this TG 407 are investigated in another rodent species a detailed justification should be given. Although it is biologically plausible that other species should respond to toxicants in a similar manner to the rat, the use of smaller species may result in increased variability due to technical © OECD, (2008) 2challenges of dissecting smaller organs. In the international validation program for the detection of endocrine disrupters, the rat was the only species used. Young healthy adult animals of commonly used laboratory strains should be employed. Females should be nulliparous and non pregnant. Dosing should begin as soon as feasible after weaning, and, in any case, before the animals are nine weeks old. At the commencement of the study the weight variation of animals used should be minimal and not exceed ± 20% of the mean weight of each sex. When a repeated oral dose is conducted as a preliminary to a longer-term study, it is preferrable that animals from the same strain and source should be used in both studies. Housing and feeding12 All procedures should conform to local standards of laboratory animal care. The temperature in the experimental animal room should be 22°C (± 3°C). Although the relative humidity should be at least 30% and preferably not to exceed 70% other than during room cleaning, the aim should be 50-60%. Lighting should be artificial, the photoperiod being 12 hours light, 12 hours dark. For feeding, conventional laboratory diets may be used with an unlimited supply of drinking water. The choice of diet may be influenced by the need to ensure a suitable admixture of a test substance when administered by this method. Animals should be group housed in small groups of the same sex; animals may be housed individually if scientifically justified. For group caging, no more than five animals should be housed per cage.13 The feed should be regularly analysed for contaminants. A sample of the diet should be retained until finalisation of the report.Preparation of animals14 Healthy young adult animals are randomly assigned to the control and treatment groups. Cages should be arranged in such a way that possible effects due to cage placement are minimized. The animals are identified uniquely and kept in their cages for at least five days prior to the start of the treatment study to allow for acclimatisation to the laboratory conditions.Preparation of doses15 The test compound is administered by gavage or via the diet or drinking water. The method of oral administration is dependent on the purpose of the study, and the physical/chemical/toxico-kinetic properties of the test material.16 Where necessary, the test substance is dissolved or suspended in a suitable vehicle. It is recommended that, wherever possible, the use of an aqueous solution/suspension be considered first, followed by consideration of a solution/suspension in oil (e.g. corn oil) and then by possible solution in other vehicles. For vehicles other than water the toxic characteristics of the vehicle must be known. The stability of the test substance in the vehicle should be determined.PROCEDURENumber and sex of animals17 At least 10 animals (five female and five male) should be used at each dose level. If interim euthanasia are planned, the number should be increased by the number of animals scheduled to be euthanised before the completion of the study. Consideration should be given to an additional satellite group of ten animals (five per sex) in the control and in the top dose group for observation of reversibility, persistence, or delayed occurrence of toxic effects, for at least 14 days post treatment.3 © OECD, (2008)Dosage18 Generally, at least three test groups and a control group should be used, but if from assessment of other data, no effects would be expected at a dose of 1000mg/kg bw/d, a limit test may be performed. If there are no suitable data available, a range finding study (animals of the same strain and source) may be performed to aid the determination of the doses to be used. Except for treatment with the test substance, animals in the control group should be handled in an identical manner to the test group subjects. If a vehicle is used in administering the test substance, the control group should receive the vehicle in the highest volume used.19 Dose levels should be selected taking into account any existing toxicity and (toxico-) kinetic data available for the test compound or related materials. The highest dose level should be chosen with the aim of inducing toxic effects but not death or severe suffering. Thereafter, a descending sequence of dose levels should be selected with a view to demonstrating any dosage related response and no-observed-adverse effects at the lowest dose level (NOAEL). Two to four fold intervals are frequently optimal for setting the descending dose levels and addition of a fourth test group is often preferable to using very large intervals (e.g. more than a factor of 10) between dosages.20 In the presence of observed general toxicity (e.g. reduced body weight, liver , heart, lung or kidney effects, etc.) or other changes that may not be toxic responses (e.g. reduced food intake, liver enlargement), observed effects on immune, neurological or endocrine sensitive endpoints should be interpreted with caution.Limit test21 If a test at one dose level of at least 1000 mg/kg body weight/day or, for dietary or drinking water administration, an equivalent percentage in the diet, or drinking water (based upon body weight determinations), using the procedures described for this study, produces no observable toxic effects and if toxicity would not be expected based upon data from structurally related compounds, then a full study using three dose levels may not be considered necessary. The limit test applies except when human exposure indicates the need for a higher dose level to be used.Administration of doses22 The animals are dosed with test substance daily 7 days each week for a period of 28 days. When the test substance is administered by gavage, this should be done in a single dose to the animals using a stomach tube or a suitable intubation cannula. The maximum volume of liquid that can be administered at one time depends on the size of the test animal. The volume should not exceed 1 ml/100g body weight except in the case of aqueous solutions where 2 ml/100 g body weight may be used. Except for irritating or corrosive substances, which will normally reveal exacerbated effects with higher concentrations, variability in test volume should be minimized by adjusting the concentration to ensure a constant volume at all dose levels.23 For substances administered via the diet or drinking water it is important to ensure that the quantities of the test substance involved do not interfere with normal nutrition or water balance. When the test substance is administered in the diet either a constant dietary concentration (ppm) or a constant dose level in terms of the animals' body weight may be used; the alternative used must be specified. For a substance administered by gavage, the dose should be given at similar times each day, and adjusted as necessary to maintain a constant dose level in terms of animal body weight. Where a repeated dose study is used as a preliminary to a long term study, a similar diet should be used in both studies.© OECD, (2008) 4Observations24 The observation period should be 28 days. Animals in a satellite group scheduled for follow-up observations should be kept for at least 14 days without treatment to detect delayed occurrence, or persistence of, or recovery from toxic effects.25 General clinical observations should be made at least once a day, preferably at the same time(s) each day and considering the peak period of anticipated effects after dosing. The health condition of the animals should be recorded. At least twice daily, all animals are observed for morbidity and mortality.26 Once before the first exposure (to allow for within-subject comparisons), and at least once a week thereafter, detailed clinical observations should be made in all animals. These observations should be made outside the home cage in a standard arena and preferably at the same time of day on each occasion. They should be carefully recorded, preferably using scoring systems, explicitly defined by the testing laboratory. Effort should be made to ensure that variations in the test conditions are minimal and that observations are preferably conducted by observers unaware of the treatment. Signs noted should include, but not be limited to, changes in skin, fur, eyes, mucous membranes, occurrence of secretions and excretions and autonomic activity (e.g. lacrimation, piloerection, pupil size, unusual respiratory pattern). Changes in gait, posture and response to handling as well as the presence of clonic or tonic movements, stereotypies (e.g. excessive grooming, repetitive circling) or bizarre behaviour (e.g. self-mutilation, walking backwards) should also be recorded (2).27 In the fourth exposure week sensory reactivity to stimuli of different types (2) (e.g. auditory, visual and proprioceptive stimuli) (3)(4)(5), assessment of grip strength (6) and motor activity assessment (7) should be conducted. Further details of the procedures that could be followed are given in the respective references. However, alternative procedures than those referenced could be used.28 Functional observations conducted in the fourth exposure week may be omitted when the study is conducted as a preliminary study to a subsequent subchronic (90-day) study. In that case, the functional observations should be included in this follow-up study. On the other hand, the availability of data on functional observations from the repeated dose study may enhance the ability to select dose levels for a subsequent subchronic study.29 As an exception, functional observations may also be omitted for groups that otherwise reveal signs of toxicity to an extent that would significantly interfere with the functional test performance.30 At necropsy, the oestrus cycle of all females could be determined (optional) by taking vaginal smears. These observations will provide information regarding the stage of oestrus cycle at the time of sacrifice and assist in histological evaluation of estrogen sensitive tissues (see guidance on histopathology (19)).Body weight and food/water consumption31 All animals should be weighed at least once a week. Measurements of food consumption should be made at least weekly. If the test substance is administered via the drinking water, water consumption should also be measured at least weekly.5 © OECD, (2008)© OECD, (2008) 6 Haematology32 The following haematological examinations should be made at the end of the test period: haematocrit, haemoglobin concentrations, erythrocyte count, reticulocytes, total and differential leucocyte count, platelet count and a measure of blood clotting time/potential. Other determinations that should be carried out, if the test substance or its putative metabolites have or are suspected to have oxidising properties include methaemoglobin concentration and Heinz bodies.33 Blood samples should be taken from a named site just prior to or as part of the procedure for euthanasia of the animals, and stored under appropriate conditions. Animals should be fasted overnight prior to euthanasia 1– time of sacrifice because of diurnal variation of hormone concentrations.Clinical biochemistry34 Clinical biochemistry determinations to investigate major toxic effects in tissues and, specifically, effects on kidney and liver, should be performed on blood samples obtained of all animals just prior to or as part of the procedure for euthanasia of the animals (apart from those found moribund and/or euthanised prior to the termination of the study). Investigations of plasma or serum shall include sodium, potassium, glucose, total cholesterol, urea, creatinine, total protein and albumin, at least two enzymes indicative of hepatocellular effects (such as alanin aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl trans-peptidase and glutamate dehydrogenase), and bile acids. Measurements of additional enzymes (of hepatic or other origin) and bilirubin may provide useful information under certain circumstances.35 Optionally, the following urinalysis determinations could be performed during the last week of the study using timed urine volume collection; appearance, volume, osmolality or specific gravity, pH, protein, glucose and blood/blood cells.36 In addition, studies to investigate plasma or serum markers of general tissue damage should be considered. Other determinations that should be carried out, if the known properties of the test substance may, or are suspected to, affect related metabolic profiles include calcium, phosphate, triglycerides, specific hormones, and cholinesterase. These need to be identified for chemicals in certain classes or on a case-by-case basis.37 Although in the international evaluation of the endocrine related endpoints a clear advantage for the determination of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) and TSH could not be demonstrated, it may be helpful to retain plasma or serum samples to measure T3, T4 and TSH (optional) if there is an indication for an effect on the pituitary-thyroid axis. These samples may be frozen at -20° for storage. The following factors may influence the variability and the absolute concentrations of the hormone determinations:– method of sacrifice to avoid undue stress to the animals that may affect hormone concentrations – test kits for hormone determinations that may differ by their standard curves.1 For a number of measurements in serum and plasma, most notably for glucose, overnight fasting would be preferable. The major reason for this preference is that the increased variability which would inevitably result from non-fasting, would tend to mask more subtle effects and make interpretation difficult. On the other hand, however, overnight fasting may interfere with the general metabolism of the animals and, particularly in feeding studies, may disturb the daily exposure to the test substance. If overnight fasting is adopted, clinical biochemical determinations should be performed after the conduct of functional observations in week 4 of the study.Definitive identification of thyroid-active chemicals is more reliable by histopathological analysis rather than hormone levels.38 Plasma samples specifically intended for hormone determination should be obtained at a comparable time of the day. It is recommended that consideration should be given to T3, T4 and TSH determinations triggered based upon alterations of thyroid histopathology. The numerical values obtained when analysing hormone concentrations differ with various commercial assay kits. Consequently, it may not be possible to provide performance criteria based upon uniform historical data. Alternatively, laboratories should strive to keep control coefficients of variation below 25 for T3 and T4 and below 35 for TSH. All concentrations are to be recorded in ng/ml.39 If historical baseline data are inadequate, consideration should be given to determination of haematological and clinical biochemistry variables before dosing commences or preferably in a set of animals not included in the experimental groups.PATHOLOGYGross necropsy40 All animals in the study shall be subjected to a full, detailed gross necropsy which includes careful examination of the external surface of the body, all orifices, and the cranial, thoracic and abdominal cavities and their contents. The liver, kidneys, adrenals, testes, epididymides, prostate + seminal vesicles with coagulating glands as a whole, thymus, spleen, brain and heart of all animals (apart from those found moribund and/or euthanised prior to the termination of the study) should be trimmed of any adherent tissue, as appropriate, and their wet weight taken as soon as possible after dissection to avoid drying. Care must be exercised when trimming the prostate complex to avoid puncture of the fluid filled seminal vesicles. Alternatively, seminal vesicles and prostate may be trimmed and weighed after fixation.41 In addition, two other tissues could be optionally weighed as soon as possible after dissection, to avoid drying: paired ovaries (wet weight) and uterus, including cervix (guidance on removal and preparation of the uterine tissues for weight measurement is provided in TG 440 (18)).42 The thyroid weight (optional) could be determined after fixation. Trimming should also be done very carefully and only after fixation to avoid tissue damage. Tissue damage could compromise histopathology analysis.43 The following tissues should be preserved in the most appropriate fixation medium for both the type of tissue and the intended subsequent histopathological examination (see paragraph 47): all gross lesions, brain (representative regions including cerebrum, cerebellum and pons), spinal cord, eye, stomach, small and large intestines (including Peyer's patches), liver, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, heart, thymus, thyroid, trachea and lungs (preserved by inflation with fixative and then immersion), gonads (testis and ovaries), accessory sex organs ( uterus and cervix, epididymides, prostate + seminal vesicles with coagulating glands), vagina, urinary bladder, lymph nodes (besides the most proximal draining node another lymph node should be taken according to the laboratory’s experience (15)), peripheral nerve (sciatic or tibial) preferably in close proximity to the muscle, skeletal muscle and bone, with bone marrow (section or, alternatively, a fresh mounted bone marrow aspirate). It is recommended that testes be fixed by immersion in Bouin’s or modified Davidson’s fixative (16) (17). The tunica albuginea must be gently and shallowly punctured at the both poles of the organ with a needle to permit rapid penetration of the fixative. The clinical and other findings may suggest the need to examine additional tissues. Also any organs considered likely to be target organs based on the known properties of the test substance should be preserved.7 © OECD, (2008)44 The following tissues may give valuable indication for endocrine-related effects: Gonads (ovaries and testes), accessory sex organs (uterus including cervix, epididymides, seminal vesicles with coagulation glands, dorsolateral and ventral prostate), vagina, pituitary, male mammary gland, the thyroid and adrenal gland. Changes in male mammary glands have not been sufficiently documented but this parameter may be very sensitive to substances with estrogenic action. Observation of organs/tissues that are not listed in paragraph 43 is optional (see Annex 2).45 The Guidance on histopathology (19) details extra information on dissection, fixation, sectioning and histopathology of endocrine tissues.46 In the international test program some evidence was obtained that subtle endocrine effects by chemicals with a low potency for affecting sex hormone homeostasis may be identified by disturbance of the synchronisation of the oestrus cycle in different tissues and not so much by frank histopathological alterations in female sex organs. Although no definitive proof was obtained for such effects, it is recommended that evidence of possible asynchrony of the oestrus cycle should be taken into account in interpretation of the histopathology of the ovaries (follicular, thecal, and granulosa cells), uterus, cervix and vagina. If assessed, the stage of cycle as determined by vaginal smears could be included in this comparison as well.Histopathology47 Full histopathology should be carried out on the preserved organs and tissues of all animals in the control and high dose groups. These examinations should be extended to animals of all other dosage groups, if treatment-related changes are observed in the high dose group.48 All gross lesions shall be examined.49 When a satellite group is used, histopathology should be performed on tissues and organs identified as showing effects in the treated groups.DATA AND REPORTINGData50 Individual data should be provided. Additionally, all data should be summarised in tabular form showing for each test group the number of animals at the start of the test, the number of animalsfound dead during the test or euthanised for humane reasons and the time of any death or euthanasia, the number showing signs of toxicity, a description of the signs of toxicity observed, including time of onset, duration, and severity of any toxic effects, the number of animals showing lesions, the type of lesions, their severity and the percentage of animals displaying each type of lesion.51 When possible, numerical results should be evaluated by an appropriate and generally acceptable statistical method. Comparisons of the effect along a dose range should avoid the use of multiple t-tests. The statistical methods should be selected during the design of the study.52 For quality control it is proposed that historical control data are collected and that for numerical data coefficients of variation are calculated, especially for the parameters linked with endocrine disrupter detection. These data can be used for comparison purposes when actual studies are evaluated.© OECD, (2008)8。
物理英语单词大全带音标Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】平均速度 average velocity['vrid] [vi'lsiti瞬时速度 instantaneous velocity[,nstn'teinjs]圆柱形cylinder['silind]械振动 mechanical vibration [va'bren]简谐振动 simple harmonic oscillation [hɑ:'mnik]振幅 amplitude ['mpl,tu:d, -,tju:d]频率 frequency ['fri:kwnsi]赫兹 hertz [h:ts]单摆 simple pendulum ['pendjulm]受迫振动 forced vibration共振 resonance ['reznns]机械波 mechanical wave介质 medium ['mi:djm]横波 transverse wave [tr?ns'v:s]纵波 longitudinal wave [lndi'tju:dinl]波长wavelength ['wev,le?kθ]超声波 supersonic wave [,sju:p'snik]速率 speed[spi:d]v-t 图象 v-t graph[ɡrɑ:f]加速度 acceleration [k,sel'ren]普朗克 Planck匀变速直线运动 uniform variable rectilinear motion['ju:nif:m] ['vribl] [,rekti'lini]初速度 initial velocity[i'nil] [vi'lsiti]自由落体运动 free-fall motion自由落体加速free-fall acceleration[k,sel'ren]重力加速度 gravitational acceleration [,ɡr?vi'teinl]伽利略 Galileo Galilei力 force[f:s]牛顿 Newton['nju:tn]重力 gravity['ɡr?viti]重心center of gravity['sent]万有引力gravitation[,gr?v'ten]电磁相互electromagnetic interaction[,lektrm?g'netk]强相互作用 strong interaction[,ntr'kn]弱相互作用 weak interaction形变deformation[,di:f:'men,]弹性形变 elastic deformation[i'l?stik] [,di:f:'men,]弹性限度 elastic limit[i'l?stik] ['limit]弹力 elastic force[i'l?stik] [f:s]劲度系数 coefficient of stiffness[,k'fnt] ['stfns]胡克定律 Hooke law[l:]摩擦力 friction force['frikn]静摩擦力 static frictional force['st?tik] ['frikn]滑动摩擦力 sliding frictional force['slaidi]动摩擦因数 dynamic friction factor[dai'n?mik]合力 resultant force[ri'zltnt]分力 component force[km'punnt]力的合成 composition of forces[,kmp'zin]平行四边形定则 parallelogram rule[,p?r'lel,gr?m]共点力 concurrent forces[kn'k:rnt,]力的分解 resolution of force[,rez'lu:n]三角形定则 triangular rule[tra'gjl] [ru:l]运动学 kinematics[kini'm?tiks]动力学 dynamics[dai'n?miks]牛顿第一定律 Newton first law['nju:tn] [l:]惯性 inertia [i'n:j]惯性定律 law of inertia[i'n:j]质量 mass[m?s]惯性系 inertial system['sistm]牛顿第二定律 Newton second law单位制 system of units国际单位制 Le Systeme International Unites SI[,nt'n?nl]作用力 action['kn]反作用力 reaction[ri'kn]牛顿第三定律 Newton third law超重 overweight[,v'wet]失重 weightlessness['wetls]误差 error['er]偶然误差 accidental error[,ksi'dentl]系统误差 systematic error [,sist'm?tik]绝对误差 absolute error['bslu:t]相对误差 relative error['reltiv]亚里士多德 Aristotle曲线运动 curvilinear motion[k:vi'lini]基尔霍夫 Kirchhoff切线 tangent['t?ndnt]抛体运动 projectile motion[pr'dektl,]抛物线 parabola[p'r?bl]线速度 linear velocity['lini]匀速圆周运动 uniform circular motion['ju:nif:m] ['s:kjul]角速度 angular velocity['gjl]弧度 radian['reidjn]周期 period['pirid]向心加速度 centripetal acceleration[sen'trptl]向心力 centripetal force[sen'trptl]开普勒 Kepler引力常量gravitational constant [,ɡr?vi'teinl] ['knstnt]万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation[,ju:ni'v:sl]第一宇宙速度 first cosmic velocity['kzmik]第二宇宙速度 second cosmic velocity第三宇宙速度 third cosmic velocity黑洞 black hole能力 energy['endi]势能 potential energy[p'tenl]动能 kinetic energy[k'netk, ka-]功 work[w:k]焦耳 joule[du:l]功率 power['pau]瓦特 watt['pau]重力势能 gravitational potential energy [,ɡr?vi'teinl] [p'tenl]弹性势能 elastic potential energy[i'l?stik] [p'tenl]动能定理theorem of kinetic energy['θi:rm]机械能 mechanical energy[mi'k?nikl] [k'netk]机械能守恒定律 law of conservation of mechanical energy[,kns'vein] [mi'k?nikl]能量守恒定律 law of energy conservation[,kns'vein]亥姆霍兹 Helmholtz['helmhults]力 force拉力 traction['tr?kn]力矩 torque[t:k]动量 momentum[mu'mentm]角动量 angular momentum ['gjl]振动 vibration[va'bren]振幅 amplitude['mpl,tu:d, -,tju:d]波 wave[weiv]驻波 standing wave['st?nd]震荡 oscillation[,s'len]相干波 coherent wave[ku'hirnt]干涉 interference[,nt'firns]衍射 diffraction[di'fr?kn]轨道 obital大小 magnatitude方向 direction[di'rekn]水平 horizental竖直 vertical['v:tikl]相互垂直 perpendicular[,p:pn'dkjl]坐标 coordinate[ku':dineit]直角坐标系 cersian coordinate system 极坐标系 polar coordinate system['pul]弹簧 spring[spri]球体 sphere[sfi]环 loop[lu:p]盘型 disc。
WEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCESJEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENA(Course notes-2010/2011)Contents1.Preliminaries12.Weak,weak star and strong convergences23.Weak and weak star compactness34.Metrizability of the weak and weak star convergence45.Lebesgue spaces55.1.Generalities55.2.Weak,weak star convergences and compactness in L p(Ω)66.Sobolev spaces66.1.Generalities66.2.Weak,weak star convergences and compactness in W1,p(Ω)76.3.Case N<p≤∞77.Space of Radon measures87.1.The space C c(Ω)87.2.Positive Radon measures87.3.Radon measures107.4.Weak convergence and compactness for Radon measures107.5.Weak compactness in L1(Ω)11Appendix A.Elements of measure theory121.PreliminariesIn what follows,(E, · E)is a Banach space and E is its dual space,i.e.,the Banach space of all continuous linear forms on E endowed with the norm · E defined byf E :=supx E=1| f,x |=supx E≤1| f,x =supx E=0| f,x |x E,where f,x denotes the action of f on x,i.e., f,x :=f(x).In the same way,we can define the dual space of E that we denote by E .(The Banach space E is also called the bi-dual space of E.)An element x of E can be seen as a continuous linear form on E by setting x(f):= f,x ,which means that E⊂E .Definition1.1.The Banach space E is said to be reflexive if E=E .Definition 1.2.The Banach space E is said to be separable if there exists a countable subset D of E which is dense in E,i.e.,D=E.12JEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENATheorem 1.3(Riesz).If (H, ·,· )is a Hilbert space, ·,· being a scalar producton H ,then H =H in the following sense :to each f ∈H there corresponds aunique x ∈H such that f = x,· and f H = x H := x,x .Remark 1.4.From Theorem 1.3we deduce that H =H .This means that a Hilbert space is reflexive.Proposition 1.5.If E is reflexive and if F is a closed vector subspace of E ,then F is reflexive.Corollary 1.6.The following two assertions are equivalent :(i)E is reflexive ;(ii)E is reflexive.Proof.(i)⇒(ii).As E is reflexive we have E =E ,hence E =E ,i.e.,(E ) =E ,which means that E is reflexive.(ii)⇒(i).As E is reflexive we have (E ) =E ,hence(E ) =E ,i.e.,(E ) =E ,which means that E is reflexive.But E is a closed vector subspace of E ,and so E is reflexive by Proposition 1.5.Proposition 1.7.If E is separable then E is separable.Remark 1.8.The converse is false:E =L 1is separable but E =L ∞is not separable (see §5).Corollary 1.9.The following two assertions are equivalent :(i)E is reflexive and separable ;(ii)E is reflexive and separable.Proof.(i)⇒(ii).As E is reflexive,also is E by Corollary 1.6.On the other hand,E is reflexive means that E =E ,i.e.,(E ) =E ,that is to say,E is the dual space of E .Thus,E is separable means that (E ) is separable,and so E is separable by Proposition 1.7.(ii)⇒(i).It is a direct consequence of Corollary 1.6and Proposition 1.7.Proposition 1.10(finite dimension).If dim E <∞then E is separable and E =E =E (hence E is reflexive).2.Weak,weak star and strong convergencesDefinition 2.1(weak convergence in E ).Let x ∈E and let {x n }n ⊂E .We say that {x n }n weakly converges to x in E ,and we write x n x in E ,iff,x n → f,x for all f ∈E .Definition 2.2(weak convergence in E ).Let f ∈E and let {f n }n ⊂E .We say that {f n }n weakly converges to f in E ,and we write f n f in E ,iff n ,x → f,x for all x ∈E .Definition 2.3(weak star convergence).Let f ∈E and let {f n }n ⊂E .We say that {f n }n weakly star converges to f in E ,and we write f n ∗ f in E ,iff n ,x → f,x for all x ∈E.Remark 2.4.As E ⊂E we have f n f in E implies f n ∗f in E .When E is reflexive,Definitions 2.2and 2.3are the same,i.e.,weak convergence in E and weak star convergence coincide.WEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCES3 Definition2.5(strong convergence).Let x∈E(resp.f∈E )and let{x n}n⊂E (resp.{f n}n⊂E ).We say that{x n}n(resp.{f n}n)strongly converges to x (resp.f),and we write x n→x in E(resp.f n→f in E ),iflim n→∞ x n−x E=0(resp.limn→∞f n−f E =0).Proposition2.6.Let x∈E,let{x n}n⊂E,let f∈E and let{f n}n⊂E .(i)If x n→x in E then x n x in E.(ii)If x n x in E then{x n}n is bounded,i.e.,supn≥1x n E<∞.(iii)If x n x in E then limn→∞x n E≥ x E.(iv)If f n→f in E then f n f in E (and so f n∗ f in E ).(v)If f n∗ f in E then{f n}n is bounded,i.e.,supn≥1f n E <∞.(vi)If f n∗ f in E then limn→∞f n E ≥ f E .Proposition2.7(finite dimension).If dim E<∞then strong,weak and weak star convergences are equivalent.3.Weak and weak star compactnessInfinite dimension,i.e.,dim E<∞,we have Bolzano-Weierstrass’s theorem(which is a strong compactness theorem).Theorem3.1(Bolzano-Weierstrass).If dim E<∞and if{x n}n⊂E is bounded, i.e.,there exists c>0such that for every n≥1, x n E≤c or equivalently sup n≥1 x n E<∞,then there exist x∈E and a subsequence{x nk}k of{x n}n suchthat{x nk }n strongly converges to x,i.e.,x n→x in E,that is to say, x nk−x E→0.As we can see in the following proposition,Bolzano-Weierstrass’s theorem is false in infinite dimension.In Proposition3.2, 2(N)denotes the Hilbert space of infinitedimension defined by2(N):=x=(x i)i∈R N:∞i=1x2i<∞and endowed with the scalar productx,y :=∞i=1x i y i.Thus, x 2(N):= ∞i=1x2iis the norm of the vector x in 2(N).Proposition3.2.Let{e n=(δin)i}n⊂ 2(N)whereδin is the Kronecker symbol, i.e.,δin is equal to1if i=n and0otherwise.Then, e n 2(N)=1for all n≥1, which means that{e n}n is bounded.However,there is no subsequence of{e n}n which strongly converges in 2(N).Nevertheless,e n 0in H,i.e.,{e n}n weakly converges to0in H.The following two theorems are generalizations,in infinite dimension,of Bolzano-Weierstrass’s theorem.4JEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENATheorem3.3(weak star compactness,Banach-Alaoglu-Bourbaki).Assume that E is separable and consider{f n}n⊂E .If{f n}n is bounded,i.e.,there exists c>0such that f n E ≤c for all n≥1or equivalently sup n≥1 f n E <∞,thenthere exist f∈E and a subsequence{f nk }k of{f n}n such that{f nk}k weakly starconverges to f in E ,i.e.,f nk ∗ f in E ,that is to say, fn k,x → f,x for allx∈E.Theorem3.4(weak compactness,Kakutani-Eberlein-ˇSmulian).Assume that E is reflexive and consider{x n}n⊂E.If{x n}n is bounded,i.e.,there exists c>0 such that x n E≤c for all n≥1or equivalently sup n≥1 x n E<∞,then thereexist x∈E and a subsequence{x nk }k of{x n}n such that{x nk}k weakly convergesto x in E,i.e.,x nk x in E,that is to say, f,x nk→ f,x for all f∈E .4.Metrizability of the weak and weak star convergence Theorem 4.1(metrizability of the weak star convergence).Assume that E is separable,denote E c the closed ball in E centered at0and of radius c>0,i.e.,E c:=f∈E : f E ≤c,and defineρ:E ×E →[0,∞[byρ(f,g):=∞i=12−ix i E| f−g,x i |,where{x1,···,x i,···}(with x i=0for all i≥1)is any countable dense subset of E(such a subset exists because E is separable).Then,ρis a metric on E and,for {f n}n⊂E c and f∈E c,ρ(f n,f)→0⇐⇒f n∗ f in E .Corollary4.2.The metric space(E c,ρ)defined in Theorem4.1(with E separable) is compact.Proof.Let{f n}n⊂E c.Then(4.1) f n E ≤c for all n≥1,i.e.,{f n}n is bounded.From Theorem3.3it follows that there exist f∈E anda subsequence{f nk }k of{f n}n such that f n∗ f in E .On the other hand,byProposition2.6(vi),we have f E ≤lim n→∞ f n E ,and so f E ≤c by using (4.1).Hence f∈E c,and consequentlyρ(f nk,f)→0by Theorem4.1. Theorem4.3(metrizability of the weak convergence).Assume that E is separa-ble,denote E c the closed ball in E centered at0and of radius c>0,i.e.,E c:=x∈E: x E≤c,and defineρ:E×E→[0,∞[byρ(x,y):=∞i=12−if i E| f i,x−y |,WEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCES 5where {f 1,···,f i ,···}(with f i =0for all i ≥1)is any countable dense subset of E (such a subset exists because E is separable).Then,ρis a metric on E and,for {x n }n ⊂E c and x ∈E c ,ρ(x n ,x )→0⇐⇒x n x in E.Corollary 4.4.If E is reflexive or equivalently E is reflexive,the metric space (E c ,ρ)defined in Theorem 4.3(with E separable)is compact.Proof.It is a consequence of Theorem 3.4,Proposition 2.6(iii)and Theorem 4.3.5.Lebesgue spaces5.1.Generalities.In what follows,Ωis an open subset of R N .For each 1≤p ≤∞,by L p (Ω)we denote the space defined by L p (Ω):= u :Ω→R :u is measurable and Ω|u (x )|p dx <∞when 1≤p <∞and by L ∞(Ω):= u :Ω→R :u is measurable and ess-sup x ∈Ω|u (x )|<∞when p =∞where ess-sup x ∈Ω|u (x )|:=inf α:|u (x )|≤αfor a.e.x ∈Ω denotesthe essential supremum of |f |.We endow these spaces with the normu L p := Ω|u (x )|p dx1pwhen 1≤p <∞andu L ∞:=ess-sup x ∈Ω|u (x )|when p =∞.Remark 5.1.If u ∈L ∞(Ω)then |u (x )|≤ u L ∞for a.e.x ∈Ω.Theorem 5.2(Fischer-Riesz).For every 1≤p ≤∞,L p (Ω)is a Banach space.Theorem 5.3(H¨o lder’s inequality).Let 1≤p,p ≤∞be such that 1p +1q =1,i.e.,p =pp −1.If u ∈L p (Ω)and v ∈L p (Ω)then uv ∈L 1(Ω)and uv L 1≤ u L p v L p ,i.e., Ωuvdx ≤ Ω|u |p dx 1p Ω|v |p dx1p .Remark 5.4.If Ωis bounded that L ∞(Ω)⊂L p (Ω)⊂L q (Ω)⊂L 1(Ω)for all 1≤q ≤p ≤∞.Theorem 5.5(reflexivity and separability).(i)For every 1<p <∞,L p (Ω)is reflexive and separable.(ii)L 1(Ω)is separable but not reflexive(iii)L ∞(Ω)is neither reflexive nor separable.Theorem 5.6(duality).(i)Let 1<p,p <∞be such that 1p +1p =1,i.e.,p =p p −1.Then (L p (Ω)) =L p (Ω).6JEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENA(ii)(L1(Ω)) =L∞(Ω).(iii)(L∞(Ω)) ⊃=L1(Ω).Remark5.7(details on Theorem5.6:Riesz’s representation).Let1≤p<∞and1<p ≤∞be such that1p +1p=1,i.e.,p =pp−1(if p=1then p =∞).InTheorem5.6,the equality(L p(Ω)) =L p (Ω)(L1(Ω)) =L∞(Ω)when p=1and p =∞means that for every f∈(L p(Ω)) there exists a unique v∈L p (Ω)such that vL p= f (L p) andf,u =Ωv(x)u(x)dx for all u∈L p(Ω).5.2.Weak,weak star convergences and compactness in L p(Ω).According to Theorem5.6(i)-(ii)and Remark5.7,we are led to introduce the following two definitions.Definition5.8(weak convergence in L p(Ω)with1≤p<∞).We say that the sequence{u n}n⊂L p(Ω)weakly converges to u∈L p(Ω),and we write u n u inL p(Ω),iflimn→∞Ωv(x)u n(x)dx=Ωv(x)u(x)dx for all v∈L p (Ω).Definition 5.9(weak star convergence in L∞(Ω)).We say that the sequence {u n}n⊂L∞(Ω)weakly star converges to u∈L∞(Ω),and we write u n∗ u inL∞(Ω),iflimn→∞Ωu n(x)v(x)dx=Ωu(x)v(x)dx for all v∈L1(Ω).The following two theorems(which are consequences of Theorems3.3and3.4to-gether with Theorem5.5(i)-(ii)and Theorem5.6(i)-(ii))make clear the interest of Definitions5.8and5.9.Theorem5.10(weak compactness in L p(Ω)with1<p<∞).Given{u n}n⊂L p(Ω),if{u n}n is bounded,i.e.,sup n≥1 u n L p<∞,then there exist u∈L p(Ω) and a subsequence{u nk}k of{u n}n such that u n u in L p(Ω).As L1(Ω)is not reflexive,Theorem5.10is false for p=1(see Corollaries7.14and 7.15).Theorem5.11(weak star compactness in L∞(Ω)).Given{u n}n⊂L∞(Ω),if {u n}n is bounded,i.e.,sup n≥1 u n L∞<∞,then there exist u∈L∞(Ω)and asubsequence{u nk }k of{u n}n such that u nk∗ u in L∞(Ω).6.Sobolev spaces6.1.Generalities.In what follows,Ωis a bounded open subset of R N with Lip-schitz boundary.For each1≤p≤∞,by W1,p(Ω)we denote the space definedbyW1,p(Ω):=u∈L p(Ω):∇u∈L p(Ω;R N).We endow these spaces with the normu W1,p:= u L p+ ∇u L p.WEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCES 7Theorem 6.1.For 1≤p ≤∞,W 1,p (Ω)is a Banach space.Denote the space of all restrictions to Ωof C 1-differentiable functions from R N to R with compact support in R N by C 1(Ω).Theorem 6.2.for every 1≤p ≤∞,C 1(Ω)⊂W 1,p (Ω)⊂L p (Ω),and,for 1≤p <∞,C 1(Ω)is dense in W 1,p (Ω),that is to say,for all u ∈W 1,p (Ω)with 1≤p <∞,there exists {u n }n ⊂C 1(Ω)such that u n →u in W 1,p (Ω),i.e.,lim n →∞u n −u W 1,p =0.6.2.Weak,weak star convergences and compactness in W 1,p (Ω).We ex-tend Definitions 5.8and 5.9to the Sobolev spaces W 1,p (Ω)as follows.Definition 6.3(weak convergence in W 1,p (Ω)with 1≤p <∞).We say the {u n }n ⊂W 1,p (Ω)weakly converges to u ∈W 1,p (Ω),and we write u n u in W 1,p (Ω),if u n u in L p (Ω)and ∇u n ∇u in L p (Ω;R N ).Definition 6.4(weak convergence in W 1,∞(Ω)).We say the {u n }n ⊂W 1,∞(Ω)weakly star converges to u ∈W 1,∞(Ω),and we write u n ∗ u in W 1,∞(Ω),if u n ∗ u in L ∞(Ω)and ∇u n ∗ ∇u in L ∞(Ω;R N ).Theorem 6.5(Rellich).Let 1≤p ≤∞,let {u n }n ⊂W 1,p (Ω)and let u ∈W 1,p (Ω).If u n u in W 1,p (Ω)when 1≤p <∞(resp.u n ∗ u in W 1,∞(Ω)when p =∞)then u n →u in L p (Ω),which means that for every 1≤p ≤∞,the weak convergence in W 1,p (Ω)implies the strong convergence in L p (Ω).As the spaces L p (Ω)are reflexive and separable for 1<p <∞and the space L ∞(Ω)is the dual of a separable space,i.e.,(L 1(Ω)) =L ∞(Ω),using Theorems3.3and 3.4we can prove the following result.Theorem 6.6.Let 1<p ≤∞and let {u n }n ⊂W 1,p (Ω).If {u n }n is bounded,i.e.,sup n ≥1 u n W 1,p <∞,then there exist u ∈W 1,p (Ω)and a subsequence {u n k }k of{u n }n such that u n k u in W 1,p (Ω)when 1<p <∞(resp.u n k ∗ u in W 1,∞(Ω)when p =∞).As a consequence of Theorems 6.5and 6.6we haveCorollary 6.7.Let 1<p ≤∞and let {u n }n ⊂W 1,p (Ω).If {u n }n is bounded,i.e.,sup n ≥1 u n W 1,p <∞,then there exist u ∈W 1,p (Ω)and a subsequence {u n k }k of {u n }n such that u n k →u in L p (Ω)and ∇u n k ∇u in L p (Ω)when 1<p <∞(resp.∇u n k ∗ ∇u in L ∞(Ω)when p =∞).6.3.Case N <p ≤∞.We denote the space of continuous functions from Ωto R by C (Ω).(The space C (Ω)can be also seen as the space of the restrictions to Ωof the continuous functions from R N to R with compact support in R N .)Theorem 6.8(Morrey).If N <p ≤∞then W 1,p (Ω)⊂ u ∈C (Ω):u is a.e.differentiable ,where “u is a.e.differentiable”means that for a.a.x ∈Ω,lim y →x |u (y )−u (x )−∇u (x )(y −x )||y −x |=0.When N <p ≤∞,Corollary 6.7can be improved as follows.8JEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENATheorem 6.9.If N <p ≤∞and if {u n }n ⊂W 1,p (Ω)is bounded,that is to say,sup n ≥1 u n W 1,p <∞,then there exist u ∈W 1,p (Ω)and a subsequence {u n k }k of {u n }n such that {u n k }k converges uniformly to u ,i.e.,lim k →∞ u n k −u ∞=lim k →∞sup x ∈Ω|u n k (x )−u (x )|=0,and ∇u n k ∇u in W 1,p (Ω)when N <p <∞(resp.∇u n k ∗ ∇u in W 1,∞(Ω)when p =∞.7.Space of Radon measures7.1.The space C c (Ω).In what follows,Ωis an open subset of R N and C c (Ω)denotes the space of all continuous functions from Ωto R with compact support in Ω.We endow this space with the normϕ ∞:=sup x ∈Ω|ϕ(x )|.Theorem 7.1.The space C c (Ω)is a separable Banach space.7.2.Positive Radon measures.Denote the class of all Borel subsets of Ωby B (Ω),i.e.,B (Ω)is the smallest σ-algebra containing the open (or equivalently the closed)subsets of Ω.Definition 7.2(positive Radon measure).A positive measure µon Ωis said to be a positive Radon measure on Ωif(i)B (Ω)⊂M µ,where M µdenotes the class of all µ-measurable subsets of Ω;(ii)µ(K )<∞for all compact sets K ⊂Ω;(iii)µis inner regular,i.e.,for every A ∈M µ,µ(A )=sup µ(K ):A ⊃K is compact ;(iv)µis outer regular,i.e.,for every A ∈M µ,µ(A )=inf µ(U ):A ⊂U is open .In what follows,we denote the space of all positive Radon measures µon Ωby M +(Ω).Proposition 7.3.If µ∈M +(Ω)then :(i)µis Borel regular,i.e.,for every A ∈M µthere exists B ∈B (Ω)such thatB ⊃A and µ(B )=µ(A );(ii)The support of µ,i.e.,supp(µ):= x ∈Ω:µ(B ρ(x ))>0for all ρ>0 ,is closed in Ω,that is to say,supp(µ)=Ω∩F where F is closed in R N .Proof.(i)Let A ∈M µ.If µ(A )=∞then µ(Ω)=∞since A ⊂Ω,and so µ(A )=µ(B )with B =Ω∈B (Ω).We then assume that µ(A )<∞.From Definition 7.2(iv),we deduce that there exists a sequence {U n }n of open subsets of Ωsuch that A ⊂U n for all n ≥1and(7.1)lim n →∞µ(U n )=µ(A ),i.e.,lim n →∞(µ(U n )−µ(A ))=0.Define the decreasing sequence {V n }n of open subsets of Ωby V n :=n ∩i =1U iWEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCES 9and consider B ∈B (Ω)given by(7.2)B :=∞∩n =1V n .As V 1=U 1⊃A and µ(A )<∞we have µ(V 1)<∞,and so (7.3)lim n →∞µ(V n )=µ ∞∩n =1V n =µ(B )by Theorem A.3(ii).On the other hand,as A ⊂V n ⊂U n for all n ≥1we have µ(V n )−µ(A )≤µ(U n )−µ(A ),and solim n →∞µ(V n )=µ(A )by using (7.1).From (7.3)it follows that µ(B )=µ(A )with B ∈B (Ω)given by (7.2).(ii)Let x ∈Ωand let {x n }n ⊂supp(µ)be such that |x n −x |→0.If x ∈supp(µ)then there exists ρ>0such that B ρ(x )⊂Ωand µ(B ρ(x ))=0.As |x n −x |→0we have x n 0∈B ρ(x )for n 0≥1large enough.It follows that there exists ε>0such that B ε(x n 0)⊂B ρ(x ),and so µ(B ε(x n 0))=0which means that x n 0∈supp(µ)and contradicts {x n }n ⊂supp(µ).Definition 7.4.A linear functional L :C c (Ω)→R is said to be positive if L (ϕ)≥0for all ϕ∈C c (Ω)such that ϕ≥0.Theorem 7.5(Riesz’s representation theorem for positive Radon measures).To every positive linear functional L :C c (Ω)→R there corresponds a unique µ∈M +(Ω)such that L (ϕ)= Ωϕ(x )dµ(x )for all ϕ∈C c (Ω).Definition 7.6(weak convergence in M +(Ω)).We say that {µn }n ⊂M +(Ω)weakly converges to µ∈M +(Ω),and we write µn ∗ µin M +(Ω),if lim n →∞ Ωϕ(x )dµn (x )= Ωϕ(x )dµ(x )for all ϕ∈C c (Ω).Theorem 7.7(Alexandrov).Let {µn }n ⊂M +(Ω)and let µ∈M +(Ω).If µn ∗ µin M +(Ω)then :(i)lim n →∞µn (U )≥µ(U )for all open sets U ⊂Ω;(ii)lim n →∞µn (K )≤µ(K )for all compacts K ⊂Ω.Proof.(i)Fix an open set U ⊂Ω.Given any compact K ⊂U ,there exists ϕ∈C c (Ω)such that ϕ=1on K and ϕ=0on Ω\U .Denote the characteristic function of a set A by 1A ,i.e.,1A (x )=1if x ∈A and 1A (x )=0if x ∈A .As ϕk ≥1K for all k ≥1,we have lim k →∞ Ωϕk (x )dµ(x )≥ Ω1K (x )dµ(x )=µ(K ),and so lim k →∞lim n →∞ Ωϕk (x )dµn (x )≥µ(K )10JEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENA because µn ∗ µin M +(Ω).On the other hand,as 1U ≥ϕk for all k ≥1,we have lim n →∞µn (U )=lim n →∞ Ω1U (x )dµn (x )≥lim k →∞lim n →∞ Ωϕk (x )dµn (x ).Thus,lim n →∞µn (U )≥µ(K )for all compact sets K ⊂Ω,hence lim n →∞µn (U )≥sup µ(K ):U ⊃K is compact ,and the result follows by using the inner regularity of µ.The assertion (ii)can be proved in the same way by using the outer regularity of µ.Corollary 7.8.Let {µn }n ⊂M +(Ω)and let µ∈M +(Ω).If µn ∗µin M +(Ω)thenlim n →∞µn (U )=µ(U )for all open sets U ⊂Ωsuch that U is compact and µ(∂U )=0.7.3.Radon measures.In what follows,we denote the space of all positive Radon measures µon Ωsuch that µis finite,i.e.,µ(Ω)<∞,by M +b (Ω).(Note thatM +b (Ω)⊂M +(Ω).)Definition 7.9(Radon measure).Any real measure νon Ωgiven by ν(A )= Aθ(x )dµ(x )for all A ∈M µ,where µ∈M +b (Ω)and θ:Ω→R is a µ-measurable function such that |θ(x )|=1for µ-a.a.x ∈Ω,is called a (signed)Radon measure on Ω.Usually,the finite positive Radon measure |ν|on Ω(which is equal to µwhen we write µas ν=θµ)is called the total variation of ν.The space of all Radon measures on Ωis denoted by M b (Ω).(Note that M +b (Ω)⊂M b (Ω).)We endow this space with the normν M b (Ω)= θµ M b (Ω):=|ν|(Ω)=µ(Ω).Theorem 7.10(Riesz’s representation for Radon measures).The dual space of C c (Ω)is the space of Radon measures M b (Ω),i.e.,(C c (Ω)) =M b (Ω),which means that for every L ∈(C c (Ω)) there exists a unique ν=θµ∈M b (Ω)such that |ν|(Ω)=µ(Ω)= L (C c (Ω)) and L (ϕ)= Ωϕ(x )dν(x )= Ωϕ(x )θ(x )dµ(x )for all ϕ∈C c (Ω).7.4.Weak convergence and compactness for Radon measures.Taking The-orem 7.10into account,we are led to introduce the following definition.Definition 7.11(weak convergence in M b (Ω)).We say that {νn }n ⊂M b (Ω)weakly converges to ν∈M b (Ω),and we write νn ∗ νin M b (Ω),if lim n →∞ Ωϕ(x )dνn (x )= Ωϕ(x )dν(x )for all ϕ∈C c (Ω).WEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCES 11The following theorem (which is a consequence of Theorem 3.3together with The-orem 7.1)makes clear the interest of Definition 7.11.Theorem 7.12(weak compactness in M b (Ω)).If {νn }n ⊂M b (Ω)is bounded,i.e.,sup n ≥1|νn |(Ω)<∞,then there exist ν∈M b (Ω)and a subsequence {νn k }k of{νn }n such that νn k ∗ νin M b (Ω).The following consequence of Theorem 7.12makes clear the interest of Definition7.6.Corollary 7.13(weak compactness in M +(Ω)).If {µn }n ⊂M +(Ω)is bounded,i.e.,sup n ≥1µn (Ω)<∞and so {µn }n ⊂M +b (Ω),then there exist µ∈M +b (Ω)anda subsequence {µn k }k of {µn }n such that µn k ∗ µin M +(Ω).Proof.Since sup n ≥1µn (Ω)<∞,µn is finite,i.e.,µn (Ω)<∞,for all n ≥1,hence {µn }n ⊂M +b (Ω)⊂M b (Ω).By Theorem 7.12,there exist ν∈M b (Ω)and asubsequence {µn k }k of {µn }n such that µn k ∗ νin M b (Ω),i.e.,(7.4)lim k →∞L k (ϕ)=L (ϕ)for all ϕ∈C c (Ω),with L k (ϕ):= Ωϕ(x )dµn k (x )and L (ϕ)= Ωϕ(x )dν(x ).If ϕ≥0then,for everyk ≥1,L n k (ϕ)≥0because µn k ∈M +(Ω),and so L (ϕ)≥0by using (7.4).Hence,L is a positive linear functional on C c (Ω).From Theorem 7.5we deduce thatthere exists µ∈M +(Ω)such that L (ϕ)= Ωϕ(x )dµ(x )for all ϕ∈C c (Ω).Thus,µn k ∗ µin M +(Ω).As sup n ≥1µn (Ω)<∞we have lim n →∞µn (Ω)<∞,hence µ(Ω)≤lim n →∞µn (Ω)<∞by Theorem 7.7,which means that µis finite,and consequently µ∈M +b (Ω).It follows that both µn k ∗ νin M b (Ω)and µn k ∗ µin M b (Ω),and so ν=µ. 7.5.Weak compactness in L 1(Ω).The space L 1(Ω)is neither reflexive nor the dual of a separable space.However,L 1(Ω)can be seen a subspace of M b (Ω),i.e.,u ∈L 1(Ω)can be indentified to the Radon measure udx =u |u ||u |dx =θµwithθ=u |u |and µ=|u |dx ,and so,using Theorem 7.12,we can prove the following weak compactness theorem in L 1(Ω).(In what follows,|B |denotes the Lebesgue measure of the Borel set B ⊂Ω.)Corollary 7.14(weak compactness in L 1(Ω)).If {u n }n ⊂L 1(Ω)is bounded,i.e.,sup n ≥1 u n L 1<∞,then there exist ν∈M b (Ω)and a subsequence {u n k }k of {u n }n such thatu n k dx ∗ ν=udx +νs in M b (Ω),where νs ∈M b (Ω)with |supp(νs )|=0and u ∈L 1(Ω)is given,for a.e.x ∈Ω,byu (x )=limρ→0ν(Q ρ(x ))|Q ρ(x )|,with Q ρ(x ):=x +ρ]−12,12[.In the same spirit,L 1(Ω;[0,∞])can be seen as a subspace of M +(Ω),and so,using Corollary 7.13(and Corollary 7.8),we can prove the following weak compactness theorem in L 1(Ω;[0,∞]).12JEAN-PHILIPPE MANDALLENACorollary7.15(weak compactness in L1(Ω;[0,∞])).Assume that{u n}n⊂L1(Ω;[0,∞]) is bounded,i.e.,sup n≥1 u n L1<∞.Then,there exist u∈L1(Ω;[0,∞])andµs∈M+b (Ω)with|supp(µs)|=0and a subsequence{u nk}k of{u n}n such thatu nkdx∗ udx+µs in M+(Ω),where for a.e.x∈Ω,u(x)=limρ→0limk→∞1|Qρ(x)|Qρ(x)u nk(y)dywith Qρ(x):=x+ρ]−12,1 2[.Appendix A.Elements of measure theoryIn what follows X is a set and P(X)denotes the class of subsets of X.Definition A.1(σ-algebra).We say that M⊂P(X)is aσ-algebra if the following three conditions are satisfied:(i)X∈M;(ii)if A∈M then X\A∈M;(iii)if{A n}n⊂M then∪∞n=1A n∈M.Definition A.2(positive measure on aσ-algebra).Given aσ-algebra M,we say thatµ:M→[0,∞]is a positive measure on X if it is countably additive,i.e.,µ ∞∪i=1A n=∞n=1µ(A n)for all sequences{A n}n of disjoint elements of ually,M is called the class of allµ-measurable subsets of X.Theorem A.3(monotone convergence).Letµ:M→[0,∞]be a positive measure and let{A n}n⊂M.Then:(i)limn→∞µ(A n)=µ∞∪n=1A nif A1⊂A2⊂···;(ii)limn→∞µ(A n)=µ∞∩n=1A nif A1⊃A2⊃···andµ(A1)<∞.Definition A.4(outer measure).We say thatµ∗:P(X)→[0,∞]is an outer measure on X if the following three conditions are satisfied:(i)µ∗(∅)=0;(ii)µ∗is increasing,i.e.,µ∗(E)≤µ∗(F)for all E,F⊂X such that E⊂F;(iii)µ∗is countably subadditive,i.e.,µ∗ ∞∪i=1A n≤∞n=1µ∗(A n)for all sequences{A n}n⊂P(X).Definition A.5(measurable set for an outer measure).Given an exterior measure µ∗:P(X)→[0,∞],we say that A isµ∗-measurable ifµ∗(E)=µ∗(A∩E)+µ∗(E\A)for all E∈P(X).The class of allµ∗-measurable subsets of X is denoted by Mµ∗. The following two theorems make clear the link between Definitions A.2and A.4.WEAK AND WEAK STAR CONVERGENCES13 Theorem A.6(Carath´e odory).Letµ∗:P(X)→[0,∞]be an outer measure.Then:(i)Mµ∗is aσ-algebra and Mµ∗is complete,i.e.,ifµ∗(E)=0then E∈Mµ∗;(ii)µ∗:Mµ∗→[0,∞]is a positive measure on X.Theorem A.7(Carath´e odory).Ifµ:M→[0,∞]is a positive measure on Xthenµ∗:P(X)→[0,∞]defined by (A.1)µ∗(E):=infµ(A):E⊂A∈Mis an outer measure on X with the following properties:(i)M⊂Mµ∗;(ii)µ∗=µon M.UNIVERSITE DE NIMES,Laboratoire MIPA,Site des Carmes,Place Gabriel P´e ri,30021 Nˆımes,France.E-mail address:jean-philippe.mandallena@unimes.fr。
◎2006 Elsevier公司保留所有权利。
令人惊讶的是,这些隧道大部分的控制是通过基于有施工经验的工程师的的方法启发而进行的.然而,对于在Prague, Czech Republic的隧道Mra´zovka(开始建于2004年八月)和Blanka(正在建设中,建于2011)的建造中,采用了一个不同的策略。
在Ferkl et al.(2005),它决定了采用现代控制技术来满足所有随着城市公路隧道相关发展的强烈需求。
(Sho06)Sequences of Games A Tool for Taming Complexity in Security Proofs
Sequences of Games:A Tool for Taming Complexity in Security Proofs∗Victor Shoup†January18,2006AbstractThis paper is brief tutorial on a technique for structuring security proofs as sequences games.1IntroductionSecurity proofs in cryptography may sometimes be organized as sequences of games.In certain circumstances,this can be a useful tool in taming the complexity of security proofs that might otherwise become so messy,complicated,and subtle as to be nearly impossible to verify.This technique appears in the literature in various styles,and with various degrees of rigor and formality.This paper is meant to serve as a brief tutorial on one particular“style”of employing this technique,which seems to achieve a reasonable level of mathematical rigor and clarity,while not getting bogged down with too much formalism or overly restrictive rules.We do not make any particular claims of originality—it is simply hoped that others might profit from some of the ideas discussed here in reasoning about security.At the outset,it should be noted that this technique is certainly not applicable to all security proofs.Moreover,even when this technique is applicable,it is only a tool for organizing a proof—the actual ideas for a cryptographic construction and security analysis must come from elsewhere.1.1The Basic IdeaSecurity for cryptograptic primitives is typically defined as an attack game played between an adversary and some benign entity,which we call the challenger.Both adversary and challenger are probabilstic processes that communicate with each other,and so we can model the game as a probability space.Typically,the definition of security is tied to some particular event S.Security means that for every“efficient”adversary,the probability that event S occurs is“very close to”some specified“target probabilty”:typically,either0, 1/2,or the probability of some event T in some other game in which the same adversary is interacting with a different challenger.∗First public version:Nov.30,2004†Computer Science Dept.NYU.shoup@In the formal definitions,there is a security parameter:an integer tending to infinity,and in the previous paragraph,“efficient”means time bounded by a polynomial in the security parameter,and“very close to”means the difference is smaller than the inverse of any polynomial in the security parameter,for sufficiently large values of the security parameter. The term of art is negligibly close to,and a quantity that is negliglibly close to zero is just called negligible.For simplicity,we shall for the most part avoid any further discussion of the security parameter,and it shall be assumed that all algorithms,adversaries,etc.,take this value as an implicit input.Now,to prove security using the sequence-of-games approach,one prodceeds as follows. One constructs a sequence of games,Game0,Game1,...,Game n,where Game0is the original attack game with respect to a given adversary and cryptographic primitive.Let S0 be the event S,and for i=1,...,n,the construction defines an event S i in Game i,usually in a way naturally related to the definition of S.The proof shows that Pr[S i]is negligibly close to Pr[S i+1]for i=0,...,n−1,and that Pr[S n]is equal(or negligibly close)to the “target probability.”From this,and the fact that n is a constant,it follows that Pr[S]is negligibly close to the“target probability,”and security is proved.That is the general framework of such a proof.However,in constructing such proofs, it is desirable that the changes between succesive games are very small,so that analyzing the change is as simple as possible.From experience,it seems that transitions between successive games can be restricted to one of three types:Transitions based on indistinguishability.In such a transition,a small change is made that,if detected by the adversary,would imply an efficient method of distinguishing be-tween two distributions that are indistinguishable(either statistically or computationally). For example,suppose P1and P2are assumed to be computationally indistinguishable dis-tributions.To prove that|Pr[S i]−Pr[S i+1]|is negligible,one argues that there exists a distinguishing algorithm D that“interpolates”between Game i and Game i+1,so that when given an element drawn from distribution P1as input,D outputs1with probability Pr[S i], and when given an element drawn from distribution P2as input,D outputs1with prob-abilty Pr[S i+1].The indistinguishability assumption then implies that|Pr[S i]−Pr[S i+1]| is ually,the construction of D is obvious,provided the changes made in the transition are minimal.Typically,one designs the two games so that they could easily be rewritten as a single“hybrid”game that takes an auxilliary input—if the auxiallary input is drawn from P1,you get Game i,and if drawn from P2,you get Game i+1.The distinguisher then simply runs this single hybrid game with its input,and outputs1if the appropriate event occurs.Transitions based on failure events.In such a transition,one argues that Games i and i+1proceed identically unless a certain“failure event”F occurs.To make this type of argument as cleanly as possible,it is best if the two games are defined on the same underlying probability space—the only differences between the two games are the rules for computing certain random variables.When done this way,saying that the two games proceed identically unless F occurs is equivalent to saying thatS i∧¬F⇐⇒S i+1∧¬F,that is,the events S i∧¬F and S i+1∧¬F are the same.If this is true,then we can use thefollowing fact,which is completely trivial,yet is so often used in these types of proofs that it deserves a name:Lemma1(Difference Lemma).Let A,B,F be events defined in some probability dis-tribution,and suppose that A∧¬F⇐⇒B∧¬F.Then|Pr[A]−Pr[B]|≤Pr[F]. Proof.This is a simple calculation.We have|Pr[A]−Pr[B]|=|Pr[A∧F]+Pr[A∧¬F]−Pr[B∧F]−Pr[B∧¬F]|=|Pr[A∧F]−Pr[B∧F]|≤Pr[F].The second equality follows from the assumption that A∧¬F⇐⇒B∧¬F,and so in particular,Pr[A∧¬F]=Pr[B∧¬F].Thefinal inequality follows from the fact that both Pr[A∧F]and Pr[B∧F]are numbers between0and Pr[F].2So to prove that Pr[S i]is negligibly close to Pr[S i+1],it suffices to prove that Pr[F]is negligible.Sometimes,this is done using a security assumption(i.e.,when F occurs,the adversary has found a collision in a hash function,or forged a MAC),while at other times, it can be done using a purely information-theoretic argument.Usually,the event F is defined and analyzed in terms of the random variables of one of the two adjacent games.The choice is arbitrary,but typically,one of the games will be more suitable than the other in terms of allowing a clear proof.In some particularly challenging circumstances,it may be difficult to analyze the event F in either game.In fact,the analysis of F may require its own sequence of games sprouting offin a different direction,or the sequence of games for F may coincide with the sequence of games for S,so that Pr[F]finally gets pinned down in Game j for j>i+1.This technique is sometimes crucial in side-stepping potential circularities.Bridging steps.The third type of transition introduces a bridging step,which is typically a way of restating how certain quantities can be computed in a completely equivalent way. The change is purely conceptual,and Pr[S i]=Pr[S i+1].The reason for doing this is to prepare the ground for a transition of one of the above two types.While in principle,such a bridging step may seem unnecessary,without it,the proof would be much harder to follow.As mentioned above,in a transition based on a failure event,it is best if the two successive games are understood to be defined on the same underlying probability space. This is an important point,which we repeat here for emphasis—it seems that proofs are easiest to understand if one does not need to compare“corresponding”events across distinct and(by design)quite different probability spaces.Actually,it is good practice to simply have all the games in the sequence defined on the same underlying probability space.However,the Difference Lemma generalizes in the obvious way as follows:if A, B,F1and F2are events such that Pr[A∧¬F1]=Pr[B∧¬F2]and Pr[F1]=Pr[F2],then |Pr[A]−Pr[B]|≤Pr[F1].With this generalized version,one may(if one wishes)analyze transitions based on failure events when the underlying probability spaces are not the same.1.2Some Historical Remarks“Hybrid arguments”have been used extensively in cryptography for many years.Such an argument is essentially a sequence of transitions based on indistinguishability.An early example that clearly illustrates this technique is Goldreich,Goldwasser,and Micali’s paper [GGM86]on constructing pseudo-random functions(although this is by no means the ear-liest application of a hybrid argument).Note that in some applications,such as[GGM86], one in fact makes a non-constant number of transitions,which requires an additional,prob-abilistic argument.Although some might use the term“hybrid argument”to include proofs that use transi-tions based on both indistinguishability and failure events,that seems to be somewhat of a stretch of terminology.An early example of a proof that is clearly structured as a sequence of games that involves transitions based on both indistinguishability and failure events is Bellare and Goldwasser’s paper[BG89].Kilian and Rogaway’s paper[KR96]on DESX initiates a somewhat more formal ap-proach to sequences of games.That paper essentially uses the Difference Lemma,specialized to their particular setting.Subsequently,Rogaway has refined and applied this technique in numerous works with several co-authors.We refer the reader to the paper[BR04]by Bellare and Rogaway that gives a detailed introduction to the methodology,as well as references to papers where it has been used.However,we comment briefly on some of the differences between the technique discussed in this paper,and that advocated in[BR04]:•In Bellare and Rogaway’s approach,games are programs and are treated as purely syntactic objects subject to formal manipulation.In contrast,we view games as probability spaces and random variables defined over them,and do not insist on any particular syntactic formalism beyond that convenient to make a rigorous mathemat-ical argument.•In Bellare and Rogaway’s approach,transitions based on failure events are restricted to events in which an executing program explicitly sets a particular boolean variable to true.In contrast,we do not suggest that events need to be explicitly“announced.”•In Bellare and Rogaway’s approach,when the execution behaviors of two games are compared,two distinct probability spaces are involved,and probabilities of“corre-sponding”events across probability spaces must be compared.In contrast,we sug-gest that games should be defined on a common probability space,so that when discussing,say,a particular failure event F,there is literally just one event,not a pair of corresponding events in two different probability spaces.In the end,we think that the choice between the style advocated in[BR04]and that suggested here is mainly a matter of taste and convenience.The author has used proofs organized as sequences of games extensively in his own work [Sho00,SS00,Sho01,Sho02,CS02,CS03b,CS03a,GS04]and has found them to be an indispensable tool—while some of the proofs in these papers could be structured differently, it is hard to imagine how most of them could be done in a more clear and convincing way without sequences of games(note that all but thefirst two papers above adhere to the rule suggested here of defining games to operate on the same probability space).Other authorshave also been using very similar proof styles recently[AFP04,BK04,BCP02a,BCP02b, BCP03,CPP04,DF03,DFKY03,DFJW04,Den03,FOPS04,GaPMV03,KD04,PP03, SWP04].Also,Pointcheval[Poi04]has a very nice introductory manuscript on public-key cryptography that illustrates this proof style on a number of particular examples.The author has also been using the sequence-of-games technique extensively in teaching courses in cryptography.Many“classical”results in cryptography can be fruitfully analyzed using this technique.Generally speaking,it seems that the students enjoy this approach, and easily learn to use and apply it themselves.Also,by using a consistent framework for analysis,as an instructor,one can more easily focus on the ideas that are unique to any specific application.1.3Outline of the Rest of the PaperAfter recalling some fairly standard notation in the next section,the following sections illustrate the use of the sequence-of-games technique in the analysis of a number of classical cryptographic pared to many of the more technically involved examples in the literature of this technique(mentioned above),the applications below are really just “toy”examples.Nevertheless,they serve to illustrate the technique in a concrete way,and moreover,we believe that the proofs of these results are at least as easy to follow as any other proof,if not more so.All of the examples,except the last two(in§§7-8),are presented at an extreme level of detail;indeed,for these examples,we give complete,detailed descriptions of each and every game.More typically,to produce a more compact proof,one might simply describe the differences between games,rather than describing each game in its entirety(as is done in§§7-8).These examples are based mainly on lectures in courses on cryptography taught by the author.2NotationWe make use of fairly standard notation in what follows.In describing probabilistic processes,we writex c|←Xto denote the action of assigning to the variable x a value sampled according to the dis-tribution X.If S is afinite set,we simply write s c|←S to denote assignment to s of an element sampled from the uniform distribution on S.If A is a probabilistic algorithm and x an input,then A(x)denotes the output distribution of A on input x.Thus,we write y c|←A(x)to denote the action of running algorithm A on input x and assigning the output to the variable y.We shall writePr[x1c|←X1,x2c|←X2(x1),...,x n c|←X n(x1,...,x n−1):φ(x1,...,x n)]to denote the probability that when x1is drawn from a certain distribution X1,and x2is drawn from a certain distribution X2(x1),possibly depending on the particular choice ofx1,and so on,all the way to x n,the predicateφ(x1,...,x n)is true.We allow the predicate φto involve the execution of probabilistic algorithms.If X is a probability distribution on a sample space X,then[X]denotes the subset of elements of X that occur with non-zero probability.3ElGamal Encryption3.1Basic DefinitionsWefirst recall the basic definition of a public-key encryption scheme,and the notion of semantic security.A public-key encryption scheme is a triple of probabilistic algorithms(KeyGen,E,D). The key generation algorithm KeyGen takes no input(other than an implied security pa-rameter,and perhaps other system parameters),and outputs a public-key/secret-key pair (pk,sk).The encryption algorithm E takes as input a public key pk and a message m, selected from a message space M,and outputs a ciphertextψ.The decryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk and ciphertextψ,and outputs a message m.The basic correctness requirement is that decryption“undoes”encryption.That is,for all m∈M,all(pk,sk)∈[KeyGen()],allψ∈[E(pk,m)],and all m ∈[D(sk,ψ)],we have m=m .This definition can be relaxed in a number of ways;for example,we may only insist that it is computationally infeasible tofind a message for which decryption does not “undo”its encryption.The notion of semantic security intuitively says that an adversary cannot effectively dis-tinguish between the encryption of two messages of his choosing(this definition comes from [GM84],where is called polynomial indistinguishability,and semantic security is actually the name of a syntactically different,but equivalent,characterization).This is formally defined via a game between an adversary and a challenger.•The challenger computes(pk,sk)c|←KeyGen(),and gives pk to the adversary.•The adversary chooses two messages m0,m1∈M,and gives these to the challenger.•The challenger computesb c|←{0,1},ψc|←E(pk,m b)and gives the“target ciphertext”ψto the adversary.•The adversary outputsˆb∈{0,1}.We define the SS-advantage of the adversary to be|Pr[b=ˆb]−1/2|.Semantic security means that any efficient adversary’s SS-advantage is negligible.3.2The ElGamal Encryption SchemeWe next recall ElGamal encryption.Let G be a group of prime order q,and letγ∈G be a generator(we view the descriptions of G andγ,including the value q,to be part of a set of implied system parameters).The key generation algorithm computes(pk,sk)as follows:x c|←Z q,α←γx,pk←α,sk←x.The message space for the algorithm is G.To encrypt a message m∈G,the encryption algorithm computes a ciphertextψas follows:y c|←Z q,β←γy,δ←αy,ζ←δ·m,ψ←(β,ζ).The decryption algorithm takes as input a ciphertext(β,ζ),and computes m as follows:m←ζ/βx.It is clear that decryption“undoes”encryption.Indeed,ifβ=γy andζ=αy·m,then ζ/βx=αy m/βx=(γx)y m/(γy)x=γxy m/γxy=m.3.3Security AnalysisElGamal encryption is semantically secure under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman(DDH) assumption.This is the assumption that it is hard to distinguish triples of the form (γx,γy,γxy)from triples of the form(γx,γy,γz),where x,y,and z are random elements of Z q.The DDH assumption is more precisely formulated as follows.Let D be an algorithm that takes as input triples of group elements,and outputs a bit.We define the DDH-advantage of D to be|Pr[x,y c|←Z q:D(γx,γy,γxy)=1]−Pr[x,y,z c|←Z q:D(γx,γy,γz)=1]|.The DDH assumption(for G)is the assumption that any efficient algorithm’s DDH-advantage is negligible.We now give a proof of the semantic security of ElGamal encryption under the DDH assumption,using a sequence of games.Game0.Fix an efficient adversary A.Let us define Game0to be the attack game against A in the definition of semantic security.To make things more precise and more concrete, we may describe the attack game algorithmically as follows:x c|←Z q,α←γxr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α)b c|←{0,1},y c|←Z q,β←γy,δ←αy,ζ←δ·m bˆb←A(r,α,β,ζ)In the above,we have modeled the adversary A is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input“random coins”r sampled uniformly from some set R.It should be evident that this algorithm faithfully represents the attack game.If we define S0to be the event that b=ˆb,then the adversary’s SS-advantage is|Pr[S0]−1/2|.Game1.[This is a transition based on indistinguishability.]We now make one small change to the above ly,instead of computingδasαy,we compute it asγz for randomly chosen z∈Z q.We can describe the resulting game algorithmically as follows: x c|←Z q,α←γxr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α)b c|←{0,1},y c|←Z q,β←γy,z c|←Z q,δ←γz,ζ←δ·m bˆb←A(r,α,β,ζ)Let S1be the event that b=ˆb in Game1.Claim1.Pr[S1]=1/2.This follows from the fact that in Game2,δis effectively a one-time pad,and as such,the adversary’s outputˆb is independent of the hidden bit b.To prove this more rigorously,it will suffice to show that b,r,α,β,ζare mutually independent, since from this,it follows that b andˆb=A(r,α,β,ζ)are independent.First observe that by construction,b,r,α,β,δare mutually independent.It will suffice to show that conditioned on anyfixed values of b,r,α,β,the conditional distribution ofζis the uniform distribution over G.Now,if b,r,α,βarefixed,then so are m0,m1,since they are determined by r,α; moreover,by independence,the conditional distribution ofδis the uniform distribution on G,and hence from this,one sees that the conditional distribution ofζ=δ·m b is the uniform distribution on G.Claim2.|Pr[S0]−Pr[S1]|= ddh,where ddh is the DDH-advantage of some efficient algorithm(and hence negligible under the DDH assumption).The proof of this is essentially the observation that in Game0,the triple(α,β,δ)is of the form(γx,γy,γxy),while in Game1,it is of the form(γx,γy,γz),and so the adversary should not notice the difference,under the DDH assumption.To be more precise,our distinguishing algorithm D works as follows:Algorithm D(α,β,δ)r c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α)b c|←{0,1},ζ←δ·m bˆb←A(r,α,β,ζ)if b=ˆbthen output1else output0Algorithm D effectively“interpolates”between Games0and1.If the input to D is of the form(γx,γy,γxy),then computation proceeds just as in Game0,and thereforePr[x,y c|←Z q:D(γx,γy,γxy)=1]=Pr[S0].If the input to D is of the form(γx,γy,γz),then computation proceeds just as in Game1, and thereforePr[x,y,z c|←Z q:D(γx,γy,γz)=1]=Pr[S1].From this,it follows that the DDH-advantage of D is equal to|Pr[S0]−Pr[S1]|.That completes the proof of Claim2.Combining Claim1and Claim2,we see that|Pr[S0]−1/2|= ddh,and this is negligible.That completes the proof of security of ElGamal encryption.3.4Hashed ElGamalFor a number of reasons,it is convenient to work with messages that are bit strings,say,of length ,rather than group elements.Because of this,one may choose to use a“hashed”version of the ElGamal encryption scheme.This scheme makes use of a family of keyed“hash”functions H:={H k}k∈K,where each H k is a function mapping G to{0,1} .The key generation algorithm computes(pk,sk)as follows:x c|←Z q,k c|←K,α←γx,pk←(α,k),sk←(x,k).To encrypt a message m∈{0,1} ,the encryption algorithm computes a ciphertextψas follows:y c|←Z q,β←γy,δ←αy,h←H k(δ),v←h⊕m,ψ←(β,v).The decryption algorithm takes as input a ciphertext(β,v),and computes m as follows:m←H k(βx)⊕v.The reader may easily verify that decryption“undoes”encryption.As for semantic security,this can be proven under the DDH assumption and the as-sumption that the family of hash functions H is“entropy smoothing.”Loosely speaking, this means that it is hard to distinguish(k,H k(δ))from(k,h),where k is a random element of K,δis a random element of G,and h is a random element of{0,1} .More formally, let D be an algorithm that takes as input an element of K and an element of{0,1} ,and outputs a bit.We define the ES-advantage of D to be|Pr[k c|←K,δc|←G:D(k,H k(δ))=1]−Pr[k c|←K,h c|←{0,1} :D(k,h)=1]|.We say H is entropy smoothing if every efficient algorithm’s ES-advantage is negligible.It is in fact possible to construct entropy smoothing hash function families without ad-ditional hypothesis(the Leftover Hash Lemma may be used for this[IZ89]).However,these may be somewhat less practical than ad hoc hash function families for which the entropy smoothing property is only a(perfectly reasonable)conjecture;moreover,our definition also allows entropy smoothers that use pseudo-random bit generation techniques as well.We now sketch the proof of semantic security of hashed ElGamal encryption,under the DDH assumption and the assumption that H is entropy smoothing.Game0.This is the original attack game,which we can state algorithmically as follows:x c|←Z q,k c|←K,α←γxr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α,k)b c|←{0,1},y c|←Z q,β←γy,δ←αy,h←H k(δ),v←h⊕m bˆb←A(r,α,k,β,v)We define S0to be the event that b=ˆb in Game0.Game1.[This is a transition based on indistinguishability.]Now we transform Game0 into Game1,computingδasγz for random z∈Z q.We can state Game1algorithmically as follows:x c|←Z q,k c|←K,α←γxr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α,k)b c|←{0,1},y c|←Z q,β←γy,z c|←Z q,δ←γz,h←H k(δ),v←h⊕m bˆb←A(r,α,k,β,v)Let S1be the event that b=ˆb in Game1.We claim that|Pr[S0]−Pr[S1]|= ddh,(1) where ddh is the DDH-advantage of some efficient algorithm(which is negligible under the DDH assumption).The proof of this is almost identical to the proof of the corresponding claim for“plain”ElGamal.Indeed,the following algorithm D“interpolates”between Game0and Game1, and so has DDH-advantage equal to|Pr[S0]−Pr[S1]|:Algorithm D(α,β,δ)k c|←Kr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α,k)b c|←{0,1},h←H k(δ),v←h⊕m bˆb←A(r,α,k,β,v)if b=ˆbthen output1else output0Game 2.[This is also a transition based on indistinguishability.]We now transform Game1into Game2,computing h by simply choosing it at random,rather than as a hash. Algorithmically,Game2looks like this:x c|←Z q,k c|←K,α←γxr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α,k)b c|←{0,1},y c|←Z q,β←γy,z c|←Z q,δ←γz,h c|←{0,1} ,v←h⊕m bˆb←A(r,α,k,β,v)Observe thatδplays no role in Game2.Let S2be the event that b=ˆb in Game2.We claim that|Pr[S1]−Pr[S2]|= es,(2) where es the ES-advantage of some efficient algorithm(which is negligible assuming H is entropy smoothing).This is proved using the same idea as before:any difference between Pr[S1]and Pr[S2] can be parlayed into a corresponding ES-advantage.Indeed,it is easy to see that the fol-lowing algorithm D “interpolates”between Game1and Game2,and so has ES-advantage equal to|Pr[S1]−Pr[S2]|:Algorithm D (k,h)x c|←Z q,α←γxr c|←R,(m0,m1)←A(r,α,k)b c|←{0,1},y c|←Z q,β←γy,v←h⊕m bˆb←A(r,α,k,β,v)if b=ˆbthen output1else output0Finally,as h acts like a one-time pad in Game2,it is evident thatPr[S2]=1/2.(3) Combining(1),(2),and(3),we obtain|Pr[S0]−1/2|≤ ddh+ es,which is negligible,since both ddh and es are negligible.This proof illustrates how one can utilize more than one intractability assumption in a proof of security in a clean and simple way.4Pseudo-Random Functions4.1Basic DefinitionsLet 1and 2be positive integers(which are actually polynomially bounded functions in a security parameter).Let F:={F s}s∈S be a family of keyed functions,where each functionF s maps{0,1} 1to{0,1} 2.LetΓ1, 2denote the set of all functions from{0,1} 1to{0,1} 2.Informally,we say that F is pseudo-random if it is hard to distinguish a random functiondrawn from F from a random function drawn fromΓ1, 2,given black box access to such afunction(this notion was introduced in[GGM86]).More formally,consider an adversary A that has oracle access to a function inΓ1, 2,and suppose that A always outputs a bit.Define the PRF-advantage of A to be|Pr[s c|←S:A F s()=1]−Pr[f c|←Γ1, 2:A f()]=1|.We say that F is pseudo-random if any efficient adversary’s PRF-advantage is negligible.4.2Extending the Input Length with a Universal Hash FunctionWe now present one construction that allows one to stretch the input length of a pseudo-random family of functions.Let be a positive integer with > 1.Let H:={H k}k∈K be a family of keyed hash functions,where each H k maps{0,1} to{0,1} 1.Let us assume that H is an uh-universal family of hash functions,where uh is negligible.This means that for all w,w ∈{0,1} with w=w ,we havePr[k c|←K:H k(w)=H k(w )]≤ uh.There are many ways to construct such families of hash functions.Now define the family of functionsF :={F k,s}(k,s)∈K×S,where each Fk,s is the function from{0,1} into{0,1} 2that sends w∈{0,1} to F s(H k(w)).We shall now prove that if F is pseudo-random,then F is pseudo-random.Game0.This game represents the computation of an adversary given oracle access to a function drawn at random from F .Without loss of generality,we may assume that the adversary makes exactly q queries to its oracle,and never repeats any queries(regardless of the oracle responses).We may present this computation algorithmically as follows: k c|←K,s c|←Sr c|←Rfor i←1...q dow i←A(r,y1,...,y i−1)∈{0,1}x i←H k(w i)∈{0,1} 1y i←F s(x i)∈{0,1} 2b←A(r,y1,...,y q)∈{0,1}output bThe idea behind our notation is that the adversary is modeled as a deterministic al-gorithm A,and we supply its random coins r∈R as input,and in loop iteration i,the adversary computes its next query w i as a function of its coins and the results y1,...,y i−1 of its previous queries w1,...,w i−1.We are assuming that A operates in such a way that the values w1,...,w q are always distinct.Let S0be the event that the output b=1in Game0.Our goal is to transform this game into a game that is equivalent to the computation of the adversary given oracle access to a random element ofΓ ,2,so that the probability that b=1in the latter game is negligibly close to Pr[S0].Game1.[This is a transition based on indistinguishability.]We now modify Game0so that we use a truly random function from 1bits to 2bits,in place of F s.Intuitively, the pseudo-randomness property of F should guarantee that this modification has only a negligible effect on the behavior of the adversary.Algorithmically,Game1looks like this:。
Left or right?An overview of some research into liberalization: the dominance of one side of the body over the otherACreatures across the animal kingdom have a preference for one foot, eye or even antenna. The cause of this trait, called liberalization, is fairly simple: one side of the brain, which generally controls the opposite side of the body, is more dominant than the other when processing certain tasks. This does, on some occasions, let the animal down: such as when a toad fails to escape from a snake approaching from the right, just because its right eye is worse at spotting danger than its left. So why would animals evolve a characteristic that seems to endanger them?BFor many years it was assumed that liberalization was a uniquely human trait, but this notion rapidly fell apart as researchers started uncovering evidence of liberalization in all sorts of animals. For example, in the 1970s, Lesley Rogers, now at the University of New England in Australia, was studying memory and learning in chicks. She had been injecting a chemical into chicks brains to stop them learning how to spot grains of food among distracting pebbles, and was surprised to observe that the chemical only worked when applied to the left hemisphere of the brain. That strongly suggested that the right side of the chicks brain played little or no role in the learning of such behaviours. Similar evidence appeared in songbirds and rats around the same time, and since then, researchers have built up an impressive catalogue of animal liberalization.CIn some animals, liberalization is simply a preference for a single paw or foot, while in others it appears in more general patterns of behaviour. The left side of most vertebrate brains, for example, seems to process and control feeding. Since the left hemisphere processes input from the right side of the body, that means animals as diverse as fish, toads and birds are more likely to attack prey or food items viewed with their right eye. Even humpback whales prefer to use the right side of their jaws to scrape sand eels from the ocean floor.DGenetics plays a part in determining liberalization, but environmental factors have an impact too. Rogers found that a chick's liberalization depends on whether it is exposed to light before hatching from its egg - if it is kept in the dark during this period, neither hemisphere becomes dominant. In 2004, Rogers used this observation to test the advantages of brain bias in chicks faced with the challenge of multitasking. She hatched chicks with either strong or weak liberalization, then presented the two groups with food hidden among small pebbles and the threatening shape of a fake predator flying overhead. As predicted, the birds incubated in the light looked for foodmainly with their right eye, while using the other to check out the predator. The weakly-lateralized chicks, meanwhile, had difficulty performing these two activities simultaneously.ESimilar results probably hold true for many other animals. In 2006, Angelo Bisazza at the University of Padua set out to observe the differences in feeding behaviour between strongly-lateralized and weakly-lateralized fish. He found that strongly-lateralized individuals were able to feed twice as fast as weakly-lateralized ones when there was a threat of a predator looming above them. Assigning different jobs to different brain halves may be especially advantageous for animals such as birds or fish, whose eyes are placed on the sides of their heads. This enables them to process input from each side separately, with different tasks in mind.FAnd what of those animals who favour a specific side for almost all tasks? In 2009, Maria Magat and Culum Brown at Macquarie University in Australia wanted to see if there was general cognitive advantage in liberalization. To investigate, they turned to parrots, which can be either strongly right- or left-footed, or ambidextrous (without dominance). The parrots were given the intellectually demanding task of pulling a snack on a string up to their beaks, using a co-ordinated combination of claws and beak. The results showed that the parrots with the strongest foot preferences worked out the puzzle far more quickly than their ambidextrous peers.GA further puzzle is why are there always a few exceptions, like left-handed humans, who are wired differently from the majority of the population? Giorgio Vallortigara and Stefano Ghirlanda of Stockholm University seem to have found the answer via mathematical models. These have shown that a group of fish is likely to survive a shark attack with the fewest casualties if the majority turn together in one direction while a very small proportion of the group escape in the direction that the predator is not expecting.HThis imbalance of liberalization within populations may also have advantages for individuals. Whereas most co-operative interactions require participants to react similarly, there are some situations - such as aggressive interactions - where it can benefit an individual to launch an attack from an unexpected quarter. Perhaps this can partly explain the existence of left-handers in human societies. It has been suggested that when it comes tohand-to-hand fighting, left-handers may have the advantage over the right-handed majority. Where survival depends on the element of surprise, it may indeed pay to be different.Questions 27-30Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.27 In the 1970s, Lesley Rogers discovered that28 Angelo Bisazza’s experiments revealed that29 Magat and Brown’s studies show that30 Vallortigara and Ghirlanda’s research findings suggest thatA liberalization is more common in some species than in others.B it benefits a population if some members have a different liberalization than the majority.C liberalization helps animals do two things at the same time.D liberalization is not confined to human beings.E the greater an animal’s liberalization, the better it is at problem-solving.F strong liberalization may sometimes put groups of animals in danger.Questions 31-35 Complete the summary below.Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.Lesley Rogers’ 2004 Experimentliberalization is determined by both genetic and 31__________ influences. Rogers found that chicks whose eggs are given 32__________ during the incubation period tend to have a stronger liberalization. Her 2004 experiment set out to prove that these chicks were better at 33__________ than weakly lateralized chicks. As expected, the strongly lateralized birds in the experiment were more able to locate 34__________ using their right eye, while using their left eye to monitor an imitation 35__________ located above them.Questions 36-40Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraphs, A-H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.36 description of a study which supports another scientist’s findings37 the suggestion that a person could gain from having an opposing liberalization to most of the population38 reference to the large amount of knowledge of animal liberalization that has accumulated39 research findings that were among the first to contradict a previous belief40 a suggestion that liberalization would seem to disadvantage animalsQuestion 27答案:D关键词:Lesley Rogers定位原文:B段最后两句“That strongly suggested that the right side … animal liberalization.”解题思路:利用人名Lesley Rogers作为关键词,定位到B段,关于Lesley Rogers所做的实验发现,需要具体定位到B段最后2句话,“这有力地表明,在这些行为的学习中,小鸡的大脑右侧发挥了很少或没有作用。
高温下表面活性剂与钠离子钙离子的作用机理周明;赵金洲;贺映兰【摘要】在高温条件下研究了表面活性剂SDBS和NPSS-10与Na+和Ca2+的静电作用机理:(1) SDBS浓度大于临界胶束浓度(cmc)时Na+作用较弱,Na+与胶束中的阴离子头基形成了离子对,屏蔽了离子头基的静电排斥力,在一定程度上降低了表面活性剂离子头基的极性,活性剂分子排列更加紧密.(2) NPSS-10浓度大于cmc 时与Na+的作用较强,水化的氧乙烯基高温下部分失水和Na+与胶束中的阴离子头基形成了离子对的共同作用促使表面活性剂的极性降低,抗盐性能增加.(3)在Ca2+浓度较低时,SDBS与钙离子没有相互作用,无沉淀产生,原因是生成的烷基磺酸钙盐有一定的溶解度;在Ca2+浓度较高时,SDBS与Ca2+有强相互作用,电极电位发生显著变化,产生烷基磺酸钙盐沉淀.(4)在低浓度Ca2+溶液中,NPSS-10与Ca2+有较强的作用,无沉淀产生,NPSS-10中的氧乙烯基团与Ca2+形成络合物.在高浓度Ca2+溶液中,NPSS-10与Ca2+没有作用,这是因为NPSS-10在高Ca2+溶液中的极性减弱,再加上空间效应,使得磺酸基头与Ca2+的相互作用减小,形成离子对的能力减弱,避免了Ca2+与磺酸基头的作用产生沉淀,从而使它具有很强的抗Ca2+能力.%Interaction mechanism of SDBS surfactants and NPSS-10 surfactants with sodium ion and calcium ion is studied by potential titration method in high temperature. (1) SDBS interactes weakly with sodium ion, since ion-pair is formed by the interaction of sodium ion and anionic head groups of SDBS in micelle, which shields static electricity of anionic head groups and decrease the polar of surfactants in certain extent. (2) NPSS-10 interact more strongly with sodium ion when the concentration is over cmc, because EO groups which hydrated dehydrates in high temperature andion-pair is formed by the interaction of sodium ion and anionic head groups of NPSS-10 in micelle, which decreases polar of the surfactant and increases anti-salinity ability. (3) SDBS has no interaction with calcium ion and does not form chemical precipitation in solution containing low concentration calcium ion, but in high concentration calcium ion solution. SDBS has strong interact with calcium ion and brings about chemical precipitation (alkylphenol sulphonate). (4) NPSS-10 has strong interaction with calcium ion and has no chemical precipitation in low concentration calcium ion solution, because a complex is formed by interaction of EO groups in NPSS-10 molecular with calcium ion. NPSS-10 has no interaction with calcium ion and has no chemical precipitation in high concentration calcium ion solution, because the polar of NPSS-10 not only decreases, but also static effects decrease interaction of sulfnonate head groups and calcium ion so ion-pair is formed difficultly, and avoids bringing about the chemical precipitation from interaction of calcium ion and sulfonate head groups. NPSS-10 has stronger ability of resist calcium ion.【期刊名称】《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(034)002【总页数】7页(P149-155)【关键词】高温;NPSS-10;十二烷基苯磺酸钠;钠离子;钙离子;静电作用机理【作者】周明;赵金洲;贺映兰【作者单位】西南石油大学材料学院,四川成都615000;中国石油塔里木油田公司博士后流动站,新疆库尔勒841000;“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室·西南石油大学,四川成都610500;西南石油大学图书馆,四川成都610500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TE357.4表面活性剂是表面活性剂驱、聚表二元复合驱和三元复合驱等化学驱的主剂之一[1-3],表面活性剂性能的优劣往往是化学驱油效率高低的重要决定因素之一[4],地层水中的金属离子,特别是高价离子和高温对表面活性剂的驱油功能产生很大的负面影响[5,6]。
四年级英语动物保护行动建议单选题40题1. We should protect ______ animals.A. wildB. cuteC. funnyD. small答案:A。
2. To save the animals, we need to stop ______ their homes.A. destroyingB. buildingC. cleaningD. finding答案:A。
3. Animals need ______ water to live.A. cleanB. dirtyC. hotD. cold答案:A。
4. The best way to protect animals is to ______ more nature reserves.A. makeB. takeC. haveD. build答案:D。
5. We can help animals by ______ them food.A. givingB. takingC. buyingD. selling答案:A。
五年级英语动作词汇单选题50题1. She ______ her homework in the classroom.A. doB. doesC. doingD. is doing答案:B。
A 选项“do”是动词原形,主语“she”是第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,所以A 错误。
B 选项“does”是“do”的第三人称单数形式,符合语法规则,所以B 正确。
C 选项“doing”是现在分词,不能单独作谓语,所以C 错误。
D 选项“is doing”是现在进行时,题目中没有明确的现在进行的时间标志,所以D 错误。
2. They ______ football on the playground now.A. playB. playsC. are playingD. played答案:C。
A 选项“play”是动词原形,不是现在进行时的形式,所以A 错误。
B 选项“plays”是第三人称单数形式,不符合现在进行时的结构,所以B 错误。
C 选项“are playing”是现在进行时的正确结构,符合“now”这个现在进行时的时间标志,所以C 正确。
D 选项“played”是过去式,不符合现在的语境,所以D错误。
3. My father often ______ newspapers in the evening.A. readsB. readC. readingD. is reading答案:A。
A 选项“reads”是“read”的第三人称单数形式,“my father”是第三人称单数,所以要用第三人称单数形式,A 正确。
B 选项“read”是动词原形,不符合主语的人称,所以B 错误。
C 选项“reading”是现在分词,不能单独作谓语,所以C 错误。
D 选项“is reading”是现在进行时,“often”表示经常发生的动作,要用一般现在时,所以D 错误。
中考反义词深化单选30题1.My room is very clean. But his room is very _____.A.dirtyB.beautifulrgeD.small答案:A。
“clean”意为“干净的”,其反义词是“dirty”( 脏的)。
选项B“beautiful”( 美丽的)、选项C“large” 大的)、选项D“small” 小的)都与“clean”没有反义关系。
2.She is very happy today. But he is very _____.A.sadB.angryC.tiredD.excited答案:A。
“happy”意为“高兴的”,反义词是“sad” 难过的)。
选项B“angry”( 生气的)、选项C“tired”( 累的)、选项D“excited”( 兴奋的)都不是“happy”的反义词。
3.This apple is very big. But that apple is very _____.A.smallB.redC.greenD.sweet答案:A。
“big”( 大的)的反义词是“small”( 小的)。
选项B“red” 红色的)、选项C“green”( 绿色的)、选项D“sweet”( 甜的)与“big”无反义关系。
4.The weather is very hot today. But yesterday it was very _____.A.coldB.warmC.coolD.sunny答案:A。
“hot”( 热的)的反义词是“cold”( 冷的)。
选项B“warm” 温暖的)、选项C“cool”( 凉爽的)、选项D“sunny”( 晴朗的)不是“hot”的反义词。
5.The man is very strong. But the woman is very _____.A.weakB.beautifulC.tallD.short答案:A。
英语体育赛事报道30题1. In the football match, the player scored a ______ goal.A. amazingB. surprisingC. wonderfulD. fantastic答案:C。
2. The athlete won the race ______.A. easilyB. hardC. difficultlyD. slowly答案:A。
选项A“easily”意为容易地;选项B“hard”意为努力地;选项C“difficultly”是错误的形式,应为“with difficulty”;选项D“slowly”意为慢慢地。
3. During the basketball game, the team made a lot of ______.A. mistakesB. goalsC. pointsD. fouls答案:A。
4. The tennis player served the ball ______.A. stronglyB. weaklyC. carefullyD. quickly答案:D。
五年级英语固定搭配运用实例单选题40题1.The students are good at playing basketball. They often play basketball _____ school.A.afterB.beforeC.atD.in答案:A。
本题考查固定搭配“after school(放学后)”。
选项B“before school((上学前)”不太符合学生经常打篮球的时间场景;选项C“at school(在学校)”通常指在学校这个地点学习等,不是打篮球;选项D“in school(在学校里)”一般也不是指打篮球的时间。
2.The teacher asks us to listen _____ her carefully.A.toB.atC.forD.with答案:A。
考查固定搭配“listen to((听)”。
选项B“listen at”不是正确搭配;选项C“listen for((留神听)”与题干语境不符;选项D“listen with”不是常用固定搭配。
3.We are looking forward _____ the school sports meet.A.toB.atD.with答案:A。
“look forward to(期待)”是固定搭配。
选项B“look forward at”错误;选项C“look forward for”错误;选项D“look forward with”错误。
4.They start to do their homework _____ coming back home.A.afterB.beforeC.atD.in答案:A。
“after coming back home(回家后)”符合常理。
选项B“before coming back home(在回家前)”与开始做作业的逻辑不符;选项C“at coming back home”不是正确搭配;选项D“in coming back home”也不是正确搭配。
College of Materials Science & Engineering
Shear modulus
NORTH UNIVERSITY OF CHINA Shear stress and strain are proportional to each other through the expression:
of a secant drawn from the origin to some given point of the stress-strain curve.
College of Materials Science & Engineering
Microscopic understanding for E
College of Materials Science & Engineering
Polymers have modulus values that are smaller than both metals and ceramics, and which lie in the range 0.007 and 4 GPa.
Deformation is reversible, nonpermanent.
College of Materials Science & Engineering
Stress-Strain Behavior
Hooke’s law: It shows that stress and strain are proportional to each other. The constant of proportionality E (GPa) is the modulus of elasticity, or Young's modulus. How to understand the meaning of E:
UNIT 3 reinforced concrete
在钢筋混凝土结构设计中,要在所有可能出现裂缝的区 域都放置钢筋,这一点很重要。
Thus a rectangular arrangement of vertical and horizontal steel bars is introduced into regions of a beam where inclined cracks can form as a result of combined shearing action and bending moment.
Secondary reinforcement is therefore provided to control such cracking, which may be unsightly and even dangerous. 因而要配置辅助钢筋以控制这样的裂缝,这些裂缝可能 很难看,甚至会发生危险。
然而由于徐变和收缩,混凝土在又会产生较大的长期变 形,所以其有效刚度要低得多-可能只有瞬时刚度的 1/3 到 1/4。
The widespread use of concrete in engineering construction stems from its cheapness compared with other structural materials currently available.
其抗拉强度低的缺点则用加配钢筋以形成称为钢筋混凝 土的复合材料来克服。
Although the steel reinforcement does not prevent cracking of the concrete in regions of tension, it does prevent the cracks from widening, and it provides an effective means for resisting the internal tensile forces.
Chapter 8: Solidification shrinkage
Main contents
• • • • • • 8.1 General shrinkage behavior 8.2 Solidification shrinkage 8.3 Feeding criteria and feeding mechanism 8.4 Initiation and growth of shrinkage porosity 8.5 Final forms of shrinkage porosity 8.6 Elimination of shrinkage porosity
• (1) The shrinkage of liquid metal: the volume of liquid metal reduces exactly linearly with falling temperature.
液态收缩: 随温度下降,金属液体积线性减小。
( 2 ) The contraction of solidification: occurs at freezing point because of the greater density of the solid compared to that of liquid. 凝固收缩:由于液固相密
Rule 3: The feeder must contain sufficient liquid to meet the volume contraction requirements of the casting--This is usually known as the volume criterion. 准则3:冒口体积
中文摘要……………………………………………..I 英文摘要…………………………………………….II 中文目录………………...….……….………….…III 英文目录..……..……...…..……..……………….IV 第一节引言.…….…....…..…….……..………….1
1.1研究背景................................................1 1.2本文主要结果.............................................3
3.1 3.2 9 of
Some Characterizations Some
Properties of来自SSWCGBanach Spaces.............9
Banach Spaces..................11
3.1 3.2
参考文献…………………………………………….17 致谢..…….…….….....….…….………………...20
Spaces..................................7 Sets..........................7
2.3(Uniformly)Eberlein Compact
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a rX iv:mat h /29251v1[mat h.AC]19Se p22EXTENSION OF WEAKLY AND STRONGLY F -REGULAR RINGS BY FLAT MAPS Ian M.Aberbach §1.Introduction Throughout this paper all rings will be Noetherian of positive characteristic p .Hence tight closure theory [HH1–4]takes a prominent place (see §2for tight closure definitions and terminology).The purpose of this note is to help answer the following question:if R is weakly (resp.strongly)F -regular and φ:R →S is a flat map then under what conditions on the fibers is S weakly (resp.strongly)F -regular.This question (among many others)is raised in [HH4]in section 7.It is shown there that if φis a flat map of local rings,S is excellent and the generic and closed fibers are regular then weak F -regularity of R implies that of S (Theorem 7.24).One of our main results weakens the hypotheses considerably.Theorem 3.4.Let φ:(R,m )→(S,n )be a flat map.Assume that S/m S is Gorenstein and R is weakly F -regular and Cohen-Macaulay.Suppose that either (1)c ∈R ◦is a common test element for R and S ,and S/m S is F -injective,or (2)c ∈S −m S is a test element for S and S/m S is F -rational,or (3)R is excellent and S/m S is F -rational.Then S is weakly F -regular.We note that the Gorenstein assumption on the fiber is essential,even if R is regular.Even weakening the assumption on the fiber to Q -Gorenstein is not strong enough to give a good theorem,as Singh [Si]gives an example of R →S flat,where R is a discrete valuation domain,S/m S is Q -Gorenstein and strongly F -regular,yet S is not weakly F -regular!We also prove a corresponding result for strong F -regularity.Theorem 3.6.Let (R,m ,K )→(S,n ,L )be a flat map of F -finite reduced rings with Gorenstein closed fiber.Assume that R is strongly F -regular.If S/m S is F -rational then S is strongly F -regular.In order to prove the first of these theorems we investigate how flat maps φ:(R,m )→(S,n )with Gorenstein closed fibers affect tight closure for I ⊆R such that l (R/I )<∞and I is irreducible in R.In general these results do not depend on the relationship of R/m→S/n(e.g.,separability orfiniteness).While not directly relevant to this paper,we note that other authors have recently investigated tight closure properties under goodflat maps.For instance Enescu[En]and Hashimoto[Ha]have recently shown that for aflat map with F-rational base and F-rational closedfiber,the target is F-rational(in the presence of a common test element).§2.Background for tight closureLet R be a Noetherian ring of characteristic p>0.We use q=p e for a varying power of p and for an ideal I⊆R we let I[q]=(i q:i∈I).Also let R◦be the complement in R of the union of the minimal primes of R.Then x is in the tight closure of I if and only if there exists c∈R◦such that cx q∈I[q]for all q≫0.If I∗=I then I is said to be tightly closed.We will say that I is Frobenius closed if x q∈I[q]for some q always implies that x∈I.There is a tight closure operation for a submodule N⊆M,but we will not discuss this case in general.It is however useful to discuss tight closure in the case of a particular type of direct limit.Suppose that M=lim−→t R/I t for a sequence of ideals{I t}.Let u∈M be an element which is given by{u t}where in the direct limit system u t→u t+1.We will say that u∈0∗M if there exists c∈R◦and a sequence t q such that for all q≫0,cu q tq ∈I[q]tq.We will say that u is in thefinitistic tight closure of0in M,0∗fgM,if thereexists c∈R◦and t>0such that cu q t∈I[q]t for all q.This definition offinitistic tightclosure agrees with that in[HH2]for this case.Clearly0∗fgM ⊆0∗M.A ring R in which every ideal is tightly closed is called weakly F-regular.If every localization of R is weakly F-regular then R is F-regular.When R is reduced then R1/p denotes the ring of p th roots of elements of R.More generally,R1/q is the ring of q th roots.Clearly R⊆R1/q.If R is F-finite and reduced(R1/p is afinite R-module)then R is called strongly F-regular if for all c∈R◦,there exists a q such that the inclusion Rc1/q⊆R1/q splits over R.If R is F-finite and R c is strongly F-regular for some c∈R◦, then R is strongly F-regular if and only if there exists q such that Rc1/q⊆R1/q splits over R[HH1,Theorem3.3].Strongly F-regular rings are F-regular,and weakly F-regular rings are normal and under mild conditions(e.g.,excellent)are Cohen-Macaulay.The equivalence of the three conditions is an important open question.Let(R,m) be an excellent reduced local ring and let E be an injective hull of the residuefield of R.Then E can be written as a direct limit of the form above since R is approximatelyGorenstein.Weak F-regularity of R is equivalent to0∗fgE =0[HH2,Theorem8.23],whilestrong F-regularity is equivalent to(F-finiteness and)0∗E=0[LS,Proposition2.9].By a parameter ideal in(R,m)we mean an ideal generated by part of a system of parameters.We say that(R,m)is F-rational if every parameter ideal is tightly closed, and F-injective if every parameter ideal is Frobenius closed(this is a slightly different notion of F-injectivity from that in[FW],but is equivalent for CM rings).F-rational rings are normal and under mild conditions are Cohen-Macaulay.In a Gorenstein ring, F-rationality is equivalent to all forms of F-regularity.A priori,the multiplier element c in the definition of tight closure depends on both I and x.If c works for every tight closure test then we say that c is a test element for R.2If c works for every tight closure test for every completion of every localization of R then we say that c is a completely stable test element.It is shown in[HH4]that if(R,m)is a reduced excellent domain,c∈R◦,and R c is Gorenstein and weakly F-regular then c has a power which is a completely stable test element for R.In[HH2,HH3]it is shown that the multiplier c in the definition of tight closure need not remain constant.Let R be a domain.One may have a sequence of elements c q such that c q x q∈I[q]where c q must have“small order.”We can obtain a notion of order, denoted ord,by taking a Z-valued valuation on R which is non-negative on R and positive on m.Let R+be the integral closure of R in an algebraic closure of the fractionfield of R(R+has many wonderful properties,such as being a big Cohen-Macaulay algebra for R when R is excellent[HH5]).The valuation then extends to a function on R+which takes values in Q.In particular,ord(c1/q)=ord(c)/q.We will need to use the following theorem[HH3,Theorem3.1].Theorem2.1.Let(R,m)be a complete local domain of characteristic p,let x∈R and let I⊆R.Then x∈I∗if and only if there exists a sequence of elementsǫn∈(R+)◦such that ord(ǫn)→0as n→∞andǫn x∈IR+.In fact we would like to strengthen this theorem in order to apply it to tight closure calculations for nonfinitely generated modules which are defined by a direct limit system of ideals.The proof we give is just an altered version of the proof of Theorem3.1given in[HH3].The key component is[HH3,Theorem3.3]:Theorem2.2.Let(R,m,k)be a complete local domain.Let ord be a Q-valued valuation on R+nonnegative on R(and hence on R+)and positive on m(and,hence,on m+). Then there exists afixed real numberν>0and afixed positive integer r such that for every element u of R+of order<νthere is an R-linear mapφ:R+→R such that φ(u)/∈m r.The generalization of Theorem2.1is given below.Theorem2.3.Let(R,m)be a complete local domain of characteristic p.Let M= lim−→t R/I t be an R-module and let x∈M.Suppose that x comes from the sequence {x t}where x t→x t+1.Then x∈0∗M if and only if there exists a sequence of elements ǫn∈(R+)0such that ord(ǫn)→0as n→∞and for each n there exists t such that ǫn x t∈I t R+.Proof.The“only if”part is trivial,as if cx q=0for all q≫0then we can takeǫq=c1/q.To see the“if”direction,chooseν>0and r as in Theorem2.2.Fix q=p e>0. Choose n large enough that ord(ǫn)<ν/q.Letǫ=ǫq n.Then there exists t such that ǫx q t∈I[q]t R+and ord(ǫ)<ν.Applying an R linear mapφas in Theorem2.2wefind that c q x q t∈I[q]t⊆(I[q]t)∗with c q=φ(ǫ)∈R−m r.Thus,setting J q=∪t(I[q]t)∗:R x q t we have c q∈J q for all q.The sequence J q is nonincreasing.If for some t,yx pq t∈(I[pq]t)∗then c′(yx pq t)q′∈(I[pq]t )[q′]=(I[pqq′]t)for all q′≫0where c′=0.But then c′(yx q t)pq′∈(I[q]t)[pq′]for allq′≫0and hence yx q t∈(I[q]t)∗,as required.3Since the sequence{J q}q is nonincreasing,it cannot have intersection0,or Chevalley’s theorem would give J q⊆m r for q≫0.As c q∈J q−m r for all q,we can choose a nonzero element d∈∩q J q.Then for each q there exists t such that dx q t∈(I[q]t)∗.If c is a test element for R then cdx q t∈I[q]t.Thus x∈0∗M.Proposition2.4.Let(R,m)be an excellent local domain such that its completion is a domain.Let M=lim−→t R/I t be a direct limit system.Fix u/∈0∗M.Then there exists q0such that J q=∪q(I[q]t:u q t)⊆m[q/q0]for all q≫0(where{u t}represents u∈M and u t→u t+1).In particular if I⊆R we may take M=R/I where the limit system consists of equalities.Then u/∈I∗implies that(I[q]:u q)⊆m[q/q0].Proof.Suppose that we can show that the proposition holds in R.Then(I[q]t:R u q t)⊆(I[q]t:R u q t)∩R⊆m[q/q0] R∩R⊆m[q/q0]R.Thus we may assume that R is complete.For x∈R let f(x)be the largest power of m that x is in,and set f(x)=lim n→∞f(x n)/n. By the valuation theorem[Re,Theorem4.16],there exist afinite number of Z-valued valuations v1,...,v k on R which are non-negative on R and positive on m and positive rational numbers e1,...,e k such that f(x)=min{v i(x)/e i}.Furthermore,since R is an-alytically unramified,there exists a constant L such that for all x∈R,f(x)≤⌊f(x)⌋≤f(x)+L([Re,Theorem5.32and4.16]).Now,by Theorem2.3,for each v i there exists a positive real numberαi such that if c∈(I[q]t:u q t)then v i(c)≥αi bined with the valuation theorem we see that f(c)≥min{qαi/e i}.Letα=min{αi/e i}.Then f(c)≥αq−L−1.Let s=µ(m). Choose q1>1/α,q2≥L+1,and q3≥s(all powers of p).Set q0=q1q2q3.Then f(c)≥αq−(L+1)≥q/q1−(L+1)≥q/q1q2−1≥(q/q0)s−1.A simple combinatorial argument shows that m(q/q0)s−1∈m[q/q0].Hence c∈m[q/q0].§3.Tight closure in flat extension mapsWe show in this section that extending a weakly(respectively,strongly)F-regular ring by aflat map with sufficiently nice Gorenstein closedfiber yields another weakly(resp., strongly)F-regular ring.These results are Theorems3.4and3.6(see also Corollary3.5 for the F-regular case).By saying thatφ:(R,m)→(S,n)isflat we mean thatφisflat and thatφ(m)⊆n. Since the map isflat we then know that given ideals A,B⊆R we have AS:S BS= (A:R B)S(Bfinitely generated).The next lemma merely asserts that modding out by elements which are regular in the closedfiber preservesflatness.Lemma3.1.Letφ:(R,m)→(S,n)be aflat map.Let z1,...,z d∈S be elements whose images in S/m S are a regular sequence.Then for any ideal I generated by monomials in the z’s,the ring S/IS isflat over R.Proof.See,for example[HH4,Theorem7.10a,b].The next proposition shows that tight closure behaves well for irreducible m-primary ideals when extending to S.Given a sequence of elements z=z1,...,z d we will use z[t] to denote z t1,...,z t d.4Proposition3.2.Letφ:(R,m,K)→(S,n,L)be aflat map with Gorenstein closed fiber.Let z=z1,...,z d∈S be elements whose images form a s.o.p.in S/m S.Let I⊆R be such that l(R/I)<∞and dim K(0:R/I m)=1.Suppose that either(1)R and S have a common test element and S/m S is F-injective,or(2)c∈S−m S is a test element for S,and S/m S is F-rational,or(3)R is excellent, R is a domain,and S/m S is F-rational.Then I is tightly closed in R⇐⇒for all t>0,IS+(z)[t]S is tightly closed in S⇐⇒there exists t>0such that IS+(z)[t]S is tightly closed in S.Proof.Let b∈S have as its image the socle element in S/m S+(z)S.Let u∈R be the socle element mod I.Then the socle element of S/(IS+(z)S)is ub since the map R/I→R/I⊗S=S/IS isflat with Gorensteinfibers(there is only onefiber).Suppose that I is tightly closed.There is no loss of generality in taking t=1.If IS+(z)S is not tightly closed in S then we have c(ub)q∈(I[q]+(z)[q])S for all q.In case(1)we may take c∈R◦,so thatb q∈(I[q]+(z)[q])S:S cu q=(I[q]:R cu q)S+(z)[q]S⊆m S+(z)[q]Sfor all q≫0.Thefirst equality is a consequence offlatness,while the inclusion follows since u/∈I∗.By our assumption that S/m S is F-injective we reach the contradictory conclusion that b∈((z)+m)S.In case(2)we havecb q∈(I[q]+(z)[q])S:S u q=(I[q]:R u q)S+(z)[q]S⊆m S+(z)[q]Sfor all q≫0.As S/m S is F-rational,it is a domain,so c=0in S/m S.This contradicts our hypothesis that S/m S is F-rational(in fact it is enough to assume that I is Frobenius closed to reach this conclusion).In case(3)we can choose q0as in Proposition2.4,and thenc(b q0)q/q0∈(I[q]+(z)[q])S:S u q=(I[q]:R u q)S+(z)[q]S⊆m[q/q0]S+((z)[q0])[q/q0] for all q/q0.But then b q0∈(m S+(z)[q0])∗.By persistence,the image of b q0is in ((z)[q0]S/m S)∗,which contradicts the F-rationality of S/m S.Suppose now that IS+(z)[t]S is tightly closed in S for all t,but I is not tightly closed in R.Then u∈(IR)∗⊆(I+(z)[t])∗(since R◦⊆S0).But then u∈∩t(IS+(z)[t]S)∗∩R⊆∩t(IS+(z)[t]S)∩R⊆IS∩R=IR.Finally,suppose that(IS+(z)[t0])S is tightly closed for some t0.Given any t,the socle element of(IS+(z)[t])S is(z1···z d)t−1ub.If c((z1···z d)t−1ub)q∈(IS+(z)[t])[q] then byflatness,c((z1···z d)t0−1ub)q∈(IS+(z)[t0])[q].Therefore,one such ideal tightly closed shows that all such ideals are tightly closed.To deal with strong F-regularity we need to give a similar proposition with R/I re-placed by the injective hull E R(R/m).Suppose that we can write E=E R(R/m)= lim−→t R/J t,the set{u t}⊆R is a collection of elements such that u t→u t+1in the map R/J t→R/J t+1and the image of each u t in E is the socle element of E.It suffices that R be approximately Gorenstein[Ho2](e.g.,excellent and normal,or even reduced)to obtain E in this manner.In particular an F-finite ring is excellent[Ku],so a reduced F-finite ring is approximately Gorenstein.5Proposition3.3.Let(R,m,K)→(S,n,L)be aflat map of F-finite reduced rings with Gorenstein closedfiber.(1)If Rc1/q⊆R1/q splits for some q(over R)and S/m S is F-injective then Sc1/q⊆S1/q splits for some q(over S).(2)If0is Frobenius closed in E R(K),S/m S is F-rational and c∈S−m S thenthere exists q such that Sc1/q⊆S1/q splits(over S).Proof.Choose z=z1,...,z d∈S elements which generate a s.o.p.in S/m S.By[HH4, Lemma7.10]we have E S(L)=lim−→v S/(z[v])⊗R E R(K)=lim−→v,t S/(z[v])⊗R R/J t=lim−→t S/(z[t],J t)S.If b∈S generates the socle element in S/(m+(z))S then the image of (z1···z d)t−1bu t in S/((z[t])+J t)S maps to the socle element of E S(where u t is as given above).In case(1),if for all q the inclusion Sc1/q→S1/q fails to split,by[Ho1,Theorem1 and Remark2]for all q there exists t q such thatc(z1···z d)(t q−1)q b q u q tq ∈((z[t q]),J tq)[q]S.Hence(z1···z d)(t q−1)q b q∈((z),J tq )[q]:S cu q tq⊆(J[q]tq:R cu q tq)S+(z[t q])[q]S⊆m S+(z[t q])[q]S for q≫0(we are using here that if Rc1/q⊆R1/q splits for some q then Rc1/q′⊆R1/q′splits for all q′≥q).Thus b q∈m S+(z)[q]since S/m S is CM.This contradicts the F-injectivity of S/m S.To see(2),if there is no splitting we obtainc(z1···z d)(t q−1)q b q∈(z[t q],J tq )[q]:S u q tq⊆(J[q]tq:R u q tq)S+((z[t q])[q]S⊆m S+((z[t q])[q]Sand hence cb q∈m S+(z)[q].This contradicts the F-rationality of S/m S.We can now give our main theorems on the extension of weakly and strongly F-regular rings byflat maps with Gorenstein closedfiber.Theorem3.4.Letφ:(R,m)→(S,n)be aflat map.Assume that S/m S is Gorenstein and R is weakly F-regular and CM.Suppose that either(1)c∈R◦is a common test element for R and S,and S/m S is F-injective,or(2)c∈S−m S is a test element for S and S/m S is F-rational,or(3)R is excellent and S/m S is F-rational.Then S is weakly F-regular.Proof.To see that S is weakly F-regular it suffices to show that there exists a sequence of irreducible tightly closed ideals of S cofinite with the powers of n.As R is weakly F-regular(so normal)and CM it is approximately Gorenstein.Say that{J t}is a sequence of irreducible ideals cofinite with the powers of m.Let z=z1,...,z d∈S be elements which form a s.o.p.in S/m S.Then(J t+z[t])S is a sequence of irreducible ideals in S cofinal with the powers of n.By Proposition3.2,in cases(1),(2),and(3),the ideals (J t+z[t])S are tightly closed in S(in case(3), R is still weakly F-regular,so is a domain).6Therefore S is weakly F-regular.We note that in case(2)we may weaken the assumption that R is weakly F-regular to the assumption that R is F-pure(see the comment in the proof of Proposition3.2,part(2)).The next corollary should be compared with[HH4,Theorem7.25(c)].Corollary3.5.Let(R,m)→(S,n)be aflat map of excellent rings with Gorenstein fibers.Suppose that the genericfiber is F-rational and all otherfibers are F-injective.If R is F-regular then S is F-regular.Proof.By hypothesis the genericfiber is Gorenstein and F-rational,therefore there is a c∈R◦which is a common completely stable test element.F-regularity is local on the prime ideals of S and thefiber of such a localization is the localization of afiber, hence Gorenstein and F-injective(the property of F-injectivity is easily seen to localize). Therefore Theorem3.4(1)always applies.Theorem3.6.Let(R,m,K)→(S,n,L)be aflat map of F-finite reduced rings with Gorenstein closedfiber.Assume that R is strongly F-regular.If S/m S is F-rational then S is strongly F-regular.Proof.We must show that there exists an element c∈S0such that S c is strongly F-regular and Sc1/q⊆S1/q splits for some q.If there exists c∈R◦such that S c is strongly F-regular(i.e.,a power of c is a common test element for R and S)then we are done by Proposition3.3(1).Even if R and S have no(apparent)common test element,however,we claim that there exists c∈S−m S such that S c is strongly F-regular.Once we have shown this,the theorem follows by Proposition3.3(2).Since the non-strongly F-regular locus is closed[HH1,Theorem3.3]it suffices to show that S m S is strongly F-regular,for then there exists an element c∈S−m S such that S c is strongly F-regular.Let B=S m S.Then R→B isflat and the closedfiber is a field.In particular E B(B/m B)=E R(K)⊗R B.As R is strongly F-regular(so normal) it is approximately Gorenstein.Say E R=lim−→t R/J t with socle element mapped to by u t(as before).Then u t∈B/J t B will still map to the socle element u in E B.Suppose that u∈0∗EB.This means there exists b∈B0such that for all q there exists t q such thatbu q tq ∈J[q]tqB.Hence b∈J[q]tq:B u q tq=(J[q]tq:R u q tq)B.Note that R is an excellent normaldomain,so its completion remains a domain.Thus by Proposition2.4we see that asq→∞,(J[q]tq :R u q tq)gets into larger and larger powers of the maximal ideal,since0istightly closed in E R.Thus b∈∩N m N B=0,a contradiction.References[En] F.Enescu,On the behavior of F-rational rings underflat base change,J.of Alg.(to appear). 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