At the moment when the Republic of Croatia gained independence in
The Trial That Rocked the World译文
精心整理亚洲:1.阿富汗?? 英文全称:Afghanistan???? 英文缩写:AFG2.亚美尼亚? 英文全称:The Republic of Armenia 英文缩写:9.柬埔寨? 英文全称:The Kingdom of Cambodia 英文缩写 英文名称The People's Republic of China 英文缩写CHN11.塞浦路斯? The Republic of Cyprus 英文缩写:CYP12.东帝汶? 英文全称:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 英文缩写:TLS13.印度英文全称:The Republic of India 英文缩写:IND14.印度尼西亚英文全称:The Republic of Indonesia 英文缩写:INA15.伊朗英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Iran 英文缩写:KUW24.吉尔吉斯共和国英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic 英文缩写:KGZ25.老挝英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic 英文缩写:LAO26.黎巴嫩英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon 英文缩写:LIB27.马来西亚英文全称:Malaysia 英文缩写:MAS28.马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:The Republic of Maldives 英文缩写:MDV29.蒙古英文全称:Mongolia 英文缩写:MGL30.尼泊尔英文全称:Nepal 英文缩写:NEPSYR39.塔吉克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Tajikistan 英文缩写:TJK40.泰国? 英文全称:The Kingdom of Thailand 英文缩写:THA41.阿拉伯联合酋长国? 英文全称:The United Arab Emirat 英文缩写:UAE42.乌兹别克斯坦? 英文全称:The Republic of Uzbekistan 英文缩写:UZB43.越南? 英文全称:The Socialist Republic of? VietNam 英文缩写:VIE44.也门? The Republic of Yemen 英文缩写YEMAND3奥地利?? The Republic of Austria?? 英文缩写:AUT4白俄罗斯? The Republic of Belarus 英文缩写:BLR 5比利时? The Kingdom of Belgium 常用缩写:BEL6波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那? Bosnia and Herzegovina 英文缩写:BIH 7保加利亚? The Republic of Bulgaria 英文缩写:BUL8克罗地亚共和国?? The Republic of Croatia 英文缩写:CROGER17英国? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 缩写:GBR18希腊? The Republic of Greece 英文缩写:GRE 19匈牙利? The Republic of Hungary 英文缩写:HUN20冰岛? The Republic of Iceland 英文缩写:ISL 21爱尔兰? Ireland 英文缩写:IRL22意大利? The Republic of Italy 英文缩写:ITA23拉脱维亚The Republic of Latvia 英文缩写:LATPOR34摩尔多瓦? The Republic of Moldova 英文缩写:MDA 35罗马尼亚? Romania 英文缩写:ROU 36俄罗斯? The Russian Federation 英文缩写:RUS37圣马利诺? The Republic of San Marino 英文缩写:SMR38塞尔维亚? The Republic of Serbia 英文缩写:SRB39斯洛伐克? The Slovak Republic 国家缩写:ALG2安哥拉? 英文全称:The Republic of Angola 英文缩写:ANG3贝宁? 英文全称:The Republic of Benin 英文缩写:BEN4博茨瓦那? 英文全称:The Republic of Botswana 英文缩写:BOT5布基纳法索国? 英文全称:The Burkina Faso 英文缩写:BUR6布隆迪? 英文全称:The Republic of Burundi? 英文缩写:13科特迪瓦? 英文全称:The Republic of Cote d'ivoire 英文缩写:CIV 14民主刚果? The Democratic Republic of? Congo 英文缩写:COD15吉布提英文全称:The Republic of Djibouti 英文缩写:DJI 16埃及? 英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt 英文缩写:EGY17赤道几内亚? The Republic of Equatorial Guinea 英文缩写:GEQ18厄立特里亚?? 英文全称:The State of Eritrea 英文缩写:ERI 19埃塞俄比亚? The Federal Democratic? Republic of Ethiopia英文缩写:26莱索托? 英文全称:The Kingdom of Lesotho 英文缩写:LES27利比里亚? 英文全称:The Republic of Liberia 英文缩写:LBR28利比亚?? The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya英文缩写:LBA29马达加斯加? 英文全称:The Republic of Madagascar 英文缩写:MAD30马拉维? 英文全称:The Republic of Malawi 英文缩写:MAW37尼日尔? 英文全称:The Republic of Niger 英文缩写:NIG 38尼日利亚? 英文全称:The Federal Republic of Nigeria 英文缩写:NGR39卢旺达? 英文全称:The Republic of Rwanda 英文缩写:RWA40 圣多美与普林西比共和国?The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 英文缩写:STP41塞内加尔? 英文全称:The Republic of Senegal 英文缩写:SEN49突尼斯? 英文全称:The Republic of Tunisia 英文缩写:TUN50乌干达? 英文全称:The Republic of Uganda 英文缩写:UGA51坦桑尼亚? 英文全称:The United Republic of Tanzania 英文缩写:TAN52赞比亚? 英文全称:The Republic of Zambia 英文缩写:ZAM53津巴布韦? 英文全称:The Republic of Zimbabwe 英文缩写:ZIM 美洲:9智利? 英文全称:Republic of Chile 英文缩写:CHI 10哥伦比亚? 英文全称:The Republic of Colombia 英文缩写:COL11 哥斯达黎加英文全称:The Republic of Costa Rica 英文缩写:CRC12古巴? 英文全称:The The Republic of Cuba 英文缩写:CUB13多米尼加共和国The Commonwealth of Dominica 英文缩写:DMA14多米尼克英文全称:The Dominican Republic 英文缩写:21洪都拉斯英文全称:The Republic of Honduras 英文缩写:HON22牙买加? 英文全称:Jamaica 英文缩写:JAM23圣卢西亚? 英文全称:Saint Lucia 英文缩写:LCA 24墨西哥? 英文全称:The United Mexican States 英文缩写:MEX25尼加拉瓜? 英文全称:The Republic of Nicaragua 英文缩写:32乌拉圭? 英文全称:Oriental Republic of Uruguay 英文缩写:URU33美利坚合众国? 英文全称:The United State of America 英文缩写:USA34委内瑞拉? 英文全称:Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 英文缩写:VEN35圣文森特和格林纳丁斯? Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 英文缩写:VIN7瑙鲁? 英文全称:The Republic of Nauru 英文缩写:NRU8新西兰? 英文全称:New Zealand 英文缩写:NZL9帕劳共和国? 英文全称:The Republic of Palau 英文缩写:PLW10巴布亚新几内亚? The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 英文缩写:PNG。
亚洲:亚洲:1阿富汗 英文全称:英文全称:Afghanistan 英文缩写:AFG 2亚美尼亚 英文全称:英文缩写:ARM 英文全称: The Republic of Armenia英文缩写:3阿塞拜疆 英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan英文缩写:AZE 4巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain英文缩写:BRN 5孟加拉共和国 The People's Republic of Bangladesh英文缩写:BAN 6不丹王国 英文全称:Kingdom of Bhutan英文缩写:BHU 7文莱 英文全称:Brunei Darussalam英文缩写:BRU 8缅甸英文缩写:MY A 缅甸 英文全称:The Union of Myanmar英文缩写:9柬埔寨 英文全称:The Kingdom of Cambodia英文缩写:英文缩写:CAM 10中国 英文名称The People's Republic of China英文缩写CHN 11塞浦路斯 The Republic of Cyprus英文缩写:英文缩写:CYP 12东帝汶 英文全称:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste英文缩写:英文缩写:TLS 13印度英文缩写:IND 印度 英文全称:The Republic of India英文缩写:14印度尼西亚英文缩写:INA 印度尼西亚 英文全称:The Republic of Indonesia英文缩写:15伊朗伊朗 英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Iran英文缩写:IRI 16伊拉克英文缩写:IRQ 伊拉克 英文全称:The Republic of Iraq英文缩写:17以色列 The State of Israel英文缩写:ISR 18日本日本 英文全称:Japan英文缩写:JPN 19约旦 英文全称:英文全称:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan英文缩写:JOR 20哈萨克斯坦哈萨克斯坦 英文全称:The Republic of Kazakhstan英文缩写:KAZ 21朝鲜 英文全称:Democratic People's Republic of Korea英文缩写:PRK 22韩国韩国 英文全称:Republic of Korea英文缩写:KOR 23科威特科威特 英文全称:The State of Kuwait英文缩写:KUW 24吉尔吉斯共和国吉尔吉斯共和国 英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic英文缩写:KGZ 25老挝老挝 英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic英文缩写:LAO 26黎巴嫩黎巴嫩 英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon英文缩写:LIB 27马来西亚马来西亚 英文全称:Malaysia英文缩写:MAS 28马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:The Republic of Maldives英文缩写:英文缩写:MDV 29蒙古蒙古 英文全称:Mongolia英文缩写:MGL 30尼泊尔尼泊尔 英文全称:Nepal英文缩写:NEP 31阿曼英文缩写:OMA 阿曼 英文全称:The Sultanate of Oman英文缩写:Pakistan 英文缩写:P AK 32巴基斯坦巴基斯坦 英文全称:The Islamic Republic of 33菲律宾 英文全称:The Republic of The Philippines英文缩写:PHI 34卡塔尔 英文全称:The State of Qatar英文缩写:英文缩写:QA T 35沙特阿拉伯 英文全称:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia英文缩写:英文缩写:KSA 36新加坡 英文全称:The Republic of Singapore英文缩写:英文缩写:SIN 37斯里兰卡 The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka英文缩写:英文缩写:SRI 38叙利亚叙利亚 英文全称:The Syrian Arab Republic英文缩写:SYR 39塔吉克斯坦塔吉克斯坦 英文全称:The Republic of Tajikistan英文缩写:TJK 40泰国 英文全称:The Kingdom of Thailand英文缩写:THA 41阿拉伯联合酋长国 英文全称:The United Arab Emirat英文缩写:英文缩写:UAE 42乌兹别克斯坦 英文全称:The Republic of Uzbekistan英文缩写:UZB 43越南 英文全称:The Socialist Republic of V ietNam英文缩写:VIE 44也门 英文全称:The Republic of Y emen英文缩写YEM 45巴勒斯坦英文缩写:PLE 巴勒斯坦 英文全称:The state of Palestine英文缩写:46格鲁吉亚 Georgia英文缩写:GEO 47土耳其 英文全称:The Republic of Turkey英文缩写:TUR 48土库曼斯坦 英文全称:Turkmenistan英文缩写:TKM 中国香港 英文缩写:HKG 中国澳门中国澳门欧洲:欧洲:1阿尔巴尼亚 英文全称:The Republic of Albania英文缩写:英文缩写:ALB The Principality of Andorra 2安道尔共和国 T he Principality of Andorra 英文缩写:AND The Republic of Austria 3奥地利 T he Republic of Austria 英文缩写:AUT 4白俄罗斯 The Republic of Belarus英文缩写:英文缩写:BLR 5比利时 The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写:BEL 6波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia and Herzegovina英文缩写:BIH 7保加利亚 The Republic of Bulgaria英文缩写:英文缩写:BUL The Republic of Croatia英文缩写:8克罗地亚共和国 T he Republic of Croatia英文缩写:CRO 9捷克共和国 The Czech Republic英文缩写:CZE 10丹麦 The Kingdom of Denmark常用缩写:DEN 11西班牙 Spain英文缩写:ESP 12爱沙尼亚 The Republic of Estonia英文缩写:英文缩写:EST 13芬兰 The Republic of Finland英文缩写:FIN 14马其顿共和国 英文全称:The Republic of Macedonia英文缩写:英文缩写:MKD 15法国 英文全称:英文缩写:FRA 英文全称:The Republic of France英文缩写:16德国 英文全称:The Federal Republic of Germany英文缩写:GER 17英国 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland缩写:GBR 18希腊 英文全称:The Republic of Greece英文缩写:英文缩写:GRE 19匈牙利 英文全称:The Republic of Hungary英文缩写:HUN 20冰岛 英文全称:The Republic of Iceland英文缩写:ISL 21爱尔兰 英文全称:Ireland英文缩写:IRL 22意大利 The Republic of Italy英文缩写:ITA 23拉脱维亚拉脱维亚 英文全称:The Republic of Latvia英文缩写:英文缩写:LA T 24列支敦士登 英文全称:The Principality of Liechtenstein英文缩写:LIE 25立陶宛 The Republic of Lithuania英文缩写:英文缩写:LTU 26卢森堡 The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg英文缩写:LUX 英文缩写:LUX 27马耳他 英文全称:The Republic of Malta英文缩写:英文缩写:ML T 28摩纳哥摩纳哥 英文全称:The Principality of Monaco英文缩写:MON 29黑山 Montenegro 英文缩写:MNE 30荷兰 英文名称:The Kingdom of the Netherlands常用缩写:NED 31挪威 英文名称:The Kingdom of Norway常用缩写:常用缩写:NOR 32波兰 英文全称:The Republic of Poland英文缩写:英文缩写:POL 33葡萄牙 英文全称:The Portuguese Republic英文缩写:POR 34摩尔多瓦 英文全称:The Republic of Moldova英文缩写:英文缩写:MDA 35罗马尼亚 英文全称:Romania英文缩写:ROU 36俄罗斯 英文全称:The Russian Federation英文缩写:RUS 37圣马利诺 英文全称:The Republic of San Marino英文缩写:SMR 38塞尔维亚 英文全称:The Republic of Serbia英文缩写:英文缩写:SRB 39斯洛伐克 英文名称:The Slovak Republic国家缩写:SVK 40斯洛文尼亚 英文全称:The Republic of Slovenia英文缩写:英文缩写:SLO 41瑞典 英文全称:The Kingdom of Sweden英文缩写:英文缩写:SWE 42瑞士 英文名称:Swiss Confederation常用缩写:SUI 43乌克兰 英文全称:英文全称:UKRAINE英文缩写:UKR 44梵蒂冈城国英文缩写:梵蒂冈城国 The V atican City state英文缩写:非洲: 1阿尔及利亚 The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria缩写:ALG 2安哥拉 英文全称:The Republic of Angola英文缩写:英文缩写:ANG 3贝宁 英文全称:The Republic of Benin英文缩写:BEN 4博茨瓦那 英文全称:The Republic of Botswana英文缩写:英文缩写:BOT 5布基纳法索国 英文全称:英文全称: The Burkina Faso英文缩写:BUR 6布隆迪 英文全称:英文全称: The Republic of Burundi 英文缩写:BDI 7喀麦隆 英文名称:The Republic of Cameroon常用缩写:常用缩写:CMR 8佛得角 英文全称:erde英文缩写:CPV 英文全称: The Republic of Cape V9中非 英文全称:英文全称: The Central African Republic英文缩写:CAF 10乍得 英文全称:英文缩写:CHA 英文全称: The Republic of Chad英文缩写:11科摩罗 英文全称:Union of Comoros英文缩写:COM 12刚果(布)刚果(布) 英文全称:英文全称: The Republic of Congo英文缩写:CGO 13科特迪瓦 英文全称:英文全称: The Republic of Cote d'ivoire英文缩写:CIV 14民主刚果 英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Congo英文缩写:COD 15吉布提吉布提 英文全称:The Republic of Djibouti英文缩写:DJI 16埃及 英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt英文缩写:EGY 17赤道几内亚 英文全称:英文全称: The Republic of Equatorial Guinea 英文缩写:GEQ 18厄立特里亚 英文全称:英文全称:The State of Eritrea英文缩写:英文缩写:ERI 19埃塞俄比亚 The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia英文缩写:ETH 20加蓬 英文全称:英文全称: The Gabonese Republic英文缩写:GAB 21 冈比亚英文全称:The Republic of the Gambia英文缩写:GAM 22加纳 英文全称:The Republic of Ghana英文缩写:英文缩写:GHA 23几内亚 英文全称:英文缩写:GUI 英文全称: The Republic of Guinea英文缩写:24几内亚比绍 英文全称:英文全称: The Republic of Guinea-Bissau英文缩写:GBS 25肯尼亚 英文全称:The Republic of Kenya英文缩写:英文缩写:KEN 26莱索托 英文全称:英文全称: The Kingdom of Lesotho英文缩写:LES 27利比里亚 英文全称:The Republic of Liberia英文缩写:英文缩写:LBR The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya英文缩写:LBA 28利比亚 T he Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya29马达加斯加 英文全称:英文缩写:MAD 英文全称: The Republic of Madagascar英文缩写:30马拉维 英文全称:英文全称: The Republic of Malawi英文缩写:MAW 31马里 英文全称:The Republic of Mali英文缩写:MLI 32毛里塔尼亚 英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Mauritania英文缩写:MTN 33毛里求斯(非洲岛国)英文全称:The Republic of Mauritius英文缩写:英文缩写:MRI 34摩洛哥 英文全称:The Kingdom of Morocco英文缩写:MAR 35莫桑比克 英文全称:The Republic of Mozambique英文缩写:英文缩写:MOZ 36纳米比亚 英文全称:The Republic of Namibia英文缩写:英文缩写:NAM 37尼日尔 英文全称:The Republic of Niger英文缩写:英文缩写:NIG 38尼日利亚 英文全称:The Federal Republic of Nigeria 英文缩写:NGR 39卢旺达 英文全称:The Republic of Rwanda 英文缩写:英文缩写:W R WA A 40 圣多美与普林西比共和国 英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 英文缩写:STP 41塞内加尔 英文全称:The Republic of Senegal 英文缩写:SEN 42塞舌尔群岛 英文全称:The Republic of Seychelles 英文缩写:英文缩写:SEY 43 塞拉利昂 英文全称:The Republic of Sierra Leone 英文缩写:SLE 44索马里 英文全称:The Somalia Republic 英文缩写:SOM 45南非 英文名称:The Republic of South Africa常用缩写:RSA 46苏丹 英文全称:The Republic of the Sudan英文缩写:SUD 47斯威士兰 英文全称:英文全称:The Kingdom of Swaziland英文缩写:SWZ 48多哥 英文全称:英文全称:The Republic of Togo英文缩写:TOG 49突尼斯 英文全称:The Republic of Tunisia英文缩写:TUN 50乌干达 英文全称:The Republic of Uganda英文缩写:英文缩写:UGA 51坦桑尼亚 英文全称:The United Republic of Tanzania英文缩写:TAN 52赞比亚 英文全称:The Republic of Zambia英文缩写:英文缩写:ZAM 53津巴布韦 英文全称:The Republic of Zimbabwe英文缩写:英文缩写:ZIM 美洲:美洲:1安提瓜及巴布达 英文全称:Antigua and Barbuda英文缩写:ANT 2阿根廷 英文名称:Republic of Argentina英文缩写:ARG 3巴哈马 英文全称:The Commonwealth of The Bahamas英文缩写:BAH 4巴巴多斯 英文全称:Barbados英文缩写:BAR 5伯利兹 英文全称:Belize英文缩写:BIZ 6玻利维亚 英文全称:The Republic of Bolivia英文缩写:英文缩写:BOL 7巴西 英文全称:The Federative Republic of Brazil英文缩写:BRA 8加拿大 英文全称:Canada英文缩写:CAN 9智利 英文全称:Republic of Chile英文缩写:CHI 10哥伦比亚 英文全称:The Republic of Colombia英文缩写:英文缩写:COL 11 哥斯达黎加英文全称:The Republic of Costa Rica英文缩写:CRC 12古巴 英文全称:The The Republic of Cuba英文缩写:CUB 13多米尼加共和国英文全称:The Commonwealth of Dominica英文缩写:英文缩写:DMA 14多米尼克英文全称:The Dominican Republic英文缩写:DOM 15厄瓜多尔英文缩写:ECU 厄瓜多尔 英文全称:The Republic of Ecuador英文缩写:16萨尔瓦多英文全称:The Republic of El Salvador英文缩写:ESA 17格林纳达英文全称:Grenada英文缩写:GRN 18危地马拉英文全称:The Republic of Guatemala英文缩写:英文缩写:GUA 19圭亚那英文全称:The Cooperative Republic of Guyana英文缩写:GUY 20海地英文全称:The Republic of Haiti英文缩写:HAI 21洪都拉斯英文全称:The Republic of Honduras英文缩写:英文缩写:HON 22牙买加 英文全称:Jamaica英文缩写:JAM 23圣卢西亚 英文全称:Saint Lucia英文缩写:LCA 24墨西哥 英文全称:The United Mexican States英文缩写:英文缩写:MEX 25尼加拉瓜 英文全称:The Republic of Nicaragua英文缩写:英文缩写:NCA 26巴拿马 英文全称:The Republic of Panama英文缩写:英文缩写:P AN 27巴拉圭 英文全称:The Republic of Paraguay英文缩写:英文缩写:P AR 28秘鲁 英文全称:The Republic of Peru英文缩写:英文缩写:PER 29圣基茨和尼维斯 The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis英文缩写:SKN 30苏里南 英文全称:The Republic of Suriname英文缩写:英文缩写:SUR 31特立尼达和多巴哥 The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago英文缩写:TRI 32乌拉圭 英文全称:Oriental Republic of Uruguay英文缩写:URU 33美利坚合众国 英文全称:The United State of America英文缩写:USA 34委内瑞拉 英文全称:Bolivarian Republic of V enezuela英文缩写:VEN 35圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint V incent and the Grenadines英文缩写:英文缩写:VIN 大洋州:大洋州:1澳大利亚 英文全称:The Commonwealth of Australia英文缩写:英文缩写:AUS 2库克群岛库克群岛 英文全称:The Cook Islands英文缩写:COK 3密克罗尼西亚 英文全称:The Federated States of Micronesia缩写:FSM 4斐济斐济 英文全称:The Republic of The Fiji Islands英文缩写:FIJ 5基里巴斯共和国 英文全称:The Republic of Kiribati英文缩写:KIR 6马绍尔群岛 英文全称:The Republic of Marshall Island英文缩写:MHL 7瑙鲁 英文全称:The Republic of Nauru英文缩写:英文缩写:NRU 8新西兰 英文全称:New Zealand英文缩写:NZL 10巴布亚新几内亚 The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 11萨摩亚 英文全称:The Independent State of13汤加群岛 英文全称:The Kingdom of Tonga14图瓦卢 英文全称:Tuvalu英文缩写:16纽埃 Niue 。
Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In—deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad—venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night。
Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry—eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days,signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world. 印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克•吐温原名塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。
亚洲:1.阿富汗英文全称:Afghanistan 英文缩写:AFG2.亚美尼亚英文全称: The Republic of Armenia 英文缩写:ARM3.阿塞拜疆英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan 英文缩写:AZE4.巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain 英文缩写:BRN5.孟加拉共和国6.不丹王国英文全称:Kingdom of Bhutan英文缩写:CAM英文缩写CHN英文缩写:CYP英文缩写:TLS英文缩写:IND英文缩写:INA英文缩写:IRI英文缩写:IRQ17.以色列 The State of Israel 英文缩写:ISR18.日本英文全称:Japan 英文缩写:JPN19.约旦英文全称:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 英文缩写:JOR20.哈萨克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Kazakhstan 英文缩写:KAZ21.朝鲜英文全称:Democratic People's Republic of Korea 英文缩写:PRK22.韩国英文全称:Republic of Korea 英文缩写:KOR23.科威特英文全称:The State of Kuwait 英文缩写:KUW24.吉尔吉斯共和国英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic 英文缩写:KGZ25.老挝英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic 英文缩写:LAO26.黎巴嫩英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon 英文缩写:LIB27.马来西亚英文全称:Malaysia28.马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:29.蒙古英文全称:Mongolia英文缩写:PAK英文缩写:PHI英文缩写:QAT英文缩写:KSA英文缩写:SIN 37.英文缩写:SRI英文缩写:SYR英文缩写:TJK40.泰国英文全称:The Kingdom of Thailand 英文缩写:THA41.阿拉伯联合酋长国英文全称:The United Arab Emirat 英文缩写:UAE42.乌兹别克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Uzbekistan 英文缩写:UZB43.越南英文全称:The Socialist Republic of VietNam 英文缩写:VIE44.也门 The Republic of Yemen 英文缩写YEM45.巴勒斯坦 The state of Palestine 英文缩写:PLE46.格鲁吉亚 Georgia 英文缩写:GEO47.土耳其英文全称:The Republic of Turkey 英文缩写:TUR48.土库曼斯坦英文全称:Turkmenistan 英文缩写:TKM49.中国香港 Hong Kong 英文缩写:HKG50.中国澳门 Macao欧洲:1阿尔巴尼亚 The Republic of Albania2AND 3英文缩写:BLR常用缩写:BEL英文缩写:BIH英文缩写:BUL英文缩写:CRO英文缩写:CZE常用缩写:DEN英文缩写:ES 12爱沙尼亚 The Republic of Estonia 英文缩写:EST 13芬兰 The Republic of Finland 英文缩写:FIN14马其顿共和国 The Republic of Macedonia 英文缩写:MKD15法国The Republic of France 英文缩写:FRA16德国 The Federal Republic of Germany 英文缩写:GER17英国 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 缩写:GBR 18希腊 The Republic of Greece 英文缩写:GRE19匈牙利 The Republic of Hungary 英文缩写:HUN20冰岛 The Republic of Iceland 英文缩写:ISL21爱尔兰 Ireland 英文缩写:IRL22意大利 The Republic of Italy23拉脱维亚 The Republic of Latvia24列支敦士登英文缩写:MLT英文缩写:MON英文缩写:MNE常用缩写:NED常用缩写:NOR英文缩写:POL英文缩写:POR英文缩写:MDA 35罗马尼亚 Romania 英文缩写:ROU 36俄罗斯 The Russian Federation 英文缩写:RUS 37圣马利诺 The Republic of San Marino 英文缩写:SMR 38塞尔维亚 The Republic of Serbia 英文缩写:SRB 39斯洛伐克 The Slovak Republic 国家缩写:SVK40斯洛文尼亚 The Republic of Slovenia 英文缩写:SLO 41瑞典 The Kingdom of Sweden 英文缩写:SWE42瑞士 Swiss Confederation 常用缩写:SUI 43乌克兰 UKRAINE 英文缩写:UKR44梵蒂冈城国 The Vatican City State 英文缩写:VCS非洲:1阿尔及利亚2安哥拉英文全称:The Republic of Angola英文缩写:BUR英文缩写:BDI常用缩写:CMR英文缩写:CPV英文缩写:CAF英文缩写:CHA英文缩写:COM英文缩写:CGO 13科特迪瓦英文全称: The Republic of Cote d'ivoire 英文缩写:CIV 14民主刚果 The Democratic Republic of Congo 英文缩写:COD 15吉布提英文全称:The Republic of Djibouti 英文缩写:DJI 16埃及英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt 英文缩写:EGY 17赤道几内亚 The Republic of Equatorial Guinea 英文缩写:GEQ18厄立特里亚英文全称:The State of Eritrea 英文缩写:ERI19埃塞俄比亚 The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 英文缩写:ETH 20加蓬英文全称: The Gabonese Republic 英文缩写:GAB21 冈比亚英文全称:The Republic of the Gambia 英文缩写:GAM22加纳英文全称:The Republic of Ghana 英文缩写:GHA23几内亚英文全称: The Republic of Guinea24几内亚比绍 The Republic of Guinea-Bissau25肯尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Kenya28英文缩写:LBA英文缩写:MAD英文缩写:MAW英文缩写:MLI32英文缩写:MTN英文缩写:MRI英文缩写:MAR英文缩写:MOZ 36纳米比亚英文全称:The Republic of Namibia 英文缩写:NAM 37尼日尔英文全称:The Republic of Niger 英文缩写:NIG 38尼日利亚英文全称:The Federal Republic of Nigeria 英文缩写:NGR 39卢旺达英文全称:The Republic of Rwanda 英文缩写:RWA40 圣多美与普林西比共和国The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 英文缩写:STP 41塞内加尔英文全称:The Republic of Senegal 英文缩写:SEN 42塞舌尔群岛英文全称:The Republic of Seychelles 英文缩写:SEY 43 塞拉利昂英文全称:The Republic of Sierra Leone 英文缩写:SLE 44索马里英文全称:The Somalia Republic 英文缩写:SOM 45南非英文名称:The Republic of South Africa46苏丹英文全称:The Republic of the Sudan47斯威士兰英文全称:英文缩写:UGA英文缩写:TAN英文缩写:ZAM英文缩写:ZIM英文缩写:ANT英文缩写:ARG英文缩写:BAH 4巴巴多斯英文全称:Barbados 英文缩写:BAR5伯利兹英文全称:Belize 英文缩写:BIZ 6玻利维亚英文全称:The Republic of Bolivia 英文缩写:BOL 7巴西英文全称:The Federative Republic of Brazil 英文缩写:BRA 8加拿大英文全称:Canada 英文缩写:CAN9智利英文全称:Republic of Chile 英文缩写:CHI10哥伦比亚英文全称:The Republic of Colombia 英文缩写:COL11 哥斯达黎加英文全称:The Republic of Costa Rica 英文缩写:CRC12古巴英文全称:The The Republic of Cuba 英文缩写:CUB13多米尼加共和国 The Commonwealth of Dominica 英文缩写:DMA14多米尼克英文全称:The Dominican Republic15厄瓜多尔英文全称:The Republic of Ecuador16萨尔瓦多英文全称:19英文缩写:GUY20海地英文缩写:HAI21英文缩写:HON22英文缩写:JAM23英文缩写:LCA24英文缩写:MEX25英文缩写:NCA26英文缩写:PAN27巴拉圭英文全称:The Republic of Paraguay 英文缩写:PAR28秘鲁英文全称:The Republic of Peru 英文缩写:PER29圣基茨和尼维斯 The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis 英文缩写:SKN30苏里南英文全称:The Republic of Suriname 英文缩写:SUR31特立尼达和多巴哥 The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 英文缩写:TRI32乌拉圭英文全称:Oriental Republic of Uruguay 英文缩写:URU 33美利坚合众国英文全称:The United State of America 英文缩写:USA34委内瑞拉英文全称:Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 英文缩写:VEN35圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 英文缩写:VIN 大洋州:1澳大利亚英文全称:The Commonwealth of Australia2库克群岛英文全称:The Cook Islands3密克罗尼西亚 The Federated States of Micronesia4斐济56英文缩写:MHL7瑙鲁英文缩写:NRU8英文缩写:NZL9英文缩写:PLW 10英文缩写:PNG 11英文缩写:SAM12英文缩写:SOL13英文缩写:TGA14图瓦卢英文全称:Tuvalu 英文缩写:TUV15瓦努阿图(共和国)英文全称:The Republic of Vanuatu 英文缩写:VAN16纽埃 Niue。
所有国家的国旗和英语单词阿富汗英语单词:Afghanistan 缩写:AFG亚美尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Armenia 缩写:ARM阿塞拜疆英语单词:The Republic of Azerbaijan 缩写:AZE巴林英语单词:The Kingdom of Bahrain 缩写:BRN孟加拉共和国英语单词:The People's Republic of Bangladesh 缩写:BAN 不丹王国英语单词:Kingdom of Bhutan 缩写:BHU文莱英语单词:Brunei Darussalam 缩写:BRU缅甸英语单词:The Union of Myanmar 缩写:MYA柬埔寨英语单词:The Kingdom of Cambodia 缩写:CAM中国英文名称The People's Republic of China 缩写CHN塞浦路斯英语单词:The Republic of Cyprus 缩写:CYP东帝汶英语单词:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 缩写:TLS印度英语单词:The Republic of India 缩写:IND印度尼西亚英语单词:The Republic of Indonesia 缩写:INA伊朗英语单词:The Islamic Republic of Iran 缩写:IRI伊拉克英语单词:The Republic of Iraq 缩写:IRQ以色列 The State of Israel 缩写:ISR日本英语单词:Japan 缩写:JPN约旦英语单词:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 缩写:JOR哈萨克斯坦英语单词:The Republic of Kazakhstan 缩写:KAZ朝鲜英语单词:Democratic People's Republic of Korea 缩写:PRK韩国英语单词:Republic of Korea 缩写:KOR科威特英语单词:The State of Kuwait 缩写:KUW吉尔吉斯共和国英语单词:Kyrghyz Republic 缩写:KGZ老挝英语单词:The Lao People's Democratic Republic 缩写:LAO黎巴嫩英语单词:The Republic of Lebanon 缩写:LIB马来西亚英语单词:Malaysia 缩写:MAS马尔代夫(群岛) 英语单词:The Republic of Maldives 缩写:MDV蒙古英语单词:Mongolia 缩写:MGL尼泊尔英语单词:Nepal 缩写:NEP阿曼英语单词:The Sultanate of Oman 缩写:OMA巴基斯坦英语单词:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan 缩写:PAK菲律宾英语单词:The Republic of The Philippines 缩写:PHI卡塔尔英语单词:The State of Qatar 缩写:QAT沙特阿拉伯英语单词:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 缩写:KSA新加坡英语单词:The Republic of Singapore 缩写:SIN斯里兰卡 The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 缩写:SRI 叙利亚英语单词:The Syrian Arab Republic 缩写:SYR塔吉克斯坦英语单词:The Republic of Tajikistan 缩写:TJK泰国英语单词:The Kingdom of Thailand 缩写:THA阿拉伯联合酋长国英语单词:The United Arab Emirat 缩写:UAE乌兹别克斯坦英语单词:The Republic of Uzbekistan 缩写:UZB越南英语单词:The Socialist Republic of VietNam 缩写:VIE也门英语单词:The Republic of Yemen 缩写YEM巴勒斯坦英语单词:The state of Palestine 缩写:PLE格鲁吉亚 Georgia 缩写:GEO土耳其英语单词:The Republic of Turkey 缩写:TUR土库曼斯坦英语单词:Turkmenistan 缩写:TKM阿尔巴尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Albania 缩写:ALB安道尔共和国英语单词:The Principality of Andorra 缩写:AND奥地利英语单词:The Republic of Austria 缩写:AUT白俄罗斯英语单词:The Republic of Belarus 缩写:BLR比利时英语单词:The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写:BEL波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia and Herzegovina 缩写:BIH保加利亚英语单词:The Republic of Bulgaria 缩写:BUL克罗地亚共和国英语单词:The Republic of Croatia 缩写:CRO捷克共和国英语单词:The Czech Republic 缩写:CZE丹麦英语单词:The Kingdom of Denmark常用缩写:DEN西班牙英语单词:Spain 缩写:ESP爱沙尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Estonia 缩写:EST芬兰英语单词:The Republic of Finland 缩写:FIN马其顿共和国英语单词:The Republic of Macedonia 缩写:MKD法国英语单词:The Republic of France 缩写:FRA德国英语单词:The Federal Republic of Germany 缩写:GER英国 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland缩写:GBR 希腊英语单词:The Republic of Greece 缩写:GRE匈牙利英语单词:The Republic of Hungary 缩写:HUN冰岛英语单词:The Republic of Iceland 缩写:ISL爱尔兰英语单词:Ireland 缩写:IRL意大利英语单词:The Republic of Italy 缩写:ITA拉脱维亚英语单词:The Republic of Latvia 缩写:LAT列支敦士登英语单词:The Principality of Liechtenstein 缩写:LIE立陶宛英语单词:The Republic of Lithuania 缩写:LTU卢森堡英语单词:The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 缩写:LUX 缩写:LUX马耳他英语单词:The Republic of Malta 缩写:MLT摩纳哥英语单词:The Principality of Monaco 缩写:MON黑山英语单词:Montenegro 缩写:MNE荷兰英语单词:The Kingdom of the Netherlands 缩写:NED挪威英语单词:英文名称:The Kingdom of Norway 缩写:NOR波兰英语单词:The Republic of Poland 缩写:POL葡萄牙英语单词:The Portuguese Republic 缩写:POR摩尔多瓦英语单词:The Republic of Moldova 缩写:MDA罗马尼亚英语单词:Romania 缩写:ROU俄罗斯英语单词:The Russian Federation 缩写:RUS圣马利诺英语单词:The Republic of San Marino 缩写:SMR塞尔维亚英语单词:The Republic of Serbia 缩写:SRB斯洛伐克英文名称:The Slovak Republic国家缩写:SVK斯洛文尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Slovenia 缩写:SLO瑞典英语单词:The Kingdom of Sweden 缩写:SWE瑞士英语单词:Swiss Confederation 缩写:SUI乌克兰英语单词:UKRAINE 缩写:UKR梵蒂冈城国英语单词:The Vatican City state 缩写:阿尔及利亚英语单词:The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria缩写:ALG 安哥拉英语单词:The Republic of Angola 缩写:ANG贝宁英语单词:The Republic of Benin 缩写:BEN博茨瓦那英语单词:The Republic of Botswana 缩写:BOT布基纳法索国英语单词:The Burkina Faso 缩写:BUR布隆迪英语单词:The Republic of Burundi 缩写:BDI喀麦隆英语单词:The Republic of Cameroon常用缩写:CMR佛得角英语单词:The Republic of Cape Verde 缩写:CPV中非英语单词:The Central African Republic 缩写:CAF乍得英语单词:The Republic of Chad 缩写:CHA科摩罗英语单词:Union of Comoros 缩写:COM刚果(布)英语单词:The Republic of Congo 缩写:CGO科特迪瓦英语单词:The Republic of Cote d'ivoire 缩写:CIV民主刚果英语单词:The Democratic Republic of Congo 缩写:COD吉布提英语单词:The Republic of Djibouti 缩写:DJI埃及英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt 缩写:EGY赤道几内亚英语单词:The Republic of Equatorial Guinea缩写:GEQ厄立特里亚英语单词:The State of Eritrea 缩写:ERI埃塞俄比亚英语单词:The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 缩写:ETH 加蓬英语单词:The Gabonese Republic 缩写:GAB冈比亚英语单词:The Republic of the Gambia 缩写:GAM美利坚合众国英语单词:United States of America法兰西共和国英语单词:French Republic)英国英语单词Britain俄罗斯联邦英语单词:Russian Federation。
世界各国国旗、英文全称和三字母缩写世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写世界各国国旗、英文全称和缩写亚洲1、阿富汗英文全称:Afghanistan 英文缩写:AFG2、亚美尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Armenia英文缩写:ARM3阿塞拜疆英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan英文缩写:AZE4巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain英文缩写:BRN5孟加拉共和国The People's Republic of Bangladesh英文缩写:BAN6不丹王国英文全称:Kingdom of Bhutan英文缩写:BHU世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写7文莱英文全称:Brunei Darussalam英文缩写:BRU8缅甸英文全称:The Union of Myanmar英文缩写:MYA9柬埔寨英文全称:The Kingdom of Cambodia英文缩写:CAM10中国英文名称The People's Republic of China英文缩写CHN11塞浦路斯The Republic of Cyprus英文缩写:CYP12东帝汶英文全称:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 英文缩写:TLS13印度英文全称:The Republic of India英文缩写:IND世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写14印度尼西亚英文全称:The Republic of Indonesia英文缩写:INA15伊朗英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Iran英文缩写:IRI16伊拉克英文全称:The Republic of Iraq英文缩写:IRQ17以色列The State of Israel英文缩写:ISR18日本英文全称:Japan英文缩写:JPN19约旦英文全称:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan英文缩写:JOR20哈萨克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Kazakhstan英文缩写:KAZ世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写21朝鲜英文全称:Democratic People's Republic of Korea 英文缩写:PRK22韩国英文全称:Republic of Korea英文缩写:KOR23科威特英文全称:The State of Kuwait英文缩写:KUW24吉尔吉斯共和国英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic英文缩写:KGZ25老挝英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic 英文缩写:LAO26黎巴嫩英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon英文缩写:LIB27马来西亚英文全称:Malaysia英文缩写:MAS世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写28马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:The Republic of Maldives英文缩写:MDV29蒙古英文全称:Mongolia英文缩写:MGL30尼泊尔英文全称:Nepal英文缩写:NEP31阿曼英文全称:The Sultanate of Oman英文缩写:OMA32巴基斯坦英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan 英文缩写:PAK33菲律宾英文全称:The Republic of The Philippines英文缩写:PHI34卡塔尔英文全称:The State of Qatar英文缩写:QAT世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写35沙特阿拉伯英文全称:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia英文缩写:KSA36新加坡英文全称:The Republic of Singapore英文缩写:SIN37斯里兰卡The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 英文缩写:SRI38叙利亚英文全称:The Syrian Arab Republic英文缩写:SYR39塔吉克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Tajikistan英文缩写:TJK40泰国英文全称:The Kingdom of Thailand英文缩写:THA41阿拉伯联合酋长国英文全称:The United Arab Emirat英文缩写:UAE世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写42乌兹别克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Uzbekistan英文缩写:UZB43越南英文全称:The Socialist Republic of VietNam英文缩写:VIE44也门英文全称:The Republic of Yemen英文缩写YEM45巴勒斯坦英文全称:The state of Palestine英文缩写:PLE46格鲁吉亚Georgia英文缩写:GEO47土耳其英文全称:The Republic of Turkey英文缩写:TUR48土库曼斯坦英文全称:Turkmenistan英文缩写:TKM世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写中国香港英文缩写:HKG中国澳门欧洲1阿尔巴尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Albania英文缩写:ALB2安道尔共和国The Principality of Andorra 英文缩写:AND3奥地利The Republic of Austria 英文缩写:AUT4白俄罗斯The Republic of Belarus英文缩写:BLR世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写5比利时The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写:BEL6波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina英文缩写:BIH7保加利亚The Republic of Bulgaria英文缩写:BUL8克罗地亚共和国The Republic of Croatia英文缩写:CRO9捷克共和国The Czech Republic英文缩写:CZE10丹麦The Kingdom of Denmark常用缩写:DEN11西班牙Spain英文缩写:ESP世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写12爱沙尼亚The Republic of Estonia英文缩写:EST13芬兰The Republic of Finland英文缩写:FIN14马其顿共和国英文全称:The Republic of Macedonia英文缩写:MKD15法国英文全称:The Republic of France英文缩写:FRA16德国英文全称:The Federal Republic of Germany英文缩写:GER17英国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland 缩写:GBR18希腊英文全称:The Republic of Greece英文缩写:GRE世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写19匈牙利英文全称:The Republic of Hungary英文缩写:HUN20冰岛英文全称:The Republic of Iceland英文缩写:ISL21爱尔兰英文全称:Ireland英文缩写:IRL22意大利The Republic of Italy英文缩写:ITA23拉脱维亚英文全称:The Republic of Latvia英文缩写:LAT24列支敦士登英文全称:The Principality of Liechtenstein 英文缩写:LIE25立陶宛The Republic of Lithuania英文缩写:LTU世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写26卢森堡The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg英文缩写:LUX 英文缩写:LUX27马耳他英文全称:The Republic of Malta英文缩写:MLT28摩纳哥英文全称:The Principality of Monaco英文缩写:MON29黑山Montenegro 英文缩写:MNE30荷兰英文名称:The Kingdom of the Netherlands常用缩写:NED31挪威英文名称:The Kingdom of Norway常用缩写:NOR32波兰英文全称:The Republic of Poland英文缩写:POL世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写33葡萄牙英文全称:The Portuguese Republic英文缩写:POR34摩尔多瓦英文全称:The Republic of Moldova英文缩写:MDA35罗马尼亚英文全称:Romania英文缩写:ROU36俄罗斯英文全称:The Russian Federation英文缩写:RUS37圣马利诺英文全称:The Republic of San Marino英文缩写:SMR38塞尔维亚英文全称:The Republic of Serbia英文缩写:SRB39斯洛伐克英文名称:The Slovak Republic国家缩写:SVK世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写40斯洛文尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Slovenia英文缩写:SLO41瑞典英文全称:The Kingdom of Sweden英文缩写:SWE42瑞士英文名称:Swiss Confederation常用缩写:SUI43乌克兰英文全称:__英文缩写:UKR44梵蒂冈城国The Vatican City state英文缩写:非洲1阿尔及利亚The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria 缩写:ALG世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写2安哥拉英文全称:The Republic of Angola英文缩写:ANG3贝宁英文全称:The Republic of Benin英文缩写:BEN4博茨瓦那英文全称:The Republic of Botswana英文缩写:BOT5布基纳法索国英文全称:The Burkina Faso英文缩写:BUR6布隆迪英文全称:The Republic of Burundi 英文缩写:BDI7喀麦隆英文名称:The Republic of Cameroon常用缩写:CMR8佛得角英文全称:The Republic of Cape Verde英文缩写:CPV世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写9中非英文全称:The Central African Republic英文缩写:CAF10乍得英文全称:The Republic of Chad英文缩写:CHA11科摩罗英文全称:Union of Comoros英文缩写:COM12刚果(布)英文全称:The Republic of Congo英文缩写:CGO13科特迪瓦英文全称:The Republic of Cote d'ivoire英文缩写:CIV14民主刚果英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Congo 英文缩写:COD15吉布提英文全称:The Republic of Djibouti英文缩写:DJI世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写16埃及英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt英文缩写:EGY17赤道几内亚英文全称:The Republic of Equatorial Guinea 英文缩写:GEQ18厄立特里亚英文全称:The State of Eritrea英文缩写:ERI19埃塞俄比亚The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 英文缩写:ETH20加蓬英文全称:The Gabonese Republic英文缩写:GAB21 冈比亚英文全称:The Republic of the Gambia英文缩写:GAM22加纳英文全称:The Republic of Ghana英文缩写:GHA世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写23几内亚英文全称:The Republic of Guinea英文缩写:GUI24几内亚比绍英文全称:The Republic of Guinea-Bissau 英文缩写:GBS25肯尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Kenya英文缩写:26莱索托英文全称:The Kingdom of Lesotho英文缩写:LES27利比里亚英文全称:The Republic of Liberia英文缩写:LBR28利比亚The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya英文缩写:LBA29马达加斯加英文全称:The Republic of Madagascar英文缩写:MAD世界各国国旗及英文全称和缩写30马拉维英文全称:The Republic of Malawi英文缩写:MAW31马里英文全称:The Republic of Mali英文缩写:MLI32毛里塔尼亚英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Mauritania 英文缩写:MTN33毛里求斯(非洲岛国)英文全称:The Republic of Mauritius 英文缩写:34摩洛哥英文全称:The Kingdom of Morocco英文缩写:MAR35莫桑比克英文全称:The Republic of Mozambique英文缩写:MOZ36纳米比亚英文全称:The Republic of Namibia英文缩写:。
高英the trail that rocked the world 翻译
A buzz ran through the crowd as I took my place in the packed court on that sweltering July day in 1925. The counsel for my defense was the famous criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow. Leading counsel for the prosecution was William Jennings Bryan, the silver-tongued orator, three times Democratic nominee for President of the United States, and leader of the fundamentalist movement that had brought about my trial.在一九二五年七月的那个酷热日子里,当我在挤得水泄不通的法庭里就位时,人群中响起一阵嘁嘁喳喳的议论声。
A few weeks before I had been an unknown school-teacher in Dayton, a little town in the mountains of Tennessee. Now I was involved in a trial reported the world over. Seated in court, ready to testify on my behalf, were a dozen distinguished professors and scientists, led by Professor Kirtley Mather of Harvard University. More than 100 reporters were on hand, and even radio announcer s, who for the first time in history were to broadcast a jury trial. "Don't worry, son, we'll show them a few tricks," Darrow had whispered throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder as we were waiting for the court to open.几个星期之前,我还只是田纳西州山区小镇戴顿的一名默默无闻的中学教员,而现在我却成了一次举世瞩目的庭审活动的当事人。
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania
The Republic of Mauritius
The Kingdom of Morocco
The Republic of Mozambique
The Republic of Namibia
The Republic of Niger
The Kingdom of Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Republic of Bulgaria
The Republic of Croatia
The Czech Republic
The Kingdom of Denmark
The Sultanate of Oman
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The Republic of The Philippines
The State of Qatar
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Republic of Sierra Leone
The Somalia Republic
The Republic of South Africa
The Republic of the Sudan
申根国家-英文3字母缩写奥地利AutriaAUT比利BelgiumBEL法国FranceFRA德国GermanyGER 希腊GreeceGRE意大利ItalyITA卢森堡Lu某embourgLU某荷兰NetherlandNED西班牙SpainESP葡萄牙PortugalPOR丹麦DemarkDEN 瑞典SwedenSWE挪威NorwayNOR芬兰FinlandFIN冰岛IcelandISL 爱沙尼亚EtoniaEST匈牙利HungaryHUN拉脱维亚LatviaLAT立陶宛LithuaniaLTU波兰PolandPOL斯洛伐克SlovakiaSVK斯洛文尼亚SloveniaSLO捷克CzecholovakiaCZE马耳他MaltaMLT关岛GuamGUM阿富汗AfghanitanAFG亚美尼亚TheRepublicofArmeniaARM孟加拉国TheRepublicofBangladehBAN不丹王国KingdomofBhutanBHU文莱BruneiDarualamBRU缅甸TheUnionofMyanmarMYA柬埔寨TheKingdomofCambodiaCAM中国ChinaCHN塞浦路斯TheRepublicofCypruCYP东帝汶DemocraticRepublicofTimor-LeteTLS印度TheRepublicofIndiaIND印度尼西亚TheRepublicofIndoneiaINA伊朗TheRepublicofIranIRI伊拉克TheRepublicofIraqIRQ以色列TheStateofIraelISR日本JapanJPN约旦TheHahemiteKingdomofJordanJOR哈萨克斯坦TheRepublicofKazakhtanKAZ朝鲜DemocraticPeople’RepublicofKoreaPRK韩国RepublicofKoreaKOR科威特TheStateofKuwaitKUW老挝TheLaoPeople’DemocraticRepublicLAO黎巴嫩TheRepublicofLebanonLIB马来西亚MalayiaMAS马尔代夫TheRepublicofMaldiveMDV蒙古MongoliaMGL尼泊尔NepalNEP阿曼TheSultanateofOmanOMA巴基斯坦TheRepublicofPakitanPAK菲律宾TheRepublicofthePhilippinePHI卡塔尔TheStateofQatarOAT沙特阿拉伯KingdomofArabiaKSA新加坡TheRepublicofSingaporeSIN斯里兰卡TheDemocraticSocialitRepublicofSriLankaSRI叙利亚TheSyrianArabRepublicSYR塔吉克斯坦TheRepublicofTajikitanTJK泰国TheKingdomofThailandTHA阿拉伯联合酋长国TheUnitedArabEmirateUAE乌兹别克斯坦TheRepublicofUzbekitanUZB也门TheRepublicofYemenYEM巴勒斯坦TheStateofPaletinePLE格鲁吉亚GeorgiaGEO土耳其TheRepublicofTurkeyTUR土库曼斯坦TurkmenitanTKM香港HongkongHKG阿尔巴尼亚TheRepublicofAlbaniaALB奥地利TheRepublicofAutriaAUT白俄罗斯TheRepublicofBelaruBLR比利时TheKingdomofBelgiumBEL波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那BoniaandHerzegovinaBIH 保加利亚TheRepublicofBulgariaBUL克罗地亚共和国TheRepublicofCroatiaCRO捷克共和国TheCzechRepublicCZE丹麦DenmarkDEN西班牙SpainESP爱沙尼亚TheRepublicofEtoniaEST芬兰TheRepublicofFinlandFIN马其顿共和国TheRepublicofMacedoniaMKD法国FranceFRA德国GermanyGER英国TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIrelandGBR希腊TheRepublicofGreeceGRE西班牙SpainESP爱沙尼亚TheRepublicofEtoniaEST芬兰TheRepublicofFinlandFIN马其顿共和国TheRepublicofMacedoniaMKD法国FranceFRA德国GermanyGER英国TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIrelandGBR希腊TheRepublicofGreeceGRE。
世界各国国旗图片的英文名及其缩写大全亚洲:1阿富汗英文全称:Afghanistan 英文缩写:AFG2亚美尼亚英文全称: The Republic of Armenia英文缩写:ARM3阿塞拜疆英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan英文缩写:AZE4巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain英文缩写:BRN5孟加拉共和国 The People's Republic of Bangladesh英文缩写:BAN6不丹王国英文全称:Kingdom of Bhutan英文缩写:BHU7文莱英文全称:Brunei Darussalam英文缩写:BRU8缅甸英文全称:The Union of Myanmar英文缩写:MYA9柬埔寨英文全称:The Kingdom of Cambodia英文缩写:CAM10中国英文名称The People's Republic of China英文缩写CHN11塞浦路斯 The Republic of Cyprus英文缩写:CYP12东帝汶英文全称:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste英文缩写:TLS13印度英文全称:The Republic of India英文缩写:IND14印度尼西亚英文全称:The Republic of Indonesia英文缩写:INA15伊朗英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Iran英文缩写:IRI16伊拉克英文全称:The Republic of Iraq英文缩写:IRQ17以色列 The State of Israel英文缩写:ISR18日本英文全称:Japan英文缩写:JPN19约旦英文全称:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan英文缩写:JOR20哈萨克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Kazakhstan英文缩写:KAZ21朝鲜英文全称:Democratic People's Republic of Korea英文缩写:PRK22韩国英文全称:Republic of Korea英文缩写:KOR23科威特英文全称:The State of Kuwait英文缩写:KUW24吉尔吉斯共和国英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic英文缩写:KGZ25老挝英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic英文缩写:LAO26黎巴嫩英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon英文缩写:LIB27马来西亚英文全称:Malaysia英文缩写:MAS28马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:The Republic of Maldives英文缩写:MDV29蒙古英文全称:Mongolia英文缩写:MGL30尼泊尔英文全称:Nepal英文缩写:NEP31阿曼英文全称:The Sultanate of Oman英文缩写:OMA32巴基斯坦英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan 英文缩写:PAK33菲律宾英文全称:The Republic of The Philippines英文缩写:PHI34卡塔尔英文全称:The State of Qatar英文缩写:QAT35沙特阿拉伯英文全称:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia英文缩写:KSA36新加坡英文全称:The Republic of Singapore英文缩写:SIN37斯里兰卡 The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka英文缩写:SRI38叙利亚英文全称:The Syrian Arab Republic英文缩写:SYR39塔吉克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Tajikistan英文缩写:TJK40泰国英文全称:The Kingdom of Thailand英文缩写:THA41阿拉伯联合酋长国英文全称:The United Arab Emirat英文缩写:UAE42乌兹别克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Uzbekistan英文缩写:UZB43越南英文全称:The Socialist Republic of VietNam英文缩写:VIE44也门英文全称:The Republic of Yemen英文缩写YEM45巴勒斯坦英文全称:The state of Palestine英文缩写:PLE46格鲁吉亚 Georgia英文缩写:GEO47土耳其英文全称:The Republic of Turkey英文缩写:TUR48土库曼斯坦英文全称:Turkmenistan英文缩写:TKM中国香港英文缩写:HKG中国澳门欧洲:1阿尔巴尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Albania英文缩写:ALB2安道尔共和国 The Principality of Andorra 英文缩写:AND3奥地利 The Republic of Austria 英文缩写:AUT4白俄罗斯 The Republic of Belarus英文缩写:BLR5比利时 The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写:BEL6波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia and Herzegovina英文缩写:BIH7保加利亚 The Republic of Bulgaria英文缩写:BUL8克罗地亚共和国 The Republic of Croatia英文缩写:CRO9捷克共和国 The Czech Republic英文缩写:CZE10丹麦 The Kingdom of Denmark常用缩写:DEN11西班牙 Spain英文缩写:ESP12爱沙尼亚 The Republic of Estonia英文缩写:EST13芬兰 The Republic of Finland英文缩写:FIN14马其顿共和国英文全称:The Republic of Macedonia英文缩写:MKD15法国英文全称:The Republic of France英文缩写:FRA16德国英文全称:The Federal Republic of Germany英文缩写:GER17英国 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 缩写:GBR18希腊英文全称:The Republic of Greece英文缩写:GRE19匈牙利英文全称:The Republic of Hungary英文缩写:HUN20冰岛英文全称:The Republic of Iceland英文缩写:ISL21爱尔兰英文全称:Ireland英文缩写:IRL22意大利 The Republic of Italy英文缩写:ITA23拉脱维亚英文全称:The Republic of Latvia英文缩写:LAT24列支敦士登英文全称:The Principality of Liechtenstein英文缩写:LIE25立陶宛 The Republic of Lithuania英文缩写:LTU26卢森堡 The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg英文缩写:LUX 英文缩写:LUX27马耳他英文全称:The Republic of Malta英文缩写:MLT28摩纳哥英文全称:The Principality of Monaco英文缩写:MON29黑山 Montenegro 英文缩写:MNE30荷兰英文名称:The Kingdom of the Netherlands常用缩写:NED31挪威英文名称:The Kingdom of Norway常用缩写:NOR32波兰英文全称:The Republic of Poland英文缩写:POL33葡萄牙英文全称:The Portuguese Republic英文缩写:POR34摩尔多瓦英文全称:The Republic of Moldova英文缩写:MDA35罗马尼亚英文全称:Romania英文缩写:ROU36俄罗斯英文全称:The Russian Federation英文缩写:RUS37圣马利诺英文全称:The Republic of San Marino英文缩写:SMR38塞尔维亚英文全称:The Republic of Serbia英文缩写:SRB39斯洛伐克英文名称:The Slovak Republic国家缩写:SVK40斯洛文尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Slovenia英文缩写:SLO41瑞典英文全称:The Kingdom of Sweden英文缩写:SWE42瑞士英文名称:Swiss Confederation常用缩写:SUI43乌克兰英文全称:UKRAINE英文缩写:UKR44梵蒂冈城国 The Vatican City state英文缩写:非洲:1阿尔及利亚 The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria缩写:ALG2安哥拉英文全称:The Republic of Angola英文缩写:ANG3贝宁英文全称:The Republic of Benin英文缩写:BEN4博茨瓦那英文全称:The Republic of Botswana英文缩写:BOT5布基纳法索国英文全称: The Burkina Faso英文缩写:BUR6布隆迪英文全称: The Republic of Burundi 英文缩写:BDI7喀麦隆英文名称:The Republic of Cameroon常用缩写:CMR8佛得角英文全称: The Republic of Cape Verde英文缩写:CPV9中非英文全称: The Central African Republic英文缩写:CAF10乍得英文全称: The Republic of Chad英文缩写:CHA11科摩罗英文全称:Union of Comoros英文缩写:COM12刚果(布) 英文全称: The Republic of Congo英文缩写:CGO13科特迪瓦英文全称: The Republic of Cote d'ivoire英文缩写:CIV14民主刚果英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Congo英文缩写:COD15吉布提英文全称:The Republic of Djibouti英文缩写:DJI16埃及英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt英文缩写:EGY17赤道几内亚英文全称: The Republic of Equatorial Guinea 英文缩写:GEQ18厄立特里亚英文全称:The State of Eritrea英文缩写:ERI19埃塞俄比亚 The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia英文缩写:ETH20加蓬英文全称: The Gabonese Republic英文缩写:GAB21 冈比亚英文全称:The Republic of the Gambia英文缩写:GAM22加纳英文全称:The Republic of Ghana英文缩写:GHA23几内亚英文全称: The Republic of Guinea英文缩写:GUI24几内亚比绍英文全称: The Republic of Guinea-Bissau英文缩写:GBS25肯尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Kenya英文缩写:KEN26莱索托英文全称: The Kingdom of Lesotho英文缩写:LES27利比里亚英文全称:The Republic of Liberia英文缩写:LBR28利比亚 The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya英文缩写:LBA29马达加斯加英文全称: The Republic of Madagascar英文缩写:MAD30马拉维英文全称: The Republic of Malawi英文缩写:MAW31马里英文全称:The Republic of Mali英文缩写:MLI32毛里塔尼亚英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Mauritania英文缩写:MTN33毛里求斯(非洲岛国)英文全称:The Republic of Mauritius英文缩写:MRI34摩洛哥英文全称:The Kingdom of Morocco英文缩写:MAR35莫桑比克英文全称:The Republic of Mozambique英文缩写:MOZ36纳米比亚英文全称:The Republic of Namibia英文缩写:NAM37尼日尔英文全称:The Republic of Niger英文缩写:NIG38尼日利亚英文全称:The Federal Republic of Nigeria英文缩写:NGR39卢旺达英文全称:The Republic of Rwanda英文缩写:RWA40 圣多美与普林西比共和国英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe英文缩写:STP41塞内加尔英文全称:The Republic of Senegal英文缩写:SEN42塞舌尔群岛英文全称:The Republic of Seychelles英文缩写:SEY43 塞拉利昂英文全称:The Republic of Sierra Leone英文缩写:SLE44索马里英文全称:The Somalia Republic英文缩写:SOM45南非英文名称:The Republic of South Africa常用缩写:RSA46苏丹英文全称:The Republic of the Sudan英文缩写:SUD47斯威士兰英文全称:The Kingdom of Swaziland英文缩写:SWZ48多哥英文全称:The Republic of Togo英文缩写:TOG49突尼斯英文全称:The Republic of Tunisia英文缩写:TUN50乌干达英文全称:The Republic of Uganda英文缩写:UGA51坦桑尼亚英文全称:The United Republic of Tanzania英文缩写:TAN52赞比亚英文全称:The Republic of Zambia英文缩写:ZAM53津巴布韦英文全称:The Republic of Zimbabwe英文缩写:ZIM美洲:1安提瓜及巴布达英文全称:Antigua and Barbuda英文缩写:ANT2阿根廷英文名称:Republic of Argentina英文缩写:ARG3巴哈马英文全称:The Commonwealth of The Bahamas英文缩写:BAH4巴巴多斯英文全称:Barbados英文缩写:BAR5伯利兹英文全称:Belize英文缩写:BIZ6玻利维亚英文全称:The Republic of Bolivia英文缩写:BOL7巴西英文全称:The Federative Republic of Brazil 英文缩写:BRA8加拿大英文全称:Canada英文缩写:CAN9智利英文全称:Republic of Chile英文缩写:CHI10哥伦比亚英文全称:The Republic of Colombia英文缩写:COL11 哥斯达黎加英文全称:The Republic of Costa Rica英文缩写:CRC12古巴英文全称:The The Republic of Cuba英文缩写:CUB13多米尼加共和国英文全称:The Commonwealth of Dominica英文缩写:DMA14多米尼克英文全称:The Dominican Republic英文缩写:DOM15厄瓜多尔英文全称:The Republic of Ecuador英文缩写:ECU16萨尔瓦多英文全称:The Republic of El Salvador英文缩写:ESA17格林纳达英文全称:Grenada英文缩写:GRN18危地马拉英文全称:The Republic of Guatemala英文缩写:GUA19圭亚那英文全称:The Cooperative Republic of Guyana英文缩写:GUY20海地英文全称:The Republic of Haiti英文缩写:HAI21洪都拉斯英文全称:The Republic of Honduras英文缩写:HON22牙买加英文全称:Jamaica英文缩写:JAM23圣卢西亚英文全称:Saint Lucia英文缩写:LCA24墨西哥英文全称:The United Mexican States英文缩写:MEX25尼加拉瓜英文全称:The Republic of Nicaragua英文缩写:NCA26巴拿马英文全称:The Republic of Panama英文缩写:PAN27巴拉圭英文全称:The Republic of Paraguay英文缩写:PAR28秘鲁英文全称:The Republic of Peru英文缩写:PER29圣基茨和尼维斯 The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis英文缩写:SKN30苏里南英文全称:The Republic of Suriname英文缩写:SUR31特立尼达和多巴哥 The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago英文缩写:TRI32乌拉圭英文全称:Oriental Republic of Uruguay英文缩写:URU33美利坚合众国英文全称:The United State of America英文缩写:USA34委内瑞拉英文全称:Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela英文缩写:VEN35圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines英文缩写:VIN大洋州:1澳大利亚英文全称:The Commonwealth of Australia英文缩写:AUS2库克群岛英文全称:The Cook Islands英文缩写:COK3密克罗尼西亚英文全称:The Federated States of Micronesia缩写:FSM4斐济英文全称:The Republic of The Fiji Islands英文缩写:FIJ5基里巴斯共和国英文全称:The Republic of Kiribati英文缩写:KIR6马绍尔群岛英文全称:The Republic of Marshall Island 英文缩写:MHL7瑙鲁英文全称:The Republic of Nauru英文缩写:NRU8新西兰英文全称:New Zealand英文缩写:NZL9帕劳共和国英文全称:The Republic of Palau英文缩写:PLW10巴布亚新几内亚 The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 缩写:PNG11萨摩亚英文全称:The Independent State of Samoa 英文缩写:SAM12所罗门群岛英文全称:The Solomon islands英文缩写:SOL13汤加群岛英文全称:The Kingdom of Tonga英文缩写:TGA14图瓦卢英文全称:Tuvalu英文缩写:TUV15瓦努阿图(共和国)英文全称:The Republic of Vanuatu英文缩写:VAN16纽埃 Niue文案编辑词条B 添加义项 ?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。
各国中文名称各国英文全称英文缩写所在区域大洲阿富汗Afghanistan AFG Asia亚美尼亚The Republic of Azerbaijan AZE E-Europe (Asia)巴林The Kingdom of Bahrain BRN M-East孟加拉共和国The People's Republic ofBangladeshBAN Asia不丹王国Kingdom of Bhutan BHU Asia 文莱Brunei Darussalam BRU Asia 缅甸The Union of Myanmar MYA Asia 柬埔寨The Kingdom of Cambodia CAM Asia中国The People's Republic ofChinaCHN Asia塞浦路斯The Republic of Cyprus CYP M-East东帝汶Democratic Republic ofTimor-LesteTLS Asia印度The Republic of India IND Asia 印度尼西亚The Republic of Indonesia INA Asia伊朗The Islamic Republic ofIranIRI M-East伊拉克The Republic of Iraq IRQ M-East 以色列The State of Israel ISR M-East日本Japan JPN Asia约旦The Hashemite Kingdom ofJordanJOR M-East哈萨克斯坦The Republic of Kazakhstan KAZ E-Europe (Asia)朝鲜Democratic People'sRepublic of KoreaPRK Asia韩国Republic of Korea KOR Asia 科威特The State of Kuwait KUW M-East吉尔吉斯共和国 (吉尔吉斯斯坦)Kyrghyz Republic KGZE-Europe(Asia)老挝The Lao People's DemocraticRepublicLAO Asia黎巴嫩The Republic of Lebanon LIB M-East 马来西亚Malaysia MAS Asia 马尔代夫(群岛)The Republic of Maldives MDV Asia 蒙古Mongolia MGL Asia 尼泊尔Nepal NEP Asia 阿曼The Sultanate of Oman OMA M-East巴基斯坦The Islamic Republic ofPakistanPAK Asia菲律宾The Republic of ThePhilippinesPHI Asia卡塔尔The State of Qatar QAT M-East 沙特阿拉伯Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA M-East 新加坡The Republic of Singapore SIN Asia斯里兰卡The Democratic SocialistRepublic of Sri LankaSRI Asia叙利亚The Syrian Arab Republic SYR M-East塔吉克斯坦The Republic of Tajikistan TJK E-Europe (Asia)泰国The Kingdom of Thailand THA Asia 阿拉伯联合酋长国The United Arab Emirat UAE M-East乌兹别克斯坦The Republic of Uzbekistan UZB E-Europe (Asia)越南The Socialist Republic ofVietNamVIE Asia也门The Republic of Yemen YEM M-East 巴勒斯坦The state of Palestine PLE M-East格鲁吉亚Georgia GEO E-Europe (Asia)土耳其The Republic of TurkeyTUR M-East土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan TKM E-Europe (Asia)中国香港HongKong HKG Asia中国澳门Macau MAC Asia 阿尔巴尼亚The Republic of Albania ALB E-Europe 安道尔共和国The Principality of Andorra AND W-Europe 奥地利The Republic of Austria AUT W-Europe 白俄罗斯The Republic of Belarus BLR E-Europe 比利时The Kingdom of Belgium BEL W-Europe波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH E-Europe 那(波黑)保加利亚The Republic of Bulgaria BUL E-Europe 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan AZE E-Europe 克罗地亚共和国The Republic of Croatia CRO E-Europe 捷克共和国The Czech Republic CZE E-Europe 丹麦The Kingdom of Denmark DEN W-Europe 西班牙Spain ESP W-Europe 爱沙尼亚The Republic of Estonia EST E-Europe 芬兰The Republic of Finland FIN W-Europe 马其顿共和国The Republic of Macedonia MKD E-Europe法国The Republic of France FRA W-Europe德国The Federal Republic ofGermanyGER W-Europe英国The United Kingdom of GreatBritain and NorthernIrelandGBR W-Europe希腊The Republic of Greece GRE W-Europe 匈牙利The Republic of Hungary HUN E-Europe 冰岛The Republic of Iceland ISL W-Europe 爱尔兰Ireland IRL W-Europe 意大利The Republic of Italy ITA W-Europe 拉脱维亚The Republic of Latvia LAT E-Europe列支敦士登The Principality ofLiechtensteinLIE W-Europe立陶宛The Republic of Lithuania LTU E-Europe卢森堡The Grand Duchy ofLuxembourgLUX W-Europe马耳他The Republic of Malta MLT W-Europe 摩纳哥The Principality of Monaco MON W-Europe 黑山Montenegro MNE E-Europe荷兰The Kingdom of theNetherlandsNED W-Europe挪威The Kingdom of Norway NOR W-Europe 波兰The Republic of Poland POL E-Europe 葡萄牙The Portuguese Republic POR W-Europe 摩尔多瓦The Republic of Moldova MDA E-Europe 罗马尼亚Romania ROU E-Europe 俄罗斯The Russian Federation RUS E-Europe 圣马利诺The Republic of San Marino SMR W-Europe 塞尔维亚 (塞黑)The Republic of Serbia SRB E-Europe 斯洛伐克The Slovak Republic SVK E-Europe 斯洛文尼亚The Republic of Slovenia SLO E-Europe 瑞典The Kingdom of Sweden SWE W-Europe 瑞士Swiss Confederation SUI W-Europe 乌克兰UKRAINE UKR E-Europe 梵蒂冈城国The Vatican City state VAT W-Europe阿尔及利亚The Democratic People'sRepublic of AlgeriaALG M-East安哥拉The Republic of Angola ANG Africa贝宁The Republic of Benin BEN Africa 博茨瓦那The Republic of Botswana BOT Africa 布基纳法索国The Burkina Faso BUR Africa 布隆迪The Republic of Burundi BDI Africa 喀麦隆The Republic of Cameroon CMR Africa 佛得角The Republic of Cape Verde CPV Africa中非The Central AfricanRepublicCAF Africa乍得The Republic of Chad CHA Africa科摩罗Union of ComorosCOM Africa 刚果(布)The Republic of Congo CGO Africa科特迪瓦 The Republic of Coted'ivoireCIV Africa民主刚果The Democratic Republic ofCongoCOD Africa吉布提The Republic of Djibouti DJI Africa 埃及The Arab Republic of Egypt EGY M-East赤道几内亚The Republic of EquatorialGuineaGEQ Africa厄立特里亚The State of Eritrea ERI Africa埃塞俄比亚The Federal DemocraticRepublic of EthiopiaETH Africa加蓬The Gabonese Republic GAB Africa 冈比亚The Republic of the Gambia GAM Africa 加纳The Republic of Ghana GHA Africa 几内亚The Republic of Guinea GUI Africa几内亚比绍The Republic of Guinea-BissauGBS Africa肯尼亚The Republic of Kenya KEN Africa 莱索托The Kingdom of Lesotho LES Africa 利比里亚The Republic of Liberia LBR Africa利比亚The Great SocialistPeople's Libyan ArabJamahiriyaLBA M-East马达加斯加The Republic of Madagascar MAD Africa 马拉维The Republic of Malawi MAW Africa 马里The Republic of Mali MLI Africa毛里塔尼亚The Islamic Republic ofMauritaniaMTN Africa毛里求斯(非洲岛国)The Republic of Mauritius MRI Africa 摩洛哥The Kingdom of Morocco MAR M-East莫桑比克The Republic of Mozambique MOZ Africa 纳米比亚The Republic of Namibia NAM Africa 尼日尔The Republic of Niger NIG Africa尼日利亚The Federal Republic ofNigeriaNGR Africa卢旺达The Republic of Rwanda RWA Africa圣多美与普林西比共和国The Democratic Republic ofSao Tome and PrincipeSTP Africa塞内加尔The Republic of Senegal SEN Africa 塞舌尔群岛The Republic of Seychelles SEY Africa塞拉利昂The Republic of SierraLeoneSLE Africa索马里The Somalia Republic SOM Africa南非The Republic of SouthAfricaRSA Africa苏丹The Republic of the Sudan SUD M-East 斯威士兰The Kingdom of Swaziland SWZ Africa 多哥The Republic of Togo TOG Africa 突尼斯The Republic of Tunisia TUN M-East 乌干达The Republic of Uganda UGA Africa坦桑尼亚The United Republic ofTanzaniaTAN Africa赞比亚The Republic of Zambia ZAM Africa 津巴布韦The Republic of Zimbabwe ZIM Africa 安提瓜及巴布达Antigua and Barbuda ANT America 阿根廷Republic of Argentina ARG S-America巴哈马The Commonwealth of TheBahamasBAH S-America巴巴多斯Barbados BAR S-America 伯利兹Belize BIZ S-America 玻利维亚The Republic of Bolivia BOL S-America巴西The Federative Republic ofBrazilBRA S-America加拿大Canada CAN N-America 智利Republic of Chile CHI S-America 哥伦比亚The Republic of Colombia COL S-America 哥斯达黎加The Republic of Costa Rica CRC S-America 古巴The The Republic of Cuba CUB S-America多米尼加共和国The Commonwealth ofDominicaDMA S-America多米尼克The Dominican Republic DOM S-America 厄瓜多尔The Republic of Ecuador ECU S-America 萨尔瓦多The Republic of El Salvador ESA S-America 格林纳达Grenada GRN S-America 危地马拉The Republic of Guatemala GUA S-America圭亚那The Cooperative Republic ofGuyanaGUY S-America海地The Republic of Haiti HAI S-America 洪都拉斯The Republic of Honduras HON S-America 牙买加Jamaica JAM S-America 圣卢西亚Saint Lucia LCA S-America 墨西哥The United Mexican States MEX N-America 尼加拉瓜The Republic of Nicaragua NCA S-America 巴拿马The Republic of Panama PAN S-America 巴拉圭The Republic of Paraguay PAR S-America 秘鲁The Republic of Peru PER S-America圣基茨和尼维斯The Federation of SaintKitts and NevisSKN S-America苏里南The Republic of Suriname SUR S-America特立尼达和多巴哥The Republic of Trinidadand TobagoTRI S-America乌拉圭Oriental Republic ofUruguayURU S-America美利坚合众国The United State of America USA N-America委内瑞拉Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuelaVEN S-America圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and theGrenadinesVIN S-America澳大利亚The Commonwealth ofAustraliaAUS Oceania库克群岛The Cook Islands COK Oceania密克罗尼西亚The Federated States ofMicronesiaFSM Oceania斐济The Republic of The FijiIslandsFIJ Oceania基里巴斯共和国The Republic of Kiribati KIR Oceania马绍尔群岛The Republic of MarshallIslandMHL Oceania瑙鲁The Republic of Nauru NRU Oceania 新西兰New Zealand NZL Oceania 帕劳共和国The Republic of Palau PLW Oceania巴布亚新几内亚The Independent State ofPapua New GuineaPNG Oceania萨摩亚The Independent State ofSamoaSAM Oceania所罗门群岛The Solomon islands SOL Oceania 汤加群岛The Kingdom of Tonga TGA Oceania 图瓦卢Tuvalu TUV Oceania 瓦努阿图(共和国)The Republic of Vanuatu VAN Oceania 纽埃Niue IUE Oceania 安的列斯(荷属)Nederlandse Antillen AHO S-America 阿鲁巴(荷兰的海外领地)Aruba ARU S-America 百慕大(英属美租)Bermuda BER S-America 英属维尔京群岛The British Virgin Islands IVB S-America 开曼群岛(英属)Cayman Islands CAY S-America维尔京群岛(美属)United States VirginIslandsISV S-America波多黎各(美国属地)Puerto Rico PUR S-America 萨摩亚(美属)Amercian Samoa ASA S-America。
民权运动的英语作文The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was adefining moment in the United States, marking a significant shift in the struggle for racial equality and social justice. This essay delves into the historical context, key events,and the lasting impact of the movement on American society.Historical Context:The Civil Rights Movement emerged against a backdrop of entrenched racial segregation and discrimination,particularly in the southern states. The "Jim Crow" laws, which enforced racial segregation, were a symbol of the systemic racism that African Americans faced daily. The movement sought to end such discrimination and secure legal recognition and protection of the rights of African Americans.Key Events:1. Brown v. Board of Education (1954): This landmark Supreme Court decision declared state laws establishing separatepublic schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional, paving the way for desegregation.2. Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956): Sparked by Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat to a white passenger, this13-month boycott led to the desegregation of the Montgomery public transit system and catapulted Martin Luther King Jr. into national prominence.3. Little Rock Nine (1957): Nine African American students enrolled at Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas faced violent opposition from white supremacists. President Eisenhower was forced to send federal troops to escort the students, highlighting the federal government's role in enforcing desegregation.4. March on Washington (1963): This peaceful demonstration, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, drew attention to civil and economic rightsfor African Americans and is considered a turning point in the movement.5. Civil Rights Act (1964): This landmark legislation ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.6. Voting Rights Act (1965): This act prohibited racial discrimination in voting, effectively enforcing the 15th Amendment and significantly increasing voter registration among African Americans.Lasting Impact:The Civil Rights Movement has had a profound and lasting impact on American society. It led to the dismantling oflegal segregation and the recognition of African Americans' rights as equal citizens. The movement also inspired other groups, such as women and the LGBTQ+ community, to fight for their rights. It has become a symbol of the power of peaceful protest and the struggle for justice, influencing civilrights movements around the world.In conclusion, the Civil Rights Movement was a critical period that reshaped the moral and legal landscape of the United States. It stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of those who fought against injustice and continues to inspire generations in the ongoing pursuit of equality and freedom.。
敦刻尔克英法联军已被敌军逼到海边你们已被包围想活命快投降英法联军已被敌军逼到海边被困在敦刻尔克等待命运降临英法联军已被敌军逼到海边被困在敦刻尔克等待命运降临祈祷获救英法联军已被敌军逼到海边被困在敦刻尔克等待命运降临祈祷获救祈祷奇迹出现英国人我是英国人English! I'm English!快走英国人一路顺风Allez, Anglais. Bon voyage!这列是掷弹兵It's grenadiers, mate.让开Make way!快让开快快快Out of the way! Go, go, go!沿着防波堤一直往前Along the mole. All the way.船快开了The ship's about to leave.沿着防波堤一直往前走船要开了Along the mole. All the way. The ship's about to leave.1. 陆—————一周空军死哪去了Where's the bloody air force?2. 海—————一天这艘船被海军征用了The navy's requisitioned her.他们一小时后回来我爸爸想在这期间准备好They'll be back in an hour. My dad wants to be ready before then.他们让我们腾空船舱装上救生衣They've told us to strip her and load those life jackets.到海峡对面敦刻尔克接人Some men across the Channel, at Dunkirk, need taking off.接人Some men?3. 空—————一小时检查燃料福蒂斯1号♥2号♥Check fuel, Fortis 1 and 2.70加仑70 gallons.68加仑福蒂斯长机68 gallons, Fortis Leader.保持高度152米Stay down at 500 feet节省燃料以在敦刻尔克战斗40分钟to leave fuel for 40-minute fighting time over Dunkirk.收到航向128 高度152米Understood. Vector 128, angels point five.时刻留意油表哪怕战斗激烈And keep an eye on that gauge, even when it gets lively.留够返航的油Save enough to get back.法国人不能上船不行No French soldiers. No French soldiers. No.法国人不能上船只允许英国人通过No, no French. English only. English only past this point.不行这是英国船你们自己有船No. It's a British ship. No, you have your own ships.回去回去Get back. Get back.你们自己有船这是英国船No, you've got your own ships. This is a British ship.回去No, get back.给担架让路有担架Look, get the stretchers through. There are stretchers coming.让开让开Get out of the way! Out of the way!走走走沿着防波堤一直往前Go, go, go. Along the mole. All the way.船快开了快开了The ship's about to leave. About to leave.沿着防波堤一直走Along the mole. All the way.沿着防波堤沿着防波堤一直走一直走Along the mole. Along the mole. All the way. All the way.不No.不只允许英国人只允许英国人No, English only. English only!不行No!船尾准备Ready on the stern!是长官Yes, sir!解开帆脚索Man the bowline!还有地方吗Any more room?你得回去You have to get back!还有两分钟That's two minutes.赶不上了肯定赶不上了You've missed it. You've missed it.这是最后一个吗Is that the last one?对Aye, sir.解开缆绳Break the line.快快Come on! Come on!敦刻尔克太远了为什么不能在加来上船Dunkirk's so far. Why can't they just load at Calais?敌人不答应The enemy had something to say about it.在这儿我们就是活靶子Ah, down here we're sitting ducks.盯紧了别松懈他们会从向阳处偷袭Keep 'em peeled. They'll come out of the sun.收缆绳Up the line.给我们吧We'll take it.收起步桥Drop the gangplank!是长官Yes, sir!试一试吧Take a run at it.解开船尾缆乔治Ready on the stern line, George.不等海军了吗Aren't you waiting on the navy?他们要征用月亮石号♥ 那就给他们用They've asked for the Moonstone, they'll have her.还有船长And her captain.还有船长的儿子And his son.感谢帮忙乔治Thanks for the help, George.你干什么What are you doing?你清楚我们要去哪吧You do know where we're going?法国France.我们要去打仗乔治Into war, George.我能帮上忙先生I'll be useful, sir.敌机11点方向Bandit, 11 o'clock.散开Break.他缠上我了He's on me.我盯着他I'm on him.一二三四五六七八One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...你们俩Oi, you two.动作快点Get a shift on.用力拉打个结Yeah, pull him tight. Tie a knot in it.回去排队你们俩Back up the line. Both of you.快走Off you go.快走Off you go!船舵被上一波轰炸打坏了That last barrage has damaged the rudder.好吧Uh, okay...道森先生Mr. Dawson!是我们的乔治One of ours, George.听我口令福蒂斯2号♥ 把他往左引On my mark, Fortis 2. Draw him left.三二一Three, two, one.转Mark.好了Clear.击落了吗Is he down?对他彻底完蛋了Yeah, he's down for the count.福蒂斯长机我们打掉一架敌机Fortis Leader, one bandit down.福蒂斯长机收到了吗Fortis Leader, do you read?福蒂斯2号♥ 你在我左舷Fortis 2, I have you to my port.没看见福蒂斯长机完毕I have no eyes on Fortis Leader. Over.收到福蒂斯1号♥Understood, Fortis 1.盘旋一周查看情况Orbit for a look.多久中尉How long, Lieutenant?我们得换条电缆长官信♥号♥♥有干扰We need to run a new cable, sir. They're scrambling.好Very well.上校你得决定Colonel, you're gonna have to decide还要疏散多少伤员how many more wounded to evacuate.一副担架要占七个人站立的空间One stretcher takes the space of seven standing men.失陪Excuse me.-少将-指挥官- Rear Admiral. - Commander.包围圈情况如何How's the perimeter?每天都在收缩Shrinking every day.但后卫和法国人之间But between our rear guard and the French,我们还在坚守we're holding the line.敌人停下了And the enemy tanks have stopped.为什么停下了Why have they stopped?用空军就能瓮中捉鳖解决掉我们为什么还要Waste precious tanks when they can pick us off from the air,浪费宝贵的坦克呢like fish in a barrel?议和成功之前伦敦还想让军队How long does London expect the army to hold out撑多久before we make terms?议和Make terms?敌人不会罢休的我们得把军队撤回国They're not stopping here. We need to get our army back.下一个遭殃的是英国紧接着就是全世界Britain's next and then the rest of the world.天啊Christ.从这里真的能看见I mean, you can practically see it from here.什么What?家Home.法国人呢What about the French?丘吉尔公开告诉他们"同舟共济"Publicly, Churchill's told them, "Bras dessous."手挽手一起走Arm in arm, leaving together.实际上呢And privately?我们得把我们的军队撤回去We need our army back.他们想撤回多少人长官How many men are they talking about, sir?丘吉尔要三万拉姆塞希望能撤回去四万五Churchill wants 30,000. Ramsay's hoping we can give him 45.这海滩上有四十万人There are 400,000 men on this beach, sir.我们得不遗余力We'll just have to do our best.不惜一切代价保护防波堤通畅Right, well, this mole stays open at all costs.我们在西边的炮弹射程范围内We're in artillery range from the west.要是有船沉了If anything else sinks here,防波堤就堵住了我们就被困住了the mole's blocked and we're stuffed.我们不能从海滩上船吗Can't we load from the beaches?强过俯冲轰炸时干站着Better than standing out here when the dive bombs come.-不可能-水太浅- It's impossible. - Too shallow?因为吃水超过一米的船都无法靠近'Cause anything that drafts over three feet can't get near.要把人运上驱逐舰小船不够We don't have enough small boats to ferry men to the destroyers.那就全靠防波堤了先生们The mole it is, then, gentlemen.你能游过来吗Can you swim it?爸能再近点吗Dad, can you get closer?太冒险了Can't risk it!坚持住Hang on.你叫什么What's your name?下方发现残骸Wreckage below.又一架德军BF109战机Is it more of the 109?不是No.是福蒂斯长机完毕It's Fortis Leader. Over.他逃生了吗You think he got out?我没看见降落伞I didn't see a 'chute.记下他的位置Record his position.然后设置航向128Then set heading 128,高度305米完毕height 1,000. Over.航向128 高度305米收到Vector 128, angels one. Understood.福蒂斯2号♥ 燃料情况Fortis 2, what's your fuel?50加仑完毕50 gallons. Over.50加仑50 gallons.好时不时告诉我一声All right, keep letting me know.我的油表被打坏了My gauge took a bit of a knock back there.你调头回去吧Shouldn't you turn back?不用No, no.只是油表坏了而已I'm fairly confident it's just the gauge.-船要沉了-切断缆绳- She's going down! - Cut her loose!伤员怎么办What about the wounded?弃船弃船Abandon ship! Abandon ship!切断缆绳把船开出去Cut her loose, and push her off!不能让船沉在防波堤里We can't let her sink at the mole!快把船开出去Push the bloody boat off!救命Help us!想到下面来吗Do you want to come below?暖和多了It's much warmer.没有风It's out of the wind.给你Here you go.别管他乔治Leave him be, George.他在甲板上更安全He feels safer on deck.要是你挨过炸也会这样的You would too if you'd been bombed.潜艇U-boat.是潜艇It was a U-boat.再给他倒点茶乔治Get him some more tea, George.好我们大概五分钟之后到Right, we're about five minutes out,爬升到610米完毕so climb to 2,000. Over.会消耗更多燃料That's more fuel.我知道但我不想再挨突袭I know, but I don't want to get jumped again.保持适当高度Let's get a decent altitude.这样可以俯冲攻击完毕We can dive down on the bastards from above. Over.收到高度610米Understood. Angels two.完毕Over.好了高地步兵Right, Highlanders.再给你们找艘船Let's find you another ship.快Come on.其他人继续爬爬到甲板上Everyone else, keep climbing. Climb on the deck.爬到甲板上Climb on the deck.小心头别撞栏杆小心Watch your heads on the rail. Watch it.对继续往下拿块毯子That's right, keep going down. Take a blanket.往下走穿上这个Down you go. Put this on, my love.往下走继续走Down you go. Keep going down.下面给你们准备了好喝的茶There's a nice cup of tea for you down there.继续往下走Keep moving down.拿块毯子Take a blanket.腾出点地方Try and make some room.继续走小伙子们Keep moving down, boys.这边This way.下面给你们准备了茶A cup of tea down there.对往下往下走There you go. Down there. Move down there.你朋友怎么了What's wrong with your friend?他在找快速逃生的路He's looking for a quick way out.害怕沉船In case we go down.我们这是在往哪开Where are we going?敦刻尔克Dunkirk.不不不我们得去英国No, uh, no, no, we're going to England.我们得先去敦刻尔克We have to go to Dunkirk first.我绝不回去Look, I'm not going back.绝不回去I'm not going back.你看Look at it.我们去的话会送命的If we go there, we'll die.我懂你的意思孩子I see your point, son.我们设定一下航线吧Well, let's plot a course.你端着茶下去暖和暖和吧You can take your tea below and warm up.彼得还有地方可让他躺下吗Peter, have we got space for a man to lie down?有Uh, yeah.来吧Here, come on.小心Careful.小心Careful.这里Just in there.我再给你倒点茶I'll get you some more tea.他是懦夫吗道森先生Is he a coward, Mr. Dawson?他被炸♥弹♥吓坏了乔治He's shell-shocked, George.吓得反常了He's not himself.他可能再也无法♥正♥常起来了He may never be himself again.给你Here you are.40加仑福蒂斯1号♥40 gallons, Fortis 1.40加仑收到40 gallons, understood.11点钟方向有一架亨克尔轰炸机Heinkel, 11 o'clock.它打算轰炸扫雷舰She's lining up to drop her load on that minesweeper.有战斗机吗Fighters?它右舷有一架BF109战斗机Yeah, 109s off her starboard.我来对付轰炸机I'm on the bomber.打中了Got him! Got him!它转向了你肯定打中了Oh, she's turning. You must've damaged her.护航机去哪儿了Where's the escort?我看到一架...Well, I got one of...要命Jesus!我快坠机了I'm going down.那我来你跳伞吧I'm on him. Bail out.海面状况不错我准备迫降No, the swell looks good. I'm ditching.别丢下我们Don't leave us!快回来Come back!-等等我们-救救我们吧- Wait for us! - Help! Help us!带我们走带我们走Pick us up! Pick us up!快回来啊Come back!鱼雷Torpedo!弃船弃船Abandon ship! Abandon ship!救救我Help!快救我们出去Get us out of here!那是喷火战斗机乔治Spitfires, George.有史以来最厉害的机型Greatest plane ever built.您不用看就知道You didn't even look.劳斯莱斯梅林引擎Rolls-Royce Merlin engines.海平面上的最美妙的声音Sweetest sound you could hear out here.有人吗Hello?可以开一下门吗Could you open the door?有人听到吗Hello? Can you hear me?快开门Open the door!听到了吗Do you hear me?他想出来He wants to come out.你为什么把他关起来What have you done? Locked him in?让他出来吧我的天Let him out, for God's sake.有人吗Hello?放我出去Let me out!你没掉头You haven't turned around.是的我们还有任务No. We have a job to do.任务这就是艘游艇而已Job? This is a pleasure yacht.你们是业余水手又不是海军You're weekend sailors, not the bloody navy.而且你都这么大岁数了A man your age?我这一辈人发动了战争Men my age dictate this war.为什么要让我们的后辈奔赴前线Why should we be allowed to send our children to fight it?你就该待在家里You should be at home!战火蔓延过海峡的话Well, there won't be any home哪还有家可言if we allow a slaughter across the Channel.它掉头了我去追他He's turning tail. I'm gonna get after him.祝你顺利Good luck.注意油量你还剩15加仑Watch your fuel. You're at 15 gallons.15加仑收到15 gallons, understood.祝你好运柯林斯Best of luck, Collins.柯林斯听到了吗Collins, do you read?不行No! No!下去下去Get off! Get off!你们俩滚吧这船够挤了Piss off, the both of you. It's too crowded.你们不能丢下我们You can't leave us!腾点地方吧Make some room!不行No!下去吧No! Get off!你们再折腾船就要翻了You men, leave off. You'll capsize the boat.这一路上已经翻过两次了She's gone over twice on the way out here.冷静一下这周围还有很多船You have to stay calm. There are plenty of boats.冷静Calm?等你也挨过鱼雷炸再叫我冷静吧Wait till you get torpedoed, then tell us to be calm!你们穿救生衣了吗You have life jackets?他们穿了Yes, they do.别慌小子这里浪不大水不冷Don't panic, boys. The water's not too rough or too cold.我们返回海滩We're heading back to the beach.去多佛海岸吧Let's go to Dover!这种小船可没办过穿过海峡We can't make it across the Channel in this, lads.只能回海滩等下一班救生船We need to get back to the beach and wait for another ride.你们先在水里等等保存体力You men in the water, float here, save your strength.我们会回来接你的We'll come back for you.船桨准备Oars in!预备划Together, pull!预备划Together, pull!划Pull!预备划Together, pull!划Pull!预备划Together, pull!躲不掉的小伙子There's no hiding from this, son.你这小船能干些什么What is it you think you can do out there, on this thing?不止我们政♥府♥下了征召令There's not just us. A call went out.我们并不是唯一响应的We aren't the only ones to answer, you know.你们连枪都没有You don't even have guns.那你有吗Do you have a gun?当然了303步♥枪♥Yes, of course. A rifle, a 303.那这杆枪帮你躲过了轰炸机和潜艇吗Did it help you against the dive bombers and the U-boats?你这个老顽固You're an old fool.我绝不回去I'm not going back.绝不回去I'm not going back.快掉头Turn it around.我不会掉头的I'm not turning round.给我掉头Turn it around!赶紧掉头Turn it around...-冷静点伙计-调头- Calm it down, mate. - Turn it around!等等Wait, wait!冷静点伙计Calm it down, mate.乔治George?乔治George!你都干了些什么What have you done?你会没事的乔治Okay, you're all right, George.你会没事的You're all right.等下好了Hang on. Okay. Okay, just...对的就这样挺好的That's it. That's good enough.这能帮你压♥迫♥止血就这样It's gonna keep some pressure on. There we go.就这样There we go.能听见我说话吗乔治Can you hear me, George?加油啊伙计们Come on, lads!使劲伙计们Come on! Come on, boys!临时码头It's a pier.涨潮了的话就能用得上For when the water comes in.已经开始涨潮了The tide's turning now.你怎么知道How can you tell?尸体被冲回来了The bodies come back.那边的高地步兵Hey, Highlanders!高地步兵吗Hey, Highlanders!你们去哪儿What's that way?有艘船A boat.在那边搁浅了She's grounded.涨潮的话就能浮起来了Not when the tide comes in, she's not.勇敢点兄弟Be a brave lad.跟你和道森先生一起来You and Mr. Dawson?是我这辈子最光荣的事It's the best thing I've ever done.你会没事的一定会的You're all right. You're okay.我只进过海军青年团Sea Cadet. It's the only thing I've ever done.没关系喝点水吧It's all right. It's okay. Just have some water.我告诉我父亲I told my dad...尽管我上学时一事无成I've done nothing at school但总有一天我能成就大事and that I would do something one day.说不定还能登上当地报纸Maybe get in the local paper.我的老师也能看见Maybe my teachers would see it.好了休息一会儿吧Okay, get some rest.等你好了我还需要你在甲板帮我呢I need you back up on deck as soon as you're able.不行了I can't.什么What?我看不见了I can't see.长官Sir.西边的法军被迫撤退了The French have been forced back on the western side.防线还没失守吧They're still holding a perimeter?目前还没For now.我是长官快让道让一下Officer coming through. Move yourselves. Move yourselves!驱逐舰呢Where are the destroyers?有一艘就快来了There'll be one soon.就一艘One?昨天被击沉后防波堤一次只允许停靠一艘After yesterday's losses, it's one ship on the mole at a time.仗都打到脚边了The battle is here.为什么还这么抠门What the hell are they saving them for?因为下一仗The next battle.是为英国而战The one for Britain.飞机也要省着用It's the same with the planes.英国近在眼前But it's right there.你几乎就可以...You can practically...可望不可及上校Seeing home doesn't help us get there, Colonel.他们必须派更多的船来They need to send more ships.每拖一秒敌人就推进一丈Every hour the enemy pushes closer.已经征用小型船只了They've activated the small vessels pool.小船只Small vessels?他们统计并征用了民船It's the list of civilian boats for requisition.民船Civilian?我们需要的是战舰We need destroyers.小船可以直接在海滩接人Small boats can load from the beach.风浪太大Not in these conditions.我宁愿被淹死也不愿被炸死Well, I'd rather face waves than dive bombers.你说得对这天气轰炸机来不了No, you're right. They won't get up in this.皇家工兵团在用汽车搭建码头The Royal Engineers are building piers from lorries.涨潮的时候也许能派上用场At least that should help us when the tide comes back.六小时后就知道了Well, we'll know in six hours' time.不是三个小时涨一次潮吗I thought the tides were every three?幸好你是陆军而我才是海军Then it's good that you're army and I'm navy, isn't it?来了征服者号♥There. Vanquisher.船员去哪儿了Where's the crew?大概搁浅后吓跑了吧Probably got spooked after they ran aground.在海滩上四散逃走了Scarpered up the beach.为什么Why?因为我们在防线外说不定敌人就在那儿'Cause we're outside the perimeter. Enemy could be right there.我们最好躲进去吧兄弟们All right, best shut ourselves inside, boys.就等涨潮了Wait for the high tide.还有多久How long's that?三小时后吧Every three hours.我帮他压♥迫♥止血了I've put a bit of pressure on it.包扎了一下让他舒服点Strapped him up, made him comfortable.怎么了What?伤得很重父亲It's bad, Dad.要不掉头回去吧Well, should we turn back?都走这么远了We've come so far.爸那是我们的飞机吗Dad, is that one of ours?那是亨克尔轰炸机冲着那艘扫雷舰来的That's a Heinkel. They'll go for that minesweeper there.我们是不是得准备救人了Hang on. Shouldn't we stand by to pick up survivors?先保护好我们自己吧To do that we have to survive ourselves.你出去看下涨潮了没Poke your head out. See if the water's come in.你话还真多啊Talkative sod, aren't you?一点迹象都没有It's barely come in at all.-妈的-冷静下- Fuck's sake. - Calm down.有退潮就有涨潮What goes out comes back in again, right?可还要多久啊Yeah, but how long?喷火战斗机Spitfires!加油Come on.加油加油Come on, come on.爸他打中了Dad, he got him!是啊Yeah! Yeah!亨克尔轰炸机走了The Heinkel's moving off.是的Yeah.不好Oh, no.喷火战斗机冒烟了Smoke from the Spitfire!注意看有没有降落伞Watch for a parachute!你是德国人吗Are you German?荷兰人我是荷兰人No, Dutch. Dutch!商船舰队的Merchant navy.我是来接你们的Here to pick you up. To help you.你下船干什么Why'd you leave your boat?怕德国人袭击In case the Germans come.我们在海滩上等着We wait up the beach.和士兵们一起等涨潮With the soldiers. Wait for the tide.你回来就说明涨潮了You came back. The tide must be in.涨是涨了Coming. Coming, yes.但还要几个小时才能浮起来But more hours till we float.几个小时Hours?那你回来干什么Why'd you come back?我走之前船还没这么重Not so heavy when I left.没发现降落伞No 'chute!祝你好运柯林斯Best of luck, Collins.柯林斯你听到了吗Collins, do you read?他落水了He's down.爸Dad.爸小心引擎Dad, watch the engine.他落水了没有降落伞Dad, he's down. There was no 'chute.父亲没有降落伞Dad, come on. There was no 'chute.他说不定死了He's probably dead.真是的我听到了彼得Damn it, I hear you, Peter! I hear you!万一活着呢He may be alive. Maybe.我们也许能救他We may be able to help him.不行这样我们会暴露的No! Then they'll know we're in here.他们为什么要对我们开枪Why else are they shooting at us?看弹孔的排列Look at the grouping.他们在练射击Target practice.去把洞堵上Go. Plug it. Go, go.我们得堵上We have to plug it.那你先上After you, mate.准备好了吗撞You ready? Go!这怎么才起得来扔掉压舱物吗How do we get off? Do we need to ditch some ballast?减重船需要减重Weight! Do we need to lose weight?对减重Weight. Weight, yes.是的Yes.得有人下船Somebody needs to get off.看谁自愿了Well volunteered.不需要谁自愿We don't need a volunteer.我知道谁该下去I know someone who ought to get off.就是他This one.他是德国间谍He's a German spy.别傻了Don't be daft.他是个德国鬼子He's a fucking Jerry.你们都没注意他一声不吭吗Have you noticed he hasn't said a word?我注意到了'Cause I have.他根本就不会说英语He don't speak English.哪怕会说If he does it's with an accent也是一股浓浓的德国酸菜味that's thicker than sauerkraut sauce.你胡说跟他说You're daft. Tell him.好啊Yeah.那你说Tell me.你说啊吉布森Tell me, Gibson.你说啊Tell me!你快告诉他啊老天Tell him, for God's sake!法国佬A frog.妈的是个法国佬A bloody frog.一个贪生怕死的插队的法国佬A cowardly little queue-jumping frog.吉布森是谁Who's Gibson, eh?某个死去的躺在海滩上被扒光的英国人吗Some naked, dead Englishman lying out on that sand?你好歹也埋葬一下他吧Did you at least have the decency to bury him?我帮他一起埋的以为那是他战友He did. I helped him. I thought it was his mate.-说不定就是他杀的-不是他- Maybe he killed him. - He didn't kill him.我们怎么知道How do we know?敦刻尔克海滩上全是英国人尸体How hard is it to find a dead Englishman on Dunkirk beach?他没杀人He didn't kill anyone.他只是跟我们一样想离开海滩He was just looking for a way off the sand, like the rest of us.他们还没练够吗Haven't they had enough practice by now?大概要打到这船浮不起来为止They're trying to make sure she won't float.能浮得起来吗Will she still float?减重就能Float, yes. Yes, with less weight.谁该下船自己最清楚And we know who's getting off.你不能这么做他是法国盟军No, you can't do that. He's French. He's on our side.去啊快出去Go on. Up you go.他一探头就会被打成筛子As soon as he pokes his head out, they'll slaughter him.那也比我出去强Better him than me.It's not fair.活命还讲什么公平Survival's not fair.讲个屁No, it's shit.我们就是贪生怕死It's fear, and it's greed.大难临头方显本性Fate pushed through the bowels of men.妈的Shit.他救了我们的命He saved our lives.那再救一次也无妨And he's about to do it again.不行住手No, don't! Stop!必须有人出去我们才能活命Somebody's gotta get off, so the rest of us can live.你要是能自愿If you wanna volunteer...不Fuck, no.我要回家I'm going home.如果说这就是代价呢And if this is the price?那我也认了I'll live with it.可这样做不对But it's wrong.出去Go on!只出去一个人不够的One man's not going to make enough difference.你还是自求多福吧要是不够你来凑You'd best hope it does, because you'd be volunteering next.什么What?我们是一条绳上的蚂蚱We're regimental brothers, mate.只能这样了It's just the way it is.We float!浮起来了We float!快去启动引擎啊Start the bloody engine!下午好Afternoon.抱歉孩子我真的不知道I'm sorry, son. I really don't know.你没移♥动♥他是对的You're right not moving him.为了帮他你尽力了You've done the best for him you can.我们浪费一整天了We've wasted the day.我和你一样沮丧上校I share your frustration, Colonel.约翰尼Johnny!他们在对搁浅的渔船开火Grounded trawler, taking fire.东边的沙丘快失守了They're breaking through the dunes to the east.没时间了This is it.快堵洞Plug the holes!用什么堵With what?快堵洞啊Plug the holes!另一边也有Other side! Other side!您看到什么了What do you see?家园Home.那个孩子他还好吗Is he all right? The boy?不好No.非常不好No, he's not.Dad!加油啊加油法瑞尔Come on. Come on, Farrier. Come on.水里有人There's men in the water!机油Oil.是机油你们沾上机油了It's oil. Oil. You're getting into oil!往里走Keep coming.里面很宽敞Plenty of room.去甲板下面All right, below deck.弃船吧Abandon ship!吉布森别管它了Gibson! Leave it!去甲板下吧Below decks.听着Listen,趁那边海面上的浮油还没着火we have to get as many of you on board as we can我们能救一个算一个before that oil catches fire.要么下甲板要么下船你们自己选You go below decks or you get off my boat. That's your choice.后面的跟上Keep coming.小心小心一点Careful! Careful down there!都小心一点Careful! Careful down there!他已经死了He's dead, mate.那就小心点别碰他So be bloody careful with him.他会好起来吗Um, will he be okay?那个男孩The boy?Yeah.他要回来了He's coming back round.他掉头了He's coming back round!加油啊法瑞尔Come on, Farrier. Come on.快跳船Get off the ship!加油法瑞尔包抄他们Come on, Farrier. Get around them.来吧加油啊Come on, come on.快走Go.快走快走Go! Go! Go!走啊Go!轻点Easy.带我回家吧Take me home.你们是哪里来的Where are you from?达特茅斯郊区Out of Dartmouth!我的天Christ.你是迪尔来的吗You from Deal?是的I am!你盯着点入口处的水流You watch the current at the mouth!好的Aye.谢了And thank you!有架战斗机That's a fighter.一架Me109Yes, an Me 109.从南边来的彼得你来掌舵From the south. Peter, you take the tiller.听我指挥Listen for my instructions.往南打舵Point her south!全速前进彼得Full speed, Peter.接着转弯Keep coming round.继续转Keep coming.开火前它会先俯冲Before he fires, he's gotta drop his nose.等我信♥号♥♥I'll give you the signal.-现在吗-等等- Now? - No, no. Wait.让他先确定好航线Wait for him to commit to his line.现在Now!他飞走了He's gone.他的目标不是我们Yeah, bigger fish to fry.你怎么知道这些的How'd you know that stuff, anyway?我儿子和你们一样My son's one of you lot.这次他肯定在冥冥之中保佑我们I knew he'd see us through.你是皇家空军You're RAF?我不是No. Not me.是我哥哥他开的是飓风式战斗机My brother. He flew Hurricanes.上前线三周后阵亡了Died third week into the war.请待在下面吧No, stay downstairs, please.我们只想看看峭壁We just wanna see the cliffs.-多佛海岸吗-不- Is it Dover? - No.是多塞特[英格兰西南部]That's Dorset.但我们到家了But it's home.我们让你们失望了吧We let you all down, didn't we?我的天你船里到底装了多少人Christ, how many you got in there?你们自己去坐火车吧Make your way to the trains.你们空军哪儿去了Where the hell were you?他们知道你们去了They know where you were.再见Bye.喝茶吗Cup of tea?喝茶吗Cup of tea?做得好做得好Well done. Well done.做得好孩子们Well done, lads.做得好孩子们Well done. Well done, lads.做得好Well done.我们只是活下来了而已All we did is survive.这就够了That's enough.做得好Well done.做得好Well done.那个老头都不肯看我们一眼That old bloke wouldn't even look us in the eye.过来吧大兵Come on, private!我们是长官但再不走就只能等死了I know we're officers, but it's us or the enemy.。
林肯当总统的想象作文英文英文:As a president, Abraham Lincoln was a remarkable figure in American history. His leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to abolish slavery have left a lasting impact on the nation. Imagining what it would be like to be in his shoes is both fascinating and daunting.First and foremost, the weight of responsibility as the leader of a nation at war would be immense. The decisions I would have to make would not only affect the outcome of the war, but also the lives of countless individuals. I would have to constantly weigh the costs and benefits of each action, knowing that any misstep could have dire consequences.In addition to the pressures of war, I would also have to navigate the complex political landscape of the time. Balancing the interests of different factions within my ownparty, as well as dealing with opposition from the Confederate states, would require a delicate touch. I would have to be a master negotiator and strategist, always working to build consensus and maintain the support of the people.Furthermore, the issue of slavery would weigh heavily on my conscience. As someone who believed deeply in the equality of all men, I would feel a moral imperative to take action against the institution of slavery. However, I would also have to consider the practical and political challenges of such a monumental change. It would be a constant struggle to push for progress while also maintaining the stability of the nation.Despite the immense challenges, I would also find great satisfaction in the opportunity to make a positive impact on the course of history. The chance to lead a nation through such a pivotal moment, and to leave a legacy of progress and equality, would be incredibly rewarding.中文:作为总统,亚伯拉罕·林肯在美国历史上是一个杰出的人物。
There will come a day when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism.译文1:全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天 // 是会到来的。
On the average, male students score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem solving skills.译文1:总的来说,男生 / 在数学推理、/ 机械技术 / 和解决问题等方面 /的测试中成绩较高。
Eugene Rostow was director of the USA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency until January 1983 when he was fired after repeated clashes with the White House over the conduct of strategic weapons talks with the Soviets in Geneva.译文1:尤金·罗斯托在1983年1月以前一直担任美国军控和裁军署署长,当时由于他多次就苏美日内瓦战略武器会谈的方式与白宫发生争执而被解职。
Many Chinese people feel a little puzzled when they see a series of events that the US government seems to have taken a more confrontational approach toward China.笔译译文:当中国人在发生的一系列事件中看到美国政府似乎对中国采取了更加对抗的态度时,他们很多人都感到有些迷惑。
双语美文欣赏:Relish the moment可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有能够“一到永逸”的地方!生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦,它始终遥遥领先于我们!下面是店铺为大家整理的双语美文欣赏:Relish the moment,希望大家喜欢!Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out of the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光!我们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中!乘着火车,我们领略着窗外流动的景色:附近高速公路上奔驰的汽车、十字路口处招手的孩童、远山上吃草的牛群、源源不断地从电厂排放出的烟尘、一片片的玉米和小麦、平原与山谷、群山与绵延的丘陵、天空映衬下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第!But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering --waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.然而我们心里想得最多的却是最终的目的地。
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3rd PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Ph.D. CONFERENCE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM IN REPUBLIC CROATIA WITH SPECIALEMPHASIS ON UTILITY SECTORKsenija Matan JelićContentsPublic procurement systemPublic procurement framework in Republic CroatiaDevelopment of the public procurement systemPublic Procurement ActPublic Procurement OfficeState Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement ProcedureUtility sectorThesisMethodology and data collectionConclusionPublic procurement systemProcurement encompasses the entire process of obtaining commodities and services - assessing needs and planning the acquisition; preparing and processing a requisition; determining the contractor source selection method and drafting and issuing a solicitation; evaluating bids or proposals and awarding a contract; administering the contract; receiving and accepting goods or services and managing delivery, payment, inventory and property disposition. Purchasing is just one component of the procurement process. It also embraces activities such as quality assurance, training and education, dispute resolution, system oversight, streamlining the acquisition and business processes, and embedding the best of supply chain management techniques in public policy and process.The public sector delivers or facilitates the delivery of a wide range of public services, increasingly with the involvement of voluntary and community organisations.Public procurement system is assembly of rules, regulations, procedures and tributary it's application. So as to spenditure of public resources could carry out by the rule to do as much as possible for the community with available resources, public procurement system is adopted. Similar systems exist in majority of world's countries and in all of them intention is the same. To gain best value for money, eliminate corruption, to assure transparent money spenditure and to block discimination. Value systems are clear and they are ground for all rules, regulations and procedures which are interprated in law, directives, decreets and other acts.Why is public procurement needed?Public procurement system in majority of countries and other organizactions in which this system exists, refer to the system of public funds spenditure. By public funds are understand national budget funds of some country gathered by various taxation systems which are used for public expenditure like public education system, health care system, police, army, social services, municipal services, public transportation system etc.Majority of the people deals with scare resources with specal care and economicly according to their knowledge, experience, help they can get from others and finally according to their sole interest. But economicaly. Each of us has developed sense for ownership of certain value which doesn't depend on the form in which these value exists. We hale special sense for the resources we despose of, money, assets and specialy time as the mos valuable resource. We use them economicaly striving to gain as much as possible when we exchange it for somethning else. Simply we are trying to get greather value during the exchange. For the time we spend on our jobs and for the effort we want to be properly payed and for the money we recive we want to get as much value as we can get. This feeling is implemented in our genes. Majority of the people feels wery possesive toward their possesinons with strong sence of ownership wich results with economic and efficient behaviour.Yet, what in the case when we are in position to dispose with goods which are not our property? How we act then and why are such circumstances subject for scattering, negligence, corruption and in finally abuse of power? Is it genetics to blame or is it about indivudual and certain exceptional circumstances? Like «opportunity makes the theef». Thousands of papers are written and research conducted in order to detect existance of corruption in public procurement or to find out the best practice for fighting aganint it. But rare are ones which expalin its phenomena. Become of this and other reasons like transparency, non-discrimination etc. public procurement system is developed.Public procurement framework in Republic CroatiaDevelopment of the public procurement systemAt the moment when the Republic of Croatia gained independence in 1991, the area of public procurement was almost completely unregulated. The origin of the legislativeframework for public procurement can be found in the Act on the Execution of the State Budget for 1994 which stipulated that all procurements exceeding 50,000 DEM in value shall be carried out through a public tender.On 28 February 1995, the first Regulation came into force, which regulated procurement procedures for goods and services and for award of contracts, based on the procurement procedures of the World Bank.Two other Regulations followed, which were in force in 1996 and 1997, and which replaced the previous one.On 19 December 1997, the first Act on Procurement of Goods, Services and Award of Contracts was adopted, whose application began in 1998. The Act was a logical successor of the Regulations because a need was felt in their implementation for a more detailed regulation of the entire public procurement area. The Act was based on the UNCITRAL model of the Public Procurement Act as well as on relevant documents of the WTO, the GATT and the World Bank. The Act was in force until 2001 when the existing Public Procurement Act, which was based on EC directives, came into force.Taking into account the fact that the procurements above the value of HRK 200,000 were legally regulated, it was felt as necessary to also legally regulate the procurements below that threshold, thus the Regulation on the Procedure of Procurement of Goods, Works and Services of Small Value was adopted. At the same time, the Regulation on Public Procurement Announcements and Records was adopted, by which a higher level of transparency in the public procurement system was reached.The institutional framework until 2003 was regulated in such a manner that all activities related to public procurement took place within the Ministry of Finance, the Public Procurement Directorate. Following the need for harmonization of the public procurement system in the institutional part as well as for strengthening the implementing ability, the Regulation on the Establishment of the Public Procurement Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia came into force on 12 November 2003, whereby the Office was detached from the Ministry of Finance and became an independent expert service of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.By coming into force of the Act on the State Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures and by the establishment of the Commission and appointment of its members, the process of creating an institutionalized framework of the public procurement system was completed.After new directives were adopted in March 2004: - 2004/18/EC - Directive on Coordination of Procedures for Awarding Public Work Contracts, Public Procurement Contracts and Public Service Contracts, 2004/17/EC- Directive which harmonises procurement procedures of entities operating in water management sector, energy and transport sectors and postal service sections for the purpose of further harmonization of the legal framework from the field of public procurement, the Act on Amendments to the Public Procurement Act was drafted, based on the aforementioned Directives. This Act was adopted in July 2005 and has been applied as of 1 October 2005 . Since the amendments to the Public Procurement Act also led to changes in the Regulation on announcements and records of public procurement, the Regulation was amended for the purpose of its harmonization with the Act.Further objectives are the drafting of a new Public Procurement Act and the development and strengthening of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia within the 2002 CARDS Programme, the Twinning Project of the Public Procurement Office titled “Strengthening the Public Procurement System in the Republic of Croatia”.A reform of the public procurement system and full harmonization of the Croatian legal framework with the European Union acquis is a priority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The aim of regulating public procurement procedures was to ensure more competitiveness and prevent any discrimination against tenderers, and at the same time improve transparency in the business operations of the contracting authority in property -rights relations, that is, a more rational spending of public funds. The effect of public procurements would also have to be reflected in other fields relevant for a normallyfunctioning state, as well as in the building of public trust towards the work of the state and the prevention of corruption.It should be pointed out that public procurement procedures have made a substantial impact on the tenderers' market as they had to start acting in a relatively different and more complex way following the legal regulation of the sector, and which represented quite a deviation from the practice existing until then relating to the conclusion of contracts between the state and the private sector. It was the aim of legislative regulation in the sector to guarantee more intensive competitiveness and prevent any discrimination against tenderers, and at the same time improve transparency in the operations of the contracting authority in property -rights relations, that is, more rational spending of public funds. The effect of public procurement would also have to be reflected in other fields relevant for a normally functioning state, as well as in the building of public trust towards the work of the state and the prevention of corruption.The total amount of public procurement for the period between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005 was 26.085.502.247,00 HRK (VAT excluded) or 11,39 % of GDP. (GDP in 2005 was,00 HRK2). The largest clients are Croatian Motorways Ltd., Croatian Electricity Company, Croatian Roads, INA (oil company), Croatian Railways, Plinacro, Highway Rijeka –Zagreb, Odašiljači i veze (Transmissions and broadcasting), Dubrovnik Airport City of Zagreb, Croatian Forests, Ministry of Interior, etc.Public Procurement ActParties obliged to adhere to the Act are state and other bodies of the Republic of Croatia, legal persons who perform one or more activities of common interest, and which are not commercial or industrial activities for the purpose of securing a profit, and associations founded by one or more bodies or legal persons. The list of parties obliged to adhere to the Public Procurement Act is defined by activity or name, whereby all operators are obliged to adhere to this Act even in the case when they are not included in the list. There are more than 4200 obliged parties.The Public Procurement Act lays down three basic procurement methods (procedures):- Open procedures means those public competition procedures whereby any interested economic operator may submit a tender.- Restricted procedures means those procurement procedures by competition based on a call for competition in which any economic operator may request to participate and whereby only those economic operators invited by the contracting authority may submit a tender.- Negotiated procedures means those procurement procedures by direct dealing whereby the contracting authorities consult one or more economic operators of their choice and negotiate the terms of contract. The negotiated procedure may be used with or without prior announcement of a call for competition.The Act specifies procurement values above which the contracting authority is obliged to apply the provisions of this Act when procuring identical goods, services and works.The contracting authority has to announce all procurements in the amount of or exceeding the amount of HRK 200,000 (EUR 27,000) in the Official Gazette ( Procurements may also be announced in other media, bulletins or in some other way, but not before having been published in the Official Gazette.Procurement with a value not exceeding HRK 200,000 in the fiscal and business year is conducted by the contracting authority pursuant to the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on procurement procedures for goods, works and services of a lesser value.The Republic of Croatia is currently preparing for the accession to the EU. It will therefore need to harmonize its public procurement practices with those in the EUas well as align its national legislation with the so-called acquis communautaire.Public Procurement OfficeThe Public Procurement Office is a special agency of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, authorised to execute the implementation, oversight and application of the Public Procurement Act and any such subordinate legislation as may be passed in the field of procurement. The Office issues instructions and presents opinions to all interested parties regarding the application of the Public Procurement Act; collects, records, processes and analyses procurement data, submits requests for the instigation of minor offence proceedings before minor offence courts or bring criminal charges before the Public Prosecutor’s Office, participates in the preparation of draft bills and by-laws providing for the general conditions, rules and procedures of procurement, prepares and implements a training programme for the concerned parties and promote the Public Procurement Act, participates in the work of international institutions in the field of procurement, and performs any such other tasks as may fall within the scope of its competence.In order to achieve these goals the Public Procurement Office has been conducting a CARDS Twinning Project "Strengthening the Croatian Public Procurement System" with its twinning partner – a consortium of German and Slovenian consultants. The Project which is worth 1.000.000 euros was launched in June 2005 and its implementation is presently in its final stages.The main goal of the Project is to contribute to the development of a reliable and transparent public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia. This goal is to be achieved through the ever increasing level of alignment of the national legislation with the EU legislative framework, the Public Procurement Office’s institutional strengthening, and raising the transpar ency and competitiveness of the Croatian public procurement system.A reorganisation of the Public Procurement Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia is ongoing and, with the objective of attaining as much efficiency as possible within its scope of activities, the Regulation on amendments to the Regulation on the establishment of the Public Procurement Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia was adopted.State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement ProcedureState Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement Procedure is established with the purpose of coordinating the Croatian public procurement system with legal tradition of the European Union, pursuant to obligations arising from the Stabilization and Accession Treaty. The State Commission is established by the Act on the State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement Procedure as an autonomous and independent national body of second instance which exercises its jurisdiction by deciding on complaints concerning public procurement procedure.According to its organization and jurisdiction, it follows that the State Commission has the characteristics of both judiciary and administrative body. The principles of legality and transparency, set out in the Public Procurement Act, apply to the structure and practice of the State Commission. Those principles are applied in the State Commission manner of acting and decision making, financing and the manner of members' appointment.State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement Procedure has five members, one of whom acts as the Head, and one as Deputy Head.In order to protect its rights, each client or candidate that has participated in a tendering procedure may, within three days from the receipt of a written decision on the selection or cancellation, lodge with the client an objection to such decision on the grounds of irregularities in the tendering procedure. Clients or candidates must lodge such objections with the client in written form. Any decision passed by the State Commission is deemed final. Utility sectorThe utility sector is under pressure to become more efficient, which means making the money go further. Sometimes this means reducing costs, at other times it means finding new and smarter ways to deliver services. Services must also be sustainable. A voluntary andcommunity organisation must think about how they provide confidence in their ability to develop, resource and deliver a service over the whole life of the contract.The activities of the utility sector base their legal framework on municipal management legislation and public procurement legislation. There is no standard approach to utility sector procurement and each sector organisation will have developed its own internal procurement rules and processes.Procurement procedures established on the basis of the applicable Public Procurement Act that relate to entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors are, for the most part, based on Directive 93/38/EEC of 14 June 1993. The goal of these provisions is to harmonize the legislation in the field of public procurement and establish the internal market as an area without internal frontiers in which free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is guaranteed.The regulation of public procurement procedures applied by entities operating in these sectors has also been accomplished by fulfilling these objectives. The regulation of this field was necessary due to the existence of special or exclusive rights granted by the national authorities, concerning the supply to and provision or operation of networks for providing the service concerned, the exploitation of a given geographical area for a particular purpose, the provision or operation of public telecommunications networks or the provision of public telecommunications services. One of the reasons lies in the fact that the national authorities may influence the behaviour of these entities, including participation in their capital and representation in the entities administrative, managerial or supervisory bodies.Utility sector is one of the biggest clients on the market. There is no register about the value of the procurement but it is estimated about 30 billions kuna (3,5 billions €). Utility sector consists of large number of companies majority state owned. There are only few companies from this sector which are privatised and telecommunication company is one of them. These companies are market oriented and are not financed from the budget but from selling their services to the public. Truth is that there are still some companies left on the market which are natural monopoly but that is also changing with opening market process.The state central focus, considering public procurement, is to tackle corruption and to ensure that appropriate distance is kept between clients and the suppliers. This is common among developing countries. The focus should be on efficiency and value for money procurement. Value for money often means the lowest price, as long as the contractor delivers the right quality and performance. But sometimes it can mean adding value by offering more than the public sector organisation asked for, even if the price is a little higher.Companies that operate in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors are usually large and operate on the entire territory of Republic Croatia. This means geographic dispersion and implies very complex organizational structure. Procurement is rarely concentrated in one place. Instead, procurement responsibilities are delegated to local divisions. Therefore procurement activities are fragmented and uncoordinated. This implies that single company procure the same good or service several times on several different places which generate higher costs and duplicated activities. There is lack of consistency and wide variation between the best and the worst practise. There is no common system for recording what was being purchased, at what price and from whom so there is no ground for any kind of benchmarking.Thesis1. Gathering procurement activities increase efficiency and gain savings,2. Establishing standard bidding documents increase efficiency and gain savings,3. Establishing public procurement information system for recording procurementinformation increase efficiency and gain savings.Utility sector is delivering wide spectrum of services to the public, from energy (gas, oil, heat or electric energy) to transport (land, sea and air) and telecommunication services. These companies are dealing with large number of clients and are usually dislocated. Lack ofcoordination and knowledge transfer results with large number of tendering processes, involves large number of procurement staff, different practise and approach to the same problem etc. Tendering processes are duplicated, huge amount of time in inefficiently spend and there is no common recording system which could show clients are they getting value for money.There are some differences among clients but generally situation is bad. Carrying out competitive, fair and transparent procurement process is not a problem any more but there is undoubtedly room for considerable improvement. Clients are more than aware of the Public Procurement Law, legal remedies are practiced and public awareness is very high. Moreover, interest of the public for public procurement is one of the most articulated. Newspapers and other media are often taking advantage of that interest to increase their income. Public procurement system in Republic Croatia has overcome the first step, implementing and comply Public Procurement Law.The real challenge is to achieve efficiency by lowering tendering costs and by value for money approach. This is not possible without benchmarking, communication, collaboration and raising the level of knowledge of all involved parties; clients, suppliers, government and public. The search for efficiency means that many utility sector organisations should join together to purchase services. They might share the administrative costs of buying the same thing or put a number of different services into a single contract to achieve better value for money. But before that they should organize procurement activities within themselves. Weaknesses of the procurement process in utility sector are:1. Low level of preparation,2. Fragmentation of tendering processes3. Lack of common tendering practise4. CPV is not yet implemented in Public Procurement Law5. Recording of information is not uniformed and therefore informations can’t beinterpreted6. Benchmarking and economics statistic are limited7. Significant costs of tendering process both for clients and suppliers8. Administrative approach to procurement9. Post-buy evaluation does not exists10. Procurement staff is not properly trainedPre-tendering phase is rarely used for it’s purpose. C ommon tendering process is started without proper legal ground. Sometimes tendering process begins while licences are still in process and blueprints are only a scratch. Due to geographical dispersion (in the case of natural monopoly which operates in the whole country), procurement is fragmented and the same goods, works and services are procured several times at several different divisions. Gathering procurement needs would gain money, staff and time savings.Common Procurement Vocabulary is still not implemented in Public Procurement Law. That is major problem both for clients and suppliers. Price offered can't be compared to other clients and usually not even different divisions within one client. Suppliers have difficulties in understanding technical specifications (if there are any). Only CPV and technical specifications describing the characteristics of the works, supplies and serviced procured could make measuring performance possible and would be the first step for e-procurement.A series of standard specifications should be developed for goods that are commonly and regularly procured to introduce consistency and increase competition through a non-discriminatory and clear evaluation criteria. This should be published on the web site to invite comments from manufactures, suppliers and users for refinement.Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) should be developed. These documents could make significant time and cost savings in preparation of bidding document and make the hole process both for clients and bidders more transparent and more uderstendable.Efficiency of public procurement could be increased through application of information technologies. The only measure ensuring implementation of this task is creation of public procurement information system that would provide for opportunities to gradually transpose public procurement into electronic media in compliance with the practice of the EU member states.Minimum reporting requirements and Key Performance Indicators for procurement should be agreed and used in all organisations. Performance benchmarking for procurement must be developed and an upgrade of resources, skills and practices is needed.Training of public procurement professionals, ensuring improvement of their qualifications, provision of consultations on issues related to public procurement organisation and implementation, and achievement of high-quality consulting is essential.Methodology and data collectionIn order to test the hypotheses I will select a sample frame of (potential) respondents who are all personally involved in the procurement goods and services for which the Public Procurement Law apply. For that purpose a questionnaire will be administered to the purchasing professionals of the tendering services of the utility sector who are all well-informed about the issues at hand. The survey procedure should included a pilot study aimed at enhancing the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The questionnaire is not yet created. Multiple regression analysis should be applied. The aim of the research is to support thesis and give an insight in utility sector public procurement practice in order to simplify procurement process, make it more transparent to the public, more efficient and to make savings.ConclusionEvery client needs to give procurement its relevant importance and ensure there are qualified, professional procurement staff with the appropriate level of knowledge and experience. There should be collaboration across the utility sector to aggregate procurement and optimise scarce skills and should be explored could some high-value commodities and services should be procured for the whole of the utility sector in Croatia. The aim is to provide harmonized procurement guidelines to streamline the procurement system and thereby ensure efficiency, transparency and equal opportunity in the procurement process.。