人工智能发展概要人工智能定义从1956年正式提出人工智能学科算起,40多年来,取得长足的发展,成为一门广泛的交叉和当计算机出现后,人类开始真正有了一个可以模拟人类思维的工具,在以后的岁月中,无数科学家为这个目标人工智能理论进入21世纪,正酝酿着新的突破-人工生命的提出,不仅意味着人类试图从传统的什么是人工智能?定义1 智能机器(intelligent machine)能够在各类环境中自主地或交互地执行各种拟人任务人工智能是那些与人的思维、决•Schalkoff, 1990 人工智能是一门通过计算过程,力图理解和模仿智能行为的学科。
•Rick和Knight,1991 人工智能研究如何使计算机做事,而让人过得更好。
•Winston, 1992 人工智能是研究那些使理解、推理和行为成为可能的计算。
•Luger和Stubblefield,1993 人工智能是计算机科学中,与智能行为的自动化有关的一个分支。
1956年夏季,由麦卡锡(J. McCarthy)等美国年轻学者发起的首次人工智能研讨会标志着人工1. 形成期1956年到1961年可以说是AI研究的形成时2. 成长期•1961年以后进入AI研究成长期。
然而在成长期的早期(60年代),由于不适当地过分强调和依赖于符号逻辑和形式推理(AI形成期为AI建立的研究基础),导致了AI研究陷入基于弱法(weak methods)的纯学术研究的困境。
- Finite (easy) - Correct (hard) - Efficient (complexity) - Input - Output
Classifications: Some differences:
- Numerical - Nonnumerical - Serial - Parallel -……
Analysis Basics
- Algorithm vs. Problem - Algorithm vs. Procedure - Algorithm vs. Program
What is a problem
- A mapping/relation between a set of input instances (domain) and an output set (range)
Analysis Basics
Initializatio n is not very important!
Why and What to Analysis
- choose between algorithms of solving a given problem - count the number of basic operations with respect to N input values - analysis is done without regard to any specific computer
N characters in the file The number of assignment (=) is 257 The total time: f(N) as the time of a certain basic operation. E.g., f(N)=N+257+1. N∞, f(N) ≈ N
Chapter 1 答案
Chapter 1 Management and Organizations.1)Managers play an important role in dealing with various challenges being facedby organizations todayAnswer: TRUE2) A manager must coordinate and oversee the work of other people so thatorganizational goals can be accomplished.Answer: TRUE3)Effectiveness refers to getting the most output from the least amount of input.Answer: FALSE4)The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing,leading, and controlling.Answer: TRUE5) A portion of a manager's job, especially at lower organizational levels mayentail duties that are often more clerical than managerial.Answer: TRUE6) Which of the following statements regarding managers in today's world is accurate?A) Their age range is limited to between 30 and 65 years.B) They are found only in large corporations.C) They can be found exclusively in for-profit organizations.D) The single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty is the quality of the relationship between employees and their direct supervisors. Answer: D7)An automobile manufacturer increased the total number of cars produced keeping the production cost the same. The manufacturer ________.A) increased its equityB) increased its efficiencyC) increased its effectivenessD) increased its effabilityAnswer: B8) Today, the basic management functions have been condensed to ________.A) planning, organizing, commanding, and coordinatingB) planning, organizing, coordinating, and controllingC) planning, organizing, commanding, and controllingD) planning, organizing, leading, and controllingAnswer: D9) The ________ roles involve collecting, receiving, and disseminating information, according to Mintzberg's managerial roles.A) interpersonalB) informationalC) technicalD) decisionalAnswer: B10) Which of the following changes has resulted in the shifting of organizational boundaries?A) digitizationB) increased emphasis on organizational ethicsC) increased competitivenessD) changing security threatsAnswer: A11) From a business perspective, a company's ability to achieve its business goals and increase long-term shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental, and social opportunities into its business strategies is known as ________.A) accountabilityB) universalityC) equitabilityD) sustainabilityAnswer: D12) Management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational levels and in all organizational work areas, and in all organizations, no matter where they are located. This principle is known as the ________.A) impartiality of managementB) neutrality of managementC) universality of managementD) reality of managementAnswer: CThe General Manager (Scenario)Michael is the manager of a production facility. On a routine day, Michael meets with the employees who produce the organization's product. At another time, Michael meets with the production manager, Betty, and the human resource manager, Joyce, to discuss complaints filed by one of the employees in the production department. Michael also spends time on the Internet looking for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant.13) When Michael meets with Betty and Joyce to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in the production department, he requires which of the following managerial skills?A) technical skillsB) human skillsC) conceptual skillsD) empirical skillsAnswer: B14) When Michael manages the employees who produce the product, he is utilizing his ________.A) conceptual skillsB) empirical skillsC) technical skillsD) human skillsAnswer: C15) Michael's search for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant is an example of which type of management skill?A) conceptualB) communicationC) effectivenessD) interpersonalAnswer: A16)Describe the three main types of managerial skills identified by Robert Katz. Which skills are most important to each level of management, and why?Answer: Robert L. Katz proposed that managers need three critical skills in managing: technical, human, and conceptual.a. Technical skills are the job specific knowledge and techniques needed to proficiently perform work tasks. These skills tend to be more important for first-line managers because they typically manage employees who use tools and techniques to produce the organization's products orservice the organization's customers. Often, employees with excellent technical skills get promoted to first-line manager.b. Human skills involve the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group. Because all managers deal with people, these skills are equally important to all levels of management. Managers with good human skills get the best out of their people. They know how to communicate, motivate, lead, and inspire enthusiasm and trust.c. Conceptual skills are the skills managers use to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations. Using these skills, managers see the organization as a whole, understand the relationships among various subunits, and visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment. These skills are most important to top managers.。
Chapter 1_Lecture(3)
© 2011 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
Principle 5: Conflicts of interest cause agency problems
The separation of management and the ownership of the firm creates an agency problem. Managers may make decisions that are not consistent with the goal of maximizing shareholder wealth.
© 2011 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
The Role of Finance in Business (cont.)
Knowledge of financial tools is relevant for decision making in all areas of business (be it marketing, production etc.). Decisions involve an element of time and uncertainty… Financial tools help adjust for time and risk. Decisions taken in business should be financially feasible… Financial tools help determine the financial viability of decisions.
© 2011 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
张道真英语语法 第三版 Chapter 1 概论
2.1 句子 句子是表达思想的基本单位,句子由单词组成,但组成时必须遵循一
定的规则,这就是语法。违反了这些规则,语言就不正确,也就不能正确 地表达思想,因此每句话都牵涉到语法。就书面语而言,每句话第一个字 母必须大写,句末必须有句号,如果是问句,末尾应加问号,如:
句子的各成分在很多情况下均由单词表示,例如: (1)主语由名词或代词充当,有时也可由数词、动名词等充当:
We are proud of our country. (2)谓语由动词或动词短语充当,有时由短语动词(phrasal verbs)充当:
We’ve been worrying about you. (3)表语可由名词、代词、形容词等充当:
Get everything ready tomorrow. (命令) (4)感叹句(exclamations):表示赞美、惊异等情绪。
How beautiful (this is)!
2.4 问句的种类
(1)一般疑问句(general questions):也可称为“yes/no” questions(是否型问句), 因为它一般是由 yes 或 no 回答的:
-ist (scientist), -dom (freedom), -ship (friendship).
形容词词尾 -ful (careful),
-ive (active),
-less(homeless), -ous (famous),
-ish (selfish), -able(agreeable).
• verbs (v.)
• adverbs[ˈædˌvɜːb] (adv.)
语言学教程Chapter 1_introduction(1)
• Without the awareness of the nature and mechanism of our language, we will be ignorant of what constitutes our essential humanity.
Discuss with your neighbors ---• What is language? • What do you know when you claim to know a language?
“Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of symbols principally transmitted by vocal sounds.” --Stuart C. Poole: An Introduction to Linguistics (1999)
Some fundamental views about L
• Children learn their native language swiftly, efficiently and without instruction. • Language operates by rules. • All languages have three major components: a sound system, a system of lexicogrammar and a system of semantics. • Everyone speaks a dialect. • Language slowly changes.
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. --Ronald Wardhaugh: Introduction to Linguistics (1977)
大家被淋得浑身透湿,他们头天晚上还是聚到了 一起。
• 2) 具有丰富的文化知识,熟悉以英语为母 语的国家的诸如历史、宗教、政治、地理、 军事、外交、经济、文艺、科学、风土人 情、民俗习惯等方面的社会文化。这有助 于正确理解原文,完美地表达原作所要传 达的思想内容。 • 3) 熟悉翻译理论和常用技巧,善于灵活运 用各种翻译技巧。 • 4) 熟悉各种工具书。
翻译的规律难以译出原文的言外之意。 翻译的规律难以译出原文的言外之意。许多句子的真正 意义在言外。言外之意是语言的内涵, 意义在言外。言外之意是语言的内涵,译者能译出语言内涵 的翻译技能就是其翻译的艺术性。 的翻译技能就是其翻译的艺术性。 • Are you an associate professor now ?
英汉翻译的标准: 英汉翻译的标准 Pp8-10
• • • • • •
唐朝,玄奘 清末,严复 鲁迅 傅雷 梁实秋 钱钟书
• 1 faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance • 2 rather faithful than smooth • 3 spiritual conformity • 4 rather smooth than faithful • 5 sublimed adaptation • 6 faithfulness and readability (求真 喻俗)
Connotation of Translation
• Is translation an art, a science, or a craft? • ...translation is first a science, which entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describes them-here, what is wrong, mistakes of truth, can be identified; secondly, it is a skill, which calls for appropriate language and acceptable usage; thirdly, an art, which distinguishes good from undistinguished writing and is the creative, the intuitive, sometimes the inspired, level of the translation; … (Peter Newmark)
Chapter 1 动词的时态和语态I would like to apply for the job of hotel office manager at the Paradise Hotel.I come from Mexico City, where my family owns a hotel. I worked in the family business part-time when I was in high school. After high school, I studied hotel and restaurant management at the National University of Mexico. I came to the U.S in 2002 because I wanted to continue my education and learn about managing larger hotels. Since I came to the U.S, I have worked in several American hotels. Over the years my English has improved, and I now consider myself bilingual, fluent in both Spanish and English, which is a plus in the hotel business. I have also studied French and can speak it fairly well. I have been a U.S citizen for the past two years.I received my bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois in 2004 and my master's degree from Northwestern University in 2006. For the past few years, I have been working at the Town and Country Hotel. As you can see from my resume, I have had a lot of experience in various aspects of the hotel business. Now that I have my degree in business administration, I am ready to assume more responsibilities.If you have already filled the manager's position, I would like you to consider me for any other positions at your hotel. I have alwaysloved the hotel business, and I know I can be an asset to your hotel. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to meeting with you soon.Sincerely,Daniel Mendoza1.Daniel has been(be) in Chicago for a few years. He has had (have) several interviews. Mr. Johnson got (get) a letter from Daniel last week. There have been (be) many applications for the job since the recruitment information was posted (post) on the official website. According to his resume, Daniel's parents have always been (always, be) in the hotel business. Daniel has never worked (never, work) as a programmer. He had written (write) many cover letters before he wrote (write) this one. Our company has interviewed(interview)20 applicants so far. Maybe Daniel will be interviewed (interview) by the HR manager next week. We will have finished (finish) the recruitment by the end of this month.2.HR manager---HR Daniel--DHR: I (have)looked at your resume. I see you work in a hotel.D: Yes, I do.HR: How long have you been doing this job?D: I have been doing this job for only a short time. But I have gained a lot experience in the hotel business. In fact, my parents own a hotel in Mexico.HR: How long have your parents owned a hotel?D: Most of their lives.HR: Have you seen your parents recently?D: Yes, I have. My mother has been to the U.S a few times to see me. But my father has never been here because someone has to stay at the hotel all the time. He has told me many times, "When you are an owner of a business, you don't have time for vacations." But I don't want to be an owner now. I just want a job as a manager. Have you filled the position yet?HR: No, we haven't. I have already interviewed several people and will interview a few more this week. When we make our decision, we will let you know.It is time we got down to writing our paper/thesis.I wish I were 25 and could do whatever I want to do.I was wondering if you could come over to spend the weekend together.2.3.42)You are always complaining.3)她老爱吹嘘她家孩子怎么怎么地。
第一章: 引论
Slide 9
微观经济学的课题 Allocation of Scarce Resources
Trade-offs :(在需 要而又相互对立的两 者间的)权衡、协调
在计划经济下 a planned economy
在市场经济下 a market economy
名义价格 CPI
1999 1.05 167.0
实际价格 以1970年价格
.40 = 38.8/38.8 x .40 .31 = 38.8/82.4 x .65 .24 = 38.8/167.0 x 1.05
第一章: 引论
Slide 34
• 我们如何选择要买什么
第一章: 引论
Slide 3
个体单位的行为 当生产时
• 我们如何选择要生产什么
第一章: 引论
Slide 4
市场(Markets): 消费者与生产者的相互影 响
第一章: 引论
Slide 15
发展理论 测试和改进理论是经济学科发展的最重要 所在.
第一章: 引论
Slide 16
实证和规范分析 Positive Versus Normative Analysis
实证分析 Positive Analysis
实证分析是运用理论和模型预测选择的影响 或作用.
英语词汇基础 CHAPTER1
CHAPTER 1challenge principaldependent solitaryfertile suitablepeculiar surpluspreference transformTen Words in ContextIn the space provided, write the letter of the meaning closest to that of each boldfaced word. Use the context of the sentences to help you figure out each word's meaning.1.challenge/ 'tʃælindʒ/ -noun●Ginny enjoys rock climbing. It's a difficult challenge, but she feels very proudafter making a climb.●When the baby sitter arrived, he stared at the four active little boys he wasexpected to watch. “This will be quite a challenge,” he sighed._____ Challenge means a. reason. b. something boring. c. something requiringeffort.2. dependent/dɪ'pɛndənt / -adjective●Some animals can take care of themselves as soon as they are born, but humanbabies are dependent upon their parents for years.●Tyrone's father said to him, "You are still much too dependent on me. It's abouttime you got a job and supported yourself."_____ Dependent means a. relying. b. leading. c. puzzling.3. fertile/ 'fə:tail / -adjective●Because its soil is so fertile, Iowa has many farms.●Our daughter's pet hamsters were so fertile that we ended up selling many babyhamsters back to the pet store._____ Fertile means a. common. b. large. c. able to produce.4. peculiar/pi'kju:ljə(r)/ -adjective●Jack didn't know why people were giving him peculiar looks until he realizedthere was a large hole in his pants.●My brother thinks my chip-and-dip sandwiches are peculiar, but I don't thinkthey're as strange as the peanut-butter-and-tuna sandwiches he eats._____ Peculiar means a. attractive. b. unusual. c. innocent.5. preference /'prefərəns / -noun●There are Chinese, Italian, and Indian restaurants nearby. What's your preferencefor dinner tonight?●What is your color preference for the living room? Do you like cool blues andgreens or warm oranges and yellows?_____ Preference means a. choice. b. skill. c. effect.6. principal/'prinsəpəl / - adjective●The principal cause of most success is hard work, not luck or talent.●The queen of England has no real power. The principal leader of England is theprime minister._____ Principal means a. most recent b. false. c. chief.7. solitary /'sɔlitəri / -adjective●After taking a solitary vacation in my cabin for two weeks, I was ready to returnto the company of other humans.●In the mood to be by herself, Melba looked forward to spending the evening insuch solitary activities as reading and taking a long bubble bath._____ Solitary means a. friendly. b. proper. c. done alone.8. suitable/'sju:təbl / -adjective●Sharon asked her mother if her blue dress was suitable for a funeral, or if she hadto wear black.●Because the prices and food are so good, we decided that the Red Lion Inn wouldbe suitable for our bowling banquet._____ Suitable means a. right. b. too expensive. c. important.9. surplus/'sə:pləs / -adjective●More and more restaurants are donating their surplus food to homeless people. ●The Barkleys had more kitchen supplies than they needed, so they gave theirsurplus pots and pans to their son, who had just gotten his own apartment._____ Surplus means a. strange. b. extra. c. main.10. transform/traens'form/ -verb●I plan to transform this messy attic into an attractive office.●The magician seemed to transform a chicken's egg into an egg the size of abasketball._____ Transform means a. to accept. b. to repeat. c. to change.Matching Words with DefinitionsFollowing are definitions of the ten words. Print each word next to its definition. If you look closely at each word in context, you will be able to figure out its meaning.1. Producing or able to produce much fruit, large crops, ormany children2. Most important; main; leading3. Relying on others for aid or support4. Extra; more than what is used or needed5. Odd; strange6. A test of one's abilities; anything that calls for a special effort7. Happening or done alone8. To change in form or appearance9. Right for a certain purpose; proper; fitting10. Choice; first choice; something preferredCAUTION: Do not go any further until you are sure the above answers are correct. Then you can use the definitions to help you in the following practices. Your goal is eventually to know the words well enough so that you don't need to check the definitions at all.Sentence Check 1________ 2.If land is always planted with the same crop, it will become less _____.Changing crops from one year to the next keeps the soil rich.________ 3.Although my _____ is for a daytime job, I will work at night if necessary.________ 4.Max and Helen had more clothes than they needed, so they donated their _____ clothes to a thrift store.________ 5.I can't imagine what that _____ odor is from — it's like a mixture of burning tires and freshly cut grass.________ 6. A man lived by himself in a cave most of his life —yes, his was a _____ life.________ 7.I know you have reasons for quitting school. What's the _____ reason? ________ 8.Baby-sitting with a lot of children isn't easy — it's a _____.________ 9.My neighbors are looking for _____ homes for the eight puppies their collie gave birth to. They want homes where the pups will be well caredfor.________ 10.S ometimes Estela felt like giving up, but she knew she couldn't because she had three young children and an elderly mother who were _____ onher.Sentence Check 2Using the answer lines, complete each item below with two words from the box._______ 1-2. When I'm not feeling well, my _____ is to have lots of company, but when my husband is sick, he prefers to be _____._______ 3-4. In the last year, our neighbors have _____ ed their unattractive yard into something beautiful. The _____ change they made was to put insome lovely flowering plants; all of the other changes were smallones._______ 5-6. Ben is happy to live at home, pay no rent, and use his mother's car, but I don't think it's _____ for a grown man to be so _____ on hisparents._______ 7-8. Our tomato plants are almost too _____. It is a _____ to use or giveaway all the tomatoes before they spoil._______ 9-10. W e had so many tomatoes that we ended up inventing some _____ recipes to use up the _____ fruit; perhaps the strangest was "PeanutButter Tomato Pie."Related WordsOnce you learn a new word, you can more easily understand many related words. Below are ten words related to the core words of this chapter. Use their definitions toperfectly.________ 2. A baby's _____ on its parents is complete; it needs them to do everything for it.________ 3.By the age of 2, most children have moments of wanting to be _____, and they will push their parents away, saying, "Me do it!"________ 4.There are two hotels in town — the Burke and the Oakwood Towers —but in my opinion, the Burke is _____ because it is quieter and has aswimming pool.________ 5.At my ten-year high-school reunion, I saw several people who had gone through an amazing _____ —one quiet, shy girl had become anoutgoing beauty, and one of the wildest boys in the class had become ato _____ the garden.________ 7.Myrna is a nice person, but she does have one _____: she won't eat anything that she hasn't prepared herself.________ 8.My beginning math course was easy enough, but I found algebra much more _____.________ 9.Jaime is the most _____ friend I have — he's always there when I need him.________ 10.W hen my sister and her husband realized they were _____, they decided to adopt three children who were brothers and sisters.Word PartsA. The prefix trans- can mean "across" or "change to."Examples: transport— to take from one place across to another________ 1.Trina's job is to _____ business letters from Spanish into English.________ 2.You can _____ a room simply by painting it a different color.________ 3.The doctor _____ed one of Mark's kidneys into his sister.________ 4.Since my grandmother doesn't drive and there is no public _____ in her area, she depends on me to take her shopping.________ 5.The ship will cross the Atlantic Ocean next week. The ship's _____ trip begins in New York City and ends in England.B. The prefix sur- means "over," "upon," beyond," or "additional."Examples: surpass— to go beyondsurtax— an additional tax________ 7.My garden produced so much zucchini that I gave big bagfuls of _____ squash to all of my neighbors.________ 8.In addition to the usual taxes, people who earn over a certain amount will have to pay a _____.________ 9.The drive to raise money for the children's hospital was so successful that the money raised _____ed the goal that was set.________ 10.B ecause we brought so much luggage on our trip, we had to pay the airline a _____.Final CheckRead the passages carefully. Then fill in each blank with the word that best fits the context.a strange sight. His (1)________ clothing included cloth sacks for shirts and a tin pot for a hat.In western Pennsylvania, where Johnny lived, many people grew apples. But there weren't any apples in the lands further west, which were just then being cleared and settled. So Johnny wandered among his neighbors, asking them for their (2)________ apple seeds. During his lifetime, Johnny walked thousands of miles, making many long trips from his home to the valleys of Ohio and Indiana.Everywhere he went, he scattered seeds. Many of those seeds fell on (3)________ ground and grew into strong trees.Johnny often wandered through areas where Native Americans fought with the white settlers. Since Johnny was a loner, his travels were always (4)________, and he carried no weapon — yet he was never harmed. The Indians believed that the Great Spirit especially loved people like Johnny, who was not like other people. In his own quiet way he (5)________ed the American wilderness, filling it with thousands of flowering, fruit-filled trees.are still (6)________ upon many lower forms of life. The (7)________ way that this is true, of course, is our use of meat to eat and skins to wear. But there are other ways, sometimes strange ways, that we rely on other creatures. Take, for example, the leech. It would be a (8)________ for anyone to really like a leech. It is a disgusting-looking worm that lives in freshwater ponds and streams. As many people have discovered when they've gone swimming, a leech's (9)________ for dinner is human blood. It loves to attach itself to a swimmer's foot and sink in its teeth — as many as three hundred of them. The bite does not cause any pain. But the leech can suck out eight times its own weight in blood. "How disgusting," you are probably thinking. But listen to this. In recent years, doctors have found that leeches are the most (10)________ way to remove extra blood from a person after an injury, especially around the eyes. Yes, leeches are honored guests in many modern hospitals.。
考试语言馈入性质 (1)语言材料是通过听觉还是视觉渠道输入的。还是两 者方式都有。 (2)输入的是语言材料还是非语言材料(如看图作文) (3)材料是否经过改写。 (4)输入材料的速度(如听力速度的快慢)。 (5)问题表达的明确与否。 (6)使用权用语言的性质,即语言的长度、信息的分布 (紧缩的还是分散的)、信息的类型(抽象的还是个 体的,事实性的还是非事实性的,肯定地还是否定 的)。
考试预期回答性质 考试预期回答性质就是指答题方式。 (1)采取什么样的形式(选择还是填空)。 (2)回答的方式(语言的还是非语言的,还是两者兼有)。 (3)使用语言的性质(母语还是目标语言)。
馈入与回答的关系 (1)相互型(reciprocal)。指一个考生的语言对另一个 考试的影响。如口试中两个考生为一组进行测试 时,口语好的考生对口语差的考生有一定影响。 (2)非相互型(non-reciprocal)。指语言使用者之间无 相互影响。如在阅读考试中,考生对作者通常没有 任何信息反馈。 (3)相互顺应型(adaptive)。指答题影响到试题的输 入,但无反馈。在电脑顺应性测试中,电脑提供给 考生的题目其难易程度是由考生完成前一个题目的 好坏情况决定的。
一、四种英语语言测试法 (根据测试理论进行阶段分类) 写作-翻译法 结构主义心理测量法 综合法 交际法 二、近20年的发展动态 考试方式的影响 考试分析 考生特征 语言能力性质的再认识 三、当代国内外大规模考试一览 国内 国外
1、写作-翻译法(the essay-translation approach) 主要特征: A、对测试的技能或专长没有特殊的要求,主要依靠教师的主 观判断力; B、试卷通常包括翻译、写作和语法分析等项目; C、试卷内容带有较浓厚的文学或文化色彩; D、试题一般采用书面回答形似,试卷需人工评阅。 由于写作-翻译法全以教师或命题人员的经验和主观判断来 确定,没有什么科学理论依据,故20世纪40年代以前的测试 统称为科学前语言测试。
新时代高职英语基础模块1课文In the new era, the importance of English language education in higher vocational colleges has become increasingly prominent. The English foundation module 1 course is a crucial component of the overall English language curriculum, providing students with a solid foundation for further language development and practical application. This course serves as a gateway to unlocking the vast opportunities that the English language offers in the modern globalized world.The primary objective of the English foundation module 1 course is to equip students with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for effective communication in English. This includes a focus on improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, as well as enhancing their understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions. By mastering these essential elements, students can navigate various academic and professional settings with confidence and ease.One of the key aspects of the English foundation module 1 course is its emphasis on practical application. Rather than solely relying on theoretical knowledge, the course incorporates a range of interactivelearning activities and real-world scenarios to ensure that students can seamlessly apply their acquired skills in authentic communication contexts. This approach not only enhances their language proficiency but also fosters their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are highly sought-after in the modern job market.Furthermore, the course curriculum is designed to align with the specific needs and interests of higher vocational college students. It takes into account the diverse academic and career aspirations of the learners, incorporating relevant topics and materials that resonate with their personal and professional goals. This tailored approach ensures that the course content is engaging, relevant, and directly applicable to the students' future endeavors.Another significant aspect of the English foundation module 1 course is its role in cultivating cultural awareness and intercultural communication skills. In an increasingly globalized world, the ability to understand and navigate cultural differences has become essential for personal and professional success. The course incorporates elements of cross-cultural communication, encouraging students to explore and appreciate the rich diversity of the English-speaking world. This exposure not only enhances their language skills but also fosters a deeper understanding and respect for different cultural perspectives.Moreover, the English foundation module 1 course serves as a foundation for further language development and specialized studies. By providing a solid grounding in the fundamentals of English, the course prepares students for more advanced language courses, specialized English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programs, and even opportunities for international exchange and study abroad. This seamless progression ensures that students can continue to build upon their language skills and explore new horizons throughout their academic and professional careers.In conclusion, the English foundation module 1 course in the new era of higher vocational education plays a vital role in equipping students with the necessary language skills and cultural awareness to thrive in the global landscape. Through its focus on practical application, tailored curriculum, and cultivation of intercultural communication abilities, the course empowers students to become confident and versatile communicators, ready to seize the opportunities that the English language offers. As higher vocational colleges continue to adapt to the evolving needs of the modern workforce, the importance of this foundational English language course will only continue to grow, shaping the future of language education and preparing students for success in the new era.。
安徽大学专科英语教材IntroductionAnhui University's specialized English textbook is a comprehensive resource designed to enhance students' English language proficiency at the undergraduate level. The textbook covers various language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, providing students with a solid foundation in English communication. This article will explore the content and structure of the Anhui University specialized English textbook.Chapter 1: Listening SkillsIn this chapter, students are introduced to various listening techniques and strategies to improve their listening comprehension. The chapter focuses on different types of listening materials, such as interviews, lectures, and conversations. Through interactive activities and exercises, students have the opportunity to develop their listening skills and enhance their ability to understand spoken English.Chapter 2: Speaking SkillsThe speaking skills chapter aims to equip students with the necessary tools to effectively communicate in English. It covers topics such as pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary. Through dialogues, role-plays, and group discussions, students can practice and improve their oral communication abilities. The chapter also provides guidance on giving presentations and engaging in debates, preparing students for real-life situations that require effective spoken English.Chapter 3: Reading SkillsIn this chapter, students learn essential reading techniques and strategies to comprehend both general and academic texts. The chapter introduces various reading materials, such as newspaper articles, short stories, and academic papers. Students can enhance their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills through a range of tasks, including skimming, scanning, and summarizing. The chapter also focuses on critical reading skills, teaching students how to analyze and evaluate texts effectively.Chapter 4: Writing SkillsThe writing skills chapter emphasizes the development of effective written communication. It covers different types of writing, such as essays, reports, and letters. Students are provided with step-by-step guidance on the writing process, from pre-writing to proofreading. The chapter also addresses important aspects of writing, such as grammar, vocabulary, and organization. Through various writing tasks and exercises, students can refine their writing skills and produce coherent and well-structured English texts.Chapter 5: Grammar and VocabularyThis chapter is dedicated to the study of English grammar and vocabulary. It provides a comprehensive overview of key grammatical concepts and structures, such as tenses, conditionals, and phrasal verbs. Additionally, the chapter includes extensive vocabulary exercises, allowing students to expand their lexical range and develop their vocabulary acquisition skills. Through practice and application, students can strengthen their grammatical accuracy and lexical proficiency.ConclusionThe Anhui University specialized English textbook offers a well-rounded approach to enhance students' English language abilities. By focusing on listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary, the textbook provides students with ample opportunities to practice and develop their communicative skills. With its comprehensive content and practical exercises, the textbook serves as an essential resource for students at Anhui University in their journey towards English language proficiency.。
课程内容人文英语1课程包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 英语语法与词汇本课程将帮助学生深入学习和掌握英语的基本语法知识,包括句子结构、时态、语态、语气等。
2. 阅读与理解学生将通过阅读各种人文类英语文本,包括文章、小说、诗歌等,培养自主阅读和理解英语文本的能力。
3. 写作与表达课程将帮助学生提升英语写作能力,包括写作结构、语言表达、逻辑思维等。
4. 口语与交流课程将注重培养学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。
高职国际进阶英语综合教程11.引言1.1 概述高职国际进阶英语综合教程1是一本为高职学生设计的英语学习教材,旨在提高学生的英语综合能力和国际交流能力。
以下是文章结构的具体安排:1. 引言:首先介绍文章的主题和背景,概述本文的目的和意义。
引言部分包含以下内容:1.1 概述:简要介绍高职国际进阶英语综合教程1的背景和重要性,说明本教程的目标和作用。
1.2 文章结构:详细说明本文的整体框架和每个部分的内容安排,供读者快速了解本文的组织结构。
1.3 目的:明确本文的写作目的,列举本教程的具体教学目标和预期效果,引发读者的兴趣和期待。
2. 正文:主要讲解高职国际进阶英语综合教程1的教学内容和方法。
正文部分包含以下内容:2.1 第一个要点:介绍课程的第一个重要内容,并通过具体的例子和解释,详细阐述该内容的核心概念和理论知识,以及实际应用的方法和技巧。
2.2 第二个要点:介绍课程的第二个重要内容,同样通过例子和解释,详细说明该内容的关键知识点和实践应用,加深学生对该内容的理解和掌握。
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1.2.5 汉字在计算机中的表示
1.2.5 汉字在计算机中的表示
计算机处理汉字时同样需要对汉字进行编码,汉字编码主要包 括:汉字输入码、汉字内码、汉字字形码、汉字地址码及汉字信息 交换码(国标码)等。
区 位 码 国 标 码 机 内 码
区位码区码+20H=国标码前字节 区位码位码+20H=国标码后字节 区位码区码+A0H =机内码高位 区位码位码+A0H=机内码低位
18000 多个电子管
耗电150千瓦 重量达30吨
1.1.1 计算机的诞生及其发展阶段
时代 一 年份 46—58 器件 电子管 软件 运算速度 应用 科学计算 机器语言汇编语言 几千次到几万次
1.2.3 计算机中数据的存储单位
1.2.3 计算机中数据的存储单位
bit 指的是二进制数的一位,又称比特,是计算机存储数据的最小单位。 在计算机中,通常用B(字节)、KB(千字节)、MB(兆字节)或GB(吉字节) 为单位来表示存储器(内存、硬盘、软盘等)的存储容量或文件的大小。
1TB=1024GB (240;1012)
1.2.4 字符在计算机中的表示
1.2.4 字符在计算机中的表示
字符编码----ASCII 码 对英文字母、数字和标点符号等字符的二进制编码称为字符编 码。ASCII码是目前计算机中最普遍采用的一种字符编码。 ASCII( American Standard Code for Information Interchange)码称为“美国信息交换标准代码”,被国际标准化组 织确定为国际上通用的字符编码。 注意: 1、ASCII码中的二进制数的最高位(最左边一位)为数字0的称为 基本ASCII码,范围:0~127(34个控制字符;94个可显示字符)。 2、94个可显示字符: (1)10个数字符号:0~9的ASCII码为48~57; (2)26个英文大写字母:A~Z的ASCII码为65~90; (3)26个英文小写字母:a~z的ASCII码为97~122;
几十万次到几百万次 文字处理图形处理 社会的各个领域
四 71年迄今 (超)大规模集成电路 数据库、网络等
大规模集 成电路
1.1.2 微型计算机的发展
1.1.2 微型计算机的发展
一台微型计算机通常由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备 和输出设备五大部分组成。其中运算器和控制器(被集成在一个 芯片上,这样的芯片称为微处理器。)
多媒体:是由数字、文字、声音、图形、图像以及动画等 各种媒体的有机组合。
多媒体技术:是指能够同时抓取、处理、编辑、存储和展 示文字、图形、图像、声音、视频、动画等多 种信息媒体的技术。
1.5 多媒体技术的基本概念
2. 多媒体技术
·音频技术 -- 音频采样、压缩、合成与处理以及语音识别等。
2. 多媒体技术的应用
· 教育与培训(计算机辅助教学)
· 商业领域(销售、购物与咨询) · 医疗诊断 · 电子出版物 · 虚拟现实
·办公自动化 · 大众媒体传播与广告 ·游戏与娱乐
1.1.1 计算机的诞生及其发展阶段
1.1.1 计算机的诞生及其发展阶段
世界上第一台电子数字计算机于1946年在美国宾夕法尼亚 大学诞生,取名为ENIAC(埃尼阿克)。 人类第一台具有存储程序功能的计算机-EDVAC 。
占地面积为170平方米 运算速度为每秒5000次
1.2.5 汉字在计算机中的表示
1.2.1 进位计数制
1.2.1 进位计数制
1. 计算机中的数字形式
计算机内部是一个二进制的数字世界,一切信息的存取、处理和 传送都是以二进制编码形式进行的。 二进制是计算机信息表示、存储、传输的基础。
2. 计算机采用二进制其特点
1.3 计算机系统
1.3 计算机系统概述
硬件系统:是组成计算机的物理设备的总称,它是由各种器件和电子线路 组成。是计算机 完成计算工作的物质基础。 软件系统:是计算机硬件设备上运行的各种程序及相关的资料的总和。
1.3.1 计算机的硬件系统
1.3.2 计算机的软件系统
1.2 数制的基本概念及数制的相互转换
4. 二进制数转换成八进制数 方法:“三合一”,用三位二进制表示一位八进制 5. 二进制数转换为十六进制数 方法:“四合一”,用四位二进制表示一位十六进制 6. 八进制数转换成二进制数 方法:“一拉三”,把一位八进制用三位二进制表示 7. 十六进制数转换成二进制数 方法:“一拉四”,把一位十六进制用四位二进制表示
1.2 数制的基本概念及数制的相互转换
转换成二进制数:(1)整数-除2取余; (2)小数-乘2取整 十进制数的转换 转换成八进制数: (1)整数-除8取余; (2)小数-乘8取整 转换成十六进制数:(1)整数-除16取余; (2)小数-乘16取整 转换成十进制数:∑[0,1] 数 制 的 相 互 转 换 二进制数的转换
* 2n , n ∈Z
转换成八进制数:“三合一”,用三位二进制表示一位八进制 转换成十六进制数:“四合一”,用四位二进制表示一位十六进 制 转换成二进制数: “一拉三”,把一位八进制用三位二进制表示
转换成十进制数:∑[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] *
8n , n ∈Z
转换成十六进制数:先转换成二进制,再转换成十六进制 转换成二进制数: “一拉四”,把一位十六进制用四位二进制表示 十六进制数的转换 转换成八进制数:先转换成二进制,再转换成八进制 转换成十进制数:∑[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] * 16n, n ∈Z
1.3.1 计算机的硬件系统
2. 计算机硬件基本组成 (外)存储器 输入 设备 (内)存储器 输出 设备
数据流 地 址
1.3.1 计算机的硬件系统
控制器:用于控制各个部分自动协调地工作 存储器:用于存放程序和数据的记忆装臵 输入设备:是外部想计算机传送信息的装臵 输出设备:是将计算机内部二进制的信息转换成人们 所需要的或能够识别的信息形式
1.1. 3 微型计算机的发展
3. 网络化
网络化是指将不同地方、不同区域、不同种类的计算机连 接起来,实现信息共享,使人们更加方便地进行信息交流。
用户端局域网 用户计算机
1.1. 3 微型计算机的发展
4. 智能化
1.1.3 计算机的发展方向
1.1.3 计算机的发展方向
未来的计算机将朝巨型化、微型化、网络化与智能化的方向发 展。在不久的将来,光速计算机、生物计算机以及人工智能计算机 将问世。
1. 巨型化
1.1. 3 微型计算机的发展
2. 微型化
微型化是指计算机更加小巧灵便、价廉物美、软件丰富,功能 更强。 各种膝上型、书本型、笔记本型、掌上型、手表型等微型化 个人电脑将不断涌现。
(2) 计算机具有很高的计算精度
(3)计算机具有记忆能力 (4)计算机具有自动控制能力
1.6.1 计算机的应用领域
(1)文档和网页制作 (2)图形图像处理 (3)产品和科技演示 (4)数值和图表分 (5)数据管理 (6)信息和参考 (7)网络互联与信息通讯 (8)教育培训 (9)休闲娱乐 (10)帐目和财务管理 (11)商业管理 (12)科学计算
机 内 码
国标码前字节+80H=机内码高位 国标码后字节+80H=机内码低位
1.5 多媒体技术的概念、特征及应用
1.3 多媒体技术的概念、特征及应用
1.3.1 多媒体技术的基本概念 1.3.2 多媒体技术的特点及应用
1.5 多媒体技术的基本概念
1.3.1 多媒体技术的基本概念
1. 多媒体技术的基本概念
1.3.1 计算机的硬件系统
1.3.1 计算机的硬件系统
中央处理器CPU 主机 内存 硬件系统
运算器 控制器 寄存器 随机存储器(RAM) 只读存储器(ROM)
输入设备:键盘、鼠标器、光笔、扫描仪 外部设备 计算机系统 输出设备:显示器、打印机、绘图仪等 外存储器:磁带、磁盘(软盘、硬盘)、光盘 通信设备:网卡、调制解调器等 系统软件:操作系统、程序设计语言、数据库管理系统 应用软件:各种应用程序包等