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A story is told of a king who went into his garden one morning, and found everything withered① and dying.
He asked the oak② that stood near the gate what the trouble was.
He found it was sick of life and determined③ to die because it was not tall and beautiful like the pine④.
The pine was all out of heart because it could not bear grapes, like the vine⑤.
The vine was going to throw its life away because it could not stand erect⑥ and have as fine fruit as the peach⑦ tree.
The geranium⑧ was fretting⑨ because it was not tall and fragrant⑩ like the lilac⑪... and so on all through the garden.
Coming to a heart’s-ease, he found its bright face lifted as cheery as ever.
“Well,heart’s-ease,I’m glad, amidst⑫ all this discouragement, to find one brave little flower. You do not seem to be the least disheartened.”
“No, I am not of much account, but I thought that if you wanted an oak, or a pine, or a vine, or a peach tree, or a geranium, or a lilac, you would have planted one; but as I knew you wanted a heart’s-ease,I am determined to be the best little heart’s-ease that I can.”
①withered [ˑwɪðəd] adj. 枯萎的,干瘪的
②oak [əʊk] n. 橡树,橡木
③determine [dɪˑtɜːmɪn] v. 决心,决定
④pine [paɪn] n. 松树,松木
⑤vine [vaɪn] n. 藤,蔓,攀爬植物
⑥erect [ɪˑrekt] vt. 使竖立,建立
⑦peach [piːtʃ] n. 桃子
⑧geranium [dʒəˑreɪniəm] n. [植]天竺葵
⑨fretting [fretɪŋ] adj. 烦躁的,焦虑的
⑩fragrant [ˑfreɪɡrənt] adj. 芳香的
⑪lilac [ˑlaɪlək] n. 丁香
⑫amidst [əˑmɪdst] prep. 在……当中,在……期间。