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1 The koala eats _________ (桉树) leaves.
2 The man is very ________.
3 She is _____ (learning/teaching) new words.
4 The first Olympic Games were held in ancient ______ (希腊).
5 The teacher is very _______ (nice).
6 The __________ (巴黎公社) was a radical socialist government that ruled Paris in 1871.
7 The ______ works at the library.
8 My favorite snack is ________ (坚果) for energy.
9 How many sides does a hexagon have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
10 My toy ________ is soft and cuddly.
11 They are _____ (playing) in the park.
12 The capital of Azerbaijan is __________.
13 The bird builds its ______ in the tree.
14 What is the name of the famous scientist who proposed the theory of evolution?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Charles Darwin
D. Galileo Galilei
答案: C
15 What do we call the line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. Equator
B. Prime Meridian
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. Tropic of Capricorn
16 The _____ (lilypads) float on the water.
17 The park is ________ from my house.
18 A __________ is a place where a river begins.
19 The __________ is a famous area known for its skyscrapers.
20 What is the opposite of hot?
A. Warm
B. Cold
C. Cool
D. Freezing
21 What do we call the process of plants making their food?
A. Digestion
B. Photosynthesis
C. Respiration
D. Fermentation
22 What is the boiling point of water?
A. 0 degrees
B. 50 degrees
C. 100 degrees
D. 212 degrees
23 My friend loves __________ (体育) and staying active.
24 The Earth’s atmosphere protects us from ______ rays.
25 The __________ can provide important insights into Earth's history.
26 Which fruit is red and round?
A. Banana
B. Apple
C. Orange
D. Grape
27 What do we call the study of the universe?
A. Biology
B. Astronomy
C. Chemistry
D. Physics
答案: B
28 What do we call the collection of stars that forms a pattern?
A. Constellation
B. Galaxy
C. Nebula
D. Cluster
答案: A. Constellation
29 Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of ______ (三月).
30 What do you call an animal that eats both plants and meat?
A. Herbivore
B. Carnivore
C. Omnivore
D. Insectivore
31 What do we use to take photographs?
A. Camera
B. Phone
C. Computer
D. Tablet
32 I want to _______ (学习) about physics.
33 I love writing stories about ________ (外星人) and their adventures in outer ________ (太空).
34 A solid has a __________ shape.
35 The ancient Chinese invented ________ for navigation.
36 A __________ (花圃) can be a peaceful retreat.
37 My hamster loves to run around in its ______ (笼子).
38 I want to ______ (visit) my cousin.
39 I like to keep my ________ (名词) organized so I can find my toys easily.
40 The ________ (养分) in the soil is important for growth.
41 ecosystem) includes all living things in an area. The ____
42 We are going to ___ a show. (see)
43 A bear hibernates during the ______ (冬天).
44 A __________ (离子化) process produces charged particles in solution.
45 I go to school by ______.
46 What is 18 ÷ 2?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
47 A balanced chemical equation shows that matter is _____.
48 Which part of a plant absorbs sunlight?
A. Roots
B. Stem
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
49 My mom is a __________ (职业导师).
50 What do you call a group of stars?
A. Planet
B. Galaxy
C. Universe
D. Cluster
51 What do you call a person who studies geology?
A. Geologist
B. Earth scientist
C. Miner
D. Excavator
答案: A
52 What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on heredity?
A. Gregor Mendel
B. Charles Darwin
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Richard Dawkins
答案: A
53 What do we call a place where we can see historical artifacts?
A. Library
B. Museum
C. Zoo
D. Park
54 The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which its vapor pressure equals _____.
55 My dad works as a _______ (职业). 他非常 _______ (形容词).
56 The flamingo stands on one _______ (脚).
57 I hope to make a positive impact on my _______ (社区). Every little effort counts.
58 I enjoy ______ (聆听) different music styles.
59 The ________ is a small but fascinating insect.
60 Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
A. Venus
B. Mars
C. Earth
D. Mercury
61 What is the main language spoken in the USA?
A. Spanish
B. French
C. English
D. German
62 What is the main ingredient in tofu?
A. Soybeans
B. Rice
C. Wheat
D. Corn
63 sustainable livelihoods program) supports economic resilience. The ____
64 The sun is ___ (rising) early.
65 I can _____ (count/sing) to twenty.
66 What do you call a person who performs magic tricks?
A. Illusionist
B. Magician
C. Wizard
D. Enchanter
67 A __________ is a large area of flat land.
68 What is the name of the giant panda’s main food?
A. Bamboo
B. Grass
C. Leaves
D. Fruits
69 I have a toy _______ that can spin and twirl, making me giggle.
70 The ________ (植物群落) is diverse.
71 Owls hunt for _______ at night.
72 The _______ provides shelter and food for wildlife.
73 A __________ (电气传导) is important for understanding ionic compounds.
74 I enjoy reading ______ (小说) because they take me to different worlds and adventures.
75 A __________ is a type of bird known for its colorful feathers.
76 Astronomers study the light from stars to learn about their _______.
77 What do you use to tell time?
A. Clock
B. Calendar
C. Phone
D. Watch
答案: A
78 A ____(drought) is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall.
79 The flowers are _______ (blooming) beautifully.
80 The __________ (历史的记录保持) ensures accuracy.
81 I enjoy _______ (listening) to classical music.
82 The chemical symbol for barium is ______.
83 The process of creating energy in cells is called ______.
84 She is an artist, ______ (她是一位艺术家), creating vibrant paintings.
85 The _______ of an object can be determined by its reactions to forces.
86 The ________ (花卉设计) is a creative art.
87 I enjoy watching movies that feature my favorite ________ (玩具名).
88 The garden is full of _______ that attract butterflies.
89 A non-metal is usually a poor ______ of heat.
90 I like to _____ (watch/go) movies.
91 She is ___ her keys. (finding)
92 My brother is interested in ____ (mathematics).
93 What is the process of making bread called?
A. Baking
B. Cooking
C. Frying
D. Boiling
94 Which bird is known for its colorful feathers and can mimic sounds?
A. Sparrow
B. Parrot
C. Penguin
D. Eagle
95 The ancient Greeks established the concept of ________ (市民权).
96 The chemical formula for copper sulfate is _______.
97 I enjoy visiting the ________ with my family.
98 The rabbit can be very _______ (友好) with children.
99 What is the term for a moon that appears red during a total lunar eclipse?
A. Blood Moon
B. Harvest Moon
C. Supermoon
D. Blue Moon
100 Which fruit is yellow and curved?
A. Banana
B. Apple
C. Grape
D. Orange
答案: A。
