JEL 801 2010_Japan_T8



Target voltage 1.8 .. 3.6 V 600 MHz effective sample rate Supports Embedded Trace
Macrocell (ETM)
Supports Program Trace Macrocell
Support of High-Speed Serial Trace Port Compatible to Xilinx Aurora protocol Support of up to four differential lanes Maximum 6,25Gbit/s lane speed Up to 24 Giga CPU cycles

Export Form 2011▪ Linglin He ▪ 2011/ August / 18
▪ 5
Power Debugger
Debug Cable
Processor specific adaption Contains software license Supported Processor Families: ARM/XSCALE Power Architecture MIPS32/MIPS64 Intel Atom™/x86 78K0R/RL78 APS AVR32 C166CBC CPU32 ColdFire H8S/23x9 M32R M-Core MCS08 MSP430 RX S12X SH TriCore V850 VR XC2000/C166SV2 XC800 DSPs Softcores Configurable Cores Auxiliary Processors









E660 96 3840 459 144 5760 689 2.2 175° 3′ 180 13
QD1117橡胶垫 E660 86 3095 317 129 4642 476
3 175° 3′ 180 13
JFZ191密封垫 T520 107 25600 3282 160 38400 4923 1.6 175° 3′ 180 0
1364 187
3.6 175° 2′ 120 13
“□”67.8×63.5 ×2.3
1979 271
3.6 175° 2′ 120 13
8037 5×2
O形圈 F751 192 12288 525 288 18432 788 0.21 190° 2′ 120 13
大模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 大模具 小模具 小模具 大模具 小模具
单模 单模 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具
110J橡胶插头 G540 87 3142 255 131 4713 383 0.6 175° 3′7.8×64.5 ×2.3
1′30″ 90
1′30″ 90
2′30″ 150
2′10″ 130
2′40″ 160
2′40″ 160
1′20″ 80
2′30″ 150
单价 模具类型
0.376 0.145 0.030 0.120 0.103 0.128 0.197 0.402 0.145 0.402 0.179 0.179 0.299 0.094 0.171 0.137 0.137 0.179 0.855

SDS-C-809CN U-BOND ST-10HA Hardener

SDS-C-809CN U-BOND ST-10HA Hardener

外观(物理状态,形状): 浆糊 颜色: 淡黄色~透明淡褐色 气味: 硫醇气味 pH值: 无关
熔点/凝固点: 无数据 沸点,开始蒸发温度
和沸腾范围: 无数据 闪点: > 122℃ (Cleveland Open Cup)
自燃温度(着火点): 无数据 燃烧性(固体,气体): 无关
燃烧或爆炸范围的 上限/下限: 无数据 蒸汽压: 无数据 蒸汽密度: 无数据 蒸发速度: 无数据
小白鼠LD50 660-980mg/L 小白鼠LD50 4000mg/kg 小白鼠LD50 2600mg/L
吸入时: 包括和主剂的混合物中的蒸汽。如误吸入温度上升时所产生的蒸汽,引起发痒等异常症状,立即将受 害者转移到空气新鲜处,迅速求医治疗。
接触皮肤时: 立刻抹掉,用肥皂水充分清洗。不能用溶剂,乙酸异戊酯(香蕉水/天那水)。如出现发痒症状,迅速 求医治疗。
进入眼睛时: 立即用大量水冲洗。如不能除去,引起发痒等异常症状,迅速求眼科医生治疗。 吞入时: 立即用水充分漱口。饮入水分或牛乳。如可能使其呕吐,不要诱导呕吐。迅速求医治疗。如果受害 者没有意识,不得吃东西,喝水等饮食物。
对环境的有害性: 对水生环境的有害性(急性) 对水生环境的有害性(慢性)

Tait T800 Series II 电子产品说明书

Tait T800 Series II 电子产品说明书

Radio Systems Division, Tait Electronics LtdPage 1 of 16535 Wairakei Rd, P .O. Box 1645, Christchurch, New Zealand Phone: (64) (3) 358 3399 Fax: (64) (3) 358 2825Application Note AN-RSD-002Combining Third Party Equipment With The T800 Series II Radio Platform23 April 1998T800Any enquiries regarding this Application Note should be addressed in the first instance to your nearest approved Tait Dealer or Subsidiary . Further assistance may be obtained from the Cus-tomer Support Group, Radio Systems Division, Tait Electronics Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand.IntroductionThis Application Note provides guidelines on combining third party equipment with the Tait T800 Series II radio platform. It shows pin inputs and outputs available on T800module and backplane D-range connectors and provides information on integrating third party equipment into a Tait rack frame, using the T800 ancillary chassis and rack frame guides.Third party equipment can be combined with Tait T800 Series II equipment in the fol-lowing ways.•You can interface equipment to T800 radio units via the D-range on individual modules (T800 receiver, transmitter/exciter, power supply), or via the back-plane PCB which interconnects the modules at the rear of the T800 rack frame.•You can integrate third party PCBs into a T800 rack frame by using a T800ancillary module chassis.This document is split into three main sections.•T800 Series II EquipmentGives guidelines for combining the Tait T800 Series II radio platform with third party equipment. It describes the standard Tait rack frame, the T800 radio mod-ules and location of the D-range on the modules and the backplane PCB (which is fitted to the rear of the rack frame).•T800 Series II Module Inputs And OutputsGives pin inputs and outputs for interfacing third party equipment with the T800 receiver, transmitter/exciter and power amplifier (PA), and the modules matching pin inputs and outputs on the backplane PCB.•Integrating Third Party PCBsGives specific dimensions for integrating third party PCBs into the ancillary chassis, and information on single, double and triple guide kits.AN-RSD-002T800 Series II EquipmentRack FrameThe T800-22-0000 is a standard 5U high, 19” wide base station/repeater rack frame. The rack frame can house the range of T800 Series II modules within the frequency range 66-960MHz, with power outputs ranging from 1-100W. Changing links on the back-plane PCB allows the Tait equipment in the rack frame to be configured as either a base station or a repeater.Figure 1 shows the mechanical layout of the T800-22-0000 rack frame. Modules slide into the rack frame along guides (single, double or triple) and can interface to third party equipment through the backplane PCB.Figure 1 Mechanical Layout Of The T800-22-0000 Rack FramePage 2 of 1623/04/98AN-RSD-002T800 Radio ModulesThird party equipment can be interfaced with the T800 receiver, transmitter/exciter or power amplifier through the 15-way D-range on the rear of the modules. An auxiliaryD-range (normally fitted as D-range 2) can be bought as an additional kit (T800-03-0000)for all modules except the PA. This provides you with additional D-range inputs and outputs. Typical uses of the T800-03-0000 are in paging, multichannel and remote con-trol applications and where external channel control is required.The D-range location on the module is shown in Figure 2. Available pin inputs and out-puts are described for the T800 receiver, transmitter/exciter and power amplifier mod-ules individually later in this document. Modules can be interfaced with the backplane PCB by way of the D-range sockets as shown on Figure 3.Space For OptionalD-range Plug(D-range 2)D-range Plug(D-range 1)Figure 2 D-range Location23/04/98Page 3 of 16AN-RSD-002Backplane PCBThe backplane PCB (T800-50-0000) has been laid out with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) products in mind, and has sockets for the T800 module D-range. The PCB mounts across the rear panel of the rack frame guides, enabling a T800 Series II radio module to plug directly into the D-range sockets provided on the inner side of the PCB.The two 25-way D-ranges (shown enlarged in Figure 3) can be used to interface third party equipment, for example tone remote boards, with the T800-22-0000 rack frame. Most D-range inputs/outputs are made available on the two 25-way D-ranges (SK6 and SK7) and are described in following tables.25-way D-rangeSK725-way D-rangeSK6Figure 3 T800-50-0000 Backplane PCB Showing D-range LocationPage 4 of 1623/04/98AN-RSD-00223/04/98Page 5 of 16T800 Series II Module Inputs And OutputsReceiver : Standard Inputs And OutputsTable 1 shows standard inputs and outputs for the T800 receiver and corresponding inputs and outputs on the backplane PCB (SK7).Table 1 Standard Receiver Pin Inputs & OutputsNotes:DR1 = D-range 1 BKPL = Backplane.SignalDR1 PinBKPL (SK7)I/P O/PFunctionLine O/P1-41-4O/PAudio output from a 600Ω balanced line transformer. Output level adjustable from -50 to +10dBm via a potentiometer on the front panel. Pins 2 & 3 are usually linked for normal operation.RSSI 55O/PReceiver Strength Signal Indicator. Provides a DC voltage propor-tional to the signal strength of the received signal.Values are: VHF 4.5V @ -100dBm; 1V/15dB (-115 to -70dBm) UHF 2V @ -110dBm; 1V/10dB (-115 to -70dBm). For UHF, optional board must be fitted.Audio 166O/PAudio 1 allows access to audio before it passes through the squelch circuitry . The output will provide frequencies down to 5Hz when the audio processor is linked for flat response. From Audio 1, audio can be passed to external CTCSS and signalling decoders.Serial Com/Audio 277I/OSerial programming input for programming the module. Can be configured as Audio 2 by internal link resistors if required. Audio 2 is an input and when used in conjunction with Audio 1 allows the audio path to be broken so that external audio processing can be used.Speaker 819O/P Provides up to 1W into a 4Ω speaker.Supply V oltage 9-10-I/P DC Supply V oltage input. Nominal 13.8V , can operate from 10.8 to 16V DC.Gate O/P1114O/PPulls low when a signal is received. In a repeater, configuration can be used to key the transmitter by directly connecting it to the Tx Key pin.Receiver Gate Relay12131516O/PRelay CommonRelay Normally OpenA normally open relay contact that closes when a signal is received. The relay will only operate when PL270 is linked.Ground 14-15-I/P Power supply earth, negative ground.Backplane SK7123456789101112131415Receiver D-range 1Page 6 of 1623/04/98AN-RSD-002Receiver : Additional Inputs And OutputsTable 2 shows additional inputs and outputs for the T800 receiver and corresponding inputs and outputs on the backplane PCB (SK6).Table 2 Additional Receiver Pin Inputs & OutputsNotes :DR2 = D-range 2 BKPL = BackplaneSignalDR2 PinBKPL (SK6)I/P O/PFunctionChannel 1 22Select 0-6 2 9 3 214 8 I/P5 2067 7 19External channel select pins (including Channel Select 7 on pin 11). Normally high, these pins are pulled low to select logic 0. To select a channel the binary equivalent must be applied to the pins. when all pins are left floating (i.e. high) then the selected channel is deter-mined by software (PGM800Win).Note: When using external channel selection, pin 11 must be pulled low.Ground 86I/P Power supply earth, negative ground.Rx Disable 918I/PWhen pulled low disables receiver audio output. Usually used in a base station application to ensure there is no interference when the transmitter is operating.CTCSS Disable 105I/P Disables CTCSS (Continuous Tone Controlled Squelch System).Channel Select 71123I/P Function as for other channel select lines. Must be pulled low when using external channel selection.Serial Comm1224I/OSerial programming input for programming the module. Can be used if it is not possible to program the radio from D-range 1.Aux-Out 13 150-2 14 10 O/P 15 11Open drain type; capable of sinking 2.25mA via 2k2Ω; V ds max.=5V . Logic state can change when the channel is er definable by using PGM800Win software.Backplane SK6Receiver D-range 2123456789101112131415AN-RSD-00223/04/98Page 7 of 16Transmitter/Exciter : Standard Inputs And OutputsTable 3 shows standard inputs and outputs for the T800 transmitter/exciter and corre-sponding inputs and outputs on the backplane PCB (SK7).Table 3 Standard Transmitter/Exciter Pin Inputs & OutputsNotes :DR1 = D-range 1 BKPL = Backplane.SignalDR1 PinBKPL (SK7)I/P O/PFunctionLine I/P 1-422-25I/PAudio input to a 600Ω balanced line transformer. For an unbalanced line connect the line I/P 4 to ground. Accepts audio levels as low as -30 dBm. Pins 2 & 3 are usually linked for normal operation.Tx Enable 521O/P Pulls low when the transmitter is keyed. Usually connected directly to Tx Key on the PA to activate the PA alarm circuitry .Audio 2620I/PAudio 2 allows audio to be input to the audio processor bypassing the 600Ω line transformer. Ideal place to re-inject audio such as a voice scrambler after external processing.Serial Com/Audio 177I/O O/PSerial programming input for programming the module. Can be configured as Audio 1 by internal link resistors if required. Audio 1 allows access to the audio directly after the 600Ω line transformer. When used in conjunction with Audio 2 it allows the audio path to be broken so that external audio processing can be used.CTCSS 818I/P An external input for CTCSS or DCS (Digital Coded Squelch). Supply V oltage 9-10-I/P DC Supply V oltage input. Nominal 13.8V , can operate from 10.8 to 16V DC.Opto Keys 11 (+)12 (-)98I/PA high isolation keying option. A DC voltage between 6V and 50V applied to these inputs will key the transmitter. The inputs may be used to key the transmitter via a DC remote.Tx Key 1317I/P A high impedance input which is pulled low to key the transmitter. Must be <0.7V or connected directly to Ground.Ground14-15-I/PPower supply earth, negative groundBackplane SK7T ransmitter/Exciter D-range 1123456789101112131415Page 8 of 1623/04/98AN-RSD-002Transmitter/Exciter : Additional Inputs And OutputsTable 4 shows the additional pin inputs and outputs for the T800 transmitter/exciter and corresponding inputs and outputs on the backplane PCB (SK6).Table 4 Additional Transmitter/Exciter Pin Inputs & OutputsNotes :DR2 = D-range 2 BKPL = Backplane.SignalDR2 Pin BKPL (SK6)I/P O/PFunctionChannel 1 22Select 0-6 2 9 3 214 8 I/P5 2067 7 19External channel select pins (including Channel Select 7 on pin 11). Normally high, these pins are pulled low to select logic 0. To select a channel the binary equivalent must be applied to the pins. When all pins are left floating (i.e. high) then the selected channel is deter-mined by software (PGM800Win).Note: When using external channel selection, pin 11 must be pulled low.Ground 86I/P Power supply earth, negative ground.Tx Relay Drive 918I/P Used for coaxial relay switching. Pulls to ground when the transmit-ter is keyed.CTCSS Disable 1017I/P Disables CTCSS (Continuous Tone Controlled Squelch System).Channel Select 71123I/P Function as for other channel select lines. Must be pulled low when using external channel selection.Serial Comm1224I/OSerial programming input for programming the module. Can be used if it is not possible to program the radio from D-range 1.Aux-Out 13 160-2 14 4 O/P 15 3Open drain type; capable of sinking 2.25mA via 2k2Ω; V ds max.=5V . Logic state can change when the channel is er definable by using PGM800Win software.Backplane SK6123456789101112131415T ransmitter/Exciter D-range 2AN-RSD-00223/04/98Page 9 of 16Power Amplifier : Standard Inputs And OutputsThe location of the D-range on the T800 PA is shown on the diagram below. Available pin inputs and outputs for the PA are shown on Table 5.Table 5 Power Amplifier Pin Inputs & OutputsSignal DR1 PinBKPL (SK7)I/P O/PFunctionSupply V oltage1-2-I/P DC Supply V oltage input. Nominal 13.8V , can operate from 10.8V to 16V DC. Connected to pins 9, 10 and 11.Forward Power Alarm 310O/PThese are normally low and float if forward power drops below, or reverse power rises above, pre-set limits. They have a 500mA sink capability . A signal is only provided when the Tx Key line on the PA is being pulled low.Reverse Power Alarm 411O/PForward Power Metering 512O/PV oltage outputs proportional to the levels of forward and reverse power are available at these pins for metering purposes. There is enough output to drive a coil meter.Reverse Power Metering613O/PGround 7-8-I/P Power supply earth, negative ground. Connected to pins 13, 14 and 15.Supply V oltge9-11-I/P Function as for Pins 1 and 2.Tx Key1221I/P Keys the PA when ground is applied. This line is usually taken to the Tx Enable line on the Exciter.Ground13-15-O/PPower supply earth, negative earth.123456789101112131415D-range ConnectorP A D-rangeBackplane SK7Page 10 of 1623/04/98AN-RSD-002Integrating Third Party PCBsThis section gives guidelines on integrating third party PCBs with Tait equipment using the T800 ancillary module chassis and rack frame guides.There are two types of PCB which will fit into the T800 ancillary module chassis, a pri-mary PCB and a front panel PCB.Primary PCBYou can fit the primary PCB into the body of the T800 ancillary module chassis by slid-ing it along one of the grooves (the grooves are shown in the diagram of the chassis,Figure 7). PCBs can be fitted into any of the three grooves in the chassis.Third party PCBs must be made to specific dimensions to ensure they integrate with the T800 ancillary module chassis. The dimensions of the main PCB are shown in Figure 4.All measurements are shown in millimetres.The grey shaded area represents the part of the PCB where components are unplaceable as it is the area at the edge of the PCB covered by the chassis. This is a 3mm wide area.The black area represents the part of the PCB where components should be of a restricted height. The maximum height for components in this area is 3.2mm. The maxi-mum component height for the rest of the PCB area is 42mm. The length of the primary PCB is 260mm, but longer PCBs can be fitted if a front panel PCB is not required.Figure 4 Main PCB DimensionsLocation Of Pin 1 D-range 1Figure 5 shows the footprint and spacing dimensions of the 15-way double D-range connector. The location of pin 1 on both D-range 1 and D-range 2 is also shown. All dimensions are shown in millimetres.Figure 5 D-range Connector DimensionsPin 1 Of D-range 2Pin 1 Of D-range 1∅ 1.1∅ 3.2Front Panel PCBFigure 6 below shows the dimensions necessary for a third party PCB to fit behind the front panel of the ancillary chassis. All measurements are shown in millimetres. The maximum height of components on this PCB is 8mm.The PCB fits in behind the front panel and is screwed to a sub-chassis panel using M3x8 Pan Torx Taptite screws. The T800 ancillary module chassis is shown in Figure 7.Figure 6 Front Panel PCB DimensionsAncillary Module ChassisThe mechanical design of the T800-08-0000 ancillary module chassis is shown in Figure 7. Third party PCBs can be fitted into the chassis, either as a primary PCB (shown in Figure 4) or as a smaller PCB which fits behind the front panel (shown in Figure 6).The primary PCB slides into a groove in the T800 ancillary module chassis and the front panel PCB screws in behind the front panel using the sub-chassis panel (shown in Figure 7).The T800 ancillary module chassis is held in the rack frame by the rack frame guides. The rack frame guides are described on following pages.15-WayDouble D-rangeConnectorPrimary PCB Slides Into GrooveFront Panel PCB Screws InUsing Sub-Chassis PanelFigure 7 T800-08-0000 Ancillary Module ChassisAll parts shown on Figure 7 excluding the PCBs are included in the T800 ancillary mod-ule chassis kit.T800-41-0001 - Single Guide KitThe T800-41-0001 rack frame guide shown in Figure 8 is designed to fit into the T800Series II rack frame (T800-22-0000). The single guide accepts the T800-08-0000 ancillary chassis or a T800 Series II module (except for power supplies and power amplifiers which must use their own guides).The single guide kit is supplied disassembled and comprises a top and bottom rail, a rear panel, two D-range sockets and mounting screws.Figure 8 T800-41-0001 Single GuideRack Mounting HolesAperture For RF ConnectorsSlots For D-range ConnectorsRack Mounting Hole sOptional Backplane PCB Mounts On Rear Of GuideRack Mounting HoleFront Panel Mounting HolesT800-41-0002 - Double Guide KitThe T800-41-0002 rack frame guide shown in Figure 9 is designed to fit into the T800Series II rack frame (T800-22-0000). The double guide accepts any combination of the T800-08-0000 ancillary chassis and T800 Series II modules (except for power supplies and power amplifiers which must use their own guides).The double guide kit is supplied disassembled and comprises two top and bottom rails,a double width rear panel, four D-range sockets and mounting screws.Figure 9 T800-41-0002 Double GuideFront Panel Mounting HolesRack Mounting HolesRack Mounting HolesRack Mounting HolesSlots For D-Range ConnectorsRack Mounting HolesAperture For RF ConnectorsOptional Backplane PCB Mounts On Rear Of GuideT800-41-0003 - Triple Guide KitThe T800-41-0003 rack frame guide shown in Figure 10 is designed to fit into the T800Series II rack frame (T800-22-0000). The triple guide accepts any combination of the T800-08-0000 ancillary chassis and T800 Series II modules (except for power supplies and power amplifiers which must use their own guides).The triple guide kit is supplied disassembled and comprises three top and bottom rails,a triple width rear panel, six D-range sockets and mounting screws.Figure 10 T800-41-0003 Triple GuideFront Panel Mounting HolesRack Mounting HolesRack Mounting HolesOptional Backplane PCB Mounts On Rear Of GuideRack Mounting HolesAperture For RF ConnectorsRack Mounting HolesSlots For D-range Connectors。

9V NEDA 1604(Eveready 216或等效产品)电源替换

9V NEDA 1604(Eveready 216或等效产品)电源替换

TRANSMITTER BATTERY REPLACEMENTReplacement battery - 9 volt NEDA 1604 (Eveready 216 or equivalent).The battery in the transmitter can be checked or changed by removing the front lower half of the transmitter. Refer to the directions under “accessing the code switch” for battery replacement.TO REPLACE OR ADD A SETA replacement or new transmitter or receiver may be purchased by specifying the Model Number and the RF frequency designated on the identification label. The RF frequency is set at the factory and must not be adjusted in the field. The digital code can be matched to the companion receiver or transmitter by following the above procedure.OPERATIONAL CHECKTo check operation, move back a reasonable distance (about 50 feet) and press the transmitter button. Operation should be reliable at this distance but environment and location of both the transmitter and receiver will affect the range. If the transmitter is stowed well out of sight, it may be necessary to remove it from its mounting and hold near the windshield. Try different locations and positions. If operation is still unsatisfactory, the problem maybe isolated by: 1 .Checking the door operator. If the door will not open when the wall button ispressed, the problem is likely to be the operator. If the door will open by pressing the wall button, but not when the radio control button is pressed, the problem is probably in the radios.2.Replacing the transmitter battery.If, after performing the above operational checks, the controls still do not function, they should be returned to your dealer for repair or replacement or they may be returned, postage prepaid.CAUTION: Any c hanges or m odifications in intentional or unintentional radiators which are not expressly approved by LINEAR CORPORATION could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. This applies to intentional and unintentional radiators certified per part 15 of the F.C.C. rules and regulations.LINEAR CORPORATION2055 Corte del Nogal • Carlsbad, CA 92008(760) 438-7000Copyright © 1999 Linear Corporation214961 AInstallation Instructions GARAGE DOOR RADIO CONTROLSModel 3089 TransmitterModel 1090 ReceiverWARNING:•Disconnect power before any installation or repair•Wear safety glassesYour MULTI-CODE™ Radio Controls are designed specifically to remotely control a garage door from within an automobile and to give years of dependable service without adjustment. The transmitter/receiver combination utilizes the MULTI-CODE™ scheme which permits the selection of as many as 1024 code combinations of the owner’s personal choice. Because all radio controls are set with the even numbered switches in the “ON” position when they leave the factory, it is recommended that a different code be selected and set at the time of installation. Please refer to the “Accessing the Code Switch” section for instructions. The radio frequency (RF) portion of the controls, however, are tuned to standard frequencies and are thoroughly tested at the factory. This permits the addition or replacement of either the transmitter or the receiver by spec if ying the M odel N um ber and the R F frequency designated on the identification label. No RF adjustments are needed nor should any be attempted.RECEIVER INSTALLATIONThe receiver is designed to mount directly to the operator. It can be remotely installed if the operator terminal strip is not accessible, or if power for the receiver is not obtainable from the operator. To direct mount the receiver, simply loosen the terminal screws on the operator and insert the two-way lugs from the receiver under the screw heads along with the wall button wires), and tighten the screws (See Fig #1).Place the antenna (an 11 inch white wire) in a vertical position as far from any metal as possible.®For remote installation the receiver may be mounted near the operator head on a joist or the ceiling by using the mounting tab. Order Model 1092-06 adapter, which permits connection between the operator terminal and the two-way lugs on the receiver.Slip on connectors at one end of the adapter connect to the flat side of each spade lug on the receiver, and spade connectors at the other end connect to the operator terminal. Connect the wires as follows:(a)White wire to terminal “1” or “24v”(b)Black wire to terminal “2” or “Relay”(c)Red wire to terminal “3” or “Common” (“Radio Power”)(d) Connect push button wires to terminal “1” and “2” (See Figure #2). Where power for the radio receiver is not available from the operator order aM od el 1092-01 po w er t r an s f o r m e r ad ap t or f or c o nn e ction betw een the operator and the remote receiver.ACCESSING THE CODE SWITCHUsing a small screwdriver, pry the rectangular hatch from the receiver for access to the code switch. On the transmitter the entire front lower half of the case is removable. Grasp the front lower half of the case near the bottom on both sides and pull upward away from the transmitter, this will disengage the lower end. Then pull down ward to remove the lower cover, this will expose both the code switch and battery compartment. Set both switches to the code of your choice, being sure both are set the same since a different setting of just one switch will prevent operation. The digital code is determined by the position of 10 s m al l s w it c h es n um be r e d 1 t h rou gh 10 loc ated in the receiver and transmitter. Any combination of “on” or “off” positions can be selected by using a pencil or ball point pen. (Note: The switches are in the “on” position when the switch is depressed toward the number.) See Figure #3.Once the codes have been set, check operation and reinsert the hatches. TRANSMITTER INSTALLATIONThe transmitter is completely self contained, including battery, and can be operated while mounted in the car. It is supplied with a clip for attaching to the sun visor, if desired. If the clip is used attach to the case by sliding it into the recess provided on the back of the transmitter until the small dimples fit into the holes in the clip.CAUTION:Keep the clip flat when pushing it into position so that is doesn’t extend down into the case where it could touch the circuit board and cause damage.OPERA TOR TERMINA L24 VOLTRELA Y COMMON 1 2 3WA LL B UTTON 2 - WA Y LUGSCODE SWITCH MA TCHMOUNTING TA BA NTENNAFigure 1OPERATORTERMINALSTRIPTO WALLPUSH BUTTONSWITCHWhiteBlackRed WhiteBlackRedFigure 212345678910Figure 3OPEN。

LabSolutions LC 入門指南 223-60086A Jul. 2010说明书

LabSolutions LC 入門指南 223-60086A Jul. 2010说明书

LabSolutions LC 入門指南223-60086AJul. 2010 LC 入門指南2•本指南版權歸島津製作株式會社所有。









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Pentair, CADDY, ERICO CADWELD, ERICO CRITEC, ERICO, ERIFLEX, and LENTON are owned by Pentair or its global affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
CADDY B18 series with threaded rod going through both
the B18 and the box, this single support is appropriate.


(2-Pin surface mount) 1N4148UB2
UBC package
(Ceramic Lid surface mount) 1N4148UBC
Parameters/Test Conditions
Junction and Storage Temperature Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient (1) Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Endcap (2) Maximum Breakdown Voltage
2. See Figure 2 for thermal impedance curves. 3. See Figure 1 for derating.
MSC – Lawrence 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 Tel: 1-800-446-1158 or (978) 620-2600 Fax: (978) 689-0803
Reliability Level JAN = JAN level JANTX = JANTX level JANTXV = JANTXV level See 1N6642US for JANS level Blank = Commercial grade
JEDEC type number (see Electrical Characteristics
Important: For the latest information, visit our website .
• Surface mount equivalent of popular JEDEC registered 1N4148 number. • Hermetically sealed glass construction. • Metallurgically bonded. • Double plug construction. • Very low capacitance. • Very fast switching speeds with minimal reverse recovery times. • JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV qualification is available per MIL-PRF-19500/116.

ASUS M80CJ桌面电脑用户手册说明书

ASUS M80CJ桌面电脑用户手册说明书

TEC BASETEC MEMORY TEC GRAPHIC TEC dGfx_add TEC STORAGE TEC TVTEC AUDIOETEC_MAX15040000154Measured Required ResultMeasured Required Result P LOWEST 0.300.50PASS 0.300.50PASS P Off 0.30 1.00PASS 0.30 1.70PASS P Idle 16.71----16.71---P Sleep 0.88 5.00PASS 0.92 5.70PASS E TEC 60.38154.00PASS60.39154.00PASSWResultW Result PASSG7NA Discrete audio cardsProduct Category M80CJCategory D M80CJ0.90Power FactorEfficiencyGraphics Type# of Additional dGfx Internal Power SupplyNameplate Power Memory (GB)Discrete TV tuners Issue date 25-Jan-172017Model Name Product type Year of Manufacture Model family list Desktop ComputerM80CJ Representative modelBrandCompany name Contact information Internet site Address LogoASUSASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.******************15, Li-Te Rd., Peitou, Taipei 112, Taiwan Discrete NA 8NoPower demand E TEC value (kWh) and capability adjustmentsAverage Efficiency 92.0%87.0%External Power SupplyAt 50% of Rated Output 85%At 100% of Rated Output 82%1NodGfx Category Add dGfx Category # of StorageWoL Disable WoL Enable (if applicable)Measured RequiredAt 20% of Rated Output 82%Can the battery[ies] in this notebook computer be easily replaced by users themselvesNANameplate Power 230Measured Required the minimum number of loading cycles that the batteries can withstand 34.66NA noise levels (the declared A-weighted sound power level)the total content of mercury as X,X mg of integrated displayNA4. The power management feature is enabled by default.The measurement methodologyECMA-383, Measuring the Energy Consumption of Personal Computing ProductsThe instrumentation, set-up and circuits used for electrical testing are accordance with ECMA-383Test voltage in V and frequency in Hz Total harmonic distortion of the electricity supply system 230V, 50Hz <21. Power management is a process that allows displays and computers (CPU, hard drive, etc.) to enter low-power states when sitting idle.12. Users can adjust how long your computer waits before sleeping or hibernating. Please refer to the user manual or website of O.S. provider for further information.13. Lowest power state means the state with the lowest power demand found in a computer. This mode may be entered or left by either a mechanical means or via automatic means14. Idle state means a state of a computer in which the operating system and other software havecompleted loading, a user profile has been created, the computer is not in sleep mode, and activity is limited to those basic applications that the operating system starts by default9. The computer is automatically set to sleep after 30 minutes of user inactivity.2. Inactive displays with enabled power management enter low-power modes by turning off monitor output,which can save $10 to $30(USD) per monitor annually3. The low power modes of inactive computers can involve reducing power consumption or spinning down the hard disk, which can save $15 to $45(USD) per desktop computer annually.10. To wake your computer, click the mouse, press power button, or press any key on the keyboard.11. For windows system, Notebook Computers will enter into hibernation after 360 minutes5. Sleep is a power-saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation (typically within several seconds) when users want to start working again.6. Hibernation is a power-saving state designed primarily for laptops. Of all the power-saving states in Windows, hibernation uses the least amount of power.7. Hybrid sleep is designed primarily for desktop computers. Hybrid sleep is a combination of sleep and hibernate. When hybrid sleep is turned on, putting your computer into sleep automatically puts your computer into hybrid sleep. Hybrid sleep is typically turned on by default on desktop computers.8. The display is automatically set to sleep after 10 minutes of user inactivity.。



Blow Moldable Resins | Color Stable Resins | Encapsulation Resins | Extrusion Resins | Flame Retardant Resins | Low Warp Resins | Low Wear and Friction Resins | Mineral Reinforced Resins | Electrical Resins | Toughened Resins | UV Resistant/Weatherable Resins | Unreinforced Resins | Glass Reinforced Resins | Food Contact Resins | Hydrolysis Resistant Resins | Long Fiber / Long Glass Resins | Fast Cycle Resins | Renewably Sourced Resins | SHIELD Technology ResinsBlow Moldable ResinsZytel® 101 NC010General purpose polyamide 66 resin for injection molding andextrusion </TD< TR>Zytel® 101F BKB009Internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It was developed for fast cycles and high productivity. </TD<TR>Zytel® 101F NC010 Internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding.It was developed for fast cycles and high productivity. </TD<TR>Zytel® 101LBKB080Lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 101L NC010L ubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 103FHS BKB009Heat stabilized, internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It was developed for fast cycles and highproductivity. </TD< TR>Zytel® 103FHSNC010Heat stabilized, internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It was developed for fast cycles and highproductivity. </TD< TR>Zytel® 103HSL BKB080Heat stabilized, lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injectionmolding </TD< TR>Zytel® 103HSL NC010Heat stabilized, lubricated polyamide 66resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 105F BK010Lubricated, fast cycling, weather resistant black PA 66 resin</TD< TR>Zytel® 132F NC010 Nucleated, lubricated polyamide 66 for injection molding. It issuitable for fast production cycles and high productivityapplications </TD< TR>Zytel® 135F NC010Resina de poliamida 66 nucleada paramoldagem por inje??o. Desenvolvida paraciclos r?pidos e alta produtividade.</TD< TR>Zytel® 151 NC010 A PA 612 resin </TD< TR>Zytel® 151L NC010Lubricated, general purpose molding grade </TD< TR>Zytel® 153HSLNC010Lubricated, heat stabilized, extrusion grade </TD< TR>Zytel® 157HSLBK010Lubricated, heat stabilized, improved weather resistant molding/extrusion grade </TD< TR>Zytel® 158 NC010 General purpose PA 612 resin suitable for molding and extrusionapplications </TD< TR>Zytel® 158L NC010Lubricated, general purpose molding/extrusion grade -- ahigher melt viscosity than Zytel® 151L NC010 </TD< TR> Zytel® 159 NC010High viscosity, extrusion grade </TD< TR>Zytel® 45HSBNC010High viscosity, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin for injection molding and extrusion applications such as film and tubing</TD< TR>Zytel® 7331JNC010Unreinforced, lubricated, fast cycling, PA6 </TD< TR> Zytel® BM7300THSBK317Unreinforced, PA6 blow molding resin </TD< TR>Zytel® E51HSBNC010High molecular weight, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin for injection molding and extrusion </TD< TR>Zytel® FE3734NC010Internally lubricated PA 612 resin </TD< TR>Zytel® FG101LNC010Lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding, FoodGrade </TD< TR>Zytel® FG151L Lubricated, general purpose molding grade. Food Grade </TD<NC010TR>Zytel® FG408LNC010Ionomer modified nylon 66 resin. Food Grade </TD< TR>Zytel® FG42ANC010High viscosity polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. FoodGrade </TD< TR>Zytel® FN714 NC010A An impact modified, very flexible, plasticizer free polyamide 66 resin having good heat aging and chemical resistance. </TD<TR>Zytel® FN727 BK230AA black, impact modified, plasticizer free, very flexible polyamide 6 alloy resin having good low temperature toughness, good heat aging and good chemical resistance. Uses include cable jacketing, hose and tube applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® FN727 NC010A An impact modified, plasticizer free, very flexible polyamide 6 alloy resin having good low temperature toughness, good heat aging and good chemical resistance Uses include cablejacketing, hose and tube applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® FR7025V0FNC010Unreinforced, no elemental phosphorous and halogen free</TD< TR>Zytel® FR7026V0FBK001Unreinforced, no elemental phosphorous and halogen freeflame retardant PA66 </TD< TR>Zytel® FR7026V0F NC010Unreinforced, no elemental phosphorousand halogen free flame retardant PA66</TD< TR>Zytel® MT409AHSBK010Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized, blackpolyamide 66 resin having good stiffness and improved knit line strength with superior toughness and processability </TD< TR>Zytel® MT409AHSNC010Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness, improved knit line strength, surface appearance with outstanding processability</TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC1000BK385Flexible, unreinforced Polyamide 1010. It is UV and heat stabilized and suitable for multiple extrusion applications.</TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC1200 BK385Flexible toughened Polyamide 1010. It is UV and heat stabilizedand suitable for multiple extrusion applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC1600 BK385Flexible, toughened, plasticized Polyamide 1010. It is UV andheat stabilized and suitable for multiple extrusion applications.</TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC3060 NC010Renewable sourced polyamide 610 containing a minimum of 60%renewable sourced ingredient by weight. It is an unreinforced, medium viscosity grade, developed for injection and extrusion.applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC3090 NC010Renewable sourced polyamide 610 containing a minimum of 60%renewably sourced ingredient by weight. It is an unreinforced, high viscosity grade, developed for extrusion applications.</TD< TR>Zytel® ST7301 BK356Super Tough, heat stabilized, lubricated, black polyamide 6 resin for injection molding and extrusion. It offers outstanding impact resistance over a wide temperature and humidity range and high productivity </TD< TR>Zytel® ST7301NC010Super Tough, heat stabilized, lubricated polyamide 6 resin for injection molding and extrusion. It offers outstanding impact resistance over a wide temperature and humidity range andhigh productivity </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801ANC010ASuper Tough, high performance, polyamide 66 resin. It is partially UV stabilized and when appropriately colored offers limited protection to indirect sunlight exposure. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AHS BK010Super Tough, high performance, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstandingmolding performance in injection molding applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AHS Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It offersNC010 outstanding molding performance in injection moldingapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AW BK195Super Tough, weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly,black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It offers thebest resistance to outdoor exposure. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AWNC010Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It is UV stabilized and when appropriately colored, offers the best resistance to indirect sunlight in automotive interiorapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST811HS NC010Rubber modified nylon 6 resin. Veryflexible. </TD< TR>Zytel® FR70M30V0 BK01030% Mineral reinforced, flame retardant, black polyamide 66resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® FR70M30V0 NC01030% Mineral reinforced, flame retardant polyamide 66 resin forinjection molding </TD< TR>Electrical ResinsZytel® 70G35EF NC01035% Glass reinforced polyamide 66 developed for electrical andelectronics applications. </TD< TR>Toughened ResinsZytel® 73G30T BK261 30% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened black polyamide 6 resinfor injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G30TNC010 30% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened polyamide 6 resin forinjection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G30TGIBK26730% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, black polyamide 6 optimized for gas injection molding process. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G14A 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow polyamide 66NC010A resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection moldingapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G14AHSBK09914% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G14AHSNC01014% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performancein injection molding applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G25HS BK11725% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, blackpolyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G33HS1L BK10433% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66resin with outstanding impact resistance developed usingDuPont® Super Tough technology </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G33HS1L NC01033% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilized polyamide 66 resinwith outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont®Super Tough technology </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G33L NC01033% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin with outstandingimpact resistance developed using DuPont® Super Toughtechnology </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G43HS1L BK104 43% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66resin with superior impact resistance </TD< TR> Zytel® BM73G15THSBK31715% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, toughened polyamide 6 for blow molding </TD< TR>Zytel® FE240012 BK010Highly toughened, heat stabilized polyamide 612 for extrusion,blow molding or processing by other techniques requiring highmelt viscosity. </TD< TR>Zytel® FG408LNC010Ionomer modified nylon 66 resin. Food Grade </TD< TR>Zytel® FN714 NC010AAn impact modified, very flexible, plasticizer free polyamide 66 resin having good heat aging and chemical resistance. </TD<TR>Zytel® FN727 BK230AA black, impact modified, plasticizer free, very flexible polyamide 6 alloy resin having good low temperature toughness, good heat aging and good chemical resistance. Uses include cable jacketing, hose and tube applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® FN727 NC010AAn impact modified, plasticizer free, very flexible polyamide 6 alloy resin having good low temperature toughness, good heataging and good chemical resistance Uses include cable jacketing, hose and tube applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® LC6200 BK385A flexible, toughened, low moisture absorption polyamide 612resin for extrusion applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® MT409AHS BK010Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized, blackpolyamide 66 resin having good stiffness and improved knit line strength with superior toughness and processability </TD< TR>Zytel® MT409AHSNC010Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness, improved knit line strength, surface appearance with outstanding processability</TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC1600 BK385Flexible, toughened, plasticized Polyamide 1010. It is UV andheat stabilized and suitable for multiple extrusion applications.</TD< TR>Zytel® RS LC3030 NC010Renewable sourced polyamide 610 containing a minimum of 60%renewable sourced ingredient by weight. It is an unreinforced, low viscosity grade, developed for injection applications.applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST7301BK356Super Tough, heat stabilized, lubricated, black polyamide 6 resin for injection molding and extrusion. It offers outstanding impact resistance over a wide temperature and humidity rangeand high productivity </TD< TR>Zytel® ST7301NC010Super Tough, heat stabilized, lubricated polyamide 6 resin for injection molding and extrusion. It offers outstanding impact resistance over a wide temperature and humidity range andhigh productivity </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801A NC010ASuper Tough, high performance, polyamide 66 resin. It is partially UV stabilized and when appropriately colored offers limited protection to indirect sunlight exposure. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AHSBK010Super Tough, high performance, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection moldingapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AHSNC010Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection moldingapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AWBK195Super Tough, weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It offers the best resistance to outdoor exposure. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AWNC010Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It is UV stabilized and when appropriately colored, offers the best resistance to indirect sunlight in automotive interiorapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST811HSNC010Rubber modified nylon 6 resin. Very flexible. </TD< TR>UV Resistant/Weatherable ResinsZytel® 105F BK010Lubricated, fast cycling, weather resistant black PA 66 resin</TD< TR>Zytel® 157HSLBK010Lubricated, heat stabilized, improved weather resistant molding/extrusion grade </TD< TR>Zytel® 74G33WBK196A high gloss automotive weatherable black 33% glass reinforcednylon 66 and nylon 6 comelt resin. </TD< TR>Zytel® 74G33WNC010A 33% glass reinforced nylon 66 and nylon 6 co-melt resin withimproved weatherability. </TD< TR>Zytel® MT409AHSBK010Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized, blackpolyamide 66 resin having good stiffness and improved knit linestrength with superior toughness and processability </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AHSBK010Super Tough, high performance, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection moldingapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AWBK195Super Tough, weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It offers the best resistance to outdoor exposure. </TD< TR>Zytel® ST801AWNC010Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It is UV stabilized and when appropriately colored, offers the best resistance to indirect sunlight in automotive interiorapplications. </TD< TR>Unreinforced ResinsGlass Reinforced ResinsZytel® 70G13HS1L BK031 13% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G13HS1L NC01013% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, polyamide 66 resinfor injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 70G13LNC010 13% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G25HSLR BK099 25% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistantpolyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G25HSLR NC010 25% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistantpolyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G30HSLR BK099 30% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistantpolyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G30HSLR NC01030% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistantpolyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 70G30LNC01030% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. </TD< TR> Zytel® 70G33GRABK35033% Glass fiber reinforced </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G33HS1L BK031 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66resin for injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 70G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resinfor injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G33L BK03133% Glass fiber reinforced black polyamide 66 resin for injectionmolding </TD< TR> Zytel® 70G33LNC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G35EF NC010 35% Glass reinforced polyamide 66 developed for electrical andelectronics applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G35HSL NC01035% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resinfor injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel®70G35HSLRA4BK267 35% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It has excellent flow characteristics. </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G35HSRX BK099 A 35% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistantPA66 for injection molding. Developed for applications designedfor direct overmolding of gaskets onto thermoplastic parts.Previously coded FE270056 BK099. </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G35NOX A 35% glass reinforced, polyamide 66 resin developed forBK309 Selective Catalytic Reduction applications that requireexposure to water/urea solution. </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G43HSLA BK09943% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66resin for injection molding. </TD< TR> Zytel® 70G43LNC010 43% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G50HSLA BK039B 50% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resinfor injection molding. It has excellent flow characteristics.</TD< TR>Zytel® 73G15HSL BK36315% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 6resin for injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 73G15LNC010 15% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G30HSL BK416 30% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, blackpolyamide 6 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G30HSL NC01030% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 6 resin forinjection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 73G30LNC010 30% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G30T BK26130% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened black polyamide 6 resinfor injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 73G30TNC01030% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened polyamide 6 resin for injection molding </TD< TR> Zytel® 73G30TGIBK267 30% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, black polyamide 6 optimized for gas injection molding process. </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G35HSL BK262 35% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 6resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G45 BK263 45% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 6 resin for injectionmolding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G45LNC01045% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 resin for injectionmolding </TD< TR>Zytel® 73G50HSLABK41650% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, polyamide 6 resin for injection molding. It has an excellent surface appearance and gloss. </TD< TR>Zytel® 74G33WBK196A high gloss automotive weatherable black 33% glass reinforcednylon 66 and nylon 6 comelt resin. </TD< TR>Zytel® 74G33WNC010A 33% glass reinforced nylon 66 and nylon 6 co-melt resin withimproved weatherability. </TD< TR>Zytel® 77G33LBK03133% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 77G33LNC01033% Glass fiber reinforced, polyamide 612 resin for injectionmolding </TD< TR>Zytel® 77G43LBK03143% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 77G43LNC01043% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 612 resin for injectionmolding </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G14A NC010A 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection moldingapplications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G14AHSBK09914% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G14AHSNC01014% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications. </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G25HSBK11725% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G33HS1LBK10433% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed usingDuPont® Super Tough technology </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilized polyamide 66 resinwith outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont®Super Tough technology </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin with outstandingimpact resistance developed using DuPont® Super Toughtechnology </TD< TR>Zytel® 80G43HS1L BK10443% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66resin with superior impact resistance </TD< TR> Zytel®BM70G15HSLRBK53715% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 for blow molding </TD< TR>Zytel®BM70G20HSLXBK53720% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 for blow molding </TD< TR> Zytel®BM73G15THSBK31715% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, toughened polyamide 6 for blow molding </TD< TR> Zytel® FE5171NC010C 33% Glass filled nylon 66 resin that is complicance with FDA regulations for food contact </TD< TR> Zytel® FE5382 BK276 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 612resin developed for electrical bobbins and encapsulationapplications </TD< TR>Zytel®FG70G30HSR3BK309A 30% glass fibre reinforced, heat stabilised, hydrolysis resistant polyamide 66 for injection moulding. It is specifically suitable for applications in contact with domestic hot water. </TD< TR> Zytel®FG77G33HS1LNC010 33% glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 612 resin for injection molding. It has been developed for consideration into applications such as parts for the food industry. </TD< TR>Zytel® FGFE5171 NC010C33% Glass reinforced nylon 66 resin, FDA compliant </TD< TR>Zytel® FR50 BK505 25% Glass reinforced, flame retardant black PA66 </TD< TR>Zytel® FR50NC010A25% Glass reinforced, flame retardant PA66 </TD< TR>Zytel®PLS90G30DR BK099A 30% glass reinforced PA66 nylon resin using SHIELDTechnology, only from DuPont, it provides best-in-class resistance to hot engine coolant, making it material of choice for Radiator End Tanks applications. </TD< TR>Zytel®PLS93G35DH1BK261A 35% glass reinforced PA6 using SHIELD Technology, only from DuPont, it provides exceptional welding resistance & retention over time thanks to excellent Heat Resistance. </TD< TR>Zytel®PLS95G35DH1BK031A high flow 35% glass reinforced PA using SHIELD Technology, only from DuPont, combining excellent surface appearance, excellent welding and fatigue retention, exceptional resistance in hot air & hot engine oil. </TD< TR>Zytel®PLS95G40DH1TBK261A 40% GR impact modified PA, made with SHIELD technology, its superior heat & oil resistance combined with the "stone impact resistance" makes it ideal choice for use in severe environments exposed to heat and oil. </TD< TR>Zytel®PLS95G50DH2BK261A high flow 50% glass reinforced PA nylon resin using SHIELD Technology, only from DuPont providing exceptional Heat Resistance & High stiffness for automotive under hoodapplications like charge air cooler caps. </TD< TR>Zytel® RS 30G30HSL BK038ALubricated, heat stabilized, 30% glass fiber reinforced black polyamide 610 resin containing a minimum of 40% renewably sourced ingredients by weight (60% based on polymer). </TD<TR>Zytel® RS 30G30LNC010Lubricated, 30% glass fiber reinforced polymaide 610 resincontaining a minimum of 40% renewably sourced ingredients by weight (60% based on polymer). </TD< TR>Zytel® WRF403NC01030% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized PA66 resin containing Teflon® PTFE micropowder </TD< TR>Food Contact ResinsZytel® FE5171NC010C33% Glass filled nylon 66 resin that is complicance with FDA regulations for food contact </TD< TR> Zytel® FG101LNC010 Lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding, Food Grade </TD< TR>Zytel® FG151L NC010Lubricated, general purpose molding grade. Food Grade </TD<TR> Zytel® FG408LNC010Ionomer modified nylon 66 resin. Food Grade </TD< TR>Zytel® FG42ANC010High viscosity polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. Food Grade </TD< TR> Zytel® FG70G30HSLR NC010 A 30% glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It has been developedfor consideration into applications such as parts for the foodindustry. </TD< TR>Zytel®FG70G30HSR3BK309 A 30% glass fibre reinforced, heat stabilised, hydrolysis resistant polyamide 66 for injection moulding. It is specifically suitable for applications in contact with domestic hot water. </TD< TR>Zytel® FG7301 NC010General purpose, unlubricated polyamide 6 resin for extrusionapplications, Food Grade </TD< TR> Zytel®FG77G33HS1LNC010 33% glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 612 resin for injection molding. It has been developed for consideration into applications such as parts for the food industry. </TD< TR>Zytel® FGFE5171 NC010C33% Glass reinforced nylon 66 resin, FDA compliant </TD< TR>Hydrolysis Resistant ResinsZytel® 70G25HSLR BK099 25% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistantpolyamide 66 resin for injection molding </TD< TR>Zytel® 70G25HSLR 25% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant。

Mini-Circuits RUDAT-6000-30产品说明书

Mini-Circuits RUDAT-6000-30产品说明书

RUDAT-6000-30Key FeaturesProgrammable AttenuatorUSB / RS232Case Style: MS1813Software PackageThe Big Deal• Attenuation range, 30 dB• Fine attenuation resolution, 0.25 dB• Short attenuation transition time (650 ns)• Compact size, 2.0 x 3.0 x 0.6”• USB and RS232 control50Ω 0 – 30 dB, 0.25 dB step 1 to 6000 MHzProduct OverviewMini-Circuits’ RUDAT-6000-30 is a general purpose, single channel programmable attenuator suitable for a wide range of signal level control applications from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. The Attenuator provides 0 to 30 dB attenuation in 0.25 dB steps. Its unique design maintains linear attenuation change per dB, even at the highest attenuation settings.The attenuator is housed in a compact and rugged package with SMA female connectors on the bi-directional input and output RF ports, a standard 9 pin D-Sub and a USB type Mini-B power and control ports.The attenuator can be controlled via USB or RS232 (via D-Sub connector). Full software support is provided and can be downloaded from our website any time at /softwaredownload/patt.html . The package includes our user-friendly GUI application for Windows ® and a full API with programming instructions for Windows ® and Linux ® environments (both 32-bit and 64-bit systems).Trademarks: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Tor-valds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Neither Mini-Circuits nor the Mini-Circuits RUDAT-series attenuators are affiliated with or endorsed by the owners of the above referenced trademarks.Mini-Circuits and the Mini-Circuits logo are registered trademarks of Scientific Components Corporation.Rev. KECO-008003EDR-10982/5Applications• Automated Test Equipment (ATE)• WiMAX, 3G, 4G, LTE, DVB Fading Simulators • Laboratory Instrumentation • Handover system Evaluation • Power level cyclingIncluded AccessoriesModel No.DescriptionQty.MUSB-CBL-3+2.6 ft. USB cable11 Attenuator RF ports are interchangeable, and support simultaneous, bidirectional signal transmission, however the specifications are guaranteed forthe RF in and RF out as noted on the label. There may be minor changes in performance when injecting signals to the RF Out port. 2 Max accuracy defined as ±[absolute error+% of attenuation setting] for example when setting the attenuator to 18 dB attenuation the maximum error will be: ±(0.95+0.02x18)= ±(0.95+0.36)= ± 1.31 dB.3 Total operating input power from both RF In and RF Out out ports. Compression level not noted as it exceeds max safe operating power level.4 Isolation is defined as max attenuation plus insertion loss; this is the path loss through the attenuator when initially powered up. After a brief delay (~0.5 sec typically) the attenuator will revert to a user defined “power-up” state (either max attenuation or a pre-set value).5 Tested with 1 MHz span between signals.6 Minimum Dwell Time is the time the RUDAT will take to respond to a command to change attenuation states without communication delays. In PC control add communication delays (on the order of msec for USB) to get actual response time.7Attenuation Transition Time is specified as the time between starting to change the attenuation state and settling on the requested attenuation state.8 Supply voltage +5V at Pin#1 of D-sub connector applies to units with S/N 11405010010 and greater.9 Power on sequence for RS232 control: Connect 5V power followed by the control lines.Absolute Maximum RatingsPermanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. Operation in the range between the max operating power and the absolute maximum rating for extended periods of time may result in reduced life and reliability.Operating Temperature 0°C to 50°C Storage Temperature-20°C to 85°C Voltage input at RS232 receive pin -30V to +30V Voltage input at RS232 transmit pin 0V to +4V Voltage input at RS232 Pin#1-1V to +6VV USB Max.6V DC voltage at RF port16V Total RF power for RF In & RF Out @ 1 to 10 MHz +13 dBm @ 10 to 6000 MHz+23 dBm10 Block diagram and connection shown apply to units with S/N 11405010010 and greater, for units with lowerS/N see archive section on page 9.11 Pin#1 can be used as supply voltage (+) pin instead of USB connection. When USB power is connected,Pin#1 may be connected to GND or supply voltage (+) or remain disconnected.12 Power on sequence for RS232 control: Connect 5V power followed by the control lines.Block Diagram 10USBSimultaneous, bidirectional RF signal transmission with symmetrical performanceNot ConnectedRS232Transmit (2)Receive (3)NC (4)GND (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Supply voltage (1)*9 Pin D-SubPin Connections 10PIN NumberFunction2Transmit 3Receive 5GND 1+5 V DC 11,124,6-9Not ConnectedConnectionsRF IN (SMA female)RF OUT (SMA female)USB (USB type Mini-B female)RS232*(9 Pin D-Sub female)The 5V DC the D-Sub port.inch2X SMA FEMALEBracket OptionQTop ViewBottom View4X #2-56 UNCInstruction for mounting bracket:1. Tool required: Phillips head screwdriver2. Mount the bracket over threaded holes on the bottom side with the fasteners provided with the bracket.Attenuation Accuracy @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings-1.0- (MHz)A c c u r a c y(d B)Attenuation Accuracy @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)A c c u r a c y (dB )Attenuation Accuracy @ +50°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)A c c u r a c y (d B )Attenuation relative to I.L @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings0. (MHz)Attenuation relative to I.L @ 0°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Attenuation relative to I.L @ +50°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Frequency (MHz)A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ 0°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +50°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsInput VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. (MHz)I n p u t V S W R (:1)Ouput VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. (MHz)O u t p u t V S W R (:1)Insertion Loss @ Input Power=0dBm 0123450100020003000400050006000Frequency (MHz)I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Insertion Loss @ Input Power +20 dBmvs. Frequency over Temperatures Insertion Loss @ Input Power=+23dBm123450100020003000400050006000Frequency (MHz)I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Insertion Loss @ Input Power 0dBm vs. Frequency over Temperatures11000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 101000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 50006000 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Output VSWR @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Input VSWR @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings IP3 @ 0dB AttenuationFrequency (MHz)I P 3 (d B m )Input IP3 @ 0dB Attenuationvs. Frequency over Temperatures Attenuation Setting (dB)A t t e n u a t i o n A c c u r a c y (dB )• Mini-Circuits’ full software and support package including user guide, Windows GUI, DLL files, programming manual and examples can be downloaded free of charge from /softwaredownload/patt.html • Please contact ****************************** for supportGraphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows Key Features:• Manual attenuation setting• Sweep and Hop attenuation sequences directed from the PC, or entire sequence loaded into RUDAT.• Attenuator address configuration and Firmware upgrade • Attenuation at power up may be set to selected attenuation level or last attenuation state recorded.• USB or RS232 control of RUDATApplication Programming Interface (API)Windows Support:• API DLL files exposing the full switch functionality See programming manual at https:///softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf for details • ActiveX COM DLL file for creation of 32-bit programs • .Net library DLL file for creation of 32 / 64-bit programs• Supported by most common programming environments (refer to application note AN-49-001 for summary of tested environments)Linux Support:• Full switch control in a Linux environment is achieved by way of USB interrupt commands. See programming manual at https:///softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf for detailsModelDescriptionRUDAT-6000-30USB/RS232 Programmable AttenuatorAdditional NotesA. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification document are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification document.B. Electrical specifications and performance data contained in this specification document are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions.C. The parts covered by this specification document are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at /MCLStore/terms.jspIncluded Accessories Part No.DescriptionMUSB-CBL-3+2.6 ft (0.8 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB typeMini-B(Male)Optional AccessoriesDescriptionUSB-AC/DC-5 13,14AC/DC 5V DC Power Adapter with US, EU, IL, UK, AUS, and China power plugsMUSB-CBL-3+ (spare) 2.6 ft (0.8 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male)MUSB-CBL-7+ 6.6 ft (2.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male)D-SUB9-MF-6+ 6 ft RS232 Cable: 9 pin D-sub(Male) to 9 pin D-sub(Female)BKT-3901+Bracket kit including 3.75” x 2.00” bracket, mounting screws and washers13 Not used in USB control. USB-AC/DC-5 can be used to provide the 5VDC power when control is via RS232; units with S/N11405010010 and greater can also accept DC supply voltage at Pin#1 of the D-sub connector.14 Power plugs for other countries are also available, Plugs for other countries are also available, if you need a power plug for a country not listed please contact ******************************Block DiagramUSBSimultaneous, bidirectional RF signal transmission with symmetrical performanceNot ConnectedRS232Transmit (2)Receive (3)NC (4)GND (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)NC (1)ConnectionsRF IN (SMA female)RF OUT (SMA female)USB (USB type Mini-B female)RS232*(9 Pin D-Sub female)*9 Pin D-SubPin Connections 16Pin NumberFunction2Transmit 3Receive 5GND 1,4,6-9Not Connected16 Supply voltage can be provided via USB port only. When using RS232 control, powermust be provided to the USB port via either USB-AC/DC-5 power adaptor or a USB bus.。

Eaton 198528 商品说明书

Eaton 198528 商品说明书

Eaton 198528Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - DOL starter, 6.6 A, Sensorinput 2, Actuator output 1, 400/480 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for31 modules, HAN Q5Allgemeine spezifikationEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link DOLstarter198528120 mm270 mm220 mm1.64 kg UL 60947-4-2CEIEC/EN 60947-4-2RoHSUL approvalCCCAssigned motor rating: for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm at 50 Hz or 1800 min at 60 Hz 4015081964031RAMO5-D214A31-5120S1Product Name Catalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight CertificationsCatalog Notes EANModel CodeParameterization: drivesConnectDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: KeypadParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)Short-circuit releaseThermo-clickKey switch position HANDElectronic motor protectionTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operation1 Actuator outputKey switch position AUTOKey switch position OFF/RESETThermistor monitoring PTCTemperature compensated overload protectionFor actuation of motors with mechanical brakeExternal reset possible CLASS 10 ANEMA 12IP65Class A10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Direct starter0.3 A6.6 AIIIMotor starterAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASI4000 VAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network) Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.DOL starterDCFeatures Fitted with: Functions ClassDegree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Lifespan, electricalLifespan, mechanicalModelOverload release current setting - min Overload release current setting - max Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeTypeVoltage typeVertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Above 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 2000 mMax. 1000 m-10 °C55 °C-40 °C70 °C< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178Adjustable, motor, main circuit0.3 - 6.6 A, motor, main circuit6.6 A (at 150 % Overload)Maximum of one time every 60 seconds 380 - 480 V (-15 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz) 20 - 35 ms20 - 35 ms50/60 HzAC-53a 3 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brake400/480 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake10 kA0 AType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuitMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofingCurrent limitationInput currentMains switch-on frequency Mains voltage tolerance Off-delayOn-delayOutput frequency Overload cycleRated frequency - min Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phaseBraking currentBraking voltageRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 380 V, 400 V, 415 VShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)47 Hz63 Hz6.6 A6.6 A0.09 kW3 kW0 kW3 kW400 V AC, 3-phase 480 V AC, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, fLN, Main circuit AC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network) Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V400/480 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Connections pluggable in power section Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mASpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)110 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - max Rated operational current (Ie) at 150% overload Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-3, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - min Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - max Rated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz Rated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz Rated operational voltage Supply frequencySystem configuration type Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max Rated control voltage (Uc)ConnectionInterfacesNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts)Number of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)Cable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Firmware Update RASP 4.0Generationentausch RAMO4 zu RAMO5Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV)Configuration to Rockwell PLC Rapid Link 5Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generationentausch RA-MO zu RAMO4.0 Generationswechsel RASP4 zu RASP5Generationenwechsel RA-SP zu RASP5Anschluss von Frequenzumrichtern an GeneratornetzeGeneration change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0 Generationentausch RA-SP zu RASP4.0MN040003_DEMN034004_DERapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0Material handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsETN.RAMO5-D214A31-5120S1.edzIL034084ZUDE | Rapid Link 5Sortimentskatalog Antriebstechnik-DE10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material10.10 Temperature rise Anmerkungen zur AnwendungBenutzerhandbücherBroschüreneCAD model Installationsanleitung InstallationsvideosKatalogeEaton Konzern plc Eaton-Haus30 Pembroke-Straße Dublin 4, Irland © 2023 Eaton. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Eaton ist eine eingetrageneMarke.Alle anderen Warenzeichen sindEigentum ihrer jeweiligenBesitzer./socialmediacalculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for thedevices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.ramo5_v2.stpramo5_v2.dwgeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions.eps10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function mCAD model Zeichnungen。

NTN品牌 UCP轴承座

NTN品牌  UCP轴承座

1301. BEARING INSERTS*AEL:Narrow inner ring, locking collar AR:Narrow inner ring, set screw type AS:Narrow inner ring, set screw type JEL:Narrow inner ring, locking collar REL:Wide inner ring, locking collar UR:Wide inner ring, set screw type UC:Wide inner ring, set screw type, with flinger UEL:Wide inner ring, locking collar, with flinger UK:Tapered bore, with flinger2. HOUSINGS F:Flanged unit, cast housing FA:Flanged unit, cast housingFC:Flanged piloted unit, cast housing FD:Flanged unit, cast housing FH:Flanged unit, cast housing FL:Flanged unit, cast housingFS:Flanged piloted unit, cast housing FU:Flanged unit, cast housingPF:Flanged unit, pressed steel housing PFL:Flanged unit, pressed steel housingRPF:Flanged unit, pressed steel housing with rubber ringHP:Pillow Block, cast housing, high center height P:Pillow Block, cast housingPL:Pillow Block, cast housing, low center height PP:Pillow Block, pressed steel housingRPP:Pillow Block, pressed steel housing with rubber ring UP:Pillow Block, cast housing C:Cylindrical cartridge unit HB:Hanger unit, cast housing PT:Mini stretcherT:Take-up unit, cast housing3. SIZE2:Light X:Medium 3:Heavy 4. SUFFIXD1:Relube type T:Relube typeBearingInsertSizeHousingBoreDiameterSuffixBearingInsertSizeHousingBoreDiameter-Suffix* To order a bearing with a cylindrical O.D., add S to the part number (example:JELS).Inch SeriesMetric Series131Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.*Unit with notched set screw as standard.Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.132133Units:MillimetersINCHES134Units:MillimetersINCHES*Unit with notched set screw as standard.Continued next page …135Units:MillimetersINCHES*Unit with notched set screw as standard.Units:MillimetersINCHESContinued next page …13613713845172015853815M14UC305D14,7502,46025⁄3221⁄3225⁄3219⁄323 11⁄321.496.5911⁄2UC305-014D1UC305-015D1UC305-100D150172018954317M14UC306D16,0003,40031⁄3221⁄3225⁄3223⁄32 3 3⁄4 1.693.6691⁄2UC306-102D1UC306-102D1561725201064819M14UC307D17,5004,3007⁄3221⁄3231⁄3225⁄324 3⁄161.890.7481⁄2UC307-104D1UC307-105D1UC307-106D1UC307-107D1601727221165219M14UC308D19,1505,4003⁄821⁄32 1 1⁄167⁄8 4 9⁄16 2.047.7481⁄2UC308-108D1672030241295722M16UC309D111,9007,2005⁄825⁄321 3⁄1615⁄165 3⁄322.244.8665⁄8UC309-110D1752035271436122M16Nominal Dimensionsb s 1s 2g w Bi n Bolt Bearing SizeNumber PILLOW BLOCKS - CAST HOUSINGBasic Load Ratings (lbs)Dynamic Static C C139Units:MillimetersINCHESUnits:MillimetersINCHES140141Units:MillimetersINCHES* Unit with notched set screw as standard.Units:MillimetersINCHES142143Units:MillimetersINCHESUnits:MillimetersINCHES144145Units:MillimetersINCHES146147HOW TO ORDERExample: When you order one SAF22520, you will receive a package containing one SAF520 Pillow Block Housing, one No. 22220BKD1 Bearing and one SNW20Adapter. All units are supplied with two Triple Seal Rings and a Stabilizing Ring. If you specify SAF22520M3, the required end cover will be included. Always specify shaft size. The same example applies when you order SAF22620.A pillow block housing number includes one housing and two triple seal rings auto-matically. Suffix G on a pillow block housing number means one stabilizing ring is also included.NOTE: For cast steel pillow blocks in 22500(22200) Series (SAFS), see pages 150and 151.148149HOW TO ORDERExample: When you order one SAF22220, you will receive a package containing one SAF220Pillow Block Housing, one No. 22220BD1 Bearing, one No. AN20A Locknut and one No. W20Lockwasher. All units are supplied with two Triple Seal Rings and a Stabilizing Ring. If you specify SAF22220M3, the required end cover will be included. Always specify shaft size. The same example applies when you order SAF22320.A pillow block housing number includes one housing and two triple seal rings automatically.Suffix G on a pillow block housing number means one stabilizing ring is also included.SAFS 225151HOW TO ORDERExample No. 1: When you order one SAFS22520, you will receive a package containing one SAFS520 Pillow Block Housing, one No. 22220BKD1 Bearing and one SNW20 Adapter. Example No. 2: When you order one SAFS22220, you will receive a package containing one SAFS220 Pillow Block Housing, one No. 22220BD1 Bearing, one No. AN20A Locknut and one No. W20 Lockwasher.For both of the above examples:All units are supplied with two Triple Seal Rings and a Stabilizing Ring. If you specify SAFS22520M3, the required end cover will be included. Always specify shaft size.A pillow block housing number includes one housing and two triple seal rings automatically.Suffix G on a pillow block housing number means one stabilizing ring is also included.SAFS 222152ASPP2 SERIES.4Continued next page …153Axial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.*Unit with notched set screw as standard.154Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.155Units:MillimetersINCHES156Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.157Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.*Unit with notched set screw as standard.5ASPF208 has four bolt holes.158Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load. *Unit with notched set screw as standard.5AELPF208 has four bolt holes.159Units:MillimetersINCHESAxial load should be less than 1/3 of radial load.5JELPF208 has four bolt holes.16016112UCFL201D11139011126033.331⁄2UCFL201-008T 4 7⁄16 3 17⁄327⁄1625⁄64 2 3⁄8 1 5⁄16 1.22015UCFL202D11139011126033.331⁄16UCFL202-009T 4 7⁄16 3 17⁄327⁄1625⁄642 3⁄8 1 5⁄16 1.220⁄8UCFL202-010T 17UCFL203D11139011126033.33111⁄16UCFL203-011T 4 7⁄16 3 17⁄327⁄1625⁄64 2 3⁄8 1 5⁄16 1.22020UCFL204D11139011126033.331⁄4UCFL204-012T 4 7⁄16 3 17⁄327⁄1625⁄64 2 3⁄8 1 5⁄16 1.22025UCFL205D11309913166835.73413⁄16UCFL205-013T 5 1⁄83 29⁄321⁄215⁄322 11⁄161 13⁄321.339⁄8UCFL205-014T 15⁄16UCFL205-015T 1UCFL205-100T 30UCFL206D114811713168040.238.11 1⁄16UCFL206-101T 5 13⁄16 4 19⁄321⁄229⁄643 5⁄32 1 37⁄64 1.500169044.442.933⁄643 17⁄32 1 3⁄4 1.6891610051.249.233⁄ 3 15⁄ 2 1⁄ 1.937Nominal Dimensionsae gsb z Bi Shaft Complete Dia.Flanged Unit NumberFLANGED UNITS - CAST HOUSING (TWO BOLT)16216325UCFL305D11501131319803938⁄8UCFL305-014T 5 29⁄324 7⁄161⁄23⁄43 5⁄321 17⁄321.49615⁄16UCFL305-015T 1UCFL305-100T 30UCFL306D118013415239044431 1⁄8UCFL306-102T 7 3⁄32 5 9⁄3219⁄3229⁄32 3 17⁄32 1 47⁄64 1.6931 3⁄16UCFL306-103T 35UCFL307D1185141162310049481 1⁄4UCFL307-104T 7 9⁄325 9⁄165⁄81 29⁄323 15⁄161 59⁄641.8901 5⁄16UCFL307-105T 1 3⁄8UCFL307-106T 1 7⁄16UCFL307-107T 40UCFL308D1200158172311256521 1⁄2UCFL308-108T 7 7⁄8 6 7⁄3221⁄3229⁄32 4 13⁄32 2 13⁄64 2.04745UCFL309D1230177182512560571 5⁄UCFL309-110T 9 1⁄ 6 31⁄23⁄ 1 63⁄644 29⁄322 23⁄642.24425140676163⁄64 5 1⁄2 2 41⁄64 2.40225150716663⁄645 29⁄322 51⁄642.598Nominal Dimensionsae g s b z Bi Shaft Complete Dia.Flanged Unit NumberFLANGED UNITS - CAST HOUSING (TWO BOLT)164Housing Bearing Number Number FLANGED UNITS - CAST HOUSING (TWO BOLT)Basic Load Ratings(lbs)Dynamic C FL204D1UEL204D12,890FL204T UEL204-012D1FL205D1UEL205D13,150FL205T UEL205-013D1FL205T UEL205-014D1FL205T UEL205-015D1FL205T UEL205-100D1FL206D1UEL206D14,400FL206T UEL206-101D1FL206T UEL206-102D1FL206T UEL206-103D1FL206T UEL206-104D1FL207D1UEL207D15,750FL207T UEL207-104D1FL207T UEL207-105D1FL207T UEL207-106D1FL207T UEL207-107D1FL207D1UEL208D16,550FL208T UEL208-108D1FL208T UEL208-109D1FL209D1UEL209D17,350FL209T UEL209-110D1FL209T UEL209-111D1FLANGED UNITS - CAST HOUSING (TWO BOLT)Nominal Dimensionss z Bi Di1946.146.842.83⁄4 1 13⁄16 1.843 1.6852350.5505029⁄32 1 63⁄64 1.969 1.9692353.351.65529⁄32 2 3⁄32 2.031 2.1652360.357.163.529⁄32 3 3⁄8 2.248 2.5002563.958.77063⁄64 2 33⁄64 2.311 2.756257066.676.263⁄64 2 3⁄4 2.622 3.0002575.2738363⁄64 2 61⁄64 2.874 3.268165166167*Unit with notched set screw as standard.168169170Units:MillimetersINCHES*Unit with notched set screw as standard.Continued on next page.171Units:MillimetersINCHES*Unit with notched set screw as standard.172Continued on next page.Units:MillimetersINCHES173Units:MillimetersINCHES174Units:MillimetersINCHESContinued on next page.175Units:MillimetersINCHES176Units:MillimetersINCHES177Units:MillimetersINCHES178Units:MillimetersINCHESASPF2 SERIES.4。

GIMTB108 室内紧固定光纤分布电缆 LSH 外壳 8根 OM1 型号 类 CPR B2ca 产

GIMTB108 室内紧固定光纤分布电缆 LSH 外壳 8根 OM1 型号 类 CPR B2ca 产

No 31 kg/km
Jacket Specifications
Number of Jackets: Type of Armor:
Single Jacket Non-Armored
Outer Jacket Specifications
Outer Jacket
Nominal Diameter Ripcord
IEC 60794-2-20
Cable Max. Crush Resistance Installation (Short Term) IEC 60794-1-21-E3 5 kN/m Cable Max. Crush Resistance Operation (Long Term) IEC 60794-1-21-E3 3 kN/m
Technical Specifications
Product Overview
Construction Type: Environmental Space: Suitable Applications:
Indoor - Euroclass B2ca
For indoor use in structured (premises) wiring systems: building backbone (riser) and/or hori ontal cabling (Fibre To The Desk). Support all computer network applications such as FDDI, Gigabit Ethernet and ATM. Easy to install in ducts and tunnels. Not suitable for blown installation.






其中家用照明领域中出现了各式各样的led 照明产品,其中最常见的莫过于led日光灯管。






三、led日光灯管的主要优势1.节能:目前led的发光效率已经达到120 lm/w以上,而传统日光灯的发光效率约为60-70 lm/w。









1. Connecting the speakers1. Conexión de los parlantesConecte el parlante activo y el pasivo con el cable de conexión proporcionado. A continuación, conecte los cables de colores a las1. Lautsprecher anschließenVerbinden Sie die aktiven und passiven Lautsprecher mit dem mitgelieferten Lautsprecherkabel. Bitte verbinden Sie das farbigmarkierte Kabel mit der rechten Kabelklemme (das red Kabel mit der roten Klemme und das schwarz mit der schwarzen1. Connessione degli altoparlantiCollegare l'altoparlante attivo e quello passivo con il cavo di connessione incluso (cavo resso al morsetto cavo rosso e cavo14Español1. Bass-Einstellung2. Master Lautstärkeregler3. Line-in-Eingang4. EIN/AUS Schalter5. Netzanschlußkabel6. Kabelklemme1. Bassi2. Controllo volume master3. Segnale ingresso4. Interruttore dell'alimentazione5. Cavo di alimentazione6. Morsetto del cavo1. Bass adjustment2. Master volume control3. Line-in4. Power switch5. Power cord6. Wire clip1. Reguladore de grave2. Control de volumen maestro3. Entrada de línea4. Interruptor de encendido5. Cable de alimentación6. Abrazadera para cable2English8Français1. Trimmer de basses2. Contróle de volume principal3. Entrée ligne4. Interrupteur d'alimentation5. Cordon d’alimentation6. Attaches des câbles1. Connecter les haut-parleursConnecter les haut-parleurs actif et passif avec les câbles de connexion haut-parleur fournis ;connecter les câbles aux attaches selon leur couleur (le câble roug à l’attache rouge et le câble noir à l’attache noire).20Deutsch26Italiano R LR LR LR LR LPleasevisitourwebsiteat:,oremailEDIFIERSupportforfurtherassistanceat:****************,Please visit our website at: or email EDIFIER Support for further assistance at:*******************,Pleasevisitourwebsiteat:www.edifier.caoremailEDIFIERSupportat:******************If you prefer, you may contact us by phone, Toll Free: 1-877-EDIFIER (334-3437) in Canada,Veuillez consulter notre site Internet sur: , ou adresser un email au Support EDIFIER pour plusd’assistanceà:****************,Veuillez consulter notre site Internet sur: , ou adresser un email au SupportEDIFIERpourplusd’assistanceà:*******************,Veuillez consulter notre site Internet sur: ou adresser un email au Support EDIFIER à:******************Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite unter: , oder schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an den EDIFIER SupportfürweitereInformationenunter:****************,Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite unter: oder schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an denEDIFIERSupportfürweitereInformationenunter:*******************,Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite unter: oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail an den EDIFIERSupportunter:******************Visita il nostro sito web: , o invia un e-mail al Supporto EDIFIER per ulteriore assistenza a:****************,Visita il nostro sito web: o invia un e-mail al Supporto EDIFIER per ulterioreassistenzaa:*******************,Visitailnostrositoweba:www.edifier.caoscriviun’e-mailalSupportoEDIFIERa:******************Se preferisci, puoi contattarci telefonicamente, Numero Verde: 1-877-EDIFIER (334-3437) in Canada,。



JEL801日本球泡灯工业协会规格带L形灯头的直管形LED灯体系(一般照明用)JEL801: 20102010年(平成22年)10月8日 制定社团法人 日本电灯工业协会目 录序文 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------11 适用范围---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 引用说明---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 术语及其定义-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 灯的要求事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 灯的安全性要求事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------56 灯的性能要求事项-------------------------------------------------------------------------------107 灯的形式---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------118 灯的表示---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------129 控制装置的要求事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1310 灯座的要求事项--------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 附属书A(规定) 灯头表面温度上升实验------------------------------------------------------------18 附属书B(规定) 灯的电特性以及光特性的实验方法--------------------------------------------------19 附属书C(规定)灯的光通量维持率以及寿命实验的电灯条件-------------------------------------------20 附属书D (参考)灯的形式------------------------------------------------------------------------21 附属书E(规定)灯座一览表-----------------------------------------------------------------------22 11. 数据资料------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 11.1 灯的数据资料No.的一般法则-----------------------------------------------------------------23 11.2 灯的尺寸测定位置的图示数据资料-------------------------------------------------------------23 11.3 灯的数据资料-------------------------------------------------------------------------------23日本电灯工业协会规格JEL801:2010 带L形灯头的直管形LED灯体系(一般照明用)1.适用范围本规格只使用于一般照明,针对使用L形灯头的直流电流供电的直管形LED灯、控制装置以及灯座的安全性、互换性以及性能方面所规定的要求事项以及判定该产品是否合格的必要的实验方法。

TE产品规格(114-) MIL规格08 31 2020 04 08PM 页1 移动刮碙工具说明书

TE产品规格(114-) MIL规格08 31 2020 04 08PM 页1 移动刮碙工具说明书

576782Portable Crimp Tools, Premium Crimp Tooling, Not Releasable, Not Adjustable,Fixed In Tool, TE Product Specification (114-) / MIL Spec08/31/2020 04:08PM | Page 1 For support call+1 800 522 6752Application Tooling>Portable Crimp ToolsCertification:Cannot be CertifiedSpecification Type:MIL Spec, TE Product Specification (114-)Die Sets Type:Fixed In ToolRatchet Configuration:Not Releasable, Not AdjustableTool Grade:Premium Crimp ToolingFeaturesOtherCrimp Form-Wire Barrel Type Closed Barrel - Confined CrescentTool Grade Premium Crimp ToolingRatchet Configuration Not Releasable, Not AdjustableDie Sets Type Fixed In ToolSpecification Type MIL Spec, TE Product Specification (114-)Certification Cannot be CertifiedPower Type Battery, ManualTool Type Heavy Head Hand ToolProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Out of ScopeEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Out of ScopeChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016Not reviewed for China RoHS complianceEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUN 2016(169)Does not contain REACH SVHCHalogen Content Not Yet Reviewed for halogen content576782 ACTIVEAMPTE Internal #:576782Portable Crimp Tools, Premium Crimp Tooling, Not Releasable,Not Adjustable, Fixed In Tool, TE Product Specification (114-) / MILSpecView on >08/31/2020 04:08PM | Page 2For support call+1 800 522 6752Halogen Content Not Yet Reviewed for halogen content Solder Process CapabilityNot applicable for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked.Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulations, TE’s information on SVHC in articles for this part number is still based on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements for substances in articles’(Version: 2, April 2011), applying the 0.1% weight on weight concentration threshold at the finished product level. TE is aware of the European Court of Justice ruling of September 10th, 2015 also known as O5A (Once An Article Always An Article) stating that, in case of ‘complex object’, the threshold for a SVHC must be applied to both the product as a whole and simultaneously to each of the articles forming part of its composition. TE has evaluated this ruling based on the new ECHA “Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” (June 2017, version 4.0) and will be updating its statements accordingly.TE Model / Part #1577966-1TERMINAL, PEEK PIDG STRATO, 14-12 AWGTE Model / Part #1577637-1TERMINAL RT PIDG PEEK STRATO 14-12 AWGTE Model / Part #1577640-1TERMINAL RT PIDG PEEK STRATO 14-12 AWGTE Model / Part #15287214-12 PIDG NYLON RT NO 10WHITETE Model / Part #15287414-12 PIDG R/T NO6STUD WHITETE Model / Part #50839-1PIDG PTFE STRATO RING 14 6TE Model / Part #15287314-12 PIDG NYLON RT NO 8 WHITETE Model / Part #1577638-1TERMINAL RT PIDG PEEK STRATO 14-12 AWGTE Model / Part #1577639-1TERMINAL RT PIDG PEEK STRATO 14-12 AWGTE Model / Part #1577641-1TERMINAL, PEEK PIDG STRATO, 14-12AWGTE Model / Part #15287114-12 PIDG R/T 1/4 STUD WHITETE Model / Part #1577965-1TERMINAL, PEEK PIDG STRATO, 14-12AWGCompatible Parts08/31/2020 04:08PM | Page 3For support call+1 800 522 6752TE Model / Part #ZPF000000000121739182-0862-22TE Model / Part #A13580-000HTCM-SCE-TP-1/4-4H-4TE Model / Part #DTS20F15-19PN RECP ASSYTE Model / Part #576783HEAVY HD HT, STRATO #12TE Model / Part #724659-1EXT TOOL FOR POSITIVE .187TE Model / Part #576781HEAVY HD HT, STRATO #16TE Model / Part #1577619-1TERMINAL RT PIDG PEEK STRATO 24-22 AWGTE Model / Part #1577623-1TERMINAL, PEEK PIDG STRATO, 20AWGTE Model / Part #1577622-1TERMINAL, PEEK PIDG STRATO, 20AWGTE Model / Part #576780HEAVY HDD HT, STRATO #18TE Model / Part #50841TERMINAL,PIDG PTFE R 14 1/4TE Model / Part #1577643-1TERMINAL, PEEK PIDG STRATO, 14-12AWGTE Model / Part #1577642-1TERMINAL RT PIDG PEEK STRATO 14-12 AWGTE Model / Part #15287614-12 PIDG R/T NYLON NO 4WHITETE Model / Part #152869TERMINAL RING TONGUE PIDG 14-12 3/8 STUDCustomers Also BoughtDocumentsDatasheets & Catalog PagesDatasheets & Catalog PagesCERTI-CRIMPII-Premium-August-1-1773864-7EnglishCrimp Term Whitepaper-Use the Right Tool 1-1773953-1EnglishCRIMPING WHERE FORM MEETS FUNCTIONEnglishBottoming DiesEnglishInstruction SheetsInstruction Sheet (U.S.)EnglishInstruction Sheet (U.S.)English08/31/2020 04:08PM | Page 4 For support call+1 800 522 6752。

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(at 45V~95V Lamp voltage range) g )
Lamp Voltage Max Lamp power
95Vmax ~ 45Vmin 33.3W
iWatt confidential
LDL 20 type spec summary yp p y
L-shape socket straight tube type LED Lamp system (LDL 20 type spec) L h k t t i ht t b t L t t ) total luminous flux color rendering(Ra) flux distribution Lamp current(mA) >1000 lm (N) >80 80 <70% for lm flux<120o DC350mA +/-10%
iWatt confidential
iWatt conf spec summary yp p y
L-shape socket straight tube type LED Lamp system (LDL 40 type spec) L h k t t i ht t b t L t t ) total luminous flux color rendering(Ra) flux distribution Lamp current(mA) >2300 lm (N) >80 80 <70% for lm flux<120o DC350mA +/-10%
iWatt confidential
Requirement for the Driver module(JEL 801) q ( )
(Protection for the related parts)
In order to protect the lamp socket, working voltage of the driver should meet below. p p , g g (NOT include the transient case) a)The voltage between output terminal connector should be less than DC120V. (p (peak voltage if there is ripple). g pp ) and also should be less than minimum Lamp voltage specified in the Lamp datasheet at No Load.
(Requirements for the driver module) (general requirements)
Should also meet JIS C8147-2-13(safety) and C 8153(performance requirements)
iWatt confidential
When the 92~106% of the rated input voltage is applied, the output current should NOT exceed +/-20% of the rated INPUT current of the Lamp. if the driver support the multiple lamp load, the test should be performed with Min and Max load condition.
(Requirements for start up)
Driver output current should reach <110% of the rated current within 2 second from the start up. “start up “ means the timing that AC p g in and also that the Lamp is connected during the driver p g plug p g is already powered up.
Mitsubishi OSRAM
socket is compatible with G13 Driver inside?
socket i j t for k t is just f securing the Lamp AC Ballast Ballast should be removed
Over sea maker or others
Introduce “JEL 801 : 2010” L-shape socket straight tube type LED Lamp system (for general lighting)
Nov 2010, iWatt Japan , p
D.O.E : Oct.8 /2010 This standard is specified for L-shape socket straight yp p y ( g g g) tube type LED Lamp system (for general lighting)
iwatt IC should be inside here
Driver module Di d l Lamp
AC Power
Driver Module
JEL 801 refer to ; JIS C 8153 (performance requirements for LED driver module JIS C 8147-2-13 (safety requirements for 8147LED driver module)
Ir_pIr_p-p/ ILED(ave) >1.3
Ir_pIr_p-p (Ripple current)
If the ILED(ave) = 350mA, Ir_pIr_p-p < 455mA
2011/1/6 iWatt confidential 10
Requirement for the Driver module(JEL 801) q ( )
New socket (type L16)
- it is not compatible as G13 socket which is used for straight tube FL lamp
iWatt confidential
New Socket (L16) ( )
Not compatible as G13 socket which is used for conventional straight tube FL lamp
iWatt confidential
Socket(L16) ( )
iWatt confidential
The image of different powering method by the makers.
Ballast should be replaced by the driver module
Requirement for the Driver module(JEL 801) q ( )
(Output current waveform for the driver)
In order to avoid flicker, a)difference of the peak output current for each half cycle(AC) should be less than 4% b)Ripple ratio of the lamp current should be less than “1.3” ripple frequency should be > 100Hz
- including safety and performance requirements.
Self ballasted Self-ballasted type LED Lamp is Not the target.
- which means the CC driver(or power supply) should be external. (not including inside lamp)
socket is compatible with G13
Driver is inside the Lamp p
iWatt confidential
JEL 801 cover both safety and performance requirements for Lamp and Driver module
Panasonic Toshiba lighting -> JEL 801 compliance
socket is Not compatible with G13 New L16 socket
Ballast LED Driver Drive h ld t D i should external l
(at 22.5V~47.5V Lamp voltage range) g )
Lamp Voltage Max Lamp power
47.5Vmax ~ 22.5Vmin