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西北林学院学报2020,35(2): 252-259 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1001-7461. 2020. 02. 38
---- 以大连市核心城区为例
张 妤12,曹福存2,黄磊昌2,周蕴薇;,王俊夫3
Spatial Differentiation Pattern of Urban Open Space Vegetation Coverage ------A Case Study of Dalian Core Urban Area
连核心城区开放空间平均植被覆盖率为71.83%,整体空间分布构成差异明显;开放空间及其植被 覆盖率呈现出明显的聚集特征,奥林匹克广场、人民广场区域成为开放空间绝对聚集核心;开放空
间植被覆盖率及各类型分布呈现出显著的空间正相关性(P<0. 01),4类开放空间中只有公园呈现
(1.东北林业大学 园林学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨150040&.大连工业大学 艺术设计学院,辽宁 大连116034; 3.辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院,辽宁大象,借助eCogntion9. 0和ArcGIS等分析工具,应用核密度和 空间自相关理论定量探讨了城市开放空间及其植被覆盖率的空间格局与分布特征#结果表明,大
ZHANG Yu1 2 ,CAO Fu-cunz , HUANG Lei-chang2 ,ZHOU Yun-wei1 ,WANG Jun-fu3
(1. College of Landscape Architecture , Northeast Forestry University , Harbin 150040 , Heilongjiang , China ; 2. School of Art & Design <, Dalian Polytechnic University , Dalian 116034, Liaoning, China ;
收稿日期:2019-06-18 修回日期:2019-07-30 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(1570701)辽宁省自然科学基金项目(0170540071)辽宁省教育厅科研经费项目(2019027)。 作者简介:张妤,女,在读博士,讲师,研究方向:城市景观生态。E-mail:zy810112@ 163. com
3. College of City and Environment Liaoning Normal University Dalian 116029, Liaoning, China)
Abstract:Taking the core urban area of Dalian as the research object, the spatial pattern and distribution characteristics of urban open space and its vegetation coverage were discussed by using the methods of eCogna0ion9.0and ArcGIS!0he0heoryofkerneldensi0yandspa0ialau0ocorrela0ion.Theresul0sshowed that the average vegetation coverage rate of the open space in the core urban area was 71. 83 % , and the overalspa0ialdis0ribu0ion wasno0balanced.Theopenspaceandisvege0aioncoverageshowedobvious aggregation characteristics. Olympic Square and Peoples Square area had become the absolute gathering core of open space. The vegetation coverage of open space in Dalians core urban area and the distribution of each type showed significant positive spatial correlation (PV0. 01). Only parks showed cold and hot spot features, others showed hot spot features. Based on the analysis above, urban spatial structure, spatial types and a tributes topography features were important factors afecting open space distribution pa tern<Suggestions were put forward from the aspects of spatial distribution optimization, differential development and multi-functional coordination to further improve the pattern distribution and function.