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Passage 1
What is the weather like today?
Answer: It is sunny today.
What is the boy's favorite season?
Answer: The boy's favorite season is summer.
What does the girl want to do in the summer?
Answer: The girl wants to go swimming in the summer.
Passage 2
Who is going to the park?
Answer: Tom and his sister are going to the park.
How will they go to the park?
Answer: They will ride their bikes to the park.
What will they do at the park?
Answer: They will play soccer and have a picnic at the park.
Passage 3
Where is the boy's pen pal from?
Answer: The boy's pen pal is from Australia.
How many kangaroos does the boy's pen pal have?
Answer: The boy's pen pal has two kangaroos.
What does the boy's pen pal want to do in China?
Answer: The boy's pen pal wants to visit the Great Wall in China.
Title: My Dream Vacation
Hello everyone! My name is Lucy, and I want to tell you about my dream vacation. I would love to go to a place called Hawaii. It is a beautiful island with sandy beaches and clear blue water.
First, I would like to visit the beach and build sandcastles. I love playing in the sand and making different shapes with my hands. I would also collect seashells and make a necklace with them.
Next, I want to try surfing. I have seen people surfing in movies, and it looks like so much fun! I would take some lessons and ride the waves. I might fall a few times, but I won't give up because it looks super cool.
Another thing I want to do in Hawaii is to go snorkeling. I would wear a mask and look at all the colorful fish and coral reefs underwater. It would be like swimming in a giant aquarium!
Lastly, I would love to attend a luau. It's a traditional Hawaiian party with hula dancing, delicious food, and music. I would wear a grass skirt and learn some hula moves. I think it would be a fantastic experience.
In conclusion, Hawaii is my dream vacation spot because of its beautiful beaches, surfing opportunities, snorkeling adventures, and lively luaus. I hope one day my dream comes true, and I can make wonderful memories there.
That's all for now. Thank you for listening to my dream vacation. Have a great day!

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the answers to the Anhui English Proficiency Exam 2024. Let's dive right in!
Listening Section
What is the girl's favorite subject?
Answer: Her favorite subject is Science.
Where are the children going on their field trip?
Answer: They are going to the zoo.
How many people are there in the boy's family?
Answer: There are four people in his family.
What time does the movie start?
Answer: The movie starts at 7:30 p.m.
What did the boy buy at the store?
Answer: He bought a new soccer ball.
Reading Section
Fill in the blank: The cat ran _______ the tree.
Answer: under
True or False: Birds can fly.
Answer: True
Choose the correct answer: What is the capital of China?
Answer: Beijing
Fill in the blank: My sister is _______ than me.
Answer: taller
True or False: The sun is a planet.
Answer: False
Writing Section
Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby.
My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I love running around the field, kicking the ball, and scoring goals. Playing soccer with my friends is so much fun. We have a team and play matches
against other teams. I practice every day after school to improve my skills. Soccer makes me happy and helps me stay active and healthy.
Speaking Section
Unfortunately, I cannot provide the answers for the speaking section as it requires oral responses. Remember to practice speaking English with your friends and family to improve your speaking skills!
That's all for the Anhui English Proficiency Exam 2024 answers! I hope this helps you. Good luck with your studies and keep up the great work!
Remember, practice makes perfect!
My Anhui English Test Adventure!
Hi there! My name is Li Ming and I'm a 5th grade student in Anhui Province, China. I just took the big Anhui English Proficiency Test for 2024 and wow, was it ever an exciting day! I've been studying really hard and I think I did pretty well on the exam. I can't wait to get my results back.
The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. I have to admit, the listening part made me a little nervous at first. We had to listen to recordings of people speaking English and answer multiple choice questions about what they said. Some of the accents were kind of tricky for me. But I took deep breaths and focused really hard, and I think I understood most of it okay.
After listening, we moved onto the
The Anhui English Test Was Crazy!
Hi! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I just took the big Anhui English test for 2024 and it was pretty wild. I thought I would tell you all about it!
First of all, getting ready for the test was a lot of work. My teacher Mrs. Wang made us practice English speaking, listening, reading and writing for weeks beforehand. We had to memorize grammar rules, vocabulary lists, and sample essay topics. It was a huge amount of stuff to learn!
The morning of the test, I was really nervous. My stomach felt all jumpy and I could barely eat my breakfast dumplings.
What if I failed the test? What if I forgot everything I studied? I tried not to think about it too much.
When I got to the test center, there were tons of kids everywhere. We had to lineup very quietly and they checked our testing tickets and identification. Finally, they led us into the huge testing room which had rows and rows of desks. It felt like there were a million kids in there!
The first section was the listening part. They played recordings of people talking and asking questions in English. We had to bubble in the correct answers on a answer sheet. Some of the questions were hard because the speakers talked really fast or used words I didn't know. I just did my best.
After the listening, we had a break to stretch our legs and go the bathroom. I was happy because the listening wasn't too terrible, but also worried because it was just the first part!
Then we started the reading section which was pages and pages of English passages to read. We had to answer comprehension questions showing we understood what each passage was about. Some of the passages were interesting topics like space exploration or endangered animals. But others were dry topics like the history of farming or biographies of
people I'd never heard of before. I ran out of time before finishing that section.
The essay writing task was definitely the hardest for me. We had to write a well-organized essay of a few paragraphs on an assigned topic. The topic I got was "What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?" I struggled to get my thoughts down clearly in English and probably made a bunch of silly grammar mistakes. Writing is hard!
After lunch, we had to take the English speaking test which was very awkward. They called kids one-by-one into a room with a testing official. The official asked me basic conversational questions like "What's your favorite subject in school?" and "Tell me about your family." I got flustered though and stammered a lot since it felt so unnatural to just speak to a stranger in English like that out of the blue. Not my best performance.
Finally, the entire eight hour test day was over. I was so mentally drained and my hand cramped up terribly from bubbling in answers for hours. I'm praying I passed everything because I really don't want to have to take that crazy test again next year!
Anyway, those were the sections of the big Anhui English test. I'm just glad it's over with and I don't have to worry about it
anymore - at least not until they make us start preparing for the 2025 version! For now, I'm going to relax, hang out with friends, and give my brain a break from so much English practice. Let me know if you have any other questions!
The Big Anhui English Test Adventure
Wow, I can't believe the big Anhui English test is finally over! It was quite the adventure, let me tell you. I've been studying so hard for months to get ready. My teacher said it's a really important test to show how good we are at English. She wanted us all to do our best.
I was pretty nervous going into the exam room. There were rows and rows of desks, and it was dead silent except for the ticking of the clock. The nice exam ladies showed us to our seats and gave us our question booklets and answer sheets. I took a deep breath and got my pencils ready to go.
The listening part was first. They played these recordings over the speakers of people talking. We had to listen carefully and answer questions about what they said. Some of the conversations were kind of hard to understand at first, but I tried
my best. Whenever I got stuck, I just pictured my teacher's voice saying "Use your clues! Focus on the key words!"
After the listening, we moved right into the reading section. This was a bunch of letters, stories, advertisements and articles that we had to read through. There were questions about the main ideas, details, word meanings and more. I spent a lot of time practicing reading for this part. I loved getting to the longer stories - finally something I could really sink my teeth into!
By the time the writing section came around, my hand was getting a little tired from all that bubbling in answers. But I couldn't slack off yet! We had to write a letter to a friend telling them all about our summer camp experiences. I made sure to use a lot of great vocabulary words and really organize my ideas clearly with good paragraphs. I tried to picture my friend's face as I wrote to make it sound friendly and casual.
Finally, the very last part was speaking. The exam ladies took us one-by-one into a separate room with a recording device. They asked us questions about our hobbies, dreams for the future, or gave us a situation to pretend and respond to. I took a big breath to steady my nerves before giving my answers out loud. It was weird not having anyone actually there to talk to! But I did my best to speak loudly, clearly and give good details.
Phew! After what felt like forever, the speaking part was finally over. I had done it - the whole Anhui English exam! I triple checked my answer sheet before turning it in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I did well. No matter what though, I'm just proud of myself for trying my hardest. This English adventure may be over, but there will be many more to come!
The Anhui English Test Was Really Hard!
Wow, that Anhui English test was super difficult! I studied a ton for it too. My mom made me practice English vocabulary words every night for like a month. She even got me those big flashcard rings to carry around. I had hundreds of English words on those things!
During the listening part of the test, I thought I was doing pretty well at first. The lady's voice was clear, and I could make out most of the words she was saying. But then they played this story about a boy and his dog, and I got all mixed up. The boy's name was kinda hard to understand, and then the dog's name sounded almost the same! I spent so much time trying to figure out whose name was whose that I missed a bunch of the other details. Bummer!
The reading section was not any easier. There was this long passage about different holiday traditions around the world. It was kinda interesting learning about how other countries celebrate, but the vocabulary was really advanced. Words like "traditions", "customs", and "festivities" aren't exactly in my daily vocab list, you know? I had to guess on meaning from context for a lot of those questions.
Then we had the writing part, which is usually my strongest section. The prompt asked us to write a letter to our future self, describing our life now and our hopes for the future. That seems like it should be easy for a kid to write about, right? But they expected us to use all these fancy tenses and transition words. Simple past, present progressive, future perfect...my head was spinning! I just tried my best to get the main ideas across using whatever grammar I could remember.
Probably the section I struggled with most though was the speaking part at the end. We had to pick a random picture from a box and describe it in detail using complete sentences. The problem was, the picture I got was this crazy abstract painting - just a bunch of blobs and squiggles in weird colors! How was I supposed to describe something like that? I just kinda made it up as I went. "Umm, this painting has some blue splotches which
could maybe represent the ocean? And those red squiggly lines are possibly birds flying across the sky..." I have no idea if my responses made any sense.
After it was all done, I was just relieved that horrible test was over! My brain felt like a wrung-out sponge. A bunch of the other kids looked just as worn out as me when we left the room too. I really hope I did okay, but honestly, as long as I passed, I'll be happy. Mom says as long as I tried my best, that's what matters most. Easy for her to say - she didn't have to sit through that torture!
Well, I'll find out my score eventually. Until then, it's back to playing video games and rewatching my favorite movies and shows. In English, of course, so I can "keep practicing". Yeah right, nice try Mom! I've had enough English practice to last me a lifetime after that crazy Anhui exam!。
