Unit 6 Financial Management and Cost Management

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第二部分--Unit 6 Financial Management and Cost Management Topic 1 筹资渠道 Financing Sources
Topic 2 营运资本管理 Working Capital Management
Topic 3 股利政策 Dividend Policy
Topic 4 资本成本 The cost of capital
Topic 5 企业价值评估 Business valuations
Topic 6 本量利分析 CVP Analysis
Topic 7 绩效评价 Performance Measurement
Topic 1 筹资渠道 Financing Sources
1.短期筹资 Short-term finance
2.长期筹资 Long-term finance
1.短期筹资 Short-term finance

短期负债筹资具有如下特点:Funds can be raised by short-term liabilities in short time. Usually short-term liabilities are due within one year. Characteristics of short-term liabilities include the following:
(1)筹资速度快,容易取得;Readily available;
(3)筹资成本较低;Financing cost is low;

Financing risk is high.

A range of short-term sources of finance is available to businesses including short-term loans and trade credit.
2.长期筹资 Long-term finance

Long-term finance is used for major investments and is usually more expensive and less flexible than short-term finance.

Long-term finance includes long-term debt financing, equity financing(mainly refers to ordinary shares financing), and other long-term financing.

Long-term debt financing contains long-term loans and long-term bonds, equity financing mainly refers to ordinary shares financing, while other long-term financing is composed of leasing and mixed financing.
(1)长期负债筹资 Long-term debt financing
a.长期借款筹资 Long-term loans

Advantages: Readily available; More flexible.

Disadvantages: High financial risk; More restrictive covenants.
b.长期债券筹资 Long-term bonds financing

Advantages: Larger financing scale; Long-term and stable; Optimizing the resources allocation.

Disadvantages: High issuing cost; High cost of information disclosure; More restrictive covenants.
(2)权益融资 Equity finance


Equity financing constitutes the original capital of enterprises, and is also the basis of realizing debt financing and conducting assets investment. Methods of equity financing in capital markets include common stock financing and preferred stock financing.
普通股 Common stock;
优先股 Preferred stock;
股权登记日 Record date;
股票股利 Stock dividend;
股价最大化 Stock price maximization;
股票回购 Stock repurchase;
股票分割 Stock split;

Common stock financing usually does not need to repay the principal, and does not burden fixed dividend payment. The financing cost of equity financing are higher than that of bonds and loans which take the financial risk of paying fixed cash flow of interest.
a.没有固定利息负担; Without fixed interest;
b.没有固定到期日; Without fixed maturity date;
c.筹资风险小; Low financing risks;
d.能增加公司的信誉; Improve enterprises’ reputation;

Less financing restrictions.
Higher capital cost;
Decentralizing control rights of the enterprise, and weakening original shareholders’control over the enterprise;
If the enterprise want to be listed, it will bring higher cost of information disclosure;
Stock listing will increase the risk of the company being acquired.
(3)其他长期筹资 Other long-term finance
a.租赁 Lease
It gives the following list of situations in which a lease would normally be classified as a finance lease:
租赁资产 Leasehold property;
承租人 Lessee;
出租人 Lessor;
租赁期 Lease term;
融资租赁 Financial lease/Capital lease;
经营租赁 Operating lease;
毛租赁 Gross lease;
直接租赁 Direct leasing;
混合租赁 Combination lease;
净租赁 Net lease;
杠杆租赁 Leverage lease;
杠杆贡献率 Leverage contributing ratio;
财务杠杆系数 Degree of financial leverage(DFL);
经营杠杆系数 Degree of operating leverage(DOL);
总杠杆系数 Degree of total leverage (DTL);
净财务杠杆 Net financial leverage;
经营杠杆 Operating leverage;
The ownership related to the lease has been transferred to the lessee, when the lease term expired.
The lessee has the option to buy the leased asset at a price expected to be lower than fair value at the time the option is exercised.
The lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset.
At the beginning of the lease, the present value of the minimum lease payments (MLP ˊs) is approximately equal to the fair value of the asset.
The leased assets are of a specialized nature so that only the lessee can use them without major modification.

An operating lease is any lease other than a finance lease.
b.认股权证 Warrants

Warrants is a type of certificate issued by entity to shareholders, which allows holders to purchase prescribed number of shares at prescribed price in the given period.


The highlighted merit of warrants is that it can lower the interest rate of the corresponding bonds. The bonds with warrants can be issued at lower interest rates, but at the cost of share equity dilution.




The key demerit of warrants is lack of flexibility. Usually the exercise price of warrants is higher than the share price on the date of issuing by about 20%-30%. If the entity develops successfully in the future, the share price will be much higher than the exercise price. This leads to larger losses suffered by the existing shareholders. In addition, the underwriting costs of bonds with warrants are higher than the costs of debt.
执行价格 Exercise price/Strike price;
市场价格 Market price;
市价稀释 Market price dilution;
公开增发 Public offering;
佣金 Commission;
c.可转换债券 Convertible bonds
优点 Advantages:

Entities can obtain funds with lower interest rate compared to bonds.
流通债券 Negotiable bond;
债券面值 Par value/Face value;
债券到期日 Maturity date;
平息债券 Coupon bond;
纯贴现债券(零息债券) Discounted bond (Zero coupon bond);
长期债券 Long-term bond;
短期偿债能力比率 Liquidity ratios;
资产负债率 Debt-to-asset ratio;
产权比率 Debt-to-equity ratio;
权益乘数 Equity multiplier;
股权价值 Equity value;
经济增加值 Economic value added(EVA)

The holders of bonds may sell ordinary shares at the prices higher than market price compared to ordinary shares.
缺点 Disadvantages:
Risks arising from share prices rising
Risks arising from share prices falling
Higher financing costs than general bonds
6.Assume you were the Project director of Victoria Securities. Determine the maximum amount of bonds offering (最高发行金额)in Hong Kong (also consider the capital need of Zhen Hua Company from the bonds offering in mainland China) .Besides,recommend to the management of Zhen Hua Company whether it should issue long-term bonds or short-term bonds in Hong Kong, and provide a reason
·According to the Chinese laws and regulations, the maximum of bonds offering by Zhen Hua Company is 8 billion × 40% - 0 =3.2 billion (i. e. 3 200 000 000).
·Consider the capital need from such bonds offering in mainland China, the maximum amount of bonds offering in Hong Kong is 3. 2 billion -1 billion =2. 2 billion (i. e. 2 200 000)
·It is suggested to issue long-term bonds.
·Reason : The Company’s current liabilities ratio is 190/200 = 95% . The ratio is excessively high. Offering long-term bonds can lower the proportion of the Company’s current liabilities, optimize the Company’s debt
Topic 2 营运资本管理 Working Capital Management
1.现金管理 Cash management
2.应收账款管理 Account receivable management
3.存货管理 Inventory management
1.现金管理 Cash management
现金管理的目的在于提高现金使用效率,为达到这一目的,应当注意做好以下几方面工作:Cash management aims to increase the use of cash efficiently. To achieve this goal, we should do the following aspects well:
营运资本投资 Working capital investment;
现金预算 Cash budget;
现金股利 Cash dividend;
现金流量利息保障倍数 Cash flow interest coverage ratio;
经营活动现金流量 Cash flows from operational activities;
补偿性余额 Compensating balance;
营业现金毛流量 Gross operating cash flows;
债务现金流量 Free cash flows of creditors;
股权现金流量 Free cash flows of equity;
实体现金流量 Free cash flows of firm;


Striving to make the cash flows at the same pace. By making the time of cash inflows and cash outflows as close as possible, if not at the same time, the Company could maintain a low level of cash balance.




Using cash float. There exists a period of time from the company's issue of a check to the actual receipt of the check by the recipient, to the bank's actual clearance of the check. During this period, the company can still use the fund in the bank account although the check has been issued. However, the company must control the timing when using cash float so that possible bank overdraft can be avoided.



Accelerating cash collection. This requires the company to shorten the length of time for account receivables while keeping customers attracted through account receivables. Balance has to be made between the two considerations, and proper account receivable collection strategies and actions should be taken.



Postponing payment of account payables. The company could take full advantage of credit provided by the suppliers by postponing payment of account payables to the extent possible on the condition that the company's reputation won't be adversely affected. Of course, this decision requires careful consideration of advantages and disadvantages between the supplier discounts and cash needs.
2.应收账款管理 Account receivable management
There are two main reasons for the occurrence of account receivables:


The first one is business competition. This is the main reason for presence of account receivables.


Secondly, there is time gap between sales and receivables. Merchandise turnover time and payment time are often inconsistent; this also leads to account receivables.
应收账款周转次数 Accounts receivable turnover;
应收账款周转天数 Accounts receivable turnover days;
流动资产周转次数 Current assets turnover;
流动资产周转天数 Current assets turnover days;
流动比率 Current ratio;
速动比率 Quick ratio;



The account receivables are capital invested by company for the purpose of expansion of sales and profit, in which case cost is incurred. Company needs to balance the profit increased by the account receivables and the cost of this policy. Only when profit increased exceeds the increased cost of account receivables, company can increase the credit amount. If the offer of account receivables has a good prospect, company should relax credit conditions to increase credit sales.


The effect of account receivables is dependent on company’s credit policy. The credit policy includes: credit period, credit standard and cash discount policy.
3.存货管理 Inventory management


Inventory is the reserved materials used for sales or consumption in company’s production process. In practice, the company is always to be required to have inventory storage, which occupies certain amount of capital. The demand for the inventory has the following reasons:
平均交货时间 Average delivery time;
保险储备(安全存量) Buffer inventory;
经济订货量 Economic order quantity(EOQ);
存货周转次数 Inventory turnover;
存货周转天数 Inventory turnover days;
订货提前期 Order lead time;
订货成本 Ordering cost;
持有成本 Carrying cost;
间接成本 Indirect cost;
期间成本 Period cost;
非相关成本 Irrelevant cost;
混合成本 Mixed cost;
机会成本 Opportunity cost;
短缺成本 Shortage cost;
标准成本 Standard cost;
储存成本 Storage cost;
沉没成本 Sunk cost;
加权平均资本成本 Weighted average cost of capital(WACC);

Ensure the production or sales needs

Price considerations
Topic 3 股利政策 Dividend Policy
1.剩余股利政策 Residual dividend policy
2.固定股利政策 Stable dividend policy
3.固定股利支付率政策 Constant dividend payout ratio
4.低正常股利加额外股利政策 Low regular plus specially designated dividends
5.股票股利、股票分割、股票回购 Share dividend, share split and share repurchase
1.剩余股利政策 Residual dividend policy

With a residual dividend policy, a firm pays dividends from earnings left over after meeting calculated its investment needs while maintaining its target capital structure (optimal capital structure), when it has good investment opportunities.
剩余股利政策 Residual dividend policy;
剩余权益收益 Residual equity income;
剩余净金融支出 Residual net financial expenditure;
剩余经营收益 Residual operating income;
2.固定或持续增长股利政策 Stable or constant growth dividend policy

A stable or constant growth dividend policy is one where the company maintains the same dividend per share each period unless it believes that future earnings will grow remarkably and irreversibly.
股利宣告日 Declaration date;
除息日 Ex-dividend date;
股利支付日 Payment date;
股利支付率 Dividend payout ratio;
利润留存率 Retention ratio;
每股净资产 Book value per share(BPS);
发行价格 Issuance price;
清算价值 Liquidation value;
股价上行乘数 Upstream price multiplier;
股价下行乘数 Downstream price multiplier;
3.固定股利支付率政策 Constant dividend payout ratio


A constant dividend payout ratio is a policy of paying a fixed percentage of earnings as dividends. Since a firm’s earnings vary, such a policy results in unstable and unpredictable dividends.
4.低正常股利加额外股利政策 Low regular plus specially designated dividends

A policy of low regular plus specially designated dividends is one in which a firm maintains a low regular cash dividend but pays a specially designed cash dividend based on the firm’s earnings performance.
5.股票股利、股票分割、股票回购 Share dividend, share split and share repurchase
(1)股票股利 share dividend




Share dividend means entities pay share dividends in shares. Share dividends do not increase the shareholders’ wealth directly; do not cause the outflow of assets or increase liabilities and accordingly do not increase the assets of an entity. However, share dividends will lead to the structure changes among the items of equity. After paying share dividends, given both profits and P/E remain unchanged, as the number of ordinary shares increases, the EPS and share price will go down. However, as for the holding proportion by each shareholder remains unchanged, the total market value of shares held by each shareholder remains unchanged.
配股后每股价格 After-allotment price per share;
配股权价值 Allotment option value;
配股价格 Allotment price;
The significance of share dividend includes the following:
Keep the share trading price within the reasonable scope;
Convey good signals to the market at a low cost;

Keep the liquidity at a reasonable level.
每股盈余 Earnings per share(EPS);
每股盈余稀释 EPS dilution;
每股盈余无差别点法 EPS indifferent point method(EBIT-EPS break even analysis);
每股盈余最大化 EPS maximization;
期权价值 Option value;
套期保值原理 Hedging principle;
(2)股票分割 Share split



Stock split means to convert shares with high face value into shares with low face value. In case of stock split, the number of shares outstanding will increase and the par value per share will decrease accordingly. Given total profits and P/E remain unchanged, the EPS will fall. However, the entity’s value, total equity, amounts and each proportion of items in the equity also remain unchanged.

To an entity, the objective of stock split is to lower the market price of shares by increasing the number of shares, then to attract more investors.
(3)股票回购 Share repurchase



A share repurchase is an entity’s buying back its shares outstanding from the marketplace. The entity repurchases the shares outstanding with surplus cash, which leads to the decrease of number of shares outstanding, then the increase of dividend per share, at last the increase of share price. So the share repurchase can make shareholders earn the capital gains. In fact, this is equivalent to pay the cash dividend to shareholders and can be considered as substitute for the cash dividend.

However, there exists material difference between share repurchase and cash dividend.



To shareholders, they should pay tax on the capital gains arising from share repurchase or pay tax on the cash dividends. Given the former is less than the latter, shareholders can enjoy the tax benefits. On the other hand, share repurchase is influenced by many factors, which leads to uncertainties for effects on the shareholders.

To entities, the ultimate aim for share repurchases is to increase the value of entities.
Topic 4 资本成本 The cost of capital





Various factors affect the cost of capital. Some of them are within the firmˊs control while others are not. For example, firms have no direct control over the level of interest rates, tax rates and the market risk premium. Conversely, managers can affect the cost of capital of their firm. For example, investment policy decisions affect the risk of the firm and hence the rate of return required by creditors and shareholders who provide the funds.
取得成本 Acquisition cost;
资本成本 Cost of capital;
必要报酬率 Required rate of return;
目标资本结构 Target capital structure;
税后债务成本 Cost of debt after tax;
利息保障倍数 Interest coverage ratio;
税后利息率 Interest rate after tax;
息前税前利润 Earnings before interests and taxes(EBIT);
权益净利率 Return on equity
投资报酬率 Return on investment;
无风险利率 Risk-free interest rate;
无风险报酬率 Risk-free rate of return;
通货膨胀率 Inflation rate;
股东权益增长率 Shareholders’ equity growth ratio;
证券市场线 Security market line(SML);
系统风险(市场风险、不可分散风险) Systematic risk (Market risk/Non-diversifiable risk);
项目特有风险 Project-specific risk;
市场风险溢价 Market risk premium;
贝塔(β)系数 Beta coefficient;
市场组合 Market portfolio;
内含报酬率法 Internal rate of return(IRR);
内含增长率 Internal growth rate;



Capital structure decisions have an effect on the financing mix of the firm, which in turn affect its cost of capital. Finally, dividend policy decisions influence the amount of earnings distributed to shareholders or retained earnings. Dividend policy can affect the return investors require and the firmˊs cost of capital.
Topic 5 企业价值评估 Business valuations
1.市盈率模型 P/E
2.市净率模型 P/B
3.市销率模型 P/S
企业价值评估 Corporate valuation;
持续经营价值 Going concern value;
实际增长率 Actual growth rate;
实际利率 Actual interest rate;
浮动利率 Floating interest rate;
浮动优惠利率 Floating prime interest rate;
资本支出 Capital expenditure;
财务估价 Financial valuation;
营业现金净流量 Net operating cash flows;
时间溢价 Time premium;
货币的时间价值 Time value of money;
终值 Future value(FV); 现值 Present value(PV);
复利 Compound interest; 折现率 Discount rate;
复利终值系数 FV interest factor;
复利现值系数 PV interest factor;
预付年金(即付年金、期初年金) Annuity due;
预付年金终值系数 FV interest factor of annuity due;
预付年金现值系数 PV interest factor of annuity due;
普通年金(后付年金) Ordinary annuity;
永久债券 Perpetual bond; 永续年金 Perpetuity;
净现值 Net present value(NPV);
互斥项目 Mutually exclusive projects/events;
净现值法 NPV method;
现值指数 Present value index;
会计报酬率法 Accounting rate of return(ARR);
到期收益率法 Yield-to-maturity method(YTM method);
回收期法 Payback period method;
1.市盈率模型 P/E
2.市净率模型 P/B
3.市销率模型 Price-to-sales ratio model
本期市销率Current price-to-sales ratio;
内在市销率 Intrinsic sales multiplier;
内在价值 Intrinsic value;
销售净利率 Net profit margin;
外部融资销售增长比 External financing needed to sales growth ratio; 经营资产销售百分比 Percentage of operating assets to sales;
经营负债销售百分比 Percentage of operating liabilities to sales;
销售百分比法 Percentage-of-sales method;
可持续增长率 Sustainable growth rate;
表3 市销率模型评价和适用性
Topic 6 本量利分析 CVP Analysis
盈亏临界点 Break-even point;
完工产品 Finished goods;
在产品 Work-in-progress;
管理费用 General and administrative expense;
生产成本 Production cost;
制造费用 Production overhead;
单位销售价格 Unit sales price;
单位变动成本 Unit variable costs;
利润中心 Profit center; 责任中心 Responsibility center;
投资中心 Investment center; 收入中心 Revenue center;
利润最大化 Profit maximization;
内部转移价格 Internal transfer price;
成本性态 Cost behavior;
成本中心 Cost centre;
成本的归集和分配 Cost collection and allocation;
成本差异 Cost variance;
固定成本总额 Total fixed cost;
安全边际率 Safety margin ratio;
变动成本率 Variable cost ratio'



Break-even analysis is a basic content of CVP analysis which is also called even point analysis. Break-even analysis mainly researches how to determine break-even point, how changes in related factors influence the break-even point, and so on. It can also provide information about how many volumes will make the enterprise get profit and how many volumes will make it get loss for decision-making.

Break-even point refers to the operating status in which the enterprise’s revenue equals to its cost. That is to say, when contribution margin equals to fixed cost, the enterprise neither get profit nor get loss.
全面预算 Comprehensive budget;
固定预算 Fixed budget;
弹性预算 Flexible budget;
定期预算 Periodic budget;
产品成本预算 Product cost budget;
生产预算 Production budget;
Manufacturing overhead budget;
销售预算 Sales budget; 销售费用 Sales expense;
销售预测 Sales forecast; 销售增长率 Sales growth rate;
代销 Sales on commission; 销售数量 Sales volume;
标的资产 Underlying assets;
包销 Underwrite;
Topic 7 绩效评价 Performance Measurement
1.盈利基础的业绩计量 Profit-based performance measurement
2.剩余收益基础的业绩计量 Residual income(RI)
3.经济增加值基础的业绩计量 Economic value added(EVA)
市场增加值 Market value added(MAV);
最大最小法 Maximin method;
企业价值最大化 Maximization of firm’s value;
股东财富最大化 Maximization of shareholders’ wealth;
共同年限法 Replacement chain (common life) approach;
Profit-based performance measurement
表4 盈利基础的业绩计量
2.剩余收益基础的业绩计量 Residual income(RI)
表5 剩余收益基础的业绩计量
3.经济增加值基础的业绩计量 Economic value added(EVA)
表6 经济增加值基础的业绩计量
10. Given the cash shortage that Knight Co., Ltd (the “Company”) is facing due to its expansion of investment, what recommendations in cash flow management would you make to the company to improve efficiency of the company's cash management? (3分)Solution:
The following suggestions can be made:
(1)Striving to make the cash flows at the same pace. By making the time of cash inflows and cash outflows as close as possible, if not at the same time, the Company could maintain a low level of cash balance.
(2)Using cash float. There exists a period of time from the Company's issue of a check and the actual receipt of the check by the recipient, and the bank's actual clearance of the check. During this period, the Company can still use the fund in the bank account although the check has been issued. However, the Company must control the timing when using cash。
