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【摘要】Objective To explore the clinical features of Miller-Fisher syndrome.Methods The clinical data of 3 patients with Miller-Fisher syndrome were analyzed retrospectively.Results There were one male and two female patients in this group,and the range of age was 43 to 56 years old.All the patients were acute onset,and they had antecedent respiratory symptoms.The common manifestations were double vision and unsteadiness; ptosis was in 2 cases,and distal numbness in 1 case.Bilateral ophthalmoplegia,decreased or absent tendon reflex and ataxia were in all the patients ; hypesthesia was in 2 cases,and autonomic dysfunction in 1 case.Examination of cerebrospinal fluid showed albuminocytologic dissociation in 2 cases.Electrophysiological studies showed abnormal H reflex in all the cases.Three cases had a good prognosis after being treated with high dosage of immunoglobulin.Conclusions The main manifestations of Miller-Fisher syndrome are ophthalmoplegia,decrease of tendon reflex and ataxia.And they may have sensory and autonomic
symptoms.Treatment with high dosage of immunoglobulin may be effective.%目的探讨Miller-Fisher综合征的临床特点.方法回顾性分析3例Miller-Fisher综合征患者的临床资料.结果本组男1例,女2例,年龄43~56岁;
【作者单位】200003 第二军医大学附属上海长征医院神经内科;200003 第二军医大学附属上海长征医院神经内科;200003 第二军医大学附属上海长征医院神经内科;200003 第二军医大学附属上海长征医院神经内科;200003 第二军医大学附属上海长征医院神经内科;200003 第二军医大学附属上海长征医院神经内科
ler Fisher综合征的临床特点:附1例报告并文献复习 [J], 程记伟;白宇;张晓菁;赵卿;张淑芬
2.新生儿 VACTERL 综合征临床特点分析:附高海拔地区首例报告 [J], 黄丹;贡嘎;林兴建;次仁德吉;次吉拉姆
3.连枷腿综合征的临床特点(附1例报告及文献复习) [J], 李晶;杨伟林;王立新
4.M iller-Fisher 综合征临床特点及亚型诊断(附27例报告) [J], 邢燕蒙;刘沛东;张保朝;薛冰;寿纪菲;钱娟锋;王芮;方树友;刘洪波
5.线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作综合征的临床特点(附1例报告) [J], 李亚明;高佳佳;葛宇星
