GM9-1611-01■产品特点•支持最多15个插槽的ATX主板或背板•防震磁盘架设计,支持1个5.25“和 3个3.5”磁盘驱动器•前置空气滤清器便于系统维护•可上锁前门防止未经授权的进入IPC-660为4U 19寸上架式机箱,专门为关键应用任务设计。
该系列支持 GM0/GM9 系列母板,高效切换电源和易维护风扇。
该系列机箱还可继承宽泛的标准计算外围设备,从而满足了各种应用在苛刻环境下 7 天24 小时无间断运行。
■应用场景智能制造机器视觉轨道交通自助终端测量测控■结构尺寸单位:mm■机箱参数项目描述驱动支架3.5〞 35.25〞 1散热风扇1(12025)过滤网 1适用主板ATX / Micro ATX主板前面IO 2个 USB其他LED指示灯Power on,HDD后面板8 D-SUB 9-pin 预留尺寸482*177*470.6mm重量15kg电源200-240V~,3.15A,50-60Hz环境工作温度:0~40℃存储温度:-20~60℃■订购信息名称料号描述IPC-660 801-010-000000 4U 19寸标准上架式机箱IPC-660-GM9-2001 801-010-2001 飞腾FT2000/4 整机IPC-660-GM9-2002 801-010-2002 飞腾D2000 整机IPC-660-GM9-2601 801-010-2003 飞腾FT2000/4 整机IPC-660-GM9-2602 801-010-2004 飞腾D2000 整机IPC-660-GM9-3001 801-010-2101 龙芯3A5000/7A1000 整机IPC-660-GM9-3002 801-010-2102 龙芯3A5000/7A2000 整机IPC-660-GM9-5001 801-010-2201 海光HG3250 整机IPC-660-GM9-6001 801-010-2301 兆芯KX-U6780A 整机IPC-660-GM9-6002 801-010-2302 兆芯KX-U6780A 整机IPC-660-GM9-6601 801-010-2303 兆芯KX-U6580 整机工业控制计算机工业控制计算机■产品特点•标准19寸上架式全钢结构1.22mm镀锌板•防震磁盘架设计,支持1个5.25“和 3个3.5”磁盘驱动器•提供M.2接口,可支持SSD、WIFI(选配)模块•支持麒麟/统信UOS/Linux/Unix/Windows等操作系统IPC-610支持前部可访问风扇,支持ATX 母板或多达15槽的PICMG无源底板,抗冲击磁盘驱动器托架可支持3个3.5“和1个5.25”磁盘驱动器,独特的固定压条设计带有橡胶垫脚,可以防止卡受到冲击或振动造成的损坏。
命令 要求GM等级 语法及表述
命令要求GM等级语法及表述.learn all_crafts 学会所有商业技能.levelup 59 为目标(或自己) 增加59级,数字自己调,玩家最高等级不能超过255.lookup spell 查找技能.lookup creature (中文NPC名或怪名)查询代码.npc add 怪物代码召唤怪物.gm fly on 开启内域飞行.gm fly off 关闭.modify aspeed 10 改变飞行速度1-10.lookup item XXXXXX 查装备代码或者物品代码.modify money 999999 给自己加金钱,后面空一格加数字,数字是以铜为单位的,要点下自己.modify aspeed 10 改变玩家所有的速度(奔跑,游泳,跑回) $num 数值是1到10.revive 复活,先选中自己(可以用公会聊天模式输入/ off GM模式关闭,怪物会主动攻击你。
.gm on GM模式开启,打怪怪不打你无敌状态.levelup 59 为目标(或自己) 增加59级,数字自己调,玩家最高等级不能超过255.learn all_myclass 学习自己职业的全部技能.additem 增加物品.modify hp x 增加目标的HP ,x处填当前HP和最大HP,中间有空格;例如自己加血需选中自己后,输入.modify hp 222 9999.modify mana x 修改法力值,使用同上.KILL 死所选中的NPC(声望点数要受影响).DEL 删除所选中物件(声望点数不受影响).gps 显示角色或生物的坐标(x,y,z) 地图标号和地区.worldport 瞬移命令,格式:命令后空格加MapID X Y Z (用上面的命令可以查看当前的坐标信息).maxskill (所有技能熟练度增加满点)人物属性修改格式为:.modify hp 1000 (修改血为1000)修改前先选中自己,其他修改类推。
黎明传说 GM9创新⾓⾊改法 对于⼀款⽐较“另类”游戏,在⽆法正常游戏的情况下,不妨试⼀试修改器,来平衡⼀下游戏⼼情,黎明传说这款奇葩的游戏可能破坏了不少玩家的游戏⼼情,所以在游戏的时候不妨暴⼒⼀点。
G M9创新⾓⾊改法 ⾸先打开G M9。
到这画⾯时, A LT+TA B到视窗,点G M9的编辑系统→点游戏L O G O→点右下⽅(分析这程序)→⾃动跳到搜寻视窗。
G M9开始搜寻...应该会跑出⼏⼗万的位址→⽆视它跑出多少。
再A LT+TA B回视窗,从G M9搜寻栏,再输⼊"14"→点搜寻...搜寻完⼤约剩⼏万位址。
再A LT+TA B回视窗进⼊G M9,输⼊"13"搜寻,这时下⽅应该只剩下10个不到的位址。
到这裡...差不多应该可以修改了~ ⼈物属性、技能点应该都在0000000050X X X X X X的地⽅。
这时往"0000000050X X X X X X X X"的那些栏位"点右键"→"编辑记忆体"... 然后G M9会开出⼀个编辑画⾯,裡⾯有"16进"与"其他格式"→点选"其他格式"... 然后在"数值"旁边的空⽩栏,输⼊你想要的数值...然后进游戏看看..点数是不是变了,有变,表⽰成功;没变,再往其它"记忆体栏位修改"。
部分GM命令代码,如果没有你想要的, 你可以参考以下内容,找到物品ID修改,本次整理只是做个示范.
GM指令物品代码:个数:1 :时限:0丨0,装备颜色,属性类型丨属性值,
@ cmd 117 zqzb1104:1:1:0:10|10:4:5|999,5|999,5|999以此举例说明,注意每一个符号都不可以出错
@ cmd GM命令117物品入包zqzb1104物品ID :1入包数量:1每件物品属性0:时效如果不需要设置时效就不需要改直接写成0 10|强化等级 |10这个指的是强化星级如果写成9就会有一颗星是碎的以此类推即可 :4品质4代表橙色 :5属性类别5指的是暴击 |999,属性值这个值可任意设置但不可过大因为设置过大会造成服务器崩溃,当然你可以刷出来看看然后删除掉该件装备可以设置多个属性后面继续添加5|999,即可.直到对话框满为止.。
GM代码(Game Master Codes)是游戏中的特殊代码,可以用来修改游戏中的各种参数和属性,让玩家能够获得更多的乐趣和挑战。
1. 金钱和资源。
“givegold 1000”,获得1000金币。
“additem 001 10”,获得10个编号为001的物品。
“giveresource wood 100”,获得100单位的木材资源。
2. 角色属性。
“setlevel 10”,将角色等级设置为10级。
“sethealth 100”,将角色的生命值设置为100。
“setstamina 50”,将角色的耐力值设置为50。
3. 游戏环境。
“setweather sunny”,将游戏天气设置为晴天。
“settime 12:00”,将游戏时间设置为中午12点。
4. 怪物和敌人。
“spawnenemy dragon”,生成一只巨龙。
5. 其他。
魔兽世界单机版gm 命令1. GM 综合指令( e4 O5 p" m! n7 x' D7 {刷钱命令.modify money 10000000000000 ' X2 ?! f& n: B7 I1 H$ e$ ]9 X- H调等级命令.level 700 z. N; P5 J) w' P" i6 p# a/ |.additem 增加物品----------- 0 Q* q' o4 e \7 k* F" @0 K6 x.additemset 增加套装 打开仓库-' ~0 d! {9 k/ F.maxskill 将已会技能学至300/300 (单手剑熟练度.. 等) --------- # T; m$ q8 ~* q( p7 r.levelup 59 为目标( 或自己) 增加59 级------------- 4 A% V$ s& v% q0 j) a O) G .learn all_myclass 学习自己的全部技能9 v7 D1 W' c- J3 a.learn all_lang 学习所有语言.money 999999 为目标(或自己) 增加99 金99 银99 铜------------------.modify hp x 增加目标的HP . q" g1 m5 e8 t1 N' j- i3 z6 J.taxicheat 1 飞行线路作弊.explorecheat 1 探索地图作弊.revive 复活当前目标,或自己--------------------.changelevel 数字可以改变目标生物的等级.delete 将目标生物从地图里删除d+ W* _4 r/ [+ n- I( o* J.speed 20 移动加速.saveall 保存在线玩家数据---------------- 5 d0 O' i. O# q" F& L.aura 坐骑代码----- 立即骑乘该坐骑.modify hp 9999999 9999999 增加被选择人物的血量9 |" U' u9 |' n1 v% H4 d/ I.modify speed 30 加速0 J7 y5 F% J5 E.cheat fly 飞行" c$ S' y: h$ ^( @- K! j. Z.revive 复活需要输入/g 空格后输入此命令 1 b( h% b* D; }.appear 移动到目标位置。
◆ 支持双条DDR4内存,最大可支持32GB ◆ 支持VGA、HDMI、显示输出 ◆ 提供1个RS232外部串口 ◆ 内部提供3个PCIE插槽;可支持独立显卡 ◆ 还提供M.2接口,可支持SSD、WIFI(选配)模块
CPU 内存 显示功能 频 网络 存储器 IO接口
200W或以上电源供电 244mm x 190mm,板厚1.6mm
FT2000处理器Micro ATX主板;3个PCIE,支持银河麒麟、UOS等国产操作系统©
GM9-2001主板是采用FT2000四核处理器的Micro ATX主 板,主频可达2.2Ghz,此主板具备了国产安全自主可控产 品的要求,产品性能稳定可靠,可兼容市面主流的台式机 和一体机机箱的装配,可广泛应用在国产领域行业市场中。
电源 尺寸
国产 FT2000四核处理器 DIMM x2,DDR4,最大可支持32GB
搭载PCIE独立显卡,提供VGA、HDMI显示输出 集成双声道高保真音频控制器,支持MIC/Line IN/Line Out 集成1个千兆网卡 10/100/1000 M自适应网口 提供4个立式SATA接口,支持SATA3.0 提供1个M.2插槽,采用PCIE X4信号,支持NVME 2280 SSD(可选配置) USB3.0 x4 RJ45 X 1 RS232 X 1 Line in x1, Line out x1, Microphone x1 1个PCIe x16 插槽,采用x8信号,支持独立显卡 1个PCIe x4 插槽,采用 x4 信号 1个PCIe x8 插槽,采用采用 x8 信号
A7sus4 和弦
B7sus4 和弦
Esus4 和弦
Fsus4 和弦
Gsus4 和弦
Asus4 和弦
Bsus4 和弦
Csus2 和弦
Dsus2 和弦
Esus2 和弦
Fsus2 和弦
Gsus2 和弦
Asus2 和弦
Bsus2 和弦
C7sus4 和弦
D7sus4 和弦
E7sus4 和弦
F7sus4 和弦
C和弦:第一,二,四种按法为常用按法 。
Cm 和弦
Dm 和弦
Em 和弦
GPON设备ONU用户端设备要求目录1概述............................................................................................................................................. - 1 -2GPON系统参考模型..................................................................................................................... - 1 -3设备类型和接口......................................................................................................................... - 2 -3.1设备类型 (2)3.2设备接口 (3)3.2.1PON接口 ........................................................................................................................ - 3 -3.2.2用户侧接口................................................................................................................ - 3 -3.2.3管理接口(可选) .................................................................................................... - 4 -4设备功能要求............................................................................................................................. - 4 -4.1设备基本功能要求 (4)4.1.1动态带宽分配功能(DBA) .................................................................................... - 4 -4.1.2ONU的初始化自动配置................................................................................................ - 5 -4.1.3数据加密功能............................................................................................................ - 5 -4.1.4FEC(前向纠错)要求................................................................................................. - 5 -4.1.5ONU掉电通知功能........................................................................................................ - 5 -4.1.6光链路测量和诊断功能 ............................................................................................ - 6 -4.1.7PPPoE仿真拨号功能 .................................................................................................... - 6 -4.1.8设备管理方式............................................................................................................ - 6 -4.1.9POE/POE+功能............................................................................................................. - 6 -4.1.10时间同步.................................................................................................................... - 6 -4.2以太网功能要求 (7)4.2.1以太网基本功能要求 ................................................................................................ - 7 -4.2.2VLAN功能 ...................................................................................................................... - 8 -4.2.3策略控制功能............................................................................................................ - 9 -4.2.4流量镜像.................................................................................................................... - 9 -4.3组播功能 (9)4.3.1组播协议.................................................................................................................. - 10 -4.3.2组播功能.................................................................................................................. - 10 -4.3.3组播性能................................................................................................................... - 11 -4.4多业务Q O S机制 (11)4.4.1多业务QoS总体要求 ................................................................................................ - 11 -4.4.2业务等级协定(SLA) ............................................................................................ - 11 -4.4.3业务流分类功能 ....................................................................................................... - 11 -4.4.4优先级标记.............................................................................................................. - 12 -4.4.5优先级队列机制 ...................................................................................................... - 12 -4.4.6流限速...................................................................................................................... - 13 -4.4.7缓存管理.................................................................................................................. - 13 -4.5安全性要求 (13)4.5.1用户认证及用户接入线路(端口)标识 .............................................................. - 13 -4.5.3防DoS攻击 ............................................................................................................... - 15 -4.5.4UNI端口环路检测 ....................................................................................................... - 15 -4.5.5以太网OAM功能 .............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
质量保证........................................................................................................................................... 4
重要说明........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 仪器的光路系统.......................................................................................................7
1.3 规格和参数(包括 RS-232C 接口参数,打印机等) ...........................................8
2.4 屏幕介绍...................................................................................................................9
2.5 定义.........................................................................................................................10
3.5.5 记录查询.........................................................................................................32
DPtech FW1000系列应用防火墙安装手册v2.01
DPtech FW1000 系列应用防火墙安装手册
2.2.4 抗干扰要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.5 防雷击要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.6 接地要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.7 布线要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 安装工具......................................................................................................................................4
杭州迪普科技有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持。 通过杭州迪普科技有限公司代理商购买产品的用户,请直接与销售 代理商联系;直接向杭州迪普科技有限公司购买产品的用户,可直 接与公司联系。
York GM9S 型号燃气壁挂炉安装及使用手册说明书
ISO9001278177-BTG-A-1106 DESCRIPTIONThese Category IV, highly efficient, compact, condensing type furnaces are designed for residential and commercial installations in a basement, closet, alcove, recreation room or garage where the ambient temperature is above 32°F, or higher. They may be either side wall or thru-roof vented using approved plastic type combustion air and vent piping. All units are factory assembled, wired and tested to assure dependable and economical installation and operation. WARRANTYLifetime limited warranty on both heat exchangers to the orig-inal purchaser; a 20-year limited warranty from original instal-lation date to subsequent purchaser.10-year warranty on the heat exchanger in commercial appli-cations.5-year limited parts warranty.FEATURES•Compact, easy to install, ideal height 40" cabinet •Blower-off delay for cooling SEER improvement.•Easy to connect power/control wiring.•Built-in, high level self diagnostics with fault code display.•Low unit amp requirement for easy replacement applica-tion.•Integrated control module for reliable, economical opera-tion.•May be installed as either two-pipe (sealed combustion) or single pipe vent (using indoor combustion air)•Top intake & vent connection allows downflow installa-tion in narrow locations.•Electronic Hot Surface Ignition saves fuel cost with increased dependability and reliability.•Induced combustion system with inshot main burners for quiet, efficient operation.•No special vent termination kit required.•100% shut off main gas valve for extra safety.•PSC four speed, direct drive motor with large, quiet blower.•24V, 40 VA control transformer and blower relay supplied for add-on cooling.•Hi-tech tubular aluminized steel primary heat exchanger.•Secondary (condensing) heat exchanger of 29-4C high-grade stainless steel.•Timed on, adjustable off blower capability for maximum comfort.•Easy access from front of unit for cleaning, maintenance or service.•Protection from intake, exhaust or condensate blockage.FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE278177-BTG-A-1106CABINET AND DUCT DIMENSIONSModels CFM CabinetSizeCabinet DimensionA (in.)B (in.)C (in.)D (in.)E (in.)GM9S040A12DH111200A14-1/213-1/4121-3/42-3/8 GM9S060B12DH111200B17-1/216-1/4151-3/42-3/8 GM9S080B12DH111200B17-1/216-1/4151-3/42-3/8 GM9S080C16DH111600C2119-3/418-1/22-1/82-3/4 GM9S100C16DH111600C2119-3/418-1/22-1/82-3/4 GM9S100C20DH112000C2119-3/418-1/22-1/82-3/4 GM9S120D20DH112000D24-1/223-1/4222-1/232Unitary Products GroupUnitary Products Group 3278177-BTG-A-1106Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) numbers are determined in accordance with DOE Test procedures.Wire size and over current protection must comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70-latest edition) and all local codes.The furnace shall be installed so that the electrical components are protected from water.Wire size and overcurrent protection must comply with the National Electric Code.NOTES:1. For altitudes above 2000 ft. reduce capacity 4% for each 1000 ft. above sea level.2. Wire size based on copper conductors, 60°C, 3% voltage drop.3. Continuous return air temperature must not be below 55°F.4.All filters must be high velocity cleanable type.ELECTRICAL AND PERFORMANCE DATAModels Input/Cabinet Output Nominal Airflow Cabinet Width Total Unit AFUE Air Temp. RiseMBH MBH CFM In.Amps %°F GM9S040A12DH1140/A 37120014-1/299435 - 65GM9S060B12DH1160/B 55120017-1/299235 - 65GM9S080B12DH1180/B 74120017-1/299235 - 65GM9S080C16DH1180/C 74160021129235 - 65GM9S100C16DH11100/C 93160021129235 - 65GM9S100C20DH11100/C 93200021149235 - 65GM9S120D20DH11120/D 112200024-1/2149235 - 65Models Input/Cabinet Max. Outlet Air Temp.Blower Blower Size Max. Over-current ProtectMin. Wire Size (awg) @ 75 ft. One WayOperation Wgt.MBH °FHP Amps In.Lbs.GM9S040A12DH1140/A 1651/27.011 x 82014120GM9S060B12DH1160/B 1651/27.011 x 82014130GM9S080B12DH1180/B 1651/27.011 x 82014145GM9S080C16DH1180/C 1653/410.211 x 102014155GM9S100C16DH11100/C 1653/410.211 x 102014170GM9S100C20DH11100/C 165112.711 x 112012175GM9S120D20DH11120/D165112.711 x 1120121804Unitary Products Group278177-BTG-A-1106NOTES:1.Airflow expressed in standard cubic feet per minute (CFM).2.Motor voltage at 115 V.3.NR = Operation at this static pressure is not recommended.BLOWER PERFORMANCE CFMAIRFLOW WITH TOP RETURN - WITHOUT FILTERS (CFM)ModelsSpeed Tap External Static Pressure, Inches W.C. 1.0GM9S040A12DH11High16351590153514801415134012801185NR NR Medium High 11791170116011401135109810481026NR NR Medium Low969967967959938905860802NR NR Low 774753745726698674652612NR NR GM9S060B12DH11High1687165216311595155715111456138213131211Medium High 11931183117311621142111510761036982950Medium Low933933921911902872825793771712Low 752745731718698652602580536496GM9S080B12DH11High1686165816231572153414651391130512021091Medium High 12571223121812031177114210941026939874Medium Low977982976955934899843791738686Low 775777757733698663627584549490GM9S080C16DH11High2071202619811935186417961713162515321401Medium High 1583159015691554153215021457140913271221Medium Low1256127512751288127512651232118711261023Low 937939936945942936912874810726GM9S100C16DH11High1996196119381896183617791707162515311399Medium High 1449148014951488148814491417136812991208Medium Low1167119211921187120211921182114010971018Low 932900871840805761710663641623GM9S100C20DH11High2404232022252138203419241816169215591422Medium High 2018195518831815175016701586149713941246Medium Low162615811531148814181363129112251123964Low 1336129112491205115510911018951884759GM9S120D20DH11High2520243223532251215220421947181517011525Medium High 2018197919451911186317791705159914931353Medium Low158615451501145714071351128712161081926Low132112661213116311111071987864763700278177-BTG-A-1106FILTER PERFORMANCEThe airflow capacity data published in the “Blower Perfor-mance” table listed above represents blower performance WITHOUT filters. To determine the approximate blower per-formance of the system, apply the filter drop value for the fil-ter being used or select an appropriate value from the “Filter Performance” table shown.NOTE: The filter pressure drop values in the “Filter Perfor-mance” table shown are typical values for the type of filter listed and should only be used as a guideline. Actual pres-sure drop ratings for each filter type vary between filter manu-facturer.FILTER SIZESCFM Cabinet Size Top Return Filter in1200A(2) 14 x 201200B(2) 14 x 201600C(2) 14 x 202000C(2) 14 x 202000D(2) 14 x 20FILTER PERFORMANCE - PRESSURE DROP INCHES W.C.AIRFLOW RANGEMINIMUMOPENING SIZEFILTER TYPEDISPOSABLE WASHABLE FIBER PLEATEDCFM in2In W.C.In W.C.In W.C..0 - 7502300.010.010.15751 - 10003300.050.050.20 1001 - 12503300.100.100.20 1251 - 15003300.100.100.25 1501 - 17503800.150.140.30 1751 - 20003800.190.180.30 2001 & Above4630.190.180.30UNIT CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLESApplication Top Front Rear LeftSideRightSideFlueFloor/BottomCloset Alcove AtticLineContactDownflow1300001"*Yes Yes Yes No Horizontal030110Combustible No Yes Yes Yes†*Special floor base or air conditioning coil required for use on combustible floor.†Line contact only permitted between lines formed by the intersection of the rear panel and side panel (top in horizontal position) of the furnace jacket and building joists, studs or framing.Unitary Products Group56Unitary Products Group278177-BTG-A-1106For additional connection diagrams for all UPG equipment refer to “Low Voltage System Wiring” document available online at in the Product Catalog Section.Thermostat ChartA C 1S i n g l e S t a g e A /C w /S i n g l e S t a g e F u r n a c e , 1 S t a g e C o o l i n g R e a d y - (G ,L )*8/9S , X Y F 80-U , X Y F 80-U *L , X Y F 90-UH M 1H u m i d i s t a tT h e r m o s t a t I n s t a l l e r S e t u p N u m b e r 1 - S y s t e m T y p e - m u s t b e s e t t o 0S e l e c t i o n o f G A S /E L E C s w i t c h o n t h e r m o s t a t n o t n e c e s s a r yT h e r m o s t a t I n s t a l l e r S e t u p N u m b e r 15 - C o m p r e s s o r P r o t e c t i o n - m u s t b e s e t t o 524V H U M I D I F I E RG F a nG F a nG F a n G F a n W F i r s t S t a g e H e a tW F i r s t S t a g e H e a tW F i r s t S t a g e H e a tW S i n g l e S t a g e H e a t R C 24-V o l t H o t (C o o l X F M R )R C 24-V o l t H o t (C o o l X F M R )R C 24-V o l t H o t (C o o l X F M R )R 24-V o l t H o t (H e a t X F M R )R H 24-V o l t H o t (H e a t X F M R )R H 24-V o l t H o t (H e a t X F M R )R 24-V o l t H o t C 24-V o l t C o m m o nC 24-V o l t C o m m o nY F i r s t S t a g e C o o lY F i r s t S t a g e C o o lY F i r s t S t a g e C o o lY /Y 2S i n g l e /S e c o n d S t a g e C o o lY S i n g l e S t a g e C o o l *D N 11C 00124C 24-V o l t C o m m o nC 24-V o l t C o m m o nO p t i o n a l w /B a t t e r i e s *B N 11C 01124*D P 11C 40124P S C F U R N A C E C O N T R O L S I N G L E S T A G E A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G*B N 11C 00124*B P 11C 50124*P P 11C 70224T H E R M O S T A T T H E R M O S T A T T H E R M O S T A T H P 1W /031-01975- S e r i e s D e m a n d C o n t r o lS i n g l e S t a g e H /P - E *R D , E *B D , E R H S , H P X 13 - w /S i n g l e S t a g e F u r n a c e , 1 S t a g e C o o l i n g R e a d y - (G ,L )*8/9S , X Y F 80-U , X Y F 80-U *L , X Y F 90-U S I N G L E S T A G E H E A T P U M P*D N 22U 00124*B P 21H 50124*P P 32H 70124T H E R M O S T A T T H E R M O S T A T T H E R M O S T A T P S C F U R N A C E C O N T R O L *B N 21H 00124*D P 21H 40124*D N 21H 00124N /A N /AC 24-V o l t C o m m o nR 24-V o l t H o tE E m e r g e n c y H e a tO R e v e r s i n g V a l v e –E n e r g i z e d i n C o o lC 24-V o l t C o m m o nC 24-V o l t C o m m o nY F i r s t S t a g e H e a t /C o o lY /Y 2S i n g l e /S e c o n d S t a g e C o o lY S i n g l e S t a g e H e a t /C o o lR 24-V o l t H o tR 24-V o l t H o tW 1S e c o n d S t a g e H e a tW S i n g l e S t a g e H e a tW 1/66F i r s t S t a g e H e a t O u tG F a nG F a nW F i r s t S t a g e H e a tS t e p 1 o f T h e r m o s t a t U s e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n M e n u m u s t b e s e t t o H e a t P u m p 1S t e p 9 o f T h e r m o s t a t U s e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n M e n u m u s t b e s e t t o P u m p O F FO R e v e r s i n g V a l v e –E n e r g i z e d i n C o o lL M a l f u n c t i o n L i g h tX /L M a l f u n c t i o n L i g h t278177-BTG-A-1106APPLYING FILTER PRESSURE DROP TO DETERMINE SYSTEM AIRFLOWTo determine the approximate airflow of the unit with a filter in place, follow the steps below:1.Select the filter type.2.Determine the External System Static Pressure (ESP)without the filter.3.Select a filter pressure drop from the table based uponthe number of return air openings or return air opening size and add to the ESP from Step 3 to determine thetotal system static.4.If total system static matches a ESP value in the airflowtable (i.e. 0.20, 0.60, etc,) the system airflow corre-sponds to the intersection of the ESP column and Model/ Blower Speed row.5.If the total system static falls between ESP values in thetable (i.e. 0.58, 0.75, etc.), the static pressure may berounded to the nearest value in the table determining the airflow using Step 5 or calculate the airflow by using the following example.Example: For a 120,000 Btuh furnace operating on high speed blower, it is found that total system static is 0.58" w.c. To determine the system airflow, complete the following steps:1.Obtain the airflow values at 0.50" & 0.60" ESP.************":2152CFM************":2042CFM2.***********************"*******************"toobtain airflow difference.2042 - 2152 = -110 CFM3.Subtract the total system static from 0.50" and divide thisdifference by the difference in ESP values in the table,0.60" - 0.50", to obtain a percentage.(0.58 - 0.50) / (0.60 - 0.50) = 0.84.Multiply percentage by airflow difference to obtain airflowreduction.(0.8) x (-110) = -885.******************************************"to************************"ESP.2152 - 88 = 2064ACCESSORIESPROPANE (LP) CONVERSION KIT -1NP0347 - All unitsThis accessory conversion kit may be used to convert natural gas (N) units for propane (LP) operation. Conversions must be made by qualified distributor or dealer personnel. CONCENTRIC VENT TERMINATION -1CT0302 (2")1CT0303 (3")HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL VENT TERMINATION -1HT0901 (3")1HT0902 (2")For use through rooftop, sidewall. Allows combustion air to enter and exhaust to exit through single common hole. Elimi-nates unslightly elbows for a cleaner installation. COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR BASE -1CB0314 - 14 1/2” Cabinet1CB0317 - 17 1/2” Cabinet1CB0321 - 21” Cabinet1CB0324 - 24” CabinetCOIL TRANSITION KIT -1TK0914 - 14” Furnace1TK0917 - 17” Furnace1TK0921 - 21” Furnace1TK0924 - 24” FurnaceThese kits are required in downflow application when using G*F* series coils. These kits are not required with MC/FC series coils, but please ensure that the coil and furnace are secured and that there are noair leaks.CONDENSATE NEUTRALIZER KIT - 1NK0301Neutralizer cartidge has a 1/2" plastic tube fittings for installa-tion in the drain line. Calcium carbonate refill media is also avaiable from the Source 1 Parts (p/n 026-30228-000). HIGH ALTITUDE PRESSURE SWITCHES -For installation where the altitude is less than 8,000 feet it is not required that the pressure switch be changed. For alti-tudes above 8,000 feet see kits below. Conversion must be made by qualified distributor or dealer personnel.1PS0901 - 060, 100, 120 MBH1PS0902 - 080/1200 MBH1PS0903 - 080/1600 MBH1PS0904 - 040 MBHROOM THERMOSTATS - A wide selection of compatible thermosets are available to provide optimum performance and features for any installation.1H/1C, manual change-over electronic non-programmable thermostat.1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable, deluxe 7-day, thermostat.1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable. * For the most current accessory information, refer to the price book or consult factory.Unitary Products Group7NOTESSubject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.278177-BTG-A-1106 Copyright © by York International Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.Supersedes: 246730/036-21561-003 Rev. A (1205) Unitary5005Norman Products York OK Group Drive73069。
耐摩擦/刮伤1. 范围此过程是用来确定表面的耐磨性能的,划伤被定义为涂层的永久刮伤。
2. 参考资料注:除特殊情况外只有最新的被认可的标准才适用。
2.1 外部标准/规格2.2 GM标准/规格3. 检测设备3.1 附录A说明的擦伤测试仪。
3.2 1号回形针4. 测试材料4.1 除非重要的说明书中另有规定,样品大小为152 ± 3 x152.0 ± 3 mm。
5.测试方法5.1 测试方法概述一大串与测试样品连在一起的纸夹,从样品边缘平行地向四个方向进行拉伸,评价其外观。
5.2 试样的准备试样必须符合试样测试条件中所规定的试样规格要求。
5.3 实验步骤5.3.1保证纸夹计入总质量并且纸夹的大头朝下。在每个测试之前,在测试仪器的下面放一张白色的聚氯乙烯。
注:除非材料规格中有特殊说明,在测试过程中通过纸夹施加在样品上的力应当是± 3 g。
5.3.2 去掉砝码,用样品替换掉白色的聚氯乙烯。
死亡空间3——教你⽤GM9修改资源 ⾃⼰去百度G M9然后下载 安装⽆需赘述 安装完成后请运⾏死亡空间3(以下简称D S3)这时候进⼊G M9在点击刷新旁边的空⽩处找到d e a d s p a c e3并搜索 然后不出意外的话你会搜出⼀堆数据⼏千个到⼏万个不等吧.⽤过⾦⼭的朋友们都知道下来该怎么搞了这⾥特别告诉以下没⽤过内存修改类修改器的朋友们 当你看到⼏万个数据时请不要慌第⼀步在游戏中找个⼯作台 以修改废旧⾦属为例 ⽐如现在你的废旧⾦属是500你输⼊500会出现很多数据 然后不要管也不要动进游戏分解⼀个弹夹得到20现在就有520了 在切换到修改器输⼊520你会发现数据少了很多现在内存修改⽐以前成熟很多基本上你搜到第⼆次就只有1到3个数据了 双击打开该数据,在数值⼀栏填上你需要的数字⽐如999999关闭该数据进游戏你会发现你的废旧⾦属就变成99999了 除了废旧⾦属之外凡⼠林也可以通过分解急救药得到办法同上 ⾄于信号器什么的稍安勿躁两个办法第⼀个是你先搜索你信号器的数量然后得出⼀堆数据然后随便做⼀个什么东西总之原则就是让信号器的数量产⽣变化在搜索要是信号器本来就少的可怜连随意做个啥都做不到的话你最好第⼀次搜索完信号器就得留⼼你⼀路都拣了些什么了看到信号器捡到后再搜⼀遍 好最后说钨元素.⼤家都知道钨元素是最难搞的我第⼀次遇到钨元素是看到⼀个房间的门上有个⿅头打坏以后给我出了19个不过后来有了探索机器⼈就好办多了第⼀个办法同上削减法但是钨元素太稀有要不是打了⼀阵⼦的⼈削减法完全不适⽤所以你就只能拜托你的机器⼈了现有钨元素在G M9搜了以后派出⼩机器⼈等⼩机器⼈回来以后你的钨元素就可以修改了 其实我也研究不深就会基本修改要是有⼈还没看懂私信我我尽⼒解答.. 最后提醒⼀下数据别改的太狠这游戏本来也就不需要特别多的资源改个⼏万⼏⼗万就够了再多了⼩⼼数据溢出 修改有风险⽤前请谨慎 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
本文将为大家详细介绍GM代码的使用方法和一些常用的GM 代码大全,希望能够帮助到游戏开发者和玩家。
首先,我们来介绍一些常用的GM代码大全及其使用方法:1. 无敌模式,通过输入“godmode”代码,可以让角色进入无敌状态,不会受到任何伤害。
2. 无限资源,输入“infiniteresources”代码,可以让游戏中的资源无限增加,方便玩家进行建设和发展。
3. 跳关,有些游戏中,玩家可能会遇到难关无法通过,可以输入“skiplevel”代码,直接跳过当前关卡。
4. 重置角色,输入“resetcharacter”代码,可以重置角色的状态和属性,重新开始游戏。
5. 增加金币,输入“addgold”代码,可以增加角色的金币数量,方便购买道具和装备。
在使用GM代码时,需要注意以下几点:1. 首先,要确保游戏支持GM代码功能,有些游戏可能会禁止使用GM代码,需要在游戏设置中进行相关设置。
2. 其次,要注意GM代码的输入方式和输入位置,一般来说,可以通过游戏内的控制台或者命令行进行输入。
3. 正确使用GM代码,不要滥用GM代码,以免影响游戏的平衡性和公平性。
4. 在使用GM代码时,要注意保存游戏进度,以免因为GM代码的使用导致游戏数据丢失或者损坏。
质量管理-通用gm gp9按节拍生产培训资料
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
供应商有责任管理GP-9模拟运行或正式运行所生 产的产品。 这些库存必须被适当地包装和储存至授权发运。
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
在完成GP-9生产研究以及工作表(B、C 、C-1、C-2、C-3表) 评审后,将产生GP-9的运行结论。 有五种结论: 通过 分阶段通过 顾客原因失败 因PPAP待定 失败
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
Fail 失败 控制计划审核存在严重的不符合
如:质量系统不全, KPC点PPK(CPK)不合格等
产能分析(C表)发现严重问题-产能不足 供应商无法提供分供方有能力符合质量、产能、 交付要求的书面确认。
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
Customer Fail 顾客原因失败 供应商基于合同产能符合所有的GP-9要求, 或其阶段加速计划得到认可,但顾客要求 (LCR) 超过了合同产能,供应商无法满足。
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
GP-9 按节拍生产 RUN@RATE
附件表A--------------供应商产能的汇总表,也是一种承诺书 附件表B--------------供应商在质量方面的评审表 附件表C--------------供应商产能分析的汇总表(是C1\C2\C3的汇总) 附件表C1-------------过程流程图 附件表C2-------------生产系统按零件生产线分析产能 附件表C3-------------瓶颈生产线按工序分析产能
耐摩擦/刮伤1. 范围此过程是用来确定表面的耐磨性能的,划伤被定义为涂层的永久刮伤。
2. 参考资料注:除特殊情况外只有最新的被认可的标准才适用。
2.1 外部标准/规格2.2 GM标准/规格3. 检测设备3.1 附录A说明的擦伤测试仪。
3.2 1号回形针4. 测试材料4.1 除非重要的说明书中另有规定,样品大小为152 ± 3 x152.0 ± 3 mm。
5.测试方法5.1 测试方法概述一大串与测试样品连在一起的纸夹,从样品边缘平行地向四个方向进行拉伸,评价其外观。
5.2 试样的准备试样必须符合试样测试条件中所规定的试样规格要求。
5.3 实验步骤5.3.1保证纸夹计入总质量并且纸夹的大头朝下。在每个测试之前,在测试仪器的下面放一张白色的聚氯乙烯。
注:除非材料规格中有特殊说明,在测试过程中通过纸夹施加在样品上的力应当是± 3 g。
5.3.2 去掉砝码,用样品替换掉白色的聚氯乙烯。
啊资料大全网址:代码分组意义格式G00 01 快速进给、定位 G00 X-- Y-- Z--G01 直线插补 G01 X-- Y-- Z--G02 圆弧插补CW顺时针 XY平面内的圆弧:ZX平面的圆弧:YZ平面的圆弧:G03 圆弧插补CCW逆时针G04 00 暂停 G04 P|X 单位秒;增量状态单位毫秒;无参数状态表示停止G05.1 预读控制超前读多个程序段G07.1G107 圆柱插补G08 预读控制G09 准确停止G10 可编程数据输入g10的意思是用程序输入补偿指令格式有:H的几何补偿值变成格式 g10 L10 P RH的磨损补偿值变成格式 g10 L11 P RD的几何补偿值变成格式 g10 L12 P RD的磨损补偿值变成格式 g10 L13 P Rp指的是机床补偿理所指的番号如 0001 0002 等 R则为半径或者是长度方向上的补偿一般我们常用的是L10 和L12 配合g41、g42使用关于数控技术应用的D与H补偿指令的学习;D指令为刀具半径补偿;组成名称为G41和G42组合在一起;H指令为长度补偿指令;组成名称为G43和G44的长度补偿..G41和G42:G41是刀具半径的左补偿;G42是刀具半径的右补偿;G43是刀具长度的正补偿;G44为刀具长度的负补偿;它们的补偿都要用G40来取消..刀具补偿参数D;H它们都表示数控系统中的补偿寄存器的地址名称;但是具体补偿值是多少;关键是由他们后面的补偿号地址来决定..不过在加工中心钟;为了防止出错;一般认为规定H值为刀具长度补偿地址;不长号码从1~100号..假如有100把刀的加工中心刀库;D为刀具半径补偿地址;补偿号从1~100号..例如:G00/G01G43/G44 H01 Z100.0G00/G01G41/G42 D01 X0 Y0 F500;如G90G10L2P1X Y Z AG90绝对坐标G10调用资料L2文件地址P0文件名A0第四轴角度G90 G10 P1 L12 R25 意思就是写入1号刀刀具半径补偿为25 P1是1号刀;换刀的话P不变改后面数就行 L12是对应着半径补偿 R25指半径..G90 G10 P1 L2 X12.356 Y842.369 Z-953.284 B0 讲X Y Z X B机床坐标写入到G54坐标中 P1对应G54 P2对应G55 以此类推 G54 P01 对应什么我忘了o∩_∩o 这个不太常用;好像是P1 L20吧格式G10L50;设定为参数输入方式N-R-;非轴型参数N-P-R;轴型参数┊G11;取消参数输入方式指令的意义N_;参数号4 位数或补偿位置号0 至1023作为螺距误差补偿基准点号+10;0005 位数R_:参数设定值前零可以省略..P_:轴号:1~4轴型参数指令格式说明参数设定值R_ 参数R_设定值不用小数点..小数也不能用在用户宏程序的变量R_..对轴类参数指定从1 到4最大4 轴的轴号P_..控制轴按CNC 显示的顺序编号..轴号P_如;控制轴指定为P2;则其显示顺序为第2..警告1. 当更改了螺距误差补偿值和反向间隙补偿值后;一定要进行手动回参考点操作..否则机床将偏离正确位置..2. 参数输入前必须取消固定循环方式..如果不取消;将激起钻孔动作..注在参数输入方式;不能指定其它的NC 语句..– 301 –16. 可编程参数输入G10 编程 B-63834C/01– 302 –例 1. 设定位型参数No.3404 的位2SBPG10L50;参数输入方式N3404 R 00000100;SBP 设定G11;取消参数输入方式2. 修改轴型参数No.1322设定存储行程极限2 各轴正向的坐标值中的Z 轴第3 轴和A 轴第4 轴的值..G10L50;参数输入方式N1322 P3 R4500;修改Z 轴N1322 P4 R12000;修改A 轴G11;取消参数输入方式G11可编程数据输入方式取消◤G15 极坐标指令消除G16 极坐标指令G15 17 取消极坐标指令 G15 取消极坐标方式G16 极坐标指令 Gxx Gyy G16 开始极坐标指令G00 IP_ 极坐标指令Gxx:极坐标指令的平面选择G17;G18;G19Gyy:G90指定工件坐标系的零点为极坐标的原点G91指定当前位置作为极坐标的原点IP:指定极坐标系选择平面的轴地址及其值第1轴:极坐标半径第2轴:极角G17 02 XY平面 G17选择XY平面;G18选择XZ平面;G19选择YZ平面..G18 ZX平面G19 YZ平面G20 英寸输入G21 毫米输入◤G22 存储行程检测功能接通G23 存储行程检测功能断开G27 返回参考点检测G28 00 回归参考点 G28 X-- Y-- Z--G29 由参考点回归 G29 X-- Y-- Z—G30 返回第2 3 4参考点G31跳转功能车床用:G33 螺纹切削;等螺距 G68 刀具偏置;内角 G34 螺纹切削;增螺距 G69 刀具偏置;外角 G35 螺纹切削;减螺距G33 螺纹切削G37 自动刀具长度测量G39 拐角偏置圆弧插补G40 07 刀具半径补偿取消 G40G41 左半径补偿G42 右半径补偿G43 08 刀具长度补偿+G44 刀具长度补偿-G45 刀具位置偏置加G46 刀具位置偏置减G47 刀具位置偏置加2倍G48刀具位置偏置减2倍G49 刀具长度补偿取消 G49G50 11 取消缩放 G50 缩放取消G51 比例缩放 G51 X_Y_Z_P_:缩放开始X_Y_Z_:比例缩放中心坐标的绝对值指令P_:缩放比例G51 X_Y_Z_I_J_K_:缩放开始X_Y_Z_:比例缩放中心坐标值的绝对值指令I_J_K_:X;Y;Z各轴对应的缩放比例G52 00 设定局部坐标系 G52 IP_:设定局部坐标系G52 IP0:取消局部坐标系IP:局部坐标系原点G53 机械坐标系选择 G53 X-- Y-- Z--G54 14 选择工作坐标系1 GXXG55 选择工作坐标系2G56 选择工作坐标系3G57 选择工作坐标系4G58 选择工作坐标系5G59 选择工作坐标系6G60 单方向定位G61 准确停止方式G62 自动拐角倍率G63 攻丝方式◤G64切削方式G65 宏程序调用G66 宏程序模态调用◤G67宏程序模态调用取消G68 坐标旋转有效◤G69坐标旋转取消G68 16 坐标系旋转 G17/G18/G19G68 a_ b_R_:坐标系开始旋转G17/G18/G19:平面选择;在其上包含旋转的形状a_ b_:与指令坐标平面相应的X;Y;Z中的两个轴的绝对指令;在G68后面指定旋转中心R_:角度位移;正值表示逆时针旋转..根据指令的G代码G90或G91确定绝对值或增量值最小输入增量单位:0.001deg有效数据范围:-360.000到360.000G69 取消坐标轴旋转 G69:坐标轴旋转取消指令G73 09 深孔钻削固定循环 G73 X-- Y-- Z-- R-- Q-- F--G74 左螺纹攻螺纹固定循环 G74 X-- Y-- Z-- R-- P-- F--G76 精镗固定循环 G76 X-- Y-- Z-- R-- Q-- F--G80 09 固定循环取消G81 钻削固定循环、钻中心孔 G81 X-- Y-- Z-- R-- F--G82 钻削固定循环、锪孔 G82 X-- Y-- Z -- R-- P-- F--G83 深孔钻削固定循环 G83 X-- Y-- Z -- R-- Q-- F--G84 攻螺纹固定循环 G84 X-- Y-- Z-- R-- F--G85 镗削固定循环 G85 X-- Y-- Z-- R-- F--G86 退刀形镗削固定循环 G86 X-- Y-- Z -- R-- P-- F--G88 镗削固定循环 G88 X-- Y-- Z -- R-- P-- F--G89 镗削固定循环 G89 X-- Y-- Z -- R-- P-- F—◤G90 绝对值编程G90 03 绝对方式指定 GXX◤G91增量值编程G91 相对方式指定G92 设定工件坐标系或最大主轴速度箝制G92 00 工作坐标系的变更 G92 X-- Y-- Z--G92.1 工件坐标系预置◤G94 每分进给G95 每转进给G96 恒周速控制切削速度◤G97恒周速控制取消切削速度◤G98 固定循环返回到初始点G98 10 返回固定循环初始点 GXXG99 返回固定循环R点G99 固定循环返回到R点数控机床标准M代码辅助功能字是用于指定主轴的旋转方向、启动、停止、冷却液的开关;工件或刀具的夹紧和松开;刀具的更换等功能..辅助功能字由地址符M和其后的两位数字组成..JB3208-83标准中规定如下表:表辅助功能字M 代码功能作用范围功能代码功能作用范围功能M00 程序停止 M36 进给范围1M01 计划结束 M37 进给范围2M02 程序结束 M38 主轴速度范围1M03 主轴顺时针转动 M39 主轴速度范围2M04 主轴逆时针转动 M40-M45 齿轮换档M05 主轴停止 M46-M47 不指定M06 换刀 M48 注销M49M07 2号冷却液开 M49 进给率修正旁路M08 1号冷却液开 M50 3号冷却液开M09 冷却液关 M51 4号冷却液开M10 夹紧 M52-M54 不指定M11 松开 M55 刀具直线位移;位置1M12 不指定 M56 刀具直线位移;位置2M13 主轴顺时针;冷却液开 M57-M59 不指定M14 主轴逆时针;冷却液开 M60 更换工作M15 正运动 M61 工件直线位移;位置1M16 负运动 M62 工件直线位移;位置2M17-M18 不指定 M63-M70 不指定M19 主轴定向停止 M71 工件角度位移;位置1 M20-M29 永不指定 M72 工件角度位移;位置2 M30 纸带结束 M73-M89 不指定M31 互锁旁路 M90-M99 永不指定M32-M35 不指定注:表示如作特殊用途;必须在程序格式中说明M代码:M00 程序暂停M01 程序停止M02 程序结束光标停在当前位置M30 程序结束光标返回程序起始位置M03 主轴正转M04主轴逆转M05主轴停止M10 M14 ..M08 主轴切削液开M11 M15主轴切削液停M25 托盘上升M85工件计数器加一个M19主轴定位M99 循环所以程式编码字符的意义:A 关于X轴的角度尺寸B 关于Y轴的角度尺寸C 关于Z轴的角度尺寸D 刀具半径偏置号E 第二进给功能即进刀速度;单位:mm/分钟F 第一进给功能即进刀速度;单位:mm/分钟G 准备功能H 刀具长度偏置号I 平行于X轴的插补参数或螺纹导程J 平行于Y轴的插补参数或螺纹导程L 固定循环返回次数伙子程序返回次数M 辅助功能N 顺序号行号O 程序编号P 平行于X轴的第三尺寸或固定循环参数Q 平行于Y轴的第三尺寸或固定循环参数R 平行于Z轴的第三尺寸或循环参数圆弧的半径S 主轴转速功能标表转速;单位为:转/分T 第一道具功能U 平行于X轴的第二尺寸V 平行于X轴的第二尺寸W 平行于X轴的第二尺寸X 基本尺寸Y 基本尺寸。
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Chapter 9: Entry and expansion strategies Agenda:Decision criteria for international businessEntry and expansion decision modelMarketing strategy alternativesFirms as Seekers by Expanding across BordersSeeking ResourcesSeeking Factor AdvantagesSeeking KnowledgeSeeking SecuritySeeking MarketsCzinkota 2005:176The effects of the international market environment onthe market entry decisionControl Decision on entry strategy and controlEntry modeCompetitive EthicalPolitica l Socio ‐economicTechnologicalLegalInternational marketing environmental factors to beconsidered in international market entry decisionsMarketingEnvironmental Factors DescriptionSocio‐economic State of market development, Population size, growth, density, concentration, disposable income, age distribution, urbanization and economic activity, inflation rates, economic activity, and state of infrastructural development, including communications, Geographical dispersion of consumersState of distribution system development and structureSocial organization, Climate EthicsPolitical Terms of entry and doing business, Political leaning ofgovernment, Climate for investment, Stability of governmentAttitudes to international investmentLegal Local business laws, Intending entrants’ domestic lowsInternational lawsCompetition Industrial and commercial structures, size, and concentrationsLeader or follower, Level and type of domestic and internationalinvestment, Transaction costs marginsCurrency Exchange fluctuations and conversion ratesExchange transfers, Exchangeability of currencyInflation and deflationDecision criteria for international businessPolitical riskMarket accessFactor costs and conditionsShipping considerationCountry infrastructureForeign exchangeCreating a product-market profileMarket selection criteriaMarket selection criteriaMarket potentialMarket accessShipping costs and timePotential competitionService requirementsProduct fitCreating a product-market profileWho buys our product?Who does not buy our product?What need or function does our product serve?What problem does our product solve?What are customers currently buying to satisfy the need and/or solve the problem for which our product is targeted? What price are they paying for the products they are currently buying?When is our product purchased?Why is our product purchased?International market entry and expansion decision modelSourcing: home, third, or host country?Cost, market access, country of origin factorsIn-country or in-region marketing organization?Cost, market impact assessment. If choice is to establish ownorganization, must decide who to appoint to key positionsSelection, training, and motivation of local distributors and agentsMarketing mix strategy: goals and objectives in sales, earnings, and share of market; positioning; marketing mix strategyStrategy implementationSource: Keagan 2007:238Internationalization process of organizationsState aspects Change aspects Market knowledge Commitment DecisionsCurrent ActivitiesMarket commitmentThe decision sequence for international directinvestmentSource: Czinkota 2005:175The Firm and Its Competitive AdvantageExploit ExistingCompetitive AdvantageAbroad ChangeCompetitive AdvantageProduction at Home:ExportingProduction AbroadLicensingManagement ContractControl AssetsAbroadJoint VentureWholly OwnedAffiliateGreenfield InvestmentAcquisition of Foreign Enterprise12345Requirement of export marketingAn understanding of the target market environmentThe use of marketing research and the identification of market potentialDecisions concerning product design, distribution and channels, advertising, and communications –the marketing mixExporting as a developmental processThe firm is unwilling to export; it will not even fill an unsolicited export order.This may be due to perceived lack of time (“too busy to fill the order”) or to apathy or ignorance.The firm fills unsolicited export orders but does not pursue unsolicited orders.Such a firm would be an export seller.The firm explores the feasibility of exporting (this stage may bypass stage 2)The firm exports to one or more markets on a trial basis.The firm is an experienced exporter to one or more markets.After this success, the firm pursues country, or region-focused marketing based on certain criteria (e.g. all countries where English is spoken, all countrieswhere it is not necessary to transport by water)The firm evaluates global market potential before screening for the best target markets to include in its marketing strategy and plan. All markets –domestic and international –are regarded as equally worthy of consideration. At this point, other environmental factors may come into play and the marketer might want to explore joint ventures or foreign direct investment opportunities to maximize international opportunities.Keagan 207: 240Export-related problemsArranging transportation Transport rate determination Handling documentationObtaining financial information Distribution coordination PackagingObtaining insurance LogisticsLegal Procedure Government red tape Product liability LicensingCustomers/dutyServicing ExportsProviding parts availability Providing repair service Providing technical advice Providing warehousing Sales promotion Advertising Sales effortMarketing information Foreign market intelligenceLocation markets Trade restrictions Competition overseasSource: Keagan 2007:241Organizing for exporting –organizing in themanufacturer’s countryIn-house export organization公司内部员⼯工-as a part-time activity performed by domestic employees-through an export partner affiliated with the domestic marketing structure that takes possession of the goods before they leave the country-through an export department that is independent of the domestic marketing structure-Through an export department within an international division-For multidivisional companies, each of the foregoing possibilities exists within each divisionExternal independent export organizationsexport trading companies (ETCs) export management companies (EMCs), export merchants, export brokers, combination export managers, manufacturer’s representatives or commission agent, export distributorsOrganizing for exporting –organizing in themarket countryDirect representationIndependent representationPiggyback marketing背驮式营销(piggyback marketing):制造商利⽤用另⼀一个公司的分销渠道来分销产品,双⽅方均可获益Sourcing decision factorsFactor costs and conditions Logistics (time required to fill orders, security and safety, and transportation costs) Country infrastructure Political riskMarket access (tariff and nontariff barriers to trade) Exchange rate, availability, and convertibility of local money物流LicensingLicensing can be defined as a contractual arrangement whereby one company (the licensor) makes an asset available to another company (the licensee) in exchange for royalties, license fees, or some other form of compensation. The licensed asset may be a patent, trade secret, or other form of compensation. Advantages : can offer an attractive return on investment for the life of the agreement, providing the necessary performance clauses are in the contract. Disadvantages:very limited form of participation契约的,合同的Investment: Joint ventures合资;合资公司;合资企业(joint venture的复数) A joint venture with a local partner represents a more extensiveform of participation in foreign markets than either exporting orlicensing.Advantages:Sharing of risk and ability to combine differentvalue chain strengths.Disadvantages:-Sharing of rewards-a company incurs significant costs associatedwith control and coordination issues that arisewhen working with a partner-a dynamic joint venture partner can evolveinto a stronger competitor-country-specific restrictions-Cross-cultural differences in managerialattitudes and behavior can present formidablechallengeMarket entry and expansion by acquisitionProductCategory/Industry Acquiring Company Target Automotive Pharmaceutical Tobacco OilCommunicationsDaimler Benz Rhone-Poulenc British American Tobacco BP Amoco V odafoneChrysler Hoechst Zurich ArcoMannesmann AirTouchSource: adopted from Keagan 2007:251Definitions of M&AMergers & Acquisitions (M&A):Transactions which lead to a shift in the rights of ownership and control from one company to another. Basis of this shift is a change of ownership of the equity of one company.Acquisitions:Purchase of companies or parts of companies (majority or minority).Merger:Combination of two or more legally independent companies, with at least one company losing its legal independence.Other forms of M&A: Joint VenturesTransfer of companies or assets of two or more mothercompanies to a newly founded unit which is jointly owned by the mother companies.Merger and Acquisition 收购兼并=mergerReasons for M&A•Liberalization and Deregulation of Markets (e.g. China), Tariffs and non-tariff obstacles to market entry are decreased•Convergence of technologies/market constellations increase intensity of competition•Sharp rise in …fix costs“, e.g. R&D, shifts cost structure, high volume necessary•Necessity of local adaptation (culture, sales systems)•Shortening of product cycles, Time as an increasingly important competitive factor•Rise in risks•Search for promising investments for high cash flowsConsolidation pressure in industries and services is risingM&A-Transactions are adaptations to changing competitive conditionscomplete acquisitionup to blocking minority (which varies from country to country between 25%, 26% or 33%)above blocking minority,but below 50%around 50%above 50%, but blocking minority of partnerbelow 100%, but no blockingminority of partner100% ownershipminorityparitymajorityAcquirerForms of M&A and Participants in the M&A-ProcessSource: from MecklCharacteristics of international M&AFeatures of overseas M&A:Different political and economic environmentCultural differencesForms and extend of influence in the market: change of market share and competitive capabilitiesMore barriers and risksForms of M&A: Hostile Take OverDefinition:Acquisition of a (normally listed) company against the will of the management Reasons for hostile take over:•underpriced stock hypothesis (asset stripping!)•strategic reasons (acquisition of competitor, technology)•empire building hypothesis (influence, power of managers)Procedure of hostile take over:•highly regulated (when which offer, information may published etc.)•Germany: new “Übernahmegesetz” is intended to strengthen the position of the management•USA / UK: strong position of shareholders, “true and fair information” is essential Hostile take over clearly show the Principal-Agent-Problem betweenshareholders and managers.Stakeholders and participants in M&A-Projects: Internal GroupsAcquirer Target companyShareholders, OwnersTop ManagementMiddle / Lower ManagementSupport Staff(Department of M&A, -of StrategicPlanning, -of Law,-of Human Resources ... )Employees, Representative groups(unions, co-determination)Conflicts of interest within the internal groups of both the acquirer and the target company pose important risks for M&A-Projects.44779101418212427475719190102030405060% of sample see the respective factor as essential for the success of an M&A-TransactionPercentageCultural workshopsAdditional R&D-ActivitiesIntegration/coordination of customerstructures New organizational structuresEstablishing of Post Merger Audit Systems Employment of instruments for knowledgemanagementInvolvement of important customers andsuppliersHarmonization of compensation/incentivestructureNew product scope and -programs Fast decision and implementation of management/leadership structureNew market segmentation and pricingpoliciesIntegration of the reporting systems Explicit communication strategy Use of integration-and project-teams Explicit ex ante integration planning Success-Factors of M&A-TransactionsSource: adopted from MecklMarket expansion strategiesStrategy 1: concentrates on a few segments in a few countries.Strategy 2: country concentration and segment diversification,多样化;变化a company serves many markets in a few countries.Strategy 3: country diversification and market segment concentration.Strategy 4: country and segment diversificationCompetitive advantageFactors influencing the choice and importance of market entrymodeFinancial, physical and human resources Previous experience and existing expertise Workforce attitudeNature of marketLevel of involvementTime horizon of paybackUnique skillsInvestment and market costsLevels of risk and control Corporate and market objectivesAdministrative requirementsTerms of entryTiming ‐international life cycleEntry mode flexibilityEase of exitComparison of the various entry modesUp-front investmentSpeed of entry Penetration of market Market control Political riskCompetitive exposure Managerial complexity PotentialROI Wholly owned Agent/DistributorRepresentative Acquisition Joint Venture Licensing Greenfield I nternetSource: After Lasserre (2003)High Lowlow/medium High Medium Low High MediumSlow Possiblyquick low Quick Quick Medium Slow QuickMedium Medium/ Low low High Medium/ HighMedium/ Low Potentially high QuickHigh Low/Nil low High MediumNil High HighHigh Low low High Medium Low Medium LowLow Low low Low High/Medium High Low HighHigh Low Medium High High Low Medium LowHigh Potentially High/Low Potentially High/Low High Medium Low /High Low/High HighEntry modes and different marketing strategiesDefensive strategy Wholly owned,i.e. branchesandsubsidiariesShared owned,i.e. mergers &acquisition &Joint venturesContractual,i.e. licensing,franchisingand alliancesMarketingoriented, or indirectexportingBusiness intelligence Customer services Customer complaints Management AikidoFree telephone lines Differentiation FocusCost leadership XXXXXXXXSource: Abdel‐Maquid Lotayif (2003.371).Marketing strategy alternativesOwnership C o n t r o l 100%100%Source: Keagan 2007:253Market expansion strategies1. Narrow focus 3. Country diversification2. Country focus4. Global diversificationMarketConcentrationDiversificationConcentration DiversificationC o u n t r ySource: Keagan 2007:254E.P.R.G Model of Perlmutter ethnocentric polycentric Regional centric GeocentricOrganization complex in homecountry, simple bysubsidiary Different, indepen-dent with each otherHigh dependence onthe regional levelIncreasing complex,world-widedependenceDecision Strongconcentrated inmother company few by mothercompanyBig regional head-quarters, tied relation-ship between regionalsubsidiariesCooperation betweenmother companies subsidiariesControl Using criterionsfrom mo. companyfor perform. evalua.Local regulations Regional regulations Global and localcriterionsCommunication More instructionsto subsidiariesFew with mothercompany and subsi.Few with mothercompany, much withregi.headq. and othercountries.Intensive withmother company andsubsidiaries.Geogr. Identifica.Nationality ofmother companyNationality of hostcountryRegional enterprise Worldwide companyfor national interestManagem. & employm.Training staffsfrom mothercompany for globalTraining staffs fromhost country forlocal key positionsTraining staffs fromhost country for localkey positionsTraining the beststaffs worldwide forglobal key positionsOrientation of management and companiesHome country is superior; sees similarities in foreign countriesEach host country is unique; sees differences in foreigncountriesSees similarities and differences in a world region; is ethnocentric or polycentric in its view of the rest of the worldWorldview;Sees similarities and differences in home andhost countriesEthnocentricPolycentricRegiocentric Geocentric 种族优越感的;民族中⼼心主义的多中⼼心的regiocentric orientation 区域中⼼心导向以地球为中⼼心的;由地⼼心开始测量的?Cooperative strategies and global strategicpartnerships联盟,同盟;盟国(alliance的复数形式);联姻The nature of global strategic partnershipsAlliances between manufacturers and marketersEstablish of international partnershipsUnderstanding of CooperationCoopere and co-operationCooperation means that two or more persons or groups carry on activities to achieve the pre-concerted goal.Carrying on the activities could be the intention of a firm or the motives of individuals.The precondition for such cooperation is the trust of the partners which is the positive reaction to the cooperation.Communication or interaction between two and more individuals or groups.This relationship consists not only the common aims,but also the cognitive aspects of the partners like perception,empathy,positive attitude,trust etc.The cooperation between firms is the interaction between two or more firms to implement common business objectives.Motives for Cooperation between FirmsResource and capabilities:acquiring technology, human resource, capitalFactors of time: the life cycle of products becomes shorter (product, market, R&D)Cost factors: surplus of capability, economies of scale, share the fixed costsMarket factors: Globalization, implementation of industrial norms, reaction of customers, exploitation of new markets, market entry barriers.Risk control: share risks (R&D), improve ability of adaptationInternational Strategic AllianceInternational Strategic Alliance is an informal or formal agreement between two or more companies with a common business objective in order to achieve success and improving core competence.The alliance can take forms ranging from informal cooperation to joint ownership of worldwide operations.The partners have special advantage and ability to share risks.Strategic alliances are partnerships between two or more firms that decide they can better pursue their mutual goals by combining their resources –financial,managerial,technological –as well as their existing distinctive competitive advantages.Alliances –often called cooperative strategies-are transition mechanism that propel the partners’strategies forward in a turbulent environment faster than would be possible for each company alone.(Heresky 2007:243)The nature of global strategic partnershipsThe participants remain independent subsequent to the formation of the alliance.The participants share the benefits of the alliance as well as control over the performance of assigned tasks.The participants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategic areas.Theories about international strategic allianceTransaction cost theory: reduce cost and riskResource dependent theory: the other companies have the resources which one company do not have. Acquiring this resource is only possible through strategic allianceOrganization learning theory: Acquiring knowledge and technology from the other companiesRelationship marketing theory: Improve customer value, enhance the relationship with the costumersStrategic behavior theory: implement the corporate strategy through strategic allianceReasons for global allianceTo avoid import barriers, licensing requirements, and other protectionist legislation;To share the costs and risks of the research and development of new products and process;To gain access to specific markets, such as the EU, where regulations favor domestic companies;To reduce political risk while making inroads into a new market; To gain rapid entry into a new or consolidating industry and to take advantage of synergies.Source: Deresky 2007:245-246Different cooperation forms of IBMPartner Content ObjectiveFerranti Install IBM PC inFerranti computer Entry in the market of PS/2Toshiba Development ofLCD Share cost for R&DDEC,Appolo, HP Development ofdrive system forwork stationFirming com-petitive advantagedirected againstSUN and AT&TSiemens Development of65Mb DRAM Share cost for R&DMicrosoft Development ofsoftware Improve com-petition situationIBMThe dual role of strategic alliancesCooperativeEconomies of scale in tangible assets (e.g., plant and equipment)CompetitiveOpportunity to learn new intangible skills from partner, often tacit or organization embedded.Upstream-downstream division of labor among partners.Accelerate diffusion of industry standards and new technologies to erect barriers to entry.Fill out product line with components orend products provided by supplier.Deny technological and learning initiative to partner via outsourcing and long-term supply arrangements.Limit investment risk when entering new markets or uncertain technological fields via shared resources. Encircle exiting competitors and preempt the rise of new competitors with alliance partners in “proxy wars” to control market access,distribution, and access to new technologies.Create a “critical mass” to learn and develop new technologies to protect domestic, strategic industries. Form clusters of learning among suppliers and related firms to avoid or reduce foreign dependence for critical inputs and skills. Assist short-term corporate restructurings by lowering exit barriers in mature or declining industries. Alliances serve as experiential platforms to “demature” and transform existing mature industries via new components, technologies, skills to enhance the value of future growthoptions. Source: David Lei 1997Risks of international strategic allianceFactors unknown HighRiskLowHighR e s o u r c e i n p u tUnknown factors in allianceEconomic environment: policy, industrial infrastructure, macro-economic situation;Reaction in market: reaction of customers, suppliers and competitors can not be forecasted;Governmental invention: governmental ratification;Objectives: The expectation of the companies on the alliance and the role of alliance are not clear;Capabilities of partner: the one partner does not have the advantage which the other one needs;Potential conflict: partner can not discuss and coordinate the important matter completely, or the partners can not agree with each other in the case of changes after alliance;Not comprehensive Plan: the important matters and their complexity are not descript very clearly;Decision making: no clear description about the decision making regarding important matters;Cooperation: cooperation is not satisfied;Performance:the expected benefit is not realized;Responsibility: Amount of investment, period, extend of operation and right are not clearly defined;Opportunism: One partner exploits the otherSuccess factors for global strategic partnership (GSPs)Mission. Successful GSPs create win-win situations, in which participants pursue objectives on the basis of mutual need or advantage.Strategy. A company may establish separate GSPs with different partners;strategy must be thought out up front to avoid conflicts.Governance. Discussion and consensus must be the norms. Partners must be viewed as equals.Culture. Personal chemistry is important, as is the successful development of a shared set of values. The failure of partnership between Britain’sGeneral Electric Company and Siemens AG was blamed in part on the fact that the former was run by finance-oriented executives and the latter bengineers.Organization. Innovative structures and designs may be needed to offset the complexity of multicountry management.Management. GSPs invariably involve a different type of decision making.Potentially divisive issues must be identified in advance and clear, unitary lines of authority established that will result in commitment by all partners.Four principles for successful collaboratorsDespite the fact that partners are pursuing mutual goals in some areas,partners must remember that they are competitors in others. Harmony is not the most important measure of success;some conflict is to be expected.All employees,engineers,and managers must understand where cooperation ends and competitive compromise begins.Learning from partners is critically importantManagement problems of allianceSelecting partnerMutual trust of the partnersEnthusiasm for participationTeam for cooperationCommunicationControl and coordination mechanismCultural adaptationChoose a partner with compatible strategic goals and objectives and with whom the alliance will result in synergies through the combined markets, technologies, and management cadre.Seek alliances where complementary skills, products, and markets will result. If each partner brings distinctive skills and assets to the venture, there will be reduced potential for direct competition in end products and markets. In addition, eachpartner will begin the alliance in a balanced relationship.Source: Deresky 2007:247-248Work out with the partner how you will each deal with proprietary technology or competitively sensitive information–what will be shared and what will not,and how shared technology will be handled.Trust is an essential ingredient of an alliance,particularly in these areas;but this must be backed up by contractual agreements.Recognize that most alliance last only a few years and will probably break up once a partner feels if has incorporated the skills and information it needs to go it alone.With this in mind, managers need to“learn thoroughly and rapidly about a partner’s technology and management:transfer valuable ideas and practices promptly into one’s own operations.”Source: Deresky 2007:247-248。