Romantic Age-Some Women Writers 英国浪漫主义时期的女作家

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• In 1847, the Bronte sisters published their well known novels, Charlotte’s Jane Eyre (简. 爱), Emily’s Wuthering Heights (呼啸山庄), and Anne’s Agnes Gray (艾格斯. 格雷). Unfortunately, Emily, Anne and their brother died of disease during the year 1848-1849 after enjoying their success for short period of time. Left Charlotte lonely to continue to create her novels. Charlotte passed away in 1854 after her happy marriage for only half a year.
• The Bronte siblings (姐 妹) were born at Thornton in Yorkshire (约 克 郡). In 1820, the family moved to Haworth, where their father was a rector, and it was in these surroundings that their literary tal ent flourished (处于全盛 期). In childhood, the three sisters created imaginary lands, which featured in stories t hey wrote.
• 当贝内特太太获悉邻里新近搬来一位名叫宾利的 年轻富家子弟后,再也按捺不住内心的激动,于 是与丈夫商讨如何急速拜访这位新来的邻居,希 望把某个女儿嫁给他。整个情景在这对夫妇的对 话中展开,前后一问一答,把老夫妻各自的性格 特征表现得淋漓尽致。小说的第58章是全书的转 折点。伊丽莎白得知是达西促成了妹妹莉迪亚和 韦恩的亲事后深为感激。于是她改变了对达西的 态度。奥斯丁写出了两人消除误会,言归于好后 的情感交会。语句结构清晰自然,富有节奏感。 选篇为《傲慢与偏见》的第1章和第58章。
Pride and Prejudice (1813) 傲慢与偏见
• English author Jane Austen crafted satirical romances set within the confines of uppermiddle-class English society. Her books were known for their sharp attention to the details of everyday life, and her skillful treatments of character and situation marked Austen as an astute机敏的observer of human nature. Pride and Prejudice (1813), one of her best-known works, follows Mrs. Bennet’s attempts to find a suitable husband for each of her five daughters.
• 《傲慢与偏见》(1813)原名《最初的印 象》,是奥斯丁的代表作,通过婚姻问题 的描写展示姻大事 展开。从伦敦新搬来的单身汉阔少宾利先 生爱上了温柔美貌的大女儿简,他的朋友 达西则倾情于二女儿伊丽莎白。
• 由于伊丽莎白听信了青年军官韦恩的谗言 而对达西产生了偏见致使这桩婚事进展十 分缓慢。经过一连串有趣的周折后,误会 终于得以消除。达西克服了傲气,伊丽莎 白也排除了对他的偏见,最后两人终成眷 属。
The Bronte Sisters
• • • • • Charlotte Bronte 1816 – 1855 Jane Eyre 简.爱 Emily Bronte Wuthering Height呼啸山庄 Anne Bronte1820 - 1849 Agnes Grey
• 勃朗特三姐妹是英国家喻户晓的作家:夏 洛蒂· 勃朗特在《简爱》中对女性独立性格 的叙述、艾米丽· 勃朗特在《呼啸山庄》中 对极端爱情和人格的描写、安妮· 勃朗特在 《艾格尼丝格雷》中让人印象深刻的寂寞 情绪,令人回味无穷。一家三姐妹占据了 英语文学名人史中的三个席位,恐怕连众 多男性作家都自叹弗如,无怪乎会有络绎 不绝的崇拜者们在英国哈沃斯的勃朗特故 居寻觅三姐妹留下的痕迹。
Jane Austen (简.奥斯丁, 17751817)
Birth and Family: Born of a rector (head of church) of the village of Steventon in Hampshire (southern England). Education: Received good education at home Career: Devoted all her life in reading and literary creation. Never married Major works: She wrote six novels in her life.
• 奥斯丁以婚姻为主题并采用讽刺、幽默的笔法细致地描绘 了18世纪末19世纪初英国乡镇中产阶级的生活景象。《傲 慢与偏见》就是其中之一。作品中的句法结构和遣词造句 颇有特色,主要通过对话来表现人物性格。小说中的人物 各自有着不同的说话风格,具有鲜明的个性,如贝内特太 太言辞虚浮夸张、大惊小怪、尖声叫嚷,显得格外俗气, 她的女儿伊丽莎白则敢于挑战贵族青年达西,表现出对门 第的蔑视,并在谈吐中确立起一位聪慧、机智、勇敢和可 爱的女性形象。小说第1章开篇那句话:“凡是有钱的单 身汉总想娶位太太,这已是举世公认的真理”值得回味, 点出了作品的意图。本应成为“猎手”的有钱的单身汉却 沦为女人们追逐的“猎物”。
• 《诺桑觉寺》(Northanger Abbey, 1818)和 《劝导》(Persuasion, 1818)仍然以爱情婚姻 为主题,在作者去世一年后一起出版。奥斯丁刻 意描绘的都是平常的人和事,但不乏关于各种社 会关系的最深入的描写。她正是通过对熟悉的人 和事的描写展示了她所生活时代英国乡绅阶层的 生活景观,如财产继承、家庭问题、教育状况、妇 女地位和出路以及道德与习俗等。她的作品以深 刻清新和细致敏锐而著称,包含了超越历史时空 的对人性的透视和哲理。
Writing style
• (1) narrow scope of scene: common people`s life in the countryside. Common is truthful • (2) thin plot, no strong fluctuation of feeling and incidents • (3) delicate and vivid description of feeling and character, keen observation • (4) interesting conversation ( use of dialogue) • (5) simple laguage
• English novelist Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813) satirized the attitudes of the rural middle and upper-middle classes. Austen centered her story on the Bennett daughters: Elizabeth, Jane, and Lydia. Elizabeth, a spirited girl, is “prejudiced” against the wealthy landowner Fitzwilliam Darcy, scorning轻蔑his lofty attitudes and “pride.” In the first excerpt, Darcy calls on Elizabeth and her friend Charlotte in the mistaken belief that all the ladies of the house are in. In the second excerpt, Elizabeth, after accusing Darcy of ruining the engagement between her sister Jane and Jane’s fiancé, Bingley, receives a letter of explanation from Darcy. Elizabeth then recognizes the error in her judgment and also discovers some faults in her own nature.
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Jane Austen Works (1)Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》 (2)Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》 (3)Emma《爱玛》 (4)Persuasion《好事多磨》 (5)Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》 (6)Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德公园》
• 与此同时,作品还涉及了另外两对青年男 女的结合过程,即已是27岁的夏洛特出于 寻找“归宿”找个可以依靠的有钱人的考 虑遂与柯林斯结婚,莉迪亚一贯轻浮与韦 恩私奔后经达西搭救而苟合成亲。奥斯丁 正是通过对不同婚姻的描写表达自己对建 立在互相理解和真诚爱情基础上的婚姻的 赞扬和对以门第财产和情欲为基础的婚姻 的讽刺。在一定程度上,这部小说也反映 了当时英国妇女争取婚姻自主的愿望与理 想。
• 简· 奥斯丁(Jane Austen,1775-1817)生于英国南部汉 普夏郡一个牧师家庭,终身未嫁,一辈子与家人生活在一 起。《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility,1811)原 名为《埃莉诺与玛丽安娜》,是奥斯丁最早问世的一部小 说。作品以当时英国乡村体面人家的婚姻为题材,通过两 姐妹性格的对比,塑造了作者心目中的一个明事理的理想 女性。《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice, 1813)以 男女主人公的爱情纠葛为主线描写了四对青年男女的婚姻。 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park, 1814)表达了合 理婚姻不是取决于财产和门第而是男女双方真挚感情的思 想。《爱玛》(Emma, 1816)描写女主人公认识自身并 逐渐抛开幻想的过程。
The theme:
• Pride and prejudice: our first impressions, according to Jane Austen, are usually wro ng, as is shown here by those of Elizabeth . In the process of judging others, Elizabet h finds out something about herself: her bli ndness, partiality (偏 爱), prejudice, and absurdity (荒 谬). Darcy too learns about other people a nd himself. In the end false pride is humbl ed and prejudice dissolved.