examen final de nivel 8




在法式英语中,禁止写作业可以表达为interdire de faire les devoirs或interdire les devoirs。

以下是一些可能的情境和表达方式:1.在学校规定中:Lécole interdit de faire les devoirs pendant le temps de récréation.学校禁止在课间休息时间做作业。

2.家长对孩子说:Je tinterdis de faire tes devoirs jusquàce que tu aies fini de jouer.我禁止你在做玩之前做作业。

3.老师对学生说:Je vous interdis de faire vos devoirs pendant la classe.我禁止你们在上课时做作业。

4.在特定情况下:En raison de lépidémie,lécole a interdit les devoirs pour permettre auxélèves de se concentrer sur leur santé.由于疫情,学校禁止了作业,以便让学生专注于他们的健康。

5.在教育改革中:Le gouvernement a décidédinterdire les devoirs pour lesélèves de lécole primaire afin de réduire la pression académique.政府决定禁止小学生的作业,以减轻学术压力。

6.在家庭规则中:Nous avons décidédinterdire les devoirs le soir du samedi pour que toute la famille puisse passer du temps ensemble.我们决定禁止周六晚上做作业,以便全家人可以一起度过时间。



意大利各科目入学考试详情意大利各科目入学考试详情1.建筑专业 Architettura整个意大利所有大学的建筑专业课程都是有名额限制的:全国统一考试日期,自2007年起,由意大利教育部直接进行规定。


评分标准正确:1分错误:扣0.25分放弃:0分2.心理学教育学专业 Area Psico-pedagogica初级教育学专业在全意大利所有大学都有名额限制,而心理学和教育学专业仅在某些大学有入学选拔考试。



3.医学、牙科和兽医学Medicina, Odontoiatria, Veterinaria意大利所有大学医学、牙科和兽医专业都是限额招生。



正式入学测试由80道试题组成,每题5个选项,考试时间120分钟,试题内容包括:逻辑和文化知识 (33道)生物学(21道)化学(13道)数学和物理(13道)4.三年制医学专业课程医学专业(护理,物理疗法等)在意大利各个大学有名额限制。




5.经济法律专业Area Economico-Giuridica虽然各个大学入学测试内容会有所不同,但不外乎以下方面:语言逻辑:检验应试者的语言水平,词汇丰富程度,对文章的'理解能力;数学:Bocconi大学近年入学测试中经常出现的试题包括根数,单项式,多项式,解析几何等。



Final Examination DescriptionsExam Date: July 3, 2015Duration: 90 minutesSections:I.Define the following terms. Give examples to illustrate your answers. (15%) (每题3分, 共15分)e.g.1. morphemePlease refer to Appendix A for more information about this section.II.Identify the word-formation process involved in the creation of each of the underlined words below. Write your answer on the line provided. (10%) (每题1分,共10分)e.g.1. bitter, sw eet → bittersweet________(Based on Lectures 5, 6 and 7.)III.Fill in the blanks with words formed from the given stems. (15%) (每题1分,共15分)e.g.1. The local people were actually __________; they often spoke three, four, five languages.(lingual)(Based on Lectures 5, 6 and 8.)IV. Provide the meaning and an example word for each of the following roots below. (30%)(每题1.5分, 共30分)Please refer to Appendix B for more information about this section.V. For each sentence or sentence pair below, classify the meaning relation between the two words marked in bold into one of the following types of relation: homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, portion-mass, or member-collection. (10%) (每题1分,共10分)e.g.1. It was a remark made in private, not in public.(Based on Lectures 12, 13 and 14.)VI. Each sentence below contains an incomplete collocation. Complete the collocation by filling in the blank with a suitable word from the words provided in the box. Use the words in their proper forms. Each word can only be used once. (20%) (每题1分,共20分)e.g.1.The Titanic sank on her __________ voyage.(Based on Lectures 14 and 15)Appendix ADefine the following terms. (You may want to use examples from the respective lectures or come up with your own examples to support your answer.)1.morphemeA morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has its own meaning, either a word or a part of a word. Inother words, it is a meaningful form that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. (Lecture 4)2.morphologyMorphology is the study of the internal structure of words. In particular, it is the study of morphemes and their arrangements in forming words. (Lecture 4)3.free morphemeA free morpheme is a morpheme that can occur alone as an independent word. (Lecture 4)4.bound morphemeA bound morpheme is a morpheme that cannot occur as an independent word on its own but must becombined with other morphemes to form words. (Lecture 4)5.rootThe root of a word is the morpheme that conveys the main meaning of the word. (Lecture 4)6.affixAn affix is a bound morpheme added to the beginning (prefix) or end (suffix) of a stem. (Lecture 4)poundingCompounding is a word-formation process where two or more independent words are combined to form a new word. (Lecture 6)8.conversionConversion is a word-formation process by which a word of one part of speech is converted to another part of speech without any change of form, either in pronunciation or spelling. (Lecture 7)9.homonymyHomonymy refers to the relation between two words that are spelled or pronounced the same but differ in meaning. (Lecture 12)10.hyponymyHyponymy refers to the hierarchical relation that holds between a word with a more general meaning and a word with a more specific meaning. (Lecture 13)Appendix B。

CATTI 全国翻译专业资格考试 西班牙语一级口译综合录音材料

CATTI 全国翻译专业资格考试 西班牙语一级口译综合录音材料

Examen para intérpretes de nivel ІTraducción oral consecutivaParte ITraduzca los dos siguientes textos del español al chino.Escuchará una sola vez cada una de las grabaciones, puede tomar notas, y traduzca oralmente del español al chino en cada pausa iniciada por una señal sonora y terminada en otra.1 下面你将听到的是一段有关西中关系的讲话。

Excelentísimo señor presidente del Foro España-China, excelentísimo señor presidente de la Asociación de la Amistad del Pueblo Chino con los Pueblos Extranjeros, excelentísimos señores embajadores, excelentísimas e ilustrísimas autoridades y queridos amigos:Con ocasión de mi visita oficial el pasado mes de julio, acepté un reto difícil de cumplir, el compromiso de que juntos lanzáramos este foro y de que procuráramos que esta primera edición se celebrara cuanto antes. Esta premura venía aconsejada no solo por el nivel de nuestras relaciones que precisa no demorar el desarrollo de este foro sino también por el complicado calendario europeo que tenemos en estos momentos.De ahí la preparación en muy poco tiempo y el lanzamiento de esta nueva e importantísima herramienta de nuestra relación. Por ello yo quiero felicitar de forma muy particular la espléndida capacidad organizativa de la Asociación de la Amistad del Pueblo Chino con los Pueblos Extranjeros y la profesionalidad del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de la República Popular China que han hecho posible esta cita.También quiero agradecer la hospitalidad de la que hemos sido objeto. Créanme si les digo que en la segunda edición del foro que celebraremos el año entrante en España, tendremos que extremar los esfuerzos porque nos han puesto el listón muy alto.La finalidad de este foro es lograr el mutuo conocimiento de cuantos están interesados en el desarrollo de las relaciones entre España y China. Se trata, en el caso de España, de que el Estado ponga sus medios al alcance de los verdaderos protagonistas, de aquellos capaces de dotar de contenido a nuestra relación, una relación que hasta ahora, hemos podido calificar de muy buena, pero que precisa concretar proyectos. A través de este primer foro, estamos iniciando una nueva etapa, tratando de llegar a metas más ambiciosas.El año que viene, yo suscribo las palabras de Juan Antonio Samaranch, yo espero que en las conclusiones, además de proyectos y de ideas, ya podemos hablar derealizaciones. Hablando y dialogando, podemos ir conociendo los terrenos de encuentro y también aquellos puntos en los que las diferencias están y existen. No recordar las diferencias sólo las aumenta y las mantiene. Indudablemente no hay mayor dificultad que aquélla cuya existencia se ignora.De los resultados del comité político, yo quisiera subrayar las coincidencias que se han puesto de manifiesto, desde esa voluntad compartida de un mundo en paz, hasta la de unas naciones capaces de hacer frente a los desafíos que llegan. En nombre del gobierno de España, yo quiero reiterar, habida cuenta de las justificadas preocupaciones por los últimos desarrollos en Taiwan, que España es, ha sido y seguirá siendo firme defensora del principio de una sola China y que desde este convencimiento, llama a que el sentido común se imponga entre quienes impulsarían un referéndum de independencia en la isla para que renuncien a él.En China se dice que “un viaje hasta el más largo empieza por un primer paso”. En España se dice “al andar también se hace camino”. En este camino que estamos recorriendo juntos, yo tengo la convicción de que China y España cosecharán grandes éxitos.2下面你将听到的是一段新年致辞。



2024年英语专八听力填空Unfortunately, I don't have access to real-time information about the specific content of English proficiency exams such as the TEM-8 (Test for English Majors-Band 8) in 2024. The exams are typically designed and administered by educational institutions or testing agencies, and the specific questions and answers are typically confidential.However, I can provide you with general advice and strategies for preparing for listening comprehension sections of English proficiency exams, as well as give you an example of a possible listening comprehension passage and questions. Please note that this is a hypothetical example and may not reflect the actual content or format of the 2024 TEM-8 exam.General Advice for Listening Comprehension:1. Understand the Format: Familiarize yourself with theformat and question types of the listening section. Thiswill help you anticipate what to expect and prepare accordingly.2. Practice Regularly: Regular practice is essentialfor improving your listening skills. Listen to a variety of audio materials, including podcasts, news reports, lectures, and conversations.3. Focus on Details: Pay close attention to details in the audio material. Listen for specific information such as dates, numbers, names, and locations. These details areoften crucial for answering listening comprehension questions.4. Predict and Anticipate: Try to predict what the speaker will say next based on the context and information already provided. This skill can help you stay engaged and focused during the listening process.5. Take Notes: If possible, take notes while listeningto help you remember important information. This can beespecially helpful for longer passages or complex questions.Example of a Hypothetical Listening Comprehension Passage and Questions:Passage:You will hear a lecture about the history and development of the Internet. The speaker will discuss the early days of the Internet, its growth and evolution, andthe impact it has had on society. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.Questions:1. When was the Internet first developed?2. What was the original purpose of the Internet?3. How has the Internet changed over time?4. What are some of the most significant impacts theInternet has had on society?5. What are some challenges and issues related to the use of the Internet?Answers:1. The Internet was first developed in the 1960s.2. The original purpose of the Internet was tofacilitate communication between researchers and universities.3. Over time, the Internet has grown significantly in terms of size, speed, and functionality. It has evolved from a text-based system to include multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio.4. Some of the most significant impacts the Internet has had on society include the rise of social media, online education, remote work, and e-commerce.5. Challenges and issues related to the use of the Internet include cybersecurity, privacy concerns, and the potential for online addiction and misuse.Please note that this is just an example, and the actual listening comprehension section of the TEM-8 exam may differ in terms of content, format, and difficulty. It is important to prepare thoroughly and practice regularly to ensure you are ready for the exam.。



法语专业四级(综合)模拟试卷8(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.1.Mentir, c”est pas mon ______.A.typeB.objetC.machinD.truc正确答案:D解析:A为“类型”。




习惯用法说这不是我的风格,可用c”est pas mon truc。

也可用c”est pas mon genre。

知识模块:单项选择题2.Ce que voue venez de dire me para ? t peu ______.A.éclairéB.lumineuxC.clairD.brillant正确答案:C解析:A为“明亮的,被照亮的”,用于抽象时,指“阐明的,明智的”。

B 为“明亮的,光辉的,灿烂的”,既可指一个被照亮的物体,也可指一个自身发光的物体,用于抽象,指高明的,清楚的。




知识模块:单项选择题3.Avec nos efforts, nous pourrons ______ ces difficultés.A.franchirB.convaincreC.passerD.monter正确答案:A解析:“克服困难”用动词franchir。


知识模块:单项选择题4.Celui qui n”est pas pour moi est ______.A.contre moiB.sur moiC.d”accord avec moiD.de mon avis正确答案:A解析:C和D的意思都是“同意我的观点”;A为“反对我”;介词sur有“关于;在…上面”的意思。


知识模块:单项选择题5.C”est la disparition des forêts qui ______ la sécheresse.A.apporteB.causeC.emmèneD.rapporte正确答案:B解析:A为“带来”;B为“引起”;C为“带走(人)”;D为“带回来”。

付款形式和商务西班牙语forma de pago y espa

付款形式和商务西班牙语forma de pago y espa

V ocabulario:forma de pago m.付款方式cheque m.支票TT电汇pagadero contra documentos de embarque凭装船单据付款solvencia f.支付能力razón social f.公司名称DP = documento contra el pago付款交单DA= documento contra acepción承兑交单beneficiartr.有利于conformeadj.同意的fluctuación f.浮动banco emisor开证行banco pagador付款行banco avisador通知行adeudo 记入借方cheque nominativo记名支票tipo de interés利率pago previo预付款pago simultáneo同时付款pago al contado现金支付pago posterior a la entrega交货后付款retraso de pago延迟付款suspensión de pago停止付款a plazos分期付款aval bancario银行保函Conversación: Forma de PagoImportador: Antes de hablar de los precios, debemos tratar/arreglar el tema de la forma de pago.Exportador: Existen distintas formas de pago que podemos aceptar: en efectivo, cheque, TT o transferencia bancaria. Pero normalmente sólo trabajamos con la carta de crédito.Importador: Me conviene la carta de crédito irrevocable.Exportador: Por supuesto, y pagadera contra documentos de embarque. Normalmente es a 30 o 60 días.Importador: En nuestro caso, pediríamos que fuera a 90 días, ya que el transporte marítimo tarda un mes por lo menos. Luego hay que considerar el transporte terrestre y la distribución de este producto en el mercado.Exportador: De acuerdo. Como ya conocemos la solvencia de su empresa, admitimos que sea a 90 días. Pero tiene que abrir la carta de crédito de un mes antes del embarque, a favor de nuestra empresa.Examen de Admisión a la Universidadservicio al domicilioImportador: Necesitamos que nos envíen por fax o email los datos bancarios de su empresa: número de cuenta, razón social, domicilio etc.Exportador: Bien, se lo comunicaremos tan pronto como nos sea posible.lo pronto posiblecuanto antesImportador: Una pregunta, ¿aceptan ustedes otras formas de pago, como DP o DA? Exportador: No, lo siento, no lo aceptamos.Importador: Se lo pregunto porque el banco cobra una comisión muy alta por abrir una carta de crédito. Esto crea gastos adicionales a la importación.Exportador: Lo entendemos perfectamente. Pero necesitamos la carta de crédito como una garantía del banco.Importador: Nuestra compañía tiene buena reputación y es muy seria con los pagos. Nunca hemos tenido problema de este tipo. El DP o DA pueden reducir el coste de la importación y ayudarnos a vender mejor su producto. Eso le beneficiaráporque asípodremos comprarles más.famasubir/aumentar/incrementarExportador: Claro que nos interesa que nos compre más, pero preferimos hacer un descuento cuando el pedido sea mayor y no aceptar otras formas de pago que no sea la carta de crédito.Importador: Bueno, estoy conforme. Otra cosa, como los precios están cotizados en dólares, los pagos que efectuaremos también serán en esta moneda, si no tiene inconveniente.adj./ m.beneficios e inconvenienteslos pros y los contrasTenemos que analizar los pros y los contras antes de hacer algo/una cosa.efectuar los pagos/alguna actividadrealizar/hacerExportador: Ninguno. Nos da igual en dólar, euro o cualquier moneda convertible. Importador: Debido a las fluctuaciones del tipo de cambio del euro, nos interesa pagar en dólar.Exportador: Sin ningún problema.Dar lo mismo=dar igual a alguien 对某人来说都一样/对某人来说没关系他不努力学习,因为他认为,他的成绩跟他没关系。



密西根英语考试(Michigan test)MELAB(Michigan English Language Assessment Battery,密执安英语语言评估测试)是由美国密执安大学英语学院(English Language Institute,University of Michigan,简称ELIUM)主办提供的英语水平考试。






MELAB考试分集体考试(Group Test)和个别考试(Individual Test)两种。






考生应该持本人所在单位人事部门开具的介绍信、本人工作证、学生证到所在地的考试中心报名,并在考试前一个半月向考试中心提出申请,索取并填写考生登记表和身份证表(Identification Forn1),向考试中心交两张近期半身兔冠正面身份证相片和美元报名费及人民币邮资、手续费。





初级西班牙语测试题1. Traduce las siguientes frases al español:a) Hello, how are you?b) ¿Cuántos años tienes?c) Me gusta mucho bailar.d) ¿Dónde está el baño?2. Completa las siguientes frases con las formas correctas del verbo entre paréntesis (presente de indicativo):a) Yo ______ (hablar) español.b) Tú _______ (comer) frutas.c) Él ________ (vivir) en Madrid.d) Nosotros ________ (estudiar) para el examen.3. Relaciona las siguientes palabras con sus respectivas traducciones en español:a) Book 1) Perrob) House 2) Mesac) Dog 3) Casad) Table 4) Libro4. Escribe una pequeña redacción sobre tus vacaciones ideales utilizando al menos 5 verbos en pasado:Mis vacaciones ideales fueron en una isla paradisíaca. Visité muchos lugares increíbles y disfruté de hermosas playas de arena blanca. Nadé en aguas cristalinas y tomé el sol todo el día. También exploré la selva tropical y observé animales exóticos. Probé deliciosa comida local y conocí gente muy amigable. Fue una experiencia inolvidable y me encantaría volver algún día.5. Completa las siguientes frases con los pronombres posesivos adecuados:a) Ese libro es ________.b) ________ amigos son muy divertidos.c) La casa ________ está cerca del parque.d) ________ hermana es médica.6. Traduce las siguientes frases al español:a) I have a cat.b) ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?c) Mi cumpleaños es el veinte de abril.d) ¿Cuánto cuesta esta camisa?7. Escribe una conversación breve en español entre dos personas que se encuentran por primera vez.A: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?B: Hola, me llamo María. ¿Y tú?A: Mucho gusto, María. Soy Juan. ¿De dónde eres?B: Soy de México. ¿Y tú?A: Yo soy de España. ¿Qué te trae por aquí?B: Estoy de vacaciones. Quería visitar esta ciudad tan hermosa.A: ¡Qué bien! Yo vivo aquí, es una ciudad llena de vida y cultura.B: Me encantaría conocer más lugares interesantes. ¿Tienes alguna recomendación?A: Por supuesto, hay muchos sitios turísticos como el museo de arte y la catedral. Además, la comida local es deliciosa.B: Gracias por las recomendaciones. Definitivamente los visitaré. ¡Ha sido un placer conocerte, Juan!A: El placer es mío, María. ¡Disfruta tus vacaciones en nuestra ciudad!Espero que este cuestionario de prueba de nivel básico de español te haya sido útil. ¡Buena suerte en tu estudio del idioma!。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE EIGHT-SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after themini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is(are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet fornote-taking.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answerto each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities.[B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embracing of more ethnic differences.[D] acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT?[A] Some places are more diverse than others.[B] Towns are less diverse than large cities.[C] Diversity can be seen everywhere.[D] America is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?[A] Maine. [B] Selinsgrove.[C] Philadelphia. [D] California.4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates that[A] greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.[B] both older and younger populations are racially diverse.[C] age diversity could lead to pension problems.[D] older populations are more racially diverse.5. According to the interview, religious diversity[A] was most evident between 1990 and 2000.[B] exists among Muslim immigrants.[C] is restricted to certain places in the US.[D] is spreading to more parts of the country.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.6. What is the main idea of the news item?[A] Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.[B] Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.[C] The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.[D] Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20seconds to answer the questions.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government's measure to control inflation?[A] Foreign investment. [B] Donor support.[C] Price control. [D] Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?[A] 20 million percent. [B] 2.2 million percent.[C] 11.2 million percent. [D] Over 11.2 million percent. Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end ofthe news item, you will be given 20seconds to answer the questions.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?[A] A big fire erupted on the Nile River.[B] Helicopters were used to evacuate people.[C] Five people were taken to hospital for burns.[D] A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire is[A] electrical short-circuit.[B] lack of fire-safety measures.[C] terrorism.[D] not known.PART II READING COMPREHENSIONIn this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AAmong the great cities of the world, Kolkata (formerly spelt as Calcutta), the capital of India's West Bengal, and the home of nearly 15 million people, is often mentioned as the only one that still has a large fleet of hand-pulled rickshaws.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. It's the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws -- not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short distances, through lanes that are sometimes inaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from variousstalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafes or comer stores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are school children. Middle-class families contract with apuller to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains. During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn't be reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures of rickshaws beingpulled through water that was up to the pullers' waists. When it's raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, "When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws."While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states, according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India's 20 largest states, Bihar finished dead last, asit has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a few hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera--a combination of garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar. For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal until you've visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited.A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the ideaof being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of the editorial pages of Kolkata's Telegraph--Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books -- told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarianconsiderations as coining down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road. "I refuse to be carried by another human being myself," he said, "but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood." Rickshaw supporters point out that when it conies to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government's plan to rid the city of rickshaws was based on a genuine interest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shake of his head -- a gesture I interpreted to mean, "If you are so naive as to ask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on." Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminentend of their livelihood and pin their hopes on being offered something in its place. As migrant workers, they don't have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata's sidewalk hawkers, who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, selling absolutely everything -- or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas. "The government was the government of the poor people," one sardar told me. "Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people."But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations -- or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they're supplanted by more modem conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all, is not the first high West Bengal officialto say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statements have been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has been delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has been part of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, "has difficulty letting go." One day a cityofficial handed me a report from the municipal government laying out optionsfor how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated."Which option has been chosen?" I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit."That hasn't been decided," he said."When will it be decided?""That hasn't been decided," he said.11. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the following purposes EXCEPT[A] taking foreign tourists around the city.[B] providing transport to school children.[C] can-ying store supplies and purchases.[D] carrying people over short distances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullersfrom Bihar?[A] They come from a relatively poor area.[B] They are provided with decent accommodation.[C] Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.[D] They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That "For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar"(4th paragraph)means that even so,[A] the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.[B] the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.[C] the poor never try to make a living in Bihan[D] the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware people[A] hold ,nixed feelings towards rickshaws.[B] strongly support the ban on rickshaws.[C] call for humanitarian actions for rickshaw pullers.[D] keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author's sense of humour?[A] "... -- not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor."(2nd paragraph)[B] "..., which sounds like a pretty good deal until you've visited a dera." (4th paragraph)[C] Kolkata, a resident told me, "has difficulty letting go." (7th paragraph)[D] "...or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas." (6th paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passage seems to suggest[A] the uncertainty of the court's decision.[B] the inefficiency of the municipal government.[C] the difficulty of finding a good solution.[D] the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to some customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers (people who still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jet-way. At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada -- get this -- "We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinary people. This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an AT&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. before astand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business. And billionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he's first driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to a station 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least the ride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethical act, which is why so many wmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants "to cut in line ahead of millions of people."Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in front of an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was something about the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore not just civilization but civility during the Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 per flight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted "A" boarding pass when that airline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line when he or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: Very Important Persons, who don't wait, and Very Impatient Persons, who do -- unhappily.For those of us in the latter group -- consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder-what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot:“We wait.We are bored." 17.What does the following sentence mean? “Once the most democratic of institutions,lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers…Poor suckers,mostly.”(2nd paragraph)[A] Lines are symbolic of America’s democracy.[B] Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.[C] Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.[D] Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18.Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?[A] Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.[B] Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.[C] First-class passenger status at airports.[D] Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.19.We can infer from the passage that politicians(including mayors and Congressmen)[A] prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.[B] advocate the value of waiting in lines.[C] believe in and practice waiting in lines.[D] exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20.What is the tone of the passage?[A] Instructive. [B] Humorous.[C] Serious. [D] Teasing.TEXTCA bus took him to the West End,where,among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination,shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire,he found the caf4 of his choice,a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned Babylonian,a white palace with ten thousand lights.It towered above the older buildingslike a citadel,which indeed it was,the outpost of a new age,perhaps a new civilization,perhaps a new barbarism;and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel,just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence,balanced to the last halfpenny.Somewhere in the background,hidden away, behind the ten thousand lights and acres of whitenapery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots,behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists,behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak,the vanloads of ices,were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farthing,who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress(five feet four in height and in average health)would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen lift to the table in the far comer.In short,there was a warm,sensuous,vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys,and a cold science working in the basement.Such was the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched,in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury.Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world.looted whole kingdoms,and never arrived in such luxury.The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too,and,as usual,they were all there.It steamed with humanity.The marble entrance hall,piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes,was as crowded and bustling as a railway station.The gloom and grime of the streets,the raw air,all November,were at once left behind,forgotten:the atmosphere inside was golden,tropical,belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery.Disdaining the lifts,Turgis,once more excited by the sight,sound,and smell of it all,climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favorite floor,where an orchestra,led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects,acted as a magnet to a thousand girls.The door was swung open for him by a page;there burst,like a sugary bomb,the clatter of cups,the shrill chatter of white-and-vermilion girls,and,cleaving the golden,scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings;and,as he stood hesitating a moment,half dazed,there came,bowing,a sleek grave man,older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be,who murmured deferentially:“For one,sir? This way,please."Shyly,yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21.That "behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel" suggests that[A] modem realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance.[B] there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the cafe.[C] the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.[D] the caf6 was based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPT[A] "...turned Babylonian". [B] "perhaps a new barbarism".[C] "acres of white napery". [D] "balanced to the last halfpenny".23. In its context the statement that "the place was built for him" meansthat the card was intended to[A] please simple people in a simple way.[B] exploit gullible people like him.[C] satisfy a demand that already existed.[D] provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?[A] The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.[B] The café was both full of people and full of warmth.[C] The inside of the eafé was contrasted with the weather outside.[D] It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraph EXCEPT that[A] the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.[B] the orchestra is compared to a magnet.[C] Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.[D] the interior of the café is compared to warm countries.26. The author's attitude to the café is[A] fundamentally critical. [B] slightly admiring.[C] quite undecided. [D] completely neutral.TEXT DNow elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe's last pristine wilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to,or encumbered by, family one can't do anything about. But the truth is, onceyou're off the beaten paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they're all bad, so Iceland's natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhabitants. For them the land has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited -- the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the "Mona Lisa."When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enterinto a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter (冶炼厂), those who had been dreaming of something like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world's richest countries, with a 99 percentliteracy rate and long life expectancy. But the project's advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country'scentury upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark,which officially ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegetation and livestock, all spirit -- a world revolving almost entirely around the welfareof one's sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dyingregions-the remote and sparsely populated east -- where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotaswere imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many individual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostlyin the hands of a few companies and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing everything they had worked for all theirlives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. "Smelter or death."The contract with Alcoa would infuse the region with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way forIceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy historically dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verve, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself."We have to live," Halldor Asgrimsson said. Halldor, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region, was a driving force behind the project. "We have a right to live."27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something of[A] environmental value. [B] commercial value.[C] potential value for tourism. [D] great value for livelihood.28. What is Iceland's old-aged advocates' feeling towards the Alcoa project'?[A] Iceland is wealthy enough to reject the project.[B] The project would lower life expectancy.[C] The project would cause environmental problems.[D] The project symbolizes an end to the colonial legacies.29. The disappearance of the old way of life was due to all the following EXCEPT[A] fewer fishing companies. [B] fewer jobs available.[C] migration of young people. [D] imposition of fishing quotas.30. The 4th paragraph in the passage[A] sums up the main points of the passage.[B] starts to discuss an entirely new point.[C] elaborates on the last part of the 3rd paragraph.[D] continues to depict the bleak economic situation.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGEThere are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. Mark your answers.31. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?[A] The British constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215.[B] The British constitution includes Parliamentary acts.[C] The British constitution includes decisions made by courts of law.[D] The British constitution includes one single written constitution.32. The first city ever founded in Canada is[A] Quebec. [B] Vancouver. [C] Toronto. [D] Montreal.33. When did the Australian Federation officially come into being'?[A] 1770. [B] 1788. [C] 1900. [D] 1901.34. The Emancipation Proclamation to end the slavery plantation system in the South of the U.S. was issued by[A] Abraham Lincoln. [B] Thomas Paine.[C] George Washington. [D] Thomas Jefferson.35.______is best known for the technique of dramatic monologue in his poems.[A] William Blake [B] W.B. Yeats[C] Robert Browning [D] William Wordsworth36. The Financier is written by[A] Mark Twain. [B] Henry James.[C] William Faulkner. [D] Theodore Dreiser.37. In literature a story in verse or prose with a double meaning is defined as[A] allegory. [B] sonnet. [C] blank verse. [D] rhyme.38.______refers to the learning and development of a language.[A] Language acquisition [B] Language comprehension[C] Language production [D] Language instruction。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2024)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 150MINLISTENING COMPREHENSION PART ISECTION A (25MIN)MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture.You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY.While listening to the mini-lecture,complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable.You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now,listen to the mini-lecture.When it is over,you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interviews.At the end of each interview,five questions will be asked about what was said.Both the interviews and the questions will be read ONCE ONLY.After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause,you should read the four choices of A,B,C and D,and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now,listen to the first interview.Questions1to5are based on the first interview1. A.It is more demanding.C.It is too theoretical.2. A.It is more memorable.C.It is limited to the time of writing.3. A.Readership. B.It is quite relaxing.D.It is more aesthetic.B.It focuses on aesthetic issues.D.It has different themes and subjects.B.Viewpoint.D.Theme.B.Minor novels.D.Novels of CentralC.Purpose.4. A.Gothic novels.Europe.C.Science fiction.5. A.There will still be a few options.B.Confusion will continue among readers.C.Novels will certainly become a rarity.D.People will go on buying literary books.Now,listen to the second interview.Questions6to10are based on the second interview.6. A.Three feet.C.Six inches.7. A.Number of satellites. B.Eight inches.D.Six feetB.Height of ice surface.D.Gravity in Antarctica.B.Changes in height. D.Increase inC.Amount of snowfall.8. A.Decrease in ice sheet.snowfall.C.Changes in gravitational pull.9. A.Eliminating carbon in the atmosphere.B.Reducing climate pollution emissions.C.Continuing height measurement.D.Producing more accurate predictions.10.A.Climate change and its consequences.B.Effects of climate change on coastal areas.C.New findings from satellite data.D.Proposals to slow down climate change.PART II READING COMPREHENSION(45MIN) SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are three passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions.For each multiple choice question,there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE(1)If the properties of human language make it such a unique communication system,quite different from the communication systems of other creatures,then it would seem extremely unlikely that other creatures would be able to understand it.Some humans,however,do not behave as if this is the case.There is,after all,a lot of spoken language directed by humans to animals,apparently under the impression that the animal follows what is being said. Riders can say Whoa to horses and they stop.Should we treat these examples as evidence that non-humans can understand human language?Probably not.The standard explanation is that the animal produces a particular behavior in response to a particular sound-stimulus or noise,but does not actually“understand”what the words in the noise mean.(2)In an early attempt to teach a chimpanzee to use human language,in the1930s,two scientists(Luella and Winthrop Kellogg)raised an infant chimpanzee together with their baby son.The chimpanzee,called Gua,was reported to be able to understand about a hundred words,but did not“say”any of them.In the1940s,a chimpanzee named Viki was reared by another scientist couple(Catherine and Keith Hayes)in their own home,exactly as if she were a human child.These foster parents spent five years attempting to get Viki to“say”English words by trying to shape her mouth as she produced sounds.Viki eventually managed to produce some words,rather poorly articulated versions of“mama”,“papa”and“cup”.In retrospect,this was a remarkable achievement since it has become clear that non-human primates do not actually have a physically structured vocal tract which is suitable for articulating the sounds used in speech.(3)Recognizing that a chimpanzee was a poor candidate for spoken language learning,another scientist couple (Beatrix and Allen Gardner)set out to teach a female chimpanzee called Washoe to use a version of American Sign Language.This sign language has all the essential properties of human language and is learned by many congenitally deaf children as their natural first language.From the beginning,the Gardner’s and their research assistants raised Washoe like a human child in a comfortable domestic environment.Sign language was always used when Washoe was around and she was encouraged to use signs.In a period of three and a half years,Washoe came to use signs for more than a hundred words.Even more impressive was Washoe’s ability to take these forms and combine them to produce“sentences”of the type“gimme tickle”,“more fruit”and“open food drink”.Some of the forms appear to have been inventions by Washoe,as in her novel sign for“bib”and in the combination“water bird”(referring to a swan),which would seem to indicate that her communication system had the potential for productivity.(4)At the same time as Washoe was learning sign language,another chimpanzee named Sarah was being taught (by Ann and David Premack)to use a set of plastic shapes for the purpose of communicating with humans.These plastic shapes represented“words”that could be arranged in sequence to build“sentences”.The basic approach was quite different from that of the Gardner’s.Sarah was systematically trained to associate these shapes with objects or actions.She remained an animal in a cage,being trained with food rewards to manipulate a set of symbols.Once she had learned to use a large number of these plastic shapes,Sarah was capable of getting an apple by selecting the correct plastic shape(a blue triangle)from a large array.Sarah was also capable of producing“sentences”such as “Mary give chocolate Sarah”and had the impressive capacity to understand complex structures such as“If Sarah put red on green,Mary give Sarah chocolate”.(5)A psychologist Herbert Terrace argued that chimpanzees simply produce signs in response to the demands of people and tend to repeat signs those people use,yet they are treated as if they are taking part in a“conversation”.As in many critical studies of animal learning,the chimpanzees’behavior is viewed as a type of conditioned response to cues provided by human trainers.(6)Important lessons have been learned from attempts to teach chimpanzees how to use forms of language.We have answered some questions.Were Washoe and Sarah capable of taking part in interaction with humans by using asymbol system chosen by humans and not chimpanzees?The answer is clearly“Yes.”Could Washoe and Sarah go on to perform linguistically on a level comparable to a two-year-old child?The answer is just as clearly“No.”In arriving at these answers,we have also had to face the fact that,even with our list of key properties,we still don’t seem to have a non-controversial definition of what counts as“using language”.It has to be fair to say that,in both cases,we observe the participants“using language”.However,there is a difference.Underlying the two-year-old’s communicative activity is the capacity to develop a highly complex system of sounds and structures,plus a set of computational procedures,which will allow the child to produce extended discourse containing a potentially infinite number of novel utterances.No other creature has been observed“using language”in this sense.It is in this more fundamental or abstract sense that we say that language is uniquely human.11.What can we learn from the two attempts in Para.2?A.Being raised with a human child is essential.B.Mouth shaping is crucial in language learning.C.Time length is an important factor in experiments.D.Non-human creatures are different in vocal tracts.12.Which of the following statements about Washoe and Sarah is INCORRECT?A.They were taught in different approaches.B.They were raised in similar environments.C.They were somewhat innovative in expression.D.They were non-human primates for experiments.13.Which of the following is a conditioned response to human cues?A.“Mama”and“cup”(Viki).C.“Water bird”(Washoe).14.What is the topic of the B.“Open food drink”(Washoe).D.“Mary give chocolate Sarah”(Sarah).passage?A.Animal behavior and language.C.Animals and human language.B.Animal communication system.D.Animals and human behavior. PASSAGE TWO(1)It was well past midnight this past July and the round-the-clock Arctic sun was shining on Mercy Bay. Exhausted Parks Canada archaeologist Ryan Harris was experiencing a rare moment of rest on the rocky beach, looking out over the bay’s dark,ice-studded water.Around him,a dozen red-and-yellow tents lined the shoreline—the only signs of life.Every day for the previous two weeks,work had started by mid-morning and continued nonstop for16hours.Night and day had little relevance in the murky,near-freezing waters.Along with Parks Canada’s chief of underwater archaeology,Marc-Andre Bernier,Harris has overseen more than100dives at this remote inlet of Banks Island in Aulavik National Park,exploring the wreck of HMS Investigator,a British vessel that has sat on the bottom of the bay for more than160years.(2)Harris and a small team of archaeologists had discovered Investigator in2010and returned in2011with a larger team to dive,study,and document the wreck,which holds a critical place in the history of Arctic exploration. Twenty-five feet below the surface,Investigator sits upright,intact,and remarkably well preserved.Silt covers everything below the main deck,entombing the officers’cabins,the ship’s galley,and a full library.The archaeologists had intended to leave the wreck and its artifacts where they had lain since the polar ship was abandoned, trapped in ice,on June3,1853.Artifact recovery was not part of their original plan,but that plan changed after their first few dives.(3)The team was instantly surprised by the number of artifacts they saw—muskets(火枪),shoes,and hunks of copper sheathing rested on Investigator’s upper deck,dangled off the hull,or lay haphazardly on the sediment. Leaving these artifacts behind in Mercy Bay would have made them vulnerable to the icebergs that regularly scour the bay’s floor,including the ones the six-man dive team had been dodging since their arrival.(4)Each piece fished from the water was a clue to life at sea aboard a ship during a period of British fervor for Arctic exploration.The captain of Investigator,Robert McClure,was originally sent to find and rescue two ships, HIMS Erebus and HMS Terror,that Sir John Franklin had led into the Arctic in1845to discover the long-sought Northwest Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.Investigator’s voyage ended,without sight or word of Franklin’s ships or crew,when it was set upon by ice in Mercy Bay.After39months at sea,the listing ship sat,slowly being crushed on all sides,for three frigid years—with no Inuit encounters,no British search parties,and no relief. For much of that time,McClure and his crew of60were desperate and under constant threat of starvation,until a surprising rescue in the spring of1853.Fifty-five men survived the ordeal.(5)In July2010,after months of study to pinpoint Investigator’s resting place,the actual discovery of the wreck took just a few minutes.Harris was in the bay in an inflatable boat testing sonar equipment when the wreck came into range.The four hours of video gathered on that trip showed that the ship was,in essence,frozen in time,protected by the cold water and opaque,light-blocking ice cover.It would be a year before they could return with cold-water diving equipment to have a closer,more detailed look.Over that year,the Parks Canada team pored over photographs and examined glowing gold ultrasound images that showed timber from the wreck scattered across the upper deck like matchsticks.They sought and received the blessing for a more intensive exploration of the wreck site from the136 residents of Sachs Harbour,an Inuvialuit(Inuit from the western Arctic)community on the southwestern tip of Banks Island,the closest permanent community,some125miles away.In addition to the underwater work to document the wreck,archaeologist Henry Cary led a land-based survey and excavation team of Inuvialuit archaeologists, conservation officers,and park staff.It fell upon Cary to shuttle the8,820pounds of equipment up to the74th parallel, including tents,a three-week supply of food,two boats,diving gear,compressors,recording equipment,surveying tools,and20barrels for collecting fresh drinking water.(6)The archaeologists came prepared for delays,nasty weather,and polar bears—but they weren’t prepared for the number of artifacts that needed recovery.Harris,Bernier,Cary,and their crews had packed cameras,lasers,and measuring tapes to document the sites but fewer items to help them retrieve,excavate,or transfer artifacts.Recovering the wreck’s finds quickly used up their small toolkit for stabilizing artifacts:foam padding,tongue depressors,and gauze bandages.(7)“We had not really envisioned the number of artifacts that were visible and exposed on the deck.So,basically, we had to improvise,”says Bernier.(8)Someone ripped the lid of a large black storage case off its hinges to use as a cradle to lift a bent and corroded musket from the frigid waters.A large food cooler was loaded with a shredded,twisted,oxidized sample of the copper sheathing used by the British navy to reinforce their Arctic fleet for contact with icebergs.To protect a fragile rectangle of encrusted felt—a novel addition to Investigator that was intended to keep the ship watertight—Harris fashioned a cover out of absorbent chamois(鹿皮),ripped up an old black T-shirt to place underneath it,and sandwiched the artifact between floorboards taken from the boat that had shuttled them between land and the wreck. The artifacts then made a more than4,000-mile journey,by helicopter and commercial airliner,to the Parks Canada conservation lab in Ottawa,where they are being conserved and studied today.15.Which of the following details about the underwater exploration is CORRECT?A.Work started on the ship wreck during the team’s second trip.B.The original plan was to explore the ship and retrieve the artifacts.C.The team spent their nights near a local residents’community.D.The team began exploring the ship wreck soon after its discovery.16.What can we learn about Investigator?A.It was sent to discover a new sea passage.B.Its actual discovery was time-consuming.C.It got in touch with Erebus and Terror.D.It got stuck in ice and was later abandoned.17.Why did Bernier say that they had to improvise(Para.7)?A.They had to fight against the treacherous weather.B.They had little time to pack and stabilize those artifacts.C.They did not have proper tools to excavate so many artifacts.D.They had no idea what those artifacts were used for on board.18.Which of the following words best describes the archaeologists’way of protecting the retrieved artifacts?A.Incredible.B.Innovative.C.Imaginable.D.Inefficient.19.The last paragraph mentions all the following EXCEPT______A.who made the artifacts.C.what artifacts were recovered.B.where the artifacts were sent.D.how the artifacts were protected. PASSAGE THREE(1)My father was,I am sure,intended by nature to be a cheerful,kindly man.Until he was thirty-four years oldhe worked as a farmhand for a man named Thomas Butterworth whose place lay near the town of Bidwell.He had then a horse of his own and on Saturday evenings drove into town to spend a few hours in social intercourse with other farmhands.In town he drank several glasses of beer and stood about in Ben Head’s saloon—crowded on Saturday evenings with visiting farmhands.Songs were sung and glasses thumped on the bar.At ten o’clock father drove home along a lonely country road,made his horse comfortable for the night and himself went to bed,quite happy in his position in life.He had at that time no notion of trying to rise in the world.(2)It was in the spring of his thirty-fifth year that father married my mother,then a country school teacher,and inthe following spring I came wriggling and crying into the world.Something happened to the two people.They became ambitious.The passion for getting up in the world took possession of them.(3)It may have been that mother was responsible.Being a school teacher she had no doubt read books andmagazines.She had,I presume,read of how some people rose from poverty to fame and greatness and as I lay beside her—in the days of her lying-in—she may have dreamed that I would someday rule men and cities.At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farmhand,sell his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of his own.She was a tall silent woman with a long nose and troubled grey eyes.For herself she wanted nothing.For father and myself she was incurably ambitious.(4)The first venture into which the two people went turned out badly.They rented ten acres of poor stony landon Griggs’s Road,eight miles from Bidwell,and launched into chicken raising.I grew into boyhood on the place and got my first impressions of life there.From the beginning they were impressions of disaster and if,in my turn,I am a gloomy man inclined to see the darker side of life,I attribute it to the fact that what should have been for me the happy joyous days of childhood were spent on a chicken farm.(5)One unversed in such matters can have no notion of the many and tragic things that can happen to a chicken.It is born out of an egg,lives for a few weeks as a tiny fluffy thing such as you will see pictured on Easter cards,then becomes hideously naked,eats quantities of corn and meal bought by the sweat of your father’s brow,gets diseases called pip,cholera,and other names,stands looking with stupid eyes at the sun,becomes sick and dies.A few hens and now and then a rooster,intended to serve God’s mysterious ends,struggle through to maturity.The hens lay eggs out of which come other chickens and the dreadful cycle is thus made complete.It is all unbelievably complex.Most philosophers must have been raised on chicken farms.One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so dreadfully disillusioned.Small chickens,just setting out on the journey of life,look so bright and alert and they are in fact so dreadfully stupid.They are so much like people they mix one up in one’s judgments of life.If disease does not kill them they wait until your expectations are thoroughly aroused and then walk under the wheels of a wagon—to go squashed and dead back to their maker.Vermin infest their youth,and fortunes must be spent for curative powders.(6)For ten years my father and mother struggled to make our chicken farm pay and then they gave up thatstruggle and began another.They decided to move into the town of Bidwell,and embarked in the restaurant business. 5After ten years of worry with incubators that did not hatch,and with tiny—and in their own way lovely—balls of fluff that passed on into semi-naked pullethood and from that into dead henhood,we threw all aside,packed our belongings on a wagon and drove down Griggs’s Road toward Bidwell,a tiny caravan of hope looking for a new place from which to start on our upward journey through life.(7)We must have been a sad looking lot,not,I fancy,unlike refugees fleeing from a battlefield.Mother and I walked in the road.The wagon that contained our goods had been borrowed for the day from Mr.Albert Griggs,a neighbor.Out of its sides stuck the legs of cheap chairs and at the back of the pile of beds,tables,and boxes filled with kitchen utensils was a crate of live chickens,and on top of that the baby carriage in which I had been wheeled about in my infancy.Why we stuck to the baby carriage I don’t know.It was unlikely other children would be born and the wheels were broken.People who have few possessions cling tightly to those they have.That is one of the facts that make life so discouraging.(8)Father rode on top of the wagon.He was then a bald-headed man of forty-five,a little fat and from long association with mother and the chickens he had become habitually silent and discouraged.All during our ten years on the chicken farm he had worked as a laborer on neighboring farms and most of the money he had earned had been spent for remedies to cure chicken diseases.There were two little patches of hair on father’s head just above his ears.I remember that as a child I used to sit looking at him when he had gone to sleep in a chair before the stove on Sunday afternoons in the winter.I had at that time already begun to read books and have notions of my own and the bald path that led over the top of his head was,I fancied,something like a broad road,such a road as Caesar might have made on which to lead his legions out of Rome and into the wonders of an unknown world.(9)One might write a book concerning our flight from the chicken farm into town.Mother and I walked the entire eight miles—she to be sure that nothing fell from the wagon and I to see the wonders of the world.20.The author describes his mother as______A.knowledgeable.B.responsible.C.imaginative.D.aspiring.21.What is Para.5intended to show?A.The specific steps of chicken raising.B.The difficulties of chicken raising.C.The excitement of the family.D.The expectations of the family.22.What does“our upward journey”in Para.6indicate?A.Their worries.B.Their struggle.C.Their ambition.D.Their resourcefulness.23.What is the relation between the two italicized sentences in Para.7?A.Temporal.B.Causal.C.Illustrative.D.Additive.24.Which of the following sentences in Paras.8and9indicates the author’s sense of hope?A.“...I to see the wonders of the world”.B.“I had at that time already begun to read books...”.C.“I walked the entire eight miles...”.D.“...a book concerning our flight from the chicken farm into town”.SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short answer questions based on the passages in Section A.Answer each question in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE25.What does“this”in Para.1refer to?26.How did Washoe demonstrate the potential of productivity(Para.3)?PASSAGE TWO27.What does the word “ones”in Para.3refer to?28.What was Sir John Franklin’s mission?29.List two preparations the team made for their trip (Para.5). PASSAGE THREE30.Describe in your own words the personality of the author’s father before marriage (Para.1).31.Describe in your own words the author’s childhood on a chicken farm (Para.4).32.What does the chickens’fate imply about the author’s family?PART IIILANGUAGE USAGE (15MIN) The passage contains TEN errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error.In each cas e,onlyONE word is involved.You shouldproofread the passage and correct it in thefollowing way:For a wrong word,underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. mark the position of the missing word with a “/\”sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end ofthe For a missingword,line.For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the wordin the blank provided at the end of the line.EXAMPLE When /\art museum wants a new exhibit, (1)it never an buys things in finished form and hangs (2)neverthem on the wall.When a natural history museum wants an exhibition,it must often build it. (3)exhibitProofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.PART IV TRANSLATION(20MIN) Translate the underlined part of the following text from Chinese into English.Write your translation onANSWER SHEET THREE.中国科幻小说在国际上越来越受欢迎,已成为一种新的国际交流方式。



英语专业八级考试2024The English Major Eight-Level Examination in 2024 is a comprehensive test that assesses students' proficiency in English language skills, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This exam is designed to evaluate students' ability to communicate effectively in English and to demonstrate their understanding of the language at an advanced level.In the listening section of the exam, students will be required to listen to a variety of audio recordings, such as lectures, conversations, and interviews, and answer questions based on the information they hear. This section tests students' ability to comprehend spoken English and to extract key information from the recordings.The reading section of the exam consists of a series of passages on a variety of topics, including literature, history, science, and current events. Students will be asked to read the passages carefully and answer questions that test their understanding of the main ideas, supporting details, and vocabulary used in the texts.The writing section of the exam requires students to write essays, reports, and other types of written responses to prompts on a range of topics. Students will be evaluated on their ability to organize their ideas coherently, use appropriate language and grammar, and support their arguments with relevant examples and evidence.In the speaking section of the exam, students will be asked to participate in conversations, give presentations, and respond to questions in English. This section assesses students' ability to communicate orally in English, including their pronunciation, fluency, and ability to express themselves clearly and confidently.Overall, the English Major Eight-Level Examination in 2024 is a challenging test that requires students to demonstrate their proficiency in all aspects of the English language. By preparing thoroughly and practicing regularly, students can improve their English skills and increase their chances of success on the exam. Good luck to all the students taking the exam!。



As I stand before you today,I am filled with a sense of duty and enthusiasm to serve our class as the next class monitor.I believe that my capabilities and experiences make me the right candidate for this role.Leadership Experience:I have been actively involved in various leadership roles throughout my school years.I have led study groups,organized class events,and even represented our class in school council meetings.These experiences have honed my skills in communication, decisionmaking,and teamwork.Academic Excellence:My academic performance has always been a testament to my dedication and hard work.I consistently rank among the top students in our class,and I am confident that my academic prowess can inspire and motivate others to strive for excellence.ProblemSolving Skills:I am known for my ability to think critically and solve problems effectively.Whether its resolving conflicts among classmates or finding innovative solutions to class issues,I am always ready to take on challenges and find the best possible outcomes. Commitment to Service:My commitment to serving our class is unwavering.I am always ready to listen to the concerns of my peers and work tirelessly to address them.I believe that a class monitor should be a voice for the class,and I am committed to being that voice.Vision for Our Class:If elected,my vision for our class is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and heard.I aim to improve our classs academic performance by organizing study sessions and facilitating discussions on challenging topics.I also plan to organize social events to strengthen our classs bond and foster a sense of camaraderie.Plans for Improvement:I have several plans to improve our classs overall experience.These include setting up a class mentorship program,where senior students can guide the younger ones,and initiating a class newsletter to keep everyone informed about important dates and events.Closing Remarks:In conclusion,I am eager to take on the responsibilities of a class monitor.I am passionate about making a positive impact on our class and believe that with your support,we can achieve great things together.I ask for your vote,not just as a formality,but as a commitment to work together towards a brighter future for our class.Thank you for considering my candidacy.。

Final Exam EDC 385G Sizhi Han

Final Exam EDC 385G Sizhi Han

Short Answers1.Monitor Model/Input Hypothesis (Krashen)a)Why some learners are more successful than others?One reason that some learners are more successful than others is because they get more immersion in the second language environment than others. Or they have enough time to consciously monitor their language usage. Another reason is they may have positive attitude to acquire a new language, which means their affective filter is low, so they get more comprehensible input.b) A learner Who seems to reach a plateau and stops making progress in the L2?In this phenomenon, the learner may get a high affective filter because of losing interest to the second language so that he or she cannot get more comprehensible input. Or maybe he or she stop the consciously monitor of the second language, so he or she cannot correct the errors and stop making progress.2.The Discourse/Conversation perspectivea)Some learners may have more conversations with native speakers, get more comprehensive input,have negotiation of meanings in these conversations and get more feedbacks.b)The learner is getting interlanguages and making progress while learning a second language. Butthe learning process is a dynamic and discontinuous progression “from stable plateau to stable plateau”. (Seli nker, 1992, p. 226) The learner may reach a plateau to make progress or in the situation of fossilization that he or she is still making progress but there are some persistenterrors that seem stock there. Also, he or she may have less conversations with native speakers or get less feedbacks.3.The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesisa)Those learners who are more successful are consistently being corrected when they got errors inthe second language. At the same time, the similarities between the first language and the second language will help learners to better acquire the second language.b)Maybe the learner stops correcting his or her errors when he or she uses the second language. Orwhat he or she learned in the second language is unique characters for the second language that does not exist in his or her first language.II. EssaysI choose the first and fourth questions to answer. Please review the following essays for question one and question four.1.In my opinion, children are not biologically better suited to language learning. I am not sure whether the age difference is a crucial factor in second language acquisition or not. In most circumstances, children can achieve native-like proficiency in a second language but most adults cannot. It can be explained by the Critical Perio d Hypothesis, which stated that “there is a limited developmental period during which it is possible to acquire a language, be it L1 or L2, to normal, nativelike levels. Once this window of opportunity is passed, however, the ability to l earn language declines.” (KH, p. 171) So, children can do better than most adults in the second language acquisition at least in the aspect of pronunciation.Secondly, younger learners do well in grammatical mechanism than older learners. Newport explained that children are in a non-analytic processing mode in grammatical learning, so they are more successful in informal and naturalistic L2 learning context, and older learners in formal instructional settings. (ST&B, p. 189)Thirdly, children have more time to be immersed in the L2 environment than adults because the life of adults is more complicated than children. Except to learn a second language, adults have to handle other trivial things in life. According to Krashen’s Monitor Model, the immersion in t he language environment is the crucial factor of learning a second language. So, children have more access to be immersed in a second language environment than adults.However, some adults can also achieve native speaker’ s level in a second language. The re is an excuse for the accent of adults. It may depend on the learning environment. At an early age, children may be mocked by other children because they have an accent in the second language. So, they may feel embarrassed and work on their pronunciation. However, in adults’ world, they will not laugh at each other because of accent, so they will not care about their accent and correct their pronunciation.There are some evidence to support that adults are better than children in the second language acquisition. Researchers found that older learners have got higher levels of pragmatic skills and knowledge of the second language, which may transfer positively to L2 use, and older learners also can process complex tasks because they have more real-world knowledge even they have limited linguistic resources. (ST&B, p. 189) Besides, the phenomenon that older learners learn L2 better than children may also attribute to their psychological motivation. Children may experience a silent period when theyare unwilling to speak in the L2. Adults have more obligations to answer the questions raised by others so that they are motivated to talk fast and being forced to learn quickly. In our lecture, we also talked about that adolescents and adults are in the higher stage of cognitive development. They always think about the world with abstract rules, and the grammatical rules may help older learners learn quickly. Also, the interlanguage pragmatics raised by Kasper endows the adults with the ability to transfer their understanding of L1 to L2. But a study of Cantonese speaking children learning English in a primary school in Hong Kong, Rose (2000) found that their pragmatic responses, when responding to cartoon-based scenarios, showed that there was little indication of transfer from Cantonese. That study shows that children are not able to transfer their understandings from the L1 to the L2. So, adults may do better than children if their first language can help them transfer meanings to the second language.4.The “ideal” second language learner has the aptitude or higher IQ than most of the people. He or she is a field independence person with both instructional and integrative motivations, positive attitude and lower anxiety to the second language learning process. He or she is an extravert person. Also, he or she has the suitable strategies to learn the second language.I would like to say that at least in the aspect of CALP, language learners are cognitively superior to less successful learners. Because the research by Genesee made in 1976, which tested the IQ with L2 French reading skills, French grammar, auditory comprehension and interpersonal communication, found that IQ as traditionally measured may play a role in CALP type skills, but not in those involving interpersonal skills, or BICS. (KH, p. 195)Back to my “ideal” second language learner. The intelligence and aptitude are biologically gift s from nature for him or her to do better in learning a second language. Gardner and MacIntyre pointed out that “in the long run language, aptitude is probably the single best predictor of achievement in an L2.” (Gardner & MacIntyre, 1992, p.215) For the cognitive part, besides of the aptitude, people who are field independence will learn the second language better than people of field dependence. Because FI has been linked to L2 learning aspects such as the ability to restructure the L2 interlanguage, use analytic strategies, infer grammatical rules, and the ability to learn formal rules. (KH, p. 210)For the emotional factor, the positive attitudes and motivation and the lower anxiety also make contributions to the second language learning. Motivation plays a major role in any learning situation, including learning another language, (KH, p. 201) whether the learner is motivated by integrative orientation or instrumental orientation or both. But attitudes toward languages and language learnings should be considered separately. A given individual might have favorable attitudes toward L2 speakers, yet hold negative attitudes toward language learning. So, positive attitudes toward learning will enhance the learning process. Also, Horwitz has pointed out the anxiety would influence the L2 learning in our lectures. Appropriate levels of anxiety will facilitate learning in L2, but excessive anxiety will debilitate the learning process. So, I think with lower anxiety, my “ideal” learner will do better in learning a second language.Also, learners in different personalities also will have different effects on the L2 learning process. For example, Dewaele and Furnham found that extraverts were found to be generally more fluent than the introverts both in L1 and L2. (Dewaele & Frunhan, 1999, p. 532) As for other personalities, my “ideal”learner also should be an openness to experience, and conscientiousness in building basic pragmatic skills and monitoring strategies, because these factors contribute him or her as a person who is likely to facilitate the development of integrative motivation. (KH, p. 208)Meanwhile, the “ideal” learner should find the most suitable learning strategies including cognitive and metacognitive strategies to help him or her get more comprehensible input in the second language. By using learning strategies, he or she often consciously improve his or her progress in apprehending, internalizing, and using the L2. Wong and Nunan found that the more effective students, as measured by results on a standardized language test, primarily used strategies involving interpersonal communication. From the perspective of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis, the “ideal” learner should find the errors when he or she uses the second language and correct those errors. As Corder pointed out: “A learner’s errors are significant in that they provide to the researcher evidence of how language is learned or acquired, what strategies or procedures the learner is employing in the discovery of the language.” (KH, p. 65) Also, in Discourse Analysis, Selinker also emphasized the importance of feedback, which played important role in conversations because when good learners can get more corrections from peers or teachers, they will improve their oral English skills by avoiding the same mistakes.Also, both Shumann and Krashen mentioned that the immersion in the L2 environment will help language learners acquire the L2. Krashen emphasized the subconscious acquisition in L2 and the immersion under the L2 environment. The Social Distance Hypothesis stated the assimilation and acculturation of the L2 environment will be beneficial to L2 learners. Also, they both put emphasis on the attitudes, which called psychological distance in the Social Distance Hypothesis, that the positiveattitude will encourage the acquisition and get more input in learning. In addition, Swain pointed that the output will push learners ahead in their development. (KH, p. 80) Therefore, my “ideal” learner also need to talk more with native speakers and try to keep his or her identity while adapting the lifestyle and values of the target language group.。

SolidWorks 301A Instructor's Guide Certified Solid

SolidWorks 301A Instructor's Guide Certified Solid

A Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks AssociateCertified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA)El Programa de certificación para asociados certificados de SolidWorks (CertifiedSolidWorks Associate, CSWA) brinda los conocimientos que los estudiantes necesitanpara trabajar en los campos de diseño e ingeniería. La aprobación del Examen CSWAdemuestra la competencia en la tecnología de modelado de CAD en 3D, la aplicación de principios de ingeniería y el reconocimiento de prácticas industriales globales.Obtenga más información en /cswa.Información sobre el examenDECLINACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Este examen de muestra se brinda paramostrarle el formato y el nivel de dificultad aproximado del examen real. No tiene elobjetivo de revelar el examen CSWA completo.Estas preguntas son un ejemplo de lo que puede esperar en el examen CSWA.Cómo realizar este examen de muestra:1Para simular las condiciones de la prueba real de la mejor manera, es conveniente NOimprimir este examen. Puesto que la ventana del cliente Evaluador y SolidWorks seejecutan simultáneamente, debe alternar entre las dos aplicaciones. El mejor métodopara simular condiciones de prueba reales es mantener este documento abierto yconsultarlo mientras se ejecuta SolidWorks.2Las respuestas de selección múltiple deben servirle para comprobar que su modelo estébien encaminado mientras completa este examen. Si no encuentra su respuesta en lasselecciones ofrecidas, lo más probable es que su modelo tenga algún error en ese punto.3Las respuestas a las preguntas se encuentran en las últimas páginas de este ejemplo dedocumento de prueba. También hay consejos que pueden ayudarle a ahorrar tiempodurante el examen.4Si puede completar este examen y responder correctamente al menos 6 de las 8preguntas en 90 minutos o menos, estará listo para realizar el examen CSWA real.Qué necesitará para el examen CSWA real:1Una computadora con SolidWorks 2007 o posterior.2Esta computadora debe tener conexión a Internet.3Se recomienda un monitor doble, pero no es absolutamente necesario.4Si va a ejecutar el cliente Evaluador virtual en una computadora distinta de lacomputadora donde se ejecuta SolidWorks, asegúrese de que exista una manera detransferir archivos de una computadora a la otra. Necesitará descargar archivos deSolidWorks durante la prueba real para poder responder algunas de las preguntas.301Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate302A continuación, se incluye un detalle de los temas y las preguntas del examen CSWA:❑Competencias de dibujo (3 preguntas de 5 puntos cada una):•Preguntas varias sobre las funciones de dibujo❑Creación y modificación de una pieza básica (2 preguntas de 15 puntos cada una):•Croquizado•Extruir saliente•Extruir corte•Modificación de cotas clave❑Creación y modificación de una pieza intermedia (2 preguntas de 15 puntos cada una):•Croquizado•Revolución de saliente•Extruir corte•Matriz circular❑Creación y modificación de una pieza avanzada (3 preguntas de 15 puntos cada una):•Croquizado•Equidistancia de croquis•Extruir saliente•Extruir corte•Modificación de cotas clave•Modificaciones de geometría más difíciles❑Creación de ensamblajes (4 preguntas de 30 puntos cada una):•Colocación de la pieza base•Relaciones de posición•Modificación de parámetros clave en el ensamblajeTotal de preguntas: 14Total de puntos: 240Se necesitan 165 de 240 puntos para aprobar el examen CSWA.El ejemplo de prueba que se brinda a continuación muestra el formato básico del examen CSWA en tres secciones:•Competencias de dibujo•Modelado de piezas•Creación de ensamblajesApéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate303Ejemplo de examenCompetencias de dibujo1Para crear la vista de dibujo “B”, esnecesario croquizar una spline (comose muestra) en la vista de dibujo “A”.¿Además, qué tipo de vista deSolidWorks es necesario insertar?a)De sección b)De recorte c)Proyectada d)De detalle2Para crear la vista de dibujo “B”, esnecesario croquizar una spline(como se muestra) en la vista dedibujo “A”. ¿Además, qué tipo devista de SolidWorks es necesarioinsertar?a)De sección alineada b)De detalle c)De sección parcial d)De secciónApéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate304Modelado de piezasLas siguientes imágenes se van a utilizar para responder las preguntas 3 y 4.3Pieza (Bloque de herramientas) - Paso 1Crear esta pieza en SolidWorks.(Guarde la pieza después de cada pregunta en un archivo diferente en caso de que deba revisarla)Sistema de unidades: MMGS (milímetro, gramo, segundo)Lugares decimales: 2Origen de la pieza: ArbitrarioTodos los taladros son por todo, a menos que se muestre algo distinto.Material: Acero AISI 1020Densidad = 0,0079 g/mm^3A = 81,00B = 57,00C = 43,00¿Cuál es la masa total de la pieza (gramos)?Consejo: Si no encuentra una opción dentro del 1% de su respuesta, vuelva a revisar su modelo sólido.a)1028,33b)118,93c)577,64d)939,54Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate 4Pieza (Bloque de herramientas) - Paso 2Modificar la pieza en SolidWorks.Sistema de unidades: MMGS (milímetro, gramo, segundo)Lugares decimales: 2Origen de la pieza: ArbitrarioTodos los taladros son por todo, a menos que se muestre algo distinto.Material: Acero AISI 1020Densidad = 0,0079 g/mm^3Utilice la pieza creada en la pregunta anterior y modifíquela cambiando los siguientes parámetros:A = 84,00B = 59,00C = 45,00Nota: Se supone que todas las otras cotas son las mismas que las de la pregunta anterior. ¿Cuál es la masa total de la pieza (gramos)?305Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate306Modelado de piezasLas siguientes imágenes se van a utilizar para responder la pregunta 5.5Pieza (Bloque de herramientas) - Paso 3Modificar esta pieza en SolidWorks.Sistema de unidades: MMGS (milímetro, gramo, segundo)Lugares decimales: 2Origen de la pieza: ArbitrarioTodos los taladros son por todo, a menos que se muestre algo distinto.Material: Acero AISI 1020Densidad = 0,0079 g/mm^3Utilice la pieza creada en la pregunta anterior y modifíquela eliminando material y cambiando los siguientes parámetros:A = 86,00B = 58,00C = 44,00¿Cuál es la masa total de la pieza (gramos)?Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate307Modelado de piezasLas siguientes imágenes se van a utilizar para responder la pregunta 6.6Pieza (Bloque de herramientas) - Paso 4Modifique esta pieza en SolidWorks.Sistema de unidades: MMGS (milímetro, gramo, segundo)Lugares decimales: 2Origen de la pieza: ArbitrarioTodos los taladros son por todo, a menos que se muestre algo distinto.Material: Acero AISI 1020Densidad = 0,0079 g/mm^3Utilice la pieza creada en la pregunta anterior y modifíquela agregando una cavidad.Nota 1: Sólo se va a agregar una cavidad en un lateral. Esta pieza modificada no es simétrica.Nota 2: Se supone que todas las cotas que no se muestran son las mismas que las de la pregunta N.° 5 anterior.¿Cuál es la masa total de la pieza (gramos)?Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate308Creación de ensamblajesLa siguiente imagen se va a utilizar para responder las preguntas 7 y 8.7Crear este ensamblaje en SolidWorks (Ensamblaje de eslabones de cadena)Contiene 2 componentes long_pins (1), 3 componentes short_pins (2) y 4 componentes chain_links (3).Sistema de unidades: MMGS (milímetro, gramo, segundo)Lugares decimales: 2Origen de la pieza: ArbitrarioUtilice los archivos que se encuentran en la carpeta Lessons\CSWA .•Guarde las piezas que contiene y ábralas en SolidWorks. (Nota: Si SolidWorks le pregunta “¿Desea proceder con el reconocimiento de operaciones?”, haga clic en “No”.)•IMPORTANTE: Cree el ensamblaje con respecto al origen como se muestra en la vista isométrica. (Esto es importante para calcular el centro de masa correcto)Cree el ensamblaje utilizando las siguientes condiciones:•Los pasadores tienen una relación de posición concéntrica con los taladros deeslabones de cadena (sin distancia de separación).•Las caras finales de los pasadores son coincidentes con las caras laterales de los eslabones de cadena.•A = 25 grados• B = 125 grados• C = 130 grados ¿Cuál es el centro de la masa del ensamblaje (milímetros)?Consejo: Si no encuentra una opción dentro del 1% de su respuesta, vuelva a revisar su ensamblaje.a)X = 348,66, Y = -88,48, Z = -91,40b)X = 308,53, Y = -109,89, Z = -61,40c)X = 298,66, Y = -17,48, Z = -89,22d)X = 448,66, Y = -208,48, Z = -34,64Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate 8Modificar este ensamblaje en SolidWorks (Ensamblaje de eslabones de cadena) Sistema de unidades: MMGS (milímetro, gramo, segundo)Lugares decimales: 2Origen de la pieza: ArbitrarioUtilizando el mismo ensamblaje creado en la pregunta anterior, modifique los siguientes parámetros:• A = 30 grados• B = 115 grados• C = 135 grados¿Cuál es el centro de la masa del ensamblaje (milímetros)?309Apéndice A: Programa Certified SolidWorks Associate310Más información y respuestasPara una mejor preparación, complete los tutoriales de SolidWorks que se encuentran en SolidWorks, en el menú Ayuda, antes de tomar el Examen CSWA. Revise la información del examen CSWA que se encuentra en /cswa .Buena suerte.Gerente de Programas de Certificación, SolidWorks CorporationRespuestas:1b) De recorte2a) De sección parcial3d) 939,54 g41032,32 g5628,18 g6432,58 g7a) X = 348,66; Y = -88,48, Z = -91,408X = 327,67, Y = -98,39, Z = -102,91Consejos y sugerencias:❑Consejo N.° 1: Si desea prepararse para la sección Competencias de dibujo del examenCSWA, revise todas las vistas de dibujo que pueden crearse. Estos comandos pueden encontrarse al abrir cualquier dibujo e ir a la barra de herramientas CommandManager de Diseño de vista o en el menú Insertar > Vista de dibujo.❑Consejo N.° 2: Para obtener una explicación detallada de cada tipo de vista, acceda a la sección Ayuda de la operación individual seleccionando el icono de Ayuda en elPropertyManager de dicha operación de vista.。



英语八级及格Passing the TEM-8 Exam。

The TEM-8 exam, also known as the Test for English Majors Band 8, is a crucial milestone for English learners in China. Achieving a passing score on this exam not only demonstrates a high level of English proficiency but also opens up numerous opportunities for further education and career advancement. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies and tips to help you pass the TEM-8 exam.First and foremost, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the exam format. The TEM-8 exam consists of three parts: listening, reading, and writing. Each section requires different skills and techniques. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the exam and the types of questions you will encounter. This will enable you to allocate your time effectively during the test and approach each section with confidence.To excel in the listening section, it is crucial to practice actively listening to various English materials. Engage in activities such as watching movies, TV shows, or listening to podcasts and songs in English. This will help you improve your listening comprehension skills and become accustomed to different accents and speaking styles. Additionally, practice mock listening tests to familiarize yourself with the format and develop your ability to catch important details.In the reading section, time management is key. Read widely and regularly to enhance your reading speed and comprehension. Choose a variety of materials, including news articles, academic papers, and literature, to expose yourself to different writing styles and topics. When taking the actual exam, skim through the passage first to get a general idea of the content, and then go back and read more carefully to answer the questions accurately. Pay attention to keywords and try to understand the main ideas and supporting details.The writing section requires effective planning and organization. Before starting your essay, spend a few minutes brainstorming and outlining your ideas. This will helpyou structure your essay coherently and ensure that you address all the required points. Use appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures to convey your ideas clearly and concisely. Remember to proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors before submitting it.In addition to mastering the exam content, it is essential to develop good study habits and maintain a consistent practice routine. Set aside dedicated time each day to review English materials, practice sample questions, and improve your language skills. Surround yourself with English as much as possible, whether it be through reading books, watching movies, or engaging in conversations with native speakers or fellow English learners.Lastly, don't forget to manage your test anxiety. The TEM-8 exam can be challenging, but staying calm and confident during the test is crucial for success. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and positive visualization to help reduce stress. Remember that you have prepared well and trust in your abilities.In conclusion, passing the TEM-8 exam requires a combination of thorough preparation, effective study strategies, and confidence. By understanding the exam format, practicing actively, managing your time, and developing good study habits, you can increase your chances of achieving a passing score. Stay focused, stay motivated, and believe in your abilities. Good luck on your TEM-8 journey!。



Candidate Name_____________________
Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.
Write your name and candidate number in the space at the top of this page. You should answer all questions.
Write all your answers on the Question Paper.
At the end of the test, you will be given three minutes to transfer your answers to an Answer Sheet.
Do not remove this booklet from the examination room.
This test includes THREE parts: Listening(45 minutes), Reading(60minutes) and Writing(60 minutes).



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法语考试:2022法语专业八级真题模拟汇编2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-271、Réforme de l'enseignement supérieur : le français va-t-il filer à l'anglaise?(单选题)A. progresser à la manière anglaiseB. disparaître discrètementC. partir en AngleterreD. remplacer l'anglais试题答案:B2、(单选题)A. ne se multiplient pasB. ne se multiplientC. multiplientD. multiples试题答案:B3、D’après l’auteur, les Françaises.(单选题)A. peuvent tout faire: travailler et avoir des enfantsB. ne peuvent faire qu’une chose: travailler ou avoir des enfantsC. laissent les hommes tout faire à la maisonD. veulent que les hommes ne fassent aucune tâche ménagère试题答案:B4、Les hommes de génie, si grands qu’ils soient, ont toujours en eux leur b ête qui parodie leur intelligence.(单选题)A. quelquesB. toutC. quelD. quels试题答案:B5、La voilà ! Mon Dieu ! Quel accoutrement ! Si seulement elle avait mis un tailleur et unchemisier.(单选题)A. Elle a mis un tailleur et un chemisier, c'est tellement démodé !B. C'est regrettable qu'elle n'ait pas mis un tailleur et un chemisier !C. Si elle n'a pas mis autre vêtement qu'un tailleur et un chemisier !D. Que c'est laid de mettre un tailleur et un chemisier !试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-261、Quel est le sens de la phrase soulignée?(单选题)A. D’après les Espagnols, les Français sont plus compétents dans certains domaines, mais ils se vantent trop.B. D’après les Espagnols, les Français sont très compétents, mais pas meilleurs qu’eux.C. Les Français se croient toujours meilleurs que les autres, ce qui agace les EspagnolsD. Les Français ne sont pas auss i compétents qu’ils le croient, les Espagnols sont meilleurs试题答案:A2、(单选题)A. faire flancherB. flancherC. faiblirD. défaillir试题答案:A3、Avec ces petits enfants, l'institutrice est toujours sur le qui-vive.(单选题)A. sur la vie des enfantsB. sur ses gardesC. sur les nourrituresD. sur celui qui vit试题答案:B4、Ce qui distingue la France, c’est .(单选题)A. que les Françaises sont travailleusesB. que les Françaises aiment beaucoup leurs enfantsC. que les Françaises travaillent toutes à l’extérieur de leur maisonD. que les Françaises réussissent à concilier deux choses: travailler et avoir des enfants试题答案:D5、(单选题)A. le renfortB. le retourC. la rentréeD. le renvoi试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-251、Dans cet enfer où la répression brutale et les humiliations individuelles sont monnaie courant, chacun s'est résignéà son sort.(单选题)A. a refuséB. s’est soumis àC. a vaincuD. se montre mécontent de试题答案:B2、D’après l’auteur du texte, dans un pays tel que la France, le plus dangereux,c’est de.(单选题)A. conduire follementB. conduire lentementC. conduire terriblementD. conduire prudemment试题答案:B3、(单选题)A. queB. quiC. ce quiD. où试题答案:B4、Les temps sont durs pour les producteurs chinois de té1épbones portables, pris entre laconcurrence des grands groupes mondiaux et un tassement du marché.(单选题)A. un l’éargissement du marchéB. une augmentation du profit de revientC. des difficultés de conclure un marchéD. une diminution du marché试题答案:D5、Comme la marchandise est épuisée, je ne peux pas vous la livrer d'ici 15 jours. Je vous prie de nous excuser.(单选题)A. La marcharrdise épuiséeB. La marchandise épuisantC. La marchandise épuisanteD. La marchandise étant épuisé试题答案:A2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-241、Quel est le sens de la phrase soulignée?(单选题)A. D’après les Espagno ls, les Français sont plus compétents dans certains domaines, mais ils se vantent trop.B. D’après les Espagnols, les Français sont très compétents, mais pas meilleurs qu’eux.C. Les Français se croient toujours meilleurs que les autres, ce qui agace les EspagnolsD. Les Français ne sont pas aussi compétents qu’ils le croient, les Espagnols sont meilleurs试题答案:A2、(单选题)A. serontB. ont étéC. vont êtreD. seraient试题答案:D3、Si l’homme vivant en couple fait rarement le repassage, c’est parce.(单选题)A. qu’il n’en a pas envieB. qu’il ne sait pas le faireC. qu’il le trouve très fatigantD. que la femme n’est pas satisfaite du repassage fait par l’homme试题答案:A4、Qu’est-ce qu’elle avait appris quand elle est entrée au collège?(单选题)A. l’additionB. la divisionC. la grammaire试题答案:A5、(单选题)A. toutB. tousC. touteD. toutes试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-231、Quelle découverte a-t-il faite auparavant ?(单选题)A. Un restaurateur du tableau aurait effacé les symboles.B. Un restaurateur aurait effacé les sourcils de Mona Lisa.C. Le peintre n’aurait supprimé aucun coup de pinceau.D. Il serait absurde de croire que le tableau cache des énigmes.试题答案:B2、(单选题)A. ce quiB. queC. ce queD. qui试题答案:D3、(单选题)A. prisB. privésC. priséD. prisés试题答案:D4、(单选题)A. patrieB. paysC. terreD. région试题答案:A5、Quel secret la Joconde pourrait-elle cacher dans ses yeux ?(单选题)A. Le tableau pourrait être peint par un autre artiste que Leonard de Vinci.B. Ses yeux semblent fixés sur une troisième personne.C. Son regard dissimulerait de curieuses lettres.D. Son regard dissimulerait de curieuses images.试题答案:C2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-221、(单选题)A. auB. enC. seraitD. a été试题答案:A2、D’après cet article, maintenant qui préconise le plus que l’exercice physique doitêtre prescrit sur ordonnance?(单选题)A. Le ministère de la Santé.B. L’Académie de médecine.C. L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé.D. Des mairies, associations et bénévoles.试题答案:B3、Selon l’auteur, Paris est une ville _____.(单选题)A. hétéroeliteB. harmonieuseC. horribleD. sans importance试题答案:B4、(单选题)A. queB. quiC. oùD. d'où试题答案:C5、Le thème national proposé en 2005 est _____.(单选题)A. Journées du patrimoineB. attachement au patrimoine nationalC. la culture scientifiqueD. J’aime mon patrimoine试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-211、(单选题)A. c'estB. il estC. est-ceD. elle est试题答案:C2、(单选题)A. sont détectésB. ont détectéC. seront détectésD. avaient détecté试题答案:B3、Autrefois, au Sri Lanka, les é1éphants et les hommes vivaient en paix. Aujourd'hui, leterritoire des éléphants s'est réduit comme peau de chagrin et les champs de riz deviennentle théâtre d'affrontements entre eux et les fermiers.(单选题)A. comme la tristesseB. rapidementC. régulièrementD. à néant试题答案:C4、(单选题)A. doncB. alorsC. déjàD. encore试题答案:A5、(单选题)A. quiB. queC. oùD. dont试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-191、D’après l’auteur du texte, dans un pays tel que la France, le plus dangereux,c’est de.(单选题)A. conduire follementB. conduire lentementC. conduire terriblementD. conduire prudemment试题答案:B2、(单选题)A. parce qu'B. commeC. puisqu'D. car试题答案:D3、(单选题)A. en tête deB. de la tête deC. à la tête deD. de la tête de试题答案:C4、(单选题)A. luttent contreB. n’aiment pas tousC. s’intéressent àD. comprennent试题答案:D5、(单选题)A. passerB. prendreC. repasserD. changer试题答案:C2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-181、Qui est Max?(单选题)A. Un petit garçon victime d’un grave accident.B. Le héros d’une émission de télévision.C. Un jeune spectateur passionné de télévisionD. Un policier à la sortie des écoles.试题答案:B2、D’après l’auteur, les Françaises.(单选题)A. peuvent tout faire: travailler et avoir des enfantsB. ne peuvent faire qu’une chose: travailler ou avoir des enfantsC. laissent les hommes tout faire à la maisonD. veulent que les hommes ne fassent aucune tâche ménagère试题答案:B3、I1 a beau crier, personne ne l'entend.(单选题)A. Il crie fortB. Il crie inutilementC. Il fait un joli criD. Il est beau de crier试题答案:B4、(单选题)A. QuandB. Quant àC. SelonD. dans试题答案:B5、(单选题)A. àêtre tentésB. d'etre tentésC. pour étre tentésD. en être tentés试题答案:A2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-171、Atteinte d'une cataracte congénitale, Ping Yali est malvoyante depuis sa naissance.(单选题)A. est mal vueB. a une mauvaise vueC. est aveugleD. a une courte vue试题答案:C2、Cet enfant est un brise-fer: il abîme tous ses jouets.(单选题)A. utiliseB. casseC. arrangeD. dispose试题答案:B3、(单选题)A. D'autant plus queB. Pendant queC. Depuis queD. Sans que试题答案:C4、L’Opéra de Paris a été construit il y a _____.(单选题)A. plus d’un siècleB. plus de deux sièclesC. moins d’un siècleD. 172 ans试题答案:A5、(单选题)A. veutB. veuleC. vailleD. veuille试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-161、(单选题)A. tôtB. longtempsC. tardD. antérieurement试题答案:C2、(单选题)A. la placeB. la solutionC. l'actionD. le record试题答案:D3、Dans cet enfer où la répression brutale et les humiliations individuelles sont monnaie courant, chacun s'est résignéà son sort.(单选题)A. a refuséB. s’est soumis àC. a vaincuD. se montre mécontent de试题答案:B4、(单选题)A. àB. deC. enD. pour试题答案:C5、Cette fois-ci, qu’est-ce qu’on a trouvé dans ce sac et autour de ce sac?(单选题)A. Des journaux et un bon de livraison.B. Des journaux, un bon de livraison et des lettres.C. Des journaux, un bon de livraison, des lettres et de l’argent.D. Des journaux, un bon de livraison, des lettres, ainsi que des bustes, des mains ou des pieds de passagers.试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-151、(单选题)A. ne... plusB. ne... queC. ne... pasD. ne... guère试题答案:B2、(单选题)A. l'idéeB. l'avisC. la sensationD. le sujet试题答案:A3、(单选题)A. n'... personneB. n'... rienC. n'... jamaisD. n'... plus试题答案:A4、(单选题)A. a ainsi passéB. est ainsi passéC. a ainsi dépasséD. est ainsi passée试题答案:B5、Lequel des conseils n’est pas donné par ces émissions?(单选题)A. Ne pas jouer pros de la chaussée.B. Ne jamais jouer sur la chaussée.C. Toujours regarder avant de traverser.D. Traverser la rue sans regarder quand le feu est passé au vert pour les pi étons.试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-141、(单选题)A. depuisB. pendantC. à partir deD. dans试题答案:C2、(单选题)A. AlorsB. AinsiC. AussiD. Par conséquent试题答案:B3、(单选题)A. quandB. lors d’C. commeD. pendant qu’试题答案:B4、Des centaines de jeunes, revêtus de combinaisons de sport d’hiver, se sont abonnéà une bataille de bouleàneige.(单选题)A. se sont exercés àB. se sont entrainés àC. se sont abandonnés àD. se sont lancés à试题答案:C5、(单选题)A. prisB. privésC. priséD. prisés试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-111、(单选题)A. AlorsB. AinsiC. AussiD. Par conséquent试题答案:B2、Quel est l’objectif de ce programme intitulé Max dans la rue?(单选题)A. Amuser les enfants.B. Alerter les parents sur les conséquences des dangers de la rue.C. Proposer aux enfants d’apprendre à se protéger des dangers de la rueD. Coller les enfants devant la té1é.试题答案:C3、J'étais sur le point de tout laisser tomber, le téléphone a sonné.(单选题)A. J'allaisB. Lors deC. J'étais en train deD. Au moment de试题答案:A4、Darts le restaurant où je travaille, on est très à cheval sur la température et la cuisson de la viande.(单选题)A. hésite beaucoup entreB. est très strict surC. se moque deD. a confiance en试题答案:B5、(单选题)A. un fortB. d'un fortC. de fortD. à fort试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-101、«La loi a transformé le système bancaire en englobant dans un même cadre juridique... », «dans un même cadre» veut dire ici _____.(单选题)A. dans le même environnementB. dans le milieu bien ressemblantC. sous la direction d’un même chefD. sous la direction d’un même fonctionnaire试题答案:A2、(单选题)A. ont arrêtéB. a été arrêtéeC. sont arrêtésD. ont été arrêtés试题答案:D3、(单选题)A. que chaqueB. que chacuneC. qu'aucunD. qu'aucune试题答案:D4、(单选题)A. interdiseB. interditeC. interditsD. interdit试题答案:A5、(单选题)A. lesB. auxC. desD. avec les试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-091、D’après ce document .(单选题)A. la France envie ses voisinsB. la France envie les autres pays européensC. la France provoque l’envie des autres pays européensD. la France provoque l’envie de ses voisins试题答案:C2、Selon l’auteur, la Iangue universelle est(单选题)A. l’anglais.B. le langage de la vie quotidienne.C. l’espéranto.D. Ie langage d’Internet.试题答案:A3、(单选题)A. s'est confirméB. s'est confirméeC. se sont confirméesD. se sont confirmés试题答案:C4、(单选题)A. progressivementB. brusquementC. totalementD. finalement试题答案:A5、Qu’est-ce qu’un marché parallèle?(单选题)A. C’est un marché noir.B. C’est une grande surface.C. C’est un marché aux puces.D. C’ est un marché dans les banlieues.试题答案:A2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-061、(单选题)A. objectivitéB. moraleC. limiteD. publicité试题答案:B2、Tu peux sortir avec tes copains, mais une condition : tu as déjà fait tousles travaux.(单选题)A. à condition de faire déjàB. à condition que tu lasses déjàC. à condition d'avoir déjà faitD. à la condition d'avoir déjà fait试题答案:C3、(单选题)A. D'autant plus queB. Pendant queC. Depuis queD. Sans que试题答案:C4、(单选题)A. toutB. toutesC. touteD. tous试题答案:D5、La façade de l’Opéra est ornée de _____.(单选题)A. colonnes, de balustrades, de lustres, de cristaux de Bohême et de cariatides portant des candelabres en cuivreB. colonnes, de frises, d’allégories et de sept bustes de compositeursC. HaussmanD. Napoléon III试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-051、(单选题)A. de celuiB. de celleC. à celuiD. auquel试题答案:C2、(单选题)A. quiB. oùC. qu'D. dont试题答案:C3、Quel adjectif qualifie le respect dans les appellations?(单选题)A. petitB. ancienC. grandD. vieux试题答案:D4、(单选题)A. découpentB. découlentC. démontrentD. découvrent试题答案:B5、Quelle chimère d'attendre de celui qui possède un renoncement volontaire à ses biens !(单选题)A. Quel monstreB. Quel miracleC. Quelle illusionD. Quelle imagination试题答案:C2022法语专业八级真题模拟07-041、(单选题)A. patrieB. paysC. solD. terre试题答案:C2、J'étais sur le point de tout laisser tomber, le téléphone a sonné.(单选题)A. J'allaisB. Lors deC. J'étais en train deD. Au moment de试题答案:A3、(单选题)A. confiéàB. confiée àC. confiée deD. confuse de试题答案:B4、(单选题)A. en s'amusantB. pour s’amuserC. sans s’amuserD. à s’amuser试题答案:A5、«La loi a transformé le système bancaire en englobant dans un même cadre juridique... », «dans un même cadre» veut dire ici _____.(单选题)A. dans le même environnementB. dans le milieu bien ressemblantC. sous la direction d’un même chefD. sous la direction d’un même fonctionnaire试题答案:A2022法语专业八级真题模拟12-261、Face à un événement, si les femmes sont plus émotives, les hommes sont plus enclins à agir.(单选题)A. sont prêts à agirB. ont tandance à agirC. se pressent d'agirD. agissent sans tarder试题答案:B2、(单选题)A. malgréB. à cause deC. grâce àD. par suite de试题答案:A3、(单选题)A. s'est confirméB. s'est confirméeC. se sont confirméesD. se sont confirmés试题答案:C4、(单选题)A. se mettreB. se connaîreC. se reconnaîtreD. se faire connaître试题答案:B5、Dans les oeuvres de Michel Ange, qu’est-ce qui fait de lui l’incarnation même du génie?(单选题)A. les doutes et les souffrancesB. l’humanité et la forceC. la matière et l’espritD. la puissance pathétique试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟12-271、Qu’est-ce qu’elle avait appris quand elle est entrée au collège?(单选题)A. l’additionB. la divisionC. la grammaire试题答案:A2、Darts le restaurant où je travaille, on est très à cheval sur la température et la cuisson de la viande.(单选题)A. hésite beaucoup entreB. est très strict surC. se moque deD. a confiance en试题答案:B3、L’anniversaire est toujours célébré.(单选题)A. Oui.B. C’est universel.C. Oui, mais rarement dans le passé.D. Oui, surtout dans les régions rurales.试题答案:C4、Je ne l'ai pas fait exprès.(单选题)A. tout prèsB. expressémentC. intentionnellementD. à peu près试题答案:C5、(单选题)A. enB. desC. lesD. y试题答案:C2022法语专业八级真题模拟12-281、Cette fois-ci, qu’est-ce qu’on a trouvé dans ce sac et autour de ce sac?(单选题)A. Des journaux et un bon de livraison.B. Des journaux, un bon de livraison et des lettres.C. Des journaux, un bon de livraison, des lettres et de l’argent.D. Des journaux, un bon de livraison, des lettres, ainsi que des bustes, des mains ou des pieds de passagers.试题答案:B2、Depuis ces dernières années, le pays le plus visité est _____.(单选题)A. la FranceB. les États-UnisC. la ChineD. la Pologne试题答案:A3、(单选题)A. quiB. queC. oùD. dont试题答案:A4、D’après M. Wang, quelle est la cause principale de la pollution de l’air en Chine?(单选题)A. des automobiles de plus en plus nombreusesB. les usines d’automobilesC. les centrales électriques au charbonD. le silence du gouvernement试题答案:C5、Quelle était la situation de l’automobile en France lors de l’éclatement de la Premiere Guerre mondiale?(单选题)A. La France comptait une voiture pour 5,3 habitants.B. Elle en comptait une pour 44 habitants.C. Elle en comptait une pour 25 habitants.D. Elle en comptait quatre pour cinq habitants.试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟12-291、(单选题)A. se débarrasserB. se prévenirC. se ressentirD. se moquer试题答案:C2、I1 n'a pu drcouvrir la manœuvre de l'ennemi, tant il est naïf.(单选题)A. parce qu'il est tellement naïfB. d'autant plus qu'il est naïfC. autant qu'il est naïfD. àtel point qu'il est naïf试题答案:A3、(单选题)A. de main en mainB. la main dans le sacC. de la main à la mainD. la main dans la main试题答案:D4、(单选题)A. sont détectésB. ont détectéC. seront détectésD. avaient détecté试题答案:B5、Quelle est la conclusion de l’étude conduite sur une période de deux semaines?(单选题)A. Les patients dormant cinq heures par nuit peuvent perdre en moyenne 55 % de masse grasse, ce qui est le plus idéal.B. Les patients dormant cinq heures par nuit peuvent perdre en moyenne 55 % de masse grasse, ce qui signifie que moins on dort, moins on prend du poids.C. Si les patients dormant cinq heures par nuit peuvent perdre en moyenne 55 % de masse grasse, les patients dormant dix heures par nuit peuvent en perdre pros de 100 %.D. Les patients dormant cinq heures par nuit perdent moins de masse grasse que les participants dormant une nuit complète.试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟12-301、(单选题)A. à celuiB. de celuiC. celui quiD. celui que试题答案:A2、Laquelle des quatre phrases proposées ne convient pas à l’article?(单选题)A. Les appellations varient selon l’ordre de naissanceB. Les appellations se distinguent par la famille paternelle et maternelleC. Les appellations servent uniquement en famille.D. Les appellations diffèrent entre l’homme et la femme.试题答案:C3、Selon l’auteur du texte, tout le monde a intérêt à la fin de l’école le samedi, sauf peut-être les é1èves, parce que ces demiers(单选题)A. auront plus de temps libre.B. travailleront moins.C. pourront faire la grasse matinée le samedi.D. auront des programmes scolaires encore plus lourds.试题答案:D4、(单选题)A. ont spécialiséB. sont spécialiséesC. se sont spécialiséesD. se sont spécialisés试题答案:C5、(单选题)A. la récupérationB. le recyclageC. la rectificationD. l'installation试题答案:B2022法语专业八级真题模拟12-311、A votre avis, quelle est l’opinion des concepteurs de l’émission sur la té1évision?(单选题)A. Elle n’influence pas beaucoup les comportements des enfants.B. Elle peut faire beaucoup dans le domaine de la prevention.C. Elle n’est pas un bon passe-temps pour les enfants.D. Elle propose trop de dessins animés aux enfants.试题答案:B2、La vogue susmentionnée vient _____.(单选题)A. de la stabilité politique de ces paysB. des promotions de l’agence de voyageC. des goûts collectifsD. de l’attirance du paysage de ces pays试题答案:B3、Pourquoi est-ce que peu d’entreprises étrangères ne veulent pas tenter leur chance en Bulgarie?(单选题)A. Parce qu’il y a de la corruption.B. Parce que le gouvernement bulgare n’a pas fait d’effortsC. Parce que la Bulgarie est pauvre.D. Parce qu’on n’a pas confiance dans les entreprises étrangères en Bulgarie.试题答案:A4、Aux 18e et 19e siècles, Avignon, malgré l'introduction des industries de la soie et de l'imprimerie, ne parvint pas à se donner une dimention industrielle.(单选题)A. une proportion industrielleB. un espace industrielC. une période industrielleD. une importance industrielle试题答案:D5、A la plage, au travail, dans une soirée, on s’habille différemment, c’est plutôt _____.(单选题)A. par nécessitéB. pour son plaisirC. pour être à la modeD. pour se distinguer des autres试题答案:A2022法语专业八级真题模拟01-011、Pitou ne douta pas un instant que ce ne fût Isidore, mais il espéra que le vicomte avait, pourpénétrer dans la ferme, une autre entrée que celle de la fen être.(单选题)A. il désira que le vicomte avaitB. il désira que le vicomte air euC. il désira que le vicomte eûtD. il désira que le vicomte eût eu试题答案:C2、Quelle est la part la plus importante des dépenses relatives aux animaux de compagnie?(单选题)A. L’achat d’animaux.B. L’agroalimentaire.C. L’hygiène et les soins médicaux.D. Les soins vétérinaires.试题答案:C3、Relevez l’un de ces quatre mots qui n’est pas dans le sens de «banque» _____.(单选题)A. organismeB. réceptionC. établissementD. caisse d’épargne试题答案:B4、La force de Jean Valjean n'avait d'égale que son adresse. Il pouvait monter ainsi jusqu'au toit du bagne, en s'aidant de saillies ou d'aspérités à peine visibles.(单选题)A. domicileB. habiletéC. discoursD. Appel试题答案:B5、I1 faut surtout éviter de lui parler des mathématiques, c'est son talon d'Achille.(单选题)A. sa faiblesseB. sa préférenceC. son point fortD. son domaine试题答案:A2022法语专业八级真题模拟01-021、Dans quels milieux sociaux le taux de multi-équipements a-t-il augmentés le plus vite?(单选题)A. Dans les ménages d’agriculteurs.B. Dans les ménages de cadres moyens.C. Dans les ménages d’avocats.D. Dans les ménages d’ouvriers.试题答案:D2、(单选题)A. que chaqueB. que chacuneC. qu'aucunD. qu'aucune试题答案:D3、(单选题)A. obligationB. affectionC. peurD. devoir试题答案:A4、Comment la France peut-elle obtenir le titre de championne d’Europe des animaux de compagnie ?(单选题)A. Parce qu’en moyenne, chaque famille française possède le plus d’animaux.B. Parce que le nombre total des animaux de compagnie des Français dépasse celui de chaque pays d’Europe.C. Parce que plus d’un foyer sur deux possède un chien, un chat, des poisons rouges ou un rongeur.D. Parce que les Français possèdent plus de poissons rouges que les autres peoples d’Europe.试题答案:C5、Ils se montrent incrédules quant à l'efficacité de ces mesures.(单选题)A. incroyantsB. incroyablesC. incertainsD. Sceptiques试题答案:D2022法语专业八级真题模拟01-031、(单选题)A. s'acquitterB. acquérirC. s'acquitter àD. s'acquitter d'试题答案:D2、Tu peux sortir avec tes copains, mais une condition : tu as déjà fait tousles travaux.(单选题)A. à condition de faire déjàB. à condition que tu lasses déjàC. à condition d'avoir déjà faitD. à la condition d'avoir déjà fait试题答案:C3、(单选题)A. issuB. issueC. issuesD. issus试题答案:D4、Qu’est-ce qui est inimaginable à son époque?(单选题)A. Elle a participé au contours général quand elle était lycéenne.B. Elle a obtenu le premier prix en histoire au contours général.C. Elle était parmi les premiers élèves des classes supérieures au lycée.试题答案:B5、La pratique de la gymnastique pour les femmes va de pair avec leur émancipation.(单选题)A. va progressivement.B. va de mieux en mieuxC. va ensembleD. va de près试题答案:C2022法语专业八级真题模拟01-041、Que signifie «On peut lire ce qui se passe en Conseil des ministres en ligne»?(单选题)。

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B 拿
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B 玩
C 看
D 放
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B 存
C 送
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B 喝
C 做
D 翻译
对联品尝摆倒幅最好打扫亲手越...越... 遗憾1,这是我亲手做的饭菜,请你______一下
例: A 他已经把书给我了----------他没把书给我
