How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience

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Lesson One
How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience
A Riddle
• No pains, no gains. • What can be got without pains? • Nothing to be got without pains but poverty. • 只有贫穷是可以不劳而获的东西。
Lead-in questions
• 1. Do you think you are poor?
• 2. what makes the fact that you are poor?/who should be responsible for your poverty?
• 3. if you are a billionaire, will you feel guilty about the eБайду номын сангаасistence of the poor people? And how to get it off?
• In the years after the Vietnam War, Ken Galbraith put his energy into writing. In 1996, his book "The Good Society" was published. It was an update of his book "The Affluent Society." He pointed out that the United States had become even more a place for the wealthy, or a "democracy of the fortunate." • • John Kenneth Galbraith receives the Medal of Freedom from President Bill Clinton.
Paragraph 2
• What does the author mean when he uses “perilously”? • The author must have in mind the slave uprisings, peasant uprisings, and workers‟ strikes. If the disparity becomes too great, the poor will rise up against the rich and cause much damage.
• Mister Galbraith was also involved in politics, which was unusual for an economist. He became a trusted adviser to President John F. Kennedy. • President Kennedy appointed him ambassador to India in 1961. Thirty years later, Mister Galbraith received India's secondhighest civilian honor for his work to strengthen ties between India and the United States.
• John Kenneth Galbraith was born on a farm near Iona Station, Canada in 1908. • Young John first studied agriculture at Ontario Agricultural College. But he soon found economics more interesting .
• 1. what a fine weather.
• 2. Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it (the cheque ) up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits. • 老太太慢慢地弯下腰,把支票从地上捡起来,她 的礼物,她的可爱的礼物!用颤抖的手指把它撕 得粉碎。 -------------a disappointing present
• Mister Galbraith became an instructor at Harvard University. In 1937, he became an American citizen. • In 1939, John Kenneth Galbraith began working for the government. He joined the National Defense Advisory Committee in Washington. Later,he was forced to resign from the job and started writing for Fortune magazine .
• After the tragedy, Mister Galbraith had good relations with the new president Lyndon Johnson and became an adviser. But later broke with him on the issue of Vietnam War. • He opposed the involvement of the United States in the war.
• In 1958, Mister Galbraith published his most famous book,"The Affluent Society." He argued that while private individuals in America were becoming wealthier, public institutions were growing poor. He criticized the American culture that he said was rich in goods but poor in social services.
Rocketing defense budget
• “星球大战计划”的出台背景是在冷战后期, 由于苏联拥有比美国更强大的核攻击力量 和导弹破防能力,美国害怕“核平衡”的 形势被打破,需要建立有效的反导弹系统, 来保证其战略核力量的生存能力和可靠的 威慑能力,维持其核优势。同时,美国也 是想凭借其强大的经济实力,通过太空武 器竞争,把苏联的经济拖垮。这项计划于 1984年由美国总统R.里根批准实施.
Paragraph 1
• What does the author want to reflect on? • The author wants to discuss how people have been trying not to feel guilty about the existence of the poor people.
• Part I(1&2) opening: the search of ways of “getting the poor off our conscience”has been and continues to be an intellectual preoccupation • Part II(3--9) five historical solutions • Part III(10--11)Transition • Part IV(12--20) five current designs • Part V (21) conclusion
Questions and answer
• 1. which continent is the poorest one in the world? ------Africa • 2.which country is the poorest one? ------Ethiopia
• 3. who is the poorest person in the world? ------?
3.She was not so young as I expected and in appearance imposing rather than attractive. 她并不如我想象的那么年轻。她的外表与其说 吸引人,不如说是令人难忘。 ---------a fat and bad-looking lady
Class Procedure
• 1. About the author • 2. Guide to Reading & Relevant information • 3. Text learning • 4. Exercises and test
About the author
• John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006 ) was an economist, liberal thinker, author, professor, presidential advisor and ambassador. • He was also a productive writer and an effective critic of many popular ideas of his time. • He clearly influenced the economic ideas of many people, including politicians and presidents.
• 计划由“洲际弹道导弹防御计划”和“反 卫星计划”两部分组成。其预算高达1万多 亿美元.。
• Irony (反语) : is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. • Leech asserts that irony “enables a speaker to be impolite while seeming to be polite.”
Keynesian economics
• 主张国家采用扩张性的经济政策,通过增加需求 促进经济增长。 即扩大政府开支,实行财政赤字。 刺激经济。维持繁荣。 • 凯恩斯则认为对商品总需求的减少是经济衰退的 主要原因。由此维持整体经济活动数据平衡的措 施可以在宏观上平衡供给和需求。因此,凯恩斯 的和其他建立在凯恩斯理论基础上的经济学理论 被称为宏观经济学,以与注重研究个人行为的微 观经济学相区别。
Text learning
• Part I(1&2) opening: the search of ways of “getting the poor off our conscience”has been and continues to be an intellectual preoccupation
• John Kenneth Galbraith died in 2006 at the age of ninetyseven. Yet his books remain excellent examples of thinking about social responsibility and ethics.