黄芪粉喂鸡的功能主治1. 提高鸡的免疫力•黄芪粉富含多种氨基酸、矿物质和生物活性成分,能增强鸡体免疫力,降低鸡只发生感染性疾病的风险。
2. 增强鸡的抗应激能力•黄芪粉中的黄酮类化合物可以降低环境应激对鸡身体的不良影响,减少鸡在环境改变时的生理反应,提高鸡的应对能力。
3. 促进鸡的生长发育•黄芪粉中的生物碱以及丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够促进鸡的生长发育,提高鸡的体重和饲养效益。
4. 改善鸡的消化系统功能•黄芪粉中的多酚化合物可以刺激鸡胃肠道的分泌功能,增加鸡的食欲,改善鸡的消化能力。
5. 增加鸡蛋的产量和品质•黄芪粉中的多种营养物质对鸡的生殖系统具有调节作用,能够提高鸡蛋的产量和品质。
6. 提高鸡肉的质量和口感•黄芪粉中的天然植物酮类成分可以促进鸡体内脂肪代谢,降低鸡肉中的脂肪含量,提高鸡肉的质量。
试验选取27周龄健康的产蛋高峰期商品蛋鸡600只,随机分为4个处理,每个处理5个重复,每个重复30只,对照组饲喂基础日粮;试验组分别在对照组基础上添加0.5 %、1.0 %、1.5 %黄芪粉。
预示期为7 d,试验期为70 d。
于试验第35 d和第70 d时,对各项血液生理指标以及新城疫和禽流感抗体效价进行测定。
试验第70 d时,添加1.5 %黄芪粉组血液中间细胞显著高于对照组(P关键词:免疫增强剂;黄芪;商品蛋鸡;免疫功能根据有关资料的研究说明黄芪这种药物的使用主要作为免疫增强剂使用,能对免疫系统起到调节作用,能够刺激T、B淋巴细胞,巨噬细胞,免疫细胞,并且刺激补体促进细胞因子生成,来达到增强免疫系统的功能。
1 实验设计1.1实验材料黄芪粉(简单加黄芪粉的主要成分),蛋鸡普通全价商品日粮。
1.2实验动物与设计试验选取27周龄健康的产蛋高峰期商品蛋鸡600只,随机分为4组,每个组5个重复,每个重复30只,对照组饲喂全价基础日粮(根据NRC蛋鸡标准饲喂);试验组分别在对照组基础上添加0.5 %、1.0 %、1.5 %黄芪粉。
设预示期7 d试验期为70 d。
地面光照强度为15LX,温度为22~24度,湿度为55 %~60 %。
1.4测定方法1.4.1免疫系统的测定1.4.1.1血液生理指标的测定分别在试验的第35 d和70 d,每个重复各选取2只体重接近的健康商品蛋鸡,翅静脉取抗凝血,利用全自动动物血细胞分析仪(PE-6800VET,)测定血液红细胞总数(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、白细胞总数(WBC)、淋巴细胞(LYM)、中间细胞(MID)、粒细胞(GRAN)等血液生理指标。
D ESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMR eactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen per-oxide, and nitric oxide, are continuously gener-ated inside cells by several oxidases and by the dismutation of the superoxide anion formed by electron leakage during mitochondrial respira-tion [1]. Oxidative stress, which is induced by the imbalance between the production and re-moval of ROS, is regarded as a primary factor in various degenerative diseases, such as cancer [2], atherosclerosis [3], gastric ulcers [4], and aging [5]. As a result, there is a growing interest in using natural antioxidants because of the po-tential negative effect of synthetic antioxidants on human health [6]. Singh et al. [7] reported that both the essential oil and an acetone extract of Myristica fragrans Houtt. (aril part) exhib-ited a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms and were ef-fective in preventing rapeseed oil from oxidiz-ing. Jang et al. [8] demonstrated that inclusion of a medicinal herb extract in the diet increased© 2012 Poultry Science Association, Inc.E ffects of Astragalus membranaceus on laying performance and antioxidant status of laying hensZ. Y. Z uo ,* W. R. Y ang ,*1Y. W ang ,† Z. B. Y ang ,* S. Z. J iang ,* and G. G. Z hang * *D epartment of Animal Sciences and Technology, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai-an, Shandong, 271018, P. R. China; and †A griculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, PO Box 3000, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4B1, CanadaPrimary Audience: Nutritionists, Researchers, Egg ProducersS UMMARYI nterest in the use of natural feed additives in the animal and poultry industries is growing. In the present study, we assessed the effects of dietary supplementation of Astragalus mem-branaceus root powder (AMP) on the laying performance and serum and egg yolk antioxidant status of laying hens. Four groups (135 each) of laying hens fed a corn- and soybean meal-based diet were supplemented with 0, 5, 10, or 15 g/kg of diet of AMP for 10 wk, and their layingperformance and serum and egg yolk antioxidant status were measured. Supplementation of AMP did not affect ADFI or average egg weight but did linearly increase egg mass of the lay-ing hens. Antioxidant status of the serum and egg yolk was improved, as judged by an increase in antioxidant enzymatic activities and a decrease in concentrations of oxidized products, with supplementation of AMP in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, supplementing a corn- and soybean meal-based laying hen diet with AMP at levels of 5 to 10 g/kg of diet had the potential to improve the antioxidant status of laying hens and improve laying performance.K ey words:a ntioxidant status ,A stragalus membranaceus,l aying hen ,l aying performance2012 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21 :243–250/ 10.3382/japr.2011-00351 1Corresponding author: w ryang@ at Poultry Science Association Member on March 20, 2014/ Downloaded from244JAPR: Research Reportthe dietary antioxidative potential. Zhang et al. [9] also reported that supplementing ginger powder at a level of 5 g/kg improved the antioxi-dant status of broilers and that its efficacy in en-hancing the antioxidant capacity was enhanced as the particle size decreased from 300 to 37 μm. The dried roots of Astragalus membranaceus (AM), also known as Huangqi, is a traditional medicinal herb that originated in Northern Chi-na. In traditional Chinese medicine, AM is an important “qi tonifying” or adaptogenic herb and is often used in combination with other herbs, such as angelica, Paeonia lactiflora, and ginseng, to improve overall well-being [10]. Astragalus membranaceus has been reported to contain various bioactive compounds, including astragalosides, flavonoids, isoflavones, isofla-van, saponins, kumatakenin, choline, betaine, polysaccharides, and glucuronic acid [11–13], and to possess antinociceptive [14], anti-aging [15], anti-infarction [16], hepatoprotective [17], immunomodulating [18], anti-inflammatory [19], and antitumor effects [20]. The increas-ing availability of AM because of the improved technology in Huangqi cultivation and produc-tion has made it possible to extend its use as a feed supplement to benefit animal and poultry health and production. Research conducted in our laboratory showed that dietary supplemen-tation of AM improved growth performance and enhanced the antioxidant status and carcass quality of broiler chickens [21]. However, in-formation on the effect of AM on laying hens is lacking. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of supplementing AM at dif-ferent levels on the production performance and the serum and egg yolk antioxidant status of lay-ing hens.MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of the AM Root PowderOne batch of fresh AM roots [22] was cleaned by rinsing with tap water to remove soil, dried at 65°C, and then ground to pass through a 300-μm screen to yield an AM powder (AMP). The AMP was stored in covered containers at ambi-ent temperature (21 to 24°C) before being mixed into the diets.Experimental Design, Birds, and ManagementA 10-wk feeding experiment was conductedat the Research Station of Shandong Agricul-tural University, Tai-an, China. The animal careand use protocol was approved by the Shan-dong Agricultural University Animal Nutrition Research Institute. The experiment was a com-pletely randomized design, with different levelsof AMP supplementation as the treatments.A total of 540 laying hens (Hy-Line Brown,27 wk old) were randomly allocated into 20 feeding units (each with 9 cages in 3 levels, with3 birds/cage) that were then randomly assignedto 4 dietary treatments (5 units/treatment). Eachmetal wire cage (46 × 50 × 44 cm) was equippedwith an independent feeder and 2 nipple drink-ers. Feeding units were located randomly insidea ventilated house. The house was maintained ata temperature of 22 ± 2°C and in a daily photo-period of 16L:8D during the entire experimental period.A corn- and soybean meal-based diet (Table1) that was formulated to meet or slightly ex-ceed nutrient requirements [23] was left un-modified (control) or was supplemented with 5,10, or 15 g/kg of diet above the prepared AMP (treatments denoted as AMP5, AMP10, andAMP15, respectively) by replacing equivalent amounts of wheat bran in the diet formulation.The AMP was first mixed with a premix, whichwas subsequently mixed with other dietary in-gredients and then stored in covered containersbefore feeding. Experimental diets were madeevery 2 wk. The experiment lasted for a periodof 10 wk and commenced after an adaptationperiod of 1 wk. All feeding conditions were thesame between the adaptation and experimental periods. The diet was offered to the laying henstwice daily for ad libitum intake, and all henshad free access to water. Mortalities and healthstatus of the experimental laying hens were vi-sually observed and recorded daily throughoutthe entire experimental period.Laying PerformanceThe feed residue in each feeding unit was weighed at the end of each feeding week to ob-tain the ADFI. The number of eggs from each feeding unit was recorded, and the weights of in-at Poultry Science Association Member on March 20, 2014/Downloaded from245 ZUO ET AL.: ASTRAGALUS MEMBRANACEUS AND LAYING HENSdividual eggs were measured daily to determine the daily egg mass (g/d per hen) and laying rate.Assay of Antioxidant Status in the Egg Yolk and SerumAt wk 5 and 10 of the experiment (32 and 37 wk of the age), 15 eggs (3 per feed unit) were randomly chosen from each treatment to deter-mine antioxidant activity of the egg yolk. On the same dates, 10 laying hens (2 per feed unit) were also randomly selected from each treat-ment, and a blood sample (5.0 mL) was taken from the wing vein of each hen into an non-heparinized tube for subsequent determination of antioxidant activity of the serum. The blood samples were allowed to clot at 37°C for 2 h and subsequently centrifuged [24] at 1,500 × g and 4°C for 10 min to obtain the serum, which was then stored at −20°C for analysis of the activities of total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD), gluta-thione peroxidase (GSH-Px), total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), and concentration of malon-dialdehyde (MDA). Yolks of 3 eggs from each unit in each treatment were pooled and homog-enized for 5 min with ice-cold isotonic physi-ological saline (0.154 mol/L; pH 7.4) at a ratio of 1:9. The homogenates were then centrifuged at 1,500 × g and 4°C for 10 min, and the su-pernatant was subjected to analysis for activity of T-SOD and for concentrations of protein and MDA.All these determinations used spectropho-tometric methods and followed the analytical instructions of kits [25], as described by Zhang et al. [9]. Enzyme activities and MDA content were expressed as units per milligram of protein for egg yolk and units per milliliter for serum.at Poultry Science Association Member on March 20, 2014/ Downloaded from246JAPR: Research ReportData Calculation and Statistical Analyses Average daily feed intake, egg mass, and FE (ADFI:egg mass) were calculated as the mean value of each unit over the 10-wk experimental period. Antioxidant parameters of egg yolk and serum on 2 sampling dates were calculated, and the mean was used for each sample. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOV A using the GLM procedures of SAS [26], with dietary concentration of AMP as the main treatment effect and the individual unit (5) as the statisti-cal unit. The significance of difference among treatments was tested using LSMEANS with the PDIFF option of SAS [26]. Orthogonal polyno-mial contrasts were used to determine linear and quadratic responses of laying hens to AMP lev-els [26]. Significance and trends of significance were declared if P < 0.05 and P ≤ 0.1, respec-tively.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Laying PerformanceAll laying hens were healthy, and no mortal-ity was observed during the entire experimental period (data not shown). Average egg weight and ADFI over the 10-wk feeding period were similar among treatments. In contrast, laying rate and egg mass of birds were linearly in-creased (P = 0.044 and 0.019, respectively) and the ADFI:egg mass ratio tended (P = 0.097) to be linearly decreased as the levels of AMP in-creased from 5 to 15 g/kg of diet (Table 2). The increased egg mass with AMP supple-mentation was due to the increased laying rate rather than the individual egg weight. Likewise, the tendency for improvement in feed conver-sion was mainly due to the increased egg mass rather than the effect on feed intake. However, it was not clear why inclusion of AMP led to a linear increase in laying rate.Although AMP and its extract have been used as an immunomodulating agent in both humans and experimental animals and poultry for many years, little information is available on the ef-fects of AMP as a feed additive on the laying performance of hens. Wang et al. [21] reported that AMP supplemented at a level of 10 g/kg hada growth-promoting effect on grower broilers(4 to 6 wk) but not for the entire experimental period, and the effect was dose-dependent. For piglets, Hu et al. [27] also reported the same growth-promoting effect of AMP prepared by using different comminution techniques. On the contrary, Ma et al. [28] reported that a diet con-taining 10 g/kg of AMP did not affect the growth rate of chickens. Therefore, the effects of AMP on animal and poultry growth performance may vary depending on the dietary concentra-tion, particle size, and animal or bird species. Furthermore, supplementing the diets of laying hens with AMP up to a level of 15 g/kg of diet improved laying performance by improving egg mass and potentially improving FE.Serum Antioxidant Status Supplementing AMP up to a level of 15 g/kg of diet quadratically increased T-SOD (P < 0.01) and GSH-Px (P < 0.05) activities in the serum at wk 5, but not at wk 10 of the experiment (Tableat Poultry Science Association Member on March 20, 2014/ Downloaded from247 ZUO ET AL.: ASTRAGALUS MEMBRANACEUS AND LAYING HENS3). At wk 5, laying hens consuming diets AMP5 and AMP10 had higher (P < 0.05) serum T-SOD activities than laying hens consuming the con-trol and AMP15 diets, whereas a difference in GSH-Px activities was observed only between the control and AMP10 diets (P < 0.05). Serum T-AOC was quadratically increased (P < 0.01) but the concentration of MDA was quadratically reduced (P < 0.05) with AMP supplementation at both wk 5 and 10 of the experiment. Com-pared with laying hens fed the control diet, all hens supplemented with AMP had a higher (P < 0.01) serum T-AOC activities at both wk 5 and 10 but a lower (P < 0.05) MDA concentration at wk 5.The increased activities of T-SOD, GSH-Px, and T-AOC but reduced MDA concentration in the serum with AMP supplementation in this study indicated that AMP enhanced the antioxi-dant status of laying hen serum. This is consis-tent with the observation of Wang et al. [21], who also reported increased activities of T-AOC (in both liver and serum) and GSH-Px (in liver) and a reduced MDA concentration in the serum of broilers resulting from dietary AMP supple-mentation at levels of 5, 10, and 15 g/kg. On the basis of these 2 studies, the optimal dietary level of AMP for improving the antioxidant status of serum would be between 5 and 10 g/kg of diet for both laying hens and broilers. It is well acknowl-edged that GSH-Px, superoxide dismutase, and catalase are 3 endogenous antioxidant enzymes constituting the antioxidant cellular enzymatic system [29]. Malondialdehyde is one of the end products of lipid peroxidation, and it can endog-enously reflect the extent of lipid peroxidation [30]. Therefore, the higher activities of T-SOD and GSH-Px in the AMP-supplemented groups in this study may have resulted in a greater ca-pacity of laying hens to scavenge free radicals and ROS and reduce the MDA concentration, as indicated by the lower extent of lipid peroxida-tion. In addition, on the basis of the increased level of T-AOC in the serum of AMP-supple-mented hens, the increase in nonenzymatic an-tioxidant defenses also contributed to reducing endogenous lipid peroxidation and oxidation. The enhanced serum antioxidant status with AMP supplementation in a dose-dependent manner was due to the combined action of an-tioxidant compounds in AMP. Astragalus mem-branaceus has been reported to contain varieties of naturally occurring compounds, such as poly-saccharides, saponins, and flavonoids [31–33]. Astragalus polysaccharides have been reported to possess strong antioxidant and antitumor activities [34]. Yan et al. [35] reported that ad-ministration of AM polysaccharides at a rate of 40, 80, and 160 mg/kg of BW significantly increased serum and liver antioxidant enzymeat Poultry Science Association Member on March 20, 2014/ Downloaded from248JAPR: Research Reportactivities in a dose-dependent manner and de-creased lipid peroxidation levels in mice. It has also been demonstrated that flavonoids and sa-ponins, which are bioactive compounds found in AMP, increased the antioxidant status by increasing endogenous antioxidants and scav-enging free radicals [36, 37]. Further research is needed to determine the interaction of these AMP compounds in improving the antioxidant status of animals and poultry fed different diets. Egg Yolk Antioxidant StatusActivity of T-SOD in the egg yolk was not affected by AMP supplemented at either wk 5 or 10, but concentration of MDA in the egg yolk was linearly and quadratically reduced (P < 0.001) by AMP at both wk 5 and 10 of the experiment (Table 4). Egg yolks from all AMP-supplemented laying hens had lower (P < 0.001) concentrations of MDA at both wk 5 and 10 as compared with the control. This is consistent with the increase in serum antioxidant status with AMP observed in this study. Our results were also in agreement with the report of Sa-hin et al. [38], who observed that egg yolk MDA concentrations of quail decreased linearly in response to an increase in the level of dietary resveratrol (another naturally occurring plant antioxidant compound). In numerous studies, a dose-dependent increase in egg yolk antioxi-dant content was observed in response to dietary antioxidants in poultry [39, 40]. Therefore, the enhanced antioxidant status of egg yolk in the AMP-supplemented groups can likely be attrib-uted to the antioxidant compounds in AMP, as discussed above. Further studies are needed to elucidate the antioxidant mechanisms of AMP and to investigate the carryover effects of di-etary AMP supplementation on product quality with respect to shelf life and its nutritive value for humans as a functional food.CONCLUSIONS AND APPLICATIONS1. Supplementing the diets of laying henswith AMP at levels up to 15 g/kg linearlyincreased laying rate and egg productionbut tended (P ≤ 0.1) to linearly improveFE without affecting ADFI and averageegg weight during the 10-wk period ofexperiment.2. Supplementing the diets of laying henswith AMP enhanced antioxidant enzymeactivities and retarded lipid oxidation inthe serum and egg yolk in a dose-depen-dent manner, with the optimal dietaryAMP level being 5 to 10 g/kg of diet.3. 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关键词:黄芪多糖新城疫抗体自由饮水1 材料与方法1.1 试验材料共计4栋194-219日龄种鸡(约43973只)、H5抗原、H9抗原、ND抗原、96孔V型微量反应板、微量移液器(50ul或25ul)、枪头若干、注射器、抗凝剂、生理盐水1.2 试验药品黄芪多糖粉由北京生泰尔生物科技有限公司提供1.3 试验时间2013年3月12日----2013年4月3日,共计21天。
1.4 试验方法1.4.1 试验分组试验1组:7栋种鸡,母鸡约6327只试验2组:9栋种鸡,母鸡约13868只对照1组:8栋种鸡,母鸡约6220只对照2组:10栋种鸡,母鸡约13814只1.4.2试验方法1.4.2.1 分别统计试验组和对照组试验的产蛋率、死亡率等生产性能。 试验前对照组、试验组分别进行H9、H5、ND抗体水平检测。 试验1组和试验2组鸡群从194日开始,在饮水中添加黄芪多糖粉,使用剂量为100克兑水1000公斤,自由饮水8--10小时,共计使用21天,其他进行常规的饲养管理和免疫。
2 试验结果图表1、2:试验组和对照组死亡数量统计表(将试验1组、试验2组视为一个组,即试验组;对照1组和对照2组视为一组,即对照组)试验期间死亡只数统计表1所有鸡群免疫用药情况说明:3月14日注射新支流油苗0.7毫升,H5 0.5毫升,I 系3倍量(采集当地毒株) 3月27日新支弱毒疫苗气雾免疫 3月19-22硫酸新霉素饮水试验期间死亡只数统计图2组别鸡只数量(只)死淘数死亡率相对减少数量(只)试验前试验后 对照组21911215623491.6%———试验组 22062 21796 266 1.2% 83图表3、4:产蛋率统计日期 3月12日3月13日3月14日3月15日3月16日3月17日3月18日3月19日3月20日3月21日3月22日3月23日3月24日3月25日3月26日3月27日3月28日3月29日3月30日3月31日4月1日 4月2日 4月3日日龄 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 对照组 76.39% 75.88% 78.82% 79.78% 80.99% 82.05% 81.57% 80.67% 79.66% 82.04% 82.37% 82.31% 83.29% 83.08% 83.77% 83.08% 83.42% 83.60% 83.14% 83.26% 82.68% 82.58% 82.18% 试验组 75.40% 76.05% 77.55% 80.30% 79.91% 81.39% 81.25% 80.21% 81.68% 81.73% 82.18% 82.08% 82.38% 83.04% 84.05% 83.57% 83.54% 83.90% 84.09% 83.40% 83.65% 82.93% 82.43%表5:抗体水平统计抗体检测记录检测指标组别检测时间检测日龄抗体水平离散度平均水平ND 试验组13.11193♀9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 11 5.73% 9.9♂10 7 9 10 7 9 9 8 13.77% 8.6254.5218♀11 11 11 11 0 11♂12 11 9 11 12 12 12 11 9.20% 11.254.24235♀10 10 10 12 9 9 10 10 9 107.67%9.910 10 10 10 11 10 9 11 11 10♂10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 对照组13.11193♀12 10 12 10 12 12 12 13 9.12% 11.63♂9 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 6.96% 9.74.5218♀13 12 13 12 13 13 13 12 12 4.20% 12.56♂8 8 8 13 12 12 14 13 23.30% 114.24 235♀9 10 8 10 10 10 9 12 8 814.15%9.539 11 7 9 11 9 9 10 12♂8 8 10 11 12 9 11 15.96% 9.86 试验组23.11193♀12 12 10 11 8.70% 11♂11 10 11 12 12 11 11 6.19% 11.144.5 218♀12 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 11 11 6.60% 10.6♂9 10 10 9 10 10 13 11 10 11.76% 10.224.24 235♀12 10 9 10 10 10 10 11 1214.01%10.17 8 14 9 10 8 10 10 10 10♂10 9 11 12 12.30% 10.5对照2组3.11 193♀10 10 10 10 11 11 10 10 12 11 6.73% 10.5♂11 10 11 10 10 11 11 11 12 6.19% 10.78 4.5218♀13 11 12 13 14 13 11 12 15 15 11.23% 12.9♂12 11 9 14 12 13 11 13.69% 11.71 4.24 235♀11 10 7 7 10 7 6 10 7 819.02%8.479 7 7 11 10 10 8 9 7♂8 11 9 12 9 12 7 10 9 10 16.87% 9.7试验结论:1、(见图表1、2)试验组比对照组减少死亡83只,种鸡试验组比对照组死亡率降低了25%。
中 国兽 医科 技
第3 4 卷
第 5期
2 0 0 4年
黄芪 提 取 物对 鸡 生 长发 育及 免疫 功 能 的 影 响
李 诺 ,佘 锐 萍 ,韩 鲁 佳 ,王 可 洲
( 中国农业 大学 动物 医学 院 , 北 京 1 0 0 0 9 4 ) 摘 要 :对 F B C 0 、 F J C O 、 精 制 多糖 和 变性蛋 白质 4种 黄 芪提取 物进 行琼脂 糖 弥散 试验 , 检测 其对
黄芪 是 中医药 中的补虚药 , 《 本草 纲 目》 记载 , 该
药性 甘 、 味微 温 、 人脾 、 归肺经, 具补气升阳、 固表止 汗、 托 毒生 肌 和 利 水 退 肿 之 功 效 。 另有 《日华 子 本 草》 和《 别 录》 记载 , 该 药有 助气 、 壮筋骨、 长肉、 补 血
芪 的应 用提供 理论 依据 和技术支 持 。
日龄 测定试 验鸡 的体重 , 计算 增重 率并进 行 比较 。 2 . 3 . 4 免 疫 器 官指 数 的测 定 和计 算 分别 于 3 5 、 4 9日龄对 部分 试 验 鸡 称 重 后 扑杀 , 取胸 腺 、 脾 和 腔 上囊, 称量, 按 以下公 式计算 免 疫器官 指数 :
到了 4 9 日龄 已经 达 到 对 照 组 胸 腺 指 数 的 2 倍 以上 ,
体水 平 均高 于对照 组 和 其 他试 验 组 , 这 2组 的统 计 数据 所形 成 的曲线 上 升较 快 , 而 3周 后抗 体 下 降 也
迅速 ; 饲 喂黄 芪提 取 物 F B C 0鸡 的血 清 抗 体 曲线 上
增 加不 如前0 、 F J C O 、 精 制多 糖 和变 性 蛋 白质 4种 黄芪
收 稿 日 期 修 回 日 期 : : 2014 03 02; 2014 05 06 : “ ” ( : 基 金 项 目 辽 宁 省 科 技 厅 自 然 科 学 基 金 项 目 封 闭 群 实 验 动 物 遗 传 监 测 方 法 的 建 立 项 目 编 号 2013 年 2013022033 ) : ( ) , , , , 。 作 者 简 介 韩 喜 彬 男 讲 师 硕 士 从 事 实 验 动 物 学 相 关 教 学 和 科 研 工 作 1979
在 人 类 医 学 中 有 着 较 广 泛 君 子 汤 的 补 气 作 用 更 强 , 研 究 显 示 黄 芪 四 君 子 汤 可 以 改 善 机 体 免 的 应 用 。 , , , 疫 功 能 提 高 机 体 抗 病 力 可 用 于 术 后 恢 复 和 体 质 虚 [ 1 2] 。 黄 芪 四 君 子 汤 作 为 中 草 药 添 弱 等 病 症 的 治 疗 , 本 试 验 将 黄 芪 四 君 加 剂 用 于 畜 禽 生 产 的 报 道 较 少 子 汤 干 粉 添 加 在 蛋 鸡 日 粮 中 研 究 其 对 蛋 鸡 生 产 性 , 能 和 免 疫 功 能 的 影 响 验 证 其 作 为 免 疫 增 强 剂 的 应 , , 用 效 果 为 黄 芪 四 君 子 汤 在 禽 类 生 产 中 的 合 理 应 用 。 提 供 参 考 材 料 与 方 法 1 试 验 材ng Shuquan2 ( 1. Experimental Animal Center, Liaoning M edical University, Jinzhou 121001, China; 2. College of Animal Science and Vet Liaoning M edical University, Jinzhou 121001, China) erinary M edicine, : 犃 犅 犛 犜 犚 犃 犆 犜 The effect of different level of huangqi sij unzi decoction added in diet on productive performance and immune func the control tion in laying hens was studied. 240 28 week hyline brown laying hens of were randomly divided into four groups, , , test I, 1. 0% and 1. 5% huangqi sij unzi decoction powder, respectively, 5% Ⅱ Ⅲ group was feed based diet, group added 0. the trial period was tenweeks. The results showed that: the average dailyfeed intake, average egg weight, laying rate and feed laying rate had significant difference; T lymphocyte to egg ratio of test groups were better than that of the control group, , , transformation rate of testⅡ in 35 days was significantlyhigher than thatof the control group meanwhile the antibody titerof ND, the phagocytic index of mononuclear macrophage, and the content of IFN and IL 4 were higher than that of the control γ ; 4 in testⅡ in 70 days were higher than that of the control group. The optimum level was 1. 0% in group the content of IL range of test dosage. : 犓 犈 犢 犠 犗 犚 犇 犛 huangqi sij unzi decoction; laying hens; immune function production performance;
黄芪对实验动物中免疫功能的影响黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus)是一种常见的中药材,被广泛应用于中医药领域。
动物机体的免疫功能是在淋巴细胞 、单核巨嗜 细 胞 和其 他有 关 细胞 及 产 物 的相 互作 用 下 完成 的 ,
这 些具有 免疫 作用 的细胞 及产 物 以及与 其相 关 的组 织 和器 官构成 了机 体 的免疫 系统”。
多都可能出现负面作用。 黄 芪 多 糖 具 有 增 强 核 糖 核 酸 酶 抑 制 因子 ( I R)
育完全 ,在这时添加黄芪 ,只是在能提高免疫力 , 对免疫 器官 已没 有多 大 的影 响 也有 研究 人员 把黄
芪 中的提取 的活性 物 质用 于鸡 的试验 ,测 定这些 物
的作用 R 有保护 m N I R A的作用 ,能提高转 录和
21 对免 疫 器官的影 响 . i
体重提高了 9 %,成 活率提高 3 %;料重 比降低 . 5 . 4 了 90 。周 克年 等在 雏鸡 全价 日粮 中添加 黄芪 苦 .%I {
参散 l %,试 验组 比对 照组 平均 增重 1. %, 差 异 35 3 显 著 ( < . ) 。黄芪 中主要 次 生代谢 产 物 是皂 苷 P 00 J 5 和多糖 ,也 对 家 畜的生 产 眭能有 一 定 的影 响 。王 志祥 等把提 取 的的黄芪 活性 物质 添加 到艾 维茵 肉仔 鸡 的基 础 日粮 中 ,研究 表 明 ,添加 黄 芪 活性 物质 2
发 ,使普通 药 物失效 ,导致畜 禽业 在短 时 间内遭 到
果 表 明 ,添加 黄芪 多 糖粗 提物 02 .%和 O %能 提 高 . 3
毁灭性 的打击 ,甚至危及人类的健康 。天然药物饲 料添 加剂 因其 毒性低 、无 耐药 性和药 物 残 留 ,而受 到人们的普遍重视。 1 对生产 性 能的影 响
1 黄芪的成分和功能黄芪含有多糖、黄酮、皂甙、多种氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,此外还含有苦味素、香豆素、胆碱、甜菜碱、亚油酸和叶酸等营养物质。
对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ~Ⅲ组在基础日粮的基础上分别添加100、200mg·kg -1和300mg·kg -1的黄芪粉,预试验7d ,正式试验42d 。
结果表明:与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组蛋鸭的终末体重和平均日增重显著提高(P <0.05),料重比显著降低(P <0.05),试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组蛋鸭的平均日采食量显著提高(P <0.05);试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组蛋鸭肠道中大肠杆菌数量显著降低(P <0.05),乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌数量显著升高(P <0.05);试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组蛋鸭血清中的过氧化氢酶(CAT )、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD )和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px )含量显著升高(P <0.05)。
综上结果表明,在饲料中添加黄芪粉可以有效提高蛋鸭的生长性能,改善肠道菌群结构,并提高机体抗氧化性能,在本试验条件下,饲料中添加黄芪粉的最适剂量为300mg·kg -1。
关键词:黄芪;蛋鸭;生长性能;肠道菌群;抗氧化性能中图分类号:S816.7文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-0084(2023)05-0044-04Effects of Adding Astragalus Powder to Feed of Laying Ducks on Growth,Intestinal Flora and Antioxidant PerformanceJU Jinxia,GU Xuanlin(Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Xiejia Town,Gaoyou City,Gaoyou 225600,Jiangsu China )Abstract:In order to explore the effects of adding astragalus powder to feed of laying ducks on the growth,intestinal flora and antioxidant capacity,a total of 120laying ducks in the growing period of a private farm were randomly divided into four groups (control group and experimental groupsⅠ-Ⅲ),with six replicates in each groupand five ducks in each replicate.The control group was fed with the basic diet,and the experimental groups Ⅰ-Ⅲwere fed with 100,200mg·kg -1and 300mg·kg -1astragalus powder added to the basic diet,respectively.The preli-minary experiment lasted for 7days and the formal experiment lasted for 42days.The results showed that compared with the control group,the terminal weight and average daily gain of laying ducks in the experimental groupsⅠ,Ⅱand Ⅲwere significantly increased (P <0.05),and the feed-to-weight ratio was significantly decreased (P <0.05),the average daily feed intake of laying ducks in the experimental groups Ⅱand Ⅲwere significantly increased (P <0.05).The number of Escherichia coli in intestines of laying ducks in the experimental groups I,Ⅱand Ⅲwere all decreased significantly (P <0.05),while the number of Lactobacillus and Bifido-bacterium were increased signi-ficantly (P <0.05).The contents of CAT,SOD and GSH-Px in the serum of laying ducks in the experimental groups收稿日期:2023-07-28作者简介:居锦霞(1974—),女,江苏高邮人,兽医师,主要从事畜牧兽医工作。
1. 强身健体
2. 改善消化功能
3. 抗氧化作用
4. 改善循环系统
5. 缓解压力和疲劳
黄芪在家禽的功能主治1. 介绍黄芪黄芪,又称黄耆,是常见的中药材之一。
2. 黄芪对家禽的功能和主治黄芪在家禽领域有广泛的应用,其功能和主治可总结如下:•增强抗病能力:黄芪具有提高机体免疫力和抗病能力的作用,能够增强家禽的抗病能力,减少疾病发生的概率。
3. 如何使用黄芪为了充分发挥黄芪的功效,以下是使用黄芪的一些常见方法和注意事项:•煎汤饮用:黄芪可以用于煎汤饮用,将黄芪加水煮沸,再用文火慢煎约30分钟。
4. 注意事项•品质选择:选择高质量的黄芪,避免使用劣质或过期的黄芪,以免影响效果。
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表 中数据表 明 ,添加不 同水平 的黄芪粉对各处 理组第 3 5 d和第 7 0 d的红细胞总数 、白细胞 总数 、淋 巴细胞 、红 细胞压 积 、血红 蛋 白浓度 均没有影 响 ;添加不 同水 平 的黄 芪粉对各处理组第 7 0 d的中间细胞 和血液粒 细胞均有影 响; 添加不 同水平 的黄芪 粉对各处理 组第 3 5 d的中间细胞没有 影响 ,而对第 3 5 d的粒细胞有影 响。 试验第 7 0 d时 ,添加 1 . 5% 黄 芪粉 组 血 液 中 间 细胞 显著高于对照组 ( P < O . 0 5 ),而 与 其 他 各 组差 异不 显 著 ( P > O . 0 5)。试验第 3 5 d和 7 0 d ,各 添加组之 间和对照组 粒 细胞差 异均不 显著 ( P > 0 . 0 5)。 由此得 出 ,在蛋鸡 日粮 中添加 黄芪粉对 蛋鸡血液 指标 的影 响主要集 中在粒细胞 和 中间细胞上 , 而对其他血液指标没有影响 , 尤其 以添加 1 . 5 % 黄芪粉对血液 中间细胞影 响较大 。 2 . 2日粮添加黄芪粉对血清抗体效价的影响 表 中数据 表 明,添加 不 同水平 黄芪粉 对试验第 3 5 d新 城疫 和 R e 一 5 H 5亚型 禽流感 抗体效 价及试 验第 7 0 d 禽 流感 H 9亚 型抗体效价均有影 响。 试 验第 3 5 d时 ,添加 1 . 0% 黄芪粉组 的新 城疫抗体效 价 以及 添加 0 . 5%黄 芪粉 组 的 R e 一 5 H 5亚 型禽 流感抗 体效 价均 显著 高于对 照组 ( P < O . 0 5),但各 处理组 相 比差异不 显著 ( P > 0 . 0 5 )。试验第 7 0 d时 ,添 加不 同水平 黄芪 粉 的 各处理组和对照组之 间均无显著差异 ( P > 0 . 0 5) 。由此得出 , 在商 品蛋鸡 日粮 中添加适 量黄芪粉 可有效提高 蛋鸡血清 的 新城疫和禽流感抗体效价 。
1 . 4测 定 方 法
1 . 4 . 1 免疫 系统的测定 1 . 4 . 1 . 1 血 液 生 理 指 标 的测 定 分 别 在 试验 的第 3 5 d和 7 0 d ,每个 重 复 各选 取 2只 体重接 近的健康 商品蛋鸡 ,翅静脉取 抗凝血 ,利用全 自动 动物 血 细胞分 析仪 ( P E 一 6 8 0 0 V E T , )测定 血液 红细 胞总 数 ( R B C)、血 红 蛋 白 ( HG B)、白细胞 总数 ( WB C)、淋 巴细胞 ( L Y M)、中间细胞 ( MI D)、粒 细胞 ( G R AN)等 血液生理指标 。 1 . 4 . 1 . 2抗体效价测定 分 别 在实 验 的第 3 5 d和第 7 0 d ,每个 重 复组 各选 取 2 只体重 接近 的健 康商 品蛋鸡 ,翅为 7 d ,试验期为 7 0 d 。于试验第 3 5 d 和第 7 0 d时,时各项血液生理指标以及新城疫和禽流感抗体效价进行测定。试验第 7 0 d 时, 添加 1 . 5 %黄芪粉细血液中间细胞显著高于对照组 ( P < 0 . 0 5 ) ;试验第 3 5 d 时, 添加 1 . 0 %黄芪粉组的新城疫抗体效价以及添加 O - 5 %黄芪粉组的 Re 一 5 H5 亚型禽流感抗体效价均显著高于对照组 ( P < 0 . 0 5 )。结果表明:日粮 中适 当添加黄芪粉可以改善商品蛋鸡免
疫 系统 的功 能。
关键词 :免疫增 强剂 ;黄 芪;商品蛋鸡 ;免 疫功 能
根 据有关资 料的研究 说明黄芪这 种药物 的使用 主要 作 为免疫 增强剂使 用 ,能对 免疫系统起 到调节作 用 ,能够 刺 激T 、B淋 巴细胞 ,巨噬细胞 ,免 疫细 胞 ,并 且刺 激补 体 促进细胞因子生成 ,来达到增强免疫系统 的功能 。 本 实验 以商 品蛋鸡 为实验对象 ,在 日粮 中添加 黄芪 , 研究 日粮 中添加 不 同水平 的黄芪对商 品蛋鸡免 疫系统 的影 响 。为免疫 增强剂作 为饲料 添加剂在 蛋鸡健康 养殖 和畜产 品品质方面提供依据 。 1 实验设 计
黄芪粉对商 品蛋鸡免疫功能的影响
郭 明明
( 山西省 忻 州 市农 业 综合执 法支 队 0 3 4 0 0 0)
摘 要 :为 了探讨不同添加水平黄芪粉对商品蛋鸡免疫功能的影响。试验选取 2 7 周龄健康的产蛋 高峰期商品蛋鸡 6 0 0只,随机分 为4 个处理, 每个处理 5 个重复, 每个重复 3 0 只, 对照组饲喂基础日粮; 试验组分别在对照细基础上添加 0 . 5 %、1 . 0 %、1 . 5 %黄 芪粉。
1 . 1 实 验 材 料
较法对 不 同黄芪 梯度 的处 理效应进行 一次线性 和二次 曲线 回归分析 ,多重 比较 采用 D u n c a n氏法 ,以 P < O . 0 5作 为显 著性判断标准 。
2 结 果 与 分 析 2 . 1日粮添加黄芪粉对血液生理指标的影响
黄 芪粉 ( 简单 加黄 芪粉的 主要 成分 ),蛋鸡普通 全 价商品 日粮 。 1 . 2实验动物与设计 试验选取 2 7周龄健康 的产蛋 高峰期商品蛋鸡 6 0 0只 , 随机分为 4组 ,每个组 5 个重 复 ,每个 重复 3 0只 ,对 照组 饲喂全价基础 日粮 ( 根据 N R C蛋鸡标准饲 喂 );试 验组 分 别在对照组基础上添加 0 . 5%、1 . 0%、1 . 5% 黄芪粉。设 预 示期 7d 试验期 为 7 0 d 。 1 . 3饲养与管理 本 实验用全 封闭式 鸡舍立体 笼养 ,每 笼 3只 ,期 间 自 由采 食饮 水 ,光照 为 1 6 L : 8 D。地 面 光照 强度 为 1 5 L X,温 度为 2 2 ~ 2 4度 ,湿度 为 5 5%~ 6 0 %。