
?1.草率前提(DictoSimpliciter)?例如:Womenareonave ragenotasstrongasmenandlessabletoperformwellpolitically.Therefore,womencan''tpulltheirweightingovernmentwork.?点评:虽然女性确实在政界担任较少工作,但这不意味着女性群体中所有的人都是这样。
?2.过度概化(HastyGeneralization)?例如:McDonald''sandKFCofferfoodswithlittlenutrition, andthuswecannotexpectanyfastfoodrestauranttoprovideuswithnutritiousfoods.?点评:两个个例不足以推出一个真理。

最新高英 logic fallacy 八大逻辑谬误

Drawing any supportable conclusion from a hyperthesis that is not ture.
高英 logic fallacy 八大逻辑谬误
Poisoning the well 井下放毒
My opponent is a notorious liar. You can't believe a word that he . is going to say.
高英 logic fallacy 八大逻辑谬误
Post hoc 牵强附会
McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods.
When the premises of an argument contradict
each other, there can be no argument.
高英 logic fallacy 八大逻辑谬误
Ad misericordiam 文不对题
We hope you'll accept our recommendations. We spent the last three months working extra time on it.
高英 logic fallacy 八大逻辑谬误
Hasty generalization 草率结论
Fred, the Australian, stole my wallet. Thus, all Australians are thieves.

英语作文逻辑谬误例子Logical fallacies are common pitfalls in English writing, often leading to flawed arguments or misleading conclusions. Here are several examples of logical fallacies that you might encounter in English composition:1. Ad Hominem: This fallacy involves attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself. For example:"You can't trust Bob's opinion on climate change because he's not a scientist."2. Straw Man: This occurs when someone misrepresents their opponent's argument to make it easier to attack. For instance:"Opponents of the new healthcare policy want to see people suffer without any medical care."3. Appeal to Authority: Relying on the opinion of an authority figure rather than presenting evidence or reasoned arguments. For example:"Dr. Smith says that eating three meals a day is unhealthy, so it must be true."4. False Dilemma: Presenting only two options when there are actually more available. For instance:"Either we ban all cars or we destroy the environment."5. Circular Reasoning: When the conclusion of an argument is essentially the same as one of its premises, making the argument invalid. For example:"The Bible is true because it says so, and it's the word of God."6. Appeal to Ignorance: Asserting that a claim is true simply because it hasn't been proven false, or vice versa.For example:"There's no evidence that aliens don't exist, sothey must exist."7. Hasty Generalization: Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient or biased evidence. For instance:"I met two rude French people, so all French people must be rude."8. Red Herring: Introducing irrelevant information to divert attention from the topic at hand. For example:"Yes, I forgot to do my homework, but let's talk about how hard the assignment was instead."9. Appeal to Emotion: Using emotions such as fear, pity, or joy to manipulate an audience rather than presentingvalid arguments. For instance:"If we don't pass this law, think of all thechildren who will suffer!"10. Begging the Question: Assuming the truth of the conclusion in the premise. For example:"The death penalty is wrong because it is immoral to take a life."These are just a few examples of logical fallacies that writers should be aware of when crafting arguments or essays in English. Recognizing and avoiding these fallacies can help strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of your writing.。

谬误的七种分类一、绝对谬误(Absolute Fallacy)绝对谬误指的是假设完全不合乎逻辑和客观事实的谬误,此类谬误是以逻辑谬论为基础和框架来进行讨论的,因此被视为无法得出结论的误区。
二、比较谬误(Comparative Fallacy)比较谬误指的是滥用比较来证明某种特定观点的谬论,两个事物之间势必存在差异,因此没有必要去比较两者之间的不同点。
三、负面谬误(Negative Fallacy)负面谬误指的是没有考虑负面影响而仅仅证明正面影响的谬论。
四、遗漏谬误(Omission Fallacy)遗漏谬误指的是一方仅仅强调自己的观点,忽略另一方观点的谬论。
五、范畴谬误(Category Fallacy)范畴谬误指的是妄图把不同的事物或范畴混为一体的谬论,其中一小部分被错误地视为整体的主要特征。

常见逻辑谬误(Common fallacy)Common fallacyOrder tyrantIn the current China network, all kinds of controversy never dissipate too wolf. However, a large part of the debate was nonsense, tangled up, speak the same situation, let a person feel very helpless. One of the main reasons for the lack of information and knowledge in the debate is that one of the main reasons is the confusion of logical thinking, which leads to the emergence of various logical fallacies and sophistry. In the article, the author wanted to take stock of various common logical fallacies.Logic fallacy is divided into formal logic, false logic and non formal logic fallacy.Formal logic fallacy refers to the logical fallacy resulting from reasoning, deduction and argument without formal logic reasoning rules:Negative antecedent fallacy: "if A is then B; non A; so non B"."Example: if it is a bird, then it will die; people are not birds; therefore, people will not die."This is the misuse of categorical syllogism. The correct form of categorical syllogism should be: "if A is then B; A; so B?"."Sure post fallacy: "if A is then B; B; so A?";"Example: if it is fried dough sticks, then it is delicious; bread is delicious; therefore, bread is a fried bread stick."This is also the misuse of categorical syllogism.False dilemma reasoning: "A" or "B" or "C"; non A; so B."This is a misuse of disjunctive syllogism. Disjunctive syllogism is of the form: "A or B; A; B." The concatenation is in this form: "P1" or "P2" or "P3"...... Or Pn; non P2 and non P3...... And not Pn; so P1." In Holmes's words, "when all the other possibilities are eliminated and there is one left, it is the truth, no matter how unlikely it may seem."."The fallacy is called "false dilemma reasoning" because it is often expressed in such a form: "support China or support the United States; you do not support China; so you support the United States."." The formulation of sophist deliberately "neutral" option to hide, cause the illusion of disjunctive syllogism. It is worth noting that some people tend to classify false dilemma into informal logic fallacy.There are many forms of logic fallacy, most of which have not yet been formally named, and are not expressed here. The following focuses on informal logic fallacy:Appeal to ignorance: to judge that a thing is right, simply because it has not been proved wrong; or to judge that a thing is wrong, because it is not proved to be right.The logic of many conspiracy theorists, for example, is this: you can't disprove my theory, so my theory is right.For example, some "Chinese medicine powder" logic: science can not falsify the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, so the theory of Chinese medicine is correct. It looks like a beehiveOf course, "Chinese medicine powder" will attack people who do not accept Chinese medicine. They are resorting to ignorance: "at present, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine can not be scientifically proved, but it does not mean that Chinese medicine is wrong."." In fact, this is not to resort to ignorance, because people in this life threatening medical things, people not only do not accept the falsification of the theory, also do not accept unproven and not falsifiable theory, and only accept the proven theory.Circular reasoning. Also called "expected reasons" and "begging for magic"". This is the logical fallacy of using hypotheses to prove hypotheses.Typical form: "if P, then Q, if Q, then R, if R is P then; assume P; so P."."Example: "XX" says that God exists; because XX is the word of God, XX must not be wrong; therefore, God exists."Of course, when using the circle argument, the quibble will go around a big circle, making it seem impossible.When it comes to circular reasoning, by the way, the loopdefinition. A real example is used (it seems nineteenth Century) circles on the kilogram is defined as "from the standard air quality," a liter of water, and the definition of the standard atmospheric pressure is 101325 Pa, and the definition of the unit of pressure is the "Newton Pa (N/ per square metre" (m^2 the definition of the unit)), Newton of force is "so that the quality of a kilogram to produce a square meters per second acceleration force" (kg - m/ (s^2)), thus resulting in a circular definition. Later, in order to avoid circular definitions, kilograms were used to define the quality of an international kilogram of raw materials.Landslide fallacy. A logical fallacy that transforms "possibility" into "necessity".Those who use the fallacy of landslide often use a long string of reasoning linked together. Many of these reasoning are probabilistic (even small to negligible probabilities), whereas the quibble is deliberately stated as inevitability,Thus, one can eventually produce "almost no connection" results from one thing.Example: "if you buy the Japanese goods, the Japanese company will be profitable; if the Japanese corporate earnings, then development of Japanese companies to expand; if Japanese companies grow, the national strength of Japan will become the first in the world; if the power of Japan to become the world's first, then Japan will Chinese aggression. So if you buy Japanese goods, you're helping Japan invade china."All kinds of "exaggeration" is often used in landslide fallacy.Overgeneralization。

分散注意力的谬误(Fallacie s of Dis traction)两难推理(False Di lemma)∙错谬:为多于一个答案的问题提供不足(通常两个)的选择,即是隐藏了一些选择,最典型的表现是非黑即白观点。
诉诸无知(From Ig norance)∙错谬:因为不能否定,所以必然肯定,反之亦然。
除了肯定和否定,我们还可以存疑吧!滑坡谬误(S lipperySlope)∙错谬:不合理使用连串因果关系。
复合问题(Compl ex Quest ion)∙错谬:一条问题内包含两个无关的重点。
诉诸其他支持(Appea ls to Mo tiv es in Place o f Suppor t)诉诸势力(Appealto Force)∙错谬:以势力服人。

1. Ad Hominem Fallacy(人身攻击谬误)这种谬误是通过攻击对手的人格或品德来质疑他们的观点的有效性。
'2. Appeal to Authority Fallacy(权威谬误)这种谬误是基于权威人士的观点而不是事实或逻辑来支持某个观点。
'3. Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy(无知谬误)这种谬误是基于缺乏证据来证明某个事情或观点是正确的,或者缺乏证据来证明它是错误的。
'4. Appeal to Emotion Fallacy(情感谬误)这种谬误是基于情感而不是事实或逻辑来支持某个观点。
例如: '我们必须支持这个计划,因为它会让我们的孩子更加安全。
' 5. Bandwagon Fallacy(跟风谬误)这种谬误是基于大多数人支持某个观点而不是事实或逻辑来支持它。
'6. Begging the Question Fallacy(迎合问题谬误)这种谬误是基于假设某个事情是正确的而不是提供证据来证明它是正确的。
'7. False Dichotomy Fallacy(伪二元论谬误)这种谬误是基于错误的二元论,即只有两个选项可供选择。
例如: '你是要支持我们的计划,还是反对我们的计划?'8. Slippery Slope Fallacy(滑坡谬误)这种谬误是基于假设一个事件的发生将导致不可避免的结果。

(⼀)了解基本逻辑,避免常见错误要了解基本逻辑错误⼀定不能错过⼀篇英⽂⼩品⽂Love Is A Fallacy(作者Max Shulman),这⾥仅列举出⼗种最常见的逻辑错误。
1.草率前提(Dicto Simpliciter)例如:Women are on average not as strong as men and less able to perform well politically. Therefore, women can't pull their weight in government work.点评:虽然⼥性确实在政界担任较少⼯作,但这不意味着⼥性群体中所有的⼈都是这样。
2.过度概化(Hasty Generalization)例如:McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods.点评:两个个例不⾜以推出⼀个真理。
3.因果颠倒(Post Hoc)例如:Most young criminals watch violent movies before they commit their crimes; obviously, violent movies lead to juvenile delinquency.点评:甲事情发⽣在⼄事情之前,这并不代表着先发⽣的甲事情就是后发⽣的⼄事情的原因。
4.⽭盾前提(Contradictory Premises)例如:If God can do everything, can he make a stone so heavy that he can't carry?点评:前提条件中就有相互⽭盾的地⽅,结论当然是错误的。

分散注意力的谬误(Fallacies of Distraction)两难推理(False Dilemma)•错谬:为多于一个答案的问题提供不足(通常两个)的选择,即是隐藏了一些选择,最典型的表现是非黑即白观点。
诉诸无知(From Ignorance)•错谬:因为不能否定,所以必然肯定,反之亦然。
除了肯定和否定,我们还可以存疑吧!滑坡谬误(Slippery Slope)•错谬:不合理使用连串因果关系。
复合问题(Complex Question)•错谬:一条问题内包含两个无关的重点。
诉诸其他支持(Appeals to Motives in Place of Support)诉诸势力(Appeal to Force)•错谬:以势力服人。
诉诸怜悯(Appeal to Pity)•错谬:以别人的同情心服人。
logical fallacy 逻辑错误

(一)了解基本逻辑,避免常见错误要了解基本逻辑错误一定不能错过一篇英文小品文Love Is A Fallacy(作者Max Shulman),这里仅列举出十种最常见的逻辑错误。
1.草率前提 (Dicto Simpliciter)例如:Women are on average not as strong as men and less able to perform well politically. Therefore, women can't pull their weight in government work.点评:虽然女性确实在政界担任较少工作,但这不意味着女性群体中所有的人都是这样。
2.过度概化 (Hasty Generalization)例如:McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods.点评:两个个例不足以推出一个真理。
3.因果颠倒 (Post Hoc)例如:Most young criminals watch violent movies before they commit their crimes; obviously, violent movies lead to juvenile delinquency.点评:甲事情发生在乙事情之前,这并不代表着先发生的甲事情就是后发生的乙事情的原因。
4.矛盾前提 (Contradictory Premises)例如:If God can do everything, can he make a stone so heavy that he can't carry?点评:前提条件中就有相互矛盾的地方,结论当然是错误的。

(1). Dicto Simpliciter Fallacy(绝对判断谬误):It occurs when an acceptable exception is ignored or eliminatedFor example:1. The Plane is the fastest tool of transportation. Therefore, every time when we go for a business trip, we should take the plane.2. Tertiary education is important, so everyone in China should study hard for a bachelor degree.(2). Hasty Generalization Fallacy(草率结论谬误)It reaches an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence.For example:1. Lucy is a prime student. Mary is a prime student. Steve is a prime student, too. Therefore, all the students in this college are prime students.2. I haven’t seen a UFO; Jason hasn’t either; Ms Yan hasn’t probably; so no UFO in the world at all.(3).Post Hoc Fallacy (牵强附会)It is a logical fallacy of the questionable cause that states, "Since that event followed this one, that event must have been caused by this one."For example:1. Don’t sing this song. Each time you sing this song, I get sick.2. That old man is very wealthy, so he must be very healthy.3. Your eyes are really big, so you must have very good eyesight.(4). Contradictory Premises Fallacy (矛盾前提谬误)The conclusion is contradictory to the premiseFor example:1. This is the mightiest sword which is able to shatter any shield, and that is the most indestructible shield which is capable of enduring any stroke.2. If God can do anything, can he make a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it? And If God is all powerful, can he put himself out of existence and come back with twice the power he had before?(5). Ad Misericordiam Fallacy(诉诸同情,文不对题)It is also called an appeal to pity. It is a fallacy in which someone tries to win support for an argument or idea by exploiting the opponent's sympathy or guilt.For example:1. Maybe I am not qualified enough for this job, but think about my poor living conditions, my two twin girls who are now in hospital.2. “ Why are you late for class again?” “ Because I got up late this morning, and unfortunately I fell down from my bike when riding to school.”(6). False Analogy Fallacy(错误类比谬误)It is a fallacy in which an argument is based on misleading, superficial, or implausible comparisons.For example:1. Since we have moon cakes in the Moon Festival, why don’t we have spring cakes in the Spring Festival?2. Before the building of the library, we all studied in the classroom. So I think you should also study in the classroom.(7). Hypothesis Contrary to Fact(与事实相反的假设)For example:1. If TV were not invented, today people would never have such wonderful entertainment by watching TV programme.2. If the paper hadn’t been invented by the talented Chinese, there wouldn’t have been so many books in the world.(8). Poisoning the Well (投毒下井)It involves trying to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information about the person.For example:1. Don't talk to Sam, for he's a scoundrel.2. I suggest that you do not listen to any word from Pro Smith, for he is a real jerk. I think he is some sort of eurocentric fascist."。

英语作文逻辑谬误分析In analyzing logical fallacies in English essays, it's crucial to understand the common types of errors that can occur. Logical fallacies are flaws in reasoning that weaken the overall argument. Here, I'll discuss several prevalent fallacies and provide examples to illustrate each one.1. Ad Hominem: This fallacy involves attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself.Example: "John's proposal for healthcare reformshouldn't be taken seriously because he's a known criminal."2. Straw Man: This occurs when someone misrepresents their opponent's argument to make it easier to attack.Example: "Opponents of stricter gun control laws want to arm everyone, turning our streets into warzones."3. Appeal to Authority: This involves using anauthority figure's opinion as evidence in an argument when the authority is not truly an expert on the subject.Example: "Dr. Smith, a renowned physicist, believes in the existence of ghosts, so they must be real."4. False Dichotomy: This occurs when only two options are presented as if they are the only possibilities when,in fact, there are more.Example: "Either we cut social programs entirely, or our country will go bankrupt."5. Circular Reasoning: This happens when the conclusion is simply restated in different terms as evidence to support the conclusion.Example: "The Bible is true because it is the word of God, and we know this because the Bible says so."6. Appeal to Emotion: This involves manipulating emotions to distract from the facts of the argument.Example: "Supporting this environmental policy is the only compassionate choice for caring individuals."7. Hasty Generalization: This occurs when a conclusionis drawn from insufficient evidence.Example: "I met one rude person from France, so all French people must be rude."8. Appeal to Ignorance: This fallacy asserts that a proposition is true because it has not been proven false,or vice versa.Example: "Aliens must exist because no one has proven they don't."9. Begging the Question: This happens when the conclusion of an argument is assumed in one of the premises.Example: "The death penalty is wrong because it is morally unacceptable to execute people."10. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: This fallacy assertsthat because one event follows another, the first event must have caused the second.Example: "Every time I wear my lucky socks, my team wins. Therefore, my lucky socks must be the reason for our victories."In English essays, it's important to identify and avoid these logical fallacies to strengthen the argument's credibility and persuasiveness. By recognizing these errors in reasoning, writers can construct more robust and compelling arguments.。

八大逻辑谬误事例英语作文英文回答:Logic fallacies are errors in reasoning that can weaken an argument or make it invalid. There are eight major types of logical fallacies that people often encounter in everyday conversations, debates, and written texts. Let me provide you with some examples to illustrate each of these fallacies.1. Ad Hominem: This fallacy occurs when someone attacks the person making the argument instead of addressing the argument itself. For example, if someone says, "You can't trust what she says because she's a terrible person," they are committing an ad hominem fallacy.2. Appeal to Authority: This fallacy happens when someone relies on the opinion of an authority figure instead of providing evidence or reasons to support their argument. For instance, saying, "My doctor said that thisproduct is the best, so it must be true," is an appeal to authority fallacy.3. False Dilemma: This fallacy presents only twooptions when there are actually more available. For example, saying, "You're either with us or against us," is a false dilemma fallacy because there may be other options or perspectives to consider.4. Slippery Slope: This fallacy suggests that one thing will lead to another, usually with extreme consequences.For instance, arguing that if we allow same-sex marriage,it will lead to people marrying animals is a slippery slope fallacy.5. Straw Man: This fallacy misrepresents or exaggerates an opponent's argument to make it easier to attack. For example, if someone says, "Those who support gun control want to take away all our rights," they are creating astraw man argument.6. Circular Reasoning: This fallacy occurs when theconclusion is simply restating the premise in a slightly different way. For instance, saying, "I know the book is true because it says so in the book," is an example of circular reasoning.7. Hasty Generalization: This fallacy involves making a broad conclusion based on insufficient evidence. For example, if someone says, "All politicians are corrupt because I saw one taking a bribe," they are making a hasty generalization.8. Appeal to Emotion: This fallacy manipulates emotions to win an argument instead of relying on logic or evidence. For instance, using a sad story to convince someone to donate money without providing facts or data is an appeal to emotion fallacy.Now, let me provide you with some examples in Chinese to further illustrate these logical fallacies.中文回答:逻辑谬误是在推理过程中出现的错误,可能会削弱一个论点或使其无效。

1. 漏洞谬误(Fallacy of Omission)漏洞谬误指在论证过程中,无视了一些重要的事实或信息,导致推理结论不完整或片面。
为避免漏洞谬误,写作时应确保:- 在提供论据时,事先做好充分的调查和研究,收集到全面的信息。
- 分析问题时,全面考虑各种相关因素和角度。
- 评估对立观点时,不要遗漏重要的反驳论据。
2. 偷换概念谬误(Fallacy of Equivocation)偷换概念谬误指在论证过程中,使用了同一个词语但不同的含义,造成了逻辑上的混淆和错误。
为避免偷换概念谬误,写作时应注意:- 使用词语时,确保其含义明确、一致,并且符合上下文的逻辑关系。
- 避免使用模棱两可的词语,尽量使用具体明确的表达方式。
3. 因果关系谬误(Fallacy of False Cause)因果关系谬误指在论证过程中,错误地断定某种因果关系,从而导致了逻辑上的错误结论。
为避免因果关系谬误,写作时应谨慎考虑:- 在引用因果关系时,确保有足够的证据支持。
- 考虑其他潜在的因素或解释,避免以偏概全或片面地分析问题。
4. 非典型样本谬误(Fallacy of Hasty Generalization)非典型样本谬误指通过过少或不典型的样本来推断整体情况,从而导致不准确的结论。
为避免非典型样本谬误,写作时应注意:- 使用足够数量和多样性的样本进行分析,确保结论具有代表性。
- 考虑抽取样本的方法和方式,保证样本选择的随机性和客观性。
5. 伪命题谬误(Fallacy of False Dilemma)伪命题谬误指在论证过程中,将一个问题简化为两个极端对立的选项,忽略了中间地带的可能性,从而产生了错误的结论。
logical fallacy 逻辑错误[终稿](一)了解基本逻辑,避免常见错误要了解基本逻辑错误一定不能错过一篇英文小品文Love Is A Fallacy(作者MaxShulman),这里仅列举出十种最常见的逻辑错误。
1.草率前提 (Dicto Simpliciter)例如:Women are on average not as strong as men and less able to perform well politically. Therefore, women can't pull their weight in government work.点评:虽然女性确实在政界担任较少工作,但这不意味着女性群体中所有的人都是这样。
2.过度概化 (Hasty Generalization)例如:McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods.点评:两个个例不足以推出一个真理。
3.因果颠倒 (Post Hoc)例如:Most young criminals watch violent movies before they commit their crimes; obviously, violent movies lead to juvenile delinquency.点评:甲事情发生在乙事情之前,这并不代表着先发生的甲事情就是后发生的乙事情的原因。
4.矛盾前提 (Contradictory Premises)例如:If God can do everything, can he make a stone so heavy that he can't carry?点评:前提条件中就有相互矛盾的地方,结论当然是错误的。

(一)了解基本逻辑,避免常见错误要了解基本逻辑错误一定不能错过一篇英文小品文Love Is A Fallacy(作者Max Shulman),这里仅列举出十种最常见的逻辑错误。
1.草率前提(Dicto Simpliciter)例如:Women are on average not as strong as men and less able to perform well politically. Therefore, women can't pull their weight in government work.点评:虽然女性确实在政界担任较少工作,但这不意味着女性群体中所有的人都是这样。
2.过度概化(Hasty Generalization)例如:McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods.点评:两个个例不足以推出一个真理。
3.因果颠倒(Post Hoc)例如:Most young criminals watch violent movies before they commit their crimes; obviously, violent movies lead to juvenile delinquency.点评:甲事情发生在乙事情之前,这并不代表着先发生的甲事情就是后发生的乙事情的原因。
4.矛盾前提(Contradictory Premises)例如:If God can do everything, can he make a stone so heavy that he can't carry?点评:前提条件中就有相互矛盾的地方,结论当然是错误的。

(一)了解基本逻辑,避免常见错误要了解基本逻辑错误一定不能错过一篇英文小品文Love Is A Fallacy(作者Max Shulman),这里仅列举出十种最常见的逻辑错误。
1.草率前提(Dicto Simpliciter)例如:Women are on average not as strong as men and less able to perform well politically. Therefore, women can't pull their weight in government work.点评:虽然女性确实在政界担任较少工作,但这不意味着女性群体中所有的人都是这样。
2.过度概化(Hasty Generalization)例如:McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods.点评:两个个例不足以推出一个真理。
3.因果颠倒(Post Hoc)例如:Most young criminals watch violent movies before they commit their crimes; obviously, violent movies lead to juvenile delinquency.点评:甲事情发生在乙事情之前,这并不代表着先发生的甲事情就是后发生的乙事情的原因。
4.矛盾前提(Contradictory Premises)例如:If God can do everything, can he make a stone so heavy that he can't carry?点评:前提条件中就有相互矛盾的地方,结论当然是错误的。
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分散注意力 的 谬 误 ( F a l l a c i e s of D i s t r a c t i o n )为多于一个答案的问题提供不足(通常两个)的选择,即是隐藏了一些选择,最典型的表现是非黑即白观点除正邪之争外,还有邪邪之争及许多难分正邪的纷争,所以不能单以萨达姆邪恶便认定美军正义总有些事是既不能否定,亦不能肯定的。
因为迟到是不用功的表现;将来工作也不勤力;不勤力导致公司损失;公司损失就会倒闭;公 司倒闭会使人失业;失业造成家庭问题;家庭问题导致自杀率上升,为了防止自杀率上升,我们应判迟到的学生死刑。
解释:滑坡谬误中假定了连串 “可能性 ”为“必然性”。
比方说,迟到是否 “必然”是不用功的表现?将来工作又是否 “必然”不勤力?答案可想而知。
复合问题( Complex Question )错谬:一条问题内包含两个无关的重点。
例如你有干非法 勾当,但未必等于你还有继续。
诉诸其他支持( Appeals to Motives in Place of Support )诉诸势力( Appeal to Force )错谬:以势力服人两难推理( False Dilemma )例子:萨达姆是邪恶的,所以美军是正义之师诉诸无知( From Ignorance ) 错谬:因为不能否定,所以必然肯定,反之亦然 例子: 没有人能证明鬼不存在,那么鬼肯定存在 滑坡谬误( Slippery Slope )错谬: 解释: 解释:例子:若你不想被解雇,你必须认同公司的制度解释:这是以工作机会强迫员工认同制度,员工不是依据制度好坏来决定认同与否。
诉诸怜悯( Appeal to Pity )错谬:以别人的同情心服人。
诉诸结果( Consequences )错谬:以讨好或不讨好的结果服人例子:你若不听我的话,我便打你,不准你外出,扣起你的零用。
诉诸不中肯字词( Prejudicial Language )错谬:以不中肯的字词修饰论点例子:凡是爱国的人都会认同订立国家安全法的必要。
诉诸大众( Popularity )错谬:以被广泛接纳为理由服人例子:看!人人都这样说,还会错吗?一厢情愿( Wishful Thinking )错谬:以自己单方面想法作为论证根据。
改变话题( Changing the Subject )人身攻击( Attacking the Person )错谬〔一〕:以攻击发言人代替攻击其论点(因人废言)例子:张厂长反对陈主任增加成本会计部的建议:“你当然说成本会计十分重要,因为你是会计主任。
例子:父:吸烟对健康不好!儿:为什么你也吸?诉诸权威( Appeal to Authority )错谬〔一〕:诉诸讨论的范畴以外的权威人士。
)例子:有香车自然有美人,BENZ的总公司董事长都这样说啦!匿名权威( Anonymous Authority )错谬:匿名的权威人士使人不能确定其权威性。
作风盖过本体( Style Over Substance )错谬:讨论者以作风盖过事件本身使人认为其论点正确。
归纳的谬误( Inductive Fallacies )轻率的归纳( Hasty Generalization )错谬:用作归纳总体的样本太少例子:我问了十个人,有九个说反对民主党。
不具代表性的例子( Unrepresentative Sample )错谬:用作归纳的例子不能代表其总体。
香港人肯定有杀人倾向不当类比( Weak Analogy )错谬:以两件不相似的事件/事物作类比。
懒散的归纳( Slothful Induction )错谬:否定归纳得出来的恰当结论例子:即使有万多个实验证明化学物质影响我们的感觉,我就是不相信排除证据谬误( Fallacy of Exclusion )错谬:故意把重要的证据隐藏,以得出不同的结论。
例子:统计三段论的谬误( Fallacies Involving Statistical Syllogisms )例外( Accident )错谬:以概括情况加诸应有的例外情况。
相反的例外( Converse Accident )错谬:以例外情况加诸应有的概括情况。
因果的谬误( Causal Fallacies )Coincidental Correlation )错谬:以个别情况肯定某种因果关系。
解释:希希遇到的只是个别例子,不能因此论断该药必然导致过敏反应错谬:当两件事都为某原因的结果时,以一事为另一事的原因解释:炮火导致这家人的房子被毁及离乡逃难;房子被毁并不导致这家人离开原居地Genuine but Insignificant Cause )错谬:举出无足轻重的次要原因论证,遗漏真正的主因。
巧合谬误( 例子:希希吃了一种药,出现过敏反应。
复合结果( Joint Effect )例子:记者报导离乡背井的战争难民中的一家人:“他们因为房子被炮火所毁而逃到这里。
无足轻重( 倒果为因( Wrong Direction )复合原因( Complex Cause ) 错谬:只指出多个原因中的其中一个为事件主因例子:你一日到晚都只是玩游戏机而不温习,难怪你考试成绩那么差。
重音谬误( Accent )我知道有上帝,因为《圣经》是这样说,而《圣经》是不会错,因为它是上帝写的错谬:提出作支持的论据主要支持其他结论例子:错谬:扭曲对方论据以攻击之例子:进化论说人是由猩猩演化而来。
含糊不清谬误( Fallacies of Ambiguity )错谬:使用有多于一个含义的字眼例子:甲:喇叭中学又发生学生殴斗事件。
错谬:句子结构含多种解释方法例子:不恰当结论 Irrelevant Conclusion )主因。
解释: 除了玩游戏机而不温习外,还有其他原因,例如考试期间一时大意或者试题太难,但它们和玩游戏机一样,不一定是 论点缺失谬误( Missing the Point )乞求/窃取论点( Begging the Question )错谬: 以假定正确的论点得出结论例子: 稻草人谬误 Straw Man )含糊其辞( Equivocation )模棱两可( Amphiboly )错谬:以重音强调某字眼或字句,达致其他意思例子:类目错误( Category Errors )错谬:以总体的某部份符合某条件推断总体均符合某条件例子:错谬:以总体符合某条件推断总体的所有部份均符合某条件例子:不根据前题的推理( Non Sequitur )Affirming the Consequent )例子:如果他在中环,他一定在港岛。
因港岛包含了以上各项错谬:所有依此结构的推论:若 A 则必定B ;非A,所以非B例子:如果他在中环,他一定在港岛。
因此如果他现在不在中环,那么他一定不在港岛 解释:不在中环,也可以在金钟、湾仔、铜锣湾等。
因港岛包含了以上各项 错谬:断言两件矛盾的事件都正确例子: 构成谬误( Composition )分割谬误( Division )肯定后件(错谬:所有依此结构的推论:若A 则必定B; B,所以便A 。
否定前件( Denying the Antecedent )前后矛盾( Inconsistency )。