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& Where are lhe 吗jeaMrs?
扎Al home- B. Al a shop,
9, Why does lhe woman want lhe ^maJJer mnnwfrin层machine?
A. Jt 14 Ihr
H. It rnilches her <Se«k*
C. It ifl of 肿罰quality.
10. What wt]J lhe Awaken do nest?
IUve a drink. ',. B. Watch TV”
1 L What iJtr.-i the woman think of the car nhertisettiEnl?
A. TI KJ eui huge.
B. The music 讷great.
C. Tl)e i-ndin^ in une*p«?Lecl h
12- Vt hut thr aclress (mm friends advertising?
A. Food. W.
B. Sdap,
13. Whut do lhe advertuemenlt before (he Widd Cup use?
A. Purlin眉hf^innin筝一P Funny series.
14. How WHS th(? ut-ailit-r when lhe man WAS in Antaretic?
扎1%血IH I. ' H Frt-ning.
15. Whal did tht man find Lhe nnt useRil in \niarctic.
A, WarrrL coalh. 总:H f)ark gunQosg*
16. U h」l is thf: mai/s beat memory of Lhe tr屮■
A, on the sea.
Et Mixing with other pcople.
C r Seeing a lur^ variely of birds.
17. Whsl is leh after lhe old fhhi理indusin
A. Buddinfs. ,^K H. Machines,
18. Why does lhe speaker want Lo changi:Masses?
扎T Q get A better Leacher.
B. lo tjike an easier course.
C. To use En^liah more often.
19. Vi'hat eat) we leam nbcxit the evening 讨亦订
A, It begins al 6 pm,
B. kt,clnsi number 泊305
C. Mftiil of lhe S I IK I CH L S arc frum Italy,
2". here would lhe speaker likr Mrs. irj leave a nirssagK?
九Al划也砂rit huuse.
B. Al the litwjy.
C, At her home*
典ift •氛2贞(扶只贞)C T At an affice.
C. Measurt* lhe 创zr of n room.
G Vehicles^
C. Wrll-known people.
C- Stnmiy-
C. Strong boots.
(MR^f) Jfi. f ife ' 率茅
丁!眄 Apnjs 叫 1 L ' •SRJJOUI ainiRiaduidi uicuj sjpeai |tq )
—UJMuy pus 只叫再叫 tpoq jfj.—MiiRipfl ,H|| JD pasds 叫]p*)3ipaid'Jap<l
? 3u P'>*°[J J° J 屮(軒SI ) |Miniiii]SAjaptin 門耳 siuauiu^dva 沖J 酬 I 叫 1
8wu ;w Nitiswujdjjj puu 阳!pn” ^pXo 可耳 |U ?|d IUOIJ ^uipuy 叫 1 *禺严
qa**!”'"%」屮 uc 叫ti|<|nd 壮pn 庐 jqx
puu €UIRL|.> pooj u<> |加甘/ UB
*A 叫[叩mJ »iit 堆qj ^]t?wip »| ucijoFiu j 甲屮
<pn )s jo
-、刑哪 IM3<I F 叫 x|UE[U pres 4叫丄七引讯纳un *§ \ I
邂册曲 jo *屮 pyps ' .<do|o.u ui 掳口叩叫7 jof^cu B SI
aSuwqo aiewp 训 uotptai 』知!備血 rfuqj 屮”
"屮竝O1X JO FLU2l]T!H 川話甲 d 牙URip
-j(xo annpaiil ”屮日忖他叫 un izjjd ur 砒叫 u»a po puff (EOJ Sfurui 叫
mruj JTE
diu 朋血典!叫* p]j 叶 $屮 puncui? gdin«xk |uuiiuR pui? }uu[d jo sfkupunq
sfi^jojd Xq "j pwds jfq y "-pado|^A»p $l g sii££ off m pyi^ 卩卩ns aq ^snF^g g f «pq nq aS^iw w pj 叫 花 pun 勺 M ( Mnv»g □ -[时砧閒片 ui xs 屮mu s 艸 pi d 」EJ J ?|R| E [)W4 dq jentfaoq -fl ptiiE 牙 jpqiou^ E i[j|e.M vi pajunM 9i{ JSTimag *■ ^d]3i{ JUJ 亠[unn aivjAPp 」屮 秤」』屮町*叫1 pip 糾皿 -(ui*r
3|dilv 3ur )R^ *3 ■||FM 身屮 IIO ^UrMCJ(] *¥ 2叩«1V P!P 和嵌q 网 呷JO UBipiyG HTl| L[]IM MOq 1* 耳厚I Al |卩[甘蛰 (] jj<p Xrp ]切 jj ^iL| .(ofus'
・ j uai 卩[iqo AiL^ «i ijdedsM^u m 屮 ppai g jtuoij sri{ JU ^U 片叫 o 刃 y 3UIOI|
ipi dJ[M 眄 ujqM
m 呷说对 X JU »H
,gu[|llu ^ ,Ou^H Mrwgq .严仁耶叫,、qo 如彩加呃 o
isainuiui dj E UI
JSAO sioq 叫i »uuq ] u% X BMR 气可屮Km puF 皆M oiui &期叫A (ujppns [n (列甘日)
问呷p®[即加叫71 :II 卬呵《 W
叫甲3叫羽ppoM 汕!严SJ fJUE J^AO SPM MOq* 3||B1叫]2屮f«切盹I AJU^H '叩u 叫列t|屮戶即E] aip XDOJJ 朋回洋uj P r »|ddp
汕!眄注M 叫I 呷卩汰呷U 叩呷umm J9SO]3 in<| >oai 兜皿引呷叫妍冋品圖呻叫 p™ddF 刿号柯甲* ApireH 理皿1呵帕S !H 甲!M !P« "啊纠呷汕imowp Xq 屮曾耶护皿呷①肌向环哪* s 眄puv pejjq S1H P^njai 呵冲ut qsy 呷Xq* 3u 円沖M 询代…|阿》心jo ino a*曲q 屮“呵叩啊旬
p^ppif ^peaip peij Moq« 卅陌■叫 1 阳沖耳心曲H
H 10P ire 屮严巧呵呷oiui
心M 汹1硕严河弹a l°H* B 戶(1曲P 叫丿用WN-片irezuwuios 嚴命心卸呼屮3J 蚪沏抽 拠咿口叫卯‘科咖阿叫h pug p|DW XpoqoN 旬ucd 卑q 护oj 和阴网孰叫押讥呵UCE S E 阿时芈列¥叫咿恤呦 呷叫 呷ui 尸种1 ApUFH p£科吶阖j^Mjapan
询吨MOM 2伽 冋怦円列护曲叶?皿判巧门
■ 口 口曰■
The design of fulure experimpnift may need to be improved tn belter predict hnw pl suits will n*arl to rlitrta" change t it said”
Plants are necessary for life on the Earth. They arc the bate of the food chain, liming photosynthesis ( )t 合作用) to pntxluce from eurbon diovide awl wnlpr.
rhf!y let nul nxypen whirls ie rwpdcd hy iiearly evrry or^nism on thp
Scienlisls believe the world'!* average lempmlure han risfn by about 0+ St since 19001 nnd nearly 0. 2*C every ten vears since 1979,
So far. efforts to cut emi^ioiw (排放)of plaiH-l-wjimiing greenhouse gases are nol W®1 卿 enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2T this century —a point Bcicntists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which w^alher extremes are coinnion leading to dmnght T flood 马,crop fjiihir?s and rising M *M levels.
29, What is the main idea of Paragraph 1 ?
A. Planls' T^acliori to weather could have* damaging effects on ecosystems, R. llie inerpasing speed of flowering is beyond scieitlish 1 expectation.
UK) siu^nnd |pprtu a|[|RaW^| > puc 愉unwj 占Jm 越对t|斟q 训艸肚 5制 /屮 UI
(1()3* }
ULKjJH.a P^W^JJU] ■AT ?«
euuannd 9UIAI | LJO |JP 护 1胞
13 c 3iiT,4nij si SuiiiUPM |«qo|y
.fSUJ 』捋為"J pup SUtPl|3 [MM1J Ut) WJOJJJJ SudVUIHp
Suflj JA 叫 pjnQ9 i|3ti^M 匸詬ii 叫门 9mui|3 oi uo ()w%i ui 彳尿 iW ) paRipAid sispupiys ir 叫]J3]6ffj ^UUSMOJ m $]uH[d
Auudiuoo sii| o )
J "iiujch,+』屮 伽!;|[ESSOJJ ¥“
WJUJt) V Af| 別 1护叫 pUE

C. Climale change leads to the uf fn*xl production paltems.
D, Food chains have be^n seriously dHinagct] bvediise cif weather,
30, Wf can leant from the study published on (lie Aa/uw website that__________________ .
.L plants^ fluwtinng is 8. 5 limes faster ihan Irafing
B. I here are 1,634 plant species on the lour corilinenl^
C. »'tenlisls should impmvp |h<* design of the exprrinienlA
D. lhe pxjMrimenls failed to predict how planl» read Io climate change
31. Scienlists pay special atteinion tn I he study cf plants hecause _______________ *
A. they can prove the cliiuule change clearly
B. they are vcr>- important in the f<xxl cJiajns
C. they play a. leading mle in reducing global warming
D- they art growing and flowering much faster than b<*ibr电
32. What can be inferred fmm thr last two paragraphs about the world's temperatun ?
A“ It needs to be controlled within 2 I. in this century.
B, Its change will l**ad ic wealhsr exlremes.
C. it is 0, f?戈:higher in 1979 than thal of 1900, I
D_ It has risen nearly 0. 2戈:since 1979.
\]dVf A n i(-e Jay 1" may be u pleasant 呂^slure nr a nieaninfkjw espressionj Vi hen my frirnd Maxie says " Havt a n j ce J U y M w j})a smile, I know she sincerely cares ulwut whitl Imppens to me. 1 fc'J l lovt'ti and secure since anoiher per son careh aboul me and wishes mt*
a nie<j day. Nrt!" Ttiis versinn nf llie 旷冲即滸linn ins H[H»kcn by « sal^irl nl the su|n-nnarket who is ru4ting me and my 耳rocr”:* oul Th” wo rth
come nul in I lie seitne tone ()用调)wilh a fixed pnMnlurc. I'hev are apt>ken at m竹not to nn\ Ohviounly, du* “mtwm for my driy dml <-vervain•IN thf 血川山弊"1门"1 allenipt Lo iitcrcasr busi-
Thr ex[)n-KMi<jn W niie of iho^1 I H-I MIUOI> lhnl In-Ip proplr 屮4 nloii^ with VH(41 miit'i, Suuftiinrs it inilirate^ the end of a meeting. Aft soon UH you hear il, you know the meeting id ul ufi end. SuliiMHiiw I he exprcsNion saves us when we don't know whal M 邓\ "Oh, you juM liml H lunith mit? I'm terribly winy, hut him a nicr day.H
The express HXI can be pkuuinL If H Hlnuiger t*uyn 'L II JIVP U nirr ilny!" tu y叫you nuiy find il heart-warming be- rakJHf> someone vou dm" know hus tried U J be nice Io you.
33 ^ hdi 辰H 曲 uruh riinMl M*ntenc« in ”;1砂刘由 2 mean?
;V The Mih 邯iri is impolite
H ,The uleigid is ^ngr>'.
Q The sah ■年汩
aboul lhe author.
D, The Hflle^girl say* the words as a n )uhnf*. 34. Ify Allying "H^ve a nice day!"* a ilrsupi may ________ ___ __ + A. try 讪 be pnlilc Io you & express thanks to you
C, jpve hits bl 皿唱 io you )share his happiness with you
35, Whal ia the besi title of the passage?
A. Have d Nice Day —a Holile Ending of n Conversation
B. Ilnvt- JJ Nice Day —a Pleasant G CKIUIV
(L llu¥e u Nice Du>,—a Heart-wamiinj! (; recti ng D, Have a Nice Day —a Social Custom

|1iv Iriimiet hns o|x'ricd up u whole ncu inline wnrkd for us lo mecl. chai and 卿 wht 1 wr T v^ ncv^r heen lw j fore. But jufit as in face ⑴ face romnunicatii :fri h lhere are jwimr FIJ I E of behavior ihdt ihotdd he follnwed when online. The 加Pc nile is simple ; tn-at tjlhers in lhe saiiv MIV
wimld w 百nt to be treated. 36
For anything you're about to
stntl ; ask ynurM-if, "Wlmhl I say this to
|H ,rw>nl lare?H ]f the answer is no b rewrite and reread, 37 八
If SOHIMM in tln> ehut room is rude to mu ,、“tir instinct (本能)is to fire hack in the same manner, But try not to du so. 38 . If it was caused by a disa^n I'nwnt with another member try to fix lhe situation by politely dkciming it. Remember reaped the beliefs and opinion 、ui others in the chai room.
39__. Offer advice 卅 htin asked by n<^.: ntrtrr>+ an I hey mjiy nol be sure what to dn or how to communicate. U'hen sdineuiiv rritikvi ;
LL [iiislakr, whether ifs a stu[nd qurslion or an unnecessarily lonp answer, he kind about it. Jf iLs a small inisiakf, you tnay hut need lo say anything.
Hen if you feel strongly about it, think Iwice befurt* saying anything;. Having giMMl irmTin^rs ynurself doesn't give you licen-< hi conscl everyone else. If you do dseide In t 亡 11 Hfirrwwne alxml a mislake, point it uut pjlitely. Al the Ramie time, if ym inid ynu are wrung t be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those lhal you have offtrndwL
It is n<)i pdile lu ask otiiers personal qu«-srii»ns such as their a^e, sex and marital status. 40
, don't ask such
A, It s natural that there some people "h.、])?ak rudely or make mistakes online
IL Repeal Lhe process till you feel 申r” ih.” you'd feel comfortable saying the words to lhe person's face G Eve^onc was nev, lo th< network omr.
[[ Imagine hnw you*d fceJ if you w^rr m -| “ 祇曰 person's ghnes
E. When you strul short niessagea Io u w nnliius you must say smnethin 百 beautiful lo hear 1should either ignoir lhe pers*" "i L 叶 your chai software to block dieir messages
eirep ( thdi L I i 日 a liltle unirHenm 哄 The 如刑闭.the waiirrs*T lhe leather, wd all the counts othera 屿凹理 pn0llg h ic prelend they 忸侏 when 1H 比汕$ 亦狀 care all that much. Whib 血 expgian may not often be uimpre. it i9 dw 缈 spcpktn. Tlw point i» that [屮叩b «y it all the time when lhey like”
「j J
G” Unleaa you know lhe persoo vel7 *' - tin I you are both comfortable with sharing personal infonnation
th .乩中血比也(JI 2ft 小題i 筛小Mfi l ・$分."川力)
-遗出可也填人空白处的Jft 佳选項*
闻就Mftiwt.肚灿丈川吝期所价的四C 邈覘
(;v IK 曲山中
1 1 旳卅” n ^iinlrHC'r ^h<*u 1 WOM iwclvr, My wrly
nf '*1 mn y not have originalc (i fnmi my love for
niHm^h li w 汕 Io 42 叫 IHIEII M
Ai (hoi binc\ 柑 Ihi4 tL M K yunl in wliii li u branOlnl ” 叫山'"''''"" my mother oTirni looked with 43 at
Ihin work uf lumiral «11. Thww 丽山叫


luiv of mbhinh h 叫
^rrirthing else hi 44 ■ *' lhe
曲讪岫特 htny wilh gnnlrnmn ,my Inlhrr evrn llioughl
il uii WJIH U- of tiirp*-
At dwt akgi\ 1 dlwuyn did iHHiwlhing 45 to wlmlfivisr niy l Kin ' '电
If giiniening wcrr : Homrlhing they found
46 * 1 would phut a ganfen!
_ [ pbmkd xme lily (百會花)MW 血 in thn yard. But 由巧佃阀⑴ _ 空―【«mlig to plant «inT * and iww. Wild 48 j 帕 I M the Hnt n» bloom (开花)
门加’呵 one .
山卿師创(如《1 their heads off.
, | wns iouch«(l by thiH land (»f wiHider.
, my pamnls showed no inttrcnl in my ganlen. My faih*r 宀珊斗
al mv betauHe he (bund, it was
52 (o move AHHirnl my glint lr ii Io ihr drivrw«y H To
my mother's 53 t L
pul in her vw k my real roses which, in
hrr nrs, wRrt^ hinihly wertls 54
RegiinllesM of iheir 55
, ]kq )i on plummg my 凱rd 何 und 篩 1。

enjoy the pleasure of gardening. Planis
mflkr such gntd com pnn ions : they breathe . they bloom, they 57 lo care and Ime.
It h 旳 been many year* Mince 1 made my Aral ganlcn out of my desire to 』
58 my parents. Today I become known
HS Mrs. Greenlhumba^ tenching gardening and hutin^ t
严rrl«iin 月 更hich makes mv parents feel very 59 . And
now I could suv il is my 60 for Huhar^ that mukeH M a real panlrnt-r.
4L A. memorizing B. dreamiri^ C+ gardening (
Lh designing 42. A, please B. chuti^e C. help D» annoy 43, A. doubt B. upprecialion C. surprise D. excitement 44. A. collect up B. care alxrtjt C- elean up D+ comr in 45. A. equal B, similar C, superior D. opposite 46. A. painful Ik valuable C. upsf-llirig D. inleresling 4人 A e came up B. brHflk out C. hold ori IX get tliruugh
48. h* to B. wilh C. in ;
D. by 49. I Luckily B. Cheerfully C, Regulurlv D. EvenlujJly 50. A. InstHad B. However C. Tlierrftire D, Besides 5!. A f shouted B. Laughed C* glurw-rd I), jumped 52, A. mnv«*nienl 11. trnuhlrMirne c. enjoyable i
D. (Ungerous 53. A, ^adn^MN JL difiplenfiijre 匚 tldighi I
D. relief 54. A. Alber than B. more thun G rmher 血讥 D.扭*i than 55, A. dih!ike H. <*nr7)ui\i^rjnerki C. thrrai Ik
56. A. decided B, HhlpjH-4 C. roiitii tUn |
D. Biru 隔led 57” A. devote It lurn 匚 wpoiid
D. lend 58. A. defi-Hi Ik mitiMy l :“ n^|H i i
D. challenge 59, A” pn )ud B. conifrjrtjiiilr ("N ! H U I L
]).dieappoinled 60. A. memory
tin ttuqiriM*
C, hhlirj
D. affection

Many people 恤血理山机they 01 (auppoee) to drink eight glasses of water a day, or曲川山仲"血灼'' 關FII腰ihui i* 62 lh码血帼I”叩卜oM all ihrir iig 辭a new rejjcrt 册饰沁时differ^ 亦站件-论el P ertS 艸[补神»hnnld ol>ev ilu b ir Mhes;they slmuld drink as 64 wuler E13 th町feel like _______________________________________________________________________________ 65_ (drink)
血呻poll MtaiEis some genenili 66 ( suggest). The HKperts 弓町that women wbouM gel abnul -■ 7 ll1<,rv "
wstfT daih\ Men ^hmtld 牌ftlmut 3. 7 litsrs. Bui wuU f in eaeh cuse, thul it+ more than ej^ht glaasen. Ri^rc i* _§?_ inipfirtant di他刚g The report 佝咋nol Lrll people how ninny gla■钠册of water to drink 68 吊%怙experts sa X 帕]il niav 險69 (possible) to know hciw inanv glumes are needed to meet theae guidelines. Tins is hn^ausp "卅tkih reqiiirunienl can include the w'il er 70___ ( rnntain) in fomlfi.

文中共冇10赴语言错课’ 毎旬中最多有两处。

删除;把多余的词用斜线(\ \划掉“
楼改:在错的词Fili -橫线,并在该词下面写出修更后的词。


『5仙1 击SundaVa III、be*rn in Caxuids for two mtHilhs, llus is hr^t Ih&l I have been awax from my family for 'iirh a long Lime. U ilh die help of kalia
nxirtimate of mc+ i'vc *MH got used Iti livp without my parents Lunund, Katia^
, . r , '
liktr nidTiy other Rihrinn girk h are iihse and lively. %e ber<ime friendis shortly after we mwt each oltier. Mt hough her F"ngl 141 is a little hardly to Lmdwi.;」if, we enjoy chat and we usually talk a lol about our own Whre bath 沁r-
i.,n" that (.hinz fdturr or Ru-<knij ™llurt' an:so different” Now, we're planning A册all party for the ne\t SuiuJa^. Thfrr仁Kahii will in|mduf:e me If -i.r-ie M hfT fritfiidsj one of who I ILIH been Io China severu]times. I jusl i-iui T t w^il, 第二节:书面表达(满分25分j
假定有一批外宾要在中国让*节(Spring Festival) T他们很想了解关于我国春节的一些情况牺prinjjF皿胡”为邀
婆嵐I &£
2也細惯闪敝穿麻,吃年收臥弭脳附打工其他内欽^Kj. .y M F
第I卷(选择题,共100 分)
Today is Sun day . I ' ve bee n in Can ada for two mon ths . This is A first time
families . we re both
⑦ chatt ing
pla nning a small
⑧ and people go to visit their relatives and friends .As a rule , children are given some
that I have bee n ①the
away from my family for such a long time . With the help of Katia , a roommate of me, I ' ve soon got
② mi
used to live without my pare nts around
Katia , like many other Russian girls , are
nice and lively ③ livi ng
We became friends shortly after we meet each other a little hardly to
Although her En glish is
⑥ hard
un dersta nd
we enjoy chat and we usually
talk a lot about our own
that Chinese culture or Russian culture
are so different
Now, we' re
money to buy things they like .
People often have a good time during the Festival .
第二部分:阅读理解 第一节
A 【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文,介绍了四个关于语


根据 Nearpod 部分的"…Nearpod is a software program... ” 可知,
Nearpod 是一个帮助学生学习词汇的软件,故选
C 。


根据 TEO 部分的“…teachi ng online with TEO. ”可知,老师要想
学习在线教学课程应该去 502 室。


根据 Kahoot 部分的 “ Kahoot software can be used to create grammar
tests which can be graded on a network.
”可知, Kahoot 可以检测学员的语法

for the n ext Sun day . There , Katia
me to some of her friends
one of who has
⑩ whom
bee n to China several times I just can ' t wait
第二节:书面表达(满分25分) 【参考范
Spring Festiva
The Chinese NewYear is called Spring Festival
,it usually comes in January or
February . There is a name for each year . It may be called the year of the dog or the year of the mon key . And this year is the year of the rooster
Before the NewYear ' s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a general cleaning . On the last day of the old year , there is a big family dinner . All members
of the family try to be prese nt at the meal On the first day of the new year
24. D 细节理解题。

根据Prezi 部分的"draw students ' attention to speaking more
fluently. ”可知,要想提高说的技能学员应该在下午3:30 前到。

【语篇导读】Kate 回娘家了,留下丈夫Henry 在家里照看三个淘气的小家伙。


25. C 推理判断题。


26. B 细节理解题。


27. C 推理判断题。

通读全文可知,Henry 打电话给日托所的原因是他照顾不了三个淘气

28. D 篇章结构题。


C 【语篇导读】本文为科普类文章。


29. B 细节理解题。

根据第一段的“ Plants are flowering faster than scientists
predicted (预测)…”可知,作者是要告知读者植物开花的速度超出了科学家的预测。


30.C 推理判断题。

根据第五段第二句“ It found that some experiments had
underestimated (低估)the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by
4 times. ”暗示读者:对于植物所设计的实验应该有所改进。


31.B 细节理解题。

根据第四段第二句“ They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and
ecosystem services. ”可知,植物对气候变化的反应对整个食物链和生态系统都至关重要。


32. A 推理判断题。

根据倒数第二段"…has risen by about 0.8 °C si nee 1900, a nd nearly
0.2 C every ten years since 1979. ”可知C、D两项错误;根据最后一段的内容可知,如果
本世纪地球变暖超过2C,便会出现weather extremes。

世纪地球温度的上升需要控制在 2 C的范围之内。



主要介绍" Have a nice day !”这一习语,

33. D 句义猜测题。

根据本段第三句“ The words come out in the same tone (腔调)
with a fixed procedure. ”和最后一句“ Obviously ,the concern for my day and everyone else
's is the management 's attempt to increase business. ”可


34 .A细节理解题。

根据第四段第二句“ If a stranger says‘Have a nice day!'to yo
u, you may find it heart-warming because someone you don't know has tried t
.D be nice to you. ”可知,陌生人向你问好,是出于礼貌。




36 .D根据上文“ treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.


根据上文"rewrite and reread ”可知,B项与之吻合。


39 .C根据下文“ Offer advice when asked by newcomers ,”可知,

.G 根据上下文内容,可知G项符合文义。

的年龄表现出来的是一种叛逆,虽然这种喜好让父母很不高兴,但“我” 的执着却改变了他们。


41.C 根据前一句“ I became a gardener when I was twelve. ”可知。

42.D 当时的“我”很叛逆,由于父母不喜欢种植花草,“我”这样做只是为了和父母作对,惹他们生气。

43.A 根据空前的“ a beautiful maple tree ”及空后的“ Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her …”可知,母亲在看着这件大自然的工艺作品时,

44.C 根据句意:母亲认为那些金黄色的叶子是一堆垃圾,所以应该清除。

45.D 该空所在的句子和下一句表示“我”在那个年龄的逆反心理,家长反对的“我”偏要做。

46.C upsetting 和opposite 形成信息互补。

47.A come up 在此表示“发芽,开花” 。

该句用表示转折的连词but 来引出不能发芽开花的结果。

48.B “with +名词”结构作状语。

49.D 句意:自己的坚持和劳作终于有了结果。

用eventually 来表示结果来之不易。

50.B 尽管“我”的花园有了满园春色,但根据该空后的“myparents showed no interest ” 可知此处表示转折。

51.A 因为花草影响了父亲开车,父亲很生气地冲“我”大喊大叫( shout at )。

52.B 句意:花草满地使父亲开车进出不方便。

53.B 句意:母亲也不喜欢花草,当“我”把“我”种的花放在她的花瓶里,她也只是把它们当成了杂草。

sadness 表示伤感,与母亲的喜好无关。

54. ........................................................................................................................................... C 短语辨析。

rather than此处表示"而不是” ;other than意思是"除了.......................... 没有”;
more than 表示“多于” ;less than 表示“少于” 。

55. A regardless of 表示让步,句意:尽管父母不喜欢,我仍然坚持种植花草。

56. C continue 在此表示“执着和坚持” 。

57. C 句意:花草有情,对“我的爱心”有反应和回报。

58.D 句意:“我的坚持”对父母是挑战。

59.A 形容词辨析。


60.D 句意:过去是因为叛逆和父母作对而种植花草,而现在却是真爱自然及花草。


61. are supposed be supposed to do 是固定用法,表达"应该/被期望做...... ”。

62.what 连词用来引导表语从句,在表语从句中作宾语。

63. But 表“转折”关系。

64. much 形容词表数量。

65. drinking 固定搭配feel like doing sth. 想要做某事。

66. suggestions 用名词作宾语。

67. an 考查冠词。

68. In in fact 为固定短语,表示“实际上,事实上” 。

69. impossible impossible 是possible 的反义词表示“不可能” 。

70. contained 过去分词作定语,修饰名词water ,表示被动关系。


①在first 前加the 序数词前需要加定冠词the 。

②me改为mine 表示 "我的一位舍友”用 a roommate of mine 或one of my roommates 。

③live 改为living be used to doing sth. 表示"习惯做某事” ;used to do sth. 表
示“过去常常做某事” ;be used to do sth. 表示“被用来做某事” 。

④are改为is 该句的主语是Katia,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

⑤meet改为met 主句动词became为过去时态形式,从句动词meet应改为过去式met,与其保持时态一致。

⑥hardly改为hard hard "难的,困难的” ;hardly "几乎不”,根据句意,故将hardly
改为hard 。

固定搭配enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

⑦ chat 改为chatting
⑧ or 改为and 此处是并列关系而不是选择关系,故将or 改为and。

⑨去掉the next Sunday 指的是从现在算起的下个礼拜天,而the next Sunday 则指的


⑩who改为whom引导定语从句时,who不能直接跟在介词之后,介词后应接宾格关系代词whom 此处的whom指指代的是先行词friends 。

Text 1
W:We drove to the mountains last weekend ,but it started raining heavily on the way.
M:What did you do then?
W:We had to go to the nearest town and stay there .
Text 2
M:This machine is fifteen thousand dollars .That's far over budget! Would you give us a discount? W:I could say fourteen thousand five hundred .
M:I was hoping to pay less .Thirteen thousand dollars ?
W:Sorry ,that 's our best price .
Text 3
W:Peter's never been one of my favorite players ,I must admit ,but he does try hard .
M:He wasn't doing well at first ,was he? I keep expecting him to improve ,but it just doesn 't happen .
Text 4
M:I always park cars on the road outside ,but I heard there were new arrangements for them .
W:Yeah,now we have to leave them behind this building .As to the keys ,you can leave them in the box outside Reception .
Text 5
W Have you just come out of the theater? Ur…can I just ask you , what did you think of the film? M:Well ,I 've read the book and I loved it ,so I was looking forward to the film .And I wasn 't disappointed .
Text 6
W:Now this get-together we are having at the Club Mango .
M:Yes,that 's right .
W:It 's not my favorite place .Couldn't we think of somewhere better?
M:Well ,the others seem to be happy enough with it .
W:The trouble is ,it 's so noisy there that you can 't really have any sort of conversation .And surely that 's the point of us all getting together .
M:So,what,you don't want to come?
W:That's not what I said .I 'd just rather meet up som ewhere else .I 'm sure we could come up with a better place if we give it some thought .
Text 7
M:There is certainly plenty to choose from .
W:I 'mfinding it hard to know where to start .Would you like to look at the answering machines? Let 's start here .I like this one .
M:We can't afford to pay $129 for an answering machine .
W:But it must be of high quality .
M:There's this one for $89 or the smaller one for $59 .
W:I like the square shape of the smaller one .It 'll fit neatly on my desk .
M:And it 's the cheapest .We' ll buy that one .
W:OK.What's next?
M:Let me look at the list .We have to choose a television .This one is 34 cm .
W:I really think 34 cm is too small for our room .
M:Then let 's take one bigger than 34 cm
W:All right .Anything else?
M:No.Let's go and have a cup of coffee !
Text 8
M:There ' s one car advertisement that opens with part of a song by Bjork .
W:I 've seen it .You are not sure what it 's advertising to begin with ,are you?
I thought the silver vehicle was a space-craft of the future .It ' s a bit of
let-do wn when you realize it ' s just another car advertisement in the end!
M Yes, the beginning is a bit misleading …It ' s funny , isn ' tit? Sometimes the most effective ads are the really simple ones —you know,like a famous actor
sitting down at the breakfast table with his family ,enjoying a particular kind of food …
W:Heeats it ,so it must be good.That actress from Friends is advertising soap.Seeing famous people on TV can be a huge influence on us .
M:Yeah.The ads they put on TV before the World Cup use big stars too ,don' t they?
W:Yeah,remember that one that had a whole team of top footballers!
Text 9
W:Good morning ,everyone .In the studio today we have Steve Jackson ,who' s going to tell us about his recent trip to the Antarctic .So,Steve ,what was it like? Did you freeze?
M:No,I didn ' t .While I was there the temperature was about seven degrees ,and
I found it quite comfortable .It can get stormy in the Antarctic ,but the seas were calm .
W:I guess you should take warm clothes .
M:Well ,you really need that ,but what I found most useful was dark sunglasses .The sun can get really strong with the reflection off the snow and the ice .
W:What were the other passengers like?
M:Oh,the atmosphere on board the ship was great .The crews were mainly American ,and they did their best to get everyone to mix .
W:Did you come across any people apart from your fellow tourists?
M:Yes,a few of the scientists at a research station .They gave us coffee and biscuits one morning .W:What' s your best memory of the trip?
M:Hard to say ,really —there are so many .We saw a lot of wildlife ,but I guess what I most treasure is the large variety of birds we saw .
W:I guess the area was totally untouched before the scientists arrived .
M:Well ,actually ,there used to be a booming fishing industry in the area at one time ,but al l that 's left are some deserted buildings now .No old boats or
machines or anything like that though .
Text 10
Hello .This is May Lee speaking .This message is for Mrs. Brooks ,in student affairs .Mrs. Brooks ,I'm calling you to tell you why I want to change cla sses .I really
like my teacher and my classmates ,but I find it hard not to speak in my own
language .I ' m surrounded by other people from my country so it ' s natural that we all speak in our mother tongue .I have been looking around for a class where there
are very few other people from my country .The best class I can find is the evening class ,which begins at 6 pm.Most of the students in that class come from countries which speak Spanish ,and I can' t speak a word so I must use English .I have an Italian friend in the class .She says most people speak English at the break .Could you please see if I can join the class?
I 'm not sure what the class number is ,but the evening class I want is in Room 305.It ' s very easy for me to find my way to the new class .
I 'm staying in the library until late today ,so could you please leave a message for meat myfriend Margaret 's house? Her number is 8127543,and she has an answering machine .。
