青少年软件编程(图形化)等级考试试卷(三级)一、单选题(共25题,共50分)关于变量,下列描述错误的是?()1.A. 只能建一个变量B. 变量可以隐藏C. 变量可以删除D. 变量的值可以修改试题编号:-xzh-005试题类型:单选题标准答案:A试题难度:容易试题解析:考察变量相关操作,包括新建、删除变量,可以设定变量值以及在舞台区显示、隐藏变量的操作。
考生答案:A考生得分:2是否评分:已评分评价描述:2运行下列程序后,变量“和”的值是?().A. 1B. 4C. 5D. 6试题编号:-xzh-006试题类型:单选题标准答案:D试题难度:一般试题解析:理解变量是程序的一种数据机构,是用于存储计算数据或能够表达数据的一种方式,掌握变量的用法,在程序运行中对变量进行计算。
考生答案:D考生得分:2是否评分:已评分评价描述:当前角色的造型如下图所示,运行程序后,最后停留在哪个造型上?()3.A. 造型1B. 造型2C. 造型3D. 造型5试题编号:-xzh-010试题类型:单选题标准答案:A试题难度:一般试题解析:考察学生对计数循环的理解,经过10循环后停留在造型1上。
考生答案:B考生得分:2是否评分:已评分评价描述:5蝴蝶程序如右图所示,点击绿旗,程序运行后,最终看到几只蝴蝶?().A. 1只B. 9只C. 10只D. 11只试题编号:-xzh-028试题类型:单选题标准答案:D试题难度:一般试题解析:考察“克隆”指令。
2023年3月青少年软件编程Python等级考试试卷三级真题(含答案解析)分数:100 题数:38一、单选题(共25题,共50分)。
A. 111B. 1111011C. 101111D. 1101111解析:十进制转二进制,采用除二倒取余数,直到商为0为止。
A. 36B. 5C. 6D. 7解析:1个二进制位可以编制2个号码,即0、1,2个二进制位可以编制2×2个号码,即00、01、10、11,3个二进制位可以编制2×2×2个号码,即000、001、010、011、100、101、110、111,依次类推,5个2相乘可以得到32个号码,不够用,故需要6位。
A. 都是用列表实现的B. s1是一维列表C. s2是二维列表D. 要取出“王宁宁”同学的成绩,方法是一样的,用s1[4]或s2[4]。
A. 若“sports.csv”文件不存在,则程序出错。
B. 程序的最后结果是:跳绳跳高跳远铅球。
C. 程序中的fs.close()代码可有可无。
D. “w”参数表示不能修改原csv文件。
2022年12月青少年软件编程Python等级考试试卷三级真题(含答案和解析)分数:100 题数:38一、单选题(共25题,共50分)1. 列表L1中全是整数,小明想将其中所有奇数都增加1,偶数不变,于是编写了如下图所示的A. x || 2B. x ^ 2C. x && 2D. x % 2标准答案:D试题解析:本题代码中,for x in L1 是在L1列表中循环,每次取出的值x交给if语句进行判断,如果除以2的余数不等于0,就是奇数,则x+1,若等于0则x值不变。
2. 小明为了学习选择排序的算法,编写了下面的代码。
针对代码中红色文字所示的一、二、三处,下面说法正确的是?()a = [8,4,11,3,9]count = len(a)for i in range(count-1):mi = ifor j in range(i+1,count):if a[mi] > a[j]: #代码一mi = j #代码二if i!=mi:a[mi],a[i] = a[i],a[mi] #代码三print(a)A. 如果找到更大的元素,则记录它的索引号。
B. 如果找到更小的元素,则记录它的索引号。
C. 在一趟选择排序后,不管是否找到更小的元素,mi所在元素都得与i所在的元素发生交换。
D. 代码三所在的行必然要运行。
标准答案:B3. 小明编写了一段演示插入排序的代码,代码如下。
请问红色“缺失代码”处,应该填写哪段代码?()a = [8,4,11,3,9]count = len(a)for i in range(1, count):j = ib = a[i]while j>0 and b<a[j-1] :a[j] = a[j-1]缺失代码a[j] = bprint(a)A. j=j-1B. j=j+1C. j=i+1D. j=i-1标准答案:A试题解析:本题考查学生对插入排序算法的理解。
2023年3月青少年软件编程图形化等级考试三级真题试卷(含答案)分数:100 题数:38一、单选题(共25题,共50分)。
1. 计算,用变量n表示每项,根据变化规律,变量n的赋值用下列哪个最合适()。
2. 默认小猫角色,点击绿旗运行程序后,绘制出的图形是()。
3. 小猫程序如下图所示,点击绿旗后再点击小猫,我们可以看到()。
A. 不动。
B. 向上走了100步。
C. 向右走了100步。
D. 小猫直接移到了右上方(x=100,y=100)位置。
4. 运行下面的程序后,变量a的值为()。
5. 小猫角色程序如下图所示,创建变量a时选择“仅适用于当前角色”。
6. 小学毕业时,阿庆、阿立、阿福三人互相赠照片一张,他们一共互赠了多少张照片()。
7. 每执行一次下图所示的积木,可生成一个随机整数。
A. 无法生成1B. 无法生成10C. 有可能生成10D. 有可能生成11标准答案:C。
8. 点击绿旗运行下面程序后,角色最后的方向可能在哪个区域()。
标准答案:D 。
9. 下面哪个选项可以让角色切换到任意一个造型()。
10. 下列说法正确的是()。
A. 变量有正常显示、滑杆两种显示模式。
B. 变量一旦设置成滑杆显示模式,就无法恢复成正常显示模式。
C. 变量设置为滑杆显示后,滑块范围的最小值和最大值均可以设置为正数、负数和0。
D. 变量设置为滑杆显示后,滑块范围的最小值和最大值都只能设置为整数。
11. 执行下面程序,角色重复执行三次说出变量i的值,“?”处应填写的值为()。
12. 某学校有107间教室,每个教室只有1扇门,把这些教室从1到107编号,现在有3个同学拿着钥匙按照以下规则依次去开、关门。
2010-3-3Title : ITIL Foundation v.3 CertificationVersion :Exam : EXIN EX0-101QUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?A. Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityB. Strategic, tactical and operationalC. Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activitiesD. Technology, process and serviceAnswer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?A. To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsB. To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleC. To restore service to a userD. To eliminate recurring IncidentsAnswer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:A. Services and ComponentsB. Services and Business ProcessesC. Components and Business ProcessesD. Services, Components and Business ProcessesAnswer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:A. The provision of IT services or business services by a Service ProviderB. The provision of goods and services by SuppliersC. Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their CustomerD. Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreement Answer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?A. Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsB. Web front-endC. Menu-driven range of self help and service requestsD. A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareAnswer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?A. The Service ProviderB. The Service Level ManagerC. The CustomerD. The Finance departmentAnswer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within Service Operation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?A. As many as necessary to complete the activityB. Only one - the process ownerC. Two - the process owner and the process enactorD. Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A. Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customersB. Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC. Reports should be produced weeklyD. Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A. A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of servicesB. A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole, operating together for a common purposeC. The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD. Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a process?A. It is measurableB. Delivers specific resultsC. Responds to specific eventsD. A method of structuring an organizationAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA. 1 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 13Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionA. Both of the aboveB. 1 onlyC. Neither of the aboveD. 2 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 14What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization typesknown as?A. The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksB. The ITIL Complementary GuidanceC. The Service Support and Service Delivery booksD. Pocket GuidesAnswer: BQUESTION 15Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A. To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB. To provide training and certification in project managementC. To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD. To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release Answer: BQUESTION 16What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?A. To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB. To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC. To design and build processes that will meet business needsD. To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customersAnswer: DQUESTION 17Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A. To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a major disruption or disasterB. To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC. To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and building are protected fromthreats, damage or lossD. To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved forimplementationAnswer: DQUESTION 18What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A. An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB. An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC. A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-day basisD. A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 19Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A. A measurement of costB. A function described within Service TransitionC. The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released together Answer: DQUESTION 20The BEST definition of an Incident is:A. An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that serviceB. An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC. Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD. Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether the service is impacted or notAnswer: BQUESTION 21In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A. An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impacted any usersB. An Incident is passed to second-level supportC. A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number of recurring IncidentsD. Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementing itAnswer: CQUESTION 22Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A. A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB. The cause of two or more IncidentsC. A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD. The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 23Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficientuse of:A. People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB. People, Process, Products, TechnologyC. People, Process, Products, PartnersD. People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 24What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A. What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B. How much did it cost?C. How do we keep the momentum going?D. What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 25Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A. Processes and functionsB. Maturity and costC. The end to end serviceD. Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 26The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A. To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT servicesB. To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance ofservicesC. To create and populate a Service CatalogueD. To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT services Answer: DQUESTION 27Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A. Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB. Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC. Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD. Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level Management Answer: AQUESTION 28Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A. The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or being prepared for deployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are being considered for future developmentB. The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are being considered for future developmentC. The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only has information about services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD. Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thing Answer: CQUESTION 29Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A. Service Level ManagementB. IT Operations ManagementC. Capacity ManagementD. Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 30Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A. Job descriptionsB. FunctionsC. TeamsD. Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 31Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A. Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment ManagementB. Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service Request ManagementC. Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset and Configuration ManagementD. Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management, Request FulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 32Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB. The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration Management SystemC. The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge Management systemD. The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management DatabaseAnswer: CQUESTION 33Major Incidents require:A. Separate proceduresB. Less urgencyC. Longer timescalesD. Less documentationAnswer: AQUESTION 34Which of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A. Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who know when a service has been disruptedB. Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potentialdisruption to normal service. This includes technical staffC. All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reporting Service Desk activityD. Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technical staff manage infrastructure devices not servicesAnswer: BQUESTION 35What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A. An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before a workaround can be foundB. An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC. An Incident logged by a senior managerD. An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 36Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA. 1 onlyB. Both of the aboveC. 2 onlyD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 37Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A. Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB. Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC. Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD. Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 38Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A. Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB. Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC. Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain customer satisfactionD. Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service LevelAgreementAnswer: AQUESTION 39Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A. A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB. Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC. Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD. Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the Change Manager without a Change Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AQUESTION 40Event Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part of which stage of the Service Lifecycle?A. Service StrategyB. Service TransitionC. Service OperationD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 41Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A. To provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB. To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the Service DeskC. To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD. To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 42Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A. Request FulfilmentB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Service DeskD. IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 43Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 2, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 44Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?A. Network Management and Application ManagementB. Technical Management and Change ManagementC. IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementD. Facilities Management and Release ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 45Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?A. Wisdom - Information - Data - KnowledgeB. Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomC. Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataD. Information - Data - Knowledge - WisdomAnswer: BQUESTION 46Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?A. KnowledgeB. InformationC. WisdomD. DataAnswer: CQUESTION 47The BEST processes to automate are those that are:A. Carried out by Service OperationsB. Carried out by lots of peopleC. Critical to the success of the business missionD. Simple and well understoodAnswer: DQUESTION 48Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA. 2, 3 and 4 onlyB. 1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 2 and 3 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 49Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?A. Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)B. Customer and User satisfactionC. Understanding Service Requirements and WarrantyD. Utility and WarrantyAnswer: DQUESTION 50Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?A. Measurement, methods and metricsB. Service Design PackageC. Service Portfolio DesignD. Process definitionsAnswer: BQUESTION 51What is the Service Pipeline?A. All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB. All services except those that have been retiredC. All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA)D. All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 52Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A. A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs) are stored and protectedC. A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are stored and protectedAnswer: BQUESTION 53In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to:A. IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB. Services, technology and toolsC. Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD. All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 54Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A. Service Design: Design the processesB. Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC. Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD. Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 55Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A. Service Catalogue ManagementB. Service Level ManagementC. IT Service Continuity ManagementD. Capacity ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 56Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate inA. 1, 2 and 3 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: AQUESTION 57Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?A. Continual Service ImprovementB. Business Relationship ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Availability ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 58Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA. 1 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 59Reliability is a measure of:A. The availability of a service or componentB. The level of risk that could impact a service or processC. How long a service or component can perform its function without failingD. A measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal workingAnswer: CQUESTION 60Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?A. Change ManagementB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Supplier ManagementD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 61The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of the businessA. 1 and 2 onlyB. 1 onlyC. All of the aboveD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 62Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A. A configuration management database (CMDB)B. A capacity database (CDB)C. A configuration management system (CMS)D. A capacity management information system (CMIS)Answer: DQUESTION 63Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?A. Capacity ManagementB. Incident ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Financial ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 64IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessmentA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 1, 2 and 3 onlyC. 2, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 65A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints proceduresA. 1,2 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 66Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A. The Change Advisory BoardB. A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C. A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.D. The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each change Answer: CQUESTION 67Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA. A change to a contract with a supplierB. A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC. An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD. A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 68Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A. To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Design and that will accomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB. To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set of related assets and service components that are compatible with each otherC. To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested, verified and/or uninstalled or backed out if appropriateD. To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed serviceAnswer: AQUESTION 69Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A. A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB. A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the delivery of service to customersC. Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD. A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technical expertise and overall management of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A. Technical ManagementB. Service DeskC. IT Operations ControlD. Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 71Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A. Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB. Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC. Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD. Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 72A risk is:A. Something that won't happenB. Something that will happenC. Something that has happenedD. Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 73A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A. The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB. An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC. An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD. An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 74The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A. A Service Level PackageB. A Service Transition PackageC. A Service Design PackageD. A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 75When should tests for a new service be designed?A. At the same time as the service is designedB. After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to Service TransitionC. As part of Service TransitionD. Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 76Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A. Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution; Continually ImproveB. Where do we want to be? How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived? How do we keep the momentum going?C. Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement the plan; Check the plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD. What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; Did we get there?; How do we keep the momentum going?Answer: DQUESTION 77Which of the following activities are helped by recording relationships between Configuration Items (CIs)?1. Assessing the impact and cause of Incidents and Problems2. Assessing the impact of proposed Changes3. Planning and designing a Change to an existing service4. Planning a technology refresh or software upgradeA. 1 and 2 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 78A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:A. The RACI ModelB. A Release PackageC. A Request ModelD. The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycleAnswer: BQUESTION 79What are Request Models used for?A. Capacity ManagementB. Modelling arrival rates and performance characteristics of service requestsC. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different Service Desk approaches such as local or remoteD. Identifying frequently received user requests and defining how they should be handledAnswer: DQUESTION 80What is the objective of Access Management?A. To provide security staff for Data Centers and other buildingsB. To manage access to computer rooms and other secure locationsC. To manage access to the Service DeskD. To manage the right to use a service or group of servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 81Identity and Rights are two major concepts involved in which one of the following processes?A. Access ManagementB. Facilities ManagementC. Event ManagementD. Demand ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 82Which of these is the BEST description of a release unit?A. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherB. The smallest part of a service or IT infrastructure that can be independently changedC. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is changed by a particular releaseD. A metric for measuring the effectiveness of the Release and Deployment。
高三计算机第三次段考试卷参考答案一、判断题(本题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分。
对的命题作出选择对的选A ,51.与Web站点和Web页面密切相关的一个概念称"统一资源定位器",它的英文缩写是_URL ___。
56.计算机网络是一门___计算机技术____与__通信技术____紧密结合的交叉学科.57.W O R D可查找最长包含 127 个字符的长句子。
一、简答题(本大题共2 小题,每小题5 分,共10分)63常见的搜索引擎有哪些?举例说明(至少5个)。
64Word2003中图片有哪些环绕方式?(至少写5个)六、模拟操作题(本大题共5 小题,每小题9 分,共45 分)65在IE浏览器中打开网站,将该网站地址添加到收藏夹中。
2024年9月青少年软件编程Python等级考试三级真题试卷(含答案)题数:38 分数:100一、单选题(共25题,共50分)。
A·all(' ','1','2','3')B·any([])C·bool('abc')D·divmod(6,0)答案:C。
l=list(map(float, (1,2,3,4)))print(l)A·[1,2,3,4]B·['1','2','3','4']C·[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]D·['1.0','2.0','3.0','4.0']答案:C。
5·表达式[1, 2, 3]*3的执行结果为()。
A·[3,6,9]B·[1,2,3],[1,2,3,],[1,2,3,]C·[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]D·[123123123]答案:C。
青少年软件编程(图形化)等级考试试卷(三级)分数: 100 题数: 38 一、单选题(共 25 题, 共 50 分)执行下列程序, 屏幕上可以看到几只小猫?( )1.-01 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: B试题难度: 一般下列程序哪个可以实现: 按下空格键, 播放完音乐后说“你好! ”2 秒? ( )A. B. 1 3 C. 4 D. 0-02 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 较难执行下列程序, “我的变量”的值是?()3.A. 10B. 8C. 7-03 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: D试题难度: 较难执行下列程序, 说法错误的是?()4.A.小猫只能在舞台的边缘盖章B.小猫可以在舞台的任意位置盖章C.按下空格键, 小猫停止跑动D.舞台中只有一只小猫会跑动-004 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: B试题难度: 一般执行下列程序, 小猫说出的“累加和”的值为? ( )5.-05 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: D 试题难度: 较难A. 10B. 11C.D. 12 13执行下列程序, 变量 N 的值不可能是?()6.-06 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: D试题难度: 较难执行下列程序, 变量积的值是?()7.A. 1B. 4C. 5D. 6A. 最小值为 1,最大值为 5-07 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: D试题难度: 容易在打飞机游戏中, 敌机在屏幕上随机出现的位置, 可以用随机数来控制, 执行下列程序后, 角色说的内容不可能是?()8.A. X 坐标增加:-101B. X 坐标增加:50C. X 坐标增加:-2D. X 坐标增加:98-08 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: A试题难度: 一般9.执行下列程序, 画出的图形是? .)A.B.-09 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 较难下列哪段程序可以画出如下图形?()10.A.B.C.D. -10试题类型: 单选题标准答案: A试题难度: 较难执行下列程序, 屏幕上可以看到几只小猫? ( )11.试题编号: 200211029-dzj-11 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: B试题难度: 一般12.执行下列程序, 小猫说的内容是? .)A. 0B.C. 1D. 2 5-12 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: D试题难度: 较难执行下列程序, 下列说法是正确的?()13.A. 小猫在随机位置,并说“你好”2秒B. 小猫消失不见了,出现“你好”2秒C.D. 小猫在随机位置显示 1 秒后消失不见,出现“你好”2秒小猫消失不见-13 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 一般执行下列程序, 小猫的坐标是?()14.A. (180,100)B. (10,100)C. (100,10)D. (100,100)-14 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: D试题难度: 一般下列哪个选项可以判断 x 不等于 10 并且小于等于 30?()15.A.B.C.D.-15 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: A试题难度: 一般下列程序用来计算 1+3+5+...99, 白框“?”处要填入的是?()16.-16 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 一般一条公路 4500 米, 在公路的两侧每隔 45 米安装一块广告牌(两端也要安装), 17.下列哪个选项能够计算出一共安装了多少块广告牌?.)-17 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: A试题难度: 一般可以绘制以下图形的程序是?()18.A.B.C.D.-18 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: A试题难度: 较难执行下列程序, 如果克隆体每次出现在不同随机位置, 会看到几只小猫?()19.A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 4-19 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 一般执行下列程序, “我的变量”的值不可能是?()20.A. 42B. 17C. 65-20 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 一般下列描述错误的是?()-21 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 一般执行下列程序, 说法错误的是?()-22 试题类型: 单选题标准答案: C试题难度: 一般在课间休息的时候, 班级的奖杯被摔破了。
一、单选题(共25题,共50分)1.十六进制数100,对应的十进制数为?()A. 128B. 256C. 28D. 56标准答案:B 试题难度:一般试题解析:考查学生将十六进制数转为十进制数。
2.下图代码中,问号处应该填写的答案是哪个?()A. "9"B.9C. "10"D. 10标准答案:D 试题难度:一般试题解析:hex() 函数用于将10进制整数转换成16进制。
3.下列4个表达式中,答案不是整数6的是?()A. abs(-6)B. int(6.88)C. round(5.55)D. min(float(6),9,8,7)标准答案:D 试题难度:一般试题解析:考查学生对内置数值处理函数的理解。
abs()是取绝对值,int()默认会取整,round()四舍五入,float()会把整数转为浮点数,min()获取列表中的最小值,所以,上列4个表达式,只有选项D的答案是6.0浮点数,不是整数64.min()函数用于获取参数中的最小值,如果 a = min('654') ,请问下面表达式中,正确的是哪一个?()A. print(max(chr(a),3,2))B. print(max(bin(a),3,2))C. print(max(float(a),3,2))D. print(max(hex(a),3,2))标准答案:C试题难度:一般试题解析:本题考查学生对常用编码与数制函数的理解与掌握,正确答案选C 。
因为 min('654') 得到的是一个字符,而chr()、bin()、hex()三个函数的参数都必须是整数,所以唯一正确的是选项C ,float()函数可以将字符转换成浮点数。
5.对于CSV格式数据文件,下列描述错误的是?()A. CSV文件使用逗号分隔值。
03真题与答案 202109青少年软件编程(C语言)等级考试试卷(三级)
202109青少年软件编程(C语言)等级考试试卷(三级)分数:100 题数:51.菲波那契数列菲波那契数列是指这样的数列: 数列的第一个和第二个数都为1,接下来每个数都等于前面2个数之和。
每组测试数据占1行,包括一个正整数a(1 <= a <= 1000000)。
样例输入452191样例输出5141811参考代码:#include <stdio.h>int fibonacciMod(int a) {if (a <= 2) return 1;int a1 = 1, a2 = 1;int temp;for (int i = 3; i <= a; i++) {temp = (a1 + a2) % 10000;a1 = a2;a2 = temp;}return a2;}int main() {int n;scanf("%d", &n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {int a;scanf("%d", &a);printf("%d\n", fibonacciMod(a));}return 0;}2.广义格雷码在一组数的编码中,若任意两个相邻(首尾也视为相邻)的代码只有一位二进制数不同,则称这种编码为格雷码。
一、单选题(共25题,共50分)1.如下所示的2行代码,最后print()函数打印出来的结果是?()c = [['赵大',21,'男','北京'],['钱二',20,'男','西安'],['孙三',18,'女','南京'],['李四',20,'女','杭州']]print(c[1][3])A. 男B. 北京C. 西安D. 女标准答案:C试题难度:一般试题解析:考查学生对二维列表中,每个列表值顺序的理解。
请问,红色①处,应该填写哪种打开模式?()f = open("书目.csv" , ① )a = "w"B. "a"C. "r"D. "a+"标准答案:C试题难度:一般试题解析:考查学生对open()函数参数的掌握。
小明针对这个文件编写了5行代码,请问,代码运行到最后打印在屏幕上的结果是?()with open('书目.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:for line in f.readlines():a = line.split(",")if a[0] == "水浒传" :print(a[1])A. 老残游记B. 172C. 55D. 70标准答案:D试题难度:一般试题解析:本题考查学生对列表切片中,每个数据位置的理解。
2023年12月青少年软件编程图形化等级考试试卷三级真题(含答案)分数:100 题数:31一、单选题(共18题,共50分)。
试题编号:20230712-gh-026 试题类型:单选题标准答案:A12.题 下列程序实现的功能是()。
EX0-101 ITIL Foundation v.3Exam AQUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?A. Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityB. Strategic, tactical and operationalC. Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activitiesD. Technology, process and serviceAnswer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?A. To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsB. To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleC. To restore service to a userD. To eliminate recurring IncidentsAnswer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:A. Services and ComponentsB. Services and Business ProcessesC. Components and Business ProcessesD. Services, Components and Business ProcessesAnswer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:A. The provision of IT services or business services by a Service ProviderB. The provision of goods and services by SuppliersC. Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their CustomerD. Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreementAnswer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?A. Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsB. Web front-endC. Menu-driven range of self help and service requestsD. A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareAnswer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?A. The Service ProviderB. The Service Level ManagerC. The CustomerD. The Finance departmentAnswer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within ServiceOperation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?A. As many as necessary to complete the activityB. Only one - the process ownerC. Two - the process owner and the process enactorD. Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A. Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customersB. Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC. Reports should be produced weeklyD. Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A. A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the formof servicesB. A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole,operatingtogether for a common purposeC. The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD. Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA. 1 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionA. Both of the aboveB. 1 onlyC. Neither of the aboveD. 2 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 13What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization types known as?A. The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksB. The ITIL Complementary GuidanceC. The Service Support and Service Delivery booksD. Pocket GuidesAnswer: BQUESTION 14Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A. To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB. To provide training and certification in project managementC. To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD. To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release Answer: BQUESTION 15What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?A. To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB. To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC. To design and build processes that will meet business needsD. To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customers Answer: DQUESTION 16Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A. To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a major disruption ordisasterB. To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC. To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and building areprotected fromthreats, damage or lossD. To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved for implementation Answer: DQUESTION 17What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A. An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB. An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC. A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-daybasisD. A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 18Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A. A measurement of costB. A function described within Service TransitionC. The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherAnswer: DQUESTION 19The BEST definition of an Incident is:A. An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that serviceB. An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC. Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD. Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether theservice isimpacted or notAnswer: BQUESTION 20In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A. An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impacted anyusersB. An Incident is passed to second-level supportC. A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number of recurringIncidentsD. Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementingitAnswer: CQUESTION 21Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A. A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB. The cause of two or more IncidentsC. A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD. The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 22Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:A. People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB. People, Process, Products, TechnologyC. People, Process, Products, PartnersD. People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 23What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A. What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B. How much did it cost?C. How do we keep the momentum going?D. What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 24Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A. Processes and functionsB. Maturity and costC. The end to end serviceD. Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 25The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A. To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT servicesB. To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance of servicesC. To create and populate a Service CatalogueD. To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 26Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A. Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB. Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC. Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD. Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 27Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A. The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or being preparedfordeployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are beingconsidered for futuredevelopmentB. The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio only hasinformationabout services which are being considered for future developmentC. The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only hasinformationabout services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD. Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thingAnswer: CQUESTION 28Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A. Service Level ManagementB. IT Operations ManagementC. Capacity ManagementD. Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 29Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A. Job descriptionsB. FunctionsC. TeamsD. Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 30Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A. Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release andDeploymentManagementB. Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service RequestManagementC. Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset andConfigurationManagementD. Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management,RequestFulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 31Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB. The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration ManagementSystemC. The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge ManagementsystemD. The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management Database Answer: CQUESTION 32Major Incidents require:A. Separate proceduresB. Less urgencyC. Longer timescalesD. Less documentationAnswer: AWhich of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A. Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who know when aservice hasbeen disruptedB. Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruption tonormal service.This includes technical staffC. All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reporting Service DeskactivityD. Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technical staffmanageinfrastructure devices not servicesAnswer: BQUESTION 34What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A. An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before a workaround canbe foundB. An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC. An Incident logged by a senior managerD. An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 35Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA. 1 onlyB. Both of the aboveC. 2 onlyD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 36Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A. Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB. Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC. Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD. Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 37Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A. Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB. Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC. Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain customersatisfactionD. Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service Level Agreement Answer: AQUESTION 38Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A. A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB. Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC. Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD. Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the ChangeManager without aChange Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AEvent Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part of which stage of the Service Lifecycle?A. Service StrategyB. Service TransitionC. Service OperationD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 40Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A. To provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB. To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the ServiceDeskC. To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD. To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 41Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A. Request FulfilmentB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Service DeskD. IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 42Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 2, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 43Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?A. Network Management and Application ManagementB. Technical Management and Change ManagementC. IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementD. Facilities Management and Release ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 44Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?A. Wisdom - Information - Data - KnowledgeB. Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomC. Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataD. Information - Data - Knowledge - WisdomAnswer: BQUESTION 45Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?A. KnowledgeB. InformationC. WisdomD. DataAnswer: CQUESTION 46The BEST processes to automate are those that are:A. Carried out by Service OperationsB. Carried out by lots of peopleC. Critical to the success of the business missionD. Simple and well understoodAnswer: DQUESTION 47Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA. 2, 3 and 4 onlyB. 1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 2 and 3 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 48Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?A. Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)B. Customer and User satisfactionC. Understanding Service Requirements and WarrantyD. Utility and WarrantyAnswer: DQUESTION 49Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?A. Measurement, methods and metricsB. Service Design PackageC. Service Portfolio DesignD. Process definitionsAnswer: BQUESTION 50What is the Service Pipeline?A. All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB. All services except those that have been retiredC. All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA)D. All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 51Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A. A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs)are storedand protectedC. A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are storedandprotectedAnswer: BQUESTION 52In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to:A. IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB. Services, technology and toolsC. Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD. All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 53Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A. Service Design: Design the processesB. Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC. Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD. Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 54Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A. Service Catalogue ManagementB. Service Level ManagementC. IT Service Continuity ManagementD. Capacity ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 55Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate inA. 1, 2 and 3 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: AQUESTION 56Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?A. Continual Service ImprovementB. Business Relationship ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Availability ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 57Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA. 1 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 58Reliability is a measure of:A. The availability of a service or componentB. The level of risk that could impact a service or processC. How long a service or component can perform its function without failingD. A measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal workingAnswer: CQUESTION 59Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?A. Change ManagementB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Supplier ManagementD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 60The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of the businessA. 1 and 2 onlyB. 1 onlyC. All of the aboveD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 61Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A. A configuration management database (CMDB)B. A capacity database (CDB)C. A configuration management system (CMS)D. A capacity management information system (CMIS)Answer: DQUESTION 62Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?A. Capacity ManagementB. Incident ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Financial ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 63IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessmentA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 1, 2 and 3 onlyC. 2, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 64A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints proceduresA. 1,2 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 65Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A. The Change Advisory BoardB. A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C. A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for a particular type ofchange.D. The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each changeAnswer: CQUESTION 66Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA. A change to a contract with a supplierB. A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC. An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD. A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 67Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A. To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Designand that willaccomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB. To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set ofrelated assets andservice components that are compatible with each otherC. To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested,verified and/oruninstalled or backed out if appropriateD. To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed service Answer: AQUESTION 68Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A. A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB. A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the delivery ofservice tocustomersC. Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD. A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technical expertiseand overallmanagement of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 69Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A. Technical ManagementB. Service DeskC. IT Operations ControlD. Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A. Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB. Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC. Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD. Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 71A risk is:A. Something that won't happenB. Something that will happenC. Something that has happenedD. Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 72A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A. The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB. An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC. An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD. An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 73The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A. A Service Level PackageB. A Service Transition PackageC. A Service Design PackageD. A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 74When should tests for a new service be designed?A. At the same time as the service is designedB. After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to Service TransitionC. As part of Service TransitionD. Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 75Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A. Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution;ContinuallyImproveB. Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived?; How do wekeep themomentum going?C. Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement theplan; Checkthe plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD. What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?;Did we getthere?; How do we keep the momentum going?Answer: DQUESTION 76Which of the following activities are helped by recording relationships between Configuration Items (CIs)?1. Assessing the impact and cause of Incidents and Problems2. Assessing the impact of proposed Changes3. Planning and designing a Change to an existing service4. Planning a technology refresh or software upgradeA. 1 and 2 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 77A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:A. The RACI ModelB. A Release PackageC. A Request ModelD. The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycleAnswer: BQUESTION 78What are Request Models used for?A. Capacity ManagementB. Modelling arrival rates and performance characteristics of service requestsC. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different Service Desk approaches suchas local orremoteD. Identifying frequently received user requests and defining how they should be handledAnswer: DQUESTION 79What is the objective of Access Management?A. To provide security staff for Data Centers and other buildingsB. To manage access to computer rooms and other secure locationsC. To manage access to the Service DeskD. To manage the right to use a service or group of servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 80Identity and Rights are two major concepts involved in which one of the following processes?A. Access ManagementB. Facilities ManagementC. Event ManagementD. Demand ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 81Which of these is the BEST description of a release unit?A. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherB. The smallest part of a service or IT infrastructure that can be independently changedC. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is changed by a particular releaseD. A metric for measuring the effectiveness of the Release and Deployment ManagementprocessAnswer: AQUESTION 82Which of these is a reason for categorizing incidents?A. To establish trends for use in Problem Management and other IT Service Management(ITSM) activitiesB. To ensure that the correct priority is assigned to the incidentC. To enable the incident management database to be partitioned for greater efficiencyD. To identify whether the user is entitled to log an incident for this particular serviceAnswer: AQUESTION 83Which process is responsible for monitoring an IT Service and detecting when the performance drops below acceptable limits?A. Service Asset and Configuration ManagementB. Event ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Performance ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 84Which of the following might be used to manage an Incident?1. Incident Model2. Known Error RecordA. 1 onlyB. 2 onlyC. Both of the aboveD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 85Which process is responsible for low risk, frequently occurring, low cost changes?A. Demand Management。
全国青少年软件编程(Python)等级考试试卷(三级)2精品word复习知识点试卷试题一、选择题1.已知列表list1=[10,66,27,33,23],则python表达式max(list1)的值为()A.10 B.66 C.5 D.232.下列python表达式结果为5的是()A.abs(int(-5.6))B.len("3+5>=6")C.ord("5")D.round(5.9)3.下列 Python 表达式的值为偶数的是()A.12*3%5 B.len(“Welcome”)下列不被python所支持的数据类型是()A.char B.float D.list5.在Python中,“print(100-33*5%3)”语句输出的是()A.34 B.67 C.100 D.16.在Python中,已知a=3,b=5,运行下列程序段后,a和b的值为a = a * bb = a // ba = a // bA.a=3 b=5 B.a=15 b=3 C.a=5 b=5 D.a=5 b=3 7.Python表达式中,可以使用()控制运算的优先顺序。
A.圆括号()B.方括号[]C.大括号{}D.尖括号<>8.在python中,运行下列程序,正确的结果是()x=1while x>0:x=x+1print( x)A.1 B.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9…………………C.无输出D.1009.在Python中,下面程序段的输出结果是()x=9Print(“x=”,x+1)A.9 B.10 C.x=9 D.x= 1010.在Python中以下语句正确的是()。
A.51jb= "51jb" B.for= "51jb" C.j,b=b,j D.//这是一段测试代码11.以下哪种语言属于高级程序设计语言()①python ②c++ ③visual basic ④javaA.①②③B.②③C.②③④D.①②③④12.下列定义变量的python程序语句变量赋值错误的是()A.x=y=1 B.x,y=1,2 C.x==1 D.x=1,2 13.下列Python表达式中,能正确表示不等式方程|x|>1解的是()A.x>1 or x<-1 B.x>-1 or x<1 C.x>1 and x<-1 D.x>-1 and x<1 14.下列不可以用来搭建本地服务器的软件是()。
青少年人工智能编程水平测试三级 模拟真题01含答案
地区:姓名:准考证号:成绩:2021 青少年人工智能编程水平测试三级模拟试卷(理论+编程)单选题多选题编码题总分301555100一、单项选择题(共 15 小题,每小题 3 分,共 45 分)1.利用以下哪个积木可以实现复制角色功能?( D)A. 广播B. 循环C. 画笔D. 图章2.以下代码运行完毕后,可以得出变量【mul】的值为?(B )A. 45B. 135C. 225D. 6753.关于变量滑杆,默认‘改变滑块范围’的最大值是?( A)A. 100B. 10C. 1000D. 100004.在动物园里,饲养员要给 8 种不同的动物喂食,每种动物的喂食时间分别为 3 点、9 点、6 点、5点、8 点、2 点、7 点、6 点,如果可以任意调整 D. 将无关命令移出循环体喂食的顺序,那么这些动物等待食物的最短时间为?(B)7. 以下代码运行完毕后,变量【z】的值为?A. 46B. 121C. 167D. 206(C)5.如果某角色的代码如下,点击开始,当点击该角色时会出现什么效果?(D )A.3B. 6C. 12D. 248.以下代码运行完毕后,变量【x】的值为?(D )A.该角色边走边说数字“1”B.该角色移动一段距离C.该角色直接消失不见D.该角色说完数字“1”就消失不见6.小明设计图形化编程程序时使用了克隆体,可是运行一段时间以后,计算机的速度越来越慢,舞台上的角色出现严重的卡顿。
下面哪个选项最有可能解决这一问题?(C )A. 采用加速模式B. 减少命令的数量 A. 37 B. 51C. 59D. 77C.使用删除本克隆体命令第1页(共9页)第2页(共9页)第3页(共9页)9.在选择结构中,计算机判断条件是否成立是依靠关系表达式与逻辑表达式来完成,在图形化编程软件中关系表达式放在以下哪一个部件中?C()A. 运动B. 外观C. 运算D. 变量10.运行下方的程序,列表“水果”和“素菜”中,分别有几个元素?(B )A. 0ABCDEFB. FEDCBAC. 0FEDCBAD. ABCDEF012. 当以下代码块执行完毕时,角色的 X 坐标是多少A. 3,1(D)B.30,10C.40 ,10D.10,3011.运行程序,输入 ABCDEF 后,小猫说出的内容是?( B)A.0B. 40C. 20D. 12013. 运行下面程序,最后可能出现的图案是?(B)A.方形B.水滴形C.半圆形D.圆形14.如下图所示的积木可起到什么作用?( A )A.使用广播传递消息,角色被点击会说你好B.使用广播传递消息就会说你好C.只使用“角色被点击”就会说你好D.以上都不对15.如果想随机生成一个数字,必须使用以下哪一条命令?(B )A.变量B.从 1-10 随机选一个数C.盖章D.循环第4页(共9页)第5页(共9页)第6页(共9页)二、多项选择题(共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分)1.在图形化编程软件中下面说法正确的是?(ABD)A.可以将列表的指定项进行删除或替换B.建立列表时,可以同时建立名为“DATE”和“DATE”的列表C.列表只能作用于指定的角色,不能作用于所有的角色D.列表和变量一样,都可以在舞台上显示或隐藏2. 对比以下程序,下面说法正确的是?( BC ) A. 列表第一项是 1B. 列表第二项是 1C. 列表第二项是 2D. 列表第四项是 44. 关于修改画笔中图章功能的颜色的相关说法错误的是?( ABC )A. 不能用一个数字来设置颜色B. 设置 RGB 的值C. 在画笔中不可以设置饱和度、亮度D. 在外观中设置或修改角色颜色特效5. 关于图形化编程软件的克隆,以下说法哪一个是正确的?( AB )A.两个程序执行结果一样 A. 世界上第一只克隆羊叫多利B.程序要实现的功能是判断一个数和 10 的大小 B. 克隆体也可以被克隆。
2021青少年人工智能技术水平测试 三级 模拟试题 1
二、判断题(共10小题,每小题2分,共 20分)
1.机器学习改变了编程的规则,是现在人工智能领域广泛应用的一种技术。( √ )
2.有结构化学习是机器学习按学习目标分类得到的。( × )
3.ARM 构架的处理器与传统计算机 CPU 相比,在看视频、写文档等操作上明显感觉到区别。(×)
2021 青少年人工智能技术水平测试三级 模拟试题(理论题)
1.1980 年,卡耐基梅隆大学的研究人员设计出了第一套专家系统(b)
13.传感器电源正极引脚需要连接到电压为多少的电源正极,电源负极引脚连接电源负极( c)
14.三维电子罗盘中用于测量地球磁场是( a )
新思路精英班考试试卷一、选择题(共20分,每题2分)1. 下列关于计算机存储器的描述,哪一项是正确的?A. 硬盘是计算机的内部存储器B. 内存是计算机的外部存储器C. 硬盘是计算机的外部存储器D. 内存是计算机的内部存储器2. 在Excel中,下列哪个函数用于计算一组数据的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. MAXD. MIN3. 英语中,"library"一词的中文意思是?A. 图书馆B. 图书C. 图书馆管理员D. 图书馆建筑4. 在数学中,一个数的平方根是指哪个数?A. 这个数的两倍B. 这个数的一半C. 这个数乘以自己得到原数的数D. 这个数除以自己得到1的数5. 以下哪个选项是正确的HTML标签用于创建无序列表?A. <ul>B. <ol>C. <li>D. <dl>二、填空题(共20分,每题2分)6. 在计算机编程中,_________是一种用于存储数据和指令的临时存储器。
7. 在英语语法中,"I am happy"中的"am"是_________动词。
8. 一个圆的周长公式是_________,其中r代表圆的半径。
9. 在HTML中,用于创建超链接的标签是_________。
10. 根据勾股定理,直角三角形的斜边的平方等于两直角边的平方和,即a² + b² = ________。
三、简答题(共30分,每题6分)11. 请解释什么是二进制,并给出一个二进制数转换为十进制数的例子。
12. 描述一下什么是虚拟内存,并解释它在计算机系统中的作用。
13. 英语中的被动语态是如何构成的,并给出一个例句。
14. 解释什么是函数在编程中的作用,并给出一个简单的函数定义的例子。
15. 什么是HTML中的块级元素和内联元素,并各给出一个例子。
四、计算题(共30分,每题10分)16. 计算下列表达式的值:(3x - 2) + (4x + 5),当x = 2时。
青少年人工智能编程水平测试三级 模拟真题02含答案
&& B。
+ C。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.在Powerpoint2010的大纲窗格中,选中一张幻灯片后,按(C )键可以在其后插入新的幻灯片。
A Shift
B Ctrl
C Enter
D Alt
A 以图形对象的中心为基点进行缩放
B 只有图形对象的高度发生变化
C 按图形对象的比例改变图形的大小
D 只有图形对象的宽度发生变化
3.PowerPoint中,在幻灯片浏览视图下,按住CTRL并拖动某幻灯片,可以完成( C )操作。
4.在幻灯片视图窗格中,在状态栏中出现了“幻灯片5/20的文字”,则表示( C )。
A 共有20张幻灯片,目前只编辑了5张
B 共编辑了20分之一张的幻灯片
C 共有20张幻灯片,目前显示的是第5张
D 共有25张幻灯片,目前显示的是第5张
5.用Powerpoint2010生成的文件被称作( C )。
A 文档
B 幻灯片
C 演示文稿
D 工作簿
A 幻灯片视图
B 大纲视图
C 幻灯片浏览视图
D 普通视图
A Shift
B Alt
C Ctrl
D Enter
A Enter
B Ctrl
C Alt
D Shift
9.在PowerPoint 2010中,可以使用拖动方法来改变幻灯片的顺序的视图是(C )。
D. 自定义动画
2、要想打开PowerPoint只能从开始菜单选择程序,然后点击Microsoft PowerPoint::错
4、Microsoft PowerPoint 2010是由微软公司开发的演示文稿程序。
10、在PowerPoint 2010中创建的一个文档就是一张幻灯片。
5、PowerPoint 2003生成的演示文稿的默认扩展名为__pptx___。