2009年印度娜迦邓铜矿看着点儿小心小心Hey, hey, watch out. Watch out.欢迎你我的朋友Welcome, my friend.见到你真好Great to see you.真高兴你来了Yeah, glad you made it.这是阿吉特吗长成小伙子了This can't be Ajit. He's a little man already.-真难以置信 -艾德里安你一定饿了吧- Unbelievable. - I hope you're hungry, Adrian.我要饿死了你还好吗阿帕娜I'm famished. How are you, Aparna?-我做了你最爱吃的咖喱鱼 -真等不及了- I made that fish curry you love. - I can't wait.我每次见她都变得更漂亮了为什么呢She gets more beautifuI every time I see her. Why is that? 是很奇怪啊但她做的咖喱鱼还是很难吃Strange, isn't it? But her fish curry is still awful.你在电♥话♥里神神秘秘的You were mysterious on the phone.你怎么没有出席会议Why didn't you attend the conference?马上你就会知道了艾德里安先生I will show you, Adrian, Sir.萨特南你太见外啦Satnam, stop "siring" me.我们要下到多深How deep do we need to go?3353米处Eleven thousand feet.我为此找遍了全印度I searched all over India for this thing.这里曾经是世界最深的铜矿Used to be the deepest copper mine in the world.还记得我弟弟格迪普吗Remember my brother, Gurdeep?他现在是一名学生了He's a student now.你们好赫姆斯利博士Namaste, Dr. Helmsley, sir.叫我艾德里安就行Adrian. It's just Adrian.今天这么热怎么就这么点冰It's so hot, ice's so little省着点用好吗Just don't pour too much, huh?你们是怎么高温作业的How do you work in this heat?今天还算好的呢You've come on a good day, my friend.有时候能达到华氏120度 (约49℃)Sometimes it can hit 120 degrees.这位是洛克什博士You have to come and meet Dr. Lokesh钦奈大学的量子物理研究员a Fellow of quantum physics at the university in Chennai. 你好赫姆斯利博士Dr. Helmsley.这是什么So, what are we looking at?这是中微子正常活动的状态These are neutrinos acting normally.没有聚集或是带电荷Minuscule mass, no electricaI charge.它们可以不受干扰的穿过普通的物体They pass through ordinary matter almost undisturbed. 你上次说了太阳暴之后Your message said the count doubled中微子数量翻倍了是吧after the last solar eruptions.那是上周的事That was last week.这是两天前发生的But this happened two days ago.人类历史上最大的一次太阳暴The biggest Sun eruptions in human history引起了有史以来最大的中微子反应causing the highest neutrino count we've ever recorded. 我的天啊My God.这还不是我担心的That's not what worries me, Adrian.中微子居然For the first time ever首次引起了物理反应the neutrinos are causing a physicaI reaction.这不可能That's impossible.这感觉真好That feels very good.请跟我来Please, follow me.你肯定无法相信You won't believe this.这个水罐还要再深1800米This water tank goes down another 6000 feet.貌似这些来自太阳的中微子It looks like the neutrinos coming from the Sun突变成为了一种新的核粒子have mutated into a new kind of nuclear particle.它们正在给地核加温They're heating up the Earth's core就像微波原理一样and suddenly act like microwaves.2009年华盛顿林肯酒店广场女士们先生们我说过没有演说Ladies and gentlemen, as promised, no speech就一句话谢谢你们just a thank- You今晚多亏了各位的慷慨解囊because tonight, with your extraordinary generosity 我们筹到了170万美金we have raised $1.7 million.-我是白宫的工作人员 -不管你是谁- I work for the White House. - I don't care.请着正装进入会场This is a black- Tie event.斯考迪Scotty.艾德里安你不是在印度吗怎么了Hey. Adrian, I thought you were in India. What's going on?-把你的西装给我 -什么- I need your Jacket. - What?我得和安休斯谈谈拜托把衣服给我I gotta speak to Anheuser. Give me your damn Jacket, please. 小心点那衣服600块呢Hey! Easy, that's a $600 Jacket.安休斯先生Mr. Anheuser?安休斯先生Mr. Anheuser.我得和您谈谈I need to talk to you.-我们认识吗 -打扰你了先生- Do I know you? - Sorry, sir.我是科技部地质方面的副研究员My name's Dr. Adrian Helmsley. I'm a我叫艾德里安·赫姆斯利deputy geologist at the Office of Science and Technology Policy. 失陪一下各位Excuse me, fellas.你应该知道这是个资金筹集酒会You know that this is a fundraiser, not a frat party, right?-此事非同小可 -总是这样- It's important, sir. - You know what? It always is.你约个时间要不这样吧Make an appointment with myYou know, even better:让你的上司在本季度科学报告会上Have your boss bring it up再和我说好吧at the quarterly science briefing. Ok?这主意不错There's a good plan.我连着坐了20个小时的飞机过来先生I just traveled 20 straight hours to get here, sir.两天没合眼I haven't slept in two days.您必须得看看这个马上You need to read this, sir. You need to read it now.我看看国家地地质灾害?Let me guess, nationaI geology crisis?Excuse me.-你的上司是谁 -里克·韦索斯- Who do you report to? - Lee Cavazos.以后不是了Not anymore.阿尔备车Alan, bring the car around.-你最好洗个澡 -什么- You're gonna wish you took a shower. - Sir?等会儿我带你去见总统You're about to meet the president.怎么了What's going on?把这些拿到我办公室去Get that to the office.2010年英属哥伦比亚八国集团首脑会议早上好Good morning.我想要和各位元首单独谈谈I would like to meet privately with my fellow heads of state. 马可拉克先生希望他的翻译可以在场Mr Macaraca wishes to have his interpreters present.总统先生我可以向你保证Mr. President, I can assure you你绝对可以听懂我说的话your English is more than sufficient for what I have to say. 总统先生Mr. Presidents.半年前Six months ago我得知了一个震惊的消息I was made aware of a situation so devastating起初我拒绝相信that, at first, I refused to believe it.然而However在我们杰出的科学家们的共同努力下through the concerted efforts of our brightest scientists我们确认了它的真实性we have confirmed its validity.The world as we know it就要走向尽头了will soon come to an end.2010年西♥藏♥ 邱明谷这是个绝好的机会This dam project will可以创造更多的工作机会create many new jobs.党和国家一定会帮助大家重建家园The Party and country will assist in your relocation.奶奶把手给我Grandma, give me your hand.-他们要把我们带到哪儿去 -不会有事的- But where are they taking us? - It'll be all right.哥哥Brother!奶奶我会给你寄钱的Grandma, I will send you money.谁能够写Who can write?谁能够读Who can read?谁能烧焊Who can weld?2011年伦敦皇家大酒店想必阁下一定已经看过材料了吧Has His Highness had an opportunity to study the dossier? 要知道我有很多家人你怎么称呼You must understand, I have a very big family, Mr?埃塞克Isaacs.10亿美元可是个大数目One Billion dollars is a lot of money.恐怕是10亿欧元阁下I'm afraid the amount is in euros, Your Highness.2011年巴黎卢浮宫我对你们的组织很有信心I put a lot of faith into your organization.这真是完美的仿制品罗兰It's a perfect replica, Roland.外面现在到处都是狂热分子There are too many fanatics out there被毁了就可惜了that could damage her.想想那些阿富汗被炸掉的佛像Just think about the beautifuI Buddha statues they blew up in Afghanistan. 遗产组织已经开始收集Our Heritage Organization has already made selections大英博物馆和冬宫博物馆的藏品from the British Museum and L'Hermitage.她会被安全转移I guess she'll be safe now, tucked away藏到瑞士防核碉堡里面hidden in some bunker in Switzerland.绝对安全罗兰Perfectly safe, Roland.只有通过红外分♥析♥才能看出差别Only infrared analysis would reveaI the difference.但终究是个赝品But it's still a fake.这次在玛雅古城提卡尔集♥体♥自♥杀♥事件This mass suicide was actually discovered by a documentary crew是由一个纪录片拍摄小组发现的here in the ancient Mayan city of Tikal.据说目前很多死者Now, the victims, and we've seen many坚信玛雅卓金历中的预言are said to have adhered to the Mayan-Quiche calendar预言中说由于太阳发散出的毁灭性力量which predicts the end of time to occur今年的12月21日on the 21st of December of this year将是世界的终结due to the Sun's destructive forces.谢谢你马克Thank you, Mark.奇怪的是Strangely enough,科学方面的一些记录也支持这一观点scientific records do support the fact that加利福尼亚州曼哈顿海滩我们正面临史上最强烈的太阳活动we are heading for the biggest solar climax in recorded history.很多人相信玛雅历中预言的Apparently many people believe that the Mayan calendar predicts 银河系中的行星会排成一条直线...that there's supposed to be a galactic alignment.我完蛋了I'm a dead man.完蛋了彻底完蛋了I'm a dead man. I'm a dead man.凯特我就快上高速了Hey, Kate. I'm practically on the freeway right now.是的我正往你家开Yes, I'm hurtling toward you as we speak.别着急我马上就到Will you relax? Yeah, I'll be there any second.这是度假又不是看去看病You know it's a vacation and not a doctor's appointment, right? 应该充满乐趣才对That it's supposed to be fun?你知道什么是乐趣吧凯特You remember fun, don't you, Kate?你还记得什么时候起Do you remember where you were你觉得没有乐趣了吗when it stopped being fun for you?知道了Yeah. I got it.防虫喷雾? 当然有Bug spray? Oh, yeah,这时候黄石公园有很多蚊子because it's mosquito season in Yellowstone.我带了很多先挂了I got a whole bunch. Okay, I gotta go,这里信♥号♥♥不太好because I'm in a bad-reception area.我的妈呀Whoa, man.看到了吗Would you look at that?天啊Sick.莫里尔我就说嘛Merrill, I told you.我们得搬回威斯康星We have to move back to Wisconsin.这些小型地震Yeah, but these little mini-quakes真的让我很紧张are really getting on my nerves.得了吧只是地表的一些小裂缝而已A little surface crack? You're not又不碍什么事gonna be inconvenienced by that.没错表面裂纹找个整形医师就行Right, surface cracks. I got a plastic surgeon for that.多亏有防震咖啡杯Thank God for those shake- proof coffee mugs,充分展现了加州人的本性They show the true nature of us Californians.绝不会向一点儿不便的小裂缝屈服的We'll not bow to these inconvenient things like surface cracks. 忏悔吧末日来临了如果你想分享If you have a funny mini-quake story有关地震的小趣事请拨♥打♥555and wanna share it, call 555-1 070.-爸爸 -宝贝- Hi, Daddy. - Hi, baby.-你怎么样亲爱的 -很好- How are you, sweetie? - Good.杰克逊这是怎么回事Jackson, what is this?别这么叫我我是你♥爸♥Please don't call me that. I'm your Dad.来吧Come on.开着豪华轿车带他们去露营吗You're taking them camping in a limo?好吧很好Okay, great.你现在的临时工作怎么样What happened to your temp job?时段很好有更多的时间写作Oh, you know, better hours, more time to write.睡眠呢最近睡得好吗What about sleeping? Have you been doing any of that lately? 我都说了几百遍了I've said it a thousand times, no lipo周五♥不♥做吸脂太恶心了等下on Fridays. It's too messy. Hold on.-早上好杰克逊 -好- Morning, Jackson. - Hi.-车不错 -谢谢- Nice ride. - Thanks.旅途愉快Guys, have a nice trip.小心点当心有熊啊Remember, watch out for the bears.再见戈登Bye, Gordon.-我爱你宝贝 -再见- Love you, honey. - Bye.-好了那么-你和他说- Okay, so, Liloh, yeah. - You tell him.和我说什么Tell me what?每晚睡觉前帮她换上She needs to put these on before she goes to sleep.-还用这个? -对- Still? - Yes.你闺女7岁了还尿床Your 7- Year- Old still wets her bed.这事你该知道That's something you should know.-我爱你 -我爱你妈妈- I love you. - Love you, Mom.你可以吗You okay?他们很想要和你出去玩They've been looking forward to spending time with you.我知道I know.-所以别老摆弄电脑 -收到- So don't be on your computer. - Got it.我爱你们Love you.-这次我们要去日本 -那又怎样- So this time, we hit Japan. - So?你就能去看看你儿子威尔了Well, you could visit your boy, Will.女士们下午好Afternoon, ladies.-你们好 -好帅哥- Hello there. - Hello, handsome.你听我说话了吗Are you even listening to me?听着呢哈里Unfortunately, I am, harry.奥德利说你当爷爷了I heard from Audrey you're a grandpa now.你能少管我的家务事吗Would you mind keeping your nose out of my family? 你破坏了我的心情我们在这儿呢You're cramping my style, baby. There we are.他娶了个日本姑娘So he married a Japanese girl.这没什么大不了的How is that the end of the world?好了托尼你起码得去看看他Come on, Tony. You should at least go see him.你见到你的儿子了吗You see your boy?不是我想见就能见的Not as much as I'd like.华盛顿太远了但我们起码会交谈D.C. Is a long way, but at least we talk.谈什么About what?人生苦短啊life, and how short it is.搞什么鬼啊What the hell was that?喂Hello?劳拉Laura.劳拉能听清吗Laura, can you hear me?罗兰是你吗Roland, is that you?劳拉我们上当了Laura, they lied to us.明天我准备开一个记者招待会I've arranged a press conference for tomorrow.我要宣布事实的真♥相♥I will tell everyone the truth about what's going on.你在说什么What are you talking about?那些艺术品The art you collected没有运往阿尔卑斯山it's not in the Alps.那些隧♥道♥里空无一物Those tunnels are empty.我有证据I have proof!劳拉Laura.劳拉你听得清吗Laura, can you hear me?-罗兰我听不到你说什么 -劳拉你听得清吗- I'm losing you. Roland? - Laura, can you hear me?劳拉Laura.黄石国家公园-我喜欢这首歌♥ -信♥号♥♥真差- I liked that song. - We lost it.西海岸到处是这种地表裂缝going on the west coast with all those surface cracks.我就跟自己说"查理快去黄石公园吧"I told myself, "Charlie, get your stupid ass to Yellowstone." 我可不想错过大爆♥炸♥I don't want to miss all the fun when it finally blows.透露一个消息一大早开始Let me tell you, there's been government people就有政♥府♥的人飞进飞出flying in and out all morning,而且都面色凝重and trust me, they did not look happy.-真诡异 -朋友们要永远记住- That's weird. - Always remember, folks-在查理这里知晓了天机 -他说的这些吗- You heard it first from Charlie. - Yeah, just when he said that? 这种可能性有多大呢What are the odds?我们并没有观测到We're not seeing soil liquefaction we'd expect预期中的土地液化or any evidence of fracture或是建筑板材上的裂缝延伸迹象propagation within the tectonic plates.-博士请慢点讲 -西海岸的地震活动并不是- In English. - The activity on the coast并不是普通的地震is not caused by tecto-- by regular earthquakes.这些地表裂缝And these surface cracks have nothing与断层线的转移无关to do with shifting fault lines.你是说这是You suggesting this could be the乔琳计划的开端beginning of the cho ming operation?赫姆斯利博士正飞往黄石公园Dr. Helmsley is flying to Yellowstone以便收集更多的数据this morning to collect more data.赫姆斯利博士我们都在遵守We have been following the schedule你制定的日程表you established, Mr. Helmsley.人类史上最重要的日程表The most important schedule in the history of mankind.现在你说要弃用它Now you're teLilng me we have to throw it out?没错先生Yes, sir.之前我弄错了I was wrong.在这间办公室里从没有人说过弄错了Do you know how many times I've heard those words in this office? 从没有过Zero.你看到了吗Did you see this?很抱歉总统先生她执意要进来I'm sorry, Mr. President. She insisted.新闻上都在播这个It's all over the news.我们正进一步调查这起汽车爆♥炸♥案件We are learning more about this deadly car explosion.法国国家博物馆馆长原预定The director of the French NationaI Museums于今早在卢浮宫开新闻发布会was to hold a press conference at the louvre this morning.很巧的是他在巴黎遇难的隧♥道♥ Coincidentally, his death took place in the same paris tunnel与戴安娜王妃在1997年遇难的隧♥道♥相同where Princess Diana died in 1997.我们会继续追踪报道We are continuing to follow this story. We will...劳拉你没有见过赫姆斯利博士吧Laura, I don't believe you've met Dr. Helmsley.爸爸我刚刚才和他通过话他告诉我I just talked to him, Dad, and he told me我工作的组织是一个骗局that the organization that I work for is a sham.他为什么这样说呢I mean, why would he say that?你生气起来和你妈妈一摸一样You look just like your mother when you get upset.我告诉过你吗Did I ever tell you that?每次你都这样Every time I get upset.爸爸有人被谋杀了Daddy, a man was killed.亲爱的先坐下Honey, please sit down.我将要告诉你的事Only a dozen people in this administration这里也只有十几个人知道know what I'm about to tell you.爸爸发生什么事了Dad, what's going on?我们正在进行一次史无前例的国际合作An unprecedented internationaI endeavor is underway.目前已经有46个国家参与At this point, 46 nations are invested in this thing.劳拉很聪明她会理解Laura's a smart girl. She'll understand.巴黎那件事That thing in Paris,我们和那件事没有关系吧we're not involved in any of that, are we?"我们"? "我们"是什么鬼东西We? Who the hell is "we"?你在说什么啊What are you talking about?我们的当务之急是抢时间We need to focus on this timeline. That's what we need to do.-什么时候让人们知道这事呢 -你什么意思- When do we let the country know? - What do you mean?我们的人♥民♥ 先生他们有权知道The people, sir. They need to know.他们当然会知道听着Well, of course they do.你的任务是listen, your job is to figure out弄清楚地球什么时候毁灭when this is all gonna fall apart.我的任务是My job is to figure out设法在事情发生后维持政♥府♥的存在how to retain some semblance of government after it falls apart.现在我们没有时间想别的懂了吗UntiI then, we don't have time for anything except for doing those jobs. Okay?有黄石的消息给我打电♥话♥Call me the Moment you get any news from Yellowstone.知道了Yes, sir.靓吧Cute girl, huh?-什么 -第一千金啊- Sir? - The first daughter.-我看到你盯她了 -我没有- I saw you looking at her. - I wasn't looking at her.末日要来了你得动作快点Better move fast, kid. The end is near.您的直升机准备好了在白宫南草坪Adrian, your chopper's ready. They're waiting on the south lawn. 爸爸我们这是去哪儿啊Daddy, where are we going?我知道的一个特别地方Going to this really speciaI place that I know.从前我和妈妈经常在那儿约会It's a place where your Mom and I used to hang out a lot.我不想知道你和妈妈是在哪儿做♥爱♥的I don't wanna know where you and Mom had sex.-杰克逊现在我还太小了 -别这样叫我- I'm not ready for that, Jackson. - Stop caLilng me that.我不喜欢叫一声"爸爸"有那么难吗It's creeping me out. What's wrong with "Dad"?-没大没小 -爸爸看这儿- Grumpy grumperson. - Daddy, look at this.以前这里没有围起来啊That wasn't here before.怎么办What do we do?我要捡你的帽子Go get your hat.你看不见警告吗Don't you see the signs?这里以前有一个湖Used to be a lake here.这可不像湖Doesn't look much of a lake to me.对所有的都消失了I know, the whole damn thing's gone.-来吧我们去看看 -棒极了- Come on, let's check it out. - Great.目标到达危险地带Subjects have now entered hot zone.那是什么Who is that?美国陆军That's the U.S. Army.政♥府♥部队正向目标接近All manner of government vehicle are converging on subjects. 先生你们在禁区You're in a restricted area, sir.-你和你的家人跟我们走 -好吧- We need you to come with us. - Right. Right.我们跟这些人过去Okay, we're gonna go with these guys.会很好玩的That'll be fun, huh?这太疯狂了This is wild.太疯狂了This is really wild.不可思议地下12000米高达2700℃?This is unbelievable. 2700 degrees celsius at 40,000 feet?我知道这听上去的确不可思议I know, it sounds completely implausible.但温度确实以0.5%的幅度在上升Nonetheless, we're ticking off an increase of almost 0.5 percent. -每天? -不- Per day? - No.每小时Per hour.赫姆斯利博士我们在危险区抓了几个人Dr. Helmsley. We've arrested a group of tourists in the hot zone. 我来处理吧Okay, I'll take care of it.你去和萨特南联♥系♥Look, let's get Satnam on the communications link.我们交换一下数据We'll try and cross-reference the data.国家公园不应该有围栏It's a nationaI park. There's not supposed to be posted fences. 怎么回事I mean, what's going on here?我们是地质学家We're geologists.你们经常用机关枪挖地?Do you usually go digging with machine guns?少校我来处理这事儿谢谢Major, I'll take care of this. Thank you.那湖怎么了What happened to the lake?我们也想知道That's what we're trying to find out.我们认为整个区域都不太稳定We think the entire area has become unstable.我觉得你应该让你的孩子们离开I think you should take your kids and leave, Mr. Curtis.你不会是You're not by any chance the Jackson curtis《再见亚特兰蒂斯》的作者吧who wrote farewell atlantis, are you?正是在下The very same.那是献给我妈妈的It's actually dedicated to my Mom.真不错啊That's great.我在大学时I read a couple of your short stories读过一些你的短篇故事when I was in college. Yeah.你们爸爸很有才华You know, your father is a very talented man.-听听 -我正在看你的书- listen up. - It's amazing. I'm reading your book.看到第300天I'm around day 300, the shuttle has地球和飞船失去了联♥系♥just lost communication with earth.你还真幸运很少有人买♥♥呢You're one of the lucky few who bought it.-并不是我买♥♥的 -是吗- I didn't buy it. - No?我爸给我的My Dad gave it to me.我想问问你Let me ask you something.你真的认为人们会在You believe those people would behave so selflessly生死关头很无私吗knowing that their own lives were at stake?希望如此I hope so.评论家说我是一个盲目乐观主义The critics said I was naive, an unabashed optimist但这可说不好对吧but what do they know, right?-幸会 -幸会- Pleasure. - It was a great pleasure meeting you.少校麻烦您把他们带到露营区Major, could you escort these good people to the campgrounds? 这是你的This is yours.-谢谢 -是长官- Thank you. - Yes, sir.-保重 -谢谢- Take care. - Okay.他人很好He was very nice.你这样说是因为他喜欢我的书吗You're just saying that because he liked my book.看来还是你弟弟最聪明Looks like that boy of yours is gonna be smarter than any of us.发生什么事儿了What's wrong?我给了萨特南温度数据I sent Satnam the temperature reading.与阿根廷和安大略测到的一样My colleagues in Argentina and Ontario have almost identicaI data. 这里太热我们只有把铜矿封了It's so hot here, we've had to seaI off the mine.-你仔细确定过那些数据了吗 -我检查了3遍- Double- Checked the numbers? - Triple- Checked, my friend. 我也希望我们错了I wish we were wrong可是没有but we're not.地壳越来越不稳定The earth's crust is destabilizing.来得太早了吧It's too early.艾德里安你们得撤离了Adrian, you have to begin the evacuation.天啊My God.我们有高科技和先进的设备All our scientific advances, our fancy machines.可玛雅人几千年前就预测到了The Mayans saw this coming thousands of years ago.我还以为有很多时间呢I thought we'd have more time.好吧Okay.你赶快收拾行李I want you to pack up your family.我会安排飞机去德里接你们I'm gonna arrange an airlift for you from delhi.朋友谢谢你Thank you, my friend.祝你好运And good luck.阿吉特Ajit.我们要登上大船了We are going on a big ship.-真酷 -军事戒备- That was so cool. - Yeah, that was intense.-直升飞机 -我到过的最牛的地儿- The helicopters. - Craziest place I've seen.-那些直升机真酷 -等等等等- Those helicopters were so cool. - Wait. Wait. Wait.问一下政♥府♥对你们说了什么One question. What did the government guys say to you? 我们不该翻越围栏Well, they don't like us going over their fences还有这整个区域很不稳定and that the whole area back there is unstable.不稳定? 他们说不稳定?Unstable. They said "unstable"?对不稳定Yeah, unstable.太搞笑了That's funny.我们走祝你开心Let's go. Have a good one.不稳定Unstable.长官不只是黄石公园It's not just Yellowstone, sir.全球所有地区的温度Temperatures are rising with incredible velocity都在急剧上升in hot zones across the globe.艾德里安你百分百确定吗Are you absolutely sure about this, Adrian?因为一旦下令Because once we give these orders就是板上钉钉的事了there's no going back. You understand that?恐怕没有时间犹豫了I'm afraid there's no longer any doubt, sir.能救多少算多少吧We have to save what we can.现在必须行动And we have to move now!黄石国家公园这里好多蚊子啊有人带防蚊液了吗There's mosquitoes in here. Did anybody spray the tent? 我明天去买♥♥I'm gonna get that spray tomorrow.你的血太甜了所以它们喜欢你They just like you because your blood's so sweet.爸爸你说过不会在这里写书的Dad, you said you wouldn't work on your book.什么我没有写书What, Lil'bee? I'm not, I'm not.我在干其他事I'm just-- I'm doing something else.我来哄你们睡觉Let me get you ready for-- ready for bed.好了Okay.你真的要这么多帽子吗Did you really need all these hats?-你的尿不湿呢 -穿上了- Where are your pull-ups, sweetie? - I have them on. 你妈给你这个手♥机♥?Who gave you this, Mommy?不是戈登给我的生日礼物No, Gordon gave it to me for my birthday.买♥♥手♥机♥是不是A cell phone is something we gotta应该家庭讨论一下啊talk about, you know, as a family."家庭"在哪儿啊What family?你这么说让我很伤心That hurts my feelings when you say stuff like that. 走开啦Just go away.大人Adults get戈登旅行真烂也会伤心啊hurt feelings too.我们有位在线听众We have a listener caLilng in.库克城的比尔Bill from Cooke city,你现在已经被接进查理直播间了you're on the Charlie Frost show.查理只是想说我很爱听你的节目Charlie, just wanted to say I love your show.不会吧No way.实话实说not afraid to tell the truth.谢谢你比尔你有什么问题Thank you, Bill. What is your question?我想知道从哪里开始I wanted to know, where is all this gonna start?估计从好莱坞吧比尔Something like this could only originate in hollywood, Bill. 那里的地面已经开始裂开了They got the earth cracking under their asses already.我们全家都信仰耶稣Our family believes in the GospeI of the Lord Jesus.我们无所畏惧查理We have nothing to fear, Charlie.祝你好运比尔谢谢来电Good for you, Bill. Thanks for caLilng.我是查理·弗罗斯特This is Charlie frost reporting live在黄石公园为你现场直播from Yellowstone nationaI park这里马上将成为世界上最大的活火山soon to become the world's largest active volcano.朋友们马上回来I'll be right back, folks.你不介意我问你点事吧Do you mind if I join you? I wanted to ask you something. 我只有一分钟的时间I only got a minute.来点儿吗Hey. Pickle?刚才我听了一会儿No. I was listening to the broadcast我不明白为什么and I was wondering what exactly is it会在好莱坞开始that's gonna start in Hollywood?大灾难It's the apocalypse.世界末日End of days.大审判世界末日The Judgment day, the end of the world, my friend.基♥督♥教说是审判日Christians called it the rapture,玛雅人很早就预测到了but the Mayans knew about it易经圣经都讲过the Hopis, the I Chingthe Bible, kind of.要啤酒吗Beer?-好 -我马上要吃饭了- Yeah. - So look, I gotta eat.你在我博客上下载吧免费的Why don't you download my blog. It's free.当然我们也欢迎捐款Of course, we do appreciate donations.古时候玛雅人是In ancient times, the Mayan people were第一个发现the first civilization to discover地球有末日的名族that this planet had an expiration date.据他们的日历According to their calendar2012年灾难会降临in the year 201 2, a cataclysmic event will unfold因为太阳系的行星排成一条直线caused by an alignment of the planets in our solar system每6♥4♥万年发生一次that only happens every 6♥4♥0,000 years.不会再有了Oh, not again.可以吧我自己做的Pretty neat, huh? I did all the animation myself.我们的地球就像一个橘子Just imagine the earth as an orange.用幽默感吸引他们让他们自己思考You lure them in with humor. Then you make them think.太阳释放了大量的射线Our sun will begin to emit such extreme amounts of radiation-- 它们是中微子Those little bastards are called neutrinos.地心将从里面开始融化That the core of the earth will melt. That's the inside part 这样地壳就能自♥由♥漂移of the orange leaving the crust of our planet free to shift. 1958年查尔斯教授In 1958, professor Charles hapgood命名为"地壳重置"named it earth crust displacement.爱因斯坦也表示同意Albert Einstein did support it.人类将完全感受到People, we'll get it all.地球母亲的毁灭性力量The forces of mother nature will be so devastating世界末日就在2012年的冬至it will bring an end to this world2012年12月21日on winter solstice, 12-21-12.朋友们你们要永远记住Always remember, folks,你们在查理·弗罗斯特这里知晓了天机you heard it first from Charlie Frost.你们一定要保密You'd have to keep a thing like this under wraps.想想吧I mean, just think about it, okay?第一股市将崩♥盘♥First, the stock market would go.然后经济崩溃Then the economy, boom!美元崩溃The dollar, boom!街上变成人间地狱And then pandemonium in the streets.战争屠♥杀♥ 砰砰砰War, genocide, boom, boom, boom!我才不信没有人可以守住这个秘密查理Bulishit. Nobody could keep that big a secret, Charlie.-一定有人会说的 -曾经- Somebody would blow the whistle. - Svery once in a while。
最新冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版1♪Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,♪天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2♪This icy force both foul and fair.♪冰雪严寒只等闲3♪Has a frozen heart worth mining.♪誓破坚冰续奇缘4♪Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.♪劈开冰块冷又坚5♪Strike for love And Strike for fear.♪战胜恐惧求真爱6♪See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.♪冰雪美人冷艳又危险7♪Split the ice apart.♪掘开寒冰勇向前8 ♪And break the frozen heart.♪用爱融化冰封的心!9♪Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!♪嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去10 ♪Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!♪嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去11♪Beautiful! Powerful!♪美丽又强大!12♪Dangerous! Cold!♪寒冷又危险!13♪Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.♪冰雪的魔力难驾驭14♪Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.♪一当十一当百15♪Stronger than a hundred men!♪谁人能挡寒冬至?16♪Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.♪天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰17♪This icy force both Foul and Fair.♪冰雪严寒只等闲18 ♪Has a frozen heart worth mining.♪誓破坚冰续奇缘19♪Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.♪劈开冰块冷又坚20♪Strike for love and strike for fear.♪战胜恐惧求真爱21♪There's beauty and there's Danger here.♪冰雪美人冷艳又危险22 ♪Split the ice apart!♪掘开寒冰勇向前23♪Beware the frozen heart.♪用爱融化冰封的心!24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特!25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂26 Elsa!艾莎!27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快!34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法!35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦!- 喔...36This is amazing!哇!好神奇!37Watch this!看好了!38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱!39I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我!-接住啦!41Again! Wait!再来一次!-等下!42Slow down!慢一点!43Anna!安娜!44Anna?安娜?45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜姐姐抱47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心对不起安娜49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉!-我知道怎样救她50Ice?雪?51Faster, Sven!快点斯特!52Sven!斯特!53Please... Help!请帮帮我们!54My daughter!救救我的女儿!55He is the King!哦!是国王!56Trolls...?地精?57Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘听听他们在说什么58Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱干脆留下来别走了590Your Majesty!陛下!60Born with the powers or cursed?她的魔力是天生的还是受到了诅咒?61Born. And they're getting stronger.天生的而且越来越强了62You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏63The heart is not so easily changed,冰封的心很难融化64But the head can be persuaded.打在头上,我还有办法65Do what you must.快救救她吧66I recommend we remove all magic,我会消除魔法的效果67even memories of magic to be safe...还有关于魔法的记忆,也一同抹去68But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心我会留下快乐的记忆69She will be okay.她会好的70But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我有魔法?71- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样才安全- 听着艾莎72your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大73There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福74But also great danger.也会带来灾难75You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力76Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人77No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她能做到的相信我78Until then,在那之前79we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门削减人手80We will limit her contact with people减少她与外界的交往81and keep her powers hidden from everyone...她的魔力决不能被别人知道82including Anna.包括安娜83Elsa?艾莎?84♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?85♪Come on let's go and play.♪快来我们一起玩86♪I never see you anymore. Come out the door.♪好久没有见到你了出来吧87♪It's like you've gone away.♪你就像消失了一样88♪We used to be best buddies.♪我们曾是最好的伙伴89♪And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.♪现在你却不理我你能告诉我原因吗90♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?91♪It doesn't have to be a snowman.♪玩什么都可以呀92♪Go away, Anna.♪走开安娜93...♪Okay bye.♪好吧拜94The gloves will help. See...这幅手套可以控制你的魔力...95- Conceal it. - Don't feel it.隐藏好-别去想96Don't let it show.别让别人发现97♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?98♪Or ride our bike around the hall?♪还是在城堡里骑车?99♪I think some company is overdue...♪我一个人烦闷又无聊..100♪I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.♪每天跟墙上的画像讲话101♪Hang in there, Joan.♪坚持住贞德102♪It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.♪这些房子空得让人好寂寞103♪Just watching the hours tick by.♪只能盯着钟表数着一秒一秒104I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕我的魔力越来越强大了105Getting upset only makes it worse.你越害怕就越难控制它。
为了探寻北极光消失的秘密,她们和克斯托夫、斯特和雪宝一行人在冰天雪地中,再次展开精彩大冒险!快快快Go, go, go!我最爱赛跑了Oh, I love racing!我们出动Oh, here we go!不那是女王克雷格随它吧No, that's the queen, Craig. Just let it go.什么随它吧What? Let it go?是啊随它吧Yes. Let... it... go.但是他们But they--我说了随它吧I said let it go!我们可不能输给妹妹We can't lose to my sister!抓紧了雪宝Hang on tight, Olaf.道路可不平坦We're in for a bumpy ride.看啊我能抗拒重力Oh, look, I'm defying gravity.快快快快点斯特驾驾驾Go, go, go! Come on, Sven! Move that furry tail!我们赢了吗Did we win?打个平手好耶Yay, we tied!每个人既是赢家Everyone's a winner也是输家and a loser.快看Wow, look!那是It's the...天空sky!咱们大老远来就是为了看看天吗Was I supposed to just see the sky?你们倒是真该多出来走走了You guys need to get out more.父亲的气象表显示Father's weather glass says今天应该是极光出现的第一天today should be the day of the first sighting.我还期待可以看见极光呢I was hoping we would see them.我们一起Together.为什么Oh, why?为什么Why?我知道你是女王I know you're the queen,但是别当大惊小怪女王可以吗but let's try not to be a drama queen, m'kay?北极光到底是什么样子What exactly are the northern lights?我的鼻子Hey, my nose!众所周知北极光Everyone knows the northern lights{\a\fs}(注:瓦尔基里是在人类和神的之记忆之间俳徊的女神)是瓦尔基里在夜空中穿梭的身影are the Valkyries moving across the night,也有人说北极光是大自然的夜明灯while others say they're nature's night-light.又错了克斯托夫Wrong again, Kristoff.北极光是来自太阳的The northern lights are the result of collisions between大量带电粒子流numerously electrically charged particles与地球磁场碰撞产生的放电现象from the sun entering the Earth's atmosphere.大家都懂了吗Everybody get that?好吧Okay...我要没收你的图书馆借阅卡I'm taking away your library card.那么我们需要一个行动计划So, we need a plan of action.如果北极光不来找我们If the northern lights won't come to us,我们就主动出击寻找北极光then we'll go to the northern lights.我们收拾一下就赶紧出发吧Let's pack it up and get going.-快快快 -去哪儿-Go, go, go! -Where?去北极光起源的地方To wherever the northern lights come from.要知道你可是“山人先生” You're "Mr. Mountain Man," You must know.拜托山人先生是我老爸Mr. Mountain Man was my father, please.叫我山人就行了Just Mountain Man will do.可我根本不知道极光在哪儿我又不会魔法And I have no idea where they are. I'm not magic.有时候你需要发现属于你自己的魔法Sometimes, you gotta make your own magic.欢迎回家Welcome home.我认识一个人他会所有的魔法I know one person who knows all about magic.千万别是地精Please, not the trolls.-他不在 -他走了-He's gone! -He's gone!-他不在 -他走了-He's gone! -He's gone!你说佩比爷爷不在他去哪儿了What do you mean Grand Pabbie isn't here?他沿着北方小路出发了Oh, he headed out on the northern trail.我们应该去找他We should go find him!等等Wait a second.一次姐妹大冒险A sister-sister adventure!充满欢声笑语与致命危机的经历Filled with sing-a-longs and near-death experiences.万岁Hooray!听起来我们的冒险需要一位真正的山人了Okay. Sounds like it'll take a true mountain man and...由于我是这里唯一的since I'm the only one here有山人大学毕业证的山人with a degree from Mountain Man University,我来带路I'll lead the way.要只身前往林中Nothing's safer than being没什么比山人随行更安全了alone in the woods with a mountain man.他经常这样跟斯特说话吗Have he and Sven always had... conversations?是啊很早以前就开始了Yeah. Started quite awhile ago.斯特我是不是该再吃一块胡萝卜蛋糕Sven, should I have another piece of carrot cake?胡萝卜蛋糕超级健康的Carrot cake is healthy.好了看起来你们已经万事俱备Well, looks like you have everything you need.真是抱歉Ooh, sorry about that.这些是什么安娜What are these, Anna?别担心总会多出来几块的Don't worry, there's always a few extra pieces.我们还有多远的路So, how many miles does this thing do?整天看着驯鹿的屁股会不会很无聊Is it hard to look at the back of a reindeer all day?驯鹿是杂交动物吧This is a hybrid, right?那啥这车是多少“驯鹿力”的So, how much reindeer power does this thing have?一匹One.关于我们的冒险我有些想法Okay, I've got some ideas for our adventure.-安娜 -事实上-Uh, Anna... -Well, actually,我有百十来个想法但是I have close to ideas, but--不Oh, no!想法这个词可能不太准确Ideas might be the wrong word,这更像是一个跳板more like springboards.但是但是但是但是但是Just-- Just-- Just-- Just-- Just--如果你想为之歌唱Wow, if you need to sing about,也是可以的但是我们要找到北极光okay, but we'll find the northern lights.这是我的新任务It's my new mission.你知道我专注于任务时是什么样子的You know how I am when I'm on a mission.安娜我说的不是这事儿I'm not talking about that, Anna.我是在说那个I'm talking about that!雪崩驾斯特快跑Avalanche! Run, Sven, run!不好Oh, no!有人感受到温度下降了吗Anyone else feel that breeze?小心Watch out!雷鸣般的毁灭飓风在向我们问好Thunderous hurricane of destruction wants to say hello! 你好雪崩先生Hello, Mr. Ava-- Uh-oh!{\fad(,)}乐高冰雪奇缘:寻找北极光如果北极光不来找我们If the northern lights won't come to us,我们就主动出击寻找北极光then we'll go to the northern lights.一次姐妹大冒险A sister-sister adventure!充满欢声笑语与致命危机的经历Filled with sing-a-longs and near-death experiences.万岁Hooray!快点快点抓住我的手Come on. Come on. Give me a hand here.停下开心果Whoa, Pistachio!停下炮弹Whoa, Cannonball!这是在逗我吧You've got to be kidding me!告诉过你我们要是走北极高速公路I told ya, we should have taken the Polar Expressway. 现在早就到了We'd already be there.闭嘴闭嘴克雷格闭嘴Zip it. Zip it, Craig. Zip it.看啊我们在雪景球里面Oh, look, we're in a snow globe!现在在下雪现在没下Now it's snowing, now it's not.现在在下雪现在没下Now it's snowing, now it's not.我能这么玩一整天I can do this all day.有点奇怪That was... weird.我的力量有点太强了My powers were a bit too... strong?我没事万幸我没有骨头I'm all right! Good thing I'm boneless, huh?等等Wait!手臂末日Arm... ageddon看见了吗这就是山人的力量See guys? Mountain man.太棒了现在快点组装你的雪橇继续赶路吧Great! Now let's get your sleigh up and running.你怎么了姐姐Uh, what was up with that, sis?我的力量好像有点失控对吧Yeah, my powers seem a bit, um... off, don't they?我觉得为此担心的话只会让情况变得更糟I think getting upset about it will only make it worse.等等等等别担心Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't get upset.要是没有我高超的生存技巧的话If I didn't have mad survival skills out here,斯特和我早就有麻烦了看着Sven and I would have been in trouble. Watch.我来教你怎么生火I'll show you how to build a fire.至少有五十六种不同的There are at least different钻木取火方式ways of rubbing sticks together to create fire.我的胳膊啊My arms!{\a\fs}(注:arm 有“武装”的意思)我有胳膊了很危险哦I'm armd and dangerous.克斯托夫别管火的事了Oh, Kristoff, don't worry about the fire.反正冰天雪地我也不怕The cold never bothered me anyway.懂了吗Get it?这样我们得重新装好雪橇然后继续前进Okay, we have to finish rebuilding the sleigh and keep moving.我知道全城视野最好的地方I know a place with the best view in town.北极光几乎要看不到了The northern lights are barely visible.即使是从这里Even from here.太糟糕了This is terrible.我还没见过它们的壮丽景象呢I still haven't seem them in all their amazingness.我们得在极光全都消失之前找到它们We need to get to them before they all disappear.别担心雪宝No worries, Olaf.我建一个滑道这样我们就能马上回到路上去了I'll create an ice slide so we can quickly get back to the trail.真是机智Ooh, that's resourceful.滑道A slide!爆炸了的滑道Ooh, an exploding slide.呃换种方法Hmm. Okay, alternate approaches.轮到我了This is my department.我觉得我们可以乘爱斯基摩单人划子往北走I think we can kayak farther north.呃不行Uh, no.我们应该乘爱斯基摩单人划子往北走I think we should kayak farther north.她刚就是这么说的She literally just said that.你别自以为是了Stop "Man-splaining."呃好主意安娜Oh. Well, uh... Good idea, Anna.小弟弟们Little brothers!等一下我觉得小弟弟们能帮点小忙哦Wait a minute. I bet little brothers could give us a little help.好啊伙计们该出发了Okay, guys, it's go time!我们安全了Oh, we're safe.看起来就剩我们俩了大家伙Well, looks like it's just you and me, big guy.感觉不错Oh! That feels nice.这个有点奇怪Huh, that one came out a little... weird.耳朵太大了再试一次The ears are way too big. Try again.我觉得斯特一定喜欢那个Oh, I bet Sven likes that one.我不知道我怎么了感觉好奇怪啊I don't know what's happening to me, this is so strange. 哇小伙子稳住Whoa, boy! Steady.你在干什么Um, what are you doing?呃我们前面有个峡湾山人不会游泳Well there's a fjord in front of us, and mountain men don't swim.但是我们必须得去那里大冰川那儿But we need to get there, to the Great Glacier.去寻找北极光To see the northern lights.我们做不到了We'll never make it.我觉得我们得积极一点I think we need to think positive.太棒了我们去不了了Hooray! We'll never make it!够积极了吗Was that positive enough?没用的我们永远都见不到北极光了It's no use, we'll never see the northern lights.看她要唱歌了我知道这首 Oh! Look, she's gonna sing. I know this one.我现在不想唱歌就是没感觉I don't feel like singing right now. Just not feeling it.{\fad(,)}乐高冰雪奇缘:寻找北极光北极光几乎要看不到了The northern lights are barely visible.我觉得小弟弟们能帮点小忙哦I bet little brothers could give us a little help.该出发了It's go time!好消息我觉得我已经解决所有的问题了Good news! I think I've solved all our problems. 欢迎来到克斯托夫的豪华别墅Welcome to Château du Kristoff.包含小时供应的沙拉自助Complete with a -hour salad buffet还有吃不完的大烩菜and complementary ratatouille.我们可以一直待在这里直到峡湾冻住We can stay here until the fjord freezes over.呆坐在这个冰堡里根本没有意义Sitting in an ice palace does us no good.我们要到那边去We need to get over there.但是Yeah, but...好吧这个就给鸟儿们住吧Fine. The birds can use this one.没关系我打头No problem, I'll scout ahead.之前没想清楚Didn't... think... that... through!我们俩想得一样吗Are you thinking what I'm thinking?可能Probably.不一样吧Not.但我觉得肯定挺有创造性的But I'm sure it'll be inventive.一定会的你一定会喜欢的Oh, it is. You're gonna love it!改装得不错哦Wow! Impressive redesign.但是没有动力的话怎么走呢But, uh... how do you expect to go anywhere without a motor? 我从来没有像这样亲近过大自然I've never felt so close to nature before.和你一起冒险的感觉真好艾莎It's nice to have this adventure with you, Elsa.就好像我们小时候一样Just like when we were little.现在我们长大了And now we're big.我们可以开启更大的冒险了We can have bigger adventures.我觉得我们快到了I think we're close.没错很近了Yup, we're pretty close.哇看啊Wow! Look!北极光The northern lights?不是另一个很难克服的障碍No. Another incredibly difficult obstacle.看起来我们只能爬过去了Looks like we're gonna have to do some climbing.好吧Okay.我们可以用这个裂缝当通路爬上去So, we can make our way up this crevasse,然后再登上更高的冰层then transition farther up the glacier.我们连登山装备都没有大小姐We don't even have climbing gear, feisty boots.你要是以为五十米以内有个商店的话And if you think there's a store within miles of here, 那简直是疯了you're going cuckoo.刚才是有人说登山装备了吗Yoo-hoo! Did I hear somebody needs some climbing gear?没开玩笑吧Seriously?你是我新店里的第一个顾客So, you're the first customers here in my new store.要桑拿吗Sauna?我想要点蒸汽Oh, I feel like letting off a little steam.雪宝不要啊这主意不好Olaf, don't. Bad idea!但是感觉好暖啊But it's so... warm.冰冻商品大优惠哦Big sale on frozen goods.好吃的甜筒和鱼条T asty snow cone or fish sticks.还有冰块Or ice cubes.这么冷的天哪个脑子正常的人会In this cold? Who in there right mind would want--甜筒哎看看这么可爱的颜色Oh, snow cones! Look at the pretty little colors.蓝的绿的啊还有黄的Blue, green-- ooh, yellow.黄的等等黄色的雪Yellow-- Wait, yellow snow!不要啊Oh, no! No!要去看北极光吗Going to see the lights, yeah我有你需要的登山装备I got the climbing gear you need.冬季大酬宾还是有点小贵Big winter blowout. Still, a bit pricey.你懂的供求关系嘛You know, supply and demand.小贵Pricey, eh?听着伙计Look, pal,你可不能随便抬价不顾you can't just jack up your prices...克斯托夫我不建议Um, Kristoff, I wouldn't--别人的利益啊...advantage of people!冷静点大家我没事我很冷静Chill out, everybody. I'm okay, I'm cool.有点太冷了其实A bit too cool, actually.还卖鱼线哦Also sell fishing rods.爬山真的挺累的Whew! That... was quite the climb.你知道吗其实感觉还挺有趣You know something, it really didn't feel that bad.快看极光The northern lights!是不是很漂亮呀Aren't they beautiful?它们看起来好小呀They look tiny.也许我该去做视力检查了Maybe I need to get my eyes checked, huh?噢不现在更小了Ooh. No, now they're tinier.噢好美Oh, pretty!但为什么极光在这儿而不在我们的王国But why are they here and not over our kingdom? 你得减肥了斯特Whew! You're going on a diet, Sven.克斯托夫坚持住Kristoff, hold on!艾莎你能帮帮他吗Elsa, can you do anything?又是你我们得给你起个名字You, again. We have to find a name for you.没有用Not helping.噢冻胡萝卜Ooh, frozen carrots.好吧这真是在帮倒忙Okay, really not helping.我知道我在努力了I know. I'm trying!但我实在很担心北极光But I'm just worried about the northern lights我们的王国还有过去的事and the kingdom, the past.好冷So cold.艾莎过去的事就让它过去Elsa, the past is in the past.我的力量完全不受控制了My powers are all out of whack.这让我不知所措It makes me so distraught.我该怎么办我该怎么办Oh, what can I do? What can I do?你就随它吧You can just let it go.我们还在往下滑Slipping, still slipping.各位我们还在You guys, still slipp-- Ah!听起来像是山人在绝望地呼喊That's the sound of a mountain man in distress.但你答应带我吃煎饼的But you promised me pancakes!我答应你的事多了Ah, we promise a lot.-还有糖浆 -出发吧-And syrup! -Yeah. Let's ride!{\fad(,)}乐高冰雪奇缘:寻找北极光如果北极光不来找我们If the northern lights won't come to us,我们就主动出击寻找北极光then we'll go to the northern lights.一次姐妹大冒险A sister-sister adventure!但是我们必须得去那里大冰川那儿But we need to get there, to the Great Glacier.是不是很漂亮呀Aren't they beautiful?我们还在往下滑Slipping, still slipping.艾莎你能帮帮他吗Elsa, can you do anything?坚持住斯特你做得很好Hang on there, Sven, you're doing great!没错坚持住I second that, hang on!我要是也有个这样的舌头就好了I wish I had a tongue like that.我要是有个舌头就好了I wish I had a tongue.-安娜 -克斯托夫-Anna! -Kristoff!安娜Anna!克斯托夫Kristoff!安娜Anna!克斯托夫Kristoff!呃你们应该知道Uh, you guys do realize you're only,你们之间只隔了半米多对吧like, three feet apart, right?对但我们该怎么救他们Well, yeah, okay. But how are we gonna save them?拉伸拉伸Stretching, stretching.拉伸得太多了Really stretching!抓住了Got it!恶心舌头Gross, tongue!佩比爷爷见到您真是太好了Grand Pabbie! It's so good to see you!我们有个北极光的问题想请教We have this question about the northern lights.现在别问Not now.我们得先使劲拉Now, we must pull.噢对Oh, right.再用力点A little bit... more!我从来没意识到自己力气这么大Wow, I guess I didn't know my own strength.他们还说我这是细枝胳膊And they call me twig arms.虽然也没错Technically that is true.佩比爷爷我们终于找到您了Grand Pabbie, we finally found you!您在这儿干嘛What are you doing up here?为了很重要的事Something very important.请告诉我你们带了水晶Please tell me you brought your crystals?对对水晶Right, crystals.我很确定我带了那些水晶Uh, I am definitely pretty mostly sure I brought those.我好像把它们放在I think I stuck them in--噢找到了Yes! Oh, yes, we have them.这些东西啊Oh, those things.很好Good.每隔五百年我都必须来到这里Every years I must come here地球上离天空最近的地方to where the earth touches the sky...然后米尼嘛尼哄Then, yadda-yadda-yadda,神奇的事会发生在那之后mystical stuff happens and voila,北极光就出现了northern lights.欣赏吧Enjoy!这四个水晶将会The four crystals will把光折射到阿伦黛尔的每个角落refract the light to each corner of Arendelle.别担心Don't worry.噢我们没有担心Oh, we weren't worried.好吧其实我们有点担心Okay, we were a little worried.能再次见到北极光我真的真的太高兴了I'm just so, so happy to see the northern lightsagain.感觉就像好久没在生命里It feels like... the first time in forever.这话好耳熟That sounds familiar.我的使命已经结束My job is done.五百年他们差点没能带来水晶 years and they almost didn't bring there crystals.好了好了大家派对结束了All right, all right, everyone. Party is over.这么快真没劲Oh! Already? Come on!还很早呢It's early.好吧Well, well, well.还以为我们永远都抓不到你呢Thought we'd never catch ya, huh?哇哦好漂亮Wow. Gorgeous.-不可思议 -呃长官-Incredible. -Uh, sir?那个他呃The-- He's, um...天哪克雷格我就交给你这么一件事Darn it, Craig, you had one job to do.就这么一件事一件事 One job. One job.他之前他之前就在那儿的He was-- He was right there.我的手都抓到他了I had my arm around him.噢克雷格Oh, Craig.多么奇妙的冒险啊We had quite the adventure.是啊我们以前从没见过这么亮的北极光I know. I don't think i've ever seen the northern lights brighter.我以前从没见过北极光I don't think I've ever seen the northern lights...等一下Wait a second.噢我见过Yes, I have!天还醒着天还醒着The sky is awake. The sky is awake.记得吗安娜我们以前是这么说的Remember Anna? That's how we used to call them. 开心的回忆Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.小狗小猫Puppies, kittens.你的魔法回来了Your magic is back.我们得找个地方坐下来欣赏美景We need a place to sit and watch the show.太惊人了Oh, impressive.但呃你知道But, ooh, you know,我屁股有点冷it's a bit chilly on my buns.可能得要一个用鹰毛Maybe a cushion made of熊掌和树菌做的垫子eagle feathers bear claws, and tree fungus.上面还要有山人独特的香气Something with some smelly mountain man musk.嗯其实这样也很棒啦Heh, this looks great though.今晚还有个额外惊喜And tonight, as an added bonus,我第一次喝冻起来的热巧克力I get my first frozen hot chocolate.给你There you go.像是一大杯新鲜的山中空气Like a cup of fresh mountain air.我要跟我妹妹共同分享所有的一切And I got to share all of this with my little sister.而我要跟我姐姐共同分享And I got to share it with my big sister.来艾莎Go on, Elsa唱吧Sing it.。
冰雪奇缘Born of cold and winter air 生于寒冬And mountain rain combining 山雨降临This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融So out through the heart 剖开心房Cold and clear 冰冷清澈Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 直至看到锋利的壮美Split the ice apart 切开冰块And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 打破冰冻的心Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去Beautiful Powerful 美丽而强大Dangerous Cold 危险而冰冷Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 冰之力,束不住Stronger than one 胜过一人Stronger than ten 胜过十人Stronger than a hundred men!胜过百人Born of cold And winter air 生于寒冬And mountain rain combining 山雨降临This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融Cut through the heart 剖开心房Cold and clear 冰冷清澈Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 这里有花也有刺Split the ice apart 切开冰块Beware the frozen heart 当心冰冷的心Come on, Sven. 跟上,斯文Elsa. Psst!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒,醒醒!Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜,睡觉去吧I just can't. 睡不着The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 天醒了,我也醒了So, we have to play. 我们该去玩啦Go play by yourself. 自己去玩吧Do you want to build a snowman?想堆雪人吗?Come on, come on 快点,快点!Come on!快点!Do the magic!施魔法!Do the magic!施魔法!- Ready?- Uh-huh. 准备好了?This is amazing!太神奇了!Watch this!看着!Hi, I'm Olaf, 嗨,我是奥拉夫and I like warm hugs. 我喜欢拥抱I love you, Olaf!爱你,奥拉夫!Olaf... 奥拉夫好痒啊!Tickle bumps!等着!Hang on!接住我!Catch me!接住了!Gotcha!再来!Again!等会儿!Wait!慢点!- Whoo-hoo!- Slow down!安娜!Anna!安娜!Anna!妈妈!爸爸!Mama!Papa!No, no... 别这样,别这样You're okay, Anna. I got you. 你没事的,安娜,我在你身边Elsa, what have you done?爱尔莎,你都做了什么?This is getting out of hand. 事情闹大了It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna!只是意外,对不起,安娜Oh. She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. - 她身上好冷- 我知道该上哪儿Ice?冰?Faster, Sven. 快点,斯文!Sven!斯文Please!Help!It's my daughter. 求您了,帮帮忙,是我女儿!It's the king. 是国王- Trolls?- Shush!石怪?I'm trying to listen. 听不见啦Cuties. I'm going to keep you. 小可爱,我要把你们留下Your Majesty. 国王陛下Born with the powers, or cursed?与生俱来的能力,还是受了诅咒?Born. And they're getting stronger. 与生俱来的,魔力也在变强Here, here. 过来,过来You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 幸好不是击中心脏The heart is not so easily changed. 心不太容易改变But the head can be persuaded. 脑袋就容易多了Do what you must. 该怎样做,您请便I recommend we remove all magic. 我建议移除所有魔法Even memories of magic, to be safe. 为安全起见,甚至关于魔法的记忆But don't worry. I'll leave the fun. 别担心,我会把那些欢乐留下She will be okay. 她会好起来的But she won't remember I have powers?但她不记得我有魔力了?It's for the best. 还是这样好Listen to me, Elsa. Your power will only grow. 听着,爱尔莎,你的魔力只会增强There is beauty in it... 它很有魅力But also great danger. 但也很危险You must learn to control it. 你要学会控制它Fear will be your enemy. 恐惧是你的敌人No!不We'll protect her. 我们会保护她She can learn to control it. I'm sure. 她能学会控制,我确信Until then... 从此往后We'll look the gates. 我们会紧闭城门We'll reduce the staff. 减少仆人We will limit her contact with people, 限制她与别人来往and keep her powers hidden from everyone. 把她的魔力隐藏起来Including Anna. 包括安娜爱尔莎?Elsa?想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?Come on, let's go and play 一起去玩吧I never see you anymore 再也没见过你Come out the door 从房门里出来It's like you've gone away 像是你已离开We used to be best buddies And now we're not 过去是好伙伴,现在却不是了I wish you would tell me why 告诉我为什么想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?It doesn't have to be a snowman 堆别的也行Go away, Anna. 走开,安娜Okay, bye 好吧,再见The gloves will help. 手套能起作用瞧,藏住了See?Conceal it.Don't feel it. 别去感觉Don't let it show. 别让人看到想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?想在门厅骑车吗Or ride our bike around the halls?I think some company is overdue 等着迟到的陪伴I've started talking To the pictures on the walls 不想和墙画说话Hang in there, Joan. 坚持住,琼It gets a little lonely All these empty rooms 空荡荡的屋子,有些孤单Just watching the hours tick by 只能看时间滴答滴答走过I'm scared. 我害怕变强大了It's getting stronger!Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down. 紧张只会让事情更糟,冷静点不,别碰我No!Don't touch me!Please, I don't want to hurt you. 求你了,我不想伤害你们两周后见See you in two weeks!必须要去吗?Do you have to go?You'll be fine, Elsa. 你会没事的,爱尔莎Your Highness. 殿下爱尔莎?Elsa?Please I know you're in there 我知道你在People are asking where you've been 人们问你在哪They say "Have courage" And I'm trying to 告诉我要坚强,我在努力I'm right out here for you 在门外守候Just let me in 请让我进去We only have each other It's just you and me 你我只剩彼此What are we gonna do?我们要怎么办Do you wanna build a snowman?想堆雪人吗「三年后」上岸!All ashore!欢迎来阿伦黛尔!Welcome to Arendelle!Watch your step, please. 注意脚下The gates will be opening soon. 城门就要开了为什么要我穿这个?Why do I have to wear this?Because the queen has come of age. 因为女王成年了今天是加冕日It's Coronation Day!That's not my fault. 又不是我的错要什么,斯文?What do you want, Sven?"Give me a snack." 给我点吃的漏什么词啦?What's the magic word?"Please." 请一起吃Uh!Uh-uh-uh. Share.真不敢相信城门终于开了I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!- 还开一整天- 快点,珀西- And for a whole day!- Faster, Percy!Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner. 阿伦黛尔,我们最神秘的贸易伙伴Open those gates so I may unlock 终于开门了,我要…your secrets and exploit your riches. 揭穿你的秘密,捞光你的财富我刚才很大声吗?Did I say that out loud?我望眼欲穿,迫不及待Oh!Me sore eyes can't waitto see the queen and the princess. 想见见女王和公主I bet they are absolutely lovely. 我打赌她们很可爱I bet they are beautiful. 我打赌她们很美安娜公主?Princess Anna?- 安娜公主?- 在呢- Princess Anna?- Huh?Yeah?Oh. Sorry to wake you, ma'am. 抱歉吵醒你,殿下No, no, no, you didn't. 不,没有I've been up for hours. 我醒来好几小时了是谁?Who is it?Still me, ma'am. 还是我,殿下The gates will open soon. Time to get ready. 城门要开了,该做好准备了Of course. 是的做什么准备Ready for what?Your sister's coronation, ma'am. 你姐姐的加冕仪式,殿下My sister's corneration. 姐姐的加冕仪式今天是加冕日!It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!It's Coronation Day!窗开了The window is open!门开了So's that door!I didn't know they did that anymore 过去不曾开过八千只盘有谁知晓Who knew we owned 8,000 salad plates?For years I've roamed these empty halls 在空门厅游荡数年徒有舞厅却无舞会Why have a ballroom with no balls?城门终将打开Finally They're opening up the gates!There'll be actual, real, live people 不再只有假人It'll be totally strange 虽感陌生而古怪但我已做好准备But wow!Am I so ready for this change!'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次There'll be music 有音乐There'll be light 有灯光For the first time 无尽之中In forever 第一次I'll be dancing through the night 彻夜狂舞Don't know if I'm elated or gassy 或喜或忧But I'm somewhere in that zone 介乎其间'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次I won't be alone 不再孤单迫不及待想见所有人I can't wait to meet everyone!要是遇见白马王子呢?What if I meet The One?Tonight Imagine me gown and all 礼服和首饰Fetchingly draped against the wall 傍墙而静立The picture of sophisticated grace 迷人又优雅I suddenly see him standing there 忽见一陌生人A beautiful stranger 在前方驻足Tall and fair 又高大又英俊抵不住糖果的诱惑I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!But then we laugh and talk all evening 整晚我们有说有笑Which is totally bizarre 真是幅奇怪的画面Nothing like the life I've led so far 全然不似往日生活For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次There'll be magic There'll be fun 有奇迹,有欢乐For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次I could be noticed by someone 我将被他人注意And I know it is totally crazy 我知道这很疯狂To dream I'd find romance 幻想自己有爱情But for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次至少我有了机会At least I've got a chance!Don't let them in 别让人进来Don't let them see 别让人看到Be the good girl 做个好女孩You always have to be 你永远记住Conceal 要隐瞒一切Don't feel 别去感觉Put on a show 临场做戏Make one wrong move 一步出错And everyone will know 人尽皆知But it's only for today 只为今日It's only for today 只为今日It's agony to wait 痛苦的等待It's agony to wait 痛苦的等待Tell the guards to open up 让守卫打开The gate 封锁的城门The gate 封锁的城门For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让人进来I'm getting what I'm dreaming of - 触摸到梦中一切- 别让人看到Be the good girl 做个好女孩You always have to be 你永远记住A chance to change 改变My lonely world 孤独的命运Conceal 要隐瞒A chance to find true love 追寻真诚的爱情Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐瞒一切,别去感觉I know it all ends tomorrow - 只有一日- 临场做戏把握今天So it has to be today!'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次For the first time 无尽之中In forever 第一次谁也拦不住我Nothing's in my way!喂Hey!对不起,受伤了吗?I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?Hey. 嗨Uh... No, no, I'm okay. 没有,没事真没事?Are you sure?Yeah. I just wasn't looking where I was going. 对,我只是没看着路But I'm great, actually. 但,我没事,真的Oh... Thank goodness. 谢天谢地Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 我是南岛的汉斯王子Princess Anna of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的安娜公主公主?尊敬的殿下"Princess"?My Lady.Hi. Again. 你好哇Oh, boy!This is awkward. 真尴尬Not "You're awkward," but just because we're... 不是说你,只是我们…我很尴尬,你没事,等等,干吗?I'm awkward, you're gorgeous. Wait, what?I'd like to formally apologize 我想正式道个歉for hitting the princess of Arendelle with my horse. 为骑马撞伤阿伦黛尔公主And for every moment after. 和之后的种种麻烦不用,没事的No!No, no. It's fine.I'm not that princess. 我不是那个公主I mean, if you had hit my sister Elsa, 我是说,要是你撞了我姐,爱尔莎那就…呀!it would be... Yeesh!Because, you know... 因为Hello. 嗨But, lucky you, 但,侥幸的是it's just me. 只是我只是你?"Just" you?The bells. The coronation. 敲钟了,加冕仪式I better go. 我要走了I have to go. I better go. Uh... 我该走了,我要走了再见Bye!不Oh, no. Oh!Your Majesty, the gloves. 女王陛下,手套Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王Queen Elsa of Arendelle!Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王Princess Anna of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的安娜公主站这儿,确定?Oh. Here?Are you sure?Because I don't think I'm supposed to... 我不认为我该Oh. Okay. 好吧Hi. 嗨和我说话?"Hi" me?Oh... Um... Hi. 嗨You look beautiful. 你真漂亮Thank you. You look beautiful-ler. 谢谢,你更膘亮I mean, not "fuller." You don't look fuller. 不是“膘”,你不胖But more beautiful. 是更漂亮Thank you. 谢谢So... 那么…This is what a party looks like. 舞会就是这个样子吗?It's warmer than I thought. 比我想的更温馨什么这么香?What is that amazing smell?Chocolate. 巧克力Your Majesty. 女王陛下- 威瑟镇公爵- 威瑟顿!- The Duke of Weaseltown. - "Weselton"!Duke of Weselton, Your Majesty. 威瑟顿公爵,女王陛下As your closest partner in trade it seems only fitting 作为最密切的贸易伙伴that I offer you 邀您跳加冕后第一支舞your first dance as queen. 真是再合适不过了One-two, and jump. 一,二,跳Thank you. Only, I don't dance. 谢谢,只是,我不跳舞But my sister does. 但我妹妹跳- 什么?- 你真幸运- What?- Oh!Lucky you.Oh, I don't think... 我不觉得If you swoon, let me know. I'll catch you. 晕倒时叫我,我会接住你Sorry. 抱歉Like an agile peacock. 像只机灵的孔雀Speaking of, so great to have the gates open. 话说,城门打开真棒为什么先前要关着呢?Why did they shut them in the first place?你知道原因吗?Do you know the reason?Hmm?- No. - No. - 不懂- 不懂好吧,抓紧了All right. Hang on!小熊座的绰号可不是乱起的!They don't call me the "Little Dipper" for nothing!Like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly. 像只长猴脸的鸡,我会飞Let me know when you're ready 准备跳下一首时for another round, Milady. 请告诉我,殿下Well, he was sprightly. 他真活跃Especially for a man in heels. 还穿着高跟鞋呢你没事吧?Are you okay?I've never been better. This is so nice. 好得很,这真棒I wish it could be like this all the time. 我希望能一直都这样Me, too. 我也想But it can't. 但不行- 为什么?- 就是不行- Why not?- It just can't.Excuse me for a minute. 失陪I'd be honored. 荣幸至极Glad I caught you. 幸好拉住你了Hans. 汉斯我常独自踩滑板在大厅滑行I often had a whole parlor to myself to slide!Sorry. 抱歉Your physique helps, I'm sure, too. 你的体形也帮了忙,我确信这是什么?What's this?Uh, I was born with it. 与生俱来的Although, I dreamed I was kissed by a troll. 但我总梦见被石怪亲过I like it. 我喜欢它Yeah, the whole thing. 对,这一切You got it. 明白了好,等等,你有几个兄弟?Okay, wait, wait. So, you have how many brothers?Twelve older brothers. 十二个哥哥Three of them pretended I was invisible, 有三个假装看不见我literally, for two years. 真的,一直闹了两年That's horrible. 真可怕It's what brothers do. 兄弟就是这样And sisters. 姐妹也是Elsa and I were really close when we were little. 爱尔莎和我小时候很亲密But then, one day, she just shut me out, 但有一天,她不理我了and I never knew why. 我从没弄清原因I would never shut you out. 我不会不理你的好吧,我能说些疯话吗?Okay, can I just say something crazy?I love crazy. 我喜欢疯话All my life has been A series of doors in my face 一辈子都被关着And then suddenly I bump into you 突然间撞见了你I was thinking the same thing, because, like... 我也是这么想的,因为I've been searching my whole life 一辈子都在搜寻To find my own place 寻找心灵的归属And maybe it's the party talking 或许是舞会交谈Or the chocolate fondue 或许是糖果奶酪But with you 但和你一起But with you I found my place 和你一起,我找到归属I see your face 看到你的脸And it's nothing like I've ever known before 不曾有的感触Love is an open 爱情是敞开的…大门Door!Love is an open 爱情是敞开的…- Door - Door - 大门- 大门Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门- With you - With you - 和你一起- 和你一起Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门- 这很疯狂- 什么?- I mean, it's crazy - What?- We finish each other's - Sandwiches - 我们吃完- 三明治我正想说这个!That's what I was gonna say!I've never met someone 从未遇见有人Who thinks so much like me 和我情投意合总是异口同声Jinx!Jinx again!Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation 心心相印,只代表了- You - And I - 你- 我- Were - Just - 就- 是Meant to be 注定要- Say goodbye - Say goodbye - 告别- 告别To the pain of the past 痛苦的过去We don't have to feel it anymore 不用再受苦Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门Love is an open 爱情是敞开的- Door - Door - 大门- 大门Life can be so much more 生命如此精彩- With you - With you - 和你一起- 和你一起Love is an open 爱情是敞开的- Door - Door - 大门- 大门容我说句疯话Can I say something crazy?你愿意嫁给我吗?Will you marry me?容我说句更疯的话Can I say something even crazier?愿意Yes!- Coming through. - Excuse me. Oh... - 借过- 借过什么?抱歉- Pardon. Sorry. - Oh!能借过一下吗?Can we just get around you there?谢谢,她在那儿Thank you. Oh!There she is.爱尔莎Elsa!I mean, Queen. Me again. Um... 女王,又是我May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 容许我介绍南岛的汉斯王子Your Majesty. 女王陛下We would like... 我们希望Uh, your blessing... 你能同意Of our marriage. 给我们赐婚- 赐婚?- 对- Marriage?- Yes!I'm sorry, I'm confused. 抱歉,我有点乱Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. 我们也还没计划好We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. 要几天时间安排典礼Of course, we'll have soup, roast and ice cream. And then... 当然要有汤,烤肉,冰淇淋,然后…等等,我们要住在这里?Wait. Would we live here?- 这里?- 当然- Here?- Absolutely!安娜- Anna!- Oh!We can invite all 12 of your brothers to stay with us.可以把你那十二个哥哥都请来住什么,不,不What?No, no, no.- Of course we have the room. - Wait, slow down. - 城堡足够大- 等等,慢点No one's brothers are staying here. 没有人要来住No one is getting married. 没有人要结婚等等,什么?Wait, what?我能和你单独谈谈吗?May I talk to you, please?Alone.No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us. 不行,要说就对我们一起说Fine. You can't marry a man you just met. 好,你不能和初次见面的人结婚You can if it's true love. 是真爱就可以安娜,你懂真爱?Anna, what do you know about true love?More than you. 比你懂All you know is how to shut people out. 你只知道排斥别人You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. 你要我赐婚,我只能说不Now, excuse me. 失陪了Your Majesty, if I may ease your... 陛下,我希望能…No, you may not. And I think you should go. 不行,我想你该走了The party is over. Close the gates. 舞会结束了,关上城门- 是,陛下- 什么?- Yes, Your Majesty. - What?爱尔莎,不,等等Elsa, no, no!Wait.还我手套Give me my glove!Elsa, please, please. 爱尔莎,求你了,求你了我再也不能这样活着了I can't live like this anymore!Then leave. 那么,走吧我对你做了什么?What did I ever do to you?Enough, Anna. 够了,安娜不,为什么,你为什么排斥我?No, why?Why do you shut me out?为什么排斥整个世界?Why do you shut the world out?你到底在怕什么?What are you so afraid of?我说,够了!I said, enough!Sorcery. 巫术!I knew there was something dubious going on here. 我就知道这里边有问题Elsa. 爱尔莎她在那儿!There she is!对,是她!Yes!It is her!Queen Elsa. 爱尔莎女王美丽的女王Our beautiful queen!陛下,您没事吧?Your Majesty?Are you all right?No. 不她在那儿!拦住她!There she is!Stop her!Please, just stay away from me. Stay away. 求你们了,别靠近怪物!怪物!Monster. Monster!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Elsa!等等Wait, please!爱尔莎,停下!Elsa, stop!安娜Anna!No. 不The fjord. 快看峡湾- 下雪了- 下雪了- Snow!- Snow?Yes, snow. 对,下雪了- 你还好吧- 不好- Are you all right?- No.你知道?Did you know?No. 不知道瞧,下雪了,下雪了Look, it's snowing. It's snowing!女王施咒了The queen has cursed this land!必须制止她,快去追她She must be stopped!You have to go after her. 等等,不要!Wait, no!你!你也会巫术?You!Is there sorcery in you, too?你也是怪物?Are you a monster, too?No, no. I'm completely ordinary. 不,不,我是普通人That's right, she is. 对,她是常人In the best way. 非常正常And my sister is not a monster. 我姐姐不是怪物她差点杀了我She nearly killed me!- You slipped on ice. - Her ice. - 你踩到冰滑倒了- 她造的冰It was an accident. She was scared. 只是意外,她受惊吓了She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this. 她不是故意的,这一切都是意外Tonight was my fault. I pushed her. 今晚,我犯错了,我刺激了她So, I'm the one 所以,去追她的人- 应该是我- 什么?- that needs to go after her. - What?- Bring me my horse, please. - Anna, no. - 把我的马牵来- 安娜,不行It's too dangerous. 太危险了Elsa is not dangerous. 爱尔莎不危险I'll bring her back, and I'll make this right. 我会带她回来,让一切正常I'm coming with you. 我和你一起去No, I need you here to take care of Arendelle. 不,我希望你留下看护阿伦黛尔On my honor. 誓死效力I leave Prince Hans in charge. 现在一切由汉斯王子掌管确定她可信任?Are you sure you can trust her?I don't want you getting hurt. 我不希望你受伤She's my sister. 她是我姐姐She would never hurt me. 绝对不会伤害我的The snow glows white On the mountain tonight 山夜白雪微光Not a footprint to be seen 一丝足迹未见A kingdom of isolation 孤独的国度And it looks like I'm the queen 我像是女王The wind is howling 风在呼啸Like this swirling storm inside 心在翻滚Couldn't keep it in Heaven knows I tried 用心去瞒,前功尽弃Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让人进来,别让人看到Be the good girl You always have to be 做个好女孩,你永远记住Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐瞒一切,别去感觉,临场做戏Well, now they know 事已至此随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!Can't hold me back anymore 不再受羁绊随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!Turn away and slam the door 扭过头,关上门I don't care 我不在乎What they're going to say 随他们说Let the storm rage on 让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway 我不惧寒冰It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small 从远处眺望,一切如此小And the fears that once controlled me 曾经的恐惧Can't get to me at all 已彻底挣脱It's time to see what I can do 是时候尽显才华To test the limits and break through 寻极限突破自己No right, no wrong 无所谓对错No rules for me 无所谓规则自由了I'm free!随它去Let it go!随它去Let it go!I am one with the wind and sky 与风与天为伴随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!You'll never see me cry 不再哭泣Here I stand 立于此And here I'll stay 居于此Let the storm rage on 让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air 魔力在风中穿行Into the ground 深入冻土My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals 灵魂绕冰晶旋转All around 盘旋直上And one thought crystallizes Like an icy blast 心一动,冰晶展I'm never going back 不再回头The past is in the past 往事随它随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!And I'll rise like the break of dawn 黎明破晓般站起随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!That perfect girl is gone 完美女孩已离去Here I stand 立于此In the light of day 迎接晨光让风暴怒吼吧Let the storm rage on!The cold never bothered me anyway 我不惧寒冰爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Elsa!Elsa, it's me, Anna, 爱尔莎,是我,安娜your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer. 你妹妹,我不是故意让你冻住夏天的I'm sorry. It's all my fault. 对不起,都是我的错Of course, none of it would have happened 当然,如果她早告诉我if she had just told me her secret. 一切都不会发生She's a stinker. 她真讨厌别,别,回来Oh, no. No, no, no!Come back!别跑,别跑No, no, no!Okay. 好吧Snow. It had to be snow. 都是雪,自然是雪She couldn't have had tropical magic 她自然没有温暖的魔力that covered the fjords in white sand and warm... 给峡湾盖上白沙和温暖的火!Fire!Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. 冷死了,冷死了游荡的奥尔肯商栈还有桑拿Ooh. "And sauna"!Big summer blowout. 夏日聚会吗Half off swimming suits, clogs, 来个泳装,木鞋还是自创防晒香油?and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?很好,但现在,有靴子吗?Oh. Great. For now, um, how about boots?冬靴和冬裙?Winter boots and dresses?That would be in our winter department. 那在冬日品区I was just wondering. 我想问Has another young woman... 有没有其他女孩The queen perhaps, I don't know, 可能是女王,不清楚从这里经过?passed through here?The only one crazy enough to be out in this storm 这种天出来疯的is you, dear. 只有你,亲爱的You and this fellow. 你和这个家伙Big summer blowout. 夏日聚会吗?Carrots. 胡萝卜Behind you. 你身后对,抱歉Oh!Right. Excuse me.七月飞雪,很怪,对吧?Oh. A real howler in July, yes?从哪刮来的?Wherever could it be coming from?The North Mountain. 北山North Mountain. 北山That Will be 40. 四十四十,不,十块Forty?No, 10.Oh, dear, that's no good. 亲爱的,那可不行See, this is from our winter stock, 瞧,这是冬季存货where supply and demand have a big problem. 需求和供应都很紧张和我谈需求和供应?You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?I sell ice for a living. 我卖冰为生Ooh. That's a rough business to be in right now. 现在这生意可难做了I mean, that is really... 真的是…That's unfortunate. 真不幸Still 40. 还是四十But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. 白送一次奥尔肯桑拿浴Yoo-hoo. Hi, family. 嗨,伙计们Ten is all I got. Help me out. 我只有十块,帮个忙Okay. Ten will get you this and no more. 行,十块就这样,别的没了Okay, just tell me one thing. 嘿,告诉我北山出什么事了?What was happening on the North Mountain?像施了魔法?Did it seem magical?对Yes!Now, back up while I deal with this crook, here. 你先让开,我在对付这个骗子叫我什么?What did you call me?Okay, okay. I'm out. 好,好,我出去就是Bye-bye. 再见No, Sven, I didn't get your carrots. 没有,斯文,没有胡萝卜But I did find us a place to sleep. 但找到了过夜的地方And it's free. 是免费的I'm sorry about this violence. 真抱歉,粗鲁了点儿I will add a quart of lutefisk, 送你一夸脱碱鱼so we have good feelings. 这样感觉就好了就衣服和靴子?Just the outfit and the boots, yah?Reindeers are better than people 驯鹿比人亲近斯文,你说对吧?Sven, don't you think that's true?"Yeah, people will beat you And curse you and cheat you" 人会打人,诅咒,撒谎"Every one of them's bad, except you" 他们都是坏人,除了你Aw. Thanks, buddy. 谢谢,伙计But people smell better than reindeers 但人比驯鹿好闻斯文,你说对吧?Sven, don't you think I'm right?"That's once again true For all, except you" 他们都是香的,除了你You got me Let's call it a night 你和我,共度一夜"Good night" 晚安Don't let the frostbite 别让冻伤Bite 伤了你Nice duet. 唱得不错是你?要做什么?It's just you. What do you want?I want you to take me up the North Mountain. 我要你带我上北山I don't take people places. 我不载人Let me rephrase that. 我把话说清楚Take me up the North Mountain. 带我上北山Please. 求你了Look, I know how to stop this winter. 听着,我知道怎么结束这个冬天We leave at dawn. 我们黎明出发And you forgot the carrots for Sven. 你忘了给斯文的胡萝卜Oops, sorry. 抱歉I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't... 抱歉,抱歉,我不是We leave now. Right now. 我们现在出发,马上走抓紧了,我们喜欢飞奔Hang on!We like to go fast.我也喜欢飞奔- I like fast. - Whoa!Whoa, whoa, whoa...Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. 把脚拿下去,这可是刚漆过的说实话,你是谷仓长大的?Seriously, were you raised in a barn?- No, I was raised in a castle. - Hmm. 不是,我是城堡长大的So, uh, tell me, 那,告诉我女王怎么疯成这样?what made the queen go all ice-crazy?It was all my fault. 都是我的错I got engaged, but then she freaked out, 我订婚了,把她吓坏了because I'd only just met him, you know, that day. 因为我是第一次遇见他And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage, and... 她说不会赐婚等等,你和初次遇见的人订婚?Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?Yeah. Anyway, I got mad, and so she got mad, 是,我疯了,她也疯了and then she tried to walk away, 她想走开and I grabbed her glove... 我拿了她的手套慢着Hang on!You mean to tell me you got engaged 你说你订婚了和初次遇见的人?to someone you just met that day?Yes. Pay attention. 对,认真听But the thing is, she wore the gloves all the time, 问题是,她一直戴手套so I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt. 我以为她怕脏你父母没提醒你要当心陌生人?Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?Yes, they did. 他们有But Hans is not a stranger. 汉斯不是陌生人是吗?他姓什么?Oh, yeah?What's his last name?"Of the Southern Isles." 来自南岛- 他最喜欢什么?- 三明治- What's his favorite food?- Sandwiches.- 好友的名字?- 约翰吧- Best friend's name?- Probably John.- 眼睛的颜色?- 恬静的- Eye color?- Dreamy.- 脚多大?- 脚不要紧- Foot size?- Foot size doesn't matter.和他吃过饭吗?Have you had a meal with him yet?万一你不喜欢他吃饭的方式?What if you hate the way he eats?万一你讨厌他抠鼻子的样子?What if you hate the way he picks his nose?抠鼻子?Picks his nose?And eats it. 还吃鼻屎Excuse me, sir. He is a prince. 抱歉,先生,他是王子- All men do it. - Ew. 男人都这样Look, it doesn't matter. It's true love. 听着,那些不重要,这是真爱It doesn't sound like true love. 听起来可不像真爱你是爱情专家?Are you some sort of love expert?No. But, uh, I have friends who are. 不是,但,我有这种朋友You have friends 你有朋友是爱情专家?我可不信who are love experts?I'm not buying it.- Stop talking. - No, no, no. No, no. - 别说话- 不,不- I'd like to meet these... - No, I mean it. - 我想见见这些…- 闭嘴,认真地Sven, go. 斯文,跑跑Go!- 是什么?- 野狼- What are they?- Wolves.野狼?Wolves?- 要怎么办?- 我有这个- What do we do?- I got this.。
Ice Dragon Legend of the Blue Daisies《冰龙传说》电影完整中英文对照剧本
好漂亮啊It's so beautiful.你好Hello.冰龙传说-早上好小姐-早上好- Good morning, miss! - Good morning.早上好梅洛迪Good morning, Melody.这些看起来好漂亮啊Everything looks so wonderful谢谢亲爱的Thank you, dear.早上好波特森太太Good morning, Mrs. Potterson.面包闻起来真香Those buns smell wonderful.我能不能拿一些呢May I have some, please?当然能了只要两个吗Of course. Just a couple?是的Yes, please.-谢谢-别客气- Thank you. - You're welcome.嘿小心啊Hey, watch out!熊孩子们Crazy kids.你以为你能跑哪儿去Where do you think you're going?别可怜巴巴地看着我Don't give me those puppy dog eyes.我猜它是盯上你亮蹭蹭的苹果了I think he's got his sights on those shiny apples of yours. 你说得对I think you're right.给你个苹果小姐我请Here's one for you, miss, on the house.-谢谢-不是给你的- Thanks. - Not for you.现在回想过去的日子Now, back in those days,每个人都怀着感恩的心唱这首歌everyone would sing the song with thankful hearts. 只是一首简单的歌It was a simple song,简单到任何人都能学会simple enough for anyone to learn.但是它又与众不同不像其它歌But it was different, not like any other song,因为这首歌有神奇的力量for it had amazing power.-力量吗-什么力量- Power? - What kind of power?是魔法吗Was it magical?是的但不是普通的魔法Yes, but not simple magic它不像精灵灰尘也不像障眼法的小技巧like pixie dust or tricks to the eye.这首歌拥有真正的魔法The song was true magic因为它确实能改变人心because it could actually change hearts.什么What?这首歌能给绝境带来希望The song could bring hope to despair,能给黑暗带来光明light to darkness,甚至能让伤心的人变得开心起来even change sad to glad.真的吗Really?这首歌哪里来的呢Where did the song come from?它是个礼物Well, it was a gift, you see.礼物你是说它就像礼物一样吗A gift? You mean like a present?是的伟大的造物主赠予的Yes, from the great Giver of Gifts.一开始每个人都心怀感恩And in the beginning, everyone was thankful都热爱这首歌and loved the song.但在德拉康之后就变了But that was before Dracon.德拉康Dracon?德拉康Mm, Dracon.他曾是这首歌的守护者He was once a noble guardian of the song,他曾是发誓要热爱和守护这首歌的骑士a knight sworn to love and protect it.德拉康每次唱起这首歌When Dracon sang the song,都美妙至极it was wonderful.他的歌声就像一首交响曲His voice was like a symphony of one.但后来德拉康变得高傲了But Dracon became prideful他想利用这首歌and wanted to use the song获取更多的力量只为了赞美自己to gain power and praise for himself.这使他走向黑暗的深渊This led him on a path into darkness远离光明and away from the light.他试过用巫术来吸取这首歌的力量He tried to use sorcery to steal the song's power,但歌曲本身强力的魔法没有让他成功but a deep magic in the song prevented this from happening. 太棒了Mm, ah, yes!德拉康意识到不能如他所愿When Dracon realized he could not have what he wanted,他的心全是怨恨his heart was filled with hate.他发誓要让所有热爱这首歌的人And he vowed to make all who loved the song成为他的敌人或成为他的奴隶his enemy or his slaves.-奴隶吗-我的天呐- Slaves? - Oh, my!他太坏了He's bad.比坏还要坏Far worse than bad.德拉康是邪恶Dracon was evil.接下来呢Then what happened?没有人知道他接下来要做什么Well, there was no telling what he would do next,所以造物主派迈克去阻止德拉康and so the Giver dispatched Michael,他是这首歌忠实的守护者a faithful guardian of the song, to find Dracon and stop him. 造物主赠与迈克一件特别的礼物The Giver gave Michael a special gift...一个防盾和一把剑armor and a sword这些能击败黑暗的力量that could defeat the powers of darkness.德拉康你的邪恶计划已经失败了Dracon, your wicked scheme has come undone.投降吧Surrender yourself.我会考虑给你留一丝怜悯I pray there may yet be a trace of mercy set aside for you. 怜悯Mercy.你来给我怜悯You come offering mercy to me?就凭区区一把剑吗With a sword?我们又要是兄弟了吗Are we to be brothers again?那太近[亲密]了That's close enough.但我还想让我们更亲密像过去一样But I want us to be close, like old times.我想让你明白I want you to understand.我并不需要你或造物主的怜悯I don't need mercy from you or the Giver!你在干什么What are you doing?你变了德拉康黑暗蒙蔽了你的双眼You've changed, Dracon. The darkness has blinded you.你错了我能在黑暗中看得见You are wrong! My eyes have been opened in the darkness. 我现在看的更清楚了I see clearly now.在黑暗里都是秘密和力量Here in the shadows, there are secrets and power所有都超越你的想象beyond anything you could imagine.反倒是你被光明弄瞎了眼It is you who have been blinded by the light!再会了老朋友Goodbye, old friend.给我让开Get out of my way.我不会让你过去的I cannot let you pass.行那你将先倒下了Fine! Then you shall be the first to fall.德拉康你到底干了什么Dracon, what have you done?看爸爸一颗星星坠落了Look, Dad, a falling star.光明的守护者The Guardians of Light.这里Here!德拉康以背叛造物主的罪名Dracon, for your rebellion against the Giver,从此你被放逐于地狱深渊you are hereby banished to the depths of the Earth.歌和光明将永存于世Forever is the song and the light!所以迈克把德拉康放逐在And so Michael banished Dracon深山洞的深渊里to the depths of the deep mountain cave,永远被囚禁在那里there to remain a prisoner forever.永远吗Forever?只要还有这首歌的信仰者Well, as long as there were believers to sing the song,德拉康便无力逃出地牢Dracon was powerless to escape his prison.这首歌真的会让蓝色雏菊生长吗Is it true the song makes the blue daisies grow? 是的蓝色雏菊便是Yes! The blue daisies are a sign这首歌信仰者的象征of all those who believe in the song.我相信这首歌尼古莱I believe, Nicholai.-是的我也信-我们都相信- Yeah, me too. - We all believe.那那真是太棒了That's... That's wonderful!我是迈克大地的保卫者I am Michael, defender of the realm.我能打败魔鬼德拉康厉害吧I can defeat the evil Dracon, yeah!来吧打倒德拉康Yeah! Fight the dragon!你能教我们唱这首歌吗尼古莱Can you teach us the song, Nicholai?是啊能教我们吗Yes, will you, please?我当然能教你们唱啦Of course I will.你不能这么做You'll do no such thing!你又在用你那废故事You're frightening the children吓小朋友了是吗again with your wild stories, aren't you?回家孩子们别让我再看到你Move along, children. And don't let me catch you 又在听这个老滑头的话listening to that old fool again.抱歉尼古莱Sorry, Nicholai.-但是我喜欢这个故事-我也是- But I like the story. - Me too!我并无恶意我只是I meant no harm. I was just...又想用天马行空的想象Fill their heads with wild imaginings和你那古董宗教给他们洗脑吗and that old religion!你就想这么做That's what you were trying to do.♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪你只是过去的遗物♪♪You're a relic of the past ♪♪你只是一个满嘴胡言的老东西♪♪Just a babbling, dribbling old coot ♪♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪你就是在制造麻烦♪♪You're a troublemaking hack ♪♪应该有个人来踹醒他♪♪And someone ought to give him the boot ♪♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪你仍活在过去♪♪You're living in the past ♪-无关痛痒-无关紧要的过去- Irrelevant! - Inconsequential!傻瓜笨蛋A nincompoop!♪忘了吧忘了吧♪♪Give it up, give it up ♪♪因为我们都受够了♪♪'Cause we've all had quite enough ♪♪带着你的故事滚蛋吧尼古鲁♪♪Take your song and get along, Nicholoop ♪-是尼古莱-随便了- The name is Nicholai. - Whatever.但是这些故事都是真实的And these stories are true.谁说的Says who?♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪你在给村子蒙羞♪♪You're embarrassing the town ♪♪他就像一个乡村小丑♪♪Like a village clown, he be ♪♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪讲童话故事♪♪Telling fairy tales ♪♪都是虚构的愚蠢荒谬的故事♪♪It's silly-willy make-believe ♪♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪你仍活在过去♪♪You're living in the past ♪-无关痛痒-无关紧要的过去- Irrelevant! - Inconsequential!傻瓜笨蛋A nincompoop!♪忘了吧忘了吧♪♪Give it up, give it up ♪♪我们都受够了♪♪We've all had quite enough ♪♪带着你的故事滚蛋吧尼古鲁♪♪Take your song and get along, Nicholoop ♪♪只要你们聆听一下♪♪If you'd only listen ♪♪敞开你们的心♪♪Open up your heart ♪♪只要心存一点信仰♪♪With a little faith, you'd see ♪♪你就能看到更多生活的事情♪♪There is so much more to life than meets the eye ♪♪只要一点点信念♪♪Have a little faith ♪♪相信♪♪Believe ♪我仍然相信你尼古莱I still believe in you, Nicholai.我也相信你I believe in you too.你们当然信了孩子Sure you do, kid.♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪-♪忘了吧老家伙♪-天呐- ♪Give it up, old man ♪- Dear me!♪忘了吧老家伙♪♪Give it up, old man ♪冷静点Be reasonable!-♪忘了吧老家伙♪-不- ♪Give it up, old man ♪- No.嘿这里发生了什么Hey, what's going on here?没事亲爱的It's okay, dear.没有人受伤他们只是想No harm done. They're just trying to...你们全都怎么回事What's the matter with all of you?你还好吗尼古莱Are you all right, Nicholai?我没事亲爱的I'm fine, dear.你们真该为自己感到羞耻You should all be ashamed of yourselves.他又没做错任何事He wasn't doing anything wrong.他只是想告诉你们真相He was just trying to show you the truth about... 算了梅洛迪都过去了It's all right, Melody. It's over now.我们回家吧Let's just go home.天呐Oh, my!行了我自己会走All right, I'm leaving!你为什么不回击呢Why didn't you fight back?他们是朋友我不和他们争吵They're our friends. I have no quarrel with them. 你管他们叫当朋友吗You call them friends?没错我在试着和他们交朋友I'm trying to be their friend, yes.不是所有冲突都要依靠武力获胜Not all battles are won with a sword.读一读你就明白了Read. You'll see.-我爱你尼古莱-我也爱你- I love you, Nicholai. - I love you too.别担心一切都会好起来的And don't worry. Everything will be fine. 现在我要去工作了Now, I have work to do.我发现了墙上另一部分内容I've uncovered another section of the wall. -好吧待会见-行- Okay, see you later. - All right.快点亨特快点跑Come on, Hunter. Move it, boy.抓住他Let's get him!快点啊男孩们这也太容易了吧Come on, boys, this is too easy.-谢啦波特森太太-利夫- Thanks, Mrs. Potterson! - Leif!你管那叫打架吗You call that fighting?看招Take that!你们太逊了You guys are lame!-走开-它们啄我- Get off me! - They're pecking me!怎么了你们是小鸡吗What's the matter? You guys chicken?安静亨特我们要伏击他们Shh. Quiet, Hunter. We'll ambush 'em.喂Hey!别担心公主我会保护你的Don't worry, princess, I'll defend you!看招小脏狗Take that, you dirty dogs!看看你们干的好事Watch where you're going!谢谢Thanks.如果你踩到那些雏菊的话If you step on those daisies,你就有大麻烦了you'll be in big trouble.喂看着点Hey, watch it!我的花My flowers!现在你们惹到我了Now you're in for it.嘿Hey!那是我的还给我That's mine! Give it back!哎呀那个女孩疯了Yikes! That girl's crazy!离我的花远点And keep off my flowers!你是怎么做到的How did you do that?别再在我的花园里打架了No more fighting in my garden!不会了但说真的你对花做的No, really, that thing you did with the flowers,那是变戏法吗is that a trick?再猜猜Guess again.你知道吗你耍扫帚耍得特别好Ah! You're pretty good with that broom, you know. 很高兴和你比一次但我有事要做Nice fighting you, but I've got stuff to do.嘿等等是什么样的事Hey, wait, wait, what kind of stuff?呆着别动Stay, boy.你问的真多You sure ask a lot of questions.我以为这个地方早被废弃了I thought this old place was abandoned.你在这干什么What do you do in here?我现在和我爷爷住在这I live here with my grandpa now.这是哪What is this place?你是什么都不知道吗Don't you know anything?这里是圣殿一个古老的议事厅This is Sanctuary, the old meeting place.议事厅议什么事Meeting place? For what?人们在这做很多事People did lots of things here:交谈唱歌找东西talking, singing, searching for stuff.找什么东西What kind of stuff?问得好年轻人Oh, an excellent question, young man.你好啊尼古莱Hi, Nicholai.墙的背后隐藏着一个奇妙的故事There's a wonderful story hidden in these walls, 我要把它发掘出来and I'm going to find it.它已经被隐藏了很久了It's been hiding here for years.看你变的花Hey, look, your trick flowers.那是蓝色雏菊它们可不是戏法Blue daisies, boy, and they're not a trick.它们是一种承诺They're a promise.对承诺Yes, a promise.只要这些蓝色雏菊在这As long as the blue daisies are here,一切就会安适如常我们的世界也会安全everything is as it should be, and our world is safe. 安全我们又是从哪脱离了危险Safe? From what?当然是龙了Why, the dragon, of course.龙当然啦The dragon. Of course!准确地说是一条冰龙An ice dragon, to be precise.很危险也很聪明Very dangerous and very clever.等等你真的相信那种东西吗Wait, you actually believe that stuff?不然你还相信什么What else would you believe?行吧那真有意思Okay, well, hey, that's really interesting.梅洛迪我得走了Melody, I've gotta go now,你们俩接着做自己的事leave you two to do whatever you are doing.不过那个对花变的戏法不错Nice trick with the flowers though.再见啦See ya!那不是变戏法It's not a trick.蓝色雏菊是一种承诺The blue daisies are a promise.而且它们有魔力And they have power.花之魔力吗听起来好小女生啊Flower power? Sounds girly.不是的我可以带你去秘密基地展示一下It's not. I can take you to a secret place and show you, 如果你不害怕的话if you're not scared.展示什么花花大怪兽吗Of what, the flower monster?不不是花花大怪兽No, not the flower monster.是冰龙The ice dragon.看吧你害怕了Yeah, you're scared.我就知道I understand.你没必要在明天早饭后从小镇门口出发You don't have to go with me tomorrow after breakfast, 跟着我starting out by the town gate.再见利夫别迟到了Bye, Leif. Don't be late.亨特这只是个雕像Hunter, it's just a statue.来吧我们才不信龙那一套Come on, boy. We don't believe in dragons.有点耐心梅洛迪Patience, Melody.他会来的He'll be here.嘿你可不是利夫Hey, you're not Leif.待在这别动Stay here, boy.利夫你还好吗Leif, are you okay?跟我说句话Talk to me!说句话利夫Please say something! Leif!得手啦Gotcha!亨特停下快停下Aw, Hunter, cut it out! Come on!亨特我真的没事Hunter, really, I'm okay.我猜咱俩扯平了I guess we're even.对以后走着瞧Yeah, well, we'll have to see about that.快点我们还有一段路呢Come on, we've got a ways to go.走吧公主Lead on, princess.你能别那么叫我了吗Will you stop calling me that?遵命As you command.我很高兴你决定过来利夫I'm really happy you decided to come along, Leif. 我们到了吗Are we there yet?还没Not yet.嘿我知道这里Hey, I know this place.我小的时候这些石头总让我毛骨悚然These stones always creeped me out as a kid.它们是回音石它们是这首歌的守护人They're echo stones. They're guardians of the song. 利夫Leif!利夫利夫Leif! Leif!你懂我的意思吗停下See what I mean? Stop it.我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了It's creeping me out.胆小鬼Scaredy cat.来吧这边Come on, this way.亨特我们走吧Hunter, let's go, boy!这就是山路隐藏之处This is where the mountain path is hidden.-我们到了吗-你能别问我这个了吗- Are we there yet? - Will you stop asking me that?到了吗Well, are we?快了Almost.它们快没有了They're almost gone, you know.-什么快没了-蓝色雏菊- What's almost gone? - The blue daisies.只剩下圣殿周围的那片了The ones around Sanctuary are all that's left.至少在村里是这样的In the village, at least.尼古莱说是因为没人相信那首歌了Nicholai says it's because no one believes in the song anymore. 你觉得呢What do you think?我觉得他是对的I think he's right.看我们到啦Look, we're here.终于到了Finally.跟紧我Follow me.梅洛迪Uh, Melody?这边This way.你是怎么找到这个地方的How'd you find this place?尼古莱带我来的Nicholai showed me.他经常来这沉思祈祷He comes up here often to think and pray.到了This is it!蓝色田野The blue fields!太美了Sweet.哪有蓝色啊Where's the blue?你需要跳魔法舞步You need to do the magic dance.真的吗我可以我想跳Really? I can do it. I want to do it.好吧单脚跳伸出舌头Okay. Hop on one leg and stick out your tongue. 跳一跳Now make a beat.转圈圈And spin around in circles.继续Keep trying.加速Faster!我做不到I can't do it.我刚刚是逗你玩的Aw, I was just messing with you.不是魔法或者某种戏法It's not magic or some kind of trick.是歌It's the song.你要唱歌You sing the song.♪在这天♪♪On this day ♪♪我们对大地表示感谢♪♪We give thanks for the Earth ♪♪感谢它创造的大海和云彩♪♪For the sea and the sky that was made ♪♪我们高唱赞歌♪♪We sing praise ♪♪为了带来希望的光明♪♪For the light that brings hope ♪♪以及爱指引我们前进的承诺♪♪And the promise that love guides our way ♪♪我们表示感谢♪♪We give thanks ♪♪我们高唱赞歌♪♪We sing praise ♪♪在这天♪♪On this day ♪♪天下共庆♪♪All of heaven rejoices ♪♪自然宣告♪♪And nature proclaims ♪♪庆祝壮丽的神秘♪♪Celebrating the grand mystery ♪♪花儿竞相绽放♪♪Every flower that blossoms ♪♪鸟儿振翅高飞♪♪And bird that takes wing ♪♪和谐引吭♪♪Sings the song in harmony ♪♪表示感谢♪♪They give thanks ♪♪唱着赞美诗♪♪They sing praise ♪♪在这天♪♪On this day ♪太神奇了That was amazing.任何人都能做到吗Can anyone do that?当然如果他们相信的话Sure, if they believe.亨特你去哪儿回来Hunter, where you going? Come back here!等等别去那里那里不安全Wait! Don't go that way! It's not safe!亨特过来Hunter, come here, boy!利夫等等我Leif, wait for me!亨特过来Hunter! Come here, boy!利夫我们该回去了Leif, we should go back.我们不应该来这里We're not supposed to be here.得了吧你在害怕什么龙吗Come on. What are you afraid of, a dragon? 真有意思Very funny.我们快点找找亨特吧Let's just find Hunter quickly.亨特过来那小东西在哪呢Hunter, come here, boy! Where is that pup? 他在追那只小鸟He was chasing that little bird.看我能看到更多踪迹了快来Look, I can see more tracks. Come on!什么声音What was that?听起来像是亨特快跟上It sounded like Hunter. Come on!抓住你了可真是千钧一发啊Gotcha. That's one mean drop.确实是谢谢了Sure is. Thanks.利夫看Leif, look!亨特的爪印到这里就没了Hunter's paw prints end right here.-什么-难道你觉得- What? - You don't think...不没事的No, it's all right.我能在另一边看到他的踪迹I can see his tracks on the other side.-谢天谢地-是啊- Thank goodness. - Yeah.但只有一个问题我们怎么过去Just one problem: How do we get across? -哇哦你感受到了吗-嗯- Whoa! You feel that? - Yeah.是地震It's an earthquake!嘿快点我们能过去Hey, come on, we can get across.好我就跟在你后面Okay, I'm right behind you.-你听到了吗-是亨特- Did you hear that? - It's Hunter!快来Come on.这里好黑It's dark in here.利夫小心点Leif, be careful!快点And hurry!我没事I'm okay.你看到他了吗Do you see him?还没有这洞穴很深Not yet. This cave is so deep.下面发生什么了What's happening down there?利夫Leif?我还在这里但好冷啊I'm still here, but it's freezing.都还好吗我一点都不喜欢这里Is everything okay? I don't like this one bit. 我能听到他的声音I can hear him.越来越近了Getting close.就快到了Almost there.我来了I'm coming, boy!亨特你是怎么下来这里的Hunter, how'd you get down there?走吧Come on.抓住你了Gotcha.利夫你还好吗Leif, you all right?我还好I'm okay.谢谢了兄弟Thanks, bud.小心点Be careful.亨特Hunter!你吓死我了你还好吗You had me scared, boy. Are you all right? 不准你再追逐小鸟了No more bird-chasing for you.利夫那是什么声音Leif, what was that sound?什么风声之类的吧Some kind of wind or something.空穴来风吗Wind coming from inside a cave?那还能是什么声音Well, what else could it be?我明白了Oh, now I get it.你觉得这下面有东西吗You think there's something down there.听我说我们不能一走了之吗Look, can we just leave now?如你所愿公主As you wish, princess.我们走亨特Let's go, Hunter.太晚了我该走了It's late. I gotta go.-我也是-再见了利夫- Me too. - Bye, Leif.你可来了你去哪里了There you are. Where have you been?出去和那叫亨特的小狗还有利夫逛了逛Outside with Hunter, that cute dog, and Leif. 我累了I'm getting tired.呼吸了好多新鲜的空气Must have been all that fresh air.去睡了爱你Gonna crash. Love you.也爱你Love you too.亨特起开Hunter, get off me!什么What?尼古莱快来Nicholai, come quick!外面下雪了It's snowing outside.雪吗Snow?不可能除非That's not possible, unless...除非什么Unless what?我还不太确定I'm not certain yet,但我要一查究竟but I'm going to find out.别担心我们会没事的Don't worry. We'll be all right.你能相信这个吗这太难以置信了Can you believe this? This is awesome!大夏天居然飘起了雪花It's a snow day in the middle of summer!太棒了Yeah!利夫你看到雪花了吗Leif, do you see the snow?猜猜是从哪里来的Guess where it came from.我猜猜从天上来的吗Uh, let's see, like, maybe the sky?得了吧不记得昨天的事了吗那洞穴Come on! Don't you remember yesterday, the cave? 你不会在说那是个龙穴吧You don't mean the dragon cave, do you?利夫告诉我们说你吓坏了Leif told us you, like, freaked out.我不是故意要I-I didn't mean to...怎么要取笑我吗What, be mean, make fun of me?嘿我们看到了Hey, we saw that...我们什么都没看到梅洛We didn't see anything, Mel.看这雪太棒了Look, this is awesome.别闹了让我们来取点乐子Come on, let's have some fun!利夫等等Leif, wait!他为什么让我这么Why does he make me so...他为什么不能听听我说的话Why won't he just listen to me?♪我独树一帜他却以为我鬼迷心窍♪♪He thinks that I'm crazy for the way I am ♪♪她认为我一窍不通愚不可及♪♪She thinks that I'm too messed up to understand ♪♪当我尝试解释自己的时候♪♪When I try to explain myself ♪♪一切都变得不正常♪♪It all turns out wrong ♪♪也许我们志不同也道不合♪♪Maybe we're too different to ever get along ♪-但话说回来-但话说回来- But then again... - But then again...♪也许并不♪♪Maybe not ♪♪也许是我执迷不悟♪♪Maybe I'm not thinking clear ♪♪也许挚友之情就在前方♪♪Maybe there's a true friend waiting ♪♪如果我克服恐惧♪♪If I overcome this fear ♪♪也许美妙奇迹就会发生♪♪Maybe something wonderful's about to happen ♪♪因为你在附近♪♪'Cause you're near ♪♪也许如此♪♪Maybe so ♪♪但话说回来♪♪But then again ♪♪也许并不♪♪Hmm, maybe not. ♪♪他认为我的生活在荒谬神话中度过♪♪He thinks that my life is spent on make-believe ♪♪她认为我分不清森林和树林♪♪She thinks that I miss the forest for the trees ♪♪也许我是做梦因为我喜欢这歌♪♪Maybe I'm a dreamer because I love the song ♪♪也许我们志不同也道不合♪♪Maybe we're too different to ever get along ♪-但话说回来-但话说回来- But then again... - But then again...♪也许并不♪♪Maybe not ♪♪也许是我执迷不悟♪♪Maybe I'm not thinking clear ♪♪也许挚友之情就在前方♪♪Maybe there's a true friend waiting ♪♪如果我克服恐惧♪♪If I overcome this fear ♪♪也许美妙奇迹就会发生♪♪Maybe something wonderful's about to happen ♪♪因为你在附近♪♪'Cause you're near ♪♪也许如此♪♪Maybe so ♪♪但话说回来♪♪But then again ♪♪也许并不♪♪Maybe not ♪♪朋友是能够让你微笑的祝福♪♪ A friend's a blessing that makes you smile ♪♪朋友命中注定要♪♪Friends are truly meant to be ♪♪命中注定要♪♪Oh, truly meant to be ♪♪心存信念♪♪Always faithful ♪♪这就是为什么♪♪And that's the reason why ♪♪我永远会是你的朋友♪♪Your friend I will always be ♪你看到了吗利夫Did you see that, Leif?快来我们做个刨冰梅洛迪Come on! Let's get a snow cone, Melody.♪他认为我没有倾听他的心扉♪♪He thinks I don't listen when he speaks his mind ♪♪她认为我太固执而我只需要时间♪♪She thinks I'm too stubborn when I, I just need time ♪♪也许我是做梦因为我喜欢这歌♪♪Maybe I'm a dreamer because I love the song ♪♪也许我们志不同也道不合♪♪Maybe we're too different to just get along ♪有人吗Hello?尼古莱是你吗Nicholai, is that you?有人吗Hello?尼古莱Nicholai?什么What?不Oh, no!不No!住手停下走开Stop! Stop it! Get away!糟糕的噩梦Oh, what a crazy dream!你在这里做什么呢What are you doing here?尼古莱我要去趟村里Nicholai, I'm going to the village.我答应过波特森太太今天早上要去帮她I promised Mrs. Potterson I would help her this morning. 怎么了小子What's the matter, boy?你想梅洛迪了不是吗You miss Melody, don't you?好好好如果你坚持的话Okay, okay, if you insist.我们一起去找她Let's go find her.这鬼天气Ugh, this weather's crazy.这算是几年来最恶劣的风暴了This is the worst storm in years.亲爱的我们只有这么多木柴了Honey, that's all the firewood we have.-我们要怎么办啊-我不知道- What are we going to do? - I don't know.还早着呢It's still early.她大概是和尼古莱一起在圣殿She's probably at Sanctuary with Nicholai.-你暖和了吗小猪猪-猪仔倒是挺舒服- Are you warm enough, Porky? - The pig's got the right idea. 嘿利夫你要去哪Hey, Leif, where are you off to?不去哪真的Uh, nowhere, really.你知道的亨特想见梅洛迪所以You know, Hunter just wanted to see Melody, so...是对了我们看到你们两个手牵手了Yeah, right. We saw you two holding hands.还唱着你们的小情歌And singing your little love song.得了吧别闹了伙计们Aw, come on, knock it off, guys.♪也许不是什么的啦啦啦♪♪Maybe not La la la ♪♪也许是我执迷不悟♪♪Maybe I'm not thinking clear ♪真有意思Very funny.♪也许♪♪Maybe ♪你们两个真是天造地设的一对You two were meant for each other.走吧亨特Come on, boy.是啊最好的朋友不是吗比利Yeah, best buds forever, right, Billy?也许并不Maybe not.嘿Hey!有人吗Hello?待着别动小子Stay here, boy.有人吗Hello?梅洛迪Melody!有人在吗Anyone here?快快进来但你会发现里面没有任何人Yes, yes, come in, come in, but you'll find no one here 只有一位把头埋在书里的老人but an old man with his head buried in a book.你好尼古莱Oh, hi, Nicholai.我在找梅洛迪你看到过她吗I was looking for Melody. Have you seen her?她应该马上就回来了Oh, she should be back soon.她在帮波特森太太给村里的人家She was helping Mrs. Potterson deliver some food送食物to families in the village.如果雪一直下的话日子会很有趣The snow day was fun while it lasted,但它正在变成一种非同寻常的东西but it's turning into something very different.是啊他们说这是多年来最严重的暴风雪Yeah, the worst blizzard in years, they say.我估计是千年一遇的In a thousand years, I calculate.你在看什么呢What are you looking at?为什么这么问是这首歌Why, it's the song.是吗我看一下It is? Let me see.恩赐万物的造物主爱是永恒之歌"Giver of all gifts. Love's eternal song.我们为你而来We are here for you."等一下这不是那首歌Wait a minute. That's not the song.什么意思What do you mean?梅洛迪在蓝色的田野里唱了这首歌Well, Melody sang the song in the blue fields,但是完全不一样and it was way different.它们不可能都是那首歌是吗They can't both be the song, can they?当然可以Of course they can,因为这首歌有很多部分for the song has many parts.虽然起初听起来可能不一样And though they may sound different at first, 如果你用心倾听if you listen with your heart,你会发现它们有同工之妙you will know they are the same.异曲同工之妙吗Different and the same?没错你领悟了Precisely! You've got it!不完全是Uh, not exactly.别担心利夫你到时候会明白的Don't worry, Leif. You will get it in time.你看这首歌里的词是活的The words in the song are alive, you see.它们是活灵活现的歌词They are living words.有一点信仰你就会明白Have a little faith, and you will see.我说不准尼古莱I don't know, Nicholai.我也想相信但我仍然有些疑惑I want to believe, but I still have my doubts. 那太棒了That's excellent!在可疑而不疑者不曾学A man without a doubt never had a thought. 疑是思之始学之端Faith always begins with questions.你比想象中更接近信仰You're closer to believing than you think.再次感谢你来帮忙梅洛迪Thanks again for your help, Melody.不客气波特森太太Sure, Mrs. Potterson.现在谁能想到。
冰雪奇缘Born of cold and winter air 生于寒冬And mountain rain combining 山雨降临This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融So out through the heart 剖开心房Cold and clear 冰冷清澈Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 直至看到锋利的壮美Split the ice apart 切开冰块And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 打破冰冻的心Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去Beautiful Powerful 美丽而强大Dangerous Cold 危险而冰冷Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 冰之力,束不住Stronger than one 胜过一人Stronger than ten 胜过十人Stronger than a hundred men!胜过百人Born of cold And winter air 生于寒冬And mountain rain combining 山雨降临This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融Cut through the heart 剖开心房Cold and clear 冰冷清澈Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 这里有花也有刺Split the ice apart 切开冰块Beware the frozen heart 当心冰冷的心Come on, Sven. 跟上,斯文Elsa. Psst!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒,醒醒!Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜,睡觉去吧I just can't. 睡不着The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 天醒了,我也醒了So, we have to play. 我们该去玩啦Go play by yourself. 自己去玩吧Do you want to build a snowman?想堆雪人吗?Come on, come on 快点,快点!Come on!快点!Do the magic!施魔法!Do the magic!施魔法!- Ready?- Uh-huh. 准备好了?This is amazing!太神奇了!Watch this!看着!Hi, I'm Olaf, 嗨,我是奥拉夫and I like warm hugs. 我喜欢拥抱I love you, Olaf!爱你,奥拉夫!Olaf... 奥拉夫好痒啊!Tickle bumps!等着!Hang on!接住我!Catch me!接住了!Gotcha!再来!Again!等会儿!Wait!慢点!- Whoo-hoo!- Slow down!安娜!Anna!安娜!Anna!妈妈!爸爸!Mama!Papa!No, no... 别这样,别这样You're okay, Anna. I got you. 你没事的,安娜,我在你身边Elsa, what have you done?爱尔莎,你都做了什么?This is getting out of hand. 事情闹大了It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna!只是意外,对不起,安娜Oh. She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. - 她身上好冷- 我知道该上哪儿Ice?冰?Faster, Sven. 快点,斯文!Sven!斯文Please!Help!It's my daughter. 求您了,帮帮忙,是我女儿!It's the king. 是国王- Trolls?- Shush!石怪?I'm trying to listen. 听不见啦Cuties. I'm going to keep you. 小可爱,我要把你们留下Your Majesty. 国王陛下Born with the powers, or cursed?与生俱来的能力,还是受了诅咒?Born. And they're getting stronger. 与生俱来的,魔力也在变强Here, here. 过来,过来You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 幸好不是击中心脏The heart is not so easily changed. 心不太容易改变But the head can be persuaded. 脑袋就容易多了Do what you must. 该怎样做,您请便I recommend we remove all magic. 我建议移除所有魔法Even memories of magic, to be safe. 为安全起见,甚至关于魔法的记忆But don't worry. I'll leave the fun. 别担心,我会把那些欢乐留下She will be okay. 她会好起来的But she won't remember I have powers?但她不记得我有魔力了?It's for the best. 还是这样好Listen to me, Elsa. Your power will only grow. 听着,爱尔莎,你的魔力只会增强There is beauty in it... 它很有魅力But also great danger. 但也很危险You must learn to control it. 你要学会控制它Fear will be your enemy. 恐惧是你的敌人No!不We'll protect her. 我们会保护她She can learn to control it. I'm sure. 她能学会控制,我确信Until then... 从此往后We'll look the gates. 我们会紧闭城门We'll reduce the staff. 减少仆人We will limit her contact with people, 限制她与别人来往and keep her powers hidden from everyone. 把她的魔力隐藏起来Including Anna. 包括安娜爱尔莎?Elsa?想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?Come on, let's go and play 一起去玩吧I never see you anymore 再也没见过你Come out the door 从房门里出来It's like you've gone away 像是你已离开We used to be best buddies And now we're not 过去是好伙伴,现在却不是了I wish you would tell me why 告诉我为什么想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?It doesn't have to be a snowman 堆别的也行Go away, Anna. 走开,安娜Okay, bye 好吧,再见The gloves will help. 手套能起作用瞧,藏住了See?Conceal it.Don't feel it. 别去感觉Don't let it show. 别让人看到想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?想在门厅骑车吗Or ride our bike around the halls?I think some company is overdue 等着迟到的陪伴I've started talking To the pictures on the walls 不想和墙画说话Hang in there, Joan. 坚持住,琼It gets a little lonely All these empty rooms 空荡荡的屋子,有些孤单Just watching the hours tick by 只能看时间滴答滴答走过I'm scared. 我害怕变强大了It's getting stronger!Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down. 紧张只会让事情更糟,冷静点不,别碰我No!Don't touch me!Please, I don't want to hurt you. 求你了,我不想伤害你们两周后见See you in two weeks!必须要去吗?Do you have to go?You'll be fine, Elsa. 你会没事的,爱尔莎Your Highness. 殿下爱尔莎?Elsa?Please I know you're in there 我知道你在People are asking where you've been 人们问你在哪They say "Have courage" And I'm trying to 告诉我要坚强,我在努力I'm right out here for you 在门外守候Just let me in 请让我进去We only have each other It's just you and me 你我只剩彼此What are we gonna do?我们要怎么办Do you wanna build a snowman?想堆雪人吗「三年后」上岸!All ashore!欢迎来阿伦黛尔!Welcome to Arendelle!Watch your step, please. 注意脚下The gates will be opening soon. 城门就要开了为什么要我穿这个?Why do I have to wear this?Because the queen has come of age. 因为女王成年了今天是加冕日It's Coronation Day!That's not my fault. 又不是我的错要什么,斯文?What do you want, Sven?"Give me a snack." 给我点吃的漏什么词啦?What's the magic word?"Please." 请一起吃Uh!Uh-uh-uh. Share.真不敢相信城门终于开了I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!- 还开一整天- 快点,珀西- And for a whole day!- Faster, Percy!Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner. 阿伦黛尔,我们最神秘的贸易伙伴Open those gates so I may unlock 终于开门了,我要…your secrets and exploit your riches. 揭穿你的秘密,捞光你的财富我刚才很大声吗?Did I say that out loud?我望眼欲穿,迫不及待Oh!Me sore eyes can't waitto see the queen and the princess. 想见见女王和公主I bet they are absolutely lovely. 我打赌她们很可爱I bet they are beautiful. 我打赌她们很美安娜公主?Princess Anna?- 安娜公主?- 在呢- Princess Anna?- Huh?Yeah?Oh. Sorry to wake you, ma'am. 抱歉吵醒你,殿下No, no, no, you didn't. 不,没有I've been up for hours. 我醒来好几小时了是谁?Who is it?Still me, ma'am. 还是我,殿下The gates will open soon. Time to get ready. 城门要开了,该做好准备了Of course. 是的做什么准备Ready for what?Your sister's coronation, ma'am. 你姐姐的加冕仪式,殿下My sister's corneration. 姐姐的加冕仪式今天是加冕日!It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!It's Coronation Day!窗开了The window is open!门开了So's that door!I didn't know they did that anymore 过去不曾开过八千只盘有谁知晓Who knew we owned 8,000 salad plates?For years I've roamed these empty halls 在空门厅游荡数年徒有舞厅却无舞会Why have a ballroom with no balls?城门终将打开Finally They're opening up the gates!There'll be actual, real, live people 不再只有假人It'll be totally strange 虽感陌生而古怪但我已做好准备But wow!Am I so ready for this change!'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次There'll be music 有音乐There'll be light 有灯光For the first time 无尽之中In forever 第一次I'll be dancing through the night 彻夜狂舞Don't know if I'm elated or gassy 或喜或忧But I'm somewhere in that zone 介乎其间'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次I won't be alone 不再孤单迫不及待想见所有人I can't wait to meet everyone!要是遇见白马王子呢?What if I meet The One?Tonight Imagine me gown and all 礼服和首饰Fetchingly draped against the wall 傍墙而静立The picture of sophisticated grace 迷人又优雅I suddenly see him standing there 忽见一陌生人A beautiful stranger 在前方驻足Tall and fair 又高大又英俊抵不住糖果的诱惑I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!But then we laugh and talk all evening 整晚我们有说有笑Which is totally bizarre 真是幅奇怪的画面Nothing like the life I've led so far 全然不似往日生活For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次There'll be magic There'll be fun 有奇迹,有欢乐For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次I could be noticed by someone 我将被他人注意And I know it is totally crazy 我知道这很疯狂To dream I'd find romance 幻想自己有爱情But for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次至少我有了机会At least I've got a chance!Don't let them in 别让人进来Don't let them see 别让人看到Be the good girl 做个好女孩You always have to be 你永远记住Conceal 要隐瞒一切Don't feel 别去感觉Put on a show 临场做戏Make one wrong move 一步出错And everyone will know 人尽皆知But it's only for today 只为今日It's only for today 只为今日It's agony to wait 痛苦的等待It's agony to wait 痛苦的等待Tell the guards to open up 让守卫打开The gate 封锁的城门The gate 封锁的城门For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让人进来I'm getting what I'm dreaming of - 触摸到梦中一切- 别让人看到Be the good girl 做个好女孩You always have to be 你永远记住A chance to change 改变My lonely world 孤独的命运Conceal 要隐瞒A chance to find true love 追寻真诚的爱情Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐瞒一切,别去感觉I know it all ends tomorrow - 只有一日- 临场做戏把握今天So it has to be today!'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次For the first time 无尽之中In forever 第一次谁也拦不住我Nothing's in my way!喂Hey!对不起,受伤了吗?I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?Hey. 嗨Uh... No, no, I'm okay. 没有,没事真没事?Are you sure?Yeah. I just wasn't looking where I was going. 对,我只是没看着路But I'm great, actually. 但,我没事,真的Oh... Thank goodness. 谢天谢地Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 我是南岛的汉斯王子Princess Anna of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的安娜公主公主?尊敬的殿下"Princess"?My Lady.Hi. Again. 你好哇Oh, boy!This is awkward. 真尴尬Not "You're awkward," but just because we're... 不是说你,只是我们…我很尴尬,你没事,等等,干吗?I'm awkward, you're gorgeous. Wait, what?I'd like to formally apologize 我想正式道个歉for hitting the princess of Arendelle with my horse. 为骑马撞伤阿伦黛尔公主And for every moment after. 和之后的种种麻烦不用,没事的No!No, no. It's fine.I'm not that princess. 我不是那个公主I mean, if you had hit my sister Elsa, 我是说,要是你撞了我姐,爱尔莎那就…呀!it would be... Yeesh!Because, you know... 因为Hello. 嗨But, lucky you, 但,侥幸的是it's just me. 只是我只是你?"Just" you?The bells. The coronation. 敲钟了,加冕仪式I better go. 我要走了I have to go. I better go. Uh... 我该走了,我要走了再见Bye!不Oh, no. Oh!Your Majesty, the gloves. 女王陛下,手套Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王Queen Elsa of Arendelle!Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王Princess Anna of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的安娜公主站这儿,确定?Oh. Here?Are you sure?Because I don't think I'm supposed to... 我不认为我该Oh. Okay. 好吧Hi. 嗨和我说话?"Hi" me?Oh... Um... Hi. 嗨You look beautiful. 你真漂亮Thank you. You look beautiful-ler. 谢谢,你更膘亮I mean, not "fuller." You don't look fuller. 不是“膘”,你不胖But more beautiful. 是更漂亮Thank you. 谢谢So... 那么…This is what a party looks like. 舞会就是这个样子吗?It's warmer than I thought. 比我想的更温馨什么这么香?What is that amazing smell?Chocolate. 巧克力Your Majesty. 女王陛下- 威瑟镇公爵- 威瑟顿!- The Duke of Weaseltown. - "Weselton"!Duke of Weselton, Your Majesty. 威瑟顿公爵,女王陛下As your closest partner in trade it seems only fitting 作为最密切的贸易伙伴that I offer you 邀您跳加冕后第一支舞your first dance as queen. 真是再合适不过了One-two, and jump. 一,二,跳Thank you. Only, I don't dance. 谢谢,只是,我不跳舞But my sister does. 但我妹妹跳- 什么?- 你真幸运- What?- Oh!Lucky you.Oh, I don't think... 我不觉得If you swoon, let me know. I'll catch you. 晕倒时叫我,我会接住你Sorry. 抱歉Like an agile peacock. 像只机灵的孔雀Speaking of, so great to have the gates open. 话说,城门打开真棒为什么先前要关着呢?Why did they shut them in the first place?你知道原因吗?Do you know the reason?Hmm?- No. - No. - 不懂- 不懂好吧,抓紧了All right. Hang on!小熊座的绰号可不是乱起的!They don't call me the "Little Dipper" for nothing!Like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly. 像只长猴脸的鸡,我会飞Let me know when you're ready 准备跳下一首时for another round, Milady. 请告诉我,殿下Well, he was sprightly. 他真活跃Especially for a man in heels. 还穿着高跟鞋呢你没事吧?Are you okay?I've never been better. This is so nice. 好得很,这真棒I wish it could be like this all the time. 我希望能一直都这样Me, too. 我也想But it can't. 但不行- 为什么?- 就是不行- Why not?- It just can't.Excuse me for a minute. 失陪I'd be honored. 荣幸至极Glad I caught you. 幸好拉住你了Hans. 汉斯我常独自踩滑板在大厅滑行I often had a whole parlor to myself to slide!Sorry. 抱歉Your physique helps, I'm sure, too. 你的体形也帮了忙,我确信这是什么?What's this?Uh, I was born with it. 与生俱来的Although, I dreamed I was kissed by a troll. 但我总梦见被石怪亲过I like it. 我喜欢它Yeah, the whole thing. 对,这一切You got it. 明白了好,等等,你有几个兄弟?Okay, wait, wait. So, you have how many brothers?Twelve older brothers. 十二个哥哥Three of them pretended I was invisible, 有三个假装看不见我literally, for two years. 真的,一直闹了两年That's horrible. 真可怕It's what brothers do. 兄弟就是这样And sisters. 姐妹也是Elsa and I were really close when we were little. 爱尔莎和我小时候很亲密But then, one day, she just shut me out, 但有一天,她不理我了and I never knew why. 我从没弄清原因I would never shut you out. 我不会不理你的好吧,我能说些疯话吗?Okay, can I just say something crazy?I love crazy. 我喜欢疯话All my life has been A series of doors in my face 一辈子都被关着And then suddenly I bump into you 突然间撞见了你I was thinking the same thing, because, like... 我也是这么想的,因为I've been searching my whole life 一辈子都在搜寻To find my own place 寻找心灵的归属And maybe it's the party talking 或许是舞会交谈Or the chocolate fondue 或许是糖果奶酪But with you 但和你一起But with you I found my place 和你一起,我找到归属I see your face 看到你的脸And it's nothing like I've ever known before 不曾有的感触Love is an open 爱情是敞开的…大门Door!Love is an open 爱情是敞开的…- Door - Door - 大门- 大门Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门- With you - With you - 和你一起- 和你一起Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门- 这很疯狂- 什么?- I mean, it's crazy - What?- We finish each other's - Sandwiches - 我们吃完- 三明治我正想说这个!That's what I was gonna say!I've never met someone 从未遇见有人Who thinks so much like me 和我情投意合总是异口同声Jinx!Jinx again!Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation 心心相印,只代表了- You - And I - 你- 我- Were - Just - 就- 是Meant to be 注定要- Say goodbye - Say goodbye - 告别- 告别To the pain of the past 痛苦的过去We don't have to feel it anymore 不用再受苦Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门Love is an open 爱情是敞开的- Door - Door - 大门- 大门Life can be so much more 生命如此精彩- With you - With you - 和你一起- 和你一起Love is an open 爱情是敞开的- Door - Door - 大门- 大门容我说句疯话Can I say something crazy?你愿意嫁给我吗?Will you marry me?容我说句更疯的话Can I say something even crazier?愿意Yes!- Coming through. - Excuse me. Oh... - 借过- 借过什么?抱歉- Pardon. Sorry. - Oh!能借过一下吗?Can we just get around you there?谢谢,她在那儿Thank you. Oh!There she is.爱尔莎Elsa!I mean, Queen. Me again. Um... 女王,又是我May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 容许我介绍南岛的汉斯王子Your Majesty. 女王陛下We would like... 我们希望Uh, your blessing... 你能同意Of our marriage. 给我们赐婚- 赐婚?- 对- Marriage?- Yes!I'm sorry, I'm confused. 抱歉,我有点乱Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. 我们也还没计划好We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. 要几天时间安排典礼Of course, we'll have soup, roast and ice cream. And then... 当然要有汤,烤肉,冰淇淋,然后…等等,我们要住在这里?Wait. Would we live here?- 这里?- 当然- Here?- Absolutely!安娜- Anna!- Oh!We can invite all 12 of your brothers to stay with us.可以把你那十二个哥哥都请来住什么,不,不What?No, no, no.- Of course we have the room. - Wait, slow down. - 城堡足够大- 等等,慢点No one's brothers are staying here. 没有人要来住No one is getting married. 没有人要结婚等等,什么?Wait, what?我能和你单独谈谈吗?May I talk to you, please?Alone.No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us. 不行,要说就对我们一起说Fine. You can't marry a man you just met. 好,你不能和初次见面的人结婚You can if it's true love. 是真爱就可以安娜,你懂真爱?Anna, what do you know about true love?More than you. 比你懂All you know is how to shut people out. 你只知道排斥别人You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. 你要我赐婚,我只能说不Now, excuse me. 失陪了Your Majesty, if I may ease your... 陛下,我希望能…No, you may not. And I think you should go. 不行,我想你该走了The party is over. Close the gates. 舞会结束了,关上城门- 是,陛下- 什么?- Yes, Your Majesty. - What?爱尔莎,不,等等Elsa, no, no!Wait.还我手套Give me my glove!Elsa, please, please. 爱尔莎,求你了,求你了我再也不能这样活着了I can't live like this anymore!Then leave. 那么,走吧我对你做了什么?What did I ever do to you?Enough, Anna. 够了,安娜不,为什么,你为什么排斥我?No, why?Why do you shut me out?为什么排斥整个世界?Why do you shut the world out?你到底在怕什么?What are you so afraid of?我说,够了!I said, enough!Sorcery. 巫术!I knew there was something dubious going on here. 我就知道这里边有问题Elsa. 爱尔莎她在那儿!There she is!对,是她!Yes!It is her!Queen Elsa. 爱尔莎女王美丽的女王Our beautiful queen!陛下,您没事吧?Your Majesty?Are you all right?No. 不她在那儿!拦住她!There she is!Stop her!Please, just stay away from me. Stay away. 求你们了,别靠近怪物!怪物!Monster. Monster!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Elsa!等等Wait, please!爱尔莎,停下!Elsa, stop!安娜Anna!No. 不The fjord. 快看峡湾- 下雪了- 下雪了- Snow!- Snow?Yes, snow. 对,下雪了- 你还好吧- 不好- Are you all right?- No.你知道?Did you know?No. 不知道瞧,下雪了,下雪了Look, it's snowing. It's snowing!女王施咒了The queen has cursed this land!必须制止她,快去追她She must be stopped!You have to go after her. 等等,不要!Wait, no!你!你也会巫术?You!Is there sorcery in you, too?你也是怪物?Are you a monster, too?No, no. I'm completely ordinary. 不,不,我是普通人That's right, she is. 对,她是常人In the best way. 非常正常And my sister is not a monster. 我姐姐不是怪物她差点杀了我She nearly killed me!- You slipped on ice. - Her ice. - 你踩到冰滑倒了- 她造的冰It was an accident. She was scared. 只是意外,她受惊吓了She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this. 她不是故意的,这一切都是意外Tonight was my fault. I pushed her. 今晚,我犯错了,我刺激了她So, I'm the one 所以,去追她的人- 应该是我- 什么?- that needs to go after her. - What?- Bring me my horse, please. - Anna, no. - 把我的马牵来- 安娜,不行It's too dangerous. 太危险了Elsa is not dangerous. 爱尔莎不危险I'll bring her back, and I'll make this right. 我会带她回来,让一切正常I'm coming with you. 我和你一起去No, I need you here to take care of Arendelle. 不,我希望你留下看护阿伦黛尔On my honor. 誓死效力I leave Prince Hans in charge. 现在一切由汉斯王子掌管确定她可信任?Are you sure you can trust her?I don't want you getting hurt. 我不希望你受伤She's my sister. 她是我姐姐She would never hurt me. 绝对不会伤害我的The snow glows white On the mountain tonight 山夜白雪微光Not a footprint to be seen 一丝足迹未见A kingdom of isolation 孤独的国度And it looks like I'm the queen 我像是女王The wind is howling 风在呼啸Like this swirling storm inside 心在翻滚Couldn't keep it in Heaven knows I tried 用心去瞒,前功尽弃Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让人进来,别让人看到Be the good girl You always have to be 做个好女孩,你永远记住Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐瞒一切,别去感觉,临场做戏Well, now they know 事已至此随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!Can't hold me back anymore 不再受羁绊随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!Turn away and slam the door 扭过头,关上门I don't care 我不在乎What they're going to say 随他们说Let the storm rage on 让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway 我不惧寒冰It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small 从远处眺望,一切如此小And the fears that once controlled me 曾经的恐惧Can't get to me at all 已彻底挣脱It's time to see what I can do 是时候尽显才华To test the limits and break through 寻极限突破自己No right, no wrong 无所谓对错No rules for me 无所谓规则自由了I'm free!随它去Let it go!随它去Let it go!I am one with the wind and sky 与风与天为伴随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!You'll never see me cry 不再哭泣Here I stand 立于此And here I'll stay 居于此Let the storm rage on 让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air 魔力在风中穿行Into the ground 深入冻土My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals 灵魂绕冰晶旋转All around 盘旋直上And one thought crystallizes Like an icy blast 心一动,冰晶展I'm never going back 不再回头The past is in the past 往事随它随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!And I'll rise like the break of dawn 黎明破晓般站起随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!That perfect girl is gone 完美女孩已离去Here I stand 立于此In the light of day 迎接晨光让风暴怒吼吧Let the storm rage on!The cold never bothered me anyway 我不惧寒冰爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Elsa!Elsa, it's me, Anna, 爱尔莎,是我,安娜your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer. 你妹妹,我不是故意让你冻住夏天的I'm sorry. It's all my fault. 对不起,都是我的错Of course, none of it would have happened 当然,如果她早告诉我if she had just told me her secret. 一切都不会发生She's a stinker. 她真讨厌别,别,回来Oh, no. No, no, no!Come back!别跑,别跑No, no, no!Okay. 好吧Snow. It had to be snow. 都是雪,自然是雪She couldn't have had tropical magic 她自然没有温暖的魔力that covered the fjords in white sand and warm... 给峡湾盖上白沙和温暖的火!Fire!Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. 冷死了,冷死了游荡的奥尔肯商栈还有桑拿Ooh. "And sauna"!Big summer blowout. 夏日聚会吗Half off swimming suits, clogs, 来个泳装,木鞋还是自创防晒香油?and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?很好,但现在,有靴子吗?Oh. Great. For now, um, how about boots?冬靴和冬裙?Winter boots and dresses?That would be in our winter department. 那在冬日品区I was just wondering. 我想问Has another young woman... 有没有其他女孩The queen perhaps, I don't know, 可能是女王,不清楚从这里经过?passed through here?The only one crazy enough to be out in this storm 这种天出来疯的is you, dear. 只有你,亲爱的You and this fellow. 你和这个家伙Big summer blowout. 夏日聚会吗?Carrots. 胡萝卜Behind you. 你身后对,抱歉Oh!Right. Excuse me.七月飞雪,很怪,对吧?Oh. A real howler in July, yes?从哪刮来的?Wherever could it be coming from?The North Mountain. 北山North Mountain. 北山That Will be 40. 四十四十,不,十块Forty?No, 10.Oh, dear, that's no good. 亲爱的,那可不行See, this is from our winter stock, 瞧,这是冬季存货where supply and demand have a big problem. 需求和供应都很紧张和我谈需求和供应?You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?I sell ice for a living. 我卖冰为生Ooh. That's a rough business to be in right now. 现在这生意可难做了I mean, that is really... 真的是…That's unfortunate. 真不幸Still 40. 还是四十But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. 白送一次奥尔肯桑拿浴Yoo-hoo. Hi, family. 嗨,伙计们Ten is all I got. Help me out. 我只有十块,帮个忙Okay. Ten will get you this and no more. 行,十块就这样,别的没了Okay, just tell me one thing. 嘿,告诉我北山出什么事了?What was happening on the North Mountain?像施了魔法?Did it seem magical?对Yes!Now, back up while I deal with this crook, here. 你先让开,我在对付这个骗子叫我什么?What did you call me?Okay, okay. I'm out. 好,好,我出去就是Bye-bye. 再见No, Sven, I didn't get your carrots. 没有,斯文,没有胡萝卜But I did find us a place to sleep. 但找到了过夜的地方And it's free. 是免费的I'm sorry about this violence. 真抱歉,粗鲁了点儿I will add a quart of lutefisk, 送你一夸脱碱鱼so we have good feelings. 这样感觉就好了就衣服和靴子?Just the outfit and the boots, yah?Reindeers are better than people 驯鹿比人亲近斯文,你说对吧?Sven, don't you think that's true?"Yeah, people will beat you And curse you and cheat you" 人会打人,诅咒,撒谎"Every one of them's bad, except you" 他们都是坏人,除了你Aw. Thanks, buddy. 谢谢,伙计But people smell better than reindeers 但人比驯鹿好闻斯文,你说对吧?Sven, don't you think I'm right?"That's once again true For all, except you" 他们都是香的,除了你You got me Let's call it a night 你和我,共度一夜"Good night" 晚安Don't let the frostbite 别让冻伤Bite 伤了你Nice duet. 唱得不错是你?要做什么?It's just you. What do you want?I want you to take me up the North Mountain. 我要你带我上北山I don't take people places. 我不载人Let me rephrase that. 我把话说清楚Take me up the North Mountain. 带我上北山Please. 求你了Look, I know how to stop this winter. 听着,我知道怎么结束这个冬天We leave at dawn. 我们黎明出发And you forgot the carrots for Sven. 你忘了给斯文的胡萝卜Oops, sorry. 抱歉I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't... 抱歉,抱歉,我不是We leave now. Right now. 我们现在出发,马上走抓紧了,我们喜欢飞奔Hang on!We like to go fast.我也喜欢飞奔- I like fast. - Whoa!Whoa, whoa, whoa...Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. 把脚拿下去,这可是刚漆过的说实话,你是谷仓长大的?Seriously, were you raised in a barn?- No, I was raised in a castle. - Hmm. 不是,我是城堡长大的So, uh, tell me, 那,告诉我女王怎么疯成这样?what made the queen go all ice-crazy?It was all my fault. 都是我的错I got engaged, but then she freaked out, 我订婚了,把她吓坏了because I'd only just met him, you know, that day. 因为我是第一次遇见他And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage, and... 她说不会赐婚等等,你和初次遇见的人订婚?Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?Yeah. Anyway, I got mad, and so she got mad, 是,我疯了,她也疯了and then she tried to walk away, 她想走开and I grabbed her glove... 我拿了她的手套慢着Hang on!You mean to tell me you got engaged 你说你订婚了和初次遇见的人?to someone you just met that day?Yes. Pay attention. 对,认真听But the thing is, she wore the gloves all the time, 问题是,她一直戴手套so I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt. 我以为她怕脏你父母没提醒你要当心陌生人?Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?Yes, they did. 他们有But Hans is not a stranger. 汉斯不是陌生人是吗?他姓什么?Oh, yeah?What's his last name?"Of the Southern Isles." 来自南岛- 他最喜欢什么?- 三明治- What's his favorite food?- Sandwiches.- 好友的名字?- 约翰吧- Best friend's name?- Probably John.- 眼睛的颜色?- 恬静的- Eye color?- Dreamy.- 脚多大?- 脚不要紧- Foot size?- Foot size doesn't matter.和他吃过饭吗?Have you had a meal with him yet?万一你不喜欢他吃饭的方式?What if you hate the way he eats?万一你讨厌他抠鼻子的样子?What if you hate the way he picks his nose?抠鼻子?Picks his nose?And eats it. 还吃鼻屎Excuse me, sir. He is a prince. 抱歉,先生,他是王子- All men do it. - Ew. 男人都这样Look, it doesn't matter. It's true love. 听着,那些不重要,这是真爱It doesn't sound like true love. 听起来可不像真爱你是爱情专家?Are you some sort of love expert?No. But, uh, I have friends who are. 不是,但,我有这种朋友You have friends 你有朋友是爱情专家?我可不信who are love experts?I'm not buying it.- Stop talking. - No, no, no. No, no. - 别说话- 不,不- I'd like to meet these... - No, I mean it. - 我想见见这些…- 闭嘴,认真地Sven, go. 斯文,跑跑Go!- 是什么?- 野狼- What are they?- Wolves.野狼?Wolves?- 要怎么办?- 我有这个- What do we do?- I got this.。
1--*Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,* 寒冷的夜晚伴随着山雨生出了她2--*This icy force both foul and fair.*不畏严寒的肆虐3--*Has a frozen heart worth mining.*冰封的心等待着挖掘4--*Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.*寒冷剔透的心脏5--*Strike for love And Strike for fear.*为了爱而不畏恐惧6--*See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.*一双善于发现美丽的眼睛7--*Split the ice apart.*打破寒冰结境8--*And break the frozen heart.*融化冰封之心9--*Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!*全神贯注!放手去爱!10--*Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!*全神贯注!放手去爱!11--*Beautiful! Powerful!*美丽又动人!12--*Dangerous! Cold!*寒冷又危险!13--*Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.*寒冰的魔法无法被掌控14--*Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.*不害怕一个人也不害怕十个人15--*Stronger than a hundred men!*一百个人也不放在眼里16--*Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.*寒冷的夜晚伴随着山雨生出了她17--*This icy force both Foul and Fair.*不畏严寒的肆虐18--*Has a frozen heart worth mining.*冰封的心等待着挖掘19--*Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.*寒冷剔透的心脏20--*Strike for love and strike for fear.*为了爱而不畏恐惧21--*There's beauty and there's Danger here.*美丽与危险共存22--*Split the ice apart!*打破寒冰结境23--*Beware the frozen heart.*融化冰封之心24--Come on, Sven!快来呀斯文!25--Elsa. Psst埃尔莎喂26--Elsa!埃尔莎!27--Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒来28--Anna, go back to sleep.安娜回你的床上去29--I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还没睡我也睡不着30--so we have to play.我们来玩游戏吧31--...Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32--Do you want to build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?33--Come on, come on, come on, come on.来吧来吧来吧34--Do the magic! Do the magic!来点魔法!来点魔法!35--Ready? Uhhm...准备好了没?36--This is amazing!太神奇啦!37--Watch this!看好了!38--Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嘿我是喜欢热情熊抱的雪宝39--I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝40--Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我!-接住啦!41--Again! Wait!再来一次!-等下!42--Slow down!慢一点!43--Anna!安娜!44--Anna?安娜?45--Mama! Papa!妈!爸爸!46--You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜我陪着你47--Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!埃尔莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!48--It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.这是个意外对不起安娜49--- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她冰冷的-我知道我们得去哪50--Ice?雪?51--Faster, Sven!快点斯文!52--Sven!斯文!53--Please... Help!请帮帮我们!54--My daughter!救救我们的女儿!55--He is the King!他是国王!56--Trolls...?小巨魔?57--Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘我要听听发生了什么58--Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱我们一起偷听吧59--Your Majesty!陛下!60--Born with the powers or cursed?与生俱来的力量还是诅咒?61--Born. And they're getting stronger.生下来就有的而且越来越强大62--You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏63--The heart is not so easily changed,击中心的话难以转变64--But the head can be persuaded.击中头的话还有有办法65--Do what you must.做你必须做的66--I recommend we remove all magic,我要消除她身上所有的法力67--even memories of magic to be safe...为了安全连着这段记忆也一起68--But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心我会留下快乐的记忆69--She will be okay.她会没事的70--But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我的魔法?71--- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,最好这样-听着埃尔莎72--your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大73--There is beauty in it...你会发现魔力的美好74--But also great danger.同时也伴随着危险75--You must learn to control it.你一定要学会掌控力量76--Fear will be your enemy.恐惧会成为你的敌人77--No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她能做到的相信我78--Until then,在她掌握力量之前79--we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门裁去城内人员80--We will limit her contact with people减少她与人类的交往81--and keep her powers hidden from everyone...让她的魔力不被人所知82--including Anna.包括安娜83--Elsa?埃尔莎?84--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗?85--*Come on let's go and play.*来吧我们一起来玩吧86--*I never see you anymore. Come out the door.*好久没见到你了出来吧87--*It's like you've gone away.*你就像消失了一样88--*We used to be best buddies.*我们曾是最好的玩伴89--*And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.*现在却变了你能告诉我原因吗90--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗?91--*It doesn't have to be a snowman.*玩什么都可以呀92--*Go away, Anna.*离我远点安娜93--...*Okay bye.*好吧拜94--*The gloves will help. See...*带上手套就没事了看到了吗...95--- *Conceal it.* - *Don't feel it.*隐瞒住-别去想96--*Don't let it show.*别显现出来97--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗?98--*Or ride our bike around the hall?*还是去坡上骑车?99--*I think some company is overdue...*我觉得这里的人太少了..100--*I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.*我试着跟墙上的画像讲话101--*Hang in there, Joan.*坚持住Joan102--*It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.*这些空房子让人觉得有些寂寞103--*Just watching the hours tick by.*凝视着时间滴答滴答104--I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕我的魔力越来越强大105--Getting upset only makes it worse.不安只会让情况变糟106--Calm down.冷静下来107--No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.别碰我我怕伤害了你108--See you in two weeks.两周后再见109--- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你要走了吗?-你会没事的埃尔莎110--Elsa?埃尔莎?111--*Please, I know you're in there.*请回答我我知道你在里面112--*People are asking where you've been,*人们都在找你113--*They say have courage and I'm trying to...*他们说要有勇气而我在尝试114--*I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.*我在外面等你让我进来吧115--*We only have each other.*我么只拥有彼此了116--*It's just you and me.*只有你和我117--*What are we gonna do?*我们应该怎么办?118--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗?119--三年后120--Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到安瑞戴尔谢谢你!121--Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.注意脚下大门马上要打开了122--Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗?123--Because the Queen has come of age.因为女皇的时代已经来临了124--It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!125--That's not my fault.跟我有什么关系126--- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯文? -给我点吃的!127--What's the magic word? Please!那就告诉我魔法单词是什么?128--A..a... a... a! Share!是...分享!129--I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!终于把大门打开了130--And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!131--Faster, Persi!快Persi!132--Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.安瑞戴尔我们最神奇的交易国度133--Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开门我就可以洞悉你的秘密134--and exploit your riches.挖掘你的财富135--...Did I just say that out loud?我刚说的很大声吗?136--Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.我已经等不急想看看137--See the Queen and the Princess.皇后跟公主了138--I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了139--I bet they are beautiful.她们一定美级了140--Princess Anna...?安娜公主?141--...Huh? Yeah?恩?142--- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't.抱歉要叫醒你-没事的143--I've been up for hours.我起床几个小时了144--Who is it?谁啊?145--It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.还是我门马上就要开了146--Time to get ready. Of course!要准备好了!-当然了!147--Ready for what?准备什么?148--Your sister's coronation, ma'am.你姐姐的加冕礼149--My sister's cor-neration...我姐姐的加冕...150--It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!151--It's coronation day!加冕日!152--*The window is open! So's that door!*打开了的窗户!打开了的门!153--*I didn't know they did that anymore.*他们已经做了如此多的准备154--*Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...?*8000盘色拉竟然已经准备到位155--*For years I have roamed these empty halls.*多年以来我一直徘徊在这些寂寥的大厅里156--*Why have a ballroom with no balls?*我们的舞厅里为什么没有舞会?157--*Finally, they're opening up the gates!*终于将打开大门!158--*There'll be real, actual people*会有真正的百姓们来到159--*It'll be totally strange.*肯定会很奇妙160--*But wow am I so ready for this change!*但我已经做好准备了!161--*For the first time in forever,*这里将第一次162--*There'll be music, there'll be light.*奏响音乐点亮灯光163--*For the first time in forever,*而我也将终于164--*I'll be dancing through the night.*在舞会中一展舞技165--*Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,*我是否太夸张了一点166--*But I'm somewhere in that zone.*但我就是这么开心167--*'Cause for the first time in forever,*我也终于不会168--*I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone...*再是一个人了等不急见到每一个人了169--*What if I meet "the one"?*如果我遇见"他"怎么办?170--*Tonight, imagine me gown and all.*想象一下今晚盛装出席的我171--*Fetchingly draped against the wall.*穿着最迷人的褶皱礼服172--*The picture of sophisticated Grace.*美丽而又优雅的女士173--*I suddenly see him standing there,*突然见到了伫立一旁的他174--*a beautiful stranger tall and fair.*美丽白皙的皮肤高大的身材175--*I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!*我的心一定会被巧克力堵上!176--*But then we laugh and talk all evening,*我们畅谈欢笑整晚177--*Which is totally bizarre.*肯定会很奇妙178--*Nothing like the life I've led so far.*与我之前的生活迥然不同179--*For the first time in forever,*这将是第一次180--*There'll be magic, There'll be fun.*充满了魔力充满了欢乐181--*For the first time in forever,*这将是第一次182--*I could be noticed by someone.*我能被他人注视183--*And I know it is totally crazy.*肯定会很奇妙184--*To dream I'd find romance.*一想到浪漫的来临185--*But for the first time in forever,*这将是第一次186--*At least I've got a chance!*我的机会来临!187--*Don't let them in. Don't let them see.*别让别人知道别让别人看到188--*Be the good girl You always have to be.*你是个好姑娘你必须一直是189--*Conceal. Don't feel.*要隐藏不要动真情190--*Put on a show.*好好表现自己191--*Make one wrong move and everyone will know.*一失足而天下人皆知192--*But it's only for today.*仅此一天193--*It's only for today! It's agony to wait.*仅此一天!等的心碎194--*It's agony to wait.*等待让人心碎195--*Tell the guards to open up the...*快让守卫们把大门...196--*The gate!*打开!197--*For the first time in forever.*这将是第一次198--*Don't let them in don't let them see*别让别人知道别让别人看到199--*I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.*我梦寐以求的时刻终于要来临200--*Be the good girl you always have to be.*你是个好姑娘你必须一直是201--*A chance to change my Only world.*一个改变我孤独世界的机会202--*Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.*要隐藏不要动真情203--*- A chance to find true love* *- Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know.*找到真爱的机会-别给发现了被给发觉了别让人们知道了204--*I know it all ends tomorrow,*仅此一天而已205--*So it has to be today!*所以要抓住机会!206--*'Cause for the first time in forever...*因为这将是第一次...207--*For the first time in forever!*这将是第一次!208--*Nothing's in my way!*没有什么能阻止我!209--Hey! I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?嘿对不起你受伤了吗?210--Hey!嘿!211--I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. Are you sure?我我没事-真的吗?212--Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚没有看路213--- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.我没事的-谢天谢地214--Oh... Umm...恩..215--Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南部小岛的汉斯王子216--Princess Anna of Arendelle. Princess...?我是安瑞戴尔的安娜公主-公主?217--My Lady.尊敬的公主218--Hi... again.嗨219--Oh boy.噢220--Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,这有点尴尬你不需要觉得尴尬221--but just because we're...I'm awkward.但我们确实..至少我这样觉得222--You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你很漂亮-等等什么?223--I'd like to formally apologize for我正式的为我224--hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...不小心骑马撞上了美丽的安瑞戴尔公主以及225--And for every moment after.之后我所有的举措而抱歉226--No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess.没关系的我不是“那种”公主227--I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...如果你撞到的是我姐姐埃尔莎她大概会... 228--'Cuz, you know...你知道的...229--Hello.哈喽230--But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.还好你撞到的是我231--Just you?还好?232--...The bells. The coronation.铃声是加冕礼233--I... I...我..234--I better go. I have to...I better go.我要走了235--Bye!拜!236--Your Majesty, The gloves.公主殿下脱下您的手套237--(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok*古斯堪的那维亚语*238--krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...*古斯堪的那维亚语*239--...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.安瑞戴尔皇后埃尔莎240--Queen Elsa of Arendelle.安瑞戴尔皇后埃尔莎241--Queen Elsa of Arendelle.安瑞戴尔皇后埃尔莎242--Princess Anna of Arendelle!安瑞戴尔公主安娜243--Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.这么近?你确定吗?我不觉得我应该..好吧244--Hi.嗨245--Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我打招呼吗?噢嗨246--You look beautiful...Thank you.你很漂亮-谢谢247--You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更漂亮一些不是说你是清洗工(英语谐音)248--You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.你不像清洗工你更漂亮一些249--Thank you.谢谢250--So, this is what a party looks like?派对就是这样的吗?251--It's warmer than I thought.比我想象的要暖和一些252--And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香253--... Chocolate.巧克力254--Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.皇后大人这是鼬鼠城的公爵255--Weselton. The Duke of Weselton..威尔顿*与鼬鼠同音* 威尔顿的公爵..256--Your Majesty,大人257--As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的交易伙伴258--It seems only fitting that I offer you.邀请您作为皇后跳第一支舞259--Your first dance as Queen.再适合不过了260--Thank you... Only I don't dance.谢谢..但我不会跳舞261--But my sister does.但我妹妹会262--Lucky you...Oh, I don't think...你真幸运-我不觉得...263--If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.要晕倒的时候让我知道我会接着你264--Sorry.不好意思265--Like an agile peacock...像只灵活的孔雀266--Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.说到这个能打开城门真是太好了267--Why did they shut them in the first place?一开始干嘛要关上呢?268--Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗?269--No. No...不知道270--Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧我们继续271--They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.人称小北斗星可不是白叫的272--Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.就像一只长了猴子脸的鸡我可以飞273--Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.准备好下一次的话告诉我我的女士274--Well, he was sprightly.他真是活跃275--Especially for a man in heels.对于一位穿了高跟鞋的男士的确是的276--Are you okay? I've never been better.你还好吗? -不能再好了277--This is so nice.那就好278--I wish it could be like this all the time.能永远这样就好了279--Me too...我也觉得...280--But it can't.但是不行281--Why not? If...It just can't.为什么不行? -就是..不行282--Excuse me for a minute.我离开一下283--Glad I caught you. Hans!很高兴接住你-汉斯!284--I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. Sorry.整个客厅里通常只有我一个人玩..哦不好意思285--... Your physique helps I'm sure too.你的身体也一定起到作用了286--What's this? I was born with it,这是什么?-生下来就有的287--Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.尽管我梦见我被一个矮巨人亲过288--I like it.我喜欢289--Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.耶你掌握了!290--Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?等着你有多少个兄弟?291--Twelve older brothers.12个哥哥292--Three of them pretended I was invisible...有3个认为我是不存在的293--literally... for two years.大概有两年了吧294--- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do.太可怕了-哥哥就是这样的人295--... And sisters.姐姐也是296--Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟埃尔莎在小时候非常的亲密297--But then, one day she just shut me out, and...但有一天她突然不理我了298--And I never knew why.直到现在我还不知道为什么299--I would never shut you out.我永远也不会不理你300--Okay, can I just say something crazy?我能说一件疯狂的事吗?301--I love crazy.疯狂很好302--*All my life has been a series of doors in my face.*我的一生被关上了很多扇门303--*And then suddenly I bump into you.*直到我遇见了你304--*I was thinking the same thing, because like...*我跟你想的一样因为...305--*I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.*这一生我一直在寻找归宿306--*And maybe it's the party talking,*大概是派对里的偶遇307--*Or the chocolate fondue.*也可能是巧克力干酪308--*But with you...*但是遇见了你...309--*I found my place.*我找到了归宿310--*I see your face.*注视着你的面容311--*And it's nothing like I've ever known before.*给了我与众不同的感觉312--*Love is an open... door!*爱情的大门..打开了!313--*Love is an open... door...Door...*爱情的大门..打开了314--*Love is an open... door...*爱情的大门..打开了315--*With you! With you!*遇见了你!遇见了你!316--*Love is an open door.*爱情的大门打开了317--*I mean it's crazy. What?*很疯狂-什么?318--*We finish each other's...Sandwiches!*我们称为了彼此的“三明治”!319--*That's what I was gonna say!*我也想这样说!320--*I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like me.*我从没见过如此理解我的人321--*Jinx... jinx again.*巧合...你看多巧!322--*Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation,*我们的想法如此一致只有一个解释323--*You and I were just meant to be.*你我注定要324--*Say goodbye.*告别325--*To the pain of the past.*过去的痛苦326--*We don't have to feel it anymore!*再也不用忍受了!327--*Love is an open... door!*爱情的大门打开了!328--*Love is an open door!*爱情的大门打开了!329--*Life can be so much more...with you! With you!*与你在一起的生活能够快乐多彩!330--*Love is an open... door.*爱情的大门打开了331--*Can I say something crazy...?*我能说一些疯狂的事吗?332--*Will you marry me?*你愿意嫁给我吗?333--*Can I just say something even crazier?*我能说更疯狂的事吗?334--*Yes.*我愿意335--Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?不好意思能借过一下吗?336--Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢她在这里337--Elsa! I mean... Queen...埃尔莎! 我是说..皇后338--Me again. May I present,我又来了我向您介绍339--Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南部小岛的汉斯王子340--Your Majesty.尊敬的皇后341--We would like...your blessing...希望您能祝福我们的342--of... our marriage!婚姻343--Marriage...? Yes!婚姻?-是的!344--I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思我有点头晕345--Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好吧我们还没想好所有的事宜346--We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.我们需要几天的时间来指定庆典的计划347--Of course we'll have soup,要有鲜汤348--roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉冰淇淋还要...349--Wait. Would we live here?等下我们可以住在这里吗?350--Here? Absolutely!这? 当然!351--Anna...安娜...352--Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...也可以把你的12个哥哥都请来住... 353--What? No, no, no, no, no.什么?那可不行354--Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...虽然我们有足够的房间但是他们一定...355--Wait. Slow down.别说了356--No one's brothers are staying here.没有一个哥哥会住在这里357--No one is getting married.没有人可以结婚358--Wait, what?什么?359--May I talk to you, please. Alone.能跟你单独说说吗?360--No. Whatever you have to say, you...不无论你想说什么..361--you can say to both of us.你跟我们两人一起说362--Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧你不能嫁给一个你才刚见面的人363--You Can if it's true love.如果是真爱的话就可以364--Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜你知道什么是真爱?365--More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你要清楚你只会把人关起来366--You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你请求我的祝福我的答案是不可以367--Now, Excuse me.现在不好意思368--Your Majesty, if I may ease your...大人请冷静...369--No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.不行你该走了370--The party is over. Close the gates.派对结束了把门关上371--Yes, Your Majesty.遵命尊敬的皇后372--What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 埃尔莎不等下!373--Give me my glove!把手套给我!374--Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.埃尔莎求你了我不能再这样过下去了375--... Then leave.那就离开这里吧376--... What did I ever do to you?!我到底做错了什么?377--Enough, Anna.别说了安娜378--No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不为什么?为什么要把我关起来?379--Why do you shut the world out?!为什么把我跟外界隔绝!380--What are you so afraid of?!你在怕什么?381--I said, enough!够了!382--Sorcery. I knew there was巫术我就知道发生了383--something dubious going on here.什么可疑的事情384--Elsa...?埃尔莎...?385--There she is.皇后来了386--Your Majesty! Long live the Queen! Queen Elsa...陛下!皇后万岁!皇后...387--Come drink with us.来跟我们一起喝酒388--Queen Elsa.埃尔莎皇后389--Your Majesty? Are you all right?皇后大人?你没事吧?390--There she is! Stop her!她在那!抓住她!391--Please, just stay away from me.离我远一点392--Stay away!走开!393--Monster... Monster!怪物...怪物!394--Elsa!埃尔莎!395--Elsa...埃尔莎...396--Wait, Please!等下!397--Elsa, Stop!埃尔莎停下来!398--Anna! No.安娜!不399--The Fjord.海峡400--Snow?这是雪吗?401--Yes, snow!是雪!402--Are you all right? No.你没事吧?-有事403--Did you know? No.你知道这件事吗?-不知道404--Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看!下雪了!下雪了!405--The Queen has cursed this land!皇后诅咒了这片土地!406--She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!407--You have to go after her...Wait, no!你得追上她-等下不!408--You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你也被下了巫术吗?409--Are you a monster, too?你也是怪物吗?410--No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不我很正常411--That's right she is.没错她就是412--... In the best way.最好的方法413--And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是怪物414--She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我415--You slipped on ice...Her ice!你在..她的雪上滑到了!416--It was an accident. She was scared.是一次意外她被吓坏了417--She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的她不是有意造成这一切的.. 418--Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚错在我是我刺激了她419--So I'm the one that needs to go after her.所以让我去追上她吧420--What? Yeah. Bring me my horse, please.什么? 把我的马牵来421--Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜别这样太危险了422--Elsa's not dangerous.埃尔莎一点也不危险423--I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来搞定这一切424--I'm coming with you...No.我跟你一起去.. 不425--I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你帮我照顾安瑞戴尔426--On my honor.是我的荣幸427--I leave Prince Hans in charge!让汉斯王子来管事!428--Are you sure you can trust her?你确定能相信她吗?429--I don't want you getting hurt.我不想让你受伤430--She's my sister,她是我的姐姐431--She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我432--*The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight,*今夜的山林已被大雪覆盖433--*Not a footprint to be seen.*无人进入434--*A kingdom of isolation.*这样与世隔绝的王国435--*And it looks like I'm the Queen.*我才像是个女王436--*The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.*大风呼啸貌似正孕育着风暴437--*Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried...*再也藏不住天知道我曾多么努力438--*Don't let them in, Don't let them see,*别让别人知道别让别人看到439--*Be the good girl you always have to be.*你是个好姑娘你必须一直是440--*Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.*要隐藏不要动真情不要让别人知道441--*Well, Now they know.*但是现在他们知道了442--*Let it go. Let it go.*随心而行随心而行443--*Can't hold it back anymore.*反正再也无法隐瞒444--*Let it go. Let it go.*随心而行随心而行445--*Turn away and Slam the door.*转过身关上门446--*I don't care what they're going to say.*不在乎闲人闲语447--*Let the storm rage on.*尽管放马过来448--*The cold never bothered me anyway.*严寒无法再侵扰我449--*It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small.*可笑的是距离使一切变得渺小450--*And the fears that once controlled me.*曾经控制我的恐惧451--*Can't get to me at all.*再也无法使我困扰452--*It's time to see what I can do,*是时候展现真正的我了453--*To test the limits and Break through.*突破我的极限454--*No right, No wrong, No rules for me...*不再被规则所束缚455--*I'm free!*自由!456--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行随心而行457--*I am one with the wind and sky.*驾驭着狂风与天空的我458--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行随心而行459--*You'll never see me cry.*我不曾哭泣460--*Here I Stand And...*这就是我的主张461--*Here I'll stay.*这就是我的坚持462--*Let the storm rage on...*尽管放马过来463--*My power flurries through the air into the ground.*我的魔力将从天而降464--*My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.*我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上465--*And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...*思想化为结晶如一阵冰风466--*I'm never going back,*我不会再回头467--*The Past is in the Past!*过去已成为往事468--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行随心而行469--*And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.*我将像旭日从地上冒起470--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行随心而行471--*That perfect girl is gone.*那个完美女孩已不在了472--*Here I stand in the light of day.*我就站在日光之下473--*Let the storm rage on!*让风暴怒吼吧474--*The cold never bothered me anyway.*严寒无法再侵扰我475--Elsa! Elsa!埃尔莎! 埃尔莎!476--Elsa, It's me, Anna...艾尔莎是我安娜..477--Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你冰住整个夏天478--I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起都是我的错*哆嗦*479--Of course, none of this would have happened当然了如果她把秘密告诉我的话480--if she'd just told me her secret... ha...这一切都不会发生481--She's a stinker.她真讨厌482--Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.不回来不483--Oooo-Kay.好吧*哆嗦*484--Snow, it had to be snow,雪到处都是雪485--She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic她怎么会有把整个海峡*哆嗦*486--that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...附上白沙以及火焰的487--Fire! Whoa!火魔法呢!488--Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.流浪橡树交易站489--Ooh! And Sauna...还有桑拿...490--Big summer blow out.夏日大甩卖491--Half off swimming suits, clogs,半价的泳装目木底鞋492--And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有我自己发明的防晒霜?493--Oh, great.太好了494--For now, how about boots,鞋子怎么样495--Winter boots... and dresses?冬靴和..裙子?496--That would be in our winter department.那会是我们的冬季公寓497--Oh. Um, I was just wondering; Has another young woman,我有个问题如果有一个年轻的女士498--The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?像是皇后这样的人路过这里怎么办?499--Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有你这种疯子才会在这种风暴里乱走亲爱的500--You and this fellow... Hoo hoo.你和这家伙501--Big summer blow out.夏季大甩卖502--Carrots. Hah?胡萝卜?503--Behind you.在你后面504--Oh, right. Excuse me.好吧打扰一下505--A real howler in July, Yes?这是真的吼猴吗?506--Where ever could it be coming from?从哪里来的?507--The North Mountain.北部山脉508--North Mountain.北部山脉509--That'll be forty.大概有四十只510--Forty? No, ten.四十只?不只有十只511--Oh dear, that's no good. See.亲爱的这可不好看512--These are from our winter stock,这些是我们的冬季库存513--where supply and demand have a big problem.食物补给严重不足了514--You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你想知道食物补给的问题?515--I sell ice for a living.我以雪为生516--Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.这可是眼下棘手的问题517--I mean, that is really...我是说这可是真的...518--Ahem. That's unfortunate.真不幸519--Still forty. But I will throw in a不减价但我会考虑去520--visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!橡木桑拿看看521--Hi, family.嘿一家子522--Ten's all I got. Help me out.我只有十块帮帮我523--Ten will get you this and no more.十块只能用这个524--Okay, just tell me one thing...What was只要你告诉我一件事...。
1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining?寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她2?This icy force both foul and fair? 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽3?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear?凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透5?Strike for love And Strike for fear? 为了爱不畏恐惧6?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer?一双善于发现美丽的眼睛7?Split the ice apart?打破寒冰结境8?And break the frozen heart?融化冰封之心9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱!10?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱!11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽!强大!12?Dangerous! Cold!?危险!寒冷!13?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled? 寒冰的魔力无法被掌控14?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten?胜过一人胜过十人15?Stronger than a hundred men!?胜过一百个人!16?Born of cold and winter air Andmountain rain combining?寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她17?This icy force both Foul and Fair?冰雪的力量危险而又美丽18?Has a frozen heart worth mining?一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘19?Cut through the heart, Cold andClear?凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透20?Strike for love and strike for fear?为了爱不畏恐惧21?There's beauty and there's Dangerhere?危险而又美丽22?Split the ice apart!?打破寒冰结境23?Beware the frozen heart?小心冰封的心24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯文!25Elsa. Psst!埃尔莎喂!26Elsa!埃尔莎!27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒醒醒快醒醒!28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜回去睡觉29I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'mawake.我睡不着天醒着所以我也醒着30So, we have to play.我们得起来玩游戏31Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32Do you want to build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?33Come on, come on, come on, come on!快来快来快来快来!34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用魔法!快用魔法!35Ready? Uh-huh.准备好了吗?啊哈36This is amazing!真是太神奇啦!37Watch this!看这个!38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨我是雪宝我喜欢热情的拥抱39I love you, Olaf!我爱你雪宝40Hang on!等一下!41Catch me!接住我!42Gotcha!接住啦!43Again!再来一次!44Wait!等一下!45Slow down!慢一点!46Anna!安娜!47Anna!安娜!48Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!49No, no...不,不...50You're okay, Anna. I got you.你会没事的安娜我陪着你51Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!埃尔莎,你做了什么?你的魔法又失控了!52It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna! 这是个意外. 对不起,安娜!53She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉 -我知道我们得去哪54Ice?冰?55Faster, Sven!再快点斯文!56Sven!斯文!57Please! Help!请帮帮我们!58It's my daughter!救救我们的女儿!59It's the King!他是国王!60Trolls?山精?61Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘! 我正听着呢62Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱我要把你们留下来63Your Majesty.陛下64Born with the powers, or cursed?与生俱来的力量还是诅咒?65Here, here.过来过来66Born. And they're getting stronger.生下来就有的而且越来越强大67You are lucky it wasn't her heart.真幸运,魔法并没有伤到她的心68The heart is not so easily changed,心里的伤可不容易被转变69But the head can be persuaded.但头里的问题还是有办法的70Do what you must.做你必须做的71I recommend we remove all magic.我建议消除她身上所有的魔法72even memories of magic to be safe.甚至那些关于魔法的记忆,为了安全起见73But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.但别担心,我会留下那些快乐的记忆74She will be okay.她会没事的75But she won't remember I have powers?但是她会忘记我拥有魔力吗?76It's for the best. - Listen to me,Elsa,这样最好 -听着埃尔莎77Your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大78There is beauty in it...你会发现魔力的美好79But also great danger.但同时也伴随着巨大的危险80You must learn to control it.你必须要学会控制它81Fear will be your enemy.恐惧会成为你的敌人82No. We'll protect her. She can learnto control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她会学会控制它的我确定83Until then,在此之前84we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门裁去城内人员85We will limit her contact with people 减少她与别人的接触86and keep her powers hidden from everyone.不让任何人知道她的魔力87including Anna.包括安娜88Elsa?埃尔莎?89?Do you wanna build a snowman??你想堆个雪人吗?90?Come on, let's go and play?来吧,我们一起来玩91?I never see you anymore. Come out the door?我好久没见到你了快点出来吧92?It's like you've gone away?你就像消失了一样93?We used to be best buddies?我们曾是最好的伙伴94?And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why?但现在却不是了我希望你能告诉我为什么95?Do you wanna build a snowman??你想堆个雪人吗?96?It doesn't have to be a snowman? 并不是一定要堆个雪人啦97Go away, Anna走吧安娜98?Okay bye?好吧拜99The gloves will help. See带上手套就没事了看到了吧100See? Conceal it -Don't feel it看到了吧?隐藏它 -不要去想它101Don't let it show别让它显现出来102?Do you wanna build a snowman??你想堆个雪人吗?103?Or ride our bike around the hall??或者在走廊里骑车?104?I think some company is overdue?我觉得还有许多事没有做105?I've started talking to the pictureson the walls?我开始试着跟墙上的画像讲话106?Hang in there, Joan?坚持住琼107?It gets a little lonely all theseempty rooms?这些空房间让人觉得有些寂寞108?Just watching the hours tick by?仅仅看着时间滴答滴答地走过109I'm scared. It's getting stronger!我很害怕魔力越来越强大了!110Getting upset only makes it worse.不安只会让情况变得更糟111Calm down.冷静下来112No! Don't touch me! Please. I don'twant to hurt you.不!请别碰我!拜托了我不想伤到你们113See you in two weeks!两周后再见!114- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine,Elsa.你们必须要去吗? -你会没事的埃尔莎115Elsa?埃尔莎?116?Please, I know you're in there?拜托了我知道你在里面117?People are asking where you've been?人们都在问你去哪儿了118?They say "have courage" and I'mtrying to?他们都说要勇敢而我也正在努力119?I'm right out here for you. Just letme in?我现在就在你门外请让我进去吧120?We only have each other?现在我们只剩下彼此了121?It's just you and me?仅仅你我两人122?What are we gonna do??我们该怎么办?123?Do you wanna build a snowman??你想堆个雪人吗?124?after three year??三年后125All ashore!都上岸!126Welcome to Arendelle!欢迎来到艾伦戴尔!127Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.请小心脚下大门马上就要打开了128Why do I have to wear this?我为什么一定要穿这件?129Because the Queen has come of age. 因为女王成年啦130It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!131That's not my fault.这跟我又没关系132What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯文? -给我点吃的!133What's the magic word? - "Please." 那暗号是什么呢? -"拜托了"134Uh! Uh-uh-uh. Share.呃!呃呃呃分享135I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!我真不敢相信他们终于把大门打开了136And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!137Faster, Persi! 快点佩西!138Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterioustrade partner.啊,艾伦戴尔,我们最神秘的交易伙伴139Open those gates so I may unlock yoursecrets打开那些门让我揭开你的秘密140and exploit your riches.挖掘你的财富141Did I just say that out loud?我刚才是不是说得太大声了?142Oh! Me sore eyes can't wait to See theQueen and the Princess.我已经迫不及待想看看女王和公主了143I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了144I bet they are beautiful.我相信她们一定很美丽145Princess Anna?安娜公主?146Huh? Yeah?恩?什么事?147Oh. Sorry to wake you, ma'am.抱歉叫醒了你小姐148No, no, no, you didn't.不不不不,没关系149I've been up for hours.我已经起床几个小时了150Who is it?外面是谁?151Still me, ma'am. The gates will opensoon.还是我小姐大门马上就要打开了152Time to get ready. -Of course是时候准备准备了 -当然153Ready for what?准备什么?154Your sister's coronation, ma'am.你姐姐的加冕礼小姐155My sister's cor-neration.我姐姐的加冕礼156It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!157It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!158?The window is open! So's that door!?那些门和窗户都已经打开了159?I didn't know they did that anymore?我不知道他们已经做了如此多的准备160?Who knew we owned 8000 saladplates??谁知道我们竟然准备了8000个沙拉盘子161?For years I have roamed these emptyhalls?多少年来我一直徘徊在这些空荡荡的大厅里162?Why have a ballroom with no balls??为什么我们的舞厅里不举行任何舞会?163?Finally, they're opening up thegates!?终于,他们将要把大门打开了!164?There'll be actual, real, live people?会有活生生的人们来到这里165?It'll be totally strange?这感觉肯定会奇妙166?But wow! Am I so ready for this change!?但我已经为这些改变做好了准备!167? 'Cause for the first time in forever?因为有生以来第一次168?There'll be music, there'll be light?这里将会充满音乐和灯光169?For the first time in forever?有生以来第一次170?I'll be dancing through the night? 我将会跳舞直到黎明171?Don't know if I'm elated or gassy? 不知道我是太高兴还是有点胃胀气172?But I'm somewhere in that zone?但我现在就是这么高兴173?'Cause for the first time in forever?因为有生以来第一次174?I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone!?我再也不孤单我等不及想见见大家!175?What if I meet "the one"??如果我遇见"那个他"怎么办?176?Tonight, imagine me gown and all? 想象一下今晚盛装出席的我177?Fetchingly draped against the wall?穿着褶皱礼服迷人地靠着墙178?The picture of sophisticated Grace?那画面脱俗而又优雅179?I suddenly see him standing there?我突然见到伫立一旁的他180?a beautiful stranger tall and fair?一位高大而又帅气的陌生人181?I wanna stuff some chocolate in myface!?我的心一定会被巧克力堵上!182?But then we laugh and talk allevening?我们欢笑畅谈整晚183?Which is totally bizarre?那感觉一定很奇妙184?Nothing like the life I've led sofar?与我之前的生活完全不同185?For the first time in forever?有生以来第一次186?There'll be magic, There'll be fun?这里将会充满魔力和欢乐187?For the first time in forever?有生以来第一次188?I could be noticed by someone?我将会被某人注视189?And I know it is totally crazy?我知道这一定很疯狂190?To dream I'd find romance?去期待浪漫的来临191?But for the first time in forever?但有生以来第一次192?At least I've got a chance!?至少我有了一次机会193?Don't let them in. Don't let themsee?别让他们进来别让他们看到194?Be the good girl You always have tobe?做个好女孩就像你从前那样195?Conceal. Don't feel?隐藏情感不去感受196?Put on a show?好好掩饰自己197?Make one wrong move and everyonewill know?只要一犯错别人就会知道198?But it's only for today?但是,仅此一天199?It's only for today. It's agony towait?仅此一天这痛苦的等待200?It's agony to wait?这痛苦的等待201?Tell the guards to open up the..?让守卫们快打开202?The gate!?那大门!203? For the first time in forever?有生以来第一次204? Don't let them in Don't let them see?别让他们进来别让他们看到205? I'm getting what I'm dreaming of? 我梦寐以求的时刻即将到来206?Be the good girl you always have to be?做个好女孩就像你从前那样207?A chance to change My lonely world? 一个改变我孤独世界的机会208?Conceal?隐藏情感209? A chance to find true love?一个找到真爱的机会210? Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know隐藏情感不去感受不要让他们知道211? I know it all ends tomorrow我知道明天一切都将结束212?So it has to be today!?所以一定要把握住今天!213?'Cause for the first time in forever?因为有生以来第一次214?For the first time in forever?有生以来第一次215?Nothing's in my way!?没有什么能阻止我!216Hey!嘿!217 I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?我很抱歉你受伤了吗?218Hey!嘿!219Uh... No, no. I'm okay.不不我没事220Are you sure?你确定?221Yeah, I just wasn't looking where Iwas going.我刚刚没有看路222But I'm great, actually.但我没受伤真的223Oh... Thank goodness.噢,谢天谢地224Oh! Uh...噢!225Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南方群岛的汉斯王子226Princess Anna of Arendelle.我是艾伦戴尔的安娜公主227"Princess"?公主?228My Lady.我的女士229Hi. Again.嗨,又来了.230Oh boy!噢,小子!231Ha. This is awkward. Not "You'reawkward,"呃,真是尴尬不是说你232but just because we're...I'mawkward.只是因为我们...是我自己比较尴尬233You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你帅呆了 -等下怎么了?234I'd like to formally apologize for我想正式地为我235hitting the Princess of Arendellewith my horse...骑马撞上了艾伦戴尔的公主236And for every moment after.以及之后所有的一切而道歉237No! No, no. It's fine. I'm not thatprincess.不,不,不,没关系的我不是“那个”公主238I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa,that would be...Yeesh!我的意思是如果你撞到的是我姐姐埃尔莎那就不好了...239Because, you know...因为,你懂的...240Hello.哈喽241But, lucky you, it's just me.但是算你走运撞到的仅仅是我242Just you?仅仅是你?243The bells. The coronation.铃响了是加冕礼244I... I...我..我...245I better go. I have togo. I better go. Uh我得走了我必须走了我得走了呃 (246)Bye!拜!247Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下您的手套248(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok?古斯堪的那维亚语?249krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...?古斯堪的那维亚语?250Queen Elsa of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王251Queen Elsa of Arendell!艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王!252Queen Elsa of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王253Princess Anna of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的安娜公主254Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.这里?你确定吗?我不觉得我应该... 好吧255Hi.嗨256"Hi" me...? Oh. Um (i)跟我打招呼吗?噢嗨257You look beautiful.你看起来很漂亮258Thank you.谢谢259You look beautiful-ler. I mean, notFuller.你看起来更漂亮我的意思不是清洁工(英语谐音)260You don't look Fuller, but morebeautiful.你不像清洗工而是更漂亮261Thank you.谢谢262So, this is what a party looks like.原来这就是派对啊263It's warmer than I thought.比我想象的要暖和一些264What is that amazing smell?是什么东西这么香呢?265Chocolate.巧克力266Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下这位是鼬鼠城公爵267"Weselton"! Duke of Weselton.“威斯顿”(与鼬鼠同音)威斯顿公爵..268Your Majesty,陛下269As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的交易伙伴270It seems only fitting that I offer you由我来邀请您跳加冕后的第一支舞271Your first dance as Queen.再合适不过了272Thank you. Only, I don't dance.谢谢但我不会跳舞273But my sister does.但我妹妹会274What? Oh! -Lucky you.什么?噢 -算你走运275Oh, I don't think...噢,我可不这么认为...276If you swoon, let me know, I'll catchyou.如果头晕的话告诉我我会接着你277Sorry.不好意思278Like an agile peacock.像只灵活的孔雀279Speaking of, so great to have thegates open.说到这个打开城门真是太好了280Why did they shut them in the firstplace?一开始干嘛要关上呢?281Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗?282No. -No.不知道 -不知道么283All right. Hang on!好吧抓紧了!284They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.人称小北斗星可不是白叫的285Like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly.就像一只长了猴子脸的鸡我可以飞286Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.准备好再来一次的话告诉我我的女士287Well, he was sprightly.哇哦,他真是太活跃了288Especially for a man in heels.特别是对一位穿着高跟鞋的男士来说289Are you okay? I've never been better. 你还好吗? -好得不能再好了290This is so nice.这感觉真是太好了291I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望我们能一直像现在这样292Me, too.我也是293But it can't.但这不行294Why not? It just can't.为什么不行? -反正就是不行295Excuse me for a minute.对不起,我离开一下296Glad I caught you. Hans真高兴我接住了你 -汉斯297I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide! -Oops. Sorry.我经常一个人在客厅滑来滑去 -哦不好意思298Your physique helps I'm sure too.我敢肯定,你的身材也起到了作用299What's this? I was born with it,这是什么? -这是我出生就有的300Although I dreamt I was kissed by atroll.尽管我梦见我被一个山精亲过301I like it.我喜欢302Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.耶,一整块!你做到了!303Okay wait, wait. So you have how manybrothers?好的,等等,你有多少个兄弟?304Twelve older brothers.12个哥哥305Three of them pretended I wasinvisible,有3个当我完全不存在306literally, for two years.差不多有两年了吧307That's horrible. - It's what brothersdo.真是太糟糕了 -哥哥就是这样的308And sisters.姐姐也是309Elsa and I were really close when wewere little.小时候我跟埃尔莎非常亲密310But then, one day she just shut meout,但后来有一天她突然不理我了311And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道原因312I would never shut you out.我永远都不会不理你313Okay, can I just say something crazy?好吧,我能说些疯话吗?314I love crazy.我喜欢疯话315?All my life has been a series ofdoors in my face?我的生活中有很多扇门挡在我面前316?And then suddenly I bump into you?直到我无意中遇见了你317?I was thinking the same thing,because like..?我跟你想的一样因为,就像318?I've been searching my whole life tofind my own place?我这一生一直在寻找属于自己的归宿319?And maybe it's the party talking?大概就是这派对里的偶遇320?Or the chocolate fondue?也可能是巧克力干酪321?But with you?直到遇见了你322?I found my place?我找到了归宿323?I see your face?我注视着你的面容324?And it's nothing like I've ever known before?而这是如此的与众不同325?Love is an open door!?爱是一扇打开的门!326?Love is an open door Door?爱是一扇打开的门!327?Love is an open door?爱是一扇打开的门!328?With you With you?和你在一起和你在一起329?Love is an open door?爱是一扇敞开的门!330?I mean it's crazy. What??我觉得这很疯狂 -什么?331?We finish each other's Sandwiches? 我们吃了彼此的 -三明治332?That's what I was gonna say!?你抢了我的词!333?I've never met someone Who thinks so much like me?我从没见过想法和我如此一致的人334?Jinx! Jinx again!?巧合...你看多巧!335?Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation?我们的想法如此一致只有一个解释336?You and I were just meant to be? 你和我注定要337?Say goodbye?告别338?To the pain of the past?过去的痛苦339?We don't have to feel it anymore!?我们再也不用忍受了!340?Love is an open door!?爱是一扇敞开的门!341?Love is an open door!?爱是一扇敞开的门!342?Life can be so much more with youWith you?与你一起的生活能够如此多彩343?Love is an open door?爱是一扇打开的门!344?Can I say something crazy??我能说一些疯话吗?345?Will you marry me??你愿意嫁给我吗?346?Can I just say something evencrazier??我能说些更疯的话吗?347?Yes!?我愿意!348Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just getaround you there?不好意思能借过一下吗?349Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢她在这里350Elsa! I mean, Queen.埃尔莎! 我是说女王351Me again. May I present,我又来了请允许我向您介绍352Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南方群岛的汉斯王子353Your Majesty.陛下354We would like...your blessing...我们希望您能祝福355of... our marriage!我们的婚姻356Marriage...? Yes!婚姻? -是的!357I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思我有点糊涂358Well, We haven't worked out all thedetails ourselves.好吧我们还没想好所有的事宜359We'll need a few days to plan theceremony.我们需要几天的时间来计划婚礼360Of course we'll have soup,当然,我们要准备鲜汤361roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉冰淇淋还要...362Wait. Would we live here?等下我们可以住在这里吗?363Here? -Absolutely!这里? -当然!364Anna!安娜!365Oh, we can invite all 12 of your brothers to stay with us...我们可以邀请你那12个哥哥过来和我们一起住366What? No, no, no, no, no.什么?不不不不,那可不行367Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...当然我们有足够的房间我不知道他们中一些人必须...368Wait. Slow down.等下,慢点369No one's brothers are staying here. 没有任何人的哥哥将会住在这里370No one is getting married.没有人将会结婚371Wait, what?等等,什么?372May I talk to you, please? Alone. 我能跟你谈谈吗?单独373No. Whatever you have to say, you... 不无论你想说什么374you can say to both of us.你可以当着我们两个人的面说375Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧你不能嫁给一个你刚认识的人376You Can if it's true love.如果是真爱的话就可以377Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜你知道什么是真爱吗?378More than you. All you know is how toshut people out.反正比你知道得多你只知道把人关在门外379You asked for my blessing, but myanswer is no.你请求我的祝福但我的答案是不可以380Now, Excuse me.现在不好意思381Your Majesty, if I may ease your...陛下请允许我解释...382No, you may not. And I think youshould go.不,不行,我认为你该走了383The party is over. Close the gates.派对结束了把门关上384Yes, Your Majesty.遵命陛下385What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么?埃尔莎不不等下!386Give me my glove!把手套还给我!387Elsa, please. Please. I can't livelike this anymore.埃尔莎求你了求你了我不能再这样过下去了388Then leave.那就离开389What did I ever do to you?我到底哪里得罪你了?390Enough, Anna.够了安娜391No. Why? Why do you shut me out?不为什么?为什么要把我关在门外?392Why do you shut the world out?!为什么你要把整个世界关在门外?393What are you so afraid of?你究竟在害怕什么?394I said, enough!我说,够了!395Sorcery. I knew there was巫术我就知道396something dubious going on here.这里发生了什么可疑的事情397Elsa埃尔莎398There she is!看,女王来了!399The Queen!是女王!400Yes! It is her!是的!是她!401Queen Elsa.埃尔莎女王402Our beautiful queen!我们美丽的女王!403Your Majesty? Are you all right?陛下?您没事吧?404No.不405There she is! Stop her!她在那!阻止她!406Please, just stay away from me. 请离我远一点407Stay away!走开!408Monster Monster!怪物怪物!409Elsa!埃尔莎!410Elsa!埃尔莎!411Wait, Please!请等等!412Elsa, Stop!埃尔莎停下!413Anna! No.安娜!-不414The Fjord.峡湾415Snow?下雪了?416Yes, snow!是的,是雪!417Are you all right? No.你没事吧? -没事418Did you know? No.你知道吗? -不419 Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看!下雪了!下雪了!420The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地!421She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!422You have to go after her...Wait, no!你得追上她 -等下不!423You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你!你也会巫术吗?424Are you a monster, too?你也是怪物吗?425No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不不我绝对很普通426That's right she is.没错她是的427In the best way.是好的那一方面428And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是什么怪物429She nearly killed me!她差点杀了我!430You slipped on ice. -Her ice你在冰上滑倒了 -她的冰431It was an accident. She was scared.这只是个意外她被吓坏了432She didn't mean it. She didn't meanany of this她不是有意的她不是有意造成这一切的433Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚错在我是我刺激了她434So I'm the one that needs to go afterher.所以我必须去把她追回来435What? -Bring me my horse, please.什么?-请把我的马牵来436Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜别这样这太危险了437Elsa's not dangerous.埃尔莎一点都不危险438I'll bring her back, And I'll makethis right.我会带她回来然后搞定这一切439I'm coming with you. -No.我跟你一起去 -不440I need you here to take care ofArendelle.我需要你留在这里帮我照看艾伦戴尔441On my honor.以我的名誉担保442I leave Prince Hans in charge.我授权汉斯王子来掌管这里443Are you sure you can trust her?你确定能相信她吗?444I don't want you getting hurt.我不想你受到伤害445She's my sister,她是我的姐姐446She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我447?The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight?今夜的山林已被白雪覆盖448?Not a footprint to be seen?杳无人迹449?A kingdom of isolation?在这样一个与世隔绝的王国450?And it looks like I'm the Queen? 我似乎才是女王451?The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside?大风呼啸就像我心中汹涌的风暴452?Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried..?再也无法隐藏天知道我已经尽力 (453)?Don't let them in, Don't let them see?别让他们进来别让他们看到454?Be the good girl you always have to be?做个好女孩就像从前一样455?Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know?隐藏情感拒绝感受不要让他们知道456?Well, Now they know?但是现在他们知道了457?Let it go. Let it go?随心而行随心而行458?Can't hold it back anymore?反正再也无法挽回459?Let it go. Let it go? 随心而行随心而行460?Turn away and Slam the door?转过身甩上门461? I don't care?我不在乎462? What they're going to say?任何闲人闲语463?Let the storm rage on?任风暴咆哮吧464?The cold never bothered me anyway?严寒再也无法侵扰我465?It's funny how some distance makeseverything seem small?有趣的是距离使一切都变得渺小466?And the fears that once controlledme?那些曾经控制我的恐惧467?Can't get to me at all?再也无法困扰我468?It's time to see what I can do?是时候展现真正的自我469?To test the limits and Breakthrough?去突破未知的极限470?No right, No wrong, No rules forme..?没有对错,不再被规则所束缚471?I'm free!?我自由了!472?Let it go! Let it go!?随心而行随心而行473?I am one with the wind and sky?驾驭着狂风与天空的我474?Let it go! Let it go!?随心而行随心而行475?You'll never see me cry?你再也不会看到我哭泣476?Here I Stand?这就是我的主张477?And here I'll stay?这就是我的坚持478?Let the storm rage on?任风暴咆哮吧479?My power flurries through the airinto the ground?我的魔力如冰雪般从天而降480?My soul is spiraling in frozenfractals all around?我的灵魂随着四周的冰晶盘旋而上481?And one thought crystallizes like Anicy blast..?思想化为结晶犹如一场冰暴482?I'm never going back?我再也不会回头483?The Past is in the Past!?过去都已成往事484?Let it go! Let it go!?随心而行随心而行485?And I'll rise like the break of Dawn?我将像破晓的旭日一样升起486?Let it go! Let it go!?随心而行随心而行487?That perfect girl is gone?那个完美女孩已不复存在488?Here I stand?我就站在这489?In the light of day?光天化日之下490?Let the storm rage on!?任风暴咆哮吧491?The cold never bothered me anyway? 严寒再也无法侵扰我492Elsa! Elsa!埃尔莎! 埃尔莎!493Elsa, It's me, Anna.艾尔莎是我安娜494Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你冰住整个夏天495I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault. 对不起都是我的错(哆嗦)496Of course, none of this would have happened当然了如果她把秘密告诉我的话497if she'd just told me her secret... ha...这一切就不会发生了498She's a stinker.她真讨厌499Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No. 不回来不500 Oooo-Kay.好吧 ?哆嗦?501Snow, it had to be snow,雪到处都是雪502She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropicalmagic她为什么不能用热带魔法?哆嗦?503that covered the f-f-fjords in whitesand and warm...把峡湾覆盖上白沙和温暖的...504Fire! Whoa!火!哇哦!505Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold.冷死了冷死了506Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.流浪橡树交易站507Ooh. "And Sauna"!喔还有桑拿!508Big summer blow out.夏日大甩卖509Half off swimming suits, clogs,半价泳装木屐510And a sun balm of my own invention,yah?还有我自己发明的防晒霜,怎么样?511Oh, great.噢,太好了512For now, how about boots,但现在,有靴子么?513Winter boots and dresses?冬靴和连衣裙?514That would be in our winterdepartment.那应该在我们的冬季用品区515Oh. Um, I was just wondering. Hasanother young woman,呃,我只是有个疑问是否有另一位年轻的女士516The Queen perhaps, I don't know,passed through here?我也不清楚可能像女王这样的路过这里呢?517Only one crazy enough to be out inthis storm is you, dear.只有像你这种疯子才会在这暴雪里乱走亲爱的518You and this fellow. Yoo-hoo.你和这家伙519Big summer blow out.夏季大甩卖520Carrots. -Hah?胡萝卜 -啊?521Behind you.在你后面522Oh! Right. Excuse me.哦!好的. 对不起523A real howler in July, Yes?一只出现在七月的吼猴,对吗?524Wherever could it be coming from?你从哪里来的?525The North Mountain.北山526。
amazing china纪录片冰之花中英文稿
amazing china纪录片冰之花中英文稿Amazing China 纪录片《冰之花》冰,作为自然界的一种美丽造物,它的形态千变万化,给人们带来了无尽的惊喜与震撼。
参考译文:Amazing China Documentary "The Flowers of Ice"Ice, as a beautiful creation of nature, takes on various forms and brings endless surprises and wonders to people. The documentary "The Flowers of Ice" focuses on China's ice and snow resources, showcasing the unique ice and snow culture and natural landscapes of China, allowing viewers to appreciate the vastness and miracles of China. The following discussion will revolve around China's ice and snow resources, ice and snow sports, and ice and snow culture.Part 1: China's Ice and Snow ResourcesAs a country with vast territory, China possesses abundant ice and snow resources. From the northern regions of Heilongjiang and Jilin to the glaciers in Tibet and the high mountains in Yunnan, China's ice and snow resources are diverse. The documentary portrays the ice sculptures in Harbin, ice waterfalls in the Altai Mountains, and ice peaks in Huangshan, leaving a deep impression on viewers. These natural ice and snow landscapes have become precious resources for winter sports, tourism, and artistic expression.Part 2: Ice and Snow SportsIce and snow sports have experienced rapid development in China. The documentary showcases Chinese athletes' outstanding performance in sports such as curling, speed skating, and alpine skiing. China has not only introduced advanced equipment and technology from abroad but also cultivated a group of outstanding athletes, achieving remarkable results on the global stage. As the host of the Winter Olympics, China has invested significant efforts and resources in ice and snow sports. These sports not only enhance people's physical fitness and willpower but also enrich their spiritual lives.Part 3: Ice and Snow CultureIce and snow culture is an integral part of Chinese traditional culture and runs through the blood of the Chinese people. The magnificent scenery of ice waterfalls, graceful movements of ice dancing, and splendid brilliance of ice lanterns all showcase the unique sentiments of the Chinese towards ice and snow. Traditional festivals like the Winter Solstice and Lantern Festival are celebrated with ice lantern exhibitions and ice-skating activities, allowing people to experience the joy and harmony brought by ice and snow.The inheritance and development of this ice and snow culture give China's ice and snow a unique charm.ConclusionThe documentary "The Flowers of Ice" presents the beauty of ice and snow in China, as well as the Chinese people's love for ice and snow and the inheritance and development of ice and snow culture. Abundant ice and snow resources, thriving ice and snow sports, and captivating ice and snow culture all reveal the diversity and inclusiveness of China. It is hoped that through this documentary, more people will recognize and understand the beauty of ice and snow in China, thereby fostering a greater love and protection for ice and snow, collectively safeguarding this magical land.(Note: The word count of the translated article is 514 words. To reach the desired 1800-word count, additional content can be added to each section, elaborating on specific examples, historical background, and personal experiences of people involved in ice and snow-related activities.)。
冰雪奇缘Born of cold and winter air 生于寒冬And mountain rain combining 山雨降临This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融So out through the heart 剖开心房Cold and clear 冰冷清澈Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 直至看到锋利的壮美Split the ice apart 切开冰块And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 打破冰冻的心Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去Beautiful Powerful 美丽而强大Dangerous Cold 危险而冰冷Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 冰之力,束不住Stronger than one 胜过一人Stronger than ten 胜过十人Stronger than a hundred men!胜过百人Born of cold And winter air 生于寒冬And mountain rain combining 山雨降临This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融Cut through the heart 剖开心房Cold and clear 冰冷清澈Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 这里有花也有刺Split the ice apart 切开冰块Beware the frozen heart 当心冰冷的心Come on, Sven. 跟上,斯文Elsa. Psst!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒,醒醒!Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜,睡觉去吧I just can't. 睡不着The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 天醒了,我也醒了So, we have to play. 我们该去玩啦Go play by yourself. 自己去玩吧Do you want to build a snowman?想堆雪人吗?Come on, come on 快点,快点!Come on!快点!Do the magic!施魔法!Do the magic!施魔法!- Ready?- Uh-huh. 准备好了?This is amazing!太神奇了!Watch this!看着!Hi, I'm Olaf, 嗨,我是奥拉夫and I like warm hugs. 我喜欢拥抱I love you, Olaf!爱你,奥拉夫!Olaf... 奥拉夫好痒啊!Tickle bumps!等着!Hang on!接住我!Catch me!接住了!Gotcha!再来!Again!等会儿!Wait!慢点!- Whoo-hoo!- Slow down!安娜!Anna!安娜!Anna!妈妈!爸爸!Mama!Papa!No, no... 别这样,别这样You're okay, Anna. I got you. 你没事的,安娜,我在你身边Elsa, what have you done?爱尔莎,你都做了什么?This is getting out of hand. 事情闹大了It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna!只是意外,对不起,安娜Oh. She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. - 她身上好冷- 我知道该上哪儿Ice?冰?Faster, Sven. 快点,斯文!Sven!斯文Please!Help!It's my daughter. 求您了,帮帮忙,是我女儿!It's the king. 是国王- Trolls?- Shush!石怪?I'm trying to listen. 听不见啦Cuties. I'm going to keep you. 小可爱,我要把你们留下Your Majesty. 国王陛下Born with the powers, or cursed?与生俱来的能力,还是受了诅咒?Born. And they're getting stronger. 与生俱来的,魔力也在变强Here, here. 过来,过来You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 幸好不是击中心脏The heart is not so easily changed. 心不太容易改变But the head can be persuaded. 脑袋就容易多了Do what you must. 该怎样做,您请便I recommend we remove all magic. 我建议移除所有魔法Even memories of magic, to be safe. 为安全起见,甚至关于魔法的记忆But don't worry. I'll leave the fun. 别担心,我会把那些欢乐留下She will be okay. 她会好起来的But she won't remember I have powers?但她不记得我有魔力了?It's for the best. 还是这样好Listen to me, Elsa. Your power will only grow. 听着,爱尔莎,你的魔力只会增强There is beauty in it... 它很有魅力But also great danger. 但也很危险You must learn to control it. 你要学会控制它Fear will be your enemy. 恐惧是你的敌人No!不We'll protect her. 我们会保护她She can learn to control it. I'm sure. 她能学会控制,我确信Until then... 从此往后We'll look the gates. 我们会紧闭城门We'll reduce the staff. 减少仆人We will limit her contact with people, 限制她与别人来往and keep her powers hidden from everyone. 把她的魔力隐藏起来Including Anna. 包括安娜爱尔莎?Elsa?想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?Come on, let's go and play 一起去玩吧I never see you anymore 再也没见过你Come out the door 从房门里出来It's like you've gone away 像是你已离开We used to be best buddies And now we're not 过去是好伙伴,现在却不是了I wish you would tell me why 告诉我为什么想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?It doesn't have to be a snowman 堆别的也行Go away, Anna. 走开,安娜Okay, bye 好吧,再见The gloves will help. 手套能起作用瞧,藏住了See?Conceal it.Don't feel it. 别去感觉Don't let it show. 别让人看到想堆雪人吗Do you wanna build a snowman?想在门厅骑车吗Or ride our bike around the halls?I think some company is overdue 等着迟到的陪伴I've started talking To the pictures on the walls 不想和墙画说话Hang in there, Joan. 坚持住,琼It gets a little lonely All these empty rooms 空荡荡的屋子,有些孤单Just watching the hours tick by 只能看时间滴答滴答走过I'm scared. 我害怕变强大了It's getting stronger!Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down. 紧张只会让事情更糟,冷静点不,别碰我No!Don't touch me!Please, I don't want to hurt you. 求你了,我不想伤害你们两周后见See you in two weeks!必须要去吗?Do you have to go?You'll be fine, Elsa. 你会没事的,爱尔莎Your Highness. 殿下爱尔莎?Elsa?Please I know you're in there 我知道你在People are asking where you've been 人们问你在哪They say "Have courage" And I'm trying to 告诉我要坚强,我在努力I'm right out here for you 在门外守候Just let me in 请让我进去We only have each other It's just you and me 你我只剩彼此What are we gonna do?我们要怎么办Do you wanna build a snowman?想堆雪人吗「三年后」上岸!All ashore!欢迎来阿伦黛尔!Welcome to Arendelle!Watch your step, please. 注意脚下The gates will be opening soon. 城门就要开了为什么要我穿这个?Why do I have to wear this?Because the queen has come of age. 因为女王成年了今天是加冕日It's Coronation Day!That's not my fault. 又不是我的错要什么,斯文?What do you want, Sven?"Give me a snack." 给我点吃的漏什么词啦?What's the magic word?"Please." 请一起吃Uh!Uh-uh-uh. Share.真不敢相信城门终于开了I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!- 还开一整天- 快点,珀西- And for a whole day!- Faster, Percy!Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner. 阿伦黛尔,我们最神秘的贸易伙伴Open those gates so I may unlock 终于开门了,我要…your secrets and exploit your riches. 揭穿你的秘密,捞光你的财富我刚才很大声吗?Did I say that out loud?我望眼欲穿,迫不及待Oh!Me sore eyes can't waitto see the queen and the princess. 想见见女王和公主I bet they are absolutely lovely. 我打赌她们很可爱I bet they are beautiful. 我打赌她们很美安娜公主?Princess Anna?- 安娜公主?- 在呢- Princess Anna?- Huh?Yeah?Oh. Sorry to wake you, ma'am. 抱歉吵醒你,殿下No, no, no, you didn't. 不,没有I've been up for hours. 我醒来好几小时了是谁?Who is it?Still me, ma'am. 还是我,殿下The gates will open soon. Time to get ready. 城门要开了,该做好准备了Of course. 是的做什么准备Ready for what?Your sister's coronation, ma'am. 你姐姐的加冕仪式,殿下My sister's corneration. 姐姐的加冕仪式今天是加冕日!It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!It's Coronation Day!窗开了The window is open!门开了So's that door!I didn't know they did that anymore 过去不曾开过八千只盘有谁知晓Who knew we owned 8,000 salad plates?For years I've roamed these empty halls 在空门厅游荡数年徒有舞厅却无舞会Why have a ballroom with no balls?城门终将打开Finally They're opening up the gates!There'll be actual, real, live people 不再只有假人It'll be totally strange 虽感陌生而古怪但我已做好准备But wow!Am I so ready for this change!'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次There'll be music 有音乐There'll be light 有灯光For the first time 无尽之中In forever 第一次I'll be dancing through the night 彻夜狂舞Don't know if I'm elated or gassy 或喜或忧But I'm somewhere in that zone 介乎其间'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次I won't be alone 不再孤单迫不及待想见所有人I can't wait to meet everyone!要是遇见白马王子呢?What if I meet The One?Tonight Imagine me gown and all 礼服和首饰Fetchingly draped against the wall 傍墙而静立The picture of sophisticated grace 迷人又优雅I suddenly see him standing there 忽见一陌生人A beautiful stranger 在前方驻足Tall and fair 又高大又英俊抵不住糖果的诱惑I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!But then we laugh and talk all evening 整晚我们有说有笑Which is totally bizarre 真是幅奇怪的画面Nothing like the life I've led so far 全然不似往日生活For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次There'll be magic There'll be fun 有奇迹,有欢乐For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次I could be noticed by someone 我将被他人注意And I know it is totally crazy 我知道这很疯狂To dream I'd find romance 幻想自己有爱情But for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次至少我有了机会At least I've got a chance!Don't let them in 别让人进来Don't let them see 别让人看到Be the good girl 做个好女孩You always have to be 你永远记住Conceal 要隐瞒一切Don't feel 别去感觉Put on a show 临场做戏Make one wrong move 一步出错And everyone will know 人尽皆知But it's only for today 只为今日It's only for today 只为今日It's agony to wait 痛苦的等待It's agony to wait 痛苦的等待Tell the guards to open up 让守卫打开The gate 封锁的城门The gate 封锁的城门For the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让人进来I'm getting what I'm dreaming of - 触摸到梦中一切- 别让人看到Be the good girl 做个好女孩You always have to be 你永远记住A chance to change 改变My lonely world 孤独的命运Conceal 要隐瞒A chance to find true love 追寻真诚的爱情Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐瞒一切,别去感觉I know it all ends tomorrow - 只有一日- 临场做戏把握今天So it has to be today!'Cause for the first time in forever 无尽之中第一次For the first time 无尽之中In forever 第一次谁也拦不住我Nothing's in my way!喂Hey!对不起,受伤了吗?I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?Hey. 嗨Uh... No, no, I'm okay. 没有,没事真没事?Are you sure?Yeah. I just wasn't looking where I was going. 对,我只是没看着路But I'm great, actually. 但,我没事,真的Oh... Thank goodness. 谢天谢地Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 我是南岛的汉斯王子Princess Anna of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的安娜公主公主?尊敬的殿下"Princess"?My Lady.Hi. Again. 你好哇Oh, boy!This is awkward. 真尴尬Not "You're awkward," but just because we're... 不是说你,只是我们…我很尴尬,你没事,等等,干吗?I'm awkward, you're gorgeous. Wait, what?I'd like to formally apologize 我想正式道个歉for hitting the princess of Arendelle with my horse. 为骑马撞伤阿伦黛尔公主And for every moment after. 和之后的种种麻烦不用,没事的No!No, no. It's fine.I'm not that princess. 我不是那个公主I mean, if you had hit my sister Elsa, 我是说,要是你撞了我姐,爱尔莎那就…呀!it would be... Yeesh!Because, you know... 因为Hello. 嗨But, lucky you, 但,侥幸的是it's just me. 只是我只是你?"Just" you?The bells. The coronation. 敲钟了,加冕仪式I better go. 我要走了I have to go. I better go. Uh... 我该走了,我要走了再见Bye!不Oh, no. Oh!Your Majesty, the gloves. 女王陛下,手套Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王Queen Elsa of Arendelle!Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的爱尔莎女王Princess Anna of Arendelle. 阿伦黛尔的安娜公主站这儿,确定?Oh. Here?Are you sure?Because I don't think I'm supposed to... 我不认为我该Oh. Okay. 好吧Hi. 嗨和我说话?"Hi" me?Oh... Um... Hi. 嗨You look beautiful. 你真漂亮Thank you. You look beautiful-ler. 谢谢,你更膘亮I mean, not "fuller." You don't look fuller. 不是“膘”,你不胖But more beautiful. 是更漂亮Thank you. 谢谢So... 那么…This is what a party looks like. 舞会就是这个样子吗?It's warmer than I thought. 比我想的更温馨什么这么香?What is that amazing smell?Chocolate. 巧克力Your Majesty. 女王陛下- 威瑟镇公爵- 威瑟顿!- The Duke of Weaseltown. - "Weselton"!Duke of Weselton, Your Majesty. 威瑟顿公爵,女王陛下As your closest partner in trade it seems only fitting 作为最密切的贸易伙伴that I offer you 邀您跳加冕后第一支舞your first dance as queen. 真是再合适不过了One-two, and jump. 一,二,跳Thank you. Only, I don't dance. 谢谢,只是,我不跳舞But my sister does. 但我妹妹跳- 什么?- 你真幸运- What?- Oh!Lucky you.Oh, I don't think... 我不觉得If you swoon, let me know. I'll catch you. 晕倒时叫我,我会接住你Sorry. 抱歉Like an agile peacock. 像只机灵的孔雀Speaking of, so great to have the gates open. 话说,城门打开真棒为什么先前要关着呢?Why did they shut them in the first place?你知道原因吗?Do you know the reason?Hmm?- No. - No. - 不懂- 不懂好吧,抓紧了All right. Hang on!小熊座的绰号可不是乱起的!They don't call me the "Little Dipper" for nothing!Like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly. 像只长猴脸的鸡,我会飞Let me know when you're ready 准备跳下一首时for another round, Milady. 请告诉我,殿下Well, he was sprightly. 他真活跃Especially for a man in heels. 还穿着高跟鞋呢你没事吧?Are you okay?I've never been better. This is so nice. 好得很,这真棒I wish it could be like this all the time. 我希望能一直都这样Me, too. 我也想But it can't. 但不行- 为什么?- 就是不行- Why not?- It just can't.Excuse me for a minute. 失陪I'd be honored. 荣幸至极Glad I caught you. 幸好拉住你了Hans. 汉斯我常独自踩滑板在大厅滑行I often had a whole parlor to myself to slide!Sorry. 抱歉Your physique helps, I'm sure, too. 你的体形也帮了忙,我确信这是什么?What's this?Uh, I was born with it. 与生俱来的Although, I dreamed I was kissed by a troll. 但我总梦见被石怪亲过I like it. 我喜欢它Yeah, the whole thing. 对,这一切You got it. 明白了好,等等,你有几个兄弟?Okay, wait, wait. So, you have how many brothers?Twelve older brothers. 十二个哥哥Three of them pretended I was invisible, 有三个假装看不见我literally, for two years. 真的,一直闹了两年That's horrible. 真可怕It's what brothers do. 兄弟就是这样And sisters. 姐妹也是Elsa and I were really close when we were little. 爱尔莎和我小时候很亲密But then, one day, she just shut me out, 但有一天,她不理我了and I never knew why. 我从没弄清原因I would never shut you out. 我不会不理你的好吧,我能说些疯话吗?Okay, can I just say something crazy?I love crazy. 我喜欢疯话All my life has been A series of doors in my face 一辈子都被关着And then suddenly I bump into you 突然间撞见了你I was thinking the same thing, because, like... 我也是这么想的,因为I've been searching my whole life 一辈子都在搜寻To find my own place 寻找心灵的归属And maybe it's the party talking 或许是舞会交谈Or the chocolate fondue 或许是糖果奶酪But with you 但和你一起But with you I found my place 和你一起,我找到归属I see your face 看到你的脸And it's nothing like I've ever known before 不曾有的感触Love is an open 爱情是敞开的…大门Door!Love is an open 爱情是敞开的…- Door - Door - 大门- 大门Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门- With you - With you - 和你一起- 和你一起Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门- 这很疯狂- 什么?- I mean, it's crazy - What?- We finish each other's - Sandwiches - 我们吃完- 三明治我正想说这个!That's what I was gonna say!I've never met someone 从未遇见有人Who thinks so much like me 和我情投意合总是异口同声Jinx!Jinx again!Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation 心心相印,只代表了- You - And I - 你- 我- Were - Just - 就- 是Meant to be 注定要- Say goodbye - Say goodbye - 告别- 告别To the pain of the past 痛苦的过去We don't have to feel it anymore 不用再受苦Love is an open door 爱情是敞开的大门Love is an open 爱情是敞开的- Door - Door - 大门- 大门Life can be so much more 生命如此精彩- With you - With you - 和你一起- 和你一起Love is an open 爱情是敞开的- Door - Door - 大门- 大门容我说句疯话Can I say something crazy?你愿意嫁给我吗?Will you marry me?容我说句更疯的话Can I say something even crazier?愿意Yes!- Coming through. - Excuse me. Oh... - 借过- 借过什么?抱歉- Pardon. Sorry. - Oh!能借过一下吗?Can we just get around you there?谢谢,她在那儿Thank you. Oh!There she is.爱尔莎Elsa!I mean, Queen. Me again. Um... 女王,又是我May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 容许我介绍南岛的汉斯王子Your Majesty. 女王陛下We would like... 我们希望Uh, your blessing... 你能同意Of our marriage. 给我们赐婚- 赐婚?- 对- Marriage?- Yes!I'm sorry, I'm confused. 抱歉,我有点乱Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. 我们也还没计划好We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. 要几天时间安排典礼Of course, we'll have soup, roast and ice cream. And then... 当然要有汤,烤肉,冰淇淋,然后…等等,我们要住在这里?Wait. Would we live here?- 这里?- 当然- Here?- Absolutely!安娜- Anna!- Oh!We can invite all 12 of your brothers to stay with us.可以把你那十二个哥哥都请来住什么,不,不What?No, no, no.- Of course we have the room. - Wait, slow down. - 城堡足够大- 等等,慢点No one's brothers are staying here. 没有人要来住No one is getting married. 没有人要结婚等等,什么?Wait, what?我能和你单独谈谈吗?May I talk to you, please?Alone.No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us. 不行,要说就对我们一起说Fine. You can't marry a man you just met. 好,你不能和初次见面的人结婚You can if it's true love. 是真爱就可以安娜,你懂真爱?Anna, what do you know about true love?More than you. 比你懂All you know is how to shut people out. 你只知道排斥别人You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. 你要我赐婚,我只能说不Now, excuse me. 失陪了Your Majesty, if I may ease your... 陛下,我希望能…No, you may not. And I think you should go. 不行,我想你该走了The party is over. Close the gates. 舞会结束了,关上城门- 是,陛下- 什么?- Yes, Your Majesty. - What?爱尔莎,不,等等Elsa, no, no!Wait.还我手套Give me my glove!Elsa, please, please. 爱尔莎,求你了,求你了我再也不能这样活着了I can't live like this anymore!Then leave. 那么,走吧我对你做了什么?What did I ever do to you?Enough, Anna. 够了,安娜不,为什么,你为什么排斥我?No, why?Why do you shut me out?为什么排斥整个世界?Why do you shut the world out?你到底在怕什么?What are you so afraid of?我说,够了!I said, enough!Sorcery. 巫术!I knew there was something dubious going on here. 我就知道这里边有问题Elsa. 爱尔莎她在那儿!There she is!对,是她!Yes!It is her!Queen Elsa. 爱尔莎女王美丽的女王Our beautiful queen!陛下,您没事吧?Your Majesty?Are you all right?No. 不她在那儿!拦住她!There she is!Stop her!Please, just stay away from me. Stay away. 求你们了,别靠近怪物!怪物!Monster. Monster!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Elsa!等等Wait, please!爱尔莎,停下!Elsa, stop!安娜Anna!No. 不The fjord. 快看峡湾- 下雪了- 下雪了- Snow!- Snow?Yes, snow. 对,下雪了- 你还好吧- 不好- Are you all right?- No.你知道?Did you know?No. 不知道瞧,下雪了,下雪了Look, it's snowing. It's snowing!女王施咒了The queen has cursed this land!必须制止她,快去追她She must be stopped!You have to go after her. 等等,不要!Wait, no!你!你也会巫术?You!Is there sorcery in you, too?你也是怪物?Are you a monster, too?No, no. I'm completely ordinary. 不,不,我是普通人That's right, she is. 对,她是常人In the best way. 非常正常And my sister is not a monster. 我姐姐不是怪物她差点杀了我She nearly killed me!- You slipped on ice. - Her ice. - 你踩到冰滑倒了- 她造的冰It was an accident. She was scared. 只是意外,她受惊吓了She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this. 她不是故意的,这一切都是意外Tonight was my fault. I pushed her. 今晚,我犯错了,我刺激了她So, I'm the one 所以,去追她的人- 应该是我- 什么?- that needs to go after her. - What?- Bring me my horse, please. - Anna, no. - 把我的马牵来- 安娜,不行It's too dangerous. 太危险了Elsa is not dangerous. 爱尔莎不危险I'll bring her back, and I'll make this right. 我会带她回来,让一切正常I'm coming with you. 我和你一起去No, I need you here to take care of Arendelle. 不,我希望你留下看护阿伦黛尔On my honor. 誓死效力I leave Prince Hans in charge. 现在一切由汉斯王子掌管确定她可信任?Are you sure you can trust her?I don't want you getting hurt. 我不希望你受伤She's my sister. 她是我姐姐She would never hurt me. 绝对不会伤害我的The snow glows white On the mountain tonight 山夜白雪微光Not a footprint to be seen 一丝足迹未见A kingdom of isolation 孤独的国度And it looks like I'm the queen 我像是女王The wind is howling 风在呼啸Like this swirling storm inside 心在翻滚Couldn't keep it in Heaven knows I tried 用心去瞒,前功尽弃Don't let them in Don't let them see 别让人进来,别让人看到Be the good girl You always have to be 做个好女孩,你永远记住Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐瞒一切,别去感觉,临场做戏Well, now they know 事已至此随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!Can't hold me back anymore 不再受羁绊随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!Turn away and slam the door 扭过头,关上门I don't care 我不在乎What they're going to say 随他们说Let the storm rage on 让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway 我不惧寒冰It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small 从远处眺望,一切如此小And the fears that once controlled me 曾经的恐惧Can't get to me at all 已彻底挣脱It's time to see what I can do 是时候尽显才华To test the limits and break through 寻极限突破自己No right, no wrong 无所谓对错No rules for me 无所谓规则自由了I'm free!随它去Let it go!随它去Let it go!I am one with the wind and sky 与风与天为伴随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!You'll never see me cry 不再哭泣Here I stand 立于此And here I'll stay 居于此Let the storm rage on 让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air 魔力在风中穿行Into the ground 深入冻土My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals 灵魂绕冰晶旋转All around 盘旋直上And one thought crystallizes Like an icy blast 心一动,冰晶展I'm never going back 不再回头The past is in the past 往事随它随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!And I'll rise like the break of dawn 黎明破晓般站起随它去,随它去Let it go!Let it go!That perfect girl is gone 完美女孩已离去Here I stand 立于此In the light of day 迎接晨光让风暴怒吼吧Let the storm rage on!The cold never bothered me anyway 我不惧寒冰爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎Elsa!Elsa, it's me, Anna, 爱尔莎,是我,安娜your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer. 你妹妹,我不是故意让你冻住夏天的I'm sorry. It's all my fault. 对不起,都是我的错Of course, none of it would have happened 当然,如果她早告诉我if she had just told me her secret. 一切都不会发生She's a stinker. 她真讨厌别,别,回来Oh, no. No, no, no!Come back!别跑,别跑No, no, no!Okay. 好吧Snow. It had to be snow. 都是雪,自然是雪She couldn't have had tropical magic 她自然没有温暖的魔力that covered the fjords in white sand and warm... 给峡湾盖上白沙和温暖的火!Fire!Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. 冷死了,冷死了游荡的奥尔肯商栈还有桑拿Ooh. "And sauna"!Big summer blowout. 夏日聚会吗Half off swimming suits, clogs, 来个泳装,木鞋还是自创防晒香油?and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?很好,但现在,有靴子吗?Oh. Great. For now, um, how about boots?冬靴和冬裙?Winter boots and dresses?That would be in our winter department. 那在冬日品区I was just wondering. 我想问Has another young woman... 有没有其他女孩The queen perhaps, I don't know, 可能是女王,不清楚从这里经过?passed through here?The only one crazy enough to be out in this storm 这种天出来疯的is you, dear. 只有你,亲爱的You and this fellow. 你和这个家伙Big summer blowout. 夏日聚会吗?Carrots. 胡萝卜Behind you. 你身后对,抱歉Oh!Right. Excuse me.七月飞雪,很怪,对吧?Oh. A real howler in July, yes?从哪刮来的?Wherever could it be coming from?The North Mountain. 北山North Mountain. 北山That Will be 40. 四十四十,不,十块Forty?No, 10.Oh, dear, that's no good. 亲爱的,那可不行See, this is from our winter stock, 瞧,这是冬季存货where supply and demand have a big problem. 需求和供应都很紧张和我谈需求和供应?You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?I sell ice for a living. 我卖冰为生Ooh. That's a rough business to be in right now. 现在这生意可难做了I mean, that is really... 真的是…That's unfortunate. 真不幸Still 40. 还是四十But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. 白送一次奥尔肯桑拿浴Yoo-hoo. Hi, family. 嗨,伙计们Ten is all I got. Help me out. 我只有十块,帮个忙Okay. Ten will get you this and no more. 行,十块就这样,别的没了Okay, just tell me one thing. 嘿,告诉我北山出什么事了?What was happening on the North Mountain?像施了魔法?Did it seem magical?对Yes!Now, back up while I deal with this crook, here. 你先让开,我在对付这个骗子叫我什么?What did you call me?Okay, okay. I'm out. 好,好,我出去就是Bye-bye. 再见No, Sven, I didn't get your carrots. 没有,斯文,没有胡萝卜But I did find us a place to sleep. 但找到了过夜的地方And it's free. 是免费的I'm sorry about this violence. 真抱歉,粗鲁了点儿I will add a quart of lutefisk, 送你一夸脱碱鱼so we have good feelings. 这样感觉就好了就衣服和靴子?Just the outfit and the boots, yah?Reindeers are better than people 驯鹿比人亲近斯文,你说对吧?Sven, don't you think that's true?"Yeah, people will beat you And curse you and cheat you" 人会打人,诅咒,撒谎"Every one of them's bad, except you" 他们都是坏人,除了你Aw. Thanks, buddy. 谢谢,伙计But people smell better than reindeers 但人比驯鹿好闻斯文,你说对吧?Sven, don't you think I'm right?"That's once again true For all, except you" 他们都是香的,除了你You got me Let's call it a night 你和我,共度一夜"Good night" 晚安Don't let the frostbite 别让冻伤Bite 伤了你Nice duet. 唱得不错是你?要做什么?It's just you. What do you want?I want you to take me up the North Mountain. 我要你带我上北山I don't take people places. 我不载人Let me rephrase that. 我把话说清楚Take me up the North Mountain. 带我上北山Please. 求你了Look, I know how to stop this winter. 听着,我知道怎么结束这个冬天We leave at dawn. 我们黎明出发And you forgot the carrots for Sven. 你忘了给斯文的胡萝卜Oops, sorry. 抱歉I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't... 抱歉,抱歉,我不是We leave now. Right now. 我们现在出发,马上走抓紧了,我们喜欢飞奔Hang on!We like to go fast.我也喜欢飞奔- I like fast. - Whoa!Whoa, whoa, whoa...Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. 把脚拿下去,这可是刚漆过的说实话,你是谷仓长大的?Seriously, were you raised in a barn?- No, I was raised in a castle. - Hmm. 不是,我是城堡长大的So, uh, tell me, 那,告诉我女王怎么疯成这样?what made the queen go all ice-crazy?It was all my fault. 都是我的错I got engaged, but then she freaked out, 我订婚了,把她吓坏了because I'd only just met him, you know, that day. 因为我是第一次遇见他And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage, and... 她说不会赐婚等等,你和初次遇见的人订婚?Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?Yeah. Anyway, I got mad, and so she got mad, 是,我疯了,她也疯了and then she tried to walk away, 她想走开and I grabbed her glove... 我拿了她的手套慢着Hang on!You mean to tell me you got engaged 你说你订婚了和初次遇见的人?to someone you just met that day?Yes. Pay attention. 对,认真听But the thing is, she wore the gloves all the time, 问题是,她一直戴手套so I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt. 我以为她怕脏你父母没提醒你要当心陌生人?Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?Yes, they did. 他们有But Hans is not a stranger. 汉斯不是陌生人是吗?他姓什么?Oh, yeah?What's his last name?"Of the Southern Isles." 来自南岛- 他最喜欢什么?- 三明治- What's his favorite food?- Sandwiches.- 好友的名字?- 约翰吧- Best friend's name?- Probably John.- 眼睛的颜色?- 恬静的- Eye color?- Dreamy.- 脚多大?- 脚不要紧- Foot size?- Foot size doesn't matter.和他吃过饭吗?Have you had a meal with him yet?万一你不喜欢他吃饭的方式?What if you hate the way he eats?万一你讨厌他抠鼻子的样子?What if you hate the way he picks his nose?抠鼻子?Picks his nose?And eats it. 还吃鼻屎Excuse me, sir. He is a prince. 抱歉,先生,他是王子- All men do it. - Ew. 男人都这样Look, it doesn't matter. It's true love. 听着,那些不重要,这是真爱It doesn't sound like true love. 听起来可不像真爱你是爱情专家?Are you some sort of love expert?No. But, uh, I have friends who are. 不是,但,我有这种朋友You have friends 你有朋友是爱情专家?我可不信who are love experts?I'm not buying it.- Stop talking. - No, no, no. No, no. - 别说话- 不,不- I'd like to meet these... - No, I mean it. - 我想见见这些…- 闭嘴,认真地Sven, go. 斯文,跑跑Go!- 是什么?- 野狼- What are they?- Wolves.野狼?Wolves?- 要怎么办?- 我有这个- What do we do?- I got this.。
今天联邦大陪审团在底特律A Federal Grand Jury in Detroit today指控"地下气象站组织"的十三名领导人charged the thirteen top leaders of 'the Weathermen'密谋轰炸with plotting to bomb底特律芝加哥纽约和加州伯克利的public buildings in Chicago, Detroit, New York,公共建筑and Berkeley, California."地下气象员组织"'The Weathermen' are the由美国大学生民♥主♥会中的好战分子组成militant faction of the Students for a Democratic Society,目前十三人中仅有一人被拘only one of the thirteen is now in custody.美国的战争史上还从未有过一场战争Never before has this nation fought a war which引起这么多民众反对so many Americans opposed反对的原因如此多样for so many different reasons.也从未有过像反对越战这样Never has this dissent been as emotional, as intense,如此激动如此强烈的反战情绪as is the dissent against the war in Vietnam.炸♥弹♥在国♥务♥院♥爆♥炸♥ 造成了巨大的损失The bomb went off in the State Department and did a lot of damage.另一枚炸♥弹♥在奥克兰被引爆[加州西部城市]Another was detonated in Oakland.密歇根州银行抢劫中Three suspects remain at large银行抢劫一名保安中枪身亡after a security guard was shot and killed三名嫌犯仍然在逃during a robbery at the Bank of Michigan.FBI已公布其名单The FBI has released the names米米·卢瑞尼古拉斯·斯隆和莎伦·索拉兹Mimi Lurie, Nicholas Sloan, and Sharon Solarz;均为激进反战团体all members of the radical anti-war group,"地下气象员组织"成员'The Weather Underground'.你的同伴来吧伙计们走了Come on you guys, let's go.-妈妈再见 -别忘了我放学要练习- Bye Mom. - Don't forget I have practice after school.你还练什么都进了大学了What are you still practicing for? You already got into college. 进入纽约州自助加油-找你的钱 -谢谢先生- Here you go. - Thank you, sir!-25.74美元需要加热吗 -不用谢谢- That's $25.74, do you want that warmed up? - No, Thanks. -别动举起手来 -别动联邦探员- Don't move! Hands in the air! - Don't move, Federal agents! 趴在车上手背到身后Get on the car! Hands behind your back!莎伦·索拉兹Sharon Solarz,你因谋杀休·克罗斯纳被捕you are under arrest for the murder of Hugh Kroessna,你有权保持沉默You have the right to remain silent,你所说的每一句话if you give up that right, anything you say都将作为呈堂证供can and will be used against you in a court of law.你有权请一个律师You have the right to an attorney,如果你付不起律师费if you cannot afford one,我们会免费给你指派一名律师one will be provided for you.清楚了吗Do you understand these rights?莎伦·伊丽莎白·索拉兹Sharon Elizabeth Solarz,重大新闻莎伦·索拉兹被捕FBI头号♥通缉名单中one of the longest-standing fugitives逃亡时间最长的逃犯之一on the FBI's most wanted list昨日被捕于纽约州希瑟顿外was arrested yesterday, just outside Heatherton, New York.臭名昭著的密歇根银行抢劫案已过去三十年30 years after the notorious Bank of Michigan robbery-一名保安死于该案 -早上好杰斯- that claimed the life of a guard. - Good morning, Jess.奥尔巴尼太阳时报你迟到了You're late.我没在他们就不能开除了我对吧Well, if I'm not here they can't fire me, right?-你今天很漂亮 -谢谢- You look beautiful! - Thanks.看这个Oh... look at that.全国新闻就在我们后院我们哪去了National story, right in our own backyard, and where were we? 等等犯罪归尤卡诺维茨负责Hold on. Crime was Yukanowitz's,奥尔巴尼太阳时报-你把他炒了 -是的我交给你负责了- you fired him. - Yeah, and I passed it on to you.你交给我的还有法♥院♥和州议会的新闻Along with the courts and the State House还有55个别的东西and like 55 other things, I mean...这才是新闻本This... is news, Ben.这才是This!我们他妈是报社记得吗We're a goddamn newspaper! Remember?所以你还是出去好好写篇报道So why don't you go out and write a nice little story趁还有几个读者发挥一下报纸的作用that informs our readers, while we still have a few?我道歉好吗I'm sorry, okay?那么严重吗It's that bad, huh?你那个朋友还在FBI外勤办事处吗Do you still have your friend in the FBI field office?理论上是In theory,不过我想她不会再理我了although I'm not sure she ever wants to speak to me again. -你总说自己是个好记者对吧 -对- Y' keep telling me you're a good reporter, right? - Right. 证明给我看Prove it.这些是主要激进分子本能躲会藏These were major radicals, Ben, who know how to hide.三十年了 FBI是怎么发现她的呢So how does the FBI find her after 30 years? Hmm?要我说政♥府♥想So, let me s... the State wants在私有财产转让的时候干预对吧to sieze private property in transfer, right?对我知道土地征用权Y... Yes, I know what 'imminent domain' is.要是逼不得已的话我会的I will if I have to.上诉法♥院♥是有存在意义的Court of Appeals exist for a reason.-伊兹 -什么- Izzy! - Yeah.你最好准备出发了You'd better be getting ready.你说那就符合公共使用的要求了吗And you're saying that satisfies public use?真的吗Really?伊兹准备好了吗Izzy! You ready?好了Yeah.快点要迟到了Come on, we're gonna be late.-不会迟到的 -打赌吗- We're not gonna be late. - You wanna bet?我客户从他父亲手里买♥♥来的My client bought it from his dad,他父亲又是从他爷爷那买♥♥来的who bought it from his dad,希望有一天能卖♥♥给自己的儿子and hopes one day to sell it to his son.这家族很棒陪审团见了一定很开心It's a great family, I'm sure the jury would enjoy meeting them. 好了Okay.刚好准时Right on time!-都好了吗 -好了- All set? - Yup.午饭带了吗You got your lunch?没有No...最后一节是什么课数学吗So, what's last, math?不是我还有排球练习No, I've got volleyball practice...-好吧练习结束我去接你 -好的- Oh, okay. I'll pick you up after practice. - Okay.这么急没落了什么东西吗Hey, what's your hurry? Haven't you forgotten something?比利Billy.-你好库司马诺先生 -你好宝贝- Hi, Mr. Cusimano. - Hi, sweetie!你的孩子都毕业了吧Are your kids a little old for this school?我是来找你的新闻看了吗I came to see you... you seen the news?-他们还报新闻呢 -莎伦·索拉兹- Oh, they're still reporting the news! - Sharon Solarz走吧去吧Go ahead, go ahead.-你知道她是谁吧 -什么- You know who she is, right? - What?她被捕了哥们在希瑟顿被捕She was busted, man. She was arrested over in Heatherton.-为什么跟我说这个 -因为你俩是老朋友了- Why are you telling me this? - 'Cause Sharon's an old friend.你有麻烦了吗比利Are you in trouble, Billy, y' know,-还是你还在假释 -我可老实了哥们- or are you still on parole? - I'm clean, man.那是怎么回事What's going on?她给我打电♥话♥ 说想向联邦政♥府♥自首She called me, wanting to turn herself in to the Feds.他们这些混♥蛋♥ 才不管这个They're assholes, they don't care!但你不能搀和到这么...But you can't get involved in someth...她是你的朋友她需要一名律师She's a friend, she needs a lawyer.我没办法建议...Well, I can't give advice...他们完全知道她要去哪吉姆好吗They knew exactly where she was gonna be, Jim, alright?是的他们知道Exactly. They knew.-他们全知道 -我不接这种案子- They knew exactly. - Well, this is outa my league.我无能为力Out of my league.-我不能让她孤立无援 -我做不到- I can't let her twist in the wind. - I can't do it.我的孩子刚失去妈妈I have a kid that just lost her mom.都一年了It's been a year...对不起Sorry.给玛吉·哈特打电♥话♥吧Call Maggie Hart,或者洛克伍德邓洛普菲利Lockwood and Dunlop, Philly.好吗她很棒比我强Okay? She's great. Better'n me.抱歉Sorry.请放在这里Please set it here.走吧Go ahead.你今天早上搬来的吗So... you moved here this morning?你问这个干嘛Why do you care?我以为你只报道政♥治♥新闻呢I thought you were covering politics now.我可是全才Well, I'm multi-talented.她为什么在这里被捕呢How come she was arrested here不是在佛蒙特做了三十年家庭主妇吗if she's been a Vermont housewife for thirty years?这你得问她了You'll have to ask her that.你这么说可有意思了迪You know, it's funny you should mention it, Dee因为我听说'cause from what I hear监狱开放采访是常有的people give jailhouse interviews all the time.你以为自己是谁《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》记者吗Who do you think you are, The New York Times?说得好像还在1985年它有多厉害似的You say New York Times like it's 1985 and you're still impressed.你就是个地方跟队记者You're just a local beat reporter.我喜欢你这么弄头发I love it when you do that with your hair.这是个全国新闻This is a national news story,我觉得你该回家发个微博I think you should go home and tweet about it.-我不玩微博 -对也不用邮件- I don't tweet. - Right! You don't email either.我就看看案件卷宗好吗Can I just see the case file?看在过去的交情上拜托了For old times' sake? Please?就因为我们大学时勾搭过Just because we hooked up in我就得让听你FBI监听记录了吗college I'm gonna give you access to FBI wiretaps? 监听记录什么监听记录Wiretaps? What wiretaps?这就是我不爱跟你说话的原因This is why I don't talk to you.我们大学时可不只是"勾搭"过And we didn't just "Hook up" in college,-好吗我们是...-我得走了- okay, we were... - I have to go.-新来的治安官吗 -你怎么知道- New sheriff in town? - How can you tell?都是这样的吧Well, that's how it usually goes, right?像这样的大案件Big case like this,都从别的地方派人来they usually bring in someone from out of town? 什么功劳都归他了Grab all the glory?当然本地外勤办事处Course, the local field office起码该在本地报纸上出点风头吧should at least get credit in the local paper.不如我给你们写几句好话吧Why don't I go put in a good word for you!我是个很爱社交的人I'm a very social guy...比利·库司马诺Billy Cusimano.有机食品店老板吗Organic grocery guy?-我什么也没说 -对是一个可靠的- It didn't come from me. - No, just a well-placed,极具魅力的政♥府♥消息来源extremely attractive government source.库司马诺Cusimano.-爸爸放这吗 -对- Hey Dad! Here? - Yeah.库司马诺店你好Hello!你是比利·库司马诺吗Billy Cusimano?我叫本·谢帕德来自奥尔巴尼太阳时报My name's Ben Shepard, from the Albany Sun-Times, 可以问你几个I wanted to ask you a few关于莎伦·索拉兹被捕的问题吗questions about the Sharon Solarz arrest?你可以问不过为什么要问我呢You can, but why would I comment about that?你认识她对吧Well, you know her, don't you?不认识No, I don't.警方记录快速检索显示Quick search of police records门多西诺加州北部海角城市1971年你跟莎伦一起在门多西诺shows you and Sharon together in Mendocino in 1971. 我没去过门多西诺I've never been to Mendocino.不对吧你在那里做大♥麻♥交易That's not true, is it? You were dealing hash there卖♥♥给一个叫"永恒挚爱兄弟会"的组织for an outfit called the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. 顺便说一句名字不错Which is a great name, by the way.最近跟莎伦有联♥系♥吗Sharon been in touch recently?我知道她被捕前给你打过电♥话♥Look, I know she called you prior to her arrest.你联♥系♥过吉姆·格兰特了You talked to Jim Grant.不我联♥系♥过FBI 吉姆·格兰特是谁No, I talked to the FBI, who's Jim Grant?FBI是谁Who is the FBI?他们监听了你一段时间Well, they had you on a wiretap here for a while,看起来你在这里so it seems you're growin'不光种了番茄和土豆比利somethin' more than tomatoes and potatoes here, Billy.妈的我交的税就用来干这个吗Shit. That's why I pay taxes, right?让那帮该死的老大哥偷听我的电♥话♥So Big Brother can... hack my fuckin' phone!-吉姆·格兰特是谁 -是一名律师哥们- Who's Jim Grant? - He's a lawyer, man.-律师莎伦的律师吗 -不是他不肯接- Lawyer? Sharon's? - Nah, he wouldn't take the case.听着孩子Look, kid...-莎伦打电♥话♥来说她想自首 -自首吗- Sharon called me wanting to turn herself in... - Turn herself in? 不别的我都不会说了Nope, I'm not saying anything else.我说的一切都不可引用Everything here is off the record.规则不是这样的Ah, see... it doesn't work that way."不可引用"得在谈话之前说才有效You gotta say "Off the record" before we have the conversation. -谁说的 -这是规矩- Who says? - Those are the rules.你们这些人做事还有规矩吗There's rules for what you people do, huh?奥尔巴尼太阳时报搜索:詹姆斯·格兰特奥尔巴尼律师律师简介詹姆斯·格兰特-那她怎么说的 -她说我做得不错- So, what did she say? - She said that I did great让她印象很深刻and that she was very impressed.我说什么来着What'd I tell you?-喂 -您好是格兰特先生吗- Yeah? - Hi... uh, is this Mr. Grant?我是本·谢帕德来自奥尔巴尼太阳时报This is Ben Shepard from the Albany Sun-Times.我是Oh... yes.我想问问您Just wondering if you能否评论一下莎伦·索拉兹被捕一事care to comment on the Sharon Solarz arrest?-什么 -莎伦·索拉兹被捕- What? - The Sharon Solarz arrest,您拒接她的案子you declined to take her case...是这样我刚坐下准备吃晚饭Yeah, you know... I'm just sitting down to dinner right now. 晚点给你回电♥话♥好吗I gotta call you back, okay?先生我只是...Uh, sir... I ju...动荡的十年即将告一段落As the turbulent decade drew to a close大学生民♥主♥会the Students for a Democratic Society,反越战的主要学生组织the leading student group opposed to the war in Vietnam, 其力量被一个更为好战派的组织夺取had its power usurped by a more militant faction,该组织名为"地下气象站组织"known as the Weather Underground Organization.数年的非暴♥力♥抗♥议♥活动Frustrated with years of non-violent protests未能终结战事令人沮丧that had failed to end the war,即"地下气象站组织"成员所谓的"气象员"们决定the so-called "Weathermen" decided阻止美国干涉越南的最好方法the best way to stop America's involvement in Vietnam就是把战场转移到国内was to bring the war home."气象员"激化了反战运动The Weathermen radicalized the anti-war movement,实施了一系列and carried out a series of针对政♥府♥机构的轰炸行动bombings against government institutions including包括五角大楼国会大厦国♥务♥院♥等等bombing the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, and the State Department. 从未有过任何组织No group has been more successful如此猖獗地袭击过美国土地in carrying out attacks on U.S. Soil.《奥尔巴尼太阳时报》索拉兹曾试图自首 FBI先发制人将其逮捕-怎么了 -没事- What's wrong? - Nothin'.-你脸色不好 -我没事宝贝- You look weird. - I'm fine, honey.-你说谎 -我没有- You're lying. - I'm not lying...你说谎了因为你在笑You are lying, because you're smiling.-我没笑 -"我没笑"- I'm not smiling. - "I'm not smiling."或许我高兴呢来快点吃Well maybe I'm happy? Here. Come on, eat.然后准备出门And then get ready.-您不会碰巧是吉姆·格兰特吧 -不碰巧- You Jim Grant, by chance? - Not by chance.你留意一下罗杰会签的文件好吗Would you follow up on those counter-signatures from Roger?好的Yep.我是奥尔巴尼太阳时报的本·谢帕德I'm Ben Shepard, Albany Sun-Times,我们通过电♥话♥we spoke on the phone.我只是想过来打个招呼I just figured I'd come by and say hi...我没什么可说的I don't really have anything to say.苏珊找一下罗切斯特的文件...Oh, and Susan, would you pull out the Rochester files for... 你都不知道我要问你什么You don't know what I'm gonna ask you yet.就是我的取证报告The report for my deposition?你说什么Do what?我说你还不知道我打算问你什么I said you don't know what I'm gonna ask you yet.你是个记者Well, you're a reporter.好吧那我就写"拒绝回答任何问题"Well, I could just put "Refused to answer any questions." -什么 -我只打算做点背景调查先生- What? - I'm just doing a little background, sir.-好吧 -谢谢- Okay. - Thank you!不不别录音No, no... we're off the record here.-哪个部分 -全部- Which part? - All of it...我们在这里谈的任何事情都不许录音Whatever it is we're gonna be talking about here,不行的话你就可以走了otherwise, you can leave now.不没关系那不重要No, that's fine. It's not important.莎伦·索拉兹被逮捕之前有没有联♥系♥过你So, did Sharon Solarz contact you prior to her arrest?重要吗Does it matter?反正你们的报道里已经说她联♥系♥过我了Since you already printed that she did?事实上我们说的是Actually, what was printed was that她可能联♥系♥了一位处理公诉的律师she may have approached a public-interest lawyer然而这位律师拒绝了她who declined to take the case.你的名字没有被提及But your name was never mentioned.这个地区有二十五个律师There are 25 lawyers in the area.九个处理刑事案件六个处理意外事故Nine do criminal, six do accidents,五个处理契约四个处理产权转让five do deeds, and four do closings...剩下的就是我了and then there's me.-我没有暗示 -还用词准确见鬼去吧- I wasn't insinuating... - The hell with accuracy, huh?措辞含糊语气尖锐含枪带棒Be vague, be accusatory, and whatever sticks?-这就是你们的手段吧 -我写的都是真♥相♥ - Is that how it works? - Nothing I wrote was false.我被你说的好像曾经窝藏逃犯You made it seem like I was harboring a known fugitive. 我们可以发一个改正声明We can issue a correction.莎伦·索拉兹没有联♥系♥过我Sharon Solarz did not contact me,我跟她的案子也没有关系and I have no involvement in her case.-真的 -真的- Really? - Really.那你知不知道她现在的代理律师Do you know she's now being represented是费城的玛格丽特·哈特by a Margaret Hart in Philadelphia?-是的 -哈特女士是你法学院的同学- Right. - Ms. Hart was a classmate of yours in law school? 律师们认识彼此算新闻吗Lawyers know each other, that's news?但是是你推荐哈特女士的不是吗Yeah, but you did refer Ms. Hart as counsel, didn't you?-谁说的 -哈特女士今早自己说的- Says who? - Ms. Hart herself, this morning.玛吉·哈特是国内最好的辩护律师Maggie Hart is one of the best defense lawyers in the country. 但是你为什么要转手呢But why pass this off?我是说这我就不明白了I mean, that's what doesn't make sense to me.因为这种案子并不常见Cases like this don't come around very often,这点我相信你比我更清楚I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.因为莎伦·索拉兹'Cause Sharon Solarz配得上比我更好的辩护律师deserves a better defense than I can provide.配得上这个词用的很有意思Deserves? That's an interesting word choice.你可能不愿相信You know, it may seem untrue to you,但我们生活的国家是自♥由♥的but we do live in a free country人们有权获得合理的辩护and people are entitled to a decent defense.听着我还有工作要做呢Now look, I got work to do.你处理过宪法第一修正案的案件You've handled First Amendment cases,ACLU 美国公民自♥由♥协会劳工案件还跟ACLU密切合作过labor cases, you worked hand-in-glove with the ACLU...这个案子正好在你的能力范围内不是吗I mean, this is right in your wheelhouse, isn't it?-你就是来说这些的吗 -我还不知道呢- Is this what you came here to talk about? - I'm not sure yet. 这就能很好地解释为什么新闻业行将就木了Well, that pretty well sums up why journalism is dead.你不介意的话Now, do you mind?-为什么比利·库司马诺要来找你 -我不知道- Why did Billy Cusimano come to you? - I don't know.你和比利·库司马诺有多熟Well, how well do you know Billy Cusimano?事实上我和他不熟I don't, really.事实上很熟I mean... you do, really.你几年前为他辩护过You represented him a few years back,是件毒品案你帮他胜诉了on a drug case, you got him off.我为很多人辩护过天啊I represent a lot of people, Jesus...先生我不打算冒犯你格兰特先生Mist... Look, I'm not trying to offend you, Mr. Grant, I'm...我没有被冒犯你跟我预计的差不多Oh, I'm not offended. You're pretty much exactly what I expected. 苏珊我上车后打电♥话♥给你Susan, I'll call you from the car.先生Sir...格兰特先生听我说我只是想Mr. Grant... look, I'm just trying to-把所有线索串起来 -听着听着- put the pieces together. - Hey. Look, look... Listen...我不接这个案子I didn't take the case because是因为我有私人事务还是个单身父亲I'm a single parent with a private practice而且我手头已经够忙了知道吗and too much on my plate, alright?如果我能帮忙的话我会的If I could have helped, I would've.因为你对他们的案子抱有同情吗Because you are sympathetic to their cause?你支持她的做法吗You agree with her tactics?这么说吧很明显你在这里有所企图You know, clearly you have some kind of an agenda here,-我没时间听你胡扯 -我没有- I don't have time for this bullshit. - I don't,事实上我不偏袒任何一方actually... I don't care much for either side.是吗这样你就显得公平公正了吗So, what? That makes you fair and balanced?有意思的是要在三十年前You know... it's a funny thing. Thirty years ago,像你这么聪明的人a smart guy like you很可能就会亲自加入那场运动probably would've been involved with the movement yourself. 我希望你找到你要找的保重孩子I hope you get what you're looking for, kid. Take care.奥尔巴尼纽约机动车管理局谢谢Thank you.执照申报部登记持有人詹姆斯·格兰特社保号♥停止办公等会儿别挂Hold one sec'... hang on.-谢谢帮忙 -别事伙计交给我吧- Thank you for doing this. - No worries, mate. I got you.谢谢你Thank you.你们好啊Hey, guys!抱歉我回来晚了Sorry I'm late.没关系我们玩得很开心Not a problem, we're having fun.-作业做了吗 -当然- You do your homework? - Of course.很好谢谢Ah, good... Thank you.作业是我做的I'm the one who did it.对啊谢谢你Oh, ooh... well, thank you.-她每天都在进步 -是啊- She's getting better every day. - Yeah...宾夕法尼亚州驾驶执照理查德·格雷弗斯FBI通缉名单打扰了跟我讲讲调查结果好吗I'm sorry, can you walk me through that research, please? -好 -谢谢- Yeah. - Thank you.都是一些基本资料It's... uh, all basic stuff,他出生在加州贝克尔斯菲市He was, uh, born in Bakersfield, california,上过爱荷华州立大学attended Iowa State University,之后是弗吉尼亚大学法学院University of Virginia Law... uh,工作时跟妻子相遇是在什么地球...met his wife while working at the... Planet... Earth...-地球第一基金会 -是的- Earth First Foundation? - Yeah...然后来这里开始自己的职业生涯And came up here, started his own practice.这是他妻子吗她怎么了This his wife? What happened to her?车祸走的时候48岁Car accident. 48-years-old.这太糟糕了Wow... that's horrible.你遇见个年轻的女人然后有个孩子Yeah, you meet a younger woman, you have a kid...她不应该就这么死了she's not supposed to die on ya'...她应该遇上个汽车销♥售♥员Supposed to meet a car salesman然后搬去拉斯维加斯像我家那样and move to Vegas, like mine did.-还有什么 -房♥子是全额付款- Anything else? - Umm... house is paid for,他明显是个负责的单亲爸爸he's obviously a responsible single parent...社会栋梁好公民参与很多公益活动Pillar of society, do-gooder... lot of pro bono work...好吧也就是说我没什么可写的Right. So basically, nothing I can turn into a story.好极了Great.纽约你好丹Hello, Dan?我不敢相信你竟然打给我I can not believe you're calling me!-我知道 -这简直是噩梦- I know. - This is a goddamn nightmare...-丹 -我不想跟这种事有任何关联- Dan... - I don't want anything to do with this.丹你是我弟弟我需要你的帮助Dan, you're my brother. I need your help.说吧Go ahead.雷你最好的记者是谁Ray, who's your best reporter?-曼斯菲尔德 -曼斯菲尔德- Mansfield. - Mansfield?才怪Bullshit.-请随便坐 -看- Please, have a seat. - Look...一开始我以为格兰特想是联♥系♥其他人So, at first I think Grant is trying to link up with the others,达成交易把他们牵扯进来help negotiate a deal, bring them in,像索拉兹做的那样like Solarz tried.是吗那可是个好故事Yeah, well... that would make a good story.结果比这更好It gets so much better.于是我去调查了这个人的过去So I go and I look at the man's history,-没错 -看看他跟"气象员"有什么关系- Right. - see if he has any known associations to the Weathermen. -什么都没有 -所以- Nothing. - So?没有关于他的任何东西Nothing on the man at all.这个人在1979年之前根本不存在The man doesn't exist before 1979.看这个Look at this...重大事件记录证明贝克尔斯菲市加利福尼亚我猜错了雷I had it wrong, Ray.他"死"了He's dead.吉姆·格兰特不是打算为米米·卢瑞和尼克·斯隆辩护Jim Grant is not trying to represent Mimi Lurie or Nick Sloan.吉姆·格兰特就是尼克·斯隆Jim Grant is Nick Sloan.美♥利♥坚♥合众国护照吉姆·格兰特出生日期 1946年4月27日出生地点马萨诸塞州-我很累 -我知道宝贝- I'm tired. - I know, sweetheart,但是我们一定要早点出发but we have to get an early start.-去学校吗 -不我们不去学校- For school? - No, we're not going to school.-那我们去哪里 -我们做次小旅行- Then where are we going? - Well, we're gonna go on a little trip. -旅行 -是啊- A trip? - Uh-huh.今晨来自奥尔巴尼太阳时报的重大新闻Breaking news this morning from the Albany Sun-Times报道称七十年代激进分子reporting former seventies radical逃犯尼古拉斯·斯隆近日在奥尔巴尼被发现fugitive Nicholas Sloan has been discovered in Albany,重大新闻逃犯身份曝光以詹姆斯·格兰特为名以律师为业living as a lawyer named James Grant.斯隆因谋杀罪被通缉Sloan is wanted for murder,FBI通缉名单到目前为止逃亡超过30年and has been on the run for more than thirty years.好了伙计们我们对格兰特掌握多少Alright people, what do we have on Grant?他的车易通今天凌晨四点付过通行费His EasyPass paid a toll at 4 this morning在87号♥州际公路向北行驶on I-87, heading north,边境已经收到警示ah, the border's already been alerted.我们派了探员跟他的秘书谈话We have an agent talking to his secretary.为什么我们没有格兰特更清晰的照片Why don't we have a better picture of Grant?-我们在找了 -怎么不去他房♥子里找找- We're working on it. - Well, what about from his house?我们在等搜查令Just waiting on the warrant.它们的身体真有韧性Their bodies are so bendy.你知道这只叫什么吗Do you know this one's name?仍在查看边境安全摄像Border security cams are still being checked,目前尚未发现目标there's no matches yet.-格兰特有亲人吗 -有个11岁的女儿- Does Grant have any family? - A daughter, 11.她跟他在一起吗打电♥话♥给学校Is she with him? Call the school.她没去上学She didn't show.双亲都过世弟弟在纽约Both parents deceased, brother in New York.很好追查弟弟Alright, put a tail on the brother,我要银行账号♥ 信♥用♥卡♥号♥I want bank accounts, credit cards,追踪但不要冻结tracked not frozen.1968年《综合犯罪控制与街道安全法》第三篇详细规定了窃听电子通讯或口头会话的问题我们符合"第三篇"规定吧Where are we on the Title Three?我要在这家伙会去的任何地方装上监听器I wanna bug every place this guy is known to go, I mean... 总有什么地方的什么人知道些什么somebody, somewhere knows something,总有人会讲出来and someone's going to talk.各位拜托Now, come on people,这家伙让我们过去三十年名誉扫地this guy's been making us look bad for thirty years now. 我们都放聪明点Let's not be stupid.欢迎来到紫檀酒店Welcome to the Rosewood.-我帮您拿吧先生 -不用谢谢- May I take those, sir? - No thanks, we're fine.这边走Right this way...请稍等Just one moment...-请拿好 -谢谢- There you go! - Thank you.-入住愉快格雷弗斯先生 -谢谢- Enjoy your stay, Mister Graves. - Thank you.那是什么What's that?-怎么了 -在餐巾后面- What happened? - It's behind the napkin.-什么 -"什么"- What? - "What?"眼睛真尖Evil eyes.跟我说说什么...So, tell me something... what, uh...今天发生的最好的事是什么What was the best thing that happened to you today?就是...我得到了只宠物海豹Um... well... I got a pet seal,好吧不是宠物海豹是一个海豹娃娃well, not pet seal, but a little seal doll.。
抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket别让它的光芒消散Never let it fade away抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day爱随时悄然而至For love may come and tap you on the shoulder月朗星稀的夜晚Some starless night当你想要拥有她时Just in case you feel you wanna hold her有着满满口袋的星光You'll have a pocketful of starlight抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket别让它的光芒消散Never let it fade away抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day爱随时悄然而至For love may come and tap you on the shoulder月朗星稀的夜晚Some starless night当你想要拥有她时And just in case you feel you wanna hold her有着满满口袋的星光满满口袋的星光you'll have a pocketful of starlight, pocketful of starlight 抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket别让它的光芒消散Never let it fade away抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day当麻烦接踵而至时For when your troubles start multiplying他们可能And they just might很轻松的忘掉烦恼It's easy to forget them without trying只要有满满口袋的星光With just a pocketful of starlight抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day还在忙吗You keeping busy?是啊一直在忙Yeah, I've been busy. You know.-忙什么呢 -照看花♥园♥- Busy doing what? - Busy in the garden.花♥园♥ 就是因为你还念着工作In the garden. You know what? You're missing work. That's what. -我看得出来 -不我才没有- I can see that. - No, I'm not missing work.你还想着嗡嗡作响的机器那些玩笑Yeah, you're missing the buzz and the还有伙计们我知道jokes and the guys. I know that.-你别不承认 -或许有点吧- Don't tell me that's not true. Yeah. - Maybe a little.要买♥♥肉什么的吗Are you gonna buy some meat or what?对是要买♥♥些Yeah, I'm gonna buy some meat.我还在挑着呢I'm looking at some meat right now.我想买♥♥些上等的牛排I want to get some real good steak.牛臀肉有特♥价♥I got a special here on the rump.还是不要特♥价♥的了Oh, forget the speciais.这个周末我的孩子们要I got the children visiting me this从全国各地回来看我weekend from all over the country.到时他们围着一张桌子坐着 4个都是Got them all around the same table, all four of them. 清理5号♥走廊Clean up aisle five.请清理5号♥走廊Clean up aisle five, please.请问你了解这些酒吗Excuse me. Do you know about these wines?酒? 这些酒?The wine? These wines?这区的货是我进的怎么有什么问题吗I stock this section. Why? Is there a probiem?没有我只是想给我孩子买♥♥点No, I just wanna get some expensive比较高档的酒bottles of wine for my children.-这个可不是给孩子喝的 -我知道我知道- This isn't for children. - I know it's not for children. 是给我已经不再是"孩子"的孩子买♥♥的It's for my children that aren't children anymore.这些酒哪款最好呢What would be the best one...ones of this?我们这里有世界各地的酒Well, we got wines from all over the world.有从法国进口的英伦酒We got English wines, you know, from France.有欧洲进口的意大利酒We got Italian wines from all over Europe.我想给孩子们留个好印象I wanna make a good impression on my kids.会的一定You will. Definitely.这款机器具有内置7档软化力度It's got a built-in tenderizing gauge可以软化牛排以及禽肉类for steaks and poultry with seven different grades.要是油料着火的话And there's an automatic spritz to还有个自动喷撒灭火装置calm flames if the oil catches.保证5年内有优质的密封保护性能It is guaranteed for five years with a premium protective seal.还有个自动电转烤肉架It has an automatic rotisserie,盖子盖上后里面的氧气就会减少and when the lid is closed, the oxygen's reduced to a level这样油脂就不会着火that does not support or encourage the fats to ignite.-所以那么贵吗 -6♥4♥8块是销♥售♥价- Is that what it's going for? - 6♥4♥8. That's the sale price. 买♥♥这种型号♥非常不错的That's a heck of a deal for this model.最低价了That's as low as I can go.-600块怎么样 -好的成交- How about 6? - Done. Sure. Absolutely.-放哪儿... -放那儿就好了- Where do I... - You can just put it right in there.看起来要办聚会的样子Looks like somebody's having a party.是啊家庭聚会Yeah, it's just the family.-喂? -爸爸是我罗伯特- Hello? - Dad, it's Robert.罗伯特啊Robert.爸爸我这边情况不太好...Dad, listen, things aren't looking very good...-对不起 -太遗憾了- Sorry. - Oh, well, that's a shame.真不幸That's a real shame.是啊你倒是要错过不少美酒Yeah, you're gonna miss out on having some fancy wine-还有菲力牛排和... -其他人有消息吗- and Fliet Mignon steak and... - Have you heard from the others?有啊目前他们都会来的Yeah, so far all of them are coming.有的周五晚上有的周六早上Some Friday night, some Saturday morning.-真的很抱歉爸爸 -我也是小罗- I'm sorry again, Dad. - Yeah, I'm sorry, too. Rob,不过你得回乐队里孩子But you gotta get back to that orchestra, son.-我会的多保重 -好的你也保重好的- I will. You take care. Okay. - Okay. You take care, too. Okay. 爸爸我现在不能跟你说Dad, hi. I can't stop right now.还有几分钟就要回舞台了I'm back on stage in a few minutes.制片人从巴黎飞过来The producers are flying in from Paris想看看原班演员and wanna see the original cast,我这个周末就脱不开身了So I just can't get away this weekend.很抱歉在妈妈的葬礼后就一直没回来过I'm sorry. I know I haven't been home since the funeral,但我一直想回来我爱你一直想着你But I'm trying, I promise. I love you. I'm thinking of you.吻你Big kiss.爸爸是我艾米Hey, Dad. It's Amy.我真的很抱歉I'm really sorry to have to do this,事务所里的事真是太忙了but things have just gotten really crazy at the agency杰克还感冒了今天课都没去上and Jack's sick with a fever. He missed school today.无论如何So between one thing and another,这个周末我们是来不了了we're not gonna be able to make it this weekend.真的很抱歉爸爸I'm really sorry, Dad.更糟的是And to make things worse,我今天跟大卫说了他也来不了了I spoke to David today, and he can't make it, either.他还要忙着完成一幅画什么的不过...He's got a lot going on, a painting or something, but...我保证我们会尽快过来的好吗Anyway, I promise we'll make it to you soon. Okay?我爱你Love you.不行Well, you can't.你不能飞遍整个国家You can't just go flying all across the country,-以你的身体状况是不行的 -谁说飞啦- Not in your condition. - Who said anything about flying? 可以坐汽车坐火车啊What about buses? What about trains?我担心的是你的肺弗兰克I'm worried about your lungs, Frank.别担心我的肺担心你自己的吧Don't worry about my lungs. Worry about your lungs.我的肺好得很My lungs are fine.肺部纤维症你做事得慢慢来Fibrosis of the lungs requires you to take things easy.现在你也知道Now, you know that.我就坐汽车还有火车...I'm just going on the buses, on the trains...我是说你工作没选好You picked the wrong job, Frank. I mean,这么多年在潮湿的聚氯乙烯环境下呼吸...Breathing in humidified PVC all those years...只是看看家人而已我...You know, it's just about seeing the famliy. You know, I... 琴以前一直跟他们保持联♥系♥ 现在... Jean always kept in touch with everybody, and now it's... 你知道情况该我来了You know how it is. Now it's down to me.-你自己的事处理地如何 -我还好- How are you managing on your own? - I'm fine.-还好? 好吗 -好还好- You're fine? Yeah, fine? - Fine, yeah. I'm fine.我妻子去世之后You know, when I lost my wife,我还是像她在世时一样跟她说话I found myself taiking to her like she was still there.持续了好几个月It went on for months."我的短裤在哪儿""Where the hell are my shorts?"不那边没人我自言自语呢No, no. There's nobody there. No. Talking to myself.有点疯狂是吧Crazy, huh?-你也那样吗 -不- You do that, Frank? - No.-没有吗 -还不至于- No? No? - Not yet.你说的我也确实听了但这次旅行Look, I hear what you're saying, I do, but this trip,并不是你现在亟需的你得慢慢来it's not what you need right now. You gotta take things easy.真的待在家里吧You do. Stay home.知道该怎么办吗多花点时间在花♥园♥You know what you should do? Spend more time in the garden. 艾德说没问题Ed said it was fine.他说多带点药就可以了He said just take enough medication坚持坐火车和汽车and stick to trains and buses.我要拍很多照片把新鲜事都带回家And I'll take plenty of pictures, and I'll bring home the news.先去纽约看大卫I'll start with David in New York.要是出什么问题的话就立即回来And if anything goes wrong, I'll be right home.钥匙钱包Got my keys, got my wallet.钥匙药My keys, got my medication.照相机Camera.钥匙Got my keys.下一位Next.纽约单程票New York city. One way, please.-87块 -87块给你100块- $87. - $87. There's 100.-我去看我儿子 -真不错- I'm going to see my son. - Very good.-知道他干什么的吗 -不知道- You know what he does? - Absolutely no idea.-他是个画家 -7号♥站台谢谢- He's an artist. - Gate 7. Thank you.-下一位 -谢谢- Next. - Thank you.你认为我的作品怎么样Uh, what do you think of my work?离站后你就一直看着You've been looking at it ever since we left the station.不好意思我没听明白I'm sorry, I don't understand.别看着我看窗外No, don't look at me. Look back out the window.告诉我你看见什么了Tell me what you see.-汽车吗 -不是- Cars? - No.-树吗 -是有树不过不是- Trees? - Well, yes, but no.房♥子吗Houses?想想你一直都看到的那个Just remember that you've been looking at it-车一离站就一直看的 -窗子玻璃吗- Ever since we left the station. - Oh, the window. The glass? 不是不错了一开始...No. Not bad, but it's a start...but...-鸟吗 -不不是鸟- Birds? - Uh, no. Not birds.-石头? -不是石头开玩笑了- Rocks? - Not rocks. No, that's ridiculous.石头你猜的吧Rocks! You're just guessing.我跟这位女士一直在说估计她会知道I'm gonna stick with this lady here. I think she has an idea. 说实话我真不知道你说的是什么No, honestly, I realiy have no idea what you mean.找找节奏You know, just look for the rhythm.电♥话♥线杆吗The telephone post?差不多了Close. Close.-电线吗 -对继续继续- The wire? - Yeah. Keep going. Keep going.-我猜不出来了 -别好吧就是电线- Really, I give up. - No, no. Okay. That's it. That's it.电线挺不错的The wire, that's good.我既没制♥造♥电线也没架电线I mean, I didn't make the wire, I didn't hang the wire,我是包电线的给电线包上聚氯乙烯but I coated the wire. I protected it with PVC coating能够防止雨淋湿气过热之类的against the rain, the moisture, heat, stuff like that.所以说你看到的其实不是电线So, what you actually see is not the wire.是我的保护层It's my PVC coating.我一周要包上1000里的电线没有休息I ran 1,000 miles of wire a week, non-stop.不休息的Non-stop.如果你稍微想一想If you just think for a minute,那条电线要传达所有的对话all the conversations that have taken place over that wire. 喜怒哀乐Breaking good news and bad news.-我给你看点东西 -好的- I'll show you something. - Sure.他们是我的孩子们These are my children.罗伯特是乐队指挥Robert, the conductor.大卫是画家萝西跳舞的David, the artist. Rosie, the dancer.艾米做广♥告♥很出色Amy, very high up in advertising.到他们那儿还要有100万英尺的电线A million feet of wire to get them where they are today. -照片很不错 -谢谢- It's a nice picture. - Thank you.还要有百万英尺的电线Million feet of wire to get them where they are today. -石头吗 -没错对了就是石头- Rocks? - Yeah, right. That's right. Rocks.他们本来是要来看我的They were all...they were all supposed to visit me,本会有个家庭团圆and we were gonna have a family reunion,不过他们都在最后一刻取消行程了and instead they all canceled on me at the last minute. 把自己锁门外了吗亲爱的You lock yourself out, honey?没有没锁外面No, I didn't lock myself out.我儿子住这儿我等他回来My son lives here. I'm just waiting for him.你可以过来跟我一起等我有个好去处You can come wait with me if you want. I know a place. 不谢了很感谢你Oh, thank you. That's nice of you, though.-你确定吗 -谢谢- You sure? - Thank you.想看看我的腿吗You wanna see my ieg?想看我的吗You wanna see mine?-来 -到了吗- Come on. - Are we here?哥们儿Oh, man.-哥们儿你真难以置信 -什么- Dude, I can't believe you, man. - What?真不敢相信你一晚上...I can't believe you, all night...大卫David.你长大想干什么What are you gonna do when you grow up? Huh? 我想当个画匠自己画画I wanna be a painter and do my pictures.别当画匠克里斯特他们是在墙上画画的No, not a painter. Christ, painters paint walls,小狗也在墙上尿尿要当画家and dogs pee on walls. You're gonna be an artist. 画家的画能改变人们的生活Artists paint pictures that change people's lives. 你想当什么呢What are you gonna be?画家An artist.对啦画家那么你是不是要好好学习呢That's right, an artist. So, you gonna work hard? 是的爸爸Yes, Dad.你要成为我的骄傲You gonna make me proud.我会努力的爸爸I'm trying, Dad.不幸的是飓风将Unfortunately, it's going to be在明日某时登陆海滩on top of the coast sometime tomorrow.现在飓风爱丽丝的速度已经Right now, hurricane Alice is packing达到每小时165里winds of 165 miles per hour.我们遇到了5级飓风风压...We've got a category 5 hurricane. The pressure...看起来风暴很严重Looks like a bad storm.严重的风暴A bad storm.我94岁了I'm 94.-我一直不需要看医生 -哥们- I keep away from the doctors. - Boy.我儿子辈有3个孙子辈有6个I have three children, six grandchildren.他们都很忙They're busy.都没时间跟我闲聊我还得跟他们预约They're too busy to talk to me. I gotta make an appointment. 他们都去别的地方了也不需要别人了They got lost someplace. They don't need anybody.人变了生活也变了People changed, life is changed.今天你跟某个人握手Today, you shake hands with somebody,还得数数有几根手指you gotta count your fingers to make免得伸回来时少一根sure you got five fingers back.有什么要帮忙的吗May I help you?门铃没坏吧Do the bells work?没啊Yeah.我儿子住9号♥房♥ 不知道他在不在家My son lives in apartment 9. I'm not sure if he's home.好了All right谢谢Thank you.大卫?David?大卫本想给你一个惊喜可惜你不在家我待会儿再打电♥话♥给你爱你的爸爸不眠的日子里我发现Through my sleepless days I found无梦的睡眠中That in my dreamless sleep I'm bound我将在那夜听见To one night hear the sound你的呼唤Of you calling今夜不要困惑Do not stumble through tonight不要害怕跌倒Have no fear of falling今夜不会困惑We won't stumble through tonight沉醉于欢笑声中Drowning in their laughter艾米是我萝西Amy, it's Rosie.爸爸怎么都不接电♥话♥呢Dad's not answer the phone.别打电♥话♥给他Well, don't call him.等我们搞清楚大卫的情况再说Not till we know what's going on with David.有什么消息吗Is there any more news?没有No.墨西哥那边刚来了个电♥话♥ 说他被捕了I just had that one call from Mexico saying he'd been arrested. 我不停留言但没人打回来I keep leaving messages, but no one's calling back.我觉得还是告诉爸爸吧I think we should tell Dad.搞清楚再说Not until we know what's going on.这几天别跟他说太多Just avoid talking to him for a couple of days till we know facts. 好吗Okay?好吧Okay.-天哪 -惊喜吧- Oh, my God! - Surprise.当然进来吧爷爷Yeah, definitely. Come on in, grandpa.-妈妈知道吗 -但愿不知道- Man, does Mom know? - No, I hope not.瞧瞧你Well, hey, look at you.我还以为你得了感冒躺床上呢I thought you were supposed to be in bed with a fever. -我感冒? -你妈跟我这么说的- I don't know, am I? - That's what she told me.估计得过吧...Yeah, I think I was...-有个提手啊 -当然有啦- It's got a handie. - Of course it's got a handie.-我还不知道呢 -还有轮子呢- I didn't know that. - It's got wheels.-你都长这么大了 -我知道- Yeah. Look how big you got. - I know, right?爷爷我还上着网Hey, listen. I'm online.-我一会儿就过来 -好的忙你的吧- I'll be back in a minute. - All right. You do your thing. -妈妈在外面 -好的- Mom's out back. - Okay, good.不我得过去是的No, I need to get down there. Yeah.能看看有什么航♥班♥吗Can you check out some flights and see what's available? 艾米Amy!爸爸?Dad?你怎么在这儿啊What are you doing here?什么叫我怎么在这儿啊What do you mean, what am I doing here?没人到我那儿去Everybody didn't show up for the visit.于是我跟自己说 "你们不来那就我过去吧"So I said, "if you don't come to me, I'm gonna go to you."真疯狂You crazy man.看看你身体也不好不该这么旅行的Look at you. You haven't been well. You shouidn't be travellng. -你跟医生谈过了吗 -我跟医生谈过了- Did you check with the doctor? - I checked with the doctor. -你跟他谈过了? -我当然跟医生谈过- You checked with him? - Of course I checked with the doctor. -杰夫在家吗 -不还没回来- Jeff home? - No, not yet.我问问他什么时候回来Let me find out when he's coming back.那么大家都没去看你吗So everybody dropped out of the visit?我没意识到我都不知道I didn't realize. I had no idea.你是怎么来的How did you get here?你没坐飞机吧You didn't fly, did you?没有我当然不会坐飞机No, of course I didn't fly.我乘火车去了纽约看望大卫I took a train to New York to see David,他不在家所以我就乘公车来这儿了and he wasn't there so I took a bus here.你坐公车来的? 来芝加哥?You took a bus? To Chicago?是的自己一个人Yeah. All by myseif.我的天啊真不敢相信Oh, my God. I can't believe it!是啊杰克康复得挺快Yeah. Jack got better fast.是啊是很快感冒一天就能好Yeah, I know, he did. Definitely, it was a 24-hour thing.我喜欢这房♥子I like the house.是啊但你见过照片的Yeah. But you've seen pictures.我是见过照片I've seen pictures.但我没亲眼见过这房♥子不是实物I haven't seen the house, not the real thing.-大家好各位 -你好杰克- Hey, everyone. - Hey, Jack.-怎么样 -很好- How's it going? - Good.杰克你为什么不带你爷爷出去Jack, why don't you take grandpa outside让他看看你的高尔夫球技呢and show him your golf?-你会玩高尔夫? -当然我可是天生的- You play golf? - Sure, I'm a natural.-是吗我想看看 -你想看吗- Yeah, I'd like to see that. - You wanna see that? -你要往哪儿打 -那边的旗子那里- Where do you heading it? - That flag over there. 打那么远吗孩子好吧All the way out there? Oh, boy. Okay.-我的记录是打三杆 -三杆?- My record's three. - Three?我见过后才能相信你来吧开始吧I'll believe that when I see it. Come on, let's go. -你看好了 -好的- You watch. - Okay.还不错嘛Not bad.-你也来一杆 -打一杆很容易但是...- Beat that. - I'll beat that, easily, but...好的All right.现在我得给你露两手Now I'll just have to show you a few things.是啊打得是很好Yeah, that was good,但是还不够好我可是职业的那种but not good enough. Frank, the pro.-来吧老虎伍兹 -你准备好了吗- Come on, Tiger Woods. - You ready?-抓紧时间 -好的准备好了是的- Take your time. - Okay, ready? Yeah.-妈的对不起 -怎么回事儿- Oh, shit! Sorry. - What was that?打成那样...Shot that...这只是个练习球再给我一个球That was just a practice shot. Give me another one of those. 这竿打完我就走了I'm going after this.来吧Here we go.妈的上帝啊对不起Ah! Shit! Christ! Sorry.-你打到了香料园 -再来一球来吧- You hit the spice garden. - One more. Come on.这是最后一球得了吧这...This is the last one. Come on. This is...我是你的客人再来一球来吧I'm your guest. One more. Let's go.再来一球再来一球来吧Come on. One more. One more. Let's go.-这可是我最后一个球了 -再来一球- This is my last one. - One more.-别把这球也打丢了 -再给我一球- Don't lose this one, too. - Give me another ball.把它放下像正式比赛一样Put it down. Be a sport.-我得看好它朝哪儿飞了 -准备好了吗- I wanna watch this baby fly. - Ready?-准备好了吗 -让我长点见识吧- Ready? - Impress me.妈的该死去他妈的对不起Oh, shit. Damn. Fucking christ. Sorry. Sorry.你能不能...好的中国菜不错Can you just...yes, Chinese food would be fine.没有当然没有不他什么也不知道No, of course not. No, he doesn't know anything.我听说你在学校成绩不错So, I hear you're doing very well at school.-不不太好 -什么叫"不太好"- Nah, not really. - What do you mean "Not really"?你妈妈说你是班上的第一名Your mother says you're at the top of your class.-她这样说了? -是的- Does she? - Yeah.-你得在学校努力学习 -是的我知道- You have to work hard at school. - Yeah, I know.我对你说的话跟你妈妈I'll tell you what I used to tell像你这么大时对她说的一样your mother when she was your age.成为最好的和班里第一名吗About being the best and getting to the top?-没错 -是的她提醒过我- That's right. - Yeah, she warned me about that.-杰夫回来了 -好的- Jeff's home. - Okay.-你好弗兰克 -你好杰夫- Hey, Frank. - Hi, Jeff.这是怎么了过来吧过来What's all this? Come here, come here.-惊喜吧 -太惊喜了太惊喜了- Surprise. - Big surprise. Big surprise.-看看你啊你看起来很不错 -你也是- Look at you. You're looking so well. - You, too.见到你真好It's good to see you.我的天啊这一天真够呛Oh, my God! What a day!你不会想知道的我很抱歉回来晚了You don't wanna know. I'm sorry I'm so late.-你能相信吗 -我能相信吗- Can you believe this? - Can I believe it?他做出任何事我都不惊讶Well, nothing surprises me about this guy.公♥司♥今天人太多了Well, the place was really crowded today.我都不敢相信还能活着出来I can't believe I was able to get out of there alive.别光吃米饭多吃点鸡肉啊Don't just eat your rice. Make sure you eat your chicken.好吗Okay?我还是给你拿个叉子吧Let me get you a fork.你不知道怎么用筷子吗You don't know how to use chopsticks?不我会用Yeah, I can use them.我能用筷子在高尔夫球场打败你I can use them to beat you at golf,这就是我的多会用筷子that's how well I can use them.你喜欢笑我是吗You like making fun of me, don't you?是的你很有趣Yeah, you're funny.-是啊我很有趣 -用这个吧- Yeah, I'm funny, huh? - Try this.谢谢一个叉子一个平常的叉子Thanks. A fork. A regular fork.现在我吃的时候就不会把饭撒在身上了Now I can eat without dropping this all down my shirt. 杰克给你♥爸♥爸把辣酱递过去好吗Jack, can you pass Dad the chill sauce, please?杰克?Jack?不No.杰克把辣酱给他Jack, pass him the sauce.我什么也不会给的I'm not passing anything.别闹了Don't be silly.我其实不用吃辣酱这样很好我不需要I don't really want it. It's fine. I don't need it.-你确定吗 -别再问他了- You sure? - Stop asking him.他又不傻如果他不想要他就是不想要He's not stupid. If he says no, he means no.如果他改变主意了他知道辣酱在哪儿If he changes his mind, he knows where it is.-他可以自己拿 -杰克- He can get it himself. - Jack.-对不起爸爸 -没关系- I'm sorry, Dad. - That's okay.那么你有什么打算So, what are your plans?我想我要在这儿待上一两天Well, I thought that I would stay a day or two or so,然后动身去见罗伯特and then head on out to see Robert.在他巡演时给他个惊喜Surprise him on his tour.那是很好只是...That would have been so great. It's just...这个星期时间很紧This week's really difficult.我感觉太糟了I feel awful.我公♥司♥有一个广♥告♥方案要查看I got this huge pitch to oversee at the agency,而且明天杰夫就乘飞机出差and Jeff's flying out on business tomorrow.我们应该安排另一个时间的We should arrange it properly, another time.好吧也许我可以跟杰克在一起Well, maybe I can just spend time with Jack?是啊那也很好Yeah, that would have been great, too,但是他明天要上学but he starts school again tomorrow,接着他得参加3天的野外教学and then he's off on a field trip for three days.-野外教学? 你要去哪儿 -我也不知道- A field trip? Where are you going? - I don't know.谁也不告诉我Nobody tells me anything anymore.好吧你知道瞧Well, you know, look,我出现得太突然了事情才会这样that's what happens when you show up unexpectedly.我明白你们很忙没关系你看...I understand. You're busy. That's fine. Look...天啊我感觉太糟糕了Oh, God, I feel awful.除了这周什么时间都可以Any other time but this week.听着我过得很愉快我看过了房♥子Listen, I've had a good time. I've seen the house.我见到了杰夫和你I've seen Jeff and you,然后我又被这个小东西在高尔夫球场上打败了and I let this guy beat me at golf, so总的说来这是趟愉快的旅行all in all it's been a pretty good trip.-我真的很抱歉爸爸真的 -不- I'm really sorry, Dad. Really. - No.我今晚给罗伯特打电♥话♥I'm gonna call Robert tonight and问问他在哪里find out where he's gonna be at.我只是...他真的很忙I just...he's really busy.他正在巡演我不知道He's on tour, and I just don't know他是否有时间什么if it's gonna be possible. What?不别给他打电♥话♥ 因为我要给他个惊喜No, don't call him, because I wanna surprise him.-好的 -你保证?- Okay. - Promise?是的我保证当然Yeah, promise. Absolutely. Yeah.我明天送爸爸上火车I'm putting Dad on the train tomorrow.他明早就能到丹佛与你见面了He'll be with you in Denver the next morning.什么不我在排练我没时间见他What? No, I'm rehearsing. I haven't got time to meet him. 他不能待在这里Well, he can't stay here!我要坐飞机去墨西哥I need to get on a flight to Mexico看看大卫到底怎么了to see what's going on with David.他还好吗你跟他谈过了吗Is he okay? Have you spoken to him?没有但是今天我给警♥察♥局打了电♥话♥ No, but I got through to the police today.毫无疑问他们说罪名是涉毒犯罪No surprise. They said the arrest was drug related,但是他们不肯在电♥话♥里跟我详细说but they won't give me any more details over the phone.所以我明天得飞过去So I'm gonna try and get on a flight tomorrow.艾米听着爸爸到这儿后我不知道Amy, listen, I don't know if I can lie to Dad会不会在大卫的事上撒谎about David when he gets here.就编个理由然后把他送到萝西那里Well, just make up an excuse to get him to Rosie's.就说你要飞往欧洲去演出Say you're flying off to Europe for a concert or something.这太明显了我不能这么做That's too obvious. I'm not gonna do that.-那你就自己想办法啊 -你还好吧- While think of something yourself. - Are you okay?杰夫快点Jeff, come on!杰夫快点爸爸等着照相呢Jeff, come on. Dad's waiting to take a photo!刚出门我到了再看Just get it out, and I'll look at it when I get there.我先给你们俩照一张I'll take one of you two first.-好的 -好了看这儿- Okay. - All right. Here?往这边来点Little over this way.好的往...Okay. Little...一起大家一起一起Together. Everybody together. Together.那个在哪儿...Where's the...最上面那个银色的按钮It's the silver button on top.-天啊像拍电影非常棒 -笑一笑- Oh, my God. This is film. This is great. - Smile.注意你的手指你的手指挡住镜头了Watch your finger. Your finger's on the edge.知道了好的Yep. Okay!给我个甜蜜的笑容好了Give me a beautiful...all right.你说过杰克是班里第一名You said Jack was at the top of his class,但是他说他学习不咋地but he says he's not doing that well.他是班里第一名He was at the top of his class.他现在很努力就这样He's struggling at the moment, that's all.我告诉你好消息与你分担不快I tell you the good news and spare you the bad.这不正是妈妈在我们还是孩子时候做的吗Isn't that what Mom used to do for you when we were kids? 这跟你妈妈怎么做没关系It doesn't matter what your mother did.从现在起除了报喜也要报忧Tell me the bad news as well as the good news from now on. -你明白了吗 -好吧- Do you understand? - Fine.你在家时还好吧You doing okay at home?-你在家时还好吧 -很好- You doing okay at home? - Fine.-真的? -是的- You sure? - Yeah.真的吗Are you sure?我从没意识到房♥子周围有这么多活要干I didn't realize there was so much to do around the house. 妈妈要是听到你这么说一定很高兴。
海洋孕育了我们We all come from the sea,但并非所有人都为海而生but we are not all of the sea.我们中那些海浪之子Those of us who are, we children of the tides, 必须不断地回归海洋must return to it again and again.冲浪英豪根据真实故事改编四五Four a thousand. Five a thousand.六七Six a thousand. Seven a thousand.八九Eight a thousand. Nine a thousand.一二One a thousand. Two a thousand.三四Three a thousand. Four a thousand.五六Five a thousand. Six a thousand.七八Seven a thousand. Eight a thousand.去追那个球Go. Ball. Go over there!衔回来衔回来Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up.十十一Ten a thousand. Eleven a thousand.走吧杰伊快下雨了Come on, Jay, let's go! We're gonna get wet. 看到没Man, did you see that?浪越来越大了It's building!这是我见过持续时间最长的That was the longest one yet.一二One a thousand. Two a thousand.三四Three a thousand. Four a thousand.-五...-苏菲别去- Five... - Sophie, no!杰伊不小心Jay, no! Look out!杰伊Jay!还好意思笑小男子汉Oh, yeah, you're smiling now, big shot.要不是我那会正巧在礁石区附近But if l hadn't paddled around the Point at that exact moment... 简直就是奇迹啊奇迹It's a miracle, that's what it is.我才不信什么奇迹你多大了And I don't believe in miracles. How old are you?六岁还是七岁What, 6, 7?八岁Eight.零九个月先生And three quarters, sir.你刚用光了老天爷给你的好运气Well, you just used up your entire allotment of dumb luck.给你出个主意Here's a novel idea.下次约会的时候去游乐园吧On your next little date, why don't you go to the arcade打儿童高尔夫也行or pee-wee golfing.为3至11岁儿童设计的高尔夫游乐园反正别再玩这种要你命的游戏了Or something that doesn't involve getting you killed.他是在给海浪计时Because he likes to time the waves.怎么你是喜欢啊What? You do.什么叫给海浪计时What do you mean, time the waves?观察浪潮的涨落Um, to see if the swell is building or dropping.一阵波浪中相邻两波海浪间隔的时间越长The more seconds between them, each wave in a set, 浪就越大it means it's getting bigger.谁教你的Who taught you that?没人教我先生Nobody, sir.我自己发现的Just figured it out.你自己发现了这个规律You just figured that out on your own?好吧Okay.圣克鲁兹加利福尼亚 1987谢谢拜拜Thanks. Bye.-拜拜 -再见- Bye. Okay. - Bye.直接回家听到没Go straight inside, all right?带上车门Close the door.又怎么了What now?你觉得那个浪有多大先生How big you reckon that wave was, sir?孩子世界虽然很小It's a small world, kid,但是人们测量海浪大小的方式but how they gauge the size of waves, well,也因地域而略有不同所以不好说that differs from place to place. So, hard to say.那别处可能会有更大的浪咯So it might be bigger somewhere else?那浪已经够大了知道吗Look, it was definitely big enough, okay?就像我说的世界很小Like I said, kid, small world.谢谢你救了苏菲杰伊I appreciate you saving Sophie, Jay.这是我见到的最勇敢的一件事One of the bravest things I've ever seen.妈Mom?美国♥军♥队储蓄宝贝Hi, baby.对不起妈妈不太舒服Unh. Sorry, Mama's not feeling so good.别担心Don't worry,爸爸会改变主意的Dad will change his mind.冰箱里有热狗There are hot dogs in the fridge.杰伊嗨Hey.-嗨 -要帮忙吗- Hey. - Need a hand?帮我冲咖啡还是修柜子What with, the coffee or the cupboard?你又错过和罗克尔说晚安了Uh, you just missed Roque again.刚安抚她睡着Just put her down.下班后帮朋友办事儿去了I had to help a friend out after work.我会去给她一个晚安吻的I'll go in, I'll give her a kiss.晚安吻不错Kiss would be nice.时不时跟她说说话会更好Conversation every once in a while, maybe nicer. 杰伊起床了Time to wake up, Jay.我看起来怎么样Okay. How do I look?美极了You look awesome.我要去西尔斯面试I have an interview at Sears.我12点回来然后咱们去买♥♥点文具So, I'm coming home at 12:00 and we are going to get school supplies. 祝你好运Good luck.谢谢Thank you.打扰了女士Excuse me. Ma'am?-你好 -您丈夫在家吗- Hi. - Your husband home?那得看问这个问题的是谁Uh, well, depends on who's asking.我是杰伊·莫里亚利蒂女士I'm Jay Moriarity, ma'am.他昨天在三英里海那边救了我He saved my life down at Three Mile yesterday.抱歉小家伙你弄错了吧Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry, I think you're mistaken,弗洛斯蒂昨晚在斯科特谷铺屋顶呢because Frosty was up in Scott's Valley laying roof yesterday.不女士我"用光老天爷给我的好运气"时No, ma'am. He was surfing the exact same time,他就在附近冲浪呢I used up my allotment of dumb luck.是吗Is that so?弗洛斯蒂现在在礁石区呢Frosty is actually down at The Point right now,不过有什么我帮得上忙的吗杰伊·莫里亚利蒂but is there anything that l can help you with, Jay Moriarity?我冲浪板尾部的零件似乎没了Well, I seem to be missing parts on the bottom of my board.好吧Okay.尾鳍尾鳍尾鳍Fins, fins, fins.放哪儿去了Where does he keep them?他们称它作"破浪枪"They call that thing a gun.这是用来驾驭那些滔天猛兽的It's for riding the really big monsters.就像那种Like that.那是在哪里Where is that?自己去问弗洛斯蒂吧You should ask Frosty yourself.谢谢Thanks.滚开小混♥蛋♥Beat it, little trash.布朗迪你干什么Blondie, what are you doing?嗨伙计你得往前冲Hey, man, you got to go in.你流血了You're bleeding.不行I can't.我得先站到板上Not until I get up.伙计没人第一次冲浪就能站起来的Dude, believe me, nobody gets up their first time.好吧好吧我这么做都是因为Okay, okay. I'm only doing this你流的血会把鲨鱼招来的because you're gonna start attracting sharks with all that blood. 我说"现在"的时候When I say "Now",你就拼命往岸边划明白吗you paddle as hard as you can towards shore, you got it?-现在 -不- Now? - No.-现在 -对划使劲划- Now? - Yeah! Paddle, paddle, paddle!我会醒来吗那只是我做的一个梦吗Will I wake up? Is it some dream I made up?不那是现实吧No, I guess it's reality什么会改变我们或是会陷入困境What will change us? Or will we mess up这是我们唯一的机会追逐梦想Our only chance to connect with a dream?为我祈祷吧Say a prayer for me为我祈祷吧Say a prayer for me为我祈祷吧Say a prayer for me我被这声音淹没I'm buried by the sound划划使劲划现在Hey, paddle. Paddle, paddle, paddle! Now!加油加油Go, go, go!你抄我台词You stealing a page out of my playbook there?情不自禁啊布朗迪Couldn't help myself, Blondie.这话总是在我脑子里盘旋It's always been a keeper.小混♥蛋♥Hey, little trash.问你个问题Got a question for you.拿那么长的冲浪板What exactly are you trying to compensate for是不是你觉得自己哪里太短啊with this long board of yours? Huh?看你拿个球棒我也想问同样的问题呢I was about to ask you the same thing about that bat. 都给我回来听到没Y'all come back now, you hear?-大伙儿出发了 -好的来了- Come on, let's go! - Okay, okay, we're coming.今天吧拜托Sometime today, please.-嗨金 -嗨- Hey, Kim. - Hi!玩的怎么样How was it out there?不错浪越来越大了Feels good. Feels like the swell is building.是吗你没计时吗Yeah? Did you time it?金米上车要出发了Kimmy, come on, we got to go.好吧有机会海边见吧Um, all right, well, maybe I'll see you out there.回见Later.放手吧伙计Let her be, dude.她对你来说太老了She's too old for you.滚滚出我家Get out! Get out of my house! Aah!-下来 -妈妈- Get down! - Mom!待那儿别动我受够了离我远点And you stay down there! I'm tired of this! Get off me! Okay? -妈 -我哪儿都不去- Mom! - I'm not going anywhere!杰伊Jay.冷静孩子我来收房♥租而已她抓着我不放Easy, kid. This is about back rent! She tried grabbing me!-我只是...-他欠我们钱- All I did... - He owes us money!-放开我 -别打了- Get off me! Unh! - No!冷静孩子Take it easy, kid!-杰伊别打了 -杰伊- Jay! No! - Jay!杰伊住手住手杰伊Jay, stop, stop! Jay!警♥察♥ 警♥察♥Cops! Cops!警♥察♥来了住手They're coming! Come on!别打了把他们拉开Hey, hey! Break it up! Break it up!放开我Get off me!这里是维克多-1-2 在出警现场This is Victor-1-2. We're on the scene.近海浮标显示浪高于16秒内达25英尺Offshore buoys are reporting seas of 25 feet at 16 seconds.风向为西北方向295度Coming from the west northwest at 295 degrees.西北风风力预计为15至20海里Northwest winds are forecasted at 15 to 20 knots.近海海域浪高预计可于17秒达28英尺Swells are expected to reach up to 28 feet at 17 seconds near shore. -早弗兰克 -注意周围孩子- Morning, Frank. - Careful out there, son.伙计别来无恙Hey, buddy. What's up?今天浪潮又变大了啊各位Next level out there today, boys.16秒达到25英尺Twenty-five at 16.来狂欢吧Let's rock and roll.好Right.开始吧Let's do it.好样的弗洛斯蒂Yeah, Frosty!且不说你是怎么来这儿的Now, we'll agree to forget how you got up here,现在最重要的是but as far as most are concerned,那儿的浪还是个谜就像尼斯湖水怪一般that wave's a myth. Like a Loch Ness monster.我们四人想让那个地方保持神秘The four of us who surf there want to keep it that way.明白了吗Is that clear?浮标显示浪高将于17秒内达到28英尺...Buoys reporting swells of 28 feet at 17 seconds coming from...-那个浪有多大 -你听明白我的话没- How big was that wave? - Did you hear what I just said?明白了先生Yes, sir.尼斯湖水怪Loch Ness monster.家里现在怎么样了How's it going over there?我家后室不出租了Mom's not renting out the back anymore.我可以有自己的房♥间了Means I get my own room.但我得在欢乐披萨多打一份工But I got to double-up my shifts at Pleasure Pizza.你♥爸♥爸呢And your father?他几年前从巴拿马的驻地给我写了一封信He wrote me a letter a few years back from his base in Panama. 都说了些什么So what'd he say?不知道I don't know.我从没打开那封信Never opened it.好吧我得走了还得干活呢All right, well, i got to get out of here. Got to get to work.先生我也想挑战那里的巨浪Hey, sir, I want to ride that wave.我想在那儿冲浪I want to take that drop.不可能Not gonna happen.为什么Why not?没经过训练的菜鸟不可能Because untrained boys don't step in the ring美国著名黑人♥拳♥击手曾获世界重量级冠军和迈克·泰森同台竞技这就是原因with Mike Tyson, that's why.我能搞定I can handle it.不是你说行就行的You don't just do it.伙计我在那儿冲浪20年了Buddy, I've been surfing that break for 20 years.你知道需要多少智谋勇气You have any idea how much strength and know-how you need 才能从那巨浪下逃脱出来吗to survive a break like that?弗洛斯蒂我每天都在变强我能坚持Frosty, I'm getting stronger by the day. I'll hold my own.-每天变强是吧 -是啊- Stronger by the day, huh? - Yeah.来把手给我Okay, give me your hand.现在挣脱Now resist me.这就是你最大的力气了吗Okay, that all you got?是吗就这么点Is that it? Is that it?好吧你还是不够强壮Okay. You ain't strong enough.那我每天都去练习冲浪行吗Right now, I'm surfing every single day, right?-如果我...-闭嘴- So, if I... - Shut up, all right?我知道你有多大本事Now, I know how good you are.我看过你冲浪I've seen you out there.和那帮小子冲浪你可以来去自如You surf circles around those other kids.但那只是普通的浪But those are normal waves.普通冲浪考验的是没有发生意外时Surfing normal waves is about how you perform你的表现如何when everything goes right.但挑战巨浪则是另一♥码♥事儿Now, big-wave surfing, that's a different ball game.那是考验当周围险象环生时你如何应对That's about how you perform when everything goes wrong.稍有不慎被波浪击中One bump off the face of that wave,就好比以时速50英里撞墙一般and you're hitting the water like concrete at 50 miles an hour.同时上千吨♥水向你汹涌砸来And you got a thousand tons of water coming down on top of you. 海浪会打晕你撕碎你It's knocking you senseless, ripping you apart,把你推向一个深不见底and pushing you down to a place that is so deep黑暗无边的深渊and so dark, you don't want to be there.那你为什么还去So why do it?走吧我还有工作要做Heh. Come on, get out of here. I got work to do.训练我吧教我如何驾驭它Train me, then. Train me to ride it.你听我说的话了吗Did you hear what I said?快走吧Go on, get.你还是不明白是吗You don't get it, do you?什么What?孩子有很多种弗洛斯蒂There are all kinds of sons, Frosty, you know?有的因你而生有的则为你而生Some are born to you and some just occur to you.杰伊将你当作一生的榜样Jay has looked up to you his entire life.难道你看不出他有多需要你吗I mean, can't you see how much he needs you?你希望我教他如何冲那道浪You want me to teach him to surf that wave?他还是个孩子He's a kid.你还让我保证不到那里You made me promise I wouldn't even surf that...是啊但你千方百计也要去Yeah, and you break that promise every chance you get.你以为我不知道你今天早上去哪儿了You think I don't know where you were this morning?我听到收音机里播的了I heard the message on the machine."16秒25英尺" 拜托"25 at 16"? Come on.我不知道你说这话什么意思I don't know where you're going with this.无论如何那孩子都会去挑战那里的巨浪的That boy's gonna surf that wave anyway.你心里清楚You know that, right?即使他会死在那里Even if he dies trying.难道你不会吗I mean, wouldn't you?她让你永不放弃梦想She's the one that keeps the dream alive两份夏威夷两份圣巴巴拉Okay, two Hawaiians, two Santa Barbara,一份意大利辣香肠一份奶酪好了one pepperoni and one cheese. All right.谢谢Thank you.伙计伙计Dude. Dude.先放酱料再放奶酪最后才是饼顶配料It goes, first sauce, then cheese, then toppings.这又不是造火箭It's not rocket science.你还好吗怎么心不在焉的You all right? You haven't been here since you got here, man.有没有什么事让你赖以生存至今You ever see and you think like, it's the reason you were put here? 仿佛为它而生一般I mean, like, on this earth?当然有伙计Sure, man.每次我看《海岸救生队》的时候Every time I turn on Baywatch.著名美剧好了继续干活吧欢乐披萨欢迎光临Right, keep it moving. Pleasure Pizza. Okay.布朗迪我出去下Hey, Blond, I'll be right back.稍等稍等Hold on, hold on.伙计你要去哪儿Hey, dude, where are you going now?-一会儿就回来 -我会累死的- I'll be right back. - You're killing me here!-先生 -这样吧- Hi, sir. - Okay, here's the deal.我只会教你一件事I'm gonna train you for one thing and for one thing only: 就是如何在巨浪中求生知道为什么吗To survive that wave. All right? You want to know why? 因为我良心上过不去仅此而已Because I don't want it on my conscience. That's it.不许问问题不许讨价还价No questions, no arguing, end of story.我教你应该掌握的技能仅此而已I teach you what you need to know, and it's over.明白了吗You got it?明白了Got it.没人知道那个冲浪点Now, the reason no one knows about this wave是因为那些大浪都从西北方向涌来is because it only happens on big northwest swells.这些海浪只会存在12周And the window for those swells closes in 12 weeks.所以你也只有12个星期的时间So you got 12 weeks.明早六点半到我家小屋找我Meet me in my shed tomorrow morning, 6:30 a.m.多一分钟也不行not 6:31 or 6:32.太好了太好了Yes! Yes! Yes!别拿那个了今天不冲浪Don't bother with that. We're not surfing.今天用桨叶式冲浪板Paddleboards.好了All right.开始之前我们要先确定几件事A few things we need to establish before we begin.首先First...别撞弗洛斯蒂的冲浪板也别磕邻居的车thou shalt not ding Frosty's board or damage thy neighbor's car. 好的对不起先生Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.其次这个小计划Second, this little, uh, program,目的在于建立is all about building what I like to call人类坚实基础的四大支柱明白吗the four pillars of a solid human foundation. Understand?-明白先生 -怎么可能- Yes, sir. - How could you?我还没告诉你它们是什么呢I haven't even told you what they are.平稳节奏Steady rhythm.滑行推进Drive and glide.人类坚实基础的四大支柱The four pillars of the human foundation就是体能意志情绪精神are the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual.我承认这层面的确有点抽象Though I admit to being a little bit wobbly in that department. 我没听太懂先生I'm not sure I understand, sir.你知道什么叫命题吗You know what a thesis is?-一个观点 -对- Uh, an idea. - Exactly.阐明事物的观点An idea which attempts to explain something.通过展开叙述从而印证或反驳Lays it out to be proved or disproved.我们的命题是So here's our thesis:从圣克鲁斯到蒙特利It's 36 miles across the bay需要穿越一个36英里的海湾from Santa Cruz to Monterey.你能划到那么远之日The day that you can paddle that far,便是你能挑战马弗瑞克斯之时will be the day you're ready to surf Mavericks.可不是一日之功Not a moment sooner.弗洛斯蒂这不可能Frosty, that's impossible.少见多怪Oh, more so than you know.所以体能指的就是So the physical will represent划行所需的身体力量the sheer strength needed to make the paddle.从今天起这是你每日的必修课So you're gonna be doing this from now on, every day. 持续12周12 weeks.而意志将取决于你做的研究And the mental will be tied to your own research.潮汐和浪涌的计算The calculation of the tides and swells,当然还包括驾驭它们的能力and, of course, your ability to navigate them all.蒙特利跟马弗瑞克斯杠上了So, Monterey equals Mavericks.一言为定Deal?-一言为定 -很好- Deal. - Good.我只需你母亲签一份All I need is for your mom to sign me a permission slip风险自担的免责协议书即可accepting responsibility for anything that's gonna happen along the way. 弗洛斯蒂Frosty.弗洛斯蒂如果她不同意签呢Hey, Frosty, what if she doesn't sign it?深呼吸平稳节奏滑行推进Deep breaths, steady rhythm. Drive and glide.苏菲你好吗狗狗Hey, Sophie. What's up, girl?来这苏菲Come here, Sophie.苏菲你在这干嘛Sophie. What are you... What are you doing here?我爸妈都已经睡了My parents are asleep.你能用我妈的签名帮我签一份许可协议吗Can you sign me a permission slip with my mom's signature on it?我的字太丑了My handwriting blows.什么许可协议Heh. A permission slip? For what?好吧我没告诉过任何人呢Okay, I haven't told this to anyone,你得帮我保密so you have to promise to keep it a secret.好吧我答应你Okay, promise.是马弗瑞克斯它真的存在It's Mavericks. I mean, it's real.也许是世界上最大的海浪Maybe the biggest wave in the world.我亲眼所见就在岸边I've seen it with my own eyes, it's right up the coast.弗洛斯蒂要教我冲那个浪Frosty's gonna train me to surf it.马弗瑞克斯谁信啊Mavericks? No one believes that.我发誓你前所未见I swear, it's like nothing you've ever seen before.如果要经我妈允许的话And if I ask my mom for permission,只是让她有机会以妈妈的口吻教育我It'll just give her an excuse to act like my mom for once而且她可能不会同意and she'll probably say no.你真漂亮You look great.谢谢Thanks.这事本应在学校说的I would've asked you at school,但你不喜欢被人看到和低年级生在一块but I know you don't like being seen in public with younger men, so... 布朗迪Hey, Blondie.天气收音机 89美元好的伙计们All right, fellas.来吧比比谁先到滑板池Come on, race you to the pool.你得把他们分开You gotta keep'em separated逊毙了Yeah! Sick!看我的Get some!伙计起来Yeah, man, get up.联谊会今晚开派对去不Hollybra's having a party tonight. You clowns going?好的听起来不错杰伊你呢Yeah, sounds good to me. Jay?不了我功课没做完还有事情要忙No, I got school and stuff.老兄Dude.我们都有功课啊老兄这不是借口We all got school, dude. That's no excuse.每次都这么说其实他这周都没来上课Heard that. Haven't been to class all week.他还在想自己为何要重读高二呢Yeah. The dude actually wonders why he's a second-year sophomore! 你要忙什么So what kind of stuff you got going?做点有意义的事儿罢了Just trying to make sense of everything.这可才是高中啊老兄We're in high school, dude.哥们你轻视我Man you disrespecting me把他带走Take him out弗洛斯蒂Hey, Frosty.才3点40分It's 20 to 4.你让我四点到这儿You told me to be here at 4.的确Exactly.准备出发了吗So, we ready to go?你觉得呢Does it look like it?弄干净那车道之后就出发Tell you what, we'll be ready when you clean up that driveway.这就是你早到20分钟的功课That's what you get for being 20 minutes early.深呼吸Deep breaths.肺部要充分舒展You got to stretch out those lungs.马弗瑞克斯那样的巨浪会淹没你数分钟A wave like Mavericks will hold you down for minutes at a time且把你拍成肉酱while it pounds you to a pulp.如果平时你不能If you can't hold your breath闭气至少4分钟for at least four minutes under normal circumstances,那你就别想着活着划出来了then you may as well not even paddle out.多久了How long was that?我当刚才没有发生过You know what, I'm not even gonna acknowledge that just happened. 36英里 4分钟马弗瑞克斯哪儿找到的Where'd you find that?在你搬进婴儿室的梳妆台里In the dresser that you moved into the baby's room.天哪你真漂亮God, you're so beautiful.我知道冲浪是你的热情所在Look, um, I know that surfing is是你的生命你的解压方式your passion and your life, your escape.我都懂I get it.但我需要你给我一个承诺But I need you to make me a promise.而且这次我是认真的And I'm serious this time.你不能把30英尺高的激♥情♥冲浪看得比That you're not gonna put the rush of a 30-foot drop你两个孩子的未来还重要in front of the future of your two children.我保证I promise.感谢上帝你是个好男人God, you're a good man.好的Okay.杰伊在等你Jay's waiting for you.妈Mom!妈你得马上起床Mom, you got to get up right now!你6点有个早班You got a 6:00 shift!不然你又要被炒鱿鱼了妈You're gonna lose your job again! Mom!不要吵Oh, no.-妈快点起床啦 -我在起了- Mom, get up! Come on! - I'm getting up!你晚了11分钟You're 11 minutes late.是的抱歉弗洛斯蒂Yeah, sorry, Frosty.因为我妈要给我签免责协议You know, my mom... She had to write my permission slip, so... 你♥妈♥的♥字写得不错啊Your mother's got nice handwriting.是不是费了一番口舌She take much convincing?不No.还好Not much.好的Good.那是你的早餐That your breakfast?是的Hm? Yeah.要想成为一名运动员You want to be an athlete,就得吃运动员吃的吃这个you got to eat like one. Take this.来吧吃了它你比我更需要它Go on, take it. You're gonna need it more than me.谢谢Thanks.现在吹南风和东南风Winds out of the south, southeast,时速15海里阵风可达20海里at 15 knots, gusting to 20 knots.这就是天气收音机吧That's the Weather Radio, huh?你用它来追踪大浪You use it to follow big surf?有点像你给浪计时那样Kind of like you timing the waves.只是这玩意儿更精确Only this thing's a little more accurate.在这里没法把冲浪板划到浪区There's no way to paddle out there,尤其用的还是长板especially with long boards.总会有办法的是吧Oh, there's a way, all right.看看你能否胜任了大佬So let's see if you're worth your salt, chief.火候不够啊Okay, back to baking.走吧Let's go.你使出浑身解数也才划了30码So you made it all of 30 yards.如果想到浪区的话If you want to get out there,起码要再划行半英里以上you got to make it through more than half a mile of this, 才能够着马弗瑞克斯just to get in position of Mavericks.因此你得保存好你所有的体力So you've got to conserve all the energy you've got.好吧All right.现在来看看你不足的地方Now let's take a look at what you missed.出于某种考虑Now, for some reason,你决定径直划出这片波浪汹涌的区域you decided to paddle straight out into that mess.看看那边的岩石Now, take a look at the rocks over there.发现水流怎样了See what's happening with the current?它没地方去了It's got nowhere to go.没地方去怎么办Nowhere to go but where?-退回去吗 -正是它只好退回去- Back out? - Exactly, back out.对冲浪者而言To a waterman,这就是一条天然的传送带it's a conveyor belt.看好了Watch this.今天的课So today's lesson就是关于观察的能力was about the power of observation.很简单现在你有两个选择Simple fact is you got two choices.你可以霸王硬上弓You can fight things head-on或是观察并遵循自然法则or you can observe the laws of nature.如果你观察得够仔细Because if you look hard enough,自然会有解决的办法there's always a way through it.-说得有理吗 -是的先生- Make sense? - Yes, sir.好家伙Good man.你要以此为题写一篇论文给我Because you're going to write me an essay about it. 是一篇3页不空行的打印体论文Three pages, typewritten, single-space.成败就在你观察到的细节当中Devil's in the details of whatever you observe.是时候开始建立你的意志支柱了大佬Time to start building your mental pillar, chief.金米Hey, Kimmy.天哪你没事吧Oh, my gosh! Are you okay?没事Yeah.伙计你在干嘛Oh, man. What are you doing?我刚下班Uh, I just got off work.你呢You?我打算去游个泳Oh, um, I was just trying to go for a swim. 没想到星期天那么早关门But I guess they close early on Sundays. 要是你想在晚上游泳的话You want to go swimming at night,你就得走后门了you got to use the back entrance.也不是那么糟糕嘛Hey, this isn't so bad.好吧我们怎么下去Okay, so how do we get down?我只知道一种办法There's only one way I know of.什么不你开玩笑吗What? No. Are you serious?不行No.杰伊Jay.我看见你的车了也不通知我一声I saw your bike. You didn't tell me.她知道规矩吗So she know the rules?不知道No.-让一下让一下 -抱歉- Clear it. Clear it. - Excuse me.这有点像花式溜冰It's kind of like figure skating.分数取决于样式的组合Points based on a combination of style, 完成度和难度系数execution and difficulty.我要做个空中翻腾一周半的示范For example, I'm going to start with a standing one and a half. 高难度我强调是高难度动作High, I repeat, high level of difficulty.因为我马上要把池底给洗了Because I got to clear the pool deck.去吧马上变成冰激凌Hit that, you're immediately DQ'd.不等等你们不会是说真吧No. Wait, wait, wait. You guys aren't serious.不会吧不要啊Really? No!评审请打分And the judges say.-天啊 -很好布朗迪- Oh, my gosh. - Nice one, Blondie.看来只有后空翻能赢他了The only thing that can top that is a reverse back tuck.-因为没人定过怎么算分 -别- Because of the blind entry. - No.-我不敢看 -你得看- I can't watch this. - You have to.因为你是唯一的评审You're the only judge.不要啊杰伊No, Jay!我想找个人来爱I wanna love somebody听说你也芳心未许I hear you need somebody to love来看啊太棒了Look at this! Yeah!听说你在众里寻他I hear you're looking for someone to love下面评审将以比赛者身份And the judge turned competitor与莫里亚利蒂一比高下ties it with Moriarity.劝你还是不要No, no, no!看看谁才是冠军To see who the real champion will be.我们来个最后冲刺We're down to a final sprint.回到女友的怀中Back in the arms of a girlfriend我不知空无一人I didn't know nobody见你向我走来And then I saw you coming my way你犯规Ooh! Hey, you cheater!你被取消比赛资格了Ooh. You are disqualified.为什么Why?你拉我脚了Because you pulled my ankle!本该是我赢的I would have won that!算了Whatever.四十Forty.你在干嘛What are you doing?练习人类坚实基础的四大支柱Four pillars of a solid human foundation.五十Fifty.给你冲了咖啡衣服在烘干机里I made you coffee, your clothes are in the dryer. 周我呛水了I'm swallowing water.但愿你长了鳃Well, you better grow gills.还有两分钟You got two more minutes.老兄Yo, dude!观察力三页纸Three pages.恭喜你Congratulations.吃过没You eaten?很好吃It's good.谢谢Oh. Thank you.别客气You're welcome.你在开玩笑吗Is this some sort of a joke?没有先生No, sir.我让你写篇论文So I ask you to write an essay,你倒给我观察起女生来and you observe a girl.你没告诉过我要观察什么You never told me what to observe.得了吧杰伊你故意的吗Oh, come on, Jay. Really?我在教你冲那个浪而不是些I'm training you to survive Mavericks, not some, uh... 愚蠢的青少年爱恋silly teen crush.罗克尔进去睡觉Roque, go to bed.晚安爸爸Good night, Daddy.我只是在想... -你在想什么- I just though... - What did you think?你在想什么啊杰伊What did you think, Jay?没什么Nothing.如果你不去想的话简直浪费我时间If you didn't think, you're wasting my time.-弗洛斯蒂 -好吗- Frosty. - Okay?。
冰逊漂流记作品梗概 作文600字
冰逊漂流记作品梗概作文600字(中英文版)English:The novel "Icexun Drifting" is a gripping tale of adventure and survival.It tells the story of Icexun, a young man stranded on a deserted island after a shipwreck.With nothing but his wits and resourcefulness, Icexun must navigate the challenges of the natural world and overcome the dangers that lurk around every corner.中文:小说《冰逊漂流记》是一部充满冒险和生存的故事。
English:In this tale, Icexun faces numerous obstacles, including harsh weather conditions, lack of food and water, and predatory animals.He must learn to hunt and gather resources, build shelter, and find a way to signal for help.The story takes a heart-pounding turn when Icexun discovers a hidden treasure on the island, leading to a thrilling chase and a fight for his life.中文:在这个故事中,冰逊面临着许多障碍,包括恶劣的天气条件、食物和水的缺乏以及捕食性动物。
霍比特人意外之旅The HobbitAn Unexpected Journey (2012)中英剧本巍峨的雾山耸立远方Far over the misty mountains rise我们站在与天相接的地方Leave us standing upon the height过往的景色又一次看见What was before, we'll see once more是我们的王国一点遥远的光Is our kingdom a distant light月亮之下沸腾的火山Fiery mountain beneath the moon话未出口我们即将到达The words unspoken, we'll be there soon思乡一曲群山回响For home, a song that echoes on听过之人过耳不忘And all who find us will know the tune有的人我们从未遗忘Some folk we never forget有的人我们绝不原谅Some kind we never forgive从未见过我们退却Haven't seen the back of us yet我们将战到生命最后一刻We'll fight as long as we live所有目光集中在All eyes on the hidden door开启孤山的隐蔽之门To the Lonely Mountain borne我们在狂风前夜驰骋We'll ride in the gathering storm直到夺回遗忘已久的宝藏Until we get our long-forgotten gold我们瑟缩在迷雾山脉We lay under the misty mountains cold沉眠于梦乡的黄金绚烂In slumbers deep and dreams of gold快快醒来使命遥远We must awake, our lives to make在黑暗中我们将火把点燃And in the darkness a torch we hold从很久之前灯笼熄灭From long ago when lanterns burned直到今日我们的心热切渴盼Until this day our hearts have yearned未知命运阿肯宝钻Her fate unknown, the Arkenstone失窃之物势必归还What was stolen must be returned快快醒来路途遥远We must awake and make the day寻找慰藉心灵的赞歌To find a song for heart and soul有的人我们从未遗忘Some folk we never forget有的人我们绝不原谅Some kind we never forgive还未看到结束Haven't seen the end of it yet我们活着就会战斗We'll fight as long as we live所有目光集中在All eyes on the hidden door开启孤山的隐蔽之门To the Lonely Mountain borne我们在狂风前夜驰骋We'll ride in the gathering storm直到夺回遗忘已久的宝藏Till we get our long-forgotten gold远离冰寒的雾山之巅Far away from misty mountains cold亲爱的弗罗多My dear Frodo:你曾问过我...You asked me once...是不是把全部探险经历都告诉你了if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures.我只能说我没有欺骗你And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth.但也没和盘托出I may not have told you all of it.我老了弗罗多I am old now, Frodo.不再是曾经那个霍比特人了I'm not the same Hobbit I once was.我想...I think...是时候让你知道it is time for you to know全部真相了what really happened.故事发生在...It began...很久很久前...long ago...在遥远的东方...in a land far away to the East一个如今已无从寻觅的地方the like of which you will not find in the world today.有一座河谷城There was the city of Dale.城里的集市远近闻名Its markets known far and wide.到处都是藤蔓和溪谷Full of the bounties of vine and vale.人们过着祥和富足的生活Peaceful and prosperous.因为这座城市横亘在...For this city lay before the doors...中土最伟大的王国门外of the greatest kingdom in Middle-earth:埃瑞博Erebor.那座要塞归属于山下之王瑟罗尔Stronghold of Thror, king Under the Mountain.矮人国王中的至强者Mightiest of the Dwarf Lords.瑟罗尔有着绝对的统治权...Thror ruled with utter surety...从不担心自己王权的延续...never doubting his house would endure...因为王位的继承权稳稳地掌握在他的儿子...for his line lay secure in the lives of his son... 和孙子手中and grandson.啊弗罗多说到埃瑞博Ah, Frodo. Erebor.它建在山脉内部Built deep within the mountain itself是座传奇般美丽的要塞the beauty of this fortress city was legend.它的财富来自地下Its wealth lay in the earth来自岩石中开采出的宝石...in precious gems hewn from rock...以及如河水般...and in great seams of gold流淌于岩缝中的金子running like rivers through stone.矮人们有无与伦比的精湛技艺The skill of the Dwarves was unequaled,能将钻石祖母绿...fashioning objects of great beauty红宝石和蓝宝石加工成精美物品out of diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire.他们越挖越深深入黑暗Ever they delved deeper down into the dark.然后在那里发现了它And that is where they found it.大山之心The Heart of the Mountain.阿肯宝钻The Arkenstone.索尔将它取名为"国王的宝石"Thror named it "The King's Jewel. "他视其为一种天赐统治权的象征He took it as a sign, a sign that his right to rule was divine.所有人都要向他表示尊敬All would pay homage to him.包括伟大的精灵王瑟兰杜伊Even the great Elven King, Thranduil.矮人们的财富与日俱增...As the great wealth of the Dwarves grew...他们的良知却日渐淡薄their store of good will ran thin.没有人知道争议究竟因何而起No one knows exactly what began the rift.精灵们说是矮人们偷了他们的宝藏The Elves say the Dwarves stole their treasure.矮人们则另有论断The Dwarves tell another tale.他们说是因为精灵王拒绝支付应有的报酬They say the Elf King refused to give them their rightful pay.多么痛心啊弗罗多古老的联盟就此破裂It is sad, Frodo, how old alliances can be broken.双方的友谊就此消失How friendships between peoples can be lost.为的是什么呢?And for what?渐渐的日子不再好过Slowly the days turned sour无法安眠的日子即将来临and the watchful nights closed in.索尔对黄金的痴迷Thror's love of gold走火入魔had grown too fierce.他产生了邪念A sickness had begun to grow within him.那是心灵的邪念It was a sickness of the mind.而邪念滋生之处...And where sickness thrives...灾厄也随之而来bad things will follow.人们首先听到了The first they heard was a noise一阵飓风般的声音从北方袭来like a hurricane coming down from the North.山丘上的松树...The pines on the mountain creaked and cracked...在干热的风中吱嘎碎裂in the hot, dry wind.巴林发警报Balin, sound the alarm.召集守卫快!Call out the guard. Do it now!怎么回事?What is it?是恶龙Dragon.恶龙来了!Dragon!那是一条北方的火龙He was a firedrake from the North.史矛革...Smaug...来了had come.那天的死伤不计其数Such wanton death was dealt that day.史矛革视人类城镇为无物For this city of Men was nothing to Smaug.他另有目标His eye was set on another prize.因为龙对黄金...For dragons covet gold...有着狂热的贪念with a dark and fierce desire.啊!Aah!不!No!走啊Come on.埃瑞博失陷了Erebor was lost.因为龙会守卫他的战利品For a dragon will guard his plunder不死不离as long as he lives.逃命去吧!Run for your lives!啊! 帮帮我们!Ah! Help us!瑟兰杜伊不会让自己的族人Thranduil would not risk the lives of his kin against冒性命之险去对抗龙的残暴the wrath of the dragon.那天精灵未施援手...No help came from the Elves that day...此后也不曾再有nor any day since.被赶出了自己的家乡Robbed of their homeland埃瑞博的矮人们流离失所the Dwarves of Erebor wandered the wilderness曾经高傲的他们陷入困境a once mighty people brought low.年轻的矮人王子竭尽所能The young Dwarf prince took work where he could find it在人类村庄中劳作laboring in the villages of Men.但他一直没有忘记But always he remembered月下的山丘升起的黑烟the mountain smoke beneath the moon树木像火把一样燃炽the trees like torches blazing bright.因为他目睹了漫天的龙火For he had seen dragon fire in the sky将一座城市变为灰烬and a city turned to ash.他永远不会原谅And he never forgave也永远不会忘记and he never forgot.而在远方在世界的另一个角落Far away, in another corner of the world龙只是个传说dragons were only make-believe.飞上去喽!Up they go!只是个仲夏夜派对上巫师变出来的小把戏A party trick conjured by Wizards on Midsummer's Eve.再可怕也不过是魔法仙尘No more frightening than fairy dust.比尔博!Bilbo!而我亲爱的弗罗多And that, my dear Frodo就此参与了这段传奇is where I come in.比尔博! 比尔博Bilbo! Bilbo.一段看似不可能却延续了一生的友谊...It was the beginning of an unlikely friendship正由此开始that has lasted all my life.但这并不是我故事真正的开始But it is not the start of my story.它的开端...For me, it began...可能跟你期待的一样Well, it began as you might expect.在地底的洞穴里住着一个In a hole in the ground, there lived霍比特人a Hobbit.不是那种让人恶心的洞脏兮兮湿乎乎长满虫子还透着泥腥味儿Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole full of worms and oozy smells.这是个霍比特人的洞This was a Hobbit hole.那就意味着美味的食物温暖的壁炉...And that means good food, a warm hearth...以及舒适的家所需的一切and all the comforts of home.谢谢Thank you.这是什么?What's this?这是私人物品That is private.把你的手爪子拿开Keep your sticky paws off.还没准备好呢It's not ready yet.准备好干什么?Not ready for what?给人读Reading.这些到底都是什么?What on earth are these?对聚会邀请函的回复Replies to the party invitations.啊天啊是今天吗?Ah. Good gracious. Is it today?他们都说会来They all say they're coming.除了萨克维尔-巴金斯一家他们要求你亲自上门邀请Except for the Sackville-Bagginses, whoare demanding you ask them in person.是吗当真? 等我死了再说吧Are they, indeed? Over my dead body.对于这点他们大概也没啥意见They'd probably find that quite agreeable.他们好像认为你的地道里藏满了金子They seem to think you have tunnels overflowing with gold.只有一小箱根本没满It was one small chest, hardly overflowing.还带着食人妖的味道And it still smells of Troll.你究竟在干什么?What on earth are you doing?预防措施要知道...Taking precautions. You know...我曾经有一次看到她带着银餐具走掉I caught her making off with the silverware once.谁? 洛比莉亚·萨克维尔-巴金斯Who? Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.她把我所有的勺子都塞进自己口袋里哈!She had all my spoons stuffed in her pocket. Ha!讨厌的女人Dreadful woman.你得留神盯着她等我...Make sure you keep an eye on her after I'm...等我... 等我...When I'm... When I'm...等你什么?When you're what?没事了没事It's nothing. Nothing.有些人开始对你很好奇了叔叔You know, some people are beginning to wonder about you, Uncle.啊? 他们觉得你变得越来越古怪Huh? They think you're becoming odd.古怪? 哦嗯Odd? Oh. Hm.孤僻Unsociable.我孤僻? 开玩笑Unsociable, me? Nonsense.乖乖地把这个钉到门上去Be a good lad and put that on the gate.你觉得他会来吗?Do you think he'll come?谁?Who?甘道夫Gandalf.哦... 哈他可不会错过放巫师烟花的机会Oh... ho. He wouldn't miss a chance to let off his Whizpoppers.他会给我们演一场好戏的等着吧He'll give us quite a show, you'll see.好吧那么我就走了去哪?Right, then. I'm off. Off to where?东区森林我要去给他个惊喜East-farthing Woods. I'm going to surprise him.哦那你去吧别迟到了Well, go on, then. You don't want to be late.他可不喜欢有人迟到没错He doesn't approve of being late. Oh, no.我也从没迟到过Not that I ever was.那个时候我总是很准时In those days, I was always on time.非常受人尊敬I was entirely respectable.我身上从没发生过...And nothing unexpected...意料之外的事情ever happened.早上好什么意思?Good morning. What do you mean?你是希望我早上过得好呢...Do you wish me a good morning...还是说不管我想不想这都是个美好的早晨?or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not?或者你是想说这个早晨你感觉非常好?Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on thisparticular morning?再或者你只是单纯的想表达这个早晨会很好? 嗯?Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on? Hm?我觉得以上全对All of them at once, I suppose.嗯Hmm.有什么事吗?Can I help you?有待观察That remains to be seen.我在寻找人一起冒险I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.冒险?An adventure?不我觉得在布理以西没人会对冒险感兴趣No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures.邋遢烦人浑身不舒服Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things.还会让你吃不上晚餐嘿嘿Make you late for dinner. Heh, heh.嗯Mm.哈Huh.嗯Hmm.哦哈Oh. Ah.早上好Good morning.真没想到有一天我会被贝拉多娜·图克的儿子...To think that I should have lived to be "good morninged"...用一句"早上好"打发走就好像我是上门推销扣子的人by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door.你说什么?Beg your pardon?你变了可并不全是往好的方向...You've changed, and not entirely for the better...比尔博·巴金斯Bilbo Baggins.抱歉我认识你吗?I'm sorry, do I know you?呃你知道我的名字可是你对不上号了Well, you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it.我是甘道夫I'm Gandalf.甘道夫就是And Gandalf means我me.甘道夫? 不会是那个Gandalf? Not Gandalf the wandering Wizard能做出超棒烟花的漫游巫师吧?who made such excellent fireworks?老图克经常在仲夏夜放那个嘿嘿嗯Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Heh, heh. Ahem.没想到你还在做老本行No idea you were still in business.不然我应该去干什么?And where else should I be?干什么...? 嗯Where else...? Ahem.很高兴你还记得有关我的事情...Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me... 虽然只记得我的烟花even if it's only my fireworks.对是的就这么决定了Yes. Well, that's decided.这样对你很有好处...It'll be very good for you...对我也很有趣and most amusing for me.我应该通知其他人了I shall inform the others.通知谁? 什么? 不不不... 等等Inform the who? What? No. No. No... Wait.我们这的人不想要什么冒险谢谢今天不要以后也不...We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today. Not...你不妨到小丘那边或者小河对岸去试试I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water.早上好Good morning.早上好!Morning!十二块整拿好了祝您愉快Twelve. There we go. Have a very good day.谢谢Chum.你好比尔博先生来看看Hello, Mr. Bilbo. Here.摸摸我这些球薯卖相好又结实看Have a feel of me tubers. Nice and firm, they are.刚从西区运来的很好瓦利沃特先生Just come in from West Farthing. Very impressive, Mr. Worrywort.听着你应该没看到一个巫师藏在这附近吧?Now, I don't suppose you've seen a Wizard lurking around these parts?高个子A tall fellow.长长的灰色胡子Long, gray beard.还戴着尖帽子Pointy hat.没见过那样的Can't say I have.杜瓦林为您效劳Dwalin, at your service.嗯呃...Hm. Uh...比尔博·巴金斯也为您效劳Bilbo Baggins, at yours.我们认识吗?Do we know each other?不认识No.在哪老弟?Which way, laddie?是在这下面吗?Is it down here?什么在...Is what...哪里下面?down where?晚餐Supper.他说这里有吃的而且有很多He said there'd be food and lots of it.他... 他说? 谁说的?He... He said? Who said?嗯Mmm.嗯Mmm.这个很好吃还有别的吗?Very good, this. Any more?什么? 哦有有的What? Oh, yes, yes.呃Ah.请自便Help yourself.嗯只是呃我没想到会有人来Hmm. It's just that, um, I wasn't expecting company.来客人了That'll be the door.巴林Balin.为您效劳At your service.晚上好Good evening.是的今晚很好Yes. Yes, it is.但恐怕一会儿要下雨嗯?Though I think it might rain later. Hm?我迟到了吗?Am I late?迟到什么?Late for what?喔!Oh!哈哈!Ha, ha!晚上好兄弟Evening, brother.我发誓...By my beard...你比上次见面时更矮更胖了you're shorter and wider than last we met.胖了没有矮Wider, not shorter.看上去依然神采奕奕Sharp enough for both of us.抱歉? 对不起我不想打扰Uh, excuse me? Sorry, I hate to interrupt.但是你们应该走错人家了吧But the thing is, I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house.你吃饭了么? 我不是不喜欢客人...Have you eaten? It's not that I don't like visitors...我跟隔壁的霍比特人一样好客I like visitors as much as the next Hobbit.不过我还是更喜欢已经认识的客人But I do like to know them before they come visiting.这是啥? 没见过What is this? I don't know.我觉得是奶酪变蓝了那是发霉了I think it's cheese. Gone blue. It's riddled with mold.是这样我不认识你们俩一点都不认识我不想...The thing is, I don't know either of you. Not in the slightest. I don't mean...没礼貌不过还是得说出来to be blunt, but I had to speak my mind.对不起你认为...?I'm sorry. You think...?原谅你了Apology accepted.啊快倒满兄弟...Ah. Now, fill it up, brother...别小气don't stint.你想撑死啊? 你想看吗我还能再吃一遍You wanna get stuck in? I could eat again if you insist, brother.菲力还有奇力Fili. And Kili.为您效劳At your service.你一定是"包金斯先生"You must be Mr. Boggins.不是! 你们不能进来你们走错了Nope! You can't come in. You've come to the wrong house.什么?What?取消了吗? 没人通知我们啊Has it been canceled? No one told us.不没有取消No, nothing's been canceled.那就好That's a relief.小心那玩意儿Careful with these.我刚磨过的I just had them sharpened.这地方不错是啊It's nice, this place. Yeah.你自己建的? 什么? 不家族传承很多年了Did you do it yourself? What? No, it's been in the family for years.那是我妈妈的嫁妆箱别这样行吗?That's my mother's glory box. Can you please not do that? 菲力奇力过来搭把手Fili, Kili. Come on, give us a hand.杜瓦林先生哈哈Mr. Dwalin. Ha, ha.把这个推到走廊去不然坐不下所有人Shove this in the hallway. Otherwise we'll never get everyone in."所有人"? 还有多少? 要搬哪去?"Everyone"? How many more are there? Where do you want this?不行太重了Oh, no. It's really heavy.不许进来家里没人!No. No. There's nobody home!骚扰别人家去吧Go away and bother somebody else.餐厅里的矮人多得装不下了There's far too many Dwarves in my dining room as it is.如果这是哪个榆木脑袋搞的恶作剧...If this is some clot-head's idea of a joke...我只能说...I can only say it is in very...太没品了poor taste.下去...Get off...你个大块头!you big lump!甘道夫Gandalf.抱歉那是我的鸡呃...Excuse me, that's my chicken. Um...别... 别碰... 那是我的酒拜托!If... If you don't... That's my wine. Excuse me!他受伤了He's got an injury.你指他头上的斧子?You mean the ax in his head?死了? 不只是砍在脑门上Dead? No, only between his ears.还能走路呢His legs work fine.把这些东西放回去Put those back.放回去Put that back.放回去Put that back.别拿果酱Not the jam.拜托拜托Excuse me. Excuse me.这也稍微多了点吧? 你有奶酪刀吗?It's a tad excessive, isn't it? Have you got a cheese knife? "奶酪刀"? 他整块吃的呃"Cheese knife"? He eats it by the block. Ugh.不那是蒙果祖父的椅子... 不行那个也是拜托放回去No, that's Grandpa Mungo's chair... No, so is that. Take it back, please.我听不到你说什么这是古董不是用来坐的I cannot hear what you're saying. It's an antique. Not for sitting on.那是书不是杯托地图也放下That is a book, not a coaster. And put that map down.抱歉甘道夫先生? 怎么?Excuse me, Mr. Gandalf? Yes?要来一杯甘菊茶吗?May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?不谢谢了朵力还是来杯红酒好了Oh, no, thank you, Dori. A little red wine for me, I think.哦! 小心Whoop! Mind out.呃菲力奇力呃...Uh, Fili, Kili. Uh...欧因格罗因Oin, Gloin.杜瓦林巴林比弗波弗邦伯...Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur...朵力诺力欧瑞! 不不许吃我的得奖作品谢谢Dori, Nori. Ori! No. Not my prizewinners, thank you.放手谢谢No, thank you.嗯说得很对比弗Yes, you're quite right, Bifur.好像还少了一个矮人We appear to be one Dwarf short.他只是迟到了他去北方跟同族开会了他会来的He is late, is all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin. He will come.甘道夫先生? 您要的红酒来了Mr. Gandalf? A little glass of red wine, as requested.有一股水果的芳香It's got a fruity bouquet.哦干杯Oh. Cheers.邦伯在吃第二条羊腿了Bombur's on his second leg of lamb already.不可能那么远肯定接不住No chance. Not from that distance.打个赌? 邦伯...Wanna bet? Bombur...接着!Catch!我来帮你I'll help you with that.哦你这大饭桶!Oh, you great galumphing git!谁还要麦芽酒? 给你Who wants an ale? There you go.伙计这里Over here, brother.你得再喝一杯...I said have another drink...给你Here you go.数三声干杯!Ale on the count of three!一...One...二... 干杯!Two... Up!就知道你会这样!I knew you had it in you!抱歉这是桌巾不是抹布Excuse me, that is a doily, not a dishcloth.都破成这样了But it's full of holes.它就应该长这样针织的It's supposed to look like that. It's crochet.如果你有胆量尝试的话编织也是很好玩的And a wonderful game it is too, if you've got the balls for it.这些矮人真讨厌!Bebother and confusticate these Dwarves!亲爱的比尔博你这是怎么了?My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?怎么了? 我家里来了一堆矮人What's the matter? I'm surrounded by Dwarves.他们来这干什么?What are they doing here?你习惯之后就会发现他们是一群很欢乐的矮人Oh, they're quite a merry gathering once you get used to them.我不想习惯他们I don't want to get used to them.瞧瞧我的厨房地毯上踩得全是泥巴Look at the state of my kitchen. There's mud trod into the carpet.储藏室也被一扫而光They've pillaged the pantry.更别说他们在厕所干的事情了I won't tell you what they've done in the bathroom.下水道都坏了真不知道他们来我家干什么!They've destroyed the plumbing. I don't understand what they're doing in my house!抱歉打扰一下这盘子该怎么处理?Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt, but what should I do with my plate?这儿欧瑞给我吧Here you go, Ori. Give it to me.放回来Take that back.拜托Excuse me.这是我母亲的西域陶瓷That's my mother's West Farthing pottery.已经有多年历史了!It's over years old!你们能别这样嘛?And can you not do that?刀子会变钝的You'll blunt them.听他说啥了吗小子们?Ooh. Do you hear that, lads?他说...He says...我们会把刀弄钝we'll blunt the knives.# 弄钝刀子又拗弯叉Blunt the knives, bend the forks# 打烂瓶子又烧瓶塞Smash the bottles and burn the corks# 打碎杯子又把盘砸Chip the glasses and crack the plates# 比尔博·巴金斯最恨这样啦! That's what Bilbo Baggin hates# 弄破桌布还踩了油Cut the cloth, tread on the fat# 卧室地毯上留骨头Leave the bones on the bedroom mat# 牛奶撒满了储藏室Pour the milk on the pantry floor# 每道门上都泼点酒Splash the wine on every door# 坛坛罐罐往锅里扔Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl# 拿根棍子使劲倒腾Pound them up with a thumping pole# 完事后若还有完整When you're finished If they are whole# 送到客厅里当球滚Send them down the hall to roll# 比尔博·巴金斯最恨这样啦! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates比尔博Bilbo.他来了He is here.你好甘道夫Gandalf.我记得你说这里很好找...I thought you said this place would be easy to find...但我迷路了两次I lost my way, twice.要不是门上有标记我绝对找不到这儿I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door.标记? 门上没有标记一周前刚漆过Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago.有的我标记上去的There is a mark. I put it there myself.比尔博·巴金斯允许我向你介绍这些伙伴的领袖:Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company:梭林·橡木盾Thorin Oakenshield.所以...So...你就是那个霍比特人this is the Hobbit.和我说说巴金斯先生以前打过仗吗?Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?你说什么? 用斧子还是剑?Pardon me? Ax or sword?喜欢用什么武器?What's your weapon of choice?呃非要问的话我对扔板栗颇有心得...Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know... 但这有什么联系吗?but I fail to see why that's relevant.如我所料Thought as much.比起飞贼他更像个杂货商He looks more like a grocer than a burglar.埃瑞德路因会议有什么新消息?What news from the meeting in Ered Luin?他们都来了吗?Did they all come?七个王国的使者都来了全都来了!Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms. All of them!铁丘陵的矮人怎么说?And what did the Dwarves of the Iron Hills say?戴因愿意加入吗?Is Dain with us?他们不愿意来They will not come.他们说这次远征...They say this quest...仅仅是我们自己的事is ours and ours alone.你们要去远征?You're going on a quest?比尔博亲爱的伙计把房间再弄得亮一些Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light. 在遥远的东方...Far to the east...穿越无数的山脉河流...over ranges and rivers...跨过无尽的森林和荒漠...beyond woodlands and wastelands...有一座孤峰傲立着lies a single, solitary peak."孤山""The Lonely Mountain."没错欧因看到了...Aye, Oin has read...预言的征兆显示时机已到the portents, and the portents say it is time.如预言所述...Ravens have been seen...已经有渡鸦飞回了山里flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold."待昔日的鸟儿回归埃瑞博"When the birds of yore return to Erebor猛兽的统治即将覆灭"the reign of the beast will end. "什么猛兽? 所谓的猛兽是指Uh, what beast? That would be a reference恶龙史矛革to Smaug the Terrible是我们那个年代最可怕的灾难chiefest and greatest calamity of our age.会飞的喷火怪物Airborne fire-breather.剃刀般尖锐的牙齿...Teeth like razors...肉钩一样的爪子claws like meat hooks.极度喜爱贵重金属Fond of precious metals.我知道龙长啥样I know what a dragon is.我才不怕我准备好了I'm not afraid. I'm up for it.我要让他的菊花好好尝尝矮人钢铁的厉害!I'll give him a taste of Dwarfish iron right up his jacksie!好小子欧瑞!Good lad, Ori!坐下Sit down.即使出动整支军队The task would be difficult打败他也绝非易事with an army behind us何况我们只有个人but we number just .其中还有歪瓜裂枣And not of the best傻头傻脑的nor brightest.喂你说谁傻瓜呢?Hey, who are you calling dim?不好意思他刚说什么?Sorry, what did he say?我们虽然人少...We may be few in number...但我们是战士所有人...but we're fighters, all of us...都会奋战到底to the last Dwarf.你们还忘了我们有巫师协助And you forget, we have a Wizard in our company.甘道夫可以杀掉上百条龙Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons.这个我不敢说Oh, well, no. I wouldn't say.那有多少? 什么?How many, then? What?你杀过多少条龙?How many dragons have you killed?说啊Go on.给个数就好了Give us a number.拜托别吵了Excuse me. Please.如果我们能看见这些预兆...If we have read these signs...难道其他人就看不出来吗?do you not think others will have read them too?谣言已经传开Rumors have begun to spread.恶龙史矛革已经有年无人见过The dragon, Smaug, has not been seen for years.无数双眼睛觊觎着东方的那座山脉思索...Eyes look east to the mountain, assessing...徘徊权衡利弊wondering, weighing the risk.或许我族的宝藏现在无人看守Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected.我们是坐视别人抢走我们的东西?Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours?还是抓住机会...Or do we seize this chance...夺回埃瑞博?to take back Erebor?可是要塞的正门被堵死了You forget, the Front Gate is sealed.已经没有路可以进山了There is no way into the mountain.亲爱的巴林这可未必That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true.你怎么会有这个?How came you by this?是你父亲瑟莱因给我的It was given to me by your father. By Thrain.让我保管For safekeeping.现在它是你的了It is yours now.如果有钥匙...If there is a key...肯定就有门there must be a door.这些如尼文说有一条密道可以进入地底大厅These runes speak of a hidden passage to the Lower Halls.有别的方法能进去There's another way in.不过得先找到才行矮人的门关上后是看不见的Well, if we can find it, but Dwarf doors are invisible when closed.答案就藏在这张地图上...The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map...可我却无法找到它and I do not have the skill to find it.但是中洲大陆有人可以But there are others in Middle-earth who can.我的计划既需要大家做得隐蔽...The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth...也需要万分的勇气and no small amount of courage.但如果我们足够小心机敏我相信可以成功But if we are careful and clever, I believe that it can be done.所以我们需要一个飞贼That's why we need a burglar.一个本领高强的飞贼最好是专家Hmm. And a good one too. An expert, I'd imagine.那你是吗?And are you?我是什么?Am I what?他说他就是一个专家He said he's an expert.我? 不不我不是飞贼我这辈子从没偷过东西Me? No. No, no, no. I'm not a burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life.我也同意巴金斯先生的话Well, I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins.他绝对不是当飞贼的料He's hardly burglar material.不是Nope.是啊这种既不能打也不会防的弱者没法在大荒野生存Aye, the Wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves.他还算不错啦He's just fine.。
冰雪奇缘 Frozen (2013) 中英对照台词剧本
冰雪奇缘Frozen(2013)隆冬严寒漫天雨雪Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining冰封之力无情又无私This icy force both foul and fair埋藏一颗冰雪之心Has a frozen heart worth mining切开冰冷清澈的结晶So cut through the heart,cold and clear对这冰雪又爱又恨Strike for love and strike for fear冰封美景See the beauty sharp and sheer割开坚冰Split the ice apart打碎冰雪之心And break the frozen heart嘿呦留神脚下别逞强Hup!Ho!Watch your step!Let it go嘿呦留神脚下别逞强Hup!Ho!Watch your step!Let it go美丽又强大Beautiful!Powerful危险又冷酷Dangerous!Cold冰雪是不受约束的魔法Ice has a magic can't be controlled胜过一人胜过十人Stronger than one,stronger than ten胜过成百上千人Stronger than a hundred men隆冬严寒漫天雨雪Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining冰封之力无情又无私This icy force both foul and fair埋藏一颗冰雪之心Has a frozen heart worth mining切开冰冷清澈的结晶Cut through the heart,cold and clear对这冰雪又爱又恨Strike for love and strike for fear美丽和危险为伴There's beauty and there's danger here割开坚冰Split the ice apart小心冰雪之心Beware the frozen heart跟上斯温Come on,Sven!喂艾尔莎Elsa.Psst!艾尔莎Elsa!醒醒醒醒快醒醒Wake up.Wake up.Wake up.安娜快回去睡觉吧Anna,go back to sleep.我就是睡不着天上有光我就睡不着I just can't.The sky's awake,so I'm awake,所以起来玩吧so we have to play.你自己去玩吧Go play by yourself.快来陪我堆雪人嘛Do you want to build a snowman?快来快来快来快来Come on,come on,come on,come on.快用魔法快用魔法Do the magic!Do the magic!准备好了吗Ready?太神奇了This is amazing!看这个Watch this!你好我叫奥洛夫我喜欢热情的拥抱Hi,I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.我喜欢你奥洛夫I love you,Olaf.-等等-接住我-接住你了-Hang on.-Catch me!-Gotcha!-再来一次-等等-Again!-Wait!慢点儿Slow down!安娜Anna!安娜Anna?妈妈爸爸Mama!Papa!你没事的安娜我会保护你的You're okay,Anna.I got you.艾尔莎你越来越失控了Elsa,what have you done?This is getting out of hand!这是个意外我很抱歉安娜It was an accident.I'm sorry,Anna.-她像冰一样冷-我知道该去哪儿-She's ice cold.-I know where we have to go.冰Ice?再快点斯温Faster,Sven!斯温Sven!请帮帮我Please...Help!我女儿她My daughter!是国王He is the King!地精Trolls...?安静我在倾听呢Shush.I'm trying to listen.小可爱们我要收了你俩Cuties.I'm gonna keep you.国王陛下Your Majesty!是生来就有还是中了恶咒Born with the powers or cursed?生来就有而且法力越来越强了Born.And they're getting stronger.幸好伤到的不是她的心You are lucky it wasn't her heart.心不容易恢复The heart is not so easily changed,头却不难治好but the head can be persuaded.请你尽力Do what you must.我建议抹去所有和魔法有关的东西I recommend we remove all magic,为了保险有魔法的记忆都不要留even memories of magic to be safe...但是别担心快乐的记忆还在But don't worry,I'll leave the fun.她会没事的She will be okay.她不会记得我的魔法吗But she won't remember I have powers?-安全起见-听我说艾尔莎-It's for the best.-Listen to me,Elsa,你的魔法只会日渐增强your power will only grow.魔法固然美好There is beauty in it...但也有危险but also great danger.你必须学会控制You must learn to control it.恐惧是你的敌人Fear will be your enemy.不我们会保护他她肯定能学会控制No.We'll protect her.She can learn to control it.I'm sure.不过现在Until then,还是关上城门遣散仆从we'll lock the gates.We'll reduce the staff.尽量减少她与别人的接触We will limit her contact with people防止别人知道她的魔法and keep her powers hidden from everyone...包括安娜including Anna.艾尔莎Elsa?快来陪我堆雪人嘛Do you want to build a snowman我们一起出去玩吧Come on let's go and play我好久见不到你快出来呀I never see you e out the door你好像离开我了It's like you've gone away我们曾是好伙伴We used to be best buddies现在你却不理我快告诉我为什么And now we're not.I wish you would tell me why快来陪我堆雪人嘛Do you want to build a snowman不堆雪人也可以呀It doesn't have to be a snowman走吧安娜Go away,Anna.好吧再见Okay bye戴着手套会有帮助瞧The gloves will help.See...-封闭起来-不要去感受-Conceal it.-Don't feel it.别让人看清Don't let it show.快来陪我堆雪人嘛Do you want to build a snowman或是骑车绕大厅跑Or ride our bike around the hall好久没人陪我玩I think some company is overdue我都只能对画唱歌了I've started talking to the pictures on the walls撑住贞德Hang in there,Joan.房间这么空内心好孤单It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms看时光滴答流逝Just watching the hours tick by我很害怕魔法越来越强了I'm scared.It's getting stronger.害怕只会越来越糟Getting upset only makes it worse.冷静下来Calm down.不别碰我求你了我不想伤害你No.Don't touch me.Please.I don't want to hurt you.我们两周后见See you in two weeks.-你们一定要走吗-你会没事的艾尔莎-Do you have to go?-You'll be fine, Elsa.艾尔莎Elsa?求你了我知道你在里面Please,I know you're in there人们都在打听你的下落People are asking where you've been他们说要勇敢我也在努力They say have courage and I'm trying to我就在门外让我进来吧I'm right out here for you.Just let me in现在只剩你我We only have each other我们彼此相依It's just you and me我们究竟该怎么办What are we gonna do快来陪我堆雪人嘛Do you want to build a snowman三年后-欢迎来到阿伦黛尔-谢谢您先生-Welcome to Arendelle!-Merci, monsieur!请小心脚下城门马上就会开启Watch your Steps please.The gates will opening Soon.为什么我非得穿这个Why do I have to wear this?因为女王已经成年Because the Queen has come of age.今天是加冕日It's Coronation Day!那又不是我的错That's not my fault.-你想要什么斯温-给我个点心-What do you want,Sven?-Give me a snack!-那暗号是什么-请给我-What's the magic word?-Please!喂喂喂一人一半A..A...a...a!Share!今天城门居然开启了I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!而且是开一整天And for a whole day!快点儿珀西Faster,Persi!阿伦黛尔我最神秘的贸易伙伴Ah,Arendelle,our most mysterious trade partner.开启了城门等我来探寻Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets和榨取财富and exploit your riches.我居然说出声了吗Did I just say that out loud?我已经等不及想看看Oh,me sore eyes can't wait to女王陛下和公主殿下了see the Queen and the Princess.她们一定非常可爱I bet they're absolutely lovely.肯定是美丽动人I bet they are beautiful.安娜公主Princess Anna...?什么事Huh?Yeah?-抱歉打扰但是殿下-不不不没有-Sorry to wake you,ma'am but...-No, no,no.You didn't.我已经起床很久了I've been up for hours.谁啊Who is it?还是我殿下城门马上就要开启It's still me,ma'am.The gates will open soon.-该做准备了-当然-Time to get ready.-Of course!准备什么Ready for what?您姐姐的加冕仪式殿下Your sister's coronation,ma'am.姐姐的加冕仪式My sister's cor-neration...今天是加冕日It's coronation day!今天是加冕日It's coronation day!窗户和大门都已开启The window is open!So is that door好久没有这样过I didn't know they did that anymore 谁知道我们有八千个沙拉碟呢Who knew we owned8000salad plates我在这空荡的大厅漫步多年For years I have roamed these empty halls没有舞会要舞厅有什么用Why have a ballroom with no balls终于城门就要开启了Finally,they're opening up the gates都是有血有肉的人There'll be actual,real-life people这感觉好奇怪It'll be totally strange可我早已准备好了But wow am I so ready for this change因为好久以来'Cause for the first time in forever会有音乐伴着灯光There'll be music,there'll be light因为好久以来For the first time in forever我将彻夜翩然起舞I'll be dancing through the night我不知道是兴奋还是得意Don't know if I'm elated or gassy但总之也差不多But I'm somewhere in that zone因为好久以来'Cause for the first time in forever 我将不再孤单我等不及见到大家I won't be alone.I can't wait to meeteveryone...如果遇到真命天子呢What if I meet"The one"?今晚想象自己礼服加身Tonight,imagine me gown and all迷人地斜倚着墙Fetchingly draped against the wall好一幅精致优雅的画面The picture of sophisticated Grace蓦然回首看到我的他I suddenly see him standing there素未谋面面容俊朗a beautiful stranger tall and fair我只想嘴里塞满巧克力I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face但我们彻夜畅谈欢笑But then we laugh and talk all evening说起来也奇怪Which is totally bizarre和以前的生活截然不同Nothing like the life I've led so far好久好久以来For the first time in forever生活中充满了魔法和欢乐There'll be magic,there'll be fun好久好久以来For the first time in forever我会受人瞩目I could be noticed by someone 我知道这是疯言疯语And I know it is totally crazy想象自己能找到真爱To dream I'd find romance但这是好久以来But for the first time in forever至少我有了机会At least I've got a chance掩藏好自己不许人靠近Don't let them in.Don't let them see乖乖听话别让大家担心Be the good girl You always have to be把真心封闭Conceal.Don't feel.演好这出戏Put on a show.走错一步就会人尽皆知Make one wrong move and everyone will know只是为了今天But it's only for today只是为了今天It's only for today等待使人心焦It's agony to wait等待使人心焦It's agony to wait通知守卫打开城门Tell the guards to open up the gate打开城门The gate这是好久以来For the first time in forever我将获得梦想的一切I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.乖乖听话别让大家担心Be the good girl you always have to be.改变我生活的机会A chance to change my only world.把真心封闭Conceal.一个获得真爱的机会A chance to find true love把真心封闭不让人看清Conceal.Don't feel,Don't let them know明天一切都将结束I know it all ends tomorrow所以必须抓住今天So it has to be today因为这是好久以来'Cause for the first time in forever好久以来For the first time in forever什么都无法阻止我Nothing's in my way我很抱歉你受伤了吗I'm so sorry.Are you hurt?你好Hey!-对不我没事-真的吗-I-ya,no.No.I'm okay.-Are you sure?没错是我走路不小心Yeah,I just wasn't looking where I was going.-但是我真的没事-谢天谢地-But I'm great,actually.-Oh,thank goodness.我是南部群岛的汉斯王子Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.-我是阿伦黛尔的安娜公主-公主-Princess Anna of Arendelle.-Princess...?公主殿下My Lady.你好啊Hi...again.老天Oh boy.真尴尬不是说你Ha.This is awkward.Not you're awkward,但是我们是我很尴尬but just because we're...I'm awkward.你好帅我说啥了You're gorgeous.Wait,what?我想为骑马撞到阿伦黛尔的公主殿下I'd like to formally apologize for以及之后发生的种种hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...向你正式道歉and for every moment after.不没关系我并不是那位公主No.No-no.It's fine.I'm not THAT Princess.我是说要是你撞到我姐姐艾尔莎那可就I mean,if you'd hit my sister Elsa,that would be...不好说了'cuz,you know...你好Hello.但是幸好只是我而已But,lucky you,it's-it's just me.只是你Just you?鸣钟了是加冕仪式The bells.The coronation.我我I...I...我要走了我必须得走了I better go.I have to...I better go.再见Bye!陛下手套Your Majesty,The gloves.在此圣地为您加冕Sem hon heldr inum helgum eignum ok(其他语种)至高无上统御全境krýndíþessum helga staðek téfram fyrir yðr(其他语种)阿伦黛尔的女王艾尔莎Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦黛尔的女王艾尔莎Queen Elsa of Arendelle.有请阿伦黛尔的女王艾尔莎Queen Elsa of Arendelle.有请阿伦黛尔的公主安娜Princess Anna of Arendelle!站这儿你确定我觉得不该好吧Here?Are you sure?I do not think I suppose to...Okay.你好Hi.是在和我说话吗你好Hi me...?Oh.Um.Hi.-你看上去很美-谢谢-You look beautiful...-Thank you.你看上去更圆不是圆You look beautifuller.I mean,not fuller.你一点都不圆我是说更美You don't look fuller,but more beautiful.谢谢Thank you.宴会就是这个样子的吗So,this is what a party looks like?比我想象中的要温馨得多It's warmer than I thought.那奇妙的香味是什么And what is that amazing smell?是巧克力Chocolate.女王陛下这是猥琐屯公爵Your Majesty.The Duke of Weaseltown.是韦瑟顿韦瑟顿公爵Weselton.The Duke of Weselton..陛下Your Majesty,作为您最亲密的贸易伙伴as your closest partner in trade,我应该请您跳it seems only fitting that I offer you加冕后的第一支舞your first dance as Queen.谢谢可是我不跳舞Thank you.Only I don't dance.但我妹妹可以But my sister does.-你真幸运-我想还是-Lucky you...-Oh,I don't think...如果你晕过去告诉我我会接住你If you swoon,let me know,I'll catch you.抱歉Sorry.身手矫健的孔雀Like an agile peacock...说起来城门能开启真是太好了Speaking of,so great to have the gates open.为什么之前都要关闭呢Why did they shut them in the first place?你知道原因吗Do you know the reason?Hmm?我不知道No.No...好吧撑住Oh,all right.Hang on.我的外号"小北斗星"可不是浪得虚名They don't call me"The Little Dipper" for nothing.鸡一样灵巧猴一样可爱我能飞Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey...I fly.准备好再跳一轮的时候请告诉我殿下Let me know when you're ready for another round,My Lady.他真是精力充沛Well,he was sprightly.尤其他还穿着高跟鞋Especially for a man in heels.-你还好吗-我从来没这么开心过-Are you okay?-I've never been better.感觉太棒了This is so nice.我希望以后都能像今天这样I wish it could be like this all the time.我也是Me too...但是不行But it can't.-为什么-就是不行-Why not?If...-It just can't.那我先走了Excuse me for a minute.-幸亏我抓住你了-汉斯-Glad I caught you.-Hans!整个大厅都是我的抱歉I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops.Sorry.你的体型也起了作用Your physique helps,I'm sure too.-这是什么-我生来就有这个-What's this?-I was born with it,虽然梦里是被地精亲吻过才有的Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.我很喜欢I like it.对所有的一切你懂的Yeah,The whole thing!You got it.等等你到底有多少个兄弟Okay wait,wait.So you have how many brothers?十二个哥哥Twelve older brothers.有两年他们中的三个Three of them pretended I was invisible...完全忽视我的存在literally...for two years.-太糟糕了-哥哥们都这样-That's horrible.-It's what brothers do.姐姐也是And sisters.小时候艾尔莎和我非常亲密Elsa and I were really close when we were little.但后来有一天她也把我拒之门外But then,one day she just shut me out, and...我从来不知道原因And I never knew why.我永远不会将你拒之门外I would never shut you out.我能说点疯话吗Okay,can I just say something crazy?我喜欢听疯话I love crazy.我的生活不过是面前的一扇又一扇门All my life has been a series of doors in my face但是突然之间我撞见了你And then suddenly I bump into you我也这么想因为I was thinking the same thing,because like我穷尽一生只为寻找自我I've been searching my whole life to find my own place也许因为这是派对And maybe it's the party talking或是巧克力火锅Or the chocolate fondue但和你在一起But with you我找到了自我I found my place看到你的脸I see your face这感觉从未有过And it's nothing like I've ever known before爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open...door爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open...door...door爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open...door和你在一起和你在一起With you!With you爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open door-这太疯狂了-什么-I mean it's crazy.-What?-我们完成了对方的-三明治-We finish each other's...-Sandwiches!我正想说这个That's what I was gonna say我从未遇到过和我如此默契的人I've never met someone who thinks so much like me拉钩再拉钩Jinx...jinx again.我们心意相通只有一个原因Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation你和我是命中注定You and I were just meant to be说再见Say goodbye对过去的痛苦To the pain of the past我们无需再那样活We don't have to feel it anymore爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open...door爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open door生命有你更精彩Life can be so much more...with you... with you爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open...door我能说句疯狂的话吗Can I say something crazy...?你愿意嫁给我吗Will you marry me?我能说句更疯狂的话吗Can I just say something even crazier?我愿意Yes.借过不好意思能借过一下吗Oops!Pardon.Sorry.Can we just get around you there?谢谢她在那里Thank you.Oh,there she is.艾尔莎我是说女王陛下Elsa!I mean...Queen...还是我请允许我介绍Me again.May I present,南部群岛的汉斯王子Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.女王陛下Your Majesty.我们希望得到您的祝福We would like...your blessing...祝福我们结婚of...our marriage!-结婚-是的-Marriage...?-Yes!抱歉我没弄明白I'm sorry,I'm confused.我们还没有讨论细节Well,We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.我们会花几天时间计划婚礼We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.当然婚礼上会有汤羹Of course we'll have soup,烤肉冰淇凌还有...roast,and ice cream and then...等等我们要住在这里吗Wait.Would we live here?-这里-当然了-Here?-Absolutely!安娜Anna...我们可以邀请你12个哥哥过来一起住Oh,we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...什么等等不不What?No,no,no,no,no.我们有的是房间也许他们...Of course we have the room.I don't know. Some of them must...等等停一停Wait.Slow down.谁的哥哥都不会住在这里No one's brothers are staying here.谁都不会结婚No one is getting married.你说什么Wait,what?能私下跟你聊几句吗May I talk to you,please.Alone.不你要说什么No.Whatever you have to say,you...可以当着我俩的面说you can say to both of us.好吧你不能嫁给一个刚认识的人Fine.You can't marry a man you just met.当然可以我们是真爱You Can if it's true love.你对真爱了解多少Anna,what do you know about true love?起码比你了解你只知道把人拒之门外More than you.All you know is how to shut people out.你们想得到我的祝福我的回答是不You asked for my blessing,but my answer is no.恕我失陪Now,excuse me.女王陛下容我...Your Majesty,if I may ease your...不用说了请你离开No,you may not.And I-I think you should go.宴会结束了关上大门The party is over.Close the gates.遵命女王陛下Yes,Your Majesty.什么艾尔莎不要等等What?Elsa,no.No,wait!把手套还给我Give me my glove!艾尔莎求求你我不能再这样下去了Elsa,please.Please.I can't live like this anymore.那就离开Then leave.我到底怎么惹到你了What did I ever do to you?!够了安娜Enough,Anna.为什么你为什么把我拒之门外No.Why?Why do you shut me out?!为什么把全世界拒之门外Why do you shut the world out?!你到底害怕什么What are you so afraid of?!我说了够了I said,enough!妖术我就知道Sorcery.I knew there was这里有不可告人的秘密something dubious going on here.艾尔莎Elsa...?她在那里There she is.女王陛下女王万岁Your Majesty!Long live the Queen!Queen Elsa...来喝一杯吧Come drink with us.艾尔莎女王Queen Elsa.女王陛下你没事吧Your Majesty?Are you all right?她在那里拦住她There she is!Stop her!拜托别靠近我Please,just stay away from me.离我远点Stay away!怪物怪物Monster...Monster!艾尔莎Elsa!艾尔莎Elsa...等等求你Wait,Please!艾尔莎停下Elsa,Stop!-安娜-不要走-Anna!-No.海湾The Fjord.雪Snow?是雪Yes,snow!-你还好吗-不好-Are you all right?-No.-你之前知道吗-不知道-Did you know?-No.看下雪了下雪了Look!It's snowing!It's snowing!这个地方被女王诅咒了The Queen has cursed this land!我们一定要阻止她She must be stopped!-你们得把她抓回来-等等不要-You have to go after her...-Wait,no!你你也会妖术吗You!Is there sorcery in you,too?你也是怪物吗Are you a monster,too?不不我是很普通的人No.No.I'm completely ordinary.没错她很普通That's right she is.我是说正常In the best way.我姐姐不是怪物And my sister's not a monster.她差点杀死我She nearly killed me.-你自己滑倒在冰上的-她变出的冰-You slipped on ice...-Her ice!那是意外她吓坏了It was an accident.She was scared.她不是故意的她不是有意做这些的She didn't mean it.She didn't mean any of this...今晚的事是我的责任是我逼的她Tonight was my fault.I pushed her.-所以该由我去把她找回来-什么-So I'm the one that needs to go after her.-What?-没错-把我的马牵过来-Yeah.-Bring me my horse,please.安娜这太危险了Anna,no.It's too dangerous.艾尔莎不危险Elsa's not dangerous.我会把她找回来让这里恢复正常I'll bring her back,And I'll make this right.-我跟你一起去-不要-I'm coming with you...-No.我需要你留下帮我照看阿伦黛尔I need you here to take care of Arendelle.愿尽绵薄之力On my honor.我委托汉斯王子管理这里I leave Prince Hans in charge!你确定能信任她吗Are you sure you can trust her?我不希望你受到伤害I don't want you getting hurt.她是我姐姐She's my sister,她绝不会伤害我的She would never hurt me.皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山The snow glows white on the mountain tonight埋藏身后我的足迹Not a footprint to be seen在这孤独白色国度A kingdom of isolation我就是那冰雪的女王And it looks like I'm the Queen狂风呼号内心亦涌动不能平息The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside不管多努力再无法藏匿Couldn't keep it in,Heaven knows I tried掩藏好自己不许人靠近Don't let them in,Don't let them see乖乖听话别让大家担心Be the good girl you always have to be把真心封闭不让人看清Conceal,Don't feel,Don't let them know如今被看清Well,Now they know不再躲不再怕Let it go.Let it go秘密已经大白于天下Can't hold it back anymore不管他不害怕Let it go.Let it go告别过去不留一丝牵挂Turn away and slam the door别人的话何必在乎它I don't care what they're going to say就让狂风怒号Let the storm rage on冰封千里我也从不害怕The cold never bothered me anyway现在回首遥望从前往事变得微不足道It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small曾经桎梏我的恐惧And the fears that once controlled me也都远的看不到Can't get to me at all展现自己拿出本领It's time to see what I can do冲破极限让自己也吃惊To test the limits and break through没有羁绊扔掉规矩No right,No wrong,No rules for me世界由我I'm free!放宽心向前进Let it go!Let it go!乘着风融化在天际I am one with the wind and sky向前冲不后悔Let it go!Let it go!我再没有眼泪You'll never see me cry站在这里Here I stand and坚定不移Here I'll stay任那狂风怒号Let the storm rage on雪花漫天飘下这是我的魔法My power flurries through the air into the ground冰片旋转纷飞是我的灵魂在升华My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around思绪结晶成冰凌是冰雪的爆炸And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast过去已是过去I'm never going back是再也回不去The past is in the past不沉溺不在意Let it go!Let it go!如晨曦一般冉冉升起And I'll rise like the break of dawn算了吧忘了吧Let it go!Let it go!别指望我回到过去That perfect girl is gone站在这里不再藏匿Here I stand in the light of day任那狂风怒号Let the storm rage on!冰封千里我也从不害怕The cold never bothered me anyway艾尔莎艾尔莎Elsa!Elsa!艾尔莎是我安娜Elsa,It's me,Anna...老妹我不是故意让你冰封夏天的Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.对不起都是我的错I'm sorry.It's all my f-f-fault.当然如果她对我坦诚点Of course,none of this would have happened也不会发生这样的事儿if she'd just told me her secret...ha...她这个家伙She's a stinker.不不不不回来不要跑Oh e back.No.好吧Oooo-Kay.雪干嘛一定是雪Snow,it had to be snow,她就不能会点热带魔法She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic 变出白色沙滩和暖暖的...that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...火Fire!旅人欧肯的交易站Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.还有桑拿And Sauna...夏季大促销Big summer blow out.游泳衣半价木拖鞋Half off swimming suits,clogs,还有自产的防晒霜怎么样And a sun balm of my own invention,yah?真不错Oh,great.不过有靴子卖吗For now,how about boots,有冬靴和衣服吗Winter boots...and dresses?那些在冬季用品区That would be in our winter department.打听一下有没有别的年轻女子Oh.Um,I was just wondering,has another young woman,比如女王之类的路过这里The Queen perhaps,I don't know,passed through here?这种暴雪天气只有你这么神经会跑出来亲Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you,dear.还有这个家伙You and this fellow...Hoo hoo.夏季大促销Big summer blow out.-胡萝卜-什么-Carrots.-Hah?在你身后Behind you.哦对不起Oh,right.Excuse me.真是七月飘雪啊A real howler in July,yes?这是从哪里来的冷空气Where ever could it be coming from?北山那边The North Mountain.北山North Mountain.一共40块That'll be forty.40块不行10块成交Forty?No,ten.不行呦亲Oh dear,that's no good.See.这是冬季库存商品These are from our winter stock,现在供需极度不平衡where supply and demand have a big problem.你还说供需的问题You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?我是卖冰块的I sell ice for a living.那现在你的生意可真难Ooh,that's a rough business to be in right now.我是说真是...I mean,that is really...真是不走运Ahem.That's unfortunate.40块不能少但可以赠送你Still forty.But I will throw in a一次欧肯独家桑拿浴visit to Oaken's sauna.嗨亲爱的们Hi,family.我只有10块通融一下Ten's all I got.Help me out.10块只能买根胡萝卜Ten will get you this and no more.我就问一件事Okay,just tell me one thing...北山那边到底发生了什么What was happening on the North Mountain?看起来像魔法吗Did it seem magical?是的麻烦让开Yes!Now,back up让我收拾这个奸商while I deal with this crook here.你叫我什么What did you call me?好吧好吧疼Okay.Okay,I'm-Ow!Whoa!再见喽Bye bye.斯温我没买到你的胡萝卜No Sven,I didn't get your carrots.但我找到了过夜的地方But I did find us a place to sleep.还是免费的And it's free.很抱歉刚才的暴力行为I'm sorry about this violence.我另送你一瓶腌鳕鱼I will add a quart of lutefisk,弥补刚才的不愉快so we'll have good feelings.只要外套和靴子吗Just the outfit and boots,yah?驯鹿比人类善良Reindeers are better than people斯温你说是不是Sven,don't you think that's true 没错人类会揍你骂你骗你Yeah,people will beat you and curse you and cheat you除了你其他人很坏Every one of em's bad,except you谢谢你老兄Oh,Thanks,buddy.但人类比驯鹿更好闻But people smell better than reindeers斯温你说对不对Sven,don't you think I'm right说得没错但你可不香That's once again true,for all Except you被你说中了让我们休息吧You got me,let's call it a night晚安Good night小心不要被冻坏Don't let the frostbite bite不错的二重唱Nice duet.是你啊Oh,it's just you.你想怎么样What do you want?我想让你带我去北山I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我不做向导的I don't take people places.我重说一遍吧Let me rephrase that...带我去北山Take me up the North Mountain...拜托你Please.我知道如何停止寒冬Look,I know how to stop this winter.我们明早出发We leave at dawn...而且你忘了斯温的胡萝卜And you forgot the carrots for Sven.抱歉抱歉我不是故意的Oops.Sorry.Sorry.I'm sorry.I didn't...我们现在就走马上走We leave now.Right now.抓牢我们要加速了Hang on!We like to go fast!我喜欢加速I like fast!喂喂放下你的脚刚刷的漆Whoa,whoa!Get your feet down.This is fresh lacquer.说真的你是乡下长大的吗Seriously,were you raised in a barn?不我在城堡里长大的Ew.No,I was raised in a castle.跟我说说女王发了什么疯要冰封一切So tell me,what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?这个嘛都是我的错Oh well,it was all my fault.我订了婚她很不高兴I got engaged but then she freaked out because...因为那个人是我那天刚认识的I'd only just met him,you know,that day.她说她不会祝福我们的婚姻And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage...等等你跟一个刚认识的人订婚Wait.You got engaged to someone you just met?是反正我生气了她也生气了Yeah.Anyway,I got mad and so she got mad.她打算离开And then she tried to walk away,我一把抓下了她的手套and I grabbed her glove...等等你是认真的吗Hang on.You mean to tell me.你跟一个刚认识的人订了婚You got engaged to someone you just met?!是的专心听但事实上Yes.Pay attention.But the thing is...她一直带着手套she wore the gloves all the time,我一直以为她只是有洁癖。
客房服务! 弗兰基 伙计! 看看你自己! 还是和以前一样打包出行 吝啬先生 哈? 这根本不是钱的问题 我有飞机恐惧症 你知道吗? 我的意思是 那些飞机引擎随时都可能... 着火! 没说错吧 "着火可不好 怪物都知道 奥古斯塔斯 粥点部长 给我放下! 那个看起来像是科学怪人的头吗? 嘿 德库拉 兄弟 你的披肩是怎么回事?
这一家子看起来真漂亮 让我来好好给他们清理一下 好了 能不能乖一点啊? 这里可是旅馆 不是墓地哦 抱歉 德库拉叔叔 德库拉! 你还好吗? 韦恩 我的老朋友! 我们已经等不及这个周末了 好些日子想死了要出来透透气了
Housekeeping! Frankie, my boy! Look at you! Still traveling by mail, Mr. Cheapo, huh? It's not a money thing. I have a plane phobia, okay? I mean, at any moment, those engines could catch... Fire! Yeah, yeah. tus, Porridge Head, come on! Does that look like Frankenstein's head? Hey, Drac, buddy, what's going on with your cape there? What do you mean? Oh! Who pinched me? Guilty. You're irresistible. Yes, very amusing, Invisible Man. Hello. Great to "see" you. Never gets old. Ho-ho-ho. Missed me. Missed me, missed me, missed me. Okay, you win. Hold this bacon. Why am I holding bacon... Ahh! No! Get 'em off! Here comes the party! Hello, Murray! Drac, what's up, buddy? The sand, Murray, the sand! Always with the sand. Whee!
无巧不成书本片确有其事赌城回忆录-真厉害 -真撑不住了- Unbelievable. - I can't hold it much longer. 马上破纪录了You've almost got the record.再撑20秒坚持住Come on, 20 more seconds. Hold on tight.我要晕过去了I think I'm about to pass out!不行啦I can't!天啊太好喝了Oh, my God! This is so good!我加了点甜酒I put a little Cointreau in.独家秘方That's the secret.马上我就走了要跳支舞吗I have to go in a minute, do you want to dance? 好Yeah.好好爱我吧Just blows me away我们嗨起来Unskinny bop, bop昼昼夜夜All night and day我们嗨起来Unskinny bop, bop, bop姑娘不羁放纵She just loves to play只要我们嗨起来Unskinny bop nothing more to say看你迷醉双眼You look at me so funny还有迷乱吻痕斑斑Love bite got you acting oh so strange艳舞笙歌♥无限You got too many bees in your honey你♥他♥妈♥真是个尤物You're a fucking hot one, ain't ya?还行啦Oh, I'm OK.结♥帐♥吧Check us out.能放下那玩意吗我好怕Can you... put that away? You're scaring me.当然得怕Well, you should be scared.这么大把枪不怕才怪It's a healthy reaction to a big ass gun like this.好吧Ok.那我走了时间到了I'm going to go now, time's up.我看你也该滚了I guess you've got to go.好的Ok.陪得我挺爽I enjoyed your company!欢迎再来I hope you come back!快闪啊Get me out of here.奥蒂斯快走OK, Otis, we're going.快点逃啊乖乖We are going, right now. Come on, honey.-老爸 -贝丝贝丝妮- Hi, Dad. - Beth! Bethanna...-嗨 -乖丫头- Hey. - Hello.-什么情况 -我想干点别的- OK, what's up? - I need to do something else.照看宠物不好吗What's wrong with the pet sitting?做这个没人能挣你那么多I never knew anyone who could make so much off that. 挣归挣Yeah, the money's good,宠物可不总是那么乖but the pets are not always that nice.我♥干♥腻了I'm burned out.听爸的话现如今不该放弃这份好差Take it from me, now is not the time to put down a good job. 你还没找到事做吗You still haven't found anything?没车市惨淡No, nobody's buying cars.车企都快停产了Hell, they're barely making them.其实也不止是因为工作Well, it's more than just my job.我就是想换个活法I need like a big change.得变变怎么说呢I have to, I don't know.想好好活一番I want stimulation.还得赚大钱And I want good money.想换个有意思的事做And I want a change of scenery that's interesting.好吧我看看卖♥♥场有没有路子OK... OK, let me think if I know anybody over at the mall.我不想干那个Yeah, it's not going to do it.我想去拉斯维加斯当女招待I want to move to Las Vegas and be a cocktail waitress.贝丝妮Bethanne...我的个天这太棒了...goddamn, that is a great idea!太好了咱就去凯撒宫Wow! Yeah, Oh... Caesars Palace.-必须去那儿做 -梦寐以求啊- That's where you got to get in! - Caesars would be amazing! 塔拉哈西欢迎您再来曼德勒海湾酒店神剑大酒店感谢光临拉斯维加斯市区伦敦旅舍汽车旅馆-电炉应该能用 -就这间了- I think the hot plate works. - I'll take it.动动啊就差一点点Go! Go... Oh, so close.动啊对对Go! Yes... Oh! Oh.动啊快点Please... go on!嗨劝你别玩这东西了Hey. I advise you to stop playing this thing.干嘛我犯事了吗Why? Am I in trouble or something?那倒没有看你是个好姑娘No, no. It's just... you seem like a nice girl,这玩意骗傻子的and flip's for retards.那好吧Oh... OK.-谢谢 -没事祝你玩得愉快- Thank you. - No problem. Have a nice evening.稍等Hey, wait.知道哪儿要女招待吗Do you know where I could find a job as a cocktail waitress? 我看你有的等了I think you pretty much have to grab the tray你得等那帮美妞先挂掉一个再说the exact second one of these golden girls kicks the bucket. 本城是有规矩的This is a union town.慢慢来Take it easy.干嘛不做舞娘钱也不少Why don't you strip? It's good money.是不少不过我不想干Yeah, I don't think I want to do that.你以前做过吧You've done it before, right?什么意思Why do you say that?-这太明显了 -真能看出来吗- 'Cause it's kind of obvious. - It is? Really?就去我们那家夜店工作吧Just to us girls in the club.我是想干点别的激♥情♥点的I just want to do something exciting and different. -我是来 -换个活法- I came here to... - Yeah, change everything.霍莉丁克那里行吗Hey, Holly, what about Dink?-丁克是谁 -他那儿要人吗- What's Dink? - Doesn't he need anybody?这你也明白Well, that's kind of...我总得先了解清楚you know, I kind of need to know someone才能把人引荐过去before I send them to Dink.必须得知根知底It requires a great deal of trustworthiness.亲姐姐们我绝对值得信赖Oh, my God, you guys... I am super trustworthy. 那好吧All right.丁克有限公♥司♥-嗨 -嗨您是丁克吗- Hi. - Hi. Are you Dink?我是你是贝丝吧快进来I am Dink, yes. You must be Beth. Come in.你对博♥彩♥业有了解吗So, how much do you know about gambling?那天我玩了会儿推币机Uh, I played some Flip-It the other night...战果如何How'd you do?有人告我那东西骗傻子的I was told it was for retards,不过我觉得挺好玩but I got really into it.那我可不放心你I might not trust you with my money.让你卷了我的钱整宿玩儿推币机You're going to rob me and go play Flip-It all night.不会的No, no, I'm not.什么情况路易斯安那这场得赢啊Come on, I need this Louisiana game to stay under...-没少押啊 -你赌球的吗- Not for a little. - So, you're a bookie.乱说赌球违法的Absolutely not. Bookmaking's illegal.我是赌徒不过我的生意I'm a gambler. Everything I do here在内华达完全合乎法律is completely legal in the state of Nevada.那你赌牌二十一点So, do you play poker or blackjack?什么纸牌二十一点那能叫博♥彩♥吗Some poker... blackjack, not really gambling.没技术含量没赔率It's just no skill, no odds.全是赌场骗钱的买♥♥卖♥♥ Just a racket for the casinos to make money.我爸总玩二十一点Well, my dad played a lot of blackjack.真遗憾Sorry to hear that.旧金山赔率还是太高Ah, this San Francisco line is way too high.看这里Look at something.能看见这块小黄斑吗You see that little patch of yellow skin right there?-没有 -大概这光线不行- Nope. - Well, maybe not in this light.其实我就是做赔率再对照那些单子Anyway, I make my lines. Then I compare them to the books. -什么单子 -比赛下注单- To the books? - Sports books.比赛下注单就是赌比赛用的玩意A sports book is where you go to make a bet on a sporting game. 你可以在拉斯维加斯下注You can do that here in Vegas,国外也可以网上下注不过我得在这搞or you can do it online overseas, but I gotta do it here.所以得有人拿上钱So, I gotta send guys that run and take the去帮我下注money down there and make the bets for me.要是你愿意来Maybe that's something you could do,没准你干得了if you come down here to work.我就不信你看不到这块黄斑I can't believe you can't see this little yellow mark.我擅长赌马So, I specialize in horse racing,冰球职棒不过我们什么都搞hockey and baseball, but we bet on all sports here.-能用吗 -职橄职篮职高- Can I? - NFL, NBA, the PGA,大橄赛大篮赛NCAA Football, NCAA Basketball,网球女职篮tennis, the WNBA,少棒赛Little League World Series,全国拼字赛the National Spelling Bee Competition,全美小姐选秀the Miss America Beauty Pageant,甚至热狗竞吃大赛the... Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest.场场不落都能做赔率Pretty much anything, always odds can be made.还真不少That is a lot of stuff.不过我只求做到55%Yes, but all I have to do is make 55 percent,就心满意足and I am very, very happy.都看看几点了It's about time!-你们都迟到了 -道路施工嘛- You're both late. - Construction!贝丝跟弗兰基和斯科特打个招呼Beth, say hi to Frankie and Scott.可别爱上我哦Hey, do not fall in love with me.-您放心 -他没句话靠谱的- OK. - Don't believe a word he says.弗兰基外表不羁但是个好人Frankie is a much better person than he seems.斯科特就像他长相那样是个聪明人Scott, on the other hand, is the sensible one.要是找我时我正忙If you ever need me for something and I'm busy? 我想押七号♥I'm going to bet this seven horse.头回领跑没准是匹大黑♥马♥ First time starter. Could be a total zero.-纽约那场有戏了 -给小爵电♥话♥ - New York's moving big time. - Call Jazz.都怪你们迟到了I wish you guys weren't late...常春藤第六场 16♥4♥...One-six-four Ivy sixth race...这是纽约那场的新情况OK, here's what just happened in New York.赔率变了They're moving their line,我们也要跟着变so now we're trying to move our lines accordingly 调整未出的筹码to adjust for a couple趁还没有影响他们那边的赔率of outs that haven't moved their lines yet.能懂吗You understand?丁克公♥司♥守则第一条就是The rules at Dink Inc. are responsibility准时上班工作第一to come on time is job is number one.第二条就是随时盯着数字Number two, keep your head around the numbers. 必须掌握数字You've got to learn the numbers.记下数字很重要Very important to get the numbers down.第三条禁止偷盗Rule number three, do not steal.多数人都做不全Most people fail at one of those.-那是豚鼠吗 -是仓鼠叫哲基- Is that a guinea pig? - That is my hamster, Jyrki.依着哲基·卢美I named him Jyrki Lumme温哥华加人队那后卫取的after the defenseman from Vancouver Canucks.那个是我太太杜丽普And that is my wife, Tulip.她正在巴哈马海上逍遥She's on a cruise in the Bahamas right now.老丁你押那匹冲上来了Dinky, Dinky. This nag you bet on is coming up fast! -快速度 -牛好样的- Go, go, go... - Wow, wow, wow...快加油Come on! Come on...赢啦You won!-你赢啦 -赌神啊- You won! - Genius.这么就赢了厉害Just like that. Wow.我得先盯着这里I have to pay attention to this now.咱里奥下注点见Um, meet me at the sports book at the Rio.早晨八点需要钱吗Eight AM sharp, OK? Do you need some money?-不用 -谁不需要钱- No. - Everybody needs money.拿着回见Take it. OK? Bye.-谢谢 -您走好- Thank you. - Yeah, take it easy.里奥下注点老丁要你就走运了You're lucky if Dinky hires you.他可是个好老板He's a good guy to work for.他包员工早餐午餐He buys his crew breakfast and lunch.不过你这种美女怎么和他太太相处啊And how does a girl like you get along with Dinky's wife? 我还没见过呢I haven't met her yet.-我说嘛 -嗨老丁- Is that right? - Hey, Dinky!真来了我还当昨天把你吓跑了There she is! I thought I scared you off yesterday.记得你玩推币机那姑娘Hey, I know you. It's the Flip-It girl.不会吧你还玩儿那东西Oh, no. You're not still playing Flip-It?-怎么会 -帮个忙去趟下注台- No. - Just do me a favor, go into the counter...贝尔蒙特第二场Belmont, race two.50块押五七两匹是前两名50 dollars quinella on the five and seven.-这算跑腿费 -不用不用小费- And keep this for yourself. - Oh no, I'll do it for free.-就当是学习了 -拿着吧- I need to learn. - Take the money.人家顺风顺水你才出道He's on a roll. You're struggling.钱收着过来有话和你说Take the money. Come on, I'll walk you up there.听着So...有人给你小费...when someone gives you their money,就代表着信任it's a... a sign of trust.明白了吗You understand that, don't you?收到Yeah, I understand.贝尔蒙特第二场Belmont, race two.押五七两匹是前两名Fifty dollar quinella for the five and the seven.怎么记数我擅长嘛What? I'm good with numbers.这些赛事All these sports,冰球跑马橄榄球篮球hockey, racing, football, basketball,所有的whatever.屏上面都是Over there on the board are博♥彩♥公♥司♥的贴水就是赔率the lines the casino is offering. The odds.什么都能赌哪家赢赢多少You can bet on anything. Who wins, who wins by how much.赛季冠军任何事都能赌看到了吗The team with the best finish. Anything. Look, see?有人下了大注Someone's laying a lot of money,博♥彩♥公♥司♥赔率自然有变化so the casino's changing the odds.我就是研究他们的失误从中谋利I make my money by working out where they're wrong.太刺♥激♥了你就赚了这么多钱啊God, that was so exciting! And the money, you won so much money! 我也有过苦日子钱不是主要的I had a bad day yesterday. The money's not that important.有钱人都会这么说Oh, well, that's what people with money love to say.你挺擅长数字You are good with numbers.对字母也在行Yeah, I'm pretty good with letters, too.-什么 -说个词- What? - Say a word.-Lose -长点好嘛- Lose. - No, a long one.LouisianaLouisiana.俩A 俩I L N O UDouble A, double I, L, N, O with U.-什么意思 -Louisiana的单词拼写- I don't get it. - It's the letters of Louisiana,按字母表顺序put in alphabetical order.-我知道有点神叨叨 -再来- I know, it's weird, right? - Do it again.那再说一词Well, give me a word.-Suicide -C D E 俩I 然后S U- Suicide. - C, D, E, double I, S, U.真是太棒了That was amazing.离开俄亥俄我又回了佛罗里达So, after Ohio, I moved back to Florida again,我老爸在那我在家泰餐馆打工where my dad lives. And I got a job in a Thai restaurant, 但是跟少东家分手后就被炒掉了but when I broke up with their son, they fired me.我明白Ok.还有什么What?好吧被辞后我还得找活干OK, so after I got fired, I had to find another job.后来在报纸上找到个And I found one in the paper.不过是那种And, it was...给私人跳舞的private dancing.就是去别人家脱衣舞啦You know, going to clients houses and stripping.-差不多吧 -不错- Basically. - OK.而且我还有个色♥情♥网♥站♥ And then also I had a pornographic website,都是我裸照which was pictures of me naked,还用软件修成就像给自己双胞胎妹子口♥交♥ Photoshopped to look like I was giving oral sex那种的to my twin and stuff.其实里面也有别的姑娘Eventually, a few other girls joined it, too.不过没人知道Nobody knows about that.-真没人 -小坏蛋- Nobody. - You're a gonif.小坏蛋犹太语里又萌又呆的小毛贼Gonif. Yiddish for a small time loveable thief.你会成圈里一把好手You'll do very well in this business.你真不觉得我那些事丢人吗Well, you don't think it's something I should be ashamed of? 怎么会你一孩子No, no. You're a kid.又傻又天真You're just doing kid things.但也挺危险的反正不值得表扬I mean, it's dangerous. Not that happy about that.要是让我爸妈知道If my parents ever found out,他们指不定怎么想我呢they would feel like they have no idea who I really am.我嗑过几次药I freebased a couple of times.从没对我妈说过I never told my mom.在纽约还做过黑博♥彩♥经纪I was a bookie, back in New York.不害人可是非法Harmless, but illegal.后来我帮底特律一家伙下注As it turns out, I took some bets from this guy in Detroit. 人都没见过最后知道他是黑社会I never met him, turns out he's a mob guy.后来他被抓了人家查他电♥话♥记录When they bust him, they go through his phone records. -把我也捎带了 -你进过监狱- They end up busting me. - Did you go to jail?没罪是挺重不过就进了教习所No, a felony conviction, but I was only in a halfway house. 可老母亲受不了了But my mom was devastated.好在最后她都不知道我♥干♥嘛的At least she never thought she had no idea who I am.-满意了 -当然啦- Ok? - Ok.-那好吧 -好再见- OK, then. - Oh, OK. Bye.再见OK, bye.那明天早晨见All right, see you in the morning.-别迟到 -什么你要雇我吗- Don't be late. - Wait! Are you hiring me?-还想干吗 -想啊超想- Still want the job? - Yes! I want the job.那好要你了Then yes, I'm hiring you.周一到周六Hours are from 8 to 5,朝八晚五午餐时间从十点到两点you get four hours off for lunch, 10 to 2,4个小时周日八点到四点不休息Monday through Saturday, Sundays we go all day, 8 to 4. 时薪20元You get paid 20 dollars an hour...-真的么 -外带奖金休假- Really? - ...Bonuses, vacations.-一天包三顿饭 -真的么- Yes. And three meals. - Really?废话这还有假吗Oh, my God, yes, really.明儿见Bye.-好 -好的我十点给您电♥话♥- OK. - All right, I'll call you back in 10.我去烂事来了准备接招吧Oh shit, shit's popping off! Let's get ready to rumble!我明尼苏达那场负六了OK, there's my Minnesota, minus six.敢试试吗小甜妞Are you ready for this, sweet thing?-不行我不懂呢 -不懂什么- No, I don't get it. - You don't get what?这个所有怎么弄炒了我吧This! All of it! How to do it. You should fire me.-不 -丁克让我炒了她吧- No. - Dink, Dink, Dink. Let me fire her.我没打算炒你I'm not going to fire you, OK?跟你讲太多了I've just been talking你肯定消化不了to you too much and you're mired in theory.就搞这个吧下这单注OK, here's what we're gonna do. You are gonna make this bet. 就打打电♥话♥ 拿起听筒好吗Just use your phone, pick it up. OK?-我们打给 -试试世巅那他们慢- We're gonna call... - Try Top of the World, they're slow.那个是世巅的速拨号♥码That's your speed dial for Top of the World,打给他们you're going to call them.哥斯达黎加的下注点It's a sports book in Costa Rica.问明尼苏达那场 224Ask about Minnesota game, 224.你押负六下两千You lay the minus six, but two dimes.你好六四六双DOK, hi. Six, four, six, double D.224那场明尼苏达Uh, game 224, Minnesota.好明尼苏达放六OK, I'll take the six with Minnesota.-错错 -怎么了- No, no, don't... - What? What...别说放你干得还是不错的不错Don't say take. You're doing great. You're doing great, OK? 明尼苏达是大热Minnesota is the favorite,不能放热门要下热门you don't take the favorite, you lay the favorite.明白我们押两千OK, so we're going to lay two dimes.你好六分押两千好吗Hi. Actually, can I lay the six for two dime?六四六双DUh-huh. Six, four, six, double D.很好看看这个OK, OK. Watch, now watch this.等等Wait... Wait...看到了吗等下You see that? Wait for it.怎么了What?-那场赔率被你改了 -被我改的吗- You just changed that line. - I did?我们那两千把赔率更新了Our $2000 bet just moved those odds.那是咱的力量你的头一注哦And that's what we did, OK? You just made your first bet. -这就两千元了 -可是两千啊- For $2000? - $2000.就是大屏上那些乱跳的数字The way the numbers keep changing on the screen.你算是入对行了You just make it into what you want it to be.不知道这事我平生头一遭I don't know, it's the first place that's ever知道我还长了脑子made any sense of how my brain works.好吧下次你就知道Well, next thing you know他要带你去魔幻大宅看比赛了he'll be taking you to Magic's for game day.就这个星期日We're going there on Sunday.他叫了朋友人家来不了He asked the guys. They couldn't come.-你不是和他 -什么- Hey, you're not... - What?你们在一起了吗Are you?怎么会God, no.好吧All right.因为换我就不那样'Cause I wouldn't if I were you.要是你能坚持到见杜丽普If you last long enough to meet Tulip,-就知道我什么意思了 -才不会- you'll know what I mean. - Well, I'm not.我就没动过那个念头The thought never entered my mind.多米尼克开球Dominic kicks...-嗨丁克 -老丁- Hey, Dink! - Dinky!大家认识下贝丝Everybody meet Beth.丁克公♥司♥新员工Dink Inc's newest employee酷爱推币机打个招呼and Flip-It aficionado. Say hi to everybody.看来你朋友们不喜欢我I don't think your friends like me.喜欢啊They like you.都喜欢你就是受不了女人They like you. They can just barely tolerate women.别想那个Forgot about that.我下面多着呢有人来一把吗I got too much on the under. Anybody want a piece of this? 我放两千I'll take two dimes.好啊Done.你♥他♥妈♥哪儿还有两千How the fuck you got two dimes to bet on the game连萨♥拉♥托♥加♥那场when you ain't paid me你还没跟我清帐呢死猪头back the money from Saratoga, you fat fuck.老丁我回来了Dinky! I'm back!那谁呀Who is that?罗西纽约一博♥彩♥经纪Rosie, the bookmaker from New York.那不是非法的吗I thought that was illegal.没错去年他搞了很大一票It is. Last year, he went on a big broke.真不相信他敢在这里露面I mean, I can't believe he'd show his face here, broke.还欠我七万块呢Still owes me 70 grand.那你不跟他急Aren't you mad at him?不行不能那么干No, it's not that kind of thing.还你的I believe this is yours.还了你钱就可以再斗了吧Me handing over to you, now that is a switch.你意思是我夏洛特那场斗不过你Are you trying to tell me I didn't beat you on Charlotte?-见真招吧丁克 -见就见呗- Fair and square, Dink. - Fair and square.能放你包里吗Wow. Can you put this in your bag?我兜里还真装不下这么些钱I just don't have enough room in my pockets for all that money. 老丁Dinky...你知道他是我偶像吗Did you know this man is one of my heroes?十六岁我就决心成为丁克二世When I was 16 I wanted to be Dink when I grew up.大♥师♥级人物这你妈什么玩意A real classic thing... what the fuck is that?那他妈是股票机吗Is that a fucking ticker?我日居然还有这业务啊Holy shit! They still have that service?里面有他妈小仓鼠跑滚笼吗What is there a fucking mouse on a treadmill inside that thing? 能给你哪年的比分九七赛季的吗It gives you the latest scores from when? 1997?我用着不赖Still works for me.我刚赚了11万4千I just won $1♥1♥4♥,000!去你大爷罗西Oh, fuck you, Rosie.老丁我没辙换号♥了Dinky, I had to change my phone number.这是新联♥系♥方式This is my recent contact info.我是特罗伊·罗斯兰德叫我罗西就好My name is Troy Roseland, you get to call me Rosie.-你好我叫贝丝 -她是我员工- Hi, I'm Beth. - She works for me.见到你真高兴丁克It's great seeing you, Dink.你好我叫贝丝Oh, hi... I'm Beth.你就是贝丝啊You're Beth.你海上玩得好吗Did you have a nice time on your boating trip?好非常好Yes, yes. Beautiful.很漂亮Beautiful.-你以前老板是谁 -你是说我以前- So, who've you worked for? - Oh, you mean where have I... 你以前也干赌博吗Have you ever worked for a gambler?没不过我喜欢为你丈夫工作No, no... but I'm loving working for your husband.他那么厉害人又正直太棒了He's so great, honest, wonderful.很棒的老板Wonderful boss.那你这么久统计了几个盘口So, who've you called so far for rundowns?-这个 -这是你第一天来- Oh... - That is the first thing you do就该做的事when you get to the office.嗯负二Um, minus two.于事无补There's nothing for me.不诺克斯的赔率好点No, Knox's line was better.-我再给他电♥话♥ -算了太晚了- I'll call him back. - Forget it. We missed it.我们已经要输了We're already on the other side.今天我输了五万I'm down $50,000 today.你停下You! Park it!别再得分了No more scores.你也是And that goes for you, too!你也别动了You stay put!你们两队都别再拿分了听到没I mean, both of you just stay put, you hear me?不Oh, no...不No!触地得分老丁 29秒Oh, touchdown, Dinky. Twenty-nine seconds...太棒了Oh, perfect!杜丽普你真是扫把星Tulip! You're a jinx!才不关我事No, I'm not.你要不是扫把星就是上帝跟我对着干Either you're a jinx, or God hates me.你说是哪一个You tell me which one it is.赶紧关掉好吗Would you turn that thing off?我年底该破产了我们得把房♥子卖♥♥了I'm gonna go broke this winter, we're gonna have to sell a house. 你年年都这么说You say that every winter.今年我确定我们要破产了Yeah, this year I know. We are gonna go broke.它会悄悄缠上我们悄没声地And it's gonna sneak up on us quietly, very quietly!告诉你我可不是来听抱怨的You know what? I didn't come here for this.我得在打高尔夫前先做点普拉提I'm going to fit in some Pilates before golf.我不是来听抱怨的I didn't come here for this.给你点好东西I know something that'll make you feel better.-子弹吗 -才不是- A bullet? - No.十三水(我国一种牌类游戏)Chinese poker.我最近手气很差I haven't been doing very good lately.别这样嘛你不过是遇到点挫折Oh, come on. You're just having a little moment.是衰退我衰退了而且不会好转A slump. It's called a slump and it's not getting any better. 再摊上这么个扫把星老婆And it doesn't help to have a wife who's a jinx.我已经尽力了I deal with it as best I can.没错没错就是这种要得分的感觉Oh, this is good, this is good. We need this field goal.休斯队上半场踢得不好坐这儿Hughes did very good in the first half. Sit right here.我刚押太准了Oh, I did very well just now.你怎么不去炒炒股什么的So, why didn't you go into the stock market or something? -不是差不多嘛 -股票简直是诈骗- It seems like the same thing. - Stock market's a racket,我宁愿赌职业摔跤and I'd rather bet on professional wrestling.那干嘛不自己开一家投♥注♥站So, why don't you have your own sports book somewhere? 哥斯达黎加的接线员听着The operators in Costa Rica sound那么和气那么开心so nice and happy on the phone.那里一定很美I bet it's beautiful down there.圣何塞加利福尼亚州西部城市我曾经去过圣何塞I went down to San Jose one time.那里和你想象中的哥斯达黎加完全不一样It's not what you think when you think of Costa Rica.死气沉沉愁云惨雾Very grim, very sad.可你自己开♥盘♥的话可以挣很多钱But you'd make so much money from your own book.当然可那我就得一直住在圣何塞Sure, yeah, but then I'd have to live in San Jose.我如果唯利是图的话You know, I could be a lot richer in general现在不知道要富有多少倍if I'd made most of my decisions based on money.这是我最大的弱点My hugest defect.不不这才是你了不起的地方No! No! That's what makes you so... great.我没那么了不起I'm not so great.-你怎么了 -只是拉手而已- You what now? - It was just hands!跟丁克你疯了吗With Dink? Are you out of your mind?天我不该告诉你God, I'm sorry I ever told you.你就后悔这个吗That's what you're sorry for?你说我该不该表白Do you think I should confess my love看他会不会离开杜丽普跟我走and see if he'll leave Tulip and run away with me?你是有什么恋父情结吗Do you have some kind of fucked up thing with your dad?当然没有爸爸是我最好的朋友No! God, my dad was my best friend.我们总在一起We did everything together.拜托你件事Can you do me a favor?你千万别让杜丽普知道Can you make sure Tulip never是我把你介绍给丁克finds out it was me who brought you around?安德烈·贝托美国现役拳手多次获全美中量级冠军-对上 -上啊贝托- Yes! Go! - Go, Berto!你居然要赌贝托的比赛I can't believe you picked this Berto fight.当然他很有潜力Oh, come on! He is a stallion.怎么会有人赌他在前五轮出局呢How could anyone lay odds on him being out by the fifth round.再说他就在我租的汽车旅馆旁训练Plus, he trains around the corner from my motel.你简直是我新的博♥彩♥顾问You could be my new downtown sports consultant.当然要是你想的话Sure, if you want me to.你♥他♥妈♥没理由跟她在外面搞那么晚You have no fucking reason to be out so late with her!杜丽普每天晚上九点你就睡觉Tulip, every night you go to bed at nine o'clock.现在我不过是交了个新朋友Now, just because I have a new friend,你给我打电♥话♥说这些you're going to call me up and... tell me...你要把自己逼疯You're making yourself crazy!快来最精彩的都没看到挂电♥话♥Come on, you're missing the best part. Hang up on her.是那个小贱♥人♥在说话吗Did I just hear that little cunt?!杜丽普你这样逼自己Tulip, you're forcing yourself...操你丁克Fuck you, Dink!我得回家了I have to go home now.她在发神经She's losing her mind.别告诉我最后谁赢了好吗Just don't tell me who wins this fight, OK?别来嘛别别别No, come on. No, no, no.过来再看一轮Come on. Stay for one more round.再看一轮她没事的One more round. She'll live.再说我可在给你挣钱Plus, I'm making you money.这个里昂我在哥斯达黎加欠了他八万I owe this guy Leon down in Costa Rica, $80,000.把这些钱拿去巴黎酒店给个叫鲁迪的You're going to take this over to a guy named Rudy at the Paris. 把这给他我和里昂就扯平了Take this to him and I'll be even with Leon.一共八万点一下It's $80,000. Count it.然后第十四场...And then race fourteen...不不让弗兰基去No, no, make Frankie do the run.贝丝得打电♥话♥We need Beth on the phones.什么现在贝丝打电♥话♥比我还利索了吗Oh what? Now Beth's better than me on the phones?你说的我可没说Well, you said that, not me.滚你丫的我就没待见过你Now go fuck yourself, OK? I never liked you.没事丁克我去跑腿It's OK, Dink. I'll make the run.老天别闻那个钞票味了行吗Oh, for God's sake. Stop sniffing money.真叫人受不了Jesus, I can't take this.我要去运动一下I'm gonna go work out a little later,然后回家做按♥摩♥and then I'm going to go home and get a massage.你送完钱之后Uh, after you make this drop,要不要在凯撒赌场的停车场见面you wanna meet me over at Caesars parking lot?我们去吃点东西Go get something to eat?行啊Uh-huh, sure.我爱你I love you.又怎样So, what?还不是拈花惹草Never stopped anybody.。
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面对这样的场景It's hard not to be impressed你很难不被震惊when you see entire houses being swept away西部的洪水将整幢房♥子冲走by flood waters in the West火势蔓延Fires stretch from one end贯穿整个德州of Texas to the other.龙♥卷♥风♥Tornadoes...目前已有12场龙♥卷♥风♥a dozen tornadoes have already been spotted自♥由♥党会说天气变凉是因为全球变暖Liberals will say, well if it's cold,下雪是因为全球变暖it's global warming, if it's snowing it's global warming,天气炎热是因为全球变暖没有任何证据表明if it's hot it's global warming... there's nothing它们确实是由全球变暖引起的that doesn't prove that there's... it's global warming.最新估算显示遭飓风艾琳袭击的地区The latest estimates for rebuilding from Irene,重建费已高达70亿美元already seven billion dollars.2011年用于挽救气象灾害破坏的支出2011 is now on track将创历史新高to be the most expensive year ever for weather related damage. 尼泊尔遭遇历史性干旱A drought of historic proportions has hit Nepal.熊熊燃烧的野火The horror再次给俄♥罗♥斯♥带来恐惧of raging wildfires has again returned to Russia.人们都说They say it was这样的事前所未有like nothing they've ever seen before.过去20年内有16年气温创历史新高16 of the last 20 years are the hottest on record.这没有科学依据The science is not in.-有 -没有 -斯图尔特别说了-It is in. -No. -Stuart quit saying that.-辩论结束 -不还没完-The debate is over. -No, the debate is not over.2002年起全球就一直在变冷The globe is actually cooling and has been cooling since 2002. 唯一的共识就是没有共识The consensus is that there is no consensus.-我是说你怎么可以不承认 -全球变暖是事实-I mean how do you not... -global warming... is real.你好像快要炸了You're about to self implode here.冰冠和极地并不会融化The ice caps, the poles, are not going海水也不会淹没海岸线to melt, the oceans are not going to flood the coast...我向你们保证 20年后I promise you, 20 years from today,笑到最后的人是我I'll be the one that's laughing.杰古沙龙沙滩冰岛最坏的可能是The worst that would happen is我若站着不动全身就会被打湿that I'd just get really wet if I just stood in place.不止这样No.你会摔倒你试着逃跑You fall, you try to run, you bang your knee on a piece摔在冰块上膝盖骨碎裂of ice, and you bust your knee.哎我必须把它拍下来Ah, I just... I have to get this picture.我第一次与詹姆斯共事时The first time I worked with James,他的行事态度就很明确It was obvious how he goes about things, you know?好了快点Alright quickly!光线不会一直这么好Cause this light won't last forever.他要求很高有所追求He pushes it... he's looking for something.你车里有绳子You do have rope in the car?是的Yeah.回去有什么就拿什么Go back and get whatever you have.好的Okay.好吧我Alright, I'm,我很可能会被打湿对吧I'm almost certain to get wet, Okay?事实上这毫无疑问In fact, I think I'm so certain to get wet,我得把靴子脱了I'll take my boots off.这很有趣And it was very interesting因为这是他第一次以这种方式because it was his first real encounter与冰块亲密接触at looking at ice in that way.他着了迷He really did fall in love with it.那里包罗万象There's this limitless Universe of forms out there如梦如幻超凡脱俗That is just, surreal, other worldly.它们是雕塑是建筑Sculptural, architectural...美得疯狂而离谱insanely, ridiculously beautiful.那时我想冰块里一定藏有And that's when I thought, okay, the story is in the ice. 某种不为人知的故事Somehow.逐冰之旅我当时大概25岁I was umm, about 25 or so, I guess.即将获得地貌学的硕士学位And I was finishing my master's degree in Geomorphology.而且我热爱科学And um, I loved the science,但我无意于当什么科学家but I wasn't interested in being a scientist.当今的科学界全是数据统计The modern world of science was all about statistics电脑模拟我对那些没兴趣and computer modeling and that just wasn't me.我从没接触过摄影I had no contacts in the photo world,对其一无所知I had no knowledge of the photo world.但是年轻气盛的自负能给人极大的能量But, youthful brashness can take you a long way,创造奇迹就是这样make things happen, so, that's how it worked.我想人与自然的互动I had this idea that the most powerful issue是当代的头等大事of our time was the interaction of humans and nature.我初期的选题之一涉及到打猎One of the subjects I started to look at involved people hunting. 但照片血腥恐怖惨不忍♥睹But they were bloody, gory, horrific pictures, hard to look至今我仍不敢直视at... hard for me to look at even today.所以当我有了观察濒危动物的想法时And so, when I had this idea to look at endangered wildlife,我意识到必须用一种更性感的方式I realized that I needed to show these things来展示这些东西in a more seductive fashion.这种方式I had to look at it in ways必须能使人参与其中that would engage people... pull them in.他总是着眼于全局He's always taken the big view.他看重的不是微小的细节You know? He's not looking at this little micro slice.而是从宏观的角度He's really looking at what humanity is doing观察人类的行为from a very large perspective.他的书迫使你换个角度看待自然His books... they force you to regard nature in a way而非用你惯用的眼光that you're not accustomed to looking at em.他迫使你思考He's forcing you to think.他迫使我思考He's forcing me to think.这就是詹姆斯的作品吸引我的地方And that's what I love about James' work.安塞尔?亚当斯是风光摄影的创始人You know, Ansel Adams was the father他掀起了人们探索荒野美景的浪潮of all landscape photography and he created a movement 而这只有利用影像才能办到around wilderness that only images could do.现在詹姆斯也有同样的视角And now you have James with that same kind of eye.但他更懂技术能做更多But being able to do more with the technology.他不仅有爬山攀岩的冲动It's not just the drive to climb mountains and hang off cliffs. 更有捕获与表达的能力He has the ability to capture it in a way and communicate it. 观察和了解是一回事但分享Observing it and knowing it is one thing, but sharing it有效地分享则能改变世界and sharing it effectively can change the world.我花了几年时间I did a couple years of research研究气候变化问题on the climate change story,试图找到以气候变化为题材trying to find what you could photograph about climate change 拍摄出有趣的作品的方法that would make interesting photographs.最后我发现对我来说唯一正确的办法And I eventually realized that the only thing that... to me...就是以冰为素材sounded right, was ice.他找到我们He came to us with a proposal提议为冰岛的一片冰川做纪录to do a profile of one glacier in Iceland.提议遭到了我们的反对我们建议We essentially countered to him, we said, well look,何不来个更大规模的纪录why don't we just do a bigger story.我们的作品登上了杂♥志♥封面It was on the cover of the magazine.成为过去五年最受欢迎读者最多的作品Most popular, most wellread story in the last five years.在拍摄过程中As I was shooting that story,我开始有一种强烈的感觉I started to get the very strong sense这项工作隐藏着更深层次的意义that this was a scouting mission for something much bigger,一份更为长远的蓝图正慢慢展开and much longer-term that was about to unfold.我最先注意到的是The Solheim Glacier, the Sunhouse Glacier in translation,索海姆冰川和桑豪斯冰川的改变is where I really first got it.冰川一年往后退几百英尺That glacier had been receding several hundred feet a year;速度惊人which is a lot.通常它们在冬天稍稍前移You normally have a little bit of advance in the winter time,夏天稍稍后退a little bit of retreat in the summer time;但如果发现这种变化很巨大时but when you see huge amounts of change,就超出正常范畴了that's outside of normal behavior.给人一种很真实的感觉冰川正在消融There was a real sense of the glacier just coming to an end; 就像一个年迈衰老的人and like this old, decrepit man, just, you know,沉入大地慢慢死去falling into the earth and dying.令人思绪万千感触良多It was very evocative, very emotional.我成年生活的大半时间都在登山As a guy who's been mountaineering也受过地球科学方面的教育for basically my whole adult life, uh, someone whose trained 却从未想过能亲眼目睹in the earth sciences, I never imagined如此巨大的地貌that you could see features this big disappearing在短时间内消失殆尽in such a short period of time.但当我目睹这一切时我意识到But when I did... when I saw that... and I realized, my God,这些照片正揭开一段宏伟的历史there's a powerful piece of history that's unfolding我必须回到相同的地点in these pictures and I have to go back to those same spots. 所以我在冰川周围找了很多摄像点So, I set up a whole bunch of camera positions以便于在同一个地点around that glacier where I would just go back拍摄其不同时期的照片and shoot a single frame.比如四月拍一张十月拍一张You know, one in April, one in October,这样我们就能看到冰川半年来的变化and we would just see how the glacier changed in six months. 六个月后就在萨维夫所在的位置Right there where Svav is.就是那儿Right there.那儿就是冰川原来的位置That's exactly where the ice was.就是那儿Right there.对吗消失了Right? Over.嗯对的这正是Uhh, correct, this is where...冰川变化如此之大That glacier had changed so much, that,说真的我们在那儿站了有三个小时I'm not kidding, for like three hours, we stood there,对照着六个月前的照片looking at the prints of six months ago,看冰川的变化一定是我们弄错了looking at the glacier going, we must be wrong,这不可能是同一个位置we can't be in the right places.这些照片好像是那边的They appear to be from over there.6英尺六个月后同一机位六个月后当我看到这些照片时我眼前一亮And when I saw those, the lights when off我意识到人们并不关心更多的for me, I realized, the public doesn't wanna hear研究数据电脑模型和放映影像about more statistical studies, more computer models,他们需要的是more projections... what they need is a believable,可信易懂直观的证据understandable piece of visual evidence...一些本能上吸引他们的东西something that grabs them in the gut.所以我启动了这个项目极端冰川调查简称EISSo I created this project called the Extreme Ice Survey... or EIS. 最初的目标是The initial goal was to put放置二十五台相机为时三年out twenty five cameras for three years.它们白天每隔一小时拍摄一张照片And they would shoot every hour as long as it was daylight.我们定时下载照片We would download those cameras every so often并将照片拼接成视频短片and turn those individual frames into video clips展示地貌的变化that would show you how the landscape was changing.我原本以为这很简单I thought that basically,只需从货架上买♥♥来记录时间推移的设备you could just buy all this time lapse equipment off the shelf,把它们随手一丢架在外面就行slam it together and put it out there.我想得太天真了I was so naive about that.我们需要一台特制的计算机Uh, there was a custom computer that needed to be built还要处理数以千计的工程细节and there were a thousand little engineering details that needed 需反复尝试修正错误to be worked out and a lot of trial and error,因为从未有人组建过这样的东西because people hadn't built this stuff before.我很清楚这需要团队合作And it was clear to me, it would have to be a team effort.我对摄影没什么兴趣I wasn't that into photography,但我说服他带我来这里看看but I talked him into me coming up here and having a look.因为我很好奇十分想尽我所能Cause I was curious and I really wanted to do whatever I could 参与其中to get my foot in the door.萨维夫是冰岛的一名野外助理Svav is the field assistant in Iceland.准备好了吗You ready?好了As ready as I can be.这里更迷人These are more attractive因为我觉得这里风景如画because I think they're more picturesque,而且仍有大♥片♥冰川and they're still big glaciers.杰森经验丰富Jason has a deep, deep well of experience熟悉格陵兰岛的冰川及岛上的后勤工作about Greenland's glaciers, about Greenland logistics,也很了解冰川的动态about what the glaciers were doing.塔德是一名冰川学家Tad's a glaciologist he's really the grandfather,他是阿♥拉♥斯加冰川学术的开创者和教父the Godfather and the knowledge base about those glaciers in Alaska. 自认识他以来 EIS项目的范围和规模The scope and the scale of EIS is bigger就比其他任何项目都要庞大than any other project since I've known him.他们会工作一整天They would work all day, in our little,在车♥库♥改装成的工作室里what used to be our garage, turned into a workshop...有时工作到晚上十一二点until sometimes, 11, 12 o'clock at night.詹姆斯给我一个物品清单James sent me a gear list of things我从没听说过这些东西——冰镐和冰爪that I had never heard... I mean Ice axes and crampons...我从未用过all of this technical climbing gear这些专业攀爬用具that I had never used before.我还记得当时我想我决不去攀冰I remember thinking that I never want to do ice climbing或者跟冰有关的任何事情太危险了我会死的or ice related stuff, it's dangerous, I'm gonna die,但是当然啦我还是跟着詹姆斯去了冰岛but of course, I still went with James to Iceland.天哪Jeez...What?我只是说我的上帝呀I'm just saying Jesus Christ.我只想强调一下天气到底有多糟I'm just emphasizing how bad the weather is.是啊不用你说Yeah, I don't need it.我知道I get it.拍摄系统实际上就是The essence of the camera systems is based把十分精密的电子仪器on putting really delicate electronics放在地球上最恶劣的环境里in the harshest conditions on the planet.它们必须承受狂风They have to withstand hurricane force winds.零下四十度的低温Negative 40 degree temperatures.这种环境不适合摆放仪器It's not the nicest environment for technology to be sitting out in. 索海姆冰川冰岛设置第一架照相机无论那块圆石头有多危险Whatever the dangers of that boulder are,那里确实是比这里更好的拍摄点that's a better spot than this is.我们找到可以藏相机的地方了Well we found a place to hide the camera;这可是个好消息that's the good news.坏消息是需要测试很多工序The bad news is we've got a major engineering project to try用来支撑和固定and get that thing anchored and supported.这里很松This thing is loose.看啊这东西有多软Look how soft this stuff is.就设在这块地方吧Yeah it's gotta be this section right here.Uh... The other way around.坠石太棒了看看这个Rock! This is fantastic. Look at this.跟我们期望的完全一样It's exactly what we wanted.好吧开始了Okay.. Well, here we go.观察冰川的第一双眼睛终于装好了The first eyeballs on the glacier... finally.让我们看看几年后会怎样吧Let's uh, see what a couple years brings to us.照片一索海姆冰川冰岛 2007年3月28日下午1:10那次我们总共安装了五台照相机We installed five cameras in total on that trip.之后我们去了格陵兰岛After that, we went on to Greenland.冰山从冰川中脱离When glaciers break these gigantic icebergs崩入大海的过程叫"裂冰"off into the ocean it's called calving 'c-a-l-v-i-n-g.'早在数十万年前进入大海之时Ever since glaciers have entered the ocean, hundreds of thousands 冰川就开始断裂of years ago, ice has always calved off.但我们现在看到的是格陵兰岛的冰盖越来越薄But what we're seeing now is the Greenland ice sheet thinning out 往大海注入更多的冰和水and dumping out ever more ice and water into the ocean.好的Okay good.是的就这里Yep. Right up here.就像拍人物肖像It's sort of like doing a portrait of people.理查德?埃夫登和欧文?佩恩You know, uh, Richard Avendan毕生都在从事人像摄影and Irving Penn spent their entire careers doing portraits那些人脸变幻多端of faces essential, and found endless variation散发无穷的魔力和美感and endless beauty and endless magic in those faces and for me, 对我来说我在这里所做的也是一样that's the same thing as what's going on here.你可以从这些冰川You know you feel this tension between this huge,巨大持久的力量和脆弱性中感受到这种矛盾enduring power of these glaciers and their fragility.它们来自广袤而冰冷的地方You know, they came from a great, impassive place,它们正分崩离析and they're just, they're crumbling无数冰块坠入深海into these tiny little blocks of ice going off into the ocean.太疯狂了It's crazy.我们第一次去格陵兰岛My first trip to Greenland, We were setting是去斯托冰川安装摄像机up one of the cameras at Store Glacier.我们到了那里We got there, we saw this really,光怪陆离的半岛映入眼帘bizarre looking peninsula.就那样在最前端伸出去那个断裂面Just kind of perched out at the front of this... the calving face那里是冰川的尽头of the glacier, where the glacier ends.它整个夏天都在崩裂This thing is gonna break off all summer long man.看看这个Look at this.这些半岛的消失也就用了几天Those peninsulas are, are just a matter of days...最多几个礼拜at most, a couple weeks.它很大It was huge.一千五百英尺——有五个足球场那么长It was five football fields long... 1,500 feet long.水面以上三百英尺And about 300 feet above the surface of the water.我们在安装照相机的同时也装了摄影机As we're setting up the cameras, we also set up a video camera, 让它对准了那个半岛and had it pointed right there, at that peninsula,我们把摄影机一直开着and we just had it rolling.以防万一Just in case.我的上帝一个巨大的裂缝刚刚形成Oh my God, a giant crack just formed.看啊整个岛都要消失了See that whole island, it's going away.开始了哥们儿There it goes man.我们只在那里一个小时We were there for just a one hour period of time.却幸运地录下了And, absurdly, somehow fortunately captured an event这难得一见的场景that seldom is caught on film.此时我们眼前正经历着There is this really big stuff happening right巨大的变革under our noses, happening right now.但我觉得时间紧迫But I feel like time is clicking, you know.我们必须把摄像机安装起来And we need to get these cameras out here.六号♥摄像机阿♥拉♥斯加好了前进Okay. Onward.这事儿太疯狂了The logistics of things are just like, crazy.提醒你他将想法付诸行动的决心之大It reminds you how far he's willing to take an idea.七号♥摄像机阿♥拉♥斯加抬起头Heads up!拧紧拧紧拧紧Tight, tight tight.八号♥摄像机阿♥拉♥斯加十号♥摄像机阿♥拉♥斯加十二号♥摄像机阿♥拉♥斯加这是今天的晚餐This is tonight's dinner,我刚找到的I just found out.八七六五Eight, Seven, Six, Five.十五号♥摄像机格陵兰岛十六号♥摄像机格陵兰岛十八号♥摄像机格陵兰岛二十二号♥摄像机格陵兰岛朋友们这就是我们的交通方式Ah, this is the way to travel,my friend.最后我们在格陵兰岛安装了十二台摄像机We ended up installing about a dozen cameras in Greenland, 冰岛五台阿♥拉♥斯加五台蒙大拿两台five in Iceland, five in Alaska and two in Montana.老实说我难以相信Frankly, I can't believe we actually managed我们真的实施起来了to pull this off.你要知道大约二十年前You know, about 20 years ago,我很怀疑气候是不是真的变化了I was a skeptic about climate change.我以为这只是基于电脑模型推导出的结论I thought is was based on computer models,有很大的夸张成分I thought maybe there was a lot of hyperbole被激进分子用作借口that was turning this into an activist cause.最重要的是我不认为人类有能力But most importantly, I didn't think that humans were capable 改变整个星球of changing the basic physics and chemistry最基础的物理和化学现象of this entire huge planet.这看起来不可能也不可行It didn't seem probable, it didn't seem possible.后来我了解到了冰层中的记录And then I learned about the record that's in the ice cores.以及藏于冰岩蕊里的气候演变史The history of ancient climate that was embedded in those cores.还有冰川所讲述的故事And the story that the glaciers were telling.格陵兰岛和南极洲的冰盖是巨大的圆顶The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are these giant domes of ice它记录了气候就像树的年轮一样that preserve climate records, very much like tree rings.雪落在顶层变成了冰Snow is added to the top, turns into ice,科学家通过钻取冰盖来获得冰岩芯and ice core scientist can drill holes through the ice sheets把它抽出来检测不仅检测冰and pull out a core and examine, not only the ice,也检测包裹在冰中的古时的空气气泡but also bubbles of ancient air that are trapped in the ice.通过分♥析♥冰的化学成分,可以得知旧时的气温By looking at the chemistry of the ice, we can learn about past temperature, 而通过分♥析♥空气and by looking at the air,我们可以测出其中二氧化碳的含量we can actually measure the carbon dioxide content.我们得出的其中一项结论是One of the things that we learn, is that past temperature过去的气温与二氧化碳同时变化and carbon dioxide vary together.他们同时上升或下降They go up together, they go down together.在过去大约八十万年里And over the last 800,000 years or so,大气中的二氧化碳含量atmospheric carbon dioxide was never higher从未高于0.028%that about 280 parts per million.直到我们向大气中排放二氧化碳Until we started adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.现在已高达0.039%And now it's about 390 parts per million.比自然形成的二氧化碳量And that's about 40 percent higher than it was高出40%when carbon dioxide was only varying for natural reasons. 但现在正接近0.05% 甚至更高But now we're heading for 500 parts per million or more.这是自然增长速度的That pace is a 100 to 1000 times greater than the pace一百至一千倍at which things have changed by themselves, naturally.震惊我的是气候变化如此之小The amazing thing to me is that we're already seeing impacts 却已经产生了那么重大的影响不是吗because the change already has been so small, right?从1850年左右以来It's been 0.8 degrees C,只有0.8摄氏度 1.5华氏度的变化about 1.5 degrees Farenheit since 1850 or so.全球却已乱象丛生And yet we've seen so much stuff...疯狂的事不断上演crazy stuff going on already.对我来说What counts to me more than the notion空气的变化比气候变化更引起我注意of the climate changing, is that the air is changing.我们生活在空气中它维持我们的生命The air that we live in, the air that sustains us,空气中的基本物理化学成分产生变化the basic physics and chemistry of that air is changing.这是你我呼吸的空气This is about the stuff that you and I breath.它会影响到一切农业And that effects everything in the agriculture我们周围一切动植物的供水and the water supply of all the plants and animals around us. 动植物在逐渐消亡Plants and animals are already going extinct.现在它们消亡的速度They're going extinct a 100 times faster now比一千年前快一百倍than they did 1000 years ago.由于气候持续变暖And as the climate continues to warm, we're going to loose more 我们将失去更多物种and more, and more species because we're going因为自然界会受到进一步迫♥害♥to have more suppresses happening.在未来的200至300年里We're going to have a mass extinction event将会有大量物种消亡that could happen within the next 200 to 300 years.大量物种消亡意味着我们将失去半数Mass extinction event means that we loose half,或是地球上or maybe three quarters of the number of species总物种数的四分之三that we have on the planet.我们会失去为我们净化水的植物吗Are we going to be loosing the plants that clean our water?会失去净化空气的植物吗The plants that clean our air?如果没有传粉者来传授花粉If there's no pollinators out there to pollinate,我们就得自己动手then we're going to have to do it by hand.在中国已经是这样——必须走出去And they're already doing that in China... having to go out人为地给农作物授粉and pollinate their crops by hand.在过去二十年我们失去了In the last 20 years, we have lost,亚马逊-新墨西哥州接近20%的森林面♥积♥ close to 20 percent of the forest area in Arizona-New Mexico.这对那些森林地区来说是高度致命的And that's a high mortality in those forest areas.我们看到火灾多发季的长度We have seen an increasing in the length of the fire season延长了不止两个月by more than two months; larger fires过去二十年美国西部频发大火in the Western United States in the last 20 years;我们还看到了更猛烈的火势and we've seen hotter fires -more extreme fires burning.我所看到的极端现象并非巧合It's not just by chance that I'm seeing many rare events它们一次又一次地发生happening all in sequence, you know.是有原因的There's a reason for that.我们看到的是环境的巨大变化We're seeing extraordinary changes in our environment.慕尼黑再保险公♥司♥是全球最大的再保险公♥司♥ Munich Re is the world's largest我们的商业模型就是re-insurance company and our business model is为保险公♥司♥提供保险to provide insurance for the insurance companies.由于慕尼黑再保险公♥司♥主要投保的是As Munich Re is a major reinsurer for natural perils,自然危险和自然灾害natural catastrophes; we need我们需要尽可能了解这些风险to know the risks as best as we can.我们发现了一些由自然危害引起的损失We have discovered some trends in the number及数据上的趋势and in the losses natural perils have caused.有趣的是和天气有关的事件And, interestingly, for the weather related events,人类活动主要是温室气体的排放our activities... primarily greenhouse gas emissions...导致更多更严峻事件的发生are contributing to more intense and more events.这不单是数据上报的完善It cannot be acclaimed by just better reporting,也是由气候条件变化引起的it has to be explained by changes in the atmospheric conditions.想象一个服用类固醇的棒球手Imagine a base ball player on steroids他跑到本垒打出全垒打who steps up to the plate and hits a home run.你能说他的全垒打是服用类固醇的结果Can you attribute that home run to his taking steroids?正常情况下人体也能产生微量类固醇Well steroids occur naturally in very small amounts但如果再额外加点类固醇in your system, but by adding just a little bit你就能改变体能基准状态of those steroids, you can change your background physical进而超常发挥state and increase your chances for enhanced performance气候变化也正是这个道理and that's exactly what happens in the climate system.温室气体只产生了极少量Greenhouse gases occur in very small amounts but by increasing 但却因此改变了气象状态that just a little bit, you change the background state使之变得更不稳定of the system and make it much more susceptible更极端to increased extremes.假如你有颗牙齿发炎了If you had an abscess in your tooth,你会不会不停地寻找牙医would you keep going to dentist after dentist直到有一位牙医对你说until you found a dentist that said,别担心ahhh, don't worry about it.留着那颗烂牙吧Leave that rotten tooth in.还是你会选择拔掉它Or would you pull it out because more因为其他的牙医都告诉你这里有问题of the other dentists told you you had a problem?这就像我们对气候变化所采取的措施That's sort of what we're doing with Climate Change.我们还会就此争论几个世纪We'll be arguing about this for centuries.我们仍在为进化论以及人类是否真正登上月球We're still arguing about a minor thing called evolution,这样的小事而争论不休a minor thing about whether man actually walked on the moon. 我们没有时间了We don't have time.二号♥引擎油压偏低We have low oil pressure in engine number two.我关闭了二号♥引擎So I've shut down engine number two.只有一个引擎工作我们不能滑翔We cannot hover with one engine.你从那扇窗户望向海水You look out that window at that sea water冰山漂浮在上面然后你意识到with icebergs floating around in there and you realize if we go 如果走进去生理机能只维持五分钟in that, we'll have five minutes of physical function十分钟我们就会死亡and in 10 minutes we're dead.消防员随时待命The fire brigade will be on standby以防我们需要帮助in case we need their help.他需要完成自己的冒险He needs to do his adventures.这才是他That's what makes him who he is.他就是这样一个人我爱他嫁给他That's who the man is, that's who I married.我不会希望彼此更亲密些Do I wish sometimes that it was closer每天五点他就按时回家吗and he would come home at five o'clock?作为妻子我当然希望As a wife, yes.作为一个普通人他的工作需要继续As a human being, it needs to continue, so.他永远在不断地探索He's on this never ending quest for something.他希望所做的事情He's just going and hoping that something能带他走向正确的方向that he's doing is taking him in the right direction我认为EIS就是这样的一件事and I think that EIS is it.。