


① 这些区域经济一体化组织基本上是由在地理上相连或接
② 参加区域经济一体化组织的成员国社会经济制度往往相
③ 参加国的经济发展水平比较接近;
④ 参加国大多数是中小国家。
① 区域集团内政治体制出现相融性。


国际经济学基础Chapter 9

国际经济学基础Chapter 9
9.5 Motives for Direct Foreign Investments
The basic motives
– Earn higher returns (higher growth rate abroad, tax treatment, infrastructure) – Diversify risks
MNCs are firms that own, control, or manage production facilities in several countries. They are oligopolists selling for the most part differentiated products, often developed by the technological gap and product life cycle models, and produce under strong economies of scale. The importance of MNCs.
Motives for Direct Foreign Investments (cont’d) (cont’
– To avoid import tariffs and other trade restrictions and/or to take advantage of production subsidies; subsidies; – To enter a foreign oligopolistic market; market; – To acquire a foreign firm in order to avoid future competition; and competition; – Because of the unique ability to obtain financing to enter the market.




1.沿着直线型生产可能性曲线移动,随着一种产品产量的增加,这种产品的时机本钱会()oA,增加 B.削减C.先增加后削减D.不变2.比较优势理论认为国际贸易的起因是()。

A.劳动生产率的差异B.产品品质的差异C.价格的差异D.要素禀赋的差异3.以下是A、B两国在没有贸易状况下国内生产X、Y两种产品时劳动生产率状况,依据此表可以确定在两国发生贸易以后X产品的相对价格为()A. 4B. 2C.在().5-3之间D.在0.25~1.5之间4.假设某种产品的需求弹性大于供给弹性,当一国政府对该产品征收进口关税时, 生产者与消费者担当关税的程度是( J oA.前者大于后者B.后者大于前者C.两者相等D.不确定5.假设一国资本相对充裕,短期内进口部门和出口部门分别是用特定资本,则贸易开头后在短期实际收入低而长期实际收入渐渐提高的群体是()。

A.进口部门特定资本全部者B.出口部门特定资本全部者C.进口部门劳动力D.出口部门劳动力6.在金铸币本位制度下,汇率打算的根底是( JoA.通货膨胀率B.铸币平价C.购置力平价D.利率平价7.在大国状况下,设置进口关税()oA.会增加国家的福利8.会削减国家的福利C.会使国家福利保持不变D.上述状况都有可能8.在浮动汇率与资本可完全流淌的情形下:()。






国际经济学第五版关键词、复习与思考答案:第9章 国际贸易壁垒与出口促进

国际经济学第五版关键词、复习与思考答案:第9章  国际贸易壁垒与出口促进

第九章国际贸易壁垒与出口促进一、关键词1. 小国。


2. 大国。


3. 局部均衡。


4. 一般均衡。


5. 有效保护率。


6. 关税结构。


7. 寻租。



8. 商品倾销。


9. 反倾销。


二、复习与思考1. 对于进口配额与等额关税,如果让国内生产者来选择,它们会选择哪种措施?答:进口配额更能达到限制进口的目的,并有寻租的可能。


2. 你被要求对A国的食糖进口关税对于社会福利的影响进行量化分析。







《国际经济学》第九讲 开放经济下的短期均衡(DD-AA模型)

《国际经济学》第九讲 开放经济下的短期均衡(DD-AA模型)





二、产品市场的均衡——DD 曲线(一)均衡的含义⏹ 总供给等于总需求,表现为市场不存在非合意的存货。

⏹ 封闭条件,两部门经济下,均衡意味着家庭储蓄(S )等于厂商投资(I )⏹ 封闭条件,三部门经济下,均衡意味着家庭储蓄(S )和政府储蓄(T-G )之和等于厂商投资(I )⏹ 开放条件,四部门经济下,均衡意味着国内储蓄和国外储蓄的和(s+(T-G )+(EX-IM ))等于投资。


(二)总需求的构成⏹ 消费:D cY c C +=0,消费是可支配收入的函数⏹ 投资:iR I I -=0,投资是利率的函数● 利率R 由货币市场决定,在产品市场中是外生变量,在货币市场中,利率与汇率之间也存在联系。

为了不使问题过于复杂,在这里我们暂时假定投资是一个与汇率无关的外生变量,即I =I 。

● i 是正值常数,表示投资对利率变化反应的灵敏程度。

⏹ 政府支出:G ,在模型中为外生变量⏹ 国外净需求:TB=NX=EX – IM ,TB 会受到汇率影响,与汇率的关系有待进一步论证。



• 2。歧视性政府采购 (Discriminatory
Government Procurement Policy) 一国政府根据本国有关法律规定,给
予国内供应商优先获得政府采购定单的 待遇,从而造成对外国产品及其销售商 的歧视。
-强调产品与服务中的国产化程度(当地含 量要求)
配额租金为谁所得取决于政府分配 配额的方式。

• 主流:寻利(Profit-seeking),资源配置,生产

• 安妮.克鲁格1974 AER
• 寻租社会的政治经济学
进口配额的分配常与进口许可证相结合。许 可证的分配方法主要有三种:
• 2。与关税相比,配额更容易引起实施国国内收
入或利益分配中的不公平,在分配配额的情况 下,甚至还会引起行政腐败(直接的非生产性的 寻租行为)。
4.进口许可证制度(Import License)
• 政府颁发的凭以进口的证书。许多国家为了加
强进口的管制,规定商品进口必须领取许可证, 没有许可证,一律不准进口。
• 一种为有定额的进口许可证; • 另一种为无定额的进口许可证。
5 。 技 术 性 贸 易 壁 垒 ( Technical Barriers to Trade,TBT) 指商品进口国家制定并执行具有强制性或非强 制性的商品标准、法规以及商品检验的合格性 评定等要求,从而对贸易形成的障碍。 FDA:美国食品与药物管理局
3。进出口贸易的国家垄断(State Monopoly of Import and Export) 即国营贸易,指的是国家规定某些商品的进出 口必须由政府机构直接进行经营,或者把这些 商品进出口的垄断权给予公营企业或国有企业 经营。



国际经济学第九版答案【篇一:国际经济学第九版英文课后答案第13 单元】> balance of paymentsoutline13.1 introduction13.2 balance of payments accounting principles 13.2a debitsand credits 13.2b double-entry bookkeeping13.3 the international transactions of the united states casestudy 13-1: the major goods exports and imports of the unitedstates13.4 accounting balances and disequilibrium in internationaltransactions13.5 the postwar balance of payments of the united statescase study 13-2: the major trade partners of the united statescase study 13-3: the u.s. trade deficit with japancase study 13-4:the exploding u.s. trade deficit with china13.6 the international investment position of the unitedstatescase study 13-5: the united states as a debtor nationappendix: a13.1 the imf method of reporting internationaltransactionsa13.2 the case of the missing surplusbalance of paymentscapital account credittransactionsautonomous transactions debit transactionsaccommodating transactions capitalinflow officialreserve account capital outflowofficial settlements balancedouble-entry bookkeeping deficit in the balance ofpaymentsunilateral transferssurplus in the balance ofpayments statistical discrepancy international investmentposition current account1. in the first lecture, i would cover sections 1 and 2a. theaverage student usually finds the meaning of capital inflowsand outflows particularly difficult to understand. therefore, iwould pay special care in presenting the material in section 2a.i would also assign problems 1 to 8. 2.in the second lecture, iwould cover section 2b and go over problems 1-8.i wouldpresent sections 3 and 4 in the third lecture, and stress themeaning and measurement of balance of payments deficitsand surpluses.sections 5 and 6 (which are mostly descriptiveand not difficult) could be left for studentsto do on their own so that the chapter could still be covered in three lectures. 1. a.the u.s. debits its current account by $500 (for the merchandise imports) and credits capital by the same amount (for the increase in foreign assets in the u.s.).the u.s. credits capital by $500 (the drawing down of its bank balances in london, a capital inflow) and debits capital by an equal amount (to balance the capital credit that the u.s. importer received when the u.k. exporter accepted to be paid in three months).the u.s. is left with a $500 debit in its current account and a net credit balance of $500 in its capital account.2. a).the u.s. debits unilateral transfers by $100 and credits capital by the same amount.b).the u.s. credits its current account by $100 and debits capital by the same amount.c).the debit of $100 in unilateral transfers and the credit of $100 in current account.3. a).the same as 2a.the net result is the same, but the transaction in part a of this problem refers to tied aid while transactions a and b in problem 2 do not.4. the u.s. debits capital account by $1,000 (for the purchase of the foreign stock by the u.s. resident) and also credits the capital account (for the drawing down of the u.s. resident bank balances abroad) by the same amount.5. the u.s. credits its current account by $100 and debits its capital account by the same amount.6. the u.s. credits its capital account by $400 (for the purchase of the u.s. treasury bills by the foreign resident) and debits its capital account (for the drawing down of the foreign residents bank balances in the united states) for the by the same amount.7. the u.s. debits its current account by $40 for the interest paid, debits its capital account by $400 (for the capital outflow for the repayment of the repayment of the principal to the foreign investors by the u.s. borrower), and then credits its capital account by $440 (the increase in foreign holdings of u.s. assets, a credit).8. a). the u.s. credits its capital account by $800 and debits its official reserves account by the same amount.b). the official settlements balance of the u.s. will improve (i.e., the u.s. deficit will fall or its surplus will rise) by $800.where values are in billions of dollars and a negative balance represents a deficit while apositive balance a surplus in the balance of payments. b. because until 1972, we had a fixed exchange rate system, but from 1973 we had a managed floating exchange rate system. under the latter, the balance of payments only measures the amount of official intervention in foreign exchange markets. 9.see the july issue of the survey of current business for the most recent year.10.see the july issue of the survey of current business for the most recent year.11.see the july issue of the survey of current business for the most recent year.12. see the july and november issues of the survey of current business for the most recent year.13.see the balance of payments statistics yearbook for the most recent year. app. 1. the major difference between the way the united states keeps its balance of payments and the international monetary fund method is in the way they deal with international capital movements. the united states records international capital movements as increases in u.s.-owned assets abroad and foreign-owned assets in the united states, subdivided into government and private. the international monetary fund includes international capital flows into a financial account, which is subdivided into direct investments, portfolio investments assets and liabilities, and other investment assets and liabilities.2. see the table in april and october issue of the imfs world economic outlook for the most recent year.1. which of the following is false?a. a credit transaction leads to a payment from foreignersb.a debit transaction leads to a payment to foreigners *c. a credit transaction is entered with a negative signd. double-entry bookkeeping refers to each transaction entered twice.2. which of the following is a debit?a. the export of goodsb. the export of services*c. unilateral transfers given to foreigners d. capital inflows 3. capital inflows:a. refer to an increase in foreign assets in the nationb. referto a reduction in the nations assets abroad c. lead to apayment from foreigners *d. all of the above4. when a u.s. firm imports goods to be paid in three monthsthe u.s. credits:a. the current accountb. unilateral transfers *c. capitald. official reserves5. the receipt of an interest payment on a loan made by a u.s.commercial bank to a foreign resident is entered in the u.s.balance of payments as a:a. credit in the capital account *b. credit in the currentaccount c. credit in official reserves d. debit in unilateraltransfers6. the payment of a dividend by an american company to aforeign stockholder represents:a. a debit in the u.s. capital accountb. a credit in the u.s.capital accountc. a credit in the u.s. official reserve account *d. a debit in theu.s. current account7. when a u.s. firm imports a good from england a pays for itby drawing on its pound sterling balances in a london bank,the u.s. debits its current account and credits its:a. official reserve accountb. unilateral transfers accountc.services in its current account *d. capital account8. when the u.s. ships food aid to a developing nation, the u.s.debits:*a. unilateral transfers b. services c. capitald. official reserves9. when the resident of a foreign nation (1) sells a u.s. stockand (2) deposits the proceeds in a u.s. bank, the u.s.:a. credits capital for (1) and debits capital for (2)b. creditsthe current account and debits capital c. debits capital andcredits official reserves*d. debits capital for (1) and credits capital for (2)10. when a u.s. resident (1) purchases foreign treasury billsand pays by (2) drawing down his bank balances abroad, theu.s.:【篇二:国际经济学第九版英文课后答案第9 单元】>(core chapter)nontariff trade barriers and the new protectionism outline9.1 introduction9.2 import quotas9.2a effects of an import quota9.2b comparison of an import quota to an import tariff9.3 other nontariff barriers and the new protectionism 9.3a voluntary export restraintsstates9.3b technical, administrative, and other regulations9.3c international cartels9.3d dumping9.3e export subsidies9.4 the political economy of protectionism9.4a fallacious and questionable arguments for protection 9.4b infant-industry and other qualified arguments for protection9.4c who gets protected?welfare effects on the u.s. economy of removing all import restraintsrestraints9.5 strategic trade and industrial policies9.5a strategic trade policy9.5b strategic trade and industrial policies with game theory 9.5c the u.s. response to foreign industrial targeting and strategic trade policy9.6 history of u.s. commercial policy9.6a the trade agreements act of 19349.6b the general agreements on tariffs and trade (gatt)9.6c the 1962 trade agreements act and the kennedy round 9.6d the trade reform act of 1974 and the tokyo round9.6e the 1984 and 1988 trade acts9.7 the uruguay round and outstanding trade problems 9.7a the uruguay round9.7b outstanding trade problemsbenefits from a “likely ”doha scenario appendix: a9.1 centralized cartels a9.2 international price discriminationa9.3 tariffs, subsidies and domestic goalsquota smoot-hawley tariff act of 1930 nontariff trade barrier (ntbs)trade agreements act of 1934new protectionism most-favored-nation principle voluntary export restraints (vers) bilateral trade technical, administrative, and general agreement on tariff and other regulations trade (gatt)international cartel multilateral trade negotiationsdumpinginternational trade organization (ito) persistent dumping peril-point provisionspredatory dumping escape clausesporadic dumping national security clausetrigger-price mechanismtrade expansion act of 1962export subsidies trade adjustment assistance (taa) export- import bank kennedy roundforeign sales corporationstrade reform act of 1974countervailing duties (cvds) tokyo roundscientific tariff trade and tariff act of 1984infant-industry argumentomnibus trade and competitiveness act of 1988strategic trade policy uruguay roundindustrial policy world trade organization (wto)game theoryglobalization anti-globalization movement1. this is an important core chapter examining some of the most recentdevelopments in international trade policy.2. i would cover sections 1 and 2 in lecture 1. i would pay particular attention tofigure 9-1, which examines the partial equilibrium effects of an import quota.3. i would cover section 3 in lecture 2. here i would clearly explain the differencebetween a regular import quota and a voluntary export restraint. i would alsoclearly explain dumping and figure 9-2 (which deals with export subsidies). the five case studies serve to highlight the theory and show the relevance of thetheory in todays world.4. i would cover section 4 in lecture 3. here i would give special attention to the。


第九章( 第九章(1) 货币危机理论
• • •
货币危机 金融危机理论模型 金融危机的防范与管理
• 90年代以后,国际短期资本流动频繁引起 货币危机,已经成为当前国际资本流动的 最显著特征。 外汇市场单方向的持续交易 迫使货币当局最终放弃固定汇率制度,导 致市场出现剧烈动荡。 • 外汇市场货币危机——全面金融危机; • 国内金融危机——货币危机
– 过度金融创新引发的金融危机。

• 六、金融危机对我国的启示:
– 利用外资越多越好吗?资本账户何时开放?
• 代表人物:保罗克鲁格曼,罗伯特弗德勒, 彼得M加伯 • 克鲁格曼1979一个国际收支危机的模型, • 弗德勒,加伯,1984正在崩溃的汇率制度, 一些线性实例,对克鲁格曼的模型加以扩 展和简化
• 央行自卫:央行出售国外资本——本国外汇 储备不断减少,利率上升 • 危机爆发:外汇集积耗尽,政府被迫放弃 固定汇率制 • 资本外逃:汇率贬值预期增加导致外汇储 备耗尽,国外资本流出 • 投机者的冲击挥剑政府放弃固定汇率制的 时间将早于政府主动放弃的时间,因此, 社会成本会更大。
• 理论的提出:1997年亚洲金融危机引起学 术界的关注 • 强调银行危机和货币危机的相互关系。 • 克鲁格曼侧重以下几个方面分析危机产生 的原因: • 金融过度,亲缘政治,企业负债率,均衡 铁不稳定性,保持汇率稳定是一个两难的 选择。
• 政策建议
第三节 金融危机理论模型
• 金融危机的定义:通常认为,全部或大部分金融指标的急剧、 短暂和超周期的恶化,便意味着金融危机的发生(利率、汇率、 资产价格、企业偿债能力、金融机构倒闭数等等)。金融范畴 涵盖广泛,金融危机也有多种类型(货币危机、银行危机、股 市危机、债务危机。。。;系统性金融危机) • 一、第一代金融危机模型 • 二、第二代金融危机模型 • 三、第三代金融危机模型:新兴市场 • 四、第四代金融危机模型 • 五、2007年到今的美国次债危机:



D 数量, Q
表9-1: 贸易保护成本占国民收入百分比的估算
小国中受保护的市场使其公司规模不足,不能 实现规模经济.
例如:在汽车工业,一个有效率的汽车组装厂一年至少 生产 80,000辆车.
在阿根廷, 13家公司一年总共生产166,000辆车.
规模经济的存在支持自由贸易,因为其能在更 低的价格上提供种类更多的产品.
与管理贸易相反,自由贸易提供了更多机会, 因此会带来更多创新.
进口配额 未获得进口配额提高了企业的成本 金枪鱼储存成本增加为获得较低关税
一个自由贸易的政治承诺在现实中可能争取选 民的好办法.
关税. 小国的最优关税是0,因为它不能改变贸易条件.
因此,出口部门的最优政策必然是实行负补贴,即通过对出 口产品征税.
与最优关税一样,最优出口税率总是正的,但小于使 人们不愿再进行任何贸易的禁止性关税.
国际谈判帮助发达国家进行关税减让,并且避 免贸易战争.
GATT 是国际贸易体系的核心机构.
GATT最近通过一个世界范围内的协定是成立了一 个新组织,即 WTO.
WTO允许三种特惠贸易协定:自由贸易区,关税 同盟和共同市场.
特惠贸易协定的好坏取决于贸易创造和贸易 转移效应的大小.
GATT-WTO 体系的主要约束包括:

国际经济学第九版英文课后答案 第9单元

国际经济学第九版英文课后答案 第9单元

*CHAPTER 9(Core Chapter)NONTARIFF TRADE BARRIERS AND THE NEW PROTECTIONISM OUTLINE9.1 Introduction9.2 Import Quotas9.2a Effects of an Import QuotaCase Study 9-1: The Economic Effects of the U.S. Quota on Sugar Imports9.2b Comparison of an Import Quota to an Import Tariff9.3 Other Nontariff Barriers and the New Protectionism9.3a Voluntary Export RestraintsCase Study 9-2: Voluntary Export Restraints on Japanese Autos to the United States9.3b Technical, Administrative, and Other Regulations9.3c International Cartels9.3d DumpingCase Study 9-3: Antidumping Measures in Force in 20049.3e Export SubsidiesCase Study 9-4: Agricultural Subsidies in Developed NationsCase Study 9-5: Countervailing Measures in Force in 2004Case Study 9-6: The Pervasiveness of Nontariff Barriers9.4 The Political Economy of Protectionism9.4a Fallacious and Questionable Arguments for Protection9.4b Infant-Industry and Other Qualified Arguments for Protection9.4c Who Gets Protected?Case Study 9-7: Welfare Effects on the U.S. Economy of Removing All ImportRestraintsCase Study 9-8: Effects on the World Economy of Removing All ImportRestraints9.5 Strategic Trade and Industrial Policies9.5a Strategic Trade Policy9.5b Strategic Trade and Industrial Policies with Game Theory9.5c The U.S. Response to Foreign Industrial Targeting and Strategic TradePolicy9.6 History of U.S. Commercial Policy9.6a The Trade Agreements Act of 19349.6b The General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)9.6c The 1962 Trade Agreements Act and the Kennedy Round9.6d The Trade Reform Act of 1974 and the Tokyo Round9.6e The 1984 and 1988 Trade Acts9.7 The Uruguay Round and Outstanding Trade Problems9.7a The Uruguay RoundCase Study 9-9: Gains from the Uruguay RoundCase Study 9-10: The Multilateral Rounds of Trade Negotiations9.7b Outstanding Trade ProblemsCase Study 9-11: Benefits from a “Likely” Doha ScenarioAppendix: A9.1 Centralized CartelsA9.2 International Price DiscriminationA9.3 Tariffs, Subsidies and Domestic GoalsKey TermsQuota Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 Nontariff trade barrier (NTBs) Trade Agreements Act of 1934New protectionism Most-favored-nation principleVoluntary export restraints (VERs) Bilateral TradeTechnical, administrative, and General Agreement on Tariff andother regulations Trade (GATT)International cartel Multilateral Trade NegotiationsDumping International Trade Organization (ITO) Persistent dumping Peril-point provisionsPredatory dumping Escape clauseSporadic dumping National security clauseTrigger-price mechanism Trade Expansion Act of 1962Export subsidies Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Export-Import bank Kennedy RoundForeign Sales Corporations Trade Reform Act of 1974 Countervailing duties (CVDs) Tokyo RoundScientific tariff Trade and Tariff Act of 1984Infant-industry argument Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988Strategic trade policy Uruguay RoundIndustrial Policy World Trade Organization (WTO)Game theory GlobalizationAnti-Globalization MovementLecture Guide:1.This is an important core chapter examining some of the most recentdevelopments in international trade policy.2.I would cover sections 1 and 2 in lecture 1. I would pay particular attention toFigure 9-1, which examines the partial equilibrium effects of an import quota. 3.I would cover section 3 in lecture 2. Here I would clearly explain the differencebetween a regular import quota and a voluntary export restraint. I would alsoclearly explain dumping and Figure 9-2 (which deals with export subsidies). The five case studies serve to highlight the theory and show the relevance of thetheory in today's world.4.I would cover section 4 in lecture 3. Here I would give special attention to thefallacious arguments for protection since they are often heard in commondiscussions of trade matters. I would also clearly explain the importance ofstrategic trade and industrial policy and the political economy of who getsprotected.5.I would cover section 5 in lecture 4, which examines strategic trade andindustrial policies policies with game theory. This is not difficult and thestudents will find it very interesting.6.Sections 6 and 7 can be covered in lecture 5. Here I would stress the UruguayRound and the outstanding international trade problems.Answer to Problems:1. Nations restrict trade either in response to lobbying by the producers of acommodity in which the nation has a comparative disadvantage or to gain astrategic advantage in relation to other nations. The first leads to a welfare loss for he nation as a whole. The second is very difficult to achieve.2. The partial equilibrium effects of the import quota are:P x=$1.50; consumption is 45X, of which 15X are produced domestically;by auctioning off import licenses, the revenue effect would be $15.3. The partial equilibrium effects of the import quota are:P x=$2.50; consumption is 40X, of which 10X are produced domestically;the revenue effect is $45.4. The partial equilibrium effects of the quota are:P x=$2; domestic production and consumption are 50X; The revenue is zero.5. The partial equilibrium effects of the quota are:P x=$1; consumption is 70X, production is 30X, and revenue is zero.6. The partial equilibrium effects of a negotiated export quota of 30X are:P x=$4; domestic production is 40X, of which 10X are consumed at home.7.An export tariff or quota, as an import tariff or quota, affects the price of thecommodity and domestic consumption and production. But the effects are theopposite.8. See Figure 1.The equilibrium price of the commodity is P x=OC and the equilibrium quantity is Q x=OB in Figure 1.9.If the supply curve of the commodity in Figure 1 referred to a cartel ofexporters acting as a monopolist, P x=OF and Q x=OA (see Figure 1).10. P x is higher and Q x smaller when exporters behave as a monopolist.11. a) The monopolist should charge P1=$4 in the domestic market and P2=$3 inFigure 9-5 in Appendix A9.2.b) This represents the best, or optimal distribution of sales between the twomarkets because any other distribution of sales in the two markets gives lessrevenue.12. See Figure 2. To the left of point A, the domestic firm faces higher long-run average costs of production (LAC D) than the foreign firm (LAC F). To theright of point A the opposite is the case.13.a) If the entries in the top left-hand corner of Table 9-5 were changed to +10,+10, then both Boeing and Airbus would produce the aircraft without anysubsidy, and so no strategic trade and industrial policy would be needed in theU.S. or Europe.b)If the entries in the top left-hand corner of Table 9-5 were changed to +5, +0,then both Boeing and Airbus would produce the aircraft without any subsidy, and so no strategic trade and industrial policy would be needed in the U.S. or Europe.*Note that even though Airbus only breaks even, in economics we includea normal return on investment as part of costs. Thus, Airbus wouldremain in business because it would earn a normal return on investment.c)If the entries in the top left-hand corner of Table 9-5 were changed to +5, -10,then both Boeing produces and Airbus does not produce without any subsidy.With a subsidy of at least $10 million per year, however, Airbus would enterthe market and lead to a loss of $100 million for Boeing unless the U.S.government would provide a subsidy of at least $5 million per year to Boeing.14. The answer to part (a) and (b) are presented in Appendix A9.3.App. 1. See Figure 3 on page 90.App. 2. In order to maximize to maximize total profits the domestic monopolist practicing international price discrimination should sell at theprice of P d=$20 in the domestic market and at the price of P f=$15 in theforeign market.App. 3. By imposing a 100% tax on the production of commodity X andgiving it as a subsidy to producers of commodity Y.Multiple-choice Questions:1. An import quota:a. increases the domestic price of the imported commodityb. reduces domestic consumptionc. increases domestic production*d. all of the above2. An increase in the demand of the imported commodity subject to a given import quota:a. reduces the domestic quantity demanded of the commodity*b. increases the domestic production of the commodityc. reduces the domestic price of the commodityd. reduces the producers' surplus3.Adjustment to any shift in the domestic demand or supply of an importablecommodityoccurs:a. in domestic price with an import quotab. in the quantity of imports with a tariffc. through the market mechanism with an import tariff but not with an import quota *d. all of the above4. An international cartel refers to:a. dumping*b. an organization of exportersc. an international commodity agreementd. voluntary export restraints5.The temporary sale of a commodity at below cost or at a lower price abroad in orderto drive foreign producers out of business is called:*a. predatory dumpingb. sporadic dumpingc. continuous dumpingd. voluntary export restraints6.The type of dumping which would justify antidumping measures by the countrysubject to the dumping is:*a. predatory dumpingb. sporadic dumpingc. continuous dumpingd. all of the above7. A fallacious argument for protection is:a. the infant industry argumentb. protection for national defense*c. the scientific tariffd. to correct domestic distortions8. Which of the following is true with respect to the infant-industry argument forprotection:a. it refers to temporary protection to establish a domestic industryb. to be valid, the return to the grown-up industry must be sufficiently high also to repay for the higher prices paid by domestic consumers of the commodity during the infancy periodc. is inferior to an equivalent production subsidy to the infant industry*d. all of the above9. Which of the following is false with respect to strategic trade policy?a. it postulates that a nation can gain by an activist trade policy*b. it is practiced to some extent by most industrial nationsc. it can easily be carried outd. all of the above10.Industrial policy refers to:a. an activist policy by the government of an industrial country to stimulate the development of an industryb. the granting of a subsidy to a domestic industry to stimulate the development of an industryc. the granting of a subsidy to a domestic industry to counter a foreign subsidy*d. all of the above11. Game theory refers to:*a. a method of choosing the optimal strategy in conflict situationsb. the granting of a subsidy to correct a domestic distortionc. the theory of tariff protectiond. none of the above12. Trade protection in the United States is usually provided to:a. low-wage workersb. well-organized industries with large employmentc. industries producing consumer products*d. all of the above13. The most-favored-nation principle refers to:*a. extension to all trade partners of any reciprocal tariff reduction negotiated by the U.S. with any of its trade partnersb. multilateral trade negotiationc. the General Agreement on Tariffs and Traded. the International Trade Organization14. On which of the following principles does GATT rest?a. nondiscriminationb. elimination of nontariff barriersc. consultation among nations in solving trade disputes*d. all of the above15. Which of the following was not negotiated under the Uruguay Round?a. reduction of tariffs on industrial goodsb. replacement of quotas with tariffsc. reduction of subsidies on industrial products and on agricultural exports*d. liberalization in trade in most services。

克鲁格曼《国际经济学》中文版·第九版 课后习题答案

克鲁格曼《国际经济学》中文版·第九版 课后习题答案














国际经济学 张少军 第9章 贸易政策中的政治经济学

国际经济学  张少军 第9章  贸易政策中的政治经济学
图 9-2: 最优关税
社会福利 1
最优 关税, to
禁止性 关税率, tp
– 最优关税率
• 最优关税率能够使社会福利最大化 • 最优关税率总是正值但小于使人们不再进口的禁止
• 小国的最优关税率为零,因为关税不能改变小国的
• 随着关税的征收,一国的贸易条件改善,而其贸易
• 政治决策过程模型
– 利益集团根据政府可能采取的政策来提供政治捐款“购 买”政策.此时,政治候选人就可能牺牲一部分选民的福 利来换取竞选经费 谁得到了保护? – 在发达国家,大部分保护集中在两个部门: • 农业 农民通常是一个组织良好和具强大政治影响力 的群体,一直能从美国政府得到相当好的有效保护. • 服装业 纺织品和服装都受到政府的有力保护. 这个 部门需要很少的技术工人,而且组织性强. – 将来两个部门的保护程度都将减少(由于国际贸易谈判)
– 在表 9-3中, 各国都会选择保护贸易政策,但如果 两国都选择自由贸易则会使各自的收益更大.
• 在博弈论中,这种情形就是所谓的囚徒困境.
表 9-3: 贸易的社会福利问题
日本 美国 自由贸易 10 保护 20 -10 -5
10 -10
• 国际贸易协定的简短历史
– 国际合作削减关税作为一项贸易政策的历史可以追溯到20 世纪30年代(斯母特—郝利法案)
表9-5 多哈回合方案中福利收益占收入的百分比
激进 高收入国家 中等收入国家 中国 低收入国家 世界 0.2 0.1 -0.02 0.05 0.18
一般 0.05 0 -0.05 0.01 0.04

国际经济学第九章 国民收入与国际收支

国际经济学第九章 国民收入与国际收支

记入贷方( ) 记入贷方(+)的项目
商品出口(导致从外国收到付款) 商品出口(导致从外国收到付款) 本国居民为外国人提供服务(导致从外国收到付款) 本国居民为外国人提供服务(导致从外国收到付款) 外国的捐赠或政府援助(导致从外国收到付款) 外国的捐赠或政府援助(导致从外国收到付款) 外国居民投资本国资产(导致资本流入) 外国居民投资本国资产(导致资本流入) 本国居民对外国居民发生的债务(导致资本流入) 本国居民对外国居民发生的债务(导致资本流入) 官方储备减少
=S+T或者I=S+(T或者I=S+(T 即:I+G =S+T或者I=S+(T-G)
1.开放经济中的国民经济循环 1.开放经济中的国民经济循环
政府购买(G) 税收(T) 税收(T)
消费者购买(C) 消费者购买 消费(C) 消费(C)
供给要素 支付报酬
企业 要素市场
记入借方( ) 记入借方(-)的项目
商品进口 外国居民为本国居民提供服务 本国政府或居民对外国捐赠与援助 本国居民投资外国资产 本国居民对外国居民发生的债权 官方储备增加
经常项目( 经常项目(current account) 货物和服务 收入:职工报酬和 收入:职工报酬和投资收入 经常转移:非资本转移项目,政府和 经常转移:非资本转移项目,政府和私人 资本和金融项目( 资本和金融项目(capital and Financial account) 资本项目:包括资本转移 资本转移和 资本项目:包括资本转移和非生产资产和非金融资产的
经济交易是指经济价值从一个经济实体向另一个经 济实体转移,以交易为基础,而非支付为基础。 济实体转移,以交易为基础,而非支付为基础。根 据转移的内容和方向,经济交易可以五类。 据转移的内容和方向,经济交易可以五类。 金融资产与商品、劳务之间的交换 金融资产与商品、劳务之间的交换 商品、劳务之间的交换, 商品、劳务之间的交换,即物物交换 金融资产与金融资产之间的交换 金融资产与金融资产之间的交换 商品和劳务无偿的、 商品和劳务无偿的、单向的转移 无偿的 金融资产无偿、 金融资产无偿、单向的转移 无偿
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指在一定时期内汇率的变化必须与同一时期内两 国物价水平的变化成比例 Pt / Po E= * Eo Pt* / Po* 或认为汇率的变化等于两国物价水平变化的差距 ^ ^ P* E=P–^ ^ 代表百分比变化

例:美国与英国的小麦(公式1) 英国 美国* 1美元 3美元 汇率 2英镑/美元 4/3英镑/美元


认为汇率是在调整各国金融资产(货币只是其中 之一)的总量供需平衡的过程中决定的。 主要思想:在国内外非货币资产是不完全可替代 的情况下,投资者根据不同风险资产的收益率和 风险性,将财富分配于各种可供选择的资产,建 立自己的资产组合。当资产组合达到稳定状态时, 均衡汇率成立。

认为汇率是在调整一国货币的总量或者使 总供给和总需求达到均衡或平衡时决定的 认为货币供给是给定的或是由该国货币当 局独立设定的; 认为货币需求取决与该国实际收入水平、 物价水平和利率。

结论 除非是长期的情况,否则经验检验并没有 提供对汇率的货币模型、资产组合模型的 支持。短期的汇率已经颠覆了几乎所有精 确预测的常识。

9.1.1一价定律 9.1.2绝对购买力平价 9.1.3相对购买力平价 9.1.4实际汇率与名义汇率

一价定律law of one price 当两个国家都以同一种货币标价时,任何 给定商品的价格应该相等(所以两国购买 力是平价的) 或:本币对外币的汇率等于各种商品的国 内价格与国外价格的比率

货币模型与资产组合模型在预测汇率方面 并不成功,原因有二:
而这些信息或“消息”是无法预测的 2.外汇市场参与者的预期常常会自我强化和自 我实现,至少会在暂时情况下导致所谓的投机 泡沫。
预期的自我实现 有时汇率会沿着预期的方向运动,不管基 本面有什么变化它都会沿着这个方向运动。 最终,泡沫破灭,汇率又朝着相反的方向 运动,随着汇率向相反方向的过度运动就 会偏离它的长期均衡水平。
当前价格水平 2英镑 一定时期后 4英镑
Pt / Po

例:美国与英国的小麦(公式2) 英国 美国* 1美元 1.2美元 汇率 2英镑/美元 1.8英镑/美元
当前价格水平 2英镑 一定时期后 2.2英镑
价格水平变化 10% 百分比

9.1.1绝对购买力平价理论 9.1.2相对购买力平价理论
9.2货币主义的汇率理论 9.3汇率预测

购买力平价PPP 指两国货币的购买力的比率 绝对购买力平价


绝对购买力平价 认为均衡汇率等于两国的价格水平之比

P E =

绝对购买力平价理论的若干前提 没有运输成本、关税等影响自由贸易的障 碍 所有商品都在国际间进行贸易 完全竞争市场 本国与外国没有发生结构性变化(战争) 与实际情况偏离较远

在美国一单位小麦价格为1美元 在英国一单位小麦价格为2英镑 则1美元与2英镑的购买力是平价的,即 1美元==2英镑,即 英镑对美元的汇率为2英镑/美元 美元对英镑的汇率为0.5美元/英镑

9.货币标价时,任何给定商 品的价格应该相等(所以两国购买力是平价的) 在英国:p英=e * p美 P英:一单位小麦在英国的价格(英镑/蒲式耳) e:直接标价法下英镑对美元的汇率(英镑/美元) P美:一单位小麦的美国价格(美元/蒲式耳)

根据绝对购买力平价理论,麦当劳的巨无 霸汉堡(某种商品)在世界各地的美元价 格都应该与美国一样 实际呢?

巨无霸的世界价格,2003年4月 国家 当地货币价 美元价 2.71 美国 2.71美元 3.14 英国 1.99英镑 4.59 瑞士 6.30瑞士法郎 2.71 韩国 3300韩元 1.48 巴西 4.55克鲁塞罗 1.20 中国 9.90元人民币


名义汇率*外国价格 实际汇率= 本国价格 当相对购买力平价成立时,实际汇率不会 发生变动 因为根据相对购买力平价,如果名义汇率 上升10%,则价格水平之比下降10%

9.2.1汇率的货币模型 9.2.2汇率的资产或资产组合模型
第3部分 国际金融理论 第9章 汇率决定理论
华南农业大学 教师:王文中
第9章 汇率决定理论
汇率 外汇需求
进 口 商 品 、 服 务 向 外 国 投 资 投预 机期 者外 的汇 需升 求值 时
商 品 、 服 务 出 口 外 国 向 我 国 投 资
投预 机期 者外 卖汇 出贬 的值 时
第9章 汇率决定理论
如果绝对购买力平价论是有效的,则相对 购买力平价论肯定也是有效的 如果相对购买力平价论是有效地,绝对购 买力平价论不一定有效


名义汇率 实际汇率=本国相对于外国的消费品价格指数 本国价格 本国相对于外国的消费品价格指数=外国价格

本币对外币的汇率等于各种商品的国内价格与国 外价格的比率 在英国:e = p英 / p美 P英:一单位小麦在英国的价格(英镑/蒲式耳) e:直接标价法下英镑对美元的汇率(英镑/美元) P美:一单位小麦的美国价格(美元/蒲式耳)

如果违反一价定律,当两个国家以同一种货币标 价时,任何给定商品的价格不等,就可以进行空 间套购 如一单位小麦在美国价格是1美元 而一单位小麦在美国价格是2美元 则商人会在美国买小麦再卖到英国 这种空间套购将导致英国小麦价格下降,美国小 麦价格上升,直至两地小麦价格相等,回到一价 定律