Session-Key Generation using Human Passwords Only
cas session共享原理
cas session共享原理
CAS(Central Authentication Service)是一种单点登录协议,它允许用户一次登录就可以访问多个不同的应用程序。
CAS session
首先,CAS session共享的原理涉及到认证。
其次,CAS session共享的原理还涉及到授权。
份得到验证,CAS服务器会向客户端应用程序颁发一个授权令牌(service ticket),客户端应用程序可以使用该令牌来获取用户
总的来说,CAS session共享的原理主要是通过统一的认证和授权机制,实现了用户在多个应用程序之间的身份信息共享和单点登录。
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Response.Write("You have viewed " & Session("PageViewed") & " pages")
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Smooth Projective Hashing and Two-Message Oblivious Transfer
Smooth Projective Hashing and Two-MessageOblivious TransferYael Tauman KalaiMassachusetts Institute of Technologytauman@,/∼taumanAbstract.We present a general framework for constructing two-messageoblivious transfer protocols using a modification of Cramer and Shoup’snotion of smooth projective hashing(2002).Our framework is actuallyan abstraction of the two-message oblivious transfer protocols of Naorand Pinkas(2001)and Aiello,whose security is based onthe Decisional Diffie Hellman Assumption.In particular,this frameworkgives rise to two new oblivious transfer protocols.The security of oneis based on the N’th-Residuosity Assumption,and the security of theother is based on both the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption and theExtended Riemann Hypothesis.When using smooth projective hashing in this context,we must dealwith maliciously chosen smooth projective hash families.This raises newtechnical difficulties that did not arise in previous applications,and inparticular it is here that the Extended Riemann Hypothesis comes intoplay.Similar to the previous two-message protocols for oblivious transfer,ourconstructions give a security guarantee which is weaker than the tradi-tional,simulation based,definition of security.Nevertheless,the securitynotion that we consider is nontrivial and seems to be meaningful forsome applications in which oblivious transfer is used in the presence ofmalicious adversaries.1IntroductionIn[CS98],Cramer and Shoup introduced thefirst CCA2secure encryption scheme,whose security is based on the Decisional Diffie Hellman(DDH)As-sumption.They later presented an abstraction of this scheme based on a new notion which they called“smooth projective hashing”[CS02].This abstrac-tion yielded new CCA2secure encryption schemes whose security is based on the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption or on the N’th Residuosity Assumption [Pa99].1This notion of smooth projective hashing was then used by Genarro Supported in part by NSF CyberTrust grant CNS-04304501The N’th Residuosity Assumption is also referred to in the literature as the Deci-sional Composite Residuosity Assumption and as Paillier’s Assumption.and Lindell[GL03]in the context of key generation from humanly memoriz-able passwords.Analogously,their work generalizes an earlier protocol for this problem[KOY01],whose security is also based on the DDH Assumption.In this paper,we use smooth projective hashing to construct efficient two-message oblivious transfer protocols.Our work follows the above pattern,in that it generalizes earlier protocols for this problem[NP01,AIR01]whose security is based on the DDH assumption.Interestingly,using smooth projective hashing in this context raises a new issue.Specifically,we must deal with maliciously chosen smooth projective hash families.This issue did not arise in the previous two applications because these were either in the public key model or in the common reference string model.1.1Oblivious TransferOblivious transfer is a protocol between a sender,holding two stringsγ0and γ1,and a receiver holding a choice bit b.At the end of the protocol the receiver should learn the string of his choice(i.e.,γb)but learn nothing about the other string.The sender,on the other hand,should learn nothing about the receiver’s choice b.Oblivious transfer,first introduced by Rabin[Rab81],is a central primitive in modern cryptography.It serves as the basis of a wide range of cryptographic tasks.Most notably,any secure multi-party computation can be based on a secure oblivious transfer protocol[Y86,GMW87,Kil88].Oblivious transfer has been studied in several variants,all of which have been shown to be equivalent. The variant considered in this paper is the one by Even,Goldreich and Lempel [EGL85](a.k.a.1-out-of-2oblivious transfer),shown to be equivalent to Rabin’s original definition by Cr´e peau[Cre87].The study of oblivious transfer has been motivated by both theoretical and practical considerations.On the theoretical side,much work has been devoted to the understanding of the hardness assumptions required to guarantee obliv-ious transfer.In this context,it is important to note that known construc-tions for oblivious transfer are based on relatively strong computational as-sumptions–either specific assumptions such as factoring or Diffie Hellman (cf.[Rab81,BM89,NP01,AIR01])or generic assumption such as the existence of enhanced trapdoor permutations(cf.[EGL85,Gol04,Hai04]).Unfortunately, oblivious transfer cannot be reduced in a black box manner to presumably weaker primitives such as one-way functions[IR89].On the practical side,research has been motivated by the fact oblivious transfer is considered to be the main bottle-neck with respect to the amount of computation required by secure multiparty protocols.This makes the construction of efficient protocols for oblivious transfer a well-motivated task.In particular,constructing round-efficient oblivious transfer protocols is an important task.Indeed,[NP01](in Protocol4.1)and[AIR01]independently constructed a two-message(1-round)oblivious transfer protocol based on the DDH Assumption(with weaker security guarantees than the simulation based security).Their work was the starting point of our work.1.2Smooth Projective HashingSmooth projective hashing is a beautiful notion introduced by Cramer and Shoup [CS02].To define this notion they rely on the existence of a set X(actually a distribution on sets),and an underlying N P-language L⊆X(with an associ-ated N P-relation R).The basic hardness assumption is that it is infeasible to distinguish between a random element in L and a random element in X\L.This is called a hard subset membership problem.A smooth projective hash family is a family of hash functions that operate on the set X.Each function in the family has two keys associated with it:a hash key k,and a projection keyα(k).Thefirst requirement(which is the standard requirement of a hash family)is that given a hash key k and an element x in the domain X,one can compute H k(x).There are two additional requirements: the“projection requirement”and the“smoothness requirement.”The“projection requirement”is that given a projection keyα(k)and an element in x∈L,the value of H k(x)is uniquely determined.Moreover,com-puting H k(x)can be done efficiently,given the projection keyα(k)and a pair (x,w)∈R.The“smoothness requirement,”on the other hand,is that given a random projection key s=α(k)and any element in x∈X\L,the value H k(x) is statistically indistinguishable from random.1.3Our resultsWe present a methodology for constructing a two-message oblivious transfer pro-tocol from any(modification of a)smooth projective hash family.In particular, we show how the previously known(DDH based)protocols of[NP01,AIR01]can be viewed as a special case of this methodology.Moreover,we show that this methodology gives rise to two new oblivious transfer protocols;one based on the N’th Residuosity Assumption,and the other based on the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption along with the Extended Riemann Hypothesis.Our protocols,similarly to the protocols of[NP01,AIR01],are not known to be secure according to the traditional simulation based definition.Yet,they have the advantage of providing a certain level of security even against malicious adversaries without having to compromise on efficiency(see Section3for further discussion on the guaranteed level of security).The basic idea.Given a smooth projective hash family for a hard subset mem-bership problem(which generates pairs X,L according to some distribution), consider the following two-message protocol for semi-honest oblivious transfer. Recall that the sender’s input is a pair of stringsγ0,γ1and the receiver’s input is a choice bit b.R→S:Choose a pair X,L(with an associated NP-relation R L)according to the specified distribution.Randomly generate a triplet(x0,x1,w b)where x b∈R L,(x b,w b)∈R L,and x1−b∈R X\L.Send(X,x0,x1).S→R:Choose independently two random keys k0,k1for H and sendα(k0)andα(k1)along with y0=γ0⊕H k0(x0)and y1=γ1⊕H k1(x1).R:Retrieveγb by computing y b⊕H kb (x b),using the witness w b and the pro-jection keyα(k b).The security of the receiver is implied by the hardness of the subset mem-bership problem on X.Specifically,guessing the value of b is equivalent to dis-tinguishing between a random element in L and a random element in X\L. The security of the sender is implied by the smoothness property of the hash family H.Specifically,given a random projection keyα(k)and any element in x∈X\L,the value H k(x)is statistically indistinguishable from random.Thus, the message y1−b gives no information aboutγ1−b(since x1−b∈X\L).Note that the functionality of the protocol is implied by the projection property. Technical difficulty.Notice that when considering malicious receivers,the security of the sender is no longer guaranteed.The reason is that there is no guarantee that the receiver will choose x1−b∈X\L.A malicious receiver might choose x0,x1∈L and learn both values.To overcome this problem,we extend the notion of a hard subset membership problem so that it is possible to verify that at least one of x0,x1belongs to X\L.This should work even if the set X is maliciously chosen by the receiver.It turns out that implementing this extended notion in the context of the DDH assumption is straightforward[NP01,AIR01].Loosely speaking,in this case X is generated by choosing a random prime p,and choosing two random elements g0,g1in Z∗p of some prime order q.The resulting set X is defined by X {(g r00,g r11):r0,r1∈Z q},the corresponding language L is defined by L {(g r0,g r1):r∈Z q},and the witness of each element(g r0,g r1)∈L is its discrete logarithm r.In order to enable the sender to verify that two elements x0,x1are not both in L,we instruct the receiver to generate x0,x1by choosing at random two distinct elements r0,r1∈Z q,setting x b=(g r00,g r01),w b=r0,and x1−b=(g r00,g r11).Notice that x b is uniformly distributed in L,x1−b is uniformly distributed in X\L,and the sender can easily check that it is not the case that both x0and x1are in L by merely checking that they agree on theirfirst coordinate and differ on their second coordinate.Implementing this verifiability property in the context of the N’th Residuos-ity Assumption and the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption is not as easy.This part contains the bulk of technical difficulties of this work.In particular,this is where the Extended Riemann Hypothesis comes into play in the context of Quadratic Residuosity.2Smooth Projective Hash FunctionsOur definition of smooth projective hashing differs from its original definition in [CS02].The main difference(from both[CS02]and[GL03])is in the definition of the smoothness requirement,which we relax to Y-smoothness,and in the definition of a subset membership problem,where we incorporate an additional requirement called Y-verifiability.Notation.The security parameter is denoted by n .For a distribution D ,x ←D denotes the action of choosing x according to D ,and x ∈support (D )means that the distribution D samples the value x with positive probability.We denote by x ∈R S the action of uniformly choosing an element from the set S .For any two random variables X,Y ,we say that X and Y are -close if Dist (X,Y )≤ ,where Dist (X,Y )denotes the statistical difference between X and Y .2We say that the ensembles {X n }n ∈N and {Y n }n ∈N are statistically indistinguishable if there exists a negligible function (·)such that for every n ∈N ,the random variables X n and Y n are (n )-close.3Recall that a function ν:N →N is said to be negligible if for every polynomial p (·)and for every large enough n ,ν(n )<1/p (n ).Hard subset membership problems.A subset membership problem M spec-ifies a collection {I n }n ∈N of distributions,where for every n ,I n is a probability distribution over instance descriptions .Each instance description Λspecifies two finite non-empty sets X,W ⊆{0,1}poly (n ),and an NP-relation R ⊂X ×W ,such that the corresponding language L {x :∃w s.t.(x,w )∈R }is non-empty.For every x ∈X and w ∈W ,if (x,w )∈R ,we say that w is a witness for x .We use the following notation throughout the paper:for any instance description Λwe let X (Λ),W (Λ),R (Λ)and L (Λ)denote the sets specified by Λ.Loosely speaking,subset membership problem M ={I n }n ∈N is said to be hard if for a random instance description Λ←I n ,it is hard to distinguish random members of L (Λ)from random non-members.Definition 1(Hard subset membership problem).Let M ={I n }n ∈N be a subset membership problem as above.We say that M is hard if the ensembles{Λn ,x 0n }n ∈N and {Λn ,x 1n }n ∈N are computationally indistinguishable,where Λn ←I n ,x 0n ∈R L (Λn ),and x 1n ∈R X (Λn )\L (Λn ).4Projective hash family.We next present the notion of a projective hash family with respect to a hard subset membership problem M ={I n }n ∈N .Let H ={H k }k ∈K be a collection of hash functions.K ,referred to as the key space,consists of a set of keys such that for each instance description Λ∈M ,5there is a subset of keys K (Λ)⊆K corresponding to Λ.For every Λand for every k ∈K (Λ),H k is a hash function from X (Λ)to G (Λ),where G (Λ)is some finite non-empty set.We denote by G = Λ∈M G (Λ).We define a projection key function α:K →S ,where S is the space of projection rmally,2Recall that Dist (X,Y ) 1 s ∈S |P r [X =s ]−P r [Y =s ]|,or equivalently,Dist (X,Y ) max S ⊂S |P r [X ∈S ]−P r [Y ∈S ]|,where S is any set that con-tains the support of both X and Y .3For simplicity,throughout this paper we say that two random variables X n and Y n are statistically indistinguishable,meaning that the corresponding distribution ensembles {X n }n ∈N and {Y n }n ∈N are statistically indistinguishable.4Note that this hardness requirement also implies that it is hard to distinguish be-tween a random element x ∈R L (Λ)and a random element x ∈R X (Λ).We will use this fact in the proof of Theorem 1.5We abuse notation and let Λ∈M denote the fact that Λ∈support (I n )for some n .a family(H,K,S,α,G)is a projective hash family for M if for every instance descriptionΛ∈M and for every x∈L(Λ),the projection key s=α(k)uniquely determines H k(x).(We stress that the projection key s=α(k)is only guaranteed to determine H k(x)for x∈L(Λ),and nothing is guaranteed for x∈X(Λ)\L(Λ).) Definition2(Projective hash family).(H,K,S,α,G)is a projective hash family for a subset membership problem M if for every instance description Λ∈M there is a well defined(not necessarily efficient)function f such that for every x∈L(Λ)and every k∈K(Λ),f(x,α(k))=H k(x).Efficient projective hash family.We say that a projective hash family is efficient if there exist polynomial time algorithms for:(1)Sampling a key k∈R K(Λ)givenΛ;(2)Computing a projectionα(k)fromΛand k∈K(Λ);(3) Computing H k(x)fromΛ,k∈K(Λ)and x∈X(Λ);and(4)Computing H k(x) fromΛ,(x,w)∈R(Λ)andα(k),where k∈K(Λ).Notice that this gives two ways to compute H k(x):either by knowing the hash key k,or by knowing the projection keyα(k)and a witness w for x.Y-smooth projective hash family.Let Y be any function from instance de-scriptionsΛ∈M to subsets Y(Λ)⊆X(Λ)\L(Λ).Loosely speaking,a projective hash family for M is Y-smooth if for every instance descriptionΛ=(X,W,R), for every x∈Y(Λ),and for a random k∈R K(Λ),the projection keyα(k) reveals(almost)nothing about H k(x).Definition3(Y-smooth projective hash family).A projective hash family (H,K,S,α,G)for a subset membership problem M is said to be Y-smooth if for every(even maliciously chosen)instance descriptionΛ=(X,W,R)and every x∈Y(Λ),the random variables(α(k),H k(x))and(α(k),g)are statistically indistinguishable,where k∈R K(Λ)and g∈R G(Λ).6A Y-smooth projective hash family thus has the property that a projection of a (random)key enables the computation of H k(x)for x∈L,but gives almost no information about the value of H k(x)for x∈Y(Λ).Remark.This definition of Y-smooth projective hash family differs from the original definition proposed in[CS02]in two ways.First,it requires the smooth-ness property to hold against maliciously chosen instance descriptionsΛ,whereas in[CS02]the smoothness is only with respect toΛ∈M.Second,it requires the smoothness property to hold with respect to every x∈Y,whereas in[CS02]the smoothness condition is required to hold for randomly chosen x∈R X\L.The main reason for our divergence from the original definition in[CS02] is that we need to cope with maliciously chosenΛ.We would like to set Y= X\L(as in[CS02]),and construct a(X\L)-smooth projective hash fam-ily.However,we do not know how to construct such a family,for which the 6We assume throughout this paper,without loss of generality,that a(maliciously chosen)Λhas the same structure as an honestly chosenΛ.smoothness condition holds for every(even maliciously chosen)Λ.7Therefore, we relax our smoothness requirement and require only Y-smoothness,for some Y⊆X\L.In both our constructions of Y-smooth projective hash families, Y(Λ)⊂X(Λ)\L(Λ)for maliciously chosenΛ∈M,and Y(Λ)=X(Λ)\L(Λ)for every honestly chosenΛ∈M.Jumping ahead,the latter will enable the(honest) receiver to choose x b∈R L(Λ),x1−b∈R X(Λ)\L(Λ)such that x1−b is also in Y(Λ).This will enable the(honest)sender to be convinced of its security by checking that either x0or x1is in Y(Λ),and it will enable the(honest)receiver to be convinced that a(dishonest)sender cannot guess the bit b,assuming the underlying subset membership problem is hard.(From now on the reader should think of Y(Λ)as equal to X(Λ)\L(Λ)for everyΛ∈M.)Thus,we need a subset membership problem M such that for every honestly chosenΛ∈M it is easy to sample uniformly from both L(Λ)and X(Λ)\L(Λ). On the other hand,for every(even maliciously chosen)(Λ,x0,x1)it is easy to verify that either x0∈Y(Λ)or x1∈Y(Λ).To this end we define the notion of a“Y-verifiably samplable”subset membership problem.Definition4(Y-verifiably samplable subset membership problem).A subset membership problem M={I n}n∈N is said to be Y-verifiably samplable if the following conditions hold.1.Problem samplability:There exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithmthat on input1n,samples an instanceΛ=(X,W,R)according to I n.2.Member samplability:There exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithmthat on input an instance descriptionΛ=(X,W,R)∈M,outputs an ele-ment x∈L together with its witness w∈W,such that the distribution of x is statistically close to uniform on L.3.Non-member samplability:There exists a probabilistic polynomial-time al-gorithm A that given an instance descriptionΛ=(X,W,R)∈M and an element x0∈X,outputs an element x1=A(Λ,x0),such that if x0∈R L then the distribution of x1is statistically close to uniform on X\L,and if x0∈R X then the distribution of x1is statistically close to uniform on X.4.Y-Verifiability:There exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm B,thatgiven any triplet(Λ,x0,x1),verifies that there exists a bit b such that x b∈Y(Λ).This should hold even ifΛis maliciously chosen.Specifically:–For everyΛand every x0,x1,if both x0∈Y(Λ)and x1∈Y(Λ)then B(Λ,x0,x1)=0.–For every honestly chosenΛ∈M and every x0,x1,if there exists b such that x b∈L(Λ)and x1−b∈support(A(Λ,x b)),then B(Λ,x0,x1)=1.For simplicity,throughout the paper we do not distinguish between uniform and statistically close to uniform distributions.This is inconsequential.7We note that[CS02,GL03]did not deal with maliciously chosenΛ’s,and indeed the smoothness property of their constructions does not hold for maliciously chosenΛ’s.3Security of Oblivious TransferOur definition of oblivious transfer is similar to the ones considered in previous works on oblivious transfer in the Bounded Storage Model[DHRS04,CCM98].A similar(somewhat weaker)definition was also used in[NP01]in the context of their DDH based two message oblivious transfer protocol.In what follows we let viewˆS (ˆS(z),R(b))denote the view of a cheating senderˆS(z)after interacting with R(b).This view consists of its input z,its random coin tosses,and the messages that it received from R(b)during the interaction.Similarly,we let viewˆR (S(γ0,γ1),ˆR(z))denote the view of a cheating ReceiverˆR(z)after interacting with S(γ,γ1).Definition5(Secure implementation of Oblivious Transfer).A two party protocol(S,R)is said to securely implement oblivious transfer if it is a protocol in which both the sender and the receiver are probabilistic polynomial time machines that get as input a security parameter n in unary representation.Moreover,the sender gets as input two stringsγ0,γ1∈{0,1} (n),the receiver gets as input a choice bit b∈{0,1},and the following conditions are satisfied:–Functionality:If the sender and the receiver follow the protocol then for any security parameter n,any two input stringsγ0,γ1∈{0,1} (n),and any bit b,the receiver outputsγb whereas the sender outputs nothing.8–Receiver’s security:For any probabilistic polynomial-time adversaryˆS,exe-cuting the sender’s part,for any security parameter n,and for any auxiliary input z of size polynomial in n,the view thatˆS(z)sees when the receiver tries to obtain thefirst message is computationally indistinguishable from the view it sees when the receiver tries to obtain the second message.That is,{viewˆS (ˆS(z),R(1n,0))}n,z c≡{viewˆS(ˆS(z),R(1n,1))}n,z–Sender’s security:For any deterministic(not necessarily polynomial-time) adversaryˆR,executing the receiver’s part,for any security parameter n,for any auxiliary input z of size polynomial in n,and for anyγ0,γ1∈{0,1} (n), there exists a bit b such that for everyψ∈{0,1} (n),the view ofˆR(z)when interacting with S(1n,γb,ψ),and the view ofˆR(z)when interacting with S(1n,γ0,γ1),are statistically indistinguishable.9That is,{viewˆR (S(1n,γ0,γ1),ˆR(z))}n,γ,γ1,zs≡{viewˆR(S(1n,γb,ψ),ˆR(z))}n,γb,ψ,zNote that Definition5(similarly to the definitions in[DHRS04,NP01])de-parts from the traditional,simulation based,definition in that it handles the security of the sender and of the receiver separately.This results in a some-what weaker security guarantee,with the main drawback being that neither the 8This condition is also referred to as the completeness condition.9We abuse notation by letting S(1n,γb,ψ)denote S(1n,γ0,ψ)if b=0,and letting it denote S(1n,ψ,γ1)if b=1.sender nor the receiver are actually guaranteed to“know”their own input.(This is unavoidable in two message protocols using“standard”techniques).It is easy to show that Definition5implies simulatability for semi honest adversaries(the proof is omitted due to lack of space).More importantly,Defini-tion5also gives meaningful security guarantees in face of malicious participants. In the case of a malicious sender,the guarantee is that the damage incurred by malicious participation is limited to“replacing”the input stringsγ0,γ1with a pair of strings that are somewhat“related”to the receiver’sfirst message(with-out actually learning anything about the receiver’s choice).In the case of a mali-cious receiver,Definition5can be shown to provide exponential time simulation of the receiver’s view of the interaction(similarly to the definition of[NP01]).In particular,the interaction gives no information to an unbounded receiver beyond the value ofγb.(Again,the proof is omitted due to lack of space.)4Constructing2-Round OT ProtocolsLet M={I n}n∈N be a hard subset membership problem which is Y-verifiably samplable,and let(H,K,S,α,G)be a an efficient Y-smooth projective hash family for M.Recall that the Y-verifiably samplable condition of M implies the existence of algorithms A and B as described in Section2.We assume for simplicity that for any n and for anyΛ∈I n,G(Λ)={0,1} (n), and that the two messagesγ0,γ1,to be transferred in the OT protocol,are binary strings of length at most (n).Let n be the security parameter.Let(γ0,γ1)be the input of the sender and let b∈{0,1}be the input of the receiver.R→S:The receiver chooses a random instance descriptionΛ=(X,W,R)←I n.It then samples a random element x b∈R L together with its corre-sponding witness w b,using the member samplability algorithm,and invokes Algorithm A on input(Λ,x b)to obtain a random element x1−b∈X\L.It sends(Λ,x0,x1).S→R:The sender invokes algorithm B on input(Λ,x0,x1)to verify that there exists a bit b such that x1−b∈Y(Λ).If B outputs0then it aborts,and ifB outputs1then it chooses independently at random k0,k1∈R K(Λ),andsendsα(k0)andα(k1)along with y0=γ0⊕H k0(x0)and y1=γ1⊕H k1(x1).R:The receiver retrievesγb by computing y b⊕H kb (x b)using the projectionkeyα(k b)and the pair(x b,w b).We next prove that the above protocol is secure according to Definition5. Intuitively,the receiver’s security follows from the fact that x b is uniformly distributed in L,x1−b is uniformly distributed in X\L,and from the assumption that it is hard to distinguish random L elements from random X\L elements. The sender’s security follows from the assumption that(H,K,S,α,G)is a Y-smooth projective hash family for M,and from the assumption that one of x0 or x1is in Y(Λ)(otherwise,it will be detected by B and the sender will abort).Theorem1.The above2-round OT protocol is secure according Definition5,assuming M is a Y-verifiably samplable hard subset membership problem,and assuming(H,K,S,α,G)is a Y-smooth projective hash family for M.Proof.we start by proving the receiver’s security.Assume for the sake of con-tradiction that there exists a(malicious)probabilistic polynomial-time senderˆS such that for infinitely many n’s there exists a polynomial size auxiliary input z n such thatˆS(z n)can predict(with non-negligible advantage)the choice bit b when interacting with R(1n,b).In what follows,we useˆS(z n)to break the hard-ness of M,by distinguishing between x∈R L and x∈R X.Given an instance descriptionΛ=(X,W,R)←(I n)and an element x∈X:1.Choose at random a bit b and let x b=x2.Apply algorithm A on input(Λ,x b)to obtain an element x1−b.3.FeedˆS(z n)the message(Λ,x0,x1),and obtain its prediction bit b .4.If b =b then predict“x∈R L”and if b =b then predict“x∈R L.”Notice that if x b∈R L thenˆS(z n)will predict the bit b with non-negligible advantage(follows from our contradiction assumption).On the other hand,if x b∈R X then x1−b is also uniformly distributed in X.In this case it is impossible (information theoretically)to predict b.We now turn to prove the sender’s security.LetˆR be any(not necessarily polynomial time)malicious receiver,and for any n∈N,let z n be any polynomial size auxiliary information given toˆR.Let(Λn,x0,x1)be thefirst message sent by ˆR(zn).Our goal is to show that for every n∈N and for everyγ0,γ1∈{0,1} (n),there exists b∈{0,1}such that the random variables viewˆR(S(1n,γ0,γ1),ˆR(z n))and viewˆR (S(1n,γb,ψ),ˆR(z n))are statistically indistinguishable.We assume without loss of generality that either x0∈Y(Λn)or x1∈Y(Λn). If this is not the case,the sender aborts the execution and b can be set to either0 or1.Let b be the bit satisfying x1−b∈Y(Λn).By the Y-smoothness property of the hash family,the random variables(α(k),H k(x1−b))and(α(k),g)are statis-tically indistinguishable,for a random k∈R K(Λn)and a random g∈R G(Λn). This implies that the random variables(α(k),γ1−b⊕H k(x1−b))and(α(k),g) are statistically indistinguishable,which implies that viewˆR(S(1n,γ0,γ1),ˆR(z))and viewˆR(S(1n,γb,ψ),ˆR(z))are statistically indistinguishable.5Constructing Smooth Projective Hash FamiliesWe next present two constructions of Y-smooth projective hash families for hard subset membership problems which are Y-verifiably samplable.One based on the N’th Residuosity Assumption,and the other based on the Quadratic-Residuosity Assumption together with the Extended Reimann Hypothesis.A key vehicle in both constructions is the notion of an( ,Y)-universal projective hash family. Definition6(Universal projective hash families).Let M={I n}n∈N be any hard subset membership problem.A projective hash family(H,K,S,α,G)。
3. 802.11的加密技术——有线等效加密WEP
802.11使用(CRC-32) 校验和算法计算报文的ICV,附加在MSDU后,ICV和MSDU一起被加密保护。CRC-32本身很弱,可以通过bit-flipping attack篡改报文。
人形机器人论文中英文资料对照外文翻译| |在获取信息和感觉器官的非结构化动态环境中,后续的决策和对自身不确定性的控制在很大程度上共存。
K e r s f z d ni ;i au e bl e arn s wi o trn o o a ls y wo d : u z ie t sg tr ;ii a p i a e i n tr s h me wi o t t e r d m r c e mo e a e n W a e s S s h meCo a e t x s n u z d n i i b s d sg au e c e t u a o y h h n o a l d lb s d o tr ’ c e . mp d wi e it g f z y i e t. r h i t a e i a u e s h me ,t d e n’ s s u c i n t v i e h r o n f n n r d mn s f r t r e a u s t e y b s d sg t r c e s i o s t u e Ha h f n to o a o d t s o t mi g o o - a o e s o eu n d v l e ,h n h c n
摘 要 : 随机预 言模 型下 , a 函数被视 为一个完全 随机 的理 想模 型, 在 Hs h 实际应 用中却无法构 造。利用椭 圆曲线上 的双线性对 性 质及 门限秘 密共 享的思想 , 以Wa r的签名 方案为基础 , ts e 设计 了一种无 随机预 言模型 的模 糊身份签名 方案 。与 已 的模 糊签名 有 方案相 比 , 该方案 的构造 没有采用 H s 函教 , a h 避免 了H s 函数返 回值 无随机性 的缺点 ; 系统公开参数 少, a h 且 安全性可规约到计 算
A.SpringB.Struts C.Hibernate D.JSP2、下面是框架的是〔D〕。
A.JSPB.Struts标签库C.Criteria查询 D.Spring3、在三层结构中,Struts2承当的责任是〔D〕。
A.数据的持久化操作 B.实体类的定义C.业务逻辑的描述D.页面的显示与控制转发5、下面信息不在Struts2配置文件中配置的是〔B〕。
A.Ajax B.Action C.Form D.Method7、下面关于Hibernate的说法,错误的选项是〔C〕。
1.PreScan:PreScan 是一个基于物理学的自动驾驶仿真平台,工程师可以通过Matlab 和Simulink 等工具制作和测试算法。
PreScan 可以帮助工程师快速地验证自动驾驶汽车功能的安全性和可靠性。
sessioncreationpolicy 枚举 -回复
sessioncreationpolicy 枚举-回复什么是sessioncreationpolicy 枚举?SessionCreationPolicy 枚举是一组预定义的可能值,用来定义在基于用户认证的会话管理中,何时和如何创建新的会话。
SessionCreationPolicy 枚举定义了以下几个常量值:1. SessionCreationPolicy.ALWAYS:始终创建新会话,无论请求是否具有有效的会话。
2. SessionCreationPolicy.IF_REQUIRED:仅在请求不包含有效会话时创建新会话。
3. SessionCreationPolicy.NEVER:永不创建新会话,只使用现有的会话。
4. SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS:不创建会话,请求不应依赖任何会话状态。
1. SessionCreationPolicy.ALWAYS:当应用程序需要每个请求都具有一个新的会话时,可以使用该枚举常量。
2. SessionCreationPolicy.IF_REQUIRED:当应用程序需要在请求中为非认证用户创建会话时,可以使用该枚举常量。
3. SessionCreationPolicy.NEVER:当应用程序不需要使用会话时,可以使用该枚举常量。
·药师实践·1例鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎继发CRKP血流感染患者药学监护案例报道高志英1陈虹2方洁3(1. 安康市人民医院药学部 安康 725000;上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院2. 呼吸与危重症医学科,3. 药剂科 上海 200025)摘要目的:探讨社区获得性鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎继发CRKP血流感染患者抗感染诊疗策略。
关键词鹦鹉热衣原体重症肺炎宏基因组二代测序中图分类号:R518.1; R952 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-1533(2023)23-0102-05引用本文高志英, 陈虹, 方洁. 1例鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎继发CRKP血流感染患者药学监护案例报道[J]. 上海医药, 2023, 44(23): 102-106.A case report of pharmaceutical care for a patient with CRKP bloodstream infectionsecondary to Chlamydia psittaci pneumoniaGAO Zhiying1, CHEN Hong2, FANG Jie3(1. Department of Pharmacy, Ankang People’s Hospital, Ankang 725000, China; 2. Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,3. Department of Pharmacy, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the anti-infection diagnosis and treatment strategy for a patient with CRKP bloodstream infection secondary to community acquired Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia. Methods: Clinical pharmacists participated in the treatment of the patient and proposed some suggestions on the selection of initial drug administration regimen, adjustment of subsequent treatment regimen, observation of efficacy and monitoring of adverse reactions. Results: According to the change of the patient’s condition, the anti-infective treatment plan was actively adjusted, and the infection of the patient was effectively con trolled without adverse reactions. Conclusion: Clinical pharmacists can give full play to their professional expertise and ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy when participated in the treatment of patients.KEY WORDS Chlamydia psittaci; severe pneumonia; metagenomic next-generation sequencing我国成人社区获得性肺炎(community-acquired pneumonia,CAP)常见病原菌为肺炎支原体和肺炎链球菌[1],鹦鹉热衣原体感染的CAP相对罕见,每年发病率约占1%[2]。
想要了解的事物英语作文Things I Yearn to Understand The world is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of knowledge, both known and unknown. While I find myself fascinated by the vast amount of information we’ve accumulated as a species, I am acutely aware of the vast, uncharted territories of understanding that lie before me. There are several key areas that spark a deep curiosity within me, areas I yearn to explore and grasp with greater clarity. Firstly, I am captivated by the complex workings of the human mind. The brain, a three-pound universe contained within our skulls, is a marvel of intricate networks and electrochemical signals that give rise to consciousness, emotion, and behavior. How do neurons fire in symphony to create our perceptions of the world? What are the mechanisms behind memory formation and retrieval? How does our unique blend of genetics and environment shape our personalities and predispositions? Unraveling the mysteries of the mind holds the key to understanding the very essence of what makes us human. The vast universe, with its swirling galaxies, enigmatic black holes, and the tantalizing possibility of life beyond Earth, also ignites my imagination. I long to understand the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos, from the delicate dance of subatomic particles to the majestic movements of celestial bodies. What is the true natureof dark matter and dark energy, the unseen forces shaping the universe's evolution? Are we alone in this vast cosmic expanse, or does life, in all its wondrous forms, exist elsewhere? The pursuit of answers to these questions is a quest to understand our place in the grand scheme of existence. Closer to home, the interconnected web of life on our planet fascinates me. The intricate ecosystems teeming with biodiversity, the delicate balance of predator and prey, theintricate cycles of energy and nutrients - these are all testament to the awe-inspiring power of evolution and adaptation. I yearn to understand the complex interactions within these ecosystems, the delicate balance that sustains them, and the impact of human activities on this delicate web. Understanding these complexities is crucial for our responsible stewardship of the planet and the preservation of its irreplaceable biodiversity. Furthermore, I am drawn to the intricacies of human history and its impact on our present reality. From the rise and fall of civilizations to the struggles for freedom and equality, historyoffers a lens through which we can examine the triumphs and failures of humankind.I crave a deeper understanding of the forces that have shaped our social,political, and economic systems, the ideologies that have fueled conflicts and cooperation, and the enduring legacies of past events. By studying history, wecan learn from our ancestors' mistakes and successes, equipping ourselves to navigate the challenges of the present and build a better future. The ever-evolving world of technology, with its rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration, also holds a powerful allure.I am driven to understand the principles behind these innovations, their potential to address global challenges, and the ethical implications that accompany them. How can we harness the power of artificial intelligence for the betterment of society while mitigating potential risks? What are the ethical considerations surrounding genetic engineering and its impact on future generations? How can space exploration contribute to scientific advancements and inspire future generations? Exploring these frontiers of technology is essential for shaping a future where innovation serves humanity and the planet. Finally, I yearn to understand the very essence of creativity and its power to inspire, challenge, and transform. From the evocative brushstrokes of a painter to the soaring melodiesof a composer, creativity speaks a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries. What are the cognitive processes that underpin artistic expression? How does creativity foster innovation and problem-solving across disciplines? How can we nurture and cultivate our own creative potential to contribute to the world in meaningful ways? Understanding the nature of creativity is key to unlockingour own potential and enriching the human experience. In conclusion, the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey, an insatiable thirst for understanding that fuels my curiosity and motivates my exploration. From the inner workings of the human mind to the vast expanses of the cosmos, from the intricate web of life on Earth to the enduring legacies of human history, from the frontiers of technology to the power of creative expression - these are the areas I yearn to understand with greater depth and clarity. This quest for knowledge is not merely an academic pursuit but a fundamental aspect of what makes us human - the desire to learn, grow, and contribute to the betterment of ourselves and the world around us.。
写作业在书桌上练芭蕾英语Certainly! Here's a content generation for the title "Doing Homework at the Desk and Practicing Ballet in English":Balancing Academics and Ballet: A Student's RoutineAs the sun sets, the room fills with a soft, warm glow, casting long shadows across the polished wooden desk. A stack of textbooks and notebooks are neatly arranged, awaiting the evening's study session. This is the desk where academic pursuits are met with artistic expression, a place where the mind and body find harmony.Setting Up the Study SpaceFirst, the desk is cleared of any distractions. The laptop is opened to the necessary online resources, and a planner is laid out to map out the evening's tasks. The desk lamp is adjusted to provide just the right amount of light, creating a focused atmosphere conducive to learning.The Homework RitualThe homework begins with a review of the day's lessons. Notes are revisited, and key concepts are highlighted. As the mind absorbs information, the fingers tap lightly on the desk,keeping time with an internal rhythm. This rhythm is a subtle reminder of the ballet practice that will follow.Transitioning to Ballet PracticeOnce the homework is complete, the desk is transformed. A small, portable ballet barre is set up, and a yoga mat is unrolled. The room is now a studio, and the student is readyto dance.Ballet Vocabulary in English"Plié", "Tendu", "Relevé", "Pas de Bourrée" - these arejust a few of the French terms that are fundamental to ballet. However, practicing ballet in English also means learning the equivalent terms in the language of study. This not only enhances the ballet practice but also reinforces the language skills.Combining Discipline and CreativityThe practice begins with basic exercises, each movement executed with precision. The student's focus is sharp, justas it was during the homework session. The disciplinerequired for academic success is mirrored in the dedicationto ballet.Reflection and IntegrationAs the ballet practice concludes, the student takes a momentto reflect on the evening's achievements. The physicalexertion of ballet complements the mental effort of homework, creating a balanced and productive routine.Closing the SessionFinally, the desk is returned to its original state, the ballet equipment is stored away, and the student prepares for the next day's challenges. The desk and the ballet practice area coexist, a testament to the student's ability to balance different aspects of life.This content illustrates a student's evening routine that integrates academic work with ballet practice, highlighting the importance of discipline, creativity, and the use of English in both contexts.。
f eyt h o e i eetoe, no igdf rn ih,emiaigu ue gt t srS c ryaayi adcmpr o eut so a ti r l co s f rn l ejyn ieet g ttr nt n sdl ima ue eui n ls n o ai nrsl h wt ths e o df r s f r n e i e t s s s h
家和 学 者 提 出 了一 系列 有 关 身份 认 证 的有 效 方案 18 年 , 91 L m ot 出一 种基 于 密 码 表 的 用 户认 证 方 案 …, 可 以抵 抗 a p r提 其 重 放 攻 击 ,但 是 , 当存 储 在 主机 的 口 令遭 到 攻 击 , 方 案将 无
[ src]U e uh niainshmei amehns ihalws evr oietyaue. rp sdabo tc—ae sr uhniБайду номын сангаас o Abtat sr te t t c e caim whc l sre ni srPo oe imer sbsdue tet t n a c o s o a t d t i a ci
文献 标识码: A
中图 分类号; P9 T 33
基 于 生物 特征 的可 变 角 色用 户认证 机 制
刘雪艳,张 强
( 西北师范大学数学与信息科学学院,兰州 70 7 ) 30 0
要: 用户身份认证方案是一种利用服 务器验证用户身份是否真实的 一 种机制 , 基于生物特征 的采用智能 的认证机制未考虑用户的角 次注册 、可 自由选择合适 角色 、享受不同权 限和终止 闲置合法用户等功能。安全分析和比较结果表明 ,该方案是一种 更为有效和安全的
Session key exchange key
专利名称:Session key exchange key发明人:Scott A Konersmann,Patrick J Helland申请号:US10824161申请日:20040414公开号:US07376972B2公开日:20080520专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system and method for employing a key exchange key to facilitate secure communication is provided. The key exchange key can be employed, for example, to encrypt and/or decrypt dialog session key(s) that are used to encrypt and/or decrypt message(s) that form a dialog between an initiator system and target system. In oneexample, a key exchange key is unique to a service pair, while a dialog session key is unique to a particular dialog between the service pair. The system can facilitate end-to-end encryption of message data in a dialog—the message data is encrypted at one dialog endpoint and not decrypted until it reaches the other dialog endpoint. The system can be employed to facilitate secure dialog with minimal performance overhead when compared with conventional system(s). Optionally, the system can facilitate load balancing (e.g., among deployed instances of a service). In this example, secured dialogs to a service can be location transparent so that a dialog targeted to a service can be able to talk to any instance of the same service transparently without any additional security setup. The system employs both public key/private key asymmetric encryption technique(s) and symmetric encryption technique(s) to authenticate and secure information exchanged between an initiator system and a target system.申请人:Scott A Konersmann,Patrick J Helland地址:Sammamish WA US,Bellevue WA US国籍:US,US代理机构:Amin, Turocy & Calvin, LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
中国井矿盐CHINA WELL AND ROCK SALT加掌大萨斯克彻温盆池钾盐fi n r 床池质特征及勘查路径李海庆(江苏长江地质勘查院,江苏南京221〇47)摘要:加拿大萨斯克彻温盆地是世界上最大的固体钟盐成矿带,该盆地钟盐矿矿体虽较为稳定、连续,但几乎所有的勘查区都或多或少仍存在“凹陷”、“隆起”等破坏性构造,这对前期勘查投入及后期开发都将产生较大的风险。
总 结该钾盐盆地矿床地质特征,并提出物探先行、钻孔验证,逐步加密、循序渐进的综合勘查路径。
关键词:萨斯克彻温盆地;钾盐矿;矿床特征;凹陷;隆起;勘查路径中图分类号:TS32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0335(2018)03-0014-04Deposit Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Paths of the Potassium SaltMine in the Saskatchewan Basin in CanadaLi Haiqing(Jiangsu Changjiang Geological Survey Institute, N anjing,Jiangsu, 22104^Abstract: The Saskatchewan Basin in Canada is the world 5s largest solid potassium mineralization belt. Although the ore bodyof potash in this basin is relatively stable and continuous, almost all the exploration areas still have some destructive structures, such as "sag" and "uprise", which will have great risk to the early exploration investment and later development. This paper summarizes the geological characteristics of the deposit in the potassium salt basin, and puts forward the comprehensive exploration path of geophysical prospecting, drilling verification, gradual encryption and gradual progress.Key words: Saskatchewan Basin, potassium salt mine, deposit characteristics, sag, uprise, prospecting path第49卷 Vol.49i 概论萨斯克彻温(Saskatchew an )盆地,是世界最大 的钾盐矿成矿带和全球最大的固体钾盐矿床集中 区,储量占世界总量的53%,每年的钾盐矿出口量 和产量都占据世界钾矿出产量的1/3以上。
ble session key 生成方法
二、BLE会话密钥生成方法的定义1. BLE是指蓝牙低能耗技术,它是一种短距离无线通信技术,对于BLE通信中的会话密钥生成,其目的是为了确保通信的安全性。
2. BLE会话密钥生成方法是指在BLE通信中,通过特定的算法生成用于加密和解密的会话密钥,从而保障通信的安全和隐私性。
三、BLE会话密钥生成方法的实现原理1. 连接参数交换: 在BLE通信开始时,中央设备和外围设备会进行连接参数交换,其中包含了用于加密通信的会话密钥的生成所需的一些参数。
2. 随机数生成: 中央设备和外围设备各自生成一个随机数,并将其作为输入,用于后续的密钥生成计算。
3. ECDH密钥协商算法: 中央设备和外围设备利用椭圆曲线Diffie-Hellman(ECDH)密钥协商算法,基于各自的私钥和对方的公钥生成共享的会话密钥。
4. 会话密钥确认: 中央设备和外围设备通过一系列验证步骤,确认生成的会话密钥的正确性和安全性。
5. 会话密钥更新: 在BLE通信过程中,会话密钥可能需要定期更新,以确保通信的安全性和可靠性。
四、BLE会话密钥生成方法的安全性分析1. 随机性: 会话密钥生成过程中的随机数生成是基于真随机数或伪随机数算法的,从而保证了会话密钥的随机性和不可预测性。
2. 计算复杂性: 利用ECDH密钥协商算法生成会话密钥涉及到椭圆曲线运算,计算复杂度很高,使得攻击者难以通过穷举搜索或其他计算方法来破解会话密钥。
3. 安全性验证: 会话密钥生成方法中包含了多轮的验证步骤,用于确认会话密钥的正确性和安全性,从而保证了通信的安全性和可靠性。
五、BLE会话密钥生成方法的实际应用1. 低功耗、安全的通信: BLE会话密钥生成方法被广泛应用于蓝牙低能耗设备之间的通信中,保障了通信的安全性和隐私性。
处死IT难题“人狼”IBM大型电脑之父佛瑞德•布鲁克斯(Fred Brooks)在1986年撰写了著名的论文《没有银弹》,文中指出,“没有任何一种单纯的技术或管理上的进展,能够独立地承诺十年内使生产率、可靠性或简洁性获得数量级上的进步”。
三、研究内容和方法本研究的主要内容包括以下三个方面:1. 变色龙哈希函数的设计及实现本研究将设计并实现基于变色龙思想的哈希函数。
2. 安全性分析及实验验证本研究将对设计的变色龙哈希函数进行安全性分析。
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Session-Key Generation using Human PasswordsOnlyOded Goldreich and Yehuda LindellDepartment of Computer Science and Applied Math,Weizmann Institute of Science,Rehovot,Israel.{oded,lindell} present session-key generation protocols in a model wherethe legitimate parties share only a human-memorizable password.Thesecurity guarantee holds with respect to probabilistic polynomial-timeadversaries that control the communication channel(between the par-ties),and may omit,insert and modify messages at their choice.Looselyspeaking,the effect of such an adversary that attacks an execution of ourprotocol is comparable to an attack in which an adversary is only allowedto make a constant number of queries of the form“is w the password ofParty A”.We stress that the result holds also in case the passwords areselected at random from a small dictionary so that it is feasible(for theadversary)to scan the entire directory.We note that prior to our result,it was not clear whether or not such protocols were attainable withoutthe use of random oracles or additional setup assumptions.1IntroductionThis work deals with the oldest and probably most important problem of cryp-tography:enabling private and reliable communication among parties that use a public communication channel.Loosely speaking,privacy means that nobody besides the legitimate communicators may learn the data communicated,and reliability means that nobody may modify the contents of the data communi-cated(without the receiver detecting this fact).Needless to say,a vast amount of research has been invested in this problem.Our contribution refers to a difficult and yet natural setting of two parameters of the problem:the adversaries and the initial set-up.We consider only probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries.Still even within this framework,an important distinction refers to the type of adversaries one wishes to protect against:passive adversaries only eavesdrop the channel,whereas active adversaries may also omit,insert and modify messages sent over the chan-nel.Clearly,reliability is a problem only with respect to active adversaries(and holds by definition w.r.t passive adversaries).We focus on active adversaries.The second parameter mentioned above is the initial set-up assumptions. Some assumption of this form must exist or else there is no difference between Supported by the MINERVA Foundation,Germany.the legitimate communicators,called Alice and Bob,and the adversary(which may otherwise initiate a conversation with Alice pretending to be Bob).We list some popular initial set-up assumptions and briefly discuss what is known about them.Public-key infrastructure:Here one assumes that each party has generateda secret-key and deposited a corresponding public-key with some trustedserver(s).The latter server(s)may be accessed at any time by any user.It is easy to establish private and reliable communication in this model (cf.[15,33]).(However,even in this case,one may want to establish“ses-sion keys”as discussed below.)Shared(high-quality)secret keys:By high-quality keys we mean strings coming from distributions of high min-entropy(e.g.,uniformly chosen56-bit(or rather192-bit)long strings,uniformly chosen1024-bit primes,etc).Furthermore,these keys are selected by a suitable program,and cannot be memorized by humans.In case a pair of parties shares such a key,they can conduct private and reliable communication(cf.,[9,36,19,4]).Shared(low-quality)secret passwords:In contrast to high-quality keys, passwords are strings that may be easily selected,memorized and typed-in by humans.An illustrating(and simplified)example is the case in which the password is selected uniformly from a relatively small dictionary;that is,the password is uniformly distributed in D⊂{0,1}n,where|D|=poly(n).Note that using such a password in the role of a cryptographic key(in schemes as mentioned above)will yield a totally insecure scheme.A more significant observation is that the adversary may try to guess the password,and initiate a conversation with Alice pretending to be Bob and using the guessed password.So nothing can prevent the adversary from successfully impersonating Bob with probability1/|D|.But can we limit the adversary’s success to about this much?The latter question is the focus of this paper.Session-keys:The problem of establishing private and reliable communication is commonly reduced to the problem of generating a secure session-key(a.k.a “authenticated key exchange”).Loosely speaking,one seeks a protocol by which Alice and Bob may agree on a key(to be used throughout the rest of the current communication session)so that this key will remain unknown to the adversary.1 Of course,the adversary may prevent such agreement(by simply blocking all communication),but this will be detected by either Alice or Bob.1We stress that many famous key-exchange protocols,such as the one of Diffie and Hellman[15],refer to a passive adversary.In contrast,this paper refers to active adversaries.1.1What security may be achieved based on passwordsLet us consider the related(although seemingly easier)task of mutual authenti-cation.Here Alice and Bob merely want to establish that they are talking to one another.Repeating an observation made above,we note that if the adversary initiates m≤|D|instances of the mutual authentication protocol,guessing a dif-ferent password in each of them,then with probability m/|D|it will succeed in impersonating Alice to Bob(and furthermorefind the password).The question posed above is rephrased here as follows:Can one construct a password-based scheme in which the success probabil-ity of any probabilistic polynomial-time impersonation attack is bounded by O(m/|D|)+µ(n),where m is the number of sessions initiated by the adversary,andµ(n)is a negligible function in the security parameter n? We resolve the above question in the affirmative.That is,assuming the existence of trapdoor one-way permutations,we prove that schemes as above do exist (for any D and specifically for|D|=poly(n)).Our proof is constructive.We actually provide a protocol of comparable security for the more demanding goal of authenticated session-key generation.Password-based authenticated session-key generation:Our definition for the task of authenticated session-key generation is based on the simulation paradigm. That is,we require that a secure protocol emulates an ideal execution of a session-key generation protocol(cf.[1,29,12]).In such an ideal execution,a trusted third party hands identical,uniformly distributed session-keys to the honest parties.The only power given to the adversary in this ideal model is to prevent the trusted party from handing keys to one of both parties.(We stress that,in this ideal model,the adversary learns nothing of the parties’joint password or output session-key).Next,we consider a real execution of a protocol(where there is no trusted party and the adversary has full control over the communication channel between the honest parties).In general,a protocol is said to be secure if real-model ad-versaries can be emulated in the ideal-model such that the output distributions are computationally indistinguishable.Since in a password-only setting the ad-versary can always succeed with probability1/|D|,it is impossible to achieve computational indistinguishability between the real model and above-described ideal model(where the adversary has zero probability of success).Therefore,in the context of a password-only setting,an authenticated session-key generation protocol is said to be secure if the above-mentioned ideal-model emulation re-sults in an output distribution that can be distinguished from a real execution by(a gap of)at most O(1/|D|)+µ(n).Main result(informally stated):Assuming the existence of trapdoor one-way permutations,there exists a secure authenticated session-key generation protocol in the password-only setting.The above(informal)definition implies the intuitive properties of authenticated session-key generation(e.g.,security of the generated session-key and of the ini-tial password).In particular,the output session-key can be distinguished from a random key by(a gap of)at most O(1/|D|)+µ(n).2Similarly,the distinguishing gap between the parties’joint password and a uniformly distributed element in D is at most O(1/|D|)+µ(n).(As we have mentioned,the fact that the adver-sary can distinguish with gap O(1/|D|)is an inherent limitation of password-based security.)The parties are also guaranteed that,except with probability O(1/|D|)+µ(n),they either end-up with the same session-key or detect that their communication has been tampered with.Our definition also implies addi-tional desirable properties of session-key protocols such as forward secrecy and security in the case of session-key loss(or known-key attacks).Furthermore,our protocol provides improved(i.e.,negligible gap)security in case the adversary only eavesdrops the communication(during the protocol execution).We mention that a suitable level of indistinguishability(of the real and ideal executions)holds when m sessions(referring to the same password)are con-ducted sequentially:in this case the distinguishing gap is O(m/|D|)+µ(n)rather than O(1/|D|)+µ(n)(which again is optimal).This holds also when any(poly-nomial)number of other sessions w.r.t independently distributed passwords are conducted concurrently to the above m sessions.Caveat:Our protocol is proven secure only when assuming that the same pair of parties(using the same password)does not conduct several concurrent ex-ecutions of the protocol.We stress that concurrent sessions of other pairs of parties(or of the same pair using a different password),are allowed.See further discussion in Sections1.4and2.5.1.2Comparison to prior workThe design of secure mutual authentication and key-exchange protocols is a ma-jor effort of the applied cryptography community.In particular,much effort has been directed towards the design of password-based schemes that should with-stand active attacks.3An important restricted case of the mutual authentication 2This implies that when using the session-key as a key to a MAC,the probability that the adversary can generate a valid MAC-tag to a message not sent by the legitimate party is small(i.e.,O(1/|D|)).Likewise,when using the session-key for private-key encryption,the adversary learns very little about the encrypted messages:for every partial-information function,the adversary can guess the value of the function applied to the messages with only small(i.e.,O(1/|D|))advantage over the a-priori probability.3A specific focus of this research has been on preventing off-line dictionary attacks.In such an off-line attack,the adversary records its view from past protocol executions and then scans the dictionary for a password consistent with this view.If checking consistency in this way is possible and the dictionary is small,then the adversary can derive the correct password.Clearly,a secure session-key generation protocol (as imformally defined above)withstands any off-line dictionary attack.problem is the asymmetric case in which a human user authenticates himself to a server in order to access some service.The design of secure access control mechanisms based only on passwords is widely recognized as a central problem of computer practice and as such has received much attention.Thefirst protocol suggested for password-based session-key generation was by Bellovin and Merritt[5].This work was very influential and became the basis for much future work in this area[6,34,24,27,31,35].However,these protocols have not been proven secure and their conjectured security is based on mere heuristic arguments.Despite the strong need for secure password-based protocols,the problem was not treated rigorously until quite recently.For a survey of works and techniques related to password authentication,see[28,26](a brief survey can be found in[23]).Afirst rigorous treatment of the access control problem was provided by Halevi and Krawczyk[23].They actually considered an asymmetric hybrid model in which one party(the server)may hold a high-quality key and the other party (the human)may only hold a password.The human is also assumed to have se-cure access to a corresponding public-key of the server(either by reliable access to a reliable server or by keeping a“digest”of that public-key,which they call a public-password).The Halevi–Krawczyk model capitalizes on the asymmetry of the access control setting,and is inapplicable to settings in which communi-cation has to be established between two humans(rather than a human and a server).Furthermore,requiring the human to keep the unmemorizable public-password(although not secretly)is undesirable even in the access control setting. Finally,we stress that the Halevi–Krawczyk model is a hybrid of the“shared-key model”and the“shared-password model”(and so their results don’t apply to the “shared-password model”).Thus,it is of both theoretical and practical interest to answer the original question as posed above(i.e.,without the public-password relaxation):Is it possible to implement a secure access control mechanism(and authenticated key-exchange)based only on passwords?Positive answers to the original problem have been provided in the random oracle model.In this model,all parties are assumed to have oracle access to a totally random(universal)function[3].Secure(password-based)access control schemes in the random oracle model were presented in[2,11].The common interpretation of such results is that security is LIKELY to hold even if the random oracle is replaced by a(“reasonable”)concrete function known explicitly to all parties.We warn that this interpretation is not supported by any sound reasoning.Furthermore,as pointed out in[14],there exist protocols that are secure in the random oracle model but become insecure if the random function is replaced by any specific function(or even a function uniformly selected from any family of functions).To summarize,this paper is thefirst to present session-key generation(as well as mutual authentication)protocols based only on passwords(i.e.,in the shared-password model),using only standard cryptographic assumptions(e.g., the existence of trapdoor one-way permutations,which in turn follows from the intractability assumption regarding integer factorization).We stress that priorto this work it was not clear whether such protocols exist at all(i.e.,outside of the random oracle model).Necessary conditions for mutual authentication:Halevi and Krawczyk[23]proved that mutual-authentication in the shared-password model implies(unauthenti-cated)secret-key exchange,which in turn implies one-way functions.Conse-quently,Boyarsky[10]pointed out that,in the shared-password model,mutual-authentication implies Oblivious Transfer.1.3TechniquesOne central idea underlying our protocol is due to Naor and Pinkas[30].They suggested the following protocol for the case of passive adversaries,using a secure protocol for polynomial evaluation.4In order to generate a session-key,party A first chooses a random linear polynomial Q(·)over a largefield(which contains the dictionary of passwords).Next,A and B execute a secure polynomial evalu-ation in which B obtains Q(w),where w is their joint password.The session-key is then set to equal Q(w).In[10]it was suggested to make the above protocol secure against active ad-versaries,by using non-malleable commitments.This suggestion was re-iterated to us by Moni Naor,and in fact our work grew out of his suggestion.In order to obtain a protocol secure against active adversaries,we augment the abovemen-tioned protocol of[30]by several additional mechanisms.Indeed,we use non-malleable commitments[16],but in addition we also use a specific zero-knowledge proof[32],ordinary commitment schemes[7],a specific pseudorandom generator (of[9,36,8]),and message authentication schemes(MACs).The analysis of the resulting protocol is very complicated,even when the adversary initiates a single session.As explained below,we believe that these complications are unavoidable given the current state-of-art regarding concurrent execution of protocols.Although not explicit in the problem statement,the problem we deal with actually concerns concurrent executions of a protocol.Even in case the adver-sary attacks a single session among two legitimate parties,its ability to modify messages means that it may actually conduct two concurrent executions of the protocol(one with each party).5Concurrent executions of some protocols were analyzed in the past,but these were relatively simple protocols.Although the high-level structure of our protocol can be simply stated in terms of a small number of modules,the currently known implementations of some of these mod-ules are quite complex.Furthermore,these implementations are not known to be secure when two copies are executed concurrently.Thus,at the current state 4In the polynomial evaluation functionality,party A has a polynomial Q(·)over some finitefield and Party B has an element x of thefield.The evaluation is such thatA learns nothing,andB learns Q(x);i.e.,the functionality is defined by(Q,x)→(λ,Q(x)).5Specifically,the adversary may execute the protocol with Alice while claiming to be Bob,concurrently to executing the protocol with Bob while claiming to be Alice, where these two executions refer to the same joint Alice–Bob password.of affairs,the analysis cannot proceed by applying some composition theorems to(two-party)protocols satisfying some concurrent-security properties(because suitable concurrently-secure protocols and composition theorems are currently unknown).Instead,we have to analyze our protocol directly.We do so by reduc-ing the analysis of(two concurrent executions of)our protocol to the analysis of non-concurrent executions of related protocols.Specifically,we show how a successful adversary in the concurrent setting contradicts the security require-ments in the non-concurrent setting.Such“reductions”are performed several times,each time establishing some property of the original protocol.Typically, the property refers to one of the two concurrent executions,and it is shown to hold even if the adversary is given some secrets of the legitimate party in the second execution.This is done by giving these secrets to the adversary,en-abling him to effectively emulate the second execution internally.Thus,only the first execution remains and the relevant property is proven(in this standard non-concurrent setting).See Section4for an illustration of some of these proof techniques.1.4DiscussionWe view our work as a theoretical study of the very possibility of achieving private and reliable communication among parties that share only a secret(low-quality)password and communicate over a channel that is controlled by an active adversary.Our main result is a demonstration of the feasibility of this task.That is,we demonstrate the feasibility of performing session-key generation based only on(low-quality)passwords.Doing so,this work is merely thefirst(rigorous)step in a research project directed towards providing a good solution to this practical problem.We discuss two aspects of this project that require further study. Concurrent executions:Our protocol is proven secure only when the same pair of parties(using the same password)does not conduct several concurrent exe-cutions of the protocol.(We do allow concurrent executions that use different passwords.)Thus,actual use of our protocol requires a mechanism for ensuring that the same password is never used in concurrent executions.A simple mech-anism enforcing the above is to disallow a party to enter an execution with a particular password if less than∆units of time have passed since a previous ex-ecution with the same password.Furthermore,an execution must be completed within∆units of time;that is,if∆time units have elapsed then the execution is suspended.See Section2.5for further details.Indeed,it is desirable not to employ such a timing mechanism,and to prove that security holds also when many executions are conducted concurrently using the same password.Efficiency:It is indeed desirable to have more efficient protocols than the one presented here.Some of our techniques may be useful towards this goal.1.5Independent workIndependently of our work,Katz,Ostrovsky and Yung[25]presented a protocol for session-key generation based on passwords.Their protocol is incomparable to ours.On one hand,their protocol uses a stronger set-up assumption(i.e., public parameters selected by a trusted party),and a seemingly stronger in-tractability assumption(i.e.,the Decisional Diffie-Hellman).On the other hand, their protocol seems practical and is secure in an unrestricted concurrent setting. Recall that the thrust of our work is in demonstrating the feasibility of perform-ing session-key generation based on passwords only(i.e.,without any additional set-up assumptions).2Formal SettingIn this section we present notation and definitions that are specific to our set-ting,culminating in a definition of Authenticated Session-Key Generation.Given these,we state our main result.2.1Basic NotationsTypically,C denotes the channel(probabilistic polynomial-time adversary)via which parties A and B communicate.We adopt the notation of Bellare and Rogaway[4]and model the communication by giving C oracle access to A and B.We stress that,as in[4],these oracles have memory and model parties who participate in a session-key generation protocol.Unlike in[4],when A and B share a single password,C has oracle access to only a single copy of each party. We denote by C A(x),B(y)(σ),an execution of C(with auxiliary inputσ)when it communicates with A and B,holding respective inputs x and y.Channel C’s output from this execution is denoted by output C A(x),B(y)(σ) .The password dictionary is denoted by D⊆{0,1}n,and isfixed for the entire discussion.We let =1.We denote by U n the uniform distribution over strings of length n.For a set S,we denote x∈R S when x is chosen uniformly from S.We use“ppt”as shorthand for probabilistic polynomial time.We denote an unspecified negligible function byµ(n).That is,for every polynomial p(·).For functions f and g(defined and for all sufficiently large n’s,µ(n)<1p(n)over the integers),we denote f≈g if|f(n)−g(n)|<µ(n).Finally,we denote computational indistinguishability by c≡.A security parameter n is often implicit in our notation and discussions.Thus, for example,by the notation D for the dictionary,our intention is actually D n (where D n⊆{0,1}n).Recall that we make no assumptions regarding the size of D n,and in particular it may by polynomial in n.2.2(1− )-indistinguishability and pseudorandomnessExtending the standard definition of computational indistinguishability[22,36], we define the concept of(1− )-indistinguishability.Two ensembles are(1− )-indistinguishable if for every ppt machine,the probability of distinguishing be-tween them(via a single sample)is at most negligibly greater than .(Note that(1− )-indistinguishability is not preserved under multiple samples,but for efficiently constructible ensembles(1− )-indistinguishability implies(1−m )-indistinguishability of sequences of m samples.)Thus,computational indistin-guishability coincides with1-indistinguishability.The formal definition is as fol-lows.Definition1((1− )-indistinguishability):Let :N→[0,1]be a function,and let{X n}n∈N and{Y n}n∈N be probability ensembles,so that for any n the distri-bution X n(resp.,Y n)ranges over strings of length polynomial in n.We say that the ensembles are(1− )-indistinguishable,denoted{X n}n∈N ≡{Y n}n∈N,if for every probabilistic polynomial time distinguisher D,and all auxiliary information z∈{0,1}poly(n)|Pr[D(X n,1n,z)=1]−Pr[D(Y n,1n,z)=1]|< +µ(n)We say that{X n}n∈N is(1− )-pseudorandom if it is(1− )-indistinguishable from {U n}n∈N.The definition of pseudorandom functions[19]is similarly extended to (1− )-pseudorandom functions.2.3Authenticated Session-Key Generation:Definition andDiscussionThe problem of password-based authenticated session-key generation can be cast as a three-party functionality involving honest parties A and B,and an adversary C.Parties A and B should input their joint password and receive identical, uniformly distributed session-keys.On the other hand,the adversary C should have no output(and specifically should not obtain information on the password or output session-key).Furthermore,C should have no power to maliciously influence the outcome of the protocol(and thus,for example,cannot affect the choice of the key or cause the parties to receive different keys).However,recall that in a real execution,C controls the communication line between the(honest) parties.Thus,it can block all communication between A and B,and cause any protocol to fail.This(unavoidable)adversarial capability is modeled in the functionality by letting C input a single bit b indicating whether or not the execution is to be successful.Specifically,if b=1(i.e.,success)then both A and B receive the above-described session-key.On the other hand,if b=0then A receives a session-key,whereas B receives a special abort symbol⊥instead.6We stress that C is given no ability to influence the outcome beyond determining this single bit(i.e.,b).In conclusion,the problem of password-based session-key 6This lack of symmetry in the definition is inherent as it is not possible to guaran-tee that A and B both terminate with the same“success/failure bit”.For sake of simplicity,we(arbitrarily)choose to have A always receive a uniformly distributed session-key and to have B always output⊥when b=0.generation is cast as the following three-party functionality:(w A,w B,b)→ (U n,U n,λ)if b=1and w A=w B,(U n,⊥,λ)otherwise.where w A and w B are A and B’s respective passwords.Our definition for password-based authenticated session-key generation is based on the“simulation paradigm”(cf.[1,29,12]).That is,we require a secure protocol to emulate an ideal execution of the above session-key generation func-tionality.In such an ideal execution,communication is via a trusted third party who receives the parties inputs and(honestly)returns to each party its output, as designated by the functionality.An important observation in the context of password-based security is that, in a real execution,an adversary can always attempt impersonation by simply guessing the secret password and participating in the protocol,claiming to be one of the parties.If the adversary’s guess is correct,then impersonation always succeeds(and,for example,the adversary knows the generated session-key). Furthermore,by executing the protocol with one of the parties,the adversary can verify whether or not its guess is correct,and thus can learn information about the password(e.g.,it can rule out an incorrect guess from the list of possible passwords).Since the dictionary may be small,this information learned by the adversary in a protocol execution may not be negligible at all.Thus, we cannot hope to obtain a protocol that emulates an ideal-model execution (in which C learns nothing)up to computational indistinguishability.Rather, the inherent limitation of password-based security is accounted for by(only) requiring that a real execution can be simulated in the ideal model such that the output distributions(in the ideal and real models)are(1−O( ))-indistinguishable (rather than1-indistinguishable),where(as defined above) =1/|D|.We note that the above limitation applies only to active adversaries who control the communication channel.Therefore,in the case of a passive(eaves-dropping)adversary,we demand that the ideal and real model distributions be computationally indistinguishable(and not just(1−O( ))-indistinguishable). We now define the ideal and real models and present the formal definition of security.The ideal model:LetˆA andˆB be honest parties and letˆC be any ppt ideal-model adversary(with arbitrary auxiliary inputσ).An ideal-model execution proceeds in the following phases:Initialization:A password w∈R D is uniformly chosen from the dictionary and given to bothˆA andˆB.Sending inputs to trusted party:ˆA andˆB both send the trusted party the pass-word they have received in the initialization stage.The adversaryˆC sends either1(denoting a successful protocol execution)or0(denoting a failed protocol execution).The trusted party answers all parties:In the caseˆC sends1,the trusted party chooses a uniformly distributed string k∈R{0,1}n and sends k to bothˆA。