只需在需要显示列表的页面或文章中插入以下短代码:[adblogcat]四、高级功能1.自定义样式如果想要自定义样式,可以在自己的主题文件中添加以下代码:.adblogcat-list {/* 自定义样式 */}2.自定义模板如果想要自定义ADBlogCat的模板,可以在主题文件夹中创建一个名为“adblogcat”的文件夹,在该文件夹中创建一个名为“template.php”的文件,并将以下代码复制粘贴到该文件中:<?php/*** ADBlogCat Template*/// Get all categories$categories = get_categories();// Loop through categoriesforeach ( $categories as $category ) {// Get category ID$category_id = $category->term_id;// Get category name$category_name = $category->name;// Get category description$category_description = $category->description;// Output category name and descriptionecho '<h2>' . esc_html( $category_name ) . '</h2>';echo '<p>' . esc_html( $category_description ) . '</p>';// Query posts for this category$posts_query = new WP_Query( array('post_type' => 'post','post_status' => 'publish','cat' => $category_id,'orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC') );// Loop through posts for this categoryif ( $posts_query->have_posts() ) {while ( $posts_query->have_posts() ) {$posts_query->the_post();// Output post title and excerptecho '<h3><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '">' . esc_html( get_the_title() ) . '</a></h3>';echo '<p>' . esc_html( get_the_excerpt() ) . '</p>';}}// Reset post datawp_reset_postdata();}>然后在需要显示分类列表的页面或文章中插入以下短代码:[adblogcat template="template.php"]以上就是ADBlogCat插件的详细用法,通过使用ADBlogCat插件,可以让博客文章更加有序、清晰,方便读者查阅。
手把手教你打造自己的个性系统光盘一,最新病毒库的DOS杀毒软件们的制作方法在五楼二,windows下软件安装菜单制作好像是在第三楼吧三,返回光盘启动界面问题在第四楼四,windows下软件安装菜单制作补充在第四楼五,重大更新:WINPE系统下的X P安装自动重启问题研究:在第五楼六,关于AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0中树形列表的使用,在第五楼七,关于AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0中菜单的使用在第五楼八,关于AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0中树形列表使用的小技巧,在第五楼九,不再更新声明,(被第十次更新证明不再更新是假的,被偷是真的..)在第五楼十,关于AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0中跑马灯的使用,在第五楼十一,A字的函数(一):Application函数的释义.在第五楼十二,A字头的函数完结:Audio函数的释义.在第五楼十三,B字头的函数完结:Button函数的释义.在第五楼十四,搞笑的ComboBox 函数的释义从第12个函数起.在第五楼十五,C字头的函数完结:Crypto函数的释义.在第五楼十六,C字头的函数更新:Debug 函数释义 .Dialog 函数释义DLL函数释义在第四楼十七,D字头的函数完结:Drive函数的释义.在第四楼十八,更改深度啊,剽窃深度!.在第四楼打造自己的个性系统光盘工具:1. easy boot2. AutoPlay Media Studio 6.03. WindowsNin1 3.0 /read.php?tid=436659要感谢drag0n喔4. UltraISO5. Deepinxp5.8 (随你喜欢那个版本的windowsX P)6. JUJUMAO 10.1版(克隆的GHO)7. 老毛桃PE8. ACDsee8首先呢,我们初始一下Easy Boot 做一个我们喜欢的界面:1. 选一张自己喜欢的界面2. 替换Easy Boot目录下disk1目录下ezboot目录里的BACK.BMP 图片文件,右击图片打开属性,点一下摘要,可以看到图片的要求:怎么转换自己的图片到合适的要求捏?很简单喔!打开ACDSEE8 打开图片,点一下菜单里的“更改”:里面有一项是“调整大小”在新出的界面:把“保持宽比高”前面的对勾去掉然后在宽度那一栏里填写640高度呢就是480了然后点完成,保存然后是更改色深了,其实很简单:别忘了保存喔,千万别忘了是BMP格式的喔,好了我们的背景图片做好了,把背景图片替换成Easy Boot目录下disk1目录下ezboot目录里的BACK.BMP。
TetraMax GUI使用介绍Tetramax主界面:Netlist(读取网表):·Nelist file --可以使用所提供的文本字段手动指定要读入的netlist文件的位置和名称。
·Browse -- 可以通过单击Browse按钮来通过图形界面选择想要读取的netlist文件。
·File Type -- 默认情况下,netlist格式是由TetraMAX自动检测的。
也可以手动选择EDIF、Verilog或VHDL netlist格式。
·Clear previous netlist -- 指定在内存中当前读取的所有netlist将被删除。
·Abort on error -- 当这个框被选中(默认选中)时,当多个netlist被读取时,TetraMAX将会终止它。
·Verbose -- 指定使用通配符文件名时显示单个netlist信息。
默认情况下,只对所读取的所有netlist 进行简单的总结。
·Library Module -- 指定在指定的文件名称中定义的所有模块应该被视为是库模块。
·Master Module -- 指定被读取的文件定义的所有模块应该被标记为主模块。
通常,当读取多个具有相同名称的模块时,最后一个模块将确定最终模块定义·Max errors --指定在当前文件终止netlist解析之前允许的最大解析错误数。
·Conservative Mux -- 指定保守的MUX门是否从MUX的保守UDP模型中提取出来。
其中:None --所有提取的MUXes都是规则的(如果必要的话,会发出适当的违规)。
总的来说,Slidetags的原理是基于HTML、CSS和JavaScript 的组合,通过特定的标记和样式定义演示文稿的内容和样式,同时
使用Trados翻译XML文件的三种方法发表日期:2008年7月11日共浏览805次作者:崔启亮【编辑录入:giltworld】字体颜色:选择颜色黑色红色黄色绿色橙色紫色蓝色褐色墨绿深蓝赭石粉绿淡绿黄灰翠绿综红砖红淡蓝暗红玫瑰红紫红桔黄军黄烟灰深灰灰蓝【字体:放大正常缩小】【双击鼠标左键自动滚屏】【图片上滚动鼠标滚轮变焦图片】∙写作日期:2008年7月11日∙作者:崔启亮内容提要✍Trados翻译XML文件的基本原理✍带有INI文件的XML文件翻译方法✍使用TagEditor从XML文件创建INI文件的方法✍使用Trados Workbench从Word直接翻译XML文件XML是The Extensible Markup Language(可扩展标识语言)的缩写,是国际组织W3C于2000年10月6日发布的文件标准格式,目前版本是XML1.0版本,因此,现在越来越多的需要翻译的文件采用XML格式。
由于XML文件格式含有很多不需要翻译的标签(Tag),而且这些标签元素不是固定的(即不同的XML文件可能含有不同的Tags),所以直接使用Trados 翻译XML文件时,可能很多不需要翻译的Tag,没有变成外部隐藏格式被保护起来,变成可翻译的内容。
一、Trados翻译XML文件的基本原理Trados Workbench的作用是动态更新翻译记忆库的内容,便于重复利用已经翻译的内容,TagEditor是文档翻译软件,与翻译记忆库文件相连接。
一般地,使用Trados翻译XML文件有两种方法:1.使用Trados Workbench和TagEditor翻译2.使用Trados Workbench和Microsoft Word翻译采用第1种方法,即TagEditor翻译XML文件,需要XML文件对应的INI文件(Trados 自定义的描述Tag信息的文本文件),在TagEditor中设置好INI文件,以便TagEditor能够准确识别和保护不需要翻译的Tag元素和属性值。
vue-awesome-swiper滑块插件使⽤⽅法详解本⽂实例为⼤家分享了vue-awesome-swiper滑块插件的使⽤⽅法,供⼤家参考,具体内容如下1.进⼊项⽬⽬录,安装swipernpm install vue-awesome-swiper --save2.引⼊资源//vue滑块import VueAwesomeSwiper from 'vue-awesome-swiper'e(VueAwesomeSwiper)3.编辑组件<template><swiper :options="swiperOption" ref="mySwiper"><!-- slides --><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 1</swiper-slide><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 2</swiper-slide><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 3</swiper-slide><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 4</swiper-slide><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 5</swiper-slide><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 6</swiper-slide><swiper-slide>I'm Slide 7</swiper-slide><!-- Optional controls --><div class="swiper-pagination" slot="pagination"></div><div class="swiper-button-prev" slot="button-prev"></div><div class="swiper-button-next" slot="button-next"></div><div class="swiper-scrollbar" slot="scrollbar"></div></swiper></template><script>import { swiper, swiperSlide } from 'vue-awesome-swiper'export default {name: 'carrousel',data() {return {swiperOption: {// NotNextTick is a component's own property, and if notNextTick is set to true, the component will not instantiate the swiper through NextTick, which means you can get the swiper object the first time (if you need to use the get swiper object to do what Things // notNextTick是⼀个组件⾃有属性,如果notNextTick设置为true,组件则不会通过NextTick来实例化swiper,也就意味着你可以在第⼀时间获取到swiper对象,假如你需要刚加载遍使⽤获取swiper对象来做什么事,那么这个属性⼀定要是truenotNextTick: true,// swiper configs 所有的配置同swiper官⽅api配置autoplay: 3000,// direction : 'vertical',effect:"coverflow",grabCursor : true,setWrapperSize :true,// autoHeight: true,// paginationType:"bullets",pagination : '.swiper-pagination',paginationClickable :true,prevButton:'.swiper-button-prev',nextButton:'.swiper-button-next',// scrollbar:'.swiper-scrollbar',mousewheelControl : true,observeParents:true,// if you need use plugins in the swiper, you can config in here like this// 如果⾃⾏设计了插件,那么插件的⼀些配置相关参数,也应该出现在这个对象中,如下debugger// debugger: true,// swiper callbacks// swiper的各种回调函数也可以出现在这个对象中,和swiper官⽅⼀样// onTransitionStart(swiper){// console.log(swiper)// },// more Swiper configs and callbacks...// ...}}},components: {swiper,swiperSlide},// you can find current swiper instance object like this, while the notNextTick property value must be true// 如果你需要得到当前的swiper对象来做⼀些事情,你可以像下⾯这样定义⼀个⽅法属性来获取当前的swiper对象,同时notNextTick必须为truecomputed: {swiper() {return this.$refs.mySwiper.swiper}},mounted() {// you can use current swiper instance object to do something(swiper methods)// 然后你就可以使⽤当前上下⽂内的swiper对象去做你想做的事了// console.log('this is current swiper instance object', this.swiper)// this.swiper.slideTo(3, 1000, false)}}</script>根据进⾏调整以上就是本⽂的全部内容,希望对⼤家的学习有所帮助,也希望⼤家多多⽀持。
1. 首先,在xml配置文件中添加<templates>标签,如下所示:```
2. 在<templates>标签内添加<template>标签,并在<template>
3. 接下来,在代码中使用模板时,可以通过模板引擎的路径参数指定具体要使用的模板。
templateEngine.process("template1", context, writer);
LetraTag User GuideFigure 1 DYMO LetraTag Label MakerAbout Your New Label MakerWith your new DYMO LetraTag® label maker, you can create a wide variety of high-quality, self-adhesive labels. You can choose to print your labels in many different sizes and styles. The label maker uses DYMO LetraTag (LT) 12mm label cassettes. LT cassettes are available in multiple colors of plastic tape and in white iron-on tape.Visit for information on obtaining labels and accessories for your label maker.Warranty RegistrationPlease complete the warranty registration card and return it to the appropriate Customer Support address within seven days. Visit /registration for details or to register online. Getting StartedFollow the instructions in this section to print your first label. Connecting the PowerThe label maker is powered by standard batteries. To save power, the label maker will automatically turn off after two minutes of inactivity.Inserting the BatteriesThe label maker uses four high-capacity AA alkaline batteries.To insert the batteries1.Remove the battery compartmentcover. See Figure 2.2.Insert the batteries following thepolarity markings (+ and –).3.Replace the cover.period of time.Inserting the Label CassetteYour label maker comes with one label cassette. Visit for information about purchasing additional label cassettes.To insert the label cassette 1.Press and release the label compartment. See Figure 3.2.Insert the cassette with thelabel positioned between theprint head and pinch roller. SeeFigure 4.3.Press firmly until cassette clicksinto place.4.power.Selecting a LanguageThe first time you turn on the power, you are asked to select your desired language. By default, the language is set to English. The language option you choose determines the character set and date format that are available.1. 2.Language and3.Setting the Date and TimeYou need to set the current date and time so that the date is correct if you choose to automatically insert a date on your label.The default date and time format depends upon the language you select for the label maker. US English uses the date format MMM DD, YY and the 12-hour time format; all other languages use the date format DD MMM YY and the 24-hour time format.1.2.Set DateThe default date is displayed.e the left or right arrow key to move the cursor over each setting (month, day, and year) and use the up or down arrow keys to increase or decrease the value.4.e the left or right arrow key to move the cursor over each setting (hours and minutes) and use the up or down arrow keysto increase or decrease the value and pressPrinting Your First LabelYou are now ready to print your first label.To print a label1.Enter text to create a simple label.2.Press PRINT.3.Press the cutter button to cut the label. Congratulations!You printed your first label. Continue reading to learn more about the options available for creating labels. Getting to Know the Label MakerBecome familiar with the location of the feature and function keys on your label maker. Refer to Figure1 on the inside front cover. The following sections describe each feature in detail.Powercreated is remembered and displayed when the power is turnedLCD DisplayYou can enter up to 100 characters and spaces on a label; however, the display will only show a small portion of the characters. And, with DYMO’s exclusive graphical display, any formatting you add isvisible instantly. For example, theitalics and rounded border added tothe text in Figure 5 are clearlydisplayed.Feature indicators appear along thetop of the display to let you knowwhen a feature is selected. CAPS Modeletters that you enter will be capitalized. The default setting is CAPS mode on. When CAPS mode is off, all letters appear in lower case.Font size # lines CAPs Num Lock Figure 5Lock indicator is shown on the display and the numbers 1 through 0 appear when you press the corresponding letter keys. Num Lock is turned off by default.BackspaceClearNavigation KeysYou can review and edit your label using the left and right arrow keys on the Navigation key.You can navigate through menuto make a selection.FormatInsertSettingsUser Guide.Formatting Your LabelYou can choose from a number of formatting options to enhance the appearance of your labels.Changing the Font SizeFive font sizes are available for your labels: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large.When you select a size, that size applies to all characters on a label.1.e the up or down arrow keys to select Size3.You can choose from six different font styles: Array When you select a style, that style applies to all characters. Stylescan be used with alphanumeric characters and some symbols.1.2.Style3.Creating Two-Line LabelsYou can print a maximum of two lines on labels.To create a two-line label1.e the arrow keys to selectnot print on the label.3.Type the text for the second line.Adding the DateYou can insert the date on your label. The date format is MMM DD, YY (US) or DD MMM YY (Europe) depending upon the version of your label maker.1.2.Adding Box and Underline StylesYou can highlight your text by choosing a box or underline style.A label can be underlined or enclosed in a box, but not both together.1.2.3.the lines are enclosed in one box style.Underline EdgedSquare TrainPointed Sweet HeartsRounded FlowersCrocodileUsing Symbols and Special Characters Symbols and other special characters can be added to your labels. Adding SymbolsThe label maker supports the extended symbol set shown below.1.select Symbols2.Use the arrow keys to move to the desired symbol. The left and right arrows move horizontally along a row of symbols. The up and down arrow keys scroll vertically through the rows of symbols.3.your label.Adding International CharactersThe label maker supports the extended Latin character set using RACE technology. Similar to using a mobile phone keypad, when you hold down a letter key for longer than one second, you will scroll through variations on that letter. To insert the character, release the key when the desired character appears.For example, if French is selected as the language and you hold down the letter a , you will see and so on through all the variations available. The character variations and the order in which the variations appear depend on the language you have selected to use.a à â æPrinting OptionsYou can preview your label and adjust the printing contrast. Previewing Your LabelYou can preview the text or format of your label prior to printing. A two-line label is previewed as a single-line label with a line break character between the two lines.1.2.Adjusting the Print ContrastYou can adjust the print contrast to fine tune the print quality of your label.1.2.3.Using Label Maker MemoryThe label maker has a powerful memory feature that allows you to store the text of up to nine labels you use frequently. Storing Label TextYou can store up to nine specific labels you use frequently.1.2.3.Recalling Stored LabelsYou can easily recall labels stored in memory to use at a later time.1.Press2.Caring for Your Label MakerYour label maker is designed to give you long and trouble-free service, while requiring very little maintenance. Clean your label maker from time to time to keep it working properly. Clean the cutter blade each time you replace the label cassette.To clean the cutter blade Array1.Remove the label cassette.2.Place the tip of a ball-pointpen or pencil on the black postas shown in Figure 6, and pressthe post down.3.While holding the post down,press and hold the cutter leverto expose the cutter blade.e a cotton ball and alcohol to clean both sides of the blade.5.Release the cutter lever.To clean the print head1.Remove the label cassette.2.Remove the cleaning tool from inside the label compartment cover.If you do not have a cleaning tool, contact DYMO Customer Care ()3.Gently wipe the padded side of the tool across the print head. See Figure 6.TroubleshootingReview the following possible solutions if you encounter a problem while using your label maker.If you still need assistance, contact DYMO Customer Support ().Problem/Error Message Solution No display•Ensure the label maker is turned on.•Replace discharged batteries.Poor Print Quality •Replace batteries.•Ensure label cassette is installed properly.•Clean the print head.•Replace the label cassette.Poor Cutter PerformanceClean the cutter blade. See Caring for Your Label Maker .Printing No action required.Message disappears when printing is finished.Too many charactersExceeded maximum number of characters in buffer.Delete some or all of the buffer text.Battery lowBatteries almost discharged.Replace batteries.Tape Jam Motor is stalled due to label jam.•Remove jammed label; replace label cassette. •Clean cutter blade.Documentation FeedbackWe are constantly working to produce the highest quality documentation for our products. We welcome your feedback. Send us your comments or suggestions about our user guides. Please include the following information with your feedback:•Product name, model number, and User Guide page number •Brief description of instructions that are inaccurate or unclear, areas where more detail is needed, and so onWe also welcome your suggestions about additional topics you would like to see covered in the documentation.Send email messages to: ********************** Please keep in mind that this email address is only for documentation feedback. If you have a technical question, please contact Customer Support.This product is CE marked in accordance with the EMC directive and the low voltage directive and is designed to conform with the following international standards:US FCC Class B CompatibilitySafety - EN 60950, IEC 950, UL 1950EMC Compatibility EN 61000 3-2/3; EN 61000 4-2/3/4/5/6/8/11; ENV 50204;EU Immunity - EN 55024 & addendum A1, A2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Information Technology equipment, Immunity CharacteristicsEmissions – EN 61000-6-3: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 6: Generic Standards - Section 3: Emission standard for residential, commercial and light industrial environments. RoHS 2002/95/EC。
Materials Studio 培训教程
Materials Studio 培训教目录Materials Studio 快速入门教程⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯2 Visualizer 模块快速入门教程⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯11用第一性原理预测AlAs 的晶格参数⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯36 CO 分子在Pd(110)表面的吸附⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯43Pd(110)面上的CO 分子电荷密度变化⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯55模拟CO_Pd(110)体系的STM 图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯61使用DMol3 中的离域内坐标对固体进行几何优化⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯64 用LST/QST 搜索过渡态⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯69气体在聚合体中扩散的测量⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯76聚合物与金属氧化物表面的相互作用⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯86计算共存相之间的界面张力⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯96运行简单的MesoDyn 模拟⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯99使用粉末衍射图进行分析⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯108指标化粉末衍射图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯117无机物的Rietveld 精修⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯125使用Reflex Plus 来解析3-氯-反-苯乙烯酸的结构⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯133 无机化合物FIN31 的结构确定⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯142创腾科技有限公司Neotrident Technology Limited 2Materials Studio 快速入门教程该教程将介绍Materials Studio 软件的基本功能,在这一部分,你将学到:1.生成Projects2.打开并且观察3D 文档3.绘制苯甲酰胺分子4.观察并且处理研究表格文档5.处理分子晶体:尿素6.建造Alpha 石英晶体7.建造多甲基异丁烯酸盐8.保存Project 并结束1. 生成Projects(1).运行Material Visualizer从运行菜单中运行或者在桌面点击快捷方式。
1. Construction模板简介Astra主题模板是一款轻量级、快速响应的WordPress主题,被广泛应用于各类全球信息湾建设工作中。
2. 页面布局与设计风格Construction模板的页面布局以简洁、直观为主导,采用了现代化的设计风格和大量的图片展示。
3. 功能与插件支持在Construction模板中,Astra主题为用户提供了丰富的功能与插件支持。
4. SEO优化与速度性能在当下的全球信息湾建设中,SEO优化和速度性能越来越受到重视。
5. 个人观点与理解作为Astra主题模板的一部分,Construction模板通过其独特的设计和功能,为建筑行业的全球信息湾建设带来全新的思路和可能性。
植物模拟:按百分比设置标签1. 引言植物模拟是一种基于计算机技术的模拟方法,通过模拟植物的生长、发育和环境适应等过程,来研究植物的生理、生态和遗传等特性。
2. 百分比设置标签的意义在植物模拟中,通过设置标签可以对植物的生长和发育过程进行划分和描述。
3. 按百分比设置标签的方法在植物模拟中,按照百分比设置标签可以通过以下几个步骤来实现:3.1 数据收集首先,需要收集植物生长过程中的相关数据,包括植物的生长速率、发育时间等信息。
3.2 划分生长阶段根据收集到的数据,可以将植物的生长过程划分为不同的阶段。
3.3 设置标签根据划分的生长阶段,可以为每个阶段设置相应的标签。
3.4 可视化展示最后,将按照百分比设置的标签应用于植物模拟的结果,并进行可视化展示。
Wigzo Tag Manager插件集成指南说明书
Magento Plugin Integration GuideMarketplace MethodIntroduction:The Wigzo Tag Manager plugin is a tool that helps you integrate your website.This integration guide will show you how to integrate the plugin with yourMagento store.Prerequisites:Before you begin,you should have a Magento store set up and running,and you should have access to the Magento admin panel.You will also need to have aWigzo account.Installation:To install the Wigzo Tag Manager plugin,follow these steps:●Log in to Magento Marketplace with your username and password,and purchasethe extension(it's free).●Please ensure you are using the correct access keys and paste access keys inyour auth.json file inside your project.Unset{"http-basic":{"":{"username":"<public-key>","password":"<private-key>"}}}●Use the following command to add the plugin to your project:Unsetcomposer require wigzo_tech/tagmanager:<version>●Run the following commands.You will notice that Wigzo_TagManager isdisabled.But don't worry,just run.Unset./bin/magento module:status./bin/magento module:enable Wigzo_TagManager--clear-static-contentYour plugin is now enabled!Unset./bin/magento setup:upgrade./bin/magento setup:di:compile./bin/magento cache:clean●Find Wigzo in the left navigation bar,click on it,then click on Configuration,andadd the required details from your Wigzo account.Finally,clear the Magento cache.●Go to your dashboard and click on Integration.Integration Page●Click on the applications tab on the list of the tabs●Click on the“Create a new app”button.●Provide the information about the application ,icon and URL,andproceed by clicking on the“Create App”button.●Now click on your app from the list and you can see Client Id,Client Secret andOrganization Token copy each one and paste it into Magento.●Go to your dashboard and click on Account Settings.Account Settings Page●Click on the API Credentials tab on the list of the tabs●You can see API token copy and paste in Magento.●Click on the“Save”buttonTesting:●To test the integration,go to your website and check that the Wigzo Tag Manageris working correctly.You can do this by inspecting the page source and lookingfor the Wigzo Tag Manager code.●Check some automation on the website&wigzo opt-in(if enabled).Troubleshooting:If you encounter any issues during the integration process,try thefollowing:●Double-check that you have entered your details correctly from the Wigzoaccount.●Clear your cache and refresh the page to ensure that the changes have takeneffect.Conclusion:Congratulations!You have successfully integrated the Wigzo Tag Manager plugin with your Magento store.If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, contact the support team.Best Practices:When using the Wigzo Tag Manager plugin,it is important to follow bestpractices to ensure that your tracking and analytics data is accurate andreliable.Some best practices to keep in mind include:●Test your automation thoroughly before deploying them to your live website.●Use descriptive names and labels for your events to make them easy to manageand understand.●Minimize the number of tags you use to reduce page load times and improvewebsite performance.●Regularly audit your tags to ensure that they are still necessary and relevant.Support:If you encounter any issues during the integration process or have any questions about using the Wigzo Tag Manager plugin,you can contact the support team for assistance.Updating the Plugin:To update the Wigzo Tag Manager plugin,follow the Installation steps:Disclaimer:While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness ofthis integration guide,it is provided for informational purposes only and shouldnot be construed as legal,financial,or professional advice.Make sure to review the documentation and support resources provided by Wigzo and consult with a professional if you have any concerns or questions.About Wigzo:Wigzo is a leading provider of marketing automation solutions,including theWigzo Tag Manager plugin for Magento.Our mission is to help businesses of all sizes optimize their online sales and marketing efforts through data-driveninsights and automation.To learn more about Wigzo and our products,visit theWebsite.Thank you for following this integration guide.We hope it was helpful in integrating the Wigzo Tag Manager plugin with your Magento store.If you have any feedback or suggestions,please let us know.。
angular使⽤material组件库和tailwindcss样式0、前情提要:原⽂:1、新建项⽬ng new ice-app2、常⽤操作 运⾏npm startng serveng serve --port 4600打包npm run buildnpm run build --prodng buildng build --prod --aot清理缓存npm cache clean --force3、添加 angular material 组件库ng add @angular/materialangular.json 的 styles 下添加"./node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css"app.module.ts 添加并导⼊ import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';4、添加 Tailwind CSS和PostCSSnpm i -D tailwindcss autoprefixer postcss postcss-import postcss-loader postcss-scss5、添加ngx-build-plusng add ngx-build-plus6、在根⽬录创建 webpack.config.js, ⽤来配置PostCCSS和Tailwind,内容如下module.exports = {module: {rules: [{test: /\.scss$/,loader: 'postcss-loader',options: {postcssOptions: {ident: 'postcss',syntax: 'postcss-scss',plugins: [require('postcss-import'),require('tailwindcss'),require('autoprefixer'),],},},},],},};7、初始化Tailwind配置并添加Tailwind基础样式初始化Tailwind配置npx tailwindcss init或者初始化完整配置npx tailwindcss init --full添加Tailwind基础样式到⽂件 src/style.scss@import "tailwindcss/base";@import "tailwindcss/components";@import "tailwindcss/utilities";html,body {height: 100%;}body {margin: 0;font-family: Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;}button:focus {outline: unset !important;}8、移除多余的CSS样式,在 tailwind.config.js 进⾏配置,安装cross-envnpm i -D cross-env//tailwind.config.js⽂件内容如下module.exports = {important: true,purge: {enabled: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',content: ["./src/**/*.html", "./src/**/*.ts"],},darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'theme: {extend: {},},variants: {extend: {},},plugins: [],}9、修改package.json{// ...."scripts": {"start": "ng serve --extra-webpack-config webpack.config.js","build": "ng build --extra-webpack-config webpack.config.js","build:prod": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production ng build --extra-webpack-config webpack.config.js --prod", //...}//...}。
1Cadence HDL学习1.1原理图设计步骤:建立项目:1.2Create Design Project, 输入Project 名称, 输入Design名称映射原理图库:1.3通过修改Setup中的cds.lib, 如果增加某个库, 可按照下列例子进行:define classlib ../classlib。
如果成功, 可在备选的库中看到classlib。
注意, 一定要小写字母, 大写字母带来不确定的问题。
1.4映射PCB库1.5在Project Setup-Tools, 选中PCB Editorsetup-Design_paths的padpath跟psmpath要选择库文件在的路径。
1.6其它设置在Project Setup-Tools-Design Entry HDL 设置General schematic settings, 具体设计看conHDLFTB_15.7.pdf page45。
设置chematic Grid Settings1.7设置Custom Vrariables, 之后就可保存并打开DE HDL了。
1.8设置原理图环境1.9View-Toolbars, 选中常用的几个, add, adit group,standard等。
1.10添加器件,画原理图1.11增加offpage connectors1.12检查设计1.13T ools-Check, 根据提示修改错误或者保存设计。
手动的话, 鼠标放在器件的上方, 右键看到菜单中的Attribute选项, 修改$LOCATION的值即可。
1.15选择File-Export Physical, 注意不选Update PCBEditor Board(Netrev), 但是选中Backannotate Packaging Properties to Schematic Canvas.1.16运行Rules Checker1.17在Project Manager 窗口, 选中Tools-Rules Checker:选中Logical 环境中的loading_io_checks.rle 以及net_name_checks_rle1.18运行Crefer在Project Manager Toos-Crefer, 选中Options, 在Cref Data File选项中, 找到合适的路径(User1/ftb/setup), 选中cref.dat, 点击Open。
– 鼠标中键粘贴
T 名称选择设置
– Pick Significent Element只提取重要元素 – Normal所有
T 高级选择模式
– 配合“Ctrl”键选择多个模型元件
– Slider controls-速度控制 Walkthrough
Slider controls
Fixed Focus
T 四种观察方式
– Walkthrough mode-行走模式,相关视图的操作都是针对观察者所 在的位置,只能在水平的平面内移动
– Fixed Focus mode-聚焦模式,视图的操作都是针对观察面中心点 的位置
T 组的定义New Group
T 两种添加方法
– 通过菜单在图形中选取 – 选择模型后的右键弹出菜单
T Group原点是我们操作组的基准点
– 通过元素原点 – 直接输入数值
T 修改组
– 打开碰撞检查 – 使用模型编辑器修改组的位置和角度
} }
html示例 </head> <body> {foreach $data as $key =>$value} <div>
key:{$key}--id:{$value.id}--姓名:{$value['name']} </div> {/foreach} </body> </html>
thinkphp6模 板
普通标签:主要用于输出变量、函数过滤和做一些基本的运算操作 XML标签:也称为标签库标签,主要完成一些逻辑判断、控制和循环输出,并且可扩展。 一 、普通标签 1、普通标签标记 config/view.php文件里的tpl_begin和tpl_end设置普通标签标记
public function index()
{ $data=[ ['id'=>1,'name'=>'德莱文'], ['id'=>2,'name'=>'德莱厄斯'], ['id'=>3,'name'=>'诺手'] ]; View::assign('data',$data); return View::fetch();
TetraMax GUI使用介绍Tetramax主界面:Netlist(读取网表):·Nelist file --可以使用所提供的文本字段手动指定要读入的netlist文件的位置和名称。
·Browse -- 可以通过单击Browse按钮来通过图形界面选择想要读取的netlist文件。
·File Type -- 默认情况下,netlist格式是由TetraMAX自动检测的。
也可以手动选择EDIF、Verilog或VHDL netlist格式。
·Clear previous netlist -- 指定在内存中当前读取的所有netlist将被删除。
·Abort on error -- 当这个框被选中(默认选中)时,当多个netlist被读取时,TetraMAX将会终止它。
·Verbose -- 指定使用通配符文件名时显示单个netlist信息。
默认情况下,只对所读取的所有netlist 进行简单的总结。
·Library Module -- 指定在指定的文件名称中定义的所有模块应该被视为是库模块。
·Master Module -- 指定被读取的文件定义的所有模块应该被标记为主模块。
通常,当读取多个具有相同名称的模块时,最后一个模块将确定最终模块定义·Max errors --指定在当前文件终止netlist解析之前允许的最大解析错误数。
·Conservative Mux -- 指定保守的MUX门是否从MUX的保守UDP模型中提取出来。
其中:None --所有提取的MUXes都是规则的(如果必要的话,会发出适当的违规)。
Artisan常用命令1、路由(Route)相关操作php artisan route:list 显示已注册过的路由列表php artisan route:list | findstr User 查询单个User路由列表php artisan route:clear 移除路由缓存文件php artisan route:cache 生成路由缓存文件来提升路由效率2、创建(make)相关操作php artisan make:controller Admin/UserController -r -m Models/User 创建User资源控制器和User模型注入php artisan make:model Models/User -m 在app/Models 文件夹下创建User模型并创建迁移文件命令php artisan make:seeder UserSeeder 创建用户的数据填充文件php artisan make:factory UserFactory -m Models/User 生成一个数据工厂php artisan db:seed 执行填充php artisan migrate:refresh --seed 注:迁移文件中字段可能设置有点短,可能填充不成功,此时,就需要修改一下数据字段长度,然后执行php artisan migrate 执行数据库迁移文件php artisan migrate:fresh Drop 所有数据表并重新运行Migrationphp artisan make:middleware CheckAdminLogin 创建一个后台登录CheckAdminLogin的中间件类php artisan make:request StoreNewsPost 创建StoreNewsPost(新闻修改)验证器php artisan make:rule CheckCategoryPid 创建自定义规则类(app/Rules/CheckCategoryPid.php)php artisan make:migration create_config_table 创建数据表为config的数据表迁移文件php artisan make:controller Admin/ConfigController 在Admin文件夹下的创建Config控制器php artisan make:model User -m 在app/文件夹下创建User模型并创建迁移文件命令php artisan make:migration alter_tests_table --table=tests 创建数据表迁移文件修改表结构php artisan make:export FangOwnerExport --model=Models/FangOwner 安装对应的maatwebsite/excel插件,就提供生成导出数据的命令3、view相关操作php artisan view:clear 清除视图缓存php artisan view:cache 缓存视图文件以提高效率1234、laravel复制分页php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination125、更新app_keyphp artisan key:generate 更新app_key126、不常用命令Artisanphp artisan --help OR -h 针对命令显示帮助信息php artisan --quiet OR -q 抑制输出信息php artisan --version OR -V 打印Laravel 的版本信息php artisan --no-interaction OR -n 不询问任何交互性的问题php artisan --ansi 强制输出ANSI 格式php artisan --no-ansi 禁止输出ANSI 格式php artisan --env 显示当前命令行运行的环境// -v|vv|vvv 通过增加v 的个数来控制命令行输出内容的详尽情况: 1 个代表正常输出, 2 个代表输出更多消息, 3 个代表调试php artisan --verbosephp artisan clear-compiled 移除编译优化过的文件(storage/frameworks/compiled.php)php artisan env 显示当前框架运行的环境php artisan help 显示某个命令的帮助信息php artisan list 显示所有可用的命令php artisan tinker 进入应用交互模式php artisan dump-server 配合dump() 函数调试数据php artisan down 进入维护模式php artisan up 退出维护模式// 优化框架性能// --force 强制编译已写入文件(storage/frameworks/compiled.php) // --psr 不对Composer 的dump-autoload 进行优化php artisan optimize [--force] [--psr]// 更改前端预设// type_name (可以是none, bootstrap, vue, react)php artisan preset [options] [--] type_name// 启动内置服务器php artisan serve// 更改默认端口php artisan serve --port 8080// 使其在本地服务器外也可正常工作php artisan serve --host 更改应用命名空间php artisan app:name namespace// 清除过期的密码重置令牌php artisan auth:clear-resets// 清空应用缓存php artisan cache:clear// 移除key_name 对应的缓存php artisan cache:forget key_name [<store>]// 创建缓存数据库表migrationphp artisan cache:table// 合并所有的配置信息为一个,提高加载速度php artisan config:cache// 移除配置缓存文件php artisan config:clear// 程序内部调用Artisan 命令$exitCode = Artisan::call('config:cache');// 运行所有的seed 假数据生成类// --class 可以指定运行的类,默认是: "DatabaseSeeder"// --database 可以指定数据库// --force 当处于生产环境时强制执行操作php artisan db:seed [--class[="..."]] [--database[="..."]] [--force]// 基于注册的信息,生成遗漏的events 和handlersphp artisan event:generate// 罗列所有事件和监听器php artisan event:list// 缓存事件和监听器php artisan event:cache// 清除事件和监听器缓存php artisan event:clear// 生成新的处理器类// --command 需要处理器处理的命令类名字php artisan handler:command [--command="..."] name// 创建一个新的时间处理器类// --event 需要处理器处理的事件类名字// --queued 需要处理器使用队列话处理的事件类名字php artisan handler:event [--event="..."] [--queued] name// 生成应用的key(会覆盖)php artisan key:generate// 发布本地化翻译文件到resources 文件下// locales: 逗号分隔,如zh_CN,tk,th [默认是: "all"]php artisan lang:publish [options] [--] [<locales>]// 创建用户认证脚手架php artisan make:auth// 创建Channel 类php artisan make:channel name// 在默认情况下, 这将创建未加入队列的自处理命令// 通过--handler 标识来生成一个处理器, 用--queued 来使其入队列.php artisan make:command [--handler] [--queued] name// 创建一个新的Artisan 命令// --command 命令被调用的名称。
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Lionel M. Ni
RFID Tracking & Localization State-of-the-art
[1] Lionel M. Ni, Yunhao Liu, etal LANDMARC: Indoor Location Sensing Using Active RFID Wireless Networks
Diff based
C. H.Williams
RFID Tracking & Localization State-of-the-art
[1] Lionel M. Ni, Yunhao Liu, etal LANDMARC: Indoor Location Sensing Using Active RFID Wireless Networks [4] Salah Azzouzi, etal New measurement results for the localization of uhf RFID transponders using an angle of arrival (aoa) approach IEEE RFID 2011.
Drawing in the Air
TrackPoint Deployed at Airports
Industrial computer
RFID Tracking & Localization State-of-the-art
[1] Lionel M. Ni, Yunhao Liu, etal LANDMARC: Indoor Location Sensing Using Active RFID Wireless Networks
Tianci Liu
[3] P.Nikitin, etal Phase based spatial identification of uhf rfid tags. IEEE RFID 2010.
[6] Jue Wang, etal Dude, where's my card?: RFID positioning that works with multipath and non-line of sight ACM SIGCOMM 2013
Tagoram: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to High-Precision Accuracy Using COTS Devices
Xiang-Yang Li Lei Yang, Yekui Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, Chaowei Xiao, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu Sep. 9, 2014
Tagoram: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to High-Precision Accuracy Using COTS Devices
Xiang-Yang Li Lei Yang, Yekui Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, Chaowei Xiao, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu Sep. 9, 2014
RFID Tracking & Localization State-of-the-art
[1] Lionel M. Ni, Yunhao Liu, etal LANDMARC: Indoor Location Sensing Using Active RFID Wireless Networks [4] Salah Azzouzi, etal New measurement results for the localization of uhf RFID transponders using an angle of arrival (aoa) approach IEEE RFID 2011.
[3] P.Nikitin, etal Phase based spatial identification of uhf rfid tags. IEEE RFID 2010.
Jue Wang
[2] C.Hekimian-Williams, elta Accurate localization of rfid tags using phase difference. IEEE RFID 2010.
AOA based
S. Azzouzi
[5] R. Miesen etal. Holographic localization of passive uhf rfid transponders. IEEE RFID 2011.
R. Miesen
[3] P.Nikitin, etal Phase based spatial identification of uhf rfid tags. IEEE RFID 2010.
[7] Jue Wang, etal RF-compass: robot object manipulation using RFIDs ACM MobiCom 2013
Jue Wang
128mm 110mm 37mm
Lionel M. Ni
[3] P.Nikitin, etal Phase based spatial identification of uhf rfid tags. IEEE RFID 2010.
Spatial based
P. Nikitin
[2] C.Hekimian-Williams, elta Accurate localization of rfid tags using phase difference. IEEE RFID 2010.
01. Motivation 02. State-of-the-art 03. Overview 04. Movement with known track 05. Movement with unknown track 06. Implementation & Evaluation 07. Pilot Study 08. Conclusion
Spatial based
P. Nikitin
[2] C.Hekimian-Williams, elta Accurate localization of rfid tags using phase difference. IEEE RFID 2010.
Diff based
C. H.Williams
[7] Jue Wang, etal RF-compass: robot object manipulation using RFIDs ACM MobiCom 2013
Imagine you can localize RFIDs to within 0.1cm to 1 cm!
Goal-line technology
/tracking/t agoram/youtube
High-Precision RFID Tracking Using COTS Devices
RFID Tracking & Localization State-of-the-art
[1] Lionel M. Ni, Yunhao Liu, etal LANDMARC: Indoor Location Sensing Using Active RFID Wireless Networks [4] Salah Azzouzi, etal New measurement results for the localization of uhf RFID transponders using an angle of arrival (aoa) approach IEEE RFID 2011. [5] R. Miesen etal. Holographic localization of passive uhf rfid transponders. IEEE RFID 2011. [8] Tianci Liu, etal, Anchor-free Backscatter Positioning for RFID Tags with High Accuracy IEEE INFOCOM 2014
[9] Jue Wang, etal, RF-Idaw: Virtual Touch Screen in the Air Using RF Signals IEEE INFOCOM 2014
Jue Wang
Jue Wang
[2] C.Hekimian-Williams, elta Accurate localization of rfid tags using phase difference. IEEE RFID 2010.