

APA 第6版范例下载

APA 第6版范例下载

APA (American Psychological Association) 第六版參考文獻範例臚列參考文獻(reference list)及文章中之文獻引用(reference citations) ,中文文獻(需加註英譯)應置於英文文獻之前。



蔡淑鳳(2011).護理專業發展之機會與挑戰-臺灣護理精彩一百‧護理雜誌,58(3),5-11 。

[Tsay, S. F. (2011). The opportunities and challenges of nursing professional development: Celebrating 100 years of nursing in Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing, 58(3), 5-11.]※期刊名、卷數需以斜體字體呈現,若該期刊無卷數時,則僅列期數且不需斜體。

Chu, W., & Hsu, L. L. (2011). Developing practical knowledge content of emergency nursing professionals. The Journal of Nursing Research, 19(2), 112-118. doi: 10.1097/JNR. 0b013 e31821aa0eb※期刊若有「數位物件識別碼(digital object identifier, DOI)」,則列於文獻末。

Briscoe, R. (in press). Egocentric spatial representation in action and perception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Retrieved from /5780/ 1/ECSRAP.F07.pdf ※付梓中的文章,因尚未正式出版,必須提供精確之網址。

APA 6th

APA 6th

Web Sites in Parenthetical Citations: To cite an entire Web site (but not a specific document within the site), it is sufficient to give the URL of the site in the text. No entry in the reference list is needed. Example:Kidpsych is an excellent website for young children (http://).REFERENCE CITATIONS IN TEXT– APA utilizes a system of brief referencing in the text of a paper, whether one is paraphrasing or providing a direct quotation from another author’s work. Citations in the text usually consist of the name of the author(s) and the year of publication. The page number is added when utilizing a direct quotation.Indirect Quotation with Parenthetical CitationLibraries historically highly value intellectual freedom and patron confidentiality (LaRue, 2007).Indirect Quotation with Author as Part of the NarrativeLaRue (2007) identified intellectual freedom and patronconfidentiality as two key values held historically by libraries.Direct Quotation with Parenthetical CitationDarwin used the metaphor of the tree of life "to express the other form of interconnectedness–genealogical rather than ecological"(Gould & Brown, 1991, p. 14).Direct Quotation with Author as Part of the NarrativeGould and Brown (1991) explained that Darwin used the metaphor ofthe tree of life "to express the other form of interconnectedness–genealogical rather than ecological”(p. 14).CITING SECONDARY SOURCES -- When citing in the text a work discussed in a secondary source, give both the primary and the secondary sources. In the example below, the study by Seidenberg and McClelland was mentioned in an article by Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller.Seidenberg and McClelland’s study (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis,Atkins, & Haller, 1993) provided a glimpse into the worldIn the references page, you would cite the secondary source you read not the original study.Coltheart, M., Curtis, B., Atkins, P., & Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading aloud: Dual-route and parallel-distributed-processing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 589-608.d.schaeffer 091409。



Struggling with New Odds for APA ManuscriptsMarjorie M. V. HeinzerCase Western Reserve UniversityCourse NumberJanuary 24, 2010Author’s NoteA note on the research or the author’s message to the reader is placed on the title page in this format. In addition, the author’s affiliation at the time of the study is placed in a separate paragraph followed by a new paragraph with the author’s current affiliation.Corresponding author information is included now on the title page with full address and contact information. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Marjorie M. Heinzer, Associate Professor of Nursing, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-4904. E-mail: marjorie.heinzer@AbstractThe abstract is a summary of the manuscript and includes the theme, pertinent findings, conclusions, and significance of the paper. As a brief overview, an abstract gives the reader the necessary information that conveys the importance of the manuscript, the purpose, and the content. The language needs to be clear, accurate, and concise. The abstract may have 150 to 250 words dependent upon the anticipated journal publication guidelines, is easily readable, and uses active voice. The word “abstract” is centered above the narrative and the entire text is double-spaced. The first sentence begins flush with the margin. Key words from the abstract are index words for library search programs. Many of the health professions utilize APA style for publication requirements. Keywords follow the abstract paragraph on a separate line. This manuscript is a sample paper that demonstrates and presents the newest guidelines of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.Keywords: APA format, APA guidelines, APA styleStruggling with New Odds for APA ManuscriptsThe sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association [APA], 2010) maintains some of the original fourth and fifth edition directives for preparation of a manuscript. The title page is similar although the title and author section is placed above the middle of the page. Institutional affiliations are placed under the author's name, yet credentials are not included. The student may be required to put the course number and the date submitted to the faculty member following the affiliation as is demonstrated in this manuscript, but that information is not addressed in the manual. Author’s notes with departmental affiliation data during the time of the study, then current departmental affiliation in a second paragraph if necessary, followed by acknowledgements are now included on the title page as is the contact information for the corresponding author. The specific guidelines for the title page are found on pages 24 through 25. Errors are found in the first printing of the sixth edition. Corrections are printed on the APA website along with corrected sample papers which are can be downloaded.Two of the initial visible changes in the text are the use of boldface type for the first four levels of headings and the removal of the double/double spacing after the centered word abstract on the second page. The abstract is now entirely double-spaced and set in the same typeface as the body of the manuscript. A 12 point typeface, such as Times New Roman, is recommended.The running head words remain as before, that is, “Running head” followed by a colon without the apostrophes. The words in the phrase for the running head are capitalized, the words “Running head” begin flush with the left margin, and that format isfound on every page of the manuscript. Page numbers are flush right margin at the top of the page and begin with the title page. Another specification is the minimum of one-inch margins on all sides of the paper while the right margins are not justified. Bolding words or phrases in the headings are now required for APA format with the exception of the title of the manuscript and fifth level headings. The word “introduction” is not used at the start of the manuscript; however, the first few paragraphs are presumed to be the introduction to the manuscript.General GuidelinesIf one pays close attention to the abstract one might notice that the first line is not indented. However, regular indentation is used once the narrative content begins on the first full page. The first line of every paragraph is indented. Each paragraph has a five to seven space indent (tab) that should measure about one half inch. Apparently the authors had a criterion that was not unanimous in consensus!The title of the manuscript belongs on the first page of text yet its absence is a common APA error. From this point until the end of the text, the content must be double spaced. It might be surprising to note that only a single space follows a period at the end of a sentence and in the reference list. This spacing is the same as in the fifth edition; however, it does cause a bit of difficulty in reading the sentences in a paragraph.Every paragraph begins with an indentation with the exception of the abstract. The new manual (APA, 2010) shows the discussion section without an indentation for the first paragraph and that is one of the errors. Guidelines for writing a discussion section are included in the manual in section 2.08. The discussion section ends with the author’s comments on the implications or importance of the findings from the study.The reference list is the same format as the fifth edition, with each reference entry placed in a “hanging indent.” The first line is flush with the left margin while each additional line has that five to seven space indent. The titles of books, full names of journals, and the volume number for the journals are italicized. References are double-spaced in APA format, yet may be single-spaced for a thesis or dissertation according to university guidelines.Capitalization of the words in the reference list always presents a challenge to students. All words in a book title or article title are not capitalized. The first word in a title, any proper names in the title, and the first word after a colon are capitalized and they are the only words capitalized. Errors in formatting references on the reference list rank in the top five errors seen in student papers. This author directs you to look at the reference list included in this sample paper for accurate examples of the usual types of references seen in undergraduate and graduate papers for nursing and psychology majors and in manuscripts commonly submitted for publication in nursing journals.A section on footnotes may now follow the reference list in a manuscript. A superscript number identifies the placement in the text and in the footnote list. Footnotes may be used with reports of statistical tests where explanation may be needed.Citations in the TextCitations are another major problem for the writer. Trial, error, and teacher corrections are the mechanisms for learning and perfecting the skill. One common error occurs in the multiple authored book or article phenomenon (Better & Best, 2009)1. Each time the reference to one or two authors is cited, the entire reference must be noted. The writer must include three, four, or five authors’ names in the citation for the first citedparaphrase or quotation (Thomas, Richard, & Harold, 2008), but every succeeding citation for that group becomes the first author followed by et al. (Thomas et al., 2008). Please do not ice that there is no period after ‘et’, but there is one after “al.” in the citation and no comma after the author’s name before “et”. The rule changes for six authors or more; in an effort to save trees, one must cite the first author’s surname, the term et al., and the year in the text (Apple et al., 2008) for the first and each subsequent citation.Primary citations (those referring to the author who actually wrote the content of the paper, completed the research study, or presented the great ideas that are of interest) are cited as noted and are found in section 6.11 (APA, 2010). Secondary citations are used in the rare instances that the original author’s work is out of print or cannot be documented from written materials. The writer needs to consider using this option very carefully and must check the specific directions in the manual (APA, p. 178).Citations in the Reference ListThe reference list presents another area of confusion in the typing of the edition number following a book name. The fifth edition of a book should be written as (5th ed.) without italicizing in the reference list. Astute faculty will check the actual citations in the text against the reference list. Students must remember that the reference list contains only those references that were cited in the manuscript and all of the references that were cited in the text. Publications with more than six authors have a specific rule. The entire reference up to six authors with surnames and initials must be written in the reference list; however, the term et al. is used after the sixth author followed by three ellipses (…) and the last author’s name (APA, 2010, p. 184).Electronic and web site references are a matter of concern for both authenticity and credibility. Since census statistics from the federal or state governments are updated frequently on government web sites, these sites may present the most recent and most accurate resources for these data. A sample of an electronic citation may be found in the reference list in this paper (The University of Wisconsin Madison, 2009). However, the use of the Internet references for research papers presents problems in areas other than the government web sites or university websites. The writer must use caution with any electronic reference that lack credentialed and/or identified authors. Faculty and editors are usually willing to provide guidance in this matter.Stylistic ConcernsAs you continue to prepare your manuscript, you will notice that the rules become foreign and are truly a new language for the writer. A student needs to “practice with APA to produce a fine manuscript” (Haas & Edina, 2009, p. 19). Other recommendations are to write for content and flow first. One may easily edit the work after ideas are placed in order (Heinzer, 2008). The APA manual states that the past tense or the present perfect tense is required for a manuscript.Abbreviations in text. If one has a burning desire to use abbreviations, one must first write out the words and then place the abbreviation within parentheses immediately following those words. An example of this is demonstrated in the commonly used phrase, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style of writing. In further text, the writer may then use the acronym APA to refer to that literary entity. This paragraph demonstrates the placement of a Level 3 heading and the paragraph that it introduces. Other examples of headings are found on page 62 in the APA manual (2010).Numerical issues. Writing numbers in text may be confusing. A number beginning a sentence or a number under 10, for example, one, seven or nine, is spelled out as a word. A number of two digits or more is written as the numerical equivalent (23, 58, or 104) unless that number is the first word in a sentence. If numbers are used for group comparison values in the same paragraph and one of those numbers is 10 or over, then all numbers would be in numerical form. The APA (2010) manual details several combinations of number scenarios beginning in Section 4.31 and continuing for six pages. If one is mathematically inclined, one might just enjoy the challenging reading.Quotations. Faculty and editors generally recommend that writers paraphrase material in formal papers, rather than use a series of quotes. Quotations provide significant problems for some writers. Another person’s words, accurately reproduced, generally find a home between a set of quotation marks. “If the quotation comprises fewer than 40 words, incorporate it into text and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks” (APA, 2010, p. 170). Writers often forget to include the page number following the citation and the quote. A person has literally plagiarized content when reprinting another author’s words without identifying those words as a quote, referencing the cited source, and noting the page number. The writer may then be the recipient of a failing grade, university review for academic integrity violation, and even legal ramifications. Plagiarism is plagiarism and it is always wrong.When the narrative content in a quote is long, APA (2010) directs the writer to follow these guidelines:If the quotation comprises 40 or more words, display it in a freestanding block of text and omit the quotation marks. Start such a block quotation on a new line andindent the block about a half inch from the left margin (in the same position as a new paragraph). (APA, 2010, p. 171)If the writer is not clear on how to handle a block quotation, the APA manual also gives examples in the sample papers. The reader must note that the page number is always included with a quotation and follows the block quote text after the final period.Headings and their levels. Student writers also indicate that headings and their respective levels and placements confuse and frustrate them in their preparation of a formal paper. Two levels of headings, Level 1 and Level 2, appear to be the most common need in research and opinion papers. The first level of heading is a centered one in boldface type with similar capitalization as used in a title. The second heading, Level 2, moves the topic to the left margin, uses uppercase and lowercase letters as in the title, and is also boldface type without a period at the end. The paragraph that follows is then indented on a new line. If three levels of headings are needed, the Level 3 heading is then used. Level 3 headings are indented from the left margin, bolded and in lower case after the capitalized first word, and are followed by a period. The term “level of heading” now indicates the order or sequence of the placement.Citations and their ordering in text. If one reads citations carefully, one may notice that the sequence of citations within the parentheses is not chronological, but is alphabetical by the first author’s surname. The fo llowing is an example of the format of a citation from two different sources, Apple et al. (2008) and Heinzer (1997). The A in Apple appears before the H in Heinzer in the English alphabet; hence, the Apple citation appears first (Apple et al., 2008; Heinzer, 1997). A semicolon follows the year for thepublication and separates the individual author citations. The same criterion follows for multiple citations in the text.SummaryThis work is a whimsical illustration of a paper in APA format to be used only for student information. The reference list contains several imaginary journals, articles, and authors. The APA (2010) reference is an accurate and legitimate reference. The publication by Heinzer (1997) is an earlier version of the APA guidelines that was published for student use. Condensed guidelines have also been published online by several universities and the APA. Two of the university electronic websites that provide this condensed information on the newest APA format for students’ use are the following: /owl/resource/560/01/ and/Handbook/DocAPA.html. Students are advised that the content guidelines may change as the use of resources from the electronic media and the Internet becomes more common. This sample paper is just the beginning, but some humor can alleviate the pain.American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.Apple, M., Boxer, T., Conrad, W., Digger, M., Edwin, S. M., & Frog, J. S. (2008).Authors, authors, and more authors. Literary Guide for Scholars, 3(7), 1-9. * Better, I. M., & Best, U. R. (2009). The care and grooming of graduate nursing students.The Journal of Nursing Student Needs, 10 (2), 21-29. *Haas, M. B., & Edina, M. N. (Eds.). (2009). The art and science of manuscript preparation in graduate school: Models of success (4rd ed.). Glenside, PA: LoonPress. *Heinzer, M. M. (1997). APA style of writing: Struggling against the odds. Nursing Spectrum (Pennsylvania Edition),6(14), 8-9.Heinzer, M. M. (2008). Writing for fun, profit, and an excellent grade. Phenomena in Education, 30, 115-120. *Thomas, T. T., Richard, R. R., & Harold, H. H. (2008). Multiplicity in authorship: A stylistic dilemma. Writer’s Journal of America, 6, 398-411. *The University of Wisconsin Madison (2009). APA documentation. Retrieved January 24, 2010 from /Handbook/DocAPA.html.1Those references marked with an asterisk (*) in the reference list are fictional and cannot be used as legitimate references.。

















N.B. Put format in square brackets - e.g. [PowerPoint slides] [Lecture notes]
(Salter, 2007)
7. Film – (see Library APA referencing webpage for music and other media)
N.B. Page numbers are optional when paraphrasing, although it is useful to include them (Publication Manual, p. 171).
Citations from a secondary source As Hall (1977) asserts, “culture also defines boundaries of different groups” (as cited in Samovar and Porter, 1997, p. 14).
(University of Waikato, 1967) Some group authors may be abbreviated in subsequent citations if they are readily recognisable.
4. Book chapter in edited book
Indirect quotation/paraphrasing – no quotation marks Attaching meaning to symbols is considered to be the origin of written language (Samovar & Porter, 1997).

第六版的APA写作风格手册与第五版有何不同?_Sixth edition APA rules

第六版的APA写作风格手册与第五版有何不同?_Sixth edition APA rules


APA第五版与最新的第六版有什么重大差别吗?W. R-C, 中央大学人文学院博士生回答:我们将在这次的电子报中,介绍由我们的社会科学领域编辑师总结的,美国心理协会写作风格手册[American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual]第六版与旧版的不同之处。

标题♦APA Note (p. 79): APA 建议作者使用 2005 年版的《韦氏大词典》(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)。

♦APA Note (p. 23; titles): 避免在标题使用缩写,应将所有词语的全文拼写出来,APA 的标题建议长度约为 12 个字。

♦APA Note (p.63; headings): 请勿以数字或字母来标示标题。

语法♦APA Note (p. 77; voice): 应使用主动而非被动语态,哪怕必须使用人称代词。

♦APA Note (p. 78; tense): 讨论过去的研究时应使用过去式。

赘字♦APA Note (p. 67; wordiness): 请将“based on the fact that”改成“because”。

♦APA Note (p. 67; wordiness): 请将“at the present time”改成“now”。

♦APA Note (p. 67; wordiness): 请将“for the purpose of”改成“for”或“to”。

♦APA Note (p. 67; wordiness): 当上下文明确时,应使用“this study”,而非“the present study”。

♦APA Note (p. 67; wordiness): 请将“there were several students who completed”改成“several students completed”。


结论 : 6 A A 裂 解反 应 工 艺是 最 佳 的 ,- P 生产 收 率 达 到 最 高水 平 , 产质 量 稳 定 合 格 此 -P 6A A 生
关 键 词 :- A 工 艺 ; 化 酶 ; 6 AP 酰 酰化 反 应
青霉 素是最早 发现和 临床 应用得 最普遍 的一种高效低 毒抗生素 , 对控制细菌性感染 , 保 障人类健康起到了十分重大的作 用。但 随着青 霉素的大量使用 , 也产生 了一些新 的问题 , 如细 菌耐药性 日趋严 重, 过敏反应时有发生 , 由于菌 群失调引起 的二重感染 ,以及各种毒性与副反 应等。 青霉素这几个方面的问题, 因半合成青霉 素的出现均得到较满意的解决 。现阶段半合 成 青霉素 就是以 6 A A为原料 与各种不 同酰 基 -P 侧链反应制得 。 以 6 A A的生产直接影响半 所 -P 合成青霉素的发展_ - P 1 1 A A即 6 氨基青霉烷 。6 一 酸是青霉素的母 核 , 分子式 为 C H103 2 分 8 2 N S, 子 量 26 l ,为 白 色 片 状 六 面 体 结 晶 ,溶 点 2 8 2 9 等电点在水溶液中为 4 馓 溶于水, 0—0 ̄ C, . 3 难 溶 于 有 机溶 剂 , 酸 较稳 定 , 被 强 碱 分解 。 对 易 6 A A工业生产的方法 , -P 常用 的有两种 : a青霉素 酰基酶裂解法 : . 即在青霉素钾盐 溶 液 中加 入 酰 化 反 应 固相 酶 ,控 制 反 应 P 温 H、 度、 及适 当的时间使 达到最高 的裂解产率 。 最后 用盐酸调 P . H40左右 , 6 A A结晶析出。这 使 -P 种方法 固相酶可 以较长时期 的反复使用 ,并可 使操作连续化 。 产物分离精 制简便 , 有利于简化 工艺 , 降低成本。 b化学裂解 法 : . 它的工艺原 理是先将青霉 素的羧基转变成酯或其它 的衍生物保再 以氯化 剂使侧链上的仲酰胺功 能团活化成偕氯化胺 , 然后在低温用醇类将偕氯代胺转变成容易水解 的偕亚胺 醚 ,最后水解得 6 A A或其它衍生 -P 物。微 生物酶法裂解 ,- P 6 A A产率 为 8~ 0 7 9 %, 化学裂解法 6 A A收率为 8 ~ 7 -P 0 8 %。后者生 产成本高 , 并存在劳动保护及环境污染等 问题 , 故 目前酶法被广泛应用 于 6 AP - A的生产。 在 6 A A 酶 法 生产 中 ,影 响 裂 解 反 应 的 -P 主要三个条件有裂解浓度 、 反应 P 反应温度 , H、 下面我们通过实验逐一解决。 1实验材料 与设备 材料 : 青霉素工业钾盐 、纯化水( 哈药集 团制药总厂 ) IA 70酰化酶( P一5 湖南福来格 生物技术有 限公 司 ) 硼酸 、 氨水 、 盐酸 、 二氯甲烷 分析纯( 天津 化学试剂厂 ) 仪器 : 自动酸碱 滴定仪 、 电动恒 温水溶锅 D K 4 北京光明医疗仪器厂 ) I w一 ( 岛津 L 一 0 T C 1A V P液相色谱 仪 ,P — P P紫外检 测器 、O SD A V G及 方 法 21青霉素浓度的影响 . 211 验 过程 .. 实 在 4 0 l 酸缓 冲液加入不 同重 量青霉 0m 硼 素钾盐 , 溶解后投入 2 g固化酶 , 5 反应 P H控制




船的井围甲板(well deck)与闸门设备,但最新锐的美利坚级之前两艘却完全不拥有操作登陆作战舰艇的能力,而以空中
al Auxiliary, sub-class C)的缩写,起因于早期的此类船舰通常是由其他类的辅助舰(运输舰、登陆舰,甚至商船)C-7)是美国海军第一艘专为了作为指挥舰而建造的此级军舰,虽然在启用时仍沿用AGC的舰级代码,但在1969年1月1日时CC”是“指挥与通讯登陆舰”(Landing ship Command & Control)的缩写,自此之后的指挥舰皆开始改用LCC的舰级代
transport doc
展一个正式的作战用舰级,将其称为武装运输舰(Attack Transport), 其舰级代号APA是“武装人员辅助舰”(Attack )做区隔。






青霉素及其相关产品(包括6-A P A)1 概况展望"十五"时期的国内医药市场,特别是抗生素市场,药品的社会需求正出现新的趋势。












2 近年国内外青霉素类产品市场状况2.1国际市场青霉素状况世界抗生素市场主要有北美市场、欧洲市场和日本市场。





APA reference的写法(第六版)

APA reference的写法(第六版)

APA Style (6th ) Quick GuideDalhousie University Libraries library research guidesCitations indicate the exact location for sources of information used in the text of the paper; the references (or list of works cited) describes, as a whole, the works from which the citations are taken. PLEASE NOTE: The examples on the following pages are based on the style recommended in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (6th ed. 2010). SAVE TIME : Use RefWorks to easily keep track of your references and quickly format them correctly for your bibliography. RefWorks is a personal bibliographic citation managing system that Dalhousie subscribes to. For more information, go to http://www.library.dal.ca/RefWorks/. IMPORTANT : Dalhousie University defines plagiarism as “the presentation of the work of another author in such a way as to give one’s reader reason to think it to be one’s own. Plagiarism is a form of academic fraud.” Find out what plagiarism is and how to avoid it at http://plagiarism.dal.ca .Remember : APA requires double-spacing between ALL text lines – that includes references. Please note that, in an attempt to save space, this document has been formatted in single spacing.one author: Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences . New York: Basic Books.two to seven authors : Cargill, O., Charvat, W., & Walsh, D. D. (1966). The publication of academic writing . New York:Modern Language Association. more than seven authors: Cooper, L., Eagle, K., Howe, L., Robertson, A., Taylor, D., Reims, H., . . . Smith, W. A. (1982). How to stay younger while growing older: Aging for all ages . London: Macmillan.no author given:Experimental psychology . (1938). New York: Holt. no publication date given: Smith, J. (n.d.). Morality in masquerade . London: Churchill.an organization or institution as “author”: University of Minnesota. (1985). Social psychology . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. U.S. Census Bureau. (2000). Statistical abstract of the United States . Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.an editor as “author”:Updike, J. (Ed.). (1999). The best American short stories of the century . Boston: Houghton Mifflin. REFERENCESan edition of an author’s wor k: Brockett, O. (1987). History of the theatre (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.a translation: Freud, S. (1970). An outline of psychoanalysis (J. Strachey, Trans.). New York: Norton. (Original work published 1940)a work in a series: Cousins, M. (1984). Michel Foucault. Theoretical traditions in the social sciences . New York: St. Martin's Press.a work in several volumes: Wilson, J. G., & Fraser, F. C. (Eds.). (1977-1978). Handbook of teratology (Vols. 1-4). New York: Plenum Press.conference proceedings: Schnase, J. L., & Cunnius, E. L. (Eds.). (1995). Proceedings of CSCL '95: The First International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.chapter in an edited book: Rubenstein, J.P. (1967). The effect of television violence on small children. In B. F. Kane (Ed.), Television and juvenile psychological development (pp. 112-134). New York: AmericanPsychological Society.journal / periodical (continuous pagination): Brabant, S., & Mooney, L. A. (1997). Sex role stereotyping in the Sunday comics: A twenty year update. Sex Roles, 37, 269-281.journal / periodical (non-continuous pagination): Sawyer, J. (1966). Measurement and prediction, clinical and statistical. Psychological Bulletin, 66 (3), 178-200.journal article with three to seven authors:Tolin, D. F., Abramowitz, J. S., Brigidi, B. D., Amir, N., Street, G. P., & Foa, E. B. (2001). Memory and memory confidence in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 39, 913-927.journal article more than authors:Mariani-Costantini, R., Ottini, L., Caramiello, S., Palmirotta, R., Mallegni, F., Rossi, L., . . . Jones, R. B. (2001). Taphonomy of the fossil hominid bones from the Acheulean site of Castel di Guido near Rome, Italy. Journal of Human Evolution, 41, 211-225.newspaper: Monson, M. (1993, September 16). Urbana firm obstacle to office project. The Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette , pp. 1, 8.magazine:Raloff, J. (2001, May 12). Lead therapy won't help most kids. Science News, 159, 292. review:Gleick, E. (2000, December 14). The burdens of genius [Review of the book The last samurai byarticle in a reference book or encyclopedia - signed and unsigned : Sturgeon, T. (1995). Science fiction. In The encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 24, pp. 390-392). Danbury, CT: Grolier. Islam. (1992). In The new encyclopaedia Britannica (Vol. 22, pp. 1-43). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.a work in a collection or anthology: Jesrani, P. J. (1998). Working turn tables. In N. Bhatia, S. Dhand, & V. Rupaleria (Eds.), Throwing a great party (pp. 19-48). Chicago: NT Publishers. Shapcott, T. (1980). Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In K. L. Goodwin (Ed.), Commonwealth literature in the curriculum (pp. 86). South Pacific Association of Common-wealth Literatures and Language Studies.paper published as part of the proceedings of a conference: Nicol, D. M., & Liu X. (1997). The dark side of risk (what your mother never told you about time warp). In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Lockenhaus, Austria, 10–13 June 1997 (pp. 188–195). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.obtained from university: Carlson, W. R. (1977). Dialectic and rhetoric in Pierre Bayle . (Unpublished doctoraldissertation).Yale University, USA. obtained from Dissertations and Theses database:Mancall, J. C. (1979). Resources used by high school students in preparing independent study projects: A bibliometric approach (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. AAT 7905069)an abstract from DAI:Delgado, V. (1997). An interview study of Native American philosophical foundations in education . Dissertation Abstracts International : Section A. Humanities and Social Sciences, 58(9), 3395. patent:Lemelson, J.H. (1981). U.S. Patent No. 4,285,338. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.video or DVD (motion pictures): Mass, J. B. (Producer), & Gluck, D. H. (Director). (1979). Deeper into hypnosis [Motion picture]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.television program:Pratt, C. (Executive Producer). (2001, December 2). Face the nation [Television broadcast]. Washington, DC: CBS News.personal communications (email messages, interviews, lectures, and telephone conversations): Because the information is not retrievable it should not appear in the reference list. In your paperthey should look as follows: J. Burnitz (personal communication, September 20, 2000) indicated that .… or In a recent interview (J. Burnitz, personal communication, September 20, 2000).an entire electronic book retrieved from a database: Murray, T. H. (1996). The worth of a child . Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved fromnetLibrary database.an entire electronic book with direct link to item: Bryant, P. (1999). Biodiversity and Conservation. Retrieved from/~sustain/bio65/Titlpage.htman article or chapter in an electronic book: Symonds, PM. (1958). Human drives. In C. L. Stacey & M. DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding human motivation (pp. 11-22). Retrieved from PsycBOOKS database.entire electronic technical or research report - available on the web: Russo, A. C., & Jiang, H. J. (2006). Hospital stays among patients with diabetes, 2004 (Statistical Brief #17). Retrieved from Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality: /reports/statbriefs/sb17.jsppaper from the proceedings of a conference:Miller, S. (2000). Introduction to manufacturing simulation. In Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference , (pp. 63-66). Retrieved from /wsc00papers/011.PDFNew style guidelines use the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) which is an assigned alpha-numeric code that usually appears on the article or in the database record. If the DOI is not provided, enter the citation information using Cross/Ref Simple Text Query </SimpleTextQuery/>. The retrieval date is no longer required.article with DOI assigned:Whitmeyer, J. M. (2000). Power through appointment. Social Science Research , 29(4), 535-555. doi:10.1006/_ssre.2000.0680 article from electronic journal (no print version):Ashe, D. D., & McCutcheon, L. E. (2001). Shyness, loneliness, and attitude toward celebrities. Current Research in Social Psychology, 6(9). Retrieved from /~grpproc/crisp/crisp.6.9.htmarticle with no DOI: (include URL for journal website not database)Boutsen, F., Cannito, M. P., Taylor, M., & Bender, B. (2002). Botox treatment in adductor spasmodic dysphonia: A meta-analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 45, 469-481. Retrieved from /article - preprint versionTurney, P.D. (in press). The latent relation mapping engine: Algorithm and experiments. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Retrieved from /6305/1/NRC-50738.pdfnewspaper article from an online database: Altman, L. K. (2001, January 18). Mysterious illnesses often turn out to be mass hysteria. New York Times . Retrieved from the ProQuest Newspapers database.a newspaper article from newspaper ’s website:Cary, B. (2001, June 18). Mentors of the mind. Los Angeles Times . Retrieved fromcompany information from a database: Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited. (2004). Company profile . Retrieved July 29, 2008 from Hoovers in Lexis-Nexis.an article posted on an open-access or personal website: Cain, A., & Burris, M. (1999, April). Investigation of the use of mobile phones while driving . Retrieved from /its/mobile_phone_text.htmArcher, Z. (n.d.). Exploring nonverbal communication . Retrieved from /~archera cd-rom publication:Reporter, M. (1996, April 13). Electronic citing guidelines needed [CD-ROM]. New York Times , (late ed.), p. c1. Retrieved from New York Times Ondisc .website of an organization or government :Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. (2001). Glacial habitat restoration areas. Retrieved from /org/land/wildlife/hunt/hra.htm Midwest League. (n.d.). Pitching, individual records . Retrieved from /indivpitching.htmla personal homepage: (retrieval date is included due to possibility of change) Duncan, D. (1998, August 1). Homepage . Retrieved July 30, 2007 from /SoHo/Coffeehouse/1652/a posting to an online discussion group or listserv: Marcy, B. (1999, April 3). Think they'll find any evidence of Mallory & Irvine [electronic mailing list message]. Retrieved from /99/foruma blog post: MiddleKid. (2007, January 22). The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences of partitioning your mind [Web log message]. Retrieved from /pharyngula/2007/01/the_unfortunate_prerequisites.phpan online video: Norton, R. (2006, November 4). How to train a cat to operate a light switch [Video file].Retrieved from /watch?v=Vja83KLQXZs NOTE: The URL should not be underlined. Sometimes underlining appears automatically when a URL is displayed in a browser or in Word. Remove the underlining before submitting your paper.In APA style, you acknowledge your sources by including parenthetical citations within your text. These refer the reader to the alphabetical list of references or works cited that appears at the end of the document. Use the first piece of information that appears in the reference and the year. For example:Researchers have pointed out that the lack of trained staff is a common barrier to providing adequatehealth education (Fisher, 1999) and services (Weist & Christodulu, 2000).When you are quoting directly from a work, you should also include the page number.The close of the millennium was marked by a deep suspicion of the natural world and an increasingreliance “upon the pronouncements of soothsayers and visionaries, who caused hysteria with theirdoom-laden forecasts of the end of humanity” (Mulligan, 1977, p. 234).If the context in which the quotation appears makes it clear which document in the bibliography the quoted text comes from, then no further identification is needed:Baudino and Wyatt (2004) advocate "active learning promotes critical thinking and directapplication of critical concepts" (p. 17).A quotation from a web document with no pagination should include a paragraph number."Lake Champlain's ecosystem is under enormous pressure from urban growth" (Cushman, 2002, para. 3).When you are quoting from a work with no author, use the first few words of the reference list entry (usually, part of the title).Web Usability Studies are commonly conducted in libraries ("Benefits of Usability Studies," 2002, p. 34).Personal communications, such as lectures or e-mail messages to you, or private interviews that you conducted with another person, should be referred to in your in-text citations but NOT in your reference list. For example: J. Reiss indicated that “anthropologists are still debating the reasons for theNeanderthals’ disappearance” (personal communication, May 3, 2000)Place direct quotations longer than 40 words in a free-standing block and omit quotation marks.Jones's 1993 study found the following:Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time citingsources. This difficulty could be attributed to the fact that many students failed to purchasea style manual or to ask their teacher for help. (p. 199)When a source that has three to five authors is cited, all authors are included the first time the source is cited. If that source is cited again, the first author's surname and "et al." For example, (Baldwin, Bevan, & Beshalke, 2000) then (Baldwin et al., 2000). When a source that has six or more authors is cited, the first author's surname and "et al." are used every time the source is cited (including the first time). For example, (Utley et al., 2001) To cite secondary sources, refer to both sources in the text, but include in the References list only the source that you actually used. For example "(Bandura, 1989, as cited in Feist, 1998)." Feist (1998) would be fully referenced within the list of References. Bandura (1989) would not be listed.FootnotesContent footnotes are occasionally used to support substantive information in the text (or to acknowledge copyright permission status). They begin on a separate page with a heading centered on the first line below the manuscript page header. The first line of each footnote is indented 5-7 spaces and they are numbered with Arabic superscript numerals following punctuation marks within the text.This guide is available online at http://www.library.dal.ca/how/apa_style6.pdf. There are also a variety of websites which provide examples of APA style available at http://www.library.dal.ca/How/.。

APA第六版电子文献DOI 格式

APA第六版电子文献DOI 格式

電子文獻DOI 格式和實用之主張(1)APA 引用電子文獻之改變APA 於第六版已經承認電子文獻,因為其出版及傳輸之效率和資料可呈現的出影音等多元模式,隨時變更的網路,文章的連結不一定可靠。

APA 引用電子文獻首先採行URL (Uniform Resource Loators)此為電子資料之網址,目前是DOI 碼(Digital Object Identifier),APA 引用電子文獻使用的格式。

(1.1)APA 第五版第五版規定引用電子文獻的皆須說明,以方括弧如:[Electronic version]來標記所引用的資料類型,例(2001,頁271):VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, L. (2001). Role of referenceelements in the selection of resource by psychology under graduates[Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliography Research, 5, 117-123.網際網路上的電子學術期刊,引用方式與紙本相同,須加上檢索的網址和檢索日期(APA,2001,頁272)如:Retrieved October 13, 2001, from /articles.html,例:VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, L. (2001). Role of referenceelements in the selection of resource by psychology under graduates[Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliography Research, 5, 117-123.Retrieved October 13, 2001, from /articles.htmlAPA 引用資料庫電子文獻時,須列出資料庫名稱和檢索日期,如:Retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycARTICLES database.,不須提供資料庫網址(APA,2001,頁278-279),例:Borman, W. C., Hanson, M. A., Oppler, S. H., Pulakos,E.D., &White, L. A. (1993). Role of early supervisory experience insupervisor performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 443-449. Retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycARTICLES database.(1.2)2007年“APA Style Guide to Electronic References”2007年,美國心理學會為了因應近來網路科技的發展、新型態的參考資源紛紛出現,出版了APA Style Guide to Electronic References,基本上此篇是APA 寫作手冊第五版當中的4.16項的更新與改版,當中對於電子文獻的引用規範有更完善的說明,重要的改變式提出「數位物件辨識碼」DOI 碼(Digital Object Identifier),彌補了URL 可能因為時間或其他因素而消失的缺點。

apa 6 引用书的格式

apa 6 引用书的格式

apa 6 引用书的格式APA 6 引用书的格式在学术写作中,正确引用书籍是非常重要的,APA(美国心理学协会)是学术界常用的引用风格之一。

APA 6是第六版APA出版手册的指南,规定了书籍引用的具体格式。

本文将以"APA 6 引用书的格式"为主题,逐步介绍如何根据APA 6标准引用书籍,并提供相关示例。

1. 引述书籍的作者(Author)在APA 6中,书籍的作者应该列在姓和名的顺序下方。

如果书籍有多个作者,则只需写下第一位作者,后面可以使用"et al."来简写其他作者。


例如,为了引述一本由单一作者撰写的书籍和一本由多个作者共同合作的书籍,可以参考以下示例:- 单一作者的书:Smith, J. D. (2017). Title of the Book. Publisher.- 多个作者的书:Johnson, M. R., Peterson, L. S., & Williams, K. T. (2019). Title of theBook. Publisher.2. 引言书籍的出版年份(Publication Year)在APA 6中,除了作者的名字,还需要提供书籍的出版年份。


例如,引用一本出版于2015年的书籍,格式如下:- Smith, J. D. (2015). Title of the Book. Publisher.3. 引述书籍的书名(Title)根据APA 6的要求,书籍的标题应使用斜体字体,而不是加引号。


例如,为了引述一本名为《Title of the Book》的书籍:- Smith, J. D. (2015). Title of the Book. Publisher.4. 引述书籍的出版商(Publisher)APA 6规定,必须提供书籍的出版商信息。



6 apa课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 让学生掌握6年级APA(学术技能提升)课程的核心知识点,如语法、词汇、阅读理解等,并能运用到实际情境中。

2. 使学生能够运用所学知识分析、解决实际问题,提高学术能力。

技能目标:1. 培养学生运用APA格式进行论文写作的基本能力,包括文献引用、排版规范等。

2. 提高学生的阅读理解能力,学会快速捕捉文章主旨,提高阅读速度和效率。

3. 培养学生的团队协作能力和沟通能力,学会在小组讨论中发表自己的观点和倾听他人意见。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生热爱学习、积极进取的态度,树立正确的学习观念。

2. 培养学生的学术诚信意识,尊重他人成果,养成良好的学术素养。

3. 增强学生的自信心,敢于面对挑战,勇于克服困难。




二、教学内容本章节教学内容紧密围绕课程目标,结合教材,科学系统地组织以下内容:1. 语法知识:复习和巩固6年级重点语法点,如动词时态、被动语态、定语从句等,并通过实例进行讲解和练习。

2. 词汇拓展:学习与课文相关的词汇,扩大学生的词汇量,提高阅读理解能力。

3. 阅读理解:分析教材中的文章,指导学生掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和理解能力。


5. 小组讨论与展示:组织学生进行小组讨论,培养学生的团队协作能力和沟通能力,同时提高学生的表达能力和自信心。


APA第六版电子文献DOI 格式

APA第六版电子文献DOI 格式

電子文獻DOI 格式和實用之主張(1)APA 引用電子文獻之改變APA 於第六版已經承認電子文獻,因為其出版及傳輸之效率和資料可呈現的出影音等多元模式,隨時變更的網路,文章的連結不一定可靠。

APA 引用電子文獻首先採行URL (Uniform Resource Loators)此為電子資料之網址,目前是DOI 碼(Digital Object Identifier),APA 引用電子文獻使用的格式。

(1.1)APA 第五版第五版規定引用電子文獻的皆須說明,以方括弧如:[Electronic version]來標記所引用的資料類型,例(2001,頁271):VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, L. (2001). Role of referenceelements in the selection of resource by psychology under graduates[Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliography Research, 5, 117-123.網際網路上的電子學術期刊,引用方式與紙本相同,須加上檢索的網址和檢索日期(APA,2001,頁272)如:Retrieved October 13, 2001, from /articles.html,例:VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, L. (2001). Role of referenceelements in the selection of resource by psychology under graduates[Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliography Research, 5, 117-123.Retrieved October 13, 2001, from /articles.htmlAPA 引用資料庫電子文獻時,須列出資料庫名稱和檢索日期,如:Retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycARTICLES database.,不須提供資料庫網址(APA,2001,頁278-279),例:Borman, W. C., Hanson, M. A., Oppler, S. H., Pulakos,E.D., &White, L. A. (1993). Role of early supervisory experience insupervisor performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 443-449. Retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycARTICLES database.(1.2)2007年“APA Style Guide to Electronic References”2007年,美國心理學會為了因應近來網路科技的發展、新型態的參考資源紛紛出現,出版了APA Style Guide to Electronic References,基本上此篇是APA 寫作手冊第五版當中的4.16項的更新與改版,當中對於電子文獻的引用規範有更完善的說明,重要的改變式提出「數位物件辨識碼」DOI 碼(Digital Object Identifier),彌補了URL 可能因為時間或其他因素而消失的缺點。



1.总论1.1 概述:1.1.1 项目名称、主办单位及负责人:项目名称:联邦制药(内蒙古)有限公司年产5000吨 6-APA工程建设单位:联邦制药(内蒙古)有限公司负责人:蔡金乐可行性研究报告编制单位:河北医药化工设计有限公司负责人:杨林元可行性研究报告协作单位:华北制药集团环保研究所负责人:任立人1.1.2 项目提出的背景、投资的必要性和经济意义: 项目提出的背景:联邦制药(内蒙古)有限公司由平汇有限公司独资建设,经营范围为6-APA、7-ACA、克拉维酸钾等医药中间体的生产和销售。













6.2 脱色岗位
6.2.1 岗位产品(中间体)名称
BA液:经加入医用活性炭脱色后的青霉素乙酸丁酯( BA)萃取液。
6.2.2 工艺原理
活性炭具有吸附力强、分离效果好等优点。水洗 பைடு நூலகம்A液中含有一定的色素,采
6.2.3 原材料统计表 接班前首先检查交接班记录、设备、仪表是否正常。 检查- 10℃水温度是否在 -7 ℃~ -10 ℃之间。如有异常,通知有关人员处理后
方可进行下一步操作。 检查活性炭、硅藻土存量是否满足工艺需要,如存量不够应及时领取。 检查脱碳过滤器进料阀是否打开、回流阀是否打开、出碳阀是否关闭。 检查脱色罐罐底阀是否关闭、取样排污阀是否关闭、排空阀是否打开,检查
提取:通过调节青霉素发酵过滤液(简称滤液)的 pH值,将青霉素从水相转 移到乙酸丁酯( BA)相,同时加入破乳剂,达到去除杂质,提纯青霉素及初步浓 缩的目的。
水洗:用 饮用水 和 BA液混匀、分离,进一步去除 BA液中水溶性的杂质。 生产工艺流程图
稀硫酸、破乳剂、乙酸丁酯 液碱
计的检查玻璃是否完好, 如有破损、裂纹则必须更换同规格的视镜玻璃或液位计 玻璃管后方可进行加压操作。 检查压力表指针在常压下是否归零, 如未归零, 应 更换同型号的经过校验的压力表。使用的压力表应定期送检。 打开破乳剂配制罐的水阀,加入水约 5~ 8 吨,关闭阀门。 打开破乳剂配制罐的排气阀,再打开投料盖,加入破乳剂 50~ 100kg 后关好盖 口,开启搅拌 25-35 分钟至混合均匀后停止搅拌,待加压打料。 6.1.9 提取准备工作 检查离心机油位,观察润滑油的质量,看是否被乳化,若油被乳化应及时更换。 检查各类设备是否正常,如发现异常应及时通知班长和机修人员。 检查各类压力表是否完好、有无破损,压力表指针在常压下是否能够归零。如 有损坏的仪表应及时更换经过校验的仪表。 检查公用系统氮气压力、 7℃水和 -10 ℃水温度及压力是否正常,如有异常及时 与动力车间联系。 检查各类:乙酸丁酯、稀硫酸、破乳剂、液碱、工艺用饮用水是否够本批使用, 如量不足,应及时领用,防止生产中断。 及时与发酵过滤岗位联系以确定开车时间,提前 5 分钟通知回收岗位准备接收中 和后的废酸水。 破乳剂配制罐的加压:关闭破乳剂配制罐排气阀,将投料口盖的螺栓紧固好, 开启空气阀加压,控制压力 0.15 ~0.20Mpa。 离心机工作水的压力保持在 0.28-0.40MPa 。 6.1.10 提取 过程 开启废酸水中和罐上离心机的二阶重相来料阀和低 BA缓冲罐的离心机出料、


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References/BibliographyAPABased on the “Publication Manual of theAmerican Psychological Association” 6th edition. The “APA style” is an author-date style for citing and referencing information in assignments and publications. This guide is based on the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual, 6th edition (2010).Note: Before you write your list of references, check with your lecturer or tutor for the bibliographic style preferred by the School. There may be differences in the stylerecommended by the School.What is referencing?Referencing is a standardised way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignments. This allows the sources to be identified.Why reference?Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and to enable readers to identify and follow up works you have referred to.Steps in referencing•Record the full bibliographic details and relevant page numbers of the source from which information is taken. Note the DOI (digital object identifier), if present.•Insert the citation at the appropriate place in the text of your document.•Include a reference list that includes all in-text citations at the end of your document.In-text citations•In an author-date style, in-text citations usually require the name of the author(s) and the year of publication.• A page number is included if you have a direct quote, if you paraphrase a passage or if you want to direct the reader to a specific page or idea. Page numbers may also be included ifyou are referring to a long work and the page numbers might be useful to the reader. How to create a reference list/bibliography• A reference list includes just the books, articles, and web pages etc that are cited in the text of the document. A bibliography includes all sources consulted for background reading.• A reference list is arranged alphabetically by author. If an item has no author, it is cited by title, and included in the alphabetical list using the first significant word of the title.•If you have more than one item with the same author, list the items chronologically, starting with the earliest publication.•Each reference appears on a new line.•Each item in the reference list is required to have a hanging indent.•References should not be numbered.Referencing SoftwareThe University of Queensland Library provides access to EndNote and RefWorks software, which assist in creating reference lists. Although an APA 6th style is provided with Endnote X3, for best results in the UQ environment, we recommend downloading the UQ APA 6th Endnote style from the UQ Library webpage at .au/faqs/endnote/styles.html . Use the UQ APA 6th Endnote style with the accompanying guide, available at:.au/faqs/endnote/apa6th_guide.pdfAPA 6th EditionBookElements of the citationAuthor(s) of book – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of book – italicised. Place of publication: Publisher. Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeOne author Sophisticated searching techniques areimportant in finding information (Berkman,1994)ORBerkman (1994) claimed that … Berkman, R. I. (1994). Find it fast: How to uncover expert information. New York, NY: Harper Perrenial.BookTwo authors It is futile to maintain that the sexes areinterchangeable (Moir & Jessel, 1991)ORMoir and Jessel (1991) found students…Always list the authors in the order in whichthey appear in the publication.Cite both authors for each use of reference. Moir, A., & Jessel, D. (1991). Brain sex: The real difference between men and women. London: Mandarin.BookThree to five authors (O’Keefe, Bell, & Wyne, 2009)(O’Keefe et al., 2009)O'Keefe, J. H., Bell, D. S. H., & Wyne, K.L. (2009). Diabetesessentials. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Book2O’Keefe, Bell and Wyne argue that (2009)Cite all authors the first time the reference appears; for all subsequent uses, cite last name of first author followed by “et al.”Six or more authors Johnson et al. (2005) argue …ORIt was argued that…(Johnson et al., 2005)Cite just the last name of the first authorfollowed by “et al.” and year for the first andall other citationsJohnson, L., Lewis, K., Peters, M., Harris, Y., Moreton, G.,Morgan, B., . . . Smith, P. (2005). How far is far? London:McMillan.When a reference has up to seven authors, include allauthors’ names in the reference list. When a work haseight or more authors, cite the last names & initials ofthe first six authors then follow with a comma and threespaced ellipsis points (. . .), then the last author’s name.BookNo author Management is defined as (CCH MacquarieDictionary, 1993)ORCCH Macquarie Dictionary (1993) defines…Cite in the text the first few words of the titleand the year. The CCH Macquarie dictionary of business. (1993). North Ryde, NSW: CCH Australia.BookAuthor Identified As Anonymous (Anonymous, 1996)Use only if author is specifically named as“Anonymous”Anonymous. (1996). Primary colors : A novel of politics.New York, NY: Random House.BookAuthors With Same Last Name (J. P. Lewis, 2007)J. P. Lewis argues that (2007)(R. Lewis, 2007)R. Lewis stated that (2007)Include first author’s initials in all citations.Lewis, J.P. (2007). Fundamentals of project management.New York, NY: American Management Association.Lewis, R. (2007). Human genetics : concepts andapplications. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.Book3Multiple works by the same author …geology of Queensland’s national parks(Willmott, 2004, 2006).Willmott, W.F . (2004). Rocks and landscapes of thenational parks of Southern Queensland. Brisbane:Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division.Willmott, W.F. (2006). Rocks and landscapes of the nationalparks of Central Queensland. Brisbane: GeologicalSociety of Australia, Queensland Division.Order chronologically from earliest in the reference listBookMultiple works by the same author, published in the same year (Dawkins, 1996a, 1996b) Dawkins, R. (1996a). Climbing Mount Improbable. London:Viking.Dawkins, R. (1996b). River out of Eden. London: Phoenix.Order alphabetically by title in the Reference list.BookBook by an organisation or institution (corporate author) (Queensland Health, 2002)Queensland Health (2002) recommends that….Queensland Health. (2002). Best practice guidelines for themanagement of type 1 diabetes in children andadolescents. Brisbane, Australia: Author.BookDifferent Editions (DeHart, Sroufe & Cooper, 1995)DeHart, Sroufe & Cooper (1995) state the ideathat…DeHart, G. B., Sroufe, L.A., & Cooper, R. G. (1995). Childdevelopment: Its nature and course (4th ed.). Boston,MA: McGraw-Hill.The edition statement is placed after the title of the work.This is not necessary for a first edition.BookEdited book (Friedman & Wachs, 1999)(Everson, 1991) Friedman, S. L., & Wachs, T. D. (Eds.). (1999). Measuringenvironment across the life span: Emerging methodsand concepts. Washington, DC: American PsychologicalAssociation.Everson, S. (Ed.). (1991). Psychology. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.Edited book4Electronicversion of printbook(De Lara & Doyen, 2008)(Ardia, 2008) De Lara, M., & Doyen, L. (2008). Sustainable managementof natural resources: Mathematical models andmethods. [SpringerLink version]. Retrieved from/openurl.asp?genre=book&isbn=978-3-540-79073-0Ardia, D. (2008). Financial risk management with Bayesianestimation of GARCH models: Theory and applications[SpringerLink version]. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-78657-3Add the name of the provider of the electronic version insquare brackets.Electronic bookEnter the DigitalObject Identifier of thebook in the DOI field.If the book has no DOI,use the URL field andenter the full URL ofthe e-book if it wasonly publishedelectronically. If thebook was originallypublished in print,enter the URL of thehomepage of thewebsite on which it isavailable.Electronic-only book (Stevens, n.d.) Stevens, K. (n.d.) The dreamer and the beast. Retrievedfrom/showitem.asp?itemID=332Electronic bookTranslation of a book (Yline, 2008) Ylinen, J. (2008). Stretching therapy: For sport and manualtherapies (J. Nurmenniemi, Trans.). Edinburgh,Scotland: Churchill Livingstone.BookEnter translator’sname in Translatorfield5Chapter in a bookElements of the citationAuthor(s) of chapter – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In Editor(s) – initials and family name - of book (Eds), Title of book – italicised, (pp. Page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeChapter in an edited book (Baker & Lightfoot, 1993)Use the chapter authors, NOT the editors of thebookBaker, F. M., & Lightfoot, O. B. (1993). Psychiatric care ofethnic elders. In A. C. Gaw (Ed.), Culture, ethnicity,and mental illness (pp. 517-552). Washington, DC:American Psychiatric Press.Book sectionChapter from an electronic book without DOI (Scott, 2005) Scott, D. (2005). Colonial governmentality. In J. X. Inda(Ed.), Anthropologies of modernity (pp.21-49). Retrievedfrom /cgi-bin/bookhome/117909832Book sectionChapter from an electronic book with DOI (Iacono, 2008) Iacono, W. G. (2008). Polygraph testing. In E. Borgida & S.T. Fiske (Eds.), Beyond common sense: Psychologicalscience in the courtroom (pp. 219-235). doi:10.1002/9780470696422Book sectionReview from the Mental Measurements Yearbook database (McInerney, 2004) McInerney, V. (2004). Review of the Neale Analysis ofReading Ability, 3rd Edition [AustralianStandardisation]. In The fifteenth mentalmeasurements yearbook. Retrieved from EBSCOMental Measurements Yearbook database.Book sectionAdd “EBSCO MentalMeasurementsYearbook database” inthe URL field.6Dictionary or EncyclopaediaElements of the citationAuthor(s) of work – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title – italicised. Place of publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeDictionary or Encyclopedia – print version (Wolman, 1989) Wolman, B.B. (Ed.). (1989). Dictionary of behavioralscience (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.BookEntry from Electronic dictionary or encyclopedia (Community, 2009) Community. (2009). In J. Scott & G. Marshall (Eds.), Adictionary of sociology (3rd rev. ed.). Retrieved from/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t88.e337Book section7Journal ArticleIf the journal article has a digital object identifier (DOI), include this in your reference.If there is no DOI and you have accessed the article electronically, include the URL of the journal’s homepage in your reference.Elements of the citationJournal article with DOI (print or electronic)Author(s) of journal article – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of journal article. Journal name – italicised, Volume – italicised( Issue or number), Page number(s). doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxxJournal article – DOI not available and journal retrieved onlineReference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote ReferenceTypeJournal article from print journal, no DOI (Lowrie & Diezmann, 2009) Lowrie, T., & Diezmann, C. M. (2009). Nationalnumeracy tests: A graphic tells a thousand words.Australian Journal of Education, 53(2), 141-158.Journal articleJournal article (print or electronic) with DOI – one author – paginated by issue (Osman, 2010)OROsman (2010) thought that….Osman, M. (2010). Controlling uncertainty: A review ofhuman behavior in complex dynamicenvironments. Psychological Bulletin, 136(1), 65-86. doi: 10.1037/a0017815Note: The volume number is in italicsJournal articleWhen citing an articlewhich you accessedelectronically, use the“Electronic article”reference type.8Journal article with DOI – two authors (Kerrigan & Kingdon, 2010)Kerrigan, A. M., & Kingdon, C. (2010). Maternalobesity and pregnancy: A retrospective study.Midwifery, 26, 138-146. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2008.12.005Journal articleJournal article with DOI–three to seven authors (Skenderian, Siegel, Crano, Alvaro, & Lac,2008)Cite all authors the first time thereference appears; for all subsequentuses, cite last name of first authorfollowed by “et al.”Skenderian, J. J., Siegel, J. T., Crano, W. D., Lac, A., &Alvaro, E. E. (2008). Expectancy change andadolescents' intentions to use marijuana.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22, 563-569.doi:10.1037/a0013020Journal articleJournal articlewith DOI – eightauthors or more(Wolchik et al., 2008)Note: Use only the first author’s lastname followed by “et al.”, for every useof the citation. Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.,Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., . . . Griffin. W. A.(2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs forchildren of divorce. Journal of Consulting andClinical Psychology, 68(5),843-856.doi:10.1037/0022-006X.68.5.843Note: Include all authors up to and including seven.For eight or more, include the first six, then anellipsis, followed by the last author's name.Journal articleJournal article with DOI - continuous pagination throughout volume (Wilens & Biederman, 2006) Wilens, T.E., & Biederman J. (2006). Alcohol, drugs,and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Amodel for the study of addictions in youth.Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20, 580-588.doi:10.1177/0269881105058776Note: Issue number is not required.Journal articleJournal article with DOI –available in (Allan, 2010) Allan, H. (2010). The perils facing nurse education: Acall for leadership for learning. Nurse EducationToday, Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2010.01.002Electronic article9advance in an online publication (before it is assigned a volume, issue or page numbers)Cochrane Review with DOI (Shaw, O’Rourke, Del Mar & Kenardy,2005)Shaw, K., O'Rourke, P., Del Mar, C., & Kenardy, J.(2005). Psychological interventions for overweightor obesity. The Cochrane database of systematicreviews, (2).doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003818.pub2Journal articleJournal article accessed electronically, without DOI (Fallon & Engel, 2008)Fallon, A., & Engel, C. (2008). Hypertensive disordersof pregnancy. The Practising Midwife, 11(9), 1-27.Retrieved fromElectronic articleNote: In the URLfield, enter either theURL of the journal'swebsite (forsubscription-basedjournals), or the fullURL of the article (forarticles available freeon the web)Journal article – in press (Williams & Beattie, in press) Williams, S., & Beattie, H. J. (in press). Problem basedlearning in the clinical setting – a systematicreview. Nurse Education Today.Journal articlePut “in press” in yearfieldArticle from UQ eReserve (Shaw, 2003) Shaw, J. (2003). Epidemiology and prevention of type2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. MedicalJournal of Australia, 179, 379-383. Retrieved fromUniversity of Queensland Library E-Reserve.Electronic articlePut “University ofQueensland Library E-Reserve” in URL field10Conference papers and proceedingsElements of the citationAuthor(s) of paper – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of paper. Title of published proceeding – italicised. Place of Publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypePublished conference paper (Scheinin, 2009) Scheinin, P. (2009). Using student assessment to improveteaching and educational policy. In M. O'Keefe, E.Webb, & K. Hoad (Eds.), Assessment and studentlearning: Collecting, interpreting and using data toinform teaching. Melbourne, Australia: AustralianCouncil for Educational Research.Book sectionUnpublished conference paper (Bowden & Fairley, 1996) Bowden, F.J., & Fairley, C.K. (1996, June). Endemic STDsin the Northern Territory: Estimations of effective rates ofpartner change. Paper presented at the ScientificMeeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians,Darwin.Conference paperAdd “June” in the DatefieldConference paper from proceedings published regularly online Note: include a DOI or URL as for an online journal article (Herculano-Houzel, Wong, Kaas & Lent, 2008) Herculano-Houzel, S., Collins, C. E., Wong, P., Kaas, J. H.& Lent, R. (2008). The basic nonuniformity of thecerebral cortex. Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences, 105, 12593-12598.doi:10.1073/pnas.0805417105Electronic article11Newspaper and magazine articlesElements of the citationAuthor(s) of article – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication, month day). Title of article. Title of newspaper – italicised, p. page number(s).Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNotereference typeNewspaper article with author (Cook, 2002) Cook, D. (2002, January 28). All in the mind. The Age, p.8.Note: Precede page numbers with p. or pp.Newspaper articleNewspaper article, no author (Meeting the needs, 2001) Meeting the needs of counsellors. (2001, May 5). TheCourier Mail, p. 22.Newspaper articleMagazine article (Marano, 2008) Marano, H.E. (2008, March-April). Making of aperfectionist. Psychology Today, 41, 80-86.Magazine articleElectronic newspaper or magazine article (Sandy, 2009)Sandy, A. (2009, January 22).Cheaper to fly than hire abike in Brisbane. The Courier Mail. Retrieved from.au/couriermail/Newspaper articleEnter the URL ofthe newspaper’shomepage in theURL field.Newspaper article from fulltext database (Lampathakis, 1997) Lampathakis, P. (1997, August 11). Tantrums seen assuicide warning. The West Australian, p. 26.Retrieved from Factiva database.Newspaper articleEnter “August 11”in the Issue field.Enter “Factivadatabase” in theURL field.12Government PublicationsElements of the citationAuthor(s) of report – (person or organisation), use & for multiple authors. (Year of Publication). Title of report – italicised. Place of publication: Publisher. Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeGovernment report (Queensland Health, 2005) Queensland Health. (2005). Health Systems ReviewFinal Report. Brisbane, Australia: QueenslandGovernment.ReportOnline report (Australian Institute of Health andWelfare[AIHW], 2010) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2010). Childprotection Australia 2008-09 (Report No.CWS 35).Retrieved from.au/publications/cws/35/10859.pdf ReportEnter “Report No. CWS35” in the ReportNumber field.13ThesisElements of the citation for a thesisAuthor of thesis – family name and initials. (Year of preparation of thesis). Title of thesis – italicised. (Award, Institution, Year). Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeThesis- retrieved from institutional or personal website (Axford, 2007) Axford, J.C. (2007). What constitutes success in Pacificisland community conserved areas? (Doctoraldissertation, University of Queensland, 2007).Retrieved from.au/view/UQ:158747ThesisThesis – retrieved from database (Sheehan, 2007) Sheehan, L. R. (2007). Destination managementorganizations: A stakeholder perspective. Retrievedfrom Proquest Digital Dissertations. (AAT NR25719)Thesis14WebpagesElements of the citationAuthor(s) of page – person or organisation, use & for multiple authors. (Year page created or revised). Title of page – italicised. Retrieved from web address. Do not include retrieval date unless the material may change over time (e.g., Wikis).Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeWeb page - with author (Atherton, 2005) Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour modification. Retrieved from/learning/ behaviour_mod.htmWeb PageWeb page - no author (Behaviourmodification, 2007)Use title instead ofauthor nameBehaviour modification. (2007). Retrieved from cational-/behaviour.htmlWeb PageWebpage – no date (Society of ClinicalPsychology, n.d.)Society of Clinical Psychology. (n.d.). About clinical psychology. Retrieved from/about/division/div12.aspxWeb PageWebpage – corporate author (Queensland Health,2009)As stated byQueensland Health(2009),Queensland Health. (2009). Sun safety and physical activity. Retrieved from.au/hid/SkinHealth/SunSafety/sunSafetyAndPhysicalActivity_ap.asp.Web PageImage on a webpage The image of the rash(Scarlet Fever RashPicture, n.d.)Scarlet fever rash picture [Image] (n.d.). Retrieved from/hardin/md/dermatlas/scarletfever.htmlAudiovisual materialAdd “Image” to Typefield15Other Internet Sources:Elements of the citationAuthor. (Year, month day). Title, [Type of media]. Retrieved from Web addressReference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typePodcasts (Al Zaabi & Bjarnesen, 2006) Al Zaabi, M. (Producer) & Bjarnesen, T. (Presenter).(2006, November 7). Diabetes in the elderly[Audio podcast]. Retrieved from.au/hn/talks/Audiovisual materialAdd “Producer” and “Presenter” in manually Add “Audio podcast” to the Type field.Email or personal communication es (personalcommunication, August 6, 2008)Or(L.J.Henderson, personalcommunication, February 5,2007)Not included in reference list, only cited in text. Entered into text manuallyMessage posted to a newsgroup, online forum or discussion group (Winther, 2009) Winther, M. (2009, January 14). The unconscious isspirit [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from/group/alt.psychology.jung/topics?lnkWeb PageAdd “January 14” to LastUpdate Date fieldAdd “Online forum comment”to Type of Medium field.16Blog Post (Reville, 2006) Reville, L. (2006, September 5). Where to findfundraising ideas [Web log message].Retrieved from / Web PageAdd “September 5” to Last Update Date fieldAdd “Web log message” to Type of Medium field.Email Discussion List – Web Archive (Vuinovich, 2001) Vuinovich, G. (2001, April 4). Report on malariaoutbreak [Electronic mailing list message].Retrieved from/VirtualListserv_Archives/ HCM/Policy/2001/msg016.htmlWeb PageAdd “April 4” to Last UpdateDate fieldAdd “Electronic mailing listmessage” to Type of Mediumfield.Eric document (limited circulation book or monograph, from electronic database) (Alberta Education, 2009) Alberta Education, Learning and Teaching ResourcesBranch (2009). Cree language and culture: 9-year program guide to implementation, grades4-5-6 [Monograph]. Retrieved from/Web PageAdd “Monograph” to Type ofMedium field.Eric document (informally published or self-archived) (Montgomery, 2009) Montgomery, J.R. (2009). Using audio books toimprove reading and academic performance.Retrieved from ERIC database (ED505947).Web Page17BrochuresElements of the citationAuthor. (Year). Title of brochure.[Brochure]. Place: Use author aspublisher.Reference typeIn-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeBrochure (University of Queensland, StudentServices, 2000) University of Queensland, StudentServices, Personal CounsellingProgram. (2000). Eatingdisorders [Brochure]. Brisbane,Australia: Author.BookPut “Author” in publisher field.Add [Brochure] after title manuallyLecture NotesElements of the citationName of author(s) or the institution responsible, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title and subtitle of publication – italicised, Name of institution, Location of institution.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNoteLecture notes - print (Johnson, 2008) Johnson, A. (2008). Week three:Foucault [Powerpoint slides].Unpublished manuscript,BESC1001, University ofQueensland, St Lucia, Australia.List name of city, state and country.Do not include state if listed inuniversity name. ManuscriptAdd [Powerpoint slides] manuallyAdd “manuscript” to Type of WorkfieldAdd “BESC1001, University ofQueensland, St Lucia, Australia” tothe Institution field18Lecture notes - online (Johnson, 2008) Johnson, A. (2008). Week three:Foucault [Powerpoint slides].Retrieved from BESC1001,University of QueenslandBlackboard Online:.au/ Web PageAdd “Week three: Foucault [Powerpoint slides] to the Title field Add “BESC1001, University of Queensland Blackboard Online: .au/” to URL fieldVideo or DVDElements of the citationProducer, A.A. (Producer), & Director, B.B. (Director). (Year). Title of video or DVD – italicised [Motion picture, DVD, etc] . Place of origin: Studio. Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeVideo or DVD (Smith, 2009) Smith, S. (Producer). (2009).Excellence in teaching : Lessonplanning [DVD]. Plainview, NY :Sunburst Media. Audiovisual mediaAdd “DVD” to the Type field.19Television programsElements of the citationWriter name(s) (Writer). (Year, month day). [ Type of medium]. Place of broadcast: Name of broadcasterReference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeTelevision or radio program (Bryant, 2001) Bryant, B. (Writer). (2001,September 12). The Bryantmedical hour [Televisionbroadcast]. Sydney, Australia:Public Broadcasting Service. Audiovisual materialIn Date field, add “September 12”. Add “Television broadcast” to the Type field.Indirect citationAn indirect citation is when the ideas of one author are published in another author’s text but you have not read or accessed the original author’s work. In the list of References provide the details of the author of the work you have read.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeIndirect citation or secondary source Miller (cited in Agrios 2005) found …… it was found (Miller, cited in Agrios2005). Agrios, G.N. (2005). Plant pathology(5th ed.) Burlington,Massachusetts: ElsevierAcademic Press.Cite the source where you foundthe citationBookUse the relevant reference type forthe item you are citing. Add “citedin” manually using “Edit Citation”option.20。
