A.电梯调度B.最短寻道时间优先C.扫描D.单向扫描3、关于临界问题的一个算法(假设只有进程P0和P1,能会进入临界区)如下(i为0或1代表进程P0或者P1):Repeatretry:if(turn!=-1)turn=i;if(turn!=i)go to retry;turn=-1;临界区:turn=0;其他区域;until false;该算法()。
A.不能保持进程互斥进入临界区,且会出现“饥饿”B.不能保持进程互斥进入临界区,但不会出现“饥饿”C.保证进程互斥进入临界区,但会出现“饥饿”D.保证进程互斥进入临界区,不会出现“饥饿”4、进行P0和P1;的共享变量定义及其初值为:boolean flag[2];int turn=0;flag[0]=false;flag[1]=false;若进行P0和P1,访问临界资源的类C代码实现如下:void Po()//进程Po{while(TRUE){flag[0]=TRUE;turn=1;While(flag[1]&&(turn==l));临界区;flag[0]=FALSE;}}void P1()//进程P1{while(TRUE){flag[1]=TRUE;turn=0;While(flag[0]&&(turn==0));临界区;flag[1]=FALSE;}}并发执行进程P0和P1时产生的情况是()。
A、并发性是指两个及多个事件在同一时刻发生B、并发性是指两个及多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生C、并行性是指两个及多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生D、并发性是指进程,并行性是指程序(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)D (6)B2.填空题(1)微机是以总线为纽带构成的计算机系统。
兰大20春《操作系统》20春平时作业3 满分答案.doc
A.相互独立与互相制约B.协调与竞争C.不同状态D.动态性与独立性【参考答案】: B2.操作系统中采用缓冲技术,能够减少对CPU的()的次数,从而提高资源的利用率。
A.中断B.访问C.控制D.依赖【参考答案】: A3.操作系统是一组()程序。
A.文件管理B.中断处理C.资源管理D.设备管理【参考答案】: C4.若系统中有五台绘图仪,有多个进程均需要使用两台,规定每个进程一次仅允许申请一台,则至多允许()个进程参于竞争,而不会发生死锁。
A.5B.2C.3D.4【参考答案】: D5.磁盘上的文件是以()为单位读写的。
A.块B.记录C.区段D.页面【参考答案】: A6.程序运行时,独占系统资源,只有程序本身能改变系统资源状态,这是指()。
A.程序顺序执行的再现性B.程序顺序执行的封闭性C.并发程序失去封闭性D.并发程序失去再现性【参考答案】: B7.在下列系统中,()是实时系统。
A.计算机激光照排系统B.航空定票系统C.办公自动化系统D.计算机辅助设计系统【参考答案】: B8.为防止用户使用共享文件时可能造成文件被破坏,通常可采用()方法来保护文件。
A.建立多个副本B.定时转储文件C.设置口令D.规定使用权限【参考答案】: D9.逻辑文件存放在到存储介质上时,采用的组织形式是与()有关的。
A.逻辑文件结构B.存储介质特性C.主存储器管理方式D.分配外设方式【参考答案】: B10.为了照顾短作业用户,进程调度采用()。
A.先进先出调度算法B.短作业优先调度C.优先级调度D.轮转法【参考答案】: B11.在采用线程技术的操作系统中,正确的说法是()。
A.进程是资源分配的独立单位B.线程是资源分配的独立单位C.进程是调度执行的单位D.线程是调度执行的单位E.同一进程中各线程共享该进程分配到的主存空间【参考答案】: ADE12.进程调度算法中,可以设计成“可抢占式”的算法有()。
一、单选题(共15 道试题,共60 分)
2.在操作系统中进程是一个具有一定独立功能程序在某个数据集合上的一次( )。
操作系统复习资料第一章:操作系统引论1. 什么是操作系统?可以从哪些角度阐述操作系统的作用?答:操作系统是计算机系统中的一个系统软件,是能有效地组织和管理计算机系统中的硬件和软件资源,合理地组织计算机工作流程,控制程序的执行,并向用户提供各种服务功能,使得用户能够灵活、方便、有效地使用计算机,并使整个计算机系统能高效地运行的一组程序模块的集合。
3 操作系统需要管理哪些资源?它的基本功能是什么?答:硬件资源:CPU,打印机等,软件资源:数据,程序等4 操作系统对外提供了哪些接口?答:(1)操作系统的命令接口通过在用户和操作系统之间提供高级通信来控制程序运行,用户通过输入设备发出一系列命令告诉操作系统执行所需功能,它包括了键盘操作命令和作业控制命令,称为作业一级的用户接口。
(3)在系统中过度地增强多道程序的并发执行,在内存中会引起( 抖动 )现象,反而降低了系统的吞吐量。
k≤≤(5)如果时间片无穷大,则时间片轮转调度算法就变成( FCFS算法)。
(11)操作系统的主要功能有进程/处理机管理, 存储管理,文件管理和(设备管理)(12)在支持线程的系统中,( 进程 )是进行资源分配的基本单位,而(线程)是进行调度的基本单位。
(14)在系统中过度地增强多道程序的并发执行,在内存中会引起(抖动 )现象,反而降低了系统的吞吐量。
(16)在Spppling系统中有两个重要的系统进程:(输入进程 )和( 输出进程 ),它们分别负责作业的输入和输出。
第一章The general role of an operating system is to:选择一个答案a. Provide a set of services to system usersb. Manage files for application programsc. Act as an interface between various computersd. None of the aboveInformation that must be saved prior to the processor transferring control to the interrupt handler routine includes:选择一个答案a.Processor Status Word (PSW) & Contents ofprocessor registersb. None of the abovec. Processor Status Word (PSW)d. Processor Status Word (PSW) & Locationof next instructionIn a uniprocessor system, multiprogramming increases processor efficiency by:选择一个答案a. Increasing processor speedb. Eliminating all idle processor cyclesc. All of the aboved. Taking advantage of time wasted by longwait interrupt handlingAs one proceeds down the memory hierarchy (i.e., from inboard memory to offline storage), the following condition(s) apply:选择一个答案a. Decreasing capacityb. Increasing cost per bitc. Increasing access timed. All of the aboveSmall, fast memory located between the processor and main memory is called 选择一个答案a. Cache memoryb. CD-RW memoryc. WORM memoryd. None of the aboveWhen a new block of data is written into cache memory, the following determines which cache location the block will occupy:选择一个答案a. Cache sizeb. None of the abovec. Write policyd. Block sizeThe four main structural elements of a computer system are:选择一个答案a.Processor, Registers, Main Memory &System Busb. None of the aboveb. d.Processor, Registers, I/O Modules & Main Memoryc.Processor, Main Memory, I/O Modules &System BusThe two basic types of processor registers are:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. User-visible and user-invisible registersc. Control and Status registersd. User-visible and Control/Status registersAddress registers may contain选择一个答案a. Memory addresses of instructionsb. Partial memory addressesc. Memory addresses of datad. All of the aboveA Control/Status register that contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched is called the:选择一个答案a. Program Counter (PC)b. Program Status Word (PSW)c. Instruction Register (IR)d. All of the aboveThe two basic steps used by the processor in instruction processing are:选择一个答案a. Fetch and Instruction cyclesb. Instruction and Execute cyclesc. Fetch and Execute cyclesd. None of the aboveA fetched instruction is normally loaded into the:选择一个答案a. Instruction Register (IR)b. Accumulator (AC)c. None of the aboved. Program Counter (PC)A common class of interrupts is选择一个答案a. I/Ob. Timerc. All of the aboved. ProgramWhen an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor, the device sends this type of signal to the processor:选择一个答案a. Halt signalb. None of the abovec. Handler signald. Interrupt signalOne accepted method of dealing with multiple interrupts is to:选择一个答案a. Define priorities for the interruptsb. Service them in round-robin fashionc. None of the aboved. Disable all interrupts except those of highest priority第二章A primary objective of an operating system is:选择一个答案a. Ability to evolveb. Conveniencec. Efficiencyd. All of the aboveThe paging system in a memory management system provides for dynamic mapping between a virtual address used in a program and:选择一个答案a. A virtual address in main memoryb. A real address in main memoryc. None of the aboved. A real address in a programRelative to information protection and security in computer systems, access control typically refers to:选择一个答案a. The flow of data within the systemb. Proving that security mechanisms perform accordingto specificationc. None of the aboved. Regulating user and process access to various aspectsof the systemA common problem with full-featured operating systems, due to their size and difficulty of the tasks they address, is:选择一个答案a. Sub-par performanceb. All of the abovec. Latent bugs that show up in the fieldd. Chronically late in deliveryA technique in which a process, executing an application, is divided into threads that can run concurrently is called:选择一个答案a. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)b. Multiprocessingc. None of the aboved. MultithreadingWIN2K supports several types of user applications, including:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. System 10c. Linuxd. WIN32Key to the success of Linux has been it’s character as a free software package available under the auspices of the:选择一个答案a. World Wide Web Consortiumb. Berkeley Software Distributionc. Free Software Foundationd. None of the aboveOperating systems must evolve over time because选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Hardware must be replaced when it failsc. New hardware is designed and implementedin the computer systemd. Users will only purchase software that hasa current copyright dateThe operating system is unusual in it’s role as a control mechanism, in that:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. It never relinquishes control of the system processorc. It frequently relinquishes control of the system processorand must depend on the processor to regain control of thesystemd. It runs on a special processor, completely separated from therest of the systemThe operating system provides many types of services to end-users, programmers and system designers, including:选择一个答案a. Relational database capabilities with the internal file systemb. Built-in user applicationsc. Error detection and responsed. All of the aboveA major problem with early serial processing systems was:选择一个答案a. Inability to get hardcopy outputb. Lack of input devicesc. All of the aboved. Setup timeAn example of a hardware feature that is desirable in abatch-processing system is选择一个答案a. A completely accessible memory areab. Large clock cyclesc. None of the aboved. Privileged instructionsA computer hardware feature that is vital to the effectiveoperation of a multiprogramming operating system is:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. I/O interrupts and DMAc. Very large memoryd. Multiple processorsThe principle objective of a time sharing, multiprogramming system is to选择一个答案a. Provide exclusive access to hardwareb. Maximize response timec. None of the aboved. Maximize processor useWhich of the following major line of computer system development created problems in timing and synchronization that contributed to the development of the concept of the process?选择一个答案a. Real time transaction systemsb. All of the abovec. Multiprogramming batch operation systemsd. Time sharing systemsWhich of the following major line of computer system development created problems in timing and synchronization that contributed to the development of the concept of the process?选择一个答案a. Real time transaction systemsb. Multiprogramming batch operation systemsc. All of the aboved. Time sharing systems第三章The behavior of a processor can be characterized by examining:选择一个答案a. The interleaving of the process tracesb. A single process tracec. Multiple process tracesd. All of the aboveThe Process Image element that contains the modifiable part of the user space is called the:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. User Programc. Process Control Blockd. System StackThe processor execution mode that user programs typically execute in is referred to as:选择一个答案a. System modeb. Kernel modec. User moded. None of the aboveOne step in the procedure for creating a new process involves:选择一个答案a. Allocating space for the processb. Assigning a unique identifierc. All of the aboved. Initializing the process control blockA process switch may occur when the system encounters an interrupt condition, such as that generated by a:选择一个答案a. Memory faultb. Trapc. All of the aboved. Supervisor callIn the Process Based O/S:选择一个答案a.Major kernel functions are organized asseparate functionsb.None of the abovec.O/S code and data are contained inthe shared address spaced. The User Process Image includes a kernel stackIn a typical UNIX system, the element of the process image that contains the processor status information is the:选择一个答案a. Register contextb. System-level contextc. All of the aboved. User-level contextThe behavior of an individual process can be characterized by examining:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Multiple process tracesc. The interleaving of the process tracesd. A single process traceThe basic Two-State Process Model defines two possible states for a process in relationship to the processor:选择一个答案a. Running and Executingb. Executing and Waitingc. Running and Not Runningd. None of the aboveThere are a number of conditions that can lead to process termination, including:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Bounds violationc. Normal completiond. Parent terminationIn the Five-State Process Model, the following represents a valid state transition:选择一个答案a. New -> Runningb. Running -> Blockedc. All of the aboved. New -> BlockedIn a Process Model that implements two suspend states, a valid state transition is represented by:选择一个答案a. Running -> Ready/Suspendb. Ready -> Ready/Suspendc. All of the aboved. Ready/Suspend -> ReadyThe scheduling strategy where each process in the queue is given a certain amount of time, in turn, to execute and then returned to the queue, unless blocked is referred to as:选择一个答案a. Prioritizationb. Round-Robinc. LIFOd. All of the aboveA Memory Table is an O/S control structure that is used by the O/S to:选择一个答案a. Provide information about system filesb. Manage I/O devicesc. None of the aboved. Manage processesThe Process Image element that contains the collection of attributes needed by the O/S to control a particular process is called the:选择一个答案a. System Stackb. None of the abovec. Process Control Blockd. User Data第四章The concept of a process in an operating system embodies two primary characteristics, one of which is:选择一个答案a. Resource ownershipb. None of the abovec. Multithreadingd. Symmetric multiprocessingEarly operating systems that were designed with little concern about structure are typically referred to as:选择一个答案a. Monolithic operating systemsb. All of the abovec. Kernel operating systemsd. Layered operating systemsA benefit of the microkernel organization is:选择一个答案a. Flexibilityb. Portabilityc. Extensibilityd. All of the aboveIn low-level microkernel memory management, an example of an operation that can support external paging and virtual memory management is the:选择一个答案a. Map operationb. All of the abovec. Flush operationd. Grant operationIn a W2K system, the state that a thread enters when it has been unblocked and the resource for which it has been blocked is not yet available is called the:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. Standby statec. Waiting stated. Transition stateIn a Solaris system, a User-Level Thread (ULT) that enters the active state is assigned to a:选择一个答案a.Light-Weight Process (LWP)b.Heavy-Weight Process (HWP)c.Kernel threadd. None of the aboveAn example of a system that implements a single process with multiple threads is:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Javac. Solarisd. WIN 2000Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between processes and threads:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. It takes far less time to create a new thread in an existingprocess than to create a new processc. It takes less time to switch between two different processesthan to switch between two threads within the same processd. It takes less time to terminate a process than a threadThe basic thread operation related to the change in thread state that occurs when a thread needs to wait for an event is referred to as the:选择一个答案a. Spawn operationb. Unblock operationc. Block operationd. None of the aboveOne of the disadvantages of User-Level Threads (ULTs) compared toKernel-Level Threads (KLTs) is:选择一个答案a. When a ULT executes a system call, all threads in the processare blockedb. Thread switching does not require kernel mode privilegesc. All of the aboved. Scheduling is application specificIn the Linux O/S, multiple threads may be created and executed within a single process. This is an example of the following Thread-to-Process relationship: 选择一个答案a. 1:1b. 1:Mc. M:Nd. None of the aboveThe computer system category where a single processor executes a single instruction stream to operate on data stored in a single memory is called:选择一个答案a. Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) streamb. Multiple Instruction Single Data (MISD) streamc. Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) streamd. None of the aboveIn a SMP system, each processor maintains a local cache and must alert all other processors that a change to cache update has taken place. This is referred to as the:选择一个答案a. Synchronization mechanism problemb. Cache coherency problemc. Interconnection mechanism problemd. None of the aboveKey issues involved in the design of multiprocessor operating systems include:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Synchronizationc. Reliability and fault toleranced. SchedulingIn a Linux system, when a new process is cloned, the two processes share the same:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Process identifierc. task_struct data structured. Virtual memory第五章Concurrency plays a major part in which of the following specific contexts: 选择一个答案a. Multiple applicationsb. Structured applicationsc. O/S structured. All of the aboveIn order to implement mutual exclusion on a critical resource for competing processes, only one program at a time should be allowed选择一个答案a. To Exhibit cooperationb. In the critical section of the programc. To perform message passingd. None of the aboveThe following requirement must be met by any facility or capability that is to provide support for mutual exclusion:选择一个答案a. Only one process at a time can be allowed into a criticalcode sectionb. No assumptions can be made about relative process speedsc. A process remains in its critical code section for a finitetime onlyd. All of the aboveProcesses that are designed to be able to pass execution control back and forth between themselves are referred to as选择一个答案a. Coroutinesb. Busy waiting processesc. None of the aboved.ThreadsIn a uniprocessor system, mutual exclusion can be guaranteed by选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Interleaving processesc. Disabling interruptsd. Overlapping processesA semaphore that does not specify the order in which processes are removed from the queue is called a选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. Weak semaphorec. Strong semaphored. Binary semaphoreThe finite circular buffer is used to implement which of the following basic queuing strategies选择一个答案a. FILOb. FIFOc. LIFOd. None of the aboveA chief characteristic of a monitor is:选择一个答案a. A maximum of two processes may be executing in a monitor at atimeb. All of the abovec. A process enters the monitor by invoking one of itsproceduresd. Local data variables of the monitor are accessible by anyprocedure requesting use of the monitorIn synchronization involving message passing, the sender of a message can be选择一个答案a. Either blocking or non-blockingb. All of the abovec. Only non-blockingd. Only blockingIn a system employing message passing, when a message is sent to a shared temporary data structure, this general approach is known as选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. Direct addressingc. Indirect addressingd. BlockingIn a system employing message passing, the typical message is divided into two primary sections选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. Destination ID and Source IDc. Header and mailboxd. Body and mailboxThe Reader/Writer problem requires that certain conditions be satisfied, such as:选择一个答案a. Multiple writers may write to the file simultaneouslyAny number ofreaders may simultaneously read from the fileb. Readers may read from the file while writers are writing to itc. Any number of readers may simultaneously read from the filed. None of the aboveA reason why the Producer/Consumer problem cannot be considered a special case of the Reader/Writer problem with a single writer (the producer) and a single reader (the consumer) is:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. The Producer/Consumer problem doesn’t deal with concurrency issuesc. The producer and consumer must be both reader and writerd. The consumer must perform writes while the reader performs readsExamples of solutions to the concurrency problem that do not involve busy waiting are the following:选择一个答案a. Message passing and cachingb. None of the abovec. Semaphores and monitorsd. Producers and consumersA basic echo procedure (that echoes a typed character to the screen) running on a multiprocessor system can produce erroneous output if选择一个答案a. Access to the echo procedure is unsynchronizedb. None of the abovec. Access to the echo procedure is synchronizedd. Two processes deadlock while in the echo code第六章The permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or communicate with each other is called:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Deadlockc. Starvationd. PrioritizationIn deadlocked process recovery, selection criteria for choosing a particular process to abort or rollback includes designating the process with the:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Lowest priorityc. Most estimated time remainingd. Least total resources allocated so farOne approach to an integrated strategy for dealing with deadlocks involves the implementation of:选择一个答案a. Resource classesc. Process rollbacksd. Virtual memoryThe Dining Philosopher’s Problem is a standard test case for evaluating approaches to implementing:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Deadlockc. Synchronizationd. StarvationA software mechanism that informs a process of the occurrences of asynchronous events in UNIX are called:选择一个答案a. Signalsb. Messagesc. Pipesd. All of the aboveThread synchronization primitives supported by Solaris include:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Semaphoresc. Condition variablesd. Mutual exclusion (mutex) locksThe family of synchronization objects implemented by W2K include:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Mutex objectsc. Semaphore objectsd. Event objectsAll deadlocks involve conflicting needs for resources by:选择一个答案a. Three or more processesb. Two or more processesd. One or more processesA resource that can be created and destroyed is called a:选择一个答案a. Consumable resourceb. Producible resourcec. Reusable resourced. All of the aboveAn example of a consumable resource is the following:选择一个答案a. Printersb. Messagesc. All of the aboved. Main MemoryA condition of policy that must be present for a deadlock to be possible is: 选择一个答案a. No preemptionb. Mutual exclusionc. All of the aboved. Hold and waitA direct method of deadlock prevention is to prevent the occurrence of:选择一个答案a. Circular waitb. Hold and waitc. Mutual exclusiond. All of the aboveIn the Resource Allocation Denial approach to Deadlock Avoidance, a safe state is defined as one in which:选择一个答案a.At least one potential process sequence does not result in a deadlockb. All potential process sequences do not result in a deadlock:c. None of the aboved. Several potential process sequences do not result in a deadlock:A conservative strategy for dealing with deadlocks that involves limiting access to resources and imposing restrictions on processes is called:选择一个答案a. Deadlock Avoidanceb. Deadlock Detectionc. None of the aboved. Deadlock Prevention第七章The task of subdividing memory between the O/S and processes is performed automatically by the O/S and is called:选择一个答案a.Relocationb. b. Protectionc.Memory Managementd.All of the aboveA reference to a memory location independent of the current assignment of data to memory is called a:选择一个答案a. Relative addressb. None of the abovec. Absolute addressd. Logical addressAn actual location in main memory is called a:选择一个答案a. Absolute addressb. None of the abovec. Relative addressd. Logical addressThe page table for each process maintains:选择一个答案a. The physical memory location of the processb. None of the abovec. The page location for each frame of the processd. The frame location for each page of the processIn a system employing a paging scheme for memory management, wasted space is due to:选择一个答案a. Internal fragmentationb. Pages and frames of different specified sizesc. External fragmentationd. None of the aboveIn a system employing a segmentation scheme for memory management, wasted space is due to:选择一个答案a. Segments of different sizesb. Internal fragmentationc. External fragmentationd. None of the aboveIn a system employing a segmentation scheme for memory management, a process is divided into:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. A number of segments which must be of equal sizec. A number of segments which need not be of equal sized. One segment per threadThe concept of Memory Management satisfies certain system requirements, including:选择一个答案a. Physical organizationb. Relocationc. All of the aboved. ProtectionThe practice in which a program and data are organized in such a way that various modules can be assigned the same region of memory is called:选择一个答案a. Sharingb. None of the abovec. Overlayingd. RelocationThe concept of virtual memory is based on one or both of two basic techniques:选择一个答案a. Overlaying and relocationb. Segmentation and pagingc. None of the aboved. Segmentation and partitioningA problem with the largely obsolete Fixed Partitioning memory management technique is that of:选择一个答案a. Allowing only a fixed number of Processesb. Inefficient use of memoryc. All of the aboved. Internal fragmentationThe problem of internal fragmentation can be lessened in systems employing a fixed-partition memory management scheme by using:选择一个答案a. None of the aboveb. Unequal size partitionsc. Equal size partitionsd. Random size partitionsIn the Dynamic Partitioning technique of memory management, the phenomenon that results in unused blocks of memory outside of existing partitions is called:选择一个答案a. Compactionb. Internal fragmentationc. External fragmentationd. None of the aboveIn the Dynamic Partitioning technique of memory management, the placement algorithm that chooses the block that is closest in size to the request is called: 选择一个答案a. Best-fitb. All of the abovec. Next-fitd. First-fitIn the Dynamic Partitioning technique of memory management, the placement algorithm that scans memory from the location of the last placement and chooses the next available block that large enough to satisfy the request is called:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. First-fitc. Next-fitd. Best-fit第八章The type of memory that allows for very effective multiprogramming and relieves the user of memory size constraints is referred to as:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Main memoryc. Real memoryd. Virtual memoryThe replacement policy that is impossible to implement because it would require the O/S to have perfect knowledge of future events is called the:选择一个答案a. Optimal policyb. Clock policyc. None of the aboved. Least recently used (LRU) policyThe replacement policy that chooses only among the resident pages of the process that generated the page fault in selecting a page to replace is referred to as a:选择一个答案a. Local replacement policyb. None of the abovec. Global replacement policyd. Variable replacement policyThe concept associated with determining the number of processes that will be resident in main memory is referred to as:选择一个答案a. A cleaning policyb. Load Controlc. None of the aboved. The page fault frequencyIn SVR4 and Solaris systems, the memory management scheme that manages user processes and disk I/O is called the:选择一个答案a. Kernel memory allocatorb. Paging systemc. None of the aboved. Virtual memory managerThe multi-level memory management scheme implemented in Linux was designed to minimize large page tables and directories in which of the following line of processors:选择一个答案a. 64-bit Alpha architectureb. None of the abovec. 16-bit X86 architectured. 32-bit Pentium/X86 architectureThe Windows 2000 virtual memory manager can use page sizes ranging from: 选择一个答案a. 4 KB to 64 KBb. 64 KB to 4 GBc. 4 GB to 4 TBd. None of the aboveThe situation where the processor spends most of its time swapping process pieces rather than executing instructions is called:选择一个答案a. The Principle of Localityb. Pagingc. None of the aboved. ThrashingThe situation that occurs when the desired page table entry is not found in the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) is called a:选择一个答案a. Page faultb. TLB missc. None of the aboved. TLB hit<p>The real address of a word in memory is translated from the following portions of a virtual address: </p>选择一个答案a. Page number and offsetb. None of the abovec. Frame number and offsetd. Page number and frame numberSegmentation has a number of advantages to the programmer over anon-segmented address space, including:选择一个答案a. Protectionb. Simplifying the handling of growing data structuresc. All of the aboved. Sharing among processesIn a combined paging/segmentation system, a user’s address space is broken up into a number of:选择一个答案a. Variable-sized Segments, which are in turn broken down into fixed-size pagesb. Segments or pages, at the discretion of the programmerc. All of the aboved. Fixed-size pages, which are in turn broken down into variable-sized segments Sharing is achieved in a segmentation system by:选择一个答案a. Each process segment table having a reference to the dispatcher main memory areab. Having a common data area that all processes can sharec. Referencing a segment in the segment tables of more than one processd. All of the aboveA fundamental choice in the design of the memory-management portion of an O/S is:选择一个答案a. All of the aboveb. Whether to use paging, segmentation of a combination of the twoc. Whether or not to use virtual memory techniquesd. The algorithms employed for various aspects of memory managementThe fetch policy that exploits the characteristics of most secondary memory devices, such as disks, which have seek time and rotational latency is called:选择一个答案a. Prepagingb. None of the abovec. Swappingd. Demand paging第九章The type of scheduling that involves the decision to add a process to those that are at least partially in main memory and therefore available for execution is referred to as:选择一个答案a. Medium-term schedulingb. Long-term schedulingc. None of the aboved. I/O schedulingOne difficulty with the Shortest Process Next (SPN) scheduling technique is:选择一个答案a. The need to know or estimate required processing times for each processb. All of the abovec. The starvation of longer processesd. The lack of preemptionOne difficulty with the Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) scheduling technique is:。
4)多道程序环境下的各道程序,宏观上,它们是在( 并行 )执行,微观上则是在( 交替 )执行。
进程完毕I/O请求原语操作时间片到剥夺算法中高优先级进程的进入2.单选(1)分时系统的响应时间主要是根据( C )确定的。
a.时间片大小b.用户数目c.用户所能接受的等待时间d.CPU运行速度(2)进程存在的唯一标识是( C )。
a.JCBb.DCBc. PCBd. FCB(3)3个进程共享同一程段,每次最多只允许两个进程进入该程序段,若用P,V操作实现同步,信号量S的取值范围为( A )。
a.[2,-1]b.[3,0]c.[2,-2]d.[1,-2](4)下列解决死锁的方法中,属于死锁预防策略的是( A )。
a. 资源有序法b. 银行家算法c.资源分配图化简法d.进程撤消法(5)一个进程由程序、数据及进程控制块组成,但必须用可重入码编写的是( D )。
a.程序b. 数据c. 进程控制块d.共享程序段(6)下列解决死锁的方法中,属于死锁避免策略的是( B )。
a. 资源有序法b. 银行家算法c.资源分配图化简法d.进程撤消法(7)某系统有4个并发进程,都需同类资源3个,如系统不发生死锁的最少资源数是( C )a.7b.8c.9d.10(8)批处理系统的主要缺点是( A )。
A、并发性是指两个及多个事件在同一时刻发生B、并发性是指两个及多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生C、并行性是指两个及多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生D、并发性是指进程,并行性是指程序(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)D (6)B2.填空题(1)微机是以总线为纽带构成的计算机系统。
10.采用多道程序设计技术,能充分发挥 CPU 和外部设备并行工作的能力。
11. 计算机网络是在计算机技术和通信技术高度发展基础上相结合的产物。
12. 在计算机网络中,各计算机仍使用自己的操作系统,由它管理自身的资源。
13. 如果一个计算机网络系统,其处理和控制功能被分散在系统的各个计算机上,系统中的所有任务可动态地分配到各个计算机中,使它们并行执行,实现分布处理。
二、选择1.操作系统是一种 B 。
A.通用软件B.系统软件C.应用软件D.软件包2.操作系统是对 C 进行管理的软件。
A系统软件B.系统硬件C.计算机资源D.应用程序3.操作系统中采用多道程序设计技术,以提高CPU和外部设备的 A 。
A.利用率B.可靠性C.稳定性D.兼容性4.计算机系统中配置操作系统的目的是提高计算机的 B 和方便用户使用。
A.速度B.利用率C.灵活性D.兼容性5. C 操作系统允许多个用户在其终端上同时交互地使用计算机。
川大操作系统春在线作业答案集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]《操作系统2265》18春在线作业2总分:100分一、单选题共10题,50分1一个进程由程序、数据及进程控制块组成,但必须用可重入码编写的是()。
《操作系统》课程作业(一)姓名班级学号一、选择题(选择一个正确答案的代码填入括号中)1. 一个完整的计算机系统是由()组成的。
A.硬件B.软件C.硬件和软件D.用户程序2. 在计算机系统中,控制和管理各种资源、有效地组织多道程序运行的系统软件称作()。
A.文件系统B.操作系统C.网络管理系统D.数据库管理系统3. 按照所起的作用和需要的运行环境,操作系统属于()。
A.用户软件B.应用软件C.支撑软件D.系统软件4. 操作系统的基本职能是()。
A.提供功能强大的网络管理工具B.提供用户界面,方便用户使用C.提供方便的可视化编辑程序D.控制和管理系统内各种资源,有效地组织多道程序的运行5. 为用户分配主存空间,保护主存中的程序和数据不被破坏,提高主存空间的利用率。
A.处理器管理B.存储管理C.文件管理D.作业管理6. 操作系统对缓冲区的管理属于()的功能。
A.处理机管理B.设备管理C.文件管理D.存储器管理7. 操作系统内核与用户程序、应用程序之间的接口是()。
A.shell命令B.图形界面C.系统调用D.C语言函数8. 为了使系统中所有的用户都能得到及时的响应,该操作系统应该是()。
A.多道批处理系统B.分时系统C.实时系统D.网络系统9. 在实时系统中,一旦有处理请求和要求处理的数据时,CPU就应该立即处理该数据并将结果及时送回。
A.为多用户设计B.需要中断机构及时钟系统的支持C.方便用户与计算机的交互D.可靠性比实时系统要求高11. 以下著名的操作系统中,属于多用户、分时系统的是()。
A.DOS系统B.Windows NT系统C.UNIX系统D.OS/2系统二、判断题(正确的划√,错误的划×。
)1. 操作系统是用户与计算机之间的接口。
A.(6,0,3,2)B. (2,3,0,4)C.(0,4,3,2,9)D.(4,5,6,0,3,2)7、系统将数据从磁盘读到内存的过程包括以下操作:① DMA控制器发出中断请求②初始化DMA控制器并启动磁盘③从磁盘传输一块数据到内存缓冲区④执行“DMA结束”中断服务程序正确的执行顺序是():A.③①②④B.②③①④C.②①③④D.①②③④8、在系统内存中设置磁盘缓冲区的主要11的是()。
I.打开文件的主要操作是把指定文件复制到内存指定的区域II.对一个文件的访问,常由用户访问权限和用户优先级共同限制III.文件系统采用树形片录结构后,对于不同用户的文件,其文件名应该不同IV.为防止系统故障造成系统内文件受损,常采用存取控制矩阵方法保护文件A.仅IB. 仅I、IIIC.仅I、III、IVD.I、II、III,IV10、产生内存抖动的主要原因是()A.内存空间太小B.CPU运行速度太慢C.CPU调度算法不合理D.页面置换算法不合理11、假定有个请求分页存储管理系统,测得系统各相关设备的利用率为:CPU为10%,磁盘交换区为99.7%:其他1/O设备为5%。
A.手工操作B.单道批处理C.多道批处理D.多用户分时系统2. 与计算机硬件关系最密切的软件是()。
A.编译程序B.数据库管理系统C.游戏程序D.OS3. 现代OS具有并发性和共享性,是()的引入导致的。
A.单道程序B. 磁盘C. 对象D.多道程序4. 早期的OS主要追求的是()。
A.打印机B.中断机构C.软盘D.鼠标7. 特权指令可以在()执行。
A.目态B.浏览器中C.任意的时间D.进程调度中8. 没有了()计算机系统就启动不起来。
A.编译器B.DBMSC.OSD.浏览器9. 通道能够完成()之间的数据传输。
A.CPU与外设B.内存与外设C.CPU与主存D.外设与外设10. 操作系统的主要功能有()。
A.进程管理、存储器管理、设备管理、处理机管理B.虚拟存储管理、处理机管理、进程调度、文件系统C.处理机管理、存储器管理、设备管理、文件系统D.进程管理、中断管理、设备管理、文件系统11. 单处理机计算机系统中,()是并行操作的。
A.处理机的操作与通道的操作是并行的B.程序与程序C.主程序与子程序D.用户程序与操作系统程序12. 处理机的所有指令可以在()执行。
A.管理计算机硬盘B.对程序进行编译C.实现虚拟存储器D.删除文件14. 要求在规定的时间内对外界的请求必须给予及时响应的OS是()。
A.多用户分时系统B.实时系统C.批处理系统时间D.网络操作系统15. 操作系统是对()进行管理的软件。
操作系统(0026)操作系统第4次行考作业_0001四大形成性测评系统课程代码:5110026 答案资料、单项选择题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。
)1. CPU启动通道后,设备的控制工作由()。
A. CPU执行程序来控制B. CPU执行通道程序来控制C. 通道独立执行预先编好的通道程序来控制D. 通道执行用户程序来控制-正确答案-:C2. 文件系统为每个文件另建立一张指示逻辑记录和物理记录之间的对应关系表,由此表和文件本身构成的文件是()。
A. 连续文件B. 链接文件C. 索引文件D. 逻辑文件-正确答案-:C3. 下列关于设备驱动程序的描述,错误的是()。
A. 设备驱动程序应可以动态装卸B. 设备驱动程序往往由生产设备的厂家提供C. 设备驱动程序可使用系统调用D. 设备驱动程序可实现请求I/O进程与设备控制器之间的通信-正确答案-:C4. 为了使多个进程能有效地同时处理阵发性的输入和输出,最好使用()结构的缓冲技术。
A. 多缓冲B. SPOOLingC. 单缓冲区D. 双缓冲区-正确答案-:A5. 下列缓冲技术中,对于一个具有信息的输入和输出速率相差不大的I/O系统比较有效的是()。
A. 双缓冲技术B. 环形缓冲技术C. 多缓冲技术D. 单缓冲技术-正确答案-:A6. 特别文件是与()有关的文件。
A. 文本B. 图像C. 硬件设备D. 二进制数据-正确答案-:C7. 计算机系统启动外围设备是按()启动的。
A. 设备的绝对号。
最新-操作系统教程习题答案 精品
A、并发性是指两个及多个事件在同一时刻发生B、并发性是指两个及多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生C、并行性是指两个及多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生D、并发性是指进程,并行性是指程序(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)D (6)B2.填空题(1)微机是以总线为纽带构成的计算机系统。
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一、单选题(共10 道试题,共50 分)
A.I/O 设备
C.I/O 控制器
2.哪一个说法对剥夺式系统来将结论是正确的( )。