
美国压载水报告格式的填写说明与注意事项美国压载水管理报告主要包含有以下5个部分,以下附相关截图一一介绍:1.船舶信息Vessel Information:在此部分可能填写错误的几点,说明如下:1.虽然当前的报告格式右上角显示“”,是不是格式已经过期了?显示是过期了,但是当前报告格式在Coast Guard还未出版新的版本之前,大家还继续延用当前格式(dated31-Dec-2018)。
On January 1, 2019, the current ballast water management reporting form will expire. However, after January 1, 2019, and until such time as the Coast Guard provides notice of a new form, vessel owner/operators should continue to use the existing form (dated Dec 31, 2018). Updates regarding the reporting form will be made available on the Coast Guard's Maritime Commons public information portal, /.2.Ballast water volume units:压载水容积单位在整个BWMR请保持一致。
3.Total ballast water capacity:指的是压载水管理计划中注明的船舶最大的压载水容积,请保持一致。
4.Number of tanks on ship:指的是船舶所有的压载舱数量(包括风暴舱)。

精细氧化铝行业市场现状分析及未来三到五年发展趋势报告Title: Market Analysis and Future Development Trends of the Fine Alumina Industry: A Report for the Next Three to Five YearsAbstract:This report aims to provide an analysis of the current market status of the fine alumina industry and predict its future development trends for the next three to five years. The fine alumina industry plays a crucial role in various sectors, such as ceramics, electronics, and refractories. The report examines the market dynamics, key players, challenges, and opportunities within the industry, both globally and in China. Additionally, it explores the emerging trends and technologies that are expected to shape the industry's future.Introduction:The fine alumina industry has witnessed significant growth in recent years due to the increasing demand for high-quality alumina products across various industrial sectors. Fine alumina, also known as high-purity alumina (HPA), is a highlyrefined form of aluminum oxide used for its exceptional properties, including high thermal conductivity, excellent electrical insulation, and superior mechanical strength. This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the current market status and future development trends of the fine alumina industry.Market Analysis:The global fine alumina market has experienced steady growth, driven by the growing demand for advanced ceramics, electronics, and refractories. The market is primarily dominated by key players such as Alcoa Corporation, Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd., and Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. These companies have a significant market share due to their extensive product portfolios and strong distribution networks.In China, the fine alumina industry has been rapidly expanding, primarily due to the country's booming electronics and automotive sectors. China has emerged as a major consumer and producer of fine alumina, with companies like Aluminum Corporation of China Limited (Chalco) and Pingguo Aluminum Co., Ltd. leading the market. The Chinese government's focus onpromoting domestic consumption and technological advancements has further fueled the growth of the fine alumina industry in the country.Challenges and Opportunities:The fine alumina industry faces several challenges, including fluctuating raw material prices, environmental regulations, and intense competition. The volatility in the prices of key raw materials, such as aluminum hydroxide, significantly affects the profitability of fine alumina manufacturers. Moreover, stringent environmental regulations regarding emissions and waste disposal pose challenges for the industry.However, the industry also presents numerous opportunities for growth. The increasing demand for high-performance ceramics in the electronics and automotive sectors, along with the rising adoption of LEDs, is expected to drive the demand for fine alumina. Additionally, the development of advanced technologies, such as 5G, electric vehicles, and renewable energy, will create new opportunities for the industry.Future Development Trends:Over the next three to five years, the fine alumina industry is expected to witness several key trends and developments. Firstly, there will be a focus on increasing production capacity to meet the growing demand. This will involve the expansion of existing facilities and the establishment of new production plants.Secondly, there will be a shift towards the development of advanced alumina products, such as high-purity alumina for LED applications and nano-sized alumina for various industries. These advanced alumina products offer better performance characteristics and are expected to gain significant market traction.Furthermore, the industry will witness increased collaboration and partnerships between key players to share resources, expertise, and technologies. This will enable companies to leverage each other's strengths and drive innovation in the industry.Conclusion:In conclusion, the fine alumina industry is poised for substantial growth in the next three to five years. With increasing demand from sectors such as ceramics, electronics, and refractories, coupled with the advancements in technology, the industry presents significant opportunities for both existing players and new entrants. However, challenges related to raw material prices and environmental regulations need to be addressed strategically. By focusing on capacity expansion, product development, and collaboration, the fine alumina industry can capitalize on the emerging trends and secure a prosperous future.摘要:本报告旨在分析精细氧化铝行业的当前市场状况,并预测未来三到五年的发展趋势。

ANNEX 1SHIP IDENTIFICATION AND PARTICULARSAdministrations are urged to supply the ship identification information listed in this annex for all marine casualty reports submitted to the Organization.SHIP PARTICULARS1 IMO Number:2 Name of Ship:3 Flag Administration:4 Type of Ship:.1 Liquefied Gas Tanker ☐.2 Chemical Tanker ☐.3 Oil Tanker ☐.4 Other Liquids (non-flammable) Tanker ☐.5 Bulk Dry (general, ore) Carrier ☐.6 Bulk Dry/Oil Carrier ☐.7 Self-Discharging Bulk Dry Carrier ☐.8 Other Bulk Dry (cement, woodchips, urea and other specialized) Carrier ☐.9 General Cargo Ship ☐.10 Passenger/General Cargo Ship ☐.11 Container Ship ☐.12 Refrigerated Cargo Ship ☐.13 Ro-Ro Cargo Ship ☐.14 Passenger/Ro-Ro Cargo Ship ☐.15 Passenger Ship ☐.16 High-Speed Craft ☐.17 Other Dry Cargo (livestock, barge, heavy cargo, etc.) Carrier ☐.18 Fish Catching Vessel ☐.19 Fish Factory Ship/Fish Carrier ☐.20 Offshore Supply Ship ☐.21 Other Offshore Ship ☐.22 Research Ship ☐.23 Towing/Pushing Tug ☐.24 Dredger ☐.25 Other Activities Ship ☐.26 Non-Propelled Ships ☐.27 Other Ships Structures ☐5 Type of service:( ) International( ) Short international( ) Coastal sea trade( ) Inland waters( ) Other, please state:( ) Not reported6 Were any voyage related restriction limits placed on the ship? Explain:7Gross Tonnage:8 Length overall:9Classification Society:10 Registered Shipowner:11 Ship Manager/Operator:12 Previous names:13 Previous Flag:14 Previous Class Society:15 Date of contract/keel laid/delivery:16 Date of major conversion:17Deadweight:18 Hull material:.1 steel ☐.2 light alloy ☐.3 ferrocement ☐.4 wood ☐.5 GRP☐.6 composite materials ☐19 Hull construction:.1 single hull ☐.2 double hull ☐.3 double bottom ☐.4 double sides ☐.5 mid deck ☐.6 other☐20 Propulsion Type (type, fuel, etc.):Steam Diesel Other.1 Bunkers:Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Medium Fuel Oil (MFO) Marine Diesel Oil (MDO)21 Nature of cargo (e.g., oil, dry bulk and goods under the IMDG Code):22 Building yard: ________________________________________23 Hull number: _________________________________________24 Date of total loss/constructive total loss/scrapping:___________25 Number of Crew on ship’s certificate: ____________________26 Number of Passengers on ship’s certificate: ________________27Number of persons onboard at the time of the casualty/accident:.1 Crew: ____________.2 Passengers: _______.3 Others: ___________PRELIMINARY CASUALTY DATA28 Date and time (local onboard):29Position/location:30 Initial event*:☐collision☐stranding/ grounding☐contact☐fire or explosion☐hull failure/ failure of watertight doors/ports, etc.☐machinery damage☐damages to ship or equipment☐capsizing/ listing☐missing: assumed lost☐ accidents with life-saving appliances☐other31 Consequences:☐total loss of the ship☐ship rendered unfit to proceed**☐ship remains fit to proceed***☐pollution☐loss of life☐serious injuries32 Summary of events:****For an explanation of the terms below see annex 2.**The ship is in a condition, which does not correspond substantially with the applicable conventions, presentinga danger to the ship and the persons on board or an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.***The ship is in a condition, which corresponds substantially with the applicable conventions, presenting neithera danger to the ship and the persons on board nor an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.ANNEX 2DATA FOR VERY SERIOUS AND SERIOUS CASUALTIES CASUALTY DATA1 Date and local time of casualty: (24 hr clock) (dd/mm/yyyy):2 Position of casualty (Latitude, Longitude):3Location of casualty:3.1 At berth☐3.2 Anchorage☐3.3 Port☐3.4 Port approach☐3.5 Inland waters☐3.6 Canal☐3.7 River☐3.8 Archipelagos☐3.9 Coastal waters (within 12 miles)☐3.10 Open sea☐4 Pilot on board: ☐5Type of casualty (initial event):5.1 Collision: striking or being struck by another ship (regardless ☐of whether under way, anchored or moored).5.1.1IMO Number of other ship involved. (not coded)5.1.2 Name of other ship involved. (not coded)5.2 Stranding or grounding: being aground, or hitting/touching shore ☐or sea bottom or underwater objects (wrecks, etc.).5.3 Contact: striking any fixed or floating object other than those ☐included in No.1 or 2.5.4 Fire or explosion. ☐5.5 Hull failure or failure of watertight doors, ports, etc.: not caused ☐by Nos.1 to 4.5.6 Machinery damage: not caused by Nos.1 to 5, and which ☐necessitated towage or shore assistance.5.7 Damages to ship or equipment: not caused or covered by Nos.1 to6. ☐5.8 Capsizing or listing: not caused by Nos.1 to 7. ☐5.9 Missing: assumed lost. ☐5.10 Accidents with life-saving appliances. ☐5.11 Other: all casualties which are not covered by Nos.1 to 10. ☐6Type of subsequent events:6.1 Collision: striking or being struck by another ship (regardless ☐of whether under way, anchored or moored).6.1.1 IMO Number of other ship involved. (not coded)6.1.2 Name of other ship involved. (not coded)6.2 Stranding or grounding: being aground, or hitting/touching ☐shore or sea bottom or underwater objects (wrecks, etc.).6.3 Contact: striking any fixed or floating object other than those ☐included in No.1 or 2.6.4 Fire or explosion. ☐6.5 Hull failure or failure of watertight doors, ports, etc. ☐6.6 Machinery damage which necessitated towage ☐or shore assistance.6.7 Damages to ship or equipment. ☐6.8 Capsizing or listing. ☐6.9 Missing: assumed lost. ☐6.10 Accidents with life-saving appliances. ☐6.11 Other: all events which are not covered by Nos.1 to 10. ☐7Consequences of the casualty:7.1Consequences to the ship involved in the casualty:7.1.1 Total loss ☐7.1.2 Ship rendered unfit to proceed*☐7.1.3 Ship remains fit to proceed**☐7.2Consequences related to human beings:7.2.1 Number of dead or missing crew _______7.2.2 Number of dead or missing passengers _______7.2.3 Number of other dead or missing persons _______7.2.4 Number of crew being seriously*** injured in the casualty _______7.2.5 Number of passengers being seriously*** injured inthe casualty _______7.2.6 Number of other persons being seriously*** injured inthe casualty _______*The ship is in a condition, which does not correspond substantially with the applicable conventions, presenting a danger to the ship and the persons on board or an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.**The ship is in a condition, which corresponds substantially with the applicable conventions, presenting neither a danger to the ship and the persons on board nor an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.***Incapacitated for 72 hours or more.7.3 Consequences to the environment (pollution):7.3.1 Oil in bunkers: ☐ Type of oil Quantity spilled☐Heavy fuel _______☐Diesel _______☐Lube oils _______☐Other _______7.3.2 Oil cargo: ☐ Type of oil (not coded) Quantity spilled☐Crude oil _______☐Persistent refined _______oil products☐Non-persistent refined _______oil products☐Others _______7.3.3 Chemicals in bulk: ☐Category (Appendix I to Annex II of MARPOL)Quantity in tons spilled☐X _______☐Y _______☐Z _______☐OS _______7.3.4 Dangerous Goods in packaged form: ☐Class (IMDG Code) Proper UN numbers Quantity lostShipping overboardNames1 ☐______ ______ ______2 ☐______ ______ ______3 ☐______ ______ ______4.1 ☐______ ______ ______4.2 ☐______ ______ ______4.3 ☐______ ______ ______5.1 ☐______ ______ ______5.2 ☐______ ______ ______6.1 ☐______ ______ ______6.2 ☐______ ______ ______7 ☐______ ______ ______8 ☐______ ______ ______9 ☐______ ______ ______8Primary causes of the initial event:Coding principle:a The human element is a complex multi-dimensional issue that affects maritime safety andmarine environmental protection. It involves the entire spectrum of human activities performed by ships’crews, shore based management, regulatory bodies, classification societies, shipyards, legislators and other relevant parties.b Effective remedial action following maritime casualties requires a sound understanding ofthe human element involvement in accident causation. This comes by the thorough investigation and systematic analysis of casualties for contributory factors and the causal chain of events.8.1 Internal causes (related to the ship where the casualty occurred):☐8.1.1 Human violations or errors by the crew: ☐.1 Human violations ☐.2 Human error ☐8.1.2 Human violations or errors by the pilot: ☐.1 Human violations ☐.2 Human error ☐8.1.3 Structural failures of the ship: ☐8.1.4 Technical failure of machinery/equipment including design errors: ☐.1 Failure of propulsion machinery ☐.2 Failure of essential auxiliary machinery ☐.3 Failure of steering gear ☐.4 Failure of closing arrangements or seals ☐.5 Failure or inadequacy of navigational equipment ☐.6 Failure of bilge pumping ☐.7 Failure of electrical installation ☐.8 Failure or inadequacy of communication equipment ☐.9 Failure or inadequacy of lifesaving appliances ☐.10 Ship design errors (i.e. insufficient stability) ☐.11 Other ☐8.1.5 The ship’s cargo: ☐.1 Cargo shifting ☐.2 Fire or explosion in cargo ☐.3 Improper stowage of cargo ☐.4 Spontaneous combustion ☐.5 Cargo liquefaction ☐.6 Other ☐8.2 External causes (outside the ship):☐8.2.1 Another ship or ships (improper actions, etc.) ☐8.2.2 The environment: ☐.1 Heavy sea ☐.2 Wind ☐.3 Currents or tides ☐.4 Icing ☐.5 Ice conditions ☐.6 Restricted visibility ☐8.2.3 Navigational infrastructure: ☐.1 Failures in aids to navigation ☐.2 Inaccurate charts or nautical publications ☐.3 Charts or nautical publications unavailable for the sea ☐.4 VTS ☐8.2.4 Criminal acts: ☐8.2.5 Other “external” causes (i.e. not associated with the ship itself): ☐.1 Tug boat operations ☐.2 Failure or incorrect operation of shore equipment orinstallation ☐.3 Other than .1 and .2 ☐8.3 Unknown causes:☐9Violations and error types:9.1 Violation (deliberate decision to act against a rule or plan): ☐9.1.1 Routine (cutting corners, taking path of least effort, etc.) ☐9.1.2 Necessary (due to inadequate tools or equipment, improperprocedures or regulations) ☐9.1.3 “For kicks” (thrill seeking, to alleviate boredom, macho behaviour) ☐9.1.4 Exceptional (taking risks to help people in distress, lack of systemknowledge) ☐9.2 Slip (unintentional action where failure involves attention):☐9.2.1 Incorrect operation of controls or equipment ☐9.2.2 Left/Right, reversal ☐9.2.3 Failure to report due to distraction ☐9.2.4 Other ☐9.3 Lapse (unintentional action where failure involves memory):☐9.3.1 Forgetting to report information ☐9.3.2 Failure to advise Officer on the Watch ☐9.3.3 Other ☐9.4 Mistake (an intentional action where there is an error in theplanning process; there is no deliberate decision to act againsta rule or procedure): ☐9.4.1 Error in judgement ☐9.4.2 Inappropriate choice of route ☐9.4.3 Deciding not to pass on information ☐9.4.4 Failure to respond appropriately ☐9.4.5 Other ☐10Underlying factors:10.1 Liveware:☐10.1.1 Physiological: ☐.1 Fatigue ☐.2 Stress ☐.3 Alcohol/illegal drug ☐.4 Prescription medicine ☐10.1.2 Psychological: ☐.1 Excessive workload ☐.2 Communication ☐.3 Standards of personal competence ☐.4 Lack of familiarity or training ☐.5 Panic and fear ☐.6 Boredom ☐.7 Mental and emotional disorders ☐10.1.3 Physical: ☐.1 Hearing problem ☐.2 Visual problem ☐.3 Injuries and illness ☐.4 Less than adequate medical fitness ☐10.1.4 Others: ☐10.2 Hardware:☐10.2.1 Equipment not available ☐10.2.2 Ergonomics ☐10.2.3 Design failures (other than ergonomics) ☐10.2.4 Maintenance and repair ☐10.2.5 Other ☐10.3 Software:☐10.3.1 Company policy and standing orders ☐10.3.2 Less than adequate operating procedures and instruction ☐10.3.3 Management and supervision ☐10.3.4 Other ☐10.4 Environment:☐10.4.1 Ship movement/Weather effects ☐10.4.2 Noise ☐10.4.3 Vibration ☐10.4.4 Temperature/Humidity ☐10.4.5 Less than adequate manning ☐10.4.6 Other ☐MSC-MEPC.3/Circ.3ANNEX 2Page 10ANNEX 3SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON VERY SERIOUSAND SERIOUS CASUALTIESTo assist completion of marine casualty analysis, in addition to the information in annexes 1 and 2, the following information is required:1 Principal findings and form of casualty investigation:2 Action taken:3 Findings affecting international regulations:4Assistance given (SAR operations):。
氧化铝China Alumina Report Industry Report, 2010

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Alumina, extracted from bauxite, gets chiefly used in the production of aluminum (electrolytic aluminum). China abounds in bauxite resources spreading in Guangxi (26.9%), Henan (26.0%), Guizhou (24.3%) and Shanxi (13.7%), with the basic reserves in 2009 reaching 839 million tons. The output of alumina in China accumulated to 23.83 million tons in 2009, 99.0 percent of which was contributed by Henan, Shandong, Guangxi, Shanxi and Guizhou. Meanwhile, the development of alumina in China is closely related to electrolytic aluminum when it comes to supply & demand and price. 1. Supply & Demand: the output of electrolytic aluminum exerts direct impact on the alumina market. In general, about 1.98 tons of alumina are needed to produce one ton of electrolytic aluminum, thus the production scale of electrolytic aluminum determines the demand of alumina in a direct manner. In recent years, China has seen the expanding capacity of electrolytic aluminum which facilitates the rocketing demand for alumina in the market, causing the overcapacity of alumina subsequently.
ASAP 2020 物理吸附操作规程

ASAP 2020 物理吸附操作规程一、开机及准备1.依次打开吸附仪主机,真空泵,电脑,双击“ASAP 2020”图标进入软件操作界面。
2.点击“Unit1”→“Degas”→“Show Degas Schematic”,显示脱气站示意图。
然后再点击“Unit1”→“Degas”→“Enable Manual Control”,进入脱气站手动模式,双击D5,D6,打开阀门,将脱气站抽真空。
3.点击“Unit1”→“Show Instrument Schematic”,显示分析站示意图。
然后再点击“Unit1”→“Enable Manual Control”,进入分析站手动模式,双击1、2、4、5、7,打开阀门,将分析站抽真空。
4.根据实验需要,打开气体钢瓶将压力调至0.1 Mpa。
参考值:BET surface area 200 m2/g,样品量0.2 g)3.将所称量样品装入已称重的空样品管中(粉末样品用纸槽送到样品管中,以免样品粘在管壁上)。
三、软件操作程序设定1.点击“File”→“Open”→“Sample Information”→“OK”(新建一个文件)→“Yes”→“Replace All”,根据实验需要选择相应的文件,双击列表中的文件名进行替换。
2.在“Sample Information”中依次输入详细的样品名,操作者,样品提交者。
3.在“Sample Tube”中所用的样品管编号,选择“Use isotherm jacket”和“Seal frit”。
4.在“Degas Condition”中输入脱气条件。

Full Name
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Advanced Audio Coding ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 Authentication Algorithm Number Activity-Based Buggeting Activity-Based Costing Activity-Base Management Available Bit Rate Alternating Current Audio Coder-3 Accept Anisotropic Conductive Film Advanced Configuration & Power Interface AT Command Interpreter Acknowledgement SMS Access Control List Add, Compare, Select Agency Dept. Automatic data capture Absolute Dimension Measurement Administration Function at the LIAN Audio Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Adaptive Dynamic Threshold Additional Elementary Functions Association for Electric Home Appliances Advance Encryption standard Alternative Frequency List Audio Frequency Control Annual Failure Rate Access Gateway Audio Gateway Anti-Glare Advanced Global Alignment Accelerated Graphics Port、Advanced Graphics Port Assisted Global Positioning System Auto Insertion Acquisition Indicatior Acquisition Indication Channel Article Inspection report Article Inspection report ATM Line Interface Module subrack alternate lighting of surfaces Accelerated Life Test General Administration Dept.

A1abbreviation缩语abnormal不正常的,反常的abnormality monitoring异常监听abrasion磨损abrasion resistant耐磨性abrasive cloth砂布absorb吸收absorber减振器AC(alternating current)交流电AC drive交流拖动AC feedback control交流反馈控制AC motor 交流电机AC servo交流伺服AC servo motor交流伺服电机AC single speed交流单速2AC two speed交流双速AC two speed motor交流双速电动机AC variale speed交流调速AC-GL machine交流无齿曳引机acceleration(accel)rate加速器acceleration control system加速度控制系统accelerator加速器acceptanec certificate验收证书acceptance of lift电梯验收acceptance period验收阶段acceptance test验收试验access forbidden禁止入内access door检修门access lift通道电梯3access security通道防卫access switch通道开关,维修用开关access way进出通道accessibility可通达性,接近的,难易程度accessible允许进入accessible space允许进入的场地accessory配件,附件accident事故accident insurance事故保险accident prevention事故预防accidental contact触电accidental operation误操作accordion door折叠门accumulation累积4accumulator蓄电池acoustic听觉的,声音的activate启动,触发active mode主动模式actual condition实际状况,实际条件actual load实际载荷actual state实际状况actual value实际值actuate开动,操作,激励actuating magnet操作磁铁actuating linkege操作连杆actuation time动作时间actuator操纵机构,激励器,螺线管actuator bracket调节器支架actuator plate调节板ACVF(AC varible frequency)交流调速5ACVF drive交流调频拖动ACVF system交流调频系统ACVV(AC varible voltage)交流调压ACVV dirve交流调压拖动ACVV system交流调压系统adaptation适应,匹配adapter(adapator)适配器adapter PCB选通脉冲印刷电路板adapting选配adaptive control system自适应能力控制系统addendum齿顶高,附录addendum circle外圆adding working drawing附加加工图addition附加物,加法additional materials附加材料address地址6adhesion胶,粘合胶adhesion protective oil防粘油adhesive foil胶粘薄膜adhesive tape胶带adjacent邻近的adjacent car相邻轿厢,相邻电梯adjacent entrance相邻出入口adjustable condensor可变电容器adjustable resistance可调电阻adjustable spanner可调扳手adjustable speed electric drive调速电力拖动adjustable wrench活动扳手,可调扳手adjusting screw调节螺丝adjusment调试adjustor调试员7administration cost管理成本administration expenses管理费用administation overjhead rate管理费用标准advance door opening提前开门advance payment预付款advanced提前的,先进的advanced carriage超前拖板(选层器) advancing position reference value超前位置参考值aerial cableway空中缆车,架空索道aerial ropeway空中缆车,架空索道aerial tramway空中缆车,架空索道aesthetic美观after sales service售后服务agency代理8agenda议程air cord(门机用)航空钢丝绳air purifier空气滤清剂air ventilator通风管air-bleed空气分泄器air-condition空调air-gap气隙airborne noise空气传播噪声alarm警报alarm bell警铃alarm button警铃按钮alarm buzzer警报蜂鸣器alarm circuit警报电路alarm system警报系统alcove arrangement电梯U型排列法ALC(autoclaved light-weight concrete)蒸压轻质混凝土9algorithm算法规则系统align校正aligning template校正样板alignment校正alignment gauge校正量规alkali碱all-computer-controlled计算机全控的allocation分配,分派allocation of landing call层站呼梯指令分配allowble stress for temporary load允许暂时应力值allowance允用误差,加工余量alloy 合金alloy steel合金钢10alteration改进alternate floor隔层alumina氧化铝aluminum铝aluminum alloy铝合金aluminum bronze铝青铜aluminum cladding铝制包层alumite防蚀铝alundum氧化铝ambient环境的ambient noise环境噪音ambient temperature环境温度ammeter安培计ammonia氨amperage电流强度ampere安培amplification放大11amplification stage放大等级amplifier放大器amplifying tube放大管amplitude幅度analogue(analog)模拟analog adder模拟加法器analog computer模拟计算机analog speed card模拟曲线板analog-digital converter模拟-数字转换器analysis分析analysis mode分析模拟anchor bolt地脚螺栓anchorage锚具,锚定angle bar角钢angle guide角铁导轨angle iron角铁angle iron frame角铁框架12angle of contact接触角angle of deflection导向角angle of inclination倾斜角angle of lead导程角angle of traction曳引机包角angle of wrap包角angle steel角钢angular contact ball bearing向心推力球轴承angular contact bearing角面接触滚动轴承angular gear斜齿轮angular retardationg角减速度angular velocity角速度anneal退火annealing退火annual inspection年检13annual report年度报告annunciator报音器,声音合成器anode阳极anodize氧极氧化ANSI(America Nationa Standard Instirute)美国国家标准协会anti-clockwise逆时钟方向anti-corrosive paint防腐蚀漆anti-creep防蠕动anti-friction bearing抗摩擦轴承anti-nuisance防干扰anti-nuisance device防捣乱装置anti-phase braking反向制动anti-phase current反相电流anti-rebound of compensation rope device补偿绳防跳装置14anti-residual防剩磁anti-resonance抗谐振anti-reversion device防反转装置anti-rust防锈anti-stall防空转anti-vibralion pad防震垫APM(automatic people mover)自动人员运输机apparent output视在输出apparen power视在功率applicant申请人application申请application guide应用指南aprons裙板arbour轴,杆arc chamber电弧隔离室15arc protection防电弧arc quenching熄焊弧arc shield电弧屏蔽arc suppressor灭焊器architect设计单位architecture建筑学architrave门框area面积arm臂,支路armature电驱armature coil电驱线圈armature current电驱电流armature lamination电驱铁芯片armature shaft电驱轴armature spider星形轮armature winding电驱绕组16armoured蛇皮管的armoured cable蛇皮管电缆armoured conduit导线管arrangement布置arrival bell到站铃arrival buzer到站蜂鸣器arrival floor到达楼层arrival gong到站钟arrival rate到站率article of consumption消耗品artificial intelligence人工智能artistic工艺artistic face工艺表面asbestos packing石棉盘根ascending上升ASIC(application specific integrated circuit)专用集成电路17assemble装配assembler language汇编语言ssembly drawing组装图assembly of hinge铰链组装assign分配astragal装饰镶条atmospheric influence大气影响attachment附件attendant control有司机控制attendant control compartment有司机控制盒attendant operation有司机操作audible signal音响信号sudible signaling system音响信号系统audio tape recording磁带录音authority当局,核准部门18authority of lift acceptance电梯验收部门authorized授权的,核准的authorized user核准使用者auto-adaptation自适用AutoCAD自动计算机辅助设计autographic recoder自动记录仪automatic自动的automatic allocator自动分派器automatic by-pass自动直驶automatic center opening sliding door自动中分式滑动门automatic closer自动关闭门automatic dispatch自动调度automatic door自动门automatic homing自动回基层19automatic landing自动停站automatic landing system by spare battery靠备用蓄电池的自动停站设备automatic leveling自动平层automatic lubricator自动润滑装置automatic parking garage自动停车库automatic parking system自动停车系统automatic relevelling自动平层校正automatic rescue device应急救助装置automatic return自动返回automatic telescopic center opening sliding d自动中分式折叠滑动门automatic telescopic sliding door自动折叠式滑动门20automobile lift汽车电梯autowalk自动人行道auxiliary apparatus辅助装置auxiliary brake辅助制动器auxiliary cicuit辅助电路auxiliary contact辅助触点auxiliary drive辅助驱动auxiliary lock辅助锁auxiliary value辅助材料auxiliary materials辅助量auxiliary winding辅助绕组available area有效面积average平均average car load平均轿厢负载average dispatching interval平均调度间隔时间21average interval平均调度间隔时间average passenger waiting time平均乘客侯梯时间average response time平均应答时间average waiting quest平均乘客量average waiting time平均乘客侯梯时间axial flow fan轴流式风扇axis轴线axle轴Bbabbit 巴氏合金babbit lined bearing巴氏合金衬里轴承babbit melter巴氏合金熔化器22babbit metal巴氏合金babbit rope socket灌注式巴氏合金绳头back current反向电流back e.m.f反电动势back lash轮齿隙back plunger type后部柱塞式(液压梯) back side后侧,后边back wall后壁back type governor轴流式限速器baked enamel烤漆balance平衡balance chain平衡链balance coefficient平衡系数balace weight平衡器balanced traffic平衡交通23ball bearing滚珠轴承ball cup球形碗ball pin球形硝ball stop valve球形断流器ball type bearing滚珠轴承ballast镇流器balustrade deching外侧盖板balustrade exterior panelling外装饰板balustrade panel扶手板balustrade skirting扶手群板balustrade lighting扶手照明balustrades扶手装置bandsaw带锯bank银行,群组,排bar条,棒bar code条形码bar lock杆式锁24bare wire裸线barricade防护墙,隔墙barrier隔板,栅栏base基座,基础base plate基板basement地下室basement service底下室服务basement type底吊式basic logic element基础逻辑元件basic logic function基础逻辑功能batch production批量生产battery电池battery box蓄电池箱battery charger电池充电器battery- backed电池支持的baud rate波特率BCD(binary coded decimal)二进制编码的十进制25beam梁beam pad井道内电缆保护垫片beam pulley抗绳轮bearing轴承bearing bracket轴承支架bearing cap轴承盖bearing load轴承负荷bearing plate承重板bearing play轴承间隙bearing sleeve轴承衬套bearing stand轴承座bed lift病床电梯bed plate底座bell铃belt胶带belt drive胶带传动26belt grinder胶带磨床belt pulley胶带轮belt type moving walk带式自动人行道bending弯曲bending stress弯曲应力benzine轻汽油bevel gear伞(斜)齿轮beveled washer斜垫圈BGM (background music)背景音乐BGM speaker背景音乐扬声器bi-parting对开式(上下开启) bi-parting door垂直中分门bias偏置,偏移bid投标,报价bid table报价单bidder投标27bidding cycle投标有效期限bidding procedure投标(报价)程序bil of delivery发货单bill of expenses费用帐单bil of lading海运提单bill of materials材料单billing开发票binary二进制binder装订册bipartite light transistor双分式光电管bistable magnetic swich双稳态磁开关bistable switch双稳态磁开关bitumen沥青blade叶片,刀片,锯片blade connector刀形连接器28bleed-off circuit泄放电路blind hoistway盲(无门)井道block chart方框图block diagram方框图线路block of flats住宅楼区blocking of control circuit控制电路闭锁blower鼓风机blower coil吹弧线圈blower motor风机电动机blue print蓝图boarding登梯boading floor登梯楼层boarding landing登梯层站boarding passenger登梯乘客boarding rate登梯率boarding stop登梯停站29boading time登梯时间boarding zone登梯区域bobbing绕线管boldface type粗字体bolt螺杆booster升压机border condition边界条件bore hole钻孔,镗孔boring镗boring lathe镗床boring machine镗床boring miller镗铣床bottom底部bottom car clearance轿底安全高度间隙bottom car overtravel底部轿厢越程bottom car runby底部轿厢越程30bottom clearances for car 轿底间隙bottom counterweight clearance轿底对重间隙bottom counterweight overtravel轿底对重越程bottom counterweight runby轿底对重越程bottom door retainer门下角bottom floor底部楼层bottom runby底部越程bottom slow down switch底部减速开关bottom stop底部停战bottom terminal floor底部楼层bottom terminal landing底部端站bottom terminal stop底端停站box盒,箱box counterweight箱式对重Braille盲文字符31brake制动器brake arm制动器臂brake contact制动器触点brake coutact制动器联轴器brake dish制动盘brake drum制动轮brake energy制动力brake level制动器杠杆brake lever制动器手柄brake lining制动器衬套brake linkage制动器连杆brake operater switch制动操纵开关brake pin制动器悄brake press折弯机,压弯机brake pulley制动轮brake release lever制动器松闸手柄32brake release magnet制动器送闸磁铁brake release time制动器松闸时间brake shoe制动靴brake spacing制动器间距brake spring制动弹簧brake tension制动器张紧力brake torque制动器力矩brake wrench制动器板手braking制动braking distance制动距离braking force制动力branch circuit分支电路brass founder铸铜break 切断,破断break-down故障breaking load破断负荷33breaking strength破断强度breaking test破坏实验breather通气管brick砖brick-layer砖砌工bridge circuit桥式电路bridge connector桥接器bridge jumper桥接片bridge rectifier桥式整流器bright controlling光度控制broach拉力broaching machine拉床brochure手册broken chain contact断链触点broken circuit断路broken drive chain contact主驱动链保护装置34broken drive-chain safety device驱动链条保护装置broken rope contact驱动链条列断安全装置broken step chain contact断绳触点broken step chain device断绳开关broken step chain safety device梯级链断列触点broken step safety device梯级破列安全装置broken tape sweitch短带开关bronze铜brunching成组,成群brush finished stainless steel哑光不锈钢35brush holder 刷握,滑环brush yoke刷架budget预算buffer缓冲器buffer stroke缓冲器冲程buffer base缓冲器底座buffer plate缓冲器板buffer plunger缓冲器柱塞buffer return spring缓冲器复位弹簧buffer stand缓冲器台buffer striking plate缓冲器撞板buffer support缓冲器支承buffer switch缓冲器开关builder建筑单位nbuilder's work土建工程36buider's work drawing土建图纸building建筑building area建筑面积building contractor建筑承包商buiding facility大楼设施building manager大楼管理者building monitoring and security system大楼监管和安全系统building population大楼居住人口buiding supervision center大楼监管中心built=in内装built-in escalator组合式自动扶梯bumper弹簧式缓冲器bumper rail防撞板bumpy ride颠簸振动的运行37buried埋入的burn in(程序)灌入burr毛刺,毛边burr free去毛刺bus总线bus bar汇流条bush衬套bushed bearing加衬轴套bushing衬套,轴套,套筒butt joint平接,对焊button按钮button switch按钮开关buyer买方buzzer蜂鸣器buzzer switch蜂鸣器开关bypass直驶38by-pass button直驶按钮by-pass valve溢流阀bypassed floor直驶不停楼层bypassed stop直驶不停层站CC$F到岸价cab轿厢,座舱cab interior轿厢内部cabin轿厢,座舱cabinet柜,厢cable电缆cable box电缆箱cable car缆车cable cleat电缆夹具cable conductor电缆导线cable entry电缆引入39cable hanger电缆吊架cable hole电缆孔cable joint电缆接头cable termination电缆末端cable trunk 电缆接头CAD计算机辅助设计cage轿厢cage door轿厢门calculation计算机辅助设计calibrate校准call呼梯,呼叫call acceptance呼梯接收call accepted接受呼梯call accepted indicator接受呼梯指示灯call accepted signal接受呼梯信号call allocation呼梯分派40cam tape control偏心带控制cam-gear凸轮传动装置cam-operated switch凸轮(碰铁)操纵开关cancel撤消,取消cancelingof call signal呼梯信号消除cancellation撤消,取消canopy顶盖,大蓬canvas帆布canvas hose帆布软管cap帽,盖子cap nut螺母capacitance电容,电容量capacitor电容capacitor motor电容器电机capacity载重,容量,定员capacity plate载量标牌41capstan绞盘captive roller safety gear滚柱式安全钳car轿厢car annunciator轿厢报警器car approaching gong轿厢到站预报钟car apron轿厢入口群板car assignment轿厢调度,轿厢分配car automatic switch landing轿厢开关自动停站car axis轿厢中心线car back wall轿厢后壁car botom clearance轿厢安全高度car bottom overtravel轿厢底部越层42call assignment呼梯指令分配call band呼梯信号带call button呼梯按钮call cancel呼梯取消call canceling呼梯取消call coincidence呼梯重合call contrl呼梯指令控制call conmting system呼梯计数系统call emitter呼梯指令发送器call input呼梯输入call input capacity呼梯输入内容call input device呼梯输入装置call load呼梯输入call memory呼梯记忆call registered登陆的呼梯call registered signal登陆的呼梯信号call tegistration呼梯登陆43call registration indicator呼梯登陆信号call sequence呼梯顺序call-back召修call-back message召修信息call-out response time维修召唤应答时间call-out service急修服务callinfg board召唤盒calling floor呼体楼层calling landing呼梯CAM计算机辅助制造cam凸轮cam for positive operation强制操纵凸轮cam lever偏心柄cam shaft偏心轴44car bottom runby底部越程car buffer轿厢缓冲器car button轿厢按钮car cab轿厢体car call轿厢指令car call button轿厢指令按钮car call cancel轿内召唤取消car call control轿厢指令控制car call panel轿厢(呼梯)指示盘car call stop轿厢(呼梯)指令停车car cam 碰铁car canopy轿厢顶盖car ceiling轿厢装饰顶45car coming indicator轿厢驶近指示灯car control lever轿厢操纵手柄car control switch轿厢操纵开关car counterweight轿厢对重car cross-head轿厢上梁car depth轿厢深度car dispatch轿厢调度car door 轿门car door catch轿门栓car door closer轿门关闭器car door electric contact轿门电触点car door guide shoe轿门导靴car door interlock轿门联锁car door lock轿门门锁car door rail轿门导轨46car door sill轿门地坎car door track轿门导轨car elevator汽车电梯car emergency exit轿厢安全门,应急门car emergency opening轿厢安全窗car emergency release switch轿厢应急释放按钮car enclosure panel轿厢壁板car enclosures轿厢壁板car entrance轿厢入口car extetior轿厢外装修,轿厢外表car fan轿厢风扇car floating movable platform轿厢活动地板car floor frame轿厢架,轿架car frame轿厢架,轿架47car frame attachment轿厢框架附件car frame plank轿厢下梁car frame upright轿厢立柱car front轿厢前壁car full control满载轿厢控制car gate轿厢门car gate contact轿门触点car gate electric contact轿门电气触点car guide轿厢导轨car guide axis轿厢导轨中心线car handle control手柄开关操纵,轿内开关控制car handrail轿厢扶手car height轿厢高度car illumination轿厢照明48car isolation轿厢隔震器car leveling device轿厢平层装置car lift汽车电梯car light轿厢照明装置car light panel轿厢照明板,照明天花板car lighting轿厢照明car manual switch landing轿厢手动开关停站car operation board轿厢操纵盘car operation panel操纵箱car overload轿厢超载car panel轿厢壁板car panel attachment轿厢壁板附件car panel base轿厢壁板底座49car panel with window轿厢壁板上窗口cr parking device轿厢驻停装置car platform轿厢底,轿底car platform guard轿厢站台护板car platform sill轿厢car position indicator轿厢指示灯,轿厢位置显示car position reference value轿厢位置参考值car preference轿厢优先权car push-button轿厢按钮car rear wall轿厢后壁car roof轿厢顶,轿顶car safety 轿厢安全钳car safety bar for dumbwaiter轿厢安全棒(杂货梯)50car safety gear轿厢安全钳car safety mechanism switch轿厢安全钳联动开关car sheave轿厢绳轮car side emergency door轿厢安全侧门car side opening轿厢侧面开门car side wall轿厢侧壁car sill轿厢地坎car sling轿厢架,吊架car station轿厢操纵站car status information轿厢运行状态信息car stop轿厢停止car suspension轿厢悬挂装置car switch轿厢开关car switch automatic floor stop operation轿厢开关自动停站装置51car switch control轿厢开关控制car switch opration手柄开关操纵,轿内开关控制car top轿厢顶部car top clearance轿顶安全高度car top emergency exit轿顶安全出口,轿顶应急出口car top guard轿顶护栏car top inspection device轿顶检修装置car top inspection station轿顶检修盒(站)car top light轿顶照明装置car top protection balustrade轿顶防护栏杆car top protection railing轿顶防护栏杆52car ventilation轿厢通风car walls轿厢壁,轿壁car weight轿厢重量car width轿厢宽度carbon碳,石墨carbon brush碳刷carbon contact碳精触点carbon steel碳素钢carburization渗碳carburize渗碳carburized hardening渗碳硬化carburizer渗碳剂card卡片,纹板card reader卡片读出器cardan joint万向接头carpet地毯carriage charges运费53carry frequency载波频率,开关工作频率carrying capacity载运量,载运能力cart elevator车辆运货电梯cartridge fuse插塞式熔断器carving machine刻模机cascade级联,串联cascade sub-loop串接式子回路case箱,盒,外壳casing保护套,外套casing of cylinder油缸套cassette tape录音带cast bronze铸青铜cast iron铸铁cast steel铸钢casting铸造castor oil蓖麻油54catch擎子,门扣,捕捉器catch block安全钳catch clip捕捉夹钳catch device捕捉装置cathode阴极cathode ray tube(CRT)阴极射线管cavitation气穴,涡穴,饱和压力点ceiling吊顶ceiling assembling轿顶cellulose纤维板cement水泥,胶合剂cement concrete混凝土center中心center latch中心门栓center line中心线center of curvature曲率中心55center opening中分式门center opening door中分门center-opening folding door中分式折叠门center opening two speed door中分四扇门center opening vertical sliding door中分式垂直滑动门center plunger hydraulic lift柱塞直顶式液压电梯center support中心支撑,中间支撑,第三支撑centigrade摄氏温度central alarm中央报警central control board中央监控盘central control room中央监控室central jack中心液压装置56central position 中心位置centrifugal离心的cenrifugal brake离心制动器centrifugal cast离心铸造centrifugal fan离心式风扇centrifugal governor离心式限速器centrifugal speed离心速度centrifugal switch离心开关centrifugal type governor离心式限速器centripetal force向心力ceramic capacitor搪瓷电容certification证书certifying body认证机关chain链条chain block 手拉葫芦chain bracket链条托架57chain drive链传动chain drive elevator链驱动升降机chain drive machine链驱动机chain gear链轮chain guard链防护罩chain link链节,链环chain pitch链条节距chain sag链条下垂度chain sheave链轮chain sprocket链轮chain sustarned elevator链支撑升降机chain tensioning device链张紧装置chain wheel 链轮chain wheel track链轮导轨chamger倒棱,去毛刺change switch转换开关58change-over contact转化触点change-over landing换乘电梯层站change-over switch转换开关change-pole变化极性channel槽钢channel iron槽铁channel steel槽钢character特征,字符characteristic特征,特性characteristic curve特性曲线charge充电,收费charged带电,充电charging contactor充电接触器charging set充电chart图表chart of accounts成本图表check valve止逆阀59chequer(checker)plate网纹钢板chief engineer总工程师chime音钟chip芯片chipboard木屑板chisel凿子choke扼流,截流,阻塞choke coil扼流线圈chopper斩波器chrome铬chuck卡盘CIF(cost insurance and freight)到岸价cinder concrete煤渣混凝土circle周期,圆circuit电路circuit breaker断电器,断路器60circuit diagram电路图circular pitch周节circulating pump循环泵circulation循环circumferential force圆周力circumferential speed圆周速度circumferential velocity圆周速度CL(center line)中心线clacking盖板cladding装饰clamp夹clamp ring压制环,加紧环clamping jaw夹钳clamping sleeve夹紧套桶clamping strap制动带class of loading灾荷种类clear depth净深度61clear dimension净尺寸clear door height门净高度clear door width门净宽度clear entrance to the car轿厢入口净尺寸clear height净高clear hoistway井道净尺寸clear width净宽度clerance间隙clearance between skirt panels裙板间隙clearance bottom car轿底安全高度clearance top car轿顶安全高度clearance top counterweight对重装置顶部安全高度cleated riser梯级竖板clevis U型夹client客户,买主62clip钳夹clockwise顺时针的close circuit闭合电路closed loop闭环closed position(门)关闭位置closed position monitoring(门)关闭位置检测closed-loop control闭环控制closed-type motor闭合式电动机closer关门器closing force(门)关闭力closing speed门关闭速度closing travel门关闭运行closing valve切断阀clutch离合器clutch component离合器部件clutch plate离合器板clutch release sleeve离合器释放套管63clutch spring离合器弹簧CMOS互补型金属氧化物(半导体) CNC(computerized numric control)计算机数控coaxial cable同轴电缆coast to stop滑行停车coating涂层cock龙头code码,符号,规程,规范code of practice实施规程,实用规程code word代号文字coding PCB(printer cicuit board)编码印刷电路板coefficient系数coefficient of friction摩擦系数64coil线圈,绕组coil case线圈外壳coiled spring螺旋弹簧coincidence memory重合记忆coinciding call重合呼梯指令cold cathode冷阴极collapsible door栅栏门collapsible gate栅栏门,折叠式门collapsible type door折叠式门collar环collecting brush集电刷collecting ring轴环collection收集,集合collective control集中控制collective full automatic operation全自动集中控制collective operation elevator集中操作电梯65collective selective集选collective selective control集选控制collector集电路collision switch碰撞开关color颜色colored starnless steel彩色不锈钢colorfast不褪色的colorless无色的column柱,立柱comb contact梳齿板安全装置comb floor plate梳齿板comb light梳齿灯comb lighting梳齿板照明comb plate梳齿板comb plate contact梳齿板触板comb plate safety device梳齿板安全装置68commutation整流commutator换向环commutator brush整流子电刷commutator lug整流片commutator metallic segment金属整流器compact紧凑的comparator比较器compartment隔板,隔室compensating补偿compensating chain device补偿链装置compensating condensor补偿电容器compensating devece补偿装置compennsating device for hoist ropes曳引绳补偿装置compensating rope补偿绳compensating rope device补偿绳装置69compensating rope hitch补偿绳绳头板compensating rope sheave补偿绳轮compensating-rope sheave safety switch补偿绳轮安全开关compensating-rope sheave switch补偿绳轮开关compensating rope socket补偿绳绳头compensating winding补偿绳绕组compensanting/equalizer disk补偿/补偿器compensation chain补偿链compensation coil补偿绳线圈compensation rope 补偿绳compensation sheave补偿绳轮competent有资格的,胜任的70competent personnel有资格的人员,胜任的人员competitor system竞争机制component部件compound wound复绕compound wind motor复励电动机comprehensive综合的comprehensive maintenance contract综合维修合同,全包维修合同comprehensive service contract综合维修合同,全包维修合同compressing spring压缩弹簧compression压缩compressive stress压应力compression switch压缩开关compressor压缩器71compulogic system电脑程序控制系统computer计算机computer peripheral devices计算机外围装置computer simulation计算机模拟computing power运算容量concealed隐蔽的,暗式concealed hinge暗式链条concentrated load集中载荷concentricity同心性conclusion of contract合同成交concrete混凝土concrete hoistway混凝土井道concrete machine block混凝土机座concrete wall混凝土墙condenser电容器condenser for power factor improvement功率因素补偿电容72condition条件condition of payment付款条件conditions of contract合同条件conducting wire导线conductive导电的conductor导体conduit导线管conduit fitting导线管接头cone roller bearing滚锥轴承conference room会议室conical brake锥形制动器conical pin锥销conicity锥度connect in series串接connecting piece连接件connecting rod连杆,连接杆73connection连接connection diagram of controller控制柜连线图connector接线柱,连接器consecutively departing依次派出的轿厢console panel控制柜,控制盘constant恒定的,常数constant HP motor功率恒定型电机constant speed valve比例控制阀,调速阀constant torque motor力矩恒定型电机construction安装,施工construction crane建筑起重机construction layout drawing土建图construction platform安装平台,施工平台74construction site安装工地,施工工地consultant顾问,咨询机构consumption消耗contact触点contact angle接触角contact brace触头撑条contact burning触头烧损contact carrier触头支架contact control有触点控制contact control system有触点控制系统contact finger接触指,滑触头contact forcibly actuated强迫操动触头contact holder触头固定架contact input接触输入端contact load保证(额定)载荷75contact mat触头垫片contact normally closed常闭触点contact normally open常开触点contact pressure触头压力contact resistance接触电阻contactless无触点contactless control无触点控制contactless control system无触点控制系统contactless switch无触点开关contactor接触器contents内容continuing travel indicator(轿内)继续运行指示器continuous line arrangement连锁配置continuous speed regulation连续速度控制continuous-pressure button继压开关contract合同,契约,承包合同76contract capacity合同载重量,合同容量contract load合同负载contract of indemnity赔偿合同contract party合同方,合同当事人conract specification合同规定,合同明细表conract speed合同速度,额定速度contract work system合同制度control控制control amplifier调节放大器control bus控制总线control cabinet控制柜control cable控制电缆control circuit控制电路control device for handrail brekage扶手带断带保护装置77control feature控制特征control guard for handrail breakage扶手带断带保护装置control gear控制论control lever控制杆control panel控制屏control stand控制台control station控制站control switgh控制开关control system控制系统control system for elevator电梯控制系统control technique控制技术control type 控制形式control valve控制阀control valve unit(液压)调节阀装置control voltage控制电压,操作电压78controlled angle控制角controller控制柜controller base控制柜底座controller cabinet控制柜controller panel控制屏controller wiring diagram控制柜电路图controlling circuit控制电路conventional常规的conventional lift普通电梯converter整流器,转换头converter panel换流器盘converter set换流器组件converter unit换流装置conveyance of passengers乘客载运conveyer输送机79conveyer track输送车轨道cooler冷却装置cooler air-conditioner空调制冷cooling冷却cooling device for semiconductor半导体冷却装置cooling fan 冷却风扇COP(car operation panel)轿厢操纵盘copper铜cord绳索,芯线cord drive绳传动,(厅门) core铁心core press铁心压力core ventilation铁心通风cork 软木cork packing软木盘根corner角,隔80corner post对角立柱corpus lift尸体升降机correct phase sequence正确相序correcting修正,校正correcting travel校准运行correction校正,校准corrective maintenance校正维修corridor走廊corrosion proof防腐蚀的corrosion resistant耐腐蚀的corrosion resistant coating涂防锈漆层corrosive腐蚀的cost成本,费用cost accounting成倍核算cost analysis成本分析cost calculation成倍计算cost comparison成本比较81cost effective价格划算的cost element成本项目cost estimate成本估算cost of material材料成本cost of production生产成本cost price成本价cost share成本份额cost situation成本状况cost structure成本结构cost-free免费的cotter pin开口销conter 计数器counter emf反电动势counter inductor记数感应器counter sunk head埋头conuter-clockwise逆时针方向counterbalance相互平衡,配重平衡82countersink沉头,埋入counterweight对重装置,对重counterweight bottom runby对重底部越程counterweight filler对重块,对重装置重鉈counterweight filler weight对重块,对重装置重鉈counterweight frame对重框counterweight guard对重防护栏counterweight header对重头counterweight housing对重架counterweight safety对重安全钳counterweight sheave对重绳轮counterweight sling对重吊具countreweight suspension对重悬挂装置83counterweight top clearance对重装置顶部安全装置couple M to N使M和N偶合coupled door panels配对门扇counpler联轴器coupling联轴器coupling bolt联轴器螺栓coupling sleeve联接套筒cove凹口cover盖,保护层cover plate盖板cover strip覆盖条covered wire覆层线CPS( central processing system)中央处理系统CPU(central processing unit)计算机中央处理器84crack 裂缝crack-resistant抗裂的cracking pressure破裂压力cradle beam托架,横梁crank曲轴crank operation曲轴操作crank shaft曲轴crank shaft oil seal曲轴油封creep爬行,蠕动creep speed爬行速度,平层速度creeping-in distance爬行距离Cremona's method谷式应力图crest value峰值crimp-meshed door铁网门critical path planning关键路线计划法85cross beam顶梁,上梁cross head screwdriver十字头螺丝功锥cross pin十字销cross valve三通阀cross-head上梁cross-head screw十字头螺钉cross-section横截面crosshead sheave轿顶轮crow bar撬棒crown bar顶杆crown wheel盘形轮crushing压碎,压溃cup杯,盖子cup head square neck bolt半圆头方颈螺栓current电流current carrying带电的86current carrying capacity载流量current characteristic电流参数current control loop电流控制回路current efficiency电流效率current interruption test断流试验current load电流负荷current reference signal电流基准符号current regulator电流调节器,稳流器current relay电流继电器current reverser电流互感器current transformer变流器curvature曲率,曲度curve曲线curve transition曲线过渡段cushion垫,缓冲垫custom习惯,海关87flush bolt平头螺栓flush door嵌入式门flush mounted找平安装flux焊锡,磁通,稀释剂flux controlled磁通控制的flyball governor甩球式限速器flying wheel飞轮,惯性轮flywheel飞轮flywheel effect飞轮效应,飞轮力矩flywheel mass飞轮质量FMS(flexible manufacturing system)挠性制造系统FOB(free on board)离岸价foil薄膜folder文件夹folding door折叠式门,栅栏门folding gate折叠式门,栅栏门fool proof防误操作的,十分安全的foot hold立足处foot-mounted motor底座式电动机force力forced air cooling强制风冷forced convection强迫通风force each-floor-stop operation每次强迫停止操作forced ventilation强迫通风forced-stop control强迫停止控制foreman工头,领班forge锻造,锻压forging锻,锻件fork lift叉车fork spring叉式弹簧fork type hydraulic elevator间接侧置式液压梯formed angle steel成型角钢formed channel steel成型槽钢formed steel带钢。

aerial cableway "空中缆车,架空索道"
aerial ropeway "空中缆车,架空索道"
aerial tramway "空中缆车,架空索道"
aesthetic 美观
after sales service 售后服务
actuator "操纵机构,激励器,螺线管"
actuator bracket 调节器支架
actuator plate 调节板
ACVF(AC varible frequency) 交流调速
ACVF drive 交流调频拖动
ACVF system 交流调频系统
ACVV(AC varible voltage) 交流调压
aluminum alloy 铝合金
aluminum bronze 铝青铜
aluminum cladding 铝制包层
alumite 防蚀铝
alundum 氧化铝
ambient 环境的
ambient noise 环境噪音
ambient temperature 环境温度
ammeter 安培计
aprons 裙板
arbour "轴,杆"
arc chamber 电弧隔离室
arc protection 防电弧
arc quenching 熄焊弧
arc shield 电弧屏蔽
arc suppressor 灭焊器
architect 设计单位
architecture 建筑学

PSSR Checklist Example A-1 PSSR清单示例A-1PSSR Checklist Example A-2PSSR Checklist Example A-3ATTACHMENT A - PROCESS PRE-STARTUP SAFETY REVIEW CHECKLISTAREA OR PLANT UNDER REVIEW:DATE:LIST OF PSSR TEAM MEMBERS:Instructions for using this form:1. Review the entire checklist and mark a check in column A to indicate an item or area to be included in the review.2. If there are issues to be resolved after the initial review, complete Attachment B - PSSR Potential Issue – Finding Form3. For each item or area with a check in column A, place a check in column B when the item or area has been satisfactorily reviewed or a potential problem has been resolved.Column A Include Column BCompletedCategory/PSSR Item to EvaluateLocation and layoutSite ConditionsDrainageFlood control/protectionPrevailing windAir or water pollution exposuresOther site conditions requiring attentionSoil protection in storage, materials handling &process areasNearby operationsHazards fromHazards toTrafficVehicular/railroad/pedestrianClearances, hazardsAdequacy of traffic signsSecuritySpecial requirements imposed by new facilityStorage and handling of chemicalsBuried pipes, tanks or chemical sewerLeak detection and containmentAbove ground storage tanksAdequate secondary containment providedOperating and maintenance access adequate andsafeAdequate and accessible manwaysUnobstructed pressure/vacuum relief ventsManifolding of vents reviewedDocumented vent sizing basis (process safetymanuals)Include CompletedWinterization (including instrument connections)Adequate lightingLabeling, placarding of hazardsOther installation detailsFlammable and combustible liquidsTank placement and spacing adequateSteel supports requiring fireproofingFlammable liquid breather vents provided withflame arrestors or conservation ventsNo flame arrestors on emergency relief ventsSafe vent discharge locationsVapor-space ignitions hazardsCorporate recommended/approved fire protectionsystems in placeFlammable gases or liquefied flammable gassesCorporate recommended/approved fire protectionsystems in placeBulk dry chemicalsDust explosion potential addressedTanks truck and railcar unloading and loading stationsSpill containment and safe impoundingAccess platform safetyLighting adequateGrounding cablesFixed unloading pump and backflow preventerEmergency stop button locationConnections lockable and closedPlacarding of hazardsRemotely operated emergency stop valve forvehicles carrying hazardous materialsFusible-link fire valve on vehicles with bottomunloading of flammablePortable fire extinguisher at ground level orflammableSafety shower and eyewash unitsRecommended fire protection systems in placeElectricalProcessGeneral workplaceSafe operator accessBuilding exits markedLighting adequateSafety shower and eyewash unitsAccessibleLocated on each deckLocated in control roomPortable fire extinguishersInclude CompletedAccessibleLocated on each deckLocated in control roomHuman FactorsLabeling of equipment, piping, critical valves, fieldinstruments, switchesLocation of field instrumentsSampling pointsOperator task safetyOperator task ergonomicsOpportunities for operator errorNon-routine tasksChemical Exposure HazardsPotential exposuresEngineering controls adequateBuilding ventilation/fresh air intakesToxic gas monitors, alarmsProtective equipment locationPlacardingProcess PipingConstruction appropriate for dutyMaterials quality assurance (including flange bolts),if critical, during constructionWorkmanship (for example, no short flange bolts)Routing satisfactoryAdequately supported and guidedAllowance for thermal expansion/no referencesNo small diameter connections vulnerable tobreakage/failureExpansion bellows properly installed/piping notable to move sideways/bellowedUndamaged during installationFlexible piping connectors correctlyinstalled/undamaged (for example, kinked) duringinstallationNecessary drains providedHazardous outlets plugged closedThermal (hydrostatic) pressure relief (includingheat-traced sections)Sight glasses and gauge glassesExternal corrosion protectionFreeze protectionInsulation adequate for personal protectionProtective flange coversApproved hoses and hose and connectors (noimprovisations)Process VentsInclude CompletedFlammable liquid breather vents provided withflame arrestors or conservation ventsTelltale pressure gauge or other indicator providedbetween rupture disc and relief valve where a discis installed below a relief valveDischarge piping from emergency pressure reliefdevices unrestricted by 90 degree ells,Excessive length or flame arrestorsProvisions such as drain holes to preventaccumulation of rainwater in discharge pipingDischarge piping adequately supported towithstand reactive forces of pressure ventingSafe vent discharge locationsManifolding of vents reviewedVent sizing basis; documentationDuctworkCleanoutsHeat Exchangers, JacketsVent, drainsThermal (hydrostatic) pressure reliefMaintenance access (tube bundle)MachineryGuardingLocal emergency stop buttonEmergency lubrication of critical machineryMaintenance provisionsLocal exhaust ventilation required for shaft sealsPumpsBackflow preventionConnecting piping adequately supported to limitforces on casingsSeal spray protectionIsolation for maintenancePreparation for maintenance (drain and ventprovided)ContainmentSpill containmentFire water runoffProcess Controls/Control RoomControl room inherent safety (vs. process hazards)VentilationEmergency lightingFire protectionField wiring securitySystem cable securityPower supplyOperator interface(s)Alarm systemsInclude CompletedEmergency shutdownCommunications - normal and emergencySoftware access/securitySoftware back-upUtilities Water SupplyNo municipal /potable water connections to theprocessSteam Boilers and DistributionFeedwater treatment chemicals handlingGas piping routingCombustion controlsHigh and low drum water level alarms providedBypass around Feedwater regulator accessiblefrom operating level and located whereDrum level gauge glass can be seenTwo independent low water level trips provided forunattended boilersDual safety relief valves in serviceRelief discharge piping adequately supported anddrainedNon-return valve on steam outletDistribution piping – see Process pipingCondensate drainage adequateCompressed Air SystemsNon-lubricated construction or non-flammablesynthetic lubricants used for compressorDischarge pressures above 100 psigElectricalTransformer locationMotor control center(s)Standby Emergency Utility SystemsReview provisions to satisfy proceeds safetyrequirementsWaste Handling/TreatmentInspect new facilities in the same manner asprocess facilitiesWarehouseFlammable and combustible liquidsForklifts and Motorized Hand TrucksTraffic safetyNon combustible fuelRecommended Fire-Protection Systems in PlaceMaintenance Area and ShopGeneralLocal exhaust ventilation provided for weldingLocker Room and Lunch RoomAdequate spaceInclude CompletedProvisions to protect contamination of food bychemicalsProcess Safety GeneralEmployee Participation StatementProcess Safety InformationReview of highly hazardous chemicals (HHC) andMSDSsBlock flow diagramMaximum inventoriesOperating limitsEquipment InformationP&IDsProcess Hazard Analysis (PHA) report(s)All PHA action items completedTraining planContractor work rulesPre-Startup Safety Review planMechanical Integrity planList of critical equipmentTesting program with scheduleHot Work Permit SystemSite Management of Change ProcedureIncident Investigation PlanEmergency Action Plan (EAP)Facility EAP writtenAre new chemical or process hazards or risks suchthat changes to existing EAP are required?Do new facilities create any new transportationemergency response needs and are such needs inplace? (Chemtrec update)Audit ScheduleOperating InstructionsOperating instructions clear and easily understoodInstructions adequate (complete)Material hazards adequately covered for rawmaterials, catalysts, intermediates,Products and by-productsHealth hazards and permissible exposure levels(PELs)Physical hazardsHandling precautions and safe handlingprocedures including PersonalProtective equipment (PPE) requirementsCorrective respiratory protection specifiedProcess hazards adequately describedThermal hazardsAny other hazardsInclude CompletedTabulation of process alarms, interlocks (bothsafety & non-safety) and trips includedAlarm and trip settings givenSpecific instruction included, or reference made toseparate instructions, forUnloading and loading of bulk materialsStep-by-step process proceduresprovided for each operating phaseincluding:Initial start-upNormal start-upNormal operationNormal shutdownEmergency operations includingemergency shutdownStart-up following emergency shutdownStart-up following a turnaroundNon-routine procedures (for clean-out, equipmentpreparation for maintenance)Auxiliary equipment operationOperating limits clearly defined in step-by-stepproceduresControl ranges/limits specifiedConsequences of deviations givenResponses to deviations/abnormal conditionsspecifiedSafe hold points specifiedPPE caution statements incorporated in step-bystep proceduresUse of checklists as appropriateUp-to-dateAll pages show revision number and dateReviewed for correctnessApproved / signed by Department ManagerResponsible CareCommunity Awareness and Emergency ResponseCommunications training for keyemployeesEducation of employees on EAP, safety,health, and environmentalEducation of community on new processor changeOutreach to educate responders,government officials, EAPAssessment of potential risks toemployees from accidentsCommunication of emergency planninginformation to LEPCFacility tours for emergency respondersInclude CompletedProcess SafetyCurrent, complete documentation ofprocess design and operatingparametersCurrent, complete documentation ofhazards of materials and processUse of site management of changeprocedureUse of site incident investigationprocedureDocumented sound engineeringpractices consistent with recognizedcodes and standardsMechanical integrity programimplemented for new unit or processchangeEmployee Health and SafetyMedical surveillance program tailored tomeet needs of new process or changePersonnel change to Central SafetyCommittee neededPollution PreventionA quantitative inventory of wastesgenerated and releases to air, water andlandEducation of employees and public aboutthe inventory and impact evaluationDocumentation that waste generation isnot increased by, or is minimized in, thechange or new processDocumentation that waste and releaseprevention objectives were included thedesign of the new modified process &productsDistributionReview and training of distributionhazards with distributorsReview of transportation routing tominimized potential risksReview with corporate transportationdepartmentIndustrial HygieneNew substancesHealth careToxicity data availableAccident treatment planNeed for change in periodic medical examOccupational hygieneInventory of possible sources of exposureInventory means to restrict exposureMethods available to monitor exposureSuitable personal protection equipment availableInclude CompletedHearing ConservationNoise level monitoring needed/arranged for newoperationsEngineering and administrative controls adequatePermissible exposure limits for chemicalsubstancesAppropriate exposure monitoring and evaluationarranged to determine compliance with applicablePELsPELs for mixtures applied when two or morehazardous substances presentEngineering and administrative controls adequateLocal exhaust ventilation systemsPerformance of local exhaust ventilation systemsLocal exhaust ventilation systems placed oninspection and maintenance programControl of chemical substances posing a potentialoccupational mutagenic or carcinogenic riskAre materials used having control levels A, B, C, orD?In the plantIn the laboratoryHazard Communication ProgramLocation inventory of chemicals updatedHazardous materials identified in accordance withdefinitionsMSDSs on file and available to all employeesChemical containers labeled (or alternate means oflabel information provided)Piping labeledTrainingRespiratory protectionReview/confirm conformance with CorporateIndustrial Hygiene ProgramRespirator selection in accordance with selectioncharts and specified in writingPressure-demand SCBAsEmergency “escape only” respiratorsUser medical clearanceFacial hair policyInitial issues verified by supervisionFit testingReplacement of cartridges and canistersInspection and maintenanceBreathing air tested/taggedTrainingSmoking policy establishedLaboratory ControlProcess Laboratory Support Plan communicatedInclude CompletedStaffing adequateLaboratory facilities adequateGeneralEmergency exits markedEmergency lightingSafety shower & eyewashFire protectionLaboratory equipmentSuitable and adequateMaintenance provisions neededStorage and handling of chemicalsReagent storageSegregation adequate (oxidizers, acids)Flammable liquid storageRefrigerator for flammables explosion-proofSample storageSample and waste disposalCompressed gasesCylinder location safe (for example, awayfrom heat sources)Quantities limited to immediaterequirementsSeparation of flammable and oxidizersToxic gas use limited to small cylindersLocal exhaust ventilation for toxic gasesSCBAs available for toxic gasesPersonnel trained in SCBA use asneededLaboratory proceduresAnalytical procedures written and verifiedSampling procedures includedPPE requirements specifiedTraining completedIndustrial hygieneMaintenanceNecessary maintenance information in placeDesign drawings: for example as-built P&IDs,electrical schematics, isometric piping drawingPiping specificationsEquipment purchase ordersEquipment manualsVendor printsInitial inspection and test resultsResources adequateNeeds communicatedPlant personnelInclude CompletedContract maintenance (arrangements completed)Shop facilitiesSpecialized requirementsRequirements definedSkills availableEquipment availableProcedures developedTraining completedCertificate obtained and documentedMaintenance managementService contracts arrangedMaintenance management system in placeSpare partsRequirements defined by maintenance departmentProcurement completeStart-up needs on handStorage securityQuality assurance program in place for criticalequipmentMaterials of construction/quality of maintenancematerials and partsWorkmanshipPreventive maintenance/mechanical integrityprogram developedMachineryBoilers and pressure vesselsCritical equipment, vessels, piping, checkvalves, expansion bellows, flexible pipingconnectors, hoses definedCritical equipment inspection and testmethods and frequencies definedConservation vents, flame arrestors,PSEs, PSVs inspection and test methodsand frequenciesCritical instruments definedProof-testing frequencyProof-testing procedures, validityMaintenance of combustion safetycontrols on direct-fired equipmentInspection and testing acceptancecriteria developed and documentedTrainingOperations and MaintenanceInitial qualifications of personnel (knowledge andskills)Training program content vs. needsSafety orientation for new employeesGeneral safety trainingJob-specific trainingInclude CompletedBasic knowledge and skillsSpecialized knowledge and skillsGeneral process knowledgeMaterial hazards, MSDSsProcess hazardsProcess proceduresOperating limitsConsequences of deviationsResponses to deviations/abnormal conditionsEmergency proceduresField trainingLocation of:Emergency equipment, showers, alarmsFire-fighting equipmentLeak/spill preventionReporting, mitigationEmergency drillsCompliance with OSHA 1910.120 for hazardouswaste operationsNew emergency response training requirementsMeasurement of trainingEffectiveness/certification (when applicable)Formal documentation of trainingTeam assessment of training effectivenessCommissioningCommissioning plan and scheduleDetailed, step-by-step plan writtenPlan adequately reviewedResponsibilities clearly defined and understoodPlant verification of any equipment and systemscheck-out done by contractorConstruction inspection by plantConfirm line-by-line conformity to P&IDs verified byplant, including:Materials of constructionLocation of instrument elements/connectionsOrifice plate specifications and orientationRanges of local PIs and TIsAll local TIs have thermowellsIdentifies and relief pressure of PSEs & PSVsActuated valve failure modesEquipment internalsVessels and pipingStress relieving done and documented as requiredField radiography done and documented asrequiredPressure/Leak testing done and documentedInclude CompletedCleaned and flushed (instruments, control valves,check valves protected)Special commissioning requirements (such aschemical cleaning, passivating, or testing)Vents and pressure relief valvesShipping supports removed from conservationventsRelief pressure of PSVs verified by testFire protection systemsFire water systems inspection and commissionedFire water pump acceptance test(s) completed andwitnessedOther non-water fire protection system acceptancetest(s) completed and witnessed (for example, CO2or dry chemicalNew fire protection signaling systems and alarmscommissionedCopies of completed test forms forwarded toinsurance carrier and Corporate Risk DepartmentNew fire protection equipment, signaling systemsand alarms placed on regular inspection andtesting programsElectrical groundingResistance of building and equipment andgrounding systems measured <5 ohmsResistance to ground of all piping sections carryingflammable liquids and combustible powdersmeasured <5 ohmsVentilation systemsVentilation systems balancedPerformance of local exhaust ventilation systemschecked for conformanceMachineryAlignment checkedAbsence of excessive forces on pump casings andother equipment from connected pipingPre-startup screens installed in pump suctionsAgitator impeller securityLubrication systems functionalCooling systems functionalSeal flush systems functionalRotation checkedVibration measurementsPerformance testsOther baseline data collectionInstruments and control systemsProgram software checkedInstrument loop sheet index availablePneumatic lines blown cleanLoop checking done and documentedInclude CompletedInstrument calibrations done and documentedreview methodsAlarm and trip points set and documentedInterlocks (both safety & non-safety) testedDigital control system review and testsCombustion safety controls on direct-firedequipmentEquipment inspection, adjustment and testingdocumentedPunch listReview statusDaily updatePriorities with respect to start-up acceptableWater batchingPlan developedStart-upStart-up plan and scheduleWritten and reviewedProcedures for initial start-up specifically covered inthe operatingInstruction manual or under separate coverReviewed and approved if separateRaw materials supplyTechnical supportAdequateLines and limits of authority clearMaintenance supportIndustrial hygiene monitoringEquipment monitoringPerformance measurements and testsRegulatory ComplianceNew SubstancesReview of toxicity to environmentPersistency in the environmentPrevention of exposure to environmentDestruction of substance whennecessaryToxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)Project reviewed for any newrequirements which might be imposed onthe plant location under TSCATransportationNew transport operations adequatelyreviewed for compliance with allapplicable DOT (or equivalent)regulationsEmissionsInclude CompletedOperating permits obtained as directedby the site or corporate environmentaldepartmentsEffluentsNew operations covered within thepresent NPDES permit or a new permithas been obtainedHazardous wastesDetermined whether particular wastesqualify as hazardous wastes underfederal, state and/or local laws andregulationsOn-site storage, treatment and/ordisposal of hazardous wastesReviewed for compliance with applicablelaws and regulations, documentation?Off-site transportation and disposal ofhazardous wastes reviewed with wastecoordinator, documentation?PCBsReview equipment for PCB hazardouspropertiesSupplementary Checklist for New Plant SitesPlant SecurityAccessFencingVisitor controlsVehicle controlsRestrictions postedCommunicationsNormalEmergency back-upSafety programAccountabilityProgram conformance with CorporateSafety StandardsConformance with group safetystandardsFirst aid and emergency medicalresponseLocation procedures writtenTraining conductedIndustrial hygiene programAccountabilityProgram conformance with CorporateIndustrial Hygiene StandardsFire protection organizationLocation organizationLevel of protection established inaccordance with insurance requirementand Corporate Risk DepartmentInclude CompletedTraining conducted in accordance withstandardEquipment provided in accordance withstandardMunicipal fire department (or equivalent)Response time and capabilitiesconsistent with location needs and fireprotection organizationLiaison establishedFamiliarizationDrillsProcess Safety ManagementLocation coordinator appointedProgramTraining conductedATTACHMENT B - PSSR Potential Issue - Finding FormArea under review:Date of Review:List of Sub-Team Members:Instructions for using this form: For each issue, complete the information below. Electronically copy the blank fields as needed for each issue identified in Attachment A - Process PSSR checklist.Description of potential issue or area of concernAdditional information (for example, the issue’s criticality or a recommended solution)PSSR Checklist Example A-4DESIGN SAFETYREVIEW CHECKLISTDept.:MOC ID#:DATE:Project ID:INSTRUCTIONS: Check each question on the Yes or No line, or mark it N/A if not applicable. If an entire section of the checklist is not applicable, mark that section as N/A and no questions in that section need to be answered. No answers are considered deficiencies, and must be reported in writing to the Department Manager or designee and the change originator. This checklist is a guide to help identify possible deficiencies. All questions refer to the results, design and impact of the change, not broadly or in general to the system unaffected by the change. The reviewer is encouraged to look beyond the checklist for concerns which may be unique to the change and which may not be addressed here.YES NO N/A DSR CATEGORY SECTION/ITEMA. ADMINISTRATION1. Based on the current design, is the proposed change consistentwith the original Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) assessment?2. Does the design comply with corporate standards?3. Has the impact of the change on existing buildings beenconsidered? (That is, the design and location of new or modifiedequipment near occupied buildings, occupying a previouslyunoccupied building, and others.)4. Has any impact, beyond unit boundaries, associated with thischange been properly dealt with and/or communicated?5. Have exposures to existing buildings (including pipe racks andcable trays) been considered when siting new vessels, utilities,temporary/permanent buildings or sheds, and others?6. Have noncombustible materials or construction been used?B. MATERIAL SAFETY/REGULATORY STATUSHave the following change scenarios been considered for possibleToxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) applicability?a. Previously non-isolated intermediates being temporarily isolatedand/or held even for a short time, in non-hard-piped processequipment or in storage vessels (for example, drums).b. Previously non-isolated intermediates being held for anextensive period (for example, 24 hours or longer) in hard pipedprocess equipment.c. Material previously burned or disposed of as a waste isreprocessed or sold.d. Different reactants or catalysts or different feed ratios are beingused, thus producing different reaction products for TSCApurposes.e. Change in the components or reactants in a polymer from < 2 %to > 2 % of the dry weight of the polymer produced.f. The TSCA Inventory status of different catalysts or reactants isunknown. If any of the above change scenarios are about tohappen, contact the plant TSCA Coordinator immediately for an in-depth station of TSCA issues. Provide documentation of anyconcerns and their resolution.2. Have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or PreliminaryProduct Safety Data Sheets (PPSDS) been obtained for allchemicals to be handled, including isolated intermediates?(Consider changes in minor components of products and by-products)3. Has the potential for a hazardous chemical reaction in sumps and sewers been considered?4. Have all other potential product regulatory issues been addressed, for example, Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and ISO 9001?C. PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF(No relief devices in this project)1. Have new or modified safety relief device(s) or vent system(s) been designed in accordance with Plant Engineering and Site requirements?2. Has potential for external pressure (vacuum) from sudden cooling, condensing, pump-out, during clean-up or preparation of equipment for maintenance, or potentially submerged overflow line been addressed?3. Have only full-port valves been specified for use at the inlet and outlet of pressure/vacuum relief devices?4. Have any changes to safety relief device inlet or outlet piping been properly reviewed?5. Will adequate facilities (alarms, detectors, redundancy, and others.) be provided to minimize the risk of a relief device actuating due to equipment, instrumentation, or utility failure?6. Have the discharges of safety relief devices been located so as to avoid potential personnel injury and damage to associated equipment?7. Has the design included installation of the safety relief valve vertically?D. TEMPERATURE/REACTION1. Has potential for formation of unwanted by-products been adequately addressed?2. Has potential for loss of flow or reverse flow been adequately addressed?3. Have adequate provisions been made so that normally dilute but reactive materials CANNOT be concentrated or accumulated in unexpected areas (stagnant pipe/valves; utility systems; feed or reaction vessels, sewers, and others)?4. Is adequate freeze protection provided?E. VALVES AND PIPING1. Have the proper valve and piping specifications been used?2. Have cross-tied lines (pump headers, utility lines, betweenhigh/low pressures, and others.) been reviewed to minimize contamination potential and eliminate mixing of reactive chemicals?3. Have test methods and documentation requirements been specified to ensure the integrity of new and revised piping systems?4. Will sample points be properly configured for safe sampling of hazardous chemicals?5. Have all open ended valves and hand-operated ball valves been designed in accordance with environmental requirements (that is, NESHAPS covered materials such as benzene and formaldehyde) or plant standards?6. Have hot-taps been reviewed and eliminated where possible?7. Will necessary excess flow and back-flow prevention measures be provided?。

铝锭质检报告英文翻译Quality Inspection Report of Aluminum IngotsDate:Product Name: Aluminum IngotsModel/Specification:Batch Number:I. Inspection Items1. Appearance: The surface of the aluminum ingots should be smooth and free from defects, such as cracks, scars, spots, and oxidized color.2. Dimensions: The dimensions of the aluminum ingots should meet the requirements specified in the contract.3. Chemical composition: The chemical composition of the aluminum ingots should comply with the standards specified in the contract.4. Physical properties: The physical properties, such as density, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity, should meet the requirements specified in the contract.II. Inspection Results1. Appearance: The surface of the aluminum ingots is smooth and free from defects. No cracks, scars, spots, or oxidized color were found.2. Dimensions: The dimensions of the aluminum ingots meet the requirements specified in the contract.3. Chemical composition: The chemical composition of the aluminum ingots complies with the standards specified in thecontract, as shown in the table below:Chemical Element Content (%)Aluminum (Al) ≥ XX.XXIron (Fe) ≤ X.XXCopper (Cu) ≤ X.XXSilicon (Si) ≤ X.XXManganese (Mn) ≤ X.XXMagnesium (Mg) ≤ X.XXZinc (Zn) ≤ X.XXTitanium (Ti) ≤ X.XXOther elements ≤ X.XX4. Physical properties: The physical properties of the aluminum ingots meet the requirements specified in the contract. The density, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity are within the acceptable range, as shown in the table below:Physical Property Requirement ResultDensity (g/cm³) ≥ X.XX XX.XXThermal Conductivity (W/(m·K)) ≥ X.XX XX.XXElectrical Conductivity (%IACS) ≥ XX.XX XX.XXIII. ConclusionBased on the above inspection results, it is concluded that the quality of the aluminum ingots is in accordance with the specified standards and meets the requirements of the contract.IV. Additional Notes1. This report is based on the inspection conducted by our qualitycontrol department on the specified date. Any subsequent changes or damages to the aluminum ingots after the inspection will not be covered by this report.2. The inspection was carried out in accordance with the relevant quality control procedures and standards.Signature:Date:。

1.前言 2.海外投资建设氧化铝厂现状
2.1 在印度尼西亚拟建厂企业 2.2 在几内亚拟建厂企业 3. 海外氧化铝建厂经验 3.1 功能定位 3.2 企业投资前应做好深入调查 3.3 选址工作 3.4 设计标准问题 3.5 设计注意事项 3.6 施工注意事项
3.7 职业培训 3.8 建设周期 4. 主要问题 4.1投资环境问题 4.2 文化差异问题 4.3 基础设施问题 4.4 密切与当地居民的关系 4.5 承担必要的社会责任 5. 结语
1500kt/a Alumina Refinery Project in Ghana
Alumina Refinery and Auxiliary Projects
with Comprehensive Utilization of
Nepheline Syenite in Kirghizia
3. 海外氧化铝建厂经验
在中国企业进入海外建厂的过程中,NEUI参与了其中部分项目的全过程,即从项目考察立项 、选址、设计、施工的全过程,其中,NEUI设计的中国宏发韦立氧化铝公司生产线是中国首条在海 外建成并投产的氧化铝生产线。下表是NEUI近年参与的海外氧化铝厂项目。
2008-2010 从140万吨提到200万吨
1000kt already put into operation

Steel industry refers to the industry that processes iron and steel to produce various steel products It mainly includes iron smoothing, steel smoothing, rolling, forging, casting, heat treatment, surface treatment, and other processes
In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy,
China's steel industry has also made great progress China has become one of the largest steel producing countries
Consumption of steel is also growing, driven by the development of infrastructure, real estate and manufacturing industries

出厂质检报告模板英文IntroductionThis report presents the findings of the quality inspection conducted at the factory. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that the products meet the required standards and specifications before they are shipped to the customers. The inspection was carried out on [date] by a team of experienced inspectors.Product Information- Product Name: [Name of the product]- Product Model: [Model number]- Batch Number: [Batch number]- Quantity Inspected: [Number of units]Inspection CriteriaThe inspection was conducted based on the following criteria:- International standards and regulations- Customer specifications and requirements- Industry best practicesInspection Process1. Initial assessment of product documentation2. Visual inspection of the products3. Measurement of product dimensions and specifications4. Testing of product functionalities and performance5. Assessment of packaging and labelingFindingsBased on the inspection conducted, the following findings were identified:1. Visual Inspection- The overall appearance of the products is in conformity with the specified requirements.- No visible scratches or damages were observed on the surface of the products.- The color consistency across the products is satisfactory.2. Measurement of Dimensions and Specifications- All the measured dimensions are within the specified tolerances.- The weight of the products matches the required specifications.- The materials used in the products are of the specified quality.3. Testing of Functionalities and Performance- The products function satisfactorily according to the specified requirements.- All the functions and features of the products were tested and found to be in working order.- The safety features incorporated in the products operate as intended.4. Assessment of Packaging and Labeling- The products were packed securely to prevent any damage duringtransportation.- The labeling on the packaging is clear, accurate, and in accordance with the customer requirements.- The packaging materials used are of good quality and provide adequate protection.ConclusionBased on the findings of the inspection, it is concluded that the products meet the required standards and specifications. The quality of the products is satisfactory and they are suitable for shipment to the customers.RecommendationsNo major issues were identified during the inspection. However, minor improvements in packaging design and labeling clarity are suggested to enhance the overall customer experience.AcknowledgmentWe would like to express our gratitude to the factory management and staff for their cooperation and support during the inspection. Appendix- Photographs of the inspected products- Test results and measurements data。

be imposed by local, national or international governing bodies. Regulatory requirements, which vary by region and end use, can further restrict the chemical composition within the registered limits. When applicable, inclusion of such requirements in the sales agreement is advised.
© Copyright 2015, The Aluminum Association, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction and sale by photocopy or any other method is illegal.
Use of the Information
DECLARATION OF ACCORD .............................................................................. 31
Listed herein are designations and chemical composition limits for wrought aluminum and
International Alloy Designations and

钠钙玻璃成分英文测试报告以下是钠钙玻璃成分的英文测试报告:Test Report Sodium Calcium Glass Composition.Sample ID: [Sample ID]Date of Testing: [Date]Test Method: [Test Method Used]Results:1. Sodium Oxide (Na2O): [Percentage of Sodium Oxide]The test results indicate that the sample contains [Percentage of Sodium Oxide] of sodium oxide.2. Calcium Oxide (CaO): [Percentage of Calcium Oxide]The analysis shows that the sample consists of [Percentage of Calcium Oxide] of calcium oxide.3. Silica (SiO2): [Percentage of Silica]The test confirms the presence of [Percentage of Silica] of silica in the sample.4. Other Components: [List of Other Components]In addition to the above-mentioned components, the sample may contain other minor components such as [List of Other Components].Conclusion:Based on the test results, the composition of the sodium calcium glass sample can be summarized as follows:Sodium Oxide (Na2O): [Percentage of Sodium Oxide]Calcium Oxide (CaO): [Percentage of Calcium Oxide]Silica (SiO2): [Percentage of Silica]Other Components: [List of Other Components]Please note that this report is based on the specific testing method used and may vary depending on the testing conditions and equipment utilized.。

机械性能测试报告MECHANICAL PROPERTY TEST REPORTRef No. :Page No. :1/1产品型号FZS001740合金状态6063T6Section No.Alloy-Temper客户名称订单号/Customer Name Order No.测试日期样品数量1pcs Test Date Sample Qty检验项目计量单位标准值检验值本项结论Item No.Unit Standard Examinated Conclusion抗拉强度 TensileMpa≥ 205230.00■符合 MatchStrength□不符合 Not Match 规定非比例延伸强度Proof strength atMpa≥ 180186.00■符合 Matchnon-proportional□不符合 Not Match elongation延伸率﹪≥816.00■符合 MatchElongaton(50mm)□不符合 Not Match///□符合 Match□不符合 Not Match备注Remark检验结果综合判定 Integrated Result:■合格 Pass□不合格Not PassTest Result签发日期 Issue Date :注意事项 Attention :1.报告无检验单位公章无效;复制报告未重新加盖单位公章无效。
Report (Or Copy) will not be effective if no original chop of testing department。
Report also will not be effective if altered,no ref. number and approval signature。
核准 Approved By :制作Prepared By:。

2012191324Z CNAS L1401(2012)(粤)质监验字019号检验报告Test Report样品名称:铝质穿孔金属吊顶-方板委托单位:佛山市南海联兴得利装饰材料有限公司检验类别:委托检验佛山市质量计量监督检测中心Foshan Supervision Testing Center of Quality Metrology佛山市质量计量监督检测中心检验报告表号:QR-052-01第1页,共4页产品名称、型号、规格、商标、等级铝质穿孔金属吊顶-方板300*1200mm600*1200mm生产日期2013年11月05日编号或批号————样品单号0001793任务来源广东省佛山市质量技术监督局检验类别定期监督检验受检单位佛山市南海联兴得利装饰材料有限公司抽样数量2㎡受检单位地址佛山市南海区罗村联和工业区石谒朗西留样数量1㎡生产单位佛山市南海联兴得利装饰材料有限公司抽样基数500㎡生产单位地址佛山市南海区罗村联和工业区石谒朗西抽样日期2013年12月07日抽样单位佛山市质量计量监督检测中心抽样人张翔刘忠华抽样地点成品仓样品数量及状态完好检验依据GB/T 23444-2009《金属及金属复合材料吊顶板》DQ C-084-2013《佛山市建筑用其他金属制品产品质量定期监督检验细则》检验结论经检验,所检验项目符合GB/T 23444-2009《金属及金属复合材料吊顶板》标准的要求,依据《佛山市建筑用其他金属制品产品质量定期监督检验细则》的判定原则,本次定期监督检验合格。

应急措施Immediaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e remedying actions:
初步处理意见Initial resolution remarks:
Construction Contractor (chop)Project manager(signature)Date
Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene ProjectA—17
Work Item (Unit):
Accident Report
Project No.:
致(监理单位)To (Supervision company)
This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company,each ofthe Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.
An accident ofwas occurred at(Hour) (Day) (Month) (Year)while executing the construction (installation) work of. We, hereby, report it as below:
材质报告 英文

材质报告英文Material ReportIntroductionThe material report is an essential document that provides detailed information about the material composition and properties. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the material under consideration. This report examines the material properties such as mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical properties.Test MethodsThe following test methods were used to analyze the material:1. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy: This test examines the elemental composition of the material.2. Tensile testing: This test analyzes the mechanical properties of the material, including its strength, elasticity, and flexibility.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC): This test determines the thermal properties of the material, including the glass transition temperature, melting temperature, and heat capacity.4. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy: This test examines the chemical composition of the material.ResultsThe following results were obtained from the tests:1. XRF spectroscopy detected the presence of aluminum, copper, and iron in the material.2. Tensile testing revealed that the material has a high strength and elasticity, with a maximum tensile strength of 150 MPa.3. DSC identified the glass transition temperature of the material as 230°C and the melting temperature as 300°C. The specific heat capacity was found to be 1.2 J/g°C.4. FTIR spectroscopy detected the presence of organic compounds in the material.ConclusionBased on the test results, it can be concluded that the material under consideration is a high-strength, elastic material with good thermal stability. However, the presence of organic compounds suggests that the material may be prone to degradation over time. This report provides valuable information for material selection and quality control purposes.。
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Alumina α-Al2O3 (ī10):An ab-initio Examination of the Surface ElectronicStructureMichael VargasDr. Nick KioussisAbstract:First principles calculations were run on bulk and the (ī10) surface of α-Al 2O 3 in order to examine the electronic structures and structural relaxations. The Materials Studio package wasused, specifically the program CASTEP, utilizing Perdew Burke Ernzerhof exchange-correlation pseudo-potentials. The partial and full density of states were calculated, and used to examine differences between the surface and bulk. An Aluminum vacancy was also created on the surface, and calculations were run on this. The energy of the surface was found to be higher(less negative) than bulk, as expected, and changed from a strong insulator of band gap 5.9488 eV to a conductor.The calculations in this report will show that Al2O3 is highly ionic, an insulator in bulk, a conductor at the surface.Introduction:Alumina is highly important in many fields of electronics and engineering. It is an insulator, chemically non-reactive, and has a high melting point. Ruby, which is Alumina with a Cr3+ impurity, is the earliest and most well known laser crystal. Alumina is used in circuit and computer components, as well as micro-abrasives.The α-Al2O3 unit cell has a hexagonal cell structure, with a rhombehedral primitive cell consisting of 10 atoms. Four of these atoms are Aluminum, six are Oxygen. In this examination, a cell of 60 atoms was created, cleaved at the (ī10), using the Cleave Surface tool in Materials Studio. A 60 atom cell was chosen so that there would be little interaction between the surfaces. The cell used has a u-vector, which spans the distance from the origin to the point A, with length5.13 Ǻ. The cell is also defined by a v-vector, which is from the origin to the point B, its length is6.99 Ǻ. The vectors u and v are separated by an angle γ = 84.16˚. Both u and v are perpendicular to the vector w. The last vector necessary to describe the cell dimensions is the w-vector, which is from the origin to the point C.Fig. XXXX: Rhombohedral primitive cell. Lattice dimensions of a1=a2=a3= 5.128 Ǻα=γ=β=55.28˚After cleaving the plane, a vacuum slab of thickness 10 Angstroms was added. The cut and vacuum slab are made precisely such that there is consistent pattern, i.e. ABCDABCDABC (cleavage) DABCD. The surface is Aluminum terminated, the last layer having four Al atoms. K-point and Energy Cut-off convergence tests were done to find optimum settings. When relaxing a surface, atoms nearer to the surfaces are expected to relax with greater displacements than those atoms located in the inside of the cell. This is due to the fact that there are no longer atoms providing electrons to the outer atoms, in order for these outer atoms to feel that there shells are being completed, they sink down into the still "complete" cell. Of course, since there are only discontinuities along the w-direction, relaxations should be chiefly in this direction. U and V direction displacements are very slight.For the (000) surface of Alumina, such behavior was indeed observed. The Aluminum atoms have the greatest relaxations, as they are able to sink downwards into triangle formations of Oxygen atoms below them. Near to the surface, large displacements occur, while in the center of the cell, displacements are so small that the atomic positions those of bulk Alumina. For the (ī10) plane, relaxations similar to this are not expected, as there are no "convenient" resting spots for theAluminum atoms to take. The structures have all been tilted; there are no triangle formations of Oxygen for the Aluminum atoms to sink into along the w-direction. Results actually show that there are significant relaxations all along the cell length, in not only the w-direction, but in the u and v as well.displacements are near to the surfaces. Inside the cell, near to the middle, there is very littlerelaxation, with the structure being almost bulk.Before Relaxation After RelaxationFig XXXX: Atomic Positions before and after relaxation, notice the showcased atomshave moved the greatest.the surface are greatest. The small relaxations in the center are more apparent here. Before Relaxation After RelaxationFig. XXXX: Atomic positions after relaxation. Notice the two atoms showcased havemoved the greatest.Fig. XXXX: A graph of the percent relaxation in Alumina along the w-direction. Theserelaxations are mostly small, with only slightly larger relaxations near to the surface.Before Relaxation After Relaxation Fig XXXX: Atomic Positions before and after relaxation, notice that there are very little displacements along the w-direction.The energies of the bulk, un-relaxed, and relaxed cells are:Bulk Un-relaxed Relaxed Energy(eV)-2876.0202 -17223.4408 -17229.7369 E/Atom -287.6020 -287.0573 -287.1622In these calculations, 2 k-points were used. Cut off energy was 300 eV. After finding the energies of the bulk and surface, the surface formation energy can be calculated. The surface formation energy is the energy required to create the surface. The surface energy is the change in energy from bulk to the surface divided by the area of each surface. The energy at the surface (SE) can be calculated thus:SE = (Esurface - N*(Ebulk/n))/(2*A)where N is the number of atoms in the Surface cell,n is the number of atoms in the bulk cell,and A is the area of the surface.The surface area for this system can be found in this manner:(uXv) = |u|*|v| * sin(θ)A = (5.13 Ǻ)*(6.99 Ǻ)*sin(84.16˚)A = 35.67 Ǻ2The calculated surface formation energy for Alumina is:SE = ((-17223.4408 eV) – 60*(-2876.02028 eV/10 atoms))/(2*35.67 Ǻ2)SE = 0.458 eV/ Ǻ2 = 7.328 J/m2In comparison with other metal oxide surfaces, this surface energy is quite large.A published surface energy for the (000) surface is 3.5678 eV/ Ǻ2.We can now calculate the surface energy for the relaxed surface.SE = ((-17229.7369 eV) – 60*(-2876.02028 eV/10 atoms))/(2*35.67 Ǻ2)SE = .369 eV/Ǻ2 = 5.904 J/m25.904 J/m2 is closer to previous results for a similar surface.The density of states for bulk Alumina shows that it is plainly a very strong insulator, with a very wide band gap. Most of the valence electrons near the Fermi energy are in the P states, while most of the states in lower energies in S states. The states past the Fermi energy consist of a more equal mix of s and p states, with d states not present. After cleaving the surface, adding the vacuum slab, and relaxing the surface, the density of states can be run for the surface. In comparison with the bulk density of states, it can be seen that the surface is actually a conductor.Fig. XXXX: Density of states for bulk Alumina. Notice that states from -20 to -15 arechiefly s states, while states from -10 to 5 are chiefly p states. States outside the Fermienergy are more balanced between s and p, although not filled at zero degrees.Fig. XXXX: Density of states for Alumina relaxed surface. Notice that there is now noFermi gap, this system has become a conductor. The lower energies are still mostly s states,and the higher energies are still mostly p states.Now that the examination of the bulk and surface energies and density of states is completed, we can look at the charge density for our systems. The charge density analysis option shows how the charge is distributed inside the cell. For a highly ionic system, charge will be localized at certain elements. This means that these particular elements have more electron negativity, and will attract the free electrons from the other elements. In an ionic system, these free electrons are drawn completely to the other attractive elements.Fig XXXX: Charge density along two different planes in the Alumina bulk primitive cell. Noticethat all charge is localized about the red Oxygen atoms. Oxygen is a highly electro-negative, and somakes the bonds of this system ionic.Aluminum Terminated Oxygen TerminatedFig XXXX: Charge density at the two surfaces, notice that the Aluminum terminated surface hasonly small amounts of charge, due to the Oxygen atoms immediately below the surface. TheOxygen terminated surface shows high charge around the O atoms.These figures show that there is no change in the behavior of charge between the bulk and surface charge densities. There is still strong charge localization about the highly ionic Oxygen atoms, and still strong charge de-localizations about the Aluminum atoms. Such behavior, again, is the sign of ionic bonds, and an ionic system. The absence of charge at the upper surface and collection of charge at the lower surface may bring rise to an electric field, although this effect hasnot been studied in this report.Conclusions:As can be seen from this report, Alumina is indeed an insulator that changes into a conductor at the (ī10) surface. It has strong ionic bonds, with charge localized at the Oxygen atoms. The high surface energy suggests that this surface is difficult to create, and may fall apart quickly.Future Work:After having completed an analysis of the (ī10) surface in Alumina, the next step is to discover whether or not a vacancy at the surface can be made more easily than at the (001) plane. Such behavior can be seen in some other metal-oxides. Another interesting project would be to see if adding a magnetic atom in the system such as Cobalt or Iron can change the magnetic moment of the entire system.。