



上 , 起 到 机械 手 爪 的偏转 作 用 ; 6号 舵 机 位 于 机 械 手 掌
处 , 起 到控 制机 械 手爪 的开合 作用 。 由 于 舵 机 是 以 转 动 形 式 提供 机械 能 , 所 以该 机 构 共 有 6个 转 动 副 , 其 中 每
个转 动 副为一 个 运动 关节 。 1 . 2 机 械 臂 自由 度 分 配
1 . 3 机 械 臂 的 执 行 装 置 舵 机 是 一 种 位 置 伺 服 的 驱 动 器 , 具 有 闭 环 控 制 系
机 械 臂 的 主 体 结 构 是 由 一 套 铝 合 金 支 架 、铝 合 金
机 械 手爪 、 6个 MG 9 9 5舵 机 驱 动 组 成 , 如 图 1所 示 . 1 ~
基子 A r d u i n o控 制 的 机 械 臂 的运 动 与程 序 设 计
口 卢光跃 口 吴

6 5 0 5 0 0
昆 明理 工 大 学 机 电 工程 学 院
摘 要 : 设 计 了一 个 采 用舵 机 进 行 驱 动 的机 械 臂 装 置 , 应用 A r d u i n o程 序 系统 和 硬 件 对其 进 行 运 动 控 制 , 使 其 完成 一 个从 低 处取 物放 回 高 处 的 动 作 。 实 际应 用 中 可 用作 生 产 线 物料 搬 运 以 及机 床 的 上 下 料 等 工 作 。 通 过 对 A r d u i n o专 门控 制 伺 服 电机 的 S e r v o库 函数 创 新 编 程 , 使 机 械 臂 完成 设 计 动作 。 关键 词 : Ar d u i n o 机 械 臂 舵 机 程 序 运动 设 计
如 图 2所 示 , 该 机 械 臂 有 3个 方 向 的 转 动 自 由 度 ,


控制系统 中, 是一种理想的 电机 驱动器件 。
3 . 4电 机 及 编 码 器 模 块
电路过流 、 发送/ 接收地址数据不匹配等进行相应的处理。 现画出系
Co n t r o l S y s t e m a r e d e s c i r b e d . Th e s e r v o i s t h e t r a d i o n l a a n g l e c o n t r o l d i r v e r a n d h a s b e e n wi d e l y u s e d i n i f e l d s s u c h a s r o b o t i c s . Th e Ar d u i n o i s u s e d
是传统 的角度控制驱动器, 在机器人领域得 到 了广泛应 用。 采
足控 制 要 求 。 关键 词: 机器手臂 ; Ar d u i n o; 舵机
A r d u i n o 控制板进行舵机的控制, 系统稳定性 高, 可靠性 强, 定位 准确 可以满
中图分类号: T P 3 9 8
文献标识"  ̄: - A
_ _ 十 f
I ■ 呲 术
数 控 技术
基于 A r d u i n o 的机器手臂控制
熊晓松 李朝朝
( 武汉科技 大学城 市学院机电工程学部, 湖北武汉 4 3 0 0 8 3 )
摘要: 当前 机械 手 臂 得 到 广 泛 的应 用 , 针 对 四 自由度 机 械 手臂 系统进 行 了研 究 与 设 计 , 分析 了机 械 手臂 的机 械 结 构及 控 制 系统 。 舵 机
Ke y Wo r d s : ma mp u l a t o r ; a r d u i n o ; s t e e r i n g g e a r


DG-S8110E 舵机
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
#include <reg52.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char sbit zhuan=P1^1; //uint k=0,run=1000,motor; void init(void) { TMOD=0x01; //T1为方式0定时器 T0为方式1定时器 TH0=0XB1; //20ms TL0=0XE0; EA=1; //开总中断 ET0=1; //开定时器中断 TR0=1; //打开定时器 }
l l l l l l l l l l l l l
void delay(void) { uchar a,c; uint b; for(c=1;c>0;c--) for(b=50;b>0;b--)//b=142假设参考 b=190~35 为180°可调 for(a=2;a>0;a--); } void main() { init(); while(1); }
l l l l l l l l l l l
void temp() interrupt 1 { //20ms 小舵机20ms正转 30ms反转 //TH0=0XB1; //TL0=0XE0; TH0=(65536-2000)/256; TL0=(65536-2000)%256; zhuan=1; delay(); zhuan=0; }
l l l l l l l l来自l l l#include<reg52.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int //#define TURE 1 uchar code MOTO[4]={0x33,0xa6,0xcc,0x59};// 四步 {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; uchar status=0; void delay(void) { unsigned int i; for (i=0;i<=70;i++);//450 //70全开130全关(6v) }




void delay(void) { uchar a,c; uint b; for(c=1;c>0;c--) for(b=50;b>0;b--)//b=142假设参考 b=190~35 为180°可调 for(a=2;a>0;a--); } void main() { init(); while(1); }

/*void fanzhuan(void) //反转 { status--; if (status==255) { status=3;} status%=4; P0=MOTO[status]; delay(); } */ void zhengzhuan(void) //正转 { status++; status%=4; //4 P0=MOTO[status]; delay(); }

void temp() interrupt 1 { //20ms 小舵机20ms正转 30ms反转 //TH0=0XB1; //TL0=0XE0; TH0=(65536-2000)/256; TL0=(65536-2000)%256; zhuan=1; delay(); zhuan=0; }

void main(void) { P0=MOTO[status]; while(1) { zhengzhuan(); }

arduino 控制机械手小舵机程序



随着人工智能技术的发展, 机械臂将更加智能化,能 够自主完成更复杂的任务。
为了提高机械臂的灵活性 和便携性,未来机械臂将 更加轻量化。
人机协作是未来机械臂的 一个重要发展方向,能够 提高工作效率和安全性。
02 Arduino基础
一种开源的单片机开 发板,广泛应用于嵌 入式系统和物联网领 域。
准备好所需的材料,包括舵机、 电机、连杆、控制器等。
按照设计好的机械臂结构,依次组 装各个部件,确保组装正确、稳定。
完成组装后,进行调试和测试,确 保机械臂能够正常工作。
04 机械臂软件编程
舵机控制编程是实现机械臂运动的关键,通过编写程序来控制舵机的旋转角度和速 度,从而实现机械臂的各个动作。
通过更换电机或使用更强大的驱动器,可以增强机械臂的动力。这使得 机械臂能够更轻松地举起重物或完成更复杂的动作。
在工业制造领域,机械臂可以用于自动化生产线上的装配、 搬运和焊接等工作,提高生产效率和产品质量。
• 硬件升级:考虑升级电机、传感器等硬件设备,以提高机 械臂的整体性能。
在关键位置增加传感器,提高机械臂的感知能力,以便更好地适应 环境变化。
增加安全防护措施,如限位开关和防撞传感器,确保机械臂在运行 过程中的安全性。




USB(连至电脑) V+=5V Arduino Leonardo
signal Analog Input(P WM)
Analog Input
舵机(servo)有三条 接线,分别为信号线 (signal),电源线 (V++)和地线
电位器(pot)有三根线,其 中电刷连接的变阻线接板子 的模拟输入
按照原理图搭建电路,注意: 一号电位器信号输出端接A0; 二号电位器接A1;三号电位 器接A4;四号接A5。一号舵 机信号输入端接A9;二号接 A10;三号接A11,四号接 A13。千万不要接错!


#include <Servo.h> // 开发环境Arduino 1.0.1中有此库 Servo myservo; // 创建一个舵机项目(myservo)以操控一个舵机 int potpin = 0; // 模拟输入接口0号口接电位器 int val; // 引入变量读取电位器输入的电压值 void setup() { myservo.attach(9); // 把舵机连接至九号PWM输出口上 } void loop() { val = analogRead(potpin); // 从电位器上读取电压值(从0到1023) val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // 用map函数将电压值转化成要控制的舵机的转动角度 myservo.write(val); // 将输出角度读出控制舵机转动 delay(15); // 等待舵机达到指定位置 }



China Computer&Communication软件开发与应用图1 VNH5019直流电机驱动扩展板实物图选Pololu VNH5019双路大功率直流电机驱动扩展板是因为它体积小、重量轻,通过Arduino控制可以轻松控制两个双向、高功率直流电机,适合用来驱动本项目小车的电机。

4.1.2 Arduino Mega2560核心电路板Arduino Mega2560核心电路板如图2所示:图2 Arduino Mega2560电路板Arduino Mega2560是采用USB接口的核心电路板,它最大的特点就是具有多达54路数字输入输出、16路模拟输入。


最初本项目选用Arduino UNO板,但本项目需要较多的口进行信号传输以及供电,UNO板远远不能满足要求,MegaA板的I/O口数量多,符合本项目的要求,因此最终选用它。

Arduino Mega2560可以通过3种方式供电,而且能自动图3 Arduino MEGA2560传感器扩展板 器件的选择6WD越野小车6WD越野小车具有强健的身躯(长425 mm,)和良好的越野性能。



6WD越野小车模型图如图4所示:图4 6WD越野小车模型图AS-6DOF铝合金机械臂、舵机铝合金机械臂包含PCB板底盘、带刻度的滚动轴承转盘、进口杯式轴承连接支架、数字大扭力舵机等零件。




由于可以方便地控制舵机旋转的角度,图5 机械臂实物图图6 舵机组成结构为了能够抓取不同厚度的物体,改装了爪子的舵机,具体改装的方案将在下文介绍软件设计时给出[7]。











































第!!卷第锻压装备与制造技术Vol.55No.5CHINA METALFORMING EQUIPMENT&MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Oct.2020基于Arduino的机械手功能设计陈蓬勃,陈思涛,谭铭杰,余志胜(佛山职业技术学院机电工程学院,广东佛山528137)摘要:当前机械手臂得到广泛应用,为了降低机械手臂的开发难度,针对六自由度机械手臂系统进行了研究与设计,分析其机械结构及控制系统,设计了一种基于Arduino控制板可控的六自由度机械手臂。







1设计方案机械手动图图",运动实现相应的动作过程,采用三维软件SolidWorks 设的自机械手型图2。





• 189•应用Arduino技术、3D打印技术以及机械臂的相关知识,设计一款基于arduino及3D打印的四自由度的机械手臂。


引言:机械手是在自动化生产线上应用非常广泛的自动化装置,能够抓取和移动工件的功能,随着科技的发展,Arduino 技术的开源,使得我们研究方便了很多。

3D 打印技术的兴起,方便我们在实验室即可完成机械手模型的打印。

本设计就是基于以上三种技术,完成了一款基于Arduino 技术和3D 打印技术的机械手综合设计。


机械手采用主从控制方式,以Arduino UNO 板作为系统控制核心,按照通信协议,实现Arduino 串行通信。



图1 整体方案设计1 硬件设计1.1 Arduino简介Arduino 是一款便捷灵活、方便上手的开源电子原型平台。

包含硬件(各种型号的Arduino 板)和软件(Arduino IDE)。

Arduino 能通过各种各样的传感器来感知环境,通过控制灯光、马达和其他的装置来反馈、影响环境。

本设计选用Arduino UNO 板子,与外加6个按键和4个舵机接口,还有蓝牙模块组成,具体连线图如图2所示。


图2 蓝牙模块、舵机与Arduino的连线1.2 舵机系统舵机是一种位置(角度)伺服的驱动器,主要由外壳、电路板、无核心马达、齿轮与位置检测器组成。





开源高精度机械臂Dobot的Arduino教程(Kickstarter中)Over the last two weeks, we worked incredibly hard to solve Dobot arm's problem on 3D printing such as how to secure a printer head on Dobot arm's head and how to optimize its precision as good as the traditional 3D printer. But thanks for Dobot arm's great material and m echanical structure which can reduce the mechanical vibration between its parts and finally we made Dobot a 3D printer with a bowden extruder!Now Dobot is available on Kickstarter, go see what other tasks Dobot can do well:DDobot arm is good at 3D printing:Dobot arm is also a great laser cutterI will show you how we can let Dobot arm become a awesome 3D printer step by step.Let's start now!Step 1: What materials and tools you need to prepareMaterials:A basic Dobot robotic arm: more details on recipe : /recipe/319-a-high-preci...A printing controller based on ATmega2560 compatiable with Arduino Mega2560: It is a great printing controller that also can be used to control CNC and laser cutter and it's compatiable with Mega 2560 used Arduino IDE to develop and I will show you more details onA E3D V6 3D printing head: This is a J-head extrusion head with a rediatiing fan and you will find more details in the file.A E3D J-head MK8 bowden extruder: this extruder can use1.75mm and 3mm PLA and compatiable with E3D/ J-head/MK8 heating nozzle and more details in the file.A roll of 1.75mm PLA print material.Some dupont linesTools:A hammerA needle-nose pliersA Phillips screwdriverA M3 and a M4 Allen wrenchStep 2: Build a basic Dobot armAll the original Solidwork files have been posted on GrabCAD and you can download on GrabCAD . I have shown you how to build a basic robot arm on recipe: /recipe/319-a-high-preci... please go to have a look.Step 3: Assemble the E3D-V6 3D printing headFirst, you need to prepare a sprinkler nozzle and a 20*16*11.5 heating block and connect these two parts with screw thread. We need to rotate the sprinkler nozzle into the right hole of heating block and fix it with a M3*4 screw.Second, we need to insert the end of M7 screw thread of throat tube into the radiating pipe and then insert the end of M6screw thread into the heating block and be sure the throat tube closely contacted with sprinkler nozzle in order to heat perfectly.Then we need to insert the plug into the radiating tube.Insert the thermocouple into the heating block and be careful for the direction of thermocouple which can look for the picture and secure it with a M3*10 screw.Assemble the fan with the plastic base and secure them with 4 M3*6 screws. Assemble the plastic base with the radiating heating.Step 4: Assemble the E3D J-head MK8 bowden extruderInsert the gear into the axis of step motor and secure with two set screws.Assemble the L-shaped block with step motor and fix it with two M4*6 Phillips screws and fix a M3*5 secure with the L-shaped block.Assemble the bearing with the other L-shaped block and fixed them with a M4*5 screw.Assemble this block with motor with a M4*10 screw. Put the spring into the screw inserts and insert a M3*20 screw to secure the spring.Secure two plugs with the two L-shaped block.Here is a more details about how to build one.Step 5: Connect the circuit of remote extruder and Dobot armInsert the motor drive into the corresponding interfaces as shown in the picture above. After insertion, you will get something like in the picture below. Note the direction of the knob, do not insert reversely, otherwise it will burn after a power drive.We just connect the base motor to motor of X axis, big arm to motor of Y axis and small arm to motor of Z axis. The line of fan and heating and thermocouple is withe the original position.Step 6: Upload the Dobot firmware to Mega controllerDobot arm's firmware is based on Marlin firmware and you can download here: https:///MakerLabMe/Marlin We just add a code about how to deconstruct the position of nozzle to Dobot's robotic arm. After downloading, put the U8glib folder in ArduinoAddons -> Arduino_1.x.x -> libraries to your Arduino's libraries and choose the right Serial port and board to upload to Mega controler.Step 7: Put the 1.75mm PLA to 3D printer and start to print!Download a module online or build one yourself and get Gcode with slice software and start to print.Enjoy your Dobot arm 3D printer!!。

arduino 控制机械臂

arduino 控制机械臂

MSE 6183 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION IICourse Project Report——Control blue robot with arduinoYuchen Feng0006380880.Abstract:This project is to use arduino microcontroller try to implement some kind of control method into the robot arm ,in order to understand deeper of the control method in practice in an easy way and also to show it could be a way to build low cost robot systems. Since the arduino is low cost and open-source .It will be a good choice of students for learning or developing.1.Itroduction:The purpose of the project is trying to control a very old small robot manipulator of LTU by using modern microcontroller.The reson to do this project is to understanding control more intuitive .And it could also help to learn using microcontroller to solve problems.2.Choice of solution method2.1 Devices:2.1.1 Armatrol[5] Robot Arms:General configuration:Two arm links plus gripper:The first link in the arm rotates from vertical to about 30 degrees below horizontal. The first joint sits about 8 inches above the table. End to end moving time is about 4 seconds.The second link rotates about 270 degrees relative to the first link. Moving time is about 8 seconds. The gripper rotates 180 degrees from the second link. The gripper arms are about 1 inch long and open 1.5inches. There is no sensor on the gripper, but they have an over-torque clutch – the gripping force is gentle. It takes about 2 seconds to open or close. Maximum horizontal reach is about 11.5 inches. All motion are controlled by five 12 V DC motors that draw about 100 mAwhen operating, and about 400 mA when stalled. Also there are 4 1KOhm potentiometers for position measurement. The driver box has already been made[2] 2.1.2 Arduino UNO:The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller has an Atmel processor as a core processor. The board has 14 digital input/output pins (6 of them can be used as PWM pin), 6 analog inputs(that can be used in this project for input analog signal), core frequency is 16MHz. It already has most things the microcontroller need.the microcontroller[3] The reason Arduino is low cost and open-source.Also it’s easier to find samples for research.2.1.3 Control method:Because of time limitation and nonexperience.The state achine [1]was chosen.It is also called FSM ,it is a mathematical model of computation used to design both computer programs and sequential logic circuits. The machine is in only one state at a time; the state it is in at any given time is called the current state. It can change from one state to another when initiated by a triggering event,it’s called a transition.A particular FSM is defined by a list of its states, and each of the triggering condition for each transition. ( from wikipedia) [1]3.Deatil of the solution:We are going to use 2 link the shoulder and elbow this time.First we have to find out functions of the pins on the driver box ,so that we could make connection between arduino and driver box to drive the robot.Also have to figure out the position limit of the links and to calibration the electric potential vs angle and bits.The arduino uno has 10 bits A/D converters we are going to use only 8 bits so the range is from 0-255.The shoulder rotates from approximately verticle to about 30 degrees below horizontal.And the The elbow rotates approximately +- 135 degrees relative to the first link. Since the signal is from 0-5v soU/unit=5/255=0.019,shoulder angle /unit=120/255=0.47,elbowangle/unit=270/255=1.06(here we assume they are all linear)Next step we need to think about the control method.The switch function will be used.We set the first case as START for initalizeation.Then go to STEP1 to read the current position of should then contrast with the value we imput or default. Andthen measure again to see if it’s in right position .If not,then re-do STEP1.Else go to STEP2 for elbow.Then the same process.4.Resuls:The compile has passed.After test on the hardware.It seems the arm did’t stop at the except point every time it just over the except point.Think the algorithm has some problem.5.Discussion:If the algorithm is right,it should work.But for sure,the control method I used in the project is not accuracy.If could, the PD or PID[4] controller will be better.But it needs more test and data for design of the controller.6.Conclusion:Since it is the first time that I do a project like this.It took too long time to understand and prepare.But in the process ,I learnt a lot.Like how to stick wire with header.How to choose pin and data acquisition analyze.And I think to use arduino to do entry-level controller practice or do the works not need speed so much is a good way.Because the cost is not too high and most resources are free.Reference:[1]/wiki/Finite-state_machine[2]”Blue Robot Arm.docx” from Mechatronics Lab[3]/en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno[4] /wiki/PID_controller[5] http://wtcs.ca/wiki/index.php/Armatrol_Robot_mk_IICODE://first define states with names and different values#define START 0#define STEP1 1#define STEP2 2#define STEP3 3int val0;int val1;int val2;int val3;int val4;char rgb; //char c; //String income;//Prepare for input not using yetint val;int posa ;int posb;int posc;int posd;int pose;int state = START; //create state variable and initialize it to START state 3void setup(){int posa = 700;int posb = 100;int posc = 500;int posd = 500;int pose = 999;Serial.begin(9600);pinMode(2,OUTPUT);pinMode(3,OUTPUT);pinMode(4,OUTPUT);pinMode(5,OUTPUT);pinMode(6,OUTPUT);pinMode(7,OUTPUT);pinMode(8,OUTPUT);pinMode(9,OUTPUT);pinMode(10,OUTPUT);pinMode(11,OUTPUT);pinMode(12,OUTPUT);pinMode(13,OUTPUT);}void loop(){//FSM timeswitch(state){case START:delay(100); //wait 100msstate = STEP1; //transition to STEP1 state break; //end of START casecase STEP1:{val1 = analogRead(1);//shoulder//shoulderval1 = 64*(posb - val1);val1 = constrain(val1,-255, 255);if(val1 < 0){digitalWrite(5,HIGH);digitalWrite(7,LOW);analogWrite(6,(-1)*val1);}//overelse{digitalWrite(7,HIGH);digitalWrite(5,LOW);analogWrite(6,val1);}//underdelay(100); //wait 100msif(val1==0 ){state = STEP2; //transition to STEP2 state break; }//end of START caseelse{state = STEP1; //transition to STEP1 state break; }//end of START case}case STEP2:{val2 = analogRead(2);//elbow//elbowval2 = 10*(posc - val2);val2 = constrain(val2,-255, 255);if(val2 < 0){digitalWrite(8,HIGH);digitalWrite(10,LOW);analogWrite(9,(-1)*val2);}else{digitalWrite(10,HIGH);digitalWrite(8,LOW);analogWrite(9,val2);}delay(100); //wait 100msif(val2==0 ){break; }//end of START caseelse{state = STEP2; //transition to STEP2state break; }//end of START case}}}。

arduino 基础应用程序

arduino 基础应用程序

恒温箱:#include <dht11.h>dht11 DHT11;const byte dataPin=2;const byte Bulb=13;const byte Fan=12;void setup(){Serial.begin(9600);pinMode(Fan,OUTPUT);pinMode(Bulb,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(Fan,HIGH);digitalWrite(Bulb,LOW);}void loop(){intchk = DHT11.read(dataPin);if (chk == 0){Serial.print("Temperature (oC):");Serial.println((float)DHT11.temperature,2);if((float)DHT11.temperature > 21.0){digitalWrite(Fan,HIGH);digitalWrite(Bulb,LOW);Serial.println((float)DHT11.temperature);}else if((float)DHT11.temperature < 19.0){digitalWrite(Fan,LOW);digitalWrite(Bulb,HIGH);Serial.println((float)DHT11.temperature);}}else {Serial.println("Sensor Error");}delay(2000);}用L298N控制两个电动机:const byte trigPin = 13;constintechoPin = 12; constintdangerThresh = 580;const byte speedval = 150;long distance;const byte ENA = 5;const byte ENB = 6;const byte IN1 = 10;const byte IN2 = 9;const byte IN3 = 8;const byte IN4 = 7;byte dir = 0;void stop(){analogWrite(ENA,0); analogWrite(ENB,0);}void forward(){ analogWrite(ENA,speedval); Serial.print("foroard A="); Serial.print(speedval); digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2,LOW); analogWrite(ENB,speedval); Serial.print("foroard B="); Serial.print(speedval); digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);}void backward(){ analogWrite(ENA,speedval); digitalWrite(IN1,LOW); digitalWrite(IN2,HIGH); analogWrite(ENB,speedval); digitalWrite(IN3,LOW); digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH);}void turnleft(){ analogWrite(ENA,speedval); digitalWrite(IN1,LOW); digitalWrite(IN2,HIGH); analogWrite(ENB,speedval); digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);}void turnright(){ analogWrite(ENA,speedval); digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2,LOW); analogWrite(ENB,speedval);digitalWrite(IN3,LOW); digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH);}long ping(){digitalWrite(trigPin,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(trigPin,LOW); return pulseIn(echoPin,HIGH); }void setup(){pinMode(trigPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin,INPUT); pinMode(IN1,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN2,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN3,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN4,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){// distance = ping();distance = analogRead(A0); Serial.print("distance="); Serial.print(distance);Serial.print("dir");Serial.print(dir);if(distance>dangerThresh){if(dir != 0){dir = 0 ;stop();delay(500);}forward();}else {if(dir = 1){dir = 1;stop();delay(500);}turnright();}delay(1000);}LED闪烁控制:const byte LED=11;const byte Cds=A0;void setup(){pinMode(LED,OUTPUT);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){intval;char LEDval;val=analogRead(A0);Serial.print("val=");Serial.println(val);LEDval=map(val,0,1023,0,255); analogWrite(LED,val);}舵机4:#include <Servo.h>Servo servoA,servoB,servoC,servoD; intpotAvalue,potBvalue,potCvalue,potDvalue; const byte potA = A0;const byte potB = A1;const byte potC = A2;const byte potD = A3;intposA = 0,posB = 0,posC = 0,posD = 0;void setup(){servoA.attach(9);servoB.attach(10);servoC.attach(11);servoD.attach(12);}void loop(){potAvalue = analogRead(potA);potBvalue = analogRead(potB);potCvalue = analogRead(potC);potDvalue = analogRead(potD);posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179);posB = map(potBvalue,0,1023,0,179);posC = map(potCvalue,0,1023,0,179);posD = map(potDvalue,0,1023,0,179); servoA.write(posA);servoB.write(posB);servoC.write(posC);servoD.write(posD);Serial.print("posAposBposCposD = ");Serial.print(posA);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posB);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posC);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posD);Serial.print(" ");delay(100);}舵机5:#include <Servo.h>Servo servoA,servoB,servoBN,servoC,servoD; intpotAvalue,potBvalue,potBNvalue,potCvalue,potDvalue; const byte potA = A0;const byte potB = A1;const byte potC = A2;const byte potD = A3;intposA = 0,posB = 0,posBN = 0,posC = 0,posD = 0;void setup(){servoA.attach(9);servoB.attach(10);servoBN.attach(13);servoC.attach(11);servoD.attach(12);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){potAvalue = analogRead(potA);potBvalue = analogRead(potB);potBNvalue = potBvalue;potCvalue = analogRead(potC);potDvalue = analogRead(potD);posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179);posB = map(potBvalue,0,1023,179,0);posBN = map(potBNvalue,0,1023,0,179);posC = map(potCvalue,0,1023,0,179);posD = map(potDvalue,0,1023,0,179);servoA.write(posA);servoB.write(posB);servoC.write(posC);servoD.write(posD);Serial.println("posAposB/posBNposCposD = ");Serial.print(posA);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posB);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posC);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posD);Serial.print(" ");delay(100);}ROBOT:#include <Servo.h>Servo servoA,servoB,servoBN,servoC,servoD,servoE;// intpotAvalue,potBvalue,potBNvalue,potCvalue,potDvalue,potEvalue;// const byte potA = A0;// const byte potB = A1;// const byte potBN = const byte potB;// const byte potC = A2;// const byte potD = A3;// const byte potE = A4;// servoB.attach(10);const byte posAs[] = {50,100,120,50,80,120};const byte posBs[] = {150,70,50,120,100,30};const byte posBNs[] = {30,80,130,60,80,150};const byte posCs[] = {130,170,40,10,80,130};const byte posDs[] = {70,40,140,179,100,40};const byte posEs[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};const byte posAhome = 90,posBhome = 90,posBNhome = 90,posChome = 90,posDhome = 90,posEhome = 90;const byte total_pts = sizeof(posAs);void setup(){servoA.attach(8);servoB.attach(9);servoBN.attach(10);servoC.attach(11);servoD.attach(12);servoE.attach(13);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){// while(1){// potAvalue = analogRead(potA);// potBvalue = analogRead(potB);// potBNvalue = analogRead(potBN);// potCvalue = analogRead(potC);// potDvalue = analogRead(potD);// potEvalue = analogRead(potE);// posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posB = map(potBvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posBN = map(potBNvalue,0,1023,179,0);// posC = map(potCvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posD = map(potDvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posE = map(potEvalue,0,1023,0,179); servoA.write(posAhome);servoB.write(posBhome);servoBN.write(posBNhome);servoC.write(posChome);servoD.write(posDhome);servoE.write(posEhome);Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("****************************"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE ="); Serial.print(posAhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNhome);Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(posChome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEhome);delay(1000);for (byte i=0;i<total_pts;i++){servoA.write(posAs[i]);servoB.write(posBs[i]);servoBN.write(posBNs[i]);servoC.write(posCs[i]);servoD.write(posDs[i]);servoE.write(posEs[i]);Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE ="); Serial.print(posAs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posCs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEs[i]);delay(2000);}}单舵机调试#include<Servo.h>Servo servoA;intpotAvalue;const byte potA = A0;intposA;void setup(){Serial.begin(9600);servoA.attach(8);}void loop(){Serial.print("posA = ");Serial.print(posA);Serial.println(" ");delay(1000);potAvalue = analogRead(potA);posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179); servoA.write(posA);delay(100);}双舵机调试;#include <Servo.h>Servo servoX,servoY;intpotXvalue,potYvalue;const byte potX = A0;const byte potY = A1;intposX,posY;void setup(){Serial.begin(9600);servoX.attach(10);servoY.attach(9);}void loop(){Serial.print("posXposY= ");Serial.print(posX);Serial.println(" "); Serial.print(posY);Serial.println(" "); delay(1000);potXvalue = analogRead(potX);potYvalue = analogRead(potY);posX = map(potXvalue,0,1023,0,179);posY = map(potYvalue,0,1023,179,0);servoX.write(posX);servoY.write(posY);delay(100);}机械臂方案一#include <Servo.h>Servo servoA,servoB,servoBN,servoC,servoD,servoE;// intpotAvalue,potBvalue,potBNvalue,potCvalue,potDvalue,potEvalue;// const byte potA = A0;// const byte potB = A1;// const byte potBN = const byte potB;// const byte potC = A2;// const byte potD = A3;// const byte potE = A4;// servoB.attach(10);const byte posAs[] = {90,110,130,140,150,160,170,175};const byte posBs[] = {82,77,72,67,62,57,52,47,42};const byte posBNs[] = {97,102,107,112,117,122,127,132,137};const byte posCs[] = {80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120};const byte posDs[] = {90,94,98,101,105,109,112,116,120};const byte posEs[] = {90,40,0,0,0,0,30,90,120};const byte posAhome = 90,posBhome = 75,posBNhome = 105,posChome = 70,posDhome = 90,posEhome = 90;const byte total_pts = sizeof(posAs);void setup(){servoA.attach(8);servoB.attach(9);servoBN.attach(10);servoC.attach(11);servoD.attach(12);servoE.attach(13);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){// while(1){// potAvalue = analogRead(potA);// potBvalue = analogRead(potB);// potBNvalue = analogRead(potBN);// potCvalue = analogRead(potC);// potDvalue = analogRead(potD);// potEvalue = analogRead(potE);// posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posB = map(potBvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posBN = map(potBNvalue,0,1023,179,0);// posC = map(potCvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posD = map(potDvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posE = map(potEvalue,0,1023,0,179); servoA.write(posAhome);servoB.write(posBhome);servoBN.write(posBNhome);servoC.write(posChome);servoD.write(posDhome);servoE.write(posEhome);Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("****************************"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE ="); Serial.print(posAhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNhome);Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(posChome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEhome);delay(2000);for (byte i=0;i<9;i++){ servoA.write(posAs[i]);}delay(1000);for (byte i=0;i<10;i++){servoB.write(posBs[i]);servoBN.write(posBNs[i]);servoC.write(posCs[i]);servoD.write(posDs[i]);servoE.write(posEs[i]);Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE ="); Serial.print(posAs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posCs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEs[i]);delay(500);}}机械臂方案二:#include <Servo.h>Servo servoA,servoB,servoBN,servoC,servoD,servoE;// intpotAvalue,potBvalue,potBNvalue,potCvalue,potDvalue,potEvalue;// const byte potA = A0;// const byte potB = A1;// const byte potBN = const byte potB;// const byte potC = A2;// const byte potD = A3;// const byte potE = A4;// servoB.attach(10);const byte posAs[] = {90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,70,50,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,90};const byte posBs[] = {82,77,72,67,62,57,52,47,42,42,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,77,72,67,62,57,57, 57,52,52,52,52,62,72,82,82};const byte posBNs[] = {97,102,107,112,117,122,127,132,137,137,132,127,122,117,112,107,102,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,9 7,102,107,112,117,122,122,122,127,127,127,127,117,107,97,97};const byte posCs[] = {80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,120,115,110,105,100,95,90,80,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,80,85,90, 95,100,105,110,120,120,120,120,120,105,90,80,65};const byte posDs[] = {90,94,98,101,105,109,112,116,116,116,110,100,90,80,70,60,45,25,15,15,15,15,15,20,35,40,50,6 0,75,90,90,100,100,110,120,120,110,100,95,90};const byte posEs[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120, 120,120,120,120,120,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};const byte posAhome = 90,posBhome = 75,posBNhome = 105,posChome = 65,posDhome = 90,posEhome = 0;const byte total_pts = sizeof(posAs);void setup(){servoA.attach(8);servoB.attach(9);servoBN.attach(10);servoC.attach(11);servoD.attach(12);servoE.attach(13);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){// while(1){// potAvalue = analogRead(potA);// potBvalue = analogRead(potB);// potBNvalue = analogRead(potBN);// potCvalue = analogRead(potC);// potDvalue = analogRead(potD);// potEvalue = analogRead(potE);// posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posB = map(potBvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posBN = map(potBNvalue,0,1023,179,0);// posC = map(potCvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posD = map(potDvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posE = map(potEvalue,0,1023,0,179); servoA.write(posAhome);servoB.write(posBhome);servoBN.write(posBNhome);servoC.write(posChome);servoD.write(posDhome);servoE.write(posEhome);Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("****************************"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE ="); Serial.print(posAhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNhome);Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(posChome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEhome);delay(1000);for (byte i=0;i<total_pts;i++){servoA.write(posAs[i]);servoB.write(posBs[i]);servoBN.write(posBNs[i]);servoC.write(posCs[i]);servoD.write(posDs[i]);servoE.write(posEs[i]);Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE =");Serial.print(posAs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posCs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEs[i]);delay(200);}delay(1000);}机械臂方案三:#include <Servo.h>Servo servoA,servoB,servoBN,servoC,servoD,servoE;// intpotAvalue,potBvalue,potBNvalue,potCvalue,potDvalue,potEvalue;// const byte potA = A0;// const byte potB = A1;// const byte potBN = const byte potB;// const byte potC = A2;// const byte potD = A3;// const byte potE = A4;// servoB.attach(10);const byte posAs[] = {90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,70,50,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,50,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,9 0,90,90,90,90};const byte posBs[] = {82,77,72,67,62,57,52,47,47,47,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,77,72,67,62,57,57, 57,52,52,52,52,62,72,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,77,72,67,62,57,52,47,47,47,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82, 82,82,82,82,82,82,82,77,72,67,62,57,57,57,52,52,52,52,62,72,82,82};const byte posBNs[] = {97,102,107,112,117,122,127,132,132,132,132,127,122,117,112,107,102,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,9 7,102,107,112,117,122,122,122,127,127,127,127,117,107,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,102,107,112,117 ,122,127,132,132,132,132,127,122,117,112,107,102,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,102,107,112,117,1 22,122,122,127,127,127,127,117,107,97,97};const byte posCs[] = {80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,115,115,115,110,105,100,95,90,80,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,80,85,90, 95,100,105,110,120,120,120,120,120,105,90,80,65,65,65,65,65,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,11 5,115,115,110,105,100,95,90,80,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,120,120,120,120 ,120,105,90,80,65};const byte posDs[] = {90,94,98,101,105,109,112,116,116,116,110,100,90,80,70,60,45,25,15,15,15,15,15,20,35,40,50,6 0,75,90,90,100,100,110,120,120,110,100,95,90,90,90,90,90,90,94,98,101,105,109,112,116,116,1 16,110,100,90,80,70,60,45,25,15,15,15,15,15,20,35,40,50,60,75,90,90,100,100,110,120,120,110, 100,95,90};const byte posEs[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120, 120,120,120,120,120,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,12 0,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};const byte posAhome = 90,posBhome = 75,posBNhome = 105,posChome = 65,posDhome = 90,posEhome = 0;const byte total_pts = sizeof(posAs);void setup(){servoA.attach(8);servoB.attach(9);servoBN.attach(10);servoC.attach(11);servoD.attach(12);servoE.attach(13);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){// while(1){// potAvalue = analogRead(potA);// potBvalue = analogRead(potB);// potBNvalue = analogRead(potBN);// potCvalue = analogRead(potC);// potDvalue = analogRead(potD);// potEvalue = analogRead(potE);// posA = map(potAvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posB = map(potBvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posBN = map(potBNvalue,0,1023,179,0);// posC = map(potCvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posD = map(potDvalue,0,1023,0,179);// posE = map(potEvalue,0,1023,0,179);servoA.write(posAhome);servoB.write(posBhome);servoBN.write(posBNhome);servoC.write(posChome);servoD.write(posDhome);servoE.write(posEhome);Serial.println(" ");Serial.println("****************************");Serial.println(" ");Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE =");Serial.print(posAhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBhome);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNhome);Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(posChome);Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(posDhome);Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(posEhome);delay(1000);for (byte i=0;i<total_pts;i++){servoA.write(posAs[i]);servoB.write(posBs[i]);servoBN.write(posBNs[i]);servoC.write(posCs[i]);servoD.write(posDs[i]);servoE.write(posEs[i]);Serial.print("posAposB,posBNposCposDposE ="); Serial.print(posAs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posBNs[i]);Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(posCs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(posDs[i]);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(posEs[i]);delay(200);}delay(1000);}。























为提高计算效率,学者们提出将逆运动学问题转化为二次规划问题(QP )进行求解[5-7]。

二次规划问题可与线性变分不等式(LVI )进行等价转换,然后通过递归神经网络或者数值算法对LVI 进行求解[8-10],最终得到QP 的最优解。




由于8位单片机对算法运算的实时性不理想,使得机械臂在执行任务时由于操作时间间隔长,不能连续完成指定任务,有可能会因为外界原因导致机械臂末端位置产生误差,进而影响实验结果,为此提出了一种基于Simulink 的机械臂运动规划硬件实现模型,以达到实时控制机械臂的目的。


首先,利用D-H 参数法对机械臂进行数学模型的建立与工作空间的求解。


然后,利用Arduino 单片机系统对该算法进行运算,所得结果通过MATLAB 软件进行仿真分析。

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机械爪 机械臂 机器人配件 Arduino 2自由度
DG-S8110E 舵机
机械爪 机械臂 机器人配件 Arduino 2自由度 (实拍图)
DG-S8110E 舵机
DG-S8110E 舵机(参数)

#include <reg52.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char sbit zhuan=P1^1; //uint k=0,run=1000,motor; void init(void) { TMOD=0x01; //T1为方式0定时器 T0为方式1定时器 TH0=0XB1; //20ms TL0=0XE0; EA=1; //开总中断 ET0=1; //开定时器中断 TR0=1; //打开定时器 }

如果给针孔涂上油,即使是骆驼 也能穿过去。(It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.) Happy Chain

#include<reg52.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int //#define TURE 1 uchar code MOTO[4]={0x33,0xa6,0xcc,0x59};// 四步 {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; uchar status=0; void delay(void) { unsigned int i; for (i=0;i<=70;i++);//450 //70全开130全关(6v) }

Βιβλιοθήκη void delay(void) { uchar a,c; uint b; for(c=1;c>0;c--) for(b=50;b>0;b--)//b=142假设参考 b=190~35 为180°可调 for(a=2;a>0;a--); } void main() { init(); while(1); }

void temp() interrupt 1 { //20ms 小舵机20ms正转 30ms反转 //TH0=0XB1; //TL0=0XE0; TH0=(65536-2000)/256; TL0=(65536-2000)%256; zhuan=1; delay(); zhuan=0; }

/*void fanzhuan(void) //反转 { status--; if (status==255) { status=3;} status%=4; P0=MOTO[status]; delay(); } */ void zhengzhuan(void) //正转 { status++; status%=4; //4 P0=MOTO[status]; delay(); }

void main(void) { P0=MOTO[status]; while(1) { zhengzhuan(); }

arduino 控制机械手小舵机程序

#include <Servo.h> //打开舵机库 Servo myservo; // 创建控制对象(最多可创建8个) int pos = 30; // 设置变量初始角度 void setup() { myservo.attach(9); // 定义数字I/O 9口 } void loop() { for(pos = 30; pos < 100; pos += 1) // 从30到100度手臂小舵机张开 { // 每步加1度 myservo.write(pos); // 确定伺服变量的位置 delay(15); // 此位置15ms延时 } for(pos = 100; pos>=30; pos-=1) //从100到30度 手臂小舵机收紧 { myservo.write(pos); //确定伺服变量的位置 delay(15); //此位置15ms延时 } }