Utilcell称重传感器质量:通过ISO 9001质量管理体系认证,设计,制造,营销和售后服务称重传感器和机械配件。
> 25 mm
–35...+65 °C 130 mm 130 mm 155 mm 100 mm 100 mm 50 mm
6Connectors 7Accessories oProduct
t Technical Reference
> 5 mm
–40...+60 °C 110 mm 110 mm 135 mm 70 mm 70 mm 30 mm
> 25 mm > 15 mm –35...+65 °C 130 mm 130 mm 155 mm 80 mm 80 mm 40 mm
M4-Threaded Flexible Tip 2×1 mm
BFO D10-XA-HB-EAK-10-02 BFO D10-XA-RB-EAK-10-02 BFO D13-XB-RB-EAK-10-02 BFO D10-XA-GB-EAK-10-02 BFO D13-XA-JB-EAK-20-02
> 15 mm > 10 mm –55...+70 °C 50 mm 50 mm 75 mm 20 mm 20 mm 10 mm
> 15 mm
–55...+70 °C 50 mm 50 mm 75 mm 20 mm 20 mm 10 mm
> 5 mm
–40...+60 °C 60 mm 60 mm 85 mm 35 mm 35 mm 20 mm
> 15 mm >10 mm –35...+65 °C 50 mm 50 mm 75 mm 20 mm 20 mm 10 mm
【迈金科技】Gemini 200 传感器安装及使用说明
Gemini 200传感器安装及使用说明一、Gemini 200实车安装指导无论使用何种配套设备或者APP,都必须先把Gemini 200安装在爱车之上,速度/踏频不同的测试则需要安装在爱车不同的部位,下面将逐步详细图解两种模式如何进行实际安装。
Gemini 200做速度传感器使用安装图解:1.如图1.1,拆箱之后Gemini 200 做速度传感器使用时会使用到以下配件。
图1.1 速度传感器组件总图2.如图1.2,将图1.1中的电池盖背面凹槽对准传感器背面开锁logo,确保电池盖与传感器主体齐平,然后拨动电池盖背面小柄锁紧。
图1.2 已拼装完成的传感器与厚垫片3.如图1.3侧面图所示,将厚垫片沿传感器背部凹槽嵌入,当传感器正面显示绿灯亮起则为速度传感器模式,如红灯亮起则重新安装一次电池。
4.如图1.4 实车安装图所示,先用橡皮圈卡住传感器一侧的卡槽,然后将传感器固定在自行车花鼓上(前后轮皆可,前轮信号更强一些),再将橡皮圈绕过花鼓卡住传感器另一侧的卡槽。
图1.4 实车安装完成示意图Gemini 200做踏频传感器使用安装图解:1.如图2.1,拆箱之后Gemini 200 做踏频传感器使用时会使用到以下配件。
图2.1 踏频传感器组件总图2.如图2.2,将图2.1中的电池盖背面凹槽对准传感器开锁LOGO,确保电池盖与传感器主体齐平,然后旋转电池盖背面小柄锁紧。
图2.2 已拼装完成的传感器与薄垫片3.如图2.3侧面图所示,将薄垫片沿传感器背部凹槽嵌入,传感器正面红灯亮起则为踏频模式,如绿灯亮起则重新安装一次电池。
图2.3 已拼装垫片的传感器侧面图4.如图2.4 实车安装图所示,先用橡皮圈卡住传感器一侧的卡槽,然后将传感器固定在自行车左曲柄内侧,再将橡皮圈绕过曲柄卡住传感器另一侧的卡槽。
图2.4 实车安装完成示意图二、Gemini 200配合安卓手机下各类骑行APP的使用方式1.行者APP(版本号2.6.7)图3.1 行者APP引导页图3.2 主页面,点击“我的”菜单栏图3.3 用户界面,点击“智能设备”图3.4 点击“速度踏频”图3.5 若没开启蓝牙则系统会主动提醒开启蓝牙。
1.N.B.C悬臂梁称重传感器Mod AH:5kg,10kg,15kg,20kg,25kg,30kg,50kg,75kg,100kgMod BH:50kg,75kg,100kg,150kgMod CH:150kg,300kg,500kg,750kgMod CD:100kg,150kg,200kg,250kg,300kg,400kgMod CF:75kg,100kg,200kg,300kgMod CN/L:7.5kg,15kg,30kg,50kg,60kg,75kgMod CN/H:60kg,120kg,200kg,250kg,300kgMod FT:100kg,200kg,300kg,350kg,500kgMod FB:250kg,500kg,1000kg,1760kg,2500kg,5000kgMod FH:500kg,1000kg,1760kg,2500kg,3000kg,5000kg,10000kg,15000kgMod FX:1t,2t,3t,5t,10t2.N.B.C波纹管称重传感器Mod GX:10kg,15kg,20kg,25kg,30kg,50kg,75kg,100kg,150kg,200kg,250kgModGL:10kg,15kg,20kg,25kg,50kg,75kg,100kg,150kg,200kg,250kg,300kg,500kg,750kg3.N.B.C轮辐式及柱式称重传感器ModCM:250kg,500kg,1000kg,2500kg,5000kg,7500kg,10000kg,15000kg,20000kg,25000k g,35000kg,50000kgMod CO:5t,10t,15t,20t,25tMod TA:0.5t,1t,2t,5t,10t,20t,30t,50t,60tMod KX:10t,25t,30t,50tMod CT:30t,60t,100t,200t,300t,500tMod EP:25kg,50kg,150kg,150-300kg,600kgMod EC:15kg,25kg,50kg,100kg,200kgN.B.C技术参数以《OIML60号国际建议》92年版为基础,最新具体变化可查看《JJG669—NBC广州南创传感器事业部检定规程》意大利NBC图片:意大利NBC传感器原理:地磅称重传感器最简单的位移测量是采用各种光开关装置进行的,ZEMIC 称重传感器即利用光纤中光强度的趴变来测出各种移动物体的极端位置,如定位、记数,或者是判断某种情况的传感器。
少子寿命模组:1) 开机后打开uPCD 软件,点击STOP 进入静态测试模式;2) 放入硅片,点击进入Record 界面,点击Autosetting 按钮进行参数自动设置,设置完成后需要将A verage 改成16以下;3)完成后点击START进入连续测试模式;4)自动测试一片,点击Linescan观察曲线情况,在曲线上点击右键选择Skip Edge可进行边缘剔除,会先后弹出两个对话框,第一个是前部剔除,第二个是后部剔除。
5)数据保存:点击Clear Statistics输入硅片批次或单号进行数据保存,然后点击New Batch。
2. 厚度电阻率TTV模组:1)开机后打开cap软件,点击STOP进入静态测试模式,将A verage改成16以下;2)对模组进行校准,步骤如下:a) 校准片放入探头下,点击 Calibrate Thickness ,输入校准片的实际厚度值,点击确定; b )取出校准片,点击compensate Resistivity ;c )放入校准片,点击new ,所有参数有值后,点击Calibrate resistivity ,输入校准片的电阻值,点击确定;d )取出校准片,点击START 进入连续测试模式;e )观察Linescan 中的曲线,可进行边缘剔除Skip Edge ;f )在Options 中点击Save Measurement Options ,保存校准文档。
3)数据保存:点击Clear Statistics 输入硅片批次或单号进行数据保存,然后点击New Batch 。
4) Troubleshooting有时皮带正常运行,模组却没有进行测试可能是以下几个原因: a )Start 按钮没有点击----------点击Start 按钮b )A verage 的数值太高---------调低A verage 的值,可以调整到16或8c )边缘剔除Skip Edge 值太多,导致测试时间过短------将Skip Edge 的值适当减小d )调整过皮带传输速度而没有更改A verage 及Skip Edge 等参数------进行适当的修改。
30种常见传感器模块简介及工作原理1. 光敏传感器模块:通过光敏电阻或光敏二极管等光敏元件感知环境光强度的变化。
2. 温度传感器模块:通过测量热敏电阻或热敏电子器件的电阻值变化来检测环境温度的变化。
3. 湿度传感器模块:通过测量湿敏电阻或湿敏电子器件的电阻值变化来检测环境湿度的变化。
4. 气压传感器模块:通过测量压阻或压电元件的电阻值或电压变化来检测大气压力的变化。
5. 加速度传感器模块:通过测量微机械加速度计的加速度变化来检测物体的运动状态。
6. 陀螺仪传感器模块:通过测量微机械陀螺仪的角速度变化来检测物体的旋转状态。
7. 磁力传感器模块:通过测量磁敏电阻或霍尔元件的电阻值或电压变化来检测磁场的强度和方向。
8. 气体传感器模块:通过测量气体传感器的电阻值或电压变化来检测环境中的气体浓度。
9. 火焰传感器模块:通过测量火焰传感器的电阻值或电压变化来检测火焰的存在。
10. 声音传感器模块:通过测量声音传感器的电阻值或电压变化来检测环境中的声音强度。
11. 触摸传感器模块:通过测量触摸传感器的电容或电阻值变化来检测物体与传感器之间的触摸状态。
12. 振动传感器模块:通过测量振动传感器的电阻值或电压变化来检测物体的振动状态。
13. 雷达传感器模块:通过发送和接收雷达信号来检测物体的距离和方向。
14. 超声波传感器模块:通过发送和接收超声波信号来检测物体的距离和方向。
15. 红外传感器模块:通过发送和接收红外光信号来检测物体的距离和方向。
16. 摄像头模块:通过捕捉图像或视频来检测环境中的物体和运动。
17. GPS模块:通过接收卫星信号来确定设备的位置和速度。
18. 惯性传感器模块:包括加速度计、陀螺仪和磁力计等传感器,用于测量设备的加速度、角速度和磁场强度。
19. 压力传感器模块:通过测量压阻或压电元件的电阻值或电压变化来检测液体或气体的压力。
20. 水位传感器模块:通过测量水位传感器的电阻值或电压变化来检测液体的水位。
易 Modicon M200 TM200CE40R 逻辑控制器数据表说明书
Product datasheetCharacteristicsTM200CE40Rcontroller M200 40 IO relay+EthernetMainRange of productEasy Modicon M200Product or component type Logic controller [Us] rated supply voltage 100...240 V AC Discrete I/O number 40Discrete input numberI2...I5: 4 fast inputI0, I1, I6, I7: 4 high speed input I8...I23: 16 regular input Discrete output number 16 relay Discrete input voltage 24 V Discrete input voltage type DCDiscrete input current 7 mA for inputDiscrete input logic Sink or source (positive/negative) type 1 conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2Discrete output voltage 24 V DC 220 V AC Discrete output current 2 ADiscrete output type Relay normally openPower consumption in VA59…69 VA at 100...240 V AC (with max I/O)ComplementaryMaximum number of I/O expansion module4 with 128 discrete output(s) for transistor output 4 with 80 discrete output(s) for relay output Supply voltage limits 85…264 V Network frequency 50/60 Hz Inrush current50 AVoltage state 1 guaranteed >= 15 V for input Voltage state 0 guaranteed <= 5 V for inputInput impedance 3.3 kOhm for discrete inputResponse time5 µs turn-off, I0, I1, I6, I7 terminal(s) for high speed input 5 µs turn-on, I0, I1, I6, I7 terminal(s) for high speed inputi s c l a i m e r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s100 µs turn-off, I2...I5 terminal(s) for fast input35 µs turn-on, I2...I5 terminal(s) for fast input100 µs turn-off, I8...I13 terminal(s) for regular input35 µs turn-on, I8...I13 terminal(s) for regular input10 ms turn-off, Q0...Q15 terminal(s) for relay output10 ms turn-on, Q0...Q15 terminal(s) for relay output125 µs turn-off, I14...I23 terminal(s) for regular input55 µs turn-on, I14...I23 terminal(s) for regular inputConfigurable filtering time0 ms for input3 ms for input12 ms for inputOutput voltage limits30 V DC250 V ACMaximum current per output common4 A at COM 24 A at COM 04 A at COM 14 A at COM 3Electrical durability100000 cycles AC-12, 240 V, 480 VA, resistive100000 cycles DC-12, 24 V, 48 W, resistiveSwitching frequency0.1 Hz with maximum loadMechanical durability20000000 cycles for relay outputMinimum load10 mA at 5 V DC for relay outputMemory capacity512 byte internal flash for backup of programsData storage equipment32 GB micro SD card (optional)Battery type BR2032 Li-CFx (Lithium-Carbon Monofluoride), battery life: 5 year(s)Backup time 3 years at 25 °C (by interruption of power supply)Execution time for 1 KInstruction0.3 ms for event and periodic taskExecution time per instruction0.2 µs BooleanExct time for event task60 µs response timeClock drift<= 90 s/month at 25 °CRegulation loop Adjustable PID regulator up to 14 simultaneous loopsControl signal type Quadrature (x1, x2, x4) at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Pulse/direction at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Single phase at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)CW/CCW at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Counting input number 4 fast input (HSC mode) at 100 kHz 32 bitsIntegrated connection type USB port with mini B USB 2.0 connectorNon isolated serial link serial 1 with terminal block connector and RS485 interfaceNon isolated serial link serial 2 with terminal block connector and RS232/RS485 interfaceEthernet Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet with RJ45 connector and 1 Ethernet port 10/100BASE-T interfaceIsolated serial link serial 2 with terminal block connector and RS485 interfaceTransmission rate 1.2...115.2 kbit/s (115.2 kbit/s by default) for bus length of 15 m for RS4851.2...115.2 kbit/s (115.2 kbit/s by default) for bus length of 3 m for RS23212 Mbit/s for USB10/100 Mbit/s for bus length of 100 m for Ethernet Modbus TCP/IPCommunication port protocol USB port: USB - SoMachine-NetworkNon isolated serial link: Modbus master/slave - RTU/ASCII or SoMachine-NetworkEthernet Modbus TCP/IP: Modbus TCP/IP client/serverLocal signalling 1 LED (green)PWR:1 LED (green)RUN:1 LED (red)module error (ERR):1 LED (green)SD card access (SD):1 LED (red)BAT:1 LED (green)SL1:1 LED per channel (green)I/O state:2 LEDs (green)communication (LK/ACT 10/100):Electrical connection Mini B USB 2.0 connectorfor a programming terminalRJ45 connectorfor connecting Ethernet networkremovable screw terminal blockfor inputsremovable screw terminal blockfor outputsremovable screw terminal block, 4 terminal(s) for connecting the serial link1removable screw terminal block, 3 terminal(s) for connecting the 100-240 V AC power supplyMaximum cable distance between devices Unshielded cable: <50 m for input Shielded cable: <10 m for fast input Shielded cable: <10 m for high speed inputUnshielded cable: <150 m for outputInsulation Non-insulated between inputsBetween output and internal logic at 1780 V ACBetween output groups at 1780 V ACBetween supply and internal logic at 1780 V ACBetween input and internal logic at 500 V ACBetween fast input and internal logic at 500 V ACBetween input groups at 500 V ACSensor power supply24 V DC at 300 mA supplied by the controllerMarking CEMounting support Top hat type TH35-15 rail conforming to IEC 60715Top hat type TH35-7.5 plate or panel with fixing kit conforming to IEC 60715Height90 mmDepth70 mmWidth175 mmNet weight0.512 kgEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP20 with protective cover in placeProduct certifications RCMIACS E10CSACULusStandards EN/IEC 61010-2-201EN/IEC 61131-2Electromagnetic compatibility Electrostatic discharge immunity test - test level: 8 kV (air discharge) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-2Electrostatic discharge immunity test - test level: 6 kV (contact discharge) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-2Susceptibility to electromagnetic fields - test level: 10 V/m (80 MHz...3 GHz) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-3Magnetic field at power frequency - test level: 30 A/m conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-8Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 2 kV (power lines) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-4Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 2 kV (relay output) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-4Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 1 kV (I/O) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-4Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 1 kV (serial link) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-41.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (power lines (DC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 2 kV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 2 kV (relay output) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (I/O) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (shielded cable) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 0.5 kV (power lines (DC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-5Conducted RF disturbances - test level: 10 V (0.15...80 MHz) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-6Conducted emission - test level: 79 dBμV/m QP/66 dBμV/m AV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Conducted emission - test level: 73 dBμV/m QP/60 dBμV/m AV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Radiated emission - test level: 40 dBμV/m QP class A (10 m) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Radiated emission - test level: 47 dBμV/m QP class A (10 m) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 1 kV (Ethernet line) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-4Shock resistance15 gn for 11 ms30 gn for 6 msImmunity to microbreaks10 msVibration resistance 3.5 mm at 5…8.4 Hz on symmetrical rail1 gn at 8.4…150 Hz on symmetrical rail3.5 mm at 5…8.7 Hz on panel mounting2 gn at 8.7…150 Hz on panel mountingRelative humidity10…95 %, without condensation (in operation)10…95 %, without condensation (in storage)Ambient air temperature for operation0…55 °C (horizontal installation)Ambient air temperature for storage-25…70 °CPollution degree<= 2Operating altitude0...2000 mStorage altitude0…3000 mPacking UnitsPackage 1 Weight7.400 kgPackage 1 Height9.000 cmPackage 1 width18.400 cmPackage 1 Length13.800 cmOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHS DeclarationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS declarationEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental ProfileCircularity Profile End of Life InformationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection andnever end up in rubbish binsDimensions DrawingsDimensions Drawings DimensionsMounting and ClearanceMounting and Clearance Mounting on a RailDirect Mounting on a Panel SurfaceMounting PositionClearanceTMCR2•••InstallationTMCR2••• De-InstallationProduct datasheetTM200CE40R Connections and SchemaWiring Diagram / Connections SchemaAC Power Supply(*)Type T fuseDigital Inputs Positive Logic (Sink)(*)Type T fuse(**)Fast inputs(1)The COM0 and COM1 terminals are not connected internally.Digital Inputs Negative Logic (Source)(*)Type T fuse(**)Fast inputs(1)The COM0 and COM1 terminals are not connected internally.Relay Outputs - Negative Logic (Sink)(*)Type T fuse(1)The COM0 and COM1 terminals are not connected internally.(2) A free wheeling diode or an RC snubberRelay Outputs - Positive Logic (Source)(*)Type T fuse(1)The COM0 and COM1 terminals are not connected internally.(2) A free wheeling diode or an RC snubberEthernet ConnectionUSB Mini-B ConnectionSL1 ConnectionD1 :D1 (A+)D0 :D0 (B-)Shield :ShieldCOM :O V ComProduct datasheetTM200CE40R Performance CurvesDerating CurvesRelay OutputsX :Ambient temperature (°C / °F)Y :Output load current (%)。
应用于气缸的通用型磁感应传感器BIM-UNT 系列的安装和调节附件多种附件可选多种多样的附件实现了新的BIM-UNT 磁感应传感器的广泛应用。
M8X1接插件快速插拔/螺纹连接0.3m PUR 导线M8X1接插件螺纹连接螺母,0.3m PUR 导线M8X1接插件螺纹连接螺母,0.6m PUR 导线M12X1接插件螺纹连接螺母,0.3m PUR应用于气缸的通用型磁感应传感器现在用一种类型传感器就能够实现对所有标准气缸内活塞的位置检测。
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Cleveland-Kidder Ultra 模块式力传感器(力传)提供到a 40 1 拉伸范围。说
Modular Force Transducers (Load Cells)Providing up to a 40:1 Tension Range.•Provides up to a 40:1 Tension Range (Ex: Accuratelymeasures from 1.25 lbs. to 50lbs. of tension when used with a 50 lb. rated Ultra Load Cell and Ultra Amplifier).•Rejects electrical noise from ACmotors, servos, relay coils, or other electrical disturbances.•Available in 25 lb. to 1000 lb.load ratings.•Variety of mounting kits forconvenient installation.•Easily oriented at anyangle––for all web paths.•Able to measure lower(light)tensions.•Maintains proper tensionmeasurement regardless of changes in ambient temperature.•Accommodates shaftexpansion and shaft misalignment up to 1°.•Corrosion–resistant finish anddust seal.•Built –in overload stop.TENSIONTRANSDUCERSCARTRIDGE-STYLEPerformance BenefitsThe new family of Cleveland-Kidder®Ultra Line Cartridge-Style T ension Transducers (Load Cells) provide accurate measurement and control of web tension in continuous process machinery applications. These force transducers are easily applied, provide consistent product quality, and are highly responsive for enhanced system performance.Ultra Line Cartridge-Style Load Cells are modular in design, providing the greatest degree of installation and application flexibility. With heavy duty construction and a low maintenance design, they reduce the necessity of machine modifications while minimizingdowntime. They are ideally suited for lightweight material and thin webs where tight control of tension is required to prevent stretching or wrinkling of the material.Ultra Line Cartridge-Style Transducers,when used in conjunction with Ultra Line Amplifiers, provide betterperformance than competitive load cells by increasing the operatingtension range from 8:1 to 40:1. They also provide more accuratemeasurement by eliminating electrical disturbances caused by AC drives,servos, and other modern high frequency devices.SELECTING A CARTRIDGE -S S TYLE TRANSDUCER FOR YOUR APPLICATIONSPECIFICATIONS MOUNTING CONFIGURATIONSMounting Type And Connector Compatibility Determine the MWF using the followingequation:MWF = Maximum Working Force (lbs.)T = Maximum Total Tension (lbs.)K = Transient Tension Overload Factor (normally between 1.4 and 2.0)A = Wrap Angle (Degrees)B = Angle of Tension Force (Degrees)W = Weight of Roller (lbs.)* Use + if Angle B is below horizontal and – if above horizontal.Contact CMC application engineering to assist you in selecting the appropriate transducer.INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSTENSIONTRANSDUCERS CARTRIDGE-STYLEUltra Series Cartridge-Style Transducers can be mounted either inside the frame, on top, or through the frame of the machine, depending on the model type purchased. Two transducers are required per tension roller, with one positioned on either side of the roller.The Connector can be located at:End (EC)Side (SC)X X XX X2.9 lbs. 4.0 lb. 5.0 lbs.1.32 kg. 1.81 kg. 2.27 kg.1T 2T 3TTRANSDUCER CARTRIDGE TYPESTYPE “S” MOUNTINGTYPE “PB” MOUNTINGSC (SIDE CONNECTOR)EC (END CONNECTOR)StationaryStationaryShaftStationary Shaft Machine FrameMachine FrameMachine Frame Machine FrameFL MOUNTINGKITBR MOUNTING KITPB MOUNTING KITMWF =2T x K x sin (A/2) ± W x sin (B)*2HOW TO ORDERTABLE C – Determining A Split Bushing Catalog Number For The Ultra Series Cartridge Transducer TABLE D – Determining A Cable Catalog Number For The Ultra Series Cartridge TransducerTABLE A – Determining A Catalog Number For The Ultra Stationary Shaft Transducer TABLE B – Determining A Mounting Kit Catalog Number For The Ultra Series Cartridge Transducer INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSTENSIONTRANSDUCERS CARTRIDGE-STYLEThe load cell end of the cordset is provided with a straight or right angle M12 Quick-Connect Sealed 4-pin keyed Connector as specified. The controller/amplifier end of the cordset is provided with flying leads (4 signal and 1shield drain). The controller/amplifier end of the cable can be cut to length by the customer if the standard lengths provided are not the exact lengths required.TENSIONTRANSDUCERSCARTRIDGE-STYLEMOUNTING DIMENSIONSMounting Dimensions In Inches: EC and SCMounting Dimensions In Millimeters: ECM and SCM ULTRA SC/SCM CARTRIDGE WITH FL MOUNTING KIT ULTRA EC/ECM CARTRIDGE WITH BR MOUNTING KITULTRA EC/ECM CARTRIDGE WITH PB MOUNTING KITULTRA SC/SCM CARTRIDGE。
Design features• MicroSet self-adjusting time delay and sensitivity• Optional built-in light level sensor• Optional BAS/HVAC isolated relay• Products tested to NEMA WD 7 - 2011 Occupancy MotionSensors Standard• Selectable walk-through mode• Dual relay controlT able 1. MicroSet ultrasonic low voltage ceiling sensor Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice. Catalog no.Coverage Field of view Frequency Features AHAC-U-20002000 sq. ft.(56 ft x 16 ft corridor)Two way (360˚)32 kHz Dual relaywith daylightsensor AHAC-U-10001000 sq. ft.Two way (360˚)32 kHz—AHAC-U-0501500 sq. ft One way (180˚)40 kHz—AHAC-STEM————2EATON /wiringdevices T able 2. SpecificationsProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Technical DataEffective May 2018AHAC-U – MicroSet ultrasoniclow voltage ceiling sensor The ultrasonic sensor uses the Doppler principle. It produces a low intensity, inaudible sound and detects changes in sound waves caused by motion, such as walking into the room, reaching for a telephone, or turning in a chair. They are volumetric in nature and therefore not line-of-sight dependent. Since they fill the space with these sound waves, they are excellent in bathrooms with stalls, enclosed hallways, or other oddly shaped rooms. In addition, they are much more sensitive to smaller motions. The sensor includes self-adaptive technology that continuously self-adjusts sensitivity and time delay in real-time, maximizing the potential energy savings that are available in the particular application. In Automatic ON mode, the lights turn ON when a person enters the room.ApplicationsCatalog no.AHAC-U seriesTechnologyUltrasonic (US)Power Requirements Input10-30 VDC from Greengate Switchpack or Greengate system Maximum current needed is 25mA per sensorOutputOpen collector output to switch up to ten Greengate Switchpacks Isolated Form C Relay Ratings: 1A 30 VDC/V/ACTime DelaysSelf-adjustable, 15 seconds/test (10 minutes Auto), or Selectable 5, 15, 30 minutes, or Zero Time DelayCoverage500, 1000, and 2000 sq. ft. (56 ft x 16 ft. corridor)Light Level Sensing (-R Models)0 to 300 foot-candlesOperating EnvironmentTemperature: 32°F - 104°F (0°C - 40°C)Relative humidity: 20% to 90%, non-condensing (For indoor use only)Housing Durable, injection molded housing. Polycarbonate resin complies with UL 94V-0Size1.42”H x 4.5”W (36.068mm x 114.3mm)Mounting Mounts directly to ceiling tile, to a 4” square box and round mud ring or to 4” octagon boxLED Indicators Green LED for Ultrasonic detection StandardsFCC Compliant cULus ListedRoHS CompliantW (White)WhiteT able 3. Color informationProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Wiring diagramsFigure 1. AHAC-U-2000, AHAC-U-1000, AHAC-U-0501 ModelsAHAC-U – MicroSet ultrasonic low voltage ceiling sensorTechnical DataEffective May 2018CoverageAHAC-U-0501 500 sq. ft. 3EATON /wiringdevices Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Maximum coverage area may vary somewhat according to room shape and the presence of obstacles.The NEMA WD 7 Guide and robotic method were utilized to verifycoverage patterns.AHAC-U-1000 1000 sq. ft.AHAC-U-2000 2000 sq. ft.*When creating a sensor coverage layout in a cubicle space, best practice is the use of the minor motion coverage pattern as maximum coverage area. Results may very based on cubicle height and ceiling height. (Cubicle wall height should not exceed 71 inches).Technical DataEffective May 2018Certifications & compliancesAHAC-U-1000••AHAC-U-0501••AHAC-STEMCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice. KEY:cULus RoHSElectrical Sector203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269 United States/wiringdevices Electrical SectorCanada Operations5925 McLaughlin RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8CanadaEatonCanada.ca/wiringdevicesElectrical SectorMexico OperationsCarr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlan Km 17.8 s/nCol. Villa Jardin esq.Cerrada 8 de MayoCuautitlan, Mexico CP 54800MexicoEaton.mx/wiringdevicesEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2018 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. TD620043EN May 2018Project Name:Prepared By: Project Number:Date: Catalog Number:Type:AHAC-U – MicroSet ultrasonic low voltage ceiling sensorControls。
Accu-Ohm 200 S2 电阻握测仪说明书
2The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 is especially designed to accurately measure lowresistances from 1 micro-ohm to 300 milli-ohms. Using a microproces-sor, the Accu-Ohm 200 S2 can accurately calculate and display a resist-ance reading at any current from 10A to 200A. The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 isdesigned for testing EHV circuit-breaker contact resistance, bushing con-tact joints, or for any low-resistance measuring application.The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 applies an un-filtered direct current from 10A to200A to the resistance load being tested. Any test current setting can beselected by using the current control dial on the front panel. The resist-ance reading is displayed directly in micro-ohms or milli-ohms. No cal-culations are required to compensate for lead resistances when usingthe Accu-Ohm 200 S2.The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 features a back-lit LCD screen (1-inch high, 16characters by 2 lines) that is viewable in both bright sunlight and low-light levels. The resistance reading is displayed on the screen until thenext test is initiated. The last three resistance measurements are storedinternally and can be displayed on the LCD screen. An RS-232C interfaceport is also provided for diagnostic testing.The Accu-Ohm 200 S2 is furnished with two 30-foot test cables. Fifteen-foot test cables are also available as an option. Both cables are terminat-ed with quick disconnect clips. Heavy-duty, welding-type, C-clamps areavailable as an optional accessory. These can be used to connect the testcable leads to a wide variety of bushing sizes, bus-bars and other con-ductors requiring low-resistance test contacts.The Accu-Ohm 200 S2’s power supply is thermally protected, and thecon tact-sensing inputs are protected against static-discharge damage.Accu-Ohm 200• Reliable, inexpensive, and easy to use • 10 to 200 Amperes DC test current • Digital resistance readings from 1 micro-ohm to 300 milli-ohms • Stores and can display last 3 readingsF E A T U R E S Accu-Ohm 200 S2 with 30-ft Test Cables Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 S2Accu-Ohm 200 S2 Shipping Case Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 Case 15-foot Test Cable Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 Cable-15ft 30-foot Test Cable Part No: Accu-Ohm 200 Cable-30ft C-Clamp Set (2 clamps)Part No: C-Clamps Alligator Clamp Set (2 clamps)Part No: Alligator-Clamps Hand Spike Set (2 probes)Part No: Handspike Ordering Information Accu-Ohm 200 Series 2Vanguard Instruments Company Reliability Through InstrumentationSPECIFICATIONSPortable micro-ohmmeter 16.8” W x 12.6” H x 10.6” D (42.7 cm x 32.0 cm x 26.9 cm); Weight: less than 42 lbs (19 kg)100 – 120 Vac or 200 – 240 Vac (factory pre-set), 50/60 Hz 1 micro-ohm – 300 milli-ohms (1 micro-ohm resolution); Accuracy: ±1% reading, ± 1 count 10 Amperes – 200 Amperes, selectable 1-inch high back-lit LCD Screen (16 characters by 2 lines); viewable in bright sunlight and low-light levels Stores and can display last 3 readings RS-232C port (19,200 Baud) for factory calibration and diagnostics Designed to meet IEC61010 (1995), UL61010A-1, CSA-C22.2 standards Operating: -10˚ to 50˚ C (15˚F to +122˚ F); Storage: -30˚ C to 70˚ C (-22˚F to +158˚ F)90% RH @ 40˚C (104˚F) non-condensing 2,000m (6,562 ft) to full safety specifications 30-foot (#1 AWG) test cables, ground cable, power cord Transportation case, 15-foot test cables, C-clamps, Handspike One year on parts and laborTYPEPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSINPUT POWERRESISTANCE READING RANGETEST CURRENT RANGEDISPLAYINTERNAL TEST RECORD STORAGECOMPUTER INTERFACESAFETYENVIRONMENTHUMIDITYALTITUDECABLESOPTIONS WARRANTYConnectorConnector High CurrentPresence Indicator Function Control KnobRS-232C Interface Note: The above specifications are valid at nominal voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (+77°F). Specifications are subject to change without notice.RVFeb10Vanguard Instruments Company, Inc.Vanguard Instruments Co., (VIC), was founded in 1991.Currently, our 28,000 square-foot facility houses Administration,Design & Engineering, and Manufacturing operations. From itsinception, VIC’s vision was, and is to develop and manufactureinnovative test equipment for use in testing substation EHV circuitbreakers and other electrical apparatus.The first VIC product was a computerized circuit-breaker analyz-er, which was a resounding success. It became the forerunner ofan entire series of circuit-breaker test equipment. Since its begin-ning, VIC’s product line has expanded to include microcomput-er-based, precision micro-ohmmeters, single and three-phasetransformer winding turns-ratio testers, winding-resistancemeters, transformer tap-changing controllers, megaohm resist-ance meters, and a variety of other electrical utility mainte-nance support products.VIC’s performance-oriented products are well suited for the util-ity industry. They are rugged, reliable, accurate, user friendly, andmost are computer controlled. Computer control, with innovativeprogramming, provides many automated testing functions. VIC’sinstruments eliminate tedious and time-consuming operations,while providing fast, complex, test-result calculations. Errors arereduced and the need to memorize long sequences of procedur-al steps is eliminated. Every VIC instrument is competitivelypriced and is covered by a liberal warranty.Vanguard products are available from: Vanguard Instruments Company, Inc. 1520 S. Hellman Ave. • Ontario, California 91761 USA• P 909-923-9390 • F 909-923-9391。
多组件传感器6AXX 6A DF 5ARXX说明书
Function of the 6AXX Multicomponent Sensors
The set of 6AXX Multicomponent Sensors comprises six independent force sensors equipped with strain gauges. Using the six sensor signals, a calculation rule is applied to calculate the forces within threespatial axes and the three moments around them. The measurement range of the multicomponent sensor is determined:
It applies for the BX8 measurement amplifier and for all amplifiers, which indicate bridge output signals in mV/V.
The matrix elements may be rescaled in other units by a common factor via multiplication(using a “scalar product”).
the sensor.
The individual signals from the six force sensors cannot be directly associated with aspecific force or moment by multiplying with a scaling factor.
of the measurement amplifier on channels 1 to 6 (u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6) and components 1
Model 200稀释法CEMS手册_V1.1
Model 200 稀释法CEMS 用户维护手册赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司目录前言 0第一章系统介绍 (1)一、烟气连续排放监测系统简述 (1)1、系统任务 (1)2、监测项目 (1)3、系统组成 (1)4、系统框图 (2)二、SO2 和N O x 监测 (3)1、简介 (3)2、稀释采样系统 (4)稀释比 (4)稀释法采样探头 (5)采样管线 (6)稀释空气净化系统 (6)3、分析系统 (7)SO2 气体分析仪 (7)NO-NO2-NO X 气体分析仪 (9)第二章系统日常操作维护要点 (11)一、系统启动与关闭 (11)1、启动系统 (11)2、关闭系统 (11)二、分析仪常用操作 (12)1、按键功能 (12)2、报警查询 (12)3、校准菜单 (14)三、系统校准操作 (16)1、校准流程 (16)2、零点校准 (16)3、量程校准 (16)四、日常维护检查 (17)第三章常见故障及解决方法 (18)第四章推荐耗材及备件 (19)前言本文包括了对我公司所提供的Model 200 型烟气连续排放监测系统(CEMS,Continuous Emissions Monitoring System)的原理、操作进行概括性介绍,并未对所有设备的所有操作进行全面详述,每种设备的具体操作请详细阅读设备说明书。
2、监测项目(1)普通烟气监测:SO2、NO X、烟尘、流量、温度、压力、湿度、O2。
(2)脱硫、脱硝系统:FGD 或 SCR 入口、FGD 或 SCR 出口监测,根据控制要求配置。
(3)垃圾焚烧炉:除普通烟气监测项目外,还可能包括 HF、HCl、NH3、CO、CO2 等。
易感度传感器 EasySense SNS200说明书
EasySense SNS200 Sensor for Advanced GroupingPhilips SpecificationsSection I - Physical Characteristics1.1 Sensor shall be suitable for integration into a light fixture.1.2 Sensor shall have a slim profile with height ≤ 1.26 in and width ≤ 0.75 in. and length ≤ 1.97 in.1.3 Sensor shall be two-wire connection only to driver.Section II - Performance Requirements2.1 Sensor shall be compatible with SR LED drivers.2.2 Sensor shall be capable of operating with up to (4) SR LED drivers.2.3 Sensor shall use the zigbee wireless protocol based on IEEEE 802.15.4 with AES-128 encryption.2.4 Sensor shall have occupancy detection capability via passive infrared (PIR).2.5 Sensor shall support light control based on local and shared occupancy2.6 Sensor shall support light control based on daylight detection and have auto-calibration.2.7 Sensor shall be capable of task tuning between 5% and 100%.2.8 Sensor shall be capable of auto-off/manual-on and auto-off/partial on functionality.2.9 Sensor shall have independent settings for task level, background level and eco-on level.2.10 Sensor and driver shall have combined standby power less < 1W.2.11 Sensor shall have an operating temperature range of 0C to 55C (32F to 131F).2.12 Sensor shall be capable of grouping up to (40) together and compatible with qualified wirelessswitches.2.13 Sensor shall be capable of spacing from sensor-to-sensor up to 33 ft.2.14 Sensor shall be configurable via handheld tool when unpowered, or from a 2 meter distance whenpowered.2.15 Sensor shall be capable of being used for scene setting application.Section III - Regulatory3.1 Sensor shall be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed per UL916, Canadian Standards Association(CSA) listed per CSA C22.2 No. 205-12.3.2 Sensor shall have a digital interface to the SR driver that meets UL Class 2 requirements.3.3 Sensor shall comply with applicable requirements of the Federal Communications Commission(FCC) rules and regulations, Title 47 CFR part 15, for Non-Consumer equipment.3.4 Sensor shall meet requirements in California Title 20.3.5 Sensor shall listed in the Design Lights Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List (QPL) forNetworked Lighting Controls (NLC).3.6 Sensor shall be RoHS compliant.3.7 Sensor shall not contain any Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB).Section IV - Other4.1 Sensor shall be manufactured in a factory certified to ISO 9001 Quality System Standards.4.2 Sensor shall carry a five-year limited warranty from date of manufacture against defects in materialor workmanship, including replacement, for operation at a maximum case temperature of 55C (Go to our web site for up-to-date warranty information:/connect/tools_literature/warranties.wpd).4.3 Manufacturer shall have a 20-year history of producing lighting electronics for the North Americanmarket.4.4 Sensor shall be Philips Part # SNS200 or approved equal.。
天平和秤 商业秤和医用秤 工业秤,台秤,牲畜秤,汽车衡,轨道衡
机械: 包装秤 分拣秤 运输和起重设备
过程称重: 料罐、料斗、反应釜称重 配料 工程、自动化和过程控制
Uticell具有人员、装配和技术优势,保证了在对产品质量苛刻要求的前提下,不断更新生产设备,包括高精度 机械设备和电子设备,检定设备和试验设备。
极具价格优势的原因: 持续投资,提高成本效益 大规模生产 生产装配线的合理布局
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每件产品均在不同负荷条件和不同温度条件 进行测试 网络仪表可以对温度系数、零点、灵敏度补 偿进行自动计算,从而保障产品的全程跟踪
公司总部位于巴塞罗那,在多个国家拥有代表处,销售网 络遍布世界各地,把我们的产品提供给3000余个客户。
水位传感器 HydroRanger 200 产品介绍说明书
Making our experience work for you.All of your favorite features in one easy-to-use package. You want it, we've got it:Easy setup • P rogrammable in under a minute with a Human Machine Interface (HMI) featuring local four-button programming and Quick Start Wizards.•Enclosure with a protected wiring compo nent and removable terminal blocks.Advanced software • A s always, we deliver Sonic Intelligence, our patented echo processing technology for ultrasonic level measurement.• A dvanced algorithms provide intelligent processing of echo profiles. The result: repeatable, fast, and consistent measurement you can trust.Compatibility and connectivity• A range of communications options including PROFIBUS DPV1.• C ompatible with Siemens Echomax ultrasonic non-contacting transducers – impervious to dust, moisture, vibrations, flood-ing, and high temperatures.• S iemens transducers have active faces to reduce material buildup and maintenance – an ideal fit for a wide range of in-dustries. Pair with a submergence shield for the ability to sense flooding or overfill conditions.Cost savings and improved safety • I nstall the new HydroRanger 200 and operations are immedi-ately more cost-effective: inventory monitoring is always pre-cise, processes can be easily controlled, and expensive spill cleanups can be avoided.• A reliable ultrasonic level controller reduces the need to send operators to the application for maintenance. Keep workers out of hazardous situations and you reduce the chance of acci-dents and the consequences to your company.Since the early 1970s, Siemens has been your partner in ultrasonic level measurement. This experience matters. We understand the process measurement needs of the industries that rely on us – and we put that knowledge to work indeveloping the HydroRanger 200 ultrasonic level controller.3Measuring everything that matters: /piSiemens Process Instrumentation offers best-in-class measurement and seamless integration into your automation system. We are the total solution provider for flow, level, pressure, temperature, weighing, positioners and more.。
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Utilcell_katalog_1_KVETEN 18.05.2004 18:58 Stránka 12
Snímaãe síly - plo‰inové Load cells - platform
Model 200
2 kg ... 30 kg
Model Model Jmenovitá váÏivost Nominal capacity
Tfiída pfiesnosti Accuracy class
n OIML 200 2 kg 3 kg 5 kg 2 kg 3 kg 150 x 150 150 x 150 250 x 250 300 x 300 400 x 300 400 x 300 400 x 300 400 x 300
Rozmûry v mm. / Dimensions in mm.
Hmotnost / Weight: 2,3 kg
200 200 5 kg 200 7,5 kg 7,5 kg 10 kg 15 kg 20 kg 30 kg
200 200 200 200 10 kg 15 kg 20 kg 30 kg
• Dvojit˘ ohybov˘ snímaã • Mûfiící prvek z berylium – mûdûné slitiny
• Vynikající linearita a hystereze
• Double bending beam load cell • Measuring element from Beryllium -Copper alloy
• Outstanding linearity and hysteresis • Vysok{ odolnost proti únavû materi{lu a n{razÛm • Viskózní tlumení vhodné pro dynamické v{Ïení kr{tk{ doba ust{le - ní, vy‰‰í v{Ïící rychlost, zv˘‰en{ Ïivotnost snímaãe • Nerezové pouzdro, krytí IP 65 (EN 60529)
• Jednobodov˘ snímaã,vysok{ pfiesnost s excentrick˘m zatíÏením • ·estivodiãové zapojen í
• Viscous damping specially for use in dynamic weighing applicati - ons. Faster settling time. Higher weighing speeds. Increase load cell life.
• Stainless -steel housing • Protected against humidity IP 65 (EN 60529)
• Single point load cell. High accu racy with off-center loads • 6 wire (sense) electrical connection
• Integrovan{ stfiedov{ ochrana proti pfietíÏení
• Integrated on -center overload protection Elektrické zapojení Electrical connection
Technická data
Jmenovitá zátûÏ Tfiída pfie snosti Minimální mrtvá hmotnost Pracovní zatíÏení
Limit bezpeãného zatíÏení Celková chyba
Chyba opakovatelnosti Teplotní drift: na nule
na známé hodnotû Chyba teãení ( 30 minut ) Jmenovit˘ teplotní rozsah Limitní teplotní rozsah Jmenovitá citlivost (Sn) Jmenovité napájecí napûtí Maximální napájecí napûtí Vstupní impedance V˘stupní impedance
Tolerance v˘stupu na nule Izolaãní odpor 2 - 30
0,05 0 150 200 kg % % Ln % Ln (1) % Ln (1) % Sn (2) % Sn Nominal capacities (Ln) Accuracy class
Minimum dead load Service load Safe load limit Total error
Repeatability error Temperature effect: on zero
+sense + in modrá / blue zelená / green
+ out rudá / red <Ϯ 0,05 <Ϯ 0,015 - in - sense
ãerná / black Ïlutá / yellow
<Ϯ 0,04 <Ϯ 0,02 <Ϯ 0,035 -10...+40 -20...+50 2Ϯ 10% 10 % Sn/5K % Sn/5K % Sn °C °C mV/V V on sesitivity
- out stínûní / shield
bílá / white Creep error (30 minutes ) Temperature compensation Temparature limits Nominal sensitivy (Sn) Nominal input voltage Maximum input voltage Imput impedance Output impedance No load output
Sense: 2 pfiívody k udrÏení konst. nap{jecího napûtí sní-
maãe s pouÏitím vhodného el. zafiízení, zvl{‰tû u dlouhé- ho vedení a ‰irokého teplotního rozsahu.
Stínûní: Není spojeno s tûlem snímaãe. Senses: 2 additional wires to maintain a constant voltage supply at the load cell when used with proper instrumen- tation. Use specially when long wires and wide tenperatu- re range.
15 400Ϯ 20 V ⍀ Shield: Not connected to transducer body. 350Ϯ 3 ⍀ (1) (2) (1) Pouze u stfiedového zatíÏení na sním aãi Celková chyba bez linearity a hystereze
Only central loads on the load cell. Not for off-center
<Ϯ 2 % Sn M ⍀ mm
> 5000 0,2 – 0,4
Insulation resistance
Maximum deflection (at Ln)
Maximální ohyb ( na Ln)
(2) Total error: Non Linearity and
– 12 –。