Week 4 - HR Rewarding 激励
1. 目标设定(Goal Setting):指明个体或组织所追求的具体目标,以确定行动方向和动力来源。
2. 奖励(Rewards):是一种为达成预定目标或取得好的绩效而给予的外在回报。
3. 激励理论(Motivation theory):描述和解释激励的原因和机制。
4. 自我激励(Self-motivation):指个体通过自我调节和设定目标,自主地激发自己的积极性和主动性,以推动自身行为和发展。
5. 团队激励(Team motivation):指通过激发和调动团队成员的积极性和主动性,促进团队的凝聚力、合作性和创造性。
6. 动机因素(Motivating factors):驱动个体行为和努力的因素,包括成就感、承认和奖励、个人成长机会等。
7. 激励措施(Motivational measures):用于激励个体或组织的具体手段和方法。
人力资源管理Human Resource激励目录第一章激励概述........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一节激励基本概念..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
激励......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
薪资管理............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
激励的基本原则....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
激励的作用........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二节激励理论基础..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
需求层次理论........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
X理论.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
Y理论.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
Z理论.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
超Y理论............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
成就需要理论........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
复杂人假设.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Human Resource Department
3. Process 流程
Vacancy Opening 空缺职位发布
Employee Recommendation 员工推荐
Verification and Interview 审核及面试
Employ and Reward 录用及奖励
● HR will release the opening vacant positions and requirements by group mail and bulletin board on the first working day of each month HR每月第一个工作日通过群发邮件 及布告栏发布本月开放给员工可以 进行内部推荐的空缺职位信息及相 关要求
● HR will send the offer to the candidates who passed the interview 对于面试合格的候选人,HR发放录 用通知 ● HR will give the reward to the recommender after the recommended candidates pass the probation 正式录用并通过试用期后,HR按照 奖励方法给予推荐人相应奖励
Spot rewarding at annual party 年终晚会答谢现 场发放
Human Resource Department
5. Q&A 问与答
Q: Does it belong to internal recommendation if the candidate is recommended by other EPD company? company? 问:易倍得其他公司员工推荐的候选人是否算做内部推荐? A: Only recommended by employee of EPD China Manufacturing can the candidate belong to internal recommendation 答:仅由易倍得装备制造公司员工推荐的候选人才算做内部推荐 由易倍得装备制造公司员工推荐的候选人才算做内部推荐 Q: Can internal employee be recommended as the candidate 问:被推荐人可否为公司内部员工 A: No 答:不可 Q: Does self recommendation belong to internal recommendation? recommendation? 问:员工自荐是否算作内部推荐 A: Self recommendation is one of employee development channels instead of internal recommendation 答:员工自荐为发展通道之一,不属于内部推荐 Q: Is there “Bole Prize” every year? year? 问:“伯乐奖”是否每年都设立 A:”Bole Prize” is not set up every year but in necessity 答:“伯乐奖”并非每年设立,仅在必要时设立 Q: How to give the prize if they tie for the first ? 问:“伯乐奖”出现并列时如何奖励 A: Total reward keeps the same and each winner gets the average distribution 答:奖励总额不变,获奖人平均分配
1. 薪酬激励薪酬是员工最直接的经济激励手段之一。
2. 福利激励福利是组织为员工提供的额外福利待遇,如养老保险、医疗保险、住房补贴等。
1. 工作意义和挑战员工对工作的意义感知和挑战性是内部激励的重要方面。
2. 晋升机会晋升机会是一种重要的内部激励方式。
一、激励的理论基础1.1 需求理论梅奥的需要层次理论认为,人的需求可以分为生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求等五个层次。
1.2 公平理论亚当斯的公平理论认为,员工的工作满意度和工作绩效受到对自身工作的贡献与回报之间的公平关系影响。
二、激励机制的类型和设计要点2.1 薪酬激励薪酬是最直接的激励手段之一,包括基本工资、绩效奖金、年终分红等。
2.2 福利待遇激励除了薪酬激励外,企业还可以通过提供良好的福利待遇来激励员工,如提供各类保险、带薪休假、员工旅游等。
2.3 职业发展激励企业应提供良好的职业发展机会和晋升通道,激励员工不断学习和成长。
2.4 工作环境激励良好的工作环境可以提高员工的工作满意度和投入度。
三、激励机制的实施和评估3.1 实施企业应根据员工的需求和激励目标,制定适合企业发展的激励机制,并将其落实到实际工作中。
教师不可不知的四大激励理论一个没有受到激励的人,仅能发挥其能力的20%—30 %。
对此,心理学家弗鲁姆提出了一个著名公式:M=V EM:指激励水平。
20%——30%, (瞎想像)。
Motivation and Goals
Goal-Setting Theory
Proposes that setting goals that are accepted, specific, and challenging yet achievable will result in higher performance than having no or easy goals.
gets feedback on their progress
MacGregor’s Theories X and Y 麦格雷戈的X and Y理论
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory 赫茨伯 格的激励-保健理论
Main points
1.There is a hierarchy of 5 needs. 2.A.Individuals must satisfy lower-
• Describe the five levels in Maslow’s hierarchy and how Maslow’s hierarchy can be used in motivational efforts.
• Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation.
• Discuss the challenges managers face in motivating unique groups of workers.
• Describe open-book management and employee recognition, pay-for-performance, and stock option programs.
HR名词解释1. 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM)人力资源经理:( human resource manager)高级管理人员:(executive)职业:(profession)道德标准:(ethics)操作工:(operative employees)专家:(specialist)人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI)2.外部环境:(external environment)内部环境:(internal environment)政策:(policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)目标:(mission)股东:(shareholders)非正式组织:(informal organization)跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)管理多样性:(managing diversity)3.工作:(job)职位:(posting)工作分析:(job analysis)工作说明:(job description)工作规范:(job specification)工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary)地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager)4.人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)战略规划:(strategic planning)长期趋势:(long term trend)要求预测:(requirement forecast)供给预测:(availability forecast)管理人力储备:(management inventory)裁减:(downsizing)人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)5.招聘:(recruitment)员工申请表:(employee requisition)招聘方法:(recruitment methods)内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)工作公告:(job posting)广告:(advertising)职业介绍所:(employment agency)特殊事件:(special events)实习:(internship)6.选择:(selection)选择率:(selection rate)简历:(resume)标准化:(standardization)有效性:(validity)客观性:(objectivity)规范:(norm)录用分数线:(cutoff score)准确度:(aiming)业务知识测试:(job knowledge tests)求职面试:(employment interview)非结构化面试:(unstructured interview)结构化面试:(structured interview)小组面试:(group interview)职业兴趣测试:(vocational interest tests)会议型面试:(board interview)7.组织变化与人力资源开发人力资源开发:(Human Resource Development,HRD) 培训:(training)开发:(development)定位:(orientation)训练:(coaching)辅导:(mentoring)经营管理策略:(business games)案例研究:(case study)会议方法:(conference method)角色扮演:(role playing)工作轮换:(job rotating)在职培训:(on-the-job training ,OJT)媒介:(media)8.企业文化与组织发展企业文化:(corporate culture)组织发展:(organization development,OD)调查反馈:(survey feedback)质量圈:(quality circles)目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)全面质量管理:(Total Quality Management,TQM) 团队建设:(team building)9.职业计划与发展职业:(career)职业计划:(career planning)职业道路:(career path)职业发展:(career development)自我评价:(self-assessment)职业动机:(career anchors)10.绩效评价绩效评价:(Performance Appraisal,PA)小组评价:(group appraisal)业绩评定表:(rating scales method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)排列法:(ranking method)平行比较法:(paired comparison)硬性分布法:(forced distribution method)晕圈错误:(halo error)宽松:(leniency)严格:(strictness)3600反馈:(360-degree feedback)叙述法:(essay method)集中趋势:(central tendency)11.报酬与福利报酬:(compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial compensation)间接经济报酬:(indirect financial compensation) 非经济报酬:(no financial compensation)公平:(equity)外部公平:(external equity)内部公平:(internal equity)员工公平:(employee equity)小组公平:(team equity)工资水平领先者:(pay leaders)现行工资率:(going rate)工资水平居后者:(pay followers)劳动力市场:(labor market)工作评价:(job evaluation)排列法:(ranking method)分类法:(classification method)因素比较法:(factor comparison method)评分法:(point method)海氏指示图表个人能力分析法:(Hay Guide Chart-profile Method) 工作定价:(job pricing)工资等级:(pay grade)工资曲线:(wage curve)工资幅度:(pay range)12.福利和其它报酬问题福利(间接经济补偿)员工股权计划:(employee stock ownership plan,ESOP)值班津贴:(shift differential)奖金:(incentive compensation)分红制:(profit sharing)13.安全与健康的工作环境安全:(safety)健康:(health)频率:(frequency rate)紧张:(stress)角色冲突:(role conflict)催眠法:(hypnosis)酗酒:(alcoholism)14.员工和劳动关系工会:(union)地方工会:(local union)行业工会:(craft union)产业工会:(industrial union)全国工会:(national union)谈判组:(bargaining union)劳资谈判:(collective bargaining)仲裁:(arbitration)罢工:(strike)内部员工关系:(internal employee relations) 纪律:(discipline)纪律处分:(disciplinary action)申诉:(grievance)降职:(demotion)调动:(transfer)晋升:(promotion)2. AAction learning:行动学习Alternation ranking method:交替排序法Annual bonus:年终分红Application forms:工作申请表Appraisal interview:评价面试Aptitudes:资质Arbitration:仲裁Attendance incentive plan:参与式激励计划Authority:职权BBehavior modeling:行为模拟Behaviorally anchored rating scale (bars):行为锚定等级评价法Benchmark job:基准职位Benefits:福利Bias:个人偏见Boycott:联合抵制Bumping/layoff procedures:工作替换/临时解雇程序Burnout:耗竭CCandidate-order error:候选人次序错误Capital accumulation program:资本积累方案Career anchors:职业锚Career cycle:职业周期Career planning and development:职业规划与职业发展Case study method:案例研究方法Central tendency:居中趋势Citations:传讯Civil Rights Act:民权法Classes:类Classification (or grading) method:归类(或分级)法Collective bargaining:集体谈判Comparable worth:可比价值Compensable factor:报酬因素Computerized forecast:计算机化预测Content validity:内容效度Criterion validity:效标效度Critical incident method:关键事件法DDavis-Bacon Act (DBA):戴维斯―佩根法案Day-to-day-collective bargaining:日常集体谈判Decline stage:下降阶段Deferred profit-sharing plan:延期利润分享计划Defined benefit:固定福利Defined contribution:固定缴款Department of Labor job analysis:劳工部工作分析法Discipline:纪律Dismissal:解雇;开除Downsizing:精简EEarly retirement window:提前退休窗口Economic strike:经济罢工Edgar Schein:艾德加?施恩Employee compensation:职员报酬Employee orientation:雇员上岗引导Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) :雇员退休收入保障法案Employee services benefits:雇员服务福利Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) :雇员持股计划Equal Pay Act:公平工资法Establishment stage:确立阶段Exit interviews:离职面谈Expectancy chart:期望图表Experimentation:实验Exploration stage:探索阶段FFact-finder:调查Fair day's work:公平日工作Fair Labor Standards Act:公平劳动标准法案Flexible benefits programs:弹性福利计划Flex place:弹性工作地点Flextime:弹性工作时间Forced distribution method:强制分布法Four-day workweek:每周4天工作制Frederick Taylor:弗雷德里克?泰罗Functional control:职能控制Functional job analysis:功能性工作分析法GGeneral economic conditions:一般经济状况Golden offerings:高龄给付Good faith bargaining:真诚的谈判Grade description:等级说明书Grades:等级Graphic rating scale:图尺度评价法Grid training:方格训练Grievance:抱怨Grievance procedure:抱怨程序Group life insurance:团体人寿保险Group pension plan:团体退休金计划Growth stage:成长阶段Guarantee corporation:担保公司Guaranteed fair treatment:有保证的公平对待Guaranteed piecework plan:有保障的计件工资制Gain sharing:收益分享HHalo effect:晕轮效应Health maintenance organization (HMO) :健康维持组织IIllegal bargaining:非法谈判项目Impasse:僵持Implied authority:隐含职权Incentive plan:激励计划Individual retirement account (IRA) :个人退休账户In-house development center:企业内部开发中心Insubordination:不服从Insurance benefits:保险福利Interviews:谈话;面谈JJob analysis:工作分析Job description:工作描述Job evaluation:职位评价Job instruction training (JIT) :工作指导培训Job posting:工作公告Job rotation:工作轮换Job sharing:工作分组Job specifications:工作说明书John Holland:约翰?霍兰德Junior board:初级董事会LLayoff:临时解雇Leader attach training:领导者匹配训练Lifetime employment without guarantees:无保证终身解雇Line manager:直线管理者Local market conditions:地方劳动力市场Lockout:闭厂MMaintenance stage:维持阶段Management assessment center:管理评价中心Management by objectives (MBO) :目标管理法Management game:管理竞赛Management grid:管理方格训练Management process:管理过程Mandatory bargaining:强制谈判项目Mediation:调解Merit pay:绩效工资Merit raise:绩效加薪Mid career crisis sub stage:中期职业危机阶段NNondirective interview:非定向面试OOccupational market conditions:职业市场状况Occupational orientation:职业性向Occupational Safety and Health Act:职业安全与健康法案Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) :职业安全与健康管理局Occupational skills:职业技能On-the-job training (OJT) :在职培训Open-door:敞开门户Opinion survey:意见调查Organization development(OD) :组织发展Outplacement counseling:向外安置顾问PPaired comparison method:配对比较法Panel interview:小组面试Participant diary/logs:现场工人日记/日志Pay grade:工资等级Pension benefits:退休金福利Pension plans:退休金计划People-first values:"以人为本"的价值观Performance analysis:工作绩效分析Performance Appraisal interview:工作绩效评价面谈Personnel (or human resource) management:人事(或人力资源)管理Personnel replacement charts:人事调配图Piecework:计件Plant Closing law:工厂关闭法Point method/Policies:政策Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) :职位分析问卷Position replacement cards:职位调配卡Pregnancy discrimination act:怀孕歧视法案Profit-sharing plan利润分享计划Programmed learning:程序化教学QQualifications inventories:资格数据库Quality circle:质量圈RRanking method:排序法Rate ranges:工资率系列Ratio analysis:比率分析Reality shock:现实冲击 Reliability:信度Retirement:退休Retirement benefits:退休福利Retirement counseling:退休前咨询Rings of defense:保护圈Role playing:角色扮演SSkip-level interview:越级谈话Social security:社会保障Speak up! :讲出来!Special awards:特殊奖励Special management development techniques:特殊的管理开发技术Stabilization sub stage:稳定阶段Staff (service) function:职能(服务)功能Standard hour plan:标准工时工资Stock option:股票期权Straight piecework:直接计件制Strategic plan:战略规划Stress interview:压力面试Strictness/leniency:偏紧/偏松Strikes:罢工Structured interview:结构化面试Succession planning:接班计划Supplement pay benefits:补充报酬福利Supplemental unemployment benefits:补充失业福利Salary surveys:薪资调查Savings plan:储蓄计划Scallion plan:斯坎伦计划Scatter plot:散点分析Scientific management:科学管理Self directed teams:自我指导工作小组Self-actualization:自我实现Sensitivity training:敏感性训练Serialized interview:系列化面试Severance pay:离职金Sick leave:病假Situational interview:情境面试Survey feedback:调查反馈Sympathy strike:同情罢工System Ⅳ组织体系ⅣSystem I:组织体系ⅠTTask analysis:任务分析Team building:团队建设Team or group:班组Termination:解雇;终止Termination at will:随意终止Theory X:X理论Theory Y:Y理论Third-party involvement:第三方介入Training:培训Transactional analysis (TA) :人际关系心理分析Trend analysis:趋势分析Trial sub stage:尝试阶段UUnsafe conditions:不安全环境Unclear performance standards:绩效评价标准不清Unemployment insurance:失业保险Unfair labor practice strike:不正当劳工活动罢工Unsafe acts:不安全行为VValidity:效度value-based hiring:以价值观为基础的雇佣Vroom-Yetton leadership trainman:维罗姆-耶顿领导能力训练Variable compensation:可变报酬Vestibule or simulated training:新雇员培训或模拟Vesting:特别保护权Voluntary bargaining:自愿谈判项目Voluntary pay cut:自愿减少工资方案Voluntary time off:自愿减少时间WWage carve:工资曲线Work samples:工作样本Work sampling technique:工作样本技术Work sharing:临时性工作分担Worker involvement:雇员参与计划Worker's benefits:雇员福利3. 目标 mission/ objective集体目标 group objective内部环境 internal environment外部环境 external environment计划 planning组织 organizing人事 staffing领导 leading控制 controlling步骤 process原理 principle方法 technique经理 manager总经理 general manager行政人员 administrator主管人员 supervisor企业 enterprise商业 business产业 industry公司 company效果 effectiveness效率 efficiency企业家 entrepreneur权利 power职权 authority职责 responsibility科学管理 scientific management现代经营管理 modern operational management 行为科学 behavior science生产率 productivity激励 motivate动机 motive法律 law法规 regulation经济体系 economic system 管理职能 managerial function 产品 product服务 service利润 profit满意 satisfaction归属 affiliation尊敬 esteem自我实现 self-actualization人力投入 human input盈余 surplus收入 income成本 cost资本货物 capital goods机器 machinery设备 equipment建筑 building存货 inventory(2)经验法 the empirical approach人际行为法 the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法 the group behavior approach协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法 the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法 the decision theory approach数学法 the mathematical approach系统法 the systems approach随机制宜法 the contingency approach管理任务法 the managerial roles approach经营法 the operational approach人际关系 human relation心理学 psychology态度 attitude压力 pressure冲突 conflict招聘 recruit鉴定 appraisal选拔 select培训 train报酬 compensation授权 delegation of authority协调 coordinate业绩 performance考绩制度 merit system表现 behavior下级 subordinate偏差 deviation检验记录 inspection record误工记录 record of labor-hours lost 销售量 sales volume产品质量 quality of products先进技术 advanced technology顾客服务 customer service策略 strategy结构 structure(3)领先性 primacy普遍性 pervasiveness忧虑 fear忿恨 resentment士气 morale解雇 layoff批发 wholesale零售 retail程序 procedure规则 rule规划 program预算 budget共同作用 synergy大型联合企业 conglomerate资源 resource购买 acquisition增长目标 growth goal专利产品 proprietary product竞争对手 rival晋升 promotion管理决策 managerial decision商业道德 business ethics有竞争力的价格 competitive price 供货商 supplier小贩 vendor利益冲突 conflict of interests派生政策 derivative policy开支帐户 expense account批准程序 approval procedure病假 sick leave休假 vacation工时 labor-hour机时 machine-hour资本支出 capital outlay现金流量 cash flow工资率 wage rate税收率 tax rate股息 dividend现金状况 cash position资金短缺 capital shortage总预算 overall budget资产负债表 balance sheet可行性 feasibility投入原则 the commitment principle 投资回报 return on investment生产能力 capacity to produce实际工作者 practitioner最终结果 end result业绩 performance个人利益 personal interest福利 welfare市场占有率 market share创新 innovation生产率 productivity利润率 profitability社会责任 public responsibility董事会 board of director组织规模 size of the organization组织文化 organizational culture目标管理 management by objectives评价工具 appraisal tool激励方法 motivational techniques控制手段 control device个人价值 personal worth优势 strength弱点 weakness机会 opportunity威胁 threat[url][/url] 海一角营销人网个人责任 personal responsibility顾问 counselor定量目标 quantitative objective定性目标 qualitative objective可考核目标 verifiable objective优先 priority工资表 payroll(4)策略 strategy政策 policy灵活性 discretion多种经营 diversification评估 assessment一致性 consistency应变策略 consistency strategy公共关系 public relation价值 value抱负 aspiration偏见 prejudice审查 review批准 approval主要决定 major decision分公司总经理 division general manager资产组合距阵 portfolio matrix明星 star问号 question mark现金牛 cash cow赖狗 dog采购 procurement人口因素 demographic factor地理因素 geographic factor公司形象 company image产品系列 product line合资企业 joint venture破产政策 liquidation strategy紧缩政策 retrenchment strategy战术 tactics(5)追随 followership个性 individuality性格 personality安全 safety自主权 latitude悲观的 pessimistic静止的 static乐观的 optimistic动态的 dynamic灵活的 flexible抵制 resistance敌对 antagonism折中 eclectic(6)激励 motivation潜意识 subconscious地位 status情感 affection欲望 desire压力 pressure满足 satisfaction自我实现的需要 needs for self-actualization尊敬的需要 esteem needs归属的需要 affiliation needs安全的需要 security needs生理的需要 physiological needs维持 maintenance保健 hygiene激励因素 motivator概率 probability强化理论 reinforcement theory 反馈 feedback奖金 bonus股票期权 stock option劳资纠纷 labor dispute缺勤率 absenteeism人员流动 turnover奖励 reward(7)特许经营 franchise热诚 zeal信心 confidence鼓舞 inspire要素 ingredient忠诚 loyalty奉献 devotion作风 style品质 trait适应性 adaptability进取性 aggressiveness热情 enthusiasm毅力 persistenceK1+478~K1+568段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙人际交往能力 interpersonal skills行政管理能力 administrative ability智力 intelligence专制式领导 autocratic leader民主式领导 democratic leader自由放任式领导 free-rein leader管理方格图 the managerial grid工作效率 work efficiency服从 obedience领导行为 leader behavior支持型领导 supportive leadership参与型领导 participative leadership指导型领导 instrumental leadership成就取向型领导 achievement-oriented leadership精品文档word文档可以编辑!谢谢下载!31页脚内容。
E-Survey 电子调查Evaluation Criterion 评价标准Excellent Leader 优秀领导Executive Ability 执行力Executive Compensation 管理层薪资水平Executive Development Program 主管发展计划Executive Director 执行董事Executive Management 行政管理Executive Marketing Director 市场执行总监Executive Recruiters 高级猎头公司Executive Salaries 管理层工资Exempt Employee 豁免员工Exit Interview 离职面谈Expectancy Theory 期望理论Expectation 期望值Expected Salary 期望薪水Experimental Method 实验法Experimental Research 试验调查Expiry of Employment 雇用期满Exploit of HR 人力资源开发External Costs 外部成本External Employment 外部招聘External Environment of HR 人力资源外部环境External Equity 外部公平External Labor Supply 外部劳力供应External Recruiting Sources 外部招聘来源External Recruitment Environment 外部招聘环境Extra Work加班Extrinsic Rewards 外部奖励Face Validity 表面效度Factor Comparison Method 因素比较法Fair Labor Standards Act 《公平劳动标准法案》Family and Medical Leave Act 《家庭和医疗假期条例》Fiedler Contingency Model 费德勒的权变模型First Impression Effect 初次印象效应Five-Day Workweek 每周五天工作制Fixed Term Appointment 固定期聘用Fixed Term Contract 固定任期合同Fixed Term Staff 固定期合同工FJA-Functional Job Analysis 功能性工作分析法Flat Organizational Structure 扁平化组织结构Flex Place 弹性工作地点Flex Plan 弹性工作计划flex time 弹性工作时间Flexible Benefits Program 弹性福利计划Forced Distribution Method 强制分配法Forced-Choice Method 强迫性选择法Formal Organization 正式组织Front-Line Manager 基层管理人员Full-Time 全职Function 职能Function of HRM 人力资源管理职能Functional Conflict Theory 冲突功能理论Functional Department 职能部门Funeral Leave 丧假Fundamental Attribution Error 基本归因误差Gain-Sharing Plan 收益分享计划Gang Boss 领班/小组长Gantt Charts 甘特图GATB-General Aptitude Test Battery 普通能力倾向成套测验General Union 总工会Given Role Playing 角色定位演示法Glass Ceiling 玻璃天花板Goal Conflict 目标冲突GOJA-Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis 指导性工作分析Golden Handshake 黄金握别Golden Parachute 黄金降落伞Graphic Rating Scale 图尺度评价法Grievance Mediation 抱怨调解Grievance Procedure 抱怨程序Gross Pay/Total Payroll 工资总额Group Appraisal 小组评价Group/Team Bonus 团体/小组奖金Group Congeniality/Cohesiveness 群体凝集力Group Life Insurance 团体人寿保险Group Pension Plan 团体退休金计划Group Piece Work 集体计件制Guaranteed Employment Offer 雇用信H?C?Gantt Premium System 甘特奖励工资制H?Emerson Premium System 艾末生奖励工资制Halo Effect 晕轮效应Halseys Premium System 哈尔赛奖励工资制Handwriting Analysis 笔迹分析法Headhunting 猎头Health Insurance 健康保险H-Form/Holding Company H型结构Hierarchy of Needs Theory 需要层次理论High Performance Organization 高绩效组织High-Performance Work System 高绩效工作系统HMO-Health Maintenance Organization 健康维护组织Holiday Pay 假日薪水Home/Family Leave 探亲假Horizontal Career Path 横向职业途径Hot Stove Rule 热炉规则Housing/Rental Allowance 住房补贴HR Generalist 人力资源通才HR Information System 人力资源信息系统HR Manager 人力资源经理HR Officer 人力资源主任HR Policy 人力资源政策HRCI-Human Resource Certification Institute 人力资源认证机构HRD Appraisal 人力资源开发评价HRD Intermediary 人力资源开发媒介HRD Process 人力资源开发过程HRD-Human Resource Development 人力资源开发HRM-Human Resource Management 人力资源管理HRP-Human Resource Planning 人力资源规划Human Relations Movement 人际关系运动Hygiene Factor 保健因素Hypnosis 催眠Ill-Health Retirement 病退In-Basket Training 篮中训练Incentive Compensation/Reward Payment/Premium 奖金Incentive Plan 激励计划Incentive-Suggestion System 奖励建议制度Incident Process 事件处理法Independent Contractor 合同工Indirect Financial Compensation 间接经济报酬Individual Incentive Plan 个人奖金方案Individual Income Tax 个人所得税Individual Interview 个别谈话Individual Retirement Account 个人退休账户Industrial Injury Compensation 工伤补偿Industrial Union 产业工会Informal Communication 非正式沟通Informal Organization 非正式组织In-House Training 在公司内的培训Initial Interview 初试Insurance Benefit 保险福利Internal Environment of HR 人力资源内部环境Internal Equity 内部公平Internal Growth Strategy 内部成长战略Internal Job Posting 内部职位公开招聘Internal Recruitment 内部招聘Internal Recruitment Environment 内部招聘环境Interpersonal Skill 人际交往能力Interview Appraisal 面谈考评Interview Content 面试内容Interview Method 访谈法Interview Objective 面试目标Interview Planning List 面试计划表Intrinsic Reward 内在奖励Jack Welch’s Management 韦尔奇式管理JAS-Job Analysis Schedule 工作分析计划表Job 工作、职业Job Account 工作统计Job Action 变相罢工(如怠工、放慢速度等) Job Aid 工作辅助Job Assignment 工作分配Job Analysis 工作分析Job Analysis Formula 工作分析公式Job Analysis Methods 工作分析方法Job Analysis Information 工作分析信息Job Analysis Process 工作分析流程JAP-Job Analysis Program 工作分析程序法Job Attitude 工作态度Job Bidding 竞争上岗Job Card 工作单Job Characteristic 工作因素Job Characteristics Model 工作特性模式Job Classification 职位分类Job Clinic 职业问题咨询所Job Code 工作编号,职位编号Job Context 工作背景Job Description 职位描述,工作说明Job Design 工作设计Job Enlargement 工作扩大化Job Enrichment 工作丰富化Job Evaluation 工作评估Job-Family 工作群Job Identification 工作识别Job Involvement 工作投入Job Inventory 工作测量表Job Knowledge Test 业务知识测试Job Morale 工作情绪Job Performance 工作表现Job Plan 工作计划Job Posting 公开招聘Job Pricing 工作定价Job Qualification and Restriction 工作任职条件和资格Job Redesign 工作再设计Job Rotation 工作轮换Job Satisfaction 工作满意度Job Security 工作安全感Job Scope 工作范围Job Sharing 临时性工作分担Job Specialization 工作专业化Job Specification 工作要求细则Job Standard 工作标准Job Stress 工作压力Job Surrounding 工作环境Job Time Card 工作时间卡Job Vacancy 职业空缺,岗位空缺Job-hop 跳槽频繁者Job-posting system 工作告示系统JTPA-Job Training Partnership Act 《职业培训协作法》J?S?Adams Equity Theory 亚当斯的公平理论Junior Board 初级董事会Johari Window 约哈瑞窗户Just Cause 正当理由Karoshi 过劳死Keogh Plan 基欧计划KPI-key Process Indication 企业关键业绩指标Kirkpatrick’s Four-level Model of Evaluation 四阶层评估模型Knowledge Database 知识数据库Knowledge Management 知识管理KSA-knowledge ,skill, attitude 知识,技能,态度Labor Clause 劳工协议条款Labor Condition 劳动条件Labor Contract 劳动合同,雇佣合同Labor Contract Renewal 劳动合同续签Labor Cost 劳动成本Labor Demand Forecast 劳动力需求预测Labor Discipline 劳动纪律Labor Dispute 劳动纠纷Labor Exchange/Employment Agency 职业介绍所Labor Handbook 劳动手册Labor Insurance 劳保Labor Laws 劳动法Labor Management Relations Act 《劳动关系法》Labor Market 劳动力市场Labor Protection 劳动保护Labor Rate Variance 工资率差异Labor Redundance 劳动力过剩Labor Relation 劳动关系Labor Relation Consultant 劳工关系顾问Labor Relations Process 劳工关系进程Labor Reserve 劳动力储备Labor Shortage 劳动力短缺Labor Stability Index 人力稳定指数Labor Wastage Index 人力耗损指数Labor/Trade Union 工会Labor/Working Hour 人工工时Labor-Management 劳动管理Lateral Communication 横向沟通Lateral Thinking 横向思维Layoff 临时解雇Gain-Sharing Plan 收益分享计划Gang Boss 领班/小组长Gantt Charts 甘特图GATB-General Aptitude Test Battery 普通能力倾向成套测验General Union 总工会Given Role Playing 角色定位演示法Glass Ceiling 玻璃天花板Goal Conflict 目标冲突GOJA-Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis 指导性工作分析Golden Handshake 黄金握别Golden Parachute 黄金降落伞Graphic Rating Scale 图尺度评价法Grievance Mediation 抱怨调解Grievance Procedure 抱怨程序Gross Pay/Total Payroll 工资总额Group Appraisal 小组评价Group/Team Bonus 团体/小组奖金Group Congeniality/Cohesiveness 群体凝集力Group Life Insurance 团体人寿保险Group Pension Plan 团体退休金计划Group Piece Work 集体计件制Guaranteed Employment Offer 雇用信H?C?Gantt Premium System 甘特奖励工资制H?Emerson Premium System 艾末生奖励工资制Halo Effect 晕轮效应Halseys Premium System 哈尔赛奖励工资制Handwriting Analysis 笔迹分析法Headhunting 猎头Health Insurance 健康保险H-Form/Holding Company H型结构Hierarchy of Needs Theory 需要层次理论High Performance Organization 高绩效组织High-Performance Work System 高绩效工作系统HMO-Health Maintenance Organization 健康维护组织Holiday Pay 假日薪水Home/Family Leave 探亲假Horizontal Career Path 横向职业途径Hot Stove Rule 热炉规则Housing/Rental Allowance 住房补贴HR Generalist 人力资源通才HR Information System 人力资源信息系统HR Manager 人力资源经理HR Officer 人力资源主任HR Policy 人力资源政策HRCI-Human Resource Certification Institute 人力资源认证机构HRD Appraisal 人力资源开发评价HRD Intermediary 人力资源开发媒介HRD Process 人力资源开发过程HRD-Human Resource Development 人力资源开发HRM-Human Resource Management 人力资源管理HRP-Human Resource Planning 人力资源规划Human Relations Movement 人际关系运动Hygiene Factor 保健因素Hypnosis 催眠Ill-Health Retirement 病退In-Basket Training 篮中训练Incentive Compensation/Reward Payment/Premium 奖金Incentive Plan 激励计划Incentive-Suggestion System 奖励建议制度Incident Process 事件处理法Independent Contractor 合同工Indirect Financial Compensation 间接经济报酬Individual Incentive Plan 个人奖金方案Individual Income Tax 个人所得税Individual Interview 个别谈话Individual Retirement Account 个人退休账户Industrial Injury Compensation 工伤补偿Industrial Union 产业工会Informal Communication 非正式沟通Informal Organization 非正式组织In-House Training 在公司内的培训Initial Interview 初试Insurance Benefit 保险福利Internal Environment of HR 人力资源内部环境Internal Equity 内部公平Internal Growth Strategy 内部成长战略Internal Job Posting 内部职位公开招聘Internal Recruitment 内部招聘Internal Recruitment Environment 内部招聘环境Interpersonal Skill 人际交往能力Interview Appraisal 面谈考评Interview Content 面试内容Interview Method 访谈法Interview Objective 面试目标Interview Planning List 面试计划表Intrinsic Reward 内在奖励Jack Welch’s Management 韦尔奇式管理JAS-Job Analysis Schedule 工作分析计划表Job 工作、职业Job Account 工作统计Job Action 变相罢工(如怠工、放慢速度等) Job Aid 工作辅助Job Assignment 工作分配Job Analysis 工作分析Job Analysis Formula 工作分析公式Job Analysis Methods 工作分析方法Job Analysis Information 工作分析信息Job Analysis Process 工作分析流程JAP-Job Analysis Program 工作分析程序法Job Attitude 工作态度Job Bidding 竞争上岗Job Card 工作单Job Characteristic 工作因素Job Characteristics Model 工作特性模式Job Classification 职位分类Job Clinic 职业问题咨询所Job Code 工作编号,职位编号Job Context 工作背景Job Description 职位描述,工作说明Job Design 工作设计Job Enlargement 工作扩大化Job Enrichment 工作丰富化Job Evaluation 工作评估Job-Family 工作群Job Identification 工作识别Job Involvement 工作投入Job Inventory 工作测量表Job Knowledge Test 业务知识测试Job Morale 工作情绪Job Performance 工作表现Job Plan 工作计划Job Posting 公开招聘Job Pricing 工作定价Job Qualification and Restriction 工作任职条件和资格Job Redesign 工作再设计Job Rotation 工作轮换Job Satisfaction 工作满意度Job Security 工作安全感Job Scope 工作范围Job Sharing 临时性工作分担Job Specialization 工作专业化Job Specification 工作要求细则Job Standard 工作标准Job Stress 工作压力Job Surrounding 工作环境Job Time Card 工作时间卡Job Vacancy 职业空缺,岗位空缺Job-hop 跳槽频繁者Job-posting system 工作告示系统JTPA-Job Training Partnership Act 《职业培训协作法》J?S?Adams Equity Theory 亚当斯的公平理论Junior Board 初级董事会Johari Window 约哈瑞窗户Just Cause 正当理由Karoshi 过劳死Keogh Plan 基欧计划KPI-key Process Indication 企业关键业绩指标Kirkpatrick’s Four-level Model of Evaluation 四阶层评估模型Knowledge Database 知识数据库Knowledge Management 知识管理KSA-knowledge ,skill, attitude 知识,技能,态度Labor Clause 劳工协议条款Labor Condition 劳动条件Labor Contract 劳动合同,雇佣合同Labor Contract Renewal 劳动合同续签Labor Cost 劳动成本Labor Demand Forecast 劳动力需求预测Labor Discipline 劳动纪律Labor Dispute 劳动纠纷Labor Exchange/Employment Agency 职业介绍所Labor Handbook 劳动手册Labor Insurance 劳保Labor Laws 劳动法Labor Management Relations Act 《劳动关系法》Labor Market 劳动力市场Labor Protection 劳动保护Labor Rate Variance 工资率差异Labor Redundance 劳动力过剩Labor Relation 劳动关系Labor Relation Consultant 劳工关系顾问Labor Relations Process 劳工关系进程Labor Reserve 劳动力储备Labor Shortage 劳动力短缺Labor Stability Index 人力稳定指数Labor Wastage Index 人力耗损指数Labor/Trade Union 工会Labor/Working Hour 人工工时Labor-Management 劳动管理Lateral Communication 横向沟通Lateral Thinking 横向思维Layoff 临时解雇Layoff Process 临时解雇程序Leader Attach Training 领导者匹配训练Leaderless Group Discussion 无领导小组讨论法Leader-Member Exchange Theory 领导者-成员交换理论Leader-Member Relation 上下级关系Leader-Participation Model 领导参与模式Leadership 领导能力Learning Curve 学习曲线Learning Organization 学习型组织Learning Performance Test 学习绩效测试Legitimate Power 合法权力Level-to-Level Administration 分级管理Life Cycle Theory of Leadership 领导生命周期理论Life Insurance 人寿保险Likes and Dislikes Survey 好恶调查表Limitation Factors of PA 考评的限制因素Line Manager 直线经理Line Authority 直线职权Line-Staff Relationship 直线参谋关系Line Structure 直线结构Loaned Personnel 借调人员Lockout 停工闭厂Locus of Control 内外控倾向Long Term Trend 长期趋势Long-Distance Education 远程教育Long-Range Strategy 长期策略Long-Term Contract 长期合同Lower Management 基层管理Lower-Order Need 低层次需求Lump Sum Bonus/Pay Incentive 绩效奖金Lump-Sum Merit Program 一次性总付绩效报酬计划Managed Care 有控制的医疗保健Management As Porpoise 海豚式管理Management Assessment Center 管理评价中心Management by Walking About 走动管理Management Development 管理层开发Management Development of IBM IBM的管理层开发Management of Human Resource Development 人力资源开发管理Management Psychology 管理心理学Management Right 管理权Management Risk 管理风险Management Tool 管理工具Management Training 管理培训Managerial Art 管理艺术Managerial Authority 管理权威Managerial Function 管理职能Managerial Grid Theory 管理方格理论Mandated Benefit 强制性福利Mandatory Bargaining Issue 强制性谈判项目Marital Status 婚姻状况Market Price 市场工资Markov Analysis 马尔可夫分析过程Marriage Leave 婚假Massed Practice 集中练习集中学习Matrix Structure 矩阵结构MBO-Management By Objective 目标管理MBTI-Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 迈尔斯—布里格个性类型测量表Mc-Clelland’s Theory of Needs 麦克里兰需要理论McDonnell-Douglas Test 麦当纳道格拉斯法Mechanistic Approach 机械型工作设计法Mediator/Negotiator 调解人Medical Insurance 医疗保险Medical/Physical Ability Inspection/Physical Ability Test 体检Membership Group 实属群体Mental Ability Test 逻辑思维测试Mentor 指导者Mentoring 辅导制Mentoring Function 指导功能Merit Pay 绩效工资Merit Raise 绩效加薪Metrics-Driven Staffing Model 标准驱动招聘模式Mid-Career Crisis Sub Stage 中期职业危机阶段Minimum Wage 最低工资Mission Installation Allowance 出差津贴Mixed-Standard Scale Method 多重标准尺度法Motivation 激励Motivational Approach 激励型工作设计法Motivational Factor 激励因素Motivational Pattern 激励方式Motivation-hygiene Theory 激励保健论MPS-Motivating Potential Score 激励潜能分数Multidivisional Structure M型结构Multimedia Technology 多媒体技术Multiple Cutoff Model 多切点模式Multiple Hurdle Model 跨栏模式National Culture 民族文化National Union (国家)总工会Needs Assessment 需求评估Negligent Hiring 随意雇佣Nepotism 裙带关系Network Career Path 网状职业途径Networking 网络化(组织)NGT-Nominal Group Technique 群体决策法No Financial Compensation 非经济报酬Noncontributory Plan 非付费退休金计划Nondirective Interview 非定向面试Nondiscrimination Rule 非歧视性原则Nonexempt Employee 非豁免的员工Nonverbal Communication 非言语沟通No-Pay Study Leave 无薪进修假期Normal Retirement 正常退休Normative Analysis 规范分析法。
加班费英文口语1. "Overtime pay" - You know, when I worked extra hours last week, allI could think about was that sweet overtime pay. It's like a little bonus for sacrificing my free time. For example, if you work an extra two hours a day for a week at $20 per hour normally, that overtime pay can really add up!2. "Extra - hour pay" - Man, extra - hour pay is a real motivator. I was chatting with my coworker, and he said he'd do more overtime just for that extra - hour pay. It's kind of like finding money in your old jeans pocket. Say you usually earn $15 an hour, and for those extra hours, you might get time - and - a - half, which is a great deal.3. "Pay for working overtime" - Working overtime can be a drag, but the pay for working overtime makes it a bit more bearable. My friend was moaning about having to stay late, but then she remembered the pay. It's like a silver lining in a cloudy sky. If you're on a $12 - an - hour job and work 5 extra hours in a week, that's some good extra cash.4. "Overtime compensation" - Oh boy, overtime compensation is what keeps me going sometimes. I overheard my boss talking about how importantit is to give us proper overtime compensation. It's like a reward for being a hard - working soldier in the office battle. For instance, if you work on a project that requires 10 extra hours over the weekend at $30 an hour,that's a nice chunk of change.5. "Wages for extra work hours" - Wages for extra work hours are like a little thank - you from the company. I told my sister about how I got some good wages for extra work hours last month. She was so jealous! Imagineyou're paid $18 an hour regularly and you do 8 extra hours one week. That's some serious dough.6. "Premium pay for overtime" - Premium pay for overtime? Yes, please!I was so excited when I found out about the premium pay for overtime at my new job. It's like getting a double scoop of ice cream instead of just one. If your normal rate is $22 an hour and you get time - and - a - half for overtime, that's some sweet extra income.7. "Over - time remuneration" - Over - time remuneration sounds so fancy, but it's really just the money we deserve for our extra efforts. I had a discussion with my team leader about over - time remuneration. He agreed it should be fair. It's like the cherry on top of a hard - work sundae. For example, if you're making $14 an hour and work 6 extra hours, that's extra money in your pocket.8. "Additional - hour pay" - Additional - hour pay can be a game - changer. I was talking to a new hire and told him about the additional - hour pay. His eyes lit up! It's like a hidden treasure at work. Say you get $16 an hour and work an extra 4 hours in a week. That's not too shabby.9. "Overtime earnings" - Overtime earnings are something to lookforward to. I remember when I calculated my overtime earnings last quarter.I was like a kid on Christmas morning. My neighbor thought I was crazy for working so much overtime, but he didn't understand the allure of those overtime earnings. If you make $25 an hour and work 3 extra hours a week,it adds up over time.10. "Pay for overtime work" - Pay for overtime work is a big deal. I once argued with my colleague about who deserved more pay for overtime work. It was a friendly debate. It's like a prize for being a dedicated worker.For example, if you're on a $10 - an - hour job and work 7 extra hours in a week, it's money you can use for something fun.11. "Extra - time salary" - Extra - time salary can really boost your income. I boasted to my cousin about my extra - time salary. He was really impressed. It's like getting a raise without actually getting a raise. Suppose you earn $13 an hour and do 9 extra hours in a month. That's some useful extra cash.12. "Overtime wage" - The overtime wage is what makes staying lateworth it. I was complaining to my mom about how tired I was from all the overtime, but then I mentioned the overtime wage. She said it was a good trade - off. It's like getting paid to do a little extra exercise (well, mental exercise at work). If your normal wage is $17 an hour and you work 5 extra hours, that's a nice addition to your paycheck.13. "Remuneration for overtime" - Remuneration for overtime should always be fair. I had a stand - off with my supervisor once about the remuneration for overtime. I felt like I was being short - changed. It'slike when you order a big meal and they give you a small portion. Let's say you work at $19 an hour and do 4 extra hours, you expect proper remuneration.14. "Additional work hour pay" - Additional work hour pay is like alittle incentive. I shared with my old friend about the additional workhour pay at my current job. He wished he had the same. It's like a nudge to keep working hard. For example, if you're paid $11 an hour and work 8 extra hours in a week, that's some extra spending money.15. "Overtime pay rate" - What's the overtime pay rate? That's the million - dollar question. I asked my HR person about the overtime pay rate. She explained it clearly. It's like finding out the rules of a game beforeyou play. If the normal pay rate is $23 an hour and the overtime pay rateis time - and - a - half, that's important to know.16. "Extra - time pay amount" - The extra - time pay amount can vary. I was comparing notes with another department about the extra - time pay amount. They had different rates. It's like comparing different flavors of ice cream, some are more expensive (or rewarding) than others. For example, if you work in one department with a $15 - an - hour base and get a good extra - time pay amount for 6 extra hours, while another department has a lower rate, you'll notice the difference.17. "Pay for extra working hours" - Pay for extra working hours can bea real lifesaver. I told my roommate that the pay for extra working hours helped me pay my rent this month. He was amazed. It's like a safety net when your regular paycheck isn't enough. Say you make $10 an hour and work 10 extra hours in a month, that's extra help.18. "Overtime payment" - Overtime payment is what I live for some weeks.I joked with my coworker that I'd marry my overtime payment if I could.It's like a best friend that always shows up when you need it. If your normal payment is $13 an hour and you work 7 extra hours, that's some reliable extra cash.19. "Extra - shift pay" - Extra - shift pay can be really exciting. I was so happy when I got my first extra - shift pay. I showed it off to my brother. It's like winning a small lottery at work. For example, if youwork an extra shift at $20 an hour, that's a great payday.20. "Payment for overtime hours" - Payment for overtime hours is a must - have. I was discussing with my team members about how important paymentfor overtime hours is. We all agreed. It's like the fuel that keeps theovertime engine running. If you're on a $16 - an - hour job and work 5 extra hours in a week, it's essential for our financial well - being.In conclusion, overtime pay in English, whether called by different names, is really important. It can be a great incentive for employees to put in extra effort, and it also helps with our financial situations. It's something that should be fair and clearly understood by both employers and employees.。
薪酬激励 hr必看书
1. 《薪酬管理》该书由美国薪酬专家米尔顿·罗克里奇撰写,是关于薪酬管理方面的经典之作。
2. 《激励的艺术》该书由丹尼尔·平克撰写,是一本关于激励理论和实践的畅销书。
3. 《员工满意度的教科书》该书由美国管理咨询师帕特里克·杜尔斯撰写,是关于员工满意度管理的重要参考书。
4. 《激发员工潜能的诀窍》该书由乔·克林顿和拉斯·隆贝克共同撰写,是一本关于激励与绩效管理的实用指南。
5. 《人人都是HR:雄心勃勃,创新改变工作》该书由布兰登·梅斯梅硕·赫尔撰写,是一本与现代HR管理实践相关的畅销书。
以下是一些常见的英语表达,用于描述人力资源激励的不同方面:1. 员工激励:Employee motivation refers to the use of various methods and approaches to stimulate employees' enthusiasm and initiative, and improve their work efficiency and quality, so as to achieve the overall goals of the organization.2. 激励机制:An incentive mechanism refers to a system that provides employees with rewards and incentives in order to motivate them to perform better and achieve better results.3. 薪酬激励:Compensation incentives refer to the use of salary, bonus, etc. to encourage employees to work harder and achieve better results.4. 晋升激励:Promotion incentives refer to providing employees with opportunities for promotion and advancement, which can stimulate their enthusiasm and motivation to work harder and achieve better results.5. 目标激励:Target incentives refer to setting clear and challenging goals for employees, which can stimulate their motivation and drive to work harder and achieve better results.6. 情感激励:Emotional incentives refer to building a positive and harmonious work environment, encouraging employees to share their ideas and feelings, and creating a sense of belonging and mutual support among employees.7. 培训和发展机会激励:Providing employees with training and development opportunities can stimulate their motivation to learn new skills and improve their performance, while also helping them grow personally and professionally.8. 认可和赞赏激励:Recognizing and appreciating employees' work can help create a sense of recognition and reward, which can stimulate their motivation and engagement in the organization.总的来说,人力资源激励是一个综合性的过程,需要结合多种方式和方法,针对不同员工的特点和需求,灵活运用各种激励手段,以达到最佳的激励效果。
?完成: 不必等候任务或者指令;可以独⽴完成⼯作;只有在复杂情况下才需要指导。
?优秀: ⾃⼰主动寻找任务;可以独⽴完成⼯作;只有在复杂,超出常规的情况下才需要指导。
?杰出: 能够预测变化,准备备⽤⽅案,即使在复杂,超出常规的情况下,也基本不⽤指导;能够给别⼈提供指导。
Overlappingmorethanthreeorfourpaygradegenerallyshopa-Ratio =举例:实际⼯资 = 13,500 ⼯资中点 = 15,000Compa-Ratio = = 0.90or90% or90 实际⼯资标准⼯资(中点⼯资)13,50015,000中点⼯资实际⼯资Compa-Ratio通过能⼒评估决定⼯资⽔平能⼒标准评估结果以客户为导向32团对协作33业务技能33培训与辅导32变⾰与思考34平均32.8评估结果/标准=93%其⼯资⽔平为标准⼯资的93%=1500X93%=1395Compa-Ratio=93%能⼒模型在薪酬设计中的应⽤P50Q2MedianP75Q3“Uppe rquartile”P25Q1“Lowerquartile”1stquartile2ndquartile3rdquartile4thquartileMaxMin幅度分区Mid为100%Max为120%Min为80%Q3为110%Q1为90%假设幅宽为50%<80%80%-93%94%-107%108%-120%>120%卓越(5)20%16%14%12%6%超过要求(4)18%14%12%10%4%达到要求(3)16%12%10%8%2%需要改进(2)12%10%8%6%0不能接受(1)00000薪酬增长矩阵假设薪酬增长⽐例为10%、假设幅度分为3个区间幅度分区与业绩/能⼒评估结果的应⽤职级基本⼯资⼀个完整的⼯资结构职级基本⼯资市场供求造成3P⼯资之三Payfor……为?付薪⽬标⽀付的绩效奖⾦基本⼯资基本⼯资绩效奖⾦的作⽤⽬标总现⾦收⼊绩效奖⾦机制实际⽀付总现⾦⾼于⽬标激励的奖⾦低于⽬标激励的奖⾦绩效优良绩效较差业绩奖⾦分配⽰意图个⼈业绩部门业绩公司业绩100%业绩权重分配⽰意图讨论不同类⼈员的奖⾦组成⽐例(PerformanceMix)薪酬级别考核等级80%~87%88%~95%96%~103%104%~111%112%~120%(A)卓越4.3~51.430%1.330%1.230%1.130%130%(B)超过要求3.5~4.21.330%1.230%1.130%130%0.930%(C)达到要求2.6~3.41.230%1.130%130%0.930%0.830%(D)需要改进1.8~2.51.130%130%0.930%0.830%0.730%(E)不能接受1~1.700000奖⾦分配矩阵假设固定⼯资和浮动⼯资(奖⾦)的⽐例为7:3假设每级分为5个区间对职位的任务和性质加以说明明确职位的职责明确⼯作权限和责任⼤⼩明确对任职者的要求任职者与上级的沟通和承诺过程职位说明书是:组织机构图表明当前⼯作、职位、部门与组织中的其他⼯作、职位、部门是什么关系,在整个组织中处于什么地位,组织图不仅确定了每⼀职位的名称,⽽且⽤相互联结的直线明确表明谁应当向谁汇报,以及职位承担者将同谁进⾏沟通与交流⼯作流程图部门职责、相关职位的⼯作分⼯让被描述职位的任职⼈填写问卷表可能的情况下,与任职⼈进⾏⾯谈沟通重点需要收集的资料职责范围描述的原则/⽅法职责范围来源依据职能分解、业务流程,配置到职位的⼯作内容职责项⽬特点职责的每项职能是相对独⽴的职责项⽬排序按重要程度(主项)描述/主要业务链职责描述四要素标题(⾼度概括)依据(⽂件、决定、指定)活动(⼯作内容、实施措施、权责范围)⽬的(最终结果)职责项⽬数量职责范围⼀般为8-4项,若⼤于8项或⼩于4项,应予以调整;对个别职位可酌情确定准确运⽤表⽰动作的词汇如:分析\搜集\召集\计划\分解\引导\运输\转交\维持\监督\推荐避免出现“执⾏需要完成的其他任务”或“上司交办的其他事项”“沟通协调”职位⼯资-岗位职级划分-职位评估按承担“职位价值”的⼤⼩确定⼯资额必须弄清“职位价值”按科学管理的⽅法,在职位分析的基础上进⾏职位评价主要⽅法是“排序法”、“因素⽐较法”与“点值评估法”,以确定各职位的综合得分,依据得分⾼低,确定职位价值的⼤⼩职位价值≠⼈的价值职位价值≠实际贡献LL-1L-2L-2L-3L-3L-1L-2L-2L-1L-2L-2L-1L-2L-2LL-1L-2L-2L-3L-3L-1L-2L-2L-1L-2L-2L-2L-2职位评估的应⽤(⼀)评估前的职级结构评估后清晰的职级结构宏观了解职位的相互关系职位评估的应⽤(⼀)宏观了解职位的相互关系(续)9销售代表8⾏政代表⼈事代表会计商务代表7销售助理级别⾏政部⼈⼒资源部财务部销售部商务部培训部1514市场总监13⼈⼒资源部经理财务经理市场部经理12商务部经理11⾏政经理招聘经理薪酬福利经理培训部经理10⾼级⼈事代表⾼级会计⾼级销售代表职位评估的应⽤(⼆)020,00040,00060,00080,000Grades作为⼀个公平的⼯资结构的可靠依据职位评估的应⽤(三)员⼯职业发展和继任的数据库VIVIIIIII290220170130100公司等级标准⼯资承认挑战风险乌托邦提升的进度依照公司等级⽽定标准⼯资随公司等级变化⽽变化提升是由技能决定,⽽⾮仅由绩效⽽定职位评估的⽅法排序法因素⽐较法分类法点值评估法多元回归法级别最低值中位值最⾼值标准职位14$200,000$250,000$300,000总裁13$160,000$200,000$240,00012$128,000$160,000$192,000副总裁11$104,000$130,000$156,000业务总监10$88,000$110,000$132,000市场总监9$78,400$98,000$117,600⾸席顾问8$68,800$86,000$103,200财务经理7$60,800$76,000$91,200⾼级顾问6$52,800$66,000$79,200顾问5$46,400$58,000$69,600招聘专员4$40,000$50,000$60,000市场专员3$33,600$42,000$50,400⽹络管理员2$28,000$35,000$42,000会计1$22,400$28,000$33,600前台排序法举例标杆职位标杆职位标杆职位排序法企业组织中普遍地存在着价值排序有限且抽象的孤⽴因素,⽆法帮助我们直接对各职位的价值进⾏排序根据企业最终⽬标,依靠权威以及组织内部的政治过程,确定各职位的价值排序把职位等级系列,当作⼯资等级系列的基础,这是实践中⾏之有效的做法因素⽐较法举例点值评估法-评估系统因素确定知识职责技能教育背景经验资格/证书要求专业知识电脑/软件应⽤知识……沟通能⼒培训计划能⼒解决问题能⼒决策能⼒……下属⼈数与类型⼯作跨度……点值评估法职位评估练习成⽴评估委员会固定成员:项⽬负责⼈、⼈⼒资源代表、顾问⾮固定成员:业务部门负责⼈职位评估由上⾄下评估是对职位⽽不是个⼈任职者本⼈不可评估⾃⼰职位静态评估,不参杂⼈为因素客观、公正、不持偏见掌握职位要素(责任范围、负责程度、复杂程度等)职位评估的建议关于点值评估系统的讨论选择哪些付酬因素进⾏评估如何设定每个评估因素的分值如何运⽤每个职位在评估后的分值结果如何划分分数段……外部竞争性分析了解市场薪酬⽔平政府公布的⼯资指导线⾏业统计、媒体公布同⾏相互了解⾯试竞争对⼿⼈员市场调查确定职级薪酬⽔平-薪酬调查SalarySurvey薪酬调查的⼀般步骤:选择有代表性的职位设计调查问卷选择有代表性的样本企业⾏业相近规模相近地域相近性质相近样本量⾜够职位匹配JobMatching数据检查checkdata数据分析统计趋势分析确定职级薪酬⽔平-薪酬调查SalarySurveyMeanMedianQuartiles(75th,50th,25th)RegressionAnalysis基本术语MedianisnormallylessthantheMean.(⼀般情况先,中位值低于平均值)SalaryContinuumLowHighMedianMeanMeanVs.MedianMeanisbetterwhen:什么时候⽤平均值samplesizeissmall样本量较少的情况下computingyear-to-yearchanges计算年与年变化的时候Medianisbetterwhen:什么时候⽤平均值asamplehaswidelyvaryingvalues样本量⾜够⼤的时候youwa nttoidentifya“typical”payrate在识别“典型”数字的时候Inmostcases,themedianisthebestvaluetouse.通常情况下,中位值最具有代表价值Quartiles(75th,50th,25th)Formula:P(n+1)n=2325thpercentile75thpercentile=(0.25)(23+1) = (0.75)(23+1)=(0.25)(24) = (0.75)(24)=6thdatapoint = 18thdatapoint=420 = 462参考市场薪酬⽔平GradeGrade$BaseSalary基本⼯资30,00070,000110,000150,000190,000230,00020,00050$TotalCash全部现⾦收⼊30,00070,000110,000150,000190,000230,000270,00050$30,00070,000110,000150,000190,000230,000270,00050ReferenceSalary标准⼯资GradeQ3Q1MedianReferenceSalary(Midpoint)标准⼯资线市场调查RegressionAnalysis回归分析反映职位价值趋势反映市场价值趋势可以建⽴预测关系便于薪酬数据的管理和控制MedianByJobSize选取所有序列的中点$JobSize05101520253035050100150200250300350最⼤拟合线LineofBestFit$JobSize 0510152025303540050100150200250300350指数回归ExponentialRegressionRateofPayincreasesbyGeometricProgression$JobSizey=a(1+i)n-1Pay=a(1+i)jobsize-1标准⼯资例如:基本⼯资职级基本⼯资市场供求造成中点增加率Mid-PointProgression 0510152025303540050100150200250300350$IncreasebyXpercente.g.21%IncreasebythesameXpercente.g.21%JobSize10%渐进适⽤职级较多的⼤公司15%稳健30%陡峭适⽤职级较少的办事处3P⼯资之⼆Payfor……为?付薪如何建⽴能⼒模型动机社会⾓⾊知识技能意愿特性⾏为薪酬激励⽅案设计CompensationDesign郑⼒⼦⾼级咨询顾问如何把企业战略策略与⼈⼒资源策略联系在⼀起?HowtolinkbusinessstrategywithHRstrategytogether?远景战略⽬标⼈/财/物岗位设置;A市⼈才供求状况;薪酬⽔平长期⽬标短期⽬标商业活动(1)开拓X产品在A城市的市场资源⼗年内成为国内市场上的三甲五年内在国内市场上的市场占有率15%三年内销售额增长⼀倍本年度产品X在市场上的份额增长两倍战略规划业务流程、组织结构⼯作分析岗位评估薪酬激励⼈⼒资源开发?培训体系?职业⽣涯规划业绩管理⼈⼒资源管理核⼼⼈⼒资源框架薪酬的⽬的--薪酬推动⾏为PurposeofCompensation—Compensationdrivesbehavior吸引Attract保留Retain激励Motivate加⼊Tojoin⼯作Towork改善企业绩效Toimproveorganizationperformance商业⽬标BusinessObjectives完成商业活动报酬经济的⾮经济的直接的基本⼯资业绩奖⾦股权红利各种津贴间接的保险福利补助优惠⼯作有趣的⼯作挑战性责任感褒奖的机会成就感发展的机会⼯作环境合理的政策称职的管理意⽓相投的同事恰当的社会地位标志舒适的⼯作条件弹性时间⼯作制缩减的周⼯作时数共担⼯作⾃助⾷堂式报酬便利的通讯报酬体系薪酬⽅案的⽬标CompensationProgramObjectives对内公平性对外竞争性企业⽀付能⼒容易管理者掌握符合法规便于员⼯理解平衡(1)Balance$成本对外竞争性ExternalCompetitive企业⽀付能⼒Affordable平衡(2)Balance竞争公平对外竞争性ExternalCompetitive对内公平性InternalEquity薪酬系统的构成RewardSystemComponent薪酬策略:如何⽀付薪酬⽀付理念:公司⽀付什么,为什么要⽀付岗位分析:岗位描述岗位价值:岗位评估⼯资幅度职级划分薪酬⽀付体系薪酬哲学四个基本问题:Why,What,How,WhoWhy:为什么我们需要薪酬计划?该计划的⾸要⽬标是什么?What:我们⽀付什么?付酬的因素是什么?How:我们如何⽀付?⽤什么样的⽀付⽅式Who:哪些⼈适合该薪酬计划?合格的标准是什么?薪酬的理念(续)Why:为什么我们需要薪酬计划?该计划的⾸要⽬标是什么?Attract吸引:Motivate激励:Retain保留:Align⼀致:Recognize承认:ProvideSecurity提供保障:薪酬的理念(续)What:我们⽀付什么?付酬的因素是什么?OrganizationalObjectives组织的⽬标(关键业绩指标)Departmental/TeamObjective部门/团队⽬标PersonalObjective个⼈⽬标Rol eRequirements职位要求(职位所要求的知识、经验、技能等)PersonalDevelopment个⼈发展(教育、培训和发展)How:我们如何⽀付?⽤什么样的⽀付⽅式薪酬的理念(续)DirectCompensation直接薪酬:1、固定薪酬:基本⼯资+(津贴)2、变动薪酬:短期激励或奖⾦(与业绩相联系)长期激励(略)IndirectCompensation间接薪酬:1、福利:2、Perquisites零时津贴(俱乐部资格、车补、个⼈财务计划、特别津贴)OtherCom pensation其他⽅⾯薪酬:延期薪酬(如:为避税⽽设计的薪酬⽀付计划)关于付薪理念的讨论3P⼯资Payfor…….Payfor…….Payfor…….3P⼯资之⼀Payfor……为?付薪什么是⼯作?什么是岗位?什么是职位?⼯作:组织内部分性质相近或相关任务的组合,是构成组织最基本活动的单元,是组织内相对独⽴的责权统⼀体。
• fully align with company goals 不偏离公司目标
• each motivation action has its specific objective
• flexibility, fit into individual’s desires 因人而异
Training & competence
人员配置、人才招聘 resource planning &
薪酬体系 C&B
Motivation characteristics of Successful
Companies 成功企业激励机制的特点
support company strategy and development
Externally Competitive 外部竞争力
• Select competitors. 选定竞争对手 • Select the appropriate type of survey
选择适当的市场调查 • Determine current market position
了解目前在市场上的位置 • Set target on Market positioning 设定市场定位目标
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Position Class
Example2:Market Survey Data Analysis 举例2:市场调查数据分析
Employee Categories
• Direct employees: people, whose work can be directly appointed to a certain product. 直接员工:直接生产产品或对产品进行直接加工的工 作人员。
• Indirect I: employees working in production, but whose work cannot be directed to a product. 非直接员工I:在车间工作但工作不直接针对产品的工 作人员。
人事档案管理 劳动合同管理 薪酬管理 员工福利政策 工作变动 绩效管理 员工奖惩 培训和发展 员工交流 计算机使用 工作规范
Section One
Personal Files 人事档案管理
Important Documents
• Offer Letter
• Labor Contract
• Maternity Insurance
• 0, and 0.8%
员工不支付, 公司:0.8%
• Housing Fund 住房公积金
• Eligibility to all employee except those with country hukou 适用对象:
Section Four
Benefits Policies
Working Time
• Normal working time 正常工时: 8:30 am-17:30pm
• Contains 1 hour lunch time 包含一小时用餐时间
史上最全的猎头专业术语5月2日Executive search猎头,指针对高端职位、收费较高的猎头服务。
BD-business development业务拓展,在猎头公司通常指开发新的客户公司。
Consultant顾问,在猎头公司顾问的工作通常是:为了完成客户的新职位而做职位和行业分析、search suitable candidates,面试,写推荐报告,安排客户面试,做背景调查报告、协助候选人办理离职和入职手续、收款。
Researcher研究员,协助顾问搜寻合适的候选人,打cold call Proposal提议、建议,在猎头公司通常指为了BD某一个职位或者客户,为客户撰写的展现猎头公司概貌的文件,由公司简介、业绩、擅长行业和职位、为了BD某一个职位或者客户而专门提出的建议和打算采用的措施等等。
在猎头公司close case指完成了一个职位。
successful case成功案例,成功职位,在猎头公司指推荐的候选人上班并通过试用期、收回服务费的case。
service fee(charge)服务费database数据库,在猎头公司通常指为了完成各类职位而积累的候选人简历库。
JD-Job Description职位描述cold call陌生。
在猎头公司,新入职的researcher通常需要为了某个职位打大量的CC:Cold call,用于了解行业信息、目标公司架构、搜寻合适候选人。
delivery n.交付,交货;投递,传送,在猎头公司指为客户推荐简历的整个过程,也特指推荐简历。
Paperwork:报告Department manager 部门一线经理Department director部门二线经理、部门决策者Vice-president 副总裁President总裁recruitment n. 招聘;招募hands wanted 招聘recruiting经理:经理manager、director、有时president也可指经理,在一个企业中,最高等的管理者,可以称之为president。
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HR – Pay and Reward
A. Time – rate pay
▪ Time rates are used when employees are paid for the amount of time they spend at work.
▪ The usual form of time rate is the weekly wage or monthly salary.
HR – Rewarding performance
HR – Pay and Reward
Pay and Reward :
The term ‘reward’ is generally understood to cover all financial provisions made to employees including both cash pay and the wider benefits package (pensions, paid leave and so on). It may also refer to wider provisions for employees, with the term ‘total reward’ encompassing elements such as training opportunities or a congenial working environment in addition to pay and benefits.
HR – Pay and Reward
What are the different types of reward payment systems?
✓ Time – rate pay. ✓ Piece – rate pay. ✓ Commission. ✓ Performance related pay. ✓ Fringe benefits. ✓ Profit sharing. ✓ Group incentives.
• Individual performance – increasingly, businesses include an element of “performance-related” reward in their pay structures.
• Company affordability – whether the organisation has enough financial resources to pay?
• Job evaluation / content - this is usually the most important factor. What is involved in the job being paid? How does it compare with similar jobs?
Presented by : Mr. Dheeraj Rongala Contact email : dheerajr@
Learning objectives
By the end of the session, learners will be able to know about:
▪ Piece-rate pay encourages effort, but, it is argued, often at the expense of quality.
• Importance of rewarding performance. • Difference between pay and reward. • Types of reward payment systems. • Communication models. • Barriers and steps for improving communication. • Learning styles and related models.
• It is easy to understand from an employee’s perspective.
HR – Pay and Rewardபைடு நூலகம்
A. Time – rate pay
Advantages :
• The employee can budget personal finance with some certainty.
• Time-rate payroll costs have a tendency to creep upwards (e.g. due to inflation-related pay rises and employee promotion.
HR – Pay and Reward
B. Piece – rate pay
▪ The employment contract for a time-rate employee will also stipulate the amount of paid leave that the employee can take each year (e.g. 5 weeks paid holiday).
HR – Pay and Reward
Why is pay important?
• It is an important cost for a business (in some “labour-intensive” businesses, payroll costs are over 50% of total costs).
HR – Pay and Reward
A. Time – rate pay
Disadvantages :
• Does little to encourage greater productivity – there is no incentive to achieve greater output.
• Makes it easier for the employer to plan and budget for employee costs (e.g. payroll costs will be a function of overall headcount rather than estimated output).
HR – Pay and Reward
A. Time – rate pay
Advantages :
• Time rates are simple for a business to calculate and administer.
• They are suitable for businesses that wish to employ staff to provide general roles (e.g. financial management, administration, maintenance) where employee productivity is not easy to measure.
(Continuation from previous session)
Presented by : Mr. Dheeraj Rongala Contact email : dheerajr@
Organisational Behaviour
Topics covered in Week 4 Lecture session 4.3 Organisational Learning and Behaviour Lecture session 4.4 Course work - Activity
HR – Pay and Reward
How do businesses decide how much to pay?
• Market rates – If a business tries to pay below the “market rate” then it will probably have difficulty in recruiting and retaining suitable staff.
Presented by : Mr. Dheeraj Rongala Contact email : dheerajr@
Organisational Behaviour
Topics covered in Week 4 Lecture session 4.5 Course work surgery Lecture session 4.6 Course work – Queries and clarifications
Organisational Behaviour
Topics covered in Week 4 Lecture session 4.1 HR - Rewarding performance
Lecture session 4.2
Interpersonal and Organisational Communication
HR – Pay and Reward
Pay and Reward :
Pay may be divided into two categories: • Base or fixed pay – that is, the guaranteed cash wage
or salary paid to individual employees for performing their work for a contracted period of time. • Total earnings – this includes base pay plus additional variable elements of earnings such as bonus payments, while the term could also be used to include aspects such as overtime earnings.