Chapter 9-Operational Amplifier







●電子學一(共5片DVD) 內容大綱如下:Chapter 1 二極體(Diodes)Chapter 2 雙極接面電晶體(Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs))Chapter 3金氧半場效電晶體(MOS Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs))Chapter 4 運算放大器(Operational Amplifiers)●電子學二(共4片DVD) 內容如下:Chapter 5 差動放大器(Differential Amplifier)Chapter 6 頻率響應(Frequency Response)Chapter 7 回授(Feedback)Chapter 8 輸出級及功率放大器(Output Stage and Power Amplifier)●電子學三(共5片DVD) 內容如下:Chapter 9 運算放大器與資料轉換電路(Operational Amplifier and Data-Converter Circuits)Chapter 10 訊號產生器與波形產生電路(Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping)Chapter 11 數位邏輯電路(Digital logic Circuits)●使用說明:目前安裝於檢索區第7台電腦。





暂态响应 transient response
时间常数 time constant
指数函数 exponential function
阶跃响应 step response
冲激响应 impulse response
自由响应 natural response
强迫响应 forced response
Chapter 6 First-order Circuit
一阶电路 first-order circuit 一阶微分方程 first-order differential
transient process
线性时不变电路 linear time-invaried
单位阶跃函数 unit step function
ideal dependent / controlled source
Y-Δ变换 Wye-Delta transformation
入端电阻 input resistance
voltage controlled voltage source(VCVS)
Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis
Chapter 7 Second-order Circuit 二阶电路 second-order circuit 齐次微分方程
homogeneous differential equation 常系数微分方程
constant coefficients equation
特征方程 characteristic equation
complete response

Operational Amplifier Stability

Operational Amplifier Stability

TINA-TI应用实例:运算放大器的稳定性分析原创:TI美国应用工程经理:Tim Green译注:TI中国大学计划黄争Frank Huang负反馈电路在运算放大器的应用中起着非常重要的作用,它可以改善运放的许多特性,比如稳定增益,减小失真,扩展频带,阻抗变换等。




本章中主要分析了电压反馈型运算放大器不稳定的原因;给出了使用伯特图来分析运放稳定性的方法;最后结合TINA-TI SPICE仿真软件,通过一个实例介绍了分析和解决运算放大器稳定性问题的方法。

关于TINA-TI与运放稳定性的更深入讨论可以参考TI公司线性产品应用经理Tim Green先生所撰写的《Operational Amplifier Stability》一文[1]。

这里也感谢Tim Green先生对本文提供的大量原始资料和技术指导。

5.1 运算放大器为什么会不稳定?要分析和解决运放的稳定性问题,首先要清楚为什么运算放大器会不稳定。



图5.1 负反馈框图图5.2 同相放大器中的负反馈在这个负反馈电路中,有三个重要的部件:1. 一个增益模块,其增益为a ,他接受差值信号d v ,并产生输出信号o v ,即o d v av =。

当这个增益模块为一运算放大器时,a 就是该运放的开环增益ol A 。



Increasing temperature, generating electron-hole pairs
• Free electron---produced by thermal ionization. It can move freely in the lattice structure so as to form current. • Hole---empty position in broken covalent bond. It can be filled by free electron (recombination) and can also “move” freely to form current. • A free electron is negative charge and a hole is positive charge.
Dr. Tianping Deng Email:
PART 1 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND BASIC APPLICATIONS Chapter 1 Semiconductor Materials and Diodes Chapter 2 Diode Circuits Chapter 3 The Field-Effect Transistor Chapter 4 Basic FET Amplifiers Chapter 5 The Bipolar Junction Transistor Chapter 6 Basic BJT Amplifiers Chapter 7 Frequency Response Chapter 8 Output Stages and Power Amplifiers PART 2 ANALOG ELECTRONICS Chapter 9 Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp Circuits Chapter 10 Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active Loads Chapter 11 Differential and Multistage Amplifiers Chapter 12 Feedback and Stability Chapter 13 Operational Amplifier Circuits Chapter 14 Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier Circuits Chapter 15 Applications and Design of Integrated Circuits



Chapter 2:Source transformation 电源变换A voltage in series with a resister 电压串联电阻A current source in parallel with a resister 电流并联电阻Bilateral 双边的Superposition 叠加Chapter 3:Cumbersome 麻烦的,笨重的Simultaneous 同时发生的Terminology 术语Planar 二维的Ammeter 安培表Fictitious 编造的Manipulation 操纵(作)Pertinent 相关的(pertain v.)Chapter 4:The operational amplifier 运算放大器Diode 二极管Transistor 晶体管Penchant 喜好Judicious 明智的Invoke 求助于Replica 复制品Comparator 比较器Chapter 5:Charge in motion 运动中的电荷Quantitative relationship 定量关系Insulator 绝缘体Dielectric material 电介质材料Time-varying electric field 时变电场Displacement current 位移电流Conduction current 传导电流Passive element 无源元件Be measured in 单位是Graphically 图形上Coiled wire 线圈Short current 短路Change instantaneously 跃变Arcing 电弧Differential 微分Algebraic 代数的Power is the time rate of expending energy 功率是消耗能量对时间的倒数Letter C 字母CConductive plate 金属板Natural response 固有响应;零输入响应Step response 阶跃响应;零状态响应Coefficient 系数First-order circuit 一阶电路Exponent 指数Reciprocal 倒数Transient response 瞬间响应Steady-state response 稳态响应Oscilloscope 示波器Analogous 类比的Exponential decay of the initial voltage 初始电压的指数衰减The rate of decay 衰减率Elementary calculus 基本微积分Chapter 6:Oscillation 等幅震荡Derivation 衍生物Characteristic roots 特征根Resonant radian frequency 谐振角频率Dimension 量纲Complex frequency 复频率Over damp 过阻尼Under damp 欠阻尼Critically damp 临界阻尼Chapter 7:Sinusoidal 正弦的Allude to 提及的Distribution circuit 配线电路Spell out 详述Realm 领域Interval 间隔时间Reciprocal 相互的Amplitude 波幅Phase angle 相位角Trigonometry 平面三角学Rms value 均方根Dc voltage 直流电压Transient component 暂态分量Infinitesimal 无穷小Forfeit 丧失Phasor 向量Argument 括号Notation 符号Phasor transform 向量变换Time domain 时域Complex-number domain 复数域Boldface letter 黑体字Polar form 极坐标Postulate 假设Subscript 下脚标Nonsensical 无意义的Nomenclature 术语,命名法Passive elements 无源元件Active elements 有源元件Impedance 阻抗Reactance 电抗Instantaneous power 瞬时功率Average power 有功功率;平均功率Reactive power 无功功率Apparent power 视在功率Chapter 8:Via 通过A lagB by 120° A滞后B120°A leadB by 120°Phase sequence 相序Periphery 圆柱体表面Stator 定子Winding 线圈Generator 发电机Line-to-line voltage 线电压Line-to-neutral voltage 相电压Chapter 9:Reactive components 动态元件Filter 滤波器Audible 听得见的Frequency-selective circuits 选频电路Attenuate 衰减Graphic equalizer 图式均衡器Low pass filters 低通high pass filters 高通Band pass filters 带通Band reject filters 带阻滤波器Preliminary 初步Passband 通带Stopband 阻带Frequency response plot 频率响应曲线Magnitude plot 幅频特性曲线Phase angle plot 相频特性曲线Cutoff frequency 截止频率--------------from 张一超。

Operational Amplifiers

Operational Amplifiers

Operational Amplifiers:Operational amplifiers (op amps) were originallyused for mathematical operations in 'analog'computers. They typically have 2 inputs, a positive(non_inverting) input and a negative (inverting)input. A signal fed into the positive (non_inverting) input will produce an output signal which is inphase with the input. If the signal is fed into thenegative (inverting) input, the output will be 180degrees out of phase when compared to the input.There are a bazillion (technical term) applicationsfor op amps. The following section is an attempt togive you a basic understanding of just a fewapplications. None of the power supplyconnections are shown. Most op amp circuits usedin audio use a ±15 volt power supply (especiallywhen the audio equipment has a switching powersupply). They can also be used with a single endedsupply (no negative voltage) in head units andother such equipment that have no switchingpower supply.The diagram below shows the schematic symbolfor an op amp.OP AMP Operation:The circuit below shows a simple buffer circuit.The input impedance of an op amp is extremelyhigh (on the order of 1012 ohms). It might be usedif the input signal to the op amp was coming from asource which could supply almost no current. Theoutput of the op amp can easily drive 1000 ohmsor more. The output, when used as a buffer, willtheoretically be identical to the input signal. Ican't say it is identical because there is a smallamount of distortion in all amplifier circuits. Thedistortion in this circuit would be EXTREMELY lowand would most likely be inaudible.OP AMPs as Amplifiers:An op amp can also easily amplify a signal such asaudio. The diagram below shows the circuit for anop amp that would give an output signal twice aslarge as the input. Op amps don't like errors. Toget amplification, you induce an error in the signalgoing back to the negative input of the op amp. Anop amp will do everything in it's power to get thesignal on the negative input to match the signal onits positive input. To get an output that's twice aslarge as the input, you use 2 equal value resistorsas a voltage divider to reduce the return (feedback) signal at the negative input by half. If the returnsignal doesn't match the input signal, the op ampwill increase the output until the signal returned tothe negative input is the same as the input to thepositive input. Since the voltage divider cuts thesignal in half, the signal at the output must bedoubled. You can create any amount of gainneeded by changing the value of ONE of theresistors in the 'feedback' path. The actual limit ofgain will be determined by the op amp design.When using an op amp as a non-invertingamplifier, the gain will always be greater than orequal to 1. To get a gain of less than 1, you need to use a voltage divider on the input signal.Calculating Voltage Gain (non-inverting input): By knowing the value of the feedback, invertinginput resistor and input voltage, we can calculate the output voltage. The formula is:Vout = Vin*((Rf/Ri)+1)For equal value resistors of 4700 ohms and an input voltage of 4 volts...Vout = 4*((4700/4700)+1)Vout = 8。



运放(Operational Amplifier,简称Op-Amp)是一种集成电路,它是一种高增益、差分输入、单端输出的电压放大器。

1. 高增益:运放的增益非常高,通常在几万到几百万倍之间,可以将微弱的输入信号放大到较大的输出信号。

2. 差分输入:运放具有两个输入端,分别为非反相输入端(+)和反相输入端(-)。


3. 单端输出:运放的输出信号只有一个输出端,通常为反相输出端(-)。

4. 高输入阻抗:运放的输入阻抗非常高,可以减小输入信号源对电路的负载影响。

5. 低输出阻抗:运放的输出阻抗非常低,可以提供较大的输出电流。

6. 可调节增益:运放的增益可以通过外部电阻和电容的连接方式进行调节。








1、学习集成运放器(Integrated Operational Amplifier)原理及其基本特性。








1.Operational Amplifiers and Applications

1.Operational Amplifiers and Applications

Operational Amplifiers and Applications
An operational amplifier has a well balanced difference input and a very high gain. This parallels the characteristics of comparators and can be substituted in applications with low-performance requirements. Its transfer function is typically written as:

Operational Amplifiers and Applications
In this semester, I learned a lot of knowledge. Thanks for our team members, we improved a lot together. Specially thanks for professor Wang. Thank you very much!
1.Abstract 2.Introduction 3.Classification 4.Application 5.Conclusion

Operational Amplifiers and Applications
Operational Amplifiers are among the most widely used electronic devices today. Many standard IC op-amps cost only a few cents in moderate production volume, however some integrated or hybrid operational amplifiers with special performance specifications may cost over $100 in small quantities. The report shows the basic knowledge of operational amplifier, ranging from the development history to the application in daily life and helps you to have a deeper understanding of operational amplifier for further design and use.



轮机英语大证模拟试题(四)1. During the valve overlap period, "the exhaust pressure of a turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine must be less thanthe intake manifold pressure to ensure ______.A. cooler operation of the exhaust systemB. constant pressure from the turbochargersC. effective cylinder scavenging and coolingD. effective constant pressure for turbocharger operation2. The additional mark _______in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotelycontrolled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.A. AUT-1B.AUT-0C.BRCD. MCC3. Before replacing a piston you should check the rings to see that all clearances and gaps are within permissible______.A. discrepancyB. errorC. deflectionD. tolerance4. ISM code has applied to the ships as follows except______.A. High-speed craft of 500 gross tons or moreB. Passenger shipsC. Bulk freight vessels of 500 gross tons or moreD. Warship of 500 gross tons or more5. In a two-stage flash-type evaporator, excess brine in the first stage automatically passes ______.A. directly to the second stage feed heaterB. directly overboard through the brine coolerC. into the second stage flash chamberD. into the second stage vapor condenser6. Motors and generators, both d. c. and a. c., are rated as CMR machines. CMR stands for______.A. Continuous Maximum RatedB. Centralized Monitoring RoomC. Continuous Monitoring RoomD. Centralized Maximum Rated7. When centrifuging heavy fuel oil, an important factor to consider is (are) the ______.①flow rate ②viscosity of the fuel oilA.①B. Neither ①nor ②are correctC.②D.①②8. New adopted regulation of SOLAS says the master shall_____ when maintaining the security of the ship.A. Exercise his professional judgmentB. exercise his professional judgment but be constrained by the companyC. take actions by the ship owner' s orderD. take actions by the company' s order9. An operational amplifier, as used in today's consoles, has a calculated gain of 5. This means that when the input changes_____.A. 10 volts, the output changes 2 voltsB. 2 volts, the output changes 10 voltsC. 10 volts, the output changes 5 voltsD. 5 volts, the output changes 10 volt s 【关联题】SOLAS, Chapter IX, and the ISM Code applies to ships, regardless of the date of construction, as follows: Passenger ships, including passenger high-speed craft, not later than 1 July 1998; Oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers,bulk carriers and cargo high-speed craft of 500 gross tons or more, not later than 1 July 1998; Other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) of 500 gross tons or more, not later than 1 July 2002.The Code’s origins can be traced back to the late 1980s, when concern was growing about poor management standards in the shipping industry. In 1989, IMO adopted Guidelines on management for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention"to provide those responsible for the operation of ships with a framework for the proper development, implementation and assessment of safety and pollution prevention management in accordance with good practice.”These guidelines were revised in November 1991 and the ISM Code itself was adopted as a recommendation in 1993. However,after several years of practical experience, it was felt that the Code was so important that it should be mandatory.It was decided that the best way of achieving this would be through the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974 (SOLAS). This was done by means of amendments adopted on 24 May 1994, which added a new Chapter IX to the Convention entitled Management for the safe operation of ships. The Code itself is not actually included in the Convention, butis made mandatory by means of a reference in Chapter IX.10. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?A. A new Chapter IX to the SOLAS Convention is entitled "International Safety Management".B. The ISM Code itself is actually included in the SOLAS Convention.C. The ISM Code is made mandatory by a reference in Chapter 9 of the SOLAS Convention.D. This passage is mainly on the contents of the ISM Code.11. (3) According to the passage, a LNG carrier built in 1996 should comply the ISM Code_____.A. not later than 1 July 2004B. not later than 1 July 1996C. not later than 1 July 1998D. not later than 1 July 200212. (2)The ISM Code became to be mandatory______.A. in 1974B. in 1993C. through the SOLASD. in 1991113. (l)The ISM Code’s origins can be traced back to______.A. the year of 1980B. the year of 1989C. the year of 2002D. the year of 199814. If ignited, which of the listed materials would be a class ‘B’ fire?A. WoodB. PaperC. MagnesiumD. Diesel Oil15. All the rings are slightly rounded on their external top and bottom edges to keep the oil film on the cylinder linerduring______for new piston rings.A. the boiler firingB. gas exchange processC. the running-in periodD. the running process16. During UMS rounds, a duty engineer notices that the fuel oil overflow observation glass is full of oil. Should he ______.A. start the F. O. purifierB. Make a sounding of the F. O. overflow tank and decide if there is enough capacity to leave it until the following morning.C. Stop all F. O. transfers immediately, and inform the chief engineer.D. Call a motorman and have him sound the F. O. overflow tank periodically during the night.17. Which component does not belong to an incinerator?A. auxiliary burnerB. superheaterC. waste oil burnerD. dump chute18. The specific gravity of fuel oil is______.A. absolute valueB. set valueC. constant valueD. relative value19. The MARPOL Convention is the main international convention_____.A. about marine pollution preventionB. about marineC. covering marine protection of lifeD. about ship and port security20. In the event of minor emergencies when the machinery spaces unattended, ______ will be informed of malfunctions in the machinery by his cabin monitor.A. the bridge officer on watchB. the chief engineerC. the engineer on cabin watchD. the master21. Scale formation in a flash-type evaporator is usually found on the_____.A. tubes of the air ejector condenserB. flash chamber wallsC. tubes of the salt water feed heaterD. tubes of the distiller condenser22. Which one is not the ' clear grounds ' for a more detailed inspection?A. serious corrosion on the hullB. damaged sanitary pumpC. one page missing in the oil record bookD. the master and the chief engineer are unable to communicate effectively23. In______ boiler the water flows through the inside of the tubes while the hot gases pass around the outside.A. an exhaust gasB. a fire-tubeC. a water-tubeD. any kind of24. In the diesel engine, bearing replacement requires lifting the ______ which is held from above with studs and nuts.A. bushB. webC. journalD. bearing cap25. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to______ on most large ships.A. main switch boardsB. emergency switch boardsC. section boardsD. distribution boards26. Which can make circuit and realize off circuit under normal condition?A. voltmetersB. synchroscopeC. distribution boxD. over speed governor27. To maintain design discharge pressure from a centrifugal pump, the design clearance must be maintained betweenthe______.A. motor and pump shaftB. casing and impeller wearing ringsC. lantern ring and impellerD. shaft and impeller28. The alarm signal for engine room catching fire is a blast of random bell followed by______.A. three knocksB. five knocksC. four knocksD. two knocks29. In order to increase the wearing resistance, the cylinder liner surfaces are sometimes______.A. bronze-platedB. chromium-platedC. zinc-platedD. aluminum-plated30. If a centrifugal pump operating with a positive suction head becomes air bound, your first response should be to______.A. vent the casingB. re-prime the pumpC. tighten the packingD. close the discharge31. In a modern three-phase A. C. synchronous brushes generator, the excitation winding is on the rotor. That means______.A. The winding on the rotor is for inputting excitation current.B. There are three phase windings on the rotor.C. The generator has no brushes.D. The generator needs not excitation.32. The International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration, which shall not exceed ______ from the date of issue.A. five yearsB. one yearC. three yearsD. six months233. An orifice-check valve placed in a hydraulic system is used to______.A. allow free movement of hydraulic fluid in both directionsB. restrict movement of hydraulic fluid in one direction, but allow free movement in the other directionC. allow a restricted fluid flow in one direction onlyD. regulate the fluid flow in either direction34. Scale formation on the waterside of boiler tubes, is generally produced by______A. dissolved oxygen in the watersideB. metal oxides in the watersideC. the salts of calcium and magnesiumD. accumulations of phosphates in the feedwater35. If the bowl of a disk type centrifugal purifier when operated as a separator is not primed, the______.A. oil solids will be deposited only at the intermediate top diskB. oil will be lost through the water discharge portsC. oil has a tendency to emulsify in the bowlD. purifier will act as a clarifier at the discharge ring36. Hydraulic pumps most commonly used in steering systems are of the______.A. volute typeB. axial piston typeC. screw typeD. lobe type37. However, once the temperature rises to the point where decomposition of the steam into oxygen and hydrogen could occur, 649℃, the use of _____ would then intensify the fire and a serious explosion could result.A. CO2 extinguisherB. soot blowersC. dry chemicalD. foam extinguisher38. Noxious emissions amount to 0.25~0.4 percent by volume of the ______, depending on the amount of sulphur in the fuel and its lower heat value, and the engine type, speed and efficiency.A. sulphurB. suction airC. exhaust gasD. discharging air39. The quantity of cooled air delivered by an air conditioning unit should ______ the sum of the quantity of air recirculated to the unit and the quantity mechanically exhausted.A. balanceB. equalC. be above and beyondD. be less than40. To incinerate solid waste, ______ and then charge it through the solid waste du mp chute.A. start the auxiliary and waste oil burnersB. stop the auxiliary and waste oil burnersC. start the auxiliary burner and stop the waste oil burnerD. stop the auxiliary burner and start the waste oil burner41. ______on a ship transmits power from the engine to the propeller.A. The compression air systemB. The speed regularly systemC. The transmission systemD. The automatic control system42. An inadequate reciprocating bilge pump discharge is most often caused by______.A. clogged suction strainersB. clogged drain valvesC. defective safety valvesD. scarred cylinder walls43. The term used to express the ignition quality of a particular fuel is______.A. volatility pointB. ignition index numberC. cetane numberD. octane number44. After making the required notification that a large oil spill into the water has occurred, the FIRST action should be to______.A. throw grains of sand into the oilB. apply straw or sawdust on the oilC. have the vessel move out of the spill areaD. contain the spread of the oil45. ______allows for expansion and water make up in the water cooling system.A. A settling tankB. A head valveC. A head tankD. A drain tank46. In a diesel engine, when the fuel is injected into the cylinder, ______.A. the piston has just past the TDCB. the piston has moved about one-fifth of the way upC. the piston has almost reached the TDCD. the piston is just coming upward from the bottom dead center47. The ratio of the brake horsepower to the indicated horsepower of a diesel engine is its______.A. thermal efficiencyB. volumetric efficiencyC. mechanical efficiencyD. brake thermal efficiency48. The temperature of a refrigerant gas is the highest______.A. in the expansion valveB. in the receiverC. at the compressor suctionD. at the compressor discharge49. The level of the ratings which consist of the engine room watch is______.A. Operation 1evel.B. support levelC. Officer levelD. service level50. When administering artificial respiration, it is of the utmost importance to_____.A. use the mouth-to-mouth methodB. use rhythmic pressure methodC. check the injured person s heartbeatD. clear airways51. Which distribution system has largely been used on the board?A. a. c. systemB. earthed neutralC. insulated earthD. the fuse52. When the union purchase derrick is operated, one derrick is positioned over the quayside and the other almost vertically over the______. A. dock B. pedestal C. cargo hold D. machinery space353. Temperatures in the cylinder are naturally high, though only______are (is) subjected to actual flame temperatures.A. the cylinder combustion spaceB. the cylinder combustion space and piston crownC. the cylinder head and pistonD. the piston crown54. CO2 extinguishes a fire by _____.A. isolating the heat from the fuelB. a blanket of bubbles formed on the surface of the fireC. smotheringD. cooling55. In a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the camshaft rotates at______.A. the same speed as the crankshaftB. twice the crankshaft speedC. half the crankshaft speedD. a speed independent of the crankshaft56. The upper piston rings in large, slow-speed, two-stroke/ cycle diesel engines are roost effectively lubricated by oil______.A. supplied from wick fed drip lubricatorsB. thrown off from the main bearingsC. flow from a centrifugal or banjo oilerD. fed from mechanical lubricators57. In automatic______, the winch may be overhauled and wire is paid off the barrel at a pre-determined maximum tension.A. mooring winchesB. capstansC. cranesD. windlass58. Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are______A. excitedB. on lineC. deadD. live59. _____device is provided to prevent starting air from being admitted to the cylinder before the reversing is completed.A. An automaticB. An interlockingC. A transmissionD. A self-regulating60. When is the dock survey carried out?A. After 5 years from last annual surveyB. Usually during dock repairC. Before sea trialD. During annual repair61. If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, you should stop the engine and______.A. allow the engine to cool naturallyB. immediately open all crankcase relief portsC. increase crank case scavenge air to remove unburned gasesD. increase crankcase exhauster speed to draw cool air into the engine62. 'Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers' is an identification of a/an______.A. substandard shipB. standard shipC. over-standard shipD. reference ship63. With a purely resistance load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power factor of ______.A. less than oneB. oneC. negative oneD. more than one64. The device used for preventing the passage of flames into enclosed spaces is called _____.A. safety valveB. flame relief valveC. flame arresterD. flame stopper65. Sludge may form in the crankcase of an air conditioning compressor as a result of ______.A. reducing the cloud or floe pointB. bubbling refrigerantC. lowered operating temperaturesD. overheating and oxidation66. The main operating characteristic of diesel engines which distinguishes them from other internal combustion engines is the_____. A. valve op erathing mechanism B. method of supplying air C. method of igniting fuel D. cooling system67. If two A. C. generators are operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by______.A. changing field excitationB. a rheostatC. adjusting the governor settingsD. a balancing coil68. Before stopping the oil purifier, you should______.A. cut off the powerB. close oil outlet valveC. open guide water valveD. shut off the oil inlet firstly.69. Before stopping the oil purifier, you should______.A. cut off the powerB. close oil outlet valveC. open guide water valveD. shut off the oil inlet firstly.70. Which of the following machinery space operations is required to be logged in the Oil Record Book?A. Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tank.B. Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks.C. Daily inspection of engine room bilges.D. Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demand.71. A DC generator is used to supply direct current in order to maintain an AC generator field and is known as a/an______.A. statorB. armatureC. exciterD. Rotor72. When received the order "Finished With Engine", which of the following operations is wrong?A. stop the L. 0 pump, S. W pump, jacket water cooling pump immediatelyB. engage the turning gear, turn the main engineC. open the main engine scavenge air trunk's drain cocksD. stop the F. 0 booster pump73. Before the oily water separator put into operation, it should be______.A. filled with bilge waterB. filled with oilC. emptiedD. filled with clean water74. Which of the following procedures decreases the total dissolved solids concentration in the water of an auxiliary boiler?4A. Frequent compoundingB. Chemical cleaningC. Bottom blowingD. Hydrazine treatment of condensate75. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can be immediately be placed in the manual mode of operation when notified that the ship is ______.A. in congested watersB. in an open road-steadC. at unsheltered anchorageD. at anchor76. Which of the listed characteristics of lube oil are the most important to the engineer from an operational standpoint ?A. Viscosity, acidity, and demulsibilityB. Autoignition point, viscosity index, and film strengthC. Ash content, carbon residue, and gravityD. Pour point, flash point, and precipitation number77. The part of the anchor windlass that engages the anchor chain for lifting is called the______.A. capstanB. fair leadC. warping headD. wildcat78. To increase the frequency of an operating AC generator, you should______.A. decrease the field excitationB. increase the speed of the prime moverC. increase the number of magnetic polesD. increase the field excitation79. In____engines, exhaust also takes place through a row of ports in the cylinder, these being arranged just above the air ports.A. naturally aspiratedB. loop-scavengedC. turbo chargedD. uniflow scavenged80. The dew point is reached when the wet bulb temperature______.A. 50C above the dry bulb temperatureB. less than the dry bulb temperatureC. equal to the dry bulb temperatureD. twice the dry bulb temperature81. A marine diesel engine is started by______.A. supplying high pressure oil into a hydraulic motorB. electrical ignitingC. supplying high temperature air into the cylinderD. supplying high pressure air into the cylinder82. The activated sludge strength should be checked at regular intervals, and it is good that the color of the aeration compartment water is______. A. chocolate B. yellow C. blackish D. ivory-white83. A generator is prevented from becoming motorized by the use of a/an______.A. over-speed tripB. governor controlsC. reverse power relayD. back pressure trip84. Gear pumps are of positive displacement type pumps because they discharge a near constant amount of liquid______ pressure. A. in relative to B. depending on C. because of D. regardless of85. Which of the following is least likely to cause the ignition of fuel vapors?A. An open running electric motorB. Static electricityC. Explosion proof lightsD. Loose wiring86. The lifting pressure of ______is set in the presence of a surveyor, it is locked and cannot be changed.A. safety valves of marine boilerB. injector pump of main engineC. safety valves of a reciprocating pumpD. fuel valves of main engine87. Be sure to make the engine turn by ______ before starting and after stopping.A. steering wheelB. steering gearC. turning gearD. turning cycle88. If a hydraulic governor has been refilled with oil, the engine should be operated until it reaches normal temperature, then the air should be purged, and the ______.A. compensating needle valve should be opened fullyB. speed limiting device should be adjustedC. compensating needle valve should be adjusted to stabilize operat ionD. rack position should be adjusted89. A defective boiler atomizer couldn’t lead to______.A. a bad combustion performanceB. low temperature in furnaceC. black smokeD. high steam pressure90. Before the seas get rough, it is a good safety practice to______.A. increase lightingB. move quickly about the shipC. secure loose gearD. shutdown auxiliary equipment91. Check valve isn’t used to control______.A. direction of oil flowB. high pressure overflowC. bypass of filterD. back pressure of return oil92. Oil water separators are used to ensure that ships don t disc harge oil when pumping out______.A. bal1ast waterB. bilge waterC. sew age w aterD. boiler w ater【关联题】The Wartsila 50DF applies the sophisticated dual-fuel technology incorporated in the reliable and well-tried Wartsila 46 HFO engine. The Wartsila 50DF is designed to provide high output with fuel flexibility, low emission rates, high efficiency and high reliability. The engine functions are controlled by an advanced automation system that allows optimum running conditions to be set independent of the ambient conditions or fuel. Both the gas admission and pilot fuel injection are electronically controlled.5This ensures that the correct air-fuel ratio can be set for each cylinder individually and that the minimum amount of pilot fuel can be injected while ensuring safe and stable combustion. All parameters are controlled automatically during operation.The Wartsila 50DF is designed to meet customer demands for a safe and fuel-flexible engine, running both on gas and on liquid fuel. The 50DF, like all Wartsila engines, has a simple and straightforward design. Its piping and external connections have been minimized, the safety margins are ample, maintenance is easy and rapid, and the electronic safety protection system is a built-in feature. The individually and electronically controlled valves ensure that all cylinders say within the operating window, avoiding knocking and misfiring. This eliminates unnecessary load reductions and shutdowns.The Wartsila 50DF is designed to give the same output whether it is running on natural gas or on LFO/HFO. For the Wartsila 50DF operating on gas, NO x and CO2 emissions are substantially lower than for an HFO engine. The engine is optimized for emissions of 500mg / m3 at 5%O2, dry and fulfils the German TA-luft standard for operation on natural gas. This corresponds to 2 g/KWh of NO x. Back-up fuel: 970 ppm vol @15%O2, dry, for World Bank NO x or below 12.91 g/kWh following the marine requirements.93. (4) Which of the following can NOT be used on the Wartsila 50DF?A. LNGB.F.O.C.D.O. D. Coal gas94. (3)The gas admission and pilot fuel injection of the Wartsila 50DF are controlled by_____.A. Electronically and individually controlled servomotorB. Electronically and independently controlled valvesC. Electrically and integradually controlled valvesD. Electrically and individually controlled servomotor95. (2) Which of the following is NOT the main functions of an advanced automation system for the Wartsila 50DF?A. Ensure that the minimum amount of pilot fuel can be injectedB. Allow optimum running conditions to be set dependent of fuelC. Allow optimum running conditions to be set regardless of the ambient conditionsD. Ensure that the correct air-fuel ratio can be set96. (l)For the Wartsila 46, what is the content of NO X emissions at 5%O2?A. 500rog /Nm3B. Beyond 500ing/Nm3C. 2 g/KWhD. Below 2 g/KWh把答案写在相应的题号后:(第四套)姓名1-5: 6-10: 11-15: 16-20: 21-25:26-30: 31-35: 36-40: 41-45:46-50:51-55: 56-60: 61-65: 66-70:71-75:76-80: 81-85: 86-90: 91-96:6。



运算放大器中英文资料外文翻译文献A: The Operational AmplifierOne problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the gains, Au or A~, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system (p, fl, R~, Ro, etc.)?~ This makes design difficult since these parameters usually vary from device to device, as well as with temperature. The operational amplifier, or Op-Amp, is designed to minimize this dependence and to maximize the ease of design. An Op-Amp is an integrated circuit that has many component part such as resistors and transistors built into the device. At this point we will make no attempt to describe these inner workings.A totally general analysis of the Op-Amp is beyond the scope of some texts. We will instead study one example in detail, then present the two Op-Amp laws and show how they can be used for analysis in many practical circuit applications. These two principles allow one to design many circuits without a detailed understanding of the device physics. Hence, Op-Amps are quite useful for researchers in a variety of technical fields who need to build simple amplifiers but do not want to design at the transistor level. In the texts of electrical circuits and electronics they will also show how to build simple filter circuits using Op-Amps. The transistor amplifiers, which are the building blocks from which Op-Amp integrated circuits are constructed, will be discussed.The symbol used for an ideal Op-Amp is shown in Fig. 1-2A-1. Only three connections areshown: the positive and negative inputs, and the output. Not shown are other connections necessary to run the Op-Amp such as its attachments to power supplies and to ground potential. The latter connections are necessary to use the Op-Amp in a practical circuit but are not necessary when considering the ideal 0p-Amp applications we study in this chapter. The voltagesat the two inputs and the output will berepresented by the symbols U+, U-, and Uo. Each is measured with respect t~ ground potential. Operational amplifiers are differential devices. By this we mean that the output voltage with respect to ground is given by the expressionUo =A(U+ -U-) (1-2A-l) where A is the gain of the Op-Amp and U+ and U - the voltages at inputs. In other words, the output voltage is A times the difference in potential between the two inputs.Integrated circuit technology allows construction of many amplifier circuits on a single composite "chip" of semiconductor material. One key to the success of an operational amplifier is the "cascading" of a number of transistor amplifiers to create a very large total gain. That is, the number A in Eq. (1-2A-1) can be on the order of 100,000 or more. (For example, cascading of five transistor amplifiers, each with a gain of 10, would yield this value for A.) A second important factor is that these circuits can be built in such a way that the current flow into each of the inputs is very small. A third important design feature is that the output resistance of the operational amplifier (Ro) is very small. This in turn means that the output of the device acts like an ideal voltage source.We now can analyze the particular amplifier circuit given in Fig. 1-2A-2 using these characteristics. First, we note that the voltage at the positive input, U +, is equal to the source voltage, U + = Us. Various currents are defined in part b of the figure. Applying KVL around the outer loop in Fig. 1-2A-2b and remembering that the output voltage, Uo, is measured with respect to ground, we have-I1R1-I2R2+U0=0(1-2A-2)Since the Op-Amp is constructed in such a way that no current flows into either the positive or negative input, I- =0. KCL at the negative input terminal then yieldsI1 = I2Using Eq. (1-2A-2) and setting I1 =I2 =I,U0=(R1+R2)I(1-2A-3)We may use Ohm's law to find the voltage at the negative input, U-, noting the assumed current direction and the fact that ground potential is zero volts:(U--0)/ R1=ISo, U-=IR1and from Eq. (1-2A-3), U- =[R1/(R1+R2)] U0Since we now have expressions for U+ and U-, Eq. (1-2A-l) may be used to calculate the output voltage,U 0 = A(U+-U-)=A[US-R1U/(R1+R2)]Gathering terms,U0 =[1+AR1/(R1+R2)]= AU S(1-2A-4) and finally,A U = U0/U S= A(R1+R2)/( R1+R2+AR1) (1-2A-5a) This is the gain factor for the circuit. If A is a very large number, large enough that AR~ >> (R1+R2),the denominator of this fraction is dominated by the AR~ term. The factor A, which is in both the numerator and denominator, then cancels out and the gain is given by the expressionA U =(R1+R2)/ R1(1-2A-5b) This shows that if A is very large, then the gain of the circuit is independent of the exact value of A and can be controlled by the choice of R1and R2. This is one of the key features of Op-Amp design the action of the circuit on signals depends only upon the external elements which can beeasily varied by the designer and which do not depend upon the detailed character of the Op-Amp itself. Note that if A=100 000 and (R1 +R2)/R1=10, the price we have paid for this advantage is that we have used a device with a voltage gain of 100 000 to produce an amplifier with a gain of 10. In some sense, by using an Op-Amp we trade off "power" for "control."A similar mathematical analysis can be made on any Op-Amp circuit, but this is cumbersome and there are some very useful shortcuts that involve application of the two laws of Op-Amps which we now present.1) The first law states that in normal Op-Amp circuits we may assume that the voltage difference between the input terminals is zero, that is,U+ =U-2) The second law states that in normal Op-Amp circuits both of the input currents may be assumed to be zero:I+ =I- =0The first law is due to the large value of the intrinsic gain A. For example, if the output of an Op- Amp is IV and A= 100 000, then ( U+ - U- )= 10-SV. This is such a small number that it can often be ignored, and we set U+ = U-. The second law comes from the construction of the circuitry inside the Op-Amp which is such that almost no current flows into either of the two inputs.B: TransistorsPut very simply a semiconductor material is one which can be 'doped' to produce a predominance of electrons or mobile negative charges (N-type); or 'holes' or positive charges (P- type). A single crystal of germanium or silicon treated with both N-type dope and P-type dope forms a semiconductor diode, with the working characteristics described. Transistors are formed in a similar way but like two diodes back-to-back with a common middle layer doped in the opposite way to the two end layers, thus the middle layer is much thinner than the two end layers or zones.Two configurations are obviously possible, PNP or NPN (Fig. 1-2B-l). These descriptions are used to describe the two basic types of transistors. Because a transistor contains elements with two different polarities (i.e., 'P' and 'N' zones), it is referred to as a bipolar device, or bipolartransistor.A transistor thus has three elements with three leads connecting to these elements. To operate in a working circuit it is connected with two external voltage or polarities. One external voltage is working effectively as a diode. A transistor will, in fact, work as a diode by using just this connection and forgetting about the top half. An example is the substitution of a transistor for a diode as the detector in a simple radio. It will work just as well as a diode as it is working as a diode in this case.The diode circuit can be given forward or reverse bias. Connected with forward bias, as in Fig.l-2B-2, drawn for a PNP transistor, current will flow from P to the bottom N. If a second voltage is applied to the top and bottom sections of the transistor, with the same polarity applied to the bottom, the electrons already flowing through the bottom N section will promoteaflow of current through the transistor bottom-to-top.By controlling the degree of doping in the different layers of the transistor during manufacture, this ability to conduct current through the second circuit through a resistor can be very marked. Effectively, when the bottom half is forward biased, the bottom section acts as a generous source of free electrons (and because it emits electrons it is called the emitter). These are collected readily by the top half, which is consequently called the collector, but the actual amount of current which flows through this particular circuit is controlled by the bias applied at the center layer, which is called the base.Effectively, therefore, there are two separate 'working' circuits when a transistor is working with correctly connected polarities (Fig. 1-2B-3). One is the loop formed by the bias voltage supply encompassing the emitter and base. This is called the base circuit or input circuit. The second is the circuit formed by the collector voltage supply and all three elements of the transistor. This is called the collector circuit or output circuit. (Note: this description applies onlywhen the emitter connection is common to both circuits ~ known as common emitter configuration.) This is the most widely used way of connecting transistors, but there are, of course, two other alternative configurations -- common base and common emitter. But, the same principles apply in the working of the transistor in each case.The particular advantage offered by this circuit is that a relatively small base current can control and instigate a very much larger collector current (or, more correctly, a small input power is capable of producing a much larger output power). In other words, the transistor works as an amplifier.With this mode of working the base-emitter circuit is the input side; and the emitter through base to collector circuit the output side. Although these have a common path through base and emitter, the two circuits are effectively separated by the fact that as far as polarity of the base circuit is concerned, the base and upper half of the transistor are connected as a reverse biased diode. Hence there is no current flow from the base circuit into the collector circuit.For the circuit to work, of course, polarities of both the base and collector circuits have to be correct (forward bias applied to the base circuit, and the collector supply connected so that the polarity of the common element (the emitter) is the same from both voltage sources). This also means that the polarity of the voltages must be correct for the type of transistor. In the case of a PNP transistor as described, the emitter voltage must be positive. It follows that both the base and collector are negatively connected with respect to the emitter. The symbol for a PNP transistor has an arrow on the emitter indicating the direction of current flow, always towards the base. ('P' for positive, with a PNP transistor).In the case of an NPN transistor, exactly the same working principles apply but the polarities of both supplies are reversed (Fig. 1-2B-4). That is to say, the emitter is always made negativerelative to base and collector ('N' for negative in the caseof an NPN transistor). This is also inferred by the reverse direction of the arrow on the emitter in the symbol for an NPN transistor, i.e., current flow away from the base.While transistors are made in thousands of different types, the number of shapes in which they are produced is more limited and more or less standardized in a simple code -- TO (Transistor Outline) followed by a number.TO1 is the original transistor shape a cylindrical 'can' with the three leads emerging in triangular pattern from the bottom. Looking at the base, the upper lead in the 'triangle' is the base, the one to the fight (marked by a color spot) the collector and the one to the left the emitter.[2] The collector lead may also be more widely spaced from the base lead than the emitter lead.In other TO shapes the three leads may emerge in similar triangular pattern (but not necessarily with the same positions for base, collector and emitter), or in-line. Just to confuse the issue there are also sub-types of the same TO number shape with different lead designations. The TO92, for example, has three leads emerging in line parallel to a flat side on an otherwise circular 'can' reading 1,2,3 from top to bottom with the flat side to the right looking at the base.With TO92 sub-type a (TO92a): 1=emitter2=collector3=baseWith TO92 sub-type b (TO92b): 1=emitter2=base3=collectorTo complicate things further, some transistors may have only two emerging leads (the third being connected to the case internally); and some transistor outline shapes are found with more than three leads emerging from the base. These, in fact, are integrated circuits (ICs), packaged in the same outline shape as a transistor. More complex ICs are packaged in quite different form, e.g., flat packages.Power transistors are easily identified by shape~ They are metal cased with an elongated bottom with two mounting holes. There will only be two leads (the emitter and base) and these will normally be marked. The collector is connected internally to the can, and so connection to the collector is via one of the mounting bolts or bottom of the can.A 运算放大器对应于像广义放大器这样的电子装置,存在的一个问题就是它们的增益AU或AI,它们取决于双端口系统(µ、β、Ri、R等)的内部特性。

Operational Amplifiers

Operational Amplifiers

A First Look at OP-AMPS The term operational amplifier refers to a circuit that is composed of transistors, resistors, and capacitors, and that has a very large Thevenin input resistance and a very small Thevenin output resistance. It behaves, over at least a portion of its operating range, as a high-gain linear voltage amplifier.
These signs, however, are simply the names of the terminal and a pair of terminals to which dc voltages, called supply voltages, are connected. Batteries or regulated dc power supplies can be used; in either case, these voltage sources supply power to the components inside the op-amp and any power delivered to an output load.
Each terminal on an op-amp has a name. The conventionally used names for the two input terminals often confuse beginning students. The so-called inverting input is identified with a minus sign, and the non-inverting input with a plus sign.



运算放大器最早被设计出来的目的是用来进行加、减、微分、积分的模擬数学运算,因此被称为“运算放大器”[1]。同时它也成为实现模拟计算机(analog computer)的基本建构单元。然而,理想运算放大器的在电路系统设计上的用途却远超过加减等的计算。今日的运算放大器,无论是使用晶体管(transistor)或真空管(vacuum tube)、分立式(discrete)元件或集成电路(integrated circuits)元件,运算放大器的效能都已经逐渐接近理想运算放大器的要求。最早期的运算放大器是使用真空管设计,现在则多半是集成电路式的元件,但是如果系统对于放大器的需求超出集成电路放大器的能力时,也会利用分立式元件来实现这些特殊规格的运算放大器。
运算放大器(英语:Operational Amplifier,简称OP、OPA、OPAMP、运放)是一种直流耦合,差模(差动模式)输入、通常为单端输出(Differential-in, single-ended output)的高增益(gain)电压放大器,因为刚开始主要用于加法,减法等模擬运算电路中,因而得名。
1968年:飞兆半导体公司推出 μA741,与 LM101 相比,μA741内部增加了30pF的频率补偿电容。该产品第二来源众多,迄今仍然在生产使用,它是有史以来最成功的运算放大器,也是极少数最长寿的IC型号之一;
1970年:开始出现输入端使用 FET 的高速、低输入电流(高输入阻抗)运算放大器;
目前运算放大器广泛应用于家电,工业以及科学仪器领域。一般用途的集成电路运算放大器售价不到一美元,而现在运算放大器的设计已经非常成熟,输出端可以直接短路到系统的接地端(ground)而不至于产生短路电流(short-circuit current)破坏元件本身。



专利名称:OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 发明人:SHIMURA HIDEYOSHI申请号:JP4115586申请日:19860225公开号:JPS62198209A公开日:19870901专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain an output of a high output signal level with high gain even to an input of low signal level by adopting a common source circuit. CONSTITUTION:The 2nd input terminal 34 of an input stage differential amplifier circuit is fixed to 1.0V, and a minute signal around 1.0V is inputted to the 1st input terminal 43 of the differential amplifier circuit, then an output signal amplifier by energy 40dB around nearly 2.0V is outputted at an output terminal 51 of the input stage II. The signal is inputted to the 1st n-channel MOSFET 54 of the amplifier stage II and the signal is amplifier by nearly 30dB and then outputted to a node B. The signal of the node B is outputted to a node A while being shifted by nearly 1.0-1.5V by the 2nd n-channel MOSFET 53 of the amplifier stage II. Then the signal of the node A is inputted to a gate of the 3rd n-channel MOSFET 57 of the output stage III and outputted through an output terminal 59 through a source follower circuit using the 4th n-channel MOSFET 58 as a load.申请人:MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC IND CO LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。


A typical electrical engineer will perform many diverse functions, and is likely to use, design, or build system incorporating some form of electronics.
Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design
Prologue to Analog Electronics
Electronics is defined as the science of the motion of charges in a gas, vacuum, or semiconductor.
Electronic Circuits Amplifiers
Prologue to Electronics 6.1 Analog Signals and Linear Amplifiers 6.3 Basic Amplifier Configurations
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工程性质、 实践性很强
Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp)
Transistor BJT
(4h) (4h)
(4h) (4h) 运放 内部电路 (6h)
(7h) (7h) (共52h)
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Operational Amplifier
Telescopic cascode op amps design example (1)
Specifications: VDD=3V Differential output swing = 3 V Power dissipation = 10 mW Voltage gain = 2000 Other parameters (effective channel length=0.5 m): nCox =60A/V2 pCox =30A/V2 n=0.1V-1 p=0.2V-1 Voltage gain=2000 =0 VTHN=|VTHP|=0.7V
Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-gain (2)
Av, no minal 1/ ( R1 R2 ) / R2 10
Av , closed A1 1 1 (1 ) {onlyif A1 1} 1 A1 A1
Performance Parameters-small-signal bandwidth (4)
For a step input Vin=au(t):
Vout (t ) a 1

t [1 exp( )]u (t )

When t, the final output value:
VF a 1
Since M1~M4 are in signal path, keep sizes unchanged first, therefore double the length of M5~M8 while keep their W/L unchanged: (W/L)1-4=1250 (Leff=0.5 m) (W/L)5-8=1111 (Leff=1.0m) (W/L)9=400 The gain can be re-calculated as,
In a one-pole system (dominant pole of 0):
Av A0 A 0 0 1 s / 0 j {when 0 }
Av 1
u A00
fu A0 f 0
So, in a one-pole system, fu=GBW (gain-bandwidth) Although in multi-poles systems, fuGBW, GBW is still used to design the circuit.
Av , closed Av ,no min al Av ,no min al
Gain error:

1 1% A1
1 10010 1000 1%
Means that once the open-loop gain (A1) larger than 1000, the closed-loop gain always keeps constant value of 10, and with the error within 1%
Fig.9.6 (a): Single-ended differential pair with active current mirror as load, this topology adds one mirror pole; Fig 9.6 (b): Fully differential pair; For deep sub-micron technology, the gain usually hard to exceed 20.
Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-small-signal bandwidth (3)
Refer to Fig. 8.9 in P.253:
A0 Vout 1 A0 (s) s Vin 1 (1 A0 )0

Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-others Output swing;
Noise and offset; Supply Rejection.
Operational Amplifier
One-stage Op Amps (1)
Operational Amplifier-One-stage Op Amps (3)
Overdrive voltage M4 in saturation Vout > Vb-VTH4 M2 in saturation Vout < Vb-VGS4+VTH2; Output swing (Vb -VGS4+VTH2)-(Vb -VTH4)= VTH4- (VGS4-VTH2), very small, so not suitable for unity-gain connection!.
Operational Amplifier
Telescopic cascode op amps design example (2)
First consider power P=10 mW, therefore the total current: I=P/VDD=3.33mA Allocating 3mA to M9 and 330A to Mb1 and Mb2 Second consider output swing: Swing VXY=3V SwingVX=SwingVY=1.5V VDD=3V |VOD7|+|VOD5|+VOD3+VOD1+VOD9=1.5V ID9 largest, allocate VOD9=0.5V P< n, VODP should be larger than VODN |VOD7|=|VOD5|=0.3V and VOD3=VOD1=0.2V
Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-gain (1)
Question: If the nominal (标称)gain (R1+R2)/R2=10 Determine the minimum value of A1 for a gain error of 1%?
GBW A0 f 0 A00 1 1 9.21Grad / s 1.47GHz 2 2 2
Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-Large-signal bandwidth
If CL is large, when Vin change from 0 to 1V, Vout cannot change instantaneously and still keep 0V, the signal feedback to negative input of A(s) is also 0V; Therefore the differential input signal of A(s) will reach to 1V, if the gain of A(s) larger than 1000, then the output of A(s) will be larger than 1000V; Large-signal, system non-linear, need to simulate carefully.
Operational Amplifier
Telescopic cascode op amps design example (3)
Use initial bias guess, the W/L of all transistors can be calculated as:
(W/L)1-4=1250 (W/L)5-8=1111 (W/L)9=400 Assuming all transistors minimum length of 0.5 m ,
Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-gain (3)
If not use feedback system, Fig.9.3 can also obtain a gain of 10 by using a simple common-source stage. However, the typical gain error will be larger than 10% very easily because of the fabrication error.
Operational Amplifier
Performance Parameters-small-signal bandwidth (2)
A( s uestion: Assume the op amp is a single-pole voltage amplifier. If Vin is a small step, calculate the time required for the output voltages to reach within 1% of its final value. What unity-gain bandwidth must the op amp provide if 1+R1/R210 and the settling time is to be less than 5ns? For simplicity, assume the low-frequency gain is much greater than unity.

For 1% settling, Vout=0.99VF, and hence